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In our society as soon as a child starts school, the one clichéd question that he is
repeatedly asked over the next twelve thirteen years is: “what do you want to be when
you grow up”? Of course no one expects them to know the answer at such a young age
but surprisingly the answer, mostly then is not definitive. It is ironic that five years old
kids have an idea of their future, while most individuals struggle to seek the answer well
into adulthood.

At kindergarten, I had no idea what I wanted to become but I was pretty sure of what I
did not want to be, having been raised by parents who were both involved in the business
of farming, working around the clock and juggling professional and personal lives, I was
resolutely determined not to pursue farming. I was in bit of mist regarding my career path
as it was a small town I was raised and little far away from the technology and business
centers, till my graduation. Many plans I made over and over again studied the
biographies of great people to look for the answer but never realized that answer is not in
the world; it’s not in the lives of other people but it lies inside me.

It took a while to find out but once I found the key, things became very simple, my
exposure, struggle to know myself have made the choices either to work, do business or
further studies. My goal is to pursue a career in research and academics. This is the thing
which actually I am good at and in my perspective nothing is better than seeking
knowledge and passing it to the next generations. Six years from now, I envisage myself
as a faculty member at one of the leading universities.

From my experience, I have learned many valuable lessons but the most important of all;
it brought discipline in the life of a farmer’s boy. I learned how important it is to be
organized, dedicated and to be honest with your work and profession.

I started my research within Pakistan and came to know that the courses in Master’s
Programs being offered in Pakistani universities are not up to the international standards
and local Universities and other institutions even financial institutions prefer someone
who has a higher degree from developed countries to fill the key positions, probably this
approach is right in a way. So I think an international degree will not only broaden my
vision and exposure but will also turn things around in my career and will equip me well
with the right knowledge and skills required for further research, studies and work.

One most important aspect I think about Pakistani educational sector is lack of student’s
interaction with the business and working environments and implementation of what they
study during their studies, it is infect totally ignored. I faced hardships due to said, during
my first job.

I have been working with financial institution since more than six years at different
positions with different assignments partly related to IT and partly related with business.
Usually banks or such financial institutions prefers someone, have studied business and
finance and rightly do so, but let me share something from my experience that there are
plenty of jobs in these sectors which require a person equally good at both, IT and have
good knowledge of business process and business management as the nature of job
demands so and this demand is growing rapidly, faster than ever and many
institutions/employers are looking for suitable persons. But they usually don’t get what
they want, firstly, very few students chose such a career path (though the trend is on a
rise now), secondly, usually fresh graduates lack practical knowledge and
organizations/employers have to train them, it takes time and when they are finally
trained and becomes useful, they leave or switch jobs and their previous employer have
to start the process again. I personally think that Universities / collages should equip their
students with more practical experience; by this they not only learn more but also get
ready to face the hardships of practical life.

I worked in Standard Chartered bank Pakistan as MIS coordinator and worked for four
years (working still) in Summit Bank, formerly Atlas Bank Ltd. as business coordinator
and nature of my Job was related to both IT and business management. Though I handled
things by self-study (mainly because of my habit of reading something every day) but
personally I always feel that there is something missing in my education. I also got
inspiration from the head of my department, Mr. Chngez, graduated from Preston
University in the same course, who established such a brilliant department of Business
Intelligence Unit in the bank, infect it was an innovation which other local banks adopted
and now every bank in Pakistan have this department with different names; he not only
inspired me but also guided and encouraged me for pursuing the further education in this
field from a good university: hence my application.

I spent six months, searching, surfing, consulting, about universities and programs they
are offering but the program being offered by the University of Liechtenstein, in IT and
Business Process Management (MSc) is the one actually I am looking for. It’s not just for
figure of speech, actually it is offering everything I need, a prestigious University
offering a program most relevant and suited to my job experience and future plans, it just
made me think, isn't this what I really need?. And a chance of study with actual
implementation at the same time! That is how study should be and thanks to the
University of Liechtenstein for offering such an excellent program.

Considering my background in IT sector and business management, I wish to join this

program for further nourishing my skills and to have the opportunity of learning in both
theory and practical at the same time. It’s a unique opportunity for me that would benefit
not just me but growing industry of IT in business and education sectors of Pakistan and I
heartedly wish for myself to set an example of benefiting from this unique program and
ideology of your institute.

Muhammad Amjad Siddique

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