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Name: Date:

Class: Topic:

Mineral ions are an important component of a healthy diet.
Describe how the other components of the diet are important in
keeping us healthy. In your answer, you should refer to the
different components and why we need each component.
Keywords to include: 1 Full sentences, not bullet points.
2 Correct spellings, including
3 Answers all aspects of the
question in full
4 All grammar appropriately used.
5 Correct scientific terminology
6 Sufficient detail provided.


D-E grade B-C grade A-A* grade

(1-2 marks) (3-4 marks) (5-6 marks)
Some description given, which Simple description, which Detailed description included,
does not address all of the covers most areas of the which addresses all areas of
question. An attempt is made to question. Some scientific the question. Uses scientific
use scientific terminology, but terminology is used accurately; terminology with clarity. No
this may be ineffective few conceptual errors in conceptual errors in evidence.

Answer Review and Improve

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Mark: /6 Quality of Written Mark: /6 Teacher comment:

Science Feedback Communication Feedback:
All Science feedback
acted upon
All QWC feedback
acted on

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