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Tutorial 02: Dynamics & Vibrations (UME 513)

Turning Moment Diagram and Flywheel

1. Turning moment diagram for the petrol engine is drawn to vertical scale of 1 mm = 500 Nm and a
horizontal scale of 1 mm = 3°. Turning moment diagram repeats itself after every half revolution
of the crank shaft. The areas above and below the mean torque line are 260, –580, 80, –380, 870, –
250 mm2. The rotating parts have a mass of 55 kg and radius of gyration 2.1 m. The engine speed
is 1600 rpm, determine the coefficient of fluctuation of speed. (Ans: 0.34%)

2. The turning moment diagram of a four stroke engine is assumed to be represented by four
triangles, whose areas from the line of zero pressure are: suction stroke 440, compression stroke
1600, and expansion stroke 7200, exhaust stroke 660 mm2. Each mm2 represents 3 Nm of energy.
If the resistant torque is uniform, determine the mass of the rim of the flywheel to keep the speed
between 218 and 222 rpm. Mean radii of the rim is to be 1.25 m. (Ans: 1217.4 kg)

3. Turning moment diagram for a multi cylinder engine has been drawn to a vertical scale of 1 mm –
650 Nm. And horizontal scale of 1 mm = 4.5°. The area above and below mean torque line are –
28, 380, –260, 310, –300, 242, –380, 265 and –229 mm2. The fluctuation of speed is limited to
±1.8% of the mean speed of 400 rpm. The density of the rim material is 7000 kg/m3 and width of
the rim is 4.5 times of the thickness of the rim. The stress in rim of the flywheel is limited to 6
N/mm2. Neglecting the effect of the boss and arms, determine the diameter and cross section of the
flywheel rim. (Ans: d=1.398m, t= 51.2 mm, b=230.3 mm)

4. A punching machine carries out 6 holes per minute. Each hole of 40 mm diameter and thickness of
the plate is 35 mm. The energy required for shearing per unit area is 8 Nm/mm2. The punch has a
stroke length of 95 mm. Find the power of the motor required if the mean speed of the flywheel is
20 m/s. Also determine the mass of the flywheel if maximum fluctuation in the speed is 3%. (Ans:
Pm=3.5186kW; m=2392kg)

5. The variation in mean torque of steam engine running at 150 rpm in terms of area is given as: 450,
–200, 230, –370, 180, –350, 230, –210 mm2. The scale of the turning moment is 1 mm = 450 Nm.
And for crank rotation 1 mm = 5°. The fluctuation of speed is 1.5% of the mean speed. Determine
the cross section of the rim of the flywheel. The width of the flywheel is 1.5 times of the thickness
of the flywheel. The density of the material and allowable stress is 7500 kg/m3 and 3 N/mm2.

6. A constant torque of motor of 2.5 kW drives a riveting machine. The mass of the rotating parts
including the flywheel is 125 kg and radii of gyration is 700 mm. One riveting operation absorbs
10 kJ energy and takes one second. Speed of the flywheel before riveting is 240 rpm. Calculate: (i)
Number of rivets closed per hour (ii) Reduction in speed after the riveting operation.

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