Roman Theatre Era

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An immersive theatrical
experience where you will be
assigned a stock character at
random from one of three
famous Roman plays and will
have the opportunity to perform THE ROMAN ERA 1. Adulescens AKA hero AKA young
in them! See the next page for “Roads? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads.”
straight lover (M)
more information on each show! Prepare for landing as we travel back in time to the 2. Virgo AKA girl next door AKA
Roman era with gladiator battles, nude miming young straight lover (F)
prostitutes, and so many other forms of
entertainment. Theatre in the Roman days surged 3. Meretrix AKA prostitute AKA sex

COORDINATORS following the desolation of an extensive plague,

spawning the creation of theatrical games in an
4. Senex AKA father/old man AKA
attempt to help appease the gods. These games
bumbling grandpa
REESE ABRAHAMOFF eventually evolved into dances and performances
set to music and soon enough, the Ludi Romani, a 5. Servus AKA wily slave AKA
theatre festival honoring the Roman God Jupiter,
DENNIS DAVIS was born. This soon evolved into the Ludi Scaenici
tricky/clever slave
once plays started to be performed at the festival. 6. Leno AKA pimp AKA toxic
IDANNYS SUAREZ With Roman comedies and tragedies, several masculinity vibes
famous playwrights have emerged from this era
LANCE LABONTE including Plautus, Terence, and Seneca, having
7. Miles Gloriousus AKA bragging
significantly impacted Roman theatre as a whole, soldier AKA protein shake bro
JOSEPH GANS setting a standard for the development of the craft
8. Parasite AKA slave/servant AKA
for years to come.
greedy slave
Written by: William Written by: Lucius Written by: Titus
Shakespeare Annaeus Seneca Maccius Plautus
The story of Othello consists of a general who’s a The story of Atreus and Thyestes is solely While his family is off on vacation in Egypt, Philolaches
part of the Venetian military. Othello marries a depicted upon two brothers who grew up with remains home in Athens wasting his father's,
woman by the name of Desdemona. Othello Pelops and Hippodamia as their parents, but Theopropides, money on drinking, food, parties, etc.
woos her through his tales of war and adventure. instead of being brothers in harmony, they Additionally, he borrows a large sum of money in
became their own archenemy. When they grew order to free his love interest, Philematium, from
After solidifying his position as general, a man by
up, Atreus married the daughter of the king of slavery. This already demonstrates the power
name of Iago becomes infuriated because he was
Mycenae, and Thyestes grew jealous of his dynamics between classes, specifically slaves, masters,
passed over as Lieutenant. The position was and women who are free. In a scene between
brother's success. One day, Atreus decided to
given to a young man by the name of Cassio. Philematium and Scapha, her slave woman,
sacrifice his best lamb to the goddess Artemis,
After growing envious, Iago vows to get his Philematium confesses her undeniable love for
in which later on he found a lamb with a
revenge against Othello. Iago does this by Golden Fleece. Atreus killed the lamb, but he Philolaches to which Scapha responds harshly
manipulating Rodrigo, asking him to start a fight kept the Golden Fleece in a box instead of insinuating that she should find another option in
with Cassio. After having Cassio’s reputation case he prefers someone else. During this,
sacrificing it to Artemis. But Artreus' wife,
tarnished, Iago tries to be reinstated. With getting Philolaches spies on them, suggesting that he will
Aerope, was secretly involved with Thyestes.
closer to Othello, Iago convinces Othello that punish Scapha if she continues talking poorly about
Aerope stole the Golden Fleece for him and
him and will reward her when spoken highly of. Again,
Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. Iago Thyestes made a bet with Atreus: whoever has
this power dynamic between men and women is
solidifies this plot by using the handkerchief the Golden Fleece can be king. Atreus thought
extremely present. He soon has a large party at his
Othello gave Desdemona as evidence for his he had the fleece, so he agreed to the bet.
house, unaware that his father has returned. Tranio,
claim. Othello is eventually convinced and However, Thyestes had the fleece, and this Theopropides's slave, collects everyone inside the
enraged which results in the killing of resulted in him becoming king. Atreus house and uses the power of deception to convince
Desdemona. After speaking to Emilia and coming becomes very angry, making his own bet with Theopropides that the house is haunted, Philolaches
to the conclusion that Iago has been lying this Thyestes, allowing him to win the thrown back. is not home, and he should not enter, hoping to cover
Eventually, Atreus invited Thyestes and his two for Philolaches. However, at this time, a money-lender
entire time, Othello becomes enraged with
sons over as an act of friendship. The boys whom Philolaches owes money to arrives and Tranio
himself, eventually taking away his own life. This
were sent off to play, while the men spoke in convinces Theopropides that his son has borrowed
story displays the idea of power through the art
private. Dinner was later served with the money to buy another house, specifically from his
of deception. When men grow envious of one
addition of dessert. After lifting the lid for neighbor Simo. He manages to tour Simo's house
another, they begin to plot so that they can desert, Thyestes came to the realization that when he notices two slaves knocking on the door of
simply replace each other for the position of both of his son's heads had been chopped off. his real house. He questions them and the truth of
power. Iago was clearly envious of Othello’s This story is a clear depiction of power due to the party is revealed. All is forgiven when a friend of
position, and he was willing to do whatever he the constant dynamics between both brothers Philolaches repays the debt that is owed and
had to do in order to dethrone him. consisting of rivalry and competition. harmony is restored between father and son as well
as the slave.

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