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Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

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Fostering distributed combustion in a swirl burner using prevaporized liquid T


Ahmed E.E. Khalil, Ashwani K. Gupta
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA


• Examined the role of entrainment on Distributed Combustion with JP-8 and ethanol.
• NLowandO CO
2 are used to simulate entrained combustion gases from within the combustor.

• Reactionconcentration
2 in the mixture prior to ignition fostered distributed reaction.
• 95% NO distribution fostered at 9.2% O and lower, with almost invisible flame.

• reduction demonstrated at distributed combustion with minimal impact on CO.



Keywords: Colorless Distributed Combustion (CDC) has presented itself as an environmentally friendly combustion method
Colorless distributed combustion with significant benefits on ultra-low emissions, uniform thermal field (pattern factor), reduced noise, mitigation
Liquid fuels of instability and enhanced flame stability. CDC requisites include controlled entrainment of hot reactive species
Reaction distribution from within the combustor and their subsequent mixing with fresh reactants to form a low-oxygen concentration
Ultra low NOx
high-temperature oxidizer prior to ignition. This mixture results in distributed reaction over the entire com-
Gas turbine combustion
bustion volume. To date, most of the CDC research efforts have focused on gaseous fuels only. In this paper,
conditions fostering distributed combustion using JP-8 and alternative ethanol fuels. Data revealed that tran-
sition to CDC can be achieved at oxygen concertation of approximately 9.5% for both the fuels. This oxygen
concentration was determined based on reaction field uniformity as identified from OH∗ chemiluminescence
signatures. Under distributed combustion, emissions were substantially reduced by some 95% to result in NOx
emissions of less than 2 PPM with minimal impact on CO emission from both JP-8 and ethanol fuels at an
equivalence ratio of 0.9, with even lower emissions at lower equivalence ratios. Combining the data obtained
with liquid fuels with those from gaseous fuels revealed that, regardless of the fuel used, the oxygen con-
centration at which CDC prevailed can be predicted based on mixture temperature within a range of 0.75%. This
knowledge enables designing a combustor to achieve CDC regardless of the fuel used. The data are useful in the
design and development of fuel flexible CDC for high combustion intensity gas turbine applications.

1. Introduction fossil fuel in the worlds energy mix have motivated combustion en-
gineers to search for new and novel ways to convert the chemical en-
As energy awareness increase among societies, with desire for more ergy stored in fuels into useful heat energy through new and novel
environmentally friendly energy conversion methods, research efforts combustion techniques. Since the 1990s, different research groups have
continue to focus on satisfying the energy needs with minimal impact proposed combustion methods that minimize combustion emissions
on the environment. Although significant achievements in renewable while maintaining overall performance. Among these methods are rich-
energy have been accomplished, traditional power sources, including quench-lean burn (RQL) [3–5], flameless oxidation (FLOX) [6–8],
fossil fuels, are expected to remain a major player in the future energy moderate or intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) [9–11], and colorless
conversion devices [1]. The Annual Energy Outlook predicts that the distributed combustion (CDC) [12,13].
share of petroleum and other liquid fuels will remain almost constant, Colorless Distributed Combustion (CDC), which is the focus of this
while natural gas’ share is expected to increase [2]. This presence of paper, is based on the concept of HiTAC [14], wherein low oxygen

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.K. Gupta).
Received 1 July 2017; Received in revised form 10 November 2017; Accepted 13 November 2017
Available online 20 November 2017
0306-2619/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

concentration air preheated to high temperatures, is used for combus- in fossil-fuel reserves as well as the environmental concerns about
tion. The use of this hot diluted oxidizer has demonstrated that the carbon emission. The term bio-fuel is referred to fuels produced from
temperature of combustion gases in the furnace was only about bio-materials, such as, biomass and wastes. Such fuels include, but not
50–100 °C higher than that of the preheated low oxygen concentration limited to, bio-methanol, bio-ethanol, bio-diesel pyrolysis oil, biogas,
air just prior to ignition. In CDC, the low oxygen concentration high synthetic gas, and hydrogen [30].
temperature oxidizer is achieved through entrainment and recirculation Ethanol has been examined for gas turbines applications, and the
of hot reactive species from within the combustor and their subsequent results show favorable properties as a sustainable and renewable fuel.
mixing with the freshly introduced air. Providing adequate entrainment However, due to its lower lubricity and lower heating value, some
and mixing prior to ignition was shown to be critical to achieve dis- changes are required in the fuel handling system for retrofitting in gas
tributed reaction combustion. As distributed reactions were achieved, a turbines [31]. Using biofuels, as opposed to traditional fossil fuels, is
lower reaction rate was attained over the entire volume of the com- carbon neutral so that its use reduces the net amount of carbon dioxide
bustor, as opposed to the concentrated thin reaction flame front with emitted into the atmosphere. Experimental and numerical studies on
high reaction rates that also produce local hot spots. This distribution the combustion and oxidation of ethanol has been performed that
over a larger volume results in the same fuel consumption, as that of provided numerous new data to support modeling studies on the oxi-
concentrated flame fronts, with lower temperature rise in the com- dation and combustion of ethanol [32]. Ethanol has been also in-
bustor. The low reaction rates were achieved through lowering of the vestigated as an alternate fuel for diesel engines [33]. Ethanol has also
oxygen concentration in the reactants, and increased temperature of the been studied in detail with focus on laminar burning speed and ex-
reactants, which was achieved simultaneously through the entrainment tinction properties and their dependency on temperature [34–36].
of hot reactive gases from within the combustor. In this paper, the conditions fostering distributed combustion have
CDC not only helps avoid the formation of thin reaction zone but been examined using liquid fuels as opposed to previous efforts that
also mitigates the formation of hot-spots in the flame that help mini- focused on gaseous fuels [22]. Focus is on the oxygen concentration at
mize thermal NOx formation and emission from the Zeldovich thermal which the reaction regime transforms into volumetric distributed
mechanism [15]. The benefits of distributed combustion in terms of combustion mode along with ultra-low emissions. It is also desired to
pollutants emission have been demonstrated using a variety of geo- compare the performance of liquid fuels with gaseous fuels to assess the
metries, temperatures, pressures, and injection methods [12,13,16,17]. fuel flexibility in distributed combustion. The primary focus is on de-
Moreover, the conditions required to achieve CDC have been in- termining if the role of fuel has any impact on the oxygen concentration
vestigated in detail, with focus on the oxygen concentration required to at which distributed combustion occurs.
foster distributed combustion [18]. The role of various input and op-
erational parameters (oxygen concentration, temperature, and global 2. Experimental facility
equivalence ratio) on thermal field and local equivalence ratio uni-
formity were examined [19,20], and the different flame behavior from The experiments were performed using a swirl burner. Details of
the flame-flow interaction along with the role of integral length scale this swirl burner can be found elsewhere [37]. Different amounts of
and flame thickness on distributed combustion [21] have been in- nitrogen and carbon dioxide (mixed in a 90%-10% ratio by volume)
vestigated. However, these investigations focused on methane [18–21], were mixed with air upstream of the burner, thus simulating product
propane and hydrogen enriched methane [22] as the fuel. gas entrainment with lower oxygen concentration in the mixture prior
With the increased demand in power and propulsion for gas turbines to ignition. To start the burner, methane was injected in the air line.
that operate on liquid fuels, we focus our efforts to investigate the Once the burner was stabilized, the fuel was gradually switched to li-
conditions that foster CDC with liquid fuels. Achieving low emissions quid fuel (as vapors) until the burner completely operated with the li-
with liquid fuels have been examined by different groups that has been quid fuel. To control the gases, differential pressure laminar flow con-
called MILD and Flameless Combustion [23–25]. In their work, Ye et al. trollers were used with an uncertainty of 0.2% of full scale +0.8% of
examined prevaporized ethanol, acetone, and heptane in a reverse flow set point for air and Nitrogen. Thermo-gravimetric flow controllers
combustor, wherein they found that ethanol burns well under MILD were used for other gases, with uncertainty of 1% of full scale (methane
conditions while acetone and heptane demonstrated some instabilities for startup), and 1.5% of full scale (carbon dioxide). For liquid fuels, a
[24]. Reddy et al. showed that achieving flameless combustion with liquid fuel positive displacement pump (VICI M50) was used to furnish
liquid fuels at ambient conditions is possible in a preliminary study the required flowrates with a precision of ± 0.5%.
using a two-stage combustor [25]. However, sometimes operating with It is to be noted that both fuels examined, JP-8 and ethanol, have a
premixed and prevaporized fuel can induce instabilities. These studies much higher laminar flame velocity as compared to that of methane
used phase-averaged particle image velocimetry (PIV) that outlined a [38]. This can cause instabilities as the swirl burner used in the ex-
range of equivalence ratio in the TAPS (twin annular premixed swirler) periments was designed for gaseous fuels. The liquid fuel was pre-
combustor that could operate without entering a “growl” regime [26]. vaporized and this fuel will have a large density as compared to the
To enhance liquid fuel stability, it was suggested to add hydrogen to JP- gaseous fuel leading to lower flow velocities across the injection holes.
8 flame, leading to stabilizing the flame, and reducing the flame lift off. This low injection velocity, coupled with the higher burning velocity of
The authors suggested hydrogen addition as an effective way to reduce the liquid fuels at higher temperatures as they were injected pre-
unburned hydrocarbons as well [27]. Focus on JP-8 combustion was vaporized, resulted in more propensity to flashback towards the injec-
not only limited to combustion in gas turbines, but extended to include tion location. This scenario will lead to flame oscillation between the
laminar burning speeds at high temperature and pressures as well as injection point and the swirler downstream which was to be avoided.
with diluents [28,29]. JP-8 performance with diluents is critical to This instability was mitigated by adding carbon dioxide to the liquid
understand the possibility of achieving CDC with liquid fuels. The au- fuel line that effectively increased the flow velocity through the liquid
thors concluded that laminar burning speeds of JP-8 increased with fuel injection ports, and helped stabilize the flame. Carbon dioxide
increase in temperature and decreased with increase in pressure [28]. addition also helped to mitigate any coking or cracking of the liquid
They also found that addition of diluents did not had a major effect on fuels. The added carbon dioxide to the fuel line increased the flow
stability but decreased the laminar burning speeds due to decreased velocity significantly in the fuel feed lines, lowering the residence time
adiabatic flame temperature [29]. This behavior of lower flame speeds in the lines, to less than 1 s. This minimized any thermal decomposition.
upon dilution is favorable to achieve CDC [21]. Widegren et al. showed that for 1% of the fuel (Jet A, which is similar to
Liquid fuel interests are not only limited to JP-8. Bio-fuels are also of JP-8) to decompose at 450 °C, the residence time shall be less than 1
interest as they offer a good viable solution for the continuous decrease min [39], with similar results shown by others at 375 °C [40].

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

equivalence ratio, and for each equivalence ratio, the diluents flow
rates were changed to decrease the oxygen concentration. The heat load
was kept constant at 3.25 KW to give a heat (thermal) release intensity
of 2.4 MW/m3-atm. The experiments were performed at an injection
temperature of 700 K ± 10 K to insure complete fuel vaporization and
no liquid fuel condensation. The percentage values given here are based
on volumetric basis. Two fuels were examined, JP-8 and Ethanol.
Table 1 gives the fuel properties while Tables 2 and 3 give the flow
conditions for each fuel.
The amount of carbon dioxide added to the fuel was the minimum
amount required for stable operation of the burner. Experiments were
performed at higher amounts (up to 125% of the minimum amount
needed). These experiments provided no impact of the additional
Injection Temperature amount of carbon dioxide in the fuel line on overall flame behavior and
Quartz Thermocouple emissions.
4. Results and discussion

Liquid Fuel 4.1. OH∗ chemiluminescence with JP-8

Injection 45 Swirler
The initial investigations focused on quantifying the reaction zone
distribution under different oxygen concentrations using JP-8 fuel. This
Air + N2/CO2 Air + N2/CO2
A was conducted via OH∗ chemiluminescence intensity distribution across
the burner. Fig. 3 shows characteristic distribution for JP-8.
Prevaporized liquid fuel + CO2
From the figure, one can note that as the oxygen concentration is
Fig. 1. Schematic of the swirl burner. decreased, due to N2 and CO2 addition, the OH∗ intensity distribution
changes from being concentration at the swirl lobes to a more uniform
For pre-vaporization, the liquid fuel line (liquid fuel + carbon di- distribution all over the examined combustion volume. This trend is
oxide) was heated using heating tapes, while air, nitrogen, and carbon similar to that obtained before using gaseous fuels (methane, propane,
dioxide mixture were heated using an air preheater. The burner body and hydrogen enriched methane) [18,19]. To further distinguish the
was also heated using heating tape. This prevented the liquid fuel from behavior at lower oxygen concentrations, Fig. 4 shows the OH∗ che-
condensing inside the burner after it was vaporized in the liquid fuel miluminescence intensity for the low oxygen concentration at a scale
line. The heating tapes and air preheater were controlled to keep the one quarter of that shown in Fig. 3.
temperature at the injection point at 700 K ± 10 K. The added CO2 also From Fig. 4, one can see that the intensity gradients drop sig-
helped in reducing any thermal decomposition as it increased the flow nificantly at oxygen concentration of 9.92%, 10.54%, 11.6%, 12.88%
velocity in the fuel line leading to a residence time of about 1 s, which for equivalence ratios of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, and 0.6, respectively. The OH∗
resulted in almost no decomposition at the pre-vaporization tempera- intensity for the above figures was also analyzed to examine the signal
ture of about 700 K [39]. distribution across the examined burner area (viewed area of the flame
The burner was confined in the quartz tube having an internal zone). For each image, the mean and standard deviation were calcu-
diameter of 3 inches and length of 12 inches. Thermocouples were lated and scaled by the maximum and mean, respectively. The mean to
fitted along the reactor walls to confirm the existence of reaction zone the maximum shows how close the mean is to the maximum so that
at low oxygen concentration as the flame was almost invisible (color- higher value represents a more distributed reaction zone. In addition,
less) with almost no combustion noise. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the the standard deviation to the mean shows how well this mean is re-
swirl burner. presentative of the data; a smaller standard deviation indicates that the
Detailed investigations on the overall emissions from the combustor values are all closer to the mean, as opposed to a large standard de-
have been performed for the various experimental conditions. The viation. In addition, this scaling allows comparisons across different
concentration of NO was measured using a NO–NOx chemiluminescent equivalence ratio (as they have different maxima). Fig. 5 shows the
gas analyzer; CO concentration was measured using the non-dispersive mean to maximum ratio, while Fig. 6 shows the standard deviation to
infrared method and O2 concentration (used to correct the NO and CO mean ratio.
emissions at standard 15% oxygen concentration) was measured using The results show a good similarity trend between what was ob-
galvanic cell method. The uncertainty of the sampling system is esti- served on OH∗ intensity images (Fig. 4) and that shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
mated to be about ± 0.5 PPM for NO and ± 10% for CO emission. For The reaction zone seemed distributed once the mean to maximum ratio
imaging the OH∗ chemiluminescent intensity distribution, an ICCD was higher than approximately 35% (see Fig. 5, where O2% of 9.92,
camera coupled to a narrow band filter, centered at wavelength 307 nm 10.54, and 11.6 seemed to reveal good uniformity in the reaction zone
wavelength, was used. The obtained images were then processed using that represent equivalence ratios of 0.9, 0.8, and 0.7, respectively). At
MATLAB to obtain different distribution characteristics. Fig. 2 shows equivalence ratio of 0.6, this value was higher, reaching a value of 40%.
the experimental facility along with diagnostics. As for the standard deviation to mean ratio, the data shows that a ratio
of approximately less than 0.7 seems to be the differentiating edge for
the aforementioned oxygen concentrations at said equivalence ratios,
3. Experimental conditions except for phi = 0.6, wherein that value was closer to 0.6.

The experimental investigations reported here were focused on the 4.2. OH∗ chemiluminescence with ethanol
reaction zone behavior using OH∗ chemiluminescence, as well as the
resultant pollutants emission. For each experiment, the fuel flow rate, The reaction zone distribution at different oxygen concentrations
along with carbon dioxide in the fuel line, was kept constant, to result using ethanol fuel is now presented. The OH∗ chemiluminescence in-
in a constant thermal load. The air flow rate was changed to change the tensity distribution were obtained across the burner. Fig. 7 shows this

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

Fig. 2. Schematic of the experimental facility.

Table 1 OH∗ distribution using ethanol as the fuel.

Fuel Properties. From Fig. 7, one can note that decrease in the oxygen concentration,
due to N2 and CO2 addition, changed the OH∗ intensity distribution
Fuel Calorific value Density [kg/ Volume Flow A/F Stoichiometric
[kJ/kg] m3] rate
from being concentrated at the swirl lobes to a more uniform dis-
tribution all over the examined volume. This trend was similar to that
JP-8 ∼42800 ∼807 5.64 15 was observed before using JP-8; however, stable operation with ethanol
Ethanol ∼29700 ∼790 8.31 8.95 was possible at lower oxygen concentration than that observed with JP-
8 fuel. For instance, at equivalence ratio of 0.9, stable operation of JP-8
was observed till an oxygen concentration of 9.18%. This was extended
to 8.4% with ethanol. This can be attributed to the fuel oxygen content
Table 2 which helps stabilize the flame at lower oxygen concentration. Similar
Experimental parameters for JP-8.
to what was shown with JP-8, better differentiation between flame
JP-8 CO2 in Equivalence Air [l/ N2 [l/ CO2 [l/ Oxygen Con.
behavior at low oxygen concentration can be observed at a scale one
flow fuel line Ratio min] min] min] in oxidizer quarter of that shown in Fig. 7. This behavior can be seen from the data
[ml/ [l/min] [%] presented in Fig. 8.
min] Fig. 8 shows that the intensity gradients drop significantly at oxygen
5.64 4 0.9 64.75 0–75 0–8.32 21–9.18
concentration of 9.54%, 10.15%, 10.8%, 12.11% for equivalence ratios
0.8 72.8 0–75 0–8.32 21–9.8 of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, and 0.6, respectively, which can be viewed as an in-
0.7 83.25 0–65 0–7.22 21–11.25 dicator of achieving distributed combustion. Similar to the analysis
0.6 97.1 0–60 0–6.66 21–12.45 performed on JP-8, Fig. 9 shows the mean to maximum ratio, while
Fig. 10 shows the standard deviation to mean ratio.
The results support a similarity in trend between what was observed
on OH∗ intensity images (Fig. 8) to that shown in Figs. 9 and 10; this
was also demonstrated for JP-8 fuel. The reaction zone seemed dis-
Table 3 tributed once the mean to maximum ratio was higher than 35% (see
Experimental parameters for Ethanol. Fig. 9, where O2% of 9.54, 10.15 and 10.8 represent equivalence ratios
Ethanol CO2 in Equivalence ratio Air N2 [l/ CO2 [l/ Oxygen
of 0.9, 0.8, and 0.7, respectively). As for equivalence ratio of 0.6, dis-
flow [ml/ fuel [l/ min] min] Con. in tributed combustion was not achieved until the higher ratio of 50%. In
min] line [l/ min] oxidizer general, the curve for equivalence ratio of 0.6 is seen to exhibit higher
min] [%] values as compared to that at other equivalence ratios that are some-
8.31 4 0.9 55.5 0–75 0–8.32 21–8.4
what close to each other, see Fig. 9. The same trend for the curve re-
0.8 62.4 0–75 0–8.32 21–9 presenting phi = 0.6 was observed with JP-8 fuel, see Fig. 5. The
0.7 71.4 0–70 0–7.77 21–10 standard deviation to mean ratio data shows that a ratio of approxi-
0.6 83.3 0–60 0–6.66 21–11.66 mately less than 0.6 seems to be differentiating edge for the

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

Fig. 3. OH* Chemiluminescence at different O2 concentration and equivalence ratios with JP-8 fuel. Note the different scale for each equivalence ratio.

aforementioned oxygen concentrations at the equivalence ratios ex- A comparison of the results from JP-8 and Ethanol fuels reveals that
amined. However, this value was found to be lower than 0.4 for distributed combustion was established at a lower oxygen concentra-
phi = 0.6. tion for ethanol as compared to JP-8. This is attributed to presence of

Fig. 4. OH* Chemiluminescence at low O2 con-

centration and equivalence ratios with JP-8 fuel.
Note the different scale for each equivalence

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

55 Fig. 5. Percentage ratio of mean to maximum OH*

intensity for JP-8 at different oxygen concentrations
50 Phi=0.9 and equivalence ratios examined.
Mean/Maximum Signal [%]

45 Phi=0.8
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Oxygen Concentration [%]

oxygen in the fuel. In addition, the reaction did not seem distributed relatively constant with values around 6 PPM. When the fuel was
until the standard deviation to the mean ratio was below 0.6, as com- switched to ethanol rather than JP-8, CO emissions hovered around 10
pared to 0.7 for JP-8. On the other hand, the oxygen content in ethanol PPM at equivalence ratio of 0.9 with slight increase with oxygen con-
allowed for stable operation at lower oxygen concentrations for ethanol centration reduction. For equivalence ratio of 0.7, CO emissions re-
as compared to JP-8 (8.4% vs. 9.18% at equivalence ratio of 0.9). mained around 4 PPM for all oxygen concentration examined. These
measurements indicate that CDC does not have a significant impact on
4.3. Pollutants emission CO emission. Similar trend was reported before for gaseous fuels [22].

Reaction zone distribution from within the combustor volume is 4.4. Design for distributed combustion
beneficial in terms of thermal field uniformity. However, one of the
main benefits of CDC is pollutants emission reduction, with up to 90% In our previous investigation on CDC using gaseous fuel, a corre-
reduction in NO and CO have been reported for gaseous fuels. To de- lation was proposed to predict the oxygen concentration at which CDC
monstrate this emission reduction with the two different liquid fuels, occurs as a function of the entrained reactive gases from within the
pollutants emission measurements were performed for both the fuels combustor. This correlation was modified to be a function of the mix-
examined and the results obtained are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. ture temperature rather than the entrained gases alone. This change
From Fig. 11, one can see that NO emission diminishes rapidly with allows one to compare this correlation for previously examined gaseous
decrease in oxygen concentration for all the equivalence ratios. When fuels as well as the experiments performed herein using liquid fuels,
distributed combustion was established, NO emissions were reduced by wherein the inlet gases mixture temperature was kept at 700 K ± 10 K.
some 95%. For instance, for JP-8, the NO emissions were reduced from The modified data, as a function of inlet mixture temperature, for
64 PPM to 2 PPM at equivalence ratio of 0.9. For ethanol, the corre- methane, propane, and hydrogen enriched methane are shown in
sponding value was 1.5 PPM (down from 49 PPM). NOx emissions were Fig. 13. Based on these data, the correlation takes the form of:
also measured and the data obtained (open symbols in Fig. 11) followed
O2 = 63.873 × T∧ (−0.278)
the same trend as NO emission. It is noteworthy that across the different
experimental points measured, NO emissions were ∼92% of the total where O2 is the oxygen concentration in percentage and T is mixture
NOx emission (with a minimum of 89% at the high end of emission to temperature in degrees Kelvin. The black line in Fig. 13 represents this
96% at low end of emission). This shows that NO is dominant in the equation, with the dotted lines showing a ± 0.75% margin. Also shown
NOx. in the plot are the points of transition to CDC for JP-8 and ethanol at
As for CO, the reaction zone distribution had minimal effect on CO equivalence ratio of 0.9 (for consistency with the plotted data for gas-
emission since the measured CO emission did not reveal a clear trend. eous fuels). From the figure, one can see that both fuels fall within the
For JP-8 at an equivalence ratio of 0.9, the CO emission increased with predicted values. In addition, the slight deviation for ethanol can be
decrease in oxygen concentration. This trend continued until reaching a related to the oxygen concentration in the fuel, which shifted the dis-
maximum value of 270 PPM at about 12% O2. Afterwards, CO emission tributed combustion to occur at lower oxygen concentration.
dropped slightly. At equivalence ratio of 0.7, CO emission remained This outlines the fuel flexibility of distributed combustion, as one

1.7 Fig. 6. Ratio of standard deviation to mean OH* in-

1.6 tensity for JP-8 at different oxygen concentrations and
1.5 equivalence ratios examined.
Standard Deviation/Mean

0.6 Phi=0.8
0.5 Phi=0.7
0.4 Phi=0.6
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Oxygen Concentration [%]

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

Fig. 7. OH* Chemiluminescence for different O2 concentration and equivalence ratios with ethanol fuel. Note the different scale for each equivalence ratio.

can predict the oxygen concentration at which CDC can occur effects of fuel atomization and vaporization on the combustion beha-
within ± 0.75% regardless of the fuel used for a given mixture tem- vior. For liquid fuel operations, injectors will be needed to adequately
perature. furnish mixing with the freshly introduced air and the entrained re-
The liquid fuels examined here were prevaporized to decouple the active hot gasses prior to ignition. If such adequate spray performance

Fig. 8. OH* Chemiluminescence for the low O2

concentration and equivalence ratios with ethanol
fuel. Note the different scale for each equivalence

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

70 Fig. 9. Percentage ratio of mean to maximum OH*

intensity for ethanol at different oxygen concentra-
65 Phi=0.9
Mean/Maximum Signal [%]

tions and equivalence ratios.

60 Phi=0.8
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Oxygen Concentration [%]

1.6 Fig. 10. Ratio of standard deviation to mean OH*

1.5 intensity for ethanol at different oxygen concentra-
1.4 tions and equivalence ratios examined.
Standard Deviation/Mean

0.6 Phi=0.9
0.3 Phi=0.7
0.2 Phi=0.6
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Oxygen Concentration [%]

JP-8, Phi=0.9 JP-8, Phi=0.7 Ethanol, Phi=0.9 Ethanol , Phi=0.7 Fig. 11. NO and NOx emissions for JP-8 and ethanol
at equivalence ratios of 0.9 and 0.7 at different
80 oxygen concentrations examined. NO: Closed symbols
Emissions corrected to 15% O2 [PPM]

with dashed lines, NOX: open symbols.

70 NO
NO x






8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Oxygen Concentration [%]

is established, distributed combustion shall occur at the same oxygen distributed combustion, with minimal intensity gradients, was achieved at
concentrations shown using prevaporized liquid fuels. 9.92% and 9.54% oxygen concentration for JP-8 and ethanol, respectively
at an equivalence ratio of 0.9. Below these concentration, distributed
combustion was attained until the flame blowout. Similar results were
5. Conclusions shown at equivalence ratios between 0.6 and 0.8 albeit at slightly higher
oxygen concentration.
Distributed combustion conditions were examined for liquid fuels, For pollutants emission, significant reductions in NO and NOx
namely JP-8 and ethanol, with focus on pollutants emission and transition emission were demonstrated upon transition to CDC, with up to 95%
to distributed combustion condition. OH∗ chemiluminescence was used to reduction in emissions. Less than 2 PPM of total NOx was demonstrated
determine the global flame structure at different conditions that outline at transition to CDC for the different equivalence ratios examined for
the transition to distributed combustion conditions. OH∗ chemilumines- both the liquid fuels examined. On the other hand, there was no clear
cence imaging showed a significant reduction in signal intensity with trend for CO emissions once distributed combustion was achieved. For
oxygen concentration reduction along with the disappearance of the JP-8, CO emissions remained relatively high, averaging around
traditional swirl lobes associated with swirl combustion. Transition to

A.E.E. Khalil, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 211 (2018) 513–522

JP-8, Phi=0.9 JP-8, Phi=0.7 Ethanol, Phi=0.9 Ethanol , Phi=0.7 Fig. 12. CO emission for JP-8 and ethanol at equiva-
1000 lence ratios of 0.9 and 0.7 for the different oxygen
CO emission corrected to 15% O2 [PPM]

concentration examined.



8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Oxygen Concentration [%]

Methane Propane Hydrogen Enriched Methane JP8 Ethanol Fig. 13. Oxygen concentration at transition to dis-
15 tributed combustion for mixture temperatures and
fuels examined.
Oxygen at Transition to CDC [%]






300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Mixture Temperature [K]

200 PPM regardless of the oxygen concentration at an equivalence ratio References

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