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Release Notes - Volvo Truck Navigation 1.28.

Release Configuration
Overview of All Issues Released in VTN 1.28.0
Issue Resolutions

Release Configuration
This software release was built and tested using the following configuration. It shows reference hardware and software as well as components
used for verification. You can find further information on which Customer Requirements are used in the megatel Baseline Document
(2202002-BL-001) which is provided with every major release as part of the corresponding documentation delivery.

All valid Customer Requirements Specifications are referenced in the megatel Deviation Matrix (2202002-LI-077). This matrix lists to which
Customer Requirements megatel is partly compliant or not compliant. All Customer Requirements to which megatel is full compliant are not listed
in this matrix. The valid issue of the Deviation Matrix for this release is: 2202002-LI-077_VTN - Deviation Matrix_i08r00.

Reference TESP Hardware Revision TESP 8GB (15131073)

Reference TESP Hardware in the Continuous Integration Environment (8 GB) TESP 8GB (15131061)

Reference BSP Version 0.5.13

Reference Bootloader Version 0.5.13

VTN Application Build 8644

VTN Part Number 22792458.P01

VTN Application TESP SDK Version 0.5.13

CoPilot 8 Kernel Version

CoPilot Part Number 22761569.P01

CoPilot 8 Map Data Version GRD_NT.EU-Europe-3.2015.

TAT Cascades Version 3.8.9

Overview of All Issues Released in VTN 1.28.0

T Key Summary Status Resolution

VTN-7519 Update Version to 1.28.0 RESOLVED Fixed

VTN-7518 Release 1.25.0-EU with disclaimer functionality RESOLVED Fixed

2 issues

Issue Resolutions
This table gives an overview of the resolutions that the issues will get once they are released.

Fixed A fix for this issue is checked into the source tree and has been tested successfully.

Won't Fix The problem described is an issue which will not be fixed.

Duplicate The problem is a duplicate of an existing issue.

Incomplete The problem is not described sufficiently.

Cannot Reproduce All attempts at reproducing this issue failed. Reading the code produces no clues as to why this behavior would occur.

Timeout An issue is resolved because it has not seen progress for a certain amount of time.

Answered An answer to the question has been given.

Transferred Issue is transferred or split into another issue which should be related to the original issue.

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