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List of Fetishes &


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The list of all sexual fetishes and their explanations

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List of Fetishes
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What is a Fetish?
In technical terms, fetishism is sexual arousal to an object or non-genital body part, and falls within paraphi-

lia. Erotic fetishism can range from something being considered an arousal aid, to a medical disorder. Medi-

cally, the term is restricted to objects and body parts, but more generally it is used to also include fixation

with specific behaviours and situations.

What is Kink?
The definition of kink is much more broad. Kink generally refers to non-normative, or unconventional sexual

practices and fantasies, and is considered by many as a playful means of increasing intimacy between part-
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What is or is not considered kinky can vary widely. As a noun, the term is sometimes used interchan-

geably with fetishism, which is why we include it here.

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Do you indulge your partner’s fetish?

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Types of Erotic Fetishes

Partialism: refers specifically to erotic fetishism for body parts that are not usually considered sexual.

Objectophilia: When a person ’s fetish involves sexual feelings towards an object, and in some cases ro-

mantic feelings as well.

Hygrophilia: being turned on by bodily fluids, usually one in particular.

The world of fetish is wide and varied! Many fetishes fit into overlapping categories, or seem to defy categori-

zation at all. In addition to the above fetish types, I ’ve created other groupings for our big list of fetishes, inc-

luding clothing, role play, sensation, and taboo fetishes.

Is Sexual Fetishism a Disorder?

A fetishist need only consider their kink a disorder if it disrupts their functioning and negatively affects impor-

tant aspects of their life, or causes them psychological distress. The listing of fetishes and other paraphilias

in diagnostic manuals has changed over the years, and their classification as disorder in the first place is not

without debate.

How do Fetishes Develop?

There really isn ’t any consensus on this. Explanations and theories abound, from classical conditioning, to

childhood imprinting, to neurological differences. Most likely the cause of a person ’s fetish is due to one or

more of these in conjunction. Every fetishist is different and there is no single reason for development of a fe-

tish that applies to everyone.

If you enjoy your fetish, are not harming anyone and are not distressed by it by all means continue and enjoy.

List of Fetishes by Category

Body Part Fetishes (Partialism)

Body Related Fetishes
Bodily Fluid Fetishes (Hygrophilia)
Clothing, Costume, and Fabric Fetishes
Object Fetishes (Objectophilia)
People & Role-play Fetishes
Sensation Fetishes
Taboo and Illegal Fetishes

Partialism Fetishes: The Body Parts You Love

Got a fetish for a specific body part? Sometimes parts are more revered than the whole..

1. Armpit Fetish (maschalagnia)

The scent, the sweat, the hair, and vulnerability are all aspects of the armpit fetish. To some an armpit is on

the same level as a vagina – a secret cave of desire so kissable, and yes, even fuckable.

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2. Belly Button Fetish (alvinophilia)

Attraction to the human navel is pretty much the basis of the belly button kink. Tickling, kissing, licking, and

drinking shots of whiskey from the belly button are all possibilities.

3. Big Dick Fetish

Some like it big, and some like it really big. And for some, the desire for big cock becomes a fetish and not-

hing else will do. For others their fetish is even more specific, as in the case of big black cock fetish.

4. Butt Fetish (pygophilia)

I like big butts and I cannot lie! Jokes aside, those with pygophilia spend an a lot of time thinking and fantasi-

zing about another person ’s butt. They also spend an inordinate amount of time worshiping their partner ’s

butt during sex. This kink may or may not involve anal play.

5. Deformity Fetish (teratophilia)

I’ve seen this referred to as a “monster fetish” in the dark corners of reddit. That ’s how it may manifest for so-

me, but in general teratophilia is a fetish for deformity. So this could include anything from mythical beasts to

people with heavy body modification or born with deformities.

6. Eyeball Licking Fetish (oculolinctus)

Tongue on eyeball – voila! To be honest, this is a kink I was into myself and that was before I had any idea

there was an eyeball fetish that had it ’s own special name. It has to do with the vulnerability of the eye and

trusting someone enough to hold it open and touch it with their tongue.

7. Fat Fetish
Fat fetishism is an attraction to overweight or obese people. The desire is dependant on the person ’s size

and for some bigger is always better. Within fat fetishism there also exists “sub-fetishes ” such as feederism,

gaining, stuffing, and padding. Someone with a strong preference for larger women might call it a BBW fe-


Bigger is better for some.

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8. Foot Fetish (podophilia)

Foot fetishism is probably one of the most popular kinks, and people with this fetish are lucky enough to get

a peek at women’s feet most anywhere they go. Some simply lust after the soles of a woman ’s foot, or desire

to kiss and lick some dainty toes. For others, their foot fetish veers into BDSM territory, where worshipping at

the feet of a Mistress or Master is a form of submission.

9. Freckle and Mole Fetish

A fetish for freckles is based around an arousal to people with freckles, or simply the freckles themselves.

The interest might be in the patterns made by various moles and freckles, or the beauty of “imperfection ”.

Remember Marilyn Monroe ’s iconic mole? I’m sure it was a source of excitement for more than a few men.

Was that beauty mark even real though?

10. Hand Fetish

Although hand fetishes are rare, (certainly moreso than foot fetish), a sexual interest in hands is not surpri-

sing. Hands are involved in all sorts of sexual activities to begin with, such as handjobs, touching and stro

king, fingering, and spanking. Someone with a kink for hands might focus on the fingers or palm specifically,

or be turned on by watching someone ’s hands perform a certain task, even non-sexual ones.

11. Hairy Fetish (tricophilia)

Although women spend a lot of time shaving away much of the hair on their bodies, it ’s not uncommon for

men to have a hairy woman fetish. Also known as hirsute fetish, this kink is all about body hair. The feel,

smell, the look. And it doesn ’t just apply to women, as plenty of women and men enjoy hairier guys as well.

In the gay community, big hairy men are called bears and considered the epitome of masculinity.

For others, it ’s not so much about body hair, but the hair on someone ’s head.

12. Large Labia Fetish

Many fetishes have a kind of “bigger is better” theme, including this one. The labia are the outer folds of a

woman’s vulva and include the labia minora and labia majora. Someone with a large labia fetish might have

a preference for labia minora that hang down past the outer labia. Others may enjoy the look and play invol-

ved in pussy pumping to make them even bigger.

13. Nails Fetish (onychophilia)

A kink for long nails is not surprising considering how many women cultivate and display long, painted nails.

However, a fingernail fetish could also be for unvarnished nails in their natural state. A person with nail fetish

may be aroused by the nails themselves, or could be more interested in feeling those nails scratching down

their back. This would be the distinction between onychophilia and amychophilia.

14. Nose Fetish (nasophilia)

Nose fetish can be about a strong preference for a certain shape or size of nose, or a kink for nostrils and

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their penetration. In the realm of BDSM, there is a type of Japanese nose torture/humiliation involving a

hook. Nose lust might even take the form of a fetish for nose licking, or nasolingus!

15. Pubic Hair Fetish (pubephilia)

We’ve already talked about hairy, or hirsute fetish, but sometimes this type of kink revolves around a particu-

lar area. A kinkster with pubephilia is very much turned on by pubic hair and might enjoy anything from a full

bush, to a manicured “landing strip”. Pubic hair can enhance a person ’s sexual scent, and create more

mystery around the goodies that await just behind.

16. Stomach Fetish (alvinolagnia)

This partialism is not surprising, considering that the area of a woman ’s hips and waist have long been consi-

dered an area of major attraction. Women often play up to the tummy fetish with belly chains, naval pier-

cings, naval tatoos, and cropped “belly shirts”.

17. Tail Fetish

Also known as vestigiality fetish, a kink for tails can take quite a number of forms. Some are attracted to rep-

tilian tails, others may prefer something fuzzier and indulge in the furry fetish.

A temporary tail can be worn using something that clips on to clothing or is tied around the waist, or perhaps

even a butt plug with a tail might do the trick. Tail fetish and pet play could be a nice overlapping of kinks.

18. Teeth Fetish (odontophilia)

A fetish for teeth can take varying forms – one may be turned on sexually by the sight of strange teeth, have

a desire to lick a partner ’s teeth, or get excited about tooth extraction.

For some odontophiles, there can also be some overlap with other kinks found on this page, such as biting

and vampire fetishes. And let ’s not forget dental fetishism, a subset of the popular medical fetish. For these

fetishists it may be less about the teeth, and more about the vulnerability of being in the dentist ’s chair with

mouth open wide, subjected to a variety of instruments. See our article Erotic Dentistry and Dental Torture.

19. Tongue Fetish

Ah, the tongue. Pink and wet, great for kissing, and wonderful for licking. A fetishist might be particular about

the size and shape of the tongues they like. The tongue fetish could play out as a kink for sucking a partner ’s

tongue, or watching as it slides over nipples and more. I know where I like my partner ’s tongue to be!

Body Related Fetishes

Below are kinks that have to do with the human body, but aren ’t about a specific body part as with the partia-

lism fetishes listed above.

20. Amputee Fetish

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Acrotomophilia is a fetish for amputees, a kink that has many facets. The fetishist’s desire may have to do

with the perceived helplessness of an amputee, ripe for domination, or even servitude through caring for

them. For others it may be the look and phallic nature of an amputee ’s stump itself.

The other side of the amputee fetish? Apotemnophilia, which is a dangerous fixation on becoming an am-

putee oneself. Someone with this kink may suffer from body integrity disorder, which creates a dangerous

desire to become disabled, usually by removal of a limb.

Curious to learn more? Read Jamie ’s article, Amputee Fetish Facts.

21. Biting Fetish (odaxelagnia)

This is the kink of men and women who get off on “love-bites ”, and can be considered part of S&M (sadoma-

sochism). Sexual stimulation and gratification can come from biting, or being bitten. When a biting fetish mo-

ves beyond nibbling and there ’s a chance of drawing blood, this fetish requires some careful safety conside-


22. Breeding Fetish

While breeding, (getting pregnant and having babies), is something very common that many do at some

point in their lives, for some the idea of getting pregnant or impregnating a woman becomes a fetish. For

most people the threat of getting pregnant can actually be a turn off, but for these kinky people that ’s all part

of the fun.

Some may focus on the act of impregnation and the thrill of sex without birth control, while others rightly

choose to responsibly role-play instead. Others may find their kink is more about the pregnancy that results

and the mother ’s changing body. .

23. Chemsex
While I’m sure people have enjoyed sex under the influence for eons, Chemsex as we know it today began

as a sexual sub-culture within the gay community. It typically involves the use of GHB, crystal meth, and ot-

her stimulants which reduce inihibition and increase stamina. Chemsex play parties can last for days and in-

volve multiple partners all partaking in the drugs.

Chemsex as a fetish should not be taken lightly, and can do real damage as additiction creeps in and overdo-

se becomes a threat. Gay or straight, the perils of a drug-related kink are real:

24. Disability Fetish (devoteeism)

A fetishistic sexual attraction to disability. Devotees, or devs, may have an appreciation for a particular disabi-

lity such as those who require a wheelchair, or someone with an amputated limb, and most report having the

kink since they were very young.

A disability fetish is not necessarily all about control or dominance as you might expect, but may simply be

an unusual stop on the spectrum of what ’s considered sexy.

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25. Enema Fetish (klismaphilia)

A fetish for enema play is exactly what it sounds like. Klismaphiles get off on enemas, but the attraction can

vary. It could be the smell and feel of the rubber or other materials used for enemas, or the feeling of a dis-

tended body when water is injected into the anus. Some may desire to give an enema, while most prefer to

be the recipient and often do it alone.

26. Feeding Fetish (feederism)

This fetish takes two to tango, as the flip side of this kink is the gaining fetish, (see below). These fetishists,

more often but not exclusively men, enjoy large women and want to help make them even larger. They may

feed their partner directly, or it may be more of a situation where they not only encourage, but facilitate the

weight gain by providing food and the money needed to keep it coming.

Definitely hints of domination and submission here, through the control of a partner ’s food intake and the

subsequent helplessness that can occur when she becomes an SSBBW.

27. Gaining Fetish

In a feederism (or feedism) relationship, you have two roles: the feeder and the feedee, or gainer. In order for

this to work it’s likely the feedee has a gaining fetish, a kink that brings the feedee pleasure in seeing the

numbers on the scale climb and the body rolls increase.

Humiliation may be at play, or simply the submissiveness of allowing another to control what you eat and

how you look. What’s it like to have a gaining fetish?

28. Human Furniture Fetish (forniphilia)

If you are sexually aroused at the idea of becoming someone else ’s stool/coffee table/shelf, or creating hu-

man furniture you might be a forniphile!

Forniphilia can involve bondage, nudity, sexual submission, forms of BDSM play, or none of those things. I

think the main thing about this fetish is clear objectification.

Now try being my kitchen table.

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29. Medical Fetish

Medical fetish is a popular one, but can take many forms. In general, this kink involves the situations, instru-

ments, examinations, and environments associated with medical treatment. Some specific medical kinks inc-

lude enema fetish, temperature-taking fetish, anesthesia fetish, catheterization, medical masks and uniforms,

casts, and more.

Someone with this fetish may enjoy role-playing doctor/patient scenarios.

While it’s true that many a medical role-play or medical fantasy involves invasive exams involving anal or va-

ginal penetration, it should also be noted that some medical fetishist ’s desires do not have a pornographic

element at all.

30. Stuttering Fetish (psellismophilia)

While uncommon, there exists a fetish for stuttering and stammering women and men. People with this kink

report being unable to become sexually aroused by partners without a stutter, and usually can ’t pinpoint the

reason for their fetish, only that it exists.

In searching through the limited amount of information on psellismophilia,

Stuttering.. awkward but oh so cute?

31. Piercing Fetish (stigmatophilia)

Someone with a piercing fetish may be turned on by their own piercings and the act of being pierced, or by

others who are pierced. One with a fetish for piercings may enjoy BDSM play that involves the use of need-

les. Piercings are so common nowadays that you can imagine a wide variety of ways this kink might mani-

fest. Stigmatophilia actually refers specifically to body modifications made by a needle or scarring, and thus

includes tattooing as well. Holly breaks it down in her article

33. Pregnancy Fetish (maiesiophilia)

Why are pregnant women sexy? A rounded belly, enlarged breasts, and her fecundity are all attractions, but

pregnancy fetish goes beyond basic appearances. A kink for mothers-to-be might revolve around impregna-

tion, lactation and nursing, or giving birth specifically.

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34. Smoking Fetish (capnolagnia)

Ahh, the smoking fetish. The way a person opens their mouth to insert their cigarette, the billowing smoke

blown through pursed lips.. it ’s easy to understand how a fetish for smoking exists. These fetishists are se-

xually aroused by watching or imagining others smoke, or in some cases smoking themselves.

The smoking kink can be quite specific, perhaps a cigar smoking fetish or a yearning to get it on with a pipe


35. Tattoo Fetish (stigmatophilia)

A fetish for tattoos falls under stigmatophilia, along with piercing and other body modifications. For those

whose tattoo fetish revolves around being tattooed themselves, there is likely an element of masochism at

work as it’s quite painful. More commonly, the kink is for tattooed skin or a tattooed partner and sexual arou-

sal may depend on it.

Lucky for tattoo fetishists, there ’s a lot of people walking around with tattoos these days.

Painted lady seeks tattoo lover.

Bodily Fluid Fetishes

36. Blood Fetish (hematolagnia)

A person with hematolagnia is sexually aroused by blood, and enjoys blood play during sex. For some this

kink is visual, and for others it might be the feel, smell, and even taste of blood that does it for them. Regard-

less, blood fetish is a risky one due to things like cutting and bleeding, and the possible comingling of body


There can be a lot of crossover for blood lovers. Types of BDSM edge play that might be on the menu for a

blood fetishist include knife play, cutting, and bloodletting. And there ’s also the blood of menstruation to con-

sider, as in the case of menophilia. (see below)

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37. Cum Fetish

A common kink, although there’s been little actual study of cum as a true fetish. Perhaps because ejaculation

and cum are already a part of most people ’s sex lives? But for some, the cum is everything..

Cum fetish usually revolves around a man ’s semen and what he does with it. Cum fetishists might be turned

on by watching bukkake porn. He may feel a need to cum on his partner ’s body, enjoy tasting his own cum,

or watching it ooze from his lover ’s mouth. Some even hoard their spunk, storing it away. (ideally in the free-

zer) Of course, there are women with a cum fetish as well, who cannot get enough of the stuff. Ready for so-

me fun?

38. Crying Fetish (dacryphilia)

For those with the crying kink, tears aren’t sad.. they’re sexy! Seeing tears or hearing someone crying can be

arousing for some, regardless of the reason.

With the pain and humiliation that sometimes come with BDSM, a Dom with dacryphilia should have no prob-

lem eliciting tears from his submissive. For others a sexual scenario isn ’t even necessary, and they may be

turned on just seeing their partner cry when getting emotional or simply watching a sad movie.

39. Fart Fetish (eproctophilia)

Think of all the farts you desperately tried to keep in when you were making out or having sex, especially

with someone new. Now imagine having a partner who would love nothing more than for you to let one rip.

Right when their face is nice and close during fellatio or cunnilingus.

Yes, something considered gross or funny to most people, can be the ultimate turn on for others.

40. Mucus Fetish (mucophilia)

Now, back to bodily secretions. Mucophilia is the fetish for mucus lovers. The “snot fetish” lover can derive

pleasure from seeing someone sneeze, picking their nose, spitting out mucus, hacking up phlegm, or doing

any of those things oneself. Allergy season and the common cold are much anticipated.

41. Lactation Fetish (lactophilia)

Lactophilia manifests as sexual arousal from seeing a woman ’s lactating breasts, a desire to breastfeed,

and/or the simple desire to have sex with a lactating or pregnant woman. Milk fetishism can become the cen-

terpiece of an Adult Breastfeeding Relationship, (or Adult Baby Relationship), as erotic lactation is a perfect

match for infantilism. Curious?

Mother ’s milk, giver of life.

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