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1. You can rely upon his discretion, ..................

1. won’t you?

2. can you?

3. isn’t it?

4. can’t you?

2. The success of this mission will depend on the integrity of the employees, ...........................

1. won’t he?

2. shan’t it?

3. Will it?

4. won’t it?

3. The old man isn’t fit to work, ......................

1. is he?

2. wasn’t he?

3. isn’t he?

4. isn’t it?

4. Harish was found working at his desk, ..................

1. was he?

2. wasn’t he?

3. isn’t he?
4. is he?

5. The messenger arrived with news of the disaster, ................

1. wasn’t he?

2. doesn’t he?

3. didn’t he?

4. didn’t it?

6. They’ve been studying English for three years, ,...............

1. hadn’t they?

2. aren’t they?

3. weren’t they?

4. haven’t they?

7. The milk tastes sour.........................

1. don’t it?

2. didn’t it?

3. doesn’t it?

4. isn’t it?

8.My sister has never had a holiday...................

1. hasn’t she?

2. had she?

3. hadn’t she?

4. has she?

9. You must never abuse your superiors............................

1. must you?

2. mustn’t you?

3. do you?

4. don’t you?

10. Come in........................

1. shall we?

2. won’t you?

3. aren’t you?

4. None of the above

11. The Ramon Magsaysay Award has been cancelled thrice in six decades, ..................

1. has They?

2. have they?

3. hasn’t it?

4. isn’t it?

12. Magsaysay became the president of Philippines in 1953, ........

1. doesn’t he?

2. didn’t he?

3. isn’t he?

4. wasn’t he?

13. Let’s reach the destination, .....................

1. shan’t I?

2. won’t I?

3. will you?

4. shall we?

14. Ramesh’s father’s going to buy him a laptop, ..................

1. hasn’t he?

2. wasn’t he?

3. has he?

4. isn’t he?

15. Children go to school to learn things, .....................

1. do they?
2. don’t they?

3. does he?

4. aren’t they?

16. We’ve had no trouble so far, ...............

1. have we?

2. haven’t we?

3. had we?

4. hadn’t we?

17. I have my hair cut once a month.............

1. haven’t I?

2. have I?

3. don’t I?

4. doesn’t I?

18. I’m completely perplexed, .....................

1. aren’t I?

2. am I?

3. amn’t I?

4. are I?

19. Mary has blue eyes...............

1. hasn’t she?

2. doesn’t she?

3. has she?

4. does she?

20. Rani has got long hair.............

1. didn’t she?

2. has she?

3. doesn’t she?

4. hasn’t she?

21. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. There’s a fly in your soup, is it?

2. There’s a fly in your soup, isn’t it?

3. There’s a fly in your soup, isn’t there?

4. There’s fly in your soup, hasn’t there?

22. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. I think he’s from Avanigadda, doesn’t he?

2. I think he’s from Avanigadda, don’t I?

3. I think he’s from Avanigadda, isn’t he?

4. I think he’s from Avanigadda, do I?

23. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. Don’t let the dog out, do you?

2. Don’t let the dog out, will you?

3. Don’t let the dog out, won’t you?

4. Don’t let the dog out, don’t you?

24. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. Let’s say no to racism, aren’t we?

2. Let’s say no to racism, isn’t it?

3. Let’s say no to racism, shall we?

4. All are correct

25. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. Pass me the sugar, aren’t I?

2.Pass me the sugar, aren’t you?

3. Pass me the sugar, won’t you?

4. All are correct

26. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. The sun won’t shine tomorrow, will it?

2. The sun won’t shine tomorrow, will she?

3. The sun won’t shine tomorrow, won’t it?

4. None of the above

27. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. We had better leave, hadn’t we?

2. We had better leave, haven’t we?

3. We had better leave, weren’t we?

4. None of the above

28. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. We must be at school at 8 o’clock, aren’t we?

2. We must be at school at 8 o’clock, mustn’t we?

3. We must be at school at 8 o’clock, needn’t we?

4. We must be at school at 8 o’ clock, isn’t it?

29. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. The performance was fantastic, isn’t it?

2. The performance was fantastic, was it?

3.The performance was fantastic, wasn’t it?

4. None of the above

30. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

1. They used to live in Madras, aren’t they?

2. They used to live in Madras, didn’t they?

3. They used to live in Madras, don’t they?

4. All are correct

Choose the correct beginnings of the sentences.

31. ....................., can’t he?

1.Suneel can speak English fluently,

2.My brother can’t sing,

3. She can’t read,

4. Mohan will read,

32. ............, haven’t we?

1. They haven’t seen this film

2. We’ve seen this film

3. We haven’t seen this film

4.They saw the film

33. .................., doesn’t she?

1. Martin plays volleyball

2. Rani doesn’t play volleyball

3. Rani plays volleyball

4. She read a novel

34 . ..............., wasn’t he?

1. Mrs Sara. was English

2. Mark Twain wasn’t English

3. Shakespeare was English

4. None of the above

35. ..............,isn’t it?

1. It’s not your pet

2. It’s very hot in the Sahara

3. This isn’t Mahesh

4. None of the above

36, ........................., could she?

1. Lalita couldn’t sing well

2. Lalita could sing well

3. He couldn’t sing well

4. None of the above

37,................ aren’t they?

1. Suresh and Ram are from London

2. Suresh and John are not from London

3 Mohini is from London

4. Rita is from India

38. ....................................isn’t there?

1. It’s raining cats and dogs now

2. There’s nothing left

3. They’re from India

4. There is something

39. .............................................. aren’t I?

1. I’m your English teacher

2. He’s your English teacher

3. You are my English teacher

4. She is my English teacher

40. .............................................., weren’t there?

1. There were lots of people at the carnival

2. There are lots of people at the carnival

3. People are at the carnival

4. None of the above

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