Epamide 215 - PO - INT.ER

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Epamide 215
Technical DataSheet | Supplied by PO.INT.ER

Epamide 215 is polyamide by PO.INT.ER. It acts as a hardener. It provides good adhesion and chemical resistance.
Epamide 215 is designed for anti-corrosive & zinc-rich primers and top-coats.

Product Type Crosslinking / Coupling / Curing Agents > Amides

Chemical Composition Polyamide

CAS Number 63428-84-2

Product Status COMMERCIAL

Applications/ Recommended for Coatings

Coatings Markets > Marine /Anti-Corrosive / Protective

Epamide 215 Properties

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Lasted edited July 12, 2019 http://coatings.specialchem.com 1

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