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PROGRAM TITLE: BTEC in Computing (Software Engineering)

UNIT TITLE: Unit 6 Planing a Computing Project

DATE RECEIVED: 12/12/2023

STUDENT NAME: Nguyen Quy Duong

MOBILE NUMBER: 0903246189
Summative Feedback:
Internal verification:
I. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate
knowledge on an identified subject....................................................................................................4
1 Primary research..........................................................................................................................4
1.2 Secondary research...................................................................................................................8
II. Explore the features and business requirements of organisations in an identified sector....10
2.1 Discuss the features and operational areas of a businesses in an identified sector...........10
2.2 Stakeholders and roles of related parties..............................................................................11
III. Produce project plans based on research of the chosen theme for an identified
3.1. Select project...........................................................................................................................12
IV. Present your project recommendations and justifications of decisions made, based on
research of the identified theme and sector....................................................................................15
4.1. Give advice and suggestions to relevant parties when applying big data to the above
4.2. Presenting things to consider and keep in mind during the application of Big Data.......16
4.3. Assess the quality of research methods................................................................................17
V. References.....................................................................................................................................18
I. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate
knowledge on an identified subject
1 Primary research
- Primary research is: Primary research, also known as field research, is the practice of collecting
new, unpublished data directly from the source, to address specific questions or test hypotheses.
- Primary research methods:
+ Reading books and reviewing documents: Primary research often begins with reading books and
documents related to the topic to gain a basic understanding of the research field.
+ Discussion with experts: Meet and discuss with people with expertise in the research field to gain
in-depth understanding and receive feedback from experienced people.
+ Participate in events and conferences: Participate in relevant events or conferences to stay up to
date with the latest information and connect with the research community.
+ Interview: Conduct a short interview with relevant people to collect opinions and more detailed
information about the topic.
- Qualitative research method is: Qualitative research method is a research method in social
sciences and anthropology to gain a deeper understanding of problems, phenomena, or human
behavior through through the collection and analysis of non-numerical data. This method often uses
techniques such as interviews, observations, content analysis, or mental analysis to learn about the
multidimensional, not easily measured aspects of social phenomena.
- List of interview questions:
+ Please introduce yourself (name, position, and company name if applicable) and explain how you
relate to the topic of the research.
+ What do you think about the recent changes related to our theme?
+ Please share specific experiences or events you have experienced related to this topic.
+ How do you see this topic affecting your work or industry?
+ Are there common assumptions or opinions that exist about this topic in your line of work?
+ What opportunities or challenges do you think changes in this topic might create in the future?
+ Have you seen any trends or charts for this topic recently?
+ Do you have your own opinions on this topic that you want to share?
+ What do you think we should consider when researching this topic further?
+ Are there any sources of information or documents you would like to share or suggest for our
Name Age Job
Nguyen Van Anh 30 Software engineer
Nguyen Manh Tu 27 Software engineer
Nguyen Van Quang 25 Software engineer

- Quantitative research methods are: Quantitative research methods are a research method in social
sciences and anthropology to collect and analyze numerical data, based on data and statistics, to
understand and interpret relationships, customs, and trends in social phenomena. This method often
uses techniques such as surveys, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and numerical data
analysis to measure and test research hypotheses.

+ Interview subject:
The target audience for my survey is people working in the field of BigData and people studying
data analysis, data research,...

1.Question: Have you ever used Big Data in your daily activities?


a) Yes

b) No

c) Don't know

2.Question: How do you think Big Data affects personal and social life?


a) Have a positive influence

b) Has negative effects

c) Don't know

3.Question: In which field do you think Big Data brings the greatest impact?


a) Business

b) Medical

c) Education

d) Industry

e) Other (please note)

4.Question: Do you believe that using Big Data can improve a business's performance and strategic


a) Trust

b) Distrust

c) Don't know

5.Question: Are you concerned about security and privacy when using big data?


a) Very interested

b) Some concern

c) Not interested

6.Question: Do you think Big Data can help solve social problems such as climate change, education
or health?


a) Yes

b) No

c) Not sure

7.Question: In an emergency situation like a pandemic, do you believe Big Data can play an
important role in prediction and response?


a) Trust

b) Distrust

c) Need more information

8.Question: If given the opportunity, how would you use Big Data to improve your life or work?


a) Leverage information to make smart decisions

b) Don't know how to use it

c) Not interested

9.Question: In which areas do you think artificial intelligence and Big Data together can create the
most added value?


a) Medical

b) Business

c) Education

d) Industry

e) Other (please note)

10.Question: In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge when implementing and managing big


a) Security and privacy

b) Infrastructure costs and investments

c) Synchronize data from multiple sources

d) Find and train suitable personnel

e) Other (please note)

1.2 Secondary research

Instead of gathering information directly from the source, secondary research involves gathering,
synthesizing, and evaluating data and information that have already been gathered and published by
other sources. It is sometimes referred to as "document-based research" or "bibliometric research."

- Types of documents used for secondary research are:

+ Books: Books on specific topics often contain detailed and insightful information. Science books,
textbooks, and research books are all valuable sources of information.
+ Scientific articles: Articles published in scientific journals are important sources of information for
secondary research. Professional journals, academic journals and scientific literature databases
provide access to thousands of articles on every topic.
+ Research reports: Research reports and summary reports from research organizations, institutes
and government agencies are also important sources of information. These reports often contain data
and results from actual research.
+ Administrative documents: Administrative documents include internal documents, policy
documents and documents related to the activities of a specific organization or agency. This may
include laws, regulations, contracts and organizational documents.
+ Online documents: The Internet provides access to many online information sources, including
organizational websites, forums, blogs, online databases and other information sources.
+ Media: News reports, reports and television programs can also provide important information and
data about events and trends.
+ Digitized libraries: Some digitized libraries provide access to historical documents, proceedings
and other materials scanned and stored online.
+ Proprietary material: From time to time, you may have access to proprietary or non-public
material from special sources, such as research agencies, organizations or experts.
- Some documents used for research:
Books: Scholarly books, textbooks, reference books, and monographs.
Academic Journals: Peer-reviewed articles published in academic journals.
Research Reports: Reports presenting findings from research studies or surveys.
- Information collected and researched by topic:
- Topic 1: Applications of Big Data
- Big Data is a huge collection of data, possibly up to terabytes or petabytes. Big Data can be
generated from a variety of sources, including data from social networks, transaction data, sensor
data, and more.
- Big Data can be applied in many different fields, including:
+ Business: Big Data is used in business to improve customer experience, optimize business
operations, and predict market demand.
+ Healthcare: Big Data is used in healthcare to develop new treatments, improve health care
efficiency, and prevent disease.

+ Government: Big Data is used in government to improve management efficiency, make informed
decisions, and ensure national security.
+ Education: Big Data is used in education to personalize learning, improve teaching effectiveness,
and enhance educational quality.
+ Research: Big Data is used in research to explore new phenomena, develop new theories, and
solve complex problems.
- Some specific applications of Big Data:
- In business, Big Data is used to:
+ Improve customer experience: Big Data is used to analyze customer behavior, understand
customer needs and preferences. From there, businesses can personalize customer experience,
providing products and services that suit each customer's needs.
+ Optimize business operations: Big Data is used to analyze business data and find opportunities to
improve operational efficiency. From there, businesses can save costs and increase profits.
+ Predict market demand: Big Data is used to analyze market data and predict future customer
needs. From there, businesses can make appropriate production and business decisions.
- In healthcare, Big Data is used to:
+ Developing new treatment methods: Big Data is used to analyze medical data, finding
relationships between diseases and risk factors. From there, researchers can develop new, more
effective treatments.
+ Improve health care efficiency: Big Data is used to monitor patient health status and manage
complex cases. From there, doctors can provide health care services more effectively.
+ Disease prevention: Big Data is used to analyze epidemiological data and predict areas at risk of
disease outbreaks. From there, health authorities can come up with effective prevention measures.
- In government, Big Data is used to:
+ Improve management efficiency: Big Data is used to analyze population data, manage public
assets, and monitor government activities. From there, government agencies can more effectively
manage their resources.
+ Make informed decisions: Big Data is used to analyze economic, social, and political data. From
there, policymakers can make wise decisions, consistent with the actual situation.
+ Ensuring national security: Big Data is used to analyze intelligence data, detect terrorist activities,
and protect national security.
- In education, Big Data is used to:
+ Personalize learning: Big Data is used to analyze student learning data, understand the strengths
and weaknesses of each student. From there, teachers can design lessons suitable for each student,
helping students learn more effectively.
+ Improve teaching effectiveness: Big Data is used to analyze teachers' teaching data and find
effective teaching methods. From there, teachers can improve the quality of their teaching
- Topic 2: Difficulties when applying Big Data
Big Data brings many benefits to organizations and businesses, but there are also difficulties that
need to be resolved when applying this technology.
- Some difficulties when applying Big Data:
+ Huge volume of data: Big Data can reach up to terabytes or petabytes, making data collection,
storage, and processing difficult and expensive.
+ Diversity of data: Big Data can include many different types of data, from text data, numeric data,
to image and video data. Processing diverse data requires advanced data analysis tools and
+ Data quality: Big Data data is often imperfect, may have omissions, errors, or noise. This may lead
to inaccurate analysis results.
+ Lack of experts: Big Data application requires experts with knowledge and skills in data analysis,
information technology, and related fields. However, the supply of these experts is currently limited.
+ Cost: Investment costs for Big Data applications can be very high, including costs for hardware,
software, and human resources.
- Solutions to overcome difficulties when applying Big Data:
+ Use advanced data analysis tools and techniques: Advanced data analysis tools and techniques can
help process Big Data more effectively and accurately.
+ Enhance data quality: Organizations and businesses need to have strict data collection and
processing processes to ensure data quality.
+ Training and developing human resources: Organizations and businesses need to train and develop
human resources with knowledge and skills in data analysis, information technology, and related
+ Find cost-effective solutions: Organizations and businesses need to find cost-effective solutions to
apply Big Data.

II. Explore the features and business requirements of organisations in an identified sector
2.1 Discuss the features and operational areas of a businesses in an identified sector
- Company selected: FPT Corporation
- Analysis of the selected company:
Company type: FPT Corporation is a private company. This company was founded by individuals
and is not a state-owned company or NGO.
Industry: FPT Corporation operates in the field of information technology and information
technology services. This company mainly belongs to the tertiary sector or service industry. FPT
provides a range of information technology services and products, including software development,
technology project management, cloud services, consulting and technology solutions for businesses
and businesses. organized around the world.
- Analyze the departments of that company and their functions:
- Main Departments of FPT Corporation:
a. Business Department:
Function: Sales Department is responsible for finding and retaining customers. Employees in this
department often focus on negotiating contracts, consulting on technology solutions, and
maintaining relationships with customers.
b. Research and Development Department:
Function: Research and Development Department is responsible for researching and developing new
products, services and technology solutions. This is an important department to maintain innovation
and competitiveness in the industry.
c. Project Management Office:
Function: The Project Management Department is responsible for monitoring and managing the
progress of technology projects. They ensure that projects are delivered on time, to quality and on
2.2 Stakeholders and roles of related parties
- Stakeholders are: Stakeholders are individuals, organizations or groups of people whose activities
of an organization or business affect or are affected by. Stakeholders are interested in, involved in,
or can be affected by the decisions, activities, and results of that organization or enterprise.
- 2 related parties in the company, functions and importance of related parties:
+ Employees: Employees are the most important internal stakeholders. Their function is to perform
the company's daily duties, contribute to the product or service, and create value for the company.
Their importance lies in executing the business plan and achieving the company's goals.
+ Leadership and management: The company's leadership and management are responsible for
strategic planning, making important decisions, and managing daily operations. Their function is to
shape the company's direction and ensure organizational performance.
- 2 related parties outside the company, functions and importance of related parties:
+ Customers: Customers are the most important external stakeholders. Their function is to purchase
the company's products or services and provide sales and critical feedback. The importance of
customers lies in determining their needs and expectations, contributing to the company's
+ Business partners: Business partners include other companies or organizations that the company
cooperates or does business with. Their function may be to provide supply or consumer markets,
collaborate on product or service development, or provide technological and financial support. The
importance of business partners lies in expanding the company's capabilities and resources.

III. Produce project plans based on research of the chosen theme for an identified
3.1. Select project
- Situation:
FPT Corporation decided to implement a project using Big Data to improve human resource
management and optimize employee performance.
Project "OptiHR: Optimizing Human Resources Management with Big Data"
-Steps to apply Big Data to the Project:
1. Determine Goals:
Improve human resource management process.
Optimize work assignments and manage employee performance.
Anticipate staffing needs and develop effective recruitment strategies.

2. Data Collection:
Integrate your current human resources management system with other data sources such as work
results, feedback from colleagues, and other related data.
Build automatic data collection tools.
3. Data Analysis:
Use Big Data Analytics to analyze trends, make performance predictions, and identify employee
strengths and weaknesses.
Build prediction models to estimate future human resource needs.
4. Solution Development:
Create an integrated human resources management information system using Big Data technology.
Develop mobile applications so employees can track and update personal information and work
-Resources to use:
+ Big Data Expert:
Big data analytics expert to build models and analyze results.
+ Information Technology Technician:
IT expert to deploy the system and ensure application stability.
+ Project Management Team:
Project management to ensure progress and quality.
+ Human Resources Manager:
Provide information about human resource processes and clearly define the specific goals of the
+ Financial Budget:
Funding to implement and maintain the project.

- Schedule Baseline (Gantt Chart):

Gantt Chart:
My gantt is specified with the y axis respectively
1.Determine the target
2.Data Collection
3.Data Analysis
4.Solution Development
5.Testing and Calibration
6.Employee Training and Release
and the x axis is time
Gantt Plan

Gantt Actual
Gantt Data preparation

IV. Present your project recommendations and justifications of decisions made, based on
research of the identified theme and sector
4.1. Give advice and suggestions to relevant parties when applying big data to the above
-Advice to Technical Stakeholders:
+ Software Engineer and Data Engineer:
Tip: Make sure you understand the data source and integration process. Build powerful data analysis
algorithms and ensure prediction model accuracy.
+ Security Expert:
Advice: Ensure safety and security of employee data. Apply advanced security measures and
continuous monitoring to prevent risks from security threats.
- Advice for Non-Technical Stakeholders:
+ Sales and Marketing Team:
Advice: Participate closely in the process of developing project goals and strategies. Provide
detailed information about customer needs and desires to optimize Big Data solutions.
+ Finance and Accounting Team:
Tip: Perform rigorous budget estimates and track project costs. Ensure that financial resources are
properly allocated to ensure project success.
+ Project Manager:
Tip: Develop a detailed project plan and monitor progress closely. Hold regular meetings to update
status and resolve issues immediately.
+ Human Resources Manager:
Tip: Liaise with the technical team to understand the infrastructure and skills needed from human
resources. Create favorable conditions for employees to learn and adapt to new technologies.
-General Advice:
+ Effective Communication:
Ensure that information about progress, challenges, and opportunities is shared effectively among
+ Active Participation and Support:
Encourage active participation from all stakeholders and support them in understanding and
accepting project changes.
+ Human Resource Training and Development:
Invest in training and developing personnel so they have the ability to use and understand Big Data
+ Good Risk Management:
Develop a rigorous risk management plan to address issues that may arise throughout the
implementation process.
4.2. Presenting things to consider and keep in mind during the application of Big Data
-Considerations and Notes During Big Data Application:
1. Resources:
Cost: Carefully determine the cost of deploying and maintaining the Big Data system. Ensure that
budgets are properly allocated to hardware, software, and human resources.
Human Resources: Training and finding experts with experience in Big Data to ensure performance
and safety.
2. Risks:
Security: Pay special attention to data security. Identify and address risks of data loss or user privacy
Data Integration: Carefully consider the process of integrating data from different sources to ensure
accuracy and consistency.
3. Deadline and Implementation Time:
Clear Deadlines: Identify specific phases and deadlines so every stakeholder can track and evaluate
Testing and Optimization: Spend enough time testing and optimizing the system before official
deployment to minimize risks and ensure stability.
4. Application Development Method:
Apply Agile Methodology: Use agile development models like Agile to create small, flexible
versions that can adapt to change.
Perform Continuous Testing: Ensure testing occurs continuously and concurrently with the
development process to detect errors early and resolve them.
5. Policy and Compliance:
Data Policy: Develop a policy on data management and use to ensure compliance with privacy and
security regulations.
Legal Compliance: Check and ensure that the project complies with regulations and laws related to
the use of Big Data.
6. Knowledge and Skills Management:
Personnel Training: Organize periodic training sessions to update personnel knowledge and skills
about Big Data.
Build a Team of Experts: Find and retain experienced experts in the field of Big Data
4.3. Assess the quality of research methods.
- Primary research:
+ As a result, we can clearly identify the purpose of every question, enabling respondents to
understand and provide accurate information. To ensure the neutrality of the information collected,
check the query for bias or preconceived notions
+ The survey participants are all software engineers, showing that they have basic knowledge and
skills about Big Data. They have the role management and their expertise in the field make them key
individuals capable of providing accurate and informative information, valuable information.
+ The number of survey participants in the Big Data field seems to be large enough to ensure the
diversity and representativeness of the sample. However, ensuring comprehensive representation
needs to be carefully considered, especially when collecting samples from a variety of sources.
In the Big Data sector, there is a huge diversity of roles and expertise, from those working directly
on data analysis to senior managers deciding on data usage strategies. This requires a representative
sample containing different elements of the professional community.
Therefore, although the number of survey participants may seem large enough, random sampling
from a variety of sources can help ensure comprehensive representation and true reflection of
diversity within the population. working in the field of Big Data
- Secondary research:
+ The sources used appear to come from reliable and reputable sources such as academics, industry
reports and documents from trusted organizations. Articles in academic journals are often published
by professional publishers or academic institutions. These journals may belong to scientific
societies, universities, or research organizations. Literature from academic journals is generally
considered reliable and peer-reviewed.
+ It is important to check the reputation and reputation of the authors to ensure that the information
provided is accurate and reliable. Therefore, the authors of the original documents are all highly
reputable people in their respective fields.
+ Yes, because using the latest and updated information is important to ensure that the research
accurately reflects the current state of the Big Data field.

V. References

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