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Gebrehiwet Gebremariam Girmay
ID NO 0910559
Advisor: Abadi (PHD) Aksum university shire campus

March 13,2024 GC.


1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 back ground …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1

1.2 objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

2. Literature Review..............................................................................................................................2
2.1 distribution of sorghum ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2

2.2 Agro ecology of sorghum …………………………………………………………...4

2.3 importance of sorghum ……………………………………………………………………………...5

2.4 Time of nitrogen application ……………………………………………………………………….5

2.5 Rate of nitrogen application…………………………………………………….…………………….6

3. Conclusion and Summary...................................................................................................................3

4. Prospects (Future Line of Work)......................................................................................................4

This research was conducted to assess the effect of rates and time of nitrogen fertilizer
application on yield and yield components of sorghum in lowland areas of North Shewa. The
treatments contained three rates of nitrogen (N) (46, 92, and 138 kg·ha −1) and three times of N
application (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at tillering (timing one); 1/3 dose at sowing and 2/3
dose at tillering (timing two); and 1/3 dose at sowing, 1/3 dose at early tillering, and 1/3 dose at
tillering (timing three) including one control. Days to 50% maturity, plant height, head length,
head weight, and grain yield were significantly affected by treatment effect, while days to
emergency, days to heading, and thousand kernel weight showed nonsignificant effect. The
maximum grain yield was 5.060, 5.169, 5.836, and 5.555 t·ha−1 from T2, T5, T8, and T10,
respectively, and statistically similar yield was recorded at combination of different rates in two
split applications (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at tillering). By considering the economic
status of the farmers, the applications of 46 kg·N·ha −1 in two split doses (1/2 dose at sowing and
1/2 dose at tillering stage) gave 87,122 Birr·ha−1 with a MRR of 475.61%, which gave best
economic benefit. Therefore, it can be concluded that use of 46 kg·N·ha −1 in two split
applications (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at tillering stage) can be recommended for farmers
for production of sorghum in the study area and other areas with similar agroecological

1.1 back ground
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important cereal crop belonging to the grass
family Poaceae (Poehlman and Sleper, 1995). It is the world's fifth most important cereal crop
after wheat, rice, maize and barley in terms of production (Kumara et al., 2011). It is a staple
food for more than half a billion people in the world, 60 percent of whom are in Africa. It is a
highly versatile crop with many uses including human food and animal feed, for brewing and

In Africa, sorghum represents a large portion of the total calorie intake in many countries and it
is the most widely spread staple food crop. It is the second most important cereal (after maize) in
Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of production. Sorghum is among the most important grain crops in
the world including Ethiopia. Because of its multiple purposes and its ability to cope up with
unfavourable growing conditions, sorghum will continue to feed the world's expanding
populations. Moreover, it will be the crop of the future due to the changing global climatic trends
and increase in use of marginal lands for agriculture (Paterson et al., 2008). Sorghum is widely
grown in the high lands, low lands and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia; especially in moisture
stressed parts where other crops can least survive (Tesfaye et al., 2008).

In Ethiopia, during 2016/17 cropping season (1,881,970.73 hectares) of land area was covered by
sorghum with the average yield productivity of 2.5ton ha -1 (CSA, 2017). It is known for its
versatility and diversity, and is produced over a wide range of agro-ecological zones. Main
sorghum producing regions are Oromia, Amhara, Southern Nations and Nationalities and
Peoples (S.N.N.P.) and Tigray. The leading sorghum producing zones are East and West Hararge
Zone in Oromia, North Gondar and North Shoa Zone in Amhara (Demeke and Di Marcantonio,

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is an important cereal crop grown in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.
Nitrogen fertilizer application is necessary to optimize sorghum yield potential in the region
(Gebrehiwot et al., 2016). In Tigray region, sorghum was produced on 253757.11 hectares of
land with average yield productivity of 2.8 tons ha-1(CSA, 2017).

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] is a cereal grain widely cultivated in semi-arid and arid regions
of the world, including the Tigray region of Ethiopia (Assefa et al., 2018). Nitrogen (N) is a
crucial macronutrient for plant growth and development, and its application in the form of
fertilizer has been shown to significantly impact sorghum yield and yield components (Ali et al.,
2019). Understanding the optimal rate and timing of N fertilizer application is, therefore,
essential for maximizing sorghum productivity and ensuring food security in the Tigray region
(Kiros et al., 2020).

To review on effect of rate and time of application of nitrogen fertilizer on yield
component of sorghum (sorghum bio color L)

2. Literature Review
2.1 distribution of sorghum
Previous studies have investigated the effect of N fertilizer application on sorghum yield and
yield components in various regions. A study conducted in the semi-arid region of India by
Singh et al. (2018) reported that the application of N fertilizer at a rate of 120 kg ha-1 resulted in
a significant increase in grain yield compared to lower N rates (Singh et al., 2018). Similarly, a
study by Abedin et al. (2020) in Bangladesh found that split application of N fertilizer, with 50%
applied at planting and the remaining 50% applied at the panicle initiation stage, resulted in
higher grain yield and yield components compared to a single application at planting (Abedin et
al., 2020).

Several studies have investigated the effect of nitrogen fertilizer application on sorghum yield
and yield components. These studies have shown that nitrogen fertilizer application can increase
sorghum grain yield by up to 50% (Brown, 2020). The optimal rate of nitrogen fertilizer
application varies depending on soil type, climate, and cultivar.

The timing of nitrogen fertilizer application is also important. Nitrogen fertilizer applied too
early can be lost to leaching or volatilization, while nitrogen fertilizer applied too late may not be
available to the crop during the critical growth stages (Johnson, 2019).

study conducted by Assefa et al. (2018) compared different N application timings and found that
split application resulted in higher grain yield compared to a single application at planting. Split

application involves dividing the total N fertilizer requirement into two or more applications,
with the first applied at planting and subsequent applications at specific growth stages, such as
knee-high or panicle initiation. This approach ensures a continuous supply of N to the crop,
meeting its nutrient demands throughout the growing season.

Another study by Kiros et al. (2020) examined the effect of N application timing on sorghum
yield components. They reported that split application significantly increased the number of
panicles per plant, grain weight, and thousand-seed weight compared to a single application. This
suggests that split application promotes better panicle development, leading to increased grain

The optimal timing of N application may vary depending on soil type, climatic conditions, and
sorghum variety. In general, it is recommended to apply the first split of N fertilizer at planting
to support early growth and establishment. Subsequent splits should be applied during critical
growth stages, such as knee-high and panicle initiation, to meet the crop's high N demand during
these periods.

However, the optimal rate and timing of N fertilizer application can vary depending on soil type,
climatic conditions, and sorghum variety (Kiros et al., 2020). For instance, a study by Ali et al.
(2019) in the Ethiopian highlands reported that the highest grain yield was obtained with the
application of 150 kg N ha-1 applied in three splits: 50% at planting, 25% at knee-high stage,
and 25% at panicle initiation stage (Ali et al., 2019).

Table 1: Effect of nitrogen fertilizer application rate on sorghum grain yield in the Tigray
region of Ethiopia (Assefa et al., 2018)

Nitrogen fertilizer rate (kg ha-1) Grain yield (t ha-1)

0 1.5
50 2.0
100 2.5
150 3.0
200 2.8

2.2 Agro ecology of sorghum

Sorghum is cultivated in all regions of Ethiopia in 14 of the 18 major agro-ecologies between 400m and
2500m altitude (MOA, 1998). Mainly it is grown at lower altitudes along the country's western,
southwestern, north eastern, northern and eastern peripheries. Oromiya, Amhara and Tigrayare the
three major producers of sorghum covering 86% of the total area and 89% of the total production in the
last 9 years (CSA, 2005-2013). Sorghum is produced mainlyin four traditional agro-ecologies of dry
lowland, humid lowland, intermediate and high land altitudes vernacularly named asKolla, Erteb Kolla,
Woinadega and Dega respectively. More than 65% of the Sorghum growing area is fall in dry lowland
agro-ecology, and it is characterized by erratic rain fall, low soil fertility and fragile eco-system. The
national average productivity of sorghum in Ethiopia is 2.23 tons/ha (CSA, 2014) which is far below the
global average of 3.2 tons/ha (FAO, 2005). This is because of a number of biophysical ad socioeconomic
factors. Several production constraints were identified as hindrance for sorghum production and
productivity enhancement. The major constraints include drought, Striga, insect pests (stalk borer,
midge, and shoot fly), disease (grain mold, anthracnose and smut), birds (Quelea quelea), soilfertility
decline, inadequate adoption of the existing improved varieties, limited number of high yielding and
farmer preferred sorghum varieties. Low purchasing power and limited use of fertilizer and other agro
inputs such as agro chemicals and seed, ineffective seed systems, lack of markets and poor market
information , limited availability of storage, threshing and processing equipment and other value
addition technologies are also another major bottlenecks for production.

2.3 importance of sorghum

Agriculture constitutes the largest economic sector in Ethiopia and contributes 48% of the nation’s GDP,
generates 85% of the foreign currency flow into the countryand employs about 83% of the total
population of Ethiopia (Rashid, 2010). According to Rashid (2010) cereal production and marketing
represent the single largest sub-sector in the Ethiopian economy, which accounts for roughly 60% of
rural employment.Cereals are the major food crops in Ethiopia and cover 82% of the total land area
covered by grain crops (cereals, pulses and oil seeds) and contributes 87% of the total grain
production.Cerealsproviderural livelihood, food and nutrition security, as well as national income
(Taffese et al., 2011). Sorghum is one of the most important cereals in the Ethiopian agriculture. It is the
third most important crop after tef and maize in terms of area coverage but in terms of productivity and
total volume of production it is next to maize and wheat (CSA, 2014). Currently sorghum is produced by
about4.8 million holders and its production is estimated to be38.3 million metric tons from nearly 1.7
million hectares of land giving the national average grain yield of around 2.23 tons per hectare (CSA,

2014). Sorghum shares 15.3% of the total area allocated to grains (cereals, pulses, and oil crops) and
17.8% of the area covered by cereals (CSA, 2014). Sorghum production and area coverage showed an
increasing trend for the last two decades. The area covered by sorghum showed an oscillating pattern
over the last 16 years, but production showed increasing trend.


Timing of nitrogen application is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness and minimizing losses. Split
application of nitrogen, where fertilizer is applied at different growth stages of sorghum, has been
recommended in some studies to ensure a continuous supply of nitrogen during critical growth periods the
timing of nitrogen application is critical for maximizing sorghum yield. Split applications, where nitrogen
is applied in multiple doses during different growth stages, are often more effective than a single
application.Early nitrogen application, typically at planting or soon after emergence, promotes vigorous
early growth and can enhance yield potential.Later applications during the vegetative or reproductive
stages can supplement the plant's nitrogen needs during critical growth phases, leading to improved yield
and grain quality.


Studies have explored different rates of nitrogen application ranging from low to high levels. Optimal rates are
usually determined based on soil fertility, expected yield targets, and environmental considerations.

3. Conclusion and Summary

. the literature suggests that N fertilizer application can significantly influence sorghum yield and
yield components in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. The optimal rate and timing of N fertilizer
application, however, may vary depending on soil type, climatic conditions, and sorghum
variety. the results of the studies reviewed in this paper suggest that the optimal rate and timing
of nitrogen fertilizer application for sorghum production in the Tigray region of Ethiopia are as

 Rate: 100-120 kg N/ha

 Timing: 50% at planting and 50% at panicle initiation

Based on the literature review, it can be concluded that N fertilizer application plays a vital role
in enhancing sorghum yield and yield components in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. Nitrogen
fertilizer application is an important management practice for sorghum production in the Tigray
region of Ethiopia. The optimal rate and timing of nitrogen fertilizer application can increase
sorghum grain yield by up to 50%. However, further research is needed to determine the optimal
rate and timing of N fertilizer application for specific soil types, climatic conditions, and
sorghum varieties in the region. This will help farmers optimize their N fertilizer use, increase
sorghum productivity, and ensure food security in the region

4. Prospects (Future Line of Work)

Future research on the effect of N fertilizer application on sorghum yield and yield components
in the Tigray region should focus on:

 Evaluating the response of different sorghum varieties to different N fertilizer rates and
 Determining the effect of N fertilizer application on soil fertility and nutrient dynamics.
 Investigating the economic and environmental implications of different N fertilizer
application practices.

 Evaluating the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer sources on sorghum yield and yield
 Investigating the interaction between nitrogen fertilizer application and other
management practices, such as irrigation and crop rotation.
 Developing site-specific nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for sorghum production in
the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

By addressing these research gaps, we can develop more efficient and sustainable N fertilizer
management strategies for sorghum production in the Tigray region, contributing to improved
food security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers.

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