2024 A Prophetic Word2

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The Holy Spirit has put all of this into my spirit.

He wants His people to be prepared for 2024 and

beyond. And this coming year (2024) will be
glorious for those genuinely in Christ. I say
genuinely, but the Lord is separating the wheat
from the tare within His house. He is restoring His
house unto what it originally was in the book of

A few months ago, the Spirit of God spoke to my

heart and said 2024 will be the year of order. The
Lord said, "I am restoring order back into my
people's lives."

I had been seeing the repeating number 1212

leading up to this word.

There was a period when it was so frequent that it

led me to research the biblical meaning of 12 finally,
and I learned that 12 is a governmental number and
a number signifying God's order.

@thegavindees 2
I knew in my spirit the Lord was bringing order back
to His children's lives. And that the Lord was
confirming His word to me.

I also learned during this time that we are in the

year 5784 in the Hebrew calendar. And the word
over this Hebrew year is "The Year of the Open

2024 will be a year of God opening a door that no

one can shut! And closing doors, no one can open.

“I will give him the key to the house of David—the

highest position in the royal court. When he opens
doors, no one will be able to close them; when he
closes doors, no one will be able to open them. He
will bring honor to his family name, for I will drive
him firmly in place like a nail in the wall. They will
give him great responsibility, and he will bring
honor to even the lowliest members of his family.””
Isaiah 22:22-24 NLT

@thegavindees 3
He is driving you into a firm place. Like a nail in the wall!
You are being released into a new level of authority that
will only come from the Lord. He is establishing you
within your priestly identity as a son and daughter of

The Father is restoring His authority into your life, and

your only job is returning home.

And the way to do that is by giving your life to Christ and

receiving the new life He bought for you on the cross of

And for some of you, this means allowing the Lord to

lead you to a church or space that passionately seeks
the Lord's presence!

If you've been a Christian for years, this means

returning home to your first love with the Lord and
beginning to seek Him in that secret place again! It's
time to abide in His presence and allow Him to restore

The way we access God's provision and protection is

by abiding. This is why the Lord says, "Draw near to
Me, and I will draw near to you."

@thegavindees 5
His blood was spilled for you and me, and He longs for
you to step into His loving arms again! Allow Him to
restore your heart unto wholeness. He is ready to bind
up your broken heart.

As I began to look back on 2023, I sensed the Lord

was shaking loose everything in our lives that didn't
belong any longer. He was removing everything that
was hurting us.

Something big is coming in the future, and the Lord is

preparing us for it. And ultimately, He is leading and
preparing us for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Which is why anything that could be shaken was

shaken during 2023. He was showing us that much of
what we were building our life on top of was sinking

Also, 2023 was a year of God making us responsive to

His voice again! Praise the Lord for that!

I want you to know if you are reading this, that the

Lord sees you and has not forgotten you. He hasn't
left you. He is getting ready to restore the years that
the locusts have eaten.

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I pray you are hearing His heart for you in this, and I
pray you are beginning to see 2023 for what it was.
The Lord didn't cause the loss or the death. But He is
the only one who can restore it and work it together
for your good!

For many of us, this heaviness we've been facing isn't

only spiritual warfare or a demonic attack. It was also
the Lord's hand of correction in your life.

"The pain never let up, for your hand of conviction was
heavy on my heart. My strength was sapped, and my
inner life dried up like a spiritual drought within my
soul. Pause in his presence."
Psalms 32:4 TPT

The heaviness and tiredness were coming from His

hand of conviction. Many of us (including myself) have
been in seasons and places God never called us to.
And it's time to come home.

He has been calling you home, which is why life hasn't

been going the way you've wanted it to go. It was for
your protection. The desires you desperately wanted
to work in these previous seasons didn't work because
the Lord loves you.

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As you move into 2024, you will begin to praise Him
for those doors that He never opened!

Before sharing what the Lord shared with me for 2024,

I want to highlight that the Lord isn't tied to working
only during a particular year. These words are not
"bound" to 2024. He is not bound by time. He is

But I woke up one night and heard the Lord speak

about Psalms 102. I just heard "Psalm 102, Psalm 102,
Psalm 102."

While sleeping, he implanted this passage into my

mind, woke me up, and told me to read it. It felt like
the Lord was telling me exactly what He would do for
His children.

He is highlighting this passage to me; it's a

foundational scripture to stand on for 2024. Also, this
was highlighted to me within the Passion Translation,
and many of these prophetic words below come
directly from scripture within that specific translation.

As the Lord led me to read this passage after waking

up, the opening header says, "From Tears to Praise.“

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I knew instantly that this was the Lord. If we look back
at 2023 and could only describe it with one word, That
word would be… Tears.

As you read this Psalm for yourself. You will begin to

sense you are not alone in those tears. This Psalms
starts from a place of deep grief and ends with the
Psalmist remembering the Lord and declaring what
the Lord will do!

I hear the Lord saying as I write this, "I am turning

those tears into praise for my people!" And praise the
Lord for that!

The night the Lord woke me. Each of these words

poured out of my spirit. They just poured out!

I pray you take these back to your walk with the Lord.
We are all in different seasons, and not all words apply
to everyone.

But this will confirm to many what the Lord has been
speaking to you about in your life.

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So, without further ado, here is what the Lord
whispered to my heart about the beginnings that
will start taking place in 2024.

@thegavindees 12

Prophetic promises will be fulfilled.

Many words spoken over your life will begin to
come to pass. You will start to experience many
full-circle moments. You will begin to see the
Lord fulfill His word to you.

New families will start.

Marriages will happen
Married couples will begin to have children.

New connections and relationships will begin

to form.
The Lord is bringing us into a place of intimacy
with other people within the body of Christ. And
this will include many single people finding their

Deep friendships will begin to start taking shape


@thegavindees 13
Children will be had (including many Rainbow
I saw a vision of a rainbow over God's people this
year. Representing God's beauty and holiness
coming back to your life. It represents

Tears will be wiped away.

Like He did for Joseph, the Lord will make you
fruitful in the land of your grief.

It will be an appointed time for many believers.

Appointed times represent God's authority being
placed onto your life. Appointed times represent
acceleration taking place over your life.

@thegavindees 14
New foundations will be laid.
God is re-creating His people from the ground
up. He is laying a new foundation. One that
cannot be shaken.

"Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows

it is wise, like a person who builds a house on
solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents,
the floodwaters rise, and the winds beat against
that house, it won't collapse because it is built
on bedrock." Matthew 7:24-25 NLT

This will include new land and homes for many of

God's people worldwide.

Prodigals will begin coming home in droves.

Many have been hearing the call but will finally
begin to surrender to it.

Their life apart from God will become too heavy

of a burden to carry anymore.

@thegavindees 15
Many people will be led to new
Jeremiah 23 (God's judgment is coming to His
house. He is separating the wheat from the tare.
He is revealing the "bride" from the church." He is
dealing with a Lukewarm house that has begun
to trust in worldly things rather than the Lord
Himself. (Revelation 3)

The Lord is gathering His remnants and sending

them to safe shepherds who will feed them.

The fame of Jesus will begin to spread at an

accelerated rate in the most unlikely places
and within the most unlikely people.
As darkness covers the earth, so shall the glory
of the Lord rise upon us. The Glory of the Lord is
Jesus being seen and known. Many will begin to
awaken to Jesus.

"And I will do this when I am lifted up off the

ground and when I draw the hearts of people to
gather them to me." John 12:32 TPT

@thegavindees 16
New names will be given.
This will be an Abram to Abraham-moment for
many. This will be a Jacob-to-Israel moment.

This wrestling season will have you coming out

with a new name from the Lord.

A new name represents a new function within

the Kingdom of God.

A new name represents a new assignment. You

will released into new assignments during 2024.

@thegavindees 16
I've never released anything of this magnitude
prophetically before. I am new to the prophetic,
but I'm learning to be like Jeremiah when the
Lord said,"

"O Sovereign Lord," I said, "I can't speak for you!

I'm too young!" The Lord replied, "Don't say, 'I'm
too young,' for you must go wherever I send you
and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid
of the people, for I will be with you and will
protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Then the
Lord reached out and touched my mouth and
said, "Look, I have put my words in your mouth!"
Jeremiah 1:6-9 NLT

And I've sought the Lord and, to the best of my

ability, shared what I believe the Lord has shared
with me.

@thegavindees 17
I pray this blesses you and your family and
encourages your heart to draw closer to the Lord
like never before. 2024 and beyond will be unlike
anything we've ever been a part of; the only solid
ground is Christ. The whole point of all of these
words is to know Him.

At the end of all time, the only thing that will

matter will be knowing Him. And every prophecy
is to lead us to know Him even more. The words.
The gifts. The miracles. The breakthroughs.

All of it.

It's so we can know Him more intimately.

@thegavindees 18
And to the person who made it this part. I bless
you in the name of our Lord Jesus. He is on your
side and ready for all of you. He is prepared to
pour out His love on you and your family, and all
you have to do is open the door and, like Mary,
prioritize sitting at His feet. And let Him do the

2024 is going to be an abundant year for us. And

the only thing you need to do is stay close to
Him and fellow believers and watch what the
Lord will do.

I cannot wait to see all the Lord will do in your


I love you more than you know.


@thegavindees 19
PS: If you feel led, I encourage you to sow a seed.
Connect a seed to what the Lord has spoken to
you. (please DO NOT give if the Lord isn’t
leading you to)

I am not manipulating anyone to give. But people

have asked to sow, and I want to be obedient to
allow God’s people to sow into this ministry.

God bless you!

All the ways to sow are found below.

1. https://cash.app/$GavinDees
2. https://venmo.com/u/Gavin-Dees-5
4. Zelle: thegavindees@gmail.com

@thegavindees 19

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