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 How often do you travel?

I seldom traveled before the pandemic of covid but nowadays I didn't have
 How often do you wake up in the middle of the night? I rarely wake up in the middle of the night, I don’t
have problems when I´m sleeping only when my neighbors play loud music.
 How often do you go to the dentist? I go to the dentist 2 or 3 times a year for general inspection and
 How often do you go to church? I usually went to the church on Sundays but today I rarely go
Before the covid I usually go to the church, generally on Sundays but todays I rarely go to the church.

 How often do you eat candies? Sometimes I eat candies, I eat them on the weekend.
my favorites are the spicy candies.
 How often do you go to the doctor? I rarely go to the doctor, only when I’m sick or If I have an issue
 How often do you say "I Love you" to your parents? I say “I love you” to my parents every night before
I’m going to sleep.
 How often do you practice sports? I never practice sport, I’m bad at it.
But I like to do exercise at least 3 times a week. I practice yoga, jump the rope, go out on bicycles.
 How often do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth very day, three times at the day or probably four.
After every meal.
 How often do you listen to music? I often listen to music when I’m doing homework or exercise. When
I’m doing homework Ilike to listened piano music but when I´m doing exercise I listed to electronic or
reggaeton music
 How often do you read? Sometimes I read, I read mostly daily but only for a few minutes. I read topics of
homework or novels
 How often do you go to the shopping mall? I go to the shopping mall probably once a month or when I
need to buy something
 How often do you buy clothes? I rarely buy clothes only if I need something special or if I really like a
 How often do you eat fast food? I usually eat fast food on the weekend but during the week its rarely that
I eat it
 How often do you have English classes? I have English classes during the week, on the weekends I
don´t have.
 How often do you go out with your friends? I go out with my friends only once or twice a week.
we usually go out on bicycles or only stay talking at home.
 How often do you go to the movies? I rarely go to the movies because in the place where I live there isn
´t a cinema, but I like it.
 How often do you go for a walk? I usually go for a walk in the evenings with my dog or boyfriend one or
two days a week
 How often do you use the Internet? I always use the internet. I think It´s already part of my life.

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