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SEC 6.

Practice Sheet 1
By: Prof. Harshit Chokhani
To Learn: Introduction to DBMS Package – Table, Query, Form and Report

Q1. A Hospital maintains database of its patient whosoever visited the hospital. The database
consists of two tables that have been described below:
Description Date Type Field Size or
Identification Number of Patient (Primary Text 10
First Name Text 20
Last Name Text 20
Address Memo
Date of Birth Date/Time
Contact Number Number Double

Description Data Type Field Size or
Identification Number of Patient (Foreign Text 10
Name of Disease Text
Date of Admit Date/Time
Consulting Doctor Name Text
Date of Discharge Date/Time
Total Bill of Patient Number

1.Create a database named as “CARE HOSPITAL” that contains above table with referential
integrity constraints and atleast 4 records in each table.
2.Establish and implement referential integrity between fields of tables.
3.Incorporate a constraint to specify that the total bill of the patient does not exceed Rs 150000.
4.Generate a query that retrieves Identification Number of Patient, First Name of Patient, Name
of Disease and the Consulting Doctor Name.
5.Create a report based on the above query.
6.Make a form to enter records in both the tables.

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