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Dear Hiring Manager

Hi, I'm Yahir Villanueva, and I'm a senior at El Capitan High right now. In June 2024, I will
receive my high school diploma.Along with being moderately crowded, my school boasts a
diverse student body representing every conceivable ethnicity.My ideal college experience
would be to attend Merced College, in the near future. I'm still uncertain if I should pursue a
bachelor's or associate's degree. I'm interested in majoring in criminal justice or criminology.
This major will help me pursue a career in law enforcement.

One particular problem or event that shaped me was my unwillingness to pursue an education.
When I was young around freshman year of high school, I really struggled to want to learn and
pursue my education.I was receiving very low percentages in the majority of my classes. My
grades were mostly, if not entirely, F's. It was made ten times harder by the fact that school was
conducted virtually. For me, school was a daily struggle and a very tough subject.

I overcame this problem not only because I realized how important education is, but also
because I knew how disappointed my parents would be. My parents' disappointment inspired
me in a way that I had never felt before. This altered my perspective on education and made me
realize that I would follow different paths in life if I didn't modify the way I thought about the
future.Following these epiphanies, I attended summer school and corrected my grades to put
myself on track to graduate. This issue also improved me as a person because I started to take
my education more seriously. I'm currently on track to graduate from high school and enroll in
Merced College to further my career.

In conclusion, until I get where I'm going, I will always cherish and give my education top
priority. I promise to work hard and persevere until I meet my academic and professional
objectives. I wasn't sure of my abilities back then, but I now know that the knowledge I've
acquired will enable me to get through any challenges I face in the future. I might not have had
the confidence to write this cover letter if it weren't for the moment in time when I realized how
important and worthwhile my education is.

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