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Create a project for yourself of writing in public space making use of your

observations, and collaborating with what you understand through all of your senses.
Do your writings from different locations differ from each other? How is place

Stars on the ferry but no one pays attention to them. They are focusing on their small
world, a world that connects everyone. They feel connected but also lonely. They
seem to be satisfied with the current state, I think so. Green ferry, white sun and grey
people. The colours of this city are typical. You already lost interest in it and fled
away. Don’t worry, I understand you. Are there any goldfish and buildings in the sea?

The smell of the sea is fresh but somehow rotten, just like you, me and the city.
Rushing to the land, people seem to be hating the tale of the mermaid. I wonder why.
Noises of everything suffocate everything slowly, at a rate that you can’t even notice.
I lay on the ground, indeed it was hot, like boiling but I saw a little dandelion. It was
yellow in the city of grey. My eyes shut and faded into the rotten sea.

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