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⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

The First Hunter

디다트, D-Dart

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

Gen­er­ated by Light­novel Crawler

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

The First Hunter c1-162

1. Vol­ume 1
1. Chap­ter 1
2. Chap­ter 2
3. Chap­ter 3
4. Chap­ter 4
5. Chap­ter 5
6. Chap­ter 6
7. Chap­ter 7
8. Chap­ter 8
9. Chap­ter 9
10. Chap­ter 10
11. Chap­ter 11
12. Chap­ter 12
13. Chap­ter 13
14. Chap­ter 14
15. Chap­ter 15
16. Chap­ter 16
17. Chap­ter 17
18. Chap­ter 18
19. Chap­ter 19
20. Chap­ter 20
21. Chap­ter 21
22. Chap­ter 22
23. Chap­ter 23
24. Chap­ter 24
25. Chap­ter 25
26. Chap­ter 26
27. Chap­ter 27
28. Chap­ter 28
29. Chap­ter 29
30. Chap­ter 30
31. Chap­ter 31
32. Chap­ter 32
33. Chap­ter 33

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

34. Chap­ter 34
35. Chap­ter 35
36. Chap­ter 36
37. Chap­ter 37
38. Chap­ter 38
39. Chap­ter 39
40. Chap­ter 40
41. Chap­ter 41
42. Chap­ter 42
43. Chap­ter 43
44. Chap­ter 44
45. Chap­ter 45
46. Chap­ter 46
47. Chap­ter 47
48. Chap­ter 48
49. Chap­ter 49
50. Chap­ter 50
51. Chap­ter 51
52. Chap­ter 52
53. Chap­ter 53
54. Chap­ter 54
55. Chap­ter 55
56. Chap­ter 56
57. Chap­ter 57
58. Chap­ter 58
59. Chap­ter 59
60. Chap­ter 60
61. Chap­ter 61
62. Chap­ter 62
63. Chap­ter 63
64. Chap­ter 64
65. Chap­ter 65
66. Chap­ter 66
67. Chap­ter 67
68. Chap­ter 68
69. Chap­ter 69
70. Chap­ter 70

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

71. Chap­ter 71
72. Chap­ter 72
73. Chap­ter 73
74. Chap­ter 74
75. Chap­ter 75
76. Chap­ter 76
77. Chap­ter 77
78. Chap­ter 78
79. Chap­ter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I
80. Chap­ter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii
81. Chap­ter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii
82. Chap­ter 82
83. Chap­ter 83
84. Chap­ter 84
85. Chap­ter 85 - A Time-Lim­ited Life, Part I
86. Chap­ter 86 - A Time-Lim­ited Life, Part Ii
87. Chap­ter 87 - Hunt­ing For Snakes, Part I
88. Chap­ter 88 - Hunt­ing For Snakes, Part Ii
89. Chap­ter 89 - Hunt­ing For Snakes, Part Iii
90. Chap­ter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I
91. Chap­ter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii
92. Chap­ter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii
93. Chap­ter 93 - Ré­sis­tance, Part I
94. Chap­ter 94 - Ré­sis­tance, Part Ii
95. Chap­ter 95 - Ré­sis­tance, Part Iii
96. Chap­ter 96 - Freezer, Part I
97. Chap­ter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii
98. Chap­ter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii
99. Chap­ter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv
100. Chap­ter 100 - Check List, Part I
2. Vol­ume 2
1. Chap­ter 101 - Check List, Part Ii
2. Chap­ter 102 - Any Room, Part I
3. Chap­ter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii
4. Chap­ter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii
5. Chap­ter 105 - A Hunter From A For­eign Coun­try, Part I
6. Chap­ter 106 - A Hunter From A For­eign Coun­try, Part Ii

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

7. Chap­ter 107 - A Hunter From A For­eign Coun­try, Part Iii

8. Chap­ter 108 - Tro­jan Horse, Part I
9. Chap­ter 109 - Tro­jan Horse, Part Ii
10. Chap­ter 110 - Tro­jan Horse, Part Iii
11. Chap­ter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I
12. Chap­ter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii
13. Chap­ter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii
14. Chap­ter 114 - The World Af­ter Death, Part I
15. Chap­ter 115 - The World Af­ter Death, Part Ii
16. Chap­ter 116 - The World Af­ter Death, Part Iii
17. Chap­ter 117 - Py­ongyang, Part I
18. Chap­ter 118 - Py­ongyang, Part Ii
19. Chap­ter 119 - Py­ongyang, Part Iii
20. Chap­ter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I
21. Chap­ter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii
22. Chap­ter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I
23. Chap­ter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii
24. Chap­ter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii
25. Chap­ter 125 - Judg­ment Day, Part I
26. Chap­ter 126 - Judg­ment Day, Part Ii
27. Chap­ter 127 - Mu­si­cal Chairs, Part I
28. Chap­ter 128 - Mu­si­cal Chairs, Part Ii
29. Chap­ter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I
30. Chap­ter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii
31. Chap­ter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii
32. Chap­ter 132 - New Year, Part I
33. Chap­ter 133 - New Year, Part Ii
34. Chap­ter 134 - New Year, Part Iii
35. Chap­ter 135 - Light­ning Spear, Part I
36. Chap­ter 136 - Light­ning Spear, Part Ii
37. Chap­ter 137 - Light­ning Spear, Part Iii
38. Chap­ter 138 - The Vat­i­can, Part I
39. Chap­ter 139 - The Vat­i­can, Part Ii
40. Chap­ter 140 - The Gi­ants, Part I
41. Chap­ter 141 - The Gi­ants, Part Ii
42. Chap­ter 142 - The Gi­ants, Part Iii
43. Chap­ter 143 - Dis­as­ter, Part I

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — ⦘

44. Chap­ter 144 - Dis­as­ter, Part Ii

45. Chap­ter 145 - Dis­as­ter, Part Iii
46. Chap­ter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I
47. Chap­ter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii
48. Chap­ter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii
49. Chap­ter 149 - Ad­vent, Part I
50. Chap­ter 150 - Ad­vent, Part Ii
51. Chap­ter 151 - Ad­vent, Part Iii
52. Chap­ter 152 - Ad­vent, Part Iv
53. Chap­ter 153 - In Amer­ica, Part I
54. Chap­ter 154 - In Amer­ica, Part Ii
55. Chap­ter 155 - In Amer­ica, Part Iii
56. Chap­ter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I
57. Chap­ter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii
58. Chap­ter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii
59. Chap­ter 159 - Judge­ment Day, Part I
60. Chap­ter 160 - Judge­ment Day, Part Ii
61. Chap­ter 161 - Judge­ment Day, Part Iii
62. Chap­ter 162 (End) - Epi­logue

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Volume 1 ⦘

Vol­ume 1

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 1 ⦘

Chap­ter 1
The First Hunter Gen­res:

Ac­tion, Fan­tasy, Su­per­nat­u­ral, Ko­rean Au­thor: Di­dart

Sta­tus in the lan­guage of ori­gin: 163 episodes (Com­plete) Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED

BoxN Re­lease rate: 14 episodes per week!


The world changed, and so did the peo­ple.

On De­cem­ber 31st, 2016, the day be­fore New Year's, Kim Tae-hoon was
just ca­su­ally out shop­ping for gro­ceries at his lo­cal su­per­mar­ket, when
mon­sters sud­denly ap­peared out of thin air. With the skills gained from long
years, he started to hunt the mon­sters down and man­aged to win, sav­ing the
other peo­ple who were also at the store.

But there are more mon­sters, and they don't stop com­ing.

Will he be able to sur­vive un­til the end?

Will he be able to beat the count­less mon­sters, that only seem to get

And will it just be a mon­ster that he has to worry about?

The jour­ney of Kim Tae-hoon, The First Hunter, be­gins!


On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, mon­sters ap­peared si­mul­ta­ne­ously all over the


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 1 ⦘

On Jan­u­ary 1, 2017, I am still alive.


The First Hunter is a Ko­rean Munpia novel by Di­dart, com­pleted at 163

episodes, short by web stan­dards. The in­tended re­lease rate is two episodes
per day un­til fin­ished.

The story fol­lows a man with a murky back­ground, but ob­vi­ously an ex­pe­ri­‐
enced com­bat­ant, in the wake of the events above, his con­tin­u­ous im­prove­‐
ment over time, and the changes to the world and peo­ple around them as
they are forced to adapt to new lives.

The story starts out sparse on the prose, but im­proves with time.

---Khan, Trans­la­tor ---RED, Ed­i­tor

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

Chap­ter 2
Chap­ter 1. At a Large Su­per­mar­ket, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon had ex­pe­ri­enced the death of many peo­ple in his pro­fes­sion.
He had killed a lot, and at the same time was threat­ened with death by

There were a cou­ple of things he learned in such a ter­ri­ble life: how to die
eas­ily, and how to not die eas­ily. Of course, he never thought that he would
use what he had learned in his daily life.



He saw the green mon­ster for the first time in his life in the car goods cor­‐
ner on the first floor of the lo­cal su­per­mar­ket; it sud­denly at­tacked him. He
killed the mon­ster that at­tacked him, us­ing the meth­ods he had learned in
his pro­fes­sion.

'That's crazy!'

And that was how the story of the first hunter be­gan.


Kim Tae-hoon: this year, as of 2016, the 28-year-old man would be 29 years
old in just one day, and he vis­ited a large su­per­mar­ket next to Bucheon City
Hall on De­cem­ber 31, to buy washer fluid.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

'Washer fluid...'

The rea­son to drop by was re­ally noth­ing, like most peo­ple at a large su­per­‐
mar­ket. No one came to the mart to buy great things. Nat­u­rally, he was
look­ing around in the auto sec­tion.

But at some point, the hor­ri­ble shrieks "Kieee! Kieee!", the scream­ing
"Argh argh argh!", and the crash sounds "Bump! Bump!" started to burst
out in suc­ces­sion.

And when he re­sponded to the sound, he turned his head.

'Dwarf?', he thought.

It was a green-skinned mon­ster with a height of 140 cen­time­ters. The

skinny limbs and the pro­trud­ing belly re­minded him of a third world child
suf­fer­ing from mal­nu­tri­tion in hunger. But it did not bring out any sym­pa­‐

The mon­ster had teeth that looked fiercer than a dog, and the red eyes
seemed to have rot­ten blood. "Kieee!" It ran to­ward him, shriek­ing loudly.

He did not show any sym­pa­thy for such a mon­ster. He kicked the body of
the mon­ster that had charged to­ward him as he turned around. The green
mon­ster fell on the floor scream­ing, and he opened the lid of the washer
fluid he held and in­serted the noz­zle into the mon­ster's mouth. The washer
fluid en­tered the mon­ster's stom­ach and lungs, and he stepped on its chest to
pre­vent it from strug­gling.

"Whew!" 'That's crazy.'

And that was the be­gin­ning! By the time the light dis­ap­peared from the eyes
of the mon­ster un­der his feet, he looked around.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Like domi­noes, there was a deaf­en­ing roar as the racks

"Argh!" He heard the scream of a woman.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

"Kieee! Kieee!" He also heard the shriek, prob­ab­ ly from an­other green

The scene was clearly vis­i­ble to his eyes. 'Oh, my God.' It was a scene
where dozens of child-sized mon­sters sud­denly ap­peared, hunt­ing the vis­i­‐
tors to the large su­per­mar­ket.

"Argh, save me!"

"Mon­ster! Mon­ster!"

"Oh no, help me, please help me---"

In the face of this ab­surd sight, he was em­bar­rassed. He had seen hu­mans
hunt­ing hu­mans, but he had never seen mon­sters hunt­ing hu­mans.

"Shit!" What awak­ened his spirit was the sound of a young man wield­ing a
bat at the three green mon­sters which had sur­rounded him, wear­ing a Yan­‐
kees base­ball cap and a base­ball jumper in the sport­ing goods sec­tion.

"Get out! Get out of here, you bas­tards!" His voice was rough, but on the
con­trary, it was a strug­gle that Kim was fa­mil­iar with.

'It's not the time to be like this.'

"Whew!" Kim drew a short breath and im­me­di­ately looked around.

'First of all... let's sur­vive.'

Some­thing came into his eyes, and he started to move im­me­di­ately with­out

At 4:11 pm on De­cem­ber 31, 2016, the last day of 2016 started like that.


"God damn it!" Swish!

"God damn it!" Swish!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

"Get out! Get out of here, you mon­sters!" Swish!

Bang Hyun-wook had a height of 183 cen­time­ters and a weight of 90 kilo­‐

grams. He was a strong man, and he gave the loud­est scream he could
when­ever he swung a base­ball bat.

"Ah­hhh!" Swish!

His ac­tion was never wise. Mak­ing a sound while swing­ing a base­ball bat
with his mouth open was one of his bad habits, and he was well aware of
the fact. Due to the habit, he was pun­ished by his coach, a for­mer pro­fes­‐
sional base­ball player, and then recorded 77 home runs in the Ko­rean Base­‐
ball League. As a re­sult, his bad habits were no longer pun­ished by his

"You fuck­ing bas­tards, get out of here!" Swish!

Now it was here again.

"Ah­hhh, shit!" He was so em­bar­rassed.

"Where the fuck did these mon­sters come from? No, what the fuck is this?
What is it?"

In his ram­bling, words that should be swal­lowed in­side popped out of his

"Huck, Huck!" It was only his breath­ing that stopped more of the words
from com­ing out. It was a nat­u­ral re­sult be­cause he con­tin­u­ously shouted
while swing­ing the bat with full power.

If he found an­other rea­son, it would be to lie about run­ning ten laps of run­‐
ning train­ing on the play­ground af­ter seven laps, and then smok­ing a cig­a‐­
rette that an ath­lete did not have any busi­ness with it.

"Shit..." 'I should have not smoked and trained my­self harder...'

Of course, at this mo­ment, he started to feel re­gret for his lazy and in­sin­cere
ways. And he felt faint, even though he was still a young man. The re­gret

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

he had now is the one peo­ple of­ten have be­fore they die.

'Damn it, am I go­ing to die here? I can­not sur­vive against the mon­sters that
are in sight alone! As I saw a while ago, I will be like that man in his early
thir­ties who was scream­ing with his neck be­ing bit­ten by a mon­ster!'

"Get ahold of your­self!" It was not the weird cry of the mon­ster that awak­‐
ened him, but the clear voice.

"Yes?" He was sur­prised by the voice and turned his head in its di­rec­tion.

The green dwarfs did the same. "Kieee?" "Kieee?" "Kieee?"

Three mon­sters turned their heads in the di­rec­tion of the voice. Only two of
them could see the owner of the voice.

The rea­son for the third one was sim­ple: the bot­tom of the fry­ing pan,
which had not even been torn out of its wrap­ping pa­per, was fly­ing to­ward
its face.

Clank! The fry­ing pan hit its face.

Squeak! The mon­ster lost his two front teeth with­out even say­ing any­thing
and then fell back with a few more teeth fly­ing. Thump!

The sud­den ac­tion of a man who ap­peared did not stop there. The man
stretched his left arm out to­ward one of the two mon­sters.

Chi-i-ik! The paint spray in the man's left hand turned the mon­ster's red
eyes and face black at once.

"Kieee!" The mon­ster waved its arms through the air, scream­ing at the mys­‐
te­ri­ous at­tack, be­fore fall­ing on the floor.

Two of the three mon­sters were on the floor, and nat­u­rally, the one left was

"Kieee!" The re­main­ing one, which now had no nu­mer­i­cal ad­van­tage,

vented out at the man who had sud­denly ap­peared on, as loudly as it could,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

cry­ing out with a fe­ro­cious voice. This meant it was turn­ing its back on
Bang Hyun-wook, who it had been fight­ing.

"At­tack!" Bang im­me­di­ately moved when the man shouted. Once again, the
bat held in his hand di­vided the air.

Crack! And this time, he hit the mon­ster's tem­ple pre­cisely. The bat­ted
mon­ster did not even scream, it just shook and hit the floor! Af­ter fall­ing
down, it only trem­bled a lit­tle. Deep green blood flowed from its nos­trils.

"Urgh!" An odd sound burst out of Bang's mouth. It was a mix­ture of joy
when he killed the mon­ster which had tried to kill him, re­lief for the fact
that he was alive, and all kinds of re­sent­ment.

"I said I would kill you, you bas­tard! I said I would kill you!"

On the other hand, the man who had sud­denly ap­peared, un­like Bang,
calmly pro­ceeded to his next ac­tion.

"Kieee..." Out of the two mon­sters that fell, he sprayed the black paint spray
in his left hand into the face of the one which was wak­ing up af­ter the im­‐
pact of the fry­ing pan. Spray paint was so thick that it driz­zled as tears ran
down the face of the mon­ster.

"Kii, kieee!" The mon­ster be­gan to strug­gle, scream­ing at this un­known at­‐
tack. But the bony arms of the mon­ster which could not see any­thing only
flailed in the air and did not pose any threat.

The man stomped on the mon­ster's neck. The sound of a ver­te­bra crack­ing
fol­lowed. He stomped on it hard sev­eral times. His feet stopped af­ter the
mon­ster stopped scream­ing.

"There." Af­ter that, the man called Bang and pointed to one of the re­main­‐
ing mon­sters with his fin­gers.

"Yes?" Bang was em­bar­rassed for a mo­ment. Lit­er­ally, for a mo­ment.

"Oh, yes!" Bang re­al­ized the in­ten­tion of the man and be­gan to hit the last
re­main­ing mon­ster with a bat.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 2 ⦘

Crack! Be­ing ham­mered so hard, the green mon­ster screamed, twisted, and
crouched in front of a ruth­less at­tack. The three mon­sters could not even

The con­ver­sa­tion be­tween the two be­gan.

"What's your name?"

"Bang Hyun-wook, Bang Hyun-wook, my age is..."

"I'm Kim Tae-hoon. If you want to fol­low me, obey me un­con­di­tion­ally."

At this mo­ment, Bang was wor­ried for a while. 'Un­con­di­tion­ally? Obey?'

Lit­er­ally, for a mo­ment, his wor­ries were never long.

"Thud! Aaaargh! help me!" All kinds of noise, the sound of con­fu­sion that
he had never ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore, knocked on Bang's eardrums, and his
worry dis­ap­peared like melt­ing snow.

"I'll fol­low you."

"Get the base­ball bats, gloves, and bags, and fol­low me."

That was the end of their con­ver­sa­tion.

"Kaaah!" The ap­pear­ance of the mon­ster with the hor­ri­ble shriek, far more
fe­ro­cious than the cry of the dwarf mon­ster that he had heard so far, did not
al­low them any more time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 3 ⦘

Chap­ter 3
Chap­ter 1. At a Large Su­per­mar­ket, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED

"Kaaahh!" It was a real mon­ster.

The 190-cen­time­ter height, a mus­cu­lar body with a nar­row waist, and a

neck that was thicker than the waist of an adult woman were en­tirely com­‐
pat­i­ble with the word 'mon­ster'.

The most mon­strous part of all was its face. Its black­ened fangs, longer than
the fin­gers of an adult man, and pro­trud­ing through the thick lips of a very
ugly face, were shin­ing with hu­man blood and gore.

"Urgh!" Of course, the mon­ster was not some­thing that a nor­mal adult male,
now in his for­ties, who had only ex­er­cised play­ing golf on­line, would nor­‐
mally face and be will­ing to fight back. It was worth run­ning from!


Nev­er­the­less, the rea­son why the mid­dle-aged man, Park Jae-woon, blocked
the mon­ster with the hideous gray­ish-brown skin, was sim­ple.

"Honey, honey!"

"Aahhh, Dad! Dad!"

He was stand­ing in front of two women. His wife and daugh­ter were now
shed­ding tears full of de­spair and fear be­hind him. So, he wouldn't run in
front of them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 3 ⦘

'Damn it, damn it, damn it...!' The mo­ment he ran away, he would lose
some­thing more pre­cious than his life.

"Well, don't worry! I'll stop it! I'll stop it!"

That was why he made a res­o­lu­tion to stand against this mon­ster by us­ing
the ten­nis racket pur­chased to­day, as al­ways, for the diet that he had de­cided
to start on the first of the year.

Ev­ery­one could un­der­stand why he could not back down.

"Kaaahh!" Of course, the res­o­lu­tion had no mean­ing to the mon­ster in front

of him and his fam­ily. His res­o­lu­tion did not give any in­spi­ra­tion to the

At this mo­ment, in the mon­ster's eyes, they were just a bit of food to sat­isfy
its hunger.

"Krrr!" As soon as the imag­i­na­tion of the mon­ster reached the point where
it would fill its mouth with fresh meat, the mon­ster no longer cared. Then,
the mon­ster took a step to­wards him.

Poof! Poof! He wielded a ten­nis racket that he had never swung in his life at
the mon­ster.

"Aah­hhh!" His cry as he swung the ten­nis racket, was more like a scream
than a cry.

His fran­tic at­tempts did not do the slight­est dam­age to the body of the mon­‐
ster. But it didn't mean any­thing. Thanks to his at­tempts to at­tract the at­ten­‐
tion of the mon­ster, Bang Hyun-wook was able to ap­proach the mon­ster
with­out be­ing seen.

Bam! He hit the mon­ster's head with a bat. His at­tack was pow­er­ful.

"Argh!" He shouted out at the vi­bra­tion that fed back into his hands.

His hit was strong enough that or­di­nary peo­ple would have fallen over, their
skulls bro­ken.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 3 ⦘

"Kaaah!" How­ever, the mon­ster was not an or­di­nary per­son. Its thick neck
did not shake, and its hard skull was not cracked.

The strike just got it an­gry. So it turned around, opened its mouth wide to
the at­tack, and screamed.

"Kaaah!" Not just scream­ing, but the strong­est threat it could pose!


Fear, it was fear! The fear pinched his whole body at once.

'What, what...?' The feel­ing of an in­vis­i­ble chain tied all over him. He felt
like an in­vis­i­ble hand had grabbed his heart. The eerie feel­ing stopped him
from mov­ing, and the mon­ster did not hurry as it saw him freeze.

It stud­ied at him with its red eyes, and it saw the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the an­i­‐
mal that had at­tacked it. It was the look of a preda­tor look­ing at its prey.

'The heck!' He was scared and an­gry at the same time. 'You fuck­ing mon­‐

It was scary. But on the con­trary, the fact that he would be eaten alive while
be­ing treated like a prey made him an­gry be­yond his fear. The anger stim­u­‐
lated the power in his body.

The wrig­gling that started in his body rose like a foun­tain at once. It passed
through his chest, start­ing from his stom­ach, and shook off what was hold­‐
ing his heart and im­me­di­ately rose up his throat and burst out of his mouth.

"Ah­h­h­h­hhh!" Just like that, a scream came out of his mouth, a cry that
sounded sim­i­lar to what the mon­ster had just done a mo­ment ago.

He could feel a weird power in his body, and a strange warmth, sim­i­lar to
that of com­ing out of the sauna. His eyes also changed. They were now tin­‐
gling, with an odd haze around them.

"Kaaah?" It was at that mo­ment that the mon­ster stopped mov­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 3 ⦘

The ex­pres­sion of its eyes changed. They were not the eyes of a preda­tor
look­ing at its prey, but the eyes of a beast look­ing at a beast. As a beast was
in front of the beast, the mon­ster was wary now in front of Bang, and it fo­‐
cused all its at­ten­tion on him.

It was at that mo­ment that Kim Tae-hoon moved. He came in be­hind the
mon­ster who was wary at the threat in front of it. His pres­ence was so faint.

'Huh?' Even Park, who was able to watch Kim ap­proach­ing the mon­ster, did
not no­tice his ap­pear­ance and ex­is­tence un­til Kim wrapped its neck three
times with the fish­ing line, us­ing both hands be­hind the mon­ster's back. In
ad­di­tion, Kim's skill at wrap­ping the mon­ster's neck us­ing fish­ing line was
also very smooth.

It was by no means a lucky trick. It was a level of skill that could only be
demon­strated by those who had prac­ticed hun­dreds or thou­sands of times,
and who had ex­pe­ri­enced at least a hun­dred real fights.

The fish­ing line went taut when Kim, who was wear­ing base­ball gloves,
heaved back.

"Ugh ugh ugh!" The mon­ster be­gan to scratch its neck re­flex­ively, try­ing to
cut away the bind­ing on its neck. But the fish­ing line that was dig­ging in
was not eas­ily scratched or cut off with its short nails.

Above all, Kim did not even give a lit­tle chance to the mon­ster. He pulled
the line, and with his right foot hit the back of its right knee, and the back of
the ham­string.

The tree-like mon­ster was forced to kneel down af­ter the at­tack on the ham­‐
string, and as soon as the mon­ster put its knee on the floor, He pulled it

"Kuck!" The ceil­ing came into the eyes of the mon­ster, which made a gag­‐
ging sound.

"Do it!" Kim shouted, and the tin­gling with the haze around the eyes of
Bang dis­ap­peared like snow.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 3 ⦘

"Yes!" Bang car­ried out Kim's or­der. He took some­thing out of the bag on
his back. It was en­gine oil! He opened the lid quickly and im­me­di­ately put
the snout of the en­gine oil into the mon­ster's mouth.

At that mo­ment, Kim loos­ened the fish­ing line that he was yank­ing back.

The mon­ster, which was strug­gling to suck in more air to live, in­haled at
that mo­ment. "Kuck!" A mouth­ful of en­gine oil!

"Kuck! Kuck! Kuck!" The en­gine oil was im­me­di­ately sucked into its stom­‐
ach and lungs.

"Kuck!" At that mo­ment it felt a burst of dis­gust, burn­ing heart, and in­stinc­‐
tive sense of cri­sis. Of course, its in­stincts screamed at it to pull it out!

Kim's in­stincts also said, 'I'll never let you go.'

He pulled the line tight again so that the mon­ster could not spit any­thing
out. He was nat­u­rally faith­ful to his in­stincts, and the line was tight again,
and it be­gan to trem­ble as if its power to rebel had dis­ap­peared.

That's how time passed. One sec­ond piled up and be­came ten sec­onds, and
when the time reached a minute, the light van­ished from the mon­ster's eyes,
and there was no sign of any fur­ther move­ment.

"I think it's dead now." Bang's hand, which was guard­ing the mon­ster with a
base­ball bat, be­gan to re­lax.

But even in his words, the tight­ness of the fish­ing line that was hold­ing its
neck was not eased.

"Big brother? Big brother? I think it's dead now..." Bang nar­rowed the dis­‐
tance with Kim as if he thought that Kim did not hear his words. Of course,
the dis­tance to the mon­ster also nar­rowed. Bang sat with his butt on the
floor, and the dis­tance from the sag­ging mon­ster was nar­rowed enough to
touch one an­other when they reached out their arms.

"Kaaah!" It reached out with its hand and grabbed his neck as it screamed
out its last word.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 3 ⦘

"Uh­h­hhh!" From his mouth, the sound sim­i­lar to what the mon­ster spit out a
while ago came out.

For­tu­nately, that was it. The power of its grip on Bang's neck quickly
drained away, and at some point, it was no longer able to threaten any­thing.
Thirty sec­onds later, the taut­ness of the line that had been wrapped around
its neck eased.

Kim, who was now free, said to Bang as he re­moved the mon­ster, "I judge
whether it's dead or alive, not you."

"Yes, yes!" Bang re­flex­ively replied, rub­bing his neck where it had grabbed

How­ever, Kim's eyes were not di­rected to­ward Bang. He looked down at
Park, who was shak­ing while sit­ting on the floor.

"You're the cleaner now. From now on, your role is a cleaner, deal­ing with
what falls on the floor. If there's any­thing on the floor, it's your job to kill it
un­til it dies." Kim fin­ished speak­ing and rose from his crouch­ing.

Then he found an es­ca­la­tor head­ing to the sec­ond floor of the large su­per­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 4 ⦘

Chap­ter 4
Chap­ter 1. At a Large Su­per­mar­ket, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The food cor­ner on the sec­ond floor of the large su­per­mar­ket...

"Argh!" This place where vis­i­tors were greeted with var­i­ous kinds of food,
was now a bat­tle­field filled with screams, mon­sters, and blood.

"Sur­round that Gob­lin! Sur­round it!"


Clang Clang! Four men rushed to­ward the three Gob­lins, dwarf mon­sters
with green skin. The only com­mon fea­ture of the four men, who were all
dif­fer­ent in age, at­tire, and shape, was that they each had a crude spear
made of a knife, cur­tain rod, and in­su­lated tape. The four men used the long
reach of the spears, to stab the Gob­lins' bel­lies and eyes.

"Kieee!" the Gob­lins screamed, and one of them slipped to the floor and

As soon as the Gob­lins fell, a base­ball bat sud­denly hit its head like an ax.
The base­ball bat crushed the Gob­lin's head like clay, and the Gob­lin went
limp on the floor, spilling blood from its eyes, nose, and mouth.

"Uh­hhh-cha!!!!" Bang Hyun-wook, the owner of the base­ball bat, screamed

out, rush­ing straight to­wards the Gob­lin in front of him. The Gob­lin's face
was cracked in half. The bat had smashed it pre­cisely be­tween its nose and
the brow, and of course, the two red eyes of the Gob­lins near it were not

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 4 ⦘

safe ei­ther. The eye­balls had burst like eggs. But the pain and de­spair never
made it scream. In­stant death!

All the Gob­lin could do was to shiver like a dead body.

'I am full of en­ergy!' Bang was sure at this mo­ment. 'If I'm in this con­di­tion,
I could hit a home run in the Ma­jor Leagues!'

The strange power that started from his stom­ach and flowed to the ends of
his arms was not an il­lu­sion. The con­vic­tion was charged with courage.

"Come on! Come on!" He cried out loudly as if he hoped all the mon­sters in
the food cor­ner on the sec­ond floor of the base­ment would find him and
come to him. But there was no mon­ster com­ing to­ward him.

Ham­mer! The last mon­ster on the sec­ond base­ment floor, a mon­ster called
an Orc, with gray-brown skin and nearly two me­ters tall, was just dead. The
cause of its death was a traf­fic ac­ci­dent. The fork of a fork­lift was pierced
through its chest, and stuck in a wall, leav­ing it hang­ing there.

Kim Tae-hoon, the per­pe­tra­tor of the ter­ri­ble ac­ci­dent, came down from the
fork­lift, and at the same time he pulled out the smart­phone he had in his

At that mo­ment, the lights that lit the sec­ond floor turned off at the same
time with a bizarre sound.

"What? What?"

"I can't see any­thing!"

Dur­ing the con­fu­sion that fol­lowed, the light emit­ted by the smart­phone re­‐
vealed Kim's face. His ex­pres­sion was not good.

'No com­mu­ni­ca­tion.' No com­mu­ni­ca­tion at all.

It was a fac­tor that caused him to turn on an­other warn­ing light in his head.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 4 ⦘


The end of a bat­tle was al­ways bleak. There was no cheer­ing. The sense of
re­lief of be­ing alive took away the power of the whole body, the power to
spit out gos­sip or even com­plaints. At the same time, the fa­tigue that has
not been rec­og­nized in the ex­treme sit­u­at­ion was dou­bled.

Pain also came with fa­tigue. There was no dif­fer­ence be­tween the one hun­‐
dred and two sur­vivors who lived through the death fight against the mon­‐
sters on the sec­ond floor of the large su­per­mar­ket. Ev­ery­one just sat down
on the floor.

Some of them sat back against the shelves, or sim­ply fell asleep ly­ing on the
floor, stunned. The emer­gency lights that be­gan to come on as the emer­‐
gency gen­er­at­or started to op­er­ate prompted them to sleep even faster.

If there was no light at all, they would not fall asleep in fear, but this gen­tle
light gave them re­lief.

There was one more el­em ­ ent of re­lief here. Fire shut­ters! The sense of re­lief
from the fire shut­ters that com­pletely blocked all the en­trances and ex­its on
the sec­ond base­ment floor was in­cred­i­ble.

Only one per­son did not re­lax. 'The mon­sters sud­denly ap­peared.'

Kim was not re­lieved, even the bat­tle was over. On the con­trary, now he
was much more ner­vous than the mo­ment he had first met the dwarf mon­‐
ster, which he called a Gob­lin for his con­ve­nience.

Once the bat­tle be­gan, he did not put any el­em

­ ents other than fight­ing in his
mind. They could be con­sid­ered af­ter the bat­tle.

In other words, af­ter the bat­tle was over, he be­gan to con­sider the el­em
­ ents
out­side the bat­tle. Now he re­al­ized some­thing.

'The mon­sters sud­denly ap­peared.' The ap­pear­ance of mon­sters, ob­vi­ously,

was an event out­side com­mon sense. How­ever, there were fac­tors other than
com­mon sense that were im­por­tant.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 4 ⦘

'If they had come through the sec­ond floor or the first floor, at least I would
have felt them first.' The mon­sters ap­peared sud­denly. There were two ways
to en­ter this large su­per­mar­ket where he was. One way was to come through
the ground floor, and the other way was through the sub­way sta­tion con­‐
nected to the sec­ond base­ment floor.

If the mon­sters came in from out­side, those on the first base­ment floor in
be­tween should have no­ticed the emer­gence of the mon­sters be­fore en­coun­‐
ter­ing them. But no one no­ticed them, and even he did not no­tice them.

'Even though I took a year off, I am on ac­tive duty.' If his senses were so
dull that he could not see the mon­sters com­ing to the first base­ment floor
through the ground floor or from the sec­ond base­ment floor, he would have
been re­tired from ac­tive duty.

'It's ob­vi­ous I didn't see any­thing... These mon­sters didn't come from the
road. They came out of nowhere. Mon­sters ap­peared with­out any re­stric­‐
tions on space.

'It is use­less to build a wall, and it is use­less to hide in a bunker.' The worst
sit­u­at­ions that could be as­sumed in his mind be­gan to pass by quickly.

'It could be worse than the worst.' He felt chills run down his spine as his
imag­i­na­tion took hold.

"Big brother." Bang stopped Kim's imag­i­na­tion. The ap­pear­ance of Bang,

who had taken off his base­ball jumper and base­ball cap, was quite dif­fer­ent
from what Kim first saw.

First of all, his hair was very short and was close to be­ing shaved. His ap­‐
pear­ance was un­ex­pect­edly naive, and the big eyes re­minded him of deer
eyes. He was fairly big, as he un­zipped his jumper. It was a feel­ing of well-
grown rather than sim­ply over­grown.

"I brought the cof­fee you had asked for."

When Bang handed the canned cof­fee in his hands to Kim, Kim no­ticed that
he did not take off his bloody bat­ting gloves. He put down the cof­fee that he

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 4 ⦘

had re­ceived on the floor. He was go­ing to take off his gloves and drink
some cof­fee.

Bang sat down in front of Kim and said, "Big brother, do you know what's
go­ing on?"

Look­ing at Bang ask­ing the most cu­ri­ous ques­tion, Kim said while tak­ing
off his left-handed gloves, "If I'd known this would hap­pen, I wouldn't have
been here to­day."

"Haha, I see." Bang, who laughed awk­wardly, gave a long sigh and said
again, "A lot of peo­ple died. A lot of -"

"There are a hun­dred and two sur­vivors." Con­sid­er­ing the num­ber of cus­‐
tomers who vis­ited this large su­per­mar­ket at the end of the year, it was not a
small num­ber but a ter­ri­ble num­ber. Not ev­ery­one died, of course; most of
them ran away the mo­ment the in­ci­dent broke out, through the sub­way sta­‐
tion on the sec­ond base­ment floor, or through count­less ex­its on the ground

But even con­sid­er­ing that, the num­ber of dead peo­ple was high. Right now,
the num­ber of peo­ple who had been killed on the sec­ond floor was as high
as that of the sur­vivors, with more than a hun­dred dead. It was a huge num­‐
ber. Even in a se­vere ac­ci­dent, it was un­usual for more than a hun­dred peo­‐
ple to die.

"They died be­cause they didn't fight." How­ever, Kim did not have a big
ques­tion about this ter­ri­ble fact. Re­gard­less of the num­ber of mon­sters that
ap­peared, only a hand­ful of peo­ple fought back against mon­sters un­til he
took part. Nat­u­rally, this was the re­sult. It was like that.

A hun­dred adult men, armed with a knife or a base­ball bat, might be able to
kill a lion even if a few peo­ple died. But if they ran away, they would never
kill a lion. More­over, Gob­lins and Orcs were not sim­ple beasts.

'They were gath­er­ing in groups.' They formed packs and co­op­er­ate. They
were like wolves, hye­nas, and hu­mans. In ad­di­tion, the ef­fi­ciency of herd

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 4 ⦘

hunt­ing was great, and the his­tory of none other than the hu­mans who sur­‐
vived showed why.

Kim was the main fac­tor why a hun­dred and two peo­ple sur­vived. If it had
not been for him, they wouldn't have been able to kill Gob­lins or Orcs on
the sec­ond base­ment floor.

"Is that so?" Bang did not un­der­stand Kim's words di­rectly, only vaguely. It
was clear that he sur­vived be­cause he fought with­out run­ning away, and it
was ob­vi­ous that if Kim had not been there, the dam­age would have been
even greater.

"Any­way, what will hap­pen in the fu­ture? Or should we stay here? This is a
food sec­tion, so if we're go­ing to stay here, we can hold on. If the fire shut­‐
ter had not kept us on the ground floor ... it would have been ter­ri­ble."

At Bang's ques­tion, Kim took off the gloves in his right hand, in­stead of an­‐
swer­ing. At that mo­ment, he could see a black mark en­graved on the back
of his right hand, a mark that re­minded him of the sun, as if it were blaz­ing.

'This?' He found the mark of an Awak­ener.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

Chap­ter 5
Chap­ter 2. The Mark of an Awak­ener, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The sec­ond floor of the large su­per­mar­ket, where a storm of blood and fury
had fi­nally passed, was quiet. The mo­ment the ten­sion was re­leased, the fa­‐
tigue came, and in the end, sleep fol­lowed. Some peo­ple slept with­out even
know­ing it, and some were so tired that they could not sleep, so they drank
them­selves un­con­scious.

By the time the large su­per­mar­ket was filled with the sounds of sleep­ing
peo­ple, Kim Tae-hoon was en­joy­ing his cof­fee and the far­thest from sleep.
Sa­vor­ing his cof­fee was re­ally good. He breathed slowly through his nose
af­ter fill­ing his mouth with luke­warm cof­fee, and he was dif­fer­ent from
those who sim­ply drank cof­fee for the caf­feine. It was his only hobby.

He al­ways drank cof­fee be­fore and af­ter a fight. He pre­pared for the bat­tle
or or­ga­nized the bat­tle drink­ing cof­fee. It was not dif­fer­ent now.


'Eight peo­ple, in­clud­ing sur­vivors and dead, had a mark sim­i­lar to that on
my hand.' He im­me­di­ately found those who had the same marks as him­self
af­ter con­firm­ing the mark on his hand. He checked the back of their hands
with a glance.

In­clud­ing him, there was a to­tal of nine: five men and four women, not
found on young chil­dren, or on the el­derly. Of course, there were not many
things that could be sure, as there were still few sam­ples.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

'Some of them, not all of them, and the marks of Bang Hyun-wook's and my
own are sim­i­lar, but not the same.' This mark seemed to be as in­di­vid­ual as

'If it's like a fin­ger­print, it's a mark that rep­re­sents in­di­vid­ual char­ac­ter­is­‐
tics... But why does it hap­pen to only some peo­ple, not all of them? Or is it
an omi­nous sign? Is it an aug­men­ta­tion or a dis­ease?'

It was Bang who solved the wor­ries of Kim. Now, as if his body was cold,
he wrapped up in his base­ball jumper again, ap­proached Kim cau­tiously,
tap­ping his right hand with his left, and said, "Big brother, I've got a pic­‐


"This is the stats, our stats!" Bang showed Kim a pic­ture taken with his
smart­phone cam­era. The photo, which was taken with a screen-filled close-
up of his hand, was ac­com­pa­nied by translu­cent char­ac­ters that he had not
seen be­fore.

[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 16

-- Health: 13

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: D Rank

-- De­fense: F Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- None

When Kim saw this, he did not say any­thing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

Snap! He took a shot of his hand with the cam­era, and im­me­di­ately checked
the pic­ture.

[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 19

-- Health: 21

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: F Rank

-- Mana: F Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: F Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: F Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- None

Bang, who con­firmed Kim's abil­ity, looked sur­prised. "Big brother, are you
a psy­chic? The level of the rank is dif­fer­ent. A rank is the best rank, right?"

How­ever, Kim did not re­spond to such a re­ac­tion. He im­me­di­ately started

think­ing with his cof­fee in his mouth while sa­vor­ing the fra­grance.

'It's like a game sys­tem.' It was not hard to un­der­stand. It was a sys­tem of
abil­i­ties that any­one could see in the game. The mean­ing of Strength and
Health was not worth wor­ry­ing about.

What he had to worry about was en­ergy and Telekine­sis, which were two
kinds of abil­i­ties clas­si­fied as spe­cial abil­i­ties.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

'Is En­ergy like the chi of mar­tial arts nov­els?' Given the cir­cum­stances, En­‐
ergy was likely to be the same as the chi in mar­tial arts nov­els.

Mana was not dif­fer­ent. It would be the fuel needed to use Magic, or some­‐
thing like that.

Telekine­sis was the eas­i­est to un­der­stand. It was the most eas­ily rec­og­nized
psy­chic abil­ity of nov­els, movies, and comics to the pub­lic.

'Do I have this Telekine­sis?'

The prob­lem was that he now had such an abil­ity show­ing on his hand. He
was able to make some­thing clear.

'It can't be all true...' He had no abil­ity to use Telekine­sis.

'I've never had Telekine­sis at A rank. I can't even guess what it is, or how
pow­er­ful it is. Of course, it is a new abil­ity.'

'The world has changed, and I have also changed.'

At the same time, as the world changed, mon­sters ap­peared, and hu­mans
sought to change to fight against them.

To sum up, the mark on the back of his hand was a sign in­di­cat­ing those
who suc­ceeded in chang­ing to adapt to the mon­ster era.

'An Awak­ener...' It is a mark of an Awak­ener!

It was not wrong at this time to say such a thing would sound ridicu­lous,
im­pos­si­ble. But as soon as the mon­sters ap­peared, ex­ist­ing rea­son and prov­‐
i­dence were in­stantly in­valid. There­fore, he ruled out the old re­al­ity. He
aban­doned the val­ues of be­ing 're­al­is­tic'. What mat­tered was whether the
abil­ity was real or not.


"Bang Hyun-wook, have you ever used En­ergy?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

If it was real, how could it be used?

"I... might have used it." And Bang al­ready knew how to use this mys­te­ri­‐
ous En­ergy.

"Wait a minute." Af­ter an­swer­ing, Bang dis­ap­peared some­where and soon

brought back two ap­ples. One of them was thrown straight at Kim, and the
other one was held in both his hands.

Frack! Bang cut it in half! Not a bad grip, mused Kim. Bang, who showed
off his won­der­ful grip, looked at Kim af­ter drop­ping the split ap­ple on the
floor. Kim threw the ap­ple he had just re­ceived. Bang grabbed the ap­ple
with his right hand in the air like a base­ball player and grabbed the ap­ple as
it was.

Smash! Bang's hand be­gan to crush the ap­ple like a pa­per ball.

The glit­ter of Kim's eyes changed.

"I thought it was an il­lu­sion at first, but I had a clear hand mark on the han­‐
dle of my base­ball bat, and I felt it. It's not an il­lu­sion, it's like the abil­ity of
a real hero."

"What kind of power?"

"I mean, I feel some­thing wrig­gling in my stom­ach."

Kim care­fully fo­cused on his stom­ach.

'There is some­thing in my stom­ach... I'm sure.' He felt some­thing ex­isted as

Bang said.

"It feels like an eel."

How­ever, un­like Bang's ex­pla­na­tion, the size of the power Kim felt in his
stom­ach was more like a loach than an eel.

'I guess it's the dif­fer­ence in the rank of abil­ity...' Bang's En­ergy rank was D,
while Kim's En­ergy rank was F. So, of course, there was a dif­fer­ence!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

At that mo­ment, Kim's eyes turned to a piece of ap­ple that Bang had split in
half a lit­tle while ago.


Ev­ery­one might have had the ex­pe­ri­ence dur­ing their young school days:
the ex­pe­ri­ence of spend­ing a lot of time think­ing about mov­ing some­thing
while look­ing at it with the idea that he might have some kind of telekine­‐

But now, Kim did some­thing em­bar­rass­ing even at a young age. He looked
at the ap­ple and thought about mov­ing it. He tried to move the ap­ple and
wanted to crush it.

Smash! The ap­ple be­gan to crum­ble like tis­sue pa­per. The ap­ple was
crushed to the size of a ta­ble ten­nis ball. His eyes grew wide. His ex­pres­‐
sion was more sur­prised than any­thing that had hap­pened in the last ten
years of his life.

"Huh!" It was amaz­ing. It was so sur­pris­ing. His heart was pound­ing at this

'Just think­ing, just by thought, I grabbed the ap­ple with the in­tent to crush
it, and I mashed it down to the size of a ping pong ball. This power... this is

He was not drunk. He has learned through his life that when he was drunk,
he couldn't think straight.

He was an­noyed to find a more im­por­tant thing while ig­nor­ing his ex­cite­‐
ment and soon found it. 'The im­por­tant thing is... find­ing a way to raise the
fig­ures and rank­ings of my abil­i­ties.'

What was the most im­por­tant point now?

'It's like a game...' Here, he in­ter­preted all of this sit­u­at­ion as a game.

What if this was a game?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘

Many hy­pothe­ses came to his mind. He came up with a way to test the hy­‐
pothe­ses right away. 'One of the big­gest fea­tures of games is that when I
fight a mon­ster, I get ex­pe­ri­ence value and items.'

In his eyes, the dead bod­ies of the mon­sters came in. He got up from his

"Bang Hyun-wook."


"Take the mon­ster body and fol­low me."


Bang blinked his big deer-like eyes at the un­ex­pected com­mand. 'You want
me to fol­low you with the mon­ster body? Why do I have to han­dle that
hard, an­noy­ing, bloody thing?'

But his em­bar­rass­ment was short. Since their first meet­ing, he did not have
the will to ask why Kim or­dered things. At least here, he did not have any
doubts about Kim's or­ders.

"Well, isn't it heavy? How can I carry it?" There was only one thing to think
about, but he needed to know what the dif­fi­cul­ties were when he tried to ex­‐
e­cute Kim's com­mand.

"Put it in a shop­ping cart."

"Ah! Where do I need to carry it?"

Kim turned his head be­fore an­swer­ing and looked around. What he should
do from now on was not some­thing that could be done in front of ev­ery­one.
But it was nec­es­sary to have spe­cial­ized tools. For­tu­nately, there was some­‐
thing he needed on the sec­ond floor of the large-scale mart. His eyes
stopped right there.

"The meat sec­tion."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 5 ⦘


"Bring it to the meat sec­tion."

"The mon­ster body to the meat sec­tion... Huck!"

Bang re­al­ized Kim's in­ten­tion, and his face turned pale.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘

Chap­ter 6
Chap­ter 2. The Mark of an Awak­ener, Part II Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The mon­sters ap­peared at 4 p.m. and a fierce bat­tle for sur­vival be­gan. The
bat­tle was over at 5 p.m., and the sur­vivors were sleep­ing due to the fa­tigue
and pain they were suf­fer­ing.

At 10 p.m...

"Ugh ..."


The sur­vivors be­gan to open their eyes, one by one. It was not, of course,
that their eyes were open in a good or rest­ful mood.

For the first time in their life, they had fought a life-or-death bat­tle. But the
fa­tigue caused by the bat­tle could not be re­leased by only three or four
hours of sleep­ing all curled up, con­sumed and strug­gling to sur­vive in the
gap be­tween life and death. Nev­er­the­less, they woke up be­cause they
reached their lim­its.

"Has the res­cue team not ar­rived yet?"

"Why the hell are our smart­phones not work­ing? Why are we like this? We
pay the monthly fee for com­mu­ni­ca­tion!"

"How long should we stay here? What hap­pened out there?"

The wor­ries and con­cerns about their cur­rent sit­u­at­ion in­ter­fered with sleep­‐
ing any­more, and as al­ways, their dis­tur­bances woke up those still try­ing to

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘


"What are you do­ing there?"


"Why are you rais­ing the fire shut­ter?"

The start­ing point of the dis­tur­bance was in front of the fire shut­ter that
blocked the es­ca­la­tor down to the first floor. There were four men in front
of the fire shut­ter. Park Jae-woon was fright­ened and shouted at the men, at
a sim­i­lar age. The four peo­ple who seemed to be friends were alert to their
sur­round­ings and try­ing to lift the fire shut­ter.

"What are you do­ing, you id­iots? What if there is a mon­ster there?"

Park's re­ac­tion was in­tense. To him, the first floor was hell. It was mere
hours ago that he had ex­pe­ri­enced a des­per­ate thing that would be a trauma
for the rest of his life. In fact, he was wor­ried and con­cerned while look­ing
at the fire shut­ters block­ing off the first floor when­ever he was awake. He
was wor­ried that mon­sters would ap­pear through the fire shut­ters, threaten
his wife and daugh­ter again, and whether he should stop them again.

Now, four of them were try­ing to lift the fire shut­ters!

His cry to stop them was full of sin­cer­ity. Nat­u­rally, the cry caught the at­‐
ten­tion of the crowd.

"What is it? What's go­ing on?"

"Oh, is the res­cue team here?"

"I don't think it's a res­cue team."

One or two, who were still tired, walked to a place where they could see the
fire shut­ters. The dis­turbed at­mos­phere be­gan to spread across the floor.

"Aw, fuck ..." One of the four men, who caught the mood, hurled a curse.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘

"What are you look­ing at? What are you look­ing at?" The oth­ers showed a
very ner­vous and sharp re­ac­tion to­wards the gaze of the crowd.

It was not dif­fi­cult to fig­ure out why.


"Isn't that . . . a Mac­Book?"

"An iPad?"

There were a lot of un­wrapped Ap­ple prod­ucts in plas­tic bags around the
four of them.

Theft! Dur­ing all this chaos, the four of them were go­ing to run away with
the most ex­pen­sive things here. They were caught steal­ing, and their re­ac­‐
tion was not sub­tle.

"Shit, don't you turn your eyes!"


Even­tu­ally, one of them, the big­gest and most bulky man, strode to­ward
Park. With­out any warn­ing, he pushed both of his shoul­ders strongly.

"Ouch!" Park could not with­stand the brute force and fell back.

"Honey!" His wife screamed at her hus­band fall­ing down, and her daugh­ter,
who was sleep­ing in her arms, be­gan to rub her eyes with her small hands at
the dis­tur­bance.

"What's wrong with-" Park, who fell, rose up straight to try con­ver­sa­tion.
But as soon as he got up, the big man pushed Park once again. Harder than
be­fore. Harder than a push, so hard that call­ing it a slap was more ap­pro­pri­‐

"Huck!" Park fell back to the floor with a breath­less sound.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘

"It's a fight."

The clut­tered at­mos­phere quickly be­came frag­mented with un­cer­tainty, dif­‐

fer­ent from the sense of si­lence be­fore.

"What do we do? Should we stop them?"

"If we get in­volved and get hurt..."

The si­lence was full of fear.

The four men glared around in the harsh at­mos­phere. Their eyes glis­tened
with mur­der­ous spirit. They were not bluff­ing. They had seen blood, and
not once or twice. They had stabbed a liv­ing mon­ster with a knife, chopped
down a lump of flesh with an ax, and swung a base­ball bat to break a mon­‐
ster's skull. It was enough for a per­son to learn the mur­der­ous spirit.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"It's re­ally fucked. Don't you take off your eyes from us?"

Of course, none of the peo­ple in the crowd who were over­whelmed by that
look could say "Steal­ing is wrong!" to them "What the fuck are you talk­ing
about, man?" In front of the calmed crowd, the four's mur­der­ous spirit and
hos­til­ity nat­u­rally shot to­ward Park and his fam­ily.

Dozens of peo­ple nearby be­came docile by­standers.

"I'm sorry, sorry . . ."

"What are you sorry about? Huh? Huh?"

"...I'm sorry."

"What? Tell me loud what you did!"

As soon as the spec­ta­tors be­came the au­di­ence, the four men be­gan to burn
like an­gry fires. It was a hunch. They were preda­tors here, on the sec­ond

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘

floor, a closed space. What they saw around them was not some­thing that
could threaten them, but some­thing they could tram­ple on.

"Hey, man. Get up. Get up."

There was no let-up.

Whack! When Park was about to get up, a man with a slim fig­ure be­hind
him kicked him like a soc­cer ball.

"Argh!" Park tried to get up, but he fell back to the floor with a scream.

"Daddy!" His daugh­ter, who had fi­nally opened her eyes, gave the big­gest
scream that she could from her young throat. "Daddy!"

One of the men saw Park's daugh­ter and wife, smiled and headed to­ward
the woman, a knife flash­ing in his hand.

"Oh, no! No." Park, who fell on the floor, saw that and threw him­self to­‐
ward the man ap­proach­ing his wife and daugh­ter. He threw him­self for­ward
and clung to the man's left leg.

"Er? Er?" Sud­denly, the man who saw Park cling­ing to his leg was scared.
Park's ac­tions were the only des­per­ate thing he could do, but the guy was

"Get off me! Get off me! Kill him!" It was more than a threat to him­self. He
had seen a lot al­ready, how eas­ily a hu­man died. Of course, the re­main­ing
three peo­ple, ex­cept the man who was hold­ing the leg, set out to take off

"Let go of me! Let go of me, if you don't want to die!"

"Just kill him!" The men kicked and tram­pled Park.

"Huck, huck!" Ev­ery time they did that, a harsh breath came out of Park's

"What do we do?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘

"Some­one should come and stop them."

The crowd just watched the process with the fright­ened, dis­gust­ing ex­pres­‐

"Dad! Dad!"

In such a sit­u­at­ion, Park's wife cov­ered her cry­ing daugh­ter's face with her
body, in or­der not to show some­thing she did not want her daugh­ter to see.
Ter­ri­ble things started to fill the sec­ond floor and the hor­ror was no dif­fer­‐
ent from when the mon­sters around.

"Stop it, you bas­tards!"

Fi­nally, a woman came out. A woman wear­ing a thick jumper, with im­pres­‐
sive freck­les around her nose, shouted out with a loud voice.

"Oh, some­one else?" One of the men looked at the woman with a grim ex­‐

The woman, with­out fear of him, shouted with mal­ice in her eyes, "If you're
go­ing to steal, be quiet and take off like a thief! Don't bother some­one who
isn't worth it!"

At the cry of the woman, one of the men, spit­ting on the floor, strode to­‐
ward her.

The woman put her right hand on a knife, a hand en­graved with a mark.

"Uh? Uh!" The man stopped walk­ing. The other three also stopped.

"A knife, it's a knife!"

"She is a crazy bitch, kill her! Kill her!"

There was a strong re­ac­tion, but no vi­o­lent ac­tion was taken. They'd al­ready
ex­pe­ri­enced how threat­en­ing a knife was. There was plenty of ev­i­dence.
The blood stains around them, the pools of blood, all were ev­i­dence of the
dan­ger of a blade.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 6 ⦘

If there was a mon­ster body, it would be more def­i­nite ev­i­dence. Un­for­tu­‐

nately, how­ever, there was no­body that could clearly con­vey that emo­tion at
the mo­ment.

"Stop all of them," a man spat this out.

"The four of you, if you move, I will kill you." The man who ap­peared in a
bloody plas­tic apron took care of all the mon­sters.

Kim Tae-hoon re­turned.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘

Chap­ter 7
Chap­ter 2. The Mark of an Awak­ener, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"If you move, I'll kill you." Af­ter the warn­ing, Kim Tae-hoon slowly took
off his plas­tic apron. The green blood on the apron, drip­ping as it hit the
floor, sounded creepier than ever.

"Big brother!" Bang Hyun-wook showed up af­ter Kim dropped the apron he
had taken off on the floor. When Bang ap­peared, the sur­round­ing area of
peo­ple, again grew silent. But this si­lence was dif­fer­ent from the time the
pre­vi­ous time. There was a sense of pres­sure in­com­pa­ra­ble to be­fore.

As if they had made a prom­ise, the four men swal­lowed to­gether!


"'He is the mon­ster..." The four men were not free from this pres­sure. They
froze as they saw Kim, and they re­mem­bered what he had done.

"What do we do?"

"If it hadn't been for that damned bas­tard, we'd have fled..."

Kim had ap­peared when they had been strug­gling and shout­ing against an
Orc on the sec­ond floor, and he had killed the Orc with the ax he was hold­‐
ing. Quickly he had sprin­kled some­thing on the Orc's eye­balls af­ter split­ting
its head with an ax, and then had poured lighter oil on the head of the Orc,
which was rub­bing its dark eyes with a shrill cry, and then had lit it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘

The four were sure of one thing, things were go­ing from bad to worse.

'What do we do?"

"Should we just ask for for­give­ness?"

"Shit, should we have just fled?"

Three of them were waf­fling, un­sure of what to do.

"Kill me? Kill me!? Kill me, you bas­tard!?" Un­like his col­leagues, the big
man re­vealed his hos­til­ity to Kim. It was proof that he was quite a strong
man, with fight­ing spirit and courage.

How­ever, Kim did not hes­i­tate. He used his Telekine­sis to grab the neck of
the big man and then lifted the man up. A scene that could not be un­der­‐
stood by nor­mal rea­son un­folded.

"Huck!" "What, what? What!" "Go..., ghost?" The three re­main­ing men,
stunned, sat down on the floor in hor­ror, know­ing their friend had be­come a

Kim lifted the man up three me­ters high and then re­leased his Telekine­sis.
There was a grue­some sound, like a corpse fall­ing to the floor.

The si­lence spread again, and now be­yond the harsh­ness and the pres­sure
was hor­ror. Ev­ery­one looked at Kim with a deathbed face, and he looked at
the re­main­ing three peo­ple be­fore the eyes of the crowd.

"From now on, the four of you have no right to speak in any­thing. If you
have a com­plaint, spit it out, right here, right now."

Three of them shook their heads, their mouths tight.

Kim did not give them any more at­ten­tion. Kim con­firmed that Park Jae-
woon was with his fam­ily, and Kim turned to the watch on his left wrist.

Af­ter check­ing the time, he said qui­etly to ev­ery­one, "It's 22:33, but I'm go­‐
ing to start re­port­ing on the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion from now on."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘


"Our cur­rent lo­ca­tion is on the sec­ond floor of a large mart; an emer­gency

gen­er­at­or is op­er­at­ing nor­mally, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion us­ing smart­phones and
ra­dios is im­pos­si­ble. No at­tempted con­tact with res­cue teams or ex­ter­nal
sur­vivors has been suc­cess­ful."

He took a sip of canned cof­fee. His tast­ing was not brief, but no one asked
him or com­plained about it. He re­sumed speak­ing af­ter sa­vor­ing cof­fee to
the end calmly.

"Based on the cir­cum­stances, we are in a bad sit­u­at­ion, and this area is not
as safe as we think."

Some of them im­me­di­ately doubted his judg­ment. "Dan­ger­ous?" "Isn't it

safe here?"

It had been about seven hours since the mon­ster raid. The heat of the bat­tle
was now suf­fi­ciently turned off, and in­stead, there were only the af­ter­ef­fects
of the bat­tle.

Nat­u­rally, the sur­vivors did not want to do any­thing any­more. They just
wanted to wait here un­til the res­cue team or the army came to their safe
place and res­cued them. By the com­mon sense of these peo­ple, the sec­ond
floor of the large mart was safer than any­where else.

This was mainly be­cause of the fire shut­ters, mak­ing it im­pos­si­ble for out­‐
siders to come in with­out warn­ing, and the food was very abun­dant, with
enough food and drink­ing wa­ter to last the sur­vivors half a year.

The main prob­lem was that there was lim­ited space for wash­ing their body
or uri­nat­ing, but it was not rea­son­able to se­ri­ously worry about that prob­lem
in a world where mon­sters were go­ing crazy.

How­ever, Kim said that the space which ev­ery­one judged safe... was dan­‐
ger­ous! "Once the in­ci­dent oc­curred, not one out­sider, in­clud­ing the res­cue
team, has come here, even though it had been more than six hours."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘

The crowd still looked sus­pi­cious at this ex­pla­na­tion.

"The first thing sur­vivors do when so­cial in­fra­struc­ture col­lapses is to se­‐

cure food. If the route to this place had been se­cured to some ex­tent, some­‐
one would have come here, if not a res­cue team, then for Ra­men... or to loot
an iPad."

At the end of his last words, three men who kept their mouths shut trem­‐

He once again en­joyed his cof­fee. Again, a short time of sa­vor­ing passed,
and the crowd be­gan to get anx­ious dur­ing that time.

"He's right if it had been re­ally safe . . . I'm sure some­one would have come

"Yes, if it had been safe ... I'd have come here al­ready to get a drink."

At the end of the thought, the mo­ment ev­ery­one re­al­ized that his words
were not wrong, ev­ery­one's face was white. The air grew tense. He con­‐
firmed the ten­sion and swal­lowed his cof­fee.

"And the sit­u­at­ion is quite dif­fer­ent from what we have seen or have as­‐

He showed the back of his right hand to ev­ery­one with his words. The
crowd opened their eyes wide at see­ing the mark of the burn­ing sun.

"With the ap­pear­ance of the mon­ster, some of you have a sim­i­lar mark on
your right hand."

Peo­ple re­flex­ively checked the back of their hands. The mi­nor­ity was sur­‐

One of them spoke up for the first time., "What is this?"

The woman with freck­les on her face asked about it; she was the woman
who came out to save Park Jae-woon. She had a mark on the back of her

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘

"It's called the mark of an Awak­ener."

"An Awak­ener?"

"I couldn't think of any other ex­pres­sions, so I'm say­ing it, and I'm sure the
peo­ple with these marks have a mys­te­ri­ous abil­ity."

He did not show what his mys­te­ri­ous abil­ity was. He didn't have to. It didn't
have to be. It was enough to ex­plain, and he looked at the big man lay­ing on
the floor like a dead man.

"For ref­er­ence, the mark of an Awak­ener can be de­coded by tak­ing a pic­‐

ture; if you take a pic­ture with your smart­phone, the mark will be printed
out, and it is sim­i­lar to a game abil­ity win­dow," he con­tin­ued on.

"There are three ma­jor types of abil­i­ties, and it's sim­ple to raise your Stats.
You just cut out the heart of a mon­ster, ac­quire a jewel in it, and then eat it
as it is."

With that word, he held out his palm. As if wait­ing, Bang also quickly
pulled out a thumb­nail-sized red jewel from his pocket and put it on Kim's
palm. Kim put the jewel in his mouth and swal­lowed it. Ev­ery­one stared at

"Now my Strength is up."

The crowd looked blank at his ex­pla­na­tion. It was not a re­al­is­tic story.
How­ever, Kim con­tin­ued his ex­pla­na­tion with­out any con­cern.

"Note that the jewel ob­tained from a mon­ster can also be val­ued by tak­ing a
smart­phone photo."

Kim pulled out his smart­phone and showed the pic­ture he had taken. The
close-up of the red jewel he had eaten a while ago showed clear char­ac­ters
that were not seen be­fore the jewel was taken a pic­ture.

[Crys­tal of Orc]

-- A small amount of Strength in­crease when in­gested.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘

"This is all the in­for­ma­tion I have now." The in­for­ma­tion Kim pre­pared af­‐
ter butcher­ing the mon­ster bod­ies in the meat de­part­ment was not easy to

"This is all I have now, from dis­sect­ing of the mon­ster's body af­ter the bat­‐
tle with the mon­ster." It was not easy to butcher dozens of mon­ster bod­ies!
The pub­lic would not be able to butcher a mon­ster even if they were given a
day. It was valu­able in­for­ma­tion that only Kim and Bang knew about. Kim
told ev­ery­one what he had learned.

In fact, the crowd was grate­ful to him, but at the same time, some doubted
his in­ten­tion. "Why are you telling us this?"

They gave him thanks, but Kim did not have the obli­ga­tion to in­form oth­ers
about this.

Was Kim armed with a spirit of sac­ri­fice and ser­vice?

There was not one per­son who had known Kim for more than a day, but ev­‐
ery­one could as­sert that he was not a hu­man be­ing full of sac­ri­fice and ser­‐
vice spirit. He was never that kind of per­son. And it was true. He did not
tell them to show off his kind­ness and gen­er­ous spirit.

"The world has changed, and mon­sters have emerged. If Awak­en­ers are to
fight the mon­sters, it means it's not a one-time, sin­gle event." He had re­al­‐
ized that be­fore any­one else.

"If you want to sur­vive this un­spec­i­fied change, you must be self­ish, and
wisely self­ish."

From now on, mankind must fight the mon­sters. In such a sit­u­at­ion, it was
mean­ing­less and worth­less to mo­nop­o­lize this ba­sic in­for­ma­tion. The more
sur­vivors, the more fa­vor­able it was for him.

Most of the adult Ko­rean men who sur­vived had ex­pe­ri­enced mil­i­tary ser­‐
vice. It would not be im­pres­sive giv­ing them an ax or a knife, but if he
could give them a gun, the story would be dif­fer­ent.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 7 ⦘

"The price has al­ready been paid be­cause we ate all the mon­ster stones."
Most of all, he had al­ready col­lected the in­for­ma­tion fee. He shared the
mon­ster stones from the hearts of the mon­sters with Bang. They ate them
all, so there would be no fee for the in­for­ma­tion. It was a kind of give and

"Do you have any com­plaints?" All of the giv­ing and re­ceiv­ing was done
un­der the uni­lat­eral lead­er­ship of Kim.

"I take it there is no com­plaint."

The crowd could guess what it meant to be wisely self­ish.

"The last thing I know is that this is an un­proven hy­poth­es­ is, but the mon­‐
sters ap­peared with­out any space con­straints as if they came out of
nowhere. The rea­son for this hy­poth­es­ is is..."

He stopped talk­ing, and his eyes changed. While ev­ery­one was open­ing
their eyes wide at the change in him, he threw back the cof­fee in his hand.
He im­me­di­ately shouted af­ter in­ject­ing caf­feine into his stom­ach, not even
tast­ing it, "Get away from those doors!"

Bang! As soon as he cried out, the fire shut­ters, which were block­ing be­‐
tween the sec­ond and the first floors, ex­ploded like bombs.

"Kaaaah!" Be­yond the fire shut­ters that had been blown away, a fierce cry
that could not be com­pared with any­thing ear­lier burst out. Soon af­ter, the
owner of the fierce cry ap­peared.

"Oh, my god..." It was an Orc, over two me­ters tall and black skin!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 8 ⦘

Chap­ter 8
Chap­ter 3. The First Hunter, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon ob­tained a lot of in­for­ma­tion from the mon­ster's bod­ies, and
he gave the sur­vivors the in­for­ma­tion he had ob­tained. But he didn't give
them all the in­for­ma­tion. There was some­thing he hadn't told the other sur­‐
vivors. It was that he had tested his own tele­ki­netic abil­ity against the mon­‐
ster bod­ies he had dis­sected!

The power of Telekine­sis he wielded was not lim­ited to the level of be­ing
able to lift a big man up by the neck. If he had re­ally wanted to kill the man,
he could have twisted his neck 180 de­grees on the spot. Now he showed
this as an act, not just words.

Bang! The Black Orc, which was mov­ing to slaugh­ter the sur­vivors mer­ci­‐
lessly, was sud­denly slammed back into the wall. The wall was cracked, and
bro­ken de­bris fell to the floor.


"Ah­hhh!" It was a tremen­dous power, and those who heard the bang sound
screamed out with­out think­ing about it.

"Kr­rrrrr!" But the Black Orc, which be­came a vic­tim of its power, was not
very alarmed. Rather, its or­ange eyes were star­ing at the one who had at­‐
tacked it.

The rest of the count­less sur­vivors, at this mo­ment, were try­ing to es­cape to
the first floor in a mob.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 8 ⦘

Kim grit his teeth. "The level is dif­fer­ent."

In front of the Black Orc, he pic­tured a clearer im­age of push­ing it firmly at

the wall with his palm, as if he were hit­ting a mos­quito on the wall with his

As soon as the im­age, the imag­i­na­tion, the scene of paint­ing, his fo­cus was
lost, his Telekine­sis would dis­ap­pear.

"Kaaaaaaah!" The Black Orc was scream­ing, even as it was strug­gling free
of the wall. The shriek spread quickly, mak­ing ev­ery­one around it freeze.

"Ah­hhh!" A small num­ber of sur­vivors who tried to es­cape fell down as

their legs stiff­ened at the sound.

"Huck!" Some of the el­derly fell to the floor, clutch­ing their chests.

Even Kim was not safe in front of the fear­some war­cry of the Black Orc.

'Shit.' Kim's head, stom­ach, and heart were par­al­yzed. His fo­cus stopped in
front of the cold fear. And, of course, his men­tal im­age dis­ap­peared.

"Kaaaaaah!" The Black Orc did not miss the op­por­tu­nity.

It rushed to charge im­me­di­ately, af­ter con­firm­ing Kim's po­si­tion again.

There was no one to stop it. There was a crunch as the skull of a per­son
who fell to the floor was crushed like a wa­ter­melon. The dis­play stands
piled up with items were smashed through. Its charge did not slow down but
rather ac­cel­er­ated as it ad­vanced. If it hit a per­son's body, it would be a ter­‐
ri­ble sight!

How­ever, Kim did not avoid its rush. "Hoo!" As the dis­tance nar­rowed, he
fo­cused his mind on the sit­u­at­ion he was in, frozen in front of the Black Orc
ap­proach­ing like a train on a rail­way.

He drew it again in his mind. 'If I can't stop it, I'll catch it!' He imag­ined
four in­vis­i­ble chains made of Telekine­sis, pulling as hard as they could on
the Black Orc's arms and legs. As soon as he pic­tured it, its rush be­gan to
slow down. In the end, it stopped.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 8 ⦘

It wasn't just a stop. It was like it was strain­ing against the force of the
pulling, try­ing to pre­vent its body from be­ing pulled apart.

"Kr­rrrrrrr!" a cry for strength and en­durance erupted out of its mouth, and
its teeth ground to­gether sav­agely.

From Kim's mouth, a grunt of the will to hold such a mon­ster some­how
came out, and the sound of grit­ting his teeth.

It was Bang Hyun-wook who moved in the sit­u­at­ion. Bang, who was be­‐
hind Kim, re­gained his free­dom faster than any­one else in the face of the
Black Orc's fear. En­ergy! It was due to the power wrig­gling in his stom­ach.
Now he nar­rowed the dis­tance with it by us­ing this full force to shat­ter its

"Yaaaaaaaap!" Ac­com­pa­nied by his strong, loud shout, the base­ball bat he

held in his hand came down on the head of the Black Orc ver­ti­cally.

Crack! How­ever, the bat was bro­ken into pieces.

'Huh?' The Black Orc was so strong! Its body was strong, and his power
was also strong. The prob­lem was that he did not re­al­ize it. His at­tack was
pow­er­ful enough to get its anger and at­ten­tion.

"Kaaaaaah!" At that mo­ment, it threw up the fear­some war­cry again with all
its might, but not to­ward Bang!

'Oh, my god!' It was aimed at Kim since it rec­og­nized that his power was
in­ter­rupted by its shout be­fore.

"Get out!" As soon as his power weak­ened in front of its fear, Kim im­me­di­‐
ately warned Bang.

Bam! How­ever, by the time Kim's warn­ing came to Bang's ear, its fist had
al­ready struck Bang's chest.

"Huck!" Bang backed to Kim be­hind him, with­out even be­ing able to
breathe. The two of them were tan­gled to­gether and fell to the floor!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 8 ⦘

At that short mo­ment, Kim thought re­gret­fully, '... it's my mis­take.'

He thought a mon­ster could ap­pear at any time. It was a hy­poth­es­ is he set

up that a mon­ster would ap­pear with­out any re­stric­tion of space. He ex­‐
pected a stronger mon­ster to emerge. The Awak­ener's stats and rank sys­‐
tems were ev­i­dence. If the abil­ity of the Awak­ener who sur­vived the mon­‐
ster would be stronger, the mon­ster that threat­ened the Awak­ener might be
stronger, too.

'Damn it!' So he should have done it. Re­gard­less of the oth­ers, he should
have pre­pared for a sit­u­at­ion where stronger mon­sters could sud­denly ap­‐
pear with­out warn­ing, with­out a sign.

"Kaaaaah!" The only good luck for him was that the Black Orc was now
con­fi­dent of its vic­tory and seemed to be re­lax­ing. It shouted with joy at the
fact that it had fin­ished off the man who had hurt it with its fists.

If he had been in the po­si­tion of the Black Orc, it would surely have killed
him. He did not want to miss the chance. Also, he did not in­tend to re­peat
the same mis­take.

"Kaaaaaah ... huck!"

'Shut up.' First of all, he shut the mouth of the Black Orc. This time he drew
a pic­ture that he tied its neck with a huge chain, and he pulled it back.

And its body lurched back­ward. It gasped, but it didn't fall back. It stopped
it­self from be­ing dragged back by giv­ing strength to its legs, belly, waist,
and neck. It en­dured and stared at him with or­ange eyes. It tried to open its
mouth. Its snout be­gan to twitch un­ceas­ingly.

At the same time, the sound of Kim gnash­ing his teeth be­gan to grow. At
this mo­ment, he wanted to shout, "Any­body, bring a fork­lift and stick into
that mon­ster's body!"

'Damn it.' But he could not open his mouth. He knew that as soon as he
opened his mouth, his power would be re­leased, and the Black Orc would

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 8 ⦘

use the chance to fin­ish him com­pletely this time. So, he ex­pected only one

Throb­bing ... throb­bing ...

It was Bang's heart­beat, which was still go­ing strong.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

Chap­ter 9
Chap­ter 3. The First Hunter, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


When the Black Orc's fist hit Bang Hyun-wook's chest, he did not feel pain,
be­cause his heart stopped.

It was the En­ergy from his belly that moved his stopped heart. It thought of
its owner more than any other power, and with­out hes­i­ta­tion, it ran to­ward
his stopped heart. And it knocked on the heart. The En­ergy re­vived his
stopped heart.

"Kuh-huck!" He was then able to feel the mys­te­ri­ous pain and fear. But the
En­ergy did not stop there. It knocked on his heart again and again to make
his heart beat harder! Un­der the re­peated beat of such En­ergy, his heart be­‐
gan to pump blood like crazy.


Ow! It was like some­one forced a hand into his heart and squeezed out
blood, or like some­one had brought a hot stone into where his heart should

The hot blood quickly cir­cu­lated around his body. Her head was go­ing to
burst, the nails on his hands and feet were go­ing to fly off like bul­lets, and
his eyes were al­ready red.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

The bloody bat­tle be­tween Kim Tae-hoon and the Black Orc that wel­comed
Bang Hyun-wook back. It was a sight that would make him numb all over.

The bat­tle was qui­eter than any other bloody bat­tle, and gen­tle. It was a bat­‐
tle of the last­ing against the last­ing; it should be ex­pressed like that. Kim
and the Black Orc were un­able to move.

The sounds they were mak­ing were also triv­ial. The sound of hot breath
came out of the Black Orc's mouth in­stead of the scream, and only the
sound of teeth crack­ing came out of Kim's tight lips. Both sounds were
buried in all kinds of noises from those who ran away fran­ti­cally.

If some­one who did not know the sit­u­at­ion had seen it, he would have
thought of it as a show. If a game ad­dict had seen it, he would have thought
the same thing: the screen stopped dur­ing game­play, or it was lag­ging.

But Bang, who ex­pe­ri­enced all of this sit­u­at­ion more closely than any­one
else, knew that this was not a show or a game screen lag­ging.

"I can't hold on long," Kim thought him­self.

Bang knew to some ex­tent the abil­ity of Kim's Telekine­sis.

His Telekine­sis was pow­er­ful, but there were also weak­nesses. The big­gest
weak­ness was that it could not af­fect the in­side of a mon­ster. Al­though he
could ex­ert Telekine­sis out­side, he could not ex­ert Telekine­sis in­side of a
mon­ster. If he had been able to do it, he would have burst the heart or brain
of the Black Orc with­out dif­fi­culty.

More­over, Telekine­sis was very dif­fi­cult to han­dle. As soon as the im­age in

his mind blurred, the Telekine­sis was re­leased. He would then be de­fense­‐
less. It was hard to main­tain his tele­ki­netic power with only mar­ginal con­‐

How long could Kim hold on to such a ter­ri­ble Black Orc? Maybe three

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

'What do I do?' And for Bang, the three min­utes were all the time he could
think how to live or die. Within three min­utes, he had to get an an­swer.

'Do I have to run away? Do I have to fight for my life, or do I have to run
away to save my life?'

His sur­vival in­stinct urged him to choose the lat­ter. It said that the liv­ing
per­son should live.

'Mom, Dad...' His sur­vival in­stincts painted his par­ents' faces in his mind to
con­vince him to run away: the faces of the par­ents who had suf­fered all
kinds of hard­ships with the in­ten­tion of mak­ing their child a base­ball player.

'Damn it, but...' Of course, if it had been for Kim, he would not have been
wor­ried about it now. Bang did not make any choice or de­ci­sion right away.
No, he could not.

"Hold on!" At that time, a beau­ti­ful woman, Ahn Sun-mi, with freck­les
around her nose, ap­peared. "We have to run away!"

Hav­ing re­gained her free­dom from the fear of the Black Orc a while ago,
she once again demon­strated the courage she had shown when Park Jae-
woon had been hit by four thieves. As ev­ery­one tried to es­cape from the
Black Orc as soon as pos­si­ble, she came to save Bang, and she started run­‐
ning af­ter catch­ing his left hand with her right hand en­graved with the mark
of an Awak­ener. He was not able to re­sist and started run­ning with her hand.

"No, wait!" He re­jected her hand in front of the fire shut­ter that the Black
Orc had bro­ken. It was a bound­ary line. If he moved onto the es­ca­la­tor be­‐
yond the fire shut­ter, he would be able to es­cape to the first level and then to
the ground floor.

And if he ran away, he would not come back. The mo­ment he stepped on
the first floor, he would not step on the sec­ond floor again. At the same
time, he would not see Kim's face again.

Bang looked back at the silent bat­tle of the Black Orc and Kim.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

Ahn Sun-mi, see­ing his face, shouted, "We can't kill it! We have to run

"Fuck!" Bang also shouted, not for her, but for him­self.

"Fuck all this..."

'I want to live. I want to live and see my par­ents' faces, and I want to pro­tect
my par­ents in a world where I do not know how to go back.'

Even if it was not, there were a lot of things he wanted to do alive. He

played base­ball, dream­ing of be­com­ing a pro­fes­sional base­ball player
through­out his school days, and now he would be go­ing to col­lege as a spe­‐
cial­ist. He wanted to go to a won­der­ful col­lege cam­pus, be­come a pro­fes­‐
sional base­ball player, and drive an ex­pen­sive sports car.

How­ever, it was true that Kim had saved his life be­fore. His fa­ther told him,
"At least, don't live cow­ardly."

'What do I do?'

At this mo­ment, he re­mem­bered the scene that Kim had come up and saved
him­self: a paint spray to make the mon­ster blind, the abil­ity to kill it with
fish­ing line, and the abil­ity to use en­gine oil to poi­son it.

'Ah!' Sud­denly, Bang's mind flashed.

"Cook­ing oil, Cook­ing oil!"


"Cook­ing oil!"

There was no longer any thought of es­cape in his eyes!


"We have to run away!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

When Ahn Sun-mi grabbed Bang's wrist and ran to the es­ca­la­tor to the first
floor, Kim bit his teeth harder. He felt like the pil­lars that he could lean on
in this des­per­ate sit­u­at­ion had dis­ap­peared like a mi­rage. But he didn't
blame them.

'Run away, if you want to run away, and get it right.'

Hu­mans live to live. Bang's de­ci­sion was a choice to live on, and at least
Kim did not have the right to blame him, be­cause he has also made many
ter­ri­ble choices to live.

'If I only make an op­por­tu­nity, if I can only make an op­por­tu­nity for them to
es­cape...' Above all, he knew bet­ter than any­one else that re­sent­ment at this
mo­ment was not help­ful to him­self.

'The op­por­tu­nity to live is not go­ing to come if I blame some­one.'

But the sit­u­at­ion was get­ting worse ev­ery mo­ment.

'I have to find a way be­fore I lose my power.' He clearly felt his power
weak­en­ing. Es­pe­cially, his phys­i­cal health, men­tal strength, and con­cen­tra­‐
tion were con­sumed more than any­thing else.

'Or maybe my body will burst.' Telekine­sis re­quired much more phys­i­cal
health and con­cen­tra­tion than he had thought. If the wa­ter stream was too
strong, the wa­ter­spout would be de­stroyed. Like that, if he used the pow­er­‐
ful Telekine­sis, his body would be de­stroyed since it was still only a hu­‐
man-level trained body.

The fa­tigue that he felt now was ter­ri­ble. Be­cause he had been trained as a
sol­dier, he could en­dure. He was a man who could strug­gle at the cross­roads
of life and death.

'I would drink a cup of cof­fee be­fore I die... I can't ask the mon­ster for that
kind of con­sid­er­at­ion.'

In his mind, the im­age of the death was drawn. And the mo­ment he was

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

"Keeeeee!" A low but clear cry be­gan to leak from the Black Orc's mouth.

Thump! Its feet also be­gan to move. It was as slow as walk­ing on the moon,
but it took a step at last. 'Shit.'

It started to over­come his Telekine­sis, and its or­ange eyes were shin­ing. It
spoke with its eyes, 'Man, I'm go­ing to chew your head off alive.'

He felt it in his own eyes.

'These... these mon­sters are smart.'

The first Gob­lins and Orcs he had en­coun­tered were just fierce. They were
over­whelmed by hunger be­cause they were faith­ful to their in­stincts. That
was why the small Gob­lins showed their teeth with­out hes­i­ta­tion to peo­ple
larger than them.

But the Black Orc was dif­fer­ent now. It was not ig­no­rant, and it knew how
to hunt. It did not just de­stroy and strug­gle in­stinc­tively. Of course, it wasn't
the only one.

'Now this world would be full of these mon­sters... It is just the be­gin­ning.
There will be some mon­sters like it, some mon­sters that are much more
pow­er­ful than the Black Orc, with ter­ri­ble abil­i­ties.' He was sure of this.

'We need a proper hunter to kill these mon­sters; not one, but a group of
hunters... In the era of mon­sters that start from now on, mankind does not
need only weapons to sur­vive. We need hunters with knowl­edge, abil­ity,
and ex­pe­ri­ence to fight mon­sters. Of course, the wor­ries about this part are
the ones that must be done af­ter sur­viv­ing.'

He forced his think­ing to turn. He looked at the present, not the fu­ture.

'If I pull it to­wards me in­stead of pulling it back, I might get a chance...' He

came up with a way to live.

At that mo­ment, an un­suit­able sound broke out in the still­ness of the blood.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

'That's...?' The source of the sound was a huge can that hit the Black Orc's

'Cook­ing oil?' It was a big yel­low can, an 18-liter can of cook­ing oil!

"Big brother!" Af­ter the jaunty sound of such a can of cook­ing oil knock­ing
on the Black Orc's head, Bang's voice was heard.

"Did you see the movie, Home Alone?"

Kim did not need any more ex­pla­na­tion. He im­me­di­ately changed the pic­‐
ture in front of his eyes. He turned the chain around the Black Orc's neck,
which had been pulling it back, 180 de­grees, in his own di­rec­tion. At the
same time, he tied his own body with a chain of Telekine­sis and pulled it to
the right.

Thump, thump, thump! In a sud­den change, the body of the Black Orc
rushed to­ward him at the ex­plo­sive speed.

His body, fly­ing to the right as if hit by a car, was able to avoid the rush in a
breath­tak­ing move.

"Kaaaah!" The Black Orc, which had fi­nally opened its mouth, screamed
dur­ing its un­ceas­ing sprint, and it stopped only af­ter it had bro­ken five

"Krrr!" The Black Orc, who took an in­stant pos­ture, im­me­di­ately fol­lowed
Kim with its eyes, and it was run­ning to­ward Bang and Ahn. There was no

"Kh-aang!" It be­gan to rush again, scream­ing.

In the mean­time, Kim shouted at Ahn and Bang, "Go up!"

"Watch out for the cook­ing oil!" Just as Kim was warned by Bang, he
slipped on the floor, which had be­come a sea of cook­ing oil. At the same
time, he reached out his hands for the ceil­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

Just like a spi­der-man, the hero from Mar­vel Comics, who fired a web with
his wrist, Kim used his Telekine­sis to cre­ate an in­vis­i­ble line be­tween the
ceil­ing and his arm.

He stopped slip­ping us­ing the line, and said to Bang and Ahn who looked at
him in sur­prise, "Go!"

"That's awe­some!" Bang said ad­mir­ingly.

"Go!" Kim shouted again to Bang.

"What? What about you, big brother?"

At the re­peated ques­tion, Kim looked at the Black Orc, who had just run
back near them. He looked at it again and reached out his hands, paint­ing a
pic­ture. It was a pic­ture con­nect­ing a big line to its two legs. He waited for
the mo­ment it put its huge foot down on the cook­ing oil!


As it stepped on the cook­ing oil, he be­gan to slip back­wards, grabbed its leg
and pulled it the other way. There were many bangs as it broke down the
dis­play stands, and it past him out of sight.

"Keee? Keee? Keee?" In this un­ex­plained sit­u­at­ion that it had not ex­pe­ri­‐
enced in its life, it cried out in con­fu­sion in­stead of shriek­ing.

Kim started to run on the es­ca­la­tor, leav­ing be­hind the em­bar­rassed cries
com­ing from the Black Orc. Bang and Ahn fol­lowed him. They quickly
headed to the first floor. When they started for the ground floor, Bang
asked, "Big brother, are you go­ing to run away?"

It was more of a plea than a ques­tion. 'Please let's run away like this.'

"Kaaaah!" The cry of the Black Orc shook the es­ca­la­tor to the first floor.

Bang shook his deer-like eyes more ea­gerly at the sound.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 9 ⦘

How­ever, Kim's eyes were not on Bang, but on Ahn Sun-mi. "Do you have
a driver's li­cense?"

"What?" It was a sud­den ques­tion. "Yes, I do."

She man­aged to an­swer, and Kim said, "We are go­ing to steal a car out­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

Chap­ter 10
Chap­ter 3. The First Hunter, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


De­cem­ber 31, 2016, 23:53.

The streets of the night in Bucheon City, just be­fore 2017, were ter­ri­bly

The wide ten-lane road, which crossed in front of Bucheon City Hall, was
filled with ve­hi­cles that had hit one an­other. It looked like dozens of cen­‐
tipedes made of cars were on the huge road.


There were lots of dead bod­ies. The bod­ies in the de­flated airbags were in
bet­ter shape. The scene of a dead body that had been crushed on the ground
as it came out through the glass of a car as it had col­lided was ter­ri­ble. But
even that was no match for the dead bod­ies bit­ten by mon­sters that could
not be iden­ti­fied. It was Hell.

13 de­grees Cel­sius, thanks to the cold of the New Year, was pre­vent­ing the
dead bod­ies from rot­ting.

But one thing was clear: De­cem­ber 31, 2016, would be recorded as the most
hor­ri­ble day in Ko­rean his­tory!

"Krrr!" On that ter­ri­ble day, the Black Orc came out of the large mart and
onto the road that had be­come a mess, look­ing all around wildly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

There was no light left on the street, and only the lights of the cars that were
still on sparsely were able to fol­low the Black Orc with its dark skin in the
night. Nev­er­the­less, the Black Orc was so in­tense that even the blind could
feel its pres­ence. The fierce, mur­der­ous will and hos­til­ity in its or­ange eyes
were not some­thing any­one could ig­nore.

The Black Orc gave off such a pres­ence and stared at Kim Tae-hoon, who
stood in a spa­cious area that luck­ily ex­isted on the road. It only stared at

It was ev­i­dence of in­tel­li­gence. It had not for­got­ten that he was not alone. It
knew there were other peo­ple around him.

Of course, for the Black Orc, those fac­tors were not real threats, al­though
they were some­thing to be wary of. The pre­vi­ous fight had al­ready proved

Kim was the only one who tried some­thing against the Black Orc in the first
place, and as a re­sult, even he only caught the at­ten­tion of the Black Orc but
did not give it a fa­tal blow. In other words, if it fin­ished him, ev­ery­thing
would be over!

With­out him, the Black Orc could pick and choose to eat those who had not
yet es­caped from the sec­ond floor, and those who have fled, but were still
hid­ing in the first floor, with­out any in­ter­rup­tion.

At this mo­ment the Black Orc imag­ined fill­ing its stom­ach with hot blood,
there in the cold that made its strong flesh sting, and it was no longer hes­i­‐
tant af­ter think­ing all that. It stepped again to­ward him.

Thump! There was an­other dis­tur­bance on the quiet road.

Thump! He once again used his Telekine­sis against the Black Orc. He tried
to lift its mov­ing body. But...

Thump! The Black Orc blew away his at­tempt to crush its body with a flex­‐
ing of mus­cle.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

There was no way to stop the Black Orc from in­creas­ing its power, as his
Telekine­sis had weak­ened. His con­cen­tra­tion, phys­i­cal health, and men­tal
strength had bot­tomed out. Most im­por­tantly, he could not draw an im­age, a
pic­ture of his own Telekine­sis com­pletely over­pow­er­ing the Black Orc.

"Krrr, krrr!" The fact made the Black Orc laugh, and it was not just a laugh,
but ridicule. It was also a sound of con­vic­tion. It was con­fi­dent that he
could no longer stop it­self, and that all he could do was slow it­self for a few
sec­onds at best.

There­fore, the Black Orc once again en­joyed the ex­pe­ri­ence when his
Telekine­sis wrapped around it and stopped it from mov­ing. In­stead of try­ing
to over­come the Telekine­sis, it looked at him with its ridi­cul­ing gaze.

He also looked back at it.

'The clever are usu­ally mean.' He looked at it, and he knew that it would be
care­less, with its eyes of a tri­umphant air in front of a trou­ble­maker who
was weak­ened.

"Krrr?" At that mo­ment the Black Orc felt some­thing strange in its eyes. On
its left side, the sound of some­thing shat­ter­ing in the dark­ness on the road
was heard. With that noise, a black car ap­peared.

The long black car was the Benz S class, worth over a hun­dred thou­sand
dol­lars, and it charged the Black Orc of sim­i­lar size and color, with the
force of two hun­dred and fifty horses un­der the hood.

The Black Orc could not avoid the sud­den rush of the car, as he had caught
it­self for a few sec­onds. A grue­some crunch sounded as if two cars had
slammed to­gether.

The hor­ri­ble shriek of the Black Orc once more cov­ered the dark road. The
scream was not just a strug­gle for pain.

It was the sound of the Black Orc, with­stand­ing the power of a big sedan
which had rushed at it, the power of the car with all that horse­power.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

"Kaaaah!" The Black Orc took a stand and be­gan to lift the sedan up as if it
was go­ing to chew on the car. It was the power of a mon­ster, lit­er­ally. Two
of the four wheels spin­ning smoke on the as­phalt road be­gan to turn in the

His telekine­sis no longer had any ef­fect on the body of the Black Orc. How­‐
ever, he was not em­bar­rassed. Quite the op­po­site.

He was hunt­ing. It was why he didn't run away when he could es­cape, and
he waited for the Black Orc in the cold weather, in an open space.

'Hunters never pre­pare only one trap when they catch a huge an­im
­ al.'

At that mo­ment, the sound of an­other car en­gine was au­di­ble be­hind the
Black Orc, who was still wrestling with the Benz.

"Krrr?" The Black Orc turned its head in hor­ror.

Bang! A huge bus com­pressed the black lump, and they were tan­gled to­‐

"Whew!" Only then did he breathe out a sigh for the first time. The white
breath rose like a sig­nal fire from his mouth.

'I got it'

On Jan­u­ary 1, 2017, he sur­vived like that.


"It's not as cold as I thought it would be, is it?" Ahn Sun-mi frowned at
Bang Hyun-wook at his sur­pris­ing re­mark.

"Are you kid­ding me?" A thorny re­ply popped out of her mouth. She
thought that Bang was play­ing a ridicu­lous pun against her, and it was nat­u­‐
ral to think so.

At 0 am, the weather of the New Year in Ko­rea in 2017 was un­be­liev­ably
cold. The cold bit­ing wind was re­lent­less when walk­ing down a vast dark

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

road with­out a sin­gle street­light, and above all, the fact that there was no
sign of liv­ing peo­ple any­where was mak­ing the harsh­ness worse.

It was the cold­est day that Ahn had felt dur­ing her life. If it were not for
Kim Tae-hoon, who was hack­ing open the Black Orc's chest with an ax to
take out the jewel in its heart, she would not have en­dured the cold wind
with only a hot pack.

Bang was sin­cere, of course. "It's not cold..." He was not re­ally cold. It was
thanks to the En­ergy in­side him, which was now tak­ing away the cold that
he felt.

Ahn briefly threw words at his ap­pear­ance. "It's the worst sign, not feel­ing
cold in cold weather."


"When the body tem­per­at­ure goes down, the hu­man body, first and fore­‐
most, con­cen­trates blood there to main­tain the func­tions of the heart and
brain. On the con­trary, arms and legs far away from the heart and brain are
rapidly cooled as blood flow is cut off. Then, when the limbs are freez­ing to
death, the blood flow is con­cen­trated there to pre­vent the de­struc­tion of the
bio-func­tion, and the fever is so great that you can take off your un­der­‐

Ahn turned her head with the words and looked at the naked and di­sheveled
bod­ies ev­ery­where.

'The hu­man body is stronger than most peo­ple think, but if the mind col­‐
lapses, it be­comes in­fin­itely weak.'

It would be vir­tu­ally like a death sen­tence to be over­whelmed by the fear of

mon­sters in the cold weather where some­one could die of hy­pother­mia.

"The mo­ment one takes off one's clothes, one's hy­pother­mia gets worse, and
then the count­down starts."

"Are you a doc­tor?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

Ahn had a bit­ter smile at Bang's ques­tion.

"The doc­tor is a slave, just a slave." she thought. If she had been a re­ally
proper doc­tor, she would not have come to a large mart for cig­ar­ ettes,
sweets, and caf­feine drinks to spend the night in the emer­gency room,
rather than be­ing on va­ca­tion at the end of the year.

"A slave who runs a cig­ar­ ette er­rand at the end of the year when ev­ery­one
else is rest­ing."

But now she was grate­ful. 'So I sur­vived...'

If she was in the hos­pi­tal, she would be dead now, or not much dif­fer­ent.
There were many knives in the hos­pi­tal, but no weapons or hunters could
have killed that ter­ri­fy­ing Black Orc.

How­ever, the sit­u­at­ion was too se­ri­ous to make it a com­fort.

'Can I sur­vive in the fu­ture?'

Even be­fore half a day, the city had been full of vi­tal­ity ahead of the end of
the year, but now it turned into Hell. And this was just the be­gin­ning.

'In or­der to sur­vive in the fu­ture, I will have to over­come the same cri­sis
and hard­ships again.'

"But I am cu­ri­ous, how much is a doc­tor's salary?" Bang, who did not know
her feel­ing, asked a ques­tion that lacked any sense.

For­tu­nately, she did not have to an­swer the ques­tion. Kim's ax-chop­ping
had fi­nally stopped. Of course, the con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Bang and Ahn
also stopped, and the two watched his ac­tions.

Kim pulled out the heart of the Black Orc, and then ripped out an or­ange
jewel at­tached to the heart.

Mon­ster Stone!

Kim walked over to Bang and Ahn, and or­dered Bang, "Take a pic­ture."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

Bang fum­bled to find the smart­phone in his breast pocket and hur­riedly
pulled it out.

"Ah!" Bang, who took out his smart­phone, sighed be­cause the smart­phone
liq­uid crys­tal had cracked like a spi­der web. The Black Orc's fist had not
been kind. "I bought it just last month!"

"Take a pic­ture." Kim did not ac­cept such a com­plaint from Bang.

"Oh, yes!" Bang swal­lowed a bit­ter smile and then ac­ti­vated the cam­era

He turned the cam­era to Kim's face and saw his face, a lit­tle an­gry over the
bro­ken LCD.

Ahn said to Bang on be­half of Kim, "Take a pic­ture... of the jewel."

"Aha!" He quickly changed the di­rec­tion of the cam­era to Kim's palm.

Snap! The flash went off and the pic­ture was taken. In the pic­ture, de­scribed
in translu­cent let­ters...


[The Crys­tal of a Black Orc]

-- Strength and Health in­crease when in­gested.

-- The skill level of En­ergy in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill level of De­fense in­creases when in­gested.

-- The power of a Black Orc [Black Skin] can be ac­quired when in­gested.]


"Wow, it must be a rare item." Bang was sur­prised.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 10 ⦘

How­ever, as soon as Kim con­firmed the con­tents, he im­me­di­ately put the

Crys­tal of Black Orc in his mouth and swal­lowed it.

Then, be­fore Bang and Ahn could even be sur­prised, he took the smart­‐
phone in Bang's hand, pho­tographed his hand, and checked the con­tents.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 28

-- Health: 23

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: F+ Rank

-- Mana: F Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: F+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: F Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Black Skin (Grade 6): The power of Black Orc con­sumes En­ergy to in­‐
crease De­fense.


Kim, who con­firmed his abil­ity of an Awak­ener, laughed bit­terly. 'I have a
rough idea of what I'm go­ing to do. Damn it.'

It was the mo­ment the First Hunter was born.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

Chap­ter 11
Chap­ter 4. Relic, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon was shop­ping at the large mart. Choco­late, salt, al­monds,
jam, jerky ... Of course, it was not strange to buy such items at the food cor­‐
ner on the sec­ond floor of the large mart.

It was get­ting closer to 2 AM., and most of the shelves had fallen like domi­‐
noes, so he had to pick the goods up from the floor and put them in a bag,
not a plas­tic shop­ping cart.

But he had to add one more thing here, he wasn't go­ing to pay for them at
the counter. In other words, he was now do­ing the most bizarre shop­ping in
the world.


"What's your fu­ture plan?" Ahn Sun-mi was fol­low­ing him and started a
proper con­ver­sa­tion with him while he was pon­der­ing be­tween the five
kinds of cof­fee beans in front of him.

In­stead of an­swer­ing her ques­tion, he grabbed cof­fee beans that had been
torn apart and chewed them finely. Af­ter sa­vor­ing the cof­fee beans, he
replied, "I'm go­ing to leave here as soon as pos­si­ble, and the re­main­ing sur­‐
vivors should try to fend for them­selves."

"I can see that, just by look­ing at what you are do­ing."

"Well, you just need to know what you see."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

"No, I'm cu­ri­ous about what you're plan­ning in the fu­ture, where you're go­‐
ing if you leave, how you're go­ing to move, what's the pur­pose..."

He looked at her be­fore she stopped talk­ing. A cold eye dug into her gaze.

Her words stopped by them­selves.

His eyes were just be­yond the cold level, and there was some­thing there
that or­di­nary peo­ple could not have.

There was some­thing spe­cial, some­thing so ob­vi­ous that even Ahn, who
had a job as a doc­tor, that knew the bound­aries be­tween life and death bet­ter
than any­one else, could not fight.

"You love to won­der, but I have no rea­son to tell you about my plan."

Af­ter he replied, Ahn kept her mouth shut.

He con­tin­ued, "What I need is a per­son who will obey my or­ders, not a par­‐
a­site that will cling to my body for safety."

Of­fended, Ahn's closed mouth opened re­flex­ively. "A par­as­ ite?"

"If there is some give and take, it's like a croc­o­dile bird, and of course
there's no croc­o­dile bird in re­al­ity."

"You ..."

At that mo­ment, Kim held out his right-hand palm be­fore Ahn spoke. Ahn
had a blank look on her face. He turned his hand over. His right-hand mark
ap­peared. When he turned his hand over again and showed his palm, she
pulled out her smart­phone and un­locked it, show­ing him a pic­ture.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 11

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

-- Health: 14

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- Mana: C+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: C+ Rank

-- De­fense: F Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- None


Kim spoke af­ter con­firm­ing her abil­ity through the mark of an Awak­ener on
her right hand, "Be a sur­vivor or a sub­or­di­nate to me. Choose one of them

It was then that Ahn thought of some­thing.

Kim was fight­ing a des­per­ate bat­tle with the Black Orc, but she ran away
with his sub­or­di­nate, Bang Hyun-wook. That was the rea­son. His bias
against Ahn Sun-mi was due to the ac­tions she showed at that time.

'Her Mana rank is C+ and she is in her third year of res­i­dency as a doc­tor.
Once she be­comes a col­league, she will be­come a pow­er­ful mem­ber.'

He wasn't go­ing to re­tal­i­ate for what she had done. He could fully un­der­‐
stand her be­hav­ior of at that time. She was not his col­league or sub­or­di­nate
then, but a sur­vivor, and she showed the courage to es­cape at that mo­ment.

It was em­bar­rass­ing to have run away with Bang, but it was also clear that it
was a wake-up call for Bang. But to the ex­tent of it, it's was un­der­stand­able
that she was a sur­vivor. If she did such a thing in the sit­u­at­ion where she
was his sub­or­di­nate, he would never for­give her.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

'Troops run­ning away from the bat­tle­field where the bat­tle is real were more
dan­ger­ous than the en­emy.'

Any­way, Kim had now handed the choice to Ahn. Now the de­ci­sion was
hers. She could be­come a sur­vivor, and just break up with him and go her
own way. Or, she could be his sub­or­di­nate and obey him and move along
with him.

"What are the con­di­tions I need to be your man?"

"Ab­so­lute obe­di­ence."

Ahn bit her lip slightly. "Okay. If you or­der me to take off my clothes, I'll be
happy to take them off."

"I don't want to see such a thing, but it's enough to un­der­stand that if you
have my back, you have to risk your life."

With her an­swer, Kim got up from his seat. Then he did not pick a cof­fee.

"Don't you need cof­fee?"

"I can't eat this, even in a hurry."

"Big brother!"

Kim heard Bang's voice. Bang had three bags on his back, front, and left
hand. In his right hand, he had a new base­ball bat. He has col­lected the
items or­dered by Kim from the first base­ment floor.

Kim moved to the es­ca­la­tor with­out hes­i­ta­tion. It was time to leave. Ahn
took a bag from Bang and fol­lowed af­ter Kim with it.

"Big brother, can I ask you a ques­tion?"

"Do it."

"...what are you go­ing to do with the sur­vivors who are here?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

The ques­tion was due to the looks of the sur­vivors be­low.

At the or­der of Kim, Bang was tak­ing things from the first base­ment floor,
and the sur­vivors who fled to the first floor of the base­ment just watched.
They looked so piti­ful and pa­thetic. The eyes of those des­per­ate enough did
not know how they should ask.

Bang could not ig­nore their eyes. So, Bang wanted Kim to be­come a hero.

"They have to fend for them­selves."


"If you want to pro­tect the re­main­ing sur­vivors, do it, but don't ask for my

Kim did not in­tend to be­come a hero. No, if he re­ally wanted to be a hero,
he should ig­nore the sur­vivors here. A true hero would know how to re­‐
nounce the small in or­der to se­cure the great.

At the words of Kim, Bang was wor­ried about them. On the other hand,
how­ever, he did not worry about it for long. If he left Kim, his eyes would
look the same way as the sur­vivors who were star­ing at him in a few days.

"I'll fol­low you."

Kim gave him a brief com­pli­ment. "It was wise to use the cook­ing oil."

"Yes? Ah!" In a sense, Bang laughed at the praise he had heard for the first
time since he had met Kim.

"Re­ally? It was amaz­ing I thought of it. If I had used this wis­dom at the last
Blue Dragon league base­ball game, I would have been nom­i­nated for the
pros... No, if I'd been nom­i­nated, I wouldn't have met you."

Ahn, who had guessed that Bang was about to ram­ble on, cut off Bang's
words at once. "What's the plan for the fu­ture?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

Ahn could not bear to lis­ten to such chat­ter as she had not heard what he

Kim an­swered her ques­tion this time. "The pri­mary pur­pose is to leave here

"Why are you leav­ing?"

"What do you want, a de­tailed or brief ex­pla­na­tion?"

"A lit­tle more de­tail..."

"By the time the sun comes up, this place will be Hell."

Hell. Ahn and Bang's face hard­ened at the word.

"... You mean the mon­sters are com­ing again?"

"Even with­out the mon­sters, it will be Hell."

"What the hell does that mean..."

At that mo­ment, a man ap­proached them when they reached the ground

"Well, um ..."

It was not just any­one who ap­peared, but Park Jae-woon.

Sur­viv­ing in the tur­moil, he ap­proached Kim care­fully and asked him,

"Well, what do we do now?"

Be­hind Park, was his wife, hold­ing their daugh­ter, whose eyes were swollen
from cry­ing.

Kim gave quick ad­vice to such a man. "Af­ter se­cur­ing about five days of
high-calo­rie, easy-to-stor­age food like choco­late, se­cure them in the City
Hall right next to you. Also, be care­ful to keep your body warm."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

"Don't move us­ing ve­hi­cles, but it will be use­ful if you treat them like a
tent. Fi­nally, in case of an emer­gency, you'd bet­ter have the tools to carry
the child on your backs."

It was a sur­pris­ingly kind ex­pla­na­tion. How­ever, it was a harsh ex­pla­na­tion

from Park's point of view. Af­ter all, it meant that they would have to sur­‐
vive by them­selves.

"Ah ..." Park's face turned pale.

The fact that mon­sters he had never seen be­fore were over­flow­ing, the in­‐
fra­struc­ture of so­ci­ety had col­lapsed, and he had to sur­vive with his wife
and daugh­ter, had made his face so.

But Park bowed his head to Kim, even though his face was pale.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for your help." He never for­got the least
cour­tesy and rea­son. If it had not been for that, he would have long aban­‐
doned his fam­ily and run away.

That was why Kim gave min­i­mal ad­vice to him. As Kim saw it, Park was
qual­i­fied to sur­vive.

Bang and Ahn looked at Park, who was step­ping back like that, with ter­ri­ble

'Yeah, I guess the big brother is right. That's right.'

'The day comes when the emer­gency room feels peace­ful and hope­ful.'

Who could have imag­ined this scene here a day ago?

But what was even more fright­en­ing was that they couldn't even imag­ine
what would hap­pen to­mor­row.

On the other hand, Kim had a cold look, as he could imag­ine to­mor­row
right now and the fu­ture more eas­ily.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

"The pop­u­la­tion of Bucheon City is about 800,000, and the num­ber of peo­‐
ple who died im­me­di­ately when the atomic bomb fell on Hi­roshima, Japan,
was about 70,000. In the face of such a dev­as­tat­ing dis­as­ter, the num­ber of
deaths could not ex­ceed 100,000. Of course, even if there is an un­prece­‐
dented dis­as­ter, the num­ber of sur­vivors in Bucheon should ex­ceed

Kim went on to ex­plain af­ter he had stopped for a while.

"In other words, at this hour, seven hun­dred thou­sand peo­ple in Bucheon
City are wait­ing for the sun to rise, scared by fear of mon­sters, with­out the
help of any so­cial sys­tem such as elec­tric­ity, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, gas, po­lice, or

"Ah." At that, there was a sound like a soul es­cap­ing from Ahn's mouth.

A scene was painted, of what kind of sight would un­fold in the city of
Bucheon when the sun rose.

"Most of the mon­sters that caused this con­fu­sion will still be walk­ing or
hid­ing some­where in the city, and at any mo­ment a more pow­er­ful mon­ster
may ap­pear."

Ob­vi­ously, the present sight was Hell.

"First of all, it is un­likely that all this has hap­pened only in Bucheon City. If
it had been lim­ited to Bucheon City, help would have come in some way
from Seoul or In­cheon. Maybe the whole world is like this."

The im­por­tant thing was that this hellish sight was not the end, but the be­‐

"Any­way, what we need right now to sur­vive in this sit­u­at­ion is at least two
of my own cri­te­ria."

Kim had ex­pe­ri­enced many such places.

'How do hu­mans act when they think that they are at the end of an era, and
in a place where there is no proper gov­ern­ment?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 11 ⦘

"Com­mon sense, and vi­o­lence to force that com­mon sense."

'What is the most ef­fec­tive way to deal with them?'

"I'll tell you what I'm plan­ning now. There's a po­lice sta­tion nearby. We'll
get some­thing to use as a weapon there. Then we'll move to Ojung-dong!"

"Why Ojung-dong...?"

"At the mil­i­tary base there, we will se­cure the right weapons!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

Chap­ter 12
Chap­ter 4. Relic, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


No one stopped Kim Tae-hoon's party as they left the large mart. It was not
that there were no peo­ple who wanted to stick to him.

"What do we do when you go? What do we do?"

"Please save us ..."


"Take us with you! We won't let you go if you don't take us!"

"Don't try to live alone, you fuck­ing bas­tard! If you're a hu­man, be a hu­‐

Some were des­per­ately try­ing to be­come a par­as­ ite cling­ing to Kim's back,
with some threat­en­ing them. It was a nat­u­ral re­ac­tion be­cause it was a mat­‐
ter of their life. How­ever, he showed them no sym­pa­thy.

"I warn you, you'd bet­ter not fol­low me. I don't think it's go­ing to make any
dif­fer­ence if I add a few more bod­ies in a place full of mon­sters."

Kim threat­ened them clearly, and there was no one who showed courage in
the face of his threats. And he did not just end up threat­en­ing them

"If there's any­one who is fol­low­ing us, get rid of them."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

"Get rid of them?"

"At least, at­tack them enough to feel the threat of death, even if they don't
die." He made his will clearly known to Bang Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi.

"Is there a rea­son to do that?"

"We shouldn't get caught up in the mess caused by a crazy sur­vivor."

The rea­son was clear.

Ear­lier, Kim had caused a huge dis­tur­bance to kill the Black Orc, a huge
dis­tur­bance that would have looked ter­ri­ble if an in­sur­ance com­pany em­‐
ployee saw it.

He had touched the grass. If there was a snake in the grass, it would not be
sleep­ing in this dis­tur­bance. The snakes that were now hid­ing in the city
were not just snakes, but ter­ri­ble mon­sters.

'If there's an­other Black Orc, then there's noth­ing to do but es­cape.' Kim,
who had al­ready spent a lot of power killing the Black Orc, was in a sit­u­a‐­
tion where the fight would be even more bur­den­some.

That's why he wanted to raid the po­lice sta­tion. He needed a pow­er­ful

weapon which was more use­ful than a hand ax or a knife.

Of course, it took a long time to get to the po­lice sta­tion. They had to move
more qui­etly on the street of the night and slowly with­out draw­ing at­ten­tion.

It was a cold, frozen body that wel­comed Kim and his party at the po­lice
sta­tion when they ar­rived.

"That's pa­thetic." Bang briefly mur­mured what ev­ery­one felt.

Kim briefly clicked his tongue as soon as he heard Bang's words. 'It's as bad
as I ex­pected.'

The scene of the po­lice sta­tion that he saw now was not much dif­fer­ent
from what he had pre­dicted.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

"...there's no po­lice of­fi­cer."

What Sun-mi said was also what he had ex­pected.

"It would be rather strange if peo­ple were scream­ing out­side and a po­lice­‐
man stayed still."

"The fuss would be big­ger with­out the po­lice."


It was never good. Kim's imag­i­na­tion meant the worst sce­nario he could

'If there was one sur­vivor here at least... I'm sure I could use the net­work in
some way.' Kim did not hope the po­lice sta­tion per­formed its duty. In­stead,
he wanted to have one of the po­lice of­fi­cers left, to speak to the sur­vivor.

'There are con­tacts in the army, but there are no con­tacts on the po­lice side

In a sit­u­at­ion where the com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work col­lapsed, peo­ple have to

talk to each other di­rectly, and in or­der to con­tact the po­lice net­work, the
cur­rent po­lice were needed more than ever.

But this was a clear re­al­ity. There was noth­ing great about the armed forces
of the Ko­rean po­lice.

How good were the weapons of the po­lice of­fi­cers who had worked at the
po­lice sta­tion, not any­where else?

The ar­mory of the po­lice in Bucheon City would not be greater than that
owned by five or six or­di­nary peo­ple with a hobby of shoot­ing in the United
States. There was no pos­si­bil­ity of us­ing them prop­erly.

How many po­lice of­fi­cers had prac­ticed shoot­ing in prepa­ra­tion for this
kind of sit­u­at­ion?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

'If they'd known this day would come, all coun­tries would have le­gal­ized
car­ry­ing guns, like the United States.' An un­funny idea passed through
Kim's mind.

"... the army is dif­fer­ent, isn't it?" Ahn Sun-mi asked Kim care­fully.

The next des­ti­na­tion would be the mil­i­tary.

"I don't know." But the sit­u­at­ion of a mil­i­tary base was not likely bet­ter than

Ob­vi­ously, the level of the armed forces of the mil­i­tary was dif­fer­ent from
the po­lice.

The num­ber of au­to­matic ri­fles and am­mu­ni­tion was dif­fer­ent, and it was
im­pos­si­ble to com­pare the power of a sidearm with a heavy weapon.

How­ever, the Ko­rean mil­i­tary had never trained to fight the sud­den emer­‐
gence of such mon­sters.

'No, in fact, most of the Ko­rean army has lit­tle ex­pe­ri­ence in com­bat, be­‐
cause most of them con­sider mil­i­tary life as slave life.'

'It might be faster to beat and kill mon­sters with shov­els than to shoot guns,
if they are not at the fore­front, and if they are sta­tioned in the city.'

"It de­pends on who the com­man­der is."

'The key is the com­man­der's ca­pac­ity. The great­est ad­van­tage of the army is
a clear com­mand sys­tem that ex­cludes mercy and pow­er­ful weapons.
There­fore, if the com­man­der is ex­cel­lent, it can pro­duce re­sults more ef­fi­‐
ciently than any other group.'

"The ca­pac­ity of the com­man­der? Oh, my God."

"Then it must have ended."

At the ex­pla­na­tion of Kim, Bang and Ahn sighed with a look that seemed to
have no hope. Kim frowned slightly at the ap­pear­ance of the two.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

"You have no mil­i­tary ex­pe­ri­ence?"

Bang had not even been given a war­rant for en­list­ment, and Ahn was a per­‐
son who could get drafted be­cause she was a woman. It would not be nor­‐
mal for them to an­swer with con­fi­dence in the army.

"Big brother, will I know when I go there?"

"That's where so much cor­rup­tion goes on."

He could not find a ba­sis to re­fute these two ex­pla­na­tions. One of the big­‐
gest sym­bols of the mal­formed cor­rup­tion, un­fair­ness, and ir­ra­tional­ity of
the Ko­rean army was Kim Tae-hoon, in a sense.

They were right. If the Ko­rean army had been ra­tio­nal and op­er­ated nor­‐
mally, Kim would not have been here.

"Where did you learn all this, big brother? Did you learn this in the army?"

"I am a sol­dier, but I didn't learn from the army."

Kim found the lo­ca­tion of the ar­se­nal, and with a tan­gi­ble an­swer, he gave a
sig­nal to Ahn and Bang. It meant to shut up and ex­ec­ ute the or­der given

Bang nod­ded and stood near the bro­ken glass door of the po­lice sta­tion,
hold­ing the base­ball bat tightly in his hands with his bat­ting gloves, and
con­cen­trated all his senses out­side the po­lice sta­tion.

Ahn be­gan to search the dead bod­ies in the po­lice sta­tion, check­ing the
pock­ets of the dead, and took out a smart­phone, checked the pres­ence of the
lock screen and the bat­tery residue. She took what she could use, and if not
us­able, she took only the bat­ter­ies.

When Kim started to move to rob the ar­se­nal, Ahn's ac­tions sud­denly

'What is it? 'Surely some­thing ...'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

She was search­ing the dead body hard and felt some­thing with her fin­ger­‐
tips. It felt like a tiny spi­der web touched the back of her hand on the way. It
also felt like noth­ing. Or­di­nary peo­ple would ig­nore the feel­ing, turn­ing
their heads side­ways for a mo­ment. But she was dif­fer­ent.

'There's some­thing, I'm sure.'

She was a doc­tor whose hands were her most im­por­tant tools, and with such
im­por­tant tools, she worked the line be­tween life and death for peo­ple.

'Doc­tors never let things go when they feel bad or strange. Some­times the
feel­ing can de­cide the life and death of a per­son.'

Ahn was faith­ful to her feel­ing. She stopped what she was do­ing to find
some­thing that dis­turbed her and started to look around. One of the old-
fash­ioned bags caught her eyes. With­out hes­i­ta­tion, she opened the bag

'This is ...'

There was a black plas­tic bag in the bag, and when she pulled it open, a
bun­dle of news­pa­pers ap­peared. When she took out one of the wrapped
bun­dles and took off the news­pa­per, she found what was hid­den in­side.

It was not a nor­mal bowl, but an an­tique bowl! 'An an­tique?' Not just a
bowl, but a bowl that looked like an an­tique. Some were full of cracks, and
some were split in half. She looked at the an­tique bowl with an in­cred­u­lous

'I'm crazy. I came be­cause I felt strange, but it was not gold or money that
showed up, but an an­tique bowl.' She sighed briefly, and once more her fin­‐
ger­tips felt strange.

'Ah!' This time it was a lit­tle more in­tense. It felt like some­thing was con­‐
nected to her fin­ger­tips by a trans­par­ent thread.

Her ex­pres­sion changed again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

"I'll ex­plain how to use a gun be­fore we move." Kim, who had been rob­bing
the ar­se­nal, ap­peared to teach Ahn and Bang, who had never used a re­‐
volver in their en­tire lives.

"Wait a minute." Ahn stopped him. "This is weird." She showed him a bun­‐
dle of news­pa­pers in her hands.

Kim looked at Ahn in­quir­ingly.

Bang had a sim­i­lar ex­pres­sion to Kim.

"Ah, I mean ..." Ahn hur­riedly apart the news­pa­per and pulled out a white
bowl and a glass hid­den within. It didn't seem par­tic­u­larly spe­cial ei­ther. It
was lit­er­ally an an­tique, noth­ing more than a thing.

It didn't seem like a great an­tique, and more plainly, it seemed so small that
no one would buy it if a mer­chant asked them to buy it in In­sadong. Ahn
knew that well.

"This is weird, or I'm go­ing to look very strange to say this, but ..."

Kim took out a new smart­phone from his pocket, in­stead of an­swer­ing, and
pointed the cam­era at her. Be­fore Ahn could re­act prop­erly, he took a pic­‐
ture im­me­di­ately.


"Wait, wait a minute."

Kim, who checked the photo, gave her a hard look and handed the smart­‐
phone to her.

"I guess it's not just hu­mans that have changed in this world."

The glass pic­tured on the smart­phone had translu­cent let­ters!


[A Glass of Ther­apy]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 12 ⦘

-- Relic Grade: Grade 7

-- Relic Value: Nor­mal

-- Relic Ef­fect: Wa­ter can be gen­er­ated to heal wounds by con­sum­ing



The world had changed. Ev­ery­thing, not just peo­ple, had changed!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

Chap­ter 13
Chap­ter 4. Relic, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Oh, it is fill­ing up! It is fill­ing up!"

Bang Hyun-wook ad­mired the mag­i­cally clear liq­uid fill­ing the old-fash­‐
ioned glass that had noth­ing in it.

On the other hand, the ex­pres­sion of Ahn Sun-mi hold­ing the glass was not
good. 'I can't move.'


Her body was just a con­duit. Some un­known power was now pour­ing into
the glass af­ter un­der­go­ing a process sim­i­lar to a wa­ter pu­ri­fier in­side her.
The prob­lem was that the mo­ment she moved her body, the mo­ment her
con­cen­tra­tion fal­tered, ev­ery­thing stopped. The con­cen­tra­tion re­quired by
this process was be­yond imag­i­na­tion.

Ahn was a doc­tor, and if nec­es­sary, a doc­tor needed to per­form surgery in

an op­er­at­ing room to keep a pa­tient alive for ten hours straight. Her con­cen­‐
tra­tion could not be lack­ing. If it had been lack­ing, she would not have got­‐
ten even close to per­fect scores on the en­trance exam for uni­ver­sity and en­‐
tered a med­i­cal school. But she felt her con­cen­tra­tion be­ing con­sumed so
fast that she could not com­pare with surgery. Even­tu­ally, she gave up.

"Huh, huh ..." She was pant­ing hard. It was not a trick, as the sweat on her
fore­head was not from the cold weather.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

"Are you al­right, sis­ter?"

"It's all right, hoo... okay."

Bang talked to the ex­hausted Ahn. Kim Tae-hoon silently looked at her and
ar­ranged his thoughts.

'Magic... She is like a ma­gi­cian.' The ap­pear­ance of Ahn re­minded him of

the ex­is­tence of ma­gi­cians in games, movies, and nov­els. Ma­gi­cians had to
mem­o­rize spells for some time to use magic, and they re­quired a lot of con­‐
cen­tra­tion. When they move or were in­ter­fered with while mem­o­riz­ing
spells, the mem­o­rized spells be­came use­less.

It was high risk com­pared to the En­ergy of Bang, and the tele­ki­netic power
of Kim. So Kim had to know if there was any merit to tak­ing this risk.

"Did you say the ef­fect was wound re­cov­ery?" Kim rubbed the wound on
the back of his hand af­ter tak­ing some trans­par­ent liq­uid onto his fin­ger. It
half-filled the glass that Ahn pos­sessed, and it could only be con­sid­ered wa­‐

Then the wound started to bub­ble and it be­gan to heal! The sight took Ahn's
breath away. She looked at Kim's hand with in­cred­u­lous eyes and shouted,
"Oh my God, this is a mir­ac­ le, a mir­ac­ le!"

"Lower your voice." Kim gave an or­der to Ahn, not a warn­ing. She shut her
mouth promptly.

The po­lice sta­tion was quiet again. Kim, how­ever, care­fully moved his feet
be­tween the bod­ies with­out feel­ing re­lieved, and he ex­tended his senses out
to the gate of the po­lice sta­tion. He ex­am­ined the dark­ness around. There
was no par­tic­u­lar sign, but a sense of si­lence.

Af­ter Kim made a ges­ture that seemed to open his mouth with his left hand,
Bang and Ahn ex­haled softly.

Hoo..., the long wind drifted through the po­lice sta­tion.

The con­ver­sa­tion was a lit­tle bit later.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

"That's great. It's kind of an item, isn't it?" Bang was the first to open his
mouth, and Kim gave an or­der in­stead of an an­swer.

"Take pic­tures of all of them."


"Take pic­tures of all the an­tiques and check how many relics are there."

"Ah!" Only then did Bang wake up and take all the an­tiques out of the bag
and start tak­ing pic­tures.

Mean­while, Kim asked Ahn sev­eral ques­tions. "How did you feel us­ing


"I de­cided to call it in that for the sake of con­ve­nience, but if you want to
add some­thing spe­cial, it's fine."

"Mana does work."

"So how do you feel?"

"My body feels like a wa­ter pu­ri­fier. It feels like En­ergy goes through my
heart and then into this glass... But it's re­ally hard. It's like walk­ing on a

Kim nod­ded. 'The risk is big, but the merit is great.'

The con­cept of relics and Mana had been put to­gether.

'A relic is an item that helps us use Mana or any mys­te­ri­ous power. There
ex­ist relics among the his­tor­i­cal ob­jects like an­tiques. If we con­sider in the
con­cept of games, things made by mon­sters can also be relics or items.'

'Mana re­quires many re­stric­tions and con­di­tions to use dif­fer­ently than En­‐
ergy and Telekine­sis.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

'If we get weapons, the next des­ti­na­tion will be the mu­seum. Of course, we
must se­cure as many of these relics as pos­si­ble.'

In this world, there was no Sotheby auc­tion, and even if an auc­tion was
held, Kim would not be able to buy the goods at such an auc­tion with just
his life­time sav­ings.

"Big brother, there's noth­ing else," Bang re­ported, af­ter fin­ish­ing check­ing
the relics, shak­ing his head.

In­stead of an­swer­ing Bang, Kim handed over the re­volver he had brought
from the ar­se­nal. He also handed one to Ahn.

"The cylin­der will open this way, put the bul­let into it, and close it." He
taught them how to fill the cylin­der of the pis­tol and how to shoot. "Check
the tar­get, aim, and shoot. Hold it with both hands when shoot­ing. Pull the
trig­ger only once."

Bang and Ahn be­gan to fill the cylin­ders with bul­lets clum­sily.

Kim told them so. "Never point a gun at our peo­ple. Don't point a gun at me
even when fill­ing the cylin­der and prac­tic­ing."

At his words, Bang, who was about to point a gun in Kim's di­rec­tion af­ter
fill­ing the cylin­der, in­stantly stopped.

Kim smiled bit­terly at his ac­tions. He had an­tic­i­pated what Bang would do.
It wasn't hard to pre­dict.

'It's one of the mis­takes most peo­ple usu­ally make when they first touch a
gun. They aim at the per­son in front of them when they hear the word 'aim.'

'These two are not bad ei­ther, but it would be bet­ter to have a ca­reer man if I
wanted to move along.'

It was some­thing Kim would have to en­dure to go around with Bang and
Ahn. The two had never been sol­diers.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

'Even if I wanted some­thing like a sol­dier right away, it doesn't mean they
can't do the job. I hope there's some­one who will be help­ful in the Ojung-
dong mil­i­tary base.' It would be con­ve­nient to find an Awak­ened sol­dier,
and that was one of the rea­sons why Kim was head­ing for the mil­i­tary base.

An Awak­ened sol­dier was needed. Of course, there was no guar­an­tee that

an Awak­ened sol­dier would be­come a sub­or­di­nate to him even if there was
one there.

'I hope there is a man of sense...' That's what Kim wor­ried about.

"We`re mov­ing now. Take sugar with the choco­late we pre­pared, and arm
your­self, then let's move on to the next point..."

With the first ob­jec­tive done, it was time to move to­ward the mil­i­tary base
in Ojung-dong.

Kuoooooo! A loud cry rang through the city of Bucheon.


'The most fear­ful thing to those who sur­vive in a city which had been ru­ined
by bomb­ing is the sound of the fighter jets pass­ing over­head. The sound not
only par­al­yzes the rea­son of the lis­tener but some­times even the heart. This
is the case; on the bat­tle­field, the body is fine, but a dead man with his ears
cov­ered is seen from time to time.

Even trained sol­diers are not free from the fear. The mo­ment a bomber
bombs, death is on the way. That kind of fear can­not be over­come. They
just get used to it.'


Kim's abil­ity to go with­out los­ing his rea­son in front of the mon­strous fear
that ram­paged through his mind was also due to his fa­mil­iar­ity with this
kind of fear. He could not over­come the fear. He was ly­ing on the floor, just
wait­ing for the fear to fade away. Soon af­ter Kim Tae-hoon's fear of ev­ery­‐
thing ex­plod­ing dis­ap­peared, he rose from his seat.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

The first thing he did was look at the con­di­tion of Bang and Ahn, who were
sim­i­lar to the dead bod­ies scat­tered on the floor. He checked their pulses
im­me­di­ately. Their pulses were run­ning, but there was no fo­cus in their

"Huck!" Bang woke up first, but his eyes were full of fear.

Kim forced the choco­late from his pocket into Bang's mouth af­ter break­ing

"Melt it down in your mouth; do not swal­low, let it melt."

Kim then ap­proached Ahn. Her con­di­tion was worse than Bang's. Her heart
was beat­ing, but her eyes were not fo­cused. She was truly in a state of un­‐

Kim slapped her cheek. "Get ahold of your­self, Ahn Sun-mi. Get ahold of

The fo­cus re­turned Ahn's eyes af­ter her cheeks were red.

Kim put the pieces of choco­late in her mouth. "Melt it down on your

Kim then spoke to Bang, who was some­what sober. "Stand here. If any­thing
hap­pens, shout out to me."

Bang, who had been melt­ing choco­late hard in his mouth, was sur­prised and
asked, af­ter gulp­ing down the choco­late. "Yes? What about you?"

"We need to fig­ure out what mon­ster passed over our heads. Boil wa­ter us­‐
ing the por­ta­ble pot we brought. It's dan­ger­ous to move in this con­di­tion
right away. Let's warm up and move."

With those words, Kim went out the bro­ken door of the po­lice sta­tion.



⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

With a short sound, the po­lice car's door un­locked it­self. Kim stared slowly
at the car's win­dow, and he opened the door right af­ter blink­ing his eyes a
cou­ple of times. Soon af­ter, he pushed him­self into the wide-open door.

"Hoo..." The cold po­lice car was filled with his white breath. Kim's hand
ex­tended through the cloud to the black box in­stalled in the car. He opened
the black box as it was, play­ing the video that the black box had recorded a
short time ago.

Un­der the night sky, the im­age of the dark world, with­out a street-light, was
of course dark. But it was not dif­fi­cult to see its pres­ence in the video. The
video taken by the black box was more than enough.

It was about three hun­dred me­ters long and large enough to cover a gym­na­‐
sium with the mas­sive wings that could lift the gi­ant body. It was a dragon.
At least, among the count­less hu­man words, the dragon was the only word
that could de­scribe the mon­ster.

The huge dragon was fly­ing past Bucheon to­wards In­cheon, where the sea
was vis­i­ble.

Kim grit his teeth tightly. 'Black Orcs... are at the level of wild dogs.'

There was al­ready a crazy mon­ster in the world. The chance of beat­ing such
a thing could not even be cal­cu­lated with­out the help of a pow­er­ful weapon.

'The world has changed well be­yond my imag­i­na­tion.'

Kim did not even dare to dream that such a mon­ster would ap­pear in the
world. In­stead, he was able to imag­ine what would hap­pen when such a
mon­ster ap­peared.

'If this mon­ster gets set­tled in In­cheon City... I must be de­ter­mined to re­turn
In­cheon City to Sep­tem­ber of 1950 to kill it.'

How much fire­power would be needed to sim­ply kill this mon­ster with hu­‐
man weapons?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 13 ⦘

How much prop­erty and ge­o­graph­i­cal dam­age would be taken, and how
many lives would be lost?

Some of the sur­vivors were peo­ple who were will­ing to take the dam­age
and still sur­vive the ruth­less vi­o­lence.

'... I need to hurry.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

Chap­ter 14
Chap­ter 5. Hunter, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was about five kilo­me­ters from the large mart to the Ojung-dong mil­i­tary
base. There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon aimed to reach the mil­i­tary base of Ojung-
dong by least four AM af­ter leav­ing the large mart for the first time. In ad­‐
di­tion, he was plan­ning to mo­bi­lize all means and meth­ods to achieve the

He knew bet­ter than any­one else the im­por­tance of car­ry­ing out the goal
and plan­ning thor­oughly in a war sit­u­at­ion. But now he was in the po­lice
sta­tion even though the time was well past three AM. He even had the time
to drink cof­fee, us­ing a cof­fee drip­per in the boiled wa­ter from a por­ta­ble

"Big brother, is it okay to take time to re­lax?"


At that sight of Kim, Bang Hyun-wook was sus­pi­cious.

Kim, who en­joyed his cof­fee, as usual, said to Bang in a low voice, "It's too
dan­ger­ous for us to move with our minds and bod­ies clouded with fear, and
the first thing we need to do is ease our bod­ies and minds. Hmm... This cof­‐
fee has a good taste. I've never drunk this prod­uct be­fore."

Of course, Kim was never able to take a break. How­ever, right now, the
three of them were not in nor­mal phys­i­cal con­di­tion. A huge mon­ster that
could not be ex­plained by any­thing had scat­tered fear in Bucheon City, and

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

the fear was now rooted in ev­ery cor­ner of the minds and bod­ies of his

Mov­ing in a sit­u­at­ion where it was not ex­tracted prop­erly was like mov­ing
in poi­son.

"Right now, the sit­u­at­ion is dif­fer­ent from when the dragon ap­peared. The
con­di­tion has changed."

More im­por­tantly, this fact did not ap­ply only to Kim and his party. The
uniden­ti­fied dragon had scat­tered the fear of his pres­ence in Bucheon like a
shower. All the things that had set­tled in Bucheon were ex­posed to the fear.

Af­ter the mon­sters' at­tack, which had started around four PM on De­cem­ber
31, the sit­u­at­ion came to a lull tem­po­rar­ily and now was out of con­trol.

Like a ship, their boat, which had been drift­ing qui­etly, was swept over by
huge waves.

Ahn Sun-mi added her opin­ion to Kim Tae-hoon's. "The shriek... Most peo­‐
ple must have passed out or died be­cause of the fear. Be­cause of the tem­per­‐
a­ture right now... fall­ing into a state of un­con­scious­ness when they can't ex­‐
pect the right help around is vir­tu­ally the same as freez­ing to death."

Of the three, the dragon fear hit her the hard­est, and at the same time, her
words as a doc­tor were cer­tainly con­vinc­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon sup­ple­mented her opin­ion by pour­ing cof­fee into her empty

"I wished all of them would be fine, but it's a big­ger prob­lem that all of
them will not be."

"What do you mean?"

"It's more likely that there will be some­thing go­ing crazy then faint­ing."

Dragon fear was strong. But not ev­ery­thing had fainted to the dragon fear.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

Just now, Bang Hyun-wook and Kim Tae-hoon were stunned but did not
faint. There must be Awak­en­ers among the sur­vivors, and a high-rank En­‐
ergy user among them would surely sur­vive.

"It would be peo­ple or mon­sters."

"The mon­sters aren't gone yet."

All the mon­sters have not dis­ap­peared from Bucheon.

As ev­i­dence, there were few bod­ies of the mon­sters, which made Bucheon
City a ghost city.

So where did the mon­sters go? Did they leave Bucheon, and go to Seoul or

It was much more plau­si­ble that mon­sters who had al­ready at­tacked hu­mans
and filled their stom­ach had hid­den in the forests of build­ings, tak­ing shel­ter
to avoid the cold win­ter weather late at night.

Was it not a shel­ter that hu­mans loved to use, in places like a sub­way sta­‐

"And if I were a mon­ster, I would rather come out and fill my stom­ach than
stay still at this mo­ment."

In such a sit­u­at­ion, a mon­ster who felt a sense of cri­sis due to the emer­‐
gence of an ab­so­lute up­per preda­tor would try to hide in a more se­cret
place, deep, af­ter fill­ing its stom­ach be­fore it went crazy or felt hun­gry

In other words, for the time be­ing, mon­sters would come out and work.

"The ones who are mov­ing now are strong enough to carry out their pur­‐
pose, not faint­ing in the face of the fear."

At least the mon­sters that were ac­tive at this mo­ment were stronger than
Gob­lins or Orcs.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

He had to keep the Black Orc in mind, at the very least.

Kim Tae-hoon was wait­ing for them to quickly fill their stom­achs and then
hide deep again.

In front of such an ex­pla­na­tion, Bang Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi no

longer asked ad­di­tional ques­tions.

Kim Tae-hoon's boiled cof­fee thawed their cold bod­ies in the cold weather,
and their fright­ened brains were thawed by choco­late.

In the si­lence, Kim Tae-hoon looked at his right hand care­fully. His right
hand grad­u­ally be­gan to turn black by the abil­ity Black Skin ac­quired af­ter
killing the Black Orc!

Cur­rently, Kim Tae-hoon's force rank could only turn his skin black up to
his wrist. The Black Skin gave him the feel­ing of wear­ing an iron glove. It
was ac­tu­ally pretty tough. It was not cut by a crude knife, and even hit­ting
the wall as hard as pos­si­ble, it only stung a lit­tle.

'If I kill a mon­ster, I get paid!' This was clear ev­i­dence.

'Ev­i­dence that I can get some­thing if I kill a mon­ster!

'I won­der what it would be like to kill that mon­ster...'

The ev­i­dence re­minded Kim Tae-hoon of how he could kill the mon­ster in
his mind, while weighed down by the fear of the dragon.

Kim Tae-hoon sipped cof­fee with a slight smile in his imag­i­na­tion.


There was a stretch of dark­ened road, along a row of one-story store­houses,

full of stopped cars that had lost their own­ers, and frozen corpses.

Two Gob­lins were eat­ing there. Cling­ing to a frozen corpse, they were tear­‐
ing and swal­low­ing the flesh of the body, us­ing their dog-like teeth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

It was a pretty nasty thing to see.

Gob­lins had the power and sharp teeth to bite the flesh out of a per­son, but
that was based on the flesh of a liv­ing hu­man be­ing.

Bod­ies of frozen peo­ple were dif­fer­ent, and there was no short­age of cold. It
didn't even taste good, and their cries com­plained about it. It was hard to
swal­low the flesh that had been ripped off, be­cause there was noth­ing good
about chew­ing, swal­low­ing, or fill­ing their stom­ach. It was a meal to live.

The Gob­lins, who had been strug­gling to sur­vive, sud­denly grabbed their
necks. "Keck, keck!" The Gob­lins who gasped be­gan to strug­gle to live.

"Hoooo!" At that mo­ment, a young man ap­peared, took a short breath and
hit the head of the Gob­lin with a base­ball bat.

Pak! A sin­gle eye­ball shot out of the Gob­lin's head half­way af­ter the at­tack.
The man used his mo­men­tum and hit the other one's head ver­ti­cally.

Keck! Its open mouth was slammed closed. It bit off its own tongue, and its
teeth were shat­tered. The Gob­lin dropped to the ground and spewed out
blood like a foun­tain from its mouth.

Bang Hyun-wook made a cir­cle with his hand.

Ahn Sun-mi ap­peared. She had a sharp­ened knife, turned the body of the
fallen Gob­lin over to face the sky, and put a sharp knife into the pit of the
Gob­lin's stom­ach. Af­ter that, she put her hand into the deep in­ci­sion she had
made. When she drew her arm out, gory to the el­bow, a red jewel was
caught at the end of her fin­ger.

She did the same thing with the other Gob­lin, cut­ting into the soft­est part of
the Gob­lin's body in its gut, and plunged her arm in up to the heart, tak­ing a
jewel out.

It was then that Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared. His right hand was hold­ing a plas­‐
tic lamp bot­tle, and he sprin­kled kerosene on the Gob­lin body.

"I'm still won­der­ing why you're spray­ing kerosene?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

"The only one who'll eat this body is a mon­ster. I hope they eat them and
get sick," Kim Tae-hoon ex­plained briefly.

In the mean­time, Ahn Sun-mi wiped the blood off her hand with a towel
and held out her palm to Kim Tae-hoon.


Kim Tae-hoon handed one of them to Bang Hyun-wook af­ter he picked

them up.

"Eat it."

The two swal­lowed the mon­ster stones, still warm with the blood of Gob­‐
lins, with­out a word. They swal­lowed against the strong taste of blood that
made them want to vomit.

Soon Bang Hyun-wook stroked the area near the pit of the stom­ach and
said, "I'm nearly full now."

When Kim Tae-hoon started mov­ing, the scenery that was un­folded in front
of his party was the same as he had pre­dicted.

The mon­sters were eat­ing the frozen bod­ies as if they were pos­sessed by

Kim Tae-hoon did not pass up such mon­sters. He hunted. And he put Bang
Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi on the front line.

"Bang Hyun-wook, watch out for the bat when you swing it. Never let go of
the ten­sion at the mo­ment of at­tack."


"And Ahn Sun-mi."

"Or­der me."

"Stab these two dead eyes with that knife."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

At the words of Kim Tae-hoon, Ahn Sun-mi stabbed the red eye of the Gob­‐
lin with the end-point of the knife with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

With the eerie sound of the eye be­ing de­stroyed, red liq­uid flowed out of
Gob­lin's eyes. It was like the tears of un­justly dead souls.

Bang Hyun-wook watched the scene and took a short breath. It was a sight
that he could not eas­ily get used to. That was why Kim Tae-hoon or­dered it.

'I am glad they got used to it so quickly. Ahn Sun-mi is a doc­tor, so she is
adapt­ing quickly.'

Un­like Kim Tae-hoon, Bang Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi were or­di­nary
peo­ple un­til less than a day ago.

'The pub­lic ba­si­cally has a re­jec­tion of killing, and many peo­ple are un­able
to ar­range chicken that has al­ready been slaugh­tered, and they can­not even
de­feather a chicken.'

They could not boldly stab a mon­ster who was seek­ing their life. The mo­‐
men­tary hes­i­ta­tion that hap­pened then even­tu­ally cost them their lives.

Kim Tae-hoon wanted to give Bang Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi the ex­pe­‐
ri­ence of slaugh­ter. It was an ex­pe­ri­ence that hu­man be­ings would nor­mally
never need to build up, but now they could not help it. From now on, they
would have to kill some­thing to live.

"And that's your des­ti­na­tion, isn't it?"

In ad­di­tion, there were not only mon­sters to worry about.

"We'll take a nap for a while and move on."

"What? We'll ar­rive at the mil­i­tary base if we move just a lit­tle bit more."

"No guard wel­comes any­one who ap­pears at night. If I had com­mand of

that army right now, and if any men ap­proached at night, I would or­der
them to fire if there was no an­swer two sec­onds af­ter the warn­ing."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 14 ⦘

There was no guar­an­tee that the sol­diers of the mil­i­tary base, their des­ti­na­‐
tion, would wel­come sur­vivors. If the mil­i­tary base was op­er­at­ing nor­mally
now, it would set up on guard. The guards would be ex­tremely ner­vous, be­‐
cause the price of a mis­take was no longer run­ning around the train­ing
ground with a mil­i­tary bag, nor can­celed out by a day's va­ca­tion or long va­‐

"Take a break."

Above all, Kim Tae-hoon and his party were quite tired, and they needed a
break. It took some en­ergy to run away or fight.

"When the sun starts to rise, we ap­proach the mil­i­tary base."

Kim Tae-hoon found a place to take a nap for a while, but there was no suit­‐
able build­ing to sleep. In the end, Kim Tae-hoon made an SUV ve­hi­cle into
a lodg­ing shel­ter. Af­ter open­ing the locked door with Telekine­sis, the three
en­tered the ve­hi­cle.

The car was cold, but it was warmer than any other place nearby, as they
had been hunt­ing a long dis­tance through the bit­terly cold wind. It was the
first break that they had taken, but the rest was not long.

Blam! By the time dawn was barely up, the gun­fire that rang out in­stead of
a rooster's cry woke them with the sun.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

Chap­ter 15
Chap­ter 5. Hunter, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Tu­tu­tutu! The gun­fire came down like a heavy rain un­der the blue sky, as
the night had just be­gun to re­treat.

Tu­tutu! The gun­fire was so pow­er­ful that it af­fected those who were far

"Wow, that's not a joke. It's dif­fer­ent from the movies. Damn it, it's to­tally
dif­fer­ent from the movies!"


As the dis­tance to the gun­fire nar­rowed, Bang Hyun-wook spoke more and

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo ..." Ahn Sun-mi con­tin­u­ously took in deep breaths and

That was the power of real gun­fire.

It was not what some­one saw in the movies. The first time hear­ing it, legs
would stiffen up and minds would freeze. Even if Ahn Sun-mi and Bang
Hyun-wook lived in the land of Ko­rea, they never heard real gun­fire.

It was ev­i­dence of their courage and the ba­sis of obe­di­ence that they closed
the dis­tance to the gun­fire at Kim Tae-hoon's or­der.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon was not sur­prised by the gun­fire.

'The gun­fire doesn't stop.' Rather, he found mean­ing in the con­tin­u­ous

shoot­ing, that seemed to have no mean­ing, and drew a men­tal im­age based
on it.

'And it's def­i­nitely mov­ing, too.' The prob­lem was that the pic­ture that was
drawn was not a good pic­ture. 'I'm not go­ing to see any­thing good this

'Guns are very pow­er­ful weapons. The power of hand­guns as well as ri­fles
sim­ply ig­nores the ex­pec­ta­tions of the pub­lic. Once some­one is shot, they
can tell how ridicu­lous it is to see an ac­tor strug­gling even af­ter be­ing shot
sev­eral times in a movie. Of course, it was not some­thing good to learn.'

It was clear that the guns were pow­er­ful for mon­sters such as Orc and Gob­‐
lin, which Kim Tae-hoon and his party had en­coun­tered ear­lier. There was
no rea­son to have such in­dis­crim­i­nate fire against one mon­ster.

"The fact that they've sur­vived so far means that at least they have stood up
against the mon­sters they've en­coun­tered."

The sol­diers in the mil­i­tary base were now aware of things. If they were not
aware, this bat­tle would be the first time, but that did not make any sense.
But now the gun­shots were ring­ing out again and again.

There would be two main cases. The num­ber of mon­sters the sol­diers were
now deal­ing with was at least 100 units, or there was a scary mon­ster that
couldn't be dealt with us­ing one or two gun­shots.

There was noth­ing good about ei­ther cir­cum­stance. Of course, the worst
sce­nario was if the two were one. There was a pow­er­ful mon­ster like a
Black Orc, and it was the leader of a horde.

'Maybe a gun doesn't work on it.' Maybe it was a type of mon­ster that guns
did not work on.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

It did not make sense, but con­ven­tional com­mon sense did not ap­ply to the
world al­ready. The pres­ence of the dragon gave an im­por­tant les­son to Kim


They heard a scream. The first scream­ing sound came over the green sound­‐
proof wall that Kim Tae-hoon and his party were look­ing at. Kim Tae-hoon
stopped in front of the wall. Bang Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi also
stopped walk­ing. Kim Tae-hoon turned his head to con­firm the at­ti­tudes of
the two. Of course, their faces were not good.

'Hoo, Bang Hyun-wook, let's calm down. You sur­vived there, re­lax. You're
with big brother and just stay calm. En­ergy, yes you have En­ergy. This bat
will crush the shitty mon­ster's skull.'

'Don't think any­thing, Ahn Sun-mi, all you have to do is fol­low or­ders.
Don't think about things that are messy. You have to sur­vive. You come
here to sur­vive.'

As soon as they crossed the wall, they would see the mon­ster's screams and
gun­fire with their own eyes, and the scene could not be com­pared with hor­‐
ror or gore movies. The faces of those in front of them should be wary.

Kim told the two of them, "We need a car."


At Kim Tae-hoon's sud­den re­mark, Bang Hyun-wook and Ahn Sun-mi both
posted a ques­tion mark on their face.


"Oh, like a bus?" Ahn Sun-mi re­called Kim Tae-hoon us­ing the bus to kill
the Black Orc.

"A bus is not bad, but I wish I had a truck, like a dump truck."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

"If it were fif­teen tons..."

At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon's eyes were filled with what he wanted.

"··· good."


'The land­scape of a mil­i­tary base is al­ways des­o­late. No mat­ter how many

trees are planted or if there is a lot of green grass, the des­o­la­tion does not
dis­ap­pear. It is like a warn­ing. A warn­ing of the fact that a mil­i­tary base is
not a beau­ti­ful, rich tableau, but a stage de­signed to kill some­thing.'

Tutu! Tutu! Tu­tu­tutu! And now the warn­ing had be­come a re­al­ity. A group
of twenty-four sol­diers, in a semi­cir­cu­lar for­ma­tion, were pulling the trig­‐
gers of the ri­fles on their shoul­ders se­quen­tially, as if the gears were in­ter­‐

"Kieeeeeee!" 150 cen­time­ter scream­ing Gob­lins with brown skin were at­‐
tack­ing them. The num­ber of brown Gob­lins that was at­tack­ing was sig­nif­i­‐
cant. Just the vis­i­ble ones were eas­ily over fifty.


"Save, save Sergeant Park, save..."

There were a lot of peo­ple be­ing eaten alive on the ground by Gob­lins. The
num­ber of brown Gob­lins eat­ing them was close to a hun­dred. It was an
enor­mous num­ber. But it wasn't the num­ber that both­ered the sol­diers now.

"Damn it! Die! Die!" Tu­tu­tutu!

How­ever, the brown Gob­lins did not stop run­ning in front of the gun­shots,
which were start­ing to hurt the shoul­ders of the gun­men.

Pukpuk, pukpuk! When­ever they were shot full of holes, the red eyes of
brown Gob­lins burned even red­der.

It was like a can­dle flar­ing be­fore it went out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

The brown Gob­lins, which had been driven be­yond their lives and were
filled with mad­ness, were faster than be­fore, and their jump­ing power was
greater. They were now even more fright­en­ing to the sol­diers.

"Aaaaaaargh!" Against all logic, a brown Gob­lin, fly­ing for­ward like a frog,
struck a sol­dier. The mo­ment he fell, it was over.

"Kieeeee! kieeeee!"

The Gob­lin who had at­tacked the sol­dier had lost its life, but the Gob­lin's
col­leagues rushed over as if they had been wait­ing, and with their sharp
teeth bit through both uni­form and flesh.


"Cor­po­ral Kang, Damn it! Kang Il-hyun!"

The sight of some­one be­ing eaten alive was a ter­ri­ble for the vic­tim and for
the view­ers. What was worse was that they couldn't point the gun at the
brown Gob­lins that were swarm­ing their col­league.

There was no com­pan­ion­ship in a gun. The gun­shot might end up in his col­‐
league, in­stead of a Gob­lin. Even if it was to re­lieve their pain, it could
never be done eas­ily. No, it's was more dif­fi­cult. Pulling the trig­ger to free a
dy­ing col­league from pain was a tough task com­pared to pulling the trig­ger
to­ward an en­emy, a mon­ster.

Only those who had a cool judg­ment and a true sense of friend­ship to­ward
the fallen could pull it. Tu­tutu! "Kuck!"

Among the twenty-four sur­vivors, now twenty-three, the only one who
knew how to do it was the com­man­der, Sec­ond Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, who
led the group.

"Ev­ery­one, stay with me! Don't panic! The num­ber of en­em

­ ies is de­creas­‐
ing! If we act calmly, we can clean up!"

Sec­ond Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

The cool ap­pear­ance of a beau­ti­ful woman, but bushy eye­brows, strong

eyes, and a nim­ble nose, which was rarely seen on a woman, gave the im­‐
pres­sion that she was not just a beauty, but a fierce beast!

She also had a strong physique. She was a tall woman, at least six feet tall,
so eas­ily found among the sol­diers who had gath­ered, and her mil­i­tary uni­‐
form was bet­ter fit­ted than any­one else.

Tutu! Above all, her gun­shots were the only ones with tem­per­ance. Even as
she re­treated from the front line, the muz­zle of her gun was al­most un­‐
shaken even when she pulled the trig­ger. She was killing her tar­gets with as
few shots as pos­si­ble.

"Re­treat to the church!" There was no shak­ing in her voice. Her or­der was
the only light that il­lu­mi­nated this un­re­al­is­tic night­mare.

The sol­diers grit their teeth tightly. Tu­tutu! Then they pulled the trig­gers
again. They pulled the trig­gers with­out stop­ping back to­wards the dozens of
Gob­lins which were at­tack­ing un­ceas­ingly.

"To the church!"

"Yes, let's go to the church, let's just go to the church."

The pur­pose be­came clear. It was to reach the church about two hun­dred
me­ters away. It seemed im­pos­si­ble to do that. The con­fi­dence that they
could do it nat­u­rally be­gan to sprout in their minds.

"Kaaaaaang!" But this cry made the sol­diers' minds darken, and their
sprout­ing hopes shrivel.


"The bas­tard mon­ster ..."

In their dark­est mo­ment, the sol­diers were forced to think; the mon­sters
sud­denly at­tacked the mil­i­tary base ahead of the New Year, when it was a
nor­mal time for peo­ple to be dis­charged.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

Among them, there was a huge mon­ster that took hold of a per­son's body in
the midst of a hail of gun­fire and then ripped off his head. It leisurely ate
the heads af­ter catch­ing peo­ple, even while be­ing shot. No mat­ter how
much the body was filled with holes by the bul­lets, the mon­ster re­cov­ered
like a white sandy beach where the waves had passed.

"Kaaaaaaah!" The mon­ster that all the sol­diers thought of be­came re­al­ity
and ap­peared in front of them. It was a huge mon­ster. The gi­ant, four me­ters
tall, was huge and un­speak­able. It looked like a gi­ant that was ex­tremely
obese. Its face was like a dough that had been crushed, the way its nose and
cheeks were bulging out. Fi­nally, its skin looked like mud. Its skin looked
like it should be slough­ing off it.

"Heck ..."

"Huck ..."

The tur­bid cry of such a mon­ster be­came an in­vis­i­ble shackle and tied the
sol­diers' feet. The sol­diers, tied to their feet, looked at the mon­ster with a
be­wil­dered ex­pres­sion. The cease­less gun­fire that had been rain­ing in­ces­‐
santly stopped for the first time.

"Kieeeee!" The area of the ceased gun­fire was oc­cu­pied by brown Gob­lins.

"Kieeeee!" The brown Gob­lins be­gan to move again.

"Re­treat!" In it, only Kim Soo-ji could shout.

"Tu­tutu! Tu­tutu!" With that cry, she pointed the gun at the head of a brown
Gob­lin, not the gi­ant mon­ster that ap­peared, and pulled the trig­ger.

"Re­treat at full speed!" Her or­der fol­lowed the sound of the shot with a
voice that was al­ready hoarse.

"We will re­build the line at the church. Re­treat!"

At that mo­ment, her ri­fle, which had been shoot­ing out cease­lessly so far,
sounded as if it had died. Tick, tick!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

Her ex­pres­sion hard­ened. 'Ah!'

It was the worst mo­ment, the only light that shone in the dark­ness was dis­‐
ap­pear­ing. The fo­cus was lost again in the eyes of the sol­diers.

Kim Soo-ji, who had been calm so far, was trem­bling at this mo­ment.

Honk! It was the honk­ing of a huge dump truck com­ing to­ward them fast
that woke them up. Honk!

"What, what?"

"It, it's a truck!"

The sound of the honk­ing horn re­peat­edly woke up the sol­diers who were
frozen. Honk!

The dump truck that ap­peared did not stop. With­out a mo­ment's hes­i­ta­tion,
the truck threw it­self at the gi­ant mon­ster. When two gi­ants col­lided, the
enor­mous sound that re­minded them of the thun­der filled their ears. Honk!

The eyes of the mad brown Gob­lins changed in front of the un­speak­able im­‐

Ki? Kie! For the first time, the brown Gob­lin's eyes were filled with fear, as
if they had come out of a trance.

"Stop shoot­ing! We're here to help!" A man's voice was heard in the still­‐
ness of the dump truck.

Kim Soo-ji turned her head and looked at the speaker. She saw the road the
dump truck cre­ated, a man walk­ing down a bloody road of crushed and
burst brown Gob­lins, and a younger man fol­low­ing be­hind him.

Kim Soo-ji asked him, "Who are you?"

"Kim Tae-hoon," he an­swered briefly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 15 ⦘

Bang Hyun-wook, who was ex­cited by the bat­tle af­ter Kim Tae-hoon,
added, "Hunters! We are hunters hunt­ing mon­sters!"

"Hunters?" Kim Soo-ji asked with a sus­pi­cious ex­pres­sion, at the words of

Bang Hyun-wook.

Kim Tae-hoon frowned briefly and an­swered, "Yes, we are hunters."

That was all they had time to say.

"Kaaaaah!" The scream of the Mud Troll mon­ster hit by a dump truck and
its amaz­ing re­cov­ery abil­ity did not al­low them any more time for gos­sip.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

Chap­ter 16
Chap­ter 6. Cre­ation of a Clan, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"We are hunters."

The mo­ment Kim Tae-hoon replied, the painful cry of the Mud Troll in­‐
stantly shook the bat­tle­field.

Not only the sol­diers but Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook who fol­‐
lowed him turned their heads and looked at the body of the Mud Troll tram­‐
pled by the dump truck.


Ob­vi­ously, it was a corpse.

The dump truck turned the Mud Troll into a burst bal­loon, and not just that,
but had crushed it with six gi­ant wheels the height of a man.

There was no other ex­pla­na­tion than that it was just a crushed dead body.

Now, how­ever, the body that had to be a corpse was mov­ing slowly, re­form­‐
ing its crushed head and snout, and spit­ting out a weak but clear cry through
its over-long nose.

It was a night­mare.

"Aaaargh! Aaaargh!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

"We're go­ing to die, and it will eat our heads!"

The sur­vivors now were those who had ex­pe­ri­enced night­mares in front of
them sev­eral times, not just once or twice.

Sec­ond lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, was the same.

'What do we do now?'

Ev­ery­thing was a night­mare from the be­gin­ning.

At the end of the year, there was no man­ual for a mil­i­tary force to re­spond
to the sud­den mon­ster raids in the mil­i­tary base lo­cated in the met­ro­pol­i­tan
area, not the bor­der.

The dam­age was se­vere from the very be­gin­ning of the at­tack.

The brown Gob­lins be­gan to hunt un­armed sol­diers in a group.

The worst was that the Mud Troll ap­peared in the drink­ing party of the ex­‐
ec­u­tive of­fi­cers ahead of the New Year.

Most of the com­mand­ing of­fi­cers who had to give or­ders were slain by the
Mud Troll.

If she had been a less flex­i­ble sol­dier, she would have en­tered the Mud
Troll's stom­ach early in the drink­ing party.

Any­way, af­ter that, Kim Soo-ji had to pay the price of be­ing a sur­vivor.

She fought to sur­vive with the re­main­ing sol­diers. To sur­vive, she had to
ex­pe­ri­ence night­mares again and again.

This Mud Troll, in par­tic­u­lar, gave her de­spair be­yond the night­mare.

'Weapons don't work against the Mud Troll.'

She had used all kinds of weapons against it, but the Mud Troll had never
even made a pained sound in front of the pow­er­ful firearms.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

The only one thing that could stop such a Mud Troll was a sense of sati­ety!

Of course, at this mo­ment, Kim Soo-ji could not think of a way to deal with
the Mud Troll. The in­side of her head turned blank.

"State your of­fi­cial rank and name!" Kim Tae-hoon scolded her.


"Your name."

"I, I am Kim Soo-ji."


"Sec­ond lieu­tenant ... Sec­ond lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, I'm lead­ing the re­main­‐
ing sur­vivors of the 1121st unit."

The glit­ter in Kim Soo-ji's eyes changed. She had a gut feel­ing.

'He is a sol­dier!'

The man in front of her, Kim Tae-hoon, was a sol­dier or a sim­i­lar kind of
mil­i­tary who had been through se­vere en­coun­ters sev­eral times.

Fur­ther­more, she felt some­thing.

'He's a sol­dier, I'm sure!'

It felt like she had seen a man named Kim Tae-hoon some­where...

Any­way, Kim Tae-hoon's voice was like a life­line to her, who was a sol­dier
to the bone.

"I need in­for­ma­tion about that muddy mon­ster now."

Sol­diers don't have to worry about or­ders.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

"It has the power to rip a man's body apart with its bare hands, its about
four me­ters in height, and it has the abil­ity to re­cover quickly, even if it is
wounded by a bul­let."

"What about the firearm you used against it?"

"Clay­mores didn't work, and an 81-mil­lime­ter trench gun worked a lit­tle bit,
but it not much."


While Kim Tae-hoon and Kim Soo-ji talked, the scream­ing Mud Troll be­‐
gan to re­gen­er­ate its up­per body af­ter its head. The sound of its screams
grew louder and clearer.

Of course, the fear that it emit­ted grew big­ger and clearer!

The gen­eral sol­diers trem­bled, and now they were so scared that they
couldn't even scream.

"Wow, that's not a fuck­ing joke." On the con­trary, Bang Hyun-wook spit out
his feel­ings in front of the scream­ing Mud Troll.

Kim Tae-hoon shouted at Bang Hyun-wook. "Bang Hyun-wook!"

"Yes, big brother!"

"Clean around."


At that or­der, Bang Hyun-wook grabbed his bat with­out hes­i­ta­tion. His bat
be­gan to take in the En­ergy that flowed through his body.


Bang Hyun-wook knew now. To sur­vive, he needed the power to deal with
the mon­sters he faced more clearly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

So he tried to sur­vive and to find ways to use his power more ef­fi­ciently
and more pow­er­fully.

In the process, Bang Hyun-wook was able to re­al­ize some of the ways to
wield his En­ergy.

'I know now how to use the power in my gut!'

It was not only En­ergy that strength­ened his body, but with a lit­tle dif­fi­‐
culty, it could also wrap around an ob­ject in hand.

The power of that was enor­mous.


His swing crushed a brown Gob­lin's head like a rot­ten pump­kin. Bang
Hyun-wook shouted be­tween the scat­tered flesh, blood, and brain fluid,
"Bucheon High School, No. 5 bat­ter, Bang Hyun-wook is here! Come on,
you bas­tards!"

The aura of Bang Hyun-wook changed as he spoke. If Bang Hyun-wook's

rea­son learned to deal with his En­ergy, his in­stincts learned to take ad­van­‐
tage of the fight.

To deal with mon­sters, he had to be a mon­ster!

"Sec­ond lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, stop shoot­ing and get ready for the alert."
Kim Tae-hoon or­dered Kim Soo-ji, leav­ing Bang to do his thing.

'Stop shoot­ing? Alert?' It was a dif­fi­cult or­der to un­der­stand. 'At this des­per­‐
ate mo­ment, the Mud Troll is re­cov­er­ing and still has twenty brown Gob­lins
left, how can we stop shoot­ing and get ready for an alert?'

"Stop shoot­ing! Set the line and turn to alert!" Kim Soo-ji's or­ders were im­‐
me­di­ately fol­lowed like a sol­dier, ex­clud­ing any doubts.

Of course, there were not many sol­diers who quickly ful­filled her or­ders.
Still un­able to over­come their fear of the Mud Troll, the sol­diers in a state
of fear were told not to shoot.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

"Put the gun down."

"Put it down."

Only the most im­por­tant part, the warn­ings that had been re­ceived hun­dreds
of times, had in­stinc­tively been im­ple­mented.

The sol­diers low­ered their muz­zles to the floor.

'But none of the sur­vivors are mad.'

Kim Tae-hoon was forced to give up on the sol­diers' help. There was noth­‐
ing more dan­ger­ous than a mad sol­dier.

At the same time, Kim Tae-hoon was con­fi­dent that he could han­dle the
brown Gob­lins even if he did not have the sol­diers' help.

Kim Tae-hoon's gaze left the sol­diers and headed for the bat­tle­field.

'The muddy mon­ster is still re­cov­er­ing. It will take about forty sec­onds to

He checked the Mud Troll's con­di­tion.

The num­ber of Gob­lins with brown skin sur­viv­ing was twenty-one, but
more than half of them were se­ri­ously in­jured. It was big­ger and more ag­‐
gres­sive than the green Gob­lins he dealt with at the large mart, but the com­‐
bat risk was ac­tu­ally lower than it was then.

He mea­sured the num­ber, con­di­tion, and lo­ca­tion of the brown Gob­lins.


He also con­firmed the abil­ity of Bang Hyun-wook, who was dol­ing out
ruth­less vi­o­lence to­ward a brown Gob­lin.

'Ahn Sun-mi... is com­ing.' He noted the pres­ence of an SUV ap­proach­ing


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

At the end of his as­sess­ments, Kim Tae-hoon pulled a re­volver from his

At the same time, Kim Tae-hoon looked at the brown Gob­lin nearby run­‐
ning at him. The brown Gob­lin stiff­ened as their eyes met.

Kim Tae-hoon used his chain of telekine­sis and wrapped it around the neck
of the brown Gob­lin.


As soon as the brown Gob­lin grabbed its neck with both hands as it stran­‐
gled, Kim Tae-hoon pointed the gun at it.


A bul­let mark was made in the brown Gob­lin's brow.

Pre­cise fire! It was a shot that had to be ac­cu­rate.

Kim Tae-hoon could now put bul­lets into the head of a crazy, rav­ing beast.
It was bor­ing, in a sense, to shoot a tar­get whose move­ment was lim­ited by
his own telekine­sis, and it was the rea­son for his con­fi­dence.

Kim Tae-hoon's shots were so ef­fi­cient that the brown Gob­lins seemed
rather piti­ful.

One shot, one kill!

Kim Tae-hoon had con­sumed only one bul­let against each brown Gob­lin,
which had been bleed­ing from dozens of bul­lets so far, and which had been
burn­ing away the mur­der­ous spirit rather than let­ting it build.

Six bul­lets used, six bod­ies fell down with blood spilling from their heads.

Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately filled the am­mu­ni­tion af­ter he dropped the

spent shells from the cylin­der of the re­volver.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

In the mean­time, Bang Hyun-wook, seem­ingly com­pet­ing with Kim Tae-

hoon, had smashed the heads of two brown Gob­lins with a sin­gle swing.

"Oh, a two-run home run!"

He was like a lawn­mower, cut­ting down the grass mer­ci­lessly.

Kim Tae-hoon, who had filled all the cylin­ders dur­ing Bang Hyun-wook's
per­for­mance, started shoot­ing again quickly.

This time it was a lit­tle faster. He pulled the trig­ger with­out a break.

The re­volver's cylin­der was emp­tied in a flash as if it were a fast draw game
test­ing ac­cu­racy in the short­est amount of time.

Of course, the five shots that had passed in a flash were not wasted. They
pen­et­rated ex­actly five brown Gob­lins' fore­heads.

So Kim Tae-hoon put down eleven Gob­lins.

"I got seven!" Bang Hyun-wook yelled af­ter killing the sev­enth Gob­lin.
Three of them were left. "I'll take two!"

Two of the Gob­lins rushed to­ward Bang Hyun-wook, scream­ing, and the re­‐
main­ing one rushed to­ward Kim Tae-hoon.

Kim Tae-hoon did not use a shot for the Gob­lin. Even though there was still
one bul­let left, he hol­stered the re­volver.

Then he grabbed his empty right hand and in­jected his telekine­sis into it.

Kim Tae-hoon's fist turned black.

He put his fist, which was cov­ered with the black ar­mor and which would
be not hurt eas­ily, into the fore­head and above the nose of the brown Gob­‐


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

One fist broke the brown Gob­lin's nose, its eye­balls were crushed, and even
its face crum­pled. It was the re­sult of a 33 Strength stat and the Black Skin
ac­quired from the Black Orc.

"Big brother, I'm done!" The bat­tle had taken thirty sec­onds, and the brown
Gob­lins were cleaned up.

The sol­diers, in­clud­ing Kim Soo-ji, saw this scene and re­gained their

'What is this?'

'What is this? Are we dream­ing?'

It was not be­cause of fear, but be­cause it was so ridicu­lous.

'Well, that easy?'

It seemed like a dream to be able to so eas­ily kill mon­sters that have been
so deadly to them.

Ob­vi­ously, it was not a night­mare, nor a dream.

Blood be­gan to re­turn to the faces of the sol­diers.

But what re­ally mat­tered was still right there!

The Mud Troll, call­ing out loudly and an­grily.

Af­ter the restora­tion of its up­per body, the mon­ster started to re­gen­er­ate its
lower body and look around with or­ange eyes, smack­ing its lips again.

It was ready to show off its picky, dis­gust­ing habit of eat­ing only the head.

Kim Tae-hoon said to Ahn Sun-mi, who was driv­ing the SUV, "Ahn Sun-
mi, open the trunk!"

"I opened it!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘

He tore open the back doors and pulled out a plas­tic con­tainer. He turned its
blue lid, and the strong smell of gaso­line came out.

Kim Tae-hoon threw the gas jug to­ward the Mud Troll some dis­tance away.

It was crazy, it did not make com­mon sense. It was not easy to lift the
weight of a five-gal­lon con­tainer. But throw it?

It couldn't be done. The sight of it fly­ing was hard to be­lieve. How­ever, the
plas­tic jug that Kim Tae-hoon threw flew away lightly, spilling gaso­line.

"Did it stop?"

What was more sur­pris­ing was that the plas­tic con­tainer fly­ing in a per­fect
par­ab­ ola stopped di­rectly on top of the head of the Mud Troll, and it be­gan
to vomit gaso­line like a wa­ter­fall.

The Mud Troll made a con­fused sound­ing, not know­ing why the gaso­line
was run­ning over its whole body.

At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon drew his re­volver again and pulled the trig­‐

The last bul­let the pis­tol fired went through the plas­tic con­tainer. Flames
erupted, in­stantly cov­er­ing the Mud Troll's head, wash­ing down its body
like clothes.

At that mo­ment, the Mud Troll be­gan to cry for the first time, not to cause
fear, but in pain. At the same time, its body be­gan to harden like clay.

The sol­diers, in­clud­ing sec­ond lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, looked at the scene
silently and soul­lessly.

And Kim Tae-hoon ...


...took a shot of the scene on his smart­phone and checked the pic­ture.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 16 ⦘


[Mud Troll's Flesh]

-- Mud Troll's flesh has ex­cel­lent wound heal­ing abil­ity. Rub­bing on a

wound will treat the wound, and eat­ing it will tem­po­rar­ily in­crease the abil­‐
ity to re­cover.


It was the first time that the hu­man race un­der­stood the value of a Mud

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

Chap­ter 17
Chap­ter 6. Cre­ation of a Clan, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The flames on the Mud Troll's body did not burn very long.

Be­neath the flames that had burned them­selves out, there was only a hard­‐
ened lump of mud.

It was a sight be­yond be­lief.


No one knew that the weak­ness of the mon­ster, which turned nearly a hun­‐
dred sol­diers, in­clud­ing of­fi­cers and other sol­diers, into head­less corpses,
was the flames pro­duced by the gaso­line.

It was also the fear of ig­no­rance.

If they did not know, they would die. The Mud Troll was one of the sym­‐
bols that told them that such an era had come.

"Ahn Sun-mi, try to treat the wounded with the flesh of the Mud Troll."

Kim Tae-hoon was an early adapter in this era. Of course, Kim Tae-hoon
was mak­ing strong at­tempts to get rid of his ig­no­rance.

"If there's any gas left, there might be a prob­lem with the tox­i­ci­ty of gaso­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

"Most of the gaso­line will have been burned away with the flames."

"But if there's a prob­lem-"

"It's bet­ter to use the troll's flesh to test it than to let a man who's been bit­ten
by a mon­ster with ex­ces­sive bleed­ing or in­fec­tion die with­out proper treat­‐

The Mud Troll's flesh had in­for­ma­tion that it helped treat wounds and im­‐
prove re­cov­ery. Now was the time to get a bet­ter grip on this in­for­ma­tion.

As he said, ig­no­rance is now death. It was time to learn things prop­erly! His
in­struc­tion was rea­son­able enough in that sense.

Be­cause it was so rea­son­able, Ahn Sun-mi could not even raise a ques­tion
to­ward Kim Tae-hoon's or­der.

"I see."

"Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji." Kim Tae-hoon called out to Kim Soo-ji, who was
stand­ing up­right when Ahn Sun-mi replied.

"Yes!" She walked for­ward as if wait­ing for an or­der.

"We're go­ing to start treat­ing the wounded. I want three sol­diers to help Ahn

"I un­der­stand." She im­me­di­ately called over three healthy sol­diers and gave
them or­ders.

Three sol­diers, of course, did not have any doubts about treat­ing the


"I need that mon­ster's body over there."

...un­til Ahn Sun-mi asked them to bring the flesh of the crum­pled Mud
Troll, now solid like a piece of pot­tery.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

"Is she crazy? Why do we have to bring over the flesh of that mon­ster?

"Isn't that alive? If we touched it, and it could come to life."

"... do as you are told. There must be some­thing."

As Ahn Sun-mi and three sol­diers moved to treat the wounded, Kim Soo-ji
spoke up, "Can I ask you a ques­tion?"

"I'll hear and an­swer you."

"Did you see me at the Army head­quar­ters five years ago?"

It was an un­ex­pected ques­tion, but Kim Tae-hoon could come up with the

"The grand­daugh­ter of Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong?"

"You must have been the one with Ma­jor Gen­eral Chang Young-sung at that

At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon's ex­pres­sion hard­ened, for two rea­sons.

"You have a good mem­ory."

One was be­cause of the name of Ma­jor Gen­eral Chang Young-sung. The
other one was be­cause of the his­tory of Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong.

Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong was the com­man­der of the 60th di­vi­sion,
the head of the cap­i­tal de­fense com­mand. The com­man­der of the 60th Di­vi­‐
sion un­der the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was not a nor­mal po­si­tion.

At least, it was a po­si­tion of power that could dis­patch troops to save the
grand­daugh­ter in Bucheon, not far from Seoul.

Of course, Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong had re­tired three years ago, but
the in­flu­ence of those stars did not dis­ap­pear eas­ily af­ter re­tire­ment.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

'The grand­daugh­ter of a real power.'

Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong was not in the wrong lin­eage. Com­mand
of the 60th Di­vi­sion was not a place where a man of the wrong lin­eage
could sit.

Now, how­ever, Kim Soo-ji had sur­vived by her own ef­forts with­out such a

'Seoul is also in trou­ble.'

It meant that Seoul has not been prop­erly de­fended un­der the ex­is­tence of
the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

'The worst imag­i­na­tion is a re­al­ity.' He had ex­pected it.

When he saw the dragon fly­ing from the di­rec­tion of Seoul and head­ing for
In­cheon across Bucheon, he did not ex­pect Seoul to play a fur­ther role as a

But it was a dif­fer­ent story to make an ex­pec­ta­tion, and to meet the ba­sis for
mak­ing such an ex­pec­ta­tion a re­al­ity.

"Does the army know about this sit­u­at­ion?" Kim Soo-ji, who did not know
the mind of Kim Tae-hoon, asked first.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have come here, and if the mil­i­tary had known,
your grand­fa­ther would have called you home, Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji."

Kim Soo-ji closed her mouth tight. She had guessed that, too. Her grand­fa­‐
ther's back­ground was not some­thing she could run away from.

"Then ..."

"The emer­gence of mon­sters has been made na­tion­wide, and ac­cord­ing to

ex­pec­ta­tions, the cities of Bucheon, as well as Seoul and In­cheon, have
been vir­tu­ally par­al­yzed. Per­haps all the cities in the coun­try are in a sim­i­lar
state, and the mil­i­tary is prob­ab­ ly non-func­tional."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

"Oh, my God," Kim Soo-ji blurted out.

For her, whose sur­vival was the top pri­or­ity, and who had barely com­pleted
the goal, the re­al­ity and truth fac­ing her were ter­ri­ble.

Kim Tae-hoon closed his eyes. 'Ac­tu­ally, the army now is not what I know.'

But there was hope. Hope that the mil­i­tary might play a min­i­mal role in this
sit­u­at­ion through its own lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

'But now that ex­pec­ta­tion is mean­ing­less. In this sit­u­at­ion, there would be

vir­tu­ally no help from the mil­i­tary. 'In or­der to sur­vive, we have to sur­vive
by our­selves and by our own hands.'

While Kim Tae-hoon was think­ing about it, he looked at his right hand and
the mark of an Awak­ener. And he re­mem­bered the dragon, the crazy mon­‐

'What we need now is not the army, but a mon­ster that can hunt the mon­‐
sters. We must be­come mon­sters be­fore the mon­sters eat us.'

At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon's com­pli­cated thoughts cleared up.

"Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji!"


"Take the bod­ies around, col­lect them in one place, and bring all the sur­‐
vivors, in­clud­ing the wounded, to­gether."


[The Crys­tal of a Mud Troll]

-- Strength in­creases when in­gested.

-- De­fense skill in­creases when in­gested.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

-- You can ac­quire the power of Mud Troll at the time of in­ges­tion [the Vi­‐
tal­ity of Troll].]


Kim Tae-hoon looked at the or­ange jewel on his smart­phone, a pic­ture of

the mon­ster stone of the Mud Troll, and he looked at the or­ange jewel on
his palm.

"All gath­ered." Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji said, keep­ing her pos­ture straight as

As she spoke, the twenty-three sur­vivors of the 1121 unit gath­ered to­gether.

Look­ing at them, Kim Tae-hoon started talk­ing with an or­ange jewel in his

He started talk­ing about the in­ci­dent at the su­per­mar­ket, of the mark of an

Awak­ener, and of the mon­ster stone, and the dragon.

"This is the re­al­ity we're in," he fin­ished. Ev­ery­one who heard the story
kept their mouths shut and re­mained silent.

'Is this re­ally real? Is it pos­si­ble? Am I dream­ing?'

'Will Mom and Dad be okay?'

'Shit, I've got a month be­fore I was dis­charged from the mil­i­tary! A month!
Why would this ever hap­pen to me?'

The present sit­u­at­ion did not even give them room to be em­bar­rassed, and
Kim Tae-hoon did not give them time to think.

"I'm done with all the in­for­ma­tion, and I'll start with my per­sonal story."

"I will take all the mon­ster stones from the mon­sters that you hunted here."

The one-sided no­tice gave ev­ery­one a blank look. 'What is he talk­ing


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

"If it's a mon­ster stone, it's an item that raises the stats of Awak­en­ers!"

Kim Tae-hoon clearly told them the im­por­tance of the mon­ster stones.

Af­ter dis­sect­ing one of the col­lected Gob­lin bod­ies, he re­moved the mon­ster
stone from its heart and took a pic­ture of it on his smart­phone and showed it
to them.

He even said that mon­ster stones would re­place gun­pow­der in the fu­ture

He also said he would mo­nop­o­lize all the mon­ster stones, which could be
ob­tained from the dead mon­sters.

It was like telling them that a jewel was valu­able, and he would take them

"Wait, wait a minute..."

"You just said that the mon­ster stones were valu­able."

"If it's a mo­nop­oly, you are go­ing to eat all of them, aren't you? Clearly, the
mon­ster bod­ies in the mil­i­tary base were caught by us!"

In­stinc­tive ques­tions popped out all over.

"What is your life worth?" Kim Tae-hoon stopped their ques­tions with a
short word.

The sol­diers went quiet. Kim Tae-hoon con­tin­ued his speech, star­ing at

"This is the price of the in­for­ma­tion. If you raise your hand, I will give you
the right to speak."

No one raised their hand, of course.

The value of their lives and this in­for­ma­tion was not cheap at all, and it was
also clear that they owed Kim Tae-hoon their lives. It was not a time to be

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘


"Do you need more time to raise your hands?"

But more im­por­tantly, it was the fact that the lives of those who re­mained
now de­pended on Kim Tae-hoon.

Kim Tae-hoon was an um­brella.

If some­one dropped out from un­der the um­brella be­cause of an­tag­o­nism,

then they had to face the mon­sters on their own. If they faced a mon­ster like
a Mud Troll af­ter leav­ing Kim Tae-hoon, it meant that the life he barely
saved would be­come a waste­ful lump of ma­nure!

"I sup­pose there's no ob­jec­tion to my opin­ion."

Above all, only two of the sol­diers who had sur­vived, one of whom was
Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, had the Mark of an Awak­ener.

For the re­main­ing twenty-one, mon­ster stones were like a pearl neck­lace on
a pig's neck.

A pearl neck­lace on a pig's neck means that a thief who cov­eted the neck­‐
lace may catch and kill him at any time.

"Then there is no debt go­ing for­ward."

Kim Tae-hoon gave fi­nal no­tice to the silent ones, and at the same time, he
swal­lowed the or­ange jewel from the Mud Troll that he held in his hand.

"Ah ..."

"Mon­ster Stone ..."

It was a ges­ture that an­nounced the deal was over.

With this, Kim Tae-hoon was now the owner of hun­dreds of mon­ster stones
that had been killed all over the 1121 unit. Whether he ate the mon­ster
stones or sells them, it is now at his dis­cre­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

The sur­vivors, in re­turn, no longer need to owe Kim Tae-hoon a debt of life.

"What I am do­ing now is a new pro­posal."

Of course, the fact that they needed an um­brella of Kim Tae-hoon had not

"From now on, I will be cre­at­ing a clan, and I will be tak­ing ap­pli­cants who
will serve as my clan mem­bers, not as sol­diers."

Ev­ery­one was sur­prised at this pro­posal.



The same was true of Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji.

'What, what the hell!'

She thought that Kim Tae-hoon would act as their com­man­der in the name
of the army. But this way, did he want to start a pri­vate or­ga­ni­za­tion?

At that mo­ment, Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji could only re­call...

Five years ago, she passed the en­trance exam to the mil­i­tary acad­emy, vis­‐
ited the army head­quar­ters and talked with her grand­fa­ther.

"That is Ma­jor Gen­eral Chang Young-sung, who greeted me a lit­tle while

ago. If you grad­u­ate from the mil­i­tary acad­emy and be­come a sol­dier, avoid
meet­ing him per­son­ally and pub­licly. There is noth­ing good with be­ing tied
up with him in any way."

It was the first warn­ing that her grand­fa­ther, Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­‐
ong ever gave her.

"I ask you, what does the word clan mean?" she spoke out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 17 ⦘

"It will be a pri­vate or­ga­ni­za­tion that moves with my or­ders and in­struc­‐
tions, not the mil­i­tary's in­struc­tions or or­ders."

"And you mean ... you in­tend to use the mil­i­tary's weapons for your own
ben­ef­ it?"

"If it's in your pri­vate in­ter­est to work hard to sur­vive, you can judge it that

At the word 'to sur­vive', Kim Soo-ji had to keep her mouth shut. As soon as
she was silent, no one else could speak. With their mouths shut, they fell
into the agony of choice.

'Leave the army and join a pri­vate or­ga­ni­za­tion? A pri­vate or­ga­ni­za­tion us­‐
ing mil­i­tary weapons? What crime will be ap­plied? De­ser­tion? Re­bel­lion?'

'I can't die like this. If I want to live any­way, I'd bet­ter take out a gun or a

'But if I get caught...'

Ac­cept­ing Kim Tae-hoon's pro­posal was ac­tu­ally a crim­i­nal act. It is a crim­‐

i­nal act so great that they could not eas­ily mea­sure the sen­tence. They had
no choice but to suf­fer over the choice.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did not even give them the op­por­tu­nity to ag­o­nize
over their choices any­more.

"Those who do not like my of­fer will be sur­vivors, and they sur­vive on their

At his words, no one was wor­ried about the choice any­more.

The first Clan in Ko­rea, con­sist­ing of 26 peo­ple, in­clud­ing Kim Tae-hoon,

was cre­ated that way.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

Chap­ter 18
Chap­ter 6. Cre­ation of a Clan, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim put a red gem in his mouth and swal­lowed it. His breath, af­ter he swal­‐
lowed it and breathed out, smelled of blood.

Through the bloody smell, Kim Tae-hoon put in an­other red gem.

"Whew..." Be­hind him, Bang Hyun-wook's long sigh came out. "I can't eat
any­more... I can't eat."


Fol­low­ing the sigh came a short speech. He was not re­ally talk­ing to him­‐

They were words spo­ken to let Kim Tae-hoon know.

Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed an­other red jewel, in­stead of an­swer­ing. He was

like a ma­chine.

Bang Hyun-wook, watch­ing him, stuck his tongue out.

'You're a great brother. I've hardly eaten thirty, and you've al­most fin­ished
with more than eighty.'

Bang Hyun-wook rec­ol­lected what had just hap­pened.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

Af­ter fin­ish­ing the Mud Troll hunt­ing, Kim Tae-hoon de­clared the cre­ation
of the clan on the spot and re­ceived ap­pli­cants.

Of course, the ap­pli­cants were forced.

There was not a sin­gle per­son who wanted to be thrown into a world full of

Af­ter that, Kim Tae-hoon took the nearby church as a base camp and started
col­lect­ing mon­ster stones.

The mon­ster corpses were ev­ery­where. It was hard to col­lect all the mon­ster
corpses in a short time.

Also, the num­ber of mon­sters still sur­viv­ing on the base was not small in
num­ber, so only the mon­ster corpses were col­lected.

Nev­er­the­less, the num­ber of mon­ster stones col­lected ex­ceeded a hun­dred.

Kim Tae-hoon ate most of the mon­ster stones col­lected.

It was a mo­nop­oly.

No mat­ter who looked at it, Kim Tae-hoon's greed was be­yond ex­ces­sive,
and they could not help but think that it was too much.

Kim Tae-hoon knew that well.


A strong smell of blood rose from his gut. There was al­ways some left on
the stone af­ter dig­ging it out of the corpse of a Gob­lin. They hadn't re­ally
both­ered to clean them prop­erly af­ter col­lect­ing them.

Kim Tae-hoon closed his mouth to en­dure his ris­ing dis­gust. He looked
around with his mouth clamped shut.

Sol­diers rest­ing in the church ... He felt the gaze of those who had be­come
his sub­or­di­nates now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

When Kim Tae-hoon tried to meet their eyes, they hur­riedly avoided his

It was only a mo­ment later when they ex­changed glances. But it was not
hard to read their gazes.

'They see me as a greedy mon­ster.'

He was sure that his men did not see him as a great leader who they could
trust, fol­low, and re­spect.

That was why he could be con­fi­dent.

Their new leader, in their eyes, was skilled, but a greedy dic­ta­tor. It was
nor­mal to see it that way.

So far, Kim Tae-hoon's ac­tions had been self-right­eous, and right now Kim
Tae-hoon was right to be greedy.

'This will be a risk some­day, but...'

The rea­son why Kim Tae-hoon was greedy, even though he knows it was
dis­turb­ing, was be­cause he was as­sess­ing the sit­u­at­ion more re­al­is­ti­cally
than any­one else.


'I can't help it, for now.'

Kim Tae-hoon took the last jewel into his hand, and snap­shot his hand with
a smart­phone cam­era.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 60

-- Health: 42

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: E Rank

-- Mana: E Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: E Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: E Rank

[Achieved abil­i­ties]

-- Black Skin (Grade 6)

-- The vi­tal­ity of Troll (Grade 6): The power of the Mud Troll con­sumes
En­ergy to in­crease re­cov­ery speed.


He saw his Strength had ex­ceeded 60 points and the abil­ity, [Vi­tal­ity of
Troll] he had newly ac­quired.

Kim Tae-hoon clenched his fist af­ter con­firm­ing the data.

'This is great.'

He knew, even with­out break­ing any­thing, that his power was al­ready be­‐
yond hu­man.

At least now, Kim Tae-hoon would be able to show enough power that he
will not lose even if he fought the beasts with his body.

This was the re­sult of a mo­nop­oly!

If Kim Tae-hoon had shared the mon­ster stones ac­cord­ing to a fair or very
rea­son­able cal­cu­la­tion like some­one else, there would not have been such a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

Of course, it was not bad to dis­trib­ute mon­ster stones fairly and ra­tio­nally.
No one hates ra­tio­nal­ity. Most things must be treated rea­son­ably, be­cause
what is not ra­tio­nal is even­tu­ally dis­torted, and one day it will col­lapse.

The prob­lem is that the sit­u­at­ion in which he was in now was a state of in­‐
sane rea­son.

'But it's still a long way short.'

Hu­man­ity now faced a new en­emy called mon­sters, and Awak­en­ers had ap­‐
peared to deal with such mon­sters.

Sim­ply put, it meant that when the Awak­en­ers hunted mon­sters, mankind
could sur­vive.

Of course, the Awak­en­ers must get rid of them.

'The Dragon... This much power to deal with...'

The dragon. A mon­ster that scared all liv­ing crea­tures just by be­ing present.

If Kim Tae-hoon had not ex­pe­ri­enced the ap­pear­ance of the dragon, he

would have planned to build a bal­anced power rather than a mo­nop­oly.

By col­lect­ing Awak­en­ers and then im­prov­ing the over­all power, he would

have cre­ated an ef­fi­cient mon­ster hunter group.

The mon­ster stones that were se­cured im­me­di­ately would have been dis­trib­‐
uted un­der the con­cept of the right man in the right place.

But now, if he ran such an ef­fi­cient group, it might take more than ten years
to build the power and ca­pac­ity to kill the dragon.

In the mean­while, there is no guar­an­tee that the dragon would re­main silent.

'... at this level, it is not just not enough, but far from enough.'

And there was no guar­an­tee that there would be only one dragon, and there
was no guar­an­tee that there would not be a mon­ster more ter­ri­ble than the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘


There­fore, what was needed in this sit­u­at­ion was not an ef­fi­cient so­lu­tion.

Some­thing ex­treme was needed!

Not hun­dreds or thou­sands of well-made ar­rows, but an ex­tremely sharp

spear was needed. It was nec­es­sary!

The clan, founded by Kim Tae-hoon, was a tool for mak­ing such an ex­treme
sharp spear.

'This amount is not enough.'

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon would take most of the mon­ster stones the clan

Nat­u­rally, if the army func­tioned prop­erly, Kim Tae-hoon did not have to
worry about this, nor would he have to do this.

'We can't ex­pect the help of the na­tion right now.'

Kim Tae-hoon had com­pletely aban­doned any ex­pec­ta­tions from the mil­i­‐

'If the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand has col­lapsed, most of the rear units will
have col­lapsed, and only the front line will have sur­vived the bat­tle with the
mon­sters, but it will be iso­lated. It will be hard to hold on for a month if
they don't get sup­plies.'

We must aban­don ex­pec­ta­tions and as­sume the worst. If the front line col­‐
lapses in that sit­u­at­ion... It is the worst of all.

'... if the mon­sters that de­stroyed North Ko­rea come down, and the mo­ment
the front line col­lapses, it will be ac­tu­ally on the edge of a cliff.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who had as­sumed the worst of all, once again looked at the
mark on his right hand, the Mark of an Awak­ener.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

'The only way to sur­vive on that cliff... is to climb the cliff.'

There was some­thing Kim Tae-hoon had re­al­ized as he came and went on a
myr­iad of bat­tle­fields.

There was noth­ing as mean­ing­less as pray­ing for some­thing to reach out

and save you.

If some­one wanted a hero of leg­end to ap­pear and save the world, it was
just like ex­pect­ing a lot­tery win when not buy­ing a ticket.

'If I want to live, I have to make a way to live!'

So Kim Tae-hoon got up.


At the words of Kim Tae-hoon, the at­ten­tion of those who had avoided his
eyes fo­cused on him.

"We'll clean up the mon­sters in the base in two hours. Our first des­ti­na­tion
is an ar­se­nal. Af­ter se­cur­ing the ar­se­nal, we'll fin­ish sup­ply­ing. The sec­ond
is to sweep the rest of the mon­sters in the base. Af­ter elim­i­nat­ing the mon­‐
sters, we will se­cure the mon­ster stones from the mon­ster corpses we have
killed. Then we will take a rest."

Af­ter com­plet­ing the one-sided no­tice, Kim Tae-hoon looked at Ahn Sun-

"Ahn Sun-mi, how are the con­di­tions of the in­jured?"

Ahn Sun-mi, who was check­ing the wounds of the in­jured, replied with
some dis­be­lief, "There's no prob­lem mov­ing them."

Even while speak­ing, Ahn Sun-mi could not be­lieve what she had seen.

The fact was that men who had their flesh torn off, been hurt with in­juries
they'd have for the rest of their lives, and those who would be out of ac­tion

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

for months... had been treated neatly by the mon­ster's flesh, mak­ing the
med­i­cal arts she had learned by ded­i­cat­ing most of her life a mi­nor skill.

Of course, her thoughts were not con­sid­ered by Kim Tae-hoon.

"Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, what about the key to the ar­se­nal?"

"I have it."

"Are there any ques­tions?" Kim Tae-hoon gave them the right to ask ques­‐
tions for the first time.

No one raised their hand. They were sol­diers.

There are no ques­tions for sol­diers. There are only two things: or­ders, and

If some­one raised his hand and asked ques­tions in this sit­u­at­ion, he was not
a sol­dier.

"I have a ques­tion: what about our plans af­ter we se­cure the ar­se­nal, clean
up the rest of the unit, and rest?"

"There is noth­ing de­cided yet."

"Why don't we go to Bucheon Sta­dium?"


"There's a mu­seum there, and if there's any­thing like the boss has said... I
can call you boss, right? Any­way, isn't it very likely that the relics that the
boss men­tioned are there? For your in­for­ma­tion, there is also a bow mu­‐

Kim Tae-hoon stud­ied the per­son who had asked the ques­tion.

A small fig­ure, a mouse-like ap­pear­ance, the face of a man in his early or

mid-twen­ties with a look to be wary of, rather than a fa­vor­able im­pres­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 18 ⦘

"What's your name?"

"I'm Jang Sung-hoon, and I'm twenty-two now that the New Year has

His name was Jang Sung-hoon.

"What did you do in so­ci­ety?"

"Ah, I did a lit­tle this and that... but I did not have only one ex­act job..."

"Tell me three things you did in so­ci­ety."

"I have forged art, stolen goods, and smug­gled them."

His job was be­ing a crim­i­nal!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

Chap­ter 19
Chap­ter 7. Item Mak­ing, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"How about that? Is it worth it?"

"Yes, this is enough for driv­ing."



At the words of the driver of the dump truck, a sol­dier in the pas­sen­ger's
seat pulled his head over the win­dow and shouted. "No prob­lem for driv­‐

There was Kim Su-ji, who the words were meant for. She im­me­di­ately told
the sol­diers wait­ing, "Clean the cargo bed of the dump truck!"

At her or­der, the sol­diers climbed up the load­ing dock of the dump truck.


In the mean­time, in the other place, Ahn Sun-mi checked the con­di­tion of
the wounded.

"The re­ac­tion of the pupil of your eye is nor­mal. Do you feel dizzi­ness or

"I'm fine."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

"What about the wound?"

"It is itch­ing a lit­tle."

"Itchy... is it hard to bear?"

"No, not that much."

"He should have been crip­pled for life, even if he had the right surgery
quickly. But his con­di­tion was treated in just one hour and the af­ter­ef­fect is
just itch­ing... If this re­cov­ery ef­fect is also ef­fec­tive in the in­ter­nal or­gans ...
Wait a minute, if the ef­fect of the Mud Troll and the treat­ment from a Glass
of Ther­apy are over­lapped, wouldn't it be pos­si­ble to ex­pect an even higher
re­cov­ery? I'll have to study this, as soon as the con­di­tions are met."

The in­jured were in ex­cel­lent con­di­tion. The flesh ef­fect of the Mud Troll
was so ef­fec­tive that it left her speech­less.


Bang Hyun-wook was shov­el­ing against the body of the Mud Troll, which
was only seen as a heap of mud.

It was not an easy task. The Mud Troll's flesh was much heav­ier than or­di­‐
nary soil, and it was thick enough to re­mind him of a mud­flat. It was not
easy to put the shovel in the mud with­out us­ing great force, and it was also
not easy to dig out. Al­ready the av­er­age sol­diers shov­el­ing were in­jured
from a slight twist of the wrist.

So it be­came Bang Hyun-wook's job. Af­ter Kim Tae-hoon, Bang Hyun-

wook was the one with the high­est level of Strength.

"Oh, God, look at that shov­el­ing."

"It's amaz­ing."

"If a quar­ter­mas­ter saw that shov­el­ing, he would be star­tled. He could dig

the whole moun­tain out."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

Such shovel work from Bang Hyun-wook was tech­ni­cally ex­cel­lent, apart
from his power. Even the sol­diers who were vet­er­ans at shov­el­ing looked at
him with sur­prise.

'I didn't know I would be shov­el­ing here to make the mound.'

How­ever, Bang Hyun-wook's feel­ing at his shov­el­ing was not so good.

He was not un­aware of the im­por­tance of shov­el­ing; the Mud Troll's flesh
was lit­er­ally life in sit­u­at­ions where there was no right med­i­cal ser­vice at
the mo­ment.

But it was a com­pletely dif­fer­ent story when things were im­por­tant and
were worth­while to do.

So Bang Hyun-wook shov­eled.

Vi­tal­ity be­gan to bloom in the mil­i­tary base, where there was thought to be
only death, de­spair, and night­mares.


Kim Tae-hoon was sa­vor­ing the cof­fee he had used with the cof­fee drip­per.
In front of him was Jang Sung-hoon, sip­ping cof­fee in a pa­per cup.

"Oh, it smells good. Is it from Colom­bia?"

At the words of Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon looked at him gen­tly as he

sa­vored his cof­fee.

"Or Ethiopia? You have a good tal­ent for cof­fee. You look like a barista."

Kim Tae-hoon still had cof­fee in his mouth. Jang Sung-hoon swal­lowed
what he was about to say.

Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed the cof­fee that he had been drink­ing, be­fore ask­‐
ing, "What do you want?"

There was an awk­ward smile on Jang Sung-hoon's lips.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

"Haha... you're not a nor­mal per­son ei­ther."

At those words, Kim Tae-hoon drank cof­fee in­stead of an­swer­ing again.

It was a sig­nal.

As he sa­vored the cof­fee, he would keep his mouth shut, sig­nal­ing that the
other should say what he wanted to say.

A sig­nal to imag­ine what will hap­pen if he says some­thing wrong. Jang

Sung-hoon did not make any more ass-kiss­ing noises about Kim Tae-hoon.

"First, the rea­son why I talked about my crim­i­nal record is that what I have
to say is re­lated to it."

Jang Sung-hoon had told him that there was a mu­seum in the nearby
Bucheon Sta­dium.

So far, there was no prob­lem. Any­one could have told him that. The in­for­‐
ma­tion that there was a mu­seum there was not strictly con­fi­den­tial.

How­ever, af­ter that, Jang Sung-hoon re­vealed that he was a crim­i­nal and
had a crim­i­nal ca­reer.

That was a prob­lem.

Even if so­ci­ety had bro­ken down, it is not good to con­fess to a crime. More­‐
over, Jang Sung-hoon's was likely not to have con­fessed sins al­ready pun­‐

He was twenty-two years old.

If he had done all the art forg­ing, stolen goods, and smug­gling, and been
pun­ished for it, he would have been in and out of prison once or twice. If he
had spent a long time in prison, he wouldn't be in the army.

His col­leagues didn't know he was a crim­i­nal!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

When Jang Sung-hoon con­fessed, the re­ac­tions of his col­leagues could be

in­ferred eas­ily.

In other words, he had made his first con­fes­sion!

So why did he do it? Why did he re­veal at this mo­ment that he was a crim­i­‐
nal had not been caught?

"I think a lot of peo­ple know the lo­ca­tion of the mu­seum. Frankly, that isn't
very help­ful. But you know what? I know a few rich peo­ple who know
where and how to smug­gle, do­nate coun­ter­feit goods and keep their gen­uine
works, or keep their art for in­vest­ing and bribery."

The rea­son was sim­ple. If a crim­i­nal spits it out, he has in­for­ma­tion that is

"There are two things I want. One is life. If you think I'm use­ful, the boss
will pro­tect me be­fore any­one else. For your pro­tec­tion, I have a lot of good

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim Tae-hoon ex­haled. The aroma of strong cof­fee

came out.

"The sec­ond rea­son is that I want to take a share."

While sa­vor­ing the scent, he watched Jang Sung-hoon's eyes as the man
con­tin­ued to speak.

A fierce beast's eyes, which did not match the ap­pear­ance of the mouse,
showed the glit­ter of the eyes of an ea­gle.

"I won't hide it. Now that so­ci­ety has be­come a mess, it will even­tu­ally cre­‐
ate a new so­ci­ety. Af­ter the Ko­rean War, the world im­proved in the end. In­‐
stead, a new or­der will be es­tab­lished. You said 'hunter'? Per­haps the hunter
will be the power of the new or­der."

While speak­ing, Jang Sung-hoon tapped on his right hand with his left in­‐
dex fin­ger.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

"But un­for­tu­nately, I can't be a hunter. And I don't think I can be a great

hunter like the boss, if pos­si­ble. So I have to stick to you. I can be a fox... if
I am stuck on the back of a tiger."

He could hear Kim Tae-hoon swal­low­ing.

"My first pri­or­ity is sur­vival. It is my first pri­or­ity to eat mon­ster stones and
build up my strength and to in­crease the power of the army that can not do
the job I do. I do not in­tend to take my share right away."

At his words, Jung Sung-hoon swal­lowed.

'Shit, is he re­ally do­ing this to save the world? Is he go­ing to be a war­rior of


He thought that he had use­lessly ex­posed his per­sonal greed and touched
the other per­son's wrath.

Kim Tae-hoon was think­ing about whether hu­mans re­ally wanted to be­come
he­roes of jus­tice, who acted out of the de­sire to save the world.

"So if you want to get your share, take it your­self. Don't think I'll take care
of it," Kim Tae-hoon an­swered shortly.

"Hooooooo..." Jang Sung-hoon gave a long sigh in­stead of an an­swer.

Kim Su-ji came in. "We've com­pleted the re­mod­el­ing of the dump truck!"

"We'll start the op­er­at­ion in half an hour!"

With that word, Kim Tae-hoon took some­thing out of the bag next to him,
which con­tained cof­fee, a por­ta­ble pot, and cof­fee drawer.

"Be­fore then, we'll take a rest. Di­vide and smoke."

It was noth­ing other than a car­ton of cig­ar­ ettes.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

The 1121 unit was a mon­ster den, and there were so many mon­sters that it
was not an ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that.

Most of them were brown Gob­lins.

Those were so strong that they couldn't be com­pared with Gob­lins with
green skin. They had ag­gres­sive­ness and the will to fight, and it was more
dif­fi­cult to deal with them than or­di­nary Gob­lins.

Un­less the heart and head were de­stroyed, sol­diers had to con­sume dozens
of shots to kill the mon­sters which were rush­ing into their bul­lets.

Kim Tae-hoon knew the fact well, so he brought it along.

A dump truck, a gi­ant mon­ster!

Of course, it was not sim­ply to break the Mud Troll that he brought the
dump truck.

Mak­ing the dump truck's back end into a mo­bile shoot­ing board was the de­‐
ci­sive rea­son why Kim Tae-hoon brought a dump truck.

The pres­ence of the dump truck was re­ally ab­so­lute.

The brown Gob­lins' ag­gres­sive be­hav­ior to­wards the run­ning dump truck
had not di­min­ished at all, but the bat­tle was to­tally dif­fer­ent from when
there were no dump trucks.

The cling­ing brown Gob­lins fell so help­lessly that the mad­ness of the past
was erased.

Also, there was a com­pletely dif­fer­ent sense of sta­bil­ity for a sol­dier who
pulled the trig­ger from the back end made of steel on the dump truck.

"Take your time and shoot it right! Save your am­mu­ni­tion!"


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

The over­whelm­ing tac­ti­cal ad­van­tage made it pos­si­ble. The psy­cho­log­i­cal

sta­bil­ity of that ad­van­tage had in­creased the ac­cu­racy of the sol­diers to an
un­matched level.

The sol­diers who pulled the trig­ger de­ci­sively, now Kim Tae-hoon's sol­‐
diers, were full of wrath to vent.

"I'll kill you, you bas­tards!"

"Let's dry the seeds!"

The body of the brown Gob­lins piled up on the roads the dump truck ran
past, vic­tims of right­eous anger.

How­ever, there was no Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook in the scene.



Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook were mov­ing far away from the place
where the shoot­ing sounded faintly. They were alert and care­ful They could
see the brown Gob­lins run­ning to­ward the dump truck and the com­mo­tion it
was caus­ing.

"They're not just mov­ing ran­domly, as big brother said," Bang mur­mured to

It was clear that there was a pur­pose in the ac­tions of those who moved to­‐
ward the dump truck, ex­actly as if they were or­dered. It was a com­pletely
dif­fer­ent move­ment from the mon­sters that had fo­cused on vis­i­ble tar­gets so

It was why Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook moved sep­ar­ ately.

'There's some­thing be­hind them, as big brother said. It's great. How does he
know this?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately had a hunch when he saw a sys­tem in the fight
with the brown Gob­lins.

That there is a leader.

If there was a sys­tem in the fight­ing, it meant that there was some­thing to
give or­ders and com­mand.

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon was look­ing for the leader, track­ing back the
brown Gob­lins run­ning to­wards the dump truck.


He found the Gob­lin pack out­side the base.

"About 400 me­ters ahead."

"... yeah, I see it."

The view was dim, but there was no short­age of weird­ness at the sight.

Car­cia Shaus­nia!

A tall, six-foot-tall, horned brown Gob­lin with or­ange eyes, was ex­hal­ing
like a magic spell. Red breath flowed out of the Gob­lin's mouth in ser­pen­‐
tine streams, and it was sucked into the mouths of the Gob­lins around it.

The eyes of the brown Gob­lin who had in­haled the red breath went wild,
and they im­me­di­ately be­gan to run in the di­rec­tion of the dump truck.

'Now I've seen all kinds of things, damn it ...'

Bang Hyun-wook, who looked at the scene, swal­lowed with­out know­ing it.

"Even big brother can't kill it."

Strange as it was, it seemed im­pos­si­ble to say that even Kim Tae-hoon

would be able to deal with such a large group with only the two of them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 19 ⦘

Even with a gun, it seemed im­pos­si­ble to hit an en­emy more than four hun­‐
dred me­ters away with an au­to­matic ri­fle, not a sniper ri­fle. Even if it were
hit, it would just be a warn­ing in­form­ing it of the lo­ca­tion of the two of

It seemed wise to come back with those who he was in charge of, af­ter re­‐
treat­ing safely.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon's choice was dif­fer­ent.


A sud­den shot.


Kim Tae-hoon said to Bang Hyun-wook, who was star­tled by the gun­shot,
"Let's go back."

In the eyes of Bang Hyun-wook, there was no more sign of a Gob­lin with
horns do­ing strange things. He could only see a pack of Gob­lins who
seemed to be con­fused...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

Chap­ter 20
Chap­ter 7. Item Mak­ing, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon was look­ing at the pic­tures on his smart­phone.


[Hob­gob­lin's Crys­tal]


-- The skill of Mana in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill of Mana Re­sis­tance in­creases when in­gested.

-- The power of a Hob­gob­lin [Hob­gob­lin's Sense] can be ac­quired when in­‐



Kim Tae-hoon's fin­gers flicked through the pic­ture.


[Hob­gob­lin's Horn]

-- The horn of Hob­gob­lin has a mys­te­ri­ous power. Some of the ef­fects of

that power are ex­er­cised when in­gested.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

He flipped the pic­ture again.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 69

-- Health: 45

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: E rank

-- Mana: E+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: E Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: E+ rank

[Achieved abil­i­ties]

-- Black Skin (Grade 6)

-- The vi­tal­ity of Troll (Grade 6)

-- Hob­gob­lin's Sense (Grade 6): You can sense and un­der­stand the pres­ence
of a stronger en­emy than your­self ear­lier and more ac­cu­rately.]


Kim Tae-hoon took his eyes off his smart­phone when he got to the pic­ture
with the mark of his right hand.

Kim Tae-hoon looked up.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

He saw a fairly wide train­ing ground, the bod­ies of the mon­sters all over the
ground, sol­diers atop the corpses and prac­tic­ing the dis­sec­tion of corpses to
get the hearts out, and sol­diers who had al­ready come out of the area and
smok­ing with bloody hands.

He lis­tened to them talk­ing.

"Huh, I didn't know I'd dis­sect mon­sters in my life. My hands are still shak­‐

"So are mine."

"Shit, but this damn hard work makes the cig­ar­ ette taste ex­cel­lent, ex­cel­‐

The faces of the sol­diers spit­ting out cig­ar­ ette smoke were fa­tigued.

"It has been a re­ally long damn day."

"Has it been a day?"

"I think the clock is wrong."

"I can't be­lieve it's Jan­u­ary 1st. It seems that it's been about ten years."

It was a day of eter­nity.


The traces were also on Kim Tae-hoon's face.

'A day has passed.'

Kim Tae-hoon could not eas­ily be­lieve that the year he looked up and was
pre­pared to fall was the New Year, 2017.

A long sigh came from his mouth. White breath steamed in front of him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

Mem­o­ries of the past be­gan to grow dim af­ter hard work and proper rest for
more than 24 hours.

The faces of many peo­ple came to his mind. Now the faces could only be
seen in mem­ory. At the same time, his ex­pres­sion hard­ened.

A woman ap­proached Kim Tae-hoon.

"We've di­vided and loaded the weapons into the dump truck, two mil­i­tary
trucks, and four SUVs."

It was Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji.

"Well done." He was sit­ting on a crudely-made wooden bench and gave a

short an­swer to Kim Soo-ji's words. He did not turn his gaze to her.

Kim Soo-ji looked down at him silently with­out turn­ing around. Kim Tae-
hoon fi­nally spoke up.

"If you have some­thing to say, say it."

"May I know what your rank is?"

"It's Ma­jor."


Kim Soo-ji nod­ded, un­sur­prised at his words.

Ma­jor... She didn't know his age.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did not look very old, around the early thir­ties, so
she was sur­prised.

The rank of ma­jor in the Ko­rean army is that of a sol­dier who takes an elite
course within the short­est pe­riod of time pos­si­ble.

More­over, it is the best elite course ever, where he has been pro­moted with­‐
out a sin­gle stop. If some­one took such an elite course, his name would be

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

known early in the mil­i­tary.

She bet if Kim Tae-hoon did nor­mal ac­tiv­i­ties as an of­fi­cer, he would never
have be­come a ma­jor.

In other words, all the ac­tiv­i­ties Kim Tae-hoon had done so far are not nor­‐

"Ex­cuse me, can you tell me who you served un­der?"

"I served un­der Ma­jor Gen­eral Chang Young-sung, and it's mean­ing­less to
ask fur­ther."

"What do you mean, it's mean­ing­less?"

"There will be no of­fi­cial doc­u­ments to find and read. No mat­ter what I say,
there is no ev­i­dence to prove I ex­ist."

"I don't care about the ev­i­dence."

When Kim Soo-ji kept press­ing, Kim Tae-hoon raised his head and looked
at her. He could see her eyes were de­ter­mined.

'I do not think that Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong would tell a good story
about Ma­jor Gen­eral Jang Young-sung.'

Her grand­fa­ther, Brigadier Gen­eral Kim Jae-ry­ong, would know full well
the role of Ma­jor Gen­eral Chang Young-sung.

That's why he must have warned his grand­daugh­ter, "Don't get in­volved
with ma­jor gen­eral Chang Young-sung in any way."

Nev­er­the­less, she asked the ques­tions. It meant that she was fully pre­pared.

Kim Soo-ji was a model of a woman sol­dier who thought it was a sin to ask
ques­tions to her boss.

There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon told her about his af­fil­i­at­ion. "A se­cret unit cre­‐
ated to as­sas­si­nate or de­stroy the fac­tors or groups that threaten the na­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

The unit that doesn't even have a name is my af­fil­i­at­ion."

And that brief ex­pla­na­tion was enough to guess what Kim Tae-hoon has
been do­ing as a sol­dier.

At the same time, she could fully guess that Kim Tae-hoon was a mem­ber
of such a se­cret spe­cial unit and had a rank that did not fit his age. It was
ev­i­dence of his out­stand­ing ac­tiv­i­ties be­yond ac­tive duty.

In ad­di­tion, Kim Soo-ji could un­der­stand the mean­ing of the warn­ing that
her grand­fa­ther gave.

"Thank you for telling me."

He closed his eyes with­out an­swer­ing.

When he closed his eyes, he re­mem­bered the faces that had just come up
with, the faces he could only re­mem­ber now. They spoke to him.

'You must sur­vive, at least you must sur­vive, the boss should sur­vive, and at
least you will sur­vive...'

Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed a bit­ter smile at the words.

'I didn't be­come a sol­dier to sur­vive, but from a cer­tain mo­ment sur­viv­ing
be­came my sole pur­pose.'

Kim Tae-hoon talked, swal­low­ing a bit­ter smile.

"Is that the end of the ques­tions?"

Kim Soo-ji seemed to think this was an op­por­tu­nity, and im­me­di­ately asked
an­other ques­tion. "Why did you or­ga­nize a pri­vate or­ga­ni­za­tion called a
clan? You could act in the name of the army."

"If I work in the name of the army, I can­not go hunt­ing mon­sters with­out ig­‐
nor­ing the peo­ple and the na­tion. Of course, if I look at what the ROK mil­i­‐
tary has done in the mean­time, it will not be a big flaw if I go kill mon­sters
in the name of the mil­i­tary."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon did not add that as he vi­o­lated the spirit of the mil­i­tary to
live, he could call it a real de­sire to keep liv­ing. Even if he did not add that,
the mean­ing would be enough.

"Boss." An un­in­vited guest ap­peared.

Jang Sung-hoon ap­peared, and Kim Soo-ji looked at him with a sullen ex­‐

The sud­den ap­pear­ance of an un­in­vited guest, and the ti­tle Jang Sung-hoon
used for Kim Tae-hoon, seemed to be un­sat­is­fac­tory to her.

"Can I make a sug­ges­tion?" Jang Sung-hoon asked di­rectly, with­out pay­ing

much at­ten­tion to Kim Soo-ji.

"Can I use the mon­ster skin to make a guard?"

Kim Tae-hoon man­aged to look sur­prised.

"I didn't think of it. I was just talk­ing to the other sol­diers. The world has
changed like a game, and I have been told that we can make items from

"In the game, we make items with mon­sters, so we won­dered if it would

work in re­al­ity. We want to try mak­ing a pro­tec­tor with mon­ster skin."

It was a ridicu­lous idea.

"No, what is it..." Kim Soo-ji tried to spit out a de­nial re­flex­ively be­cause it
was so ridicu­lous.

But Kim Tae-hoon's thoughts were dif­fer­ent.

'The Black Orc's skin was very tough and strong.'

The strength of mon­sters was not the same as the strength of the beasts that
hu­man­ity had al­ready met. Their skin was strong enough to hold stop bul­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

That was why it was mean­ing­ful.

Even if we look at hu­man his­tory, it was a se­ri­ous idea. Hu­man­ity was

weak, and its weak­ness had been re­in­forced by the strong parts of other an­i­‐

With the poi­son of poi­sonous crea­tures, the skin of beasts with tough hides,
and the ivory of fierce beasts with sharp teeth, they made tools and
weapons, and they even­tu­ally sur­vived.

It was not strange that the source was changed to a mon­ster, but it is nat­u­ral
that mankind must choose to sur­vive.

"What tools do you need?"

"To be hon­est, we can't make even a pair of clumsy shoes with the tools we
have now."


"But there's an Ojung-dong in­dus­trial com­plex right in front of the base,

and if we have the ma­te­ri­als, we could build a nu­clear bomb. We can get
there on foot in about twenty min­utes from the base."

The tools were enough.

"What about a crafts­man?" All that re­mained were the crafts­men.

"Is there any­one with gold spoons in the army who don't have oil on their
hands and who only spend all their money? The army is for the peo­ple who
come to work hard and have oil on their hands. It would be strange if there
were no crafts­men from the fac­tory, and if not, there would be sur­vivors in
the in­dus­trial com­plex, and they will be able to help us."

Kim Tae-hoon stood up, nod­ding his head.

'I guess it's not yet time for bed...'


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

Mak­ing clothes us­ing an­i­mal skin was not some­thing they could do

The skin­ning process re­quired highly skilled tech­niques and so­phis­ti­cated

tools, and a con­sid­er­able amount of time, as well as the equiv­al­ent of tech­‐
nol­ogy and medicine, to dry the skin even af­ter it was peeled off.

Of course, it was im­pos­si­ble to make a pro­tec­tor with the mon­ster skin in a

short time.

Kim Tae-hoon also did not in­tend to leave the base im­me­di­ately.

It was nec­es­sary to move to­gether, and above all, the ar­mor made with Gob­‐
lin skin was not proven to be ur­gently needed.

They need to as­sess the util­ity value of Gob­lin skin.


Pook! Pook!

"How about that?"

"Where there are about three lay­ers, a knife doesn't get through."

"Three over­lap­ping sheets would be fairly thick, and I don't think that's go­‐
ing to get a Gob­lin tooth on it."

"But if we over­lap three sheets, we can't move be­cause it's too heavy."

"Our main weapon is a gun, isn't it? Wouldn't it be all right if we could

"Hon­estly, this is bet­ter than a bul­let­proof suit. Any­way, the mon­sters won't

Kim Tae-hoon tested those things with his sol­diers: how tough the crudely
peeled Gob­lin skin was, and how much un­pro­cessed Gob­lin skin was
needed for ar­mor.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

In the mean­time, it was none other than Ahn Sun-mi who made a valid

"It's a medicine pill that com­bines the horn of the Hob­gob­lin, the flesh of
the Mud Troll, and ther­apy wa­ter made by a Glass of Ther­apy."

Ahn Sun-mi showed off a pill of bot­tle cap size and took a pic­ture of it with
a smart­phone cam­era.


-- Re­sis­tance to fear in­creases slightly.

-- Re­cov­ery abil­ity is slightly in­creased.

-- Con­cen­tra­tion is slightly im­proved dur­ing bat­tle.

-- Pain de­creases slightly.

-- Health is con­sumed quickly.

Ahn Sun-mi made an item us­ing the ma­te­ri­als from mon­sters Kim Tae-
hoon's clan had ac­quired so far.

What a use­ful item!

'It's bet­ter than I thought.'

When deal­ing with mon­sters, guns were a very pow­er­ful weapon.

With a well-armed sin­gle pla­toon, they could han­dle a hun­dred mon­sters, if

they were trained and com­manded well.

The prob­lem is that when mon­sters such as Black Orc and Mud Troll ap­‐
peared, they caused fear when they screamed.

Even Awak­en­ers stiff­ened up as soon as they were ex­posed to the fear.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

This fear was not some­thing which could be men­tally re­sisted. The en­ergy
rank was im­por­tant. If the en­ergy rank was high, the fear could be ig­nored,
en­dured, or re­cov­ered from quickly.

There­fore, no mat­ter how large an army was or­ga­nized, if the av­er­age per­‐
son had a low en­ergy rank, or did not have such a thing, they'd be taken out
in­stantly. It was one of the big­gest rea­sons why Kim Tae-hoon was wary of
the mon­sters.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the pills made by Ahn Sun-mi were light and salt!

What if this pill gave Awak­en­ers and the av­er­age per­son tol­er­ance, re­sis­‐
tance, and re­cov­ery against the fear?

'It de­pends on the ef­fec­tive­ness, but the tac­tics and fire­power avail­able
would be greatly in­creased if the av­er­age sol­diers or the low-rank­ing Awak­‐
en­ers could re­sist the fear.'

Of course, for a more pow­er­ful medic­i­nal ef­fect, a more pow­er­ful mon­ster

had to be caught, and clin­i­cal tri­als re­quired con­firm­ing the ef­fect ac­cord­ing
to the dose, and whether there were any side ef­fects.

It is clear that Ahn Sun-mi had done a great deal of work.

"You've made a new medicine, you name it."


"We'll have to make a lot of sim­i­lar things in the fu­ture, and we'll need
names to sort them out."

"I know, well... but I'm a doc­tor."

The an­swer to such a pro­posal came from the mouth of an­other per­son. "I'd
call it Sun-mi Dan af­ter your name, and it's in­tu­itive and good, isn't it?"

"Do you want to die?" Ahn Sun-mi looked at Bang Hyun-wook, who was
talk­ing bull­shit.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

Bang Hyun-wook turned his at­ten­tion to Kim Tae-hoon to avoid her eerie

"Big brother, wouldn't it be bet­ter for us to name our clan than the name of
this medicine now? Or do you have a name al­ready?"

At the ques­tion, Kim Tae-hoon rubbed his chin.

He didn't think about that part. What Kim Tae-hoon needed was not the
name of the clan, but rather the clothes he should wear, in­stead of an army

But as Bang Hyun-wook said, he could not just say "clan" with­out a name.

A name was very im­por­tant for any force!

"I have a good name be­cause I learned some Chi­nese char­ac­ters, and the
light il­lu­mi­nates the road, Road Light, how about it?"

"It's a bit weird." Ahn Sun-mi shot it down im­me­di­ately.

"So, sis­ter, do you have a good name?"

"Just nam­ing a cig­ar­ ette would be bet­ter than that crap."

"Marl­boro Clan?"

Ahn Sun-mi turned her head as if she did not even want to deal with Bang
Hyun-wook any­more. The two were ap­par­ently quar­rel­ing broth­ers and sis­‐

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon also ig­nored Bang Hyun-wook's words. At least,

it was clear that Bang Hyun-wook's sug­ges­tions would never help name the

In the end, Kim Tae-hoon asked for help from some­one with the most lit­er­‐
ary and ar­chae­o­log­i­cal knowl­edge in the clan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 20 ⦘

"Clan's name? I've forged some­one else's name, but it's the first time I
named a clan. Wouldn't it be bad luck for a hu­man who has forged art to
make a name for a clan?" Jang Sung-hoon laughed at Kim Tae-hoon's re­‐
quest. "So, what do you want?"

"Which one is bet­ter?"

"Nor­mally, these bat­tle groups are named af­ter a myth­i­cal an­i­mal. Three-
legged Crow, Hatch, Mac, and even the Four Myth­i­cal An­i­mals are child­ish
but sur­pris­ingly fine. I like the Ver­mil­lion Bird, the Ver­mil­lion Bird!"

"What are its char­ac­ter­is­tics?"

"When you're nam­ing, it's best to re­mem­ber and say it eas­ily, be­cause it's all
about mean­ing."

At his words, Kim Tae-hoon picked a word that didn't worry him. "Mac."

The word he chose was Mac.

"What is the char­ac­ter­is­tics of Mac, a myth­i­cal an­i­mal?"

"It's dif­fer­ent from coun­try to coun­try, but it's usu­ally known as a myth­i­cal
an­i­mal which eats night­mares. Mac clan, that's not bad. So where is the next
des­ti­na­tion of our Mac clan? Are we go­ing to the in­dus­trial com­plex, or...?"

"We're go­ing to Bucheon Sta­dium to­mor­row morn­ing."

The next des­ti­na­tion of the Mac clan was Bucheon Sta­dium, where the bow
mu­seum was lo­cated!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

Chap­ter 21
Chap­ter 8. The Sec­ond Relic, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


A car that had been block­ing the road fell into the ditch by the road with a
crash of metal. Its nose crum­pled loudly. If the owner had seen it, he would
have been mor­ti­fied.

"I can't be­lieve that there are so many cars in the small coun­try. Oh, God!"
The per­son do­ing this was an­gry rather than re­flec­tive.

What was more sur­pris­ing was that the cars he had not knocked down the
side of the road were not one or two.


Hun­dreds of cars were be­ing sent into the ditches, some cars slam­ming into
one an­other quite loudly.

Bang Hyun-wook turned his head, looked at what he had done and wiped
the sweat off his fore­head.

Jang Sung-hoon, who had just sent a car into the ditch, said to him, "You're
very strong."

"It thanks to jew­els of Strength and En­ergy. If I made my pro­fes­sional de­but

right now, I would hit a hun­dred home runs."

"Yes, I re­ally hope you make your pro­fes­sional de­but. If the car own­ers here
later see you in the black boxes and claim dam­ages, you'll ei­ther file for

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

bank­ruptcy or go to the Ma­jor League and hit the jack­pot."

"Please, I hope that a world like that will come back."

"I agree." Jang Sung-hoon once again looked at the crowd of cars on the
road with his words. 'I've done all sorts of bad things to get one of these ...
and now they are like garbage.', he mused to him­self Among them, there
was one ex­pen­sive enough to whis­tle at the mo­ment Jang Sung-hoon saw it.

"Uh? Boss? Boss!" Jang Sung-hoon shouted at Kim Tae-hoon, who was
mark­ing a car to push off onto the side of the road ahead of them.

"Boss, that's a Cayenne! A Porsche Cayenne!"

He saw Kim Tae-hoon try­ing to mark an X-shape with a red oil pen on the
back glass of Cayenne, an SUV made by Porsche.

"It's worth at least a hun­dred thou­sand dol­lars!"

For ref­er­ence, the price of a new Porsche Cayenne was a hun­dred thou­sand
dol­lars with­out any op­tion. Adding op­tions, it could be worth up to twice

At least it was a too much valu­able car to put in the ditch, and at the same
time, Porsche was a car-maker that could make the man's heart­burn.

Of course, that was Jang Sung-hoon.

Kim Tae-hoon did not even look up at the cry, and im­me­di­ately pushed the
back of the car lightly. Con­firm­ing it was in neu­tral, he im­me­di­ately looked
at the back of the car.

He painted it in his mind. A pic­ture of a huge in­tan­gi­ble wall push­ing the

car away. A pic­ture of a car mov­ing slowly to­ward the ditch.

The im­age in his mind be­came a re­al­ity. The car moved on its own and
started to go down the ditch.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

The ex­pen­sive car went down into the ditch and slammed into the back of
an­other car al­ready there.


Watch­ing the car like he was los­ing a lover, Jang Sung-hoon spat out a sigh.
"If I could just drive that thing once..."

"Tae-hoon brother is the one who beat an Orc with a Mer­cedes when he
caught it, so it's noth­ing."

"There's a dif­fer­ence be­tween Mer­cedes and Porsche!"

"Dif­fer­ent? Aren't their prices sim­i­lar?"

"It's not the price, but the ro­mance! The ro­mance!"

Kim Tae-hoon shot a look at the two of them.


'Oh, my God ...'

Jang Sung-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook be­came dumb. The mean­ing was
clear -- Shut Up and Get Back To Work.

Af­ter see­ing they had shut up, the gaze moved past them.

He saw the road they had come up was like a grave­yard of cars, the dump
truck that was slowly mov­ing up the road, and the cars that fol­lowed it were
like duck­lings chas­ing the mother duck.

He could also see the sol­diers fill­ing the scene.

"Hey, watch out, watch out!"

"I'm sorry."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

"Move the dead body care­fully, and even if you can't do a fu­neral, you have
to use at least a lit­tle cour­tesy."

"I un­der­stand."

"It's a happy thing to deal with the dead, it's proof that you lived."

Some of the sol­diers were work­ing on mov­ing the dead bod­ies to the side of
the road and cov­er­ing their faces with jumpers.

"Mon­ster stone col­lec­tion is fin­ished."

"Ten quo­tas is fin­ished. Can I have a cig­ar­ ette?"

"Yes, I've filled ten. Let's smoke to­gether."

The other sol­diers were work­ing on find­ing the mon­ster bod­ies and then
grab­bing the mon­ster stones by crack­ing their chests open.

There was a puff of smoke be­tween the jobs.

Kim Tae-hoon sighed briefly as he watched the scene.

"I'm glad there's less noise than I thought..."


Jan­u­ary 2nd.

At the end of the day, which was like an eter­nity, Kim Tae-hoon and his
newly-minted men if the Mac Clan, left the 1121 unit at the mo­ment the sun
rose and be­gan march­ing to­ward the Bucheon Sta­dium.

The march was not so long.

The dis­tance was about five kilo­me­ters, and even if you walked, it was only
an hour to reach it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

How­ever, the Mac Clan, who had left the unit at 7 AM, ar­rived at the
Bucheon Sta­dium Sta­tion near Bucheon Sta­dium at 2 PM, just past the mid­‐
dle of the day.

They had to ar­range the roads so that the ve­hi­cles car­ry­ing the weapons
could move, in­clud­ing the dump trucks car­ry­ing the weapons.

There were few mon­ster raids. It was a task that took a lot of time.

Get­ting rid of the cars which had lost their own­ers fill­ing the streets by
shov­ing them to the side also a took a lot of time, and it was not an easy job
to deal with cars that were tan­gled up by traf­fic ac­ci­dents if they didn't have
Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook.

But it was a task that had to be done.

'Any­way, we have se­cured a road that links the Sta­dium Sta­tion with the
mil­i­tary base.'

Now the dump truck wasn't just a truck, but an ar­se­nal with a lot of
weapons, and a pow­er­ful weapon that al­lowed them to gain the height ad­‐
van­tage in the bat­tle with mon­sters.

Se­cur­ing a road for such a dump truck to move was now the most im­por­tant
thing for the Mac Clan.

More­over, the road was sup­posed to be used as a way out at an emer­gency

mo­ment, so or­ga­niz­ing the road stupidly was just like deal­ing with their
lives stupidly.

'Liv­ing in an apart­ment or a build­ing is dan­ger­ous. If we de­cide where to

live, we'd bet­ter go to a mil­i­tary base or Bucheon Sta­dium...'

It was also im­por­tant to dis­pose of the bod­ies of the dead. The place where
a body sleeps be­comes a tomb, but the place where it is scat­tered be­comes

The dif­fer­ence was huge.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

Or­ga­nized bod­ies would be a sign of or­der still re­main­ing in a world that

seemed to be near­ing the end.

'Uh? There, there!'

"What is it? What hap­pened? Ah!"

"The smoke is thick over there. It looks like there's a fire?"

"Isn't that a gen­eral fire, with that much smoke? It's an apart­ment com­plex
over there, isn't it?"

Ev­ery­one's eyes turned to the smoke of the dis­tant apart­ment com­plex. Kim
Tae-hoon's eyes also turned.

'Now this is the be­gin­ning.'

That per­for­mance that ev­ery­one is look­ing at is why we need a trace of or­‐


The cause of the smoke was ob­vi­ous.

Smoke would not be gen­er­ated with­out fire in the chim­ney, so there is no

smoke with­out fire, isn't there?

It was a fire.

The cause of the fire was ob­vi­ous.

"What hap­pened to the fire?"

Cur­rently, the tem­per­at­ure was mi­nus ten de­grees Cel­sius, but the wind was
blow­ing, rather than the tem­per­at­ure is ris­ing.

In this cold win­ter, no elec­tric­ity or gas was be­ing sup­plied.

In the end, we will have to use the old-fash­ioned meth­ods that mankind
used to en­dure in the cold.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

"I'm sure they set a fire to melt them­selves, and if there were no fire in this
weather, they'd freeze to death."

Of course, they would have set a fire.

Nat­u­rally, if they had had com­mon sense, they would have come out of the
build­ing and brought out some­thing like a drum, or a large-scale cook­ing
oil, and put some fire­wood into the fire.

But some of them, with­out com­mon sense, would have been burn­ing in
their house us­ing por­ta­ble gas burn­ers and por­ta­ble bu­tane heaters, and this
was not a world that re­warded a lack of com­mon sense.

The prob­lem is that there were no fire­fight­ers to dis­patch even if they called

"Maybe we just have to wait un­til the fire goes out un­less it rains. But it
won't rain in this weather. If it rains, it would be even more as­ton­ish­ing."

"What hap­pens when the apart­ment com­plex is on fire and spreads


"Well ..."

The world that peo­ple had built was as easy to burn as match­boxes.

"I don't know what will hap­pen, but I'm sure there's no way to do any­thing."

"It's creepy."

In fact, this ap­plied not to just mon­ster at­tacks, but also dis­as­ters such as

Ex­perts say that when a dis­as­ter like a ma­jor earth­quake oc­curs, there
would of­ten be more deaths from sec­ondary dis­as­ters such as fires in the in­‐
fra­struc­ture that had col­lapsed, than the deaths caused by the dis­as­ter.

'The real trou­ble is now be­gin­ning.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 21 ⦘

It would be mon­sters, not peo­ple, who would be most ex­cited in such con­‐

'Hmm...' At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon's head went back.

To his eyes, this was a des­o­late road filled with ve­hi­cles.

But his other senses said that the des­o­la­tion was false. The Sense of the
Hob­gob­lin told Kim Tae-hoon that there was a strong be­ing near him.

"Pre­pare for bat­tle!" Kim Tae-hoon shouted.


Af­ter Kim Tae-hoon's cry, an eerie howl­ing that made their legs trem­ble
echoed around them!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

Chap­ter 22
Chap­ter 8. The Sec­ond Relic, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED



A Were­wolf, with gray hair, a huge physique over two me­ters tall, howled
at the sky.

It sounded like a ty­phoon.


It was not a sim­ple sound. At the same time, it was not the sound of a wolf
be­ing lonely.

Howl­ing was also an or­der, a wolf's cry for his pack.

Awww! Aooo!

Of course, the howl­ing of wolves fol­lowed the call of the Were­wolf. They
saw them com­ing; they were wolves run­ning on four feet, un­like the Were­‐

Of course, it was noth­ing like a wild wolf.

Ex­clud­ing the tail, they were two me­ters long, gray-furred... but they had
huge heads, red eyes, and a pair of mas­sive fangs, like a sabre­tooth tiger!

A Sabre­tooth Wolf!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

As soon as the Were­wolf's howl ex­ploded out, about twenty sabre­tooth

wolves, who had been qui­etly ap­proach­ing their prey, be­gan to race down
the road full of cars.

At the end of the rush, there was a dump truck.

Of course, the dump truck was not the tar­get.

The pur­pose of the rush­ing wolves was the sol­diers of Mac Clan, who lifted
their heads with guns in the back of the dump truck.

The sol­diers' pur­pose was also the sabre­tooth wolves.

"Start fir­ing!"

The bat­tle be­gan with the or­der of Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji to start fir­ing.

The first at­tack was from the gun­men; they nat­u­rally had range. The shots
ram­paged through the bod­ies of the charg­ing wolves.

A painful cry came from the mouths of the wolves hit by the gun­shots.

But that was all. The shoot­ing did not stop them at all.

It was not a lack of gun power.

"God­damn it, damn it, damn it!"

'My hands, stop trem­bling, please stop!'

The rea­son was that the hands of the sol­diers pulling the trig­gers were shak­‐
ing like peo­ple with palsy.

The rea­son for the tremor was, of course, the howl­ing of the Were­wolf.

The ty­phoon-like cry was strength and wings for the sabre­tooth wolves, and
a hand­cuff and shackle for en­em
­ ies fac­ing the fear.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

If it was not for the pills made by Ahn Sun-mi, it would not have been easy
to pull the trig­ger if they had not taken the pill in ad­vance.

Ting ting ting!

Ting ting ting!

"The fuck­ing cars!"

"What the fuck!"

The cars, which filled the road here, also earned curses from the sol­diers.
Even Kim Tae-hoon could not hit the mov­ing wolves with his trem­bling
hands as they ran be­tween the cars.

Four sabre­tooth wolves ap­proached the dump truck and were not go­ing to
stop. They were go­ing to jump on it and throw them­selves into the back of

Kim Soo-ji's or­der pre­vented their ex­pec­ta­tions.

"Ex­plode! Ex­plode!" Two short words.

At her shout, the hun­dreds of beads from the in­stalled clay­more blew out.

In front of the in­hu­mane weapon, the sabre­tooth wolves had no choice but
to whim­per.

Even that was the last sound, for the sabre­tooth wolves with holes all over
them didn't even have time to breathe again be­fore they died.


The Were­wolf, who had seen the sight, once again started howl­ing.

The howl­ing was stronger, more in­tense, and an­grier than be­fore.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

At the howl­ing, the sabre­tooth wolves also lifted their muz­zles and be­gan to
howl, too!

A bizarre force be­gan to swirl around the bat­tle­field. It was not a vague

It was like cast­ing a spell!

Just like a mem­o­rized spell be­comes magic!

That bizarre power was in the eyes of the sabre­tooth wolves, and they be­‐
gan to in­flate their power and fury.

At that mo­ment the Were­wolf's howl­ing sud­denly stopped.

... Ooooop!

Oop! Oop!

The Were­wolf tried to con­tinue the howl­ing, but its mouth did not open. It
was just like some­one had chained the Were­wolf's mouth shut.

Oop! Oop!

The sit­u­at­ion had to be very con­fus­ing from the point of view of the Were­‐

A wa­ter bal­loon flew to­ward the Were­wolf, a pre­cise par­ab­ ola, and hit the
eye­balls of the Were­wolf ex­actly. It ex­ploded with­out mercy and doused it
with black liq­uid.


Af­ter the liq­uid hit, the Were­wolf closed its eyes tightly and be­gan to strug­‐
gle painfully.

It was a nat­u­ral re­sponse.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

It would have been strange if it didn't try to es­cape or strug­gle from the
pain. The liq­uid, which was mixed with poi­sons such as gaso­line, pes­ti­‐
cides, and agri­cul­tural chem­i­cals, var­i­ous kinds of per­fumes to give a bad
smell, and plenty of red pep­per pow­der, had got­ten into its eyes and nose.

"Yes!" Bang Hyun-wook, who had thrown the wa­ter bomb so pre­cisely,
shouted with his fist clenched at the fact.

"That is the pitch­ing of Bang Hyun-wook, the third starter of Bucheon High
School! I'm a pitcher who won a com­plete game in the Phoenix League!
The com­plete game in the Phoenix League! Eleven strike­outs! Ker­shaw of
Bucheon High School!"

At his cry, the Were­wolf turned to­ward him, rub­bing its eyes.

At that mo­ment, the force press­ing on the Were­wolf's mouth dis­ap­peared.

Its mouth opened as if it were rip­ping apart.

Through its mouth, all the anger it had seeped out.


Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared at that mo­ment, while Bang Hyun-wook grabbed

the iron stick in his hand like a base­ball bat at the Were­wolf's cry.

Kim Tae-hoon had moved be­hind the Were­wolf while it was look­ing at
Bang Hyun-wook, and now shot calmly.

Bul­lets drove into its back­side

One hun­dred per­cent ac­cu­racy. Of the seven shots, not a sin­gle bul­let
missed its body.

How­ever, the Were­wolf did not fall. Even though it was shot in the head, it
didn't fall to its knees or even make a noise.

'It's tough.' It was ev­i­dence of tough skin, strong and thick bones, and crazy
vi­tal­ity. 'The Were­wolf's skin will be use­ful.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

Of course, it was not a spe­cial con­sid­er­at­ion for Kim Tae-hoon.

The scary thing about the gun is that the count­down started as soon as it
was hit.

When the bleed­ing be­gins, and the joints and mus­cles are dam­aged, they do
not move prop­erly.

More­over, the senses of the Were­wolf were not nor­mal now.

The chem­i­cal weapons made by Kim Tae-hoon were more ef­fec­tive than
the use of triv­ial ma­te­ri­als.

So Kim Tae-hoon was more re­laxed and shot a bul­let more ac­cu­rately into
the body of the Were­wolf. His telekine­sis also in­ter­fered with its move­‐

In the eyes of Kim Tae-hoon, the Were­wolf, seen be­yond the bar­ber of a
gun at­tached to the body, was no dif­fer­ent from a scare­crow whose arms
and legs were tied to a huge chain.

'Ah.' At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon's Sense is­sued a warn­ing.

Feel­ing the tin­gle, Kim Tae-hoon turned his gaze to the left and saw a
Sabre­tooth Wolf fly­ing at him like it had springs, with its huge jaws open
and over­size fangs spread wide.

It seemed im­pos­si­ble for Kim Tae-hoon to avoid the at­tack of the Wolf,
which had al­most reached him.

He did not avoid it. Rather, he thrust his right fist at the mouth of the Wolf,
the fist cov­ered by iron Black Skin.

There was a crack as his fist broke the sabre­tooth of the Wolf. Af­ter punch­‐
ing through the roof of its mouth, his fist drove into its brain in a messy

"Big brother, be care­ful!" Bang Hyun-wook's sur­prise warn­ing reached him

af­ter Kim Tae-hoon's fist alone had killed a Sabre­tooth Wolf.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

"You don't have to..." Bang Hyun-wook's sur­prised cry ended with a low

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon did not lis­ten to the cry.

Kim Tae-hoon was alert while lift­ing his ri­fle again, and im­me­di­ately af­ter
con­firm­ing that there was no sign of an­other Sabre­tooth Wolf, he planted all
the bul­lets left in the mag­az­ ine into the Were­wolf's body.

At the end of the last shot, Kim Tae-hoon ex­changed mag­az­ ine and shouted.

"Start fight­ing! Ex­ter­mi­nate the en­emy!"

Kim Tae-hoon's en­er­getic cry be­came a ty­phoon and shook the bat­tle­field.


[Were­wolf's Crys­tal]

-- Strength rank will in­crease when in­gested.

-- Health rank will in­crease when in­gested.

-- De­fense rank skill will in­crease when in­gested.

-- En­ergy rank skill will in­crease when in­gested.

-- Were­wolf's power [Howl­ing] can be ac­quired when in­gested.]


"Howl­ing ... are you go­ing to shout 'Howl!' be­fore you fight?" Bang Hyun-
wook, who was check­ing the con­tents of the spoils ob­tained by killing the
Were­wolf through a smart­phone photo, imag­ined Kim Tae-hoon howl­ing
out, and laughed.

But it was only he who was laugh­ing about it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

The sol­diers of the Mac Clan, who were gath­ered around the camp­fire near
the dump truck, could not af­ford to laugh at the trem­bling that had not yet
stopped for ev­ery­one, even Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji.

The Were­wolf's fear was much more in­tense then they thought. When the
cold weather was added to it, the ef­fect was dou­bled.

"Are you all right?" Bang Hyun-wook threw a wor­ried ques­tion to Jang
Sung-hoon, who was sit­ting near him.

He shook his trem­bling head. "No, are you all right?"

"I'm hot."


"The En­ergy is like chi, but once it's heated, it doesn't cool eas­ily, and it still
wrig­gles in my gut. I feel my guts wrig­gling, damn it."

The two saw Kim Tae-hoon walk­ing to­ward them. He had come back af­ter
search­ing for mon­sters around the bow mu­seum.

All those who were around the fire rose from their seats at the ap­pear­ance
of Kim Tae-hoon.

"Jang Sung-hoon and Ahn Sun-mi." Kim Tae-hoon called out to two of
them who had stood up. The two named nod­ded.

There was no rea­son to ques­tion about it be­cause it had al­ready been agreed

Whether it was a relic or not, it could be seen by tak­ing a pic­ture with a

smart­phone, but he had no skill to find hid­den relics.

So it was nat­u­ral to bring along Jang Sung-hoon, who had the abil­ity, and
Ahn Sun-mi, who had al­ready found the first relic.

"Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji com­mands the Clan. Bang Hyun-wook, when I'm
not here, you're the cap­tain of the as­sault team."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Bang Hyun-wook made a clumsy salute.

Kim Tae-hoon looked at Bang Hyun-wook shortly and then headed back to
the mu­seum with Ahn Sun-mi and Jang Sung-hoon in tow.


Bucheon Bow Mu­seum...

Lo­cated next to Bucheon Sta­dium, there were var­i­ous kinds of bows, ar­‐
rows and quiv­ers, and bow-re­lated items dis­played in full view. There was
no light, so it was rather hard to see.

Cam­eras flashed all over the mu­seum, a scene that would nor­mally only
scare a mu­seum of­fi­cial. There was some­thing re­ally fright­en­ing about it


A man in the dark broke the glass that stored the goods with a ham­mer. The
sound of glass break­ing was pretty loud.

"Just like the thieves said, the sound is re­ally great. It's ad­dic­tive."

With those words, a hand ap­peared sud­denly through the bro­ken glass. It
picked up one of the ar­rows on dis­play.

"What did you find?"

"What is it?"

As one of them pulled out the goods, the two, a man and a woman, gath­ered
be­side the man.

Jang Sung-hoon showed them a smart­phone in­stead of an­swer­ing them.


[Sun-sin's Ar­row]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

-- Relic Grade: Grade 4

-- Relic Value: Rare

-- Relic Ef­fect: The ar­row has the power of a Great Ad­mi­ral. The pen­et­rat­‐
ing force of the ar­row in­creases with En­ergy rank.]


Grade 4, Rare ... they saw more amaz­ing words than they ex­pected.

How­ever, it was not about the grade, value, or ef­fect of the relic that Kim
Tae-hoon and Ahn Sun-mi saw.

"Sun-sin's Ar­row?"

"Wait a minute, if it's Sun-sin ..."

Sun-sin! There was only one Great Ad­mi­ral with this name in the his­tory of
the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea.

"Does it mean Ad­mi­ral Yi Sun-sin?"

Kim Tae-hoon did not an­swer Ahn Sun-mi's ques­tion. He couldn't. At this
point, the an­swer was be­yond his ca­pac­ity.

'Yi Sun-sin ...'

"Is it pos­si­ble that such a valu­able relic is in this mu­seum?" The an­swer
came, of course, from Jang Sung-hoon.

Jang Sung-hoon looked at the ar­row in his hand and said, "It's prob­ab­ ly
true. Only such an ar­row that Ad­mi­ral Yi Sun-sin shot would be in the mu­‐

Jang Sung-hoon con­tin­ued to look at the ar­row and ar­row­head in the light
of the smart­phone.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

"It's just com­mon sense, ask­ing who would take the ar­row shot by an ad­mi­‐
ral of the Joseon Dy­nasty? As a great man like Ad­mi­ral Yi Sun-sin would
shoot, some­one would pick it up and keep it as a fam­ily trea­sure or amulet,
so that it will re­main in shape af­ter cen­turies."

"No, I mean, such a trea­sure is in a lit­tle mu­seum like this..."

Jang Sung-hoon gave a laugh at the word 'trea­sure'.

"This ar­row can­not be a trea­sure, and if it is not an ar­row made sym­bol­i­‐

cally, it will be a con­sum­able. There must be more than ten thou­sand ar­rows
shot by Ad­mi­ral Yi Sun-sin dur­ing his life­time. The ar­rows are re­cy­clable.
How­ever, there's no name tag and it's not a trea­sure. The value of a trea­sure
in this world de­pends on who pays for it. The truth doesn't mat­ter, but the
story is dif­fer­ent now."

Jang Sung-hoon laughed.

"Look at this, the ar­row­head that is flash­ing like it was made just now. The
ar­row­head dur­ing the Ja­pa­nese In­va­sions of Imjin did not have any rust on
it. This must be a clue that it turned into a relic. It's not just its abil­ity that
has changed, but its ap­pear­ance. Oth­er­wise, it's not go­ing to be that good
un­less it was made of gold..."

At that mo­ment, Jang Sung-hoon stopped talk­ing. The smile on his lips was
gone, too.

Kim Tae-hoon and Ahn Sun-mi cocked their heads at his ap­pear­ance. At the
same time, they waited pa­tiently for Jang Sung-hoon to start talk­ing.

"Wait." It didn't take him long to re­cover. "There is a place to go now. We

have to go there, there!"

"I want you to sort out what you want to say, ex­actly where we are go­ing,
and why we should go."

"There's a Eu­ro­pean Pot­tery Mu­seum. In­side Bucheon Sta­dium, there's a

Eu­ro­pean Pot­tery Mu­seum... it is in there."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 22 ⦘

"What is there?" Ahn Sun-mi urged him.

"A glass of cham­pagne."

"A glass of cham­pagne?" Ahn Sun-mi re­peated, and Kim Tae-hoon


In re­sponse to such a re­ac­tion, Jang Sung-hoon swal­lowed, and spoke the

words echo­ing in his mind, "A golden glass of cham­pagne used by Em­peror

He swal­lowed again in the si­lence fol­low­ing his words.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

Chap­ter 23
Chap­ter 8. The Sec­ond Relic, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Bucheon Eu­ro­pean Pot­tery Mu­seum...

Un­in­vited guests were swing­ing cam­eras around at pricey Eu­ro­pean art on

dis­play and tak­ing pic­tures with­out per­mis­sion.

"Oh, it's Meis­sen."


At that mo­ment, words of ad­mi­ra­tion came from Jang Sung-hoon, the most
dan­ger­ous un­in­vited guest.

As Ahn Sun-mi could not bear the bore­dom of si­lence, she im­me­di­ately
asked, "Meis­sen? What is that?"

"It's the best of the Eu­ro­pean lux­ury pot­ter­ies. Should I say Benz by car?"

"Is it ex­pen­sive?"

"It's ex­pen­sive, and I would have to pay five thou­sand dol­lars for that set
right now."

"That lit­tle tea set costs over five thou­sand dol­lars?"

"It's cheap, I sup­pose. One of the Meis­sen vases is over eight thou­sand eu­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

At such a ridicu­lous price, Ahn Sun-mi opened her mouth with­out say­ing
any­thing for a mo­ment.

"...that's ridicu­lously ex­pen­sive."

"Well, and so there's a thief."

"But I'm cu­ri­ous, can you tell where the prod­uct is from look­ing at that pot­‐

Jang Sung-hoon laughed lightly at her ques­tion.

"I can do it, so I could be­come a crim­i­nal at this age... but I'm not a crim­i­‐
nal, be­cause I haven't been caught yet."

Jang Sung-hoon was young.

He was not only a young man but also a young boy who had not yet re­‐
ceived a diploma from a uni­ver­sity.

It is be­cause he had a dis­cern­ing eye and abil­ity that did not fit his age, of
course, that he was able to com­mit crimes such as forgery, steal­ing goods,
and art smug­gling.

Was it pos­si­ble for a blind per­son to forge art­works, a blind per­son to fake
the au­then­tic­ity of the goods in the stolen goods trade, or to smug­gle?

"But is there re­ally Napoleon's cham­pagne glass in this place?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have asked you to come here with­out con­fi­dence,
and a guy I knew once gave me a quote to steal it ..."

Jang Sung-hoon would not have re­mem­bered Napoleon's cham­pagne glass

if he was not a crim­i­nal.

"... if you search the on­line, you can find a re­lated ar­ti­cle. Ah, the smart­‐
phones don't work now."

"Why would such a great thing be in this place ...?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

"It's not that great, be­cause peo­ple are not re­ally in­ter­ested in Napoleon's
cham­pagne glass."

Jang Sung-hoon glanced at her af­ter she went silent.

He saw the ex­pres­sion of Ahn Sun-mi, who had a se­ri­ous look in her eyes.
She must have felt some­thing.

"This way."

Jang Sung-hoon and Kim Tae-hoon moved along with her, and soon they
saw it; a glass of cham­pagne that gave off a del­i­cate golden light in a glass

"... worth com­ing." The cham­pagne glass, made of crys­tal and dec­o­rated
with gold, seemed ex­pen­sive in it­self, but it did not look so spe­cial.

But the let­ter "N," a sym­bol of the per­son who was prom­i­nent in the his­tory
of mankind, made the value of the cham­pagne glass spe­cial.

Napoleon, there was a trace of a leg­endary ex­is­tence that changed the flow
of hu­man his­tory.

"It is a good thing we are here."

It glowed on its own. Be­yond sim­ple traces, it was a relic that could not be

"This is be­cause of me, don't for­get!"

At Jang Sung-hoon's words, Kim Tae-hoon turned on his smart­phone in­‐

stead of an­swer­ing, ac­ti­vated the cam­era func­tion, and im­me­di­ately touched
the liq­uid crys­tal.

As soon as the sound of the photo faded, Kim Tae-hoon's gaze turned to the
smart­phone. Ahn Sun-mi and Jang Sung-hoon stuck to his left and right,
crowd­ing in to look.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

[The Golden Glass of Napoleon No.3]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 3

-- Relic Value: Spe­cial

-- Relic ef­fect: One of the six golden glasses Napoleon used. When a cri­sis
comes, it cre­ates a cham­pagne that makes you dream of a so­lu­tion.]


A great tac­ti­cian! The se­cret of Em­peror Napoleon, who could read the
right way in an un­pre­dictable era of war!



Mac Clan's sol­diers were gath­er­ing in front of the burn­ing fire, warm­ing

It was be­cause the fear of the Were­wolf in their body had not gone away.
And even if not, the cold weather did not al­low them to leave the fire eas­ily.

Of course, there was only one per­son who would leave such a fire.

Bang Hyun-wook, was swing­ing like tak­ing bat­ting prac­tice with a steel
stick cut like a base­ball bat in his hand, was free from the fear and cold,
know­ing how to han­dle his En­ergy prop­erly.

In ad­di­tion, the sound of his swing, which was chan­nel­ing En­ergy, was

'That's great.' Bang Hyun-wook was sur­prised by his own power.

"If I had had this bat speed be­fore the draft, I could have got­ten a blank
check from the Ma­jor League scouts"

Of course, Bang Hyun-wook imag­ined all this.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

If he had had this power in high school, what kind of in­ter­est and at­ten­tion
would he have re­ceived?

But the end of the dream was more bit­ter than any­thing else, rather than
sweet. Af­ter he stopped day­dream­ing, a long misty breath poured out of his

"Fuck." The long sigh was a bit­ter sound that ended his happy thoughts.

His wor­ries and con­cerns were catch­ing up with him.

His par­ents' faces came to his mind first, then his friends' faces. He re­mem­‐
bered the face of his class­mate who he had been in love with all dur­ing high
school, and the black smoke rose from a dis­tance from a burn­ing apart­ment.

That's why Bang Hyun-wook prac­ticed swing­ing in this cold weather.

There were not many ways to spend time in a world where there was noth­‐
ing to eat up time, like a TV or smart­phone game.

For him, a time of si­lence was a time of agony. So he moved and some­how
tried to talk about an­other topic.

"Ah, Lieu­tenant! Can I ask you a ques­tion?"

Kim Soo-ji, who was on the other side of the fire from Bang Hyun-wook,
was a prey to catch some­how.

Now that she had stopped shak­ing, she nod­ded her head at Bang Hyun-
wook's ques­tion.

"You are an ac­quain­tance with big brother, aren't you?" Kim Soo-ji nod­ded
silently again.

Bang Hyun-wook quickly said with a lit­tle fin­ger swing­ing, "So you two

Kim Soo-ji looked at Bang Hyun-wook's lit­tle fin­ger, seem­ingly not un­der­‐
stand­ing the mean­ing straight away.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

For her, Bang Hyun-wook was will­ing to give a kind ex­pla­na­tion. "Are you
and big brother lovers?"

"What non­sense!" Kim Soo-ji was fright­ened, her face paled, and she re­‐
futed it quickly. "In the old days, I met him just once!"

"In the old days, in the army?"

"I saw him at the Army Head­quar­ters for a mo­ment. That's all I've ever had
to do with him."

"He's a sol­dier, too, right? Good. I thought he was some kind of hit­man.
Killer's bet­ter, but a sol­dier is bet­ter than a killer. He is from the spe­cial
forces, isn't he?"

"That's ..." Kim Soo-ji was silent at his ques­tions, which came with­out a

'It's not some­thing I can tell you.' She did not have the right to an­swer Bang
Hyun-wook's ques­tion.

Kim Tae-hoon was the only per­son who could re­veal that he be­longs to a
se­cret spe­cial unit that was not of­fi­cially recorded in the his­tory of the Re­‐
pub­lic of Ko­rea.

Of course, Bang Hyun-wook was not re­ally cu­ri­ous about such things, and
he did not say that to make Kim Su-ji em­bar­rassed. He just needed to spend
time ig­nor­ing his own wor­ries.

There­fore, Bang Hyun-wook did not stop talk­ing, and no­body seemed to be
able to stop him.

"Where can you get a tank or a rocket gun or some­thing?"


At some point, Bang Hyun-wook stopped talk­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

He looked at the road with a hard ex­pres­sion, the road that he and the Mac
Clan had worked hard on for a long time... and a group of peo­ple now walk­‐
ing down the road.

Kim Soo-ji looked at them, too.

"Alert!" she shouted as loud as she could.

"Alert!" she yelled again. "Alert! Alert!"

The sol­diers leaped up at her cry and be­gan to move in a flurry with the
guns they had kept at hand The driver got into the driver's seat quickly and
started the en­gine.

"Get on!"

"Come up quickly!"

The sol­diers climbed into the dump truck and got ready, with only eyes and
muz­zles vis­i­ble in the back.

Kim Soo-ji also climbed up onto the back at once.

Bang Hyun-wook was the only one who stayed on the ground and didn't get
on the load­ing dock. Af­ter all, the cap­tain of the as­sault squad could not just
rush up there.


'Don't hes­i­tate, Bang Hyun-wook. You should not hes­i­tate just be­cause they
are hu­man. If it's dan­ger­ous, you have to deal with it. You have to do it.'

They were not a mon­ster who he did not need to feel re­morse about, even if
he smashed its head at once.

"Hoo!" There­fore, Bang Hyun-wook, who was pre­par­ing for the bat­tle, was
pour­ing out a white breath like a steam lo­co­mo­tive.

It was ev­i­dence of ten­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

As time went by, the dis­tance be­tween them be­came closer, and soon they
con­firmed each other's iden­ti­ties.

'Civil­ians, I'm sure they are sur­vivors.'

'What the hell do we do?'

The sol­diers bit their lips, con­firm­ing that they were sur­vivors, not mon­‐

"Sol­diers, sol­diers!"


"They are sol­diers!"

The mo­ment they saw that the men in the dump truck were sol­diers, the
faces of the crowd ap­proach­ing the dump truck seemed to bend enough to
ex­press joy.

"We are saved! We are saved!"


"We're saved! A res­cue team is here!"

The screams that could not con­trol the joy, the cry­ing that could not bear the

They made all kinds of noises and did not stop walk­ing to­ward the dump
truck, as if they were pos­sessed by some­thing, like zom­bies in movies.

The sol­diers were em­bar­rassed.

'What? Why are they com­ing? Why are they com­ing?'

'Do we have to shoot them? Damn it, do we have to shoot or not?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

If they were mon­sters, they would aim and fire at ev­ery­one ap­proach­ing be­‐
fore the shoot­ing or­der was is­sued.

But they were hu­man be­ings, civil­ians who were not armed.

Just by imag­in­ing that they were aim­ing guns at hu­mans, their hearts were
start­ing to pound.

"No ac­cess!" It was the same for Kim Soo-ji.

She would eas­ily give a fir­ing or­der to a mon­ster, but it was not easy to take
ac­tion in a cool man­ner, even if she had as­sumed this sit­u­at­ion to the civil­‐

"No ac­cess! We will fire if you ap­proach any closer!" she shouted again,
warn­ing them.

But the peo­ple who were con­verg­ing on the dump truck did not think to

"We are saved! We are saved!"

"Help us! Seoul is now ..."

"Uh-ung, uh-ung!"

There was no room for Kim Soo-ji's voice in the midst of the end­less praise
for sav­ing them, des­per­at­ion, and cry­ing that burst out end­lessly.

Kim Soo-ji's ex­pres­sion hard­ened. 'What should I do?'

Her mind was hard­ened, too. 'They are de­fense­less civil­ians.'

There was only one thing that sol­diers learned about civil­ians dur­ing mil­i­‐
tary train­ing: Don't even sneeze against civil­ians!

It was im­pos­si­ble for Kim Soo-ji and the sol­diers to have any ex­pe­ri­ence in
deal­ing with this sit­u­at­ion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 23 ⦘

Bang Hyun-wook, who was not a sol­dier, was also em­bar­rassed.

'Oh, my God, Joo Ha-yeon?'

There was a girl with a fa­mil­iar face among the crowd, a girl's face he could
not for­get.

'Why is she here?'

While ev­ery­one was so em­bar­rassed that they could not do any­thing, the
dis­tance be­tween civil­ians and the dump truck nar­rowed.

It was not a good pic­ture. A pic­ture that was not good even if some­thing big


The paint­ing was painted with a new color called howl­ing, a dark color...

It was not a sim­ple sound. It had a clear power and hos­til­ity.


The peo­ple who ap­proached the dump truck stopped when they heard the
howl­ing. The shots that fol­lowed the howl­ing made the civil­ians' stopped
legs shake.

"I warned you." The shots were a warn­ing.

"From now on, those who ap­proach will be killed in­stantly with­out warn­‐
ing. I say again, who­ever ap­proaches the dump truck with­out per­mis­sion, I
will fire with­out warn­ing. Ev­ery­body, sit down or lie down."

So ev­ery­one stopped act­ing and looked at the is­suer of the warn­ing, Kim

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

Chap­ter 24
Chap­ter 9. The Golden Glass of Napoleon, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


They were sur­vivors.

"I'm from Guro Dis­trict."

"We're from Yangcheon Dis­trict..."


Sur­vivors from Seoul.

Of course, Guro Dis­trict and Yangcheon Dis­trict were lo­cated far from the
cen­ter of Seoul, but it was clear that they were closer to Seoul than Kim
Tae-hoon's party.

He was able to see the big­ger pic­ture more clearly now.

"Seoul is hell now, and the great mon­sters are go­ing crazy ..."

"A huge winged dragon, you can't be­lieve it, but when the dragon spat out
the fire, the build­ing col­lapsed, the trees burned all over, and the peo­ple just
melted down ..."

"I heard that the fight­ers fired mis­siles at Mapo bridge and Yanghwa bridge,
and they de­stroyed them."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

The cap­i­tal city of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea was not the most pop­u­lous place
in Ko­rea, but the place with the most dam­age and the largest ca­su­al­ties in

Ev­ery­one who heard the story was white, their faces like plas­ter.

Kim Tae-hoon's face was also stiff.

'The fact that the fight­ers were mov­ing means that more than one of the air
bases played a role ... Con­sid­er­ing the dis­tance and sit­u­at­ion, they made a
sor­tie from Seong­nam AFB. But they de­stroyed the bridge ... to stop the
mon­sters from go­ing into Gyeonggi Prov­ince? Or to pre­vent the mon­sters
from en­ter­ing Seoul?'

The anal­y­sis of new in­for­ma­tion and the es­tab­lish­ment of hun­dreds of hy­‐

pothe­ses based on the in­for­ma­tion did not give him any room to think about
any­thing else.

Kim Soo-ji came over to Kim Tae-hoon and said.

"What are you go­ing to do, ma­jor?" As she asked the ques­tion, she thought
that Kim Tae-hoon's an­swer would come af­ter a longer pe­riod of thought.
She also ex­pected that the an­swer would be very rea­son­able.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon an­swered eas­ily. "Be­fore we move to our next des­‐
ti­na­tion, we'll be briefed and ready to spend the day here."

"Then the sur­vivors ..."

"I have no plan to work with the sur­vivors."

In ad­di­tion, Kim Tae-hoon's an­swer was com­pletely op­po­site to Kim's Soo-

ji's ra­tio­nal de­ci­sion.

"Ma­jor Kim Tae-hoon?"

"I say again, we don't move with the sur­vivors."

"So are you go­ing to leave them like this?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

"I didn't pick them up, but if I had, I would have left them."

"Ma­jor! They are civil­ian sur­vivors!"

Whether you are a sol­dier or not, if you have any com­pas­sion, you should
help sur­vivors.

Isn't that a rea­son­able idea for any­one?

Kim Tae-hoon did not re­spond to Kim Soo-ji's op­po­si­tion. In­stead, he ap­‐
proached the sur­vivors sit­ting on the floor and warm­ing them­selves by the


The sur­vivors did not have any­thing in com­mon, such as age, gen­der, or oc­‐
cu­pa­tion; their only com­mon­al­ity was that they had no life in their eyes.

Kim Tae-hoon told them, "We can't af­ford to es­cort you to a safe place right
now, as we don't know where it is safe in this sit­u­at­ion ei­ther. You will have
to move on your own."

The words were blunt, but they came out gen­tly. But there was not one per­‐
son who felt fa­vor­able to the gen­tle words.

In the case of Ahn Sun-mi and Bang Hyun-wook, they froze upon hear­ing

They knew Kim Tae-hoon well. At the large mart, Kim Tae-hoon spoke in
front of the sur­vivors in such a way, and then he aban­doned them.

For his own pur­poses, he did not do any­thing to in­ter­fere and was not swept
away by com­pas­sion for what he could not do.

So they knew that Kim Tae-hoon's words were not merely threats or warn­‐
ings, but gen­uine.

One of them, Bang Hyun-wook, came out im­me­di­ately. "Big brother! We

are on the move, and we can go with them, can't we? I thought we'd sleep

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

here to­day! Why don't we go with them?"

Kim Tae-hoon, who watched him talk­ing, was able to roughly gauge his
heart. There was noth­ing to think about. He saw Bang Hyun-wook talk­ing
to a young woman of his age among the sur­vivors.

So Kim Tae-hoon spat out his pre­pared words. "I don't want to stop you if
you're go­ing to be a hero, but you're the only one go­ing to be."

"What? What do you mean ..."

"If mon­sters ap­pear in a sit­u­at­ion where sur­vivors fol­low us, I will pull the
trig­ger, re­gard­less of the sur­vivors. At least, it will not be heroic."

"Wait, wait a minute."

"And to be hon­est, it's dan­ger­ous for a sur­vivor to be an ob­sta­cle in that

way, and I'm not go­ing to take any more risks here with­out any merit."

Bang Hyun-wook stopped talk­ing. It was mean­ing­less to talk about who

was right and wrong.

Kim Tae-hoon was right in the mat­ter of sur­viv­ing.

"If you want to leave Mac Clan to be a hero, I can let you go, but don't think
you'll come back free the mo­ment you leave."

Work­ing with sur­vivors was a bur­den in many ways.

There were many things that needed to be done as the num­ber of mouths in­‐
creased. Move­ment slows down, and more food is con­sumed.

But the big­gest prob­lem is that there were more to pro­tect.

It was hard to keep your­self alive right now in this world, and there was no
room for some­one else in this world. If there was, it was just a delu­sion or a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

The con­ver­sa­tion be­tween the two was clearly heard by the sur­vivors. None
of the sur­vivors could un­der­stand the mean­ing of the con­ver­sa­tion.

'He is aban­don­ing us?'

'What is he talk­ing about? A sol­dier should pro­tect us.'

The eyes of the sur­vivors, the dark-dead eyes, be­gan to shake. One of them
jumped up.

"You! You're go­ing to aban­don us now? You're go­ing to ..."

"Yes." Kim Tae-hoon an­swered im­me­di­ately.

"No way!"

"What the fuck is that?"

Sur­vivors were scared, and ev­ery­one got up from their seats se­quen­tially
and started to look at Kim Tae-hoon.

Their eyes were full of fear, and their faces were full of anger. They could
not un­der­stand. How could they un­der­stand that the life­line they had barely
caught onto was claw­ing their palms and get­ting out?

"You're sol­diers, aren't you? You must pro­tect us!"

"Shit, if you have re­ceived our tax money, you should pro­tect us!"

"You son of a bitch, are you a hu­man be­ing like that? Are you go­ing to live

The an­gry sur­vivors be­gan to get an­gry.

Kim Tae-hoon briefly told them, "Shut up."

The short com­mand was filled with a mur­der­ous spirit. The mur­der­ous
spirit was not vis­i­ble, but there was enough power to crush them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

He was not a nor­mal hu­man be­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon had al­ready eaten the power of sev­eral mon­sters, and the
power that he ate be­came his own bones and flesh.

Kim Tae-hoon was an Awak­ener with A rank telekine­sis and could phys­i­‐
cally ex­er­cise his thoughts.

His mur­der­ous spirit was like a cold wind in the cold win­ter. There was no
short­age of cut­ting flesh and mak­ing wounds.

The anger that the sur­vivors spat out be­fore the mur­der­ous spirit cooled
down in­stantly.

"I'm telling you clearly, we're not sol­diers. Mac Clan, a group or­ga­nized for
mon­ster hunt­ing. Our pur­pose is to hunt mon­sters, not to save sur­vivors."

Kim Tae-hoon con­tin­ued to speak in an at­mos­phere so cold that no­body

could even swal­low.

"In ad­di­tion, we hunt mon­sters to sur­vive. To in­ter­fere with us is a threat to

our sur­vival, and there is no rea­son for us to risk our lives to save you."

There was no cross-ques­tion­ing.

"I ask you the op­po­site, how many men did you save, how many men did
you help, and how many mon­sters did you hunt when you came here?"

There was no breath­ing heard.

"You've sur­vived and come all the way here be­cause you've turned away a
lot of sur­vivors, but do you think we're the only ones who can not turn away
from sur­vivors?"

There was only one-sided vi­o­lence in this ex­is­tence.

"I warn you, if you in­ter­fere with our ac­tiv­i­ties, I'll do some­thing about it in
some way, and you can then call the po­lice or hire a lawyer."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

Af­ter he stopped speak­ing, the sound of breath­ing and swal­low­ing fi­nally

came. At the same time, ev­ery­one knew.

'It's real...'

'He's a man who could shoot and kill us if we got in his way.'

Kim Tae-hoon was not just talk­ing a bluff or non­sense, but re­ally think­ing
about it.

There­fore, none of the sur­vivors showed any fur­ther signs of blam­ing Kim

Kim Tae-hoon no longer paid at­ten­tion to them. He or­dered his men to look
at him.

"To­day, we will spend a day here at Bucheon Sta­dium. Ob­tain gas from
nearby cars, charge smart­phone bat­ter­ies with car bat­ter­ies, and get food
from nearby marts and vend­ing ma­chines."

That was all.

Kim Tae-hoon did not warn the sur­vivors that he would con­sider them hos­‐
tile if they en­tered the area of Mac Clan.

Even if he did not, the sur­vivors al­ready knew it very well.

So the day ended, and night came again.


Kim Tae-hoon taught many things to his sub­or­di­nates af­ter he founded the
Mac Clan.

He taught sur­vival knowl­edge, such as how to charge a smart­phone bat­tery

us­ing a car bat­tery, and how to dis­man­tle mon­sters.

The ed­u­ca­tion was done ev­ery day.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

"The Sabre­tooth Wolf has the thinnest skin be­tween these ribs. The heart is
caught when the hand is this deep, to the mid­point of the wrist and el­bow
af­ter stab­bing the hole with a knife."

Even to­day, Kim Tae-hoon taught the sol­diers how to take the mon­ster
stones out of the body of a Sabre­tooth Wolf by demon­strat­ing to them.

Of course, this ed­u­ca­tion was not to make an ex­cel­lent sol­dier, but a com­pe­‐
tent hunter.

"Big brother, I need to talk to you ..." Bang Hyun-wook talked to Kim Tae-
hoon af­ter the body of a Sabre­tooth Wolf was all bro­ken down to bones and

Kim Tae-hoon wiped his bloody hands with a towel and re­ceived a pro­posal
from Bang Hyun-wook. "What do you want to say?"

"Can you ac­cept even one of the sur­vivors?"


"Just one per­son, please ... I'll keep her safe. I won't in­ter­rupt you. I'll give
her my food." Bang Hyun-wook was se­ri­ous and ner­vous.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-hoon was as calm as he al­ways was. "Why
should I give you that spe­cial fa­vor?"

"Well..." Be­cause of the calm, Bang Hyun-wook lost his pace. In the end, he
spat out what he was hold­ing back, with­hold­ing noth­ing.

"I've helped you, and I've got the high­est En­ergy rank in our clan, and you
will be in trou­ble with­out me."

A strong state­ment.

"Hon­estly, you have eaten a lot of mon­ster stones from the mon­sters which
I have killed so far."

Strong to the ex­tent he sur­prised him­self!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

"Umm... I mean... not that you were wrong, that's not that I was dis­sat­is­fied,
but that I've worked so hard for you..."

In the end, he failed to keep up his words.

Kim Tae-hoon asked Bang Hyun-wook, "I'll ask you one ques­tion, what's
your re­la­tion­ship with her?"

"I went to the same mid­dle school."


"No, it's not ... I had a se­cret crush on her ..." Even though he got the words
out, Bang Hyun-wook was ashamed and blurred his words.

It was fool­ish and ridicu­lous to see him­self speak­ing so high up against Kim
Tae-hoon, not just for the sake of a friend or lover, but for some­one who he
was in un­re­quited love with.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did not look at Bang Hyun-wook as funny.

"I un­der­stand, but I can't com­ply with your re­quest. I'm sorry." It was not
worth dis­cussing who is right, hu­manly and morally.

Kim Tae-hoon was right only in one thing: that his method was much more
likely to sur­vive.

Bang Hyun-wook's face also crum­pled be­cause he knew it.

Kim Tae-hoon could not be per­suaded at all, the young Bang Hyun-wook
couldn't read­ily ac­cept the fact that he should give up some­thing.

It was Jang Sung-hoon who fin­ished the con­ver­sa­tion be­tween the two.

Jang Sung-hoon, who ap­peared with a se­ri­ous face, was car­ry­ing a bag.
Kim Tae-hoon's eyes changed when he checked the bag. He knew what was
in that bag.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 24 ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon pulled out what Kim Tae-hoon knew was in the bag.

"Look at this." The Golden Glass of Napoleon, which glowed with a gen­tle
golden light, ap­peared. "The cup was filled with red liq­uid. And ..." Jang
Sung-hoon turned the golden cup up­side down.

Of course, un­der com­mon sense, if the laws of the world did not col­lapse,
the liq­uid in the golden cup would fall to the floor.

But the red liq­uid in­side only splashed a bit, and not a sin­gle drop fell out.

Like magic.

"What, what, what is this?" Bang Hyun-wook, who saw the golden cup it­‐
self for the first time, was shocked.

Kim Tae-hoon's face was hard­ened by con­cern. 'Does it mean that the
cham­pagne that makes me dream of a so­lu­tion is this red liq­uid? What
makes me qual­if­ ies as a cri­sis? Can I pre­dict a so­lu­tion through dreams?
But why was the cham­pagne cre­ated now? Is there a con­di­tion?'

"Boss, this is get­ting smaller and smaller, and if you don't drink it, it'll dis­‐

But Kim Tae-hoon did not have time to worry.

He reached out, grabbed the Golden Glass of Napoleon in his hand, and
drank the red cham­pagne in it at once.

The un­bear­able al­co­hol in­stantly en­gulfed Kim Tae-hoon's whole body.

The last thing Kim Tae-hoon heard was "Boss!" "Big brother!" and the two
voices com­ing to­wards him...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

Chap­ter 25
Chap­ter 9. The Golden Glass of Napoleon, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim had sev­eral habits. One of them was to check his left wrist as soon as
he opened his eyes.

It was still true.



Kim Tae-hoon first checked his left-hand wrist rather than the fact that he
was in the pas­sen­ger seat of a car when he opened his eyes.

Of course, his eyes al­ways came in with a watch on his wrist, and when he
saw the watch, Kim Tae-hoon was sur­prised.


He saw a smart­watch.


Kim Tae-hoon did not use a smart­watch.

The fea­tures of a smart­watch, with its GPS func­tion, could not go three
days with­out charg­ing, had the poor wa­ter­proof func­tion, had weak dura­bil­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

ity, and even had the pos­si­bil­ity of be­ing hacked, were cuffs for Kim Tae-

But now the smart­watch was around Kim Tae-hoon's wrist.

It was hard to un­der­stand.

But what was re­ally hard to un­der­stand was that Kim Tae-hoon's body did
not lis­ten to him.

'My body ...'

He tried to move his arms and hands to touch the smart­watch, but his body
did not lis­ten to him.

Rather, his body moved of its own. In­stead of mov­ing his arms, he was
look­ing at the man ap­proach­ing him through the car win­dow that went

"Boss." The man who ap­proached him handed a pa­per cup to him, and he
got in the car. "It's cof­fee."

There was luke­warm cof­fee in the pa­per cup.

"The only thing left was mix cof­fee, and of course, I took out the sugar."

In­stead of the bright black hue, the mixed cof­fee had a murky brown light.

It was also a cof­fee that Kim Tae-hoon re­ally hated. Cof­fee was his only
hobby, so mixed cof­fee was an in­sult to his hobby.

How­ever, the mixed cof­fee did not come into Kim Tae-hoon's eyes. The
face of the man who handed him the cof­fee did.

He was a man with a wounded face. The three slits across his face, in par­‐
tic­u­lar, were ob­vi­ously done by the claws of a ter­ri­ble mon­ster.

It was for­tu­nate that his face was not torn right off. On the con­trary, Kim
Tae-hoon was still able to rec­og­nize the owner of the face.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

'Jang Sung-hoon?'

Jang Sung-hoon was the man in front of him. Jang Sung-hoon, who was
older than Kim Tae-hoon knew.

'Jang Sung-hoon!'

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon tried to call his name, but he was not al­lowed to


At this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon had to look at ev­ery­thing he did as an ob­‐


"You've made your wish known to have a cup of cof­fee be­fore you die. Isn't
mixed cof­fee, cof­fee too?" Jang Sung-hoon spit out and smiled lightly.

At that mo­ment, a huge wind, an in­tense force that shook the world, passed
through Kim Tae-hoon's car and Jang Song-hoon.

Jang Sung-hoon turned his head around with a fright­ened look. "Damn it,
it's al­ready here."

'What's come?'

At that mo­ment, he talked. "Jang Sung Hoon. You've had a hard time."


"You go alone to Gyeongju."


"I want you to meet with Com­man­der-in-Chief Lim Hyun-joon there and
de­liver my mes­sage."

The door of the car he was rid­ing in opened up.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

In the mean­time, Kim Tae-hoon, look­ing at him­self as an ob­server, or­ga­‐

nized what he saw and heard care­fully.

'Gyeongju? Alone? Com­man­der-in-Chief Lim Hyun-joon?'

When the door opened, Jang Sung-hoon took a step back, and Kim Tae-
hoon got out of the car.

At the same time, the trunk was opened by it­self. Var­i­ous weapons came out
of the open trunk like birds, and they be­gan to hover around Kim Tae-hoon.

Spear, knife, ar­row, head­stone...

Kim Tae-hoon looked at each of the weapons and fi­nally said to Jang Sung-
hoon, "If I fail this hunt, aban­don Ko­rea."

"Shit, this is ridicu­lous! Boss, you don't have to die! You have no rea­son to
die! You al­ways told me! You fought to sur­vive! Be­cause of those damn


At that mo­ment, he heard an eerie cry that could not be com­pared to any an­‐
i­mal in the world.

"Kuck!" The cry took the fo­cus from Jang Sung-hoon's eyes at once. He fell
down like a bro­ken doll. Kim Tae-hoon brought him up and sat him in the
driver's seat af­ter sup­port­ing him.

When the car door was closed, the car started to run on its own.

At the same time, a huge shadow fell over Kim Tae-hoon's head.

A wind strong enough to pull out the roots of a gi­ant tree whipped around
Kim Tae-hoon. Turn­ing into the gale, he looked up at the owner of the
shadow with his eyes widen­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon, who was watch­ing him­self, also looked at the mon­ster.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

It was the dragon who had passed by that night.

A huge dragon, with glow­ing blue eyes filled with anger!



Ahn Sun-mi con­firmed Kim Tae-hoon's pupil con­di­tion, and she got up
from her seat by turn­ing off the small flash she held in her hand.

Be­hind her were Bang Hyun-wook, Jang Sung-hoon, and Kim Soo-ji, wait­‐
ing anx­iously for Ahn Sun-mi to talk.

Ahn Sun-mi said with a firm ex­pres­sion, "He is sleep­ing."

The three of them cocked their heads, rather than be sur­prised by the an­‐
swer that came out.


"As I said, Kim Tae-hoon is sleep­ing, and he is sleep­ing very deeply."

"So he is... sleep­ing now?" Bang Hyun-wook made a ridicu­lous ex­pres­sion

even though he said the words him­self. It was not a sit­u­at­ion to spit out
cute, sweet words.

"I'm glad, though, I thought he was go­ing to die." How­ever, at the word
'sleep', Bang Hyun-wook briefly sighed re­lief.

It was not a strange re­ac­tion. Sleep was not a neg­at­ive word for the pub­lic.

On the other hand, Ahn Sun-mi's ex­pres­sion re­mained firm. "It's not lucky
to fall asleep sud­denly, and we don't know when this sleep will end," she
said to the other two af­ter click­ing her tongue briefly at Bang Hyun-wook's

"It looks like he's asleep, but I can't make any judg­ments more than this, be­‐
cause I can't take MRIs or CTs. He is not sleep­ing be­cause of fa­tigue, but he

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

ate some­thing strange, so we don't know how long this sleep will last."

It was a very se­ri­ous sit­u­at­ion to a doc­tor; some­one eat­ing an uniden­ti­fied

liq­uid and fall­ing into a sud­den sleep.

"Ex­cuse me." Jang Sung-hoon changed the sub­ject. "I am sud­denly cu­ri­ous,
but when there is no boss, who's in charge? Is it Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji?"

"Well..." As soon as Kim Soo-ji tried to an­swer the ques­tion, she looked at
Bang Hyun-wook.

The gen­eral sol­diers would fol­low Kim Su-ji's words, but Bang Hyun-
wook's case was a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. Bang Hyun-wook was not a sol­dier, and
he had no mil­i­tary ex­pe­ri­ence.

In ad­di­tion, the ab­sence of Kim Tae-hoon was a sit­u­at­ion where all pre­con­‐
di­tions were dif­fer­ent.

Ex­cept for Kim Tae-hoon, Bang Hyun-wook was the only one who could
fight prop­erly against mon­sters that could use fear.

So should Kim Soo-ji give such an or­der to Bang Hyun-wook, or should

Bang Hyun-wook move in­de­pen­dently?

Of course, they had never agreed on this part.

That's why Jang Sung-hoon brought up his words. If they had not agreed, it
was time to make the agree­ment.

'If there is no big brother, then...' Bang Hyun-wook also fully un­der­stood
the sit­u­at­ion.

With­out Kim Tae-hoon, Bang Hyun-wook was now the most im­por­tant
player. In a sense, he was in the same po­si­tion as Kim Tae-hoon.

'Am I re­plac­ing big brother?' At that mo­ment, Bang Hyun-wook turned his
head slightly. At the end of his gaze, he saw a flame ris­ing far away.

It was the flame of the sur­vivors who were out­side of the Mac Clan area.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

They were afraid of Kim Tae-hoon's warn­ing, but it was im­pos­si­ble for
them to com­pletely aban­don the lin­ger­ing at­tach­ment.

Even if Kim Tae-hoon was scary, it could not be de­nied that the Mac Clan
was the only lamp of hope in the present sit­u­at­ion.

How could they aban­don their hope? When they turned their back on the
lamp, only the dark­ness and de­spair would be left.

'I'm his sub­sti­tute.'

In the mind of Bang Hyun-wook, even as he looked at the sur­vivor group,

the con­ver­sa­tion that he shared with Kim Tae-hoon came up once again.

In the con­ver­sa­tion, he added the as­sump­tion that if he re­placed Kim Tae-


"Wait a minute." Ahn Sun-mi caught the wrist of Bang Hyun-wook, who
had started to worry about the sur­vivors.

"I'll talk to him." Pulling his wrist, Ahn Sun-mi led Bang Hyun-wook away.

Ahn Sun-mi stopped at a place where the other two would not hear their

"What are you go­ing to tell me, sis­ter?"

Ahn Sun-mi said to Bang Hyun-wook, with a stiff face full of freck­les, "Re­‐
cover your senses."


"I'm telling you be­cause the sit­u­at­ion is im­por­tant. Bang Hyun-wook, wake
up. Are you go­ing to take the sur­vivors?"

"Of course..."

"I'm the op­po­site." At the word of 'the op­po­site', Bang Hyun-wook closed
his mouth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

On the other hand, Ahn Sun-mi did not stop talk­ing.

"I don't think you have un­der­stood the sit­u­at­ion yet, but who do you think
was most re­lieved when the boss told the sur­vivors not to come?"

Things had changed.

If Kim Tae-hoon did not wake up like this, the life and death of Mac Clan
will be in the hands of Bang Hyun-wook.

Bang Hyun-wook was so strong. He con­sumed the most mon­ster stones

next to Kim Tae-hoon, and his En­ergy rank, which could be said to be the
most ef­fi­cient in bat­tle with mon­sters, was higher than Kim Tae-hoon.

The only prob­lem was that...

"The sol­diers, our sol­diers were the most re­lieved."

Bang Hyun-wook could only fight well, but he did not know how to con­trol
the peo­ple around him.

"Will you ac­cept the sur­vivors? Then who will be in the most dan­ger? Who
will be harder to pro­tect? To be frank, you and the boss aren't go­ing to get
tough, be­cause fight­ing is the same."

It was the ev­i­dence that Bang Hyun-wook had lin­ger­ing doubts about the
sur­vivors just now.

"Af­ter all, the sol­diers will be in charge of the minu­tiae. The risk is the
same. The boss and you, who al­ways deal with strong mon­sters, are in great
dan­ger. But the risk won't be greater for the sur­vivors, be­cause you won't
mind the sur­vivors when you have to kill some­thing like a Black Orc."

Kim Tae-hoon had re­lent­lessly re­jected the sur­vivors. Even us­ing the threat
of his mur­der­ous spirit, he did not give any sym­pa­thy to the sur­vivors.

"But or­di­nary peo­ple are dif­fer­ent. The sol­diers will fight to pro­tect sur­‐
vivors from a num­ber of mon­sters. What if sol­diers die? Will you re­gret it
then? Or are you sure you won't even re­gret it?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

What Kim Tae-hoon did was not just for him­self, but to in­crease the pos­si­‐
bil­ity of the en­tire Mac Clan's sur­vival, as well as him­self. There­fore, the
dis­tinc­tion be­tween good and evil was not im­por­tant in Kim Tae-hoon's ac­‐

The im­por­tant thing was that Kim Tae-hoon's ac­tions were the best for Mac
Clan, and if he was a mem­ber of the Mac Clan, he should fol­low the best
course of ac­tion.

If you do not like it, you can leave the Mac Clan, as Kim Tae-hoon said.

Bang Hyun-wook could not re­spond to any of these words from Ahn Sun-
mi. Of course, it did not change his mind im­me­di­ately or make him agree
with Ahn Sun-mi's words.

'Damn it...'

How­ever, Bang Hyun-wook was more a grown child, than a young man.

Ahn Sun-mi un­der­stood Bang Hyun-wook. He was not even twenty years
old yet, a fresh­man in a so­ci­ety with not even a year of so­cial ex­pe­ri­ence.

So Ahn Sun-mi gave him ad­vice as a se­nior in life.

"We don't need sur­vivors to just open their hands and take some­thing from
us. Re­mem­ber, we don't need just sur­vivors to pro­tect."

Just then, Jang Sung-hoon shouted out, "Boss!" At his cry, Ahn Sun-mi and
Bang Hyun-wook turned their heads at the same time.


Kim Tae-hoon, was now stand­ing.

"Big brother!" The two hur­riedly ap­proached Kim Tae-hoon.

"Ma­jor, are you all right?"

"Boss, are you okay?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 25 ⦘

Kim Soo-ji and Jang Sung-hoon, who were nearby, asked his con­di­tion

How­ever, in­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim Tae-hoon gave a long sigh af­ter check­‐
ing his left-hand wrist, a G-Shock watch still there.

'It was a dream.' The white mist from his mouth brushed through the dark­‐
ened sky. But the breath was not long.

'No, it wasn't a dream. Cri­sis... it's a cri­sis I'll be in some­day.'

He couldn't af­ford to breathe an­other sigh.

'That's what it meant to make me dream of a cri­sis, which meant that I was
dream­ing of the day I would die.'

"Boss! Boss! Wake up, do I need to I slap you?" Jang Sung-hoon spoke to
Kim Tae-hoon again.

As soon as he saw Sung-hoon's face, Kim Tae-hoon's feel­ings be­gan to get

com­pli­cated. It was the sen­sa­tion of feel­ing for some­one else in­stead of
him­self fill­ing his heart.

But when he thought of the dragon, they dis­ap­peared like a mi­rage. All
emo­tions dis­ap­peared, and only feel­ing of fear and de­spair be­gan to take
their place.

At this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon was more des­per­ate than ever.

"I'll ask you one thing; I'd like any­one to get me a cup of cof­fee, what­ever it

A cup of cof­fee...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

Chap­ter 26
Chap­ter 10. Power En­hance­ment, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon drank his cof­fee and kept his mouth shut.

The cof­fee was quite hot, so he wanted to spit it out or swal­low it. But he
put up with the heat un­til it melted his frozen mind.

The smell of cof­fee re­leased Kim Tae-hoon's frozen mind. Only then did
Kim Tae-hoon start think­ing.


'It is a type of fore­sight. What I dreamt of is a fore­sight of my death.'

He knew one thing clear at this mo­ment. What he saw was not a mis­take or
fan­tasy, but a cri­sis that would come to a man named Kim Tae-hoon some­‐

Af­ter his mind cleared, Kim Tae-hoon be­gan to an­al­yze the things he saw in
his dream.

'I looked at Jang Sung-hoon's face, and it is not in the very dis­tant fu­ture.'

The most im­por­tant thing was time.

The only clue to gauge the tim­ing was Jang Sung-hoon's age, which he
could guess through his face.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

The Jang Sung-hoon in his dreams seemed to be in his mid-twen­ties.

Jang Sung-hoon was now in his early twen­ties, so this was not to far away.
But it was not in the im­me­di­ate fu­ture.

'Three to five years.'

It would be as early as three years, or as late as five years.

The next im­por­tant clue was the name, Lim Hyun-joon.

'Com­man­der-in-Chief Lim Hyun-joon. That means Colonel Lim Hyun-joon


Colonel Lim Hyun-joon.

Kim Tae-hoon knew that he was a tac­ti­cian and an am­bi­tious per­son.

He was also a man on the elite course in the De­fense Min­istry. Not only did
he pro­duce good re­sults as an of­fi­cer, but he also had good po­lit­ic­ al sense,
and he was an in­flu­en­tial per­son in the next gen­er­at­ion of the mil­i­tary.

He was an in­flu­en­tial per­son of the next gen­er­at­ion, but it was im­pos­si­ble

for him to be­come the Com­man­der-in-Chief, the peak of the army, a gen­‐
eral, even if he was given ten years to ad­vance.

'He's the Com­man­der-in-Chief...'

Of course, the world was al­ready be­yond the or­di­nary. More­over, he had
learned what the con­se­quences would be.

What he needed to do now is to guess the pro­cesses that ended up with the
re­sults he had seen.

'In the fu­ture, the mil­i­tary seems to be op­er­at­ing nor­mally.'

One, hav­ing a Com­man­der-in-Chief meant that the mil­i­tary sys­tem was op­‐
er­at­ing. It meant that so­ci­ety was not in com­plete an­ar­chy.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

'The fact that Lim Hyun-joon be­came the top leader of the army, and it is so
or­ga­nized... means that he sur­vived and made a re­mark­able con­tri­bu­tion.'

Two, the fact that the Com­man­der-in-Chief of such an army was Colonel
Lim Hyun-joon meant that he had played a de­ci­sive role in re­form­ing the

It would not have been some­thing sim­ple. It would have been at the level of
sav­ing the coun­try, in fact, a level of achieve­ment that had cre­ated a new

'Right now he is in the 8th Di­vi­sion.'

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon's cur­rent af­fil­i­at­ion was the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­‐
fantry Di­vi­sion.

It was called the "Roly Poly" unit, and it had pow­er­ful weapons, ex­cel­lent
means of trans­porta­tion, and tanks, un­like the gen­eral in­fantry di­vi­sions.

'He con­sid­ered the emer­gence of mon­sters as an op­por­tu­nity, not a cri­sis.'

Colonel Lim had the abil­ity to set up such re­mark­able achieve­ments by

com­mand­ing the fire­power and troops un­der his in­flu­ence.

'I think the 8th Di­vi­sion is the best place to be in, in the present sit­u­at­ion.'

The 8th Di­vi­sion was lo­cated in Pocheon, Gyeonggi Prov­ince.

The front line was close, but they were not fac­ing the North Ko­rean army
di­rectly. That was why it was ad­van­ta­geous.

Even if the front line en­coun­tered mon­sters, they could not lead their troops
to the rear im­me­di­ately, be­cause they did not know what the North Ko­rean
army would do. At the same time, it is not easy to get re­sup­plied.

Com­pared to them, the 8th Di­vi­sion could go up to the front line, or it can
head down to the rear.

'I have to go to Pocheon, too.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

In other words, Pocheon, where the 8th Di­vi­sion was lo­cated, was not safe
at present, but it was highly likely that the mil­i­tary was play­ing a role there,
at the very min­i­mum.

He should go to Pocheon and con­tact Colonel Lim Hyun-joon. Since he had

learned the man would be­come such an im­por­tant fig­ure, he could not treat
him as a chicken or a cow.

His think­ing on Colonel Lim Hyun-joon got to that point. But there was
more im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion.


In his dream, that Kim Tae-hoon had pre­pared var­i­ous kinds of weapons
ahead of the bat­tle with the dragon.

They couldn't pos­si­bly be nor­mal weapons. They would be items made

from mon­sters and high-grade relics.

Of course, he had to re­con­struct the ap­pear­ance of those weapons, be­cause

their ap­pear­ance would play a cru­cial role in guess­ing their iden­tity.

'I also han­dled the weapons freely with my telekine­sis.'

The sense of han­dling the weapon with the telekine­sis was im­por­tant!

Right now, his skill at us­ing his telekine­sis was not so good. That's why he
didn't do much with his A-rank telekine­sis right now.

Telekine­sis was a force. Some are very easy, some are very dif­fi­cult.

It wasn't that ev­ery­thing was done just by imag­in­ing it.

Even if you think of a pic­ture in your mind, you need nat­u­ral tal­ent and skill
to draw a pic­ture from your mind on pa­per.

The Kim Tae-hoon in his dream was very skilled at his telekine­sis. He made
var­i­ous kinds of weapons hover around him like they were alive.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

'If I had looked closely at my stats, I would have been clearer on what to

Any­way, he had to achieve the skill of us­ing weapons with telekine­sis he

had seen in his dreams. That was the min­i­mum con­di­tion for sur­vival un­til

Nev­er­the­less, that Kim Tae-hoon failed to sur­vive.

'There are fuck­ing bas­tards.'

The Jang Sung-hoon in his dream said that there was no rea­son for Kim
Tae-hoon to die. Nev­er­the­less, be­cause of the bas­tards, he faced death.

'There is a group, and they will try to get rid of me.'

He did not know its name, iden­tity, or num­ber, but it meant that he was up
against an or­ga­ni­za­tion that wanted his death in the fu­ture.

'The rea­son they are try­ing to get rid of me is that I'm in­ter­fer­ing with their

They wanted him dead be­cause his ac­tions in­ter­fered with their in­ter­ests.
What those in­ter­ests were was sim­ple.

What Kim Tae-hoon wanted in the fu­ture is to sur­vive, he would re­main a

hunter for sur­vival.

But some­one did not want that. It meant that they ei­ther wanted the mon­‐
sters to re­main, or they did not want him to kill them.

Kim Tae-hoon did not have much doubt about this part. Even if the world
was about to end, there would be some­one who would look for their own
ben­ef­ its in it.

Those who were ca­pa­ble of such things would come out.

No, rather, those who wanted to build a new or­der in a world where the or­‐
der has col­lapsed due to the emer­gence of mon­sters would be over­flow­ing

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

in num­ber.

In ad­di­tion, the new or­der they wanted to build would be en­tirely fa­vor­able
to them.

'It would be rather strange not to have such peo­ple, so I will have to keep
that in mind.'

More im­por­tantly, that Kim Tae-hoon was pre­dicted to die, and he was sur­‐

'He was will­ing to face death to save Jang Sung-hoon... and only Jang
Sung-hoon re­mained with him.'

It was a fact that Kim Tae-hoon, who had no pur­pose other than to sur­vive,
died for oth­ers!

When Kim Tae-hoon reached that point in his think­ing, he fi­nally swal­‐
lowed his cof­fee.

The sound changed the gaze of the crowd look­ing at Kim Tae-hoon. They
waited for him to speak.

As they ex­pected, he did in­deed speak.

"I don't know who got it, but that was the worst cof­fee ever."


Kim Tae-hoon told them what he had dreamed about, ev­ery­thing he re­mem­‐

He told them his opin­ion that Pocheon was now ex­pected to be a safe area,
and that he should find some way to con­tact it.

He told them with­out hes­i­ta­tion that he would be killed by a dragon a few

years from now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

When the story was over, ev­ery­one's ex­pres­sion was harder than when Kim
Tae-hoon fell asleep.

With a firm ex­pres­sion, Bang Hyun-wook care­fully asked the ques­tion, "So,
am I also dead in the fu­ture?"

It was a ridicu­lous ques­tion, but a se­ri­ous one.

How could it not be se­ri­ous ask­ing some­one who had gained knowl­edge of
the fu­ture about his des­tiny, since he had no prom­ise he would see the

"I can't say you died, be­cause you didn't show up in my dream. Maybe you
were work­ing some­where else, maybe you broke up with me for a rea­son,
or you could have be­trayed me."

"Be­trayal, I don't think about it ever..." Bang Hyun-wook shook his head,
even as the words Ahn Sun-mi gave passed through his mind at that mo­‐

What would Kim Tae-hoon think of his thoughts, while he dreamed of his

Would he con­sider it a child­ish idea, would he ac­cept it as a young man's

hero­ism, or would he think that it was the spirit of in­sub­or­di­na­tion of a
rebel who re­peat­edly dis­obeys?

'Big brother will not let me off just be­cause it is me.'

Ob­vi­ously, no mat­ter what kind of thing Kim Tae-hoon looked at, he would
not change his mind. As Ahn Sun-mi said, Kim Tae-hoon did not need sur­‐
vivors who just wanted his help.

He would not change his mind. To be changed, those who were not Kim
Tae-hoon must change!

"You stopped talk­ing, were you re­ally go­ing to be­tray me?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

"No, I don't mean... it's not be­trayal, but I thought some­thing like that. If
you didn't wake up like this, I'd have to take your place, and then the sur­‐
vivors..." Bang Hyun-wook drew a long breath, to gather some strength to

"Big brother, can we ac­cept an ap­pli­ca­tion for the Clan?"

At the words of Bang Hyun-wook, Kim Tae-hoon, who had just taken a sip,
looked at him softly.

Bang Hyun-wook just swal­lowed silently.

"Are you ask­ing if we will ac­cept ap­pli­cants from the sur­vivors?" Kim Tae-
hoon asked at last.


"Why does the Mac Clan need to ac­cept ad­di­tional ap­pli­cants?"

"Then we can kill more mon­sters, can't we? We can get them more sta­ble.
And we don't need just need com­bat agents. I need some­one to cook, some­‐
one to move things..."

"Can you give us a solid rea­son for our Clan to re­cruit ap­pli­cants?"

"That's..." Bang Hyun-wook shut his mouth.

He sug­gested it be­cause he thought it was a com­pro­mise so­lu­tion, but Kim

Tae-hoon seemed to have no in­ten­tion of do­ing so.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon was ac­tu­ally se­ri­ously con­sid­er­ing Bang Hyun-

wook's pro­posal. If it had not been re­ally worth con­sid­er­ing, he would not
have asked Bang Hyun-wook the ques­tion it­self.

He would have given fi­nal no­tice ei­ther to leave the Clan qui­etly, or said
noth­ing, or to choose be­tween them.

'He didn't think of it alone, and some­one gave him a clue about what I

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

He had al­ready been think­ing of some­thing sim­i­lar. It was not an op­tion, but
a ne­ces­sity to in­crease the num­bers of the Mac Clan.

In a world where so­cial in­fra­struc­ture had col­lapsed, hu­man re­sources were

the most valu­able ones.

Fight­ing alone was not enough to do any­thing.

Just look­ing at what the Mac Clan should do right now, there were a lot of
things to do, such as mon­ster slaugh­ter, mon­ster-based item pro­duc­tion,
etc., all start­ing with mon­ster hunt­ing.

The same was true of bat­tle.

When bat­tles are re­peated, vic­tims pile up. If you don't re­place them, it will
be fa­tal.

Above all, Kim Tae-hoon had a chance, thanks to the Golden Glass of

'If I go this way un­chang­ing, the end is my death. If I want to live, I had a
very valu­able op­por­tu­nity to know that I need to change.'

"We need gun­men," he said.

"Most of the sur­viv­ing adult men will have mil­i­tary ex­pe­ri­ence, and if they
are from the ar­tillery or tanker corps, that would be very help­ful. We also
need driv­ers," Lieu­tenant Kim spoke up, sup­port­ing Bang Hyun-wook's

'We can­not ig­nore the sur­vivors like this.' It was also why she agreed with
Bang Hyun-wook's idea. 'We can't move with this force alone.'

At the same time, for the com­man­der's sake, she felt that they were at their
limit with the cur­rent troops.

Kim Tae-hoon got up in the opin­ion of the two.

"Jang Sung-hoon, find three cars with the keys and bring them here."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 26 ⦘

"What kind of cars do you want?"

"Two SUV's and a truck."

Jang Sung-hoon nod­ded and im­me­di­ately moved out to search for the cars.

"Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, gather ten undis­sected Sabre­tooth Wolves and a

knife for slaugh­ter­ing them, af­ter col­lect­ing the mon­ster stones."

"I un­der­stand." Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji saluted and called for sol­diers im­me­‐

Kim Tae-hoon's eyes nat­u­rally turned to Bang. "Bang Hyun-wook."

"Yes, big brother?"

"You have to set your an­swers in your mind, in­clud­ing your pri­or­i­ties,
ahead of time," he ad­vised. "There's no time for this con­ver­sa­tion in a re­ally
des­per­ate mo­ment."

Bang Hyun-wook nod­ded silently.

"Then, Bang Hyun-wook, go to your un­re­quited love and tell them that we
will start test­ing for ap­pli­cants who want to join the Mac Clan."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

Chap­ter 27
Chap­ter 10. Power En­hance­ment, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Ma­jor, we're all here."

It was late, and the sun had al­ready fallen and dis­ap­peared. Cold breath
filled the place, and the group was gath­ered un­der the thick dark­ness where
even their cold breath was not vis­i­ble.

'There is no ex­cep­tion.'


The iden­tity of the mess was the sur­vivors.

Bang Hyun-wook ap­proached the sur­vivors im­me­di­ately as soon as Kim

Tae-hoon's per­mis­sion was given ... ap­proach­ing and talk­ing to his un­re­‐
quited love, Joo Ha-yeon.

The Mac Clan was ac­cept­ing ap­pli­cants. If you passed the Mac Clan tests,
you could move with it.

At his word, the twenty-two sur­vivors an­nounced their in­ten­tion to join the
Mac Clan with­out a sin­gle ex­cep­tion. It was nat­u­ral for sur­vivors who
thought that there might be a chance of life, even if was the worst case!


"I'll tell you a few things." Kim Tae-hoon said to those who had gath­ered.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

"One, our Clan's name is Mac, the Mac Clan, and two, the mon­ster stones
that the Clan has ac­quired from the mon­ster hunt, and all the mon­ster parts,
are all mine. Three, you must obey or­ders un­con­di­tion­ally."

Kim Tae-hoon paused there for a mo­ment. He didn't add a warn­ing, such as,
"Don't say any­thing later,"

This was not a train­ing room for new em­ploy­ees in a com­pany, and if they
said some­thing else later, he would just deal with it with­out warn­ing. Those
who had such schemes were not wor­thy of con­sid­er­at­ion.

Kim Tae-hoon stopped and looked over the crowd, the ex­pres­sions in their

Most of the sur­vivors had dead eyes. They had seen many deaths, to be ex­‐

Of course, not ev­ery­one looked that way. Even in this sit­u­at­ion, there were
those who looked at Kim Tae-hoon clearly.

The woman, who made Bang Hyun-wook take ac­tion, was one of those
who looked at Kim Tae-hoon clearly.

'Her eyes are not dead.'

The cute and pretty ap­pear­ance, the hair­style that was cut short with a cat-
like face, was ob­vi­ously pop­u­lar from ap­pear­ance alone.

Bang Hyun-wook had said, "She was an as­pir­ing en­ter­tainer." Al­though she
had not made her de­but yet, she was still a trainee at an en­ter­tain­ment
agency of fair size.

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon did not re­ally think much of the fact.

"Then we'll start clas­si­fi­ca­tion." His role was to pick out the good and bad
from these ap­pli­cants.

"Who had a ca­reer in a pro­fes­sional like man­u­fac­tur­ing and agri­cul­ture?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

At his ques­tion, four peo­ple looked around and care­fully raised their hands.

Three men, one woman. The woman looked to be in her twen­ties, the men
in their thir­ties.

"What's your field?"

"I worked at a fac­tory, not very pro­fes­sional, but I did a lot of things."

"Well, I worked on the con­struc­tion site. My ca­reer was pretty good. I'm
good at tools, though I don't have a li­cense."

"I'm a nurse, and I'm very good at it, though I've only got a few years of ex­‐
pe­ri­ence. Please..."

There was no power in the voices of those who an­swered se­quen­tially. They
lacked con­fi­dence.

They were sus­pi­cious that they could be saved by say­ing these things.

One of the four was dif­fer­ent.

"I'm a lawyer." He in­tro­duced his job with a pretty con­fi­dent ex­pres­sion as

if he were wait­ing for the ques­tion. "For ref­er­ence, I'm with the Hae­sung
Law Firm."

He also had con­fi­dence that he had not showed be­fore, adding his own af­fil­‐

It was pretty good. The Hae­sung Law Firm was not the best in Ko­rea, but it
was in the top ten of Ko­rean law firms.

The com­bined in­come of the three peo­ple who had in­tro­duced their pro­fes­‐
sions ear­lier would not equal the in­come of the man who said he was a

Of course, he de­served to be con­fi­dent. And the at­ti­tude would be worth if

it was a week ago.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

But not now. "The three, ex­cept for the lawyer, are ac­cepted."

"No, wait! Are you say­ing I'm out? Those three are pass­ing?"

Kim Tae-hoon an­swered the lawyer's ques­tion as if he was hard to un­der­‐

stand. "I don't know why you're so proud of your­self."

"No, I'm with Hae­sung Law Firm ..."

"Just tell me one rea­son why I need to hire a lawyer against the mon­sters."

The lawyer was about to say some­thing more, but then he stopped. His
mouth closed, and the glit­ter in his eyes died quickly.

Kim Tae-hoon ig­nored the lawyer and con­tin­ued speak­ing. "Who was an ar­‐
tillery­man or a tanker dur­ing his mil­i­tary ser­vice?"

"I was in the ar­tillery unit." "I was also in the ar­tillery unit!" Two men
raised their hands quickly.

They looked to be in their mid-twen­ties, and at this mo­ment they seemed to

have no­ticed who Kim Tae-hoon wanted.

"Who has the first-class li­cense?"

"I have it, I know how to han­dle fork­lifts and cranes."

The num­ber of peo­ple rais­ing their hands be­gan to de­crease as the ques­tions
were re­peated, and later on, there was no one left to raise their hand.

"Pre­pare for the test." Kim Tae-hoon gave a sig­nal.

The sol­diers moved im­me­di­ately. They lined up the dead bod­ies of the
Sabre­tooth Wolves.

It was not just a dead body.

The heart was pulled out to get to the mon­ster stone, the body that was
chopped all over for slaugh­ter prac­tice, and it was in a ter­ri­ble state.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

'Oh, my God.'

Of course, the sur­vivors had pale faces as soon as they saw the body of the
Sabre­tooth Wolf.

Some with weak stom­achs be­gan to vomit im­me­di­ately.

"The test method is sim­ple." Ig­nor­ing them, Kim Tae-hoon con­tin­ued


"Cut off the legs of the Sabre­tooth Wolf. It does not mat­ter what the con­di­‐
tion is. Whether it is front or rear, right or left, bring it to me af­ter cut­ting it.
The time limit is one hour. Tools..."

Kim Tae-hoon grabbed a knife and threw it at the body of the Sabre­tooth
Wolf next to him.

Pook! The knife went deep into the Wolf's belly, only the han­dle show­ing.

"One knife, then, and we'll start test­ing."


"Oh, shit!" a man work­ing on the saw­ing off the Sabre­tooth Wolf's skin and
flesh with a knife shouted loudly.

"Damn it, argh! God­damn it!" Harsh words filled with emo­tions flowed out
of his mouth.

Those who were do­ing the same thing re­acted to the man's feel­ings. Some
chewed on their lips, some shed tears, and some cried out.

They were all watched by the Mac Clan's sol­diers.

Some of them thought to them­selves, 'Does this test mean any­thing? 'What
is he test­ing with this?'

It was a ter­ri­ble, mis­er­able sight.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

How­ever, the test to cut off the legs of the Wolves, com­pared to their des­‐
per­at­ion, did not seem to have much mean­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon did not in­tend to deny the fact.

It would be use­ful to prac­tice stab­bing the in­sides of meat and bones, cut­‐
ting off the dead mon­ster's legs was not mean­ing­ful.

But his rea­son for do­ing this was sim­ple.

"There is no rea­son to ac­cept them un­less they are pre­pared to eat a mon­‐
ster's corpse."

Can you do it, or not? It did not mean to see it.

In the first place, Kim Tae-hoon did not ex­pect much from the sur­vivors.
His ex­pec­ta­tions were just vague ex­pec­ta­tions.

So, what Kim Tae-hoon wanted to see was their will to do it, or not.

If they do not have enough fight­ing spirit to cut apart a dead mon­ster body
and the will to sur­vive, they are just liv­ing dead men, eat­ing and mak­ing

He didn't want to have such a sur­vivor.

For­tu­nately, the sur­vivors had strong wills to live. Strong enough that they
were able to meet Kim Tae-hoon and the Mac Clan alive!

The way the sur­vivors came here was hell.

"The time limit is up."

Even­tu­ally, all twenty-two sur­vivors crossed the line pro­posed by Kim Tae-


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

Af­ter the short words of Kim Tae-hoon, the faces of the sur­vivors who had
wres­tled with the hide, mus­cles, flesh, and bones of the Sabre­tooth Wolf for
an hour, were filled with cheers and deep fa­tigue.

"Clean the body."

Kim Tae-hoon did not give any con­grat­u­la­tions or shake hands with them.

The night was late enough, and the test was over. Now was the time to take
the rest that had been orig­i­nally planned.

The Mac Clan must move again to­mor­row when the sun rose.

They had to hunt mon­sters, get food, make roads, and se­cure relics.

And they had to re­peat it again and again. They had to be ready for to­mor­‐
row, which would be more hope­less than to­day.

'It's over now.'

Most of all, death was pre­dicted for Kim Tae-hoon. Within three to five
years, he would be dead.

It was a time-lim­ited life. He did not have time to cel­eb­ rate some­thing and
to com­fort.

'I have to find a way.'

Kim Tae-hoon did not in­tend to meet the fate of the dream Kim Tae-hoon.

That was how the night be­gan.


At 5 AM, Jang Sung-hoon was not able to fall asleep eas­ily.

The cold weather was the rea­son, but the fact that his mind was full of the
shin­ing Golden Glass was the big­gest rea­son he could not sleep.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

'It lets us see our cri­sis in our dreams.'

The Golden Glass of Napoleon.

It was a shock to Jang Sung-hoon in many ways.

'It's a tool that can change the fu­ture.'

Know­ing a cri­sis meant avoid­ing it. It was like chang­ing the fu­ture.

It would change the world. It was a shock that such a relic ex­isted in the

'Such relics are over­flow­ing in the world.'

But there was some­thing even more shock­ing.

'The world will be crazy... Those greedy peo­ple will not leave them be.'

Jang Sung-hoon was a chick in so­ci­ety at his age, he was still child­ish> His
age was not much dif­fer­ent from Bang Hyun-wook, who had a young per­‐
son­al­ity, be­hav­ior, and at­ti­tude.

How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon's so­cial ex­pe­ri­ence was darker than other peo­ple.
The world he be­longed to was filled with the word greed.

Jang Sung-hoon saw a lot in such a world.

How much greed could hu­man be­ings have for art which is es­sen­tially use­‐

How ter­ri­ble is the greed of hu­man be­ings who can do things that ig­nore
hu­man dig­nity to get that de­sired art­work?

The greed of such peo­ple would seem rather crude com­pared to the three
de­sires of hu­man be­ings.

In ad­di­tion, the art that had an artis­tic value was now much more than that.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 27 ⦘

'I feel like they have a mis­sile launch but­ton in their hands.'

What was even eerier was that most of the art was al­ready in the hands of
greedy peo­ple.

'Even if I look at the sit­u­at­ion right now, it is so.'

World-class art­works, his­tor­i­cal relics, were not in the hands of or­di­nary

peo­ple, but in the hands of those who knew the abil­ity and meth­ods of fill­‐
ing their greed.

Would they make ef­forts for the good of the world with those relics, the in­‐
dis­pens­able weapons which had amaz­ing value now, when deal­ing with

Jang Sung-hoon, at least, did not want to leave his fate to such peo­ple.

'This fuck­ing world.' Jang fi­nally gave up sleep­ing.

If he slept, he'd have to get up sooner or later. In­stead, he'd bet­ter get up
early and or­ga­nize his thoughts.

Jang Sung-hoon opened the car door and climbed out. The cold dawn wind
hit his body.

Nat­u­rally, Jang Sung-hoon's gaze was on the blaz­ing fire, and he headed for
the man who was in front of the fire.


Kim Tae-hoon was in front of the fire.

He was fly­ing an ar­row around him­self, a feath­er­less ar­row which had only
an ar­row­head and shaft, while sip­ping cof­fee from a mug in his right hand.

Jang Sung-hoon walked to­ward Kim Tae-hoon. "Boss."

The con­ver­sa­tion be­tween the two of them be­gan again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

Chap­ter 28
Chap­ter 10. Power En­hance­ment, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"You got up early." While Jang Sung-hoon talked to Kim Tae-hoon, the ar­‐
row that hov­ered around his Boss like a satel­lite stopped in front of his

"I couldn't sleep."

"...Be­cause of your dream?"


The ar­row fell to the ground. His con­cen­tra­tion was shaken.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I said use­less words..." Jang Sung-hoon apol­o­gized, un­der­‐
stand­ing Kim Tae-hoon's feel­ings. "Boss is also hu­man, I sup­pose."

He had learned of his death in his dream. He was ac­tu­ally sen­tenced to life
on a dead­line.

He couldn't be calm.

Kim Tae-hoon sipped cof­fee from his mug in­stead of an­swer­ing Jang Sung-
hoon's apol­ogy, and he looked at the fallen ar­row.

The ar­row slowly be­gan to rise again. It cir­cled around Kim Tae-hoon like a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

The move­ment of the ar­row was not smooth, and it or­bit was slightly dis­‐
torted ev­ery time it es­caped his view.

"Don't worry too much, you know the fu­ture, and all you have to do is to
avoid it," Jang Sung-hoon said to him.

Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed his cof­fee, and he grabbed the ar­row that was cir­‐
cling around him. "The prob­lem is that I don't know what to avoid."


Kim Tae-hoon's voice was se­ri­ous. Fac­ing it, Jang Sung-hoon swal­lowed
the joke he was go­ing to use to change the at­mos­phere. He sat down near
Kim Tae-hoon with a se­ri­ous ex­pres­sion.

Jang Sung-hoon watched the twisted branches burn­ing, and he spoke care­‐

"Was there re­ally only me? Was there no Hyun-wook or Lieu­tenant Soo-ji
or sis­ter Sun-mi by your side?"

"I don't want to hide such things. Do you think I'm ly­ing?"

"No, I just didn't think I was go­ing to be so loyal to the boss like that."

Kim Tae-hoon also nod­ded.

Jang Sung-hoon was not a man who could give loy­alty to some­one. He was
quick to fig­ure things out and faith­ful to his own in­ter­ests.

It was why he was at­tached to Kim Tae-hoon.

It was not ap­pro­pri­ate for him to stick to Kim Tae-hoon, trapped in a cor­ner,
when he was forced to die at the will of other peo­ple.

"Well, this is for sure."

Of course, it was a fu­ture story, and there must have been a process.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

"The fu­ture we both suf­fered so much hard­ship that we had to be so sticky. I

am sure some­thing ex­tra­or­di­nary hap­pened. If I were to be­come such a per­‐
son, it wouldn't hap­pen with a mi­nor ac­ci­dent."

Kim Tae-hoon laughed softly and took a sip of cof­fee.

"Oh, and this is re­ally my per­sonal imag­i­na­tion."

When Kim Tae-hoon was en­joy­ing cof­fee, he didn't speak.

"In my own terms, the fu­ture Boss is a hunt­ing dog. No, I don't mean you
are a real dog, but your char­ac­ter is wild, like a dog," Jang Sung-hoon said
as if he had been wait­ing.

"Why would they let you die, even if it was so? Some­times they could kill a
hunt­ing dog. They can kill af­ter the hunt­ing is over. But you said that you
fought the dragon at the end, right? It means there's still a mon­ster left."

Kim Tae-hoon's eyes turned to Jang Sung-hoon.

"If I tell you my story, there are a lot of real ge­niuses in this field. There are
a lot of peo­ple who make coun­ter­feit goods bet­ter then the orig­in­ al. But do
you know why they're ac­tive in the shad­ows? They're ei­ther weird, or
they're in trou­ble. No mat­ter how smart they are, if they have no side, and if
you have en­em ­ ies, they will even­tu­ally be aban­doned."

Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed and said qui­etly, "To sum up your words, the
most fun­da­men­tal rea­son I died was that my per­son­al­ity was a friv­o­lous
one, wasn't it?"

"Well... if the per­son­al­ity of the Boss had been good at this, at least the
death scene would have changed." With a bash­ful smile, Jang Sung-hoon
rubbed both his hands in front of the fire.

Kim Tae-hoon was able to make one thing clear at this mo­ment.

'Now I know why he was around me un­til the last time.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

Why Jang Sung-hoon stayed with him, why he al­lowed him to be with him,
and even­tu­ally he died to save him.

It was worth it for Jang Sung-hoon.

He had an ex­tra­or­di­nary view, an abil­ity to ex­press his opin­ion prop­erly,

and a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive. He was smart and com­pe­tent.

Kim Tae-hoon was able to see one fact clearly.

"If I move ac­cord­ing to my char­ac­ter, I will die in the end." With his per­‐
son­al­ity, it was easy to make en­em
­ ies, but it was not easy to make al­lies.

This per­son­al­ity, of course, had been good so far.

Kim Tae-hoon had been work­ing in a place called the army, where he did
not need to make al­lies or a fac­tion.

But not now. He had al­ready stepped out of the mil­i­tary.

'I al­most didn't know that.'

What was even more fright­en­ing, was that he was not aware of it.

So Kim Tae-hoon asked a ques­tion here. "Jang Sung-hoon, what would you
do if you were me?"

"If I had the com­bat power and charisma like Boss, I would be a king in
Bucheon right now," Jang Sung-hoon grinned and replied.

"Of course it's a joke, I didn't mean it." He laughed play­fully.

"But hon­estly, if I had had the power to be like Boss, I wouldn't have
thought much about it. I'd bring some peo­ple to­gether, make a group, get a
gun, cap­ture the mon­sters, and peo­ple will take you as their king. There's no
rea­son to refuse it. Most of them will be happy to do so."

But it wasn't just a play­ful laugh.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

"I'm sure there are peo­ple like Boss else­where, even if not like you. You
said the level of the Awak­en­ers is dif­fer­ent when they are Awak­ened, right?
Add if a relic is added..."

Hu­man be­ings were the in­car­na­tion of greed.

If they have power and su­per­nat­u­ral abil­ity, and if there is a stage to ex­ert
their power, not ev­ery­one would do what they nor­mally do.

"I'm sure those who have ob­tained the power must have cre­ated a group,
and they are con­trol­ling and op­er­at­ing a ter­ri­tory. Some wisely, some as a

More­over, the sit­u­at­ion was that the com­mu­ni­ca­tion and traf­fic were par­a‐­
lyzed, and the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea had al­ready been di­vided.

They risked their lives go­ing to Se­jong City from Seoul.

At his words, Kim Tae-hoon re­called Colonel Lim Hyun-joon.

Kim Tae-hoon's pur­pose now was to move to Pocheon, where Colonel Lim
Hyun-joon was, to make con­tact with him.

But could Colonel Lim Hyun-joon be just a sol­dier now?

'Colonel Lim Hyun-joon is an am­bi­tious man.'

He was am­bi­tious.

He would not be a faith­ful sol­dier in this sit­u­at­ion, and he would have been
very am­bi­tious if he had gained the po­si­tion of Com­man­der-in-Chief in a
short time.

'If I met him now, he would use me as a hunt­ing dog.'

Kim Tae-hoon put the mug on the ground. "Do you like cof­fee?"

"Is there any­one in Ko­rea who hates cof­fee?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon started to make more cof­fee.


The start of the new morn­ing of the Mac Clan be­gan with a bat­tle with the

"A world where even pigs be­came mon­sters."

"It's a real crazy world, damn it."

The mon­ster ap­peared to be like a wild boar, but it was so large that it could
not be com­pared with a wild boar. It had a horn that re­minded them of a rhi­‐

A Horned Pig!

Three dread­ful Pigs were charg­ing the Mac Clan ve­hi­cles on the move.

The mo­ment the Horned Pigs ap­peared, the Mac Clan moved with great

First, two SUVs be­came ram­parts that blocked the ad­vance of the Horned

"Get out of!"


The driv­ers who were driv­ing the SUV's fac­ing the Horned Pig got out of
the slow-mov­ing ve­hi­cle.

"The driver is here!"

"Even the left driver came out!"

As soon as the fact was de­liv­ered to Kim Tae-hoon, who was rid­ing in the
back of a dump truck, he stared at two cars driv­ing along.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

Two cars revved up and be­gan to ac­cel­er­ate to­ward the Horned Pigs.

The re­sult was ob­vi­ous.

Three Horned Pigs, un­will­ing to stop, col­lided with two SUV's on a nar­row
road, and af­ter scream­ing a bit, were en­tan­gled and crushed.

The sound of the Horned Pigs clearly told the grue­some­ness of the sit­u­a‐­

Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji saw this and quickly or­dered the sol­diers in the back
of the dump truck, "Aim!"

The sol­diers dis­tracted by the in­tense shock cre­ated by the traf­fic ac­ci­dent
in front of them came to their senses.

In their gun sights, they saw one or two Horned Pigs stum­bling around in

"Start fir­ing!" There was a flurry of gun­fire.

Dur­ing the rain of gun­fire, Kim Tae-hoon threw an ar­row high into the sky.

The ar­row with­out feath­ers rose up con­tin­u­ously. Kim Tae-hoon raised his
ar­row high enough that he couldn't see it any­more When the ar­row dis­ap­‐
peared from Kim Tae-hoon's senses, it no longer re­ceived the help of his
telekine­sis. It be­gan to fall Shiii!

The sound of the fall­ing ar­row was eerie. It sounded like a hawk div­ing on
prey, try­ing to cut off the tar­get's life at once.

The ar­row, which fell like that, be­gan to change its path at some point, and
it hit pre­cisely in the mid­dle of the fore­head of a Horned Pig strug­gling in
front of the gun­fire.


The ar­row dis­ap­peared into the body of the horned Pig like magic, with­out
a trace.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘


The Horned Pig gave a short cry, fell to the ground and be­gan to twitch.

"What the heck?"

"It sud­denly fell down, didn't it?"

The sol­diers, who did not see the ar­row, cocked their heads at the sud­den
fall of the Horned Pig that had stood up against their bul­lets.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-hoon frowned.

'This is not enough.'

Kim Tae-hoon fo­cused on pulling out the ar­row em­bed­ded in the Horned

But it did not come out. He could not draw the ar­row in the body of the
Horned Pig prop­erly and clearly.

This was a char­ac­ter­is­tic of telekine­sis. It was not all done just by mere

Just like a top artist who had the skill to vi­su­al­ize a per­fect ob­ject with his

Just like a doc­tor with ex­pe­ri­ence, train­ing, and abil­ity, who could im­age
the state of a body with­out open­ing up a pa­tient's body.

Telekine­sis did not re­spond to vague­ness. Only when he imag­ined a clear

fact could it show true power.

'That's not enough.'

It meant that Kim Tae-hoon was still lim­ited and lack­ing in abil­ity with his

Kim Tae-hoon clicked his tongue and looked over at Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

Kim Soo-ji nod­ded. "Stop shoot­ing!"

At her shout, the rainy gun­fire stopped at once.

If they had been just dazed and pulling the trig­ger, they would not have
stopped shoot­ing.

Sol­diers not shoot­ing was ev­i­dence that self-con­trol and dis­ci­pline now ex­‐
isted, and it was ev­i­dent that they were now blooded.

It was ev­i­dent that they were no longer cow­ards who were too scared to
judge how many empty car­tridges they had thrown up, that they had be­‐
come hunters who had re­peat­edly fought with mon­sters, not sur­vivors strug­‐
gling to live through be­ing slaugh­tered by re­peated mon­sters.

Of course, they did not stop shoot­ing just to con­firm that...

Kim Tae-hoon hopped down lightly from the back of the dump truck. Bang
Hyun-wook came to his side, hold­ing his steel pipe.

"Big brother, which one do you want?"

"You pick first."

"Me first?"

"I'll give you a chance to look good in front of your fa­vorite girl."

"I think the right one is live­lier, so I'll kill it."

Af­ter fin­ish­ing the words, Bang Hyun-wook pulled out the En­ergy in his
gut and sent it through his whole body. His whole be­ing heated up in one


The sound of him cir­cu­lat­ing his En­ergy caught the at­ten­tion of the Horned
Pig, which was still full of En­ergy and the Strength to fight, and a mite
ornery af­ter be­ing shot all over.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 28 ⦘

A Horned Pig stared at Bang Hyun-wook, while the other one was al­ready
rush­ing to­ward him.

Look­ing at this, Kim Tae-hoon also boosted his telekine­sis in his gut. At the
same time, he held up his fist. His right hand went black.

That was how the bat­tle be­gan, a bat­tle of the Awak­en­ers!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Chap­ter 29
Chap­ter 11. The Law­less City, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was Jang Sung-hoon's idea.

"The new re­cruits know well what kind of per­son­al­ity the Boss is. It's not
pos­si­ble not to know. It takes a long time to see if you're good, but it takes
less than ten sec­onds to fig­ure out if your per­son­al­ity is dirty."

He told Kim Tae-hoon needed to show his power to the new faces who had
joined the Mac Clan.


"But the new re­cruits don't know what kind of per­son the Boss is, and even
if you're an Awak­ener, that's just vague, and the word 'the Awak­ener' was
made by the Boss, right?

"Now is time to fight against mon­sters, but sur­vive.

"You need to show them what an Awak­ener is, and what it means to fight a
mon­ster with your naked body.

"You have to show them how great you are."

It was nec­es­sary to show them how ter­ri­ble Kim Tae-hoon the Awak­ener
was now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

"If they see the im­age of the Boss, they will cal­cu­late at that mo­ment, and
act as if they have a dirty mon­ster as a boss. At least they not go­ing to put a
blood pool around their neck."

Kim Tae-hoon ac­cepted the idea of Jang Sung-hoon, and he stood in front
of the mon­ster with only his bare body, hold­ing only a knife.

And he showed them what the fight be­tween a mon­ster and a mon­ster is,
how great a mon­ster he was.


As soon as Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook ap­proached the mon­sters,

the early mem­bers of the Mac Clan watched ex­pec­tantly.

A col­league, a com­rade, and a leader who was will­ing to ex­er­cise mon­ster-

like vi­o­lence against mon­sters!

How­ever, the eyes of the new re­cruits greet­ing their first day as mem­bers of
the Mac Clan were full of fear.

'What the hell is that?' 'These mon­sters are still alive! Why?'

Kim Tae-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook seemed to be com­mit­ting sui­cide to

the new re­cruits who had seen count­less hu­mans eaten by the mon­sters.

In the eyes of Bang Hyun-wook and Kim Tae-hoon, the Horned Pigs were
only petty an­i­mals.

"I am go­ing to show off all of a sud­den."

It had been rid­dled with dozens of bul­lets af­ter col­lid­ing with the run­ning

Be­cause it was a mon­ster, it still had a fight­ing spirit and was stand­ing on
its legs even with a fa­tal in­jury.

The Pigs were no dif­fer­ent from corpses that were cer­tain to die in time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Com­pared to mon­sters that were so fierce that they could even go crazy,
they were just petty.

Above all, Kim Tae-hoon's abil­i­ties were al­ready over­whelm­ing.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 76

-- Health: 51

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: E+ Rank

-- Mana: E+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: E Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: E+ Rank


His strength had reached 76 through the mo­nop­oly of the mon­ster stones.

He was far be­yond a hu­man be­ing.

He had sur­passed an Olympic medal­ist, and or even a level at which an

Olympic medal­ist might reach through drugs.

He was su­per­hu­man.

In ad­di­tion, Kim Tae-hoon al­ready had four mon­ster abil­i­ties, start­ing with
[Black Skin] and [Howl­ing].

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

It was al­ready de­cided who the preda­tor was.


There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon did not take much time to deal with the Horned
Pig that was squeal­ing loudly.

The mo­ment it screamed and rushed ahead with its horns, he also rushed to­‐
wards it.

The dis­tance be­tween the Horned Pig and Kim Tae-hoon nar­rowed quickly,
and he im­me­di­ately caught the horn of the Pig and climbed atop it as if rid­‐
ing a rodeo.

At the same time, he stabbed the knife in his right hand into its neck.

The knife went through the thick hide of the Horned Pig, which had re­sisted
bul­lets, and all the fat be­neath.

The knife was not a great sword, and it was not a relic.

The se­cret was, of course, En­ergy.

Kim Tae-hoon was also fully aware of how to use his En­ergy, as Bang
Hyun-wook had re­al­ized.

Not only did he ac­ti­vate his body's po­ten­tial with En­ergy, but he also knew
how to cover his weapon with En­ergy.

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon's knife, which did not have a high En­ergy rank
be­hind it, only went in as deep as his lit­tle fin­ger.

Cuik, cu-i-i!

There was no doubt it hurt, but it was not enough to cause a fa­tal in­jury to
it. So Kim Tae-hoon went on to his next move.

He con­cen­trated the power of the Black Orc in his right hand.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Now his right hand turned black, and the area was grow­ing. It used to be a
lit­tle off his wrist, but now it was reach­ing up close to his el­bows.

Kim Tae-hoon hit the knife's han­dle with his black fist, like a ham­mer hit­‐
ting a nail.

Ev­ery time he hit it, the knife went in deeper.


The cries of the Horned Pig grew more fran­tic. Nat­u­rally, its strug­gles had
in­ten­si­fied. Its body was shak­ing like a rodeo bull, not a pig.

How­ever, its strug­gles didn't do much to Kim Tae-hoon, who al­ready has
his seat and even held its horns like a han­dle. When­ever it strug­gled, he
smashed down with his fist.


The knife went in deeper and deeper.


The blade dis­ap­peared.


Then the han­dle be­gan to go in.


A mourn­ful squeal came from the jaws of the Horned Pig, which seemed to
feel death com­ing.

But Kim Tae-hoon did not stop.

Now the knife had en­tered the mass of flesh and was not vis­i­ble, but he
punched down into that bloody hole.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘


The knife went deeper.


The fran­tic Horned Pig fell to the ground like a bro­ken doll.

"Huck!" "Wow!"

The sight caught the breath of those watch­ing the scene.

"Uh-cha! What's the taste of the iron bat of the Barry Bonds of Bucheon
High School? This is the iron bat which hit two home runs con­sec­u­tively in
the week­end league of High School!"

Bang Hyun-wook, who was just ig­no­rant and fierce enough to hit the
Horned Pig's body with a lump of iron, was not re­ally no­ticed.

Only Kim's fig­ure was seen.

As they watched, Kim Tae-hoon drew a knife from the neck of the Horned
Pig, which was still con­vuls­ing.

Hot blood sprang up like a foun­tain. White steam came up, too.

Ig­nor­ing the grue­some sight, Kim brought his ears down to the body of the
dy­ing Horned Pig.

As soon as he found the sound of the Pig's heart, he stabbed into it. He cut
away the skin and flesh at once, and he shoved his hand into the gash.

Soon af­ter, Kim Tae-hoon pulled out his hand, hold­ing a cov­eted red
jewel...and swal­lowed it im­me­di­ately.

Ev­ery­one else swal­lowed as they watched the scene.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Bucheon Mu­nic­i­pal Wonmi Li­brary...

"Move care­fully, be care­ful! It's a grenade!"

"I un­der­stand."

"Where do we move the drink­ing wa­ter?"

"Sec­ond floor! Drink­ing wa­ter to the sec­ond floor!"

Lo­cated be­tween Wonmi Moun­tain and Bucheon Sta­dium, the li­brary,

where quiet is life, was now ex­pe­ri­enc­ing its most tu­mul­tuous day since its

"Ev­ery­thing is moved."

"Let's go and smoke."


There were as many as fifty peo­ple in­volved in the dis­tur­bance. They were
con­stantly mov­ing things into the li­brary from the trucks and ve­hi­cles
parked in front of the li­brary.

Un­der the cir­cum­stance, Kim Soo-ji asked Kim Tae-hoon, who was tak­ing a
cof­fee break. "Ma­jor, do you re­ally want to make this a base?"

At the ques­tion, Kim Soo-ji an­swered im­me­di­ately. "Is there a prob­lem

mak­ing this a base?"


Kim Su-ji had no doubts about mak­ing the Bucheon Mu­nic­i­pal Wonmi Li­‐
brary a base. No, the li­brary was the best place to live in un­der the cur­rent

The area was sur­rounded by hills and was quite dis­tant from where peo­ple
lived. In many ways, the struc­ture was ad­van­ta­geous to de­fense. Al­though
not as com­mon as the Ojung-dong In­dus­trial Dis­trict, in nearby Wonmi-

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

dong there were sev­eral fac­to­ries where they could find use­ful tools. It
would not be hard to get things for item mak­ing.

The li­brary it­self had many ad­van­tages.

The books and book­shelves fill­ing the li­brary could be great fire­wood dur­‐
ing win­ter, and since the In­ter­net, the fi­nal edi­tion of mod­ern civ­i­liza­tion
knowl­edge, had be­come mean­ing­less, the li­brary was a col­lec­tion of hu­man
wis­dom for their sit­u­at­ion.

If hu­man civ­i­liza­tion was re­built from the bot­tom, knowl­edge was more im­‐
por­tant than a sword or a gun.

Ahn Sun-mi and Jang Sung-hoon were al­ready mov­ing around the li­brary
col­lect­ing books that would help their ac­tiv­i­ties and sur­vival in the fu­ture.

There was no rea­son for Kim Soo-ji to op­pose such a place as a base. She
was just sus­pi­cious.

'Why did he sud­denly get a base? I'm sure he didn't in­tend to do that un­til

Un­til last night, Kim Tae-hoon had no in­ten­tion of mak­ing a base.

If he had thought about it, he would have made the li­brary a base ear­lier,
rather than wait­ing un­der Bucheon Sta­dium.

'We don't train in cold weather, and we didn't need to spend the night shiv­‐
er­ing in the cold out­side us­ing our cars as a tent.'

Nat­u­rally, Kim Soo-ji thought Kim Tae-hoon would move to an­other place
af­ter se­cur­ing the relics he wanted in the Bow Mu­seum as well.

As Kim Tae-hoon sud­denly said that he was go­ing to build a base in such a
sit­u­at­ion, it was nat­u­ral for her to ask ques­tions.

How­ever, she had not raised any new ques­tions. She was a sol­dier to her

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon gave her a new or­der. "Lieu­tenant Kim Su-ji, bring peo­ple
to­gether when it's done. Place the Awak­en­ers in the front row."

"I un­der­stand."

Kim Tae-hoon drank cof­fee while watch­ing Kim Su-ji, who was mov­ing to
carry out the or­der right away.

The strong aroma of cof­fee filled his mouth.

But Kim Tae-hoon was not able to sa­vor his cof­fee at this mo­ment. It was
due to the con­ver­sa­tion he'd had with Jang Sung-hoon in the early morn­ing.

Jang Sung-hoon gave his opin­ion to Kim Tae-hoon with­out any qualms.

"Boss, if you mo­nop­o­lize the mon­ster stones, the Boss be­comes strong, but
the Mac Clan can­not be strong. I don't care if that's the goal... to play big,
you have to ig­nore the small things."

Kim Tae-hoon's ac­tions might make him stronger, but it wouldn't make the
Mac Clan stronger.

"And it doesn't mat­ter if the group is small, but if the group grows big, a
rank is needed, right? You know that bet­ter be­cause the Boss is a sol­dier. Of
course, we don't need to use mil­i­tary ranks. In this world, the mark on the
back of the Boss will be the rank."

In or­der to make the group big, they needed a rank­ing sys­tem.

To sum it up, Kim Tae-hoon needed to set up a frame­work early in or­der to

have a big­ger mil­i­tary force and a big­ger mil­i­tary clique.

In fact, Kim Tae-hoon knew that part bet­ter than any­one else.

He served as a sol­dier in a se­cret so­ci­ety in a third world where a group of

war­lords pre­vailed, where civil war, re­bel­lion, and war were con­stant.

He knew bet­ter than any ter­ror­ist how war­lords are or­ga­nized and how they
are run ef­fi­ciently.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Nev­er­the­less, the rea­son why Kim had been ac­tive like that was sim­ple.

He didn't want to make a mil­i­tary fac­tion. That's why he used the term,

If he had in­tended to cre­ate a mil­i­tary fac­tion, he would have used a phrase

mean­ing big­ger.

The word 'Clan' is not used in the mil­i­tary, or to ex­press forces of big scale.

'Not my way, but...'

In ad­di­tion, it was never Kim's style to lead a force like a mil­i­tary fac­tion.
Un­til now, Kim's tar­get had been such mil­i­tary lead­ers.

The higher they went, the more they be­came a tar­get.

But things had changed now.

'Now I know the re­sult of do­ing things my own way, and I have to throw it

He found out that his style did not work.

He found out that if he lived as a hunt­ing dog, he would die.

There is only one way left!

'When the sit­u­at­ion is set­tled af­ter con­struct­ing a base here...'

Be­ing not a hunt­ing dog, but a hunter!

'I need to go out into the city and gather the Awak­en­ers who will be my
hunt­ing dogs.'

Kim Tae-hoon saw Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji re­turn. He swal­lowed the rest of
his cof­fee and got up.

The mon­ster stones in­side his pocket of Kim Tae-hoon touched his chest.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 29 ⦘

Mean­while, Kim Soo-ji stood at at­ten­tion be­fore him and said, "Ma­jor, ev­‐
ery­one is here."

Kim Tae-hoon nod­ded in re­ply and dou­ble-checked the mon­ster stones

around his chest.

'It's best to train a hunt­ing dog with game meat.' There was no fur­ther worry
or hes­i­ta­tion in Kim Tae-hoon's eyes af­ter con­firm­ing this.

There was only the glit­ter in the eye of a hunter who will do any­thing and
ev­ery­thing for his new pur­pose!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

Chap­ter 30
Chap­ter 11. The Law­less City, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Jan­u­ary 10, 2017.

At 4 PM, when the sun be­gan to set in, the city of Bucheon used to still be
crowded with peo­ple and ve­hi­cles.

Since yes­ter­day, the snow had been fall­ing all the time, and any traces of the
liv­ing on the white open snow­field was only here and there, and faint.


There was no sense of life any­where.

A city of the dead.

"Boss... it's too quiet," Jang Sung-hoon said, un­able to stay quiet. "I hope
not ev­ery­one in Bucheon is dead."

Kim Tae-hoon put his gloved in­dex fin­ger on his mouth in­stead of re­ply­ing
to Jang Sung-hoon's re­peated con­cerns.

Jang Sung-hoon shut up.

Look­ing at the world that was calm again, Kim Tae-hoon tut­ted qui­etly.

'What the hell hap­pened here dur­ing this time?'

At the same time, Kim Tae-hoon re­called the events of the re­cent days.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

Af­ter set­ting up the li­brary as a base, Kim Tae-hoon had to spend busy days
in the rad­i­cal re­form of the Mac Clan.

He had to present car­rots and whips to the Awak­en­ers who would be his
hunt­ing dogs, and he had to work to for­tify the li­brary that had be­come the
base area.

He could not af­ford to go out to Bucheon City and do some­thing.

It was the snow since yes­ter­day that made him move.

Mon­sters were more like an­i­mals. An­i­mals don't move eas­ily on snowy

In other words, the snowy day was a good day to con­tact the sur­vivors and
avoid the threat of the mon­sters. When the snow came, Kim Tae-hoon pre­‐
pared to come down to the city.

Their pur­pose was to con­tact the sur­vivors, look at the sit­u­at­ion, and get the
nec­es­sary sup­plies.

Jang Sung-hoon ac­com­pa­nied him, say­ing he knew of the se­cret man­sion of

a damn rich man who played with art.

'It's so quiet, as Jang Sung-hoon says.'

He had enough con­cern about what would hap­pen be­fore he came to the

'This was not ex­pected.'

But the sit­u­at­ion was out­side his ex­pec­ta­tions.

"If ev­ery­thing had been done by com­mon sense, there must be a group of
sur­vivors here."

Kim Tae-hoon thought that the down­town might be or­ga­nized to some ex­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

The scary thing about hu­man be­ings was that they quickly adapted to the
world through trial and er­ror.

Even in a world full of mon­sters, even if the so­cial in­fra­struc­ture col­lapsed,

he thought that some­one would adapt.

More­over, there was no huge dis­tur­bance that sur­prised Kim Tae-hoon.

For ex­am­ple, if a dragon had once again passed through the air, there would
have been a great deal of con­fu­sion, but it did not hap­pen. There was no
sign of a mon­ster that was so enor­mous that it could be heard even in the

More­over, Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon were grad­u­ally nar­row­ing

the dis­tance to the New Jung­dong Sta­tion.

The New Jung­dong Sta­tion of Bucheon was a large com­mer­cial area, with
de­part­ment stores, large marts, and the Bucheon Wonmi Po­lice Sta­tion,
which was fairly large.

By com­mon sense, there were few more suit­able en­vi­ron­ments in Bucheon

than New Jung­dong Sta­tion area for sur­vivors seek­ing to sur­vive.

Kim Tae-hoon's foot­steps stopped. At the same time, his hands went up.
Jang Sung-hoon's foot­steps also stopped at the sig­nal.


In the cold wind blow­ing past them, Kim Tae-hoon's gaze turned to the
snow piles that dec­o­rated the roads they wanted to travel.

There was noth­ing spe­cial to look at. It was snowy, piled up with fer­til­izer

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon was sure that it was not a fer­til­izer bag un­der the

He looked at the snow pile, his eyes sharp. He painted a pic­ture, a pic­ture of
a big hand shak­ing a snow pile.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

The things un­der the snow were re­vealed.

It was a dead body that had been frozen blue. It was not just a body... but a
de­cap­i­tated body.

"Ugh!" As soon as he checked the body, Jang Sung-hoon barely swal­lowed

the vomit com­ing up in dis­gust. "There must be a mon­ster, damn it..."

At that mo­ment, the im­age of a Mud Troll came up in the mind of Jang

A mon­ster, which could not be killed with bul­lets, that pulled off the heads
of peo­ple and ate them.

Jang Sung-hoon shiv­ered in the trauma that he will carry for the rest of his
life, and the snow pil­ing up on the Were­wolf leather he wore fell to the
snow softly.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-hoon's ex­pres­sion was dif­fer­ent. He did not re­‐
call the Mud Troll, who had only taken out the hu­man head.

"It's not a mon­ster," Kim Tae-hoon said clearly. "That was killed by a man."

That body was not one which a mon­ster made.


Ig­nor­ing the sur­prised Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon looked around with
great cau­tion.

'Mur­der can hap­pen.'

It is ridicu­lous to hope that mur­ders would not hap­pen in this sit­u­at­ion.

Mur­der would hap­pen as much as pos­si­ble.

'But cut­ting off the head is an­other story.'

But cut­ting the head off a corpse was an­other story be­cause ac­ci­den­tal mur­‐
der to live did not make a neck­less body...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘


The scream was close by. Kim Tae-hoon rose from his crouch.

"Jang Sung-hoon."


"From now on, our en­emy is hu­man."

At the words, Jang Sung-hoon made a de­ter­mined ex­pres­sion, rather than a

sur­prised one.

In re­cent days, Kim Tae-hoon had taught Mac Clan's men that the most im­‐
por­tant thing is the de­ter­mi­na­tion to kill not a mon­ster, but a man that
threat­ened their own life.


"Please save me. Just save me."

The snowy field.

A woman was naked and seek­ing for­give­ness on the harsh snow­field, which
seemed to shake the body just by look­ing.

"Please, please."

Her ap­pear­ance, rub­bing her hands again and again, was so pa­thetic that
even the viewer could get shiv­ers.

There were three men around her.

They were wear­ing thick vests, hold­ing cur­tain rods and a spear made from
a kitchen knife, and wear­ing con­struc­tion hel­mets.

De­spite their crude ap­pear­ance, they were clearly armed. It meant that they
were not or­di­nary peo­ple.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

The three of them gave a spear-sword in­stead of mercy to the woman who
sought mercy in the snow.

"Please, please save me. There are no oth­ers ex­cept for me."

A man talked at the re­peated sad tone of the woman. "Shall we have some
fun be­fore we kill her? Eh?"

It was a phrase that made the woman's face turn black.

The other two wet their lips with their tongues in­stead of an­swer­ing the
man's filthy words.

"Why don't we just take off our pants since she's taken it all off? Don't you
think?" the man re­peated to his two col­leagues.

A nasty sug­ges­tion.

How­ever, the re­main­ing two seemed to have no in­ten­tion of eas­ily agree­ing

with the filth­i­ness.

"Shit, let's have some fun!"

"Please, please save me. I'll do any­thing. Any­thing..."

Soon af­ter, she spat out her words as if she had re­signed her­self to her fate.

"Look! She says she'll do any­thing. Any­way, she is the food for the mon­‐
ster. What's the wrong of do­ing this? Don't you think?"

The man spoke some­what an­grily now. The other two looked at one an­‐


An ar­row flew into the eye­ball of one of the two men who looked at one an­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

All of a sud­den, with­out sound and with­out a hint of warn­ing, the ar­row­‐
head of an Ar­row flew through his eye and brain, and it came out through
the back of his head.



Ev­ery­one, and even the woman who begged for her life, rub­bing her hands
hard, looked sur­prised at the sight. Their think­ing stopped at that mo­ment.

Some­thing white be­gan to come to­ward one of the re­main­ing two men.

Like a leop­ard leap­ing for its prey, a man's black fist, ap­pear­ing with a
speed that could not be con­sid­ered hu­man, shat­tered the skull of a man with
a va­cant look on his face.

He broke into pieces with his hel­met. Frag­ments of bro­ken skulls were scat­‐
tered all over.

The only man left now was the man who vom­ited out his zest for rape at a
woman seek­ing mercy.

How­ever, the man still had a va­cant look on his face.

'Uh? Uh?'

The fist of the man who had sud­denly ap­peared sped to­ward the man with
such a fool­ish ex­pres­sion, and broke his hel­met and face at the same time.

The man who had been hit by the fist screamed and spit out his teeth. But
he did not scream for long.

"Kuck, kuck!"

As he was about to scream, the fist that had crushed his nose was hold­ing
the man's neck tightly.

The stran­gled man tried to wrench at the grip, but it was not a hu­man arm.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

In the mean­time, the ar­row that had al­ready eaten one per­son's life be­gan to
move on its own.


The Ar­row, which made a snake-like sound, soon came near the eyes of the
man who was caught by his throat, and it lit up hazily.

The man shiv­ered and pissed his pants with a choked gur­gle.

Kim Tae-hoon spoke calmly. "If you play a trick, you will die. If you hes­i­‐
tate to an­swer, you will die. If you have a loud voice, you will die. Nod
your head, if you un­der­stand."

Even in a chok­ing sit­u­at­ion, the man nod­ded.

Kim Tae-hoon re­leased the power hold­ing the man's neck.


There was a choked gasp.

"Huh-uck, huh-uck..."

Around that time, Jang Sung-hoon came up to the naked woman and cov­‐
ered her with the hide of the Were­wolf he was wear­ing.

The leather jacket of Were­wolf was rugged and smelled bad, but it was in­‐
cred­i­bly warm.

"Hush. Be quiet."

How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon gave a cruel warn­ing to the woman in­stead of

be­ing kind.

This place was now the area of the en­emy, in a sense. A dis­tur­bance would
never be ad­van­ta­geous to Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 30 ⦘

The woman said, "I know what he knows. I'll tell you ev­ery­thing if you let
me live. I was with him."

A sud­den re­mark.

At the words of the woman, the man who was gasp­ing shouted in hor­ror,
"That bitch be­trays..."


As soon as Kim Tae-hoon heard the word, his Ar­row, which was in front of
the man's eyes, drove in like a strik­ing ser­pent.

The man fell to the ground. Kim Tae-hoon pulled the Ar­row from the man's
eye, and he said, aim­ing at the woman cov­ered by the leather of the Were­‐
wolf with the Ar­row in his hand, "If you play a trick, you will die. If you
hes­i­tate to an­swer, you will die. Even if you have a loud voice, you will die.
Nod your head, if you un­der­stand."

The woman nod­ded...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

Chap­ter 31
Chap­ter 11: The Law­less City, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


When the heavy snow fell, the ter­ri­ble world be­gan to turn white in earnest.

Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon, who prop­erly con­cealed the dead, went
into a sushi restau­rant with Baek Ji-yeon, the woman sur­vivor.

The fish that pro­truded from the wa­ter tanks bro­ken by the mon­ster raids
were all frozen, and the in­side of the restau­rant re­mained a bit fishy-


"I'll stand guard."

Jang Sung-hoon took out the ri­fle he had brought there and stood guard.
Kim Tae-hoon went into the kitchen with Baek Ji-yeon, who was shak­ing in
the cold with her lips blue. She was wear­ing only the pants and jumper of a
dead man.

In the kitchen, Kim Tae-hoon threw two hot packs to Baek Ji-yeon.

Baek Ji-yeon blinked, took the hot packs, and be­gan to rub her whole body
with them.

Be­cause she cov­ered her body with only a jumper, when she rubbed her
body with hot packs, her naked body was re­vealed. But could not af­ford to
worry about her breasts be­ing ex­posed.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

She was full of the de­sire to melt her whole body and to live.

Kim Tae-hoon put her in front of him and said, "What hap­pened on Jan­u­ary


In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim Tae-hoon glared at her with cold eyes. Then she
re­mem­bered the three con­di­tions that Kim Tae-hoon had de­manded ear­lier.

"I don't know about the first day of Jan­u­ary, but when I woke up it was al­‐
ready late at night."

She would die if she hes­i­tated to an­swer. The warn­ing alone kept her talk­‐

"Ev­ery­one was the same. Few of the sur­vivors were sane on Jan­u­ary 1st.
Awak­en­ers! Yes, only a few of the Awak­en­ers were ac­tive on Jan­u­ary 1st,
but it was not ex­act..."

Of course, in this sit­u­at­ion, she talked about ev­ery­thing at the same time.
Cold and fear, these two were very ef­fec­tive fac­tors par­al­yz­ing hu­man rea­‐

So, it was more mean­ing­ful for Kim.

The words she spoke now were ones that had not been ma­nip­u­lated, with­out
any pro­cess­ing in her mind.

'The dragon's in­flu­ence was enor­mous.'

Once in Bucheon City, it be­came clear that Jan­u­ary 1st was a lost day.

The cause was ob­vi­ous.

The dragon!

The hor­ri­fy­ing mon­ster passed by, killing mon­sters and hu­mans from fear
alone, or stun­ning them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

Even if there were mon­sters or hu­mans that could move, those who were
ex­posed to the fear would not be able to act nor­mally.

The next im­por­tant word was the word 'Awak­ener.'

The ex­pres­sion of 'Awak­ener' it­self was not a word that only Kim Tae-hoon
could use af­ter ap­ply­ing for a patent. How­ever, if the ex­pres­sion of 'Awak­‐
ener' was used in Bucheon City, there was a trace of Kim Tae-hoon.

"Who used the word 'Awak­ener'?"

"The sur­vivors of the large mart by the City Hall spread out, and a ru­mor
that eat­ing mon­ster stones would give Awak­en­ers su­per­hu­man strength be­‐
gan there, as well as a ru­mor that the first hunter had killed a Black Orc..."

As ex­pected, it was the sur­vivors who had sur­vived in the large mart that
spread the term 'Awak­ener.'

"So what hap­pened on Jan­u­ary 2nd? Tell me about the im­por­tant parts."

"The sur­vivors who sur­vived in the large mart gath­ered at the City Hall.
They started mak­ing a group, say­ing, 'If we gather around the Awak­en­ers,
we will be able to fight mon­sters, and if we have a lot of mon­ster stones, we
can kill mon­sters.' The sur­vivors be­gan to gather there one by one."

"When did you join them?"

"Well, I didn't join them. I was work­ing at a de­part­ment store by the New
Jung­dong Sta­tion. I did not join, but they came."



"Is Mes­siah the name of the group?"

"Yes? Yes, it's the name of the or­ga­ni­za­tion. It's not... the group which was
made in the City Hall. No, it started there, but it was, so..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

At that mo­ment she be­gan to stam­mer. She was try­ing to throw out some­‐
thing in her head at once, but she was over­loaded.

Kim Tae-hoon looked at her grimly. Baek Ji-yeon met his eyes and shook

"Well, I'll tell you soon, please, save me."

"Just an­swer my ques­tion. Who made the Mes­siah group?"

"He's a guy named Lee Jin-sung."

"What are his ex­ter­nal fea­tures?"

"I've never seen him... I don't even know where he is."

Kim Tae-hoon started glar­ing at Baek Ji-yeon at the words.

"Well, well, it's a ru­mor, I'm not sure, it's said he's us­ing a sword... a sword
that's so spe­cial that it can cut a mon­ster in half. It's a ru­mor. I've never seen

"What was the date the Mes­siah group came to your de­part­ment store?"

"It's... the sixth day! I'm sure it was the sixth day."

"What did they come for?"

"To get a sac­ri­fice..."

"A sac­ri­fice?"

"It's a sac­ri­fice to calm down the yel­low devil on the sub­way."

"The yel­low de­mon on the sub­way?"

"It's a gi­ant snake, whose whole body is cov­ered with black scales. The
shin­ing snake with yel­low eyes ... so it's called the yel­low devil."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

"What does a sac­ri­fice mean?"

"We need ten peo­ple ev­ery day to fill the yel­low devil's belly. We throw ten
peo­ple into the New Jung­dong Sta­tion ev­ery day. Ten peo­ple ev­ery day... af­‐
ter cut­ting off the Achilles ten­don to keep them from run­ning..."

Her whole body be­gan to shake af­ter she said that, and the rea­son be­gan to
dis­ap­pear from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'll an­swer you im­me­di­ately, I'll an­swer..."

Kim Tae-hoon, who thought that fur­ther ques­tions were mean­ing­less, took
out a choco­late bar and a can of pre­made cof­fee from his chest and threw
them to her.

A choco­late bar and a canned cof­fee were not a good com­bi­na­tion, but she
ac­cepted it with wide eyes.

"Take a break, get things straight in your mind."

"Thank you, thank you." She be­gan to un­wrap the choco­late bar with her
frozen hands and bro­ken nails. Af­ter she man­aged to un­wrap it, she be­gan
to eat the hard-frozen choco­late bar.

In the mean­time, Kim Tae-hoon came out of the kitchen and ap­proached
Jang Sung-hoon, still stand­ing guard.

"Boss, do you get any­thing good?"

"If the sad news is good, then yes."

"The sad news? Is that a bad story?"

"The Awak­en­ers of the sur­vivors made a group, and now they are ex­pand­‐
ing the area of the city. The name of the force is Mes­siah."

"Mes­siah, that's a very at­trac­tive name. I think we should have cho­sen an

Eng­lish name for our Clan. To be hon­est, now that I'm talk­ing about Mac,
for­eign­ers will think of Mc­Don­ald's or Ap­ple, but will not think of a myth­i­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

cal an­i­mal which eats dreams. There was a Mc­Don­ald's near the de­part­ment
store, and I want a ham­burger now."

"The Mes­siah group is deal­ing with mon­sters in a way that gives a hu­man
of­fer­ing to them."

"There is such a thing?" Jang Sung-hoon's face hard­ened as he nod­ded.

"What? A hu­man of­fer­ing? Wait, I didn't hear you wrong, did I? Did they
give some­one to a mon­ster? To a mon­ster?"

"There's a snake called the Yel­low Devil in the sub­way sta­tion, and they are
of­fer­ing ten adults ev­ery day to calm it down."

"Ten peo­ple ev­ery day? Isn't that crazy? It's crazy. Crazy bas­tards, of­fer­ing
a hu­man be­ing as a sac­ri­fice?" He looked con­fused even as he swore.

Kim Tae-hoon, on the other hand, did not lose his cool­ness. "It's more cruel
than crazy."

It is clear that he faced an un­ex­pected re­al­ity, but Kim Tae-hoon could not
deny that the be­hav­ior of the Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion was rea­son­able and ef­fi­‐
cient enough.

"If they can't kill a mon­ster any­way, it's rea­son­able for them to make as
many sac­ri­fices as the mon­ster wants."

"But that's not right."

"If you were in a Mes­siah group, that would not have come out eas­ily."


"To sac­ri­fice the few for the many might be democ­racy in this world."

Jang Sung-hoon shut up. Kim Tae-hoon con­tin­ued on.

"More­over, the cur­rent group of sur­vivors has a form in which gen­eral peo­‐
ple are at­tached to the Awak­en­ers, and it would be hard for the com­mon
peo­ple who would be sac­ri­ficed to op­pose it if the Awak­en­ers need sac­ri­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

fices. In other words, the sys­tem of sac­ri­fice is a way of sur­vival for Awak­‐
en­ers, and a means of main­tain­ing power."

Jang Sung-hoon looked at the snow fall­ing down with a pale face. Kim Tae-
hoon did not speak any­more.

It was his turn to chew on his an­guish.

'Mes­siah and Lee Jin-sung.'

For now, he had two clues. The Mes­siah group and the leader of the group,
Lee Jin-sung.

'A hu­man of­fer­ing...'

Mes­siah, the mean­ing of the name didn't mat­ter. The im­por­tant thing was
their be­hav­ior.

'Smart, cruel, and pow­er­ful in ac­tion.'

It is un­der­stand­able that the Awak­en­ers would gather to­gether, and it was

nat­u­ral for a force of sur­vivors to be set up around them.

But of­fer­ing a liv­ing per­son to sac­ri­fice was some­thing that is not com­mon.
It was not easy to come up with such an idea.

At this point, mon­sters were just things to run away from and avoid.

When a pow­er­ful mon­ster ap­peared, it would scare peo­ple into run­ning

away, and they wouldn't think to feed it and keep it calm.

In that sit­u­at­ion, who would think mon­sters had their own ter­ri­to­ries and
wouldn't wan­der if they were full?

Just be­cause they watched Na­tional Ge­o­graphic of­ten does not mean they
would think of it.

'Lee Jin-sung.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

Lee Jin-sung, who came up with such an idea and put it into prac­tice, could
not be an or­di­nary per­son.

'A per­son who uses a sword and is able to cut down mon­sters with a sin­gle

It was only a story, but it was some­thing even Kim Tae-hoon could not do.

'En­ergy rank is high, or he has a high Mana rank and a relic that uses his
Mana ef­fec­tively.'

The rank of nat­u­ral abil­ity would have to be high.

'The scary part is that he cre­ated Mes­siah on pur­pose.'

He didn't use his power reck­lessly.

Ac­cord­ing to the story, the start­ing point for Mes­siah was the group of sur­‐
vivors from the City Hall.

In that group, Lee Jin-sung was ac­tive step by step.

At first, he would have be­come a hero by fight­ing a mon­ster with­out cost,

and as soon as the or­ga­ni­za­tion gath­ered around him, he would have taken
off his mask, af­ter win­ning the Awak­en­ers to his side who would be­come
his own limbs.

"The of­fer­ing of hu­man be­ings is not the pur­pose it­self."

More­over, it was not likely that the Mes­siah was ded­i­cated to re­li­gious rit­u­‐
als. Keep­ing the mon­sters quiet was the process.

"The pur­pose is to de­velop power, hunt­ing the small fries."

In terms of games, they are lev­el­ing up while killing the small fries, leav­ing
the pow­er­ful mon­sters alone.

At the same time, their scope of the ac­tiv­ity would be ex­panded, and the ev­‐
i­dence was that they at­tacked and brought the sur­vivors of other ar­eas un­der

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

their con­trol to se­cure sac­ri­fices.

In the process, they also cre­ated a sense of fear by cut­ting the heads off the

"If they ex­pand this way and se­cure the ma­te­rial of the 17th Di­vi­sion be­‐
yond Song­nae Sta­tion..."

As soon as this or­ga­ni­za­tion gained fire­power, he would be­come a pow­er­ful


The foun­da­tion was al­ready es­tab­lished. The foun­da­tion it­self was much
big­ger than the Mac Clan.

So at this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon had to choose whether to hold their hands
or re­move them.

He could not leave Mes­siah like this. He had to de­cide now to hold their
hands or re­move them.

He did not worry about this part long.

'I can't hold their hands.'

The choice of hold­ing hands with Mes­siah was not right for Kim Tae-hoon.

It was not be­cause of the sense of dis­gust with the Mes­siah and Lee Jin-
sung, or a sense of jus­tice that he should stop their evil be­hav­ior.

'It's not a sword I can keep be­low me.'

His ca­pac­ity was just in­suf­fi­cient. In fact, Kim Tae-hoon had never com­pro­‐
mised with the men of power of the law­less world or used their way.

He had only re­moved the men of power of the law­less world.

There­fore, if his past was mea­sured calmly, he would never be able to deal
with the bloody awl, like Lee Jin-sung.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

More­over, Lee Jin-sung was a hu­man be­ing who cut the heads of bod­ies for

That sort of per­son never quits his am­bi­tion, he knew. A sharp sword that
can­not be han­dled is only a weapon that hurts the body.

That left only one an­swer.

Kim Tae-hoon looked out the bro­ken win­dow of the sushi restau­rant and
saw the scenery. The snow was get­ting stronger.

'Good weather...'

"Jang Sung-hoon, we're go­ing back to head­quar­ters."

"Okay, then what about her..."

Kim Tae-hoon turned his back be­fore the words were out, and headed back
to Baek Ji-yeon, who was hold­ing a hot pack in the kitchen.

Then he looked at her and said, "The choice is ei­ther to be a sur­vivor and go
alone or to be a pris­oner and fol­low or­ders. I'm telling you clearly that
you're not wor­thy of be­ing a hostage. Don't ex­pect to be treated like one."

Baek Ji-yeon's an­swer was ob­vi­ous be­fore he fin­ished.

"I'll be a pris­oner, and I'll do any­thing."


The li­brary head­quar­ters of Mac Clan did not look much dif­fer­ent from the
past, but there were booby traps and other prepa­ra­tions for in­trud­ers. If
mon­sters or peo­ple came in there, they would have to pay a huge price.

In a sense, it was the safest place in Bucheon City.

Kim was pre­par­ing to leave there.

"I'm go­ing alone with­out any com­pan­ions," he told them di­rectly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

"Ma­jor, can you do it alone?" Lieu­tenant Kim had al­ready heard the story
and his plan, too.

Kim Tae-hoon was plan­ning to deal with the Mes­siah solo.

Of course, no­body doubted that he would re­move the Mes­siah, in­clud­ing

Kim Soo-ji, Ahn Sun-mi, Jang Sung-hoon, and Bang Hyun-wook.

It was nec­es­sary to be pun­ished in some way for buy­ing their lives through
hu­man of­fer­ings.

In ad­di­tion, the Mes­siah was the clos­est ob­sta­cle to the Mac Clan's ex­pan­‐
sion. It was nat­u­ral to break down the Mes­siah group, both morally and

"If the Mes­siah doesn't have a firearm, it would be easy to take the sol­diers
along to fin­ish them."

The im­por­tant thing was the method. Un­less Mes­siah had guns, they could
not be Mac Clan's op­po­nent. Never!

If there were three or four peo­ple who were shot and killed, the rest would
be scared and would sur­ren­der.

Even an Awak­ener would be not dif­fer­ent be­cause there was no Awak­ener

who could re­lax in front of bul­lets at this point.

But Kim Tae-hoon ex­cluded that method.

"Mes­siah is not deal­ing with mon­sters, but they are man­aged by sac­ri­fice.
Their realms are vir­tu­ally mon­ster dens, and mov­ing there is too risky. If I
fire a gun or some­thing blindly, mon­sters would come in flocks."

It weighed on his mind that the place where the Mes­siah was lo­cated was
not a safe place, but a sym­bi­otic area with mon­sters around.

Even the mon­ster called the Yel­low Devil was like that.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

Ac­cord­ing to Baek Ji-yeon's words, only the sword of the leader of the
Mes­siah, Lee Jin-sung, could hurt it.

If such a crea­ture was only a lit­tle bit hurt by a hunter's sword, which could
cut a mon­ster into two pieces with a sin­gle stroke, then bul­lets would not
work prop­erly.

It meant that he needed fire­power be­yond guns, in­clud­ing clay­mores and

grenades if he wanted to kill it.

There is a pos­si­bil­ity that it won't work, too. At that time, Mac Clan must be
pre­pared to be wiped out.

"And there's noth­ing good about a war of at­tri­tion."

Most of all, a war of at­tri­tion was a loss to Mac Clan, too.

They al­ways were.

The price to pay when fight­ing a war in earnest was enor­mous, both to the
at­tack­ing side and to the de­fend­ing side.

So, groups of re­ally large size and fire­power al­ways run over less well-
equipped groups.

"First of all, this is my spe­cialty."

That was why such an in­cred­i­bly ef­fi­cient ex­is­tence, Kim Tae-hoon, was

There are times when it was more cer­tain for a spe­cially trained mon­ster to
pull the trig­ger than run­ning ex­pen­sive fight­ers, bat­tle­ships and tanks, and
spend­ing tens of thou­sands or hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars an hour on
war costs and ex­pend­ing fire­power.

In ad­di­tion, it is not an ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that Kim Tae-hoon is the best in

the world in re­mov­ing a man of power from the law­less city.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 31 ⦘

"Cur­rently, it is Jan­u­ary 10th, 19:22. If I don't re­turn by 05:00 on Jan­u­ary

11th, you will be on full alert, and all com­mand will be left to Lieu­tenant
Kim Soo-ji."

At this mo­ment, none of the gath­ered peo­ple, in­clud­ing Kim Soo-ji, wor­ried
about Kim Tae-hoon.

"I wish you the best of luck."

"Big brother, be safe."

"Boss, when you come back, bring some Mel­ona ice cream!"

"Oh, then I want World­con!"

"I hope you come back alive be­cause I don't want to leave my life to these
two mad­men."

"You're talk­ing too much."

"Yes, sis­ter Sun-mi, if you have such a bad mouth, you won't marry."

They just sent some heart­felt words af­ter him as he left to deal with Mes­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

Chap­ter 32
Chap­ter 12. Mes­siah, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


A large-scale mall lo­cated in front of the New Jung­dong Sta­tion...

It was a quiet fortress now, crowded with peo­ple all the time.

All the win­dows were cov­ered with news­pa­pers, and the en­trance, which
en­thu­si­as­ti­cally wel­comed the guests, was now walled with tan­gled shop­‐
ping carts.


Three men ap­proached the en­trance, with thick jumpers, safety hel­mets and
crudely made spears.

They stood in front of the au­to­matic door, which was cov­ered with news­pa­‐
pers, and one of them care­fully pulled out a busi­ness card from in­side and
swiped it through the door.


The busi­ness card dis­ap­peared as if it were a snake's tongue, and soon the
door opened.

Be­yond the door, three men stood tensely, aim­ing a spear at the door. They
re­laxed only af­ter con­firm­ing the other party.

"What did you find?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

"I can't see any­thing. The weather looks crazy."

"What about group B?"

"I couldn't find them."

"You didn't find them?"

"There were no bod­ies."

It was not a pleas­ant con­ver­sa­tion.

"What about foot­prints? You could see foot­prints, couldn't you?"

"Have you seen this weather? Our foot­prints are al­ready gone!"

"So, you just came back?"

"What the hell was I sup­posed to do? Get out of my way! I am cold enough
to die!"

Even­tu­ally, the con­ver­sa­tion be­came in­tense at some point, and those who
were guard­ing the door stepped to the side.

Three men, their shoul­ders and heads cov­ered with snow, strode into the

The three men who en­tered the mall im­me­di­ately took off their hel­mets, and
a man with a chubby face spoke up, "He's not a damn Awak­ener, but he
han­dles us like slaves. A---hole! He can't do any­thing in front of a mon­ster."

The words that were spo­ken out of anger were so low that they were close
to speak­ing to him­self, con­trary to the fierce ex­pres­sion.

The two re­main­ing men turned away from the sub­ject as if they did not
want to con­tinue the con­ver­sa­tion with such a man.

"It will be colder tonight."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

"I'd sleep with a girl in that case. How about that? Do you want to take

But the younger man replied to the fat man's words with an awk­ward smile,
"It's okay."

"The only good thing we have in this damn world is that we can do it for

"...what hap­pened to Group B?" An­other man in his mid-20s wanted to turn
the sub­ject around.

"I'm sure there was an ac­ci­dent some­where, try­ing to en­joy a girl named
Baek Ji-yeon." The fat man changed the sub­ject of con­ver­sa­tion to an un­‐
pleas­ant one.

"There was a guy named Ahn Tae-seok who was crazy about women, and
there's no way he's not go­ing to be ex­cited there with a naked woman ly­ing
in front of him in the snow."

The younger man gave up on con­tin­u­ing the con­ver­sa­tion. 'You damn pig, is
that the only thing that comes to your mind in this sit­u­at­ion?'

For­tu­nately, the filthy sto­ries of the fat man did not last long. "Damn it, I'm
go­ing to take a shot to­day..."

"Speak such sto­ries alone." A woman walked out of the dark­ness, a skinny
as a skele­ton, as if she were about to fall apart right away.

The ap­pear­ance of the woman caused a grue­some dis­torted ex­pres­sion on

the fat man. But as soon as he saw the mark on the back of her right hand,
his dis­torted face turned blue.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Get out of here, you are dis­gust­ing."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just spare my life, please spare my life..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

"Get out of here."

The three men nod­ded vig­or­ously and dis­ap­peared as they ran into the es­ca­‐
la­tor and fled to the sec­ond floor.

The woman headed for what was orig­i­nally a phar­macy, lo­cated in the cor­‐
ner of the first floor.

There were two men in it.

One stood up as straight, act­ing as a body­guard, and the other sat on the
couch, tap­ping his smooth hair, hold­ing a sword with the sheath in his right
hand, like some­thing out of a his­tor­i­cal drama.

The woman said to the man on the sofa, "There must be a dis­tur­bance."

"Dis­tur­bance?" At the woman's words, the man stopped tap­ping his head.
"What's the mat­ter?"

"The group that went out to ex­ec­ ute a woman as an ex­am­ple is miss­ing."



"Did a mon­ster eat them, or did they run away?"

"The team tried to in­ves­ti­gate, but it failed."

"Failed? Why?"

"Be­cause of the snow and wind..."

At those words, the man let out a sud­denly un­con­trol­lable laugh and tapped
his head again with the han­dle of the sword.

"You should have given the or­ga­ni­za­tion by a dif­fer­ent name, not Mes­siah.
Ev­ery­one looks at us like an an­gel who was sent from heaven for some par­‐
adise. I'll have to send the men who went out as a search team to the New

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

Jung­dong Sta­tion in the morn­ing when the sun rises, with their Achilles ten­‐
don nipped, and hope the yel­low-eyed devil likes it." The swords­man
smiled faintly.


The bliz­zard showed no sign of stop­ping, even in the dark night.

Kim Tae-hoon was look­ing down at the large mall from a build­ing lo­cated
across the street. The bliz­zard blocked his vi­sion, but there was no prob­lem
draw­ing pic­tures in his mind.

'The gates are strictly guarded, but their armed state is crude, and no one
stands guard on the roof.'

Kim Tae-hoon scanned the area through the blow­ing bliz­zard and thick

"Baek Ji-yeon said there were about sixty can­di­dates for sac­ri­fice in­side,
and there were about thirty peo­ple watch­ing them and guard­ing the large
mall. In ad­di­tion, the sac­ri­fices were kept on the sec­ond and third floor."

Dark­ness and a bliz­zard.

What all an­i­mals did in front of these two things was the same: they just
crouched as much as they could in the dark where they could avoid the
wind, and they waited for the cold and long night to pass.

Hu­mans have es­caped such be­hav­ior by us­ing tools, but the hu­mans in the
large mall were no dif­fer­ent from an­i­mals.

Kim Tae-hoon turned around.

The hunt be­gan.



⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

It only took a mo­ment

A huge truck rushed to­ward the en­trance of the large mall, and af­ter smash­‐
ing through the au­to­matic glass doors, en­tered the en­trance of the large


The three peo­ple, who were guard­ing the door in this sud­den sit­u­at­ion, were
hit by the car, and they were smashed away help­lessly.

"What's go­ing on?"

"Is it an earth­quake?"

Peo­ple, who were forced to sleep in the cold all over the large mall, were
scared and woke up.

"A truck crashed through the en­trance!"

The dis­tur­bance reached the third floor af­ter pass­ing the sec­ond floor.

The watch­ers, who had orig­i­nally been in the hair sa­lon and the laun­dry,
now used as pris­ons for lock­ing up the sac­ri­fices, looked at each other as
soon as they heard the dis­tur­bance.

"What the hell hap­pened on the first floor?"

"A mon­ster?"

Dur­ing the tur­moil, the iron door of the emer­gency pas­sage to the third and
fourth floors of the park­ing garage was care­fully opened.

Some­one moved swiftly through the open door, and the man who opened it
so se­cretly closed the door so hard that it was ob­vi­ous se­crecy was not his


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

It was a re­ally solid door.

Their eardrums thun­dered. It was enough for ev­ery­one on the third floor to

"Argh! What is this sound?"

"Well, it sounds like a door closed."

"Door? Where is the door here? It's con­nected to the park­ing lot by a mov­‐
ing walk, isn't it?"

"Emer­gency exit, there is an emer­gency exit, but the emer­gency exit was

Peo­ple be­gan to swal­low hard, tense and ner­vous about what was go­ing to

Those who were wait­ing to be sac­ri­ficed with their hands and feet tied up
also trem­bled.



"Go, it could be a mon­ster."


Even­tu­ally, one of them put his hel­met on, grabbed his crude spear in his
hand, and headed for the emer­gency exit.

'Damn it, why is this hap­pen­ing?' His foot­steps were full of re­gret and ir­ri­ta­‐
tion, and his anx­i­ety and fear made them heavy.

What if it's a mon­ster?

What if some­thing hap­pens?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

Will I die here?

Am I go­ing to be food for a mon­ster?

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the man in­ves­ti­gat­ing the emer­gency door ap­proached it

care­fully. He glanced around, look­ing for signs.


There were no traces in his eyes. There was only a faint hint of the trail of a
man, and the door closed, but not a very no­tice­able sign.

No, the man was hop­ing that this was noth­ing, and so it seemed to the man
that this was noth­ing.

"Whew!" At that mo­ment the man sighed with re­lief.

With that sigh, the man who de­cided noth­ing was go­ing to hap­pen re­turned
the way he had come with a lighter step.

Then he said, "Noth­ing! Noth­ing..."

When the man re­turned to his orig­i­nal place, the first thing he saw was
some­one with a hole in his head, and a co-worker on the floor with his neck
turned 180 de­grees.


And that was the last thing that he saw, as the man ap­proach­ing from be­hind
broke his neck at once.

krak... When the man fell limply, one of the women slated for sac­ri­fice

Ig­nor­ing the scream, the man acted calmly. He didn't bother to stop her.
Rather, he let her scream and took the jumper and hel­met one of the fallen
guys was wear­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

Then, he shouted down at those who heard the scream com­ing up to the sec­‐
ond floor via the es­ca­la­tor.

"We have a prob­lem on the third floor! Come on!"


"Come on! Quickly!"

"Oh, okay."

The man, who replied im­me­di­ately, headed for the es­ca­la­tor, and be­hind
him came a feath­er­less Ar­row.


"God­damn it, there's no one in the truck!" a man shouted, check­ing the
driver's seat of the truck that had bro­ken through the en­trance.

The ten men gath­ered around the en­trance showed a sim­i­lar look at his
words. Their heads were cocked, and they knit­ted their brows.

"Did the truck move by it­self?"

"Does it make sense?"

"What the hell is go­ing on? This truck isn't a mon­ster, is it?"

The dis­tur­bance added a new stir.

"Some­thing hap­pened on the third floor!" A man came down through an es­‐
ca­la­tor con­nect­ing the first and sec­ond floors.

He was not any dif­fer­ent from the oth­ers in jumper and hel­mets. No one
stopped the men from run­ning down the es­ca­la­tor to the first floor.

Rather, those on the first floor looked at the per­son com­ing down in sur­‐
prise. One of them asked, "The third floor? What hap­pened?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

"What? What's wrong with the first floor? Why is a truck stuck in the en­‐

"We don't know, damn it, sud­denly the truck just ran into the en­trance!"

"So? Is that why you're here? What about the guards? Are they watch­ing
the sac­ri­fices?"

"Shit, that's not the point! Tell the men up there to come down now. What
can a sac­ri­fice do?"

"So you're al­most all here, then." The voice of the man changed in a flash.

"Hmm? Wait, wait, who are you-"

The man acted very quickly.


He punched the face of the per­son who no­ticed that he was not a col­league,
smash­ing in his face as if he had been hit by a huge ham­mer. His skull
crum­pled like tofu.

At the same time, the man pulled the safety pin from the grenade he took
from his jumper's pocket and threw it at the crowd gath­ered around the

No one re­sponded in time.

Of course, ev­ery­one was caught in the killing blast of the grenade, with­out
any re­sis­tance or prepa­ra­tion.

It was not even the end.


The mo­ment a scream burst out from the mouth of a lucky sur­vivor, a short
gun­shot rang out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 32 ⦘

A con­fir­ma­tion shot.

The con­fir­ma­tion shots fin­ished off ev­ery­one gath­ered around the truck in
the time it took to draw a long breath.

No sur­vivors.

Kim Tae-hoon's gaze im­me­di­ately turned to­wards the cor­ner of the gro­cery
on the first floor of the large mall, which was vis­i­ble from the en­try­way.

At that mo­ment, his Hob­gob­lin's Sense warned him of dan­ger.

As soon as he turned his head to the left, two crack­ling base­ball-sized fire­‐
balls flew to­wards him.

The fire­ball touched Kim Tae-hoon's jumper, and moved over it like a liv­ing
crea­ture, set­ting it aflame.

Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately threw off the jumper, pointed his gun in the di­‐
rec­tion it came from, pulled the trig­ger, and im­me­di­ately dove be­tween two

At that mo­ment, he heard some­one say, "I didn't know I am go­ing to fight a
real Awak­ener so quickly, but this is fun."

It was the first time he heard it, but Kim Tae-hoon was con­vinced at this

'Lee Jin-sung.'

Who was the owner of the voice? The chief of the Mes­siah was here!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

Chap­ter 33
Chap­ter 12. Mes­siah, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The first thing Kim Tae-hoon did, af­ter jump­ing into the nar­row space be­‐
tween two coun­ters, was to an­al­yze the sit­u­at­ion.

He didn't think about the flame. He re­called the mo­ment he pulled the trig­‐

'I hit him.'


His shoot­ing was ac­cu­rate. Two bul­lets hit the Awak­ener with the mys­te­ri­‐
ous power of flame.

'But he didn't fall.'

There was no in­di­ca­tion the man had been hit or stopped.

'Is it a bul­let­proof vest?'

He couldn't stand up to a bul­let un­less he wore a bul­let­proof vest.

'No, he wouldn't wear a bul­let­proof vest in the present sit­u­at­ion.'

Kim Tae-hoon ex­cluded the idea of wear­ing a bul­let­proof vest.

The bul­let­proof vest was like an ex­tra life against a gun, but it was dif­fer­ent
against a mon­ster.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

It would be bet­ter than not wear­ing it, but if you fought against mon­sters,
you will use bet­ter ar­mor that was com­pre­hen­sive than a bul­let­proof vest
spe­cial­ized in stop­ping bul­lets.

An ar­mor made of tough mon­sters' skin.

'It's the skin of the Black Orc.'

Only then did Kim Tae-hoon re­mem­ber the mon­ster he had killed.

The hor­ri­fy­ing mon­ster with the black skin, the Black Orc, had he left be­‐

Kim Tae-hoon left its body as it was, tak­ing only its heart.


If Mes­siah and Lee Jin-sung were not fools, they would have used all their
meth­ods to use the body of the Black Orc.

More­over, ten days had passed since Kim Tae-hoon killed the Black Orc.
Ten days was more than enough time for the Black Orc to be changed into a
pro­tec­tive coat.

His pre­dic­tion was right.

"If it is a gun, are you a sur­vivor of the mil­i­tary? Are you from the sev­en­‐
teenth di­vi­sion? I'm sorry, but the gun won't work against me. I have great
pro­tec­tion here."

Lee Jin-sung di­rectly told him that his ex­pec­ta­tions were right. Of course,
Lee Jin-sung did not re­ally give him a friendly ex­pla­na­tion.

Even if there was de­fen­sive ar­mor against a gun, the power of the gun it­self
was an­other story. Guns were a hard weapon to deal with, even if you wore
a bul­let­proof vest.

So when deal­ing with a man with a gun, you have to make the man who has
the gun un­cer­tain.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

To shoot at the bul­let­proof vest is pow­er­ful enough, but if you know that the
other per­son is wear­ing a bul­let­proof vest, you usu­ally aim for a part with­‐
out pro­tec­tion, like the limbs.

"Why don't we have a talk? I won't refuse to talk with you."

He was also try­ing to get Kim Tae-hoon's at­ten­tion.

While Lee Jin-sung was talk­ing to Kim Tae-hoon like a mad­man, the man
who was shot by Kim Tae-hoon was ap­proach­ing care­fully in the di­rec­tion
of the counter where Kim Tae-hoon was hid­ing.

"Hey, guy!"

The voice of Lee Jin-sung grew louder, try­ing to hide the foot­steps in that
loud voice and dis­tract Kim Tae-hoon.

Of course, these were chil­dren's tac­tics for Kim Tae-hoon. Kim Tae-hoon
took some­thing out of his pocket and threw it to where he could hear Lee
Jin-sung's voice.

"Get out of there!" Lee Jin-sung's shouted ur­gently, and the man ap­proach­‐
ing Kim Tae-hoon fell down on the floor in hor­ror.

Kim Tae-hoon rose from his seat, fac­ing the man ap­proach­ing nearby.


His gun went off im­me­di­ately.

That was all. There was no ex­plo­sion. He had thrown a lump of metal,
which looked sim­i­lar to a grenade.

A scream burst from the lips of the man who had been shot.

"God damn it!" Lee Jin-sung swore.

Kim Tae-hoon threw an Ar­row straight and fast at the voice.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘


The Ar­row deeply pen­et­rated the chest of a woman who was noth­ing but
skin and bones, block­ing for the man like a shield.

'He has telekine­sis!'

Lee Jin-sung be­gan to race into the dark­ness of the mall. It didn't take long
for him to dis­ap­pear, save for the sound of his foot­steps.

Kim Tae-hoon fol­lowed the foot­steps of Lee Jin-sung with his ears and ap­‐
proached the man he had shot. He put his foot on the man's neck.

"Spare me, spare me..."

He crushed down. Ver­te­brae snapped, and the man's body sagged to the

At that mo­ment, white pow­der be­gan fill­ing the dark­ness in­side of the large

Kim Tae-hoon re­flected his steps back from the white pow­der.

'Fire ex­tin­guisher.'

The pow­der was a chem­i­cal used in fire ex­tin­guish­ers.

It was im­pos­si­ble to see and breathe in the pow­der that clouded the sur­‐
round­ings. It was a trick to limit his telekine­sis.

'Let's re­treat.' Kim Tae-hoon pre­pared to re­treat.

He had al­ready made plans in case there were other Mes­siah Awak­en­ers be­‐
sides Lee Jin-sung.

Ac­cord­ing to his plan, the bat­tle against Lee Jin-sung was dan­ger­ous. It's
un­likely that he was alone, and if he was in­jured, the guard that was wait­ing
some­where else would move.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

At that time, the pow­der of the fire ex­tin­guisher split apart like the Red Sea,
and Lee Jin-sung ap­peared in the cleared space.

His move was sur­pris­ingly quick and sleek.

When Kim Tae-hoon saw him, the sword that Lee Jin-sung was wield­ing
was al­ready touch­ing the muz­zle of his gun.

Shiyik! The muz­zle was cut off straight through, and it wasn't the end It
wasn't the end there.

Lee Jin-sung, whose cheeks were swelled up like a bal­loon, sprayed out
some­thing in his mouth.


A huge fire swept around Kim Tae-hoon at once. He was sur­rounded by

flames, and he rolled on the floor with­out stop­ping.

Lee Jin-sung fol­lowed Kim Tae-hoon, who was rolling like that, with his

Taang, taang!

Kim Tae-hoon pulled his re­volver from its hol­ster at his waist, shoot­ing

The bul­lets both hit the swords­man, and his body jerked as if he had been
pushed by some­thing.

That was all. He did not col­lapse or bleed from the power of the bul­lets.

Kim Tae-hoon, who had put out the fire on his body, stood up and looked at
him, his gun point­ing at Lee Jin-sung.

With Kim Tae-hoon in front of him, Lee Jin-sung raised his arms and
guarded his face with his sword, like a boxer.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

It was ev­i­dent that he knew that the bul­lets wouldn't kill him right away, ex­‐
cept if they hit his face.

Kim Tae-hoon did not make any spe­cial moves in front of him. He just
watched Lee Jin-sung.

Lee Jin-sung did not move too quickly, ei­ther. His op­po­nent was, af­ter all,
also an Awak­ener.

First of all, his whole body was not cov­ered with the Black Orc's skin. His
face was bare. No, even if his face was cov­ered, if he got shot there it was
highly likely that he would suf­fer from fa­tal in­juries, such as a con­cus­sion
and or eye­ball rup­ture.

There was noth­ing to be done if was in­jured like that.

'The car rushed into the en­trance, and it was pretty late, so the men he had
placed nearby must ap­proach.'

What Lee Jin-sung ex­pected was that his men would re­al­ize there was a dis­‐
tur­bance and come to help him. He was not a fool, and he would not walk
around with only two peo­ple. He ar­ranged his men in sev­eral places.

Of course, the rea­son for the split ar­range­ment was to mon­i­tor the mon­sters
and sac­ri­fices. He'd had no choice but to de­ploy Awak­en­ers to in­still fear
among the watch­men who mon­i­tored and man­aged the sac­ri­fices.

That is, time was on the side of Lee Jin-sung.

"Are you the first hunter?" Lee Jin-sung asked again, stalling for time. "It
seems the first hunter had pow­er­ful telekine­sis. What was his name... Kim
Tae-hoon. Yes, it was Kim Tae-hoon. But he had a col­league. Did you come
here alone?"

Kim Tae-hoon did not re­ply to such a state­ment. He stood as if he were a


"I've heard a lot about you. Thanks to you, Bucheon some­how be­came a
city of men. By the way, there are few places in the world that are safe now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

I fled from the Cheongna dis­trict and thought I was the only one who sur­‐
vived un­til I came to Bucheon."

Lee Jin-sung kept talk­ing.

"I re­cently found out that Bucheon was very lucky ge­o­graph­i­cally. It was
be­tween the realms of the dread­ful mon­sters."

Those words were tempt­ing to the ear.

"It be­came an un­armed area. There are huge mon­sters in In­cheon, Si­he­ung,
Gwangmyeong, and Gimpo. The own­ers of this land are not hu­man."

It was valu­able in­for­ma­tion, all that was nec­es­sary for the Awak­en­ers to
sur­vive in this world, re­gard­less of the truth.

It was Lee Jin-sung's ob­jec­tive. There was no rea­son to lis­ten if he just

talked about per­sonal af­fairs.

When he spit out valu­able in­for­ma­tion, he would wait for a re­ply. A smile
was on his lips.

'One minute.'

One minute, or less.

Af­ter that time, at least ten Awak­en­ers would ar­rive.

They were not or­di­nary peo­ple. They were elites.

They had the power to make the in­hu­mane acts of the or­ga­ni­za­tion Mes­siah

"Rather, why are you at­tack­ing us all of a sud­den? You don't like the way
we do things, do you? From what I heard, you're far from a hero of jus­tice."

To use up the time, Lee Jin-sung kept talk­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

"Why don't you join hands with us? It looks like you've got a gun from a
nearby mil­i­tary base. Let's move to­gether. First, we're build­ing a mon­ster
hunt­ing or­ga­ni­za­tion based in Bucheon. We're lucky. We have made the
start­ing point Bucheon. Let's have a con­ver­sa­tion, putting down our
weapons. Huh?

At his words, Kim Tae-hoon lifted his re­volver away.

Lee Jin-sung's eyes glowed. 'You id­iot!'

Lee Jin-sung in­tended to cut Kim Tae-hoon in half af­ter nar­row­ing the dis­‐
tance be­tween them.

Cut him in two with one stroke of the sword.

There was no doubt he could do it. The sword in his hand was a great
weapon that could be called a mir­ac­ le from God, and could cut mon­sters
with or­ange or yel­low eyes, too!

'I knew one day you'd be a big hin­drance!'

There was no hes­i­ta­tion. He heard about Kim Tae-hoon, and of course,

thought he would be the big­gest ob­sta­cle.

Lee Jin-sung didn't want to be un­der any­one. As soon as you get un­der
some­one, you are ex­pend­able. The world was like that now.

To live, you must be a con­sumer, not a con­sum­able!

So Lee Jin-sung wanted to move with­out a mo­ment's hes­i­ta­tion and steely


He was... try­ing to move.


But his body did not move.

An in­vis­i­ble chain was pulling on his whole body.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 33 ⦘

If he hid in the fire ex­tin­guisher pow­der, or if he was far away, or if he

moved quickly in the dark mall, it would not be pos­si­ble to catch him eas­‐
ily. How­ever, he is in front of Kim Tae-hoon, why couldn't he fin­ish him?

Most im­por­tantly, Kim Tae-hoon's telekine­sis rank was A rank. It was a

power that held the Black Orc with the ter­ri­ble phys­i­cal strength.

It was only a mat­ter of sec­onds to tie up the limbs of Lee Jin-sung, al­though
he did not know how much Strength and En­ergy he had.

And Lee Jin-sung had given him the time.

"The bas­tard..." Kim Tae-hoon came up to curs­ing Lee Jin-sung who was
clearly stunned, and pulled the sword out of the hand of the par­al­yzed
swords­man. "Aaaaargh, damn it!"

Then he held the sword and pointed it at Lee Jin-sung.

Lee Jin-sung's face, spit­ting out an­gry curses, hard­ened.

"Wait, wait... let's make a deal, a deal! I'll give you ev­ery­thing I have-"

That was all he was al­lowed to say.

"I don't need it."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

Chap­ter 34
Chap­ter 12. Mes­siah, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Lee Jin-sung was a cruel man who had the in­nate abil­ity to make cru­elty
more bru­tal and pow­er­ful.

'Some­thing's hap­pened to Mas­ter.'

'We'll die if we're late.'


The power of Lee Jin-sung was some­thing that could not be dealt by the
Awak­en­ers who did not even know that they were Awak­ened, or who were
awak­ened but did not even have E rank of some spe­cial abil­ity.

At the same time, Lee Jin-sung was their hope.

'Damn it, we hope that there is no prob­lem with the mas­ter's safety...'

'With­out the mas­ter, we'll be fin­ished, too.'

Lee Jin-sung was their most pow­er­ful force against mon­sters.

And now, he was the only pos­si­bil­ity of killing the yel­low-eyed devil, a
scary mon­ster that ruled the sub­way now and could only be qui­eted by a hu­‐
man of­fer­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

In a world that now be­longed to mon­sters, in­clud­ing the yel­low-eyed devil,

Lee Jin-sung was an ab­so­lute ne­ces­sity to sur­vive.

That was why Lee Jin-sung named the group "Mes­siah," and his sub­or­di­‐
nates stepped into the large mall with­out any help and or hes­i­ta­tion. They
headed for the threat, through the heavy snow­storm, to help some­one who
dom­i­nated them through fear.

"We're here!"

"Light the flash! Flash!

Soon af­ter, eleven Awak­en­ers ar­rived and en­tered the large mall with flash­‐
lights in their hands.

The first thing they saw with the flash­lights in­side the dark mall was a


"What the hell is this..."

There was the body of a gen­eral mem­ber who was killed in the grenade

More bod­ies, which had a dif­fer­ent kind of grue­some­ness than those killed
by the mon­sters, were also shock­ing to the Mes­siah Awak­en­ers who had
seen so much of such things.

'Did they get shot?'

'Did a bomb ex­plode? But where was the bomb from?'

The Awak­en­ers stiff­ened.

In that state, some coura­geous peo­ple walked through the bod­ies, flash­ing
lights, and splash­ing through the rich blood.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

It was the head that ate their courage.

The head of Lee Jin-sung had been cut off, and the body was miss­ing.

The hair­less shiny head re­flected the glare of the flash­lights.

'Oh, my God, that's hor­ri­ble.'

Their words fell silent and no­body spoke.

Then a voice came from the dark­ness, "Put the flash­lights on the floor and
kneel down with your hands on your head."

"Who, who is it?"

"Where did that voice come?"

No one was on their knees at once, and ev­ery­one was too busy turn­ing their
heads around to find the voice's main char­ac­ter.

Taang! The gun­shot woke them up.

"Aaaaaaargh!" A man who was swing­ing a light around fell to the floor and
screamed, "My, my leg, my leg..."

"Ev­ery time I speak, one more per­son," the un­af­fected voice again came
through the pained cries.


'When I hold up a light, I'll be the tar­get!'

The quick­est ones, with a keen sense of sur­vival, quickly dropped their
flash­lights on the floor, and im­me­di­ately knelt down with their hands on
their heads.

Like domi­noes fall­ing down in suc­ces­sion, eleven Awak­en­ers en­tered the

mall low­ered their heads.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared in front of them.

He was still hid­ing in the dark, of course, wear­ing a black jumper. So now,
even though his light was shin­ing on the floor, so they could not see him.

It was even more creepy. What they could not see, they could only imag­ine.
It was not a good thing to think about right now.

Kim Tae-hoon slowly spoke while the Awak­en­ers imag­ined Kim Tae-hoon's
ex­is­tence as a devil.

"There are two op­tions: turn your back on this and leave here, or be­come a
hunt­ing dog un­der me."

Ev­ery­one shud­dered at his words.

'A hunt­ing dog?'

It was clear, at least, that he was not here for good­will and jus­tice!

"I know enough of what kind of group Mes­siah is, and you'd bet­ter get rid
of the idea of be­ing treated like a hu­man be­ing."

Ev­ery­one trem­bled again at his words.

He knew what kind of group Mes­siah was, and that they si­lenced the mon­‐
ster with sac­ri­fices.

Ev­ery­one here knew what it meant to of­fer sac­ri­fices.

Even if they could not help it, they should be pre­pared to be treated the
same way the in­stant they treated a per­son as food, not a fel­low hu­man be­‐

His power had over­shad­owed their de­ter­mi­na­tion, and now they were the

'Damn it.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

The fact made them swal­low and de­spair. 'It will be over if we go this way.'

Some­one put his brain to work. "Is it re­ally okay if I leave?"

A man said, "If you don't want to come un­der me, you will be fine. "Kim
Tae-hoon an­swered im­me­di­ately.

"Well, I'll... go out. I'll stay quiet." At the an­swer, the per­son who asked the
ques­tion rose from his crouch.

The name of the man who rose was Jang Yeon-seok.

'I must get out of here. If I stay un­der him, I will end up a con­sum­able
against a mon­ster.'

He was the leader of a group that mon­i­tored and man­aged the peo­ple who
would be sac­ri­ficed at a de­part­ment store across the street.

In short, he was an ex­ec­u­tive.

Of course, he knew the Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion bet­ter than any of these peo­‐

'I'll go to the City Hall, join the oth­ers, and make a plan. That's the first
thing to do now. If not, I will be good for noth­ing.'

Mes­siah was cur­rently ex­pand­ing its scope, spread­ing spi­der webs around
Bucheon City Hall.

They were en­gaged in ac­tiv­i­ties; se­cur­ing food by oc­cu­py­ing large malls,

cap­tur­ing sur­vivors who came to the cen­tral City Hall build­ing, and go­ing
out and cap­tur­ing them. At the same time they iden­ti­fied the ar­eas of pow­‐
er­ful mon­sters that could not be killed, and then of­fered sac­ri­fices to them
to man­age their move­ments.

'Once I go to the City Hall, twenty Awak­en­ers are wait­ing there.'

Of course, there were a num­ber of Awak­en­ers gath­ered by Mes­siah. Many

of them were wait­ing at the City Hall since the most sac­ri­fices were there.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

In ad­di­tion, many of them were not awak­ened but ready to fight for the
Mes­siah. If they didn't want to be a sac­ri­fice, they had to be on the same

Join­ing them was far safer than be­com­ing a hunt­ing dog un­der a man whose
iden­tity was un­known!

Steel­ing his in­ten­tions, Jang Yeon-seok once again asked Kim Tae-hoon,
"Re­ally, is it re­ally okay to leave?"

"If you don't want to come un­der me." Kim Tae-hoon gave an­other def­i­nite

"Thank, thank you."

Only then did Jang Yeon-seok turn his back when he rose. Af­ter that, he
didn't move right away and waited for a hint.

'Is he re­ally go­ing to send me off this way?'

He was sus­pi­cious, but there was no par­tic­u­lar clue. Only then did Jang
Yeon-seok turn his back and start head­ing back the way he had come.


A gun­shot struck his back.

"Khuck!" With the short word, Jang Yeon-seok be­gan to trem­ble af­ter he
fell to the floor. Hot blood flowed out from un­der his body, and be­gan to
pool on the floor.

The rest could not see it.

'Is team leader Jang dead?'

'Crazy, isn't he just let­ting us go?'

They felt that a col­league, a su­pe­rior, was dy­ing be­hind them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

"Wasn't it Mes­siah's way to cut off the head af­ter killing an en­emy or a
traitor?" Kim Tae-hoon asked them again.

There was no an­swer, there was no ques­tion.

"Then the re­main­ing nine of you are my hunt­ing dogs now."

The sit­u­at­ion was set­tled.


[The Sword of the Im­per­at­or]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 2

-- Relic Value: Spe­cial

-- Relic Ef­fect: It grows with the blood of killed mon­sters. The owner of the
Sword is un­known yet.


[Flame Liquor Gourd Bot­tle]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 5

-- Relic Value: Rare

-- Relic Ef­fect: It changes Mana into flame liquor; if the owner breathes in
the flame liquor and blows it out, the flame comes out. The more liquor the
owner makes, the stronger the power of the fire is.]


Kim Tae-hoon, checked the stats of the relic through his smart­phone, and
im­me­di­ately looked at the Sword of the Im­per­at­or in his hand.

He didn't know who it be­longed to.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

How­ever, it didn't mat­ter to Kim Tae-hoon. He did not care about his­tor­i­cal
records, and he didn't have any knowl­edge about it.

'It's like the Sword I saw in my dream, only the sheath is dif­fer­ent.'

The im­por­tant thing was that the Sword was dif­fer­ent in color, but the shape
was the same as the Sword in his dream.

That dream, of course, was the dream of the Golden Glass of Napoleon.

In that dream, Kim Tae-hoon took out var­i­ous weapons to fight against the

One of them was sim­i­lar to what Kim Tae-hoon saw now.

The sheath of the Sword right now was red, and the sheath of the sword he
saw in his dream was blue, but the feel of the Sword was the same as the
one he saw in his dream.

If it was the Sword that he saw in his dream, it was an amaz­ing achieve­‐
ment. He had a pow­er­ful weapon to use against the dragon.

But Kim Tae-hoon could not be happy with the fact. No one knew whether
this was the same one or not.

What Kim Tae-hoon saw was only a frag­men­tary re­sult, and he did not
know the process.

And even if there was an­other process, there was no guar­an­tee that the re­‐
sults would be dif­fer­ent.

Lee Jin-sung had given him some mean­ing­ful in­for­ma­tion be­fore he died.
He might just have been try­ing to buy time, but the in­for­ma­tion he had
given out was valu­able and strange.

'He said Bucheon is lucky, and the sur­round­ings had be­come a pow­er­ful
mon­ster's ter­ri­tory.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

He said that In­cheon City, Gimpo City, and Si­he­ung City, which sur­rounded
Bucheon City, were the lands that mon­sters now owned.

He also said that as pow­er­ful mon­sters set­tled down and claimed their ter­ri­‐
tory, Bucheon, where the ar­eas over­lapped, was rather peace­ful.

'It's pos­si­ble.'

The truth was un­known, but the pos­si­bil­ity was suf­fi­cient.

Mon­sters did not just de­stroy thought­lessly. It was their sur­vival in­stincts
that moved them.

It's just that in or­der for mon­sters to sur­vive; they had no choice but to eat
hu­mans and de­stroy their cities.

'It's the worst.'

How­ever, if Lee Jin-sung was right, the sit­u­at­ion was likely be­yond Kim
Tae-hoon's imag­i­na­tion.

'A mil­lion dead.'

The death toll might ex­ceed ten mil­lion units, with over one mil­lion dead in
Seoul alone!

'No, if some­thing un­ex­pected hap­pened in win­ter, it could be close to ten

mil­lion dead."

The cur­rent sea­son was win­ter, a harsh sea­son for mankind to en­dure with­‐
out the tech­nol­ogy of civ­i­liza­tion.

'China must be worse. The ca­su­al­ties would be hun­dreds of mil­lions.'

Even so, such dam­age had oc­curred in South Ko­rea, and it might not be
pos­si­ble to es­ti­mate the num­ber of vic­tims in ar­eas where the pop­u­la­tion ex­‐
ceeded one bil­lion, such as China and In­dia.

At this mo­ment, even Kim Tae-hoon felt skep­ti­cal.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

It was skep­ti­cism about a re­al­ity more mis­er­able than he thought, and skep­‐
ti­cism about the fact that the hu­man race that had sur­vived in such a mis­er­‐
able re­al­ity would be strug­gling with each other for their own ben­ef­ it, and
would be sup­posed to just go ex­tinct.

One of Mes­siah's Awak­en­ers ap­proached Kim Tae-hoon and spoke to him

in a fright­ened voice. "Sir, as you've or­dered, we've put them all to­gether.
We've brought all the gen­eral sur­vivors, too."

Kim Tae-hoon rose from his seat at the man's words.

The glit­ter in his skep­ti­cal eyes went cold.

It was good to hope for the fu­ture.

No, you have to hope for a bet­ter fu­ture. It was im­por­tant from now on to
hope for a bet­ter fu­ture.

Mes­siah was not yet in Kim Tae-hoon's grasp. Fur­ther­more, the re­main­ing
par­ties would not wel­come him.

The sur­vivors were also the same: not ev­ery­one who sur­vived was treated
as a sac­ri­fice; those who were treated as sac­ri­fices, and those who watched
and man­aged them, would be dif­fer­ent in their cal­cu­la­tions.

Of course, if he left them alone, they would act for them­selves.

There­fore, he had to make them fear so that they could not think of any­‐
thing else. In this sit­u­at­ion, clumsy love and care were mean­ing­less and
use­less, and Kim Tae-hoon did not know what love and care were. He didn't
want to know.

At the same time, he needed to show them hope, what line they must hold
to sur­vive, what must be val­ued as much as their lives by those who sur­‐
vived in the land of Bucheon at this mo­ment.

Lee Jin-sung, the for­mer leader of the Mes­siah, knew that well.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

His ac­tions were ob­vi­ously not hu­man, but now the world was no longer a
world where hu­man be­ings were com­mon.

'Mes­siah has made things eas­ier.'

In ad­di­tion, Kim Tae-hoon knew that fact much bet­ter than Lee Jin-sung.

He was not a mon­ster, but he had fought in a world where hu­man­ity was ig­‐
nored enough to com­pare with mon­sters.

And he sur­vived in such a world.


"It feels like an eel in the stom­ach is wo­ven like may­on­naise. Try it that

At Bang Hyun-wook's words, three peo­ple, in­clud­ing Kim Soo-ji, be­gan to

fo­cus and squeeze the En­ergy out of their guts.

"It feels like you're squeez­ing it out and send­ing it to your fin­ger­tips and
tip­toes. Go on! How's it go­ing? It's easy, isn't it?"

In the mid­dle of the train­ing, un­der the guid­ance of Bang Hyun-wook, the
Awak­en­ers were train­ing to deal with En­ergy, In the cor­ner, Ahn Sun-mi
was hold­ing the Cup of Ther­apy with her eyes closed.

The empty Cup of Ther­apy be­gan to fill up grad­u­ally. Jang Sung-hoon

spoke when the Cup was filled to over­flow­ing.

"Okay, that's it! Sis­ter, it is all full."

Ahn Sun-mi opened her eyes and put it in a ther­mos bot­tle that had been
pre­pared for the Wa­ter of Ther­apy from the Cup.

"You're suf­fer­ing."

"Yes, I'm the only one who's suf­fer­ing."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 34 ⦘

"I'd like to suf­fer, but un­for­tu­nately you're the only one who can use the
Mana on our side. Can I sing for you?"

At the words of Jang Sung-hoon, Ahn Sun-mi closed her eyes in­stead of an­‐
swer­ing, and again fo­cused on in­ject­ing Mana into the Cup of Ther­apy.

It was prepa­ra­tion.

Among the Awak­en­ers, those who were able to use En­ergy trained to han­dle
it more skill­fully, and in the case of Ahn Sun-mi, she wanted to se­cure as
much Wa­ter of Ther­apy as pos­si­ble when she had time to re­lax.

No one gave up on hard work, be­cause it was a mat­ter of life or death.

"Lieu­tenant!" Some­one came in. He was a sol­dier. A sol­dier guard­ing out­‐

side was still cov­ered with snow on his shoul­der and head.

The train­ing stopped.

"The Ma­jor sent a man." Ev­ery­one looked ner­vous at his words.

"This is a let­ter from the Ma­jor." The en­ve­lope was de­liv­ered to Kim Soo-ji.

Kim Soo-j took out the let­ter, quickly skimmed its con­tents, and spoke to
ev­ery­one around.

"Does any­one have any ex­pe­ri­ence work­ing in a sushi restau­rant or fil­let­ing

raw fish?"

"Yes?" Ev­ery­one looked a lit­tle strange.

"Did he get a tuna? Why does he sud­denly need a fil­leter?" Jang Sung-hoon
asked the ques­tion as if he rep­re­sented ev­ery­one.

At his ques­tion, Kim Soo-ji said with a steely ex­pres­sion, "From now on,
the Mac Clan is ready to hunt the devil with yel­low eyes!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

Chap­ter 35
Chap­ter 13. Ter­ri­tory Dis­pute, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The third floor of the build­ing, which had been used as the of­fice of a com­‐
pany un­til a few days ago, was now the home of mon­sters.

The mon­sters were mon­keys, but nat­u­rally not nor­mal mon­keys.

Their saw-like teeth and pro­trud­ing snouts were closer to the ap­pear­ance of
a dog, not a mon­key.


It was like a dog's head on a mon­key's body.

More­over, the red eyes on the hor­ri­fy­ing face ex­uded a ter­ri­ble en­ergy.

The four grotesque mon­sters were eat­ing now.

The menu was a hu­man.

A man in his mid-twen­ties, who had just died, his blood still warm, and four
mon­sters were hold­ing his limbs in their hands and eat­ing them with gru­el­‐
ing in­ten­sity.

There were four skele­tons scat­tered around them, and the rolling skele­tons
were clean and even shiny.

In this cold win­ter, the flesh could not have rot­ted off.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

It was a clear ev­i­dence and a grue­some sign that these mon­sters had licked
the bones un­til there was not a piece of flesh left.

A man en­tered the of­fice of about a hun­dred square me­ters, in­ter­fer­ing with
the ter­ri­ble meal of the mon­sters.

The mon­sters who were in­ter­rupted im­me­di­ately threw out fe­ro­cious

shrieks to­ward the per­son dis­turb­ing them.

But it was not a mon­ster, but a man who took the ini­tia­tive.


A feath­er­less Ar­row started to move as the man ap­peared, and pierced the
head of a mon­key.

It fell with a hole in its head, flat on the floor.

An­other mon­ster also fell to the ground like a bro­ken doll. Blood sprang out
from the cor­ner of its tem­ple.

Kung? Kung!

The two re­main­ing mon­sters, which were ready to jump at him in rage,
burst out with fright­ened cries.

The cries did not last long.


The two mon­sters also fell to the ground with holes in their heads, af­ter the
Ar­row painted a sleek line be­tween them.

The Ar­row that had de­stroyed four mon­sters in one rush re­turned to a re­‐
volver holder mounted on the man's waist, as gen­tly as a but­ter­fly.

The man, Kim Tae-hoon, looked around again. His ex­pres­sion was not very
good, be­tray­ing no sat­is­fac­tion with what he had done.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

Be­hind him came Bang Hyun-wook's voice. "Big brother, the first, sec­ond
and third floors are cleaned. This place is cleaned... wow!"

Soon af­ter Bang Hyun-wook saw what Kim Tae-hoon had done from be­‐
hind his back, he whis­tled briefly.

"I feel it ev­ery time I see it, but it's still re­ally scary. I'm glad you're not my

At the ad­mi­ra­tion of Bang Hyun-wook, Kim Tae-hoon gave an or­der in­‐

stead of an an­swer. "Take the mon­ster stones and hang the flag out­side the

"Yes!" Bang Hyun-wook's an­swer was fol­lowed by a rookie salute. He was

try­ing to lighten the at­mos­phere, but Kim Tae-hoon's ex­pres­sion was not

It couldn't be loos­ened.

'This is not enough.'

What made Kim Tae-hoon's look solid right now was noth­ing but his weak­‐
ness. Lack of power made his mood mixed.

No one would be­lieve it if he said his mind since Kim Tae-hoon was al­‐
ready too strong.

The pat­tern on the back of Kim Tae-hoon's right hand was ev­i­dence.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 92

-- Health: 77

[Spe­cial abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

-- En­ergy: E+ Rank

-- Mana: E+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: E+ Rank

-- De­fense: E+ Rank


Ba­sic and spe­cial abil­i­ties were al­ready high enough to be in­com­pa­ra­ble

with the other Awak­en­ers. There was a clear dif­fer­ence be­tween him and
Bang Hyun-wook, who boasted the high­est level of Strength af­ter Kim Tae-

For the weak mon­sters, he did not have to use Telekine­sis, but sim­ply could
kill them alone, with­out hav­ing to use the pow­er­ful relics in his hand.

In ad­di­tion, the abil­i­ties he had ac­quired af­ter eat­ing mon­ster stones were
also great.

But was he weak?

It was un­be­liev­able, and not funny.

On the con­trary, if Kim Tae-hoon was in front of a mon­ster he should face

from now on, the story would be dif­fer­ent.

'Do­ing this, I can't even make time for the devil snake.'

A devil snake.

It refers to a huge yel­low-eyed snake that cur­rently used a sub­way sta­tion as

its own nest­ing place, and ac­tu­ally reigned as the ruler of down­town

And now it was the tar­get they were hunt­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon didn't want to fight the devil snake.

In ad­di­tion, if Kim Tae-hoon had any com­mon sense as an in­di­vid­ual, he

should not fight the devil snake and avoid the en­counter it­self.

But now, Kim Tae-hoon was not an in­di­vid­ual...


Out­side the build­ing, Kim Tae-hoon turned and looked at the build­ing he
had just been in.

A win­dow broke, and a white flag ap­peared.

Kim Tae-hoon turned and looked at the build­ing next to him.

Not a few vis­i­ble build­ings had white flags flap­ping out­side their win­dows.

As Kim Tae-hoon looked at the flags, the day af­ter the snow­storm ended,
the day the sun rose, came again.


"It's forty per­cent."

At the words of Jang Sung-hoon, five peo­ple, con­sist­ing of three men and
two women stand­ing close, stared at him with cold eyes.

It was a fierce look.

It was not a vague ex­pres­sion. There was an in­vis­i­ble but ap­par­ent force
from their eyes. This was the force of an Awak­ener, only avail­able to those
who had the op­por­tu­nity to ac­quire the su­per­hu­man power to fight against
the mon­sters in the age of the mon­sters.

But Jang Sung-hoon was not daunted by their spirit. Be­hind him was a boss
who the crowd of five Awak­en­ers and lead­ers of Mes­siah rushed into and
fell be­fore.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

"Don't stare at me like that. Did you think you were go­ing to be­come our
own fa­vored com­mu­nity?"

"Not one of us ever said we would go down there, yet we be­long to the
Mes­siah," a mid­dle-aged man an­swered im­me­di­ately.

He was a very mus­cu­lar man and was wear­ing only a thin, long-sleeved T-
shirt, even in the cold weather and with­out heat­ing. His mus­cu­lar body was
ex­posed to the cold.

It was a bla­tant ex­pres­sion of power, in fact. His Strength and the En­ergy to
en­dure this cold was show­ing his power.

Of course, his snarling voice was also pow­er­ful. He was show­ing that he
was not will­ing to back down.

"So you're go­ing to risk your life with my boss? That sounds like it to me.
Would you like me to make a plate for you? Would you like to play a game
of char­ac­ter re­moval?"

"That's..." the mus­cu­lar mid­dle-aged man turned off his mighty spirit at the
gaze of Kim Tae-hoon, who watched him in­dif­fer­ently be­hind Jang Sung-

Jang Sung-hoon looked at him like that and said, "Do you think this is like
we're get­ting a base­ball player, and I'm here to sign a con­tract with you? I
think you haven't thought this through, yet."

With his words, Jang Sung-hoon grabbed his shirt and flapped it lightly. "Or
does this look like a suit for of­fice work­ers?"

At the words, the five Awak­en­ers glanced at the sol­diers with guns, who
were look­ing at them from be­hind Kim Tae-hoon.

The ex­pres­sions in the eyes of the sol­diers were not just those of those
drafted into the army. It was the glit­ter in the eyes of those who had sur­‐
vived mon­ster at­tacks, and not for a short time.

If nec­es­sary, they were to­tally ready to pull the trig­ger now against peo­ple.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

"Well, I'll tell you again. The story is sim­ple. You Awak­en­ers are now hunt­‐
ing dogs in the Mac Clan's name. If you don't like the term 'a hunt­ing dog',
you can change it to 'a hunter'. You can name your­self as you wish. There is
only one im­por­tant thing: you have to pay the Mac Clan forty per­cent of the
mon­ster stones you get from be­ing a hunt­ing dog of the Mac Clan."

Jang Sung-hoon had sum­ma­rized his words so far, with his back to his al­‐

The five Awak­en­ers avoided the an­swer to Jang Sung-hoon's words. They
looked at Kim Tae-hoon side­ways.

'By chance...'

Ev­ery­thing went on rather abruptly.

When the night of the bliz­zard passed, and the new white world un­folded,
the news was de­liv­ered to the Mes­siah ex­ec­u­tives wait­ing in Bucheon City

Their leader, Lee Jin-sung, was dead, and Kim Tae-hoon, the leader of the
Mac Clan, wants to ne­go­ti­ate with the re­main­ing Mes­siah ex­ec­u­tives.

The ne­go­ti­at­ion ta­ble it­self was eas­ily set up.

There were vir­tu­ally no peo­ple who de­voted their en­thu­si­as­tic loy­alty to the
dead Lee Jin-sung in the first place.

In ad­di­tion, there were no peo­ple who wanted to sac­ri­fice them­selves for

the war against Mac Clan, with­out know­ing who had taken Lee Jin-sung.
On the con­trary, the re­main­ing ex­ec­u­tives of Mes­siah wel­comed the ne­go­ti­‐
a­tion it­self.

Propos­ing to ne­go­ti­ate would mean that the other side did not want a war
against the Mes­siah.

'This is not a ne­go­ti­at­ion, but a threat!'

But the ta­ble was not the same as the mes­siah ex­ec­u­tives thought.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon, who came out as the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Mac Clan, de­‐
manded two things of the Mes­siah.

One, the Awak­en­ers of the Mes­siah would be hunt­ing dogs of the Mac

Two, the hunt­ing dogs would de­vote forty per­cent of the mon­ster stones
gained through mon­ster hunt­ing to the Mac Clan.

That was the sce­nario pre­pared by Jang Sung-hoon.

'Bucheon is not a ru­ral town. It was once a me­trop­o­lis with a pop­u­la­tion of

over 800,000, and it needs a sys­tem to rule a place with hun­dreds of thou­‐
sands of sur­vivors.'

When Kim Tae-hoon ac­cepted his opin­ion and said that he would make
Bucheon a base area, Jang Sung-hoon thought that Kim Tae-hoon's way of
op­er­at­ing the Mac Clan could not work.

The es­tab­lished Mac Clan was a group that ex­isted only for Kim Tae-hoon.

No mat­ter what Kim Tae-hoon did, they could not refuse.

They were a group that could per­form Kim Tae-hoon's com­mand per­fectly,
a group that could be con­trolled close to per­fec­tion.

It was pos­si­ble be­cause the size of the Mac Clan was at most fifty or so.

How­ever, if the group took Bucheon City as a base area and kept sur­vivors
un­der them, the story would be dif­fer­ent.

It was im­pos­si­ble to com­pletely con­trol thou­sands or tens of thou­sands of

hu­mans. It was some­thing no one had ever done, and no one could do it.

'It's im­pos­si­ble for the boss to mo­nop­o­lize the whole thing from now on.'

In par­tic­u­lar, a sys­tem was needed to con­trol a new vari­able, Awak­en­ers.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon has been able to take all the mon­ster stones he got through

"You don't un­der­stand be­cause you don't have an an­swer, but you'll only
have to pay your forty per­cent of the mon­ster stone you've ac­quired, and we
won't mind what you do with the mon­ster bod­ies you've killed. Ev­ery time
you kill a spe­cial mon­ster, we'll ne­go­ti­ate. You can eat it. You can give us a
no­ti­fi­ca­tion af­ter you eat it. If you did not no­tify us, and later there is some­‐
thing strange about an abil­ity you have learned, when I take a look at your
Awak­ener Mark, it will cause trou­ble."

So Jang Sung-hoon tried to tie up Kim Tae-hoon and the sur­viv­ing Awak­en­‐
ers with a very sim­ple re­la­tion­ship.

"In easy terms, it's give-and-take."

Give and take. It was a sim­ple con­cept that a child could un­der­stand.

Based on the con­cept, Jang Sung-hoon wanted to re­ceive forty per­cent of

the mon­ster stone that they would ac­quire, from the Awak­en­ers still sur­viv­‐

"Forty per­cent... what do we get by pay­ing that forty per­cent?" Of course,

from the lis­ten­ing point of view, it sounds like they were only be­ing de­‐

That was why the five ex­ec­u­tives were not able to an­swer eas­ily.

Jang Sung-hoon ex­plained it to them. "We'll give you your life once. You
don't want to die, do you?"

"What the hell is that..."

"It's a joke. A joke. If we re­ally want to kill you, why do we have a ne­go­ti­a‐­
tion ta­ble here for you? When we find a man with a mark on his back,
shoot­ing him is easy to do."

" that a threat?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

Threat. Kim Tae-hoon, who had been keep­ing silent with Jang Sung-hoon
in front of him, came for­ward.

Ev­ery­one was ner­vous about it.

To the five Awak­en­ers fac­ing Kim Tae-hoon, as well as Jang Sung-hoon,,

the air was nat­u­rally tight­ened.

In the tight at­mos­phere, Kim Tae-hoon said in a low voice, "Forty per­cent is
the street tax, and it's the street tax for hunt­ing mon­sters in my ter­ri­tory."

Some­one said with great courage, "This isn't your land, is it? It's not like
you're ask­ing for forty per­cent of our in­come in that sit­u­at­ion..."

Kim Tae-hoon did not get an­gry at the courage. In­stead, he asked back
calmly, "Then, whose ter­ri­tory is this?"

"Well..." the Awak­en­ers thought.

Whose land is Bucheon now?

The an­swer was ob­vi­ous.

In the world of the law of the jun­gle, the weak were the prey of the strong.
A strong man be­comes the mas­ter of ev­ery­thing, and now the top preda­tor
in Bucheon was the yel­low-eyed devil that used the sub­way sta­tion as its

It was good to say that the mas­ter of the area within a ra­dius of a dozen
kilo­me­ters around Bucheon City Hall was the devil of yel­low eyes.

But no one could eas­ily say that.

To say that is to ad­mit that the land be­longs to not a hu­man be­ing but a
mon­ster now.

If they did, it was like they were con­fess­ing that they were hang­ing on the
edge of the cliff and putting de­spair at their feet.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 35 ⦘

How­ever, only Kim Tae-hoon spit out the fact with­out hes­i­ta­tion. "Of
course, if some­one kills it, he'll be the mas­ter in the ter­ri­tory."

He also told them what he wanted to give to the sur­vivors.

It was hope.

What Kim Tae-hoon wanted to give to the sur­vivors was hope to es­cape
from the fear of preda­tors, now strug­gling to sur­vive at the bot­tom of the
food chain.

"It's forty per­cent. If you're sure you won't get caught, it's all right whether
you cheat or skip it. If you don't get caught."

There was no fur­ther ob­jec­tion.

Kim Tae-hoon stepped back, and Jang Sung-hoon said with a smile to the
five frozen peo­ple,

"We don't have a con­tract. This is a com­mit­ment based on mu­tual trust and
faith. I'll trust your will. You don't want to die by sac­ri­fic­ing a liv­ing hu­man
be­ing to live on, and you don't want to die later, do you?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

Chap­ter 36
Chap­ter 13. Ter­ri­tory Dis­pute, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'Thanks to Jang Sung-hoon, your head won't hurt.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who fin­ished rem­i­nisc­ing, set­tled the sit­u­at­ion in his mind.

Now, Mes­siah's Awak­en­ers had be­come Kim Tae-hoon's hunt­ing dogs.

From now on, the Awak­en­ers must ded­i­cate forty per­cent of their gains to


Of course, in re­turn, Kim Tae-hoon should pro­vide them with a safe hunt­ing

'He's a smart guy.'

This did not sim­ply stop there. If Mes­siah's Awak­en­ers be­came Kim's hunt­‐
ing dogs, or­di­nary sur­vivors would also be forced to fol­low him.

The only way for or­di­nary peo­ple to fight against the Awak­en­ers and the
mon­ster was with weapons like guns, which were owned by Kim Tae-hoon
and the Mac Clan.

Of course, it was not per­fect.

'It's not just him who's smart!'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

Not ev­ery­one was happy with this sys­tem, and there was no way that the
sys­tem could con­trol ev­ery­one com­pletely.

At this mo­ment there had to be a group of peo­ple pre­par­ing for a scheme,

and a few of them would be smart.

Surely there would be prob­lems. There would also be some pretty se­ri­ous
prob­lems, to the ex­tent that peo­ple died, and the per­son who caused trou­ble
in re­turn would also die.

Jang Sung-hoon was also well aware of the facts. That's why he said, "It's

'All I have to do is kill the devil.'

A devil snake.

Its body would be the strong­est sym­bol and shield.

Ev­ery­one who sur­vived if Kim Tae-hoon cap­tured the devil snake would be
in­debted to him, and they would have a sense of duty to pro­tect his ex­is­‐
tence in or­der to sur­vive in the fu­ture.

'All I have to do is kill it.'

That was why Kim Tae-hoon's thoughts were not so com­pli­cated. There
was noth­ing com­pli­cated to think about. It was ob­vi­ous what to do!

"Boss, boss! I fi­nally made a video! I took a photo of him!"

It just wouldn't be easy...


The world was white from the bliz­zard, and that was all they could see. The
hor­ri­ble traces of the dis­as­ter that struck the world for sev­eral days were not
hid­den in the snow.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

In other words, the places where there was no snow were still cov­ered with
ter­ri­ble marks.

It was the his­tory of the New Jung­dong Sta­tion.

The sta­tion, which had im­pres­sive walls, floors, and ceil­ings, was nowhere
to be found as if a mad herd of bulls had passed by.


The sound came from a huge mon­ster pass­ing by.

It was a snake.

It had black scales, darker then the light­less sta­tion.

But it was too big to call a snake. It couldn't be com­pared to the term 'a big

At the same time, it was in­cred­i­bly pow­er­ful. When its body brushed the
wall lightly, the bricks col­lapsed like a wa­ter­fall.

The snake that seemed im­pos­si­ble to stop, stopped in front of a mound of

dead bod­ies.

It flut­tered its tongue in front of the stack of dead bod­ies but did not start
eat­ing at once. In­stead, it tasted the bod­ies with the long-forked tongue.


Its ac­tion of pulling its body back was the same as a lit­tle boy who was very
picky about food.

In the end, it ig­nored the pile of corpses and moved out of the sta­tion right
away, hunt­ing liv­ing things with hot blood in­stead of cold bod­ies.

As it did, the sun fell on the snake as it left the stairs.

Its in­verted tri­an­gle-shaped head ap­peared, and its yel­low eyes ap­peared.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

Its eyes were beau­ti­ful enough to be called gold rather than yel­low, but they
could not be thought of as beau­ti­ful by any­one who looked at them right

In front of those eyes, no mat­ter how fierce the beast was, it would be a rat
in front of the snake.

The wound on its solid black body was also ap­par­ent in the sun­light.

Ini­tially, it had no in­ten­tion of stop­ping. Its body grad­u­ally be­gan to emerge

from the dark.

Then a cold wind blew past.

At the touch of the wind, the snake paused. It soon turned away as the wind
picked up.

Soon af­ter, it be­gan to swal­low the pile of corpses.

The dirty pile dis­ap­peared, and when it the snake was gone, only the cam­‐
eras were work­ing qui­etly be­hind it.


At the end of the video, ev­ery­one who watched it was frozen.

Even though the im­age, and even the pic­ture qual­ity, was not clear, and
there was only a vague shape of the be­ing in the dark, its ex­is­tence o over­‐
whelmed ev­ery­one who saw it.

They were at a loss about what to do.

'Oh, God, we need to kill this? No way. This mon­ster is en­tirely dif­fer­ent
than those we've hunted be­fore! No mat­ter how hard we try...! It's a mon­ster
that is no match for a Black Orc!'

"We can't kill this. We can't kill it." Bang Hyun-wook was the first per­son to
speak out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

Shak­ing his head, Bang Hyun-wook's eyes trem­bled like they had when he
first faced mon­sters.

His voice brought Jang Sung-hoon to his senses. His sober ex­pres­sion soon

'It's my mis­judg­ment. I did not think it was that strong... I was sure it was a
pow­er­ful mon­ster, but if we used the grenades and clay­more we have, and if
we added the Telekine­sis of the boss, it would be enough to win... '

It was Jang Sung-hoon, not just any­one who claimed to be able to hunt the
devil snake.

No, all plans made by Jang Sung-hoon were based on the fact that Kim Tae-
hoon hunted the devil snake.

Of course, he thought the chance of win­ning was good, as it was Kim Tae-
hoon, and he had the power of Telekine­sis.

Telekine­sis was a very good com­bi­na­tion with weapons, such as guns and

If he con­trolled some­thing like a grenade with his Telekine­sis, he would

never miss the tar­get. The Mac Clan now had bet­ter fire­power than a ri­fle,
such as grenades, ma­chine-guns, and clay­mores.

He had thought, 'We can't kill a dragon or some­thing, but isn't it enough
fire­power to kill a big snake?'

But it wasn't that much when he saw it. 'I'm wrong. This is not a guy we can
hunt right now.'

Ma­jor Kim hunt­ing it was like a good-look­ing mouse that hunt­ing a cat.

If he was lucky, he'd bite it, but even­tu­ally, he would be a prey.

"Boss, let's give it up for a while. Once you look at its pat­terns of be­hav­ior,
it doesn't like the cold. There­fore, if we keep throw­ing dead bod­ies..." Jang
Sung-hoon quickly mod­i­fied his plan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon did not re­spond to Jang Sung-hoon's ur­gent re­marks. In­stead
of an­swer­ing, he played the video again in his mind.

When it was ex­posed to sun­light while com­ing out, its im­age was taken by
a cam­era he had in­stalled. He re­called the look of its body.

'Its level of pro­tec­tion is be­yond that of a Black Orc's.'

It was not a vague guess.

The aban­doned sub­way sta­tion was very dan­ger­ous. Walk­ing around the
sta­tion with bare skin was like go­ing naked on a thorny path as a hu­man be­‐

Even if it didn't get hurt deeply, it would get scratched.

The devil snake, how­ever, had lived for sev­eral days in the ru­ins of the sta­‐
tion, and still boasted its beau­ti­ful body, just as clean as a glass, not show­‐
ing a speck of dam­age.

But there was a scar on its body.

'The Sword works.'

The Sword of the Im­per­at­or, which cov­eted blood and with an un­known
mas­ter, had proved that it had hurt the snake.

'The con­di­tions them­selves are much bet­ter than those against the Black

Fur­ther­more, Kim Tae-hoon had var­i­ous weapons to use against the devil

The power of the Sword of the Im­per­at­or and Sun-sin's Ar­row need not be
ques­tioned, and mun­dane fire­power was also suf­fi­cient.

Above all, Kim Tae-hoon him­self could set the bat­tle stage this time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

It was not a sud­den bat­tle, and it meant that he could fight where he wanted
to af­ter prac­tic­ing and pre­par­ing.

Yes, the con­di­tions them­selves were in­com­pa­ra­bly bet­ter than those fight­ing
the Black Orc.

There's only one thing left.

'If I can han­dle my Telekine­sis prop­erly.'

Kim Tae-hoon's abil­ity to take ad­van­tage of this sit­u­at­ion was the only thing
he can do. If he was ca­pa­ble enough, there would be no rea­son to fail when
hunt­ing the devil snake.

"Jang Sung-hoon, how much time do we have?"

"Yes?" Jang Sung-hoon was fright­ened. "Are you go­ing to hunt the snake?"

The time Kim Tae-hoon re­ferred to was the time the Awak­en­ers who came
un­der him could af­ford to wait with­out im­ple­ment­ing their agenda.

"Boss, we can't fight that! We can't!" Jang Sung-hoon tried to stop his plans

"How many days are left?"

"It's...," Kim asked re­peat­edly, Jang Sung-hoon an­swered, "I'm not a psy­‐
chol­ogy ma­jor, but as you know... we're get­ting the mon­ster stones once a
week from now on. For them, they'll pay you with­out any doubt. No, they'll
pay you for now, as they don't want to be sus­pected. But if you don't do
any­thing by the sec­ond pay­ment, they will start to doubt."

The world was still un­sta­ble now.

Un­der such cir­cum­stances, if their trust and hope in Kim Tae-hoon were
gone, some mi­nor­ity would act out of des­per­at­ion.

It would be a cat­al­yst for col­lapse.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

"First pay­ment in three days, and an­other week from there, so ten more
days from now."

"That's a limit. No, it's not a limit. There may be a stir, but if you ex­plain..."

Even though he is say­ing it was not a limit, there were only dark things to
see in Jang Sung-hoon's mind af­ter ten days.

'It hates the cold, but if the cold breaks, it won't look at the dead bod­ies. At
that time, we have no choice but to sac­ri­fice some­one... and then, we will be

Above all, the only way to con­trol the devil snake was to sac­ri­fice a liv­ing
be­ing. In or­der to earn time, they would have to do the same thing as Lee
Jin-sung did, which was the worst.

And Kim Tae-hoon knew the fact bet­ter than Jang Sung-hoon.

"What they want is not an ex­pla­na­tion."

Pa­tience didn't re­ally mat­ter to the hunt­ing dogs.

"We will be­gin train­ing for the hunt­ing of the devil snake."


"Sta­bil­ity is the most im­por­tant thing for the time be­ing. Don't be too hard."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for sav­ing me."

Ahn Sun-mi laughed bit­terly at the ap­pear­ance of a man bow­ing re­peat­edly

to­ward her.

'Sta­bil­ity? That's funny. Who can be sta­ble in the world now?'

A woman came up be­side her. "Doc­tor, we have an ur­gent pa­tient. He's

been bit­ten by a mon­ster. He's an Awak­ener."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

She was the woman who in­tro­duced her­self as a nurse a few days ago
among the sur­vivors of the Mac Clan.

Now she was serv­ing pa­tients with Ahn Sun-mi, and she called Ahn Sun-mi

It wasn't just her. Ahn Sun-mi was work­ing as a doc­tor.

"Where is he?"

For once, she wanted to see him, be­cause it was the only tal­ent she had that
would save her life.

It was also a very im­por­tant part of the Mac Clan.

There was vir­tu­ally no proper med­i­cal ser­vice in the world. Since there was
no medicine on hand, they might have to risk their lives to get medicine.
There were many peo­ple dy­ing due to lack of fever re­duc­ers and an­tibi­otics.

In such a world, it was a tremen­dous thing to have a med­i­cal ser­vice and a

place to visit when they were sick.

"Ar­rrrgh... please, please save me."

"What kind of mon­ster were you bit­ten by?"

"A dog... no, a mon­key dog bit me."

"Is your arm the only place you were bit­ten?"

More­over, it is no ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that the value of their life was ev­ery­‐
thing for the hu­mans who had a supreme task to sur­vive.

In­sur­ance and health care were no longer mean­ing­ful. It was time to give
ev­ery­thing they had for their life. Even more so for Awak­en­ers!

"Yes? Yes, only my arm was bit­ten." Ahn Sun-mi's gaze turned to the right
arm of the pa­tient ly­ing on the cot.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

The wound was se­ri­ous, and it would nor­mally be bet­ter to just cut off his
arm in a place like this with­out proper med­i­cal equip­ment.

"Pre­pare the tools."


How­ever, as Ahn Sun-mi con­firmed the wound, she im­me­di­ately went to

treat­ment with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

"A brush and a knife."

She even took out a brush and knife in­stead of a scalpel and scis­sors. It was
a mys­te­ri­ous thing to do.

But she wet the wound with the Wa­ter of Ther­apy she had cre­ated, and also
ap­plied the flesh of the Mud Troll with a knife.

The se­ri­ous wound be­gan to be healed it­self at a re­mark­able rate.

"The price is eight mon­ster stones." The treat­ment was over in a flash, and
the set­tle­ment was re­quired im­me­di­ately.

"Oh, yes, here..." The Awak­ener's col­league im­me­di­ately paid eight red
mon­ster stones for treat­ment.

When the treat­ment was over in such a short time, the peo­ple wait­ing for
treat­ment looked sur­prised at those who left with clean scars in­stead of se­ri­‐
ous in­juries.

Jang Sung-hoon ap­peared in the still­ness.

"How was your busi­ness to­day, sis­ter?"

Ahn Sun-mi looked sullen at his words.

To her, Jang Sung-hoon was like a younger brother who had en­tered col­lege
and had no money. There was no sis­ter who would show a happy ex­pres­‐
sion at the ap­pear­ance of such a younger brother.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

"What brings you here?"

"We found a Mud Troll or more like a Mud Troll nest. Three were iden­ti­fied
this time. They made a five hun­dred-unit apart­ment com­plex a grave of
dead bod­ies. It will take some time for the Gob­lins and the Orcs to eat all
the bod­ies."

"Are you here to let me know that?"

"No. I'm here to lis­ten. So what hap­pened?" Ahn Sun-mi said with a firm
ex­pres­sion to the ques­tion.

"Noth­ing, noth­ing spe­cial about the body."

It was a story about dis­sec­tion. The dis­sec­tion of an Awak­ener.

By eat­ing mon­ster stones, an Awak­ener be­comes stronger. If the Awak­ener

died, was there a stone in the heart of the Awak­ener?

Ev­ery­one doubted it, but there was no chance to an­swer the ques­tion. They
had never got the body of an Awak­ener who had been steadily eat­ing mon­‐
ster stones.

So, the body of Lee Jin-sung and his aide were clues to solve the ques­tion.

Nat­u­rally, they dis­sected both men.

But there was no re­sult. Mon­sters died and left a stone, but an Awak­ener
died and left noth­ing.

"Hu­mans only know how to use some­thing, but they don't know how to
leave some­thing be­hind, even now that the world has changed."

Ahn Sun-mi threw a sling bag with filled mon­ster stones to­ward Jang Sung-
hoon, who was speak­ing more non­sense.

"Why, why is this?"

"Give it to the boss."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 36 ⦘

"You earned it, didn't you?"

"It would not be use­ful if I ate it."

"Boss sud­denly be­came a pimp. The Lieu­tenant and you, both of you, bring
in their own hard-earned gains... in this world, a strong man is the best, I
sup­pose. But this is not the usual com­pe­ti­tion... no, he doesn't need to in­sist
on monogamy, so who's his real wife? Is there a prob­lem?"

Ahn Sun-mi im­me­di­ately asked a ques­tion to pre­vent Jang Sung-hoon from

speak­ing more non­sense, "So, what's the sit­u­at­ion of the boss? Can he re­ally
kill that mon­ster?"

Jang Sung-hoon smiled lightly at the ques­tion. "We're so lucky. Re­ally."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

Chap­ter 37
Chap­ter 13. Ter­ri­tory Dis­pute, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Un­der a pedes­trian over­pass...

Orig­i­nally, a place where cars should be run­ning was now a bloody bat­tle­‐

Three Orcs and nine hu­mans were go­ing at it.


"God damn it, what kind of power..."

"Spear! Give me an­other spear!"

A sim­ple and bru­tal war was tak­ing place against mon­sters, us­ing crude
spears made of sharp cut-offs of iron pipe ends, and a crude shield made of
car doors.

It was a des­per­ate bat­tle­ground.

"Spray! Spray!"

Those who were fight­ing the Orcs were do­ing ev­ery­thing they could des­per­‐

The man with the car-door shield was tank­ing an Orc like a foot­ball line­‐
man, and the men in mo­tor­cy­cle hel­mets were black­en­ing or yel­low­ing

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

Orc's eyes and mouths with the spray paint in their hands.

"Aaaaaaah!" The man with the steel pipe spear drove a spear into Orc's
body with all his might.

In such a mor­tal bat­tle, the vic­tory was rapidly pass­ing to the hu­mans.

"Kuh! Kuhuh!"

The blood-stained Orcs screamed, look­ing like hedge­hogs with the spears
stuck in them, were in great pain and strug­gling for life.

"They are al­most done!" The faces of the hu­man group grad­u­ally be­gan to
smile, and the con­vic­tion of vic­tory be­gan to spread.


Un­til an Orc which is big­ger than or­di­nary Orc ap­peared on the pedes­trian

"On the over­pass, on the over­pass!" The ap­pear­ance of the big Orc, which
had to be the cap­tain of the Orcs they were fight­ing, changed the at­mos­‐
phere at once.

The Orc now in­flated its chest as much as pos­si­ble and bel­lowed when it
was done.


Its fe­roc­ity swept over them.

"Uh..." Im­me­di­ately, some of their legs limp.


At the same time, the blood-stained Orcs flared like can­dles just be­fore they
were ex­tin­guished.

The sit­u­at­ion had changed.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

"Get ahold of your­self!"

"Just hold on! They're all dy­ing!"

The hu­mans yelled out, but the cap­tain Orc on the pedes­trian over­pass
moved to the rail­ing as if to laugh at their ef­forts. He was go­ing to throw his
huge body into the bat­tle­field im­me­di­ately.

"Hey!" At that mo­ment, on the left side of the cap­tain Orc, some­thing ap­‐
proached at a tremen­dous pace and gave a short cry.

"Kuh?" When the cap­tain Orc turned its head, what he saw was the head of
a huge ham­mer used in the steel fac­tory.

Krak! The ham­mer smashed the head of the cap­tain Orc, crushed its face,
and even broke its skull.

The head of the cap­tain Orc spewed out some­thing red, like a burst wa­ter­‐

Bang Hyun-wook, the man who fin­ished it in one hit, im­me­di­ately shouted
down be­low, "I'll eat this one!"

At the words, those be­low burned with fight­ing spirit in­stead of anger.


"Get them! All we have to do is kill these Orcs that are left!"

The fight­ing spirit be­gan to fade in the eyes of the Orcs that had lost their

The bat­tle was one-sided there­after. The three Orcs died, and those who sur­‐
vived the bat­tle spat out long breaths.

For some of them it was not enough, and af­ter tak­ing a cig­ar­ ette from their
pock­ets, they be­gan to smoke care­fully.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

Bang Hyun-wook, watch­ing the scene from up on the over­pass, turned his
head slightly. He saw Jang Sung-hoon look­ing around the build­ing with a



"The build­ings around here are not cleaned up yet, are they not dan­ger­ous?"

At the words, Bang Hyun-wook looked around the area. No white flags
were vis­i­ble any­where in the build­ings around them.

"That's why I brought you here."

"No, not that... If you have any prob­lems, I can just run away with you, but
what about those be­low..."

At his words, Jang Sung-hoon folded the map and im­me­di­ately looked at
those who were work­ing on mon­ster stone col­lec­tion un­der the over­pass.

"To live, they have to risk it."

"What if they die?"

"It's bet­ter than just dy­ing do­ing noth­ing. At least they're not try­ing to die,
are they?" Jang Sung-hoon sighed briefly, look­ing at them do­ing their best
to sur­vive.

'The par­ties are grow­ing.'

Par­ties. They were groups for mon­ster hunt­ing in the area of Mac Clan now.

'I could have wished that.'

Af­ter Kim Tae-hoon de­manded a price of forty per­cent, some of the sur­‐
vivors be­gan to hunt more ag­gres­sively than when Lee Jin-sung was the
leader of Mes­siah.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

There were many rea­sons.

'Since we have given them a lot of things, at least they have to show what
they're try­ing to do.'

Kim Tae-hoon had shown them tricks needed to hunt mon­sters through the
Mac Clan.

He did not hide the rea­son for spray­ing, how to make poi­son bal­loons with
per­fume, oil, pes­ti­cides, and ex­ploit the weak­nesses of mon­sters.

In ad­di­tion, the Mac Clan is re­mov­ing mon­sters with or­ange eyes that were
stronger than red-eyed mon­sters, and mon­sters that moved in large groups
from time to time.

There were only traces of the Mac Clan pass­ing by; a fugi­tive mon­ster who
could not build a pack near a build­ing with a white flag; a fugi­tive who ran
away from other pow­er­ful mon­sters; and a va­grant mon­ster. For the hunt­ing
dogs, safe hunt­ing was pos­si­ble.

Of course, the big­gest rea­son was the street tax of forty per­cent.

'Is what they are wear­ing the Orc leather ar­mor? Nice work. I heard a ru­mor
that an old man who was a shoe­maker would make a leather set for a mon­‐
ster stone... I'll have to meet him once.'

The rest was for the hunt­ing dogs af­ter pay­ing their forty per­cent tax. With
their mon­ster stones as well as their mon­ster corpses, what­ever they did was
up to them.

But they couldn't just use them stupidly. If they had in­tended to do that,
they wouldn't have hunted mon­sters in the first place.

There was some­thing they wanted to get through hunt­ing, so they were

In other words, hunt­ing mon­sters was not just con­sump­tion, but hunt­ing to
fuel pro­duc­tive ac­tiv­i­ties.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

'We built an ecosys­tem, so they're try­ing to sur­vive.'

Of course, all sorts of ways were be­ing tested out, try­ing to use mon­ster
bod­ies more ef­fi­ciently.

The old man who made leather shoes, and the tech­ni­cian who re­paired the
leather shoes, now mak­ing ar­mor with mon­ster hides; the worker from a
con­struc­tion site who made a spear with con­struc­tion ma­te­ri­als; and some­‐
one who worked at the car fac­tory, con­verted a car into a tank to break the

'It's more like a place where peo­ple live now.'

It was also the way mankind has sur­vived so far.

The de­vel­op­ment of tech­nol­ogy cre­ated to achieve some­thing bet­ter had

made hu­mans the top preda­tor.

The same was true of the age of mon­sters. In or­der for hu­mans to sur­vive in
this age, they had to use this way to sur­vive.

'If Boss kills the devil snake, the num­ber of par­ties will ex­plode at that mo­‐
ment, and a group that has a lot of power in it, and that has a smart per­son,
will try to es­tab­lish a Clan like us.'

Of course, if Kim Tae-hoon could not kill the devil snake, ev­ery­thing they
had pre­pared so far would col­lapse like a mi­rage.

"Do you have any­thing you're look­ing for when you keep look­ing at the

"We have to check the mon­sters' ter­ri­tory, be­cause there's a high prob­ab­ il­ity
that there's a strong mon­ster in the apart­ment or hous­ing com­plexes."

"That's great. Hon­estly, I'm just think­ing about whether big brother can kill
that snake."

If Kim Tae-hoon failed to hunt the devil snake and was killed, there would
be only de­spair in Bucheon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

There would be scenes of des­per­ate hu­mans hunt­ing each other in front of


Lit­er­ally, the hu­mans who sur­vived in Bucheon would self-de­struct.

But at this mo­ment, Jang Sung-hoon did not think he would fail in the hunt,
which is why he came here.

"We can­not get an an­swer even if we think about it. What we're go­ing to
worry about is af­ter the boss kills the mon­ster."

'I'm sure it's here. There must be a se­cret ware­house of Baek Sung-taek,
where he kept the art­work he has stolen.

'I can't see through the map, so there's no way to know. Isn't there a map
relic, like a map nu­cleus?'



Kim Tae-hoon took a photo of his right hand with a smart­phone af­ter eat­ing
a mon­ster stone.

=[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 100

-- Health: 89]==

At last, his Strength level ex­ceeded 100 points. It was amaz­ing.

'It's as fast as when I took all the mon­ster stones.'

But what was even more sur­pris­ing was that Kim Tae-hoon had not been
mon­ster hunt­ing re­cently. Nev­er­the­less, the speed at which his stats rose
was as fast as when hunt­ing mon­sters on the front line.

'Jang Sung-hoon was right!'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

It was all thanks to Jang Sung-hoon. His sys­tem made sur­vivors hunters.

Hunters hunted mon­sters, and Kim Tae-hoon's share in­creased as did the
num­ber of mon­sters they hunted.

Of course, it wasn't all for free.

Kim Tae-hoon raised his head.

The Sword of the Im­per­at­or, the eerie Sword, was hov­er­ing like a satel­lite
near him.

The move­ment was very smooth. It was like the Sword was mov­ing on its

It was the re­sult of hard train­ing.

'I am now at a sat­is­fac­tory level.'

The po­ten­tial and ef­fec­tive­ness of Telekine­sis were in­fi­nite. In­fi­nite did not
mean that a user with that kind of Telekine­sis could use ev­ery­thing, just like
F1 rac­ing cars mean noth­ing to the pub­lic.

Just be­cause a child is given a sur­gi­cal scalpel and scis­sors that a noted doc­‐
tor has used, does not make the child a noted doc­tor.

The same went for Kim Tae-hoon. The value of his Telekine­sis was in­fi­nite,
but his abil­ity to deal with it was not.

Of course, through train­ing, real fight­ing and prac­tice, the end­less pos­si­bil­i­‐
ties would grad­u­ally be­come his po­ten­tial.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon could not af­ford to learn some­thing new as the
time was lim­ited to him. In­stead, he tried to do well what he could.

Faster, stronger, more pre­cise!

He prac­ticed mov­ing and con­trol­ling the Sword more quickly and more pre­‐
cisely with his Telekine­sis.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘


At the thought of Kim Tae-hoon, the Sword of the Im­per­at­or shot out like
an ar­row. It flew to­ward the tire lo­cated be­hind him and passed through the
top of it.


A piece of the tire that had been cut off in pass­ing fell to the ground.

Near the piece of tire that had fallen off were more pieces of bro­ken tires.

The ones on the bot­tom were thicker than fin­gers, and the later ones grad­u­‐
ally get­ting thin­ner.

On the top of the pile of tire pieces was a thin slice of pa­per.

Kim Tae-hoon blew out a long breath like a steam­boat about to start off...


The devil snake had not been in a good mood lately.

Only cold corpses were served as meals, and eat­ing cold in the cold weather
was a hard­ship and hu­mil­i­at­ion.

The devil snake didn't want to go some­where colder, so it en­dured.

Ss! Ss!

But the devil snake no longer wanted to bear the hard­ship. To­day it in­tended
to fill its stom­ach with liv­ing be­ings, and it would not even look at the pile
of dead bod­ies.

Of course, just in case, it headed to its din­ner ta­ble, as usual.

And as al­ways, there was food again. But there was only one corpse this

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘


The devil snake was an­gry at it. It was go­ing to sat­isfy it­self with only one

More­over, the body smelled dis­gust­ing.


The devil snake could quickly see that the body was not a sac­ri­fice, but a
poi­soned bait. It was even an­grier, and it did not in­tend to en­dure its anger.

It was go­ing to show its dig­nity once again, and that this was its ter­ri­tory. It
be­gan to climb the stairs with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

The cold air that de­scended the stairs did not stop the an­gry devil snake. It
ap­peared at once in the sub­way en­trance.

The snake that greeted the sun­shine af­ter a long time re­vealed its great
splen­dor un­der the sun­shine.


At that time, a huge bus rushed at the devil snake with all its speed, as if to
wel­come it.


The bus hit the devil snake, and the ve­hi­cle crum­pled like it was made of

On the other hand, the body of the devil snake was only shaken, not fall­ing,
and kept its place with­out fall­ing.

The yel­low eyes of the devil snake lit up with an aw­ful mur­der­ous spirit. It
swiped its tail to­ward the bus that had smashed into it.

Kwang! The bus broke in two like tofu bro­ken in half by chop­sticks.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 37 ⦘

As if it was not enough, the pave­ment of the road was also crushed by the
tail of the devil snake, leav­ing a broad scar on the ground.

The blow left the world quiet. A ter­ri­ble si­lence filled the sur­round­ings of
the devil snake.


Howl­ing broke the si­lence. It shook the devil snake's body, and its eyes nar­‐
rowed to slits, ev­i­dence of a ter­ri­ble rage.

It was ridicu­lous that a smelly Were­wolf in its own realm was Howl­ing. The
devil snake had no in­ten­tion of ac­cept­ing it.


The devil snake be­gan to race to­ward the Howl­ing.

The place it ar­rived was an empty lot for build­ing con­struc­tion.

A hu­man stand­ing alone in the va­cant lot greeted it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

Chap­ter 38
Chap­ter 13. Ter­ri­tory Dis­pute, Part IV

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was a va­cant lot meant for a build­ing.

At the cen­ter of the va­cant lot stood Kim Tae-hoon, sur­rounded by Mac
Clan's sol­diers and a num­ber of other Awak­en­ers who were as­signed their
mis­sions, wait­ing for the time to per­form their du­ties.

'All I have to do is pull the trig­ger.'


'Let's just act on or­ders. It's not that dif­fi­cult.'

While wait­ing, they had re­counted their du­ties hun­dreds of times.

But all of them were stiff­ened when the devil snake ap­peared fol­low­ing the
Howl­ing of Kim Tae-hoon; it was a huge mon­ster over twenty me­ters long,
and it was big enough to swal­low a car in a gulp.


The devil snake had not yet shown the power of its fear. Ev­ery­one, who
looked at it, could imag­ine their own death so eas­ily, and they were par­a‐­

Awww! It was Howl­ing of Kim Tae-hoon that shook their stiff­ened minds
and bod­ies once again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

At the Howl­ing, all the at­ten­tion of the devil snake was fo­cused on Kim
Tae-hoon, and those who came to their senses moved with­out miss­ing the


"Pour wa­ter!"

The main char­ac­ter of the first move was a fire truck.


Two fire trucks, al­ready de­ployed, rose high into the sky and be­gan spray­‐
ing out wa­ter col­umns over the snake.

Un­der the streams of wa­ter, the devil snake turned its at­ten­tion to the fire
trucks that were spew­ing wa­ter ner­vously.

The streams wet its body. It didn't like the cold, so the wa­ter was much
more an­noy­ing and nasty than the bus that ran into it a while ago.

The devil snake in­tended to hit the fire trucks spray­ing the wa­ter streams if
the Sword had not left a fin­ger-deep scar on its scales.


The devil snake's eyes locked on the Sword which had hurt it.

The devil snake saw the Sword fly­ing in the air. The Sword re­jected the
laws of physics and could not be com­pared to any fly­ing an­i­mal.

Even the devil snake could not eas­ily deal with the move­ment of the Sword
that flashed to at­tack it.

The devil snake stood up­right and pur­sued the Sword, but it dodged the
devil snake's at­tack and be­gan to slice through the body of the devil snake,
pro­duc­ing wounds.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

There were no deep wounds. Most of the wounds were only about the
length of a lit­tle fin­ger.

Con­sid­er­ing the huge body, its thick skin, and flesh of the devil snake, they
were just scratches with a tiny bit of blood, def­i­nitely not deep enough to
stop it.

'This is as ex­pected.'

A hard stab would make the wound deep, but it would end there.

So he had been prac­ticed cut­ting thinly, just enough to draw blood.

Of course, it is im­pos­si­ble to kill it with only thin wounds.

"Spray­ing wa­ter is com­pleted!"

"Get out! The fire truck, get out!"

So he pre­pared a fire truck!

The rea­son he pre­pared the fire truck was to spray wa­ter to ir­ri­tate the devil
snake, and that was not all.

"But will the pes­ti­cides work?"

"It con­sisted of half pes­ti­cide and half wa­ter, and it will work if it gets in­‐

He had put plenty of poi­sons in the wa­ter the en­gines sprayed out. If they
were ab­sorbed through the wounds, it would surely af­fect the devil snake in
some way. Pes­ti­cides were a medicine made for killing!

That was why he chose the ground where the soil was tramped. The soil
was loaded with pes­ti­cides and be­came mud. The soil was stick­ing to the
body of the devil snake, and the pes­ti­cides would be de­liv­ered to its body
re­peat­edly. If the devil snake ate the soil, then it could af­fect its in­ter­nal or­‐
gans. And this was just the be­gin­ning!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

'It was dis­tracted by the blade.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who saw the devil snake chas­ing the Sword, im­me­di­ately
pulled an Ar­row of Sun-sin from his waist.

The ar­row, with­out a tail and feath­ers, was dif­fer­ent from usual. It was
coated with ice.

The ice, of course, was not or­di­nary ice. It was poi­soned ice!

More­over, the poi­son was a tetrodotoxin.

The poi­son of a blow­fish!

Kim Tae-hoon, when he heard the story of the devil snake, first thought of
how to hunt us­ing poi­son, in­stead of think­ing that he could kill it with phys­‐
i­cal force.

At the same time, the place where he heard the story, the place called a
sushi restau­rant, in­spired Kim Tae-hoon. It was the in­spi­ra­tion for us­ing
blow­fish toxin.

Af­ter that, Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately col­lected the poi­son from the dead
blow­fish at a blow­fish spe­cialty store in Bucheon City.

He also checked its ef­fect.

In the case of the farmed blow­fish, there was no tox­i­ci­ty, or only re­ally
weak, but some of the blow­fish col­lected by Kim Tae-hoon were caught at
sea, and the ef­fect of the venom was con­firmed against pi­geons and mon­‐
sters which had sur­vived in the cold land.

Of course, he knew that the poi­son from only a few blow­fish was not toxic
enough to kill the devil snake.

Be­cause of that, he was not ex­pect­ing a lot.

Twist­ing, stum­bling, or los­ing con­scious­ness for a few sec­onds was all he


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

The ar­row flew to­ward the devil snake, which was fo­cused on the Sword, as
ex­pected by Kim Tae-hoon.

Pok! Then, like a sy­ringe, it drove its lit­tle nee­dle into the gi­ant body of the
devil snake through one of the small wounds.

'That's it.' The feel­ing of the ar­row pierc­ing the body of the devil snake was
trans­mit­ted to Kim Tae-hoon through his Telekine­sis.

At the same time, the pres­ence of the ar­row dis­ap­peared from Kim Tae-
hoon's senses.

'It's be­gin­ning.' This was the pro­logue.

This was not a mere fight, but a fight against the pre­sid­ing ruler, the preda­‐
tor who dom­i­nated the cen­ter of Bucheon City, where prey be­came a chal­‐
lenger to take the land back.

It was a fight for all or noth­ing.

'The first step is the mor­tar fire.'

It is nat­u­ral to pre­pare for all-out war, and it was mor­tar fire that would be
the be­gin­ning of the all-out war.

Mor­tars were dif­fer­ent from ri­fles, but they were dif­fi­cult to use eas­ily, and
they had never been used prop­erly in bat­tle with mon­sters they had met so

There was not enough dis­tance, and peo­ple could not af­ford to aim.

In other words, if a tar­get was at the tar­get point, there is no more ef­fec­tive
weapon than a mor­tar against the tar­get, even the tar­get was big­ger than a
tram. It was a big mon­ster, and they could not miss it.

What was even bet­ter is that it was not dif­fi­cult to get one or two ar­tillery
sol­diers if a hun­dred Ko­rean men were gath­ered.

Kim Tae-hoon looked up and saw the Sword against the devil snake.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

The move­ment of the Sword was play­ing with the devil snake, and as soon
as it found a gap in the snake's quick move­ment, it made a wound, rac­ing
along the body of the devil snake.

Only the Sword was in the yel­low eyes of the devil snake. It was fo­cused on
noth­ing but the Sword.

Kim Tae-hoon be­gan to lure the devil snake. He ma­nip­u­lated the Sword
with his Telekine­sis and led the devil snake closer to the cen­ter of the va­‐
cant lot.

'The right time.'

The only thing left was to give a sig­nal.

As soon as he gave the sig­nal, the mor­tar will fire out their shells con­tin­u­‐

At that mo­ment, the glit­ter of the eyes of the devil snake changed.

Its eyes, which had been chas­ing only the Sword, be­gan to shine with a
golden light that was not mere light.



Some­thing that had to be called like that passed through the senses of ev­‐
ery­one con­cen­trat­ing on the va­cant lot.

Those who were ex­posed to it stiff­ened at the mo­ment.

He felt that the devil snake was now scour­ing all of them, like dis­sect­ing

Soon the eyes of the devil snake be­gan to move along the force con­trol­ling
the Sword, not the Sword it­self, along with the Telekine­sis that could now
be seen.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

Of course, there was Kim Tae-hoon at the end of the power.

The devil snake saw Kim Tae-hoon, its tongue flut­ter­ing.


'I was dis­cov­ered.'

At the mo­ment the devil snake's eyes shone, Kim Tae-hoon could feel in­tu­‐
itively that it saw the power to han­dle the Sword, not the Sword.

Soon af­ter, Kim Tae-hoon was sure, as the devil snake's eyes turned on him.

'I'm dead.'

To­day, a man named Kim Tae-hoon would be killed by the devil snake.

It was not a vague con­jec­ture or feel­ing.

He'd al­ready ex­pe­ri­enced death. Through the Golden Glass of Napoleon,

Kim Tae-hoon clearly learned how that death felt.

How­ever, there was no pass­ing light like a re­volv­ing lantern in front of Kim
Tae-hoon's eyes.

'I will be killed by the devil snake.' He had never wanted to die, He had
tried to live. He had learned what he needed to sur­vive in the ocean of

He had a cling­ing ob­ses­sion with the strug­gle for sur­vival.

'I have to kill it be­fore I die.'

At that mo­ment, his half-par­al­yzed body be­gan to move.

His En­ergy sup­ported its mas­ter's will to live. His En­ergy re­vived his body,
which had frozen un­der the glit­ter of the eyes of the devil snake.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

But the devil snake had al­ready be­come a black shadow on Kim Tae-hoon's
head as its jaws gaped open.

'Run away? No, I can't run away.'

His body told him, "Do not hope you will have a chance to run away with
your body al­ready half-par­al­yzed."

There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon did not avoid it.

Rather ad­versely, Kim Tae-hoon threw him­self into the huge mouth of the
devil snake that opened to­ward him.

Kim Tae-hoon's body was sucked into the mouth of the devil snake.


There came a strange sound from the devil snake's throat. It was go­ing to
eat its prey, but its tar­get threw it­self into its throat; there­fore, it was not a
nat­u­ral sound.

But the devil snake did not mind it.

Kim Tae-hoon, in the eyes of the devil snake, was an an­i­mal with­out poi­‐

No, it didn't mat­ter if the prey had poi­son. It was vis­i­ble in the glow­ing eyes
of the devil snake.

The only an­i­mal that could show its teeth to it was Kim Tae-hoon, and
when it ate him, the rest of the an­i­mals were just its own game.

That's why it swal­lowed Kim Tae-hoon.

Soon af­ter­ward, the devil snake's body be­gan to crush Kim Tae-hoon.

A body was forced to com­press, and in the process, the flesh rup­tured.
Bones were dis­lo­cated, and even­tu­ally, there was the sound of break­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 38 ⦘

The sound also reached Kim Tae-hoon. It was sim­ply the sound of death.

The scream­ing of the bones in his body knocked from the in­side, not out­‐
side, was a sound that no one could see and hear, only those who faced

But Kim Tae-hoon did not lis­ten to the sound.

'Let's lis­ten.'

It was the snake's sound, not his own sound.


The heart­beat of the devil snake was slow, like a snake.


As soon as he heard the slow heart­beat of the slow snake, as he waited for
the next beat to hap­pen, Kim Tae-hoon or­dered the Sword con­nected to his


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

Chap­ter 39
Chap­ter 14. He Got the Eyes, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


When Kim Tae-hoon said he would go on hunt­ing for the devil snake, the
sur­vivors had two re­ac­tions.

Some wanted to par­tic­i­pate in the hunt­ing for the devil snake them­selves,
and oth­ers prayed ea­gerly for the suc­cess of the hunt.

There was not a sin­gle per­son who wanted the devil snake hunt­ing to fail.


At the same time, none of them imag­ined Kim Tae-hoon's fail­ure to hunt
the devil snake.

It was not due to a lack of imag­i­na­tion. Just imag­in­ing the fail­ure made
their whole body trem­ble and their faces turn blue.

Just imag­in­ing it made them feel hope­less. That was why they couldn't even
imag­ine it.

But right now, Kim Tae-hoon was eaten.


As was said, the devil snake at­tacked Kim Tae-hoon with a mouth open
wide enough to swal­low a car.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

More­over, no one could move prop­erly at that mo­ment. The majesty of the
devil snake was as firm as the head of Medusa.

Even­tu­ally, the huge mouth swal­lowed their only hope, and the devil snake
did not stop there.

In or­der to swal­low Kim Tae-hoon more eas­ily, it straight­ened its huge body
like a tower, in or­der to push the man who was hov­er­ing around his throat
into its stom­ach at once.

Ev­ery­one watched the scene. To turn away from it was not al­lowed. Their
par­al­yzed bod­ies could not even turn their heads or close their eyes.

It was tor­ture. Ev­ery­one watched the process as their hope fell into a dark

The tor­ture ended as a Sword shot fiercely into the devil snake, de­spite the
loss of its mas­ter.

The Sword quickly punched into the neck of the devil snake, and its body
be­gan to lean like the Lean­ing Tower of Pisa.

But un­like the Lean­ing Tower of Pisa, its body con­tin­ued to fall.

In the end, its body smashed to the earth.


The ground bounced as if an earth­quake had oc­curred, and those who could
not to es­cape, who stared at the scene in blank amaze­ment, fell to the

That was all. The fallen were ly­ing on the floor like man­nequins, and the
ones who did not fall... were not.

There was still de­spair, and no one could es­cape from it by their own power.

There was only one per­son who could an­swer this de­spair.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared, say­ing the fallen devil snake had fallen.


Kim Tae-hoon's head was tilted back with his ther­mos in his mouth, and his
throat was tin­gling.

Ahn Sun-mi handed him a small glass of wine af­ter he drank the con­tents of
a ther­mos bot­tle.

Kim Tae-hoon, who had re­ceived a bot­tle full of a Wa­ter of Ther­apy, drank
it all at once.

"How are you?"

Fi­nally, af­ter putting a lot of pills made of Mud Troll flesh by Ahn Sun-mi
in his mouth, Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed, and replied, his mouth tast­ing like
dirt, "I'd like a cup of cof­fee."

"Oh, re­ally?" Af­ter her curt re­ply, Ahn Sun-mi drew a re­ally long sigh.

It was a sigh of re­lief. When Kim Tae-hoon said that, it meant that his con­‐
di­tion wasn't re­ally the worst he could think of.

"Please take care of it your­self." Ahn Sun-mi rose from her seat af­ter the
blunt re­mark.

Kim Tae-hoon didn't give her any at­ten­tion. In­stead, he closed his eyes on
the spot and started to think again.

'It was the worst.' All the way from one to ten.

'It was all the worst.' Worst, there was no other word to de­scribe and or­ga­‐
nize the hunt­ing.

'From prepa­ra­tion to ac­tion.' He thought he was fully pre­pared, but when he

ac­tu­ally started hunt­ing, he fell into cri­sis as soon as the pro­logue ended.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

Even­tu­ally, he was eaten by the devil snake. He heard the sound of his
whole-body crum­bling.

It was a life-or-death ex­pe­ri­ence that had noth­ing to do with be­ing a trauma,

a mem­ory that had to be ig­nored and for­got­ten.

'I al­most died be­fore I even saw the dragon.'

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon tried to re­mem­ber the mo­ment more clearly, rather
than turn­ing away from it. He con­cen­trated on not for­get­ting the feel­ing at
that time.

'That is the real prize.' At the mo­ment his whole body was be­ing crushed,
Kim Tae-hoon def­i­nitely did it.

'The Sword re­acted to my Telekine­sis!' At that mo­ment, his long­ing reached

the Sword.

The Sword of the Im­per­at­or stabbed the sound of the heart.

It was the first time.

'The only thing I could see was dark­ness.'

So far, Kim Tae-hoon has re­lied on vi­sion when us­ing his Telekine­sis. No,
the vi­sion was an ab­so­lute re­quire­ment for the use of Telekine­sis.

Kim Tae-hoon had no tal­ent to move the un­seen. He didn't even think it was

Of course, the mo­ment Kim Tae-hoon en­tered the devil snake's throat, the
Sword dis­ap­peared from his sight and sense.

No, hon­estly, at that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon even for­got the idea of ma­nip­‐
u­lat­ing the Sword with his Telekine­sis.

He just wanted the Sword of the Im­per­at­or to reach the sound of the heart­‐
beat of the devil snake he heard.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

It was to feel that time more clearly that he was re­call­ing the mo­ment now.


Of course, the feel­ing did not come to mind eas­ily.

It was a mir­ac­ le cre­ated by the per­sis­tent ob­ses­sion of life... no, made by his
de­ter­mi­na­tion to live.

It couldn't be a mir­ac­ le if he could eas­ily ex­pe­ri­ence it.

'I can't help it.' Of course, it wouldn't be easy to ex­pe­ri­ence this feel­ing

'I can only be con­tent with the pos­si­bil­ity.' But this made it clear: the pos­si­‐
bil­ity of Telekine­sis was end­less.

In ad­di­tion, at this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon had an­other power that was im­‐
me­di­ately avail­able.

Kim Tae-hoon rose from his seat and saw the dead body of a huge snake oc­‐
cu­py­ing the va­cant lot.

It was time to take the right of the win­ner.


The devil snake, which had fallen in the va­cant lot, still had a bloody pres­‐

No one dared ap­proach the va­cant lot.

The same was true of the Mac Clan's sol­diers, armed and guard­ing the devil
snake and con­trol­ling ac­cess to it.

There was no ex­pres­sion on their faces, stand­ing with their backs to the car­‐
cass. The only dif­fer­ence be­tween man­nequins was the fact that they were
breath­ing white mist.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

A man ap­proached the land filled with fear.

Those who were afraid of the devil snake far away but could not take their
eyes off it saw Kim Tae-hoon.

No one im­me­di­ately no­ticed that he was Kim Tae-hoon.

Kim Tae-hoon's name had al­ready spread, but there were not many peo­ple
who had seen Kim Tae-hoon di­rectly.

Even if they knew Kim Tae-hoon's face, there were few peo­ple who had
good enough eye­sight to con­firm his face from that far away.

How­ever, it was not nec­es­sary for some­one to ex­plain that the man was
Kim Tae-hoon.

There was only one man who could make the mon­ster, which gave fear,
night­mares, and de­spair to the sur­vivors of Bucheon City, a car­cass, and
take the right of the win­ner from the dead body.

'Is that him?' 'It is him!'

As Kim Tae-hoon drew closer to the dead body of the devil snake, ev­ery­one
re­al­ized his iden­tity.

When Kim Tae-hoon ap­proached the vicin­ity of the devil snake in the end,
some­one saw him and screamed.


A shout.

It was a tri­umphant shout, and at the same time, it was the first shout.


The war that had be­gun with the sud­den ap­pear­ance of the mon­ster on De­‐
cem­ber 31 took away the shouts of sur­vivors.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

Ev­ery­one had lived in a breath­less state to sur­vive. There was no proper

vic­tory. They just sur­vived and pre­tended to be dead to live.

There was no room to shout, or to be el­i­gi­ble for vic­tory.

Now, now was the first time.

For the first time, the sur­vivors who had been de­prived and only run away
had won their first real vic­tory, and in re­turn, they were en­ti­tled to shout as
much as they wanted to at this mo­ment.


The shout­ing spread out. The en­thu­si­asm of the shout­ing be­gan to melt the
frozen world.

Fur­ther­more, the shout­ing urged the heart. Ev­ery­one's hearts be­gan to beat
wildly in the rush of the shouts.

At the cen­ter of the shouts, Kim Tae-hoon looked at his own Sword deeply
em­bed­ded in the neck of the fallen devil snake.

The Sword was stick­ing out its han­dle as if wait­ing for its mas­ter to come.

Kim caught the hilt and pulled it out, like the leg­end of a king who draw­ing
a sword from a rock.


With­out any trou­ble, the Sword again cut through the body of the devil
snake and re­vealed its sil­ver blade.

The sil­ver blade now scat­tered sil­ver light around, re­flect­ing the sun­light
pass­ing through the sky.


Those who saw the scat­tered sil­ver blade be­gan to shout with all their

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

Dur­ing the shouts, Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately set out to work.

He cut the skin like dig­ging a bur­row, slic­ing away the flesh, and re­vealed
the black heart of the devil snake sleep­ing be­yond it. He raised his smart­‐
phone over the yel­low jewel em­bed­ded in the heart.


[The Crys­tal of the Black Snake]

-- Strength and Health greatly in­crease when in­gested.

-- The skill level of En­ergy greatly in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill level of Mana greatly in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill level of De­fense greatly in­creases when in­gested.

-- The Power of the Black Snake [The Eyes of Black Snake] can be ac­‐
quired when in­gested.]


Kim Tae-hoon tore the yel­low jewel off and put it in his mouth.

There was no hes­i­ta­tion. He ate it in a gulp and swal­lowed it in a gulp.

Kim Tae-hoon's body also took the crys­tal of the Black Snake at once, and
it made the Power of the Black Snake his own.


First of all, the En­ergy in­side his guts be­gan to change. The loach went mad
and grew hugely. It be­came a snake.

The huge snake with such great En­ergy gave power to his body. It seemed
that the power he could not con­trol would burst out of him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘

At that mo­ment, the power of En­ergy fo­cused on Kim Tae-hoon's eyes. The
whites dis­ap­peared from his eyes and only black ones re­mained.

At the same time, the En­ergy that filled Kim Tae-hoon's guts be­gan to dis­si­‐
pate rapidly.

'Is this the Eyes of Black Snake?'

In ex­change for con­sum­ing such En­ergy, the world he looked at had

changed. He could see more clearly, and he could count the feath­ers of a
fly­ing bird.

And the in­vis­i­ble was now vis­i­ble.

Kim Tae-hoon looked at the back of his right hand.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 135

-- Health: 122

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: D Rank

-- Mana: D Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: D Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: D Rank


Kim Tae-hoon got the Eyes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 39 ⦘


Jang Sung-hoon did not par­tic­i­pate in the hunt. He was not qual­if­ ied to take
part in the hunt against the scary mon­ster.

He re­ceived a re­port af­ter ev­ery­thing was over: Kim Tae-hoon was eaten by
the devil snake, and mirac­u­lously stabbed its heart, sur­vived, and ate its

When he heard the re­port, Jang Sung-hoon felt dizzy.

'He al­most died.'

The only thing that was done as planned was lur­ing the devil snake. Ev­ery­‐
thing af­ter that was be­yond his ex­pec­ta­tions.

Even if Kim Tae-hoon died, it was no won­der. Or­di­nar­ily, he should have


But in the end, he won!

So now it was time to col­lect the spoils of the war!

Jang Sung-hoon got up from his seat.

'They said the old man who worked at the leather shoe fac­tory was Park

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

Chap­ter 40
Chap­ter 14. He Got the Eyes, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was night time be­fore the en­thu­si­asm of the sur­vivors, which seemed not
to go out, cooled down.

The night was dark and cold, and the sur­vivors moved to find a warm place
to sur­vive again.

Kim Tae-hoon was also pre­pared to spend the night.


Kim Tae-hoon's bed was a car, and he sat in the driver's seat of a car that
was too ex­pen­sive to use as a tent in­stead of the Mer­cedes S500, put down
the win­dow, and turned his head.

He saw the dead body of the Black Snake.

Kim Tae-hoon looked at the dead body and picked up a mug. A part­ner with
a steam­ing heart told him that it had no in­ten­tion of spend­ing the night.


"Big brother!"

Jang Sung-hoon and Bang Hyun-wook ap­peared at that time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

"Would you like a beer? It's very cool be­cause it has been in the snow. I
brought you a snack, too."

Be­fore his an­swer came out, Jang Sung-hoon was in the pas­sen­ger seat and
Bang Hyun-wook was in the back seat.

Jang Sung-hoon, who was in the pas­sen­ger seat, put his hand in a black
plas­tic bag.

"Do you have any brands you like?"

"I don't need it."

"Brother, I'll have Miller, Miller."

Jang Sung-hoon handed a Miller beer can to Bang Hyun-wook.

"You're a young man who just grad­u­ated from high school, right?"

"Haha, that's the way it is," Bang Hyun-wook smiled awk­wardly and re­‐
ceived the beer can.

Kim Tae-hoon took a sip of cof­fee at the sight of the two. He be­gan to en­joy
the si­lence.

Jang Sung-hoon started to talk in the mean­while. "You've been through it."

"Now let's get to the point, then. Now, we're cre­at­ing a Guild."

The story did not have a head and tail.

"Guild? Brother, we area Clan, what Guild are we mak­ing again?"

"It means we will al­low the cre­ation of new Clans within our ter­ri­tory, and
we will be the leader of groups of Clans. For ex­am­ple, Mac Clan be­comes
Mac Guild and has mul­ti­ple Clans un­der its com­mand, and the Clans run
sev­eral par­ties in­ter­nally."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

It was a con­cept that any­one who had played an MMORPG game could
eas­ily un­der­stand.

Bang Hyun-wook im­me­di­ately ex­pressed his doubts. "Then it's dan­ger­ous,

right? If we ever get be­trayed..."

"Af­ter killing the boss and tak­ing the seat, all they have to do is to fight
such mon­sters as are out­side the win­dow. Do you want to do that?"

Bang Hyun-wook, who im­me­di­ately grasped the sit­u­at­ion, took a drink of

beer in­stead of an­swer­ing.

Jang Sung-hoon's eyes turned to Kim Tae-hoon.

"Ac­tu­ally, it's not just Clans, but there are some par­ties that have a lot of
power. They just need a sys­tem, be­cause they're get­ting big­ger. I think it's
im­por­tant to keep in mind to give the Clans a gun if nec­es­sary. War is partly
fought by a num­ber of peo­ple. Of course, this is not an ur­gent prob­lem. The
im­me­di­ate prob­lem is the com­mon peo­ple. They need a rep­re­sen­ta­tive."

Jang Sung-hoon drank a sip of soda and kept talk­ing. "The bomb that might
re­ally ex­plode at any time is the com­mon peo­ple like me. Right now the
Awak­en­ers are at the cen­ter of a group of sur­vivors. It's not a good sit­u­at­ion
for the pub­lic. Two or three out of ten fe­male pa­tients vis­it­ing sis­ter Sun-mi
are vic­tims of sex­ual as­sault. There are such vic­tims among men, too. Of
course, none of them con­fess the dam­age."

Jang Sung-hoon's ex­pres­sion grad­u­ally hard­ened.

This was the re­al­ity.

"You want to elect a rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the pub­lic, right?" They needed
some­one to speak for the voices of these peo­ple. That way, when the bal­‐
ance was there, the or­der could be es­tab­lished right there.

"We can't elect peo­ple, be­cause we can't run the elec­tion in this sit­u­at­ion,
and we don't have to, be­cause it's not hard to pick a rep­re­sen­ta­tive. The

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

Boss can pick one right away. The ques­tion is, who do you pick? In that
vein, can I have that snake?"

At the words he threw out, Kim Tae-hoon drank some cof­fee again.

"I have an old man named Park Kap-soo, who has been work­ing on leather
shoes for over forty years, and he has good skill. I'm go­ing to let him make
things with that snake. And at the same time, I am tak­ing this op­por­tu­nity to
re­cruit tech­ni­cians who have been hid­ing or were un­able to re­veal their
skills. I will make a work­shop. And that's what we need to do to make a
com­ple­men­tary re­la­tion­ship be­tween the Awak­en­ers and the pub­lic."

It was mean­ing­less to have politi­cians who sim­ply rep­re­sented the voices of

the pub­lic.

They had to com­ple­ment one an­other.

They needed the pub­lic with skills, ground­work, and la­bor to sup­port
Awak­en­ers who hunted the mon­sters at the risk of their lives.

At the same time, a sym­bol was needed, which could be used as a ref­er­ence
point when some­one recorded this work later.

The dead body of the Black Snake would be the most per­fect sym­bol.

"We'll make some items of that leather, and then we'll give it to the newly
cre­ated Guild."

At the words of Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon looked over at the dead
body of the Black Snake silently.

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon had no in­ten­tion of op­pos­ing Jang Sung-hoon's

words. The si­lence was a pos­i­tive ex­pres­sion.

"Of course I'm not go­ing to do that for free." Jang Sung-hoon also knew
that, so he took out a fold­ing map with a smile that soft­ened the se­ri­ous at­‐

It was a map of Bucheon City.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

"I'll give you my game, in­stead of the Boss's game." Jang Sung-hoon said,
tap­ping his fin­ger at one place of the map filled with his own writ­ing.

"There is a pos­si­bil­ity that there is a ware­house of Baek Sung-taek here."

"Who is he?" Bang asked, scratch­ing his head.

"He is a whale, a whale."

"A whale?"

"A whale."

Af­ter swal­low­ing his cof­fee, Kim Tae-hoon in­ter­vened in the funny con­ver­‐
sa­tion of the two. "Who is he?"

"He's some­one who fo­cuses on deal­ing with stolen goods and the theft of
cul­tural prop­er­ties. He deals in ev­ery­thing, so he is called a whale. Of
course, he could not keep the stolen goods in his house, so he had the ware­‐
house built sep­ar­ ately, and the ware­house is right in Bucheon."

"At this star sign?"

"It's one of the can­di­dates."

"You don't know ex­actly where it is, right?"

"If I had known where it was, I would have de­serted from my reg­i­ment and
robbed it."

"How do you know?"

"He's a man very sen­si­tive to the the­ory of div­ina­tion based on to­pog­ra­phy,

and he wouldn't have made the ware­house just any­where. The prob­lem

Jang Sung-hoon tapped his fin­gers around the star-shaped area. There were
many apart­ment com­plexes in the area he pointed out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

Bang Hyun-wook, look­ing at it with his head stick­ing out from the back
seat, frowned slightly.

"Huh, there are so many apart­ment com­plexes."

In nor­mal time, an apart­ment com­plex would be no place spe­cial, but now

that it had be­come a mon­ster land; an apart­ment com­plex was the most
hellish place in the world.

The rea­son for hell was sim­ple.

"It must be a com­plete mon­ster den, and it's a den of pow­er­ful mon­sters."

It had the rich­est food.

The pop­u­la­tion den­sity of the apart­ment com­plexes was higher than any­‐
where else, and it was De­cem­ber 31st when the mon­ster ap­peared. It was
the time when most peo­ple were pre­par­ing for the end of the year at home.

Of course, there were many preda­tors who fill their stom­achs with the food
where it was most abun­dant.

Be­cause of that, so far, Kim Tae-hoon and the Mes­siah had not eas­ily ac­‐
cessed the apart­ment com­plexes. The place where Jang Sung-hoon pointed
out now ex­isted in the mid­dle of such apart­ment com­plexes.

"Are you go­ing to get in there with just a few peo­ple?."

If it was a nor­mal case, they would not ap­proach there. Even if they ap­‐
proached it, they had to clean with all the Mac Clan's power and full prepa­‐

"We'll be on the move to­mor­row morn­ing."

"Boss, wouldn't it be hard to move straight to­mor­row? You should first

clean up the sur­round­ings."

"I'm enough alone."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon now was quite dif­fer­ent from yes­ter­day.

And to­mor­row he would be to­tally dif­fer­ent from now.


"Krrr!" The growl of the Black Were­wolf passed over the des­o­late road
where the sound of the wind could not be even heard.

Be­hind that cry was the sound of Were­wolf's feet step­ping qui­etly on the
snowy ground.

It was not one sound, but six sounds!

Two me­ters tall, with a huge physique, the Were­wolves had quiet foot­steps
that did not fit their size. Their red eyes glis­tened with their foot­steps.

There were many things in their glis­ten­ing eyes. There was hos­til­ity to the
prey in their ter­ri­tory, and there was a thirst for the hot blood fill­ing the
body of their prey.

Their prey walked along the road, whether he knew it or not.

He didn't want to hide his foot­steps, and he moved, un­will­ing to hide his
foot­prints, re­veal­ing his pres­ence.


Then six Were­wolves ap­peared be­fore their prey.

The Were­wolves, who ap­peared in for­ma­tion as they sur­rounded him, im­‐

me­di­ately threw their heads back and raised their pro­trud­ing snouts to the


The hor­ri­fy­ing howl­ing, star­tlingly eerie, be­gan to surge in from all sides.

Even the howl­ing was short.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

The Black Were­wolves be­gan to run to­ward their prey af­ter a short howl­ing,
as if they could not af­ford to wait for the prey to have time to get afraid.

Three ran on two legs, and the re­main­ing three ran on four legs.

Their speed was ter­ri­fy­ing, no mat­ter how they ran, and the rush that
seemed to crush the earth was enough to stop his breath.

In the mean­time, two of them had stopped howl­ing, as if they were cut­ting a
­ ony early, mock­ing their prey.

At that mo­ment, the eyes of the prey in the cen­ter of the Black Were­wolves
be­gan to blacken.

It was just a mo­ment.


From the mouth of the first Black Were­wolf, which had met with the Eyes,
came out a pa­thetic sound that a puppy would not even spit out.

The man rolled his dark­ened Eyes. No­body could see it, be­cause black Eyes
on a black field showed noth­ing.

And now there was noth­ing to no­tice the fact.

It was just a mo­ment.


A feath­er­less ar­row left the man's waist, leav­ing only a faint sound be­hind,
moved around the man like a light­ning bolt, if you fol­lowed the twisted, ir­‐
reg­u­lar line from above.

But there was one thing in com­mon from the move­ment.

The brains of the Black Were­wolves con­nected them all.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

Black Were­wolves, who seemed ready to start a mad feast, fell on the
ground and be­gan to roll.

They were not able to get up.

The man, Kim Tae-hoon, looked at the bod­ies of those Black Were­wolves.
The world seen by the black­ened Eyes, [the Eyes of Black Snake], was not
too dif­fer­ent from the world he usu­ally saw.

It was all clear. It was the same be­fore.

The Black Were­wolves, who ran wildly to­ward him­self at the same time,
were so slow that they seemed to have stopped in Kim Tae-hoon's Eyes. In
such a world, Kim Tae-hoon was able to draw the pic­ture he wanted more
per­fectly than ever.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did not feel any spe­cial sat­is­fac­tion. Rather, it was
the op­po­site.

"This is not enough." In the clear, dis­tinct world, Kim Tae-hoon's lack­ing
and in­ex­pe­ri­ence seemed clear.

At that mo­ment, a huge Black Wolf ap­peared on his left side with a huge

The or­ange-eyed Wolf was huge enough to eat a bear. It was an­gry, fac­ing
an en­emy who had turned its own race into meat at once.

Kim Tae-hoon turned his head to­ward the an­gry beast.

The or­ange eyes of the Black Wolf and the Eyes of the Black Snake of Kim
Tae-hoon crossed.

As soon as they crossed, a chok­ing sound came out of the mouth of the
Black Wolf, and its body stiff­ened.

It was try­ing to hold on to the enor­mous power of its limbs be­ing pulled in
five di­rec­tions.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 40 ⦘

Un­der that cir­cum­stance, the Sword was pulled out of the sheath on the
back of Kim Tae-hoon.

It flew it­self and cut off the head of the Black Wolf with­out a hint of hes­i­ta­‐

Kim Tae-hoon, who watched it all hap­pen, was able to see it clearly.

'It's not this feel­ing.'

He only felt his own short­com­ings.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

Chap­ter 41
Chap­ter 15. Dae­dongyeo­jido, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


A va­cant lot for a build­ing, which had been full of si­lence for a while, was
now filled with the at­mos­phere of a con­struc­tion site.

"Get rid of this lump of flesh! It's dis­turb­ing!"

"Need two more peo­ple here!"


"We need three peo­ple here! Hurry up!"

At the cen­ter of the at­mos­phere was the dead body of a gi­ant snake.

The Black Snake, which had doled out fear and de­spair, was now pay­ing for

Peo­ple were cling­ing to it like ants, gnaw­ing apart its body, lit­tle by lit­tle.

There were dif­fer­ent ways.

"The chain­saw has stopped! Oil! Give me some oil!"

There were those who were cut­ting off its head us­ing a heavy-duty chain­‐
saw, and some peo­ple were dig­ging out the flesh be­neath its skin with pick­‐
axes and shov­els.

"Be care­ful, watch out for the fork­lift!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

There was also a crane driver re­mov­ing the ac­cu­mu­lated flesh with the
crane which was in the con­struc­tion site .

It was hard, of course.

"Oh, it's harder than hard work on a con­struc­tion site."

"I'd rather do de­liv­ery ser­vice up and down. What kind of body..."

But still, it was full of vi­tal­ity.

"But it's bet­ter to be this tough."

"I am in sweat af­ter a long time, and it's good to live now."

They could see how pre­cious it was to be able to do some­thing hard while

"Meal­time, it's meal­time!"

Oil was poured onto their burn­ing en­ergy.

"The menu is ra­men, Rice Cake Ra­men!"

A huge caul­dron, found in a nearby restau­rant, showed up with boiled rice

cakes and in­stant ra­men noo­dles, and saliva filled ev­ery­one's mouths.

"Let's eat and then work, let's eat!"

Ev­ery­one stopped what they were do­ing for a while, and started en­joy­ing
the meal to­gether. The breaths of those eat­ing hot ra­men rose from all over
the va­cant lot con­tin­u­ously.

It was a warm sight to see.

How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon's ex­pres­sion of the scene was not so pos­i­tive.

"Brother, would you like a bowl?" Bang Hyun-wook asked Jang Sung-
hoon, but there was no an­swer. Jang Sung-hoon looked at the body of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

Black Snake be­ing dis­sected, with a hard face.

"Brother Sung-hoon!"

"If you want to eat, you eat alone."

"You're not re­ally go­ing to eat, are you? Don't ask me for some."

Bang Hyun-wook ran away with those words to the line in front of the caul­‐
dron. Jang Sung-hoon, still watch­ing the scene, once again stiff­ened his ex­‐
pres­sion that had re­laxed for a mo­ment.

He looked at the body of the Black Snake with that hard face. At this mo­‐
ment, Jang Sung-hoon had one worry.

'Where should we go?'

There was much to be done in the fu­ture.

Once we have made an item us­ing the body of the Black Snake, made the
Mac Clan into the Mac Guild, cre­ated Clans un­der the Mac Guild, and se­‐
lected a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the pub­lic...

There were im­por­tant things to do af­ter that.

'The first pri­or­ity we face right now is to have a self-suf­fi­cient sys­tem: to

se­cure land for farm­ing. It is nec­es­sary to save more sur­vivors be­cause it re­‐
quires a lot of la­bor. This win­ter will pass like a shot, just do­ing these

'The next prob­lem is...'

'If the words of Lee Jin-sung, the dead head of the Mes­siah, are true, there
are stronger mon­sters than the Black Snake around Bucheon City. As we
have seen, mon­sters are clas­si­fied ac­cord­ing to the color of their eyes. The
low­est grade is red, the next grade is or­ange, and the above grade is yel­low.
The mon­sters are likely to be rated ac­cord­ing to the seven col­ors that make
up the rain­bow.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

'Ac­cord­ing to that grade, the Black Snake that cov­ered Bucheon City in fear
means the third weak­est type of mon­ster. It's the third one down there.'

The dragon, which had ap­peared in Bucheon City for a while and just be­‐
fore the death of Kim Tae-hoon in the fu­ture, had dark-blue eyes.

'He'll never die if he steps on the yel­low one, but if he steps on the green
mine, it will be game over.'

Cur­rently, the grade of mon­sters that Kim Tae-hoon could kill was the yel­‐

Even he barely killed it. If he met a mon­ster with green eyes, he would in­‐
evitably die.

'Even he just stays still, it will be game over, in the end.

'How­ever, we can not stay in Bucheon City for­ever. If we stay in Bucheon

City, we will be at­tacked by mon­sters com­ing here some­day. If we are
trapped in Bucheon City, it is not much dif­fer­ent then be­ing a farm to a

'We have to move.'

'In the end, we have to move. To live, we must move on with­out stop­ping.
But as said be­fore, no one knows what threat is! It is like walk­ing a mine­‐
field with­out any clues or in­for­ma­tion!'

"It's a real fuck." Jang Sung-hoon threw up curses at the sit­u­at­ion.

If it was a dif­fi­cult prob­lem, he would be wor­ried about find­ing the an­swer,

but the prob­lem he faced now was not a dif­fi­cult prob­lem.

No an­swer could be found, even if one was wor­ried about it.

"Brother!" Bang Hyun-wook came up with a bowl and walked to­ward Jang

"I don't want to eat," Jang Sung-hoon said in a slightly ir­ri­tated voice.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

"Big brother is here."

"What?" At the fol­low­ing words, Jang Sung-hoon had to make a sur­prised

look. "Has he done it al­ready?"

Jang Sung-hoon saw ev­ery­one, eat­ing their de­li­cious ra­men noo­dles, rise
from their seats and bow their heads.

It was the re­turn of the king.

Kim Tae-hoon, ap­pear­ing just like that, im­me­di­ately walked over to Jang
Sung-hoon and said, "I'll start af­ter a cup of cof­fee."


"Oh, my God."

"No way, did he re­ally do this alone?"

Two men, dressed like butch­ers, with plas­tic aprons, rub­ber gloves, and
meat-carv­ing tools, were briefly dis­tracted by the sight in front of them.

It was the path of dead bod­ies spread out be­fore them.

There were bod­ies ly­ing on the road, not of hu­mans but mon­sters; of not
just one kind, but a va­ri­ety of them!

What was more sur­pris­ing was the con­di­tion of the bod­ies.

"The con­di­tion of the bod­ies..."

"Is this pos­si­ble?"

They all had a hole in the head, or their heads were cut off.

The only choices given to the bod­ies were the two. Ex­cept them, no­body
was found choos­ing an­other op­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

If they had been a rag by the ex­plo­sion of a bul­let or a pow­er­ful bomb, there
would have been no rea­son not to be­lieve it.

So those who came to deal with the dead bod­ies, for­get­ting what they had to
do, stared at the path of car­casses for a while.

Bang Hyun-wook was also present among them.

Bang Hyun-wook, who was on duty to pro­tect peo­ple in case of at­tack by

un­known mon­sters, looked silently at the scene cre­ated by Kim Tae-hoon.

"Tut." He clicked his tongue briefly. 'I can't even be his right toe, let alone
his right arm.' Af­ter click­ing his tongue briefly, he swal­lowed the com­plaint
through his neck, and then his eyes sank briefly, with a mixed ex­pres­sion.

In the mind of such Bang Hyun-wook, the mem­ory of De­cem­ber 31st came
to mind.

He re­mem­bered when he re­sponded di­rectly to Kim Tae-hoon's words, "If

you want to live, just fol­low me."

Since then, Bang Hyun-wook has thought that he was the only Awak­ener
who could help Kim Tae-hoon.

He thought that he couldn't re­place Kim Tae-hoon, but he was the only one
who could fill the place when Kim Tae-hoon dis­ap­peared.

'What have I been do­ing?'

But now he knew that all his thoughts were non­sense.

'In the mean­time...'

Bang Hyun-wook looked at the back of his right hand, and some kinds of
emo­tions be­gan to shake in­tensely in his heart as he did so.

And that time there was an­other man whose emo­tions were fluc­tu­at­ing as
in­tensely as his.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

"Oh, my God."



"Whale, how much did you eat?"

Look­ing at the out­side im­age, it was a plain, de­tached house, a two-story

house with a gar­den.

The in­side of the house was filled with all sorts of art­works.

It was an­other world in the eyes of Jang Sung-hoon.

"I heard that the Whale had col­lected what­ever he needed, but I didn't know
he had gath­ered this much. Look­ing at the level of the col­lec­tion, I guess he
was a klep­to­ma­niac. He wouldn't col­lect things like this un­less he was in­ter­‐
ested in steal­ing them."

Jang Sung-hoon, who was look­ing at the art­work on ev­ery side, had a bit­ter
smile on his face.

"It's funny to say this, but it's no won­der that if the world, where these peo­‐
ple lived in a grand style, col­lapsed, there was noth­ing wrong with it."

His com­plaints stopped there. Jang Sung-hoon did not for­get why he was
here. He im­me­di­ately took out his smart­phone.

"It's go­ing to be a tire­some job to take pho­tos one by one be­cause there are
so many."

The only rea­son he came here was to find relics that would help them in the
war with the mon­sters in the fu­ture.

That was all.

Kim Tae-hoon picked up a small bot­tle of liquor close to him, in­stead of an­‐
swer­ing Jang Sung-hoon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

He handed it over to Jang Sung-hoon. Jang Sung-hoon re­ceived it re­flex­‐

ively and cocked his head.

'Why did Kim Tae-hoon sud­denly give it to him?'

At the doubt, Kim Tae-hoon an­swered briefly, "It's a relic."


Kim Tae-hoon be­gan to look around in­stead of an­swer­ing the ques­tion, with
his black Eyes shin­ing. The Eyes of Black Snake were in ac­tion.

The ac­tive Eyes of Black Snake turned the land­scape of this place into an­‐
other world, with a dif­fer­ent mean­ing for Kim Tae-hoon.

With the Eyes of Kim Tae-hoon, he could see the relic. As soon as he
looked at the relic, it was like he was wear­ing smart glasses, and could see
its abil­ity.

The same was true of the paint­ing Kim Tae-hoon now saw.

It was just a beau­ti­ful woman painted dur­ing the Joseon Dy­nasty. There was
no way of know­ing whose paint­ing it was. How­ever, it was dif­fer­ent in Kim
Tae-hoon's Eyes.

==[Blessed Por­trait of a Beauty]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 5

-- Relic Value: Rare

-- Relic Ef­fect: It is pos­si­ble to cre­ate a bless­ing in which the Strength of an

ob­ject can be in­creased by con­sum­ing Mana.]==

The Eyes of Black Snake could see the hid­den value of the Por­trait of a

In the mean­time, Jang Sung-hoon took a pic­ture of a small bot­tle of liquor

that Kim gave to him by his smart­phone and re­al­ized the sit­u­at­ion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

"Can you see the value of the relics in the Boss's Eyes?"

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim Tae-hoon looked around and pointed his fin­ger
at sev­eral items.

Jang Sung-hoon no longer asked ques­tions. He took pic­tures of the pieces

Kim Tae-hoon pointed at and care­fully packed them.

The search for relics that was ex­pected to take a long time pro­gressed

Jang Sung-hoon's turn came af­ter tak­ing the most vis­i­ble relics right away.

"It can't be all there is to see. I'm sure he has hid­den the most valu­able
pieces all over the place. Of course, the most clas­sic hid­ing place is the

Jang Sung-hoon found places where the orig­i­nal owner of the house, Baek
Sung-taek, had hid­den other pieces, start­ing with the wardrobe, in­side its
thick door, as well as hid­den in the flow­er­pot on the ve­randa. Among them,
the jack­pot was be­hind the wall­pa­per.

"Ac­tual trea­sures are not hid­den in the safe." Jang Sung-hoon started tear­ing
up the wall­pa­per, af­ter search­ing all the places he could eas­ily search.

A writ­ing, which was qui­etly placed be­hind the wall­pa­per, ap­peared.

Dae Poong Moo Ae (大風無碍): it meant "There is noth­ing rough be­fore

the great wind."

In front of the sim­ple and clear writ­ing, the name and seal of the owner of
the writ­ing were printed in­tact.

"... Oh, my God."

Star­ing at the writ­ing, Jang Sung-hoon had the most sur­prised look on his

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 41 ⦘

"That's ridicu­lous. This can't be the orig­i­nal... How did a re­ceiver of stolen
goods get a piece of an un­pub­lished work by Choosa..."

Choosa Kim Jung-hee.

It was the name with such a sig­nif­i­cant weight that Jang Sung-hoon had to
look sur­prised.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-hoon was not sur­prised. He warned Jang Sung-
hoon, "Take the writ­ing and step back."

"Yes? What are you say­ing...?"

'Swish', Kim Tae-hoon's right hand turned black while he waved it back and
forth, telling Jang Sung-hoon to back off.

Black Skin.

Kim Tae-hoon, dis­played a power that dyed his right arm right to his shoul­‐
der, im­me­di­ately be­gan to press his power against the wall, not any­thing

Bang! With just one punch, the solid wall had a gi­ant hole in it.

Splat­ter! The de­bris started to fall to the floor, and the things hid­den in­side
the wall were re­vealed.


Dae­dongyeo­jido (also Dae­dong Yeo­jido: 大東輿地圖, lit. "The Great Map

of the East Land") is a large-scale map of Ko­rea pro­duced by Joseon dy­‐
nasty car­tog­ra­pher and ge­ol­o­gist Kim Jeong-ho in 1861. A sec­ond edi­tion
was printed in 1864. One source de­scribes it as the "old­est map in Ko­rea".
Dae­dongyeo­jido is con­sid­ered very ad­vanced for its time and marks the
zenith of pre-mod­ern Ko­rean car­tog­ra­phy.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

Chap­ter 42
Chap­ter 15. Dae­dongyeo­jido, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The de­struc­tive power cre­ated Kim Tae-hoon's fist was enor­mous yet hor­ri­‐
fy­ing. The wall crum­bled like a cookie. Splat­ter! The parts of the wall fell
to the floor like a piece of a cookie.

'Ah!' How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon was not sur­prised by Kim Tae-hoon's fist.
All he could see was a ball of translu­cent vinyl through the bro­ken wall.

Tap tap! Kim Tae-hoon took the plas­tic bag out of the wall and im­me­di­ately
handed it to Jang Sung-hoon. Jang Sung-hoon ac­cepted it care­fully and be­‐
gan to re­lease the plas­tic. Af­ter the plas­tic was re­moved from the skin, a
lux­u­ri­ous blue roll of silk ap­peared.


'It's not a com­mon silk.' The silk it­self looked like a very high-qual­ity prod­‐
uct. The tex­ture was the same. Jang Sung-hoon's touch re­vealed that the silk
was not a relic, but qual­ity silk that was not cheap. Yet it was noth­ing com­‐
pared to what was hid­ing in­side the silk.

"... this is so ridicu­lous."

A book was re­vealed within the silk. It was an old book, which could be
looked to a nor­mal per­son as an or­di­nary book.

'How could this be here?' The let­ters writ­ten on the cover of the book in
black ink were enough to make Jang Sung-hoon's mind go dark.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

Dae­dongyeo­jido 大東輿地圖

"... it's Dae­dongyeo­jido."


What kind of ex­pla­na­tion was needed?

It was the most pre­cious thing Gosanja Kim Jeong-ho had seen in his whole
life, and it was also a her­itage for fu­ture gen­er­at­ions. For them to ex­plain
and eval­u­ate it would just be ridicu­lous.

"It's dif­fer­ent from the Dae­dongyeo­jido that I know."

"This is the wood-block printed ver­sion. To be ex­act, the Dae­dongyeo­jido

was made of wood blocks. The Dae­dongyeo­jido we see in the text­books
was com­bined from each wood-block printed ver­sion made of wood-block
like a puz­zle. And this is... prob­ab­ ly an un­pub­lished wood-block printed
ver­sion," Jang Sung-hoon ex­plained.

At that mo­ment, he re­called the ru­mor that a wood-block printed ver­sion of

Dae­dongyeo­jido that was not re­leased to the world was float­ing around. "I
heard a ru­mor, but I thought it was fake..."

But hon­estly, when he heard the ru­mor, he thought it was false. Those kinds
of ru­mors were ev­ery­where, and if it were a wood-block printed ver­sion of
Dae­dongyeo­jido, it would not be just a thing float­ing around by just ru­mors.
If it were real, very big hands would have moved to take it.

But the ru­mor was true. And the owner was Baek Sung-taek! 'So he kept it
in the wall. Yeah, it's worth keep­ing it in the wall. A thief can't trust a safe.'

Jang Sung-hoon, who held Dae­dongyeo­jido in his hand, asked in re­turn,

"How did you know it was in the wall?"

His Eyes of the Black Snake only saw some­thing in de­tail, but there was no
such abil­ity as see­ing through.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

It meant that he did not have the abil­ity to see through the wall. How­ever,
Kim Tae-hoon, as if it were per­fectly nat­u­ral, punched the wall with­out any

"That's the only part of the wall that has a dif­fer­ent tex­ture."

"Dif­fer­ent tex­ture? Did you see it with your Eyes?"

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim Tae-hoon's eyes turned black again. With the
Eyes of Black Snake, he looked at the wood-block printed ver­sion of Dae­‐
dongyeo­jido which Jang Sung-hoon held in his hands.


-- Relic Grade: Grade 4

-- Relic Value: Spe­cial

-- Relic Ef­fect: The lo­ca­tion of mon­sters are dis­played on the map.]==

Jang Sung-hoon also im­me­di­ately took out his smart­phone and con­firmed
the abil­ity of Dae­dongyeo­jido.

Jang Sung-hoon, who had con­firmed its abil­ity, be­gan to flip the pages of
the book care­fully, with his sur­prised look.

Flip-flip! With the sound of turn­ing over the pages, he scanned the great
map of Dae­dongyeo­jido, which was di­vided into pieces.

At the same time, he be­gan to com­bine the pieces of the map men­tally. It
was one of his tal­ents.

A per­son who was not ca­pa­ble could not make coun­ter­feit goods. He had to
be able to make coun­ter­feit goods that could de­ceive oth­ers; when he saw
the orig­i­nal art, he could re­call it per­fectly later and then recre­ate the same
in re­al­ity.

It was not dif­fi­cult for Jang Sung-hoon to com­plete the in­te­grated map in
his mind while look­ing at the bro­ken pieces of the map.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

Flip! As soon as Jang Sung-hoon saw the last page, the map was com­pleted
in his mind.

"This map is a kind of map nu­cleus." He quickly fig­ured out its char­ac­ter­is­‐

"A map nu­cleus?" Kim Tae-hoon put his head a lit­tle to one side. The game
term was not fa­mil­iar to him.

Jang Sung-hoon be­gan to ex­plain for him. His fin­gers be­gan to scan the
wood-block printed ver­sion of Dae­dongyeo­jido again.

Soon his hand stopped, and he showed the page to Kim Tae-hoon. A lot of
red and or­ange lights were clus­tered on the map which was bro­ken to

"This is the map of the place that is now Bucheon."

"These lights..."

"... mark the mon­sters."

"In de­tail."

"It marks the mon­sters around, start­ing with the owner of the map. It's like a
radar. It can show small things close by, but those far away can only show
big ones. The small ones here mean the weak mon­sters, and the big ones
mean the pow­er­ful mon­sters."

One ques­tion came to mind when Kim Tae-hoon heard this. "What's the
high­est level of mon­sters we've ever seen?"

"There is a dark blue light on Mt. Halla and Mt. Baekdu in Jeju Is­land."

Dark blue meant that there was a mon­ster of the same grade as the dragon at
the be­gin­ning and the end of the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

That was not good news.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

It was a kind of ev­i­dence that this world had be­come so much more mis­er­‐
able than they had imag­ined.

But there was some­thing else they had to worry about right now; an or­ange
light and a red light were mov­ing on the map!

That meant the mon­sters were mov­ing!

"Take only what's im­por­tant."



It was Brown Gob­lins, at­tack­ing the clean­ers who were work­ing the road
cleared by Kim Tae-hoon. They were fa­mil­iar mon­sters to the Mac Clan's
sol­diers and Bang Hyun-wook.

"Ev­ery­body, get on the truck!"

A Brown Gob­lin it­self was weak. An or­di­nary armed adult man could suf­fi­‐
ciently deal with it.


The prob­lem was that Brown Gob­lins moved un­der the com­mand of a Hob­‐
gob­lin, not in­di­vid­u­ally. More­over, the unique spell of the Hob­gob­lin took
away the pain and fear from Brown Gob­lins.

The mon­sters who lost their pain and hor­ror were ter­ri­fy­ing over the imag­i­‐
na­tion. The fe­ro­cious waves of the mon­ster groups, num­ber­ing more than a
hun­dred, de­stroyed the fight­ing spirit of those who faced them, be­fore the


In front of this scene, Bang Hyun-wook used the Howl­ing power which he
had ac­quired by eat­ing the mon­ster stone of a Black Wolf given by Kim

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

He dashed to­ward the Brown Gob­lins run­ning at him, with the Howl­ing. It
was to earn some time and to ex­press his con­fi­dence at the same time.

"I'll kill you all!" At the shout, Bang Hyun-wook's En­ergy churned. The En­‐
ergy made his whole body grow stronger.

Ex­cept for Kim Tae-hoon, he had the high­est stats in Strength and Health
among the Awak­en­ers. There­fore, be­ing stronger than be­fore would be a
ter­ri­fy­ing thing for the Brown Gob­lins that had to face him.

More­over, he was wrapped by the leather ar­mor of the Black Orc.

The leather of the Black Orc was not as strong as the leather of the Black
Snake, but it was not the leather which the teeth or the nails of the Brown
Gob­lins could do any­thing to. There­fore, the bat­tle­field that Bang Hyun-
wook threw him­self into was like a free bat­ting prac­tice for him.

'Free bat­ting is that you set the ball and hit it with a bat, free.'

There only dif­fer­ence was that a Brown Gob­lin's head was in place, in­stead
of the ball.

Bang! So Bang Hyun-wook started to go crazy. Mean­while, the Mac Clan's

sol­diers in the truck also passed Bang Hyun-wook, and be­gan to pull the
trig­ger at the ap­proach­ing Brown Gob­lins.

Tutu! Now their shots were con­trolled, not wast­ing bul­lets, and not point­ing
guns at al­lies. No one was as fright­ened as be­fore and just fired blindly to­‐
ward the Brown Gob­lins.


Of course, the Gob­lins that ran into con­trolled gun­shots be­gan to fall
rapidly. Nev­er­the­less, the rush of Brown Gob­lins grad­u­ally nar­rowed the
dis­tance to the truck. There was no stop­ping them. They seemed to be get­‐
ting faster ev­ery time they stepped on a dead col­league.

Kieee! The same was true of the anger in their eyes. The death throes of
their com­pan­ions fanned their anger.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

It was a feath­er­less ar­row from some­where that re­versed the sit­u­at­ion.


The move­ment of the ar­row that ap­peared was sim­i­lar to that of a skilled
per­son sewing beads. The ar­row be­gan to move like it was sewing the heads
of the Brown Gob­lins.

Bloosh! The run­ning Brown Gob­lins be­gan to fall to the ground like pup­‐
pets with cut strings, some fall­ing on them and oth­ers fall­ing on them again,
then a wall was made.

Kieeek!The re­main­ing Gob­lins fell to the ground, pil­ing onto the bod­ies of
their fel­lows. It was to­tal chaos. In this ridicu­lous sit­u­at­ion, the sur­vivors
were sur­prised at this ab­surd jaw-drop­ping scene, but not for long.


There was no rea­son to doubt who cre­ated this ridicu­lous sight.

"Mas­ter! Mas­ter is here!"

The main char­ac­ter was like a sav­ior to those here now. A real Mes­siah.

There was no one who would not be proud at the ap­pear­ance of their sav­ior.

"Mas­ter is here!"

"Kill them all!"

So now the eyes of those fac­ing the Brown Gob­lins be­gan to burn. The
spirit they cre­ated reached the Hob­gob­lin, who was com­mand­ing the Brown
Gob­lins far away.

Kirr kirrk!

The Hob­gob­lin shud­dered at the spirit that crushed the mad­ness it had cre­‐
ated. It was its last act.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 42 ⦘

His shiv­er­ing head fell to the ground. A well-pre­pared Sword had sliced
through the Hob­gob­lin's neck. At the same time, the pain and hor­ror taken
away were re­turned to the Brown Gob­lins.

Kiee! Kii, kiii! The Brown Gob­lins, again feel­ing pain and hor­ror, be­gan to
run away speak­ing weak death throes.

Bang Hyun-wook looked at the Gob­lins who ran away silently, and he saw
Kim Tae-hoon, who came back af­ter fin­ish­ing ev­ery­thing.


Jang Sung-hoon care­fully wrapped Dae­dongyeo­jido and the writ­ing of

Choosa Kim Jeong-hee with silk. How­ever, he didn't need to. When they
be­came the relics, they gained new lives. There was no need to worry about
them get­ting worn out. But he could not dare do oth­er­wise.

'I never thought I would get this trea­sure.'

To mis­treat a relic which could be only de­scribed with the word 'trea­sure'
dared not be done by those who de­voted their pas­sion and dreams to art.

Jang Sung-hoon pre­pared a bag to put the pre­cious trea­sure in. The bag was
also a bag con­tain­ing im­por­tant things that he al­ways had to carry.


For ex­am­ple, it had a crys­tal glass dec­o­rated with gold that con­tained red

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

Chap­ter 43
43 -- Dae­dongyeo­jido, Part III

Trans­la­tor: | Ed­it­or:

Chap­ter 15. Dae­dongyeo­jido, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Ev­ery­thing was try­ing to live. The mo­ment things com­bined to­gether to

live, it be­came an ecosys­tem.

The mon­sters, that we do not know from where they had ap­peared, also
built an ecosys­tem to live.

The weak mon­sters that did not dare to have their ter­ri­tory, and could not
even hunt, wan­dered around in search of bod­ies or the re­mains that some
mon­ster had eaten and left, and the strong mon­sters lived there, build­ing
their own ter­ri­tory.

A large stone fell on the ecosys­tem.

The Black Snake.

A ter­ri­ble snake that had laired in Bucheon City and made its ter­ri­tory there,
had died. It was like the death of a king.


It was not some­thing that you could hide just be­cause you wanted to hide it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

The news of the death of the king spread faster than the death of any­thing
else and brought a great shake-up. Point­edly, it made the mon­sters with am­‐
bi­tion move. Mon­sters that wanted to make the area of the Black Snake
their own ter­ri­tory be­gan to move more ac­tively in groups.

It was Kim Tae-hoon, the new king who de­feated the Black Snake and got
ev­ery­thing it had, that tram­pled their am­bi­tion.

Kim Tae-hoon's right arm, rem­i­nis­cent of a huge ham­mer, was black from
his fin­ger­tips to the shoul­der joint. It broke the skull of the Mon­key Dog,
who had a head twice the size of his own

Even as the burst pieces of skull and brains of the Mon­key Dog scat­tered to
wet the ground, Kim Tae-hoon moved into the twelve Mon­key Dogs that
fol­lowed their boss.

He passed be­tween the Mon­key Dogs like a snake, strik­ing a black fist to­‐
ward the head of a Mon­key Dog.

The scene looked as if Kim Tae-hoon was mov­ing in a sus­pended world.

The rea­son it looked that way was not that Kim Tae-hoon's move­ment was
sim­ply fast. It was his ac­cu­racy.

Kim Tae-hoon's fist was ex­actly punched in the mid­dle of the fore­head, in
be­tween two red eyes over the pro­trud­ing snout of the Mon­key Dog, in a
sit­u­at­ion where ev­ery­thing was mov­ing blind­ingly fast.

It was a su­per­hu­man skill.

There was no other word than that to de­scribe the abil­ity to achieve ex­actly
what he de­sired in all the ac­tion that took place so quickly.

"This is in­suf­fi­cient."

It was proof that Kim Tae-hoon quickly adapted him­self to the new power
of the Eyes of Black Snake and made it his own.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

It was why Kim Tae-hoon ig­nored the blood and gore, throw­ing him­self
will­ingly into the fight against the com­ing mon­sters, like they were the most
de­li­cious cook­ing for him.

"I have noth­ing to say."

"Who's the mon­ster..."

The sur­vivors, who viewed him as a sav­ior, at such an ap­pear­ance of Kim

Tae-hoon, could not help but ad­mire him.

They dis­man­tled the mon­ster bod­ies with­out stop­ping, but the scene, where
the num­ber of dead mon­ster bod­ies was grow­ing rather than de­creas­ing,
was a shock, not just ad­mi­ra­tion.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon, the source of that vi­o­lence, was not sat­is­fied with
the scene he cre­ated.

Two mon­sters.

He was not sat­is­fied.

'There are two mon­sters of the same rank as the dragon on the Ko­rean

The grue­some hor­ror of the world was pal­pa­ble to him now. He couldn't
help but know how damned the world was.

The de­spair felt at the mo­ment when the hor­ror was enu­mer­ated was much
more fa­tal.

He thought there would be a mon­ster that was equal to the dragon, but he
re­al­ized that such mon­sters were in Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Halla.

At the be­gin­ning and the end of the Ko­rean penin­sula, an un­ut­ter­able mon­‐
ster was serv­ing as a gate­keeper.

In ad­di­tion, the pro­por­tion of land of the Ko­rean penin­sula was very small
com­pared to the huge area of the whole Earth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

So how many mon­sters were sim­i­lar to the dragon in the whole world?

That was not the only thing.

"There are dozens of mon­sters around me that are stronger than the Black
Snake I was lucky to kill at the risk of my life."

Dae­dongyeo­jido was like a radar, as Jang Sung-hoon had ex­plained.

Strong mon­sters such as the dragon were marked even if they were far
away, but weaker mon­sters were not dis­played when they were dis­tant.

Nev­er­the­less, in the Dae­dongyeo­jido that they had se­cured, there were nine
blue lights which are un­der the rank of dark blue.

The green and yel­low lights were too nu­mer­ous to mea­sure im­me­di­ately.

'The words of Lee Jin-sung were right.'

The land of Bucheon was the only area among such lights that did not have
green and blue lights.

'Bucheon was lucky.'

They sur­vived be­cause of be­ing be­tween the pow­er­ful mon­sters.

'We were lucky right now.'

Of course, it was not pos­i­tive news.

'A coun­try caught be­tween pow­er­ful na­tions can ben­ef­ it a few times, but
even­tu­ally, it col­lapses at some point. His­tory proves it.'

The ecosys­tem of the world was be­ing main­tained thanks to the over­flow­‐
ing num­ber of hu­mans. This meant that since there were many hu­mans,
mon­sters could sur­vive with the hu­mans as prey right now.

'Hu­mans are not like plank­ton. They do not lay eggs like fish.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

Right now, the num­ber of hu­mans was over­flow­ing, but if they are eaten
and eaten, the num­ber of in­di­vid­u­als will even­tu­ally de­crease sharply.

Since mon­sters can not raise hu­mans, they will even­tu­ally move to places
where there are a lot of hu­man be­ings to sur­vive, and the land of Bucheon,
where a pop­u­la­tion re­mained, would be the most cov­eted for such mon­sters.

In the end, there was only one way.

'We've got to at­tack them be­fore they come.'

Killing them be­fore we die!

Be­fore mon­sters come in force, in a sit­u­at­ion where mankind has the ad­van­‐
tage in num­bers, and in a con­di­tion where we still have the power, skill, and
will to fight, in­clud­ing food, we have to seek the end of the mon­sters.

To Kim Tae-hoon, killing mon­sters with red and or­ange eyes was not ex­cit­‐
ing. Rather than ex­cited, he felt im­pa­tient.

'No, not like this, not with this abil­ity... noth­ing can be done.'

It was the low whis­per of Jang Sung-hoon that took away his im­pa­tience.

"Boss, the Golden Glass is full..."


Bucheon City Hall was lo­cated in the cen­ter of Bucheon City; it was cur­‐
rently be­ing used as the head­quar­ters of the Mac Clan.

There was a great deal of ev­i­dence to show that. One way was the Mac
Clan's sol­diers, who stood guard with guns, their eyes alive, and the Awak­‐
en­ers re­turn­ing from their hunt­ing low­er­ing their pos­tures.

"He is back."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

"The mas­ter."

"Who's the mas­ter..."

"He! The Sav­ior!"

And it was also ev­i­dence that there was a look of hope and ex­pec­ta­tion on
the sur­vivors liv­ing around Bucheon City Hall.

"I heard there were over a hun­dred mon­sters he has killed this time, alone,
even with his bare hands."

"A hun­dred mon­sters with his bare hands alone? Does that make sense?"

"It makes sense since a hun­dred dead bod­ies were piled up in a long row.
The num­ber might be a lot more than that."

"But with his bare hands..."

"He caught the yel­low devil once, and that's not hard for him."

Still, the world was hope­less.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tions were par­al­yzed, and in the ab­sence of any news of the

army that they had been wait­ing for, there was a flood of mon­sters ev­ery­‐
where and no sur­vivor who would bring news of other places. Now, they
could not even find food eas­ily.

Win­ter was colder than ever, and in this sit­u­at­ion peo­ple some­times even
froze to death in the cold, dy­ing of hunger and star­va­tion, pray­ing for a
peace­ful death when they were se­ri­ously wounded.

There was no one who thought that much could be changed in this sit­u­at­ion.

There was the only hope.

"Does he in­tend to clean up all the mon­sters?"

"I hope he will clean them all up."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

If there was any change in this re­al­ity, if a small hope rose, and if some­one
achieved it, it was ex­pected that Kim Tae-hoon, the first hunter, not just
any­one, would do it.

Kim Tae-hoon was sit­ting in a soft chair, the Golden Glass in his hand, in­‐
side the mayor's of­fice at the City Hall.

At first glance, the im­age was that he was an ar­ro­gant boss.

How­ever, the face of Kim Tae-hoon, look­ing at this bizarre liq­uid that was
only flick­er­ing and never over­flow­ing in the Golden Glass, had a look that
did not fit an ar­ro­gant boss.

His ex­pres­sion was re­ally bad.

'What the hell is the prin­ci­ple?'

The Golden Glass of Napoleon.

Once again, this mys­te­ri­ous Golden Glass was filled with a mys­tery that
made un­pleas­ant dreams, with­out sign or warn­ing.

Of course, he was cu­ri­ous why this Golden Glass had filled it­self. In this re­‐
gard, Jang Sung-hoon made the fol­low­ing guesses.

"In my per­sonal opin­ion, the Golden Glass of Napoleon has the abil­ity to
peek at fate. But it can't be easy to catch a glimpse of fate. Of course, as
soon as fate changes, it will take time to see the changed fate again. Maybe
that's why the Golden Glass filled so sud­denly. It takes time to see the new

It was a plau­si­ble guess.

If fate was a pro­gram, then to read that pro­gram, you could try hack­ing it. It
was only nat­u­ral to take some time.

'The fate of the world has changed.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

If his guess is cor­rect, the fact that the Golden Glass of Napoleon was once
again filled with red liq­uid meant that the fate of Kim Tae-hoon had

It was proof that his fate of death against the dragon no longer ex­isted.

Of course, this was not a pleas­ant thing ei­ther. It wouldn't be strange if

Kim's life­span be­came even shorter in his new des­tiny.

If that re­ally hap­pened, it would be too cruel to say.

If the ter­ri­ble ef­fort to live short­ened his life­span, he wouldn't be able to use
this any­more.

'I am afraid.'

Of course, he was scared.

Nev­er­the­less, Kim Tae-hoon did not hes­i­tate. He drank the Golden Glass in
one gulp.

At the same time, Kim Tae-hoon slumped down.


"Open your eyes! Open your eyes!"

The cry of a woman struck his eardrum.

"Open your eyes! Kim Tae-hoon, open your eyes!"

There was a re­peated cry.

At this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon was able to rec­og­nize the owner of the
voice, even though he didn't open his eyes.

'Ahn Sun-mi.'

Soon af­ter, a woman came into view.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 43 ⦘

He saw the face of Ahn Sun-mi, which had not changed much, and the
freck­les em­broi­dered on her face had not sig­nif­i­cantly changed.

The dif­fer­ence was her long hair. Her long straight hair clearly showed that
time had passed.

'What year is it?'

But it was im­pos­si­ble to tell whether this was the fu­ture of one year or five.
Fur­ther­more, it was as far as Kim Tae-hoon could see. His eye­lids had
closed again.


At this mo­ment, he knew that he is on the verge of death, and there was no
power to talk to any­one, or even a chance to get some clues from them.

'I'm dy­ing this way.'

It was the worst way. He was dream­ing of a sit­u­at­ion where he is about to

die. Was this how he is go­ing to waste his chance?

'What the fuck!'

What could he get from this?

Kim Tae-hoon let out a sigh. Of course, he was the only one who could hear
his sigh.

He heard her voice again, "I'll tell you, hop­ing you will dream of this mo­‐
ment. I don't know when you'll dream of this day... but I'll tell you the wish
list that I have pre­pared."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

Chap­ter 44
Chap­ter 16. Find­ing the Owner, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED



The mayor's of­fice in Bucheon City Hall. There, two men faced each other
with a desk be­tween them and a cup of steam­ing cof­fee ris­ing, as if they
were just chat­ting.

"Let me get this straight."


One of them scratched his head with his right hand.

"So be­fore you died, sis­ter Sun-mi told you the wish list?"

At the words of the man who was ruf­fling his hair, the man with the mug of
cof­fee in his hand, nod­ded his head lightly, en­joy­ing the aroma of the cof­‐

Jang Sung-hoon feigned a smile at the man.

"I don't know whose thought it was, it's a great idea. A wish list... a sure
way to use the Golden Glass of Napoleon."

At the end of the words, a long sigh came out from the lips of Jang Sung-

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

It was not a good sigh.

"The prob­lem is the wish list."

The word that came out was close to a com­plaint.

Kim Tae-hoon also frowned at the whin­ing re­marks, the same as Jang Sung-
hoon's com­plaint. The bit­ter taste of the cof­fee had never made his face
look so sour.

Through the si­lence that started like that, Jang Sung-hoon be­gan to re­call
things to or­ga­nize his mind.

The start was when Kim Tae-hoon woke up from his dream. He called Jang
Sung-hoon, who was wait­ing out­side the mayor's of­fice, and told him the

At first, when he heard the word "wish list," Jang Sung-hoon clutched his
fists with­out know­ing it.

He never wanted to miss that op­por­tu­nity, be­cause it seemed like hav­ing a

crazy power in his hand.

But when he heard the wish list, Jang Sung-hoon felt ev­ery­thing get­ting far

"Let's say that's the case with the Bell of King Seongdeok and Gilt-bronze
In­cense Burner of Baekje."

There were six wish lists that Kim Tae-hoon re­mem­bered.

To be pre­cise, Ahn Sun-mi would have re­cited a long story, but there were
only six things Kim Tae-hoon could hear.

The Bell of King Seongdeok and Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje

were the first of the six men­tioned wish lists.

"Let's also say that's the case with Gwang­gaeto Stele and the Sword of Gou­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

The things men­tioned af­ter that were Gwang­gaeto Stele and the Sword of
Gou­jian. From there on, Jang Sung-hoon felt some­thing strange.

Ob­vi­ously, the two things were real, but they were ob­vi­ously dif­fer­ent from
the above-men­tioned Bell of King Seongdeok and Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner of Baekje.

"What am I sup­posed to do if you tell me some­thing like Green Dragon

Cres­cent Blade and Ku­sanagi?"

And fi­nally, when Green Dragon Cres­cent Blade and Ku­sanagi were men­‐
tioned, Jang Sung Hoon thought for a mo­ment.

He thought that Kim Tae-hoon sud­denly be­came a very hu­mor­ous man and
played a joke on him, or the shock of Kim Tae-hoon's death was so great
that he con­fused his mem­o­ries with what he saw in a novel.

He had no choice but to ac­cept them for now, how­ever. "They are only in
sto­ries, aren't they?"

They were lit­er­ally non-re­al­is­tic things since the Green Dragon Cres­cent
Blade and Ku­sanagi could only be seen in the nov­els.

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon was se­ri­ous.

Not only at the time when he told the story, but also at the mo­ment he spoke
out to Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon still did not lose his se­ri­ous air.

"I need a de­scrip­tion of what I said about the things in the wish list."

He couldn't help but be se­ri­ous.

This was the valu­able in­for­ma­tion that Kim Tae-hoon ob­tained in re­turn for
liv­ing his fu­ture death, in­for­ma­tion from the fu­ture.

To live, he had to change his des­tiny again us­ing this in­for­ma­tion.

"Once, four of them were real." Jang Sung-hoon also knew that fact, so he
stopped talk­ing non­sense any more. "Where are they?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

"The Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje is lo­cated at the Buyeo Na­tional

Mu­seum, and the Bell of King Seongdeok..."

"What is the Bell of King Seongdeok?"

"Oh, it's the Emile Bell. It's at the Gyeongju Na­tional Mu­seum. And
Gwang­gaeto Stele is in Jilin in China, and the Sword of Gou­jian, as I know,
it's in Hubei in China."

"Are the two re­main­ing ones not real?"

"They're men­tioned only as leg­ends."

Kim Tae-hoon drank some cof­fee again. Jang Sung-hoon also agreed with
the silent time that started.

The two men kept their mouths shut and or­ga­nized their thoughts.

When Kim Tae-hoon spoke again, the con­ver­sa­tion re­sumed. "If there was a
wish list, I would have been the one to make it."

"I sup­pose so."

"Then I'm sure I didn't just tell my­self the de­sire for things I could not get."


Jang Sung-hoon got the hint of what kind of man Kim Tae-hoon was. He
could not sim­ply have recorded things he could not gain.

"I don't know how much more I could hear be­fore I died."

More­over, this wish list was made to tell the story at an ur­gent mo­ment, just
be­fore his death.

It means that there must be some­thing hid­den in the or­der, as well as in the
items men­tioned.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon def­i­nitely must have made a wish list. Was it even pos­si­ble
that he didn't have his own per­son­al­ity in mind?

"The things in Buyeo and Gyeongju are the ones we can get right now."

"Yes. If we don't have to fight mon­sters, it won't take even half a day to get
there. Just three hours to ar­rive at the Buyeo Na­tional Mu­seum af­ter tak­ing
the Yeong­dong Ex­press­way, and about four or five hours to get to the
Gyeongju Na­tional Mu­seum. Of course, I doubt that we can get there in a
year, even if we risk our lives."

"There are things in Buyeo and Gyeongju, but not in Seoul."

The first ques­tion was why there is no relic on the wish list in Seoul.

Gyeongju and Buyeo were def­i­nitely full of relics, in­clud­ing his­tor­i­cal sites.

How­ever, Seoul had been a cap­i­tal city for most of the grand his­tory of the
Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea.

The Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea was lo­cated in Yongsan Dis­trict, Seoul.

"I'm sure that's a ques­tion. The wood­blocks of Dae­dongyeo­jido are now

kept at the Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea."

The wood­blocks of Dae­dongyeo­jido, which Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-

hoon were lucky to find, were stored in the Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea.

"There are also Crowns of Silla... Yes, there were ar­mors, ki­monos, and
masks used by Ja­pa­nese war­riors, and there were few Bud­dhist stat­ues from

The Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea even housed relics from Japan and China.

How­ever, Kim's wish list did not men­tion any­thing at the Na­tional Mu­seum
of Ko­rea.

"Why?" That was the first ques­tion to be solved.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

"It is one of two rea­sons." Kim Tae-hoon solved the prob­lem eas­ily.

"Well, if we had been in Yongsan Dis­trict in­stead of Bucheon City, or if we

had sur­vived in Seoul and iden­ti­fied the ex­is­tence of the relics, all of us
would have run to the Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea.

"The Min­istry of Na­tional De­fense is lo­cated to the north of the Na­tional

Mu­seum of Ko­rea."

"The Min­istry of Na­tional De­fense? Ah, yes, the War Memo­rial of Ko­rea is
be­hind it."

The Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea and the Min­istry of Na­tional De­fense were
not that far apart.

"If some­thing hap­pened, the sol­diers of the Na­tional De­fense Com­mand

would be there." In other words, when an emer­gency broke out, troops from
the Na­tional De­fense Com­mand, an army or­ga­nized to de­fend the cap­i­tal,
must have been there.

Nat­u­rally, it was highly likely that they se­cured the relics there. It was just a
guess they had made be­fore, but now this dream had con­vinced them.

"To put it an­other way, Buyeo and Gyeongju are own­er­less cities."

In other words, they would have a chance to ac­quire relics in Buyeo and
Gyeongju if they moved early.

"Then, why were Gwang­gaeto Stele and the Sword of Gou­jian men­tioned?"

"It is proof that North Ko­rea has col­lapsed and... we are en­gaged in an ex­‐
change, or had a war with the Chi­nese sur­vivors or the Awak­en­ers there."

The next men­tioned Gwang­gaeto Stele and the Sword of Gou­jian were most
likely fac­tors to in­form them sit­u­at­ion at the time, not show­ing that they
wanted to get it.

"I know Gwang­gaeto Stele is lo­cated in Jilin prov­ince. Now air­planes and
ships are not func­tion­ing prop­erly, and we can­not reach there with­out North

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

Ko­rea col­laps­ing. And did you say that the Sword of Gou­jian is in Hubei


"Hubei is a prov­ince lo­cated in cen­tral China. Con­tact­ing the relic there

means that there is a high pos­si­bil­ity that we might have moved into the ter­‐
ri­tory of China or an Awak­ener who had se­cured the relic came to the Ko­‐
rean Penin­sula."

North Ko­rea's col­lapse and con­tact with China was also a very im­por­tant
hint. This meant that the sit­u­at­ion on the Ko­rean Penin­sula it­self has
changed com­pletely.

"I roughly un­der­stand. Then, what do Green Dragon Cres­cent Blade and
Ku­sanagi mean? I don't think there's any­thing in ex­is­tence like that."

The next men­tioned Green Dragon Cres­cent Blade and Ku­sanagi were also

"There can't be." There is no such thing in com­mon sense. "It means that we
should not think about it."

But it cer­tainly ex­isted some­how. List­ing it was a sig­nal.

When he spoke, Jang Sung-hoon was able to or­ga­nize his thoughts. 'Yes, we
have Dae­dongyeo­jido, and we would rather move to get things that are not
yet taken, rather than go to Seoul to get things that are al­ready taken.'

At the same time, Jang Sung-hoon felt a sense of frus­tra­tion. "I'm sorry the
six were not ev­ery­thing, but if you had heard more, I could have made a
more def­i­nite plan."

He got this much in­for­ma­tion just by lis­ten­ing to the six relics on the wish
list, and if he had heard more, he could have drawn a clearer blue­print.

Kim Tae-hoon felt sorry for the fact. 'If I had heard more...'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

It was a great idea to think of de­liv­er­ing a wish list us­ing the relic of the
Golden Glass of Napoleon. How­ever, it was also true that there were not
many things that could have a good re­sult among the things pre­pared.

Of course, rather than re­gret­ting this, they had to find some­thing bet­ter by
rec­og­niz­ing that there was plenty to learn from a bad ex­am­ple.

And at this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon came up with his own so­lu­tion. "I'll
have to teach you rap."

"Rap... What?"

"If we have only a short time to de­liver in­for­ma­tion, we have to put as

many words as pos­si­ble in that short time."

If Ahn Sun-mi's words had been twice as fast, he would have got­ten twice
as much in­for­ma­tion!

At the so­lu­tion of Kim Tae-hoon, Jang Sung-hoon made a fool­ish ex­pres­‐


"So you want me to rap in front of the boss who is con­vuls­ing, vom­it­ing
blood and los­ing fo­cus in his eyes, with Davo­top, Seokgu­ram, and Trip­i­taka

"Is that weird?"

"Boss, do you think that's nor­mal? Is it nor­mal to talk as fast as pos­si­ble

about the Na­tional Trea­sures No. 1 to No. 10 in front of a dy­ing per­son?"

Kim Tae-hoon had more cof­fee in­stead of an­swer­ing the ques­tion. It seemed
ridicu­lous even if he thought about it.

Jang Sung-hoon first asked Kim Tae-hoon, who was silent much longer
than usual.

"What's the plan for the fu­ture, then? Even if we were to set off for Buyeo
or Gyeongju as our des­ti­na­tion, we wouldn't be able to get there right

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

"We need to get in­ter­nally sta­ble first."

"In­ter­nal sta­bil­ity... We'll have to set up Clans un­der our com­mand and pick
a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the pub­lic."

The plan was set up.

Buyeo or Gyeongju.

From now on, Kim Tae-hoon had to work to get there.

It was not short, nor was not easy. As much as that, it was nec­es­sary to sta­‐
bi­lize in­ter­nally.

Kim Tae-hoon agreed with the fact. "How­ever, we have some­thing to do


"Is there any ur­gent work?"

"This time we need to find the owner of the nine relics we have ac­quired."

Nine relics from the ware­house of the whale, Baek Sung-taek. Kim Tae-
hoon said that they should find the owner of the relics right now.

"If you find the owner... will you give him the relics?"

"They will be use­less for an Awak­ener who can­not use them."

Jang Sung-hoon agreed firmly with those words.

Kim Tae-hoon was not wrong.

Relics were the most cer­tain and pow­er­ful weapons that mankind could use
in the war against mon­sters. It was mean­ing­less to give them to some­one
who can not use such weapons.

The an­swer is clearly to find the owner who had han­dled so many relics in
this ur­gent sit­u­at­ion where they had to kill as many mon­sters as pos­si­ble.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 44 ⦘

There were highly valu­able relics among the ones they had ac­quired this

"Do you re­ally want to give the relics to Awak­en­ers who can use them?"
Ob­vi­ously, it was not a good idea to give such relics away for free.

Not all of the Awak­en­ers who had dis­tin­guished them­selves gave their sin­‐
cere loy­alty to Kim Tae-hoon. They fol­lowed him be­cause he could kill
mon­sters that they could not.

Kim Tae-hoon tilted his head at Jang Sung-hoon's frus­trated words. "Give
the relics away for free? Why should I do that?"


"I will find the owner, and I will get the price I want. Isn't that com­mon

Jang Sung-hoon nod­ded hap­pily. "Yes, that's com­mon sense."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

Chap­ter 45
Chap­ter 16. Find­ing the Owner, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


There was a square in front of Bucheon City Hall.

It was a stage set up for fes­ti­vals and events hosted by the city, and so wide
that they could not feel crowded even if a hun­dred peo­ple gath­ered.

But now the square, where a hun­dred peo­ple had gath­ered, seemed so full
that no one could come in any­more.


It meant that the spirit of each per­son fill­ing it was so huge and in­tense.

The ba­sis and ev­i­dence of such spirit were the marks that most of the peo­‐
ple who filled the square had on the back of their right hand.


Fur­ther­more, they were hunters, who used the power of the Awak­en­ers to
hunt mon­sters.

'How long do we have to wait?'

'Damn it, they told us the time is three o'clock!'

In ad­di­tion, among the par­ties in the area of the Mac Clan, they had paid the
high­est num­ber of mon­ster stones to the Mac Clan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

In terms of rank­ing, they ranged from first to sev­enth.

Now they were the preda­tors who were more fa­mil­iar with the smell of
mon­ster blood. It was nat­u­ral that their spirit was in­tense.

'6 p.m.'

'... they have kept us out­side for three hours.'

'The sun is al­ready gone.'

They had blankly faced a cold win­ter wind like a blade for three hours now.

Their im­age was not the same as a preda­tor. A preda­tor didn't need this pa­‐

Nev­er­the­less, there was one rea­son why they stood in the square in front of
the City Hall where the cold wind was blow­ing for more than three hours.

'I can't help it, I'll have to hold on un­til I can.'

'I'd rather die if I were frozen to death here, I can't leave.'

'When I were left out of his eyes, I would be dead.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who was the leader of the Mac Clan and those here, had
called them.

That was why they were pa­tient.

There was no dog that didn't wait when the owner called.

"You're all here."

Fi­nally, for the first time, a man, not a cold wind, ap­peared in front of them.

"Oh, it's cold. It's re­ally cold to­day."

But it wasn't the man they were wait­ing for.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon, who was Kim Tae-hoon's right-hand, showed up in a thick

jumper that seemed warm to ev­ery­one's eyes.

'Is that him again?'


Some of them grit their teeth at his ap­pear­ance.

No one was afraid of Jang Sung-hoon. There was no rea­son to be afraid. He

was not an Awak­ener, nor was he strong in the pub­lic. He was not even
wear­ing a mil­i­tary uni­form like Kim Tae-hoon's sol­diers, or car­ry­ing a gun.

"Is it cold, ev­ery­one? Can I get you a used hot pack?"

But there was no one who ig­nored him, ei­ther. His words were the same as
those of Kim Tae-hoon.

"It's been a long time to see you since I met you at the ne­go­ti­at­ions af­ter the
death of Lee Jin-sung. This is the first time that we've got­ten to­gether. There
are some faces that I saw there, and there are some faces I am see­ing for the
first time."

No one com­plained, and they just looked at Jang Sung-hoon.

'They are go­ing crazy to kill me.'

'If it was not for Kim Tae-hoon, they showed the will to kill Jang Sung-
hoon im­me­di­ately.

In front of them, Jang Sung-hoon smiled lightly. 'It's just the look I want.'

That was why Jang Sung-hoon came out three hours later than this ap­point­‐
ment time.

'When they are stuffed and their backs are warmed, ly­ing comes out, and at
least at this time they will re­veal their true in­ten­tions.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

'I will change the Mac Clan to a Guild here to­day, and at the same time, I
will se­lect a Clan to work un­der the Mac Guild.'

'I will give guns and am­mu­ni­tion to the Clan that is se­lected, and even

'It is dan­ger­ous, of course.'

'Guns are ter­ri­fy­ingly pow­er­ful, but if the muz­zle of the guns that they re­‐
ceived were di­rected at the Mac Guild, the dam­age would not be small.'

'Above all, they should never trust a hu­man be­ing, a black-haired an­i­mal!'

But nev­er­the­less, he had to let those in front of him hold their guns and

'This day fi­nally comes.'

'Noth­ing hap­pens as it is now.'

'It is not a good choice to tie the hands and feet of those who can be­come a
com­pe­tent power in a sit­u­at­ion where their present safety may be threat­ened
and if they don't kill, they will die.'

Above all, there were al­ready enough threats.

'Well, I'd rather be glad if any­one could be­come strong enough to threaten
the Boss.'

'There­fore, it will be bet­ter to have some­one who can threaten Kim Tae-
hoon's strong­hold. Kim Tae-hoon has a limit to what he can do alone.'

"Well, let's start talk­ing."

'Of course, it is fool­ish to give with­out end.'

So he de­lib­er­ately ex­posed them to the cold wind for three hours, not to
hear the plain-spo­ken words, but to hear the real thing that popped out with­‐
out them think­ing about it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

Even if they were an Awak­ener with power, their heads would be­come stiff
if they were ex­posed for a pe­riod of time to this win­ter wind.

"To­day, Mac Clan will be­come the Mac Guild, and at the same time, the
Mac Guild will re­cruit Clans to work un­der its com­mand. Of course, there
will be guild-level sup­port for the Clans that work un­der the Mac Guild."

The glit­ter­ing of the eyes that had frozen coldly be­gan to change at his

"There are two main items of sup­port. One is guns and am­mu­ni­tion."

Most of them changed the glit­ters of their eyes in a mo­ment when they
heard about the sup­port items.

'Fi­nally, we are pro­vided with guns.'

'This day fi­nally came!'

The Awak­en­ers here were strong.

They had strength­ened their abil­ity by eat­ing mon­ster stones, and they had
also made items through mon­ster hunt­ing.

But their power was still not up to a gun.

'A gun is such a pow­er­ful weapon. It is pow­er­ful, and most of all, it is not
dif­fi­cult to use.'

'If we are pro­vided with guns, we can kill or­ange-grade mon­sters. So if we

are given guns right away, it will not be so dif­fi­cult to kill an or­ange-grade

It was also the rea­son why the peo­ple here had paid a lot of mon­ster stones.
They had been loyal to the Mac Clan, wait­ing for this day to come.

If the Mac Clan weren't stupid, they wouldn't give a gun to those who didn't
show that kind of sin­cer­ity.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

But the story was not over there.

"This is the sec­ond sup­port."

When Jang Sung-hoon ges­tured, the sol­diers of the Mac Clan who were
wait­ing nearby, now the sol­diers of the Mac Guild, brought over the goods.

They were relics that any­one could see and use.

"I'll give relics to the qual­i­fied."

At that mo­ment, ev­ery­one's eyes con­cen­trated in one place.

'I don't think that's a nor­mal item.'

'If it's a relic, it's a big fish.'

Dae Poong Moo Ae (大風無碍).

Choosa Kim Jung-hee's writ­ing caught ev­ery­one's at­ten­tion. Some of them

slipped their hands into their pock­ets and touched their smart­phones. Even
now, they were anx­ious to find out the grade and ef­fect of the relic through
the smart­phone cam­eras.

How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon did not in­tend to re­lieve their anx­i­eties.

"This is about sup­port. Of course, there are con­di­tions. There are sev­eral
con­di­tions. I've al­ready pre­pared a con­tract of seven pages. It was hard to
turn the copy ma­chine to take these... pa­per and elec­tric­ity are more pre­‐
cious than Rolexes."

Flut­ter! Jang Sung-hoon shook the bun­dle of con­tracts, flut­ter­ing them in

his hand. "I'll tell you the most im­por­tant con­di­tions."

At that mo­ment a man walked to­wards Jang Sung Hoon.

Gulp! Ev­ery­one swal­lowed at his ap­pear­ance, the most ob­vi­ous sign of who
he was.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon!

His aura was dif­fer­ent from his ap­pear­ance, wear­ing or­di­nary cot­ton pants
and a lit­tle jumper, hold­ing the sheath of the Sword of the Im­per­at­or.

His aura was more like that of a beast. The pres­ence of the Black Snake and
those devil eyes was flow­ing out of him.

"The guns and relics are dan­ger­ous things in many ways. I will give you the
guns, but there's no guar­an­tee that the muz­zle won't be di­rected at us."

Kim Tae-hoon stood in front of Jang Sung-hoon and Jang stopped talk­ing.

"The teach­ing of hunt­ing know-how, the pro­vi­sion of hunt­ing grounds, the

pro­vi­sion of items, in­clud­ing guns and relics, and other ad­di­tional ben­ef­ its."

Cheure­ung! The Sword ap­peared from the sheath held in Kim Tae-hoon's
left hand as he said the words.

The Sword, which ap­peared so quickly, was stuck to the ground so fast that
it was hard to mea­sure its speed with the naked eye.

'What is it?'

'Did he use the Telekine­sis to move the Sword?'

'But it's so fast!'

It was like a thun­der­bolt had hit the ground. Ev­ery­one looked at the Sword
of Im­per­at­or stuck in the plaza stones, dazed by what had hap­pened so

"I can't give you these things for noth­ing," Kim Tae-hoon said from be­hind
the Sword.

"The price for es­tab­lish­ing a Clan and re­ceiv­ing sup­port is your fin­ger. It
doesn't mat­ter which fin­ger it is. One fin­ger is enough."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

The Sword of the Im­per­at­or flashed its blade like a smile. As if the Sword,
which be­came stronger when it was blood­ied, was de­lighted to think of hu­‐
man blood.

Ev­ery­one's spine was chilled, and they were frozen so that they could for­get
even the cold wind.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon were cool. This was
not just an evil act for them, but im­por­tant to them.

As he said, the es­tab­lish­ment and sup­port of the Clan was a kind of dou­ble-
edged sword to the Mac Guild, and there was no guar­an­tee that those who
had guns and am­mu­ni­tion would not be­tray them af­ter­ward.

Above all, there was no rea­son to give them for free.

'There is no free. It should not be.'

A price should be paid, of course.

'But in this world, money, gold, and un­reg­is­tered bonds can­not be the cur­‐
rency; in this world, half a pet bot­tle of gaso­line is worth more than ten
Rolex watches.'

The same was true of the red mon­ster stones. They were the only valu­able
thing they could give right now. But to be hon­est, the red mon­ster stones
were not so ex­pen­sive com­pared to the value of relics and sup­port.

He didn't want to sell relics and guns for such a cheap price.

'What price would he ac­cept? If he re­ceives it right away, he will be at a


'So it is bet­ter to get it later, and af­ter a while, those who can't pay now can
pay for it af­ter they are able to pay enough.'

'That is the point, whether they can pay the price af­ter a while, or not.'

'You must be pre­pared to pay a fin­ger to get guns and am­mu­ni­tion.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

They could not give them to those who did not even have the de­ter­mi­na­tion
to cut off a fin­ger to get guns, am­mu­ni­tion, and relics to hunt more mon­‐

"We'll take an ap­pli­cant." Kim Tae-hoon fin­ished his speech.

Nat­u­rally, most of them hes­i­tated. No, they seemed more fright­ened than
hes­i­tant, un­able to do any­thing.

Above all, they were in the cold wind for three hours, with­out know­ing the
rea­son. It would not be easy to cal­cu­late quickly at this mo­ment.

As Jang Sung-hoon de­signed, most of them had pure self-con­cep­tions, not

cal­cu­la­tions, in their minds at this mo­ment.

'It's crazy, do I have to pro­vide my fin­ger?'

'They act like Yakuza...'

'It's ridicu­lous. This is crazy. I did not do any­thing wrong, but I have to pro­‐
vide my fin­ger?'

Of course, no one was will­ing to join in this ridicu­lous thing right away.

If they wanted guns and am­mu­ni­tion, if it was not crazy to cut their fin­ger,
then there was noth­ing in the world that was not crazy.

But not ev­ery­one did.

If they were pre­pared to do that, if they could get a pow­er­ful weapon, guns,
and am­mu­ni­tion, there was no rea­son to hes­i­tate for those who were will­ing
to give a fin­ger.

"I'll ap­ply."

"I'll ap­ply."

Two peo­ple raised their hands.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

It was Yang Jung-hwan and Lee Soo-young, the heads of the top and sec­‐
ond-ranked par­ties that paid the most mon­ster stones.

The two stepped for­ward with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

They be­gan to walk to­wards the Sword of the Im­per­at­or stuck on the
ground, as if they were com­pet­ing.


How­ever, when they reached a very short dis­tance from the Sword, it im­‐
me­di­ately en­tered its sheath. Again, it moved like a light­ning bolt.

"I al­low the es­tab­lish­ment of only two Clans. You two choose one relic.
Jang Sung-hoon."


"Write a con­tract."

"I un­der­stand."

Kim Tae-hoon left im­me­di­ately af­ter fin­ish­ing his speech, and Jang Sung-
hoon handed Lee Soo-young and Yang Jung-hwan a con­tract.

The two men who re­ceived the con­tract did not read it prop­erly. They im­‐
me­di­ately wrote their names on the lines.

Ev­ery­thing was done quickly. The rest of the process was silently watched
by the oth­ers.

When all was over, Jang Sung-hoon waved his hand lightly to­ward the re­‐
main­ing ones and gave the last word.

"I'll see you here soon, and I will give you some ad­vice. What my boss
wants from you is not loy­alty. He wants to know if you are worth in­vest­ing
in. How well and how many mon­sters can you kill if you hold a gun? That's

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘


"This is a con­tract, and this is a smart­phone that has pho­tographed the

marks of the Awak­en­ers of the two newly cre­ated Clans."

Jang Sung-hoon handed over a con­tract with the smart­phone.

Kim Tae-hoon did not look at it, be­cause he could not take back what he
had al­ready done.

"What relics did they choose?"

"They put their choice on hold be­cause they wanted to use the relics and
choose af­ter­ward."

"They'll find a relic that they can be the owner of, I see."

"If a pig's neck is hung with a pearl neck­lace, the num­ber of peo­ple who
want to eat the pig only in­creases."

Orig­i­nally, they wanted to find the own­ers of the relics. Find­ing the owner
meant giv­ing the relics to those who had the abil­ity to use them.

How­ever, it was not nec­es­sary. There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately

moved on to the next topic.

"Tell the two Clans to hunt more than one or­ange mon­ster a week."

"Do I give them this mis­sion right away?"

"Do they need a pro­ba­tion­ary pe­riod or pe­riod of ad­just­ment?"

"I'll de­liver it," Jang Sung-hoon nod­ded.

Kim Tae-hoon asked him a sur­prise ques­tion. "When will the leather ar­mor
of the Black Snake be com­pleted?"

"The work­shop chief, Park Gap-soo, said that he could com­plete the pro­to­‐
type to­mor­row, and once the boss signs OK, they can pro­duce two sets ev­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 45 ⦘

ery day."

The leather ar­mor of the Black Snake was a pow­er­ful item that could not be
ri­valed by any pro­tec­tive equip­ment that had been made so far.

Of course, the mo­ment he got it, he had to act ac­cord­ingly! "It's time to find
a new tar­get."

"I'll check the Dae­dongyeo­jido and se­lect the can­di­date group." With those
words, Jang Sung-hoon took out Dae­dongyeo­jido from his bag, im­me­di­‐
ately open­ing it to the page that he re­mem­bered, show­ing the city of

"Boss..." Jang Sung-hoon said with a grim ex­pres­sion at that mo­ment.

"The green dots around Bucheon City have moved..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

Chap­ter 46
Chap­ter 17. This is My Ter­ri­tory, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Peo­ple en­tered the Bucheon City Coun­cil lo­cated next to Bucheon City
Hall, and the con­fer­ence room of the com­mit­tee, which had been es­tab­‐
lished there.

How­ever, the at­mos­phere was dif­fer­ent from nor­mal.

The ex­pres­sions of the six men and women present at the ta­ble and the man
in front of a white­board with a map of Bucheon City were by no means the
faces of those dis­cussing bud­getary res­o­lu­tions!


"Ac­cord­ing to the Dae­dongyeo­jido, green-grade mon­sters that were lo­cated

in Gwangmyeong City, to the east of Bucheon City, have moved about two

Soon af­ter, Jang Sung-hoon, the man in front of the map, drew a line in
Gwangmyeong City on the right side of Bucheon City with a green laser

The di­rec­tion of the line was headed to­ward Bucheon.

"We've never en­coun­tered a green-grade mon­ster be­fore, so we can't spec­ify

its power, but it is clear that we are not able to fight a green-grade mon­ster
with our cur­rent power."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

The faces of Kim Soo-ji, Ahn Sun-mi, Bang Hyun-wook, and Lee Soo-
young and Yang Jung-hwan, who were now Clan mas­ters of Mac Guild,

It was a nat­u­ral re­ac­tion.

"Any­way, the green-grade mon­ster would be the top preda­tor that could
sim­ply eat even a yel­low-grade mon­ster, like the Black Snake."

It was only a few days ago that they had es­caped from the fear of Black

But a green-grade mon­ster, one step higher than the Black Snake, now ap­‐
proached Bucheon.

"Of course we don't know if the green-grade mon­ster from Gwangmyeong

City, is head­ing for Bucheon. The prob­lem is that with its move, the ex­ist­‐
ing mon­sters are pushed to­wards Bucheon. In fact, the Dae­dongyeo­jido has
de­tected the in­flow of mon­sters from Gwangmyeong City to­wards

Green-grade mon­sters also meant fear and de­spair for the weaker mon­sters.
Of course, they had no choice but to run away.

"One of the mon­sters ap­proach­ing Bucheon City is a yel­low-grade mon­ster.

Of course, if it moves, the mon­sters be­low it would move to­ward Bucheon,
as if they were flee­ing. Fur­ther­more, the num­ber of mon­sters in Bucheon
has de­creased sig­nif­i­cantly due to con­stant mon­ster clean­ing. From the
stand­point of other mon­sters, it looks like par­adise."

That was the end of the ex­pla­na­tion of the sit­u­at­ion. There were no ques­‐

'I thought it was quiet, but it was quiet be­fore the storm.'

There were so many ques­tions they wanted to ask, but no one had the men­‐
tal and psy­cho­log­i­cal free­dom to ask them.

Kim Tae-hoon, the only man with such com­po­sure, was sip­ping cof­fee.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon was not re­ally free and didn't en­joy his cof­fee. For him, cof­‐
fee was not proof of free­dom but a tool to main­tain com­po­sure in any sit­u­a‐­

Soon af­ter, Kim Tae-hoon swal­lowed his cof­fee and spoke. "What choices
do we have?"

"Run­ning away or fight­ing. It's one of the two."

In this sit­u­at­ion, Mac Guild had two op­tions. But there was only one op­tion
to choose to live.

"If we want to live to­gether, we have to fight back." A healthy man who
seemed to be in his early thir­ties also knew that fact, so he chose his op­tion
with­out wor­ry­ing about it.

His name was Yang Jung-hwan. He was the mas­ter of the Starfish Clan un­‐
der the Mac Guild.

As soon as Yang Jung-hwan opened the sluice gate, Kim Soo-ji spoke up.
"De­fense is a war of con­sump­tion. With the am­mu­ni­tion we have, it's hard
to fight for long pe­ri­ods of time. Our need for am­mu­ni­tion is ur­gent, and a
new sup­ply of weapons is also nec­es­sary."

Ahn Sun-mi also pre­sented her opin­ion. "If I give an opin­ion as a doc­tor,
nine out of ten peo­ple would be bet­ter left dead if they are se­ri­ously in­jured
enough to re­quire sur­gi­cal op­er­at­ions in com­bat. There's no elec­tric­ity, no
blood trans­fu­sions, and the sur­vival rate is mean­ing­less. I'm al­most out of
the flesh of the Mud Troll."

"Then, is there a place where we can get a sup­ply?" an­other Clan Mas­ter,
Lee Soo-young, asked.

The an­swer came from Jang Sung-hoon's lips. At the same time, he or­ga­‐
nized the sit­u­at­ion again. "There is the 17th Di­vi­sion lo­cated in the south,
so if we go down to Si­he­ung or In­cheon, we can get weapons we can use in
those sub­or­di­nate camps."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

"In the end, we have to go through both com­bat and sup­ply. Of course, there
is only one thing the boss can do at a time."

The crowd shut up again.

Kim Tae-hoon kept sa­vor­ing his cof­fee.

This was the key.

Un­til now, the dif­fi­cult prob­lems had been left for Kim Tae-hoon, and he
solved the dif­fi­cult prob­lem.

That's why ev­ery­one bet their fate on Kim Tae-hoon, whether they liked
him or not. But this time was dif­fer­ent.

Kim Tae-hoon could only do so much. He might leave Bucheon to get sup­‐
plies, or he can deal with the mon­sters that re­main in Bucheon. But it was
im­pos­si­ble to do both at the same time.

Even­tu­ally, they needed some­one to re­place Kim Tae-hoon in bat­tle or as a


"There is the 17th Di­vi­sion, but there is also the Third Mil­i­tary As­sis­tance
Com­mand in Bupyeong, In­cheon."

In this sit­u­at­ion, Yang Jung-hwan made the first choice. "Of course, there
will be noth­ing at the Com­mand, but there will be a sup­ply ware­house
where the Mil­i­tary Com­mand is lo­cated. For your in­for­ma­tion, we have two
mem­bers of the Samma Unit in our Clan, and one of them is from the Am­‐
mu­ni­tion Com­pany in Gyeyang Dis­trict."

Yang Jung-hwan also took out his hid­den card at this mo­ment.

Samma Unit was a nick­name of the Third Mil­i­tary As­sis­tance Com­mand.

The Mil­i­tary As­sis­tance Com­mand was a lo­gis­ti­cal unit that man­aged mil­i­‐
tary sup­plies, from daily life items to am­mu­ni­tion and ar­tillery!

If they were from Samma Unit, or if they were from the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­‐
pany, they would know the lo­ca­tion of the am­mu­ni­tion dump where they

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘


More­over, Yang Jung-hwan said that a mem­ber of the Samma Unit was
from the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany in Gyeyang Dis­trict...

"If it is Gyeyang Dis­trict..."

"The di­rect dis­tance would be about 6 kilo­me­ters from here, but we can't
fly, so about twenty kilo­me­ters back and forth."

Gyeyang Dis­trict in In­cheon was lo­cated about six kilo­me­ters from

Bucheon. There was no rea­son why they couldn't go there on foot. That's
why he kept it hid­den.

Yang Jung-hwan's plan was to use their fire­power to ad­vance to Gyeyang

Dis­trict where the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany was lo­cated, af­ter ac­quir­ing guns
and am­mu­ni­tion from Mac Guild, and to se­cure am­mu­ni­tion by oc­cu­py­ing
the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany.

It was not to an­tag­o­nize Kim Tae-hoon, but it was nec­es­sary to have a pur­‐
pose to se­cure the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany in a world where am­mu­ni­tion
could now re­place money.

Sim­ply put, the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany was a trea­sure is­land and Yang
Jung-hwan was hid­ing a map that reached the trea­sure is­land.

But now he had re­vealed the hid­den card con­cern­ing the fate of Yang Jung-
hwan him­self and the Starfish Clan in front of Kim Tae-hoon.

"The rea­son I did not men­tion it be­fore was to hide it, as all of you can
imag­ine, but I am show­ing you all the cards I have in this sit­u­at­ion."

It meant that Yang Jung-hwan took this sit­u­at­ion se­ri­ously.

"If I die, the hid­den card is not go­ing to make any sense. Any­way, the 17th
Di­vi­sion is good, but Gyeyang Dis­trict is a lot closer. Most of all, the man I
said be­fore re­tired about a year ago from the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany, and
I'm sure he has an ac­quain­tance there if there are sur­vivors."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

"So can rob the 17th Di­vi­sion?" Lee Soo-young im­me­di­ately ac­cepted his

It was cer­tainly dan­ger­ous to take mil­i­tary sup­plies from the sub­or­di­nate

units of the 17th Di­vi­sion, but she had no qualms about her choice. If she
had in­tended to ig­nore it like that, she would not have done any­thing to fol­‐
low Kim Tae-hoon when he said that she should do so that day.

The two Clans chose the sup­ply route.

"I think the roles are ar­ranged."

Now the re­main­ing op­tion be­longed to the Mac Guild. The Mac Guild must
deal with the mon­sters that come.

It was time to get ready.

"Then, let's pre­pare the items."


With the ad­vent of mon­sters, most peo­ple lost most of what they had.

But not ev­ery­one did.

Park Gap-soo... In 2017, he was sev­enty years old and had been mak­ing
leather shoes for 50 years.

He was a crafts­man who has trained in one field for half a cen­tury.

How­ever, Park Gap-soo has never been treated like a crafts­man his whole
life. He was ex­ploited from the be­gin­ning. He had worked un­paid for years
un­der the pre­text of learn­ing skills, and even af­ter he was able to do his
part, he would not re­ceive his salary on time.

Even the last owner ex­ploited him, and the owner of the shoe fac­tory where
he worked ran away in­stead of pay­ing him more than two years' salary.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

At that age of sixty-five, Park Gap-soo was thrown into the world with­out a
penny of re­tire­ment pen­sion and no money saved, and since then, he be­gan
to live life like a beg­gar.

Free meals given by vol­un­teer groups were the best ban­quet.

It was af­ter the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters that he started to be treated as a

proper crafts­man.

"Work­shop chief! They are here." Park Gap-soo looked at a man in his early
thir­ties who called him.

He was an amaz­ing lawyer un­til the mon­sters ap­peared. He was a lawyer

who was good at his young age and could af­ford an ex­pen­sive for­eign car.

In the past, Park Gap-soo was not able to en­ter the other's eyes be­yond the
age dif­fer­ence. But now the lawyer was one of his ap­pren­tices. It was not
forced. Rather, it was ev­i­dence of clev­er­ness.

He knew that in this world, the skill of how to trim mon­ster skin would help
him sur­vive much bet­ter than the ca­reer of a lawyer.

And not a few other peo­ple thought so, be­cause Park Gap-soo, who be­came
the chief of the work­shop with the sup­port of Mac Guild, should have tested
them, as there were too many peo­ple gath­ered when he said he would se­lect

From the point of view of Park Gap-soo, he had never had a man who could
be called a dis­ci­ple, and so it was rather un­nat­u­ral.

"Pre­pare the item."

"I un­der­stand."

At first, he didn't feel this was all real.

How­ever, as time went on, Park Gap-soo re­al­ized this re­al­ity and was able
to take pride in the fact that he was a crafts­man for the first time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

That's why he played his role with full power at the age of sev­enty, even if
he could leave the world at any time by the jaws of a mon­ster.

"Are you here?"

"I'm sorry, I come sud­denly."

"No, I have in­creased out­put since then, as you asked, and now I have
twenty sets of ar­mor made from the skin of Black Snake."

"So fast?"

"That's all I'm do­ing, isn't it? There's no rea­son to be late."

Jang Sung-hoon laughed at the words of Work­shop Chief Park Gap-soo.

At that time, Kim Tae-hoon, who was be­hind Jang Sung-hoon, bowed his
head deeply af­ter stand­ing in front of Park Gap-soo.

"I'm Kim Tae-hoon."

"Oh!" At the words, Park Gap-soo looked at Kim Tae-hoon with sur­prised

"I should have vis­ited you be­fore, I'm sorry."

"Oh, no." To the sur­vivors, Kim Tae-hoon was not just a be­ing, but the only
lamp in a dark world that they could not see ahead.

In ad­di­tion, to him, Kim Tae-hoon was the one who made the life of Park
Gap-soo, who had made leather shoes for fifty years, not a use­less life, but a
great life.

"I will be rude be­cause things are ur­gent; may I see them im­me­di­ately?"

"Of, of course!"

At the com­mand of Park Gap-soo, the ar­mor made of the skin of the Black
Snake ap­peared.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

The leather ar­mor which ap­peared was quite sim­ple. There were not many
parts: a vest cov­er­ing the up­per body, and wraps for the arms, legs, el­bows,
and knees.

But they were not crude. Ba­si­cally, the leather of the Black Snake it­self had
a lovely dark sheen, con­densed by the un­ceas­ing tan­ning of Park Gap-soo.

Of course, that was not re­ally sur­pris­ing.

Ev­ery­one who fol­lowed Kim Tae-hoon took out a smart­phone and snapped
a photo of the leather ar­mor of the Black Snake be­ing worn by man­nequins.

Kim Tae-hoon changed his eyes, too. His pupils went black­ened.


[Leather Ar­mor of the Black Snake]

-- De­fense: C Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: D Rank

-- It in­creases the re­cov­ery rate of En­ergy.

-- It strength­ens your En­ergy.

-- In­ject­ing En­ergy in­creases your De­fense.]


The Leather Ar­mor of the Black Snake ap­peared. The stats were re­mark­‐

'Ex­cel­lent.' Kim Tae-hoon, the first to read them, was sur­prised.

Yang Jung-hwan and Lee Soo-young, who also had not yet re­ceived proper
re­ports on the Ar­mor, were more sur­prised.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

'With this... there's no rea­son to be over­pow­ered if we try close com­bat

against an or­ange mon­ster.'

'Three sets. If we get only three sets of pro­tec­tive equip­ment, we can use

For those who had fought mon­sters in close com­bat, not with guns, it
seemed like a greater trea­sure than a gun.

"We have now com­pleted twenty sets, and we can pro­duce three sets a day,
thanks to the re­cent speed of pro­duc­tion. With the amount of the skin from
the Black Snake on hand, we will pro­duce about ninety sets."

But sur­prise did not end there.

"I pow­dered it as you asked."

Work­shop Chief, Park Gap-soo pulled out a plas­tic pack, filled with yel­low
pow­der in a plas­tic bag sealed in lay­ers.

==[The Eyes of Black Snake]

-- The power of Black Snake, [the Eyes of Black Snake] can be used when

It was none other than pow­der made by grind­ing up the eyes of the Black
Snake. It had the ef­fect of tem­po­rar­ily al­low­ing the Eyes of Black Snake to
be used when in­gested.

Of course, it was not as good as the Eyes of Black Snake that Kim Tae-hoon
used. It was a kind of down­graded ver­sion, but it was enough to be use­ful.

If a gun­man took the pow­der, his hit rate would rise dra­mat­i­cally. That was
not the only thing.

The dop­ing ef­fect that [the Eyes of Black Snake] would have in bat­tle was
be­yond imag­i­na­tion.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 46 ⦘

The last item that ap­peared was four blades. Their length was about the
length of an adult man's arm. But it was a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. It was more like a

"These are the Teeth of Black Snake."

They looked like the teeth of a snake.

==[The Teeth of Black Snake]

-- In­ject­ing En­ergy in­creases cut­ting power.]

They were the four fangs of the Black Snake.

"Now all we have to do is make a sword hilt. How­ever, since the item is a
prod­uct, I will make a han­dle with the hide of the Black Snake to suit the
grip of the per­son who is go­ing to use it. They will get used to it sooner."

It would be a pow­er­ful item as soon as he fin­ished the hilt.

At his words, Kim Tae-hoon turned his head and looked at Yang Jung-hwan
and Lee Soo-young.

"If you per­form your du­ties, you will be paid, as stated in the con­tract for
the es­tab­lish­ment of a Clan."

At the words of Kim Tae-hoon, the two men be­gan to drool in­side.

"I usu­ally have to pay the price af­ter work, but I will pay in ad­vance, given
the cir­cum­stances. I'll give you one fang and three sets of leather ar­mor."

The two fi­nally man­aged to swal­low.

But Kim Tae-hoon's words were not over.

"It's not free. I paid you in ad­vance, and if I am not sat­is­fied with the num­‐
ber of mon­sters you've caught, I'll tear up the Clan con­tract."

They nod­ded silently at his words.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

Chap­ter 47
Chap­ter 17. This is My Ter­ri­tory, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"D-Day is to­mor­row."

Ev­ery­thing went very fast. They couldn't af­ford to not put their heart and
soul into it when the mon­sters were al­ready mov­ing.

"Don't for­get se­crecy." Of course, they didn't for­get the warn­ing, though
they couldn't af­ford it.


"The fact that there is a green-grade mon­ster in par­tic­u­lar, and that it might
come to Bucheon, should not be dis­cussed with the other sur­vivors."

Not long ago, all the sur­vivors of Bucheon City lived in fear of the Black

If it was known that there was a green-grade mon­ster in such a sit­u­at­ion, it

was clear that not a few of the sur­vivors would panic. Panic-stricken hu­‐
mans would be in­volved in ac­ci­dents.

When the meet­ing ended with Jang Sung-hoon's words em­pha­siz­ing se­‐
crecy, Kim Tae-hoon called over Bang Hyun-wook.

"Bang Hyun-wook, come to the con­fer­ence room."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

"Why did you call me, big brother?" Bang Hyun-wook asked, as soon as he
re­turned to the meet­ing room of the bud­get com­mit­tee of the Bucheon City

"Why didn't you say a word at the meet­ing?" A ques­tion was given in­stead
of an­swers. Bang Hyun-wook smiled awk­wardly at the ques­tion.

"Is there any­thing I could say? I just have to do what I'm told."

"Do you think you're go­ing to be left be­hind?"

At the words, the awk­ward smile around Bang's mouth dis­ap­peared.

"Bang Hyun-wook was sup­posed to be the right-hand man of Kim Tae-

hoon, but now do you feel like you are not even a fin­ger. Does it bother

At this mo­ment, Bang Hyun-wook thought of him­self say­ing, 'Nah, what is

that? You speak non­sense...'

How­ever, Bang did not show what he thought, but his face got harder. He
looked like he had been stabbed deep in­side.

"Is it that ob­vi­ous?" he fi­nally ad­mit­ted.

"A man, who used to com­pete with oth­ers through­out his school years to
be­come a pro­fes­sional base­ball player, does not change eas­ily, even when
mon­sters have ap­peared."

Rather early, Kim Tae-hoon no­ticed a change in the way Bang Hyun-wook
looked at him. His be­hav­ior was dif­fer­ent.

At first, Bang Hyun-wook looked like a puppy wait­ing for an or­der. He was
afraid of mon­sters, but on the one hand, he was pleased about the fact that
he had the power to kill them.

At the same time, he was proud of be­ing a part­ner who could help Kim Tae-
hoon fight, as well as the in­ci­den­tal things that arose from it... like the sat­is­‐
fac­tion of the snob­bery, such as the sur­round­ing gaze and treat­ment.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

How­ever, re­cently, Bang Hyun-wook was not happy. He watched Kim Tae-
hoon fight with­out say­ing any­thing, and the gaze he had was dead.

Fur­ther­more, such his mind was showed as a re­sult. The brave spirit he had
shown to the mon­sters had dis­ap­peared.

"But I don't want to pat you on the shoul­ders. I don't have that per­son­al­ity,
and I've never done it."

"I know that."

"I don't even think I can al­low you to be like a dog with an in­fe­ri­or­ity com­‐
plex." It was why he called Bang Hyun-wook over sep­ar­ ately.


What Kim Tae-hoon needed was the com­bat power that Bang Hyun-wook
had shown.

He needed the Bang Hyun-wook who ran against mon­sters with at brave
spirit and could some­times even joke on the bat­tle­field. He did not need the
Bang Hyun-wook who only looked like a dog with an in­fe­ri­or­ity com­plex.

"Be a dog with an in­fe­ri­or­ity com­plex or a hunt­ing dog. The choice is


At the words of Kim Tae-hoon, Bang Hyun-wook said, grit­ting his teeth
tightly, "I'll be a hunt­ing dog."

His eyes be­gan to glow again.


"You seem to re­ally care about Hyun-wook."

It was Jang Sung-hoon who came to Kim Tae-hoon af­ter he left the con­fer­‐
ence room and was alone again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

"At least, he is not one who wor­ries whether it is good to be­tray me or not,
or whether he could re­place me."

"Yes, Hyun-wook is not the type to plot. If he had been a plot­ter, he

wouldn't have fid­geted in front of the boss to save his first love. How­ever,
his ro­mance progress is very slow. As I see it, he could get mar­ried to­mor­‐
row morn­ing if he just con­fessed his love to her."

Jang Sung-hoon sighed briefly while talk­ing.

"... are you not go­ing to tell oth­ers about your sec­ond dream?"

Kim Tae-hoon had not told any­one about his sec­ond dream, ex­cept for Jang

It was not be­cause he more be­lieved Jang Sung-hoon and he less be­lieved
the rest.

It was a dif­fer­ence of will if he both­ered to ex­plain.

Kim Tae-hoon was the hope and sav­ior of ev­ery­one here. There­fore, his
death would be hard for him­self, but also hard for those who trusted and
fol­lowed him.

"I won't have a bet­ter so­lu­tion, even if I talk about it."

In a world where it was hard to even live, he didn't want to put a big­ger bur­‐
den on them.

Most of all, the clear in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the dream was not done yet.

"Jang Sung Hoon."

"If you have any ques­tions, just ask me with­out hav­ing to sug­ar­coat them,
or a hum­ble at­ti­tude, call­ing my name."

"Guess why I died."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

On that ques­tion, Jang Sung-hoon im­me­di­ately gave his opin­ion in­stead of


"I'm guess­ing the boss was killed by an Awak­ener."

Kim Tae-hoon nod­ded. He was of the same opin­ion. He didn't know what
in­juries he had suf­fered or why he died in his sec­ond dream.

But there was a clue.

"When sis­ter Sun-mi tried to cure the boss, she was not in­volved in the
fight, and it's un­likely that mon­sters have a virtue of ig­nor­ing other hu­mans
and tar­get­ing the Boss. Virtue is some­thing that goes be­tween peo­ple, isn't

When Kim died, he saw Ahn Sun-mi once. Her hair was longer than it was
now, and she was not in­volved in com­bat and did not have ma­jor in­juries.

That meant she was ex­cluded from the bat­tle.

But there was no rea­son for a mon­ster to leave her alone. If she had been
ex­cluded, some­thing would have been lim­ited in the bat­tle.

"If I look at it very sim­ply, you're weak, and you're dead."

Oth­er­wise, the cause of death it­self is sim­ple and clear: the law of the jun­‐
gle, the weak are the prey of the strong.

Kim Tae-hoon's death was due to his weak­ness. If he were strong, there
would be no rea­son to die.

Any­way, be­ing killed by an Awak­ener was def­i­nitely dif­fer­ent from be­ing

killed by a dragon.

It meant there was a stronger Awak­ener than Kim Tae-hoon!

"You said the world looked like a game?"


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

"When I kill a mon­ster, I gain ex­pe­ri­ence and level up through it. That's the

"Yes, it's a clas­sic RPG game."

"So if the num­ber of mon­sters is lim­ited, what hap­pens in the game?"

Kim Tae-hoon didn't pass on what it meant.

"It's..." At this mo­ment, Jang Sung-hoon thought of a game he some­times

played and imag­ined what would hap­pen if the mon­ster didn't come out of

"The one who kills them first and gets the level-up would be the win­ner."
Only then did Jang Sung-hoon un­der­stand what the most im­por­tant thing to
sur­vive in this world was. "It's a zero-sum game."

'It is im­por­tant to se­cure relics, to make items, and to se­cure weapons. But
all of them end up be­ing used as a means of killing more pow­er­ful mon­‐

That was the re­sult through Kim Tae-hoon's sec­ond death.

"Af­ter my first dream, our goal was to be a mil­i­tary war­lord, and de­fend our
cas­tle." Now, they needed to change their goal.

"I sug­gested it, and the boss ap­proved it."

The first pur­pose of Kim Tae-hoon was to set­tle down in Bucheon and de­‐
fend the area.

But it wasn't any­more. Just de­fend­ing the area was not enough.

"This time, we have to at­tack, not just fo­cus on de­fense."

Along with the words, Kim Tae-hoon looked at the map on the white­board
that he had used for the meet­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

"If we kill a green mon­ster in Gwangmyeong City, all the mon­sters in

Gwangmyeong City be­long to us."

"We'll have to at­tack them first be­fore oth­ers do."

"The prob­lem is oth­ers."

"I guess so. It's not pos­si­ble that there will be no com­pe­ti­tion in the coun­try,
in­clud­ing Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, who ap­peared in your first dream. You'll
be in trou­ble from now on. Why don't you just be­come the Com­man­der-in-
Chief? First of all, the boss is a Ma­jor, right? Why don't you try to be a
Gen­eral this time? Give me a seat."

To Jang Sung-hoon, who joked to ease the heavy mood, Kim Tae-hoon did
not bring up the words "Sword of Gou­jian" or "Gwang­gaeto Stele."

There was not any­thing that could be done right now, by telling him the re­‐
al­ity that China, which had strong mil­i­tary power, would be a com­peti­tor.

It was only for Kim Tae-hoon to worry about it.

"The top pri­or­ity right now is to de­fend our ter­ri­tory."

"I'll or­ga­nize a search party to iden­tify the mon­sters."

"I'll in­ves­ti­gate it my­self."

Be­fore Jang Sung-hoon could say 'It would be dan­ger­ous,' Kim Tae-hoon
dyed his eyes black.

Jang Sung-hoon im­me­di­ately swal­lowed what he was about to say. In­stead,

he asked, "Do you need any­thing?"

"Put the or­der into the work­shop to pre­serve the skull of the Black Snake in
its orig­i­nal form."

"Skull? Do you want to make a mu­seum?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

"When it is com­pleted, we will set it up on the com­ing road of the yel­low-

grade mon­sters."

"Set it up?"

"Be­cause they are not that kind of things who will un­der­stand it if I just say
this is my ter­ri­tory."

Jang Sung-hoon nod­ded. "Do you need any­thing else?"

"Boil the wa­ter."

"Not cof­fee?"

On the ques­tion, Kim Tae-hoon said, with sud­den un­con­trol­lable laugh­ter,

"The cof­fee you serve is rub­bish."

Jang Sung-hoon an­swered with a smile, "I can make Mixed cof­fee."


Shiyan City in China.

Lo­cated north­west of Hubei prov­ince, China, it was a huge city with a pop­‐
u­la­tion of 3.5 mil­lion. It had a car fac­tory and Dan­jiangkou Dam which was
once the big­gest in Asia.

But now the city of Shiyan was not suit­able for the big city. There was
some of noise a big city had, but the noise was caused by a man do­ing his
best not to be eaten by a mon­ster.

There were peo­ple who watched the noise from a safe dis­tance. They were
sol­diers but were not sol­diers in mil­i­tary uni­forms. Some sol­diers were in
uni­form, but the most no­tice­able ones were those wear­ing ar­mor that might
have been worn in me­dieval or an­cient China.

It was like if the his­tory of China was lined up.

The two stand­ing in the very front were women.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

The 170-cen­time­ter, model-like ap­pear­ance of the two was very good. They
were twins.

One of the two said, "I don't un­der­stand why we have to fight. All we have
to do is drop a nu­clear bomb and re­trieve the mon­ster stone. It would be
bet­ter to get caught up in a nu­clear ex­plo­sion than to die by a mon­ster."

It was a bloody re­mark, how­ever, there was no other word from the other

"Not likely." The an­swer came from a man wear­ing a mil­i­tary uni­form near
the two. "We are here to de­fend the land of China, not to de­stroy it."

The woman, who had spat out her cruel words, shrugged her shoul­ders at
the short words of the man.

"I just said that, Ma­jor Chin­shan."

Chin­shan with a rank of Ma­jor looked at the woman smil­ing at him with
cold eyes, then looked at the other twin who did not have any fa­cial ex­pres­‐
sion, and said, "Pre­pare for the per­for­mance."

At the words of Ma­jor Chin­shan, the woman, who had no fa­cial ex­pres­sion,
held the lute in her hand. When her fin­gers touched the strings of the lute
made from old trees, a haze be­gan to gather around the lute.

Ting! As soon as the woman's fin­gers flicked one of the strings of the lute,
the haze spread to the sur­round­ing area, and the golden en­ergy be­gan to cir­‐
cu­late in the eyes of those who wore ar­mor.

The same was true of the eyes of the woman who had spo­ken harsh words.

"Okay." The woman drew a Bronze Sword from her waist­band. Then she
shouted, point­ing at the city of Shiyan with it. "At­tack! Along with the
shout, let­ters carved with gold be­gan to shine on the sur­face of the Bronze

Yue Wang Gou­jian Self-use Sword (越王勾踐 自作用劍).

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 47 ⦘

It was the Sword of Gou­jian, made by King Gou­jian of Yue for his own

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

Chap­ter 48
Chap­ter 17. This is My Ter­ri­tory, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'Fuck, damn it...'

"God­damn it."

A man was walk­ing in the hall­way of a dark five-story build­ing qui­etly, as

there was no light on. He was a filthy man. He didn't know when he had last
washed, and skin frozen and torn in cold weather made the man's look even


"It's re­ally fucked."

His name was Kim Hyun-seok. He was twenty-six years old this year, and
up un­til a few months ago, he was a man with a hand­some face and a slim
fig­ure. In ad­di­tion, he was full of heart-warm­ing ex­pec­ta­tions for a new
world as he got ready for a trip to Eu­rope in 2017.

It was De­cem­ber 31, 2016, when his ev­ery­thing changed. A new world had

'Why the hell did this hap­pen?'

How­ever, it was not the new world Kim Hyun-seok was wait­ing for. Sud­‐
denly, a mon­ster ap­peared and the world be­came hell. The mon­sters that ap­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

peared made food of hu­mans and en­joyed eat­ing them alive more than any­‐
thing else.

The sur­vivors were also the same. Loot­ing, rape, ar­son... There are even
some lu­natics eat­ing hu­man flesh.

He thought that there would be noth­ing more like hell than this. But that
idea was shat­tered with the ap­pear­ance of a furry croc­o­dile.

'The world is over.'

The gi­ant furry croc­o­diles, not one, not dozens, but hun­dreds of eerie croc­o­‐
diles be­gan to move around like a tsunami, sweep­ing through ev­ery­thing.

Even in the mid­dle of them was a larger croc­o­dile than the two buses com­‐
bined. A ridicu­lous mon­ster with yel­low eyes spew­ing huge flames with its
mouth was there!

'Damn it...'

Kim Hyun-seok, who had seen the mon­ster, shud­dered. He also re­called
that he had pissed his pants when he had seen the mon­ster.

'It's over now. The world is over.'

In his trem­bling, an un­speak­able wave of de­spair swept over him­self, and in

his de­spair, Kim Hyun-seok was over­taken with the de­sire to es­cape this

'If I lived like this...'

He thought he would like to face a peace­ful death that no one would know
about, some­where in this build­ing.

So Kim Hyun-seok started an­guish­ing over the ter­ri­ble choice.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

It was a sense of smell that had been made ex­tremely sen­si­tive by hunger
for days that stopped his agony, and the soft scent tick­led his sen­si­tive nose.


The smell was cof­fee. It was a smell he knew well, and some­thing that
could not be found any­where af­ter the mon­ster ap­peared.

'Why cof­fee?'

Un­know­ingly, Kim Hyun-seok headed for the place the odor was com­ing
from. His foot­steps stopped at an of­fice which used to be a cal­lig­ra­phy in­‐
sti­tute be­fore the mon­ster ap­peared.

A man was en­joy­ing a cof­fee un­der the translu­cent win­dow in the of­fice,
framed in the sun­shine that pen­et­rated the win­dow.

It was a very peace­ful ap­pear­ance, to­tally dis­parate. For Kim Hyun-seok,

peace was no longer part of the world.

When Kim Hyun-seok saw this scene, he froze. His brain stopped work­ing
in this ridicu­lous sit­u­at­ion.

The scream­ing of his stom­ach woke him up.

For a few days, the only thing he had eaten was a lump of snow, and the
cof­fee fla­vor roused his ap­petite.


Kim Hyun-seok was most sur­prised by the loud noise, while the man
looked at Kim Hyun-seok in a coolly.

"Hey, hey..." At this mo­ment, the only words that came to mind in Kim
Hyun Suk were, "Do you have any­thing to eat?"

There was no such thing as a sense of shame.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

It had been such a long time ago since he had a proper meal. What he could
call food among the things he has re­cently eaten was a tri­an­gle Kim­bab
which had been tram­pled by some­one at a con­ve­nience store, where ev­ery­‐
thing else had al­ready been stolen five days ago.

"Please... please."

The man looked at him at such a des­per­ate re­quest. The cold eyes of the
man met Kim Hyun-seok's eyes. At that mo­ment, Kim Hyun-seok could see
that the man in front of him was a mon­ster that was not lack­ing com­pared to
the most ter­ri­ble mon­ster he had ever faced.

'Is he a mon­ster? A mon­ster that looks like a per­son?'

"Are you a sur­vivor?"


"Where do you live?"

"Oh, well..." At the sud­den ques­tion, Kim Hyun-seok came up with the an­‐
swer he had to. "Gwangmyeong City! I live in Gwangmyeong City, my
name is Kim Hyun-seok, and I am twenty-five... no, twenty-six."

The man took a choco­late bar out of the in­ner pocket of his jacket. Kim
Hyun-seok's eyes widened.

"This is the in­for­ma­tion fee. I will give you one more if you tell me what
hap­pened in Gwangmyeong City, and ev­ery­thing you've seen and heard."


"It is about three me­ters long, and its ex­te­rior ap­pear­ance is like a croc­o­dile,
but it has fur like a wolf in­stead of ar­mor-like leather, and it lives in groups
like wolves."

A Wolf-croc­o­dile...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon, who fin­ished ex­plain­ing about the newly ap­peared mon­ster,
looked up at the crowd.

Kim Soo-ji, Yang Jung-hwan, Lee Soo-young, and Jang Sung-hoon, four
peo­ple looked at their smart­phones and had a stiff ex­pres­sion on their faces.

"And this is the one in the cen­ter."

Four peo­ple looked at the photo file that had been trans­ferred to their smart­‐
phones. In the pic­ture was a Wolf-croc­o­dile that was too big to be com­pared
to a nor­mal Wolf-croc­o­dile.

Other pic­tures even showed him breath­ing out the fire. It was the leader of
the Wolf-croc­o­diles.

"There is a Mu­tant Wolf-croc­o­dile be­tween the leader and the sub­or­di­nates

that is an in­ter­me­di­ate boss. It is not ex­ter­nally dis­tin­guish­able, but it has
or­ange eyes. You should look at the color of their eyes when you're deal­ing
with them. Red and or­ange grades are dif­fer­ent lev­els."

The ex­is­tence of a Mu­tant Wolf-croc­o­dile was over­shad­owed in front of the

ex­is­tence of a flame-spew­ing croc­o­dile

"These three kinds of mon­sters, a to­tal of over four hun­dred, are mov­ing to­‐
ward Bucheon."

At the end of the story, Kim Tae-hoon looked at the crowd. No one had spo­‐
ken to Kim Tae-hoon, or taken their eyes off their smart­phones.

'A very dif­fer­ent type from the Black Snake we dealt with last time...'

'The num­ber of the group is over four hun­dred, we al­most died just deal­ing
with a crazy Black Snake...'

'If it comes into Bucheon, there will be some kind of dam­age.'

'If four hun­dred mon­sters eat half a hu­man be­ing a day, twenty thou­sand
peo­ple will be prey in ten days. Bucheon was lucky. Bucheon was very
lucky. The city of Gwangmyeong has only a small pop­u­la­tion left.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

They knew that yel­low-grade mon­sters were mov­ing to­wards Bucheon City,
so Kim Tae-hoon moved in per­son to scout. But they didn't know that the
yel­low-grade mon­ster was not a sin­gle in­di­vid­ual like a Black Snake, but a
leader who led a huge crowd.

The sit­u­at­ion was quite dif­fer­ent from the one for the Black Snake. That
was why they couldn't speak. They couldn't talk about it be­cause they were
look­ing for a new so­lu­tion to deal with the new sit­u­at­ion.

"Do you have any ques­tions or com­ments?" Kim Tae-hoon urged them. The
ef­fect was cer­tain. To these peo­ple, his words meant more than any­one else.

The first one to spit out was Kim Soo-ji. "In or­der to deal with a large num­‐
ber of mon­sters, there is the only fire­power, in the end."

"What is the cur­rent state of our fire­power?"

"We are still get­ting am­mu­ni­tion from the Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany. We have
am­ple am­mu­ni­tion, but the prob­lem is we don't have enough guns."

Kim Tae-hoon turned his at­ten­tion to Lee Soo-young. It was her job to get
guns and other weapons from the 17th Di­vi­sion.

"We're work­ing on a route."

But now she had few weapons in the sub­or­di­nate units of the 17th Di­vi­sion.

"You know that it's a good dis­tance, and it can­not be done in a short pe­riod
of time, as we have to go over a moun­tain."

There were many rea­sons. The big­gest one was the dis­tance. It was quite a
dis­tance, and they had to cross a moun­tain in be­tween.

She would like to bring an ar­mored car to carry the weapons, but the con­di­‐
tion of the road did not al­low it. She was try­ing to se­cure a route to sup­ply
and re­ceive weapons, clean­ing up the ve­hi­cles on the road and re­mov­ing the
sur­round­ing mon­sters. It was a task that would take time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

"Of course, I know this is an ex­cuse, and if you give me an or­der, I'll take
risks and get things done quickly."

But the sit­u­at­ion had changed, and she was will­ing to do it if she had to do

The pack of Wolf-croc­o­diles ap­proach­ing now was not mon­sters that could
be killed with­out suf­fer­ing dam­age.

"A week. For a week, I will stop the Wolf-croc­o­diles from ap­proach­ing, so
you'll have to get as many weapons and am­mu­ni­tion as you can."

"Boss!" Jang Sung-hoon asked the cross ques­tion di­rectly. "How will you
make a week? By the speed of their move­ments, they will be in Bucheon
City as early as two days, and on the third day, they will be in Bucheon City

It was not easy for any­one to see a group of four hun­dred Wolf-croc­o­diles
mov­ing at a rapid pace, eat­ing mon­sters or hu­mans like bull­doz­ers.

If there was a way, it would be fan­tas­tic for ev­ery­one.

"I will check them out alone."



"What the hell is that..."

Ev­ery­one made a fool­ish ex­pres­sion at Kim Tae-hoon's an­swer.

"Boss alone?" Jang Sung-hoon asked the ques­tion, with the nar­rowed eyes.
"Is it pos­si­ble?"

Kim Tae-hoon nod­ded lightly in­stead of an­swer­ing.

The crowd looked dumb again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

"Ma­jor, no mat­ter who you are, you can't stop a group of four hun­dred mon­‐
sters in­clud­ing the yel­low-grade one..."

"The lieu­tenant is right. It is im­pos­si­ble for the boss to do that..."

Kim Soo-ji and Jang Sung-hoon changed their com­plex­ion and spoke to
stop Kim Tae-hoon some­how.

If this de­ci­sion came from Kim Tae-hoon's brave spirit and self-suf­fi­ciency,
the re­sult would be ter­ri­ble. How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon 's de­ci­sion was never
some­thing that rose from a brave spirit and self-suf­fi­ciency.

"The goal of guer­rilla war­fare, with a few troops in op­er­at­ion, is to kill a

large num­ber of peo­ple."

It was a de­ci­sion made by cool judg­ment. There was no choice but to judge
it calmly

"That's my spe­cialty." That was what Kim Tae-hoon had done. "There's no
rea­son for me to get in­volved in the street bat­tles."

More­over, a city was a world that man made for man, no mat­ter what they
say. It meant it was not a world that they made for mon­sters.

"Do you have any fur­ther opin­ions?"

Ev­ery­one was silent in the face of Kim Tae-hoon's con­fi­dence.


A croc­o­dile slid its huge head into the build­ing's door. The sight of it
putting its head in was bizarre. It was about three me­ters long and had the
same shape as a croc­o­dile, but all over it was not ar­mor-like leather, but fur-
cov­ered leather rem­i­nis­cent of a wolf.

Its legs were much longer than a croc­o­dile, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to run faster
and more stealth­ily than a croc­o­dile.. The Wolf-croc­o­dile's steps into the
build­ing were so quiet that its huge body was mean­ing­less.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘


Rather, the sound of a tongue as long as an anteater, com­ing out of the

snout, was louder. It licked the red blood on the floor, and its red eyes be­gan
to glow be­cause the blood was still warm. The heat in the cold win­ter meant
that the owner of the blood had just spilled blood.


As soon as it thought about it, the Wolf-croc­o­dile be­gan to move along the
blood trail with­out any hes­i­ta­tion, just as Hansel and Gre­tel in fairy tales
fol­lowed bread­crumbs.

The thing wait­ing for the Wolf-croc­o­dile was not bleed­ing prey, but a man
hold­ing a sil­ver ther­mos with blood drip­ping out of it.

Shiyik! Shiyik!

The Wolf-croc­o­dile flicked its tongue at the man. It was ex­cited to see prey
alive af­ter a long time.

That was its last ac­tion.


With a grue­some sound, the Wolf-croc­o­dile's head rolled on the floor, still
stick­ing out its tongue.


The Sword that cut the head off the Wolf-croc­o­dile in a sin­gle stroke went
back into the sheath on the back of Kim Tae-hoon. At the same time, he
filled the ther­mos with the blood pour­ing from the body of the Wolf-croc­o­‐

The hot blood filled the ther­mos. Kim Tae-hoon, closed its lid, cut through
the Wolf-croc­o­dile's stom­ach, ripped the mon­ster stone from its heart and
put it in his mouth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

The last act of the hunt was to re­new the num­ber of Wolf-croc­o­diles he had
killed to­day.

'This is the eleventh.'

Eleven, the mo­ment he re­mem­bered the num­ber, a mem­ory from two years
ago came to mind.

Two years ago, Kim Tae-hoon was in Syria. When ISIS ap­peared in the
land of Syria, which was rav­aged by civil war, coun­tries around the world
dis­patched spe­cial forces to counter it. Kim Tae-hoon and his men were the
same. They were sent to Syria af­ter be­ing dis­guised as mer­ce­nar­ies un­der

Their in­struc­tions were as fol­lows: kill as many IS agents as pos­si­ble in the


Their pur­pose was to keep the IS agents from es­cap­ing the city in fear af­ter
the death of their col­leagues, and it was to earn the time needed to per­form
op­er­at­ions else­where.

Kim Tae-hoon com­pleted the or­der sur­pris­ingly well. In other words, he

killed so many peo­ple that they would call Kim Tae-hoon a mon­ster, de­spite
not even know­ing his name.

'Not much dif­fer­ent from then.'

What Kim Tae-hoon did now was not much dif­fer­ent from what he had
done in Syria two years ago, ei­ther. He was re­mov­ing the Wolf-croc­o­diles
out­side the pack to hunt for food.

The method worked well enough.

A group of sim­ple mon­sters would have ig­nored it. How­ever, the group of
Wolf-croc­o­diles was not just a pack but had a hi­er­ar­chy.

In ad­di­tion, the rea­son why the group of Wolf-croc­o­diles moved was that
they were forced to move by the green-grade mon­ster. They had no choice
but to be sen­si­tive to changes around them, and be care­ful.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 48 ⦘

In fact, the num­ber of Wolf-croc­o­diles search­ing in­creased, and the speed

they were trav­el­ing slowed down. It was ev­i­dent that they were alert. But
they were lit­er­ally alert, not in fear.

There­fore, it was nec­es­sary for him to in­still that fear in or­der to slow their
feet, just like he had done against ISIS two years ago in Syria.

In the end, Kim Tae-hoon would tell the group of Wolf-croc­o­diles and its
leader, even though they could not speak, "This is my ter­ri­tory."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

Chap­ter 49
49 -- Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile, Part I

Trans­la­tor: | Ed­it­ or:

Chap­ter Eigh­teen. Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED

1. The Sungkonghoe Uni­ver­sity Sta­dium in Guro Dis­trict, Seoul...


It was now a place of night­mare.

Hun­dreds of Wolf-croc­o­diles, cov­ered with fur like wolves, filled the

grounds. The Wolf-croc­o­diles were eat­ing there. Their meal was also like a

The sound of them eat­ing their prey alive us­ing the strength of their pow­er­‐
ful jaws was more ter­ri­ble than any­one could imag­ine.


"Aaaaaaargh!" The scream­ing of hu­mans be­ing eaten was the won­der­ful

back­ground sound of such a night­mare.

"Save me, please, please..."

Of course, the back­ground sound did not last long. Three Wolf-croc­o­diles
bit the head, body, and legs of a hu­man who was still alive and cry­ing much

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

more ea­gerly.


The man who prayed for God dis­ap­peared with the sound of bones crunch­‐
ing, a snack for the belly of the Wolf-croc­o­diles, be­com­ing a meal.

The scene was re­peated all over the place.

Screams broke out, bod­ies were crushed, and there was a grue­some sound.

The peak of the night­mare was a huge Croc­o­dile coiled in the cen­ter of the


The Croc­o­dile with yel­low eyes spat out the bright red flame through its
mouth and nose ev­ery time it breathed. It was the boss of the hun­dreds of
Wolf-croc­o­diles, the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile.

It was a tyrant that not only mon­sters, but even its own pack of Wolf-croc­o­‐
diles were afraid to meet its eyes.

It didn't seem very happy now.

It had a land which was full of food and the food was rich enough for its
pack to eat ev­ery day.

In ad­di­tion, it made a lot of ef­forts to de­fend its land. It de­stroyed the wan­‐
der­ing mon­sters that broke into its land, and it went di­rectly to the mon­sters
who chal­lenged its own strong­hold and burned them with bites.

But it lost the land one morn­ing, be­cause of an un­known change of heart of
a mon­ster that it could not ap­proach. With­out know­ing the rea­son, the
Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile had to lose the land and start a jour­ney to find a
new home, with the hun­dreds of its pack.

It was an­gry be­cause an uniden­ti­fied mon­ster had emerged and had gone
hunt­ing its pack.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

It was not even a hunt­ing for hunger but as a warn­ing to the Flame-spew­ing

'This is my ter­ri­tory.

Don't come in.

I'll kill you all when you come in.'

The mere thought of it made the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile trem­ble with

anger, and it could not tol­er­ate the provo­ca­tion. So the Flame-spew­ing
Croc­o­dile waited.

It hoped it would have the time to find the damned bas­tard and bite him!


A Wolf-croc­o­dile came over the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile ea­gerly.

The Wolf-croc­o­dile with or­ange pupils was not much dif­fer­ent from other
Wolf-croc­o­diles in ap­pear­ance. It came to the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile,
rac­ing over the bod­ies of Wolf-croc­o­diles tightly packed in the
Sungkonghoe Uni­ver­sity Sta­dium.

It care­fully set the skull in its jaws in front of the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile.
The mo­ment it saw the skull, the coiled body of Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile
un­coiled it­self.

It raised its huge body, stood up­right on its legs, and let out a roar with
flames to­ward the sky.


1. The South­ern In­ter­sec­tion of Yeok­gok Sta­tion...

The time on the wide road, which is vis­i­ble right from the sta­tion, was sus­‐
pended at De­cem­ber 31, 2016.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

By that time, the cars that filled the road were ly­ing in a pile with­out their
own­ers, and the snow that had fallen on them was piled up and frozen hard.


A group of three hun­dred Wolf-croc­o­diles moved past the stopped clock.

Bang, bang!

The Wolf-croc­o­diles on the road were bet­ter suited than ever to the word

They smashed into ev­ery­thing in front of them, knock­ing them away and
mak­ing a path. It was like a river of fur run­ning by. Noth­ing seemed to stop
the Wolf-croc­o­dile group from rush­ing on.

It was a huge bone that stopped the rush of the Wolf-croc­o­dile group, which
seemed un­likely to stop. It was ob­vi­ously the head of a Snake, but its size
was such that it could not be called a snake.

The Wolf-croc­o­diles, who were ter­ri­fied in front of the skull, re­treated in

hor­ror, rather than rush­ing by.

Even though it was only a skull, the Wolf-croc­o­diles were in­stinc­tively

aware. The owner of this skull was a mon­ster equal to their leader.

Of course, they could not be afraid of just bones. What was dead was dead,
and in a world of the law of the jun­gle, even the most fright­en­ing be­ing was
noth­ing if it was only bones.

Their fear was for the skull's owner who made the Black Snake into this
shape. More­over, the skull was a warn­ing. It was a warn­ing that ev­ery­thing
ap­proach­ing this ter­ri­tory would ex­actly turn to this.

Nat­u­rally, fear be­gan to spread among the pack of Wolf-croc­o­diles.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

It was the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile that tram­pled on that fear with­out


The Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile, which was at the rear of the group, went
ahead loudly in front of the group.

The Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile didn't ad­vance qui­etly. No, rather, it took

each step with all its might, as if it were kick­ing its feet louder.

The foot­steps shook the earth, and also broke the fear spread among the

Very quickly, the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile, stand­ing in front of the skull of

the Black Snake, raised its body.

The Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile stand­ing on its legs shut its mouth tightly. Its
body be­gan to swell up.

The mo­ment it opened its mouth, a huge blast of fire burst forth and be­gan
burn­ing the skull of the Black Snake.


It was a dec­la­ra­tion of war, to kill the owner of this land and take the po­si­‐
tion it­self!


The own­ers of this land were will­ing to ac­cept the dec­la­ra­tion of war.


The bat­tle has be­gun.

1. Kim Tae-hoon said, "I'll give you a week."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

How­ever, he failed to keep the prom­ise ex­actly. He earned ten days, three
more than a week. Of course, it was enough to get a sup­ply am­mu­ni­tion and



It was even enough to re­cruit sol­diers to deal with such se­cured fire­power.

Boom, boom, boom!

The re­cruited sol­diers' mem­o­ries of more than two years in ac­tive ser­vice
were clearly drawn.

Ten days was enough time to choose the stage and dec­o­rate it with all the
prepa­ra­tions made.

Of course, the Mac Guild did not refuse to de­clare war on the Flame-spew­‐
ing Croc­o­dile.

As soon as the Croc­o­dile spewed flames to­ward the Black Snake's skull, the
ar­tillery units of Mac Guild, who were wait­ing, im­me­di­ately be­gan fir­ing.

The launch of the ar­tillery came down on the pack of Wolf-croc­o­diles.


The tough fur of the Wolf-croc­o­dile was worth­less in front of ar­tillery fire.
The Wolf-croc­o­dile be­gan to blow apart.

It was an at­tack that a group of Wolf-croc­o­dile had never en­coun­tered.

It was also the first coun­ter­at­tack that the ar­tillery, who were con­stantly
load­ing shells into a 60-mil­lime­ter mor­tar, had ex­pe­ri­enced so far.



⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

That's why the ar­tillery, who were shout­ing to an­swer the com­mand with
the or­der, cried out, press­ing down against the un­ceas­ing roar of shells
burst­ing out.

"You, moth­er­fuck­ing mon­sters, all go to hell!"

It was the sol­diers who would use the weapons that the Mac Guild had se­‐
cured while gath­er­ing weapons and am­mu­ni­tion for ri­fles, ma­chine guns,
and mor­tars.

At first, there was some con­cern.

There were very few peo­ple who went to war be­cause they liked it. It was
very dan­ger­ous for the pub­lic, who were not Awak­en­ers, to fight against the

They thought that there would be ap­pli­cants, but they didn't think there
would be too many. But that con­cern dis­ap­peared as soon as the re­cruit­ment
be­gan. Ap­pli­cants poured in.

Most of the male sur­vivors had un­der­gone the mil­i­tary draft; it was the obli­‐
ga­tion of all Ko­rean men. How­ever, it wasn't a rea­son to ap­ply for the po­si­‐

It was to vent their anger about not even be­ing able to make a fran­tic last-
ditch ef­fort, rather than coun­ter­at­tack­ing af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared.


'Right, I didn't miss the tar­get.'

'I'll kill one more for sure!'

So they were se­ri­ous. No one tried to be lazy or skip out on train­ing some­‐
how, as they had done in the mil­i­tary ser­vice.

Re­gard­less of age, the vol­un­teers from the ar­tillery tried to re­call the mem­o­‐
ries and the knowl­edge they had learned in the mil­i­tary ser­vice as much as

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

They showed their will to sur­vive!


And it was the same with the Wolf-croc­o­diles ex­posed to re­peated bom­‐
bard­ment. The Wolf-croc­o­diles came here to sur­vive, too. They did not in­‐
tend to be vul­ner­ab­ le.

Above all, the leader of the Wolf-croc­o­diles, the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile,

was still stand­ing on both legs dur­ing this bom­bard­ment.


The Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile's cry ex­ploded. The cry changed the whole
sit­u­at­ion in a flash.


As soon as the Wolf-croc­o­diles heard the cry, they started to run again, ig­‐
nor­ing the shells.

At the same time, the end­less bom­bard­ment com­ing down stopped.



The fear of the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile was an ir­re­sistible at­tack to the

pub­lic, and the be­hav­ior of those who con­stantly put the shell into the can­‐
non shells stopped like a bro­ken doll and be­gan to dis­tort.

Some of them flopped down and suf­fered from a spasm, bub­bling at the
mouth while ly­ing on the ground.



⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

At that mo­ment, the Awak­en­ers be­gan to load the ar­tillery into the pre­pared
ve­hi­cle, and they were about to leave the area with them, af­ter be­ing ex­‐
posed to the fear and un­able to do any­thing.

But not ev­ery­one was ready to run away.

Rather, at this mo­ment there were those who chewed and swal­lowed the pill
that made them re­sis­tant to the fear, and waited for the Wolf-croc­o­diles to
come. They were in the most dan­ger­ous place to buy time for their col­‐
leagues to es­cape, hold­ing the clay­more trig­gers in their hands.

Even though they had the pill that would in­crease their re­sis­tance to the
fear, their bod­ies were trem­bling in fear of the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile,
but none­the­less, they did not take their eyes off the Wolf-croc­o­diles.

They waited, and pushed the trig­gers. "Ex­plode!"

Bam bam bam!

The rain of iron beads be­gan to pour into the front of the Wolf-croc­o­diles
that were rush­ing wildly down the road with­out see­ing any­thing.


Their power was fright­en­ing.

The Wolf-croc­o­diles run­ning in front quickly be­came a pile of dead bod­ies.

Even eerier was that the Wolf-croc­o­diles did not stop rush­ing for­ward af­ter
push­ing the bod­ies of their fel­lows out of the way.

'Fuck­ing mon­sters!'

'We've been ready and then at­tacked, now we're go­ing to be chased!'

The ear­lier gun­fire was no longer heard any­where. The sit­u­at­ion had turned.

The Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile was now walk­ing down the path cre­ated by
the wild rush of the Wolf-croc­o­diles. It was get­ting ready to smash, chomp,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 49 ⦘

and burn with flames the en­em

­ ies that were try­ing to run away.


A Sword made a long cut on the hide of the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile that
was not be hurt by the ar­tillery. It pre­vented the rush of the Flame-spew­ing

The cut was so painful that its yel­low eyes flashed, and it be­gan to look


But its eyes, which scanned ev­ery­where, could not find the cul­prit that hurt
its body.

It was not pos­si­ble to find him, since Kim Tae-hoon, the main cul­prit it was
look­ing for, was float­ing above its head...

'It's been a long time since I shot this against a liv­ing thing. Prob­ab­ ly four

...while hold­ing a Panz­er­faust 3, an anti-tank rocket launcher, on his shoul­‐


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

Chap­ter 50
50 -- Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile, Part II

Trans­la­tor: | Ed­it­ or:

Chap­ter Eigh­teen. Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED

1. On De­cem­ber 31st, 2016, mankind first en­coun­tered the mon­sters.

There­fore, mankind did not know that mon­sters were stronger and
more clever than they thought, and hu­mans did not know any­thing
about mon­sters.

Kim Tae-hoon was the same.

It was in the bat­tle with the Black Snake that he keenly felt it. He did not
know that the Black Snake was so strong and clever, and he faced it with
only the Sword and the power of his Telekine­sis.

The re­sult? He al­most died. He was lucky to sur­vive, and the bat­tle with the
Black Snake was a mess from be­gin­ning to end.

He had no de­sire to re­peat that same mis­take against the Flame-spew­ing



'I need more def­i­nite and thor­ough in­ves­ti­ga­tion and in­quiry.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

So he stud­ied. He could not dis­sect the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­diles, so he

dug into the habits, be­hav­ior pat­terns, and body struc­ture of a Wolf-croc­o­‐
dile sim­i­lar to it.

'I need a new man­ual.'

He tried some­thing new that could be done with Telekine­sis. It was not
enough to use his Telekine­sis to han­dle weapons freely.

It was nec­es­sary to make some of the in­fi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties of the Telekine­sis

into a cer­tain abil­ity for him­self, not just a pos­si­bil­ity. Of course, time was
lim­ited, so he had to choose one of the pos­si­bil­i­ties.

'The fire­power is suf­fi­cient, and I need a way to use it, ac­cu­rately and

The way he fi­nally chose was lev­i­ta­tion.

'If I could fly in the air, then I could fight like a com­bat he­li­copter. It would
be an un­lim­ited bat­tle in space.'

If he, who had a strong enough level of fire­power from the sup­plies of the
Am­mu­ni­tion Com­pany and the sub­or­di­nate units of the 17th Di­vi­sion, could
fly in the sky, he could be com­pared to a com­bat he­li­copter, in fact.

It was not easy, of course. If he could have lev­i­tated ev­ery time he de­cided
to do with his Telekine­sis, he would have done it ear­lier.

But his trou­bles were not for long.

'I'll do it any­way.'

There was no choice. If he did it, he would sur­vive, or he would die. So he

did it.


He pulled the trig­ger on the Panz­er­faust 3, while stand­ing in the sky.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

1. The pur­pose of an­ti­tank rock­ets was not to shat­ter tanks. A huge an­ti­‐
tank rocket mounted on a com­bat he­li­copter could do that, but you
could not hope for that much fire­power on an an­ti­tank rocket used by
the in­fantry.

A tank is not just a mov­ing mass of steel, it is like a small fortress. If an in­‐
fantry­man could have com­pletely de­stroyed such a tank with a rocket
launcher on his shoul­der, no coun­try would have made a tank cost­ing $5
mil­lion per unit.

Be­cause of this, an­ti­tank rock­ets fo­cused on pen­et­ra­tion, not de­struc­tion.

The first goal is to make a hole in the sur­face of the tanks, whose steel ar­‐
mor was more than just thick.

The shell with a pro­trud­ing snout, just like a stork, used by Panz­er­faust 3
was the fo­cus of this pur­pose.


The shell was fired in a burst.

The tar­get was the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile!


It only no­ticed the pres­ence of the shell af­ter the stork-end had al­ready
touched its body.

Boom! Boom! There was a loud ex­plo­sion.

But, it was not just an ex­plo­sion.

As the ex­plo­sive force of the bomb ex­ploded in front of the tar­get, it was
com­pressed into a stream like a wa­ter pres­sure cut­ter, and it pierced its
tough skin like a pointed spear.

Kaaaaaah!, its scream rang out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon smiled bit­terly, look­ing at the scene with black Eyes. 'I can't
even laugh.'

It was def­i­nitely a se­vere wound, but it was not a fa­tal blow to send the
Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile to death at once. The scream was just for pain,
not death throes.

'It was hit by a rocket with the power to break through the sur­face of a tank,
but it was only wounded badly.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who knew the power of mod­ern weapons and had even fired
a Panz­er­faust 3 against a liv­ing hu­man, had no choice but to smile bit­terly.

But the bit­ter laugh was not long, and he was not dis­ap­pointed.

In­stead of be­ing dis­ap­pointed, he held the Panz­er­faust 3 in his right hand

and used his left hand to pull a grenade out of his waist­band.

Ting! The safety clip of the grenade was thrown off by it­self, and the safety
pin im­me­di­ately fol­lowed.

He threw it lightly to­ward the huge mouth of the Croc­o­dile strug­gling in


'The mo­ment I hear the ex­plo­sion, I will move.'

At the same time, Kim Tae-hoon thought of a Sword cov­et­ing the blood of
any tar­get at any time, wait­ing for his com­mand at this mo­ment.


He heard the grenade go off.

1. Bur­re­ung!

As soon as they were ex­posed to the fear, cars car­ry­ing the par­al­yzed ar­‐
tillery­men started run­ning along the cleanly main­tained road.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The pack of Wolf-croc­o­diles be­gan to run like crazy to catch the cars flee­‐
ing be­fore them.

Kya! Kya!

Dur­ing the chase that be­gan, some of the Wolf-croc­o­diles moved to­ward
some­thing they felt in the build­ings near the road.

Some of the Wolf-croc­o­diles with keen senses did not miss out on the pres­‐
ence of those hid­ing in the build­ing to buy time, in­clud­ing the clay­more ex­‐

The first thing that the Wolf-croc­o­diles that came into the build­ing en­coun­‐
tered was a huge fire that an Awak­ener blew out of his mouth.


The fire in­stantly en­gulfed the bod­ies of the two Wolf-croc­o­diles that en­‐
tered the en­trance care­lessly.


Two Wolf-croc­o­diles were scream­ing at the fire that had stuck to their fur
and the ter­ri­ble pain that it pro­duced. The pain was not over there.

"Throw!" Two wa­ter bal­loons flew in from the dis­tance, which the Awak­‐
ener who blew out

The bal­loon burst upon con­tact with the bod­ies of the Wolf-croc­o­diles
writhing crazily in the fire, and it soaked the Wolf-croc­o­diles with what
they were car­ry­ing in­side.


The blaz­ing flames made it clear that what was in­side the bal­loons was not
wa­ter. It was lighter oil!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

The wa­ter-mixed lighter oil burned the skins of the Wolf-croc­o­diles.


As the two Wolf-croc­o­diles who had be­come fire­balls, were fuss­ing at the
en­trance, a new Wolf-croc­o­dile ap­peared.

It met the most ter­ri­ble death.


A gi­ant ham­mer that struck it like a light­ning bolt shat­tered its head in a sin­‐
gle stroke.

"Uh-cha!" The man who had killed the Wolf-croc­o­dile in one blow was
Bang Hyun-wook.

Ex­cept for Kim Tae-hoon, he had the high­est rank of En­ergy in the Mac
Guild, and he es­caped the fear of the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile faster than
any­one else. At the same time, the En­ergy of the strug­gle to over­come the
fear forced him to en­er­gize his whole body.

He felt as if he were high on some drug. Above all, there was no hes­i­ta­tion
in his eyes any­more.

"Come on! Come on! Let's make a new movie here to­day! Come on!"

Bang Hyun-wook was not the only one not hes­i­tat­ing. In the build­ing next
to the road, a few Awak­en­ers were ready to launch a street war against the
Wolf-croc­o­diles, and they there was lit­tle hes­i­ta­tion among them.

Of course, there was a rea­son.

Tutu, tutu!

"Fire! Do not spare it!"

"Keep fir­ing!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

They had a pow­er­ful weapon, a gun!

"We can eat if we kill them all! Kill an­other one!"

"Here is the one with or­ange eyes!"

They had re­ceived sweet per­mis­sion to take all the things they killed.

Of course, the big­gest rea­son was some­thing else.

"Oh, my God!"

"What hap­pened?"

"It's down, it's down!"

Kim Tae-hoon was here, and they were bound to win this bat­tle.

1. The shell of the Panz­er­faust cre­ated a deep wound on the back of the
Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile.

Of course, it screamed. This scream was not to cre­ate fear, but a naive,
painful one.


By the time the scream be­gan to turn into a fear full of anger, a grenade
came into the gi­ant snout, was caught in its throat, and then ex­ploded.


The ex­plo­sion was not loud, so it was even more fright­en­ing. The in­tense
ex­plo­sion had only hov­ered in its throat.

The ex­plo­sion took its voice for a while. It also took away its sense and rea­‐
son. Its brain shook in­side its skull, and all five senses were pan­icked for a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

mo­ment by in­tense sound and shock. In such up­heaval, a rea­son could not
play a role.

At that mo­ment, all it could do was to lower its pos­ture and crouch down
like an ar­madillo.

It was a filthy, mis­er­able thing to do, but it was the only thing it could do in­‐

Kim Tae-hoon hurt its back with the shell on what was called the wing
bone, not the other place.

'As I ex­pected, it has the same re­ac­tion as a Wolf-croc­o­dile.'

He tested the Wolf-croc­o­diles sev­eral times to see what in­stinc­tive ac­tion

they took to sur­vive when they were in cri­sis or se­ri­ously wounded.

He now knew that if a sud­den at­tack was fa­tal, it would coil and crouch
with its body as low as pos­si­ble, like a snake. So, he hurt its back!

If it crouched, the wounds there would be open!

At the same time, he dis­sected a Wolf-croc­o­dile and was able to gauge

where its heart was.

The wound would be open, and be­yond that, its heart would be beat­ing. It
would be pound­ing even more vi­o­lently to live.

A Sword struck down in a light­ning-like strike to stop that beat.

1. "It's down! The cap­tain did it!"

The sol­dier hold­ing the re­ceiver of the wired ra­dio re­ported to Jang Sung-
hoon with a bright smile. How­ever, Jang did not smile brightly as soon as
he heard the re­port. In­stead, he told the wire car­rier, "Get the sit­u­at­ion un­der
con­trol, send a search party to check the sur­round­ing mon­sters, and then
count the num­ber of the vic­tims and no­tify the hos­pi­tal."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

"Yes, sir!"

Jang Sung-hoon, who gave the or­der, re­called the rank on his uni­form at
that mo­ment.


That was his rank. He was a low rank. And that rank has not changed much,
even now.

Of course, the Mac Guild was not an army, so rank was use­less and mean­‐
ing­less. But even so, it was cer­tainly funny that he had vir­tu­ally the right of
com­mand now.

'So the lower-ranked ones look for­ward to war, and when war breaks out, if
they sur­vive, they can be gen­er­als, re­gard­less of ranks.'

The hu­mor that started it did not last long. His ex­pres­sion firmed up.

What­ever his rank was, it was all right. What was im­por­tant was that he
should now serve as a staff of­fi­cer. It was time to worry about the set­tle­‐
ment of vic­tory, not the cheers for vic­tory like a staff of­fi­cer.

'Boss is now a ridicu­lous mon­ster, fir­ing an an­ti­tank rocket while lev­i­tat­ing,

throw­ing grenades... He is an Apache he­li­copter!'

In fact, he thought this bat­tle would be very dif­fi­cult. Even though they had
far more pow­er­ful fire­power then they had when they had faced the Black
Snake, the en­emy was also lead­ing hun­dreds of mon­sters, un­like the time of
the Black Snake. More­over, the pres­ence of fear was very threat­en­ing.

No mat­ter how strong the fire­power was, ev­ery­thing would be neu­tral­ized

when ex­posed to the fear. In ad­di­tion, an army of or­di­nary peo­ple in front of
mon­sters was like a can­dle­light in front of a wind.

'Well, the eas­ier the bet­ter.'

But the bat­tle ended more eas­ily than he thought. If he thinks about the rea­‐
son, it was be­cause of the full prepa­ra­tion, but the fun­da­men­tal rea­son was

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon.

Kim was will­ing to make the ex­pe­ri­ence and lessons learned in the bat­tle
with the Black Snake his own.

'He's great.'

And he would be stronger again from to­day, be­cause he would eat the mon­‐
ster stone of the Flame-spew­ing Croc­o­dile and gain new power and
strength. Fur­ther­more, it was the way Kim Tae-hoon chose to sur­vive.
There­fore, Jang Sung-hoon was able to eas­ily pre­dict Kim's next op­tion.

'Rather, Kim Hyun-seok?'

Kim Hyun-seok was lucky enough to find Kim Tae-hoon, the luck of the
heaven; he was able to be­come a sur­vivor, not a vic­tim. At the price of a
cup of ra­men and some in­stant rice, he con­fessed ev­ery­thing he had seen
and heard in Gwangmyeong City, and what he knew. There was a great deal
of in­for­ma­tion he had given.

'The fac­tory that makes so­lar power plants is lo­cated in Gwangmyeong


There was a fac­tory in Gwangmyeong City, which pro­duced so­lar power

plants and was quite large.

It was a fact that the pub­lic did not know. If they were in­ter­ested in it, you
would not be the pub­lic. Of course, nei­ther Kim nor Jang knew. None of the
sur­vivors knew that.

'We must se­cure it.'

That's why it was even more valu­able in­for­ma­tion. The in­for­ma­tion was
valu­able enough to change the fu­ture of Mac Guild and sur­vivors.

With­out elec­tric­ity, you could not use the tech­nol­ogy of civ­i­liza­tion. But if
you steadily col­lected elec­tric­ity through so­lar power plants, the qual­ity of
life and the prob­ab­ il­ity of sur­vival would in­crease sig­nif­i­cantly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 50 ⦘

There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon would have made their next goal se­cur­ing a so­lar
power plant.

'We have to se­cure it def­i­nitely... but there is a prob­lem.'

The prob­lem was that there was a green-grade mon­ster in Gwangmyeong

City now.

In fact, Jang would not go to Gwangmyeong City.

It would be a sui­ci­dal act to en­ter a mon­ster den they knew noth­ing about,
only that it was dif­fer­ent from the mon­sters they had been deal­ing with.

But Kim Tae-hoon would go, as he knew that he could not avoid the dan­ger
of it com­ing, by clos­ing his eyes.

'I know what it feels like to have Su­per­man as my boss.'

Jang shook his head, took out Dae­dongyeo­jido again, and looked at the area
of Gwangmyeong City.


He was fright­ened at that mo­ment.

"Uh, where did it go?..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 51 ⦘

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⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

Chap­ter 72
Chap­ter 26. Mes­siah vs. Mes­siah, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was quite a warm night, warm enough to spend the night on the green
grass. That night, Kim Tae-hoon be­gan col­lect­ing in­for­ma­tion.

"The smoke be­gan to flow out of the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner and be­‐
came a mon­ster."

The man, who was now kneel­ing naked in his pants and un­der­wear and
wear­ing only his jacket, was Kim's first tar­get. In fact, it was right to say
that they were col­lected rather than hunt­ing.


For Kim, hunt­ing was his own de­ter­mi­na­tion, and some­times his life de­‐
pended on it.

If Kim dealt with an an­i­mal, who had raped a woman by force and was con­‐
cerned about fu­ture trou­ble and killed her on the spot with­out mercy, it
would not be called hunt­ing, it would be an in­sult to him who has been
hunt­ing mon­sters.

"No, it was a beast, not a mon­ster. Tiger, lion, wild boar... ele­phant! There
was also an ele­phant!"

Of course, Kim had no in­ten­tion of show­ing the leisurely air of the win­ner,
the mercy of the hunter to the man.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

"So, where is the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje?"


"Where is the Mes­siah you serve?"

"Well, it's..."

"If you an­swer my ques­tion, your life will be saved, I'm sure I promised."
There was only one deal he wanted to keep, only one deal with the man.
"I'll ask you again, where are they?"

"Well, I don't know. She and her Guardians don't stay in one place and
move on. I only see them when the Guardians with the Stig­mata come to re­‐
ceive the pay­ment pe­ri­od­i­cally!"

"Where are they?"

"I said ev­ery­thing! I told you ev­ery­thing I know! Please let me live..."

If you an­swer the ques­tion, you will be saved. In other words, if you do not
an­swer the ques­tion, you will die.

"I'm sure the woman who was killed by you, would have co­op­er­ated with
you, un­til she died."

"You, you son of a bitch! You didn't want to spare me from the be­gin­ning...
eub... eub... eub..."

It was all Kim wanted to do.


Ppuduk! A neck was forced to turn and the sound slid past the silent
foothills. It was a fee­ble sound. It was so weak that it was hard to hear un­‐
less one was near.

"Re­ally..." In other words, she heard the noise and it meant that she was
close. "Do you re­ally have to kill them that way?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

At night, Kim be­gan col­lect­ing in­for­ma­tion. Af­ter kid­nap­ping the rem­nants

of the Mes­siah in Buyeo and those who de­scribed them­selves as the be­liev­‐
ers of Mes­siah, he ob­tained in­for­ma­tion from them and killed them all.

She had to look at the whole scene from a stone's throw. He didn't do it to
bother her. For him, she was a hostage, and he just needed to watch her so
that she wouldn't play tricks. Any­way, it was not a pleas­ant sight.

"You don't have to kill them with­out con­di­tions." She, who had been silent,
com­plained to him.

"I don't have to kill, but they have enough rea­son to die. Loot­ing, rape, mur­‐
der, rob­bery. In Amer­i­can law, there is no short­age of elec­tric chairs."

"Isn't it fair to give them a chance to at least re­flect?" Kim's be­hav­ior was
too much from her point of view. "What you do is not a judg­ment."

She was not a good woman. She had no de­sire to be a good woman. But she
had some good, she had her own jus­tice. The good­ness she had was a coin.
It was a coin with a re­flec­tion on one side, a coin with a judg­ment on the
other, an op­por­tu­nity for those who sin­cerely re­flect, and a judg­ment on
those who do not.

"Let's make one thing clear," he an­swered. "I have no in­ten­tion of judg­ing
them. I re­move them be­cause they are po­ten­tial threats."

"Po­ten­tial threats?"

"A hostage is valid when there is a watch­dog. A hostage with­out a watch­‐

dog is not a hostage, but a vari­able, like a mine that might ex­plode at any
time. It is bet­ter to be a mur­derer than to risk my­self, my com­pan­ions, and
my men for my mercy and hu­man­ity."

"What is that..." Kim Tae-hoon was a lit­tle funny and in a frank spirit as
Kate was mak­ing such an ob­jec­tion.

"The po­ten­tial threat is elim­i­nated in ad­vance by any means pos­si­ble, isn't

that the Amer­i­can style? That's why agents from the NSA, CIA, and FBI are

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

film­ing a fake beard and an Afghan in Afghanistan on the other side of the
At­lantic with a cam­era named Global Hawk, which costs 200 mil­lion dol­‐

The United States, not any coun­try, was the most en­thu­si­as­tic, most thor­‐
ough, and quick­est in the world to elim­i­nate po­ten­tial threats to its home­‐

"It's..." Kate, the daugh­ter of the U.S. Am­bas­sador to Ko­rea, could not be
un­aware of it. Fi­nally, Kate shut her mouth.

She couldn't an­swer his cross-ques­tion un­less she aban­doned her own be­lief
in the U.S., and sta­tus of the daugh­ter of the U.S. Am­bas­sador to Ko­rea.

He did not ex­plain any more to her. Her val­ues didn't mat­ter to him and
were not im­por­tant to him. What was im­por­tant now was to or­ga­nize the in­‐
for­ma­tion he had re­ceived.

He im­me­di­ately took a ther­mos bot­tle out of his bag. Hee drank the cof­fee
he had drained be­fore night­fall.

She sat on the ground with a long sigh at this sign that he would no longer
talk. Then she grabbed her hair like she was tear­ing off her cov­eted blond

Mean­while, he be­gan to match frag­men­tary in­for­ma­tion.

'The Mes­siah I met this time is stronger than I thought.'

Ac­cord­ing to the in­for­ma­tion col­lected, the Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion that he

had met was the most sys­tem­atic and cal­cu­lat­ing of all the groups he has

'They take ad­van­tage of the char­ac­ter­is­tics of re­li­gion.'

The Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion had four ma­jor classes. The peak was Mes­siah, or
God, in short. Be­low it were those with Stig­mata, the Guardians of God.
Next, there were be­liev­ers who be­lieved in Mes­siah as God. The last class
was slav­ery, who were not treated as hu­man be­ings, and they were sim­ply

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

con­sumed. Of course, there was no much dif­fer­ence to the gen­eral group

with classes here.

'They are well armed with mys­tery.'

The dif­fer­ence was the ac­tions of Mes­siah and the Guardians. They moved
in the Chungcheong Prov­inces with­out stay­ing in one place, elim­i­nat­ing
mon­sters, and hand­ing out food and weapons to sur­vivors. Of course, food
and weapons were given only to those who be­lieved, fol­lowed and served.

They showed sal­va­tion and com­pas­sion. For those who wanted to sur­vive
hu­manly in the Chungcheong Prov­inces, and for those with power and sta­‐
tus, the Mes­siah had be­come a must-be­lieve re­li­gion.

'It's a lot bet­ter to be a god than a king.'

That was why Kim con­sid­ered this Mes­siah wise.

Re­al­is­ti­cally, it was im­pos­si­ble to prop­erly man­age a sit­u­at­ion where most

of the so­cial in­fra­struc­ture had col­lapsed. How­ever, Chungcheong Prov­ince
was not a small area like Seoul, where in­fra­struc­ture and pop­u­la­tion were
con­cen­trated. In­fra­struc­ture and pop­u­la­tion were scat­tered all over the open

There were many more moun­tains than build­ings. In these places, ar­eas that
could be man­aged only with in­tim­i­da­tion were very lim­ited. But mys­tique
was dif­fer­ent.

'It is a very good time for the con­cept of re­li­gion to have power.'

The rea­son why a man who had never been to the Vat­i­can wor­shipped the
Vat­i­can and Mus­lims bowed ev­ery day to Mecca, which they had never
seen be­fore, was also due to the mys­tery.

Above all, it was no ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that the value of re­li­gious relics in
this era was per­haps the most pow­er­ful in hu­man his­tory.

'Rather, the power of the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje is...' Even
the power of the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje that the Mes­siah had

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

was ap­palling by ex­pla­na­tion.

Ac­cord­ing to the ex­pla­na­tion, the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje was

an ob­ject that sum­moned an an­i­mal made of golden smoke. The power of
the an­i­mal sum­moned was at least equal to the sec­ond-grade Horse Fig­ure
Type Earth­en­ware cur­rently in his hands.

'It's more threat­en­ing than I thought.'

It was said that not even one but sev­eral were sum­moned, and since they
were made of smoke, no phys­i­cal at­tack could hurt them.

The be­liev­ers of the Mes­siah said that there was not a sin­gle mon­ster so far
that they could not kill by with Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje.

'A mon­ster made of golden smoke that is not hurt by phys­i­cal blows...'

That was enough to be called a mir­ac­ le. This was not the only thing.

In­stead of call­ing them an Awak­ener, the Mes­siah used Guardian, and they
ex­pressed the mark of an Awak­ener as the Stig­mata of a Guardian.

It was not just an im­pul­sive group, but ev­i­dence that the Mes­siah sys­tem
was built based on a num­ber of pur­poses.

Of course, it was an awk­ward sys­tem for Kim, who had to cap­ture them and
then take the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje from them.

'I'll have no prob­lem if I have time...' If he had time, the Mes­siah would
never be an op­po­nent. Kim knew how to deal with a stronger op­po­nent or a
stronger group.

There was no need for the power of an Awak­ener. All he had to do was take
the time to kill them one by one.

'There's no time, and that's a prob­lem.'

But now, the time he was given was... un­til June.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

He must be back in Bucheon in July. Oth­er­wise, he would not be able to

stop the as­sas­si­na­tion of Colonel Lim Hyun-joon.

He could not af­ford to trace Mes­siah's move­ments right away, and he knew
that it would take the time to de­stroy them. In ad­di­tion, us­ing such meth­ods,
Mes­siah and the Guardians might choose to hide or es­cape. All he needed
now was to make them come out by them­selves, then knock them out.

'That's what works best for those who use re­li­gion as a weapon.' And he
was well aware of how to catch a group that used re­li­gion. 'The rise of a

He was also more aware of the dan­gers of a group us­ing re­li­gion bet­ter than
any­one else. He swal­lowed a cup of cof­fee and closed the lid of the ther­mos

'The use of an­other poi­son to re­move the poi­son. I will be a Mes­siah, too.'


The ar­rival of the mon­sters took away ev­ery­thing: it be­came an ab­so­lute re­‐
al­ity in a changed world

"What do you mean by that?"

"I think there has been a re­bel­lion at Buyeo."


Un­der the warm sun­shine, the car camp­site lo­cated in the north of Mt. Gy­‐
ery­ong was spec­tac­u­lar. Ex­pen­sive SUVs were flash­ing them­selves, ex­pen­‐
sive camp­ing sup­plies were scat­tered, and count­less kinds of wines and
food were ev­ery­where. It was hard to be­lieve that such a sight was real.

In one place there was even a DJ ma­chine, and some peo­ple were danc­ing
to the songs.

It was a sight that was hard to see even be­fore the mon­sters ap­peared. A
short-haired woman lay­ing down on a ham­mock be­tween two trees handed

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

her wine glass to the man stand­ing next to her.

"Why don't you take care of it?"


"What's the mat­ter?"

"I sent peo­ple, but they were all beaten."

At this, the woman was no longer ly­ing in the ham­mock. She sat up from it
and looked at the man kneel­ing in front of her, as she sat in the ham­mock
and held the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje.

The man con­tin­ued at her glance, "The rebels seem to be armed prop­erly,

"And? Are there any more prob­lems?"

"Some of the sur­vivors who went to quell the re­bel­lion say strange things."

The man who was try­ing to spit out his words took a breath and then con­tin­‐
ued, "The true Sav­ior saved us... The peo­ple who re­volted in Buyeo said

As soon as he said those words, the golden smoke be­gan to flow out of the
Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner the woman was hold­ing. With the ap­pear­ance of
the golden smoke, not only the man who knelt be­fore the woman, but also
the man who stood guard near the woman's ham­mock and ev­ery­one around
her stood stock still.

Soon the smoke dis­ap­peared back into the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner, and
the woman held out her right hand. The man who had just re­ceived the glass
of wine put it back in her right hand, the one with Stig­mata on the back of

The woman drank her wine, sa­vored it a while, and said, "Maybe a cult has

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

The woman made a light ges­ture at the words. At the sign, the peo­ple
around her gath­ered be­side her as if they had been wait­ing. All of them had
marks on their right hand, which they called Stig­mata. Al­ready lis­ten­ing to
the pre­ced­ing con­ver­sa­tion, they scram­bled to talk to each other.

"I'll take care of it."

"Please leave it to me."

The woman did not re­spond to them as they called out their will­ing­ness to
take on the mis­sion. Be­fore re­ply­ing, she touched the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner she had in her hand.

"No, all of us go­ing."

"All of us?"

"Yes, all of us."

"Is nec­es­sary?"

The woman in com­mand sighed. "If the ru­mor goes all the way to Non­san,
we'll be in trou­ble."

"Due to the crazy mon­ster in Se­jong City, we can­not be ac­tive in Dae­jeon

City, so Non­san is our base area. If the ru­mor spreads in Non­san, it will be
noth­ing good for us. We will show them, who deny us and re­sist us, what a
cult is treated like!"

Show. Ev­ery­one's eyes changed at the word.

The woman's eyes had changed.

"Ev­ery­one, gather."

Soon af­ter, at her words, the par­ty­go­ers at the camp­site stopped ev­ery­thing
and be­gan to gather at the place where the woman was sit­ting on a ham­‐
mock. More than a hun­dred peo­ple gath­ered in a flash.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 72 ⦘

All of them with the Stig­mata on their right hand were wear­ing Bronze
Swords or Gan­dol Swords at their waists.

The woman smiled at the crowd and be­gan stroking the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner in her arms.

"Buyeo, this guy is go­ing to its home­town af­ter a long time."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

Chap­ter 73
Chap­ter 26. Mes­siah vs. Mes­siah, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Buyeo County Of­fice...

Un­til a few days ago, this place was like an­other hell. The be­liev­ers of Mes­‐
siah chose the Buyeo County Of­fice as the place to hold their slaves. To put
it sim­ply, thou­sands of slaves spent the night piled up like boxes in rooms
un­der the Buyeo County Of­fice.

"There! Block the way there! Block the road!"


"Let's build a camp in that build­ing. Come on! We have a lot to do!"

It was an­other look of Hell, and what ex­pla­na­tion was needed? Even when
they slept, they had to bear death.

But now, around the Buyeo County Of­fice, there was a power that was not
suit­able for Hell, and that was vi­tal­ity.

"Do it right! This is not the re­serve train­ing!"

The ori­gin of vi­tal­ity was the slaves of the Mes­siah who had lived be­cause
they had not been able to die, un­til a few days ago.

"Be sure to take your am­mu­ni­tion! Make it more valu­able than your life!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

Even now, what they were do­ing with vi­tal­ity was prepa­ra­tion for war. It
was not easy.

'Pre­par­ing for war is, in other words, pre­par­ing one's own grave and grave­‐
yard. It is not a job for slaves, who have been ex­ploited un­til they die be­‐
cause they are afraid to die, to pre­pare.'

It was an in­cred­i­bly dra­matic change. Of course, there was a rea­son.

"The for­ti­fi­ca­tion work is al­most done, and once we hold on af­ter the bom­‐
bard­ment, we'll play games in the street."

The Sav­ior had ap­peared be­fore them, who had only de­spair. The Sav­ior did
his mir­ac­ le by sup­press­ing the Mes­siah who had per­se­cuted and ex­ploited
them overnight, and he told those who gath­ered with­out stop­ping there,
"Let's fight against those who call them­selves the Mes­siah. Let's not be their
slaves, but be­come fight­ing war­riors! And then I would be happy to be your

Ev­ery­one was sur­prised at the shout be­cause the Sav­ior was a white-
skinned woman with blue eyes who spoke Eng­lish.

"We're all ready to fight, and now you just have to give us your or­ders."

'I'm crazy.' Kate Kennedy, she be­came a Sav­ior. She was to play the Sav­ior,
to be ex­act.

'I'm crazy.' The be­gin­ning of the story was a par­tic­u­larly warm night.


On a warm night, Kim Tae-hoon told Kate. "From now on, I will use Mes­‐
siah to catch Mes­siah."

"I don't think I re­ally un­der­stood, un­less you mis­in­ter­preted the Eng­lish ex­‐
pres­sion, or it's a say­ing."

"We're build­ing a new Sav­ior group that de­nies the Mes­siah here, which is
to say, a cult."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

He said he would use the bait of a cult to lure the Mes­siah group into

"Do you think that will work?"

"There's noth­ing more threat­en­ing than a cult to those who use re­li­gion as a

"I un­der­stand.."

"Think of ISIS. They de­stroyed the relics thou­sands of years old be­cause
they were the re­mains of heresy."


"They'll send a strong fight­ing power in or­der to pun­ish us as an ex­am­ple,

not just for pun­ish­ment."

She was able to un­der­stand his plan enough. That was all.

"Well, it wouldn't be hard for you to be Mes­siah. If you come down from
heaven like Su­per­man and wield a ray sword like the Jedi in Star Wars, one
or two out of ten will serve you as a Sav­ior on the spot."

She thought she had no room for her­self in his plan, and she didn't want to
get in the way of the plan.

"No, you're Mes­siah." How­ever, he put her in his plan.


"You're the one who's go­ing to be Mes­siah."

"What?" It was ridicu­lous, and she needed some time to un­der­stand it.
"You're crazy..."

And as soon as she un­der­stood his words, she tried to ex­press her sur­prise
in the loud­est voice she could. But her cry never reached the moun­tain.
"Eup! Eup!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

He had shut her mouth with his Telekine­sis.

"Be quiet." Af­ter that short warn­ing, he re­leased his Telekine­sis, and she
said in a low voice. "Are you crazy? You want me to be a Sav­ior of the peo­‐
ple here?"

"There is no rea­son you can't be."

"I'm not like you! I don't fly like you! I'm an Amer­i­can! I'm not a Ko­rean!"

"It doesn't mat­ter who the Sav­ior or God is any­way, and it doesn't mat­ter
how you plan and how you run it."

"What the Hell..."

As her voice was about to rise again, he tapped his in­dex fin­ger on her
mouth. She low­ered her voice again.

"Why the Hell should I do that? You're bet­ter off play­ing the Sav­ior than I

"This is an op­er­at­ion to lure. The bait is the bait, and the fish­er­man is the
fish­er­man. If the fish­er­man is caught by a hook, he can't fish."

"I don't like fish­ing. I don't want to get in­volved. I'm a hostage, as you say.
Have you ever seen a hostage play a Sav­ior?" Of course, she didn't want to
test her act­ing tal­ent in this place.

"I'll can­cel your debt when it's over."

"I'm only in debt... What?"

"You'll act as a Sav­ior, and when it's all over, I'll can­cel some of the debt of
Mon­ster Stones."

How­ever, he was se­ri­ous enough to pro­pose a deal with her.

Mon­ster Stones were a new neck­lace that he put on her neck. It was worth
more than just its value.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

"Is this so im­por­tant?"

"If we leave the Mes­siah like this, their ter­ri­tory will ex­tend be­yond
Chungcheong Prov­ince to Je­olla Prov­ince."

When he first heard about the Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion, he frankly looked

down on them. Like the Mes­si­ahs that he has met so far, he thought that
what they did in a world that was ru­ined by the emer­gence of mon­sters was
a garbage group that picked the word, Mes­siah.

How­ever, the Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion in Chungcheong Prov­ince was com­‐

pletely dif­fer­ent from the pre­vi­ous Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion. They had made
them­selves a re­li­gious group, and they were us­ing the el­em ­ ent of mys­tery

"When that hap­pens, we won't even be able to take the root."

Cru­cially, there was a very pow­er­ful relic in their hands.

The Mes­siah re­li­gion, which usu­ally pro­duced mirac­u­lous re­sults, would

surely turn the grass black, like wild­fire af­ter it spread across the plains.

"I can't wait to get peo­ple like ISIS out of my ter­ri­tory, be­cause mon­sters
are a pain in the ass. Above all, this is our only chance. Now that they
haven't ex­panded their force, it's the only chance for a roundup."

He did not want to see his own fires burn­ing in the flames that had spread
so much, be­cause see­ing ter­ri­ble re­sults was al­ready some­thing he had to
put up with from the vi­sions of Napoleon's Golden Glass.

She did not say any more to his face. In­stead, she was an­guished about what
she had to do and what she could get.

"...what ex­actly do I do?"

"To play the Sav­ior, try to pro­tect the peo­ple in Buyeo."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

"That's all you have to do, and I'll do it."

"If I do the right thing, how many will you can­cel?"

He asked in re­turn, "How many do you want?"

"If this is the case... I'll need at least fifty reds, or a hun­dred."

He replied with a mean­ing­ful smile to her pro­posal. "I'll give you one hun­‐


She stopped re­call­ing and sighed. 'I'm crazy.'

She made a deal with him and even­tu­ally be­came a Sav­ior. In fact, when
she ac­cepted the of­fer, she thought it would be easy. All she had to do was
play the Sav­ior on the stage pre­pared by him.

She thought it was too easy to play the Sav­ior. But it didn't take long to re­‐
al­ize that the idea was a mis­take. The mo­ment she started act­ing the Sav­ior,
the mo­ment she saw those who cried and thanked her like chil­dren, and
then when she saw those who were will­ing to die at her com­mand, she re­al­‐
ized that it was not act­ing on stage, but a real thing.

It was the same now. In a lit­tle while, the Mes­siah sol­diers ap­proach­ing the
vicin­ity of Buyeo would be­gin at­tack­ing. A real and ter­ri­ble war would be­‐
gin. She had no in­ten­tion of act­ing as a Sav­ior in the war.

"I should have known when he smiled when I said I would need a hun­dred."

She would not be a Sav­ior, but now she would fight to pro­tect those who
be­lieved in her as a Sav­ior and will­ingly de­voted their life to her. It was the
least cour­tesy to give to those who were pre­pared to die and pre­pared for
war af­ter be­ing de­ceived by her act­ing.

And that was why he can­celed ex­pen­sive debts in re­turn for her Sav­ior's
act­ing. He knew bet­ter than any­one what it meant to play the Sav­ior and
how hard it was.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

So he was con­vinced when he heard that he had to can­cel a hun­dred mon­‐

ster stones from her debt in ex­change for act­ing as a Sav­ior. She still did not
know what the world was like.

Bang! A sin­gle gun­shot passed over her head and fell over the Buyeo
County Of­fice.

"Aaaaaaargh!" A scream of pain and fear be­gan to rise.

The at­mos­phere of the Buyeo County Of­fice be­came a mess.

"It's a gun­shot! Avoid shelling!"

"Keep your po­si­tion! Sooner or later, the Guardians will come in to clean
up! You can't just let them in!"

Those who sur­vived in the mess, now serv­ing her as Mes­siah, burned with
the will to fight. She looked at them and clenched her teeth. If she hadn't
played the Sav­ior, they would have been slaves, but they wouldn't have
been threat­ened.

'It's my fault.' She could not be free from blame for their deaths. Of course,
she had an obli­ga­tion. She had to do her best to save a few more peo­ple.
She held the hilt of the Gan­dol Sword in her waist­band.

'Ten min­utes, I'll hold on for ten min­utes some­how, as you said.'

It was the mo­ment she re­al­ized the changed world.




Buyeo in­ter­sec­tion...

A dozen mor­tars lined up on the in­ter­sec­tion of Buyeo Bridge, which

crossed the Geum River and then Buyeo.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

Boom! Boom!

The se­quen­tially pop­ping fires fell over the Buyeo County Of­fice af­ter mak­‐
ing a one-kilo­me­ter par­ab­ ola.

Af­ter a long jour­ney, the faint sound of the shells reached the in­ter­sec­tion of

"We have noth­ing to do."

"There was noth­ing to do in the first place. At best, some slaves re­belled;
it's not nec­es­sary for all the Guardians to be here, and there was no rea­son
for the Mes­siah to come."

The Guardians with the Stig­mata made sad ex­pres­sions at the sound. The
ex­pres­sion was the same on the face of the Guardians who com­manded the

"Stop shelling."

One of the Guardians who stopped the ar­tillery bombs swung his right

"Fin­ish them."


The sol­diers with the guns that were wait­ing started run­ning to­ward the
Buyeo County Of­fice.

"Let's move."

At the same time, twenty Guardians, who had been wait­ing, slowly un­‐
wound and be­gan to fol­low the path the sol­diers had taken. Twenty
Guardians were like the ham­mer to a nail. They wanted to tram­ple down
any bit of re­sis­tant spirit the slaves might have.

"It'll be clear in about an hour."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

"Will it take an hour?"

Nor­mal peo­ple couldn't do any­thing against the su­per­hu­man Guardians, let

alone re­belling, or even run away, be­cause there was no pig in the world
that could es­cape from chee­tahs.

"Well, if we en­joy it, we'll be there in an hour."

"Well... I haven't been hunt­ing hu­man be­ings in a while, and I would have
ap­plied if I'd known this."

"It's fun to rape the run­away bitches."

"You fuck­ing per­vert."

"It's more like a nor­mal taste, as op­posed to some­one who breaks the legs of
two men and has them fight each other."

Of course, as soon as they left, all the Guardians who were look­ing at the
scene re­solved the lit­tle ten­sion they had.

'It's over.' There was no rea­son to be ner­vous any­more.

"Get back." But a woman's voice tight­ened the ten­sion of the Guardians
who had re­laxed.

Park In-young.

Their eyes headed to her to­gether, who was called Mes­siah rather than by

'No way!'

'Oh, my God...'

Park In-young, who was re­flected in their eyes, held the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner of Baekje with both hands. Ev­ery­one knew what it meant.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

"Do you need to use the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje?" One of
them spoke to her with cour­tesy. She did not an­swer. In­stead, she be­gan to
in­ject her Mana into it.


The Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, stoked by her Mana, be­gan to

emit a fas­ci­nat­ing golden light. Af­ter a while, the golden smoke be­gan to
flow through the hole in the in­cense burner.

Gulp! The Guardians who saw the scene swal­lowed with­out ex­cep­tion.

'She is go­ing to send it over.'

This was the case with the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje. Al­though
they were al­lies, they could only get goose­bumps in front of the out­come.

The Guardians, who had seen its de­struc­tion and scenes that made the weak
cry af­ter the work of the ter­ri­ble mon­sters, were forced to be ner­vous at this

At the same time, they fo­cused. As if re­mem­ber­ing a mir­ac­ le to be re­mem­‐

bered for­ever, they stared at her and the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of
Baekje in her hands.

Soon, when the golden smoke from the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of
Baekje rose to her knees, she opened her eyes.

Took, Took! It was at that mo­ment that an ob­ject of the per­fect size to grab
in the hand fell from the sky.



'What is it?'

No one was sur­prised at the sud­den ap­pear­ance of an ob­ject, be­cause no one

knew what it was.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

Could any­one be sur­prised to see some­thing they do not know?

Of course, they paid at­ten­tion to find out what had fallen from the sky. For­‐
tu­nately, it did not take long to iden­tify it.

Toot! It was only a short time to re­al­ize that it was a flash­bang that spewed
out in­tense flashes and burst their eardrums.


"Oh, my God!"

The two flash­bangs par­al­yzed the sight and hear­ing of the crowd in a mo­‐

It wasn't over there.



The phys­i­cal im­pact was not great when the flash­bangs blew, but the im­pact
on their eyes and au­di­tory dam­age were worse than any phys­i­cal shock.

There were screams and strug­gling with­out blood. "Ugh!"

Park In-young was not pro­tected. She was clos­est to the flash­bang, and she
fell back un­der the ex­plo­sive force that oc­curred when it ex­ploded. At that
mo­ment, she dropped the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje. How­ever,
she could not hear it fall to the ground.

Whi-rik! In­stead of fall­ing to the ground, it was sucked into the hands of a
man stand­ing on the mid­dle of the road di­vider. Kim Tae-hoon had fi­nally
caught the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje.

'I fi­nally got one of the things on the wish list.'

Of course, he looked at the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje that came

into his hands with black Eyes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘


[The Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 1

-- Relic Value: Nor­mal

-- Relic Ef­fect: It sum­mons a crea­ture made of smoke. The color of the

mon­ster stones you have eaten af­fects the type of crea­ture you can sum­mon.


At that mo­ment, he was forced to ad­mire in front of the relic in his hand.

Part of the her­itage of the bril­liant king­dom, Baekje, the splen­dor of this
relic, wor­thy of be­ing picked up by hand, was beau­ti­ful and dig­ni­fied
enough to make him, who was ig­no­rant of arche­ol­ogy, fall into it.

More­over, the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje was not a sim­ple

golden ob­ject in the Eyes of Black Snake.

'... it was worth putting on the wish list.'

Taoist her­mits, mu­si­cians, fly­ing an­i­mals, wild an­i­mals, the Phoenix stand­‐
ing on the top of the in­cense burner, and the dragon car­ry­ing cin­ta­mani with
its mouth, all filled the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, are shin­ing
bright with rain­bow col­ors on each.

'This is the first time a relic looked down on me.'

While he was so en­chanted by this relic he had not seen be­fore, one or two
peo­ple be­gan to wake up from the im­pact of the flash­bang. Their re­cov­ery
was faster than he had an­tic­i­pated.

"Ugh... what the hell..."

"Flash­bang! Some­one used a flash­bang!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 73 ⦘

Those with the strong phys­i­cal abil­ity and high En­ergy rank re­cov­ered and
saw Kim.

"There, there! there!"

They im­me­di­ately showed some fight­ing spirit to him.

"He has the in­cense burner!"

"Stop him! Stop him from run­ning!"

"Kill him!"

Their fight­ing spirit be­gan to fly all over the place like ar­rows. How­ever, he
did not re­spond to it. In­stead, he pointed to one place with a chin, and sev­‐
eral peo­ple in­stinc­tively turned their heads to­ward the tip of his chin.


Only those who turned their heads saw the horse made of clay, and a war­‐
rior made of clay atop the horse.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

Chap­ter 74
Chap­ter 26. Mes­siah vs. Mes­siah, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


When Mes­siah Park In-young wanted to cre­ate the Mes­siah or­ga­ni­za­tion,

the first thing she cared about was the pow­er­ful vi­o­lence that could deal
with those who would chal­lenge her be­liefs. She gath­ered Awak­en­ers with
Stig­mata and armed them with relics.

At the same time, she gath­ered sol­diers who were prop­erly trained, and she
or­ga­nized the mil­i­tary forces. It was not dif­fi­cult to gather sol­diers. There
was the 32nd Di­vi­sion un­der the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand in
Chungcheong Prov­ince, and there was the largest and most fa­mous train­ing
camp in Ko­rea, known best by the name of the Army Train­ing Cen­ter, Non­‐
san Train­ing Cen­ter.

The Mes­siah or­ga­nized an army by se­lect­ing the best among the sol­diers
from there. She cre­ated an army of God. Af­ter or­ga­niz­ing the army, she
con­tin­ued to train them and made them elite. That was all.


"Get him! Get the mon­ster!"

That was the only fea­ture of Kim Tae-hoon. They were just hard-trained
sol­diers, no more than that. They had no prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence. Even if they
had had, it would have been a very triv­ial level com­pared to his ac­tual ex­pe­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

The dif­fer­ence was sim­i­lar to the one be­tween a tiger and a rat. In the wide
field, the rat would run away hard and the tiger would not be able to catch
the rat eas­ily. But if one put a tiger and a rat in a nar­row cage, the tiger
would not need a long time or a great ef­fort to get rid of the rat. That was
the rea­son he had done all this... the slaugh­ter.

'I'll fin­ish as fast as I can.'

Kim made a group that de­nied the Mes­siah by us­ing a lot of hard work and
ef­fort, and he at­tracted the Mes­siah to Buyeo. In the process, he made the
cruel choice of us­ing the sur­vivors of Buyeo, thou­sands of lives and Kate's
life, as bait. The rea­son why he had waited for them to be gath­ered to­gether
in one place, hid­ing his iden­tity so far, was for the slaugh­ter. Of course, he
was go­ing to do his best for his role on the stage.

Neigh! The main axis of the mas­sacre was Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware.
The Earth­en­ware, which Kim sum­moned af­ter in­ject­ing his Mana be­fore he
threw the flash­bang, ran up the Buyeo Main Street and started to go crazy
be­tween the Mes­siah Guardians and sol­diers gath­ered at Buyeo In­ter­sec­‐

Tu­tutu! Tu­tu­tu­tutu! The Mes­siah's sol­diers and Guardians fired bul­lets

against the rag­ing, mounted Earth­en­ware, but it was use­less. Those who
were called the Plun­der­ers in In­cheon proved that bul­lets did not work on
the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware, but there was no one here who knew

"Damn it, the gun does not work!"

"Use relics!"

"Guardians, for­ward!"

Of course, un­like the Plun­der­ers of In­cheon City, there were pow­er­ful relics
in the hands of the Mes­siah peo­ple.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

Gan­dol Swords and Bronze Swords.

The relics that flashed along the translu­cent blade, which were sharp at the
mo­ment En­ergy was in­jected, sparked the courage of those who held them.

"Siege it! Siege it!"

"You can think of it as a mon­ster! It's not hard!"

In ad­di­tion, their sparkling courage made it pos­si­ble to think calmly. One

op­po­nent, ver­sus the num­ber of Guardians left at Buyeo In­ter­sec­tion be­ing
over eighty, and the num­ber of sol­diers close to four hun­dred. Among them,
the num­ber of Guardians who could use weapons like Gan­dol Swords and
Bronze Swords was around thirty!

"Don't be afraid of dam­age!" There was no rea­son to be fright­ened against

only one mon­ster. They re­al­ized that, and they sur­rounded the Horse Fig­ure
Type Earth­en­ware run­ning wildly on the road, and they be­gan to nar­row the
area down.

Tu­tutu! They fired bul­lets, got the at­ten­tion of the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­‐
en­ware any­way, and gave it phys­i­cal in­flu­ence.

"I'll slow it down!" Some of the Guardians were coura­geous and will­ing to
fly to­ward the Earth­en­ware. Of course, they were like moths run­ning to a
flame, no more than that.


The Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware was the mon­ster which had fought
against the Twin-head Ogre, and it was not an ob­ject for Guardians with C
or D rank of En­ergy, with relics of C grade, and barely one hun­dred to­tal
point of Strength and Health, to fight.


Of course, as soon as a Mes­siah Guardian raised his sword like a spear and
thrust out, the horse ro­tated 180 de­grees and avoided the Sword, and at the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

same time, the war­rior's sword on the horse cut through the Guardian's
head. Seu-euk!

The guardian's head was cut neatly above his nose and dropped to the
ground. As was said ear­lier, it was the death like a moth: the death that
seemed un­wor­thy, the death that left only fear.

But those who saw it were an­gry in­stead of be­ing fright­ened. "You fuck­ing

A com­pan­ion had died with courage. If they were only fright­ened be­fore
that fact, they would not have en­joyed such en­ter­tain­ment in the Mes­siah.
To do bad things took courage.

"Kill it!"

"Fire a bul­let or a mor­tar! Fire it!"

Of course, they were an­gry again and again, and nat­u­rally, they be­gan to
blind them­selves to anger.

Pook! An Ar­row pierced their dis­tracted tem­ples.

Sun-sin's Ar­row.

In the past, the Ar­row, which ful­filled the will of the great Ad­mi­ral Yi Sun-
sin, now ful­filled the will of Kim Tae-hoon.

Pook, pook, pook! It be­gan to pierce the heads of the Mes­siah Guardians,
blinded by anger..

More­over, Kim was not blinded, un­like the Guardians. His eyes turned
black and looked over the en­tire bat­tle­field.

"Come on, come on!"

It was nat­u­ral that his black Eyes found sol­diers who had set up Clay­mores
to kill the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware and were now back­ing away
quickly for the ex­plo­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

"Det­o­nate it!"

"We have Guardians in front!"

"Just blow it!"

Kim ges­tured lightly to­ward the Clay­more in­stalled like that. It was not a
sign that meant any­thing. It was a kind of a switch which made the im­age
that he needed when he used his Telekine­sis clearer. The Clay­more spun
180 de­grees on the spot as his hand ges­ture.

"Just shoot it!"


The Clay­more, which had turned, was faith­ful to its mis­sion. As soon as the
sol­dier pressed the trig­ger switch, it threw out a lot of steel beads in­side it
to­wards the front.

Kwa-kwang! A roar burst out, not even al­low­ing one to scream.

In the mean­time, there was a per­son who had grasped the ex­is­tence of Kim
and ap­proached him care­fully with a Gan­dol Sword in his hand.

'I have to kill him.' He ap­proached Kim with a keen eye and tried to be­come
an as­sas­sin, not a Guardian at this mo­ment. Of course, it was the wrong ac­‐

The sound of foot­steps was now the same as the thun­der to Kim, who had
the Hear­ing of the Bell-tailed Rat. Kim turned his head as soon as the man
ap­proached within five me­ters of his back. His mouth was bulging as if he'd
just taken a huge drink of some­thing.

Fufu! A huge flame was vom­ited from his mouth.

"Aaaaaargh!" The wave of flame hit the as­sas­sin square on.

"Aah? Huh?" But it did not reach the as­sas­sin. As if there was an in­vis­i­ble
mem­brane, the flame could not reach the as­sas­sin and swept around him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

'Er? What?' It was un­ex­pected for both Kim and the as­sas­sin.

It was Kim who took the next ac­tion af­ter this un­ex­pected event. Kim
swung his palm up, and im­me­di­ately the as­sas­sin's body was yanked into
the air.

"Kuck!" An in­vis­i­ble line ex­ec­ uted the hang­ing. Kim ap­proached the strug­‐
gling as­sas­sin and pulled some­thing out of his arms. What came out was a
Bud­dha statue about ten cen­time­ters or so tall. Kim opened his black Eyes.


[Gilt-bronze Bod­hisattva Statue]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 3

-- Relic Value: Rare

-- Relic Ef­fect: It stops mag­i­cal ef­fects from reach­ing the owner.


It was Na­tional trea­sure No. 330, the Gilt-bronze Bod­hisattva Statue.

'They must have robbed the Na­tional Buyeo Mu­seum.'

It was a valu­able relic, but Kim threw it out of the Buyeo In­ter­sec­tion, and
then he also threw away the Gan­dol Sword out of the road af­ter he took if
from the as­sas­sin's hand. The relics were hid­den in the grass off the road.
How­ever, the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje was still in his arms.

"What are you!" At that mo­ment, a sharp cry headed for Kim.

Park In-young.

She faced two flash­bangs with her eyes and ears, but she stood in front of
Kim in a fairly good man­ner.

'She is in good shape.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

The flare was less lethal than a grenade, but the de­struc­tive power to a hu­‐
man was stronger in some ar­eas than the grenade.

But now her ap­pear­ance in front of him was so ex­cel­lent. In her hand was a
Bud­dhist statue about twenty cen­time­ters tall, which was big­ger than the
Bod­hisattva Statue that he had just thrown away. It was an ob­ject that could
not be com­pared to the pre­vi­ous Bod­hisattva Statue. His black Eyes im­me­‐
di­ately grasped its iden­tity.

===[Gilt-bronze Aval­okites­vara Bod­hisattva Statue]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 2

-- Relic Value: Rare

-- Relic Ef­fect: It re­stores the owner to their orig­i­nal con­di­tion quickly.]===

Na­tional trea­sure No. 293, the Gilt-bronze Aval­okites­vara Bod­hisattva


That was why she showed up in front of Kim, will­ingly tak­ing the ridicu­‐
lous dam­age.

"What on earth are you!" And it was the rea­son for her anger to­wards Kim.

She had count­less relics in her hands to per­form mir­ac­ les. There was no
rea­son for her to lower her voice, filled with pow­er­ful relics from the Buyeo
Na­tional Mu­seum in an era where relics were power.

He also had no in­ten­tion of deny­ing the fact. Such logic was also con­ve­‐
nient for him.

Tsre­ung! A Sword was pulled from his back and flew straight to­wards her.


Tu­tutu! Tu­tutu! The end­less gun­fire be­gan to rum­ble snake-like be­tween

build­ings and build­ings, be­tween the road, and on the road.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

"Aaaaaargh!" The snake-like gun­fire was al­ways ac­com­pa­nied by a scream.

'Damn it.' Wait­ing for a chance to fight back with those who served her as a
Sav­ior in­side the build­ing, Kate clenched her teeth at the gun­shots and
screams that tor­tured her ears with­out a break.

'How many peo­ple have died?' As the gun­fire stopped, and time passed, the
sol­diers and Guardians of Mes­siah en­tered the Buyeo County Of­fice. Ac­‐
cord­ingly, the bat­tle had be­gun. And the bat­tle was of course one-sided.

Even if they had taken guns, even if they had enough am­mu­ni­tion for them,
it was too much to ex­pect a proper bat­tle from those who had barely man­‐
aged to re­main as slaves for months.

Even if they had served their coun­try as an ac­tive mem­ber in the mil­i­tary,
how many peo­ple had fought in the street bat­tles dur­ing their ser­vice?

The op­po­nent was a com­bat or­ga­ni­za­tion cre­ated by Mes­siah af­ter her own
screen­ing, to ce­ment her as the ex­tra­or­di­nary ex­is­tence of Mes­siah.

Noth­ing was good for the sur­vivors of Buyeo, be it phys­i­cal abil­ity, men­tal
power, skill, or ex­pe­ri­ence. Orig­i­nally, it had to be all over in the ear­lier
gun­fire. No, it shouldn't have been such a fight. The sur­vivors of Buyeo had
no in­ten­tion, no rea­son, or hope to fight in the first place.

"We'll make the time."

"You must avoid them, Sav­ior."

It was only be­cause of Kate that the sur­vivors would not give up fight­ing
against the ter­ri­ble odds. They be­lieved that the hope she had shown was a
real hope, so they were will­ing to fight be­cause there was hope.

It was the ev­i­dence that her per­for­mance had been ex­cel­lent. If her Sav­ior's
act­ing was awk­ward, even those who were des­per­ate would not have shown
such a no­ble be­lief and sac­ri­fice.

'I am not a Sav­ior!' The fact now be­came a dag­ger, and it flew and stuck
into her heart.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

'I...' It was so painful, us­ing oth­ers' hopes to even­tu­ally give them some­thing
in vain.

'I am not a Sav­ior, I can't save you.' She re­gret­ted two things at this mo­‐
ment; she re­gret­ted her own in­abil­ity to grasp the world prop­erly, pre­tend­‐
ing to act to pay off her debts, and she re­gret­ted that she had no power to be
a Sav­ior for them.

"Here you are." At that mo­ment, three men en­tered the build­ing where she
and sur­vivors were. They were the Guardians of the Mes­siah. The faces of
the sur­vivors turned gray at the mo­ment they ap­peared, for the Mes­siah
Guardians were mon­sters to the sur­vivors of Buyeo, no dif­fer­ent from mon­‐


"What is it?"

At the same time, the Mes­siah Guardians were sur­prised.

"A Gan­dol Sword?"

"A for­eigner?"

Even the Gan­dol Sword in her hands was un­ex­pected. In such a sit­u­at­ion,
only she moved, in­stead of be­ing sur­prised. She rushed to one of the
Guardians, in­ject­ing En­ergy into her body and into her hand. Then she
slashed the Gan­dol Sword in a slant.

Seu-euk! The Gan­dol Sword so eas­ily made the body of the Guardian into
two pieces at once. Her at­tack did not stop there.


She held the Sword high with a shout to­ward one of the re­main­ing two.

'Oh, my God!' Now the Guardian, who faced the Sword that would strike
down like a light­ning bolt to­ward him, took the Sword in his waist and in­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

jected his En­ergy into it as hard as he could. He held the in­jected Gan­dol
Sword over his head. The two Gan­dol Swords crossed.

Seu-euk! But again, it was just the sound of be­ing cut off, the sound of the
Sword and the body of the Guardian be­ing cut off at once.

En­ergy Rank A.

The Gan­dol Sword, with her over­whelm­ing power, was stronger than any
other weapon at this mo­ment.

"Fuck!" The other man, who had lost two com­pan­ions in a short time, took
out a re­volver pis­tol in his waist in­stead of a Bronze Sword in front of the

Blam, Blam! The shots went off im­me­di­ately.

'Huh?' But the bul­lets were not able to pen­et­rate her ar­mor, made from the
skin of the Twin-head Ogre.

"Crazy!" A cry came out of the Guardian's mouth that seemed to be un­ac­‐
cept­able. In the mean­time, she nar­rowed the dis­tance from the Guardian,
and at once she cut him down. In a mo­ment, three Guardians were crushed
to the floor in six pieces.

"Hoo, hoo!" She panted hard.

It was her first killing.

'I...' It was a shock.

The feel­ing of cut­ting a per­son's body was clearly felt through her palm.

The sight of the body crum­pled at her feet and the bloody smell that had be­‐
gun to bloom now, were im­printed on her mind. But she didn't fall into

"Ah­h­h­h­h­h­h­h­h­h­h­h­h­hhh!" The sur­vivors were thrilled by her work, and be­‐

cause of the feel­ings of those who had prayed be­yond grat­i­tude, she could

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

not fall into the shock of the first kill. No, she didn't even de­serve it.

Was it not she who had pushed their backs as they were be­ing killed in the
bom­bard­ment, by the gun­shots of the sol­diers, and by the Mes­siah
Guardians at this mo­ment?

There was no way she de­served to fall into dis­ap­point­ment. There was only
one thing she could do at this mo­ment: pray for the real Sav­ior to come.

"It's been ten min­utes! Come on!"

"Sky! Some­one is com­ing down from the sky!"

Her prayers came to pass. "Ah." Then she said with sin­cer­ity. "It's over
now." The war was over.


"This is the pay­ment for this month." Yang Jung-hwan, the mas­ter of the
Starfish Clan, put a heavy black plas­tic bag on the desk where Jang Sung-
hoon sat and left the room.

Jang looked at the plas­tic bags fill­ing with his desk silently.

Then Jang Sung-hoon spoke, "If I were a real Awak­ener---"

The iden­tity of the plas­tic bags was none other than the tax of the mon­ster
stones that the Clans un­der the Mac Guild killed.

Now that the num­ber of hunters work­ing un­der the Mac Guild was great,
the pay­ment had to be enor­mous. It was a trea­sure pile that could not be
com­pared with any trea­sure for Awak­en­ers.

'Oh, it's heart­break­ing.' On the other hand, for Jang, who was not an Awak­‐
ener, it was just a stone. Of course, he did not re­ally com­plain about it.

He knew the costs they had to pay as Awak­en­ers, and what threats and risks
they faced. Fur­ther­more, the stronger they were, the threats they faced also
be­came big­ger.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

He was frankly grate­ful for his sit­u­at­ion.

'How is he do­ing?'

Kim Tae-hoon's ac­tions and his fu­ture ac­tions were enough to make his
heart rev­er­ent.

'Well, he may be do­ing fine, and who can touch the boss un­less he fights the
blue-grade mon­ster in Se­jong City?'

Nat­u­rally, his com­plaints were short. Af­ter his com­plaints, he got up from
his chair and opened the bag next to him.

First, he checked Napoleon's Golden Glass. 'It's not full yet.'

Then, he con­firmed Dae­dongyeo­jido.

He opened a thick Dae­dongyeo­jido map, and first con­firmed Bucheon City.

'Now the mon­sters of Bucheon City are al­most gone.'

Af­ter that, he looked around Bucheon City and at Seoul. "There are still a
lot of yel­low-grade mon­sters in Seoul. The boss was ab­so­lutely right.
There's no Dae­dongyeo­jido in the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. If they had
had one, they would not have missed killing such mon­sters with such a
pow­er­ful relic."

The last thing he looked at was Se­jong City. When he checked Se­jong City,
his face turned white. His hands moved quickly. Next to Se­jong City, he
opened the page where Cheo­nan City was lo­cated. 'No...'

Im­me­di­ately, he opened the page where Pyeong­taek City was lo­cated.


Even then, his hands did not stop, and the page where Osan City was lo­‐
cated was opened.

A blue light.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 74 ⦘

One blue light was mov­ing rapidly from Osan City to Su­won City. When he
found the light, he dropped the Dae­dongyeo­jido map from his hand. The
great trea­sure fell to the floor. But he could not re­spond to the fact, be­cause
all he could do right now was to shake un­con­trol­lably, that was all.

"God­damn it, damn it!" In front of the trem­bling that could not be con­‐
trolled, he made a rough sound, and even­tu­ally, he man­aged to move his
shak­ing hands and hit his cheek. Smash! His body, which had only trem­bled
be­fore, be­gan to move.

"Hang in there, Jung Sung-hoon, tens of thou­sands of lives are in your

hands! Roll your brain, roll it!" With a scream­ing or­der to him­self, he im­‐
me­di­ately picked up Dae­dongyeo­jido from the floor, and then checked the
blue light again.

'It is the Six Snakes.' At this mo­ment, he came up with one sce­nario. 'The
Six snakes, they're lur­ing the blue-grade mon­ster here to crush us, or there's
no rea­son for a blue-grade mon­ster to come to Bucheon.'

If they wanted to fuck the Mac Guild, if they wanted to crush it, it was the
creepi­est sce­nario they could choose. It was a great thing. In front of this
over­whelm­ing de­spair, he imag­ined the an­swer clos­est to the truth. How­‐
ever, he could not think of a new sce­nario that could pre­vent the sce­nario.

"God­damn it..." And there was no unique ac­tor here to stop the sce­nario.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

Chap­ter 75
Chap­ter 27. A Game­cock, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


With the ad­vent of the mon­sters, hor­rors that had never been ex­pe­ri­enced
be­gan. With the ad­vent of the Mes­siah, the ex­ploita­tion and plun­der­ing
which seemed to not end be­gan, but in the end, it was a man who no one an­‐
tic­i­pated or knew who fin­ished the night­mare of Buyeo. A des­per­ate bat­tle
be­gan, and only screams and corpses were left.

Kim Tae-hoon.

He no longer al­lowed the gun­shots and screams to ring out in Buyeo. That's
how the night­mare ended.


"Are you fin­ished?" But it wasn't over. Kate asked a ques­tion of him, who
started to en­joy the cof­fee he had served at the cof­fee shop af­ter fin­ish­ing
ev­ery­thing. He did not an­swer, but he stared at her slowly with his cof­fee in
his mouth.

"It looks like it's over." She did not play up her anger, as she knew he was
not that kind of man.

"Thank you." She was not an­gry at his ap­pear­ance. She knew that she had
no right or rea­son to be an­gry with him.

"Thank you so much." She thanked him again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

Gulp! At that time, he swal­lowed.

"I liked your sav­ior's per­for­mance, and I caught the Mes­si­ahs prop­erly, and
I'll can­cel some of the mon­ster stones, as promised."

Af­ter his words, he en­joyed his cof­fee again. That was the last sip, and the
cof­fee that had been half-filled in the mug was gone, not be­cause he drank a
lot at once, but be­cause of the small amount of cof­fee that he had made.

Her face hard­ened at that mo­ment. "Hey, are you go­ing to leave like this?"

There was no an­swer to the ques­tion. There was no need to. His eyes, look­‐
ing at her in­dif­fer­ently, were enough to con­vey the an­swer.

"Are you re­ally go­ing to leave them alone?" Her face was now dis­torted. "If
you just go back, most of the peo­ple here will just die!"

It was the sound of Kim swal­low­ing the last cof­fee that stopped the words
that she was pour­ing out with her feel­ings. At that sound, she swal­lowed
with­out even know­ing it.

"We use the Mes­siah to catch the Mes­siah, that was our plan. You play
Mes­siah, and I catch Mes­siah. I never said any­thing more."

"You saved them! You're re­spon­si­ble for sav­ing them, aren't you?"

He got rid of the Mes­siah. Cer­tainly, they were rooted very well. But there
were still plenty of threats around the sur­vivors of Buyeo.

Once there was a threat from the mon­sters. The sur­vivors of Buyeo were
ex­ploited by the Mes­siah be­liev­ers, but they en­dured since the Mes­siah pro­‐
tected them from the mon­sters any­way. But no one would kill the mon­sters
that would be go­ing crazy now that Mes­siah dis­ap­peared.

"They don't know how to fight mon­sters!" Even those who were pro­tected
by the Mes­siah had lit­tle re­sis­tance to mon­sters, be­cause they had never
fought them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

The Mes­siah had hunted mon­sters from the be­gin­ning, us­ing the over­‐
whelm­ing weapon of the first-grade relics, not the crude relics ob­tained
from the Buyeo Na­tional Mu­seum.

When com­pared, the pres­ence of Mes­siah was a des­per­ate rem­edy for the
sur­vivors. There was no room for tol­er­ance in the body's fight against the

There was a short­age of food and am­mu­ni­tion. Un­like Seoul and Bucheon,
there was enough farm­land in Chungcheong Prov­ince and Non­san ar­eas,
but the rice har­vested from rice farm­ing did not have much food stock­piled,
and it was not enough to guar­an­tee next year.

As soon as he left here, all the sur­vivors here were fi­nally sen­tenced to a
dead­line to die.

Her anger was right.

"I'll make sure of two things." He spoke to her anger.

"One, I used these peo­ple here as bait, and I threw a wrig­gling worm into
my hook to catch what I wanted, and the fish­ing was over. There's no rea­‐
son for me to look at the state of the worm on the nee­dle any­more

She glared at him.

"Two, I don't want to be a Sav­ior, and even I can't be a Sav­ior."

"You!" She reached for his col­lar as if she couldn't stand it any­more. He did
not avoid the touch. He was will­ing to be seized by the col­lar. That was all.
He, who was caught with the col­lar, didn't budge. She just grabbed his col­‐

"Cur­rently, there are tens of thou­sands of peo­ple who need my pro­tec­tion in

Bucheon and In­cheon. For their sake, I am will­ing to ig­nore the lives of
thou­sands in Buyeo."

In ad­di­tion, his will was as strong as his body. She gave up her per­sua­sion
in front of the firm­ness. She re­laxed her grip.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

"Then I'll bear these lives." Un­like him, she could not aban­don them.

Be­cause of those who be­lieved her to be a Sav­ior and sac­ri­ficed their life,
she couldn't ig­nore the sur­vivors here.

"No." But he didn't even al­low it. "You're a hostage. I can't al­low you to act
the way you want."

"Let's make a deal. Please help the sur­vivors here. I'll bear the price."

"What are you go­ing to pay with?"

"Any­thing will be fine. Whether my body or a mon­ster stone, say what you

She was re­lieved of part of her debt in re­turn for play­ing the Sav­ior, and she
was now de­ter­mined to owe an un­matched debt.

He had a bit­ter smile at the changed look of her. 'You've faced the re­al­ity.'

The first time he saw she was a smart woman. To put it more plainly, she
was an as­tute woman. She was a woman who un­der­stood her sit­u­at­ion and
was will­ing to act for her own good.

The ev­i­dence was that she pre­tended not to know any­thing from the first
time he met, and that she un­der­stood the sit­u­at­ion and cal­cu­lated quickly by
weigh­ing the scales. How­ever, she was now fac­ing the re­al­ity: the world in
which mon­sters had ap­peared was not just about fight­ing mon­sters.

She had no choice but to re­veal her true self, fac­ing the re­al­ity that just liv­‐
ing be­came hell.

'But I didn't ex­pect this to hap­pen.' It was the way she was now. She was
full of re­spon­si­bil­ity and a great cause.

"Well, for Amer­i­cans, ad­mi­ra­tion of he­roes is not just a pref­er­ence."

To put it sim­ply, she was a hero. She was a hero who wanted to achieve
some­thing worth­while through self-sac­ri­fice.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

He was not sur­prised by her ap­pear­ance.

There were not a lot of peo­ple in the world like her. Courage had its own

Some­one needs courage just to save their life, some­one needs the courage
to com­mit evil, and some­one needs courage for the sake of the world. That's

There was no need for him to pay much at­ten­tion to her ap­pear­ance.

"If you re­ally want to be­come their Sav­ior, what's ur­gent right now is not to
take them to Bucheon."

He did not bring her here just to use her.

"Ac­tu­ally, the Chungcheong area is im­por­tant to me, too. For the Honam re­‐
gion, the largest gra­nary re­gion in Ko­rea, we need to es­tab­lish a base in
Chungcheong Prov­ince in some way. But I can't do that right now."

"What's the rea­son?"

"The rea­son is that we did not come through Se­jong City on our way."

Of course, at this mo­ment, he was plan­ning to use her heroic im­age for his
own good. He was Kim Tae-hoon.

"There is a blue-grade mon­ster in Se­jong City."

"... what do we do to kill it?"


Se­jong City.

Built un­der the rea­son of re­lo­cat­ing the ad­min­is­tra­tive cap­i­tal, it was once
called the grave of gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials. Of course, it was a joke, a grum­‐
bling joke made by goose-fa­thers, who sud­denly drifted around the coun­try

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

to earn money for their de­pen­dents who stud­ied abroad, or gov­ern­ment of­fi­‐
cials who be­came moth­ers. But now the joke had be­come a re­al­ity.

Se­jong City be­came a huge tomb. Among them, the Se­jong Gov­ern­ment
Com­plex and Se­jong City Hall were the most splen­did tombs.

Se­jong City Hall, which re­minded peo­ple of a space­ship and once bril­‐
liantly shone un­der the sun­shine with glass in­stead of con­crete, was a glass
mound, and Se­jong Gov­ern­ment Com­plex, which was de­signed like a snake
to fol­low the Geum­gang River pass­ing through Se­jong City, was the long­est
tomb in Ko­rea.

Rather than sur­vivors, the two ar­eas be­came a land where mon­sters dig­ging
up the dead bod­ies lived.

'Non­sense.' He was shocked by the fact.

'We shouldn't hear this.'

Dan­gjin Yeongdeok Ex­press­way...

On the road across from Se­jong City, he was lis­ten­ing to Se­jong City Hall
and Se­jong Gov­ern­ment Com­plex, and he could hear the mon­sters and
beasts flock­ing to eat the left­overs in the mass graves.

"Well, there's a re­ally big mon­ster here, right? Are you sure there's a blue-
grade mon­ster?"

He could hear her voice. How­ever, he could not re­spond to the sound. He
couldn't af­ford it.

'There's only one thing that can make a sound here...' This was the stage of
the blue-grade mon­ster, and of course, this was not the place where such a
noise was al­lowed.

It was noth­ing else, but a blue-grade mon­ster.

There was no need to feel fear, but the ex­is­tence alone made the mon­sters
be­low the yel­low-grade stupid!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

But if there was such a mon­ster, why was there so much noise? There was a
mon­ster loi­ter­ing to eat a bro­ken body? Even an­i­mals were run­ning around
in the col­lapsed city?

It was ev­i­dence. This was no longer the ter­ri­tory of the mon­ster.

'That's ridicu­lous.'

At that mo­ment, he quickly took out the ther­mos bot­tle and drank the cof­fee
in it. It was ridicu­lous to drink cof­fee in an ur­gent sit­u­at­ion, a sit­u­at­ion
where there was no room in his mind, but it was a more des­per­ate act for


He ig­nored her words to­ward him and be­gan to think with only cof­fee. Us­‐
ing the Hear­ing of the Bell-tailed Rat, he in­ter­preted the in­for­ma­tion re­peat­‐
edly by ac­cept­ing the sounds.

'Damn it.' His rea­son and knowl­edge al­ways re­turned the same an­swer to
the in­for­ma­tion.

'I hope it's not the worst sce­nario.' There was no more blue-grade mon­ster in
Se­jong City!

Gulp! In the end, he ac­cepted the fact with the cof­fee that he had been tast­‐

"Are you sure there's a mon­ster here? I want an an­swer." She urged him to
an­swer. How­ever, her voice was not au­di­ble to him.

There was only one thing he could hear. -- Tu­tutu! It was the gun­shots that
started to fill the Se­jong Gov­ern­ment Com­plex that had col­lapsed at some


Tutu! A gun­shot broke through the wreck­age of the col­lapsed build­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

Tutu! The shot was quite plain, and it had a light­ness that could never be
pro­duced by fright­ened, mad pulling of the trig­ger. It was ev­i­dent that the
owner of this gun was now a vet­eran of many ex­pe­ri­ences and bat­tle­fields.

"Hey! Body! How are you?"

"Legs, I got my leg bit­ten."

"Be care­ful, You ass­hole! You are damn bit­ten!"

"Did I want to be bit­ten? The mon­ster bit me."

Such a vet­eran had no choice but to spit out a whim­per in front of his fel­‐


Vet­eran Lee Hyung-woo, who saw mon­sters with shapes sim­i­lar to wolves
try­ing to come back, turned his head again and looked at his fel­low Pak Jin-
seo, who was press­ing his left shin with a rag to stop the bleed­ing.

Park, who felt Lee's gaze, said im­me­di­ately. "Don't let your eyes wan­der,
but fo­cus on the front! If they come, you're done, too!"

"You looked aside, I'm fine."

"Damn, I am en­vi­ous of you."

The dis­put­ing, the harsh words came and went. But they both knew that
they did not need to say them.

"...I'll slow them down here, so you run."

And they knew that they no longer needed to be scolded by words that were
no longer true.

"Don't be funny."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

"Don't shoot the drama, Lee, we're here to de­liver the news, not to come to
die to­gether."

"There's Mud Troll flesh, and that's enough to re­cover if you can af­ford it."

"It's an emer­gency! I'm not us­ing it for this!"

"Fuck, you're us­ing it for this! When else do you use it?"

"Stay with me, you id­iot! Our job is to de­liver the news to him! For­get it?
What hap­pened?"

They knew, but they could not stop the fake ar­gu­ment. When they stopped
the quar­rel, one of them would be bait and the other would have to live with
re­gret for the rest of his life.

"Fuck, fuck..." Even­tu­ally, Lee wept un­know­ingly. The fact that there was
no one here to quar­rel like this made his heart beat cold.

Park took some­thing out of his pocket for Lee. It was candy.

Cheap candy one could see when one went to a restau­rant and fin­ished one's
bill at the counter.

It was all cof­fee candy.

"You should eat all of this."

Tutu! Lee, who took an­other shot be­fore an­swer­ing, con­firmed the candy
and laughed bit­terly.

"You're fuck­ing shit, you're fuck­ing shit­ting me. What the hell is that cof­‐
fee-fla­vored candy..."

"Well, it's an amulet. Our good luck charm."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 75 ⦘

The con­ver­sa­tion, which was not likely to end, was ended by a wolf's cry.
The wolf's Howl­ing was so fierce that it was not com­pa­ra­ble to a nor­mal

As soon as they heard it, Lee and Park shut their mouths to the Howl­ing,
which made the whole body get goose­bumps, dented, and sent shiv­ers down
the spine. The gun­shots also stopped.

'Aah!' Lee's fin­gers were frozen when he was ex­posed to the Howl­ing.

"Fire, Lee Hyung-woo ass­hole!" Park forced all his en­ergy and shouted to­‐
ward Lee.

Lee pulled the trig­ger with a chuckle.

But all he could hear was a knock on the empty mag­az­ ine. His face turned
white, and Park shouted out with a red face, "You id­iot! Go away! Run!
Go!" Park, who squeezed his voice, picked up the K2 ri­fle that lay next to
him. He clearly held a scary weapon, but it was as use­less as a death-row
con­vict in front of the death penalty.


Lee couldn't get away with leav­ing his com­pan­ion.

"Go, fuck off! Go!" Park made a sound again to­ward Lee.

Thump! At that mo­ment a man fell on the ground from above. A spi­der­‐
web-like crack started un­der the feet of the man, and sand dust scat­tered in
shock waves.

The only thing that glis­tened be­tween the clouds of dust was black Eyes.

The eyes were full of a fear­some dig­nity that no other mon­ster could com­‐
pare to. How­ever, Lee and Park, who looked at the pupils, burst into tears.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

Chap­ter 76
76 -- A Game­cock, Part II

Chap­ter 27. A Game­cock, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


A con­fer­ence room in the Bucheon City Coun­cil Hall...

"There is a blue-grade mon­ster com­ing here." The com­ment made by Jang

Sung-hoon was shock­ing enough to snap up the eyes of ev­ery­one gath­ered
there, which the key mem­bers of the Mac Guild used to share im­por­tant sto­‐

"So let's take the nec­es­sary sup­plies, and flee to Yeongjong Is­land." Be­fore
their sur­prise was over, Jang came up with a plan to deal with the cur­rent


Ev­ery­one's faces be­gan to change, as they had no idea what to do.

"Why Yeongjong Is­land?" Kim Su-ji was the first per­son in the sit­u­at­ion to
ask ques­tions.

"First, it's the fur­thest place we can run."

"How about Seoul? The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand..."

"Cur­rently, the only bridge that we can cross the Han River is Gimpo
Bridge, but the only way to get there is not prop­erly or­ga­nized. On the other

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

hand, the road to Yeongjong Is­land has been cleared."

"Is Yeongjong Is­land safe?"

"It's safer than here. Be­cause it's an is­land, there's a low prob­ab­ il­ity of a
new mon­ster en­ter­ing." Jang an­swered in the face of the emer­gency.

"Do we re­ally have to aban­don Bucheon?"

Jang, who used to speak flu­ently be­fore this ques­tion, had to shut his
mouth. The si­lence started. Af­ter a long si­lence, Jang man­aged to open his
mouth. "We should throw it away."


Un­til last year, Jang was in the mil­i­tary ser­vice in Bucheon. There wasn't
any big af­fec­tion for him. But now Bucheon had be­come ev­ery­thing for
him. He had risked his life to sur­vive and to pro­tect it. He had tried re­ally
hard. It was like his own child!

"The present world is like that, isn't it? We should throw it away if nec­es­‐

How could any­one say that they would aban­don such things eas­ily? But that
was also the re­al­ity that Jang saw. He did not turn away from re­al­ity. He
looked at re­al­ity more clearly than any­one else.

"Can we get an an­swer when the mas­ter comes back?"

Of course, what ev­ery­one wanted at this mo­ment was not re­al­ity. It was
Kim Tae-hoon, the Guild Mas­ter, who they wanted to see at this mo­ment.
He was the only one who seemed to wake up from this ridicu­lous night­‐
mare. The same was true of Jang, so, he had fin­ished pre­par­ing for him.

"Yes, I have to let the Mas­ter know about this news.

"I'll or­ga­nize a spe­cial unit, and send it to Buyeo. We'll send a to­tal of ten

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

"Only one of them needs to de­liver this let­ter to the mas­ter."


Af­ter read­ing the let­ter, Kim kept his mouth shut. The let­ter was clearly
writ­ten about his worst-case sce­nario.

The story was that the blue-grade mon­ster in Se­jong City was rapidly ap­‐
proach­ing Bucheon, and that the Mac Guild had started evac­u­at­ing to
Yeongjong Is­land.

So far, it had been about re­al­ity.

[This is prob­ab­ ly some­one's trick.]

What came out later was not re­al­ity, but Jang's per­sonal opin­ion. Jang was
sus­pi­cious of some­thing about the sud­den ar­rival of a blue-grade mon­ster in
Bucheon. And even though Jang didn't write it down, Jang, who wrote the
let­ter, and Kim, who read the let­ter, knew who that some­one was.

'The Six Snakes.' The mys­te­ri­ous force, which drove Kim to death later, had
played a trick.

Of course, he did not know how. But the other one was def­i­nitely sure.
'They've got a new relic.'

The value of a relic that could lure away a blue-grade mon­ster was ab­so­lute.
Lur­ing in­cludes at­tract­ing, as well as pulling away.

Of course, if they had had such a relic, the Six Snakes would have used it in
the past. They even had the orig­i­nal edi­tion of Dae­dongyeo­jido, which let
them check the lo­ca­tion of mon­sters. With the two relics com­bined, they
would have al­ready taken over the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. But they

They were be­ing nice? It couldn't have been. This meant that they had re­‐
cently ac­quired the relics that made it pos­si­ble.

'There is a group that gives out relics.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

His think­ing pro­ceeded that far. He couldn't know more than that.

'Four days ago.' More im­por­tantly, the spe­cial forces moved to de­liver this
let­ter to him four days ago.

'The blue-grade mon­ster reached Bucheon two days ago.' Ac­cord­ing to the
let­ter, within two days of send­ing the let­ter, the mon­ster would reach
Bucheon. So now, a blue-grade mon­ster might al­ready be run­ning wild in
Bucheon. It couldn't be worse.

But at this mo­ment, he re­called the worst sit­u­at­ion, rather than stick­ing his
tongue to the worst. "If the pur­pose of the Six Snakes was to de­stroy the
Mac Guild... they wouldn't have al­lowed him to re­treat to Yeongjong Is­‐

The depth of hu­man mal­ice was un­known.

If the Six Snakes wanted to firmly crush the Mac Guild, it was likely that
they had iden­ti­fied the Mac Guild's es­cape to Yeongjong Is­land and blown
up the only bridge cur­rently ca­pa­ble of en­ter­ing Yeongjong Is­land.

If he were in the po­si­tion of the Six Snakes, he would do that. As soon as he

imag­ined it, an un­speak­able tragedy struck him. But he did not grieve.

It was not too late to grieve af­ter see­ing with his eyes what he had lost.

"You did a good job." He thanked both of them for bring­ing him a let­ter.

"Oh, no."

"We just did what we had to do."

" I will head to Bucheon. Both of you will get back to Bucheon alive."

And im­me­di­ately he gave them a ter­ri­ble no­tice.

They had lost count­less col­leagues to get here. If only the two of them were
al­lowed to re­turn, they would be dead. But the two were not dis­cour­aged by
the fact.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

"We'll get back alive."

"Don't worry about us!" They did their job and made the sac­ri­fice of their
fel­low work­ers into a step­ping stone for hope, not a worth­less dog's death.

Kim clapped the shoul­ders of the two. At the same time, he promised. 'I will
take the price of this blood some­how. Some­how...'


"Hurry, load them in a hurry!"


In­cheon Port...

Af­ter Bu­san port, there was a lot of cargo in Ko­rea, but now the port, which
had been silent for al­most half a year, was so busy. Peo­ple and things kept
mov­ing on the ship. Jang's ex­pres­sion was tired of see­ing this.

'Damn it, damn it, damn it.' He was scared and an­gry. 'You son of a bitch.'

When he de­cided to aban­don Bucheon and flee to Yeongjong Is­land, he felt

like cut­ting bones.

For him, the sud­den col­lapse of In­cheon Bridge de­stroyed the heart, not the

'I'll pay you back some­how.' Of course, In­cheon Bridge could not have col­‐
lapsed sud­denly. How­ever, when the In­cheon Bridge col­lapsed, his evac­u­a‐­
tion plan was in­evitable. Ev­ery­thing on the way to the In­cheon Bridge was
re­turned to the port of In­cheon, and he man­aged to find a boat and started to
travel by boat.

How­ever, the move­ment speed was in many ways slower than be­ing on the
road. Even­tu­ally, time was needed, and he had to force the sac­ri­fice of
some­one in the Mac Guild to make it hap­pen. This was why the Mac Guild
sol­diers and hunters had risked their lives against the blue-grade mon­ster in

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

'Fuck, damn it...' Of course, the cur­rent bat­tle sit­u­at­ion and dam­age in
Bucheon City were re­ported to Jang. It was the same again.

A man ran to Jang to re­port the sit­u­at­ion. "Well, er, er..."

Be­yond the ur­gency, Jang felt that some­one had carved into his back with a
sharp sword and cut him half­way through, all from the face of a man who
had nearly run him­self to death.

'Maybe?' He had a hunch about what the com­ing news would de­liver, and
what the se­cret in­for­ma­tion was.

"What's go­ing on?" So, the ques­tion Jang was now ask­ing in a quiet man­ner
was not a ques­tion to sat­isfy his cu­rios­ity. It was prayer. It was an earnest
at­tempt to hope that his in­tu­ition was wrong.

"Bang Hyun-wook has been se­ri­ously in­jured." But the re­al­ity had al­ways
been more bru­tal than Jang might think. At the cru­elty, he cov­ered his face
with his hands.

"Well, um..." It was some­thing that should never be shown. Even if oth­ers
shouted for de­spair, he had to show his strength. But in the face of this mis­‐
er­able re­al­ity, he couldn't help him­self.

'Boss...' He re­ally couldn't help it. And it was the same for ev­ery­one there.


There was a ten-story build­ing, and a huge mys­te­ri­ous bird was stand­ing on

Chicken. It was def­i­nitely a chicken. But it was not pos­si­ble to ex­plain its
pres­ence with the con­cept of the word chicken. Its height from head to foot
was over twenty me­ters, and the length of its body was well over fif­teen

Its black and red feath­ers were also strong. The two-col­ored feath­ers glis­‐
ten­ing with oil were so bril­liant that they re­minded peo­ple of a well-pre­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

pared blade. Just touch­ing the chicken's body seemed to cut through bones
and flesh.

Its golden beak was also over­whelm­ing. Any­thing, even steel, could be torn
to pa­per. The chicken's crest, which was made from flames burn­ing atop it,
was not only bizarre but also sa­cred. But most of all, the over­whelm­ing
thing were the blue eyes be­tween the blaz­ing chicken crest and the golden

A Game­cock.

Some­thing, which also had a long beak, at­tempted an at­tack on the mon­ster,
which was made for noth­ing but fight­ing.

Bang! The thing with a long beak was a K1 tank. The can­non from the tank
shook the ground and headed for the Game­cock above the build­ing.

Bang! The shell went into the Game­cock... but no one was happy with the

"Hit! The faces of those who were on the tank were hard­ened in the re­port
of the tank driver who said 'hit'.

"We are just go­ing to die." Al­though a tank was a pow­er­ful weapon that a
crea­ture dared not fight against, at this mo­ment tank sol­diers did not have
much in­spi­ra­tion at the power of the weapon. The rea­son why was shown
by the mon­ster they were fac­ing.


A Game­cock on the top of the build­ing, which was hit by the shell, crowed.
It was not the death cry of an in­jured and dy­ing an­i­mal, but the threat of an
an­gry beast.

"Ugh!" The threat in­stantly dis­torted the faces of ev­ery­one in the tank.

"Ugh! Eyes, eyes..." Tears started to flow as the small veins of their eyes
burst, and their eardrums burst and they could not hear any­thing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

Some peo­ple vom­ited blood. But the worst thing was that at that mo­ment
their bod­ies froze and wouldn't move. There was not even a tremor. Ev­ery­‐
one just stiff­ened up like man­nequins. The tank stopped where it was.

The Game­cock be­gan to run to­ward the tank. The Game­cock nar­rowed the
dis­tance of hun­dreds of me­ters with a sin­gle flap of its wings and a cou­ple
of runs, pecked down at the tank with its golden beak.

The tank's ar­mor be­gan to tear like a sheet of pa­per. The Game­cock pecked
again at a tank sol­dier who had been re­vealed.

Pook! The huge golden beak cut the up­per body of a tank sol­dier in half.
There was no scream. The fear of the Game­cock took away even the min­i­‐
mum right to scream in pain. In that ridicu­lous fear, the only thing that
could move were Awak­en­ers with a high En­ergy-rank.

"Come on, move quickly!" It was at that time that a group of Awak­en­ers be­‐
gan to move. While a tank bought them a few min­utes, a group of peo­ple
went into the build­ing.

"Here!" There were other groups in­side the build­ing that went in. At the
cen­ter of the group was a man ly­ing like a corpse. It was Bang Hyun-wook

"Hyun-wook!" It was Ahn Sun-mi, who still had freck­les on her nose.

"He is not con­scious." Ahn's cry was an­swered by some­one else in­stead of
Bang. Ahn con­firmed the pupil re­sponse af­ter forc­ing Bang's eye­lids open.

"He's fainted. What's the dam­age?"

"That mon­ster grabbed Bang and threw him at the build­ing. Af­ter hit­ting
the wall, he fell from the fifth floor.

"How many re­cov­ery pills did you feed him?"

"Seven, we fed him ev­ery­thing we had."

Ahn Sun-mi took the IV out of her bag right af­ter the con­ver­sa­tion. "Put it
all in four limbs."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘


In­side it was a liq­uid made from a glass of Ther­apy, a tube filled with the

The nee­dle con­nected to the sup­ply was plugged into Bang's limbs. The in­‐
jected heal­ing fluid be­gan to hover all over his body, mix­ing with Bang's

"With his Strength, De­fense, and ac­quired abil­i­ties, he should re­cover in

about three min­utes."

He started to re­cover at a tremen­dous speed, sur­pris­ing the view­ers. How­‐

ever, Ahn did not breathe out a sigh of re­lief. He would cer­tainly re­cover.
The crushed bones would harden, and the torn flesh would mend.

How­ever, it would not be a mir­ac­ le for him. The mo­ment he re­cov­ered from
his in­jury, he would fight in or­der to gain time against a crazy mon­ster who
turned a tank into a piece of pa­per.

There was no guar­an­tee that he would sur­vive the next time. Ahn Sun-mi
felt mis­er­able about this fact.

Ki-oh-oh-oh! At that mo­ment, the Game­cock again crowed loudly through­‐

out Bucheon.



Even though it was a sound spread­ing from a dis­tance from the build­ing
with Bang and Ahn, and even though they were in the build­ing, ev­ery­one
fell to the floor, tot­ter­ing. Only one per­son came alive at the sound.

"Ugh..." Bang, who looked like a corpse, opened his eyes. He came to his
senses and im­me­di­ately raised his up­per body. At the same time, he
checked the nee­dles on his limbs.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 76 ⦘

"Sis­ter Sun-mi, you are here." At his words, she just blinked from the floor
in­stead of an­swer­ing.

He breathed a long sigh at the sight and got up from his seat, pulling out the
heal­ing nee­dles stuck into his body.

Ppu-deu-deuk! There was an eerie sound from his body. He was at­tacked by
hor­ri­ble pain. How­ever, in­stead of scream­ing at the pain, he looked for his
weapon by turn­ing his head.

Af­ter find­ing the Bell-tail of the Bell-tailed Rat, he took hold of it and
turned to leave the build­ing, leav­ing be­hind the peo­ple who had fallen on
the floor.

Ahn shouted at the sight. 'What are you do­ing?' "Maaaa..." But her par­a‐­
lyzed tongue failed to cry out, and she could only make a pa­thetic gut­ter.

Nev­er­the­less, he un­der­stood the non­sense, and said briefly, "I have to buy
time un­til big brother gets here. If that mon­ster goes to In­cheon, it is over.
I'll try to lure it some way. It's okay. I just got a rough feel­ing."

The rough feel­ing came back, but it was not true. "The fifth bat­ter and third
pitcher of Bucheon High School, Bang Hyun-wook, is com­ing, you mon­‐

It was the ev­i­dence that he, who knew the facts bet­ter than any­one, had
brought up his fight­ing spirit once again. "Yiyaaaaaaaaaaap!" Af­ter lift­ing
his fight­ing spirit once again, he stepped out of the build­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

Chap­ter 77
A Game­cock, Part III

Chap­ter 27. A Game­cock, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Ki-oh-oh! The cry of the Game­cock had shaken Bucheon. The cry shook
even the lis­ten­ers' in­ner­most or­gans. Their limbs were stiff, and their nau­sea
was ris­ing.

"Won­der­ful." It was clear ev­i­dence if some­one could stand calmly in front

of the cry, with­out any change in com­plex­ion, he or she would be an Awak­‐
ener with En­ergy rank above B. Even if some­one had an En­ergy rank above
B, it would only be pos­si­ble to re­lax in front of this fear only from a long
dis­tance away.

"Amaz­ing." Ma­jor Oh Se-bum was the only one in Bucheon City that could
af­ford to re­lax at that dis­tance. At least that was what he thought. He
thought that he could af­ford to see the vi­o­lence of the Game­cock, which
had made Bucheon City a hell.


He had a horn-shaped glass in his hand. It was an ob­ject with a dragon en­‐
graved on its outer shape af­ter chip­ping the jade into a horn shape. It was a
thing that could only be seen in a mu­seum. But now it was wasted even be­‐
ing in a mu­seum.

"Very good." Ma­jor Oh, who held the ob­ject in his hand, be­gan to smile

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

'Mr. Mao gave us the right thing. I'm sure most of the Chi­nese relics are
there, and from the point of their view, this is noth­ing. Even more, con­sid­er­‐
ing their sit­u­at­ion...'

One of the two men, who were shak­ing around Ma­jor Oh, said cau­tiously in
a trem­bling voice, "Is that re­ally okay?"


"Even if we do this---"

"What's wrong with this? There is no proof. Even if there's ev­i­dence, there
is no prob­lem. They can't threaten the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand af­ter they
have a prob­lem. I am not sure they'll get a chance to do so against that mon­‐

The sub­or­di­nate shook his head to Ma­jor Oh, who spoke out with­out hes­i­ta­‐
tion. "Well, it's not... this mon­ster could come to Seoul, couldn't it?"

"Oh, that." Ma­jor Oh re­al­ized that he had spo­ken out with a bad guess, and
said with a funny smile, "We can kill it then, or we can lure it back to Se­‐
jong City. We've lured it here, and it's not a big deal to lure it back to an­‐
other place."

Ma­jor Oh closed his mouth to pre­vent his own in­ten­tions com­ing out. 'It's
not bad to bring this mon­ster to Seoul at this time, and I'll be in a good po­si­‐
tion once again. If not, there's no harm to me be­cause there's a mon­ster like
this in the vicin­ity of Seoul.'

"So don't worry." Ma­jor Oh, who was about to point his tele­scope at the
Game­cock with his last words, sud­denly looked back with a puz­zled ex­‐

The other two men also turned their heads, shak­ing with­out hes­i­ta­tion. But
there was noth­ing where the three turned their heads. "Is there a prob­lem?"

Ma­jor Oh shook his head. "No, I must have been mis­taken."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

Ki-oh-oh-oh! In a blink of an eye, the Game­cock that made a tank into a

mop shook the city of Bucheon. Ev­ery­thing alive stopped breath­ing at the
sound, and all move­ment stopped.

Only one per­son, Bang Hyun-wook, was mov­ing alone in a sit­u­at­ion where
ev­ery­one stopped breath­ing and their move­ment stopped. He was even
walk­ing to­ward the Game­cock.

'Oh, shit.' At this mo­ment, he chewed his curse like gum.

'I'm crazy.' There was a word in his mind that said re­gret.

'Why...' He al­most died. He was try­ing to at­tract it, but he was caught in its
golden beak, and he was thrown through the build­ing.

It was like a hu­man be­ing hold­ing a frog and throw­ing it at a wall. His
whole body was crushed. That was about an hour ago. He was saved from
death. But now he was walk­ing to­ward the Game­cock.

'What am I sup­posed to do?' It was some­thing he had to re­gret. He knew

that facts bet­ter than any­one else.

'Damn it.' At this mo­ment, he was re­call­ing his whole life. His days of liv­‐
ing had passed. His days pass­ing by were days of re­gret. It was a life full of
base­ball, but he could not be­come the base­ball player he wanted to be. He
lacked abil­ity and ef­fort. But on the con­trary, it made him walk.

'Yes, it wasn't a very nice life any­way.' There would be no big dif­fer­ence if
there was one big­ger re­gret for the days re­gret had been stamped on. 'I will
just run away. I don't have to fight, and I can't fight. To Gwangmyeong City,
or Gimpo City... I will just run away.'

Soon af­ter­ward, his mem­ory reached a meet­ing with Kim Tae-hoon af­ter his
school days, which was dom­i­nated by base­ball. Bang re­called the day when
he met Kim at a large store on De­cem­ber 31, 2016. 'Even if I am not a base­‐
ball player, I can still leave be­hind my best re­sults. A school named af­ter
me might be built in Bucheon.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

"Ha ha!" The half-year of ex­pe­ri­ence since he met Kim was the most in­‐
tense and des­per­ate. It was worth it.

"OK." Only then did Bang, who had re­solved him­self, step out with­out hes­‐
i­ta­tion. Soon af­ter, he stood in front of the Game­cock look­ing for a new tar­‐

On the stretch­ing road, he stood in a place the Game­cock could run to, and
he shouted, "I am Barry Bonds Bang Hyun-wook of Bucheon High School!
Come on!"

Be­fore the cry was over, it was al­ready run­ning to­ward Bang. Kwoong-

He looked at it run­ning as sleekly as an os­trich and turned around. He ran.

Only then, he could see groups ap­pear­ing be­hind his back. 'Huh?'

Neigh! He could see an­i­mals of golden smoke be­hind him, with the Horse
Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware in front.

"Aah­hhh!" At that mo­ment, his feet twisted, and he fell straight ahead.

Neigh! A clay horse jumped over his fallen head, and the an­i­mals of golden
smoke fol­lowed be­hind it. He turned his head as he got up in a hurry.


He saw that a fierce bat­tle was be­gin­ning to emerge.


Ki-oh-oh! The first thing, which the Game­cock ran at with a shriek, was the
Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware. The call of the Game­cock was pow­er­ful
enough to cre­ate cracks in the clay body of the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­‐

Whinny, whinny! How­ever, the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware did not
stop. The horse ex­haled vi­o­lently, and the war­rior waited for his horse to
pass by the Game­cock.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

Ppiik! Soon af­ter, the Game­cock drove its golden beak to­wards the Horse
Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware. At that mo­ment, the war­rior avoided the beak at­‐
tack from above by duck­ing, quickly raised his back straight again, and
wielded his sword at the body of the Game­cock.

The war­rior's sword cut across the side of the Game­cock.

There was a long, cross sound of metal on metal.

The feath­ers of the Game­cock lit­er­ally broke apart into pieces like they
were made of metal, and the sword of the war­rior was cut off and turned
into a saw.

Ki-oh-oh! The Game­cock turned to­ward the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­‐
ware that had passed by, cluck­ing an­grily. At the same time, an­im
­ als of
golden smoke be­gan to cling to the body of the Game­cock.

Khung! The lion and the tiger each bit a leg of the Game­cock, and the mon­‐
key be­gan to climb onto its body.

Ppoo-woo-woo! An ele­phant rushed to­wards it with its ivory tusks, which

were sharper than a spear.

Ppi-yi-yik! Two ea­gles, a long-tailed bird and a long-beaked bird, came

down with their claws and beaks.

Golden smoke in­stantly stuck to the Game­cock's body and be­gan to break
down its black and red feath­ers.

Hoo-deu-deuk! In an in­stant, its feather frag­ments were scat­tered on the


Ki-oh-oh-oh! It be­gan flap­ping its wings in place as if em­bar­rassed by this

crazy of­fense.

Hoo-woong! Hoo-woong! At the flap of the great wings, the bod­ies of the
wild an­i­mals and the fly­ing an­i­mals of golden smoke dis­ap­peared like
smoke, but in time they reap­peared from dif­fer­ent po­si­tions.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

Khung! The tiger and the lion, which had been bit­ing its legs, ap­peared on
top of the Game­cock.

Ppoo-woo-woo! The ele­phant fell down, ma­te­ri­al­iz­ing just above it.

Ki-ki? Ki-ki! A mon­key emerged from a strange place, fell to the ground
and started to make a fresh rush to­ward it.

Mean­while, the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware be­gan to move cun­ningly.

It stepped on a car that had been bro­ken on the road and leaped to the roof
of a three-story build­ing as if he were step­ping on the stairs, and then he
jumped to the roof of an even higher build­ing. Soon, he climbed onto the
roof of a high-rise build­ing quite dis­tant from the Game­cock.

Neigh! At that mo­ment, the clay horse, still car­ry­ing its owner, ran along
the roof of the build­ing and threw it­self out at the Game­cock. It was an
amaz­ing leap, but it seemed a lit­tle short to reach the body of the Game­‐
cock. That short dis­tance was filled by the war­rior with the sword him­self.
The war­rior jumped off his horse again!

The thrown war­rior passed through the ele­phant of golden smoke on top of
the Game­cock and plunged his sword deep into its back. At that mo­ment its
eyes changed. It no longer cried out. In­stead of open­ing its beak and mak­ing
a sound, its beak clamped shut. Then its chest be­gan to swell up.

The things swelling within its breast erupted through the flam­ing crest of
the Game­cock.

Foo-hwa-hwa-hwat! The flames of the Game­cock's crest ex­ploded like a

vol­cano, turn­ing the neigh­bor­hood into a sea of fire. Un­der the fire, the
beasts of golden smoke faded, and the war­rior of the Horse Fig­ure Type
Earth­en­ware at­tached to the body of the Game­cock was crushed. The clay
horse that was wait­ing for its owner was smashed.

When ev­ery­thing that had tor­mented it dis­ap­peared, it opened its tightly

closed golden beak and gath­ered its voice. The flames be­gan to gather
slowly over its bare head.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘


A man on the roof of a build­ing looked at the whole scene with black Eyes.


'It's the worst.' Kim Tae-hoon was now frown­ing.

There were many things that made him frown like that. No, ev­ery­thing in
Bucheon right now made him frown: the ap­pear­ance of Bang Hyun-wook,
who was ready to die and threw him­self out as bait, and the ap­pear­ance of
the Game­cock which had shown its amaz­ing splen­dor. And the pres­ence of
Ma­jor Oh Se-bum, who was watch­ing the scene.

'It's the worst.' At this mo­ment, how­ever, Kim did not adapt to his feel­ings
by ex­plod­ing as the Game­cock had. Rather, he flatly ig­nored what his feel­‐
ings de­manded, and re­jected them.

He did not go to res­cue Bang, nor did he stop the bat­tle right away. He
didn't even go to see Ma­jor Oh and get his pay­ment. He knew that it was
not the an­swer. Emo­tional re­sults were not much dif­fer­ent from drunken

'It's the worst, so be calm.' Fur­ther­more, at this mo­ment, he knew that he

was the last card.

If it fails, it's all over. Un­der such cir­cum­stances, he should not just let the
last card be wasted on emo­tion. Stay calm.

'I found a heart sound once.' He calmly be­gan look­ing for ways to kill the
Game­cock at this mo­ment. He was able to gauge the po­si­tion of its heart.

'I can mea­sure its de­fense.' The prob­lem was its de­fen­sive strength.

It was only wounded by the at­tack of the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware
and the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje. In other words, it was only

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 77 ⦘

To be hon­est, the at­tack was pow­er­ful enough to smash the whole body of
the Twin-head Ogre. In par­tic­u­lar, the at­tack of the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner of Baekje was ter­ri­fy­ing. They were al­most in­vin­ci­ble to phys­i­cal

To such a mon­ster, the depth of the in­jury Kim could make with all his
Telekine­sis would not be that great. Even if it were deeply em­bed­ded, it
would not be enough.

He needed a way to hit the nail again and again, like a ham­mer, un­til the
nail was stuck in the wall, un­til the nail even­tu­ally dis­ap­peared into the
wall, and even af­ter the nail dis­ap­peared. Of course, dur­ing the process, he
needed to at­tract the at­ten­tion of the Game­cock and to deal with it.

'I have to fin­ish ev­ery­thing be­fore it can ex­plode again.'

And all this had to be done be­fore the Game­cock ex­ploded. At that mo­ment,
he held the Gilt-bronze Aval­okites­vara Bod­hisattva Statue in his right hand
more firmly.

The En­ergy in his stom­ach, the Mana in his chest, the Telekine­sis in his
head, and the empty place be­gan to rise quickly. Even the Gilt-bronze Aval­‐
okites­vara Bod­hisattva Statue be­gan to fill with his men­tal power and con­‐

Tsre­ung! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or on his back hummed again. It was
time to show who was the owner of Bucheon City again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

Chap­ter 78
A Game­cock, Part IV

Chap­ter 27. A Game­cock, Part IV

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'Oh, my God.' Sud­denly a Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware ap­peared, fol­‐

lowed by beasts with golden smoke. Beasts that were not dif­fer­ent from
mon­sters ap­peared. And they be­gan a fierce bat­tle with the night­mar­ish

'What is this?' It was a sight that could not be un­der­stood by Bang Hyun-
wook's com­mon sense. Even if he could un­der­stand it, the bat­tle was be­‐
yond the cat­eg­ ory of com­mon sense, so he could not help but make a fool­‐
ish ex­pres­sion. Of course, he froze at the bat­tle­field that started in front of
him. He didn't even think of run­ning.

"Hey!" Sud­denly a woman, who came down to the ground, caught his wrist
and pulled at him.


"Er? Huh?" He was drawn into her hands with sur­prised eyes. At that mo­‐
ment, his mind came up with a sim­i­lar scene of the day. The first time in a
large mart he en­coun­tered a mon­ster, a woman was in a sim­i­lar sit­u­at­ion,
and she grabbed his hand and ran away.

Of course, there was a dif­fer­ence from then. At that time, it was a woman
full of freck­les on her face that had caught his hand, and now it was a
beauty with the blond hair that was pulling his hand.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

Kate Kennedy. He had seen her ear­lier. "You are the wife of big brother,
aren't you?"

It was also the woman who Jang Sung-hoon in­tro­duced briefly as the wife
of big brother.

"What?" At the words of Bang, she said she did not un­der­stand what he was
talk­ing about.

In the mean­time, they ran quickly out of the bat­tle­field. To be pre­cise, they
were out of range of the fear of the Game­cock.

Af­ter a cer­tain dis­tance, his En­ergy, which had only been used to hold back
the fear, be­gan to en­er­gize his whole body.

"Poo-ha!" Af­ter he had vom­ited out the fear that sup­pressed his chest, he
im­me­di­ately looked at her.

"Where is big brother?" The fact that she was here meant that Kim Tae-
hoon was here!

At his ques­tion, she made an ex­pres­sion that she did not un­der­stand what he
was talk­ing.

"No, wait, Eng­lish, Eng­lish..." He thought that the rea­son why she did not
un­der­stand was his lan­guage, and he started mak­ing an Eng­lish sen­tence to
ask a ques­tion.

Soon he said, "Brother, my brother!"

It was the mo­ment when the 12-year's Eng­lish ed­u­ca­tion from el­em
­ en­tary to
high school be­came ter­ri­ble.

But she man­aged to un­der­stand that be­cause she was the daugh­ter of the
U.S. Am­bas­sador to Ko­rea, and it made no sense to know no Ko­rean, and
she was not that stupid. But she did not an­swer.

'Is this man mad now? It's time to run!'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

There was a mon­ster right be­hind them, a mon­ster that was ter­ri­ble, a mon­‐
ster that they could not dream of as an en­emy, and a mon­ster which had be­‐
come a night­mare just by imag­in­ing an en­emy.

Even she, who had the right to be free from the fear by her A rank En­ergy,
was ter­ri­fied.

How­ever, why did he ask a stupid ques­tion when they were busy run­ning
away from such a mon­ster be­hind them?

"Brother! My Brother! Brother!" How­ever, there was no sign of stop­ping

him from talk­ing.

For­tu­nately, she didn't have to an­swer.

Kwa-kwang! Be­hind them, a huge ex­plo­sion on the bat­tle­field blew them

away at once.

"Aaaaaargh!" "Yipe!" Two kinds of screams tan­gled, fly­ing in the sky, and
rolling along the ground. It was a street lamp that stand­ing in the road­side
that stopped them from the end­less rolling. Of course, it did not stop them

Bang! The tan­gled Kate and Bang hit the street­light and parted.

"Ugh..." A moan came from both their mouths.

But what re­ally hurt was the curved street­light. Creak! The street­light
moaned, too.

A huge shock.

It was not easy for them to wake up af­ter the shock; af­ter a few more groans
and neck ex­er­cises, they re­gained their senses. Then they could see it. Shi-

"Uh?" They could see a Sword pass­ing over their heads.

"Huck!" And a fly­ing car fol­lowed.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘


Kim Tae-hoon could hold back the fear of a blue-grade mon­ster, un­less he
was very close. But, that was all. All he could do was hold on.

As soon as he was ex­posed to the fear, his abil­ity was re­duced. The En­ergy
would be used to hold back the fear, the time to gather Mana dis­ap­peared,
and the Telekine­sis could not be used prop­erly. Of course, fight­ing at close
range with the Game­cock was ac­tu­ally sui­cide.

What should he do to pierce the Sword of the Im­per­at­or into the heart of the

He al­ready had an an­swer to this ques­tion. But he had never picked an an­‐
swer in a real fight.

'Now my body can with­stand the Telekine­sis I use.'

The rea­son was his prior lack of abil­ity. At this mo­ment, how­ever, he no
longer felt that his abil­ity was in­suf­fi­cient in im­ple­ment­ing the an­swer.

'No, I have to hold on.' Now was a mo­ment that he should not hes­i­tate, even
if it felt in­suf­fi­cient. So he fired the Sword of the Im­per­at­or.

Shi-yik! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or, which started the flight, flew like a
swal­low and drove into the chest of the Game­cock like a ser­pent's fang.

Bang! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or pen­et­rated the solid wings of the Game­‐
cock and found the flesh. It drove in about the length of a fin­ger. It was a
great, but not im­pres­sive depth. What made the depth im­pres­sive was the
small car fly­ing to­wards the hilt of the Sword.

Bang! The com­pact car ham­mered onto the hilt of the Sword.

Pook! The Sword went deeper.

This was the so­lu­tion that he came up with ear­lier. It was the rea­son why he
could not use it even once, al­though he thought of it ear­lier. So far, he had

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

not been able to use this kind of Telekine­sis. He had no ex­pe­ri­ence us­ing
such force, and he lacked the phys­i­cal en­durance to with­stand such force.

How­ever, he prac­ticed steadily. With noth­ing but his own body, he lev­i­tated
heav­ier ob­jects and wielded it. Now the re­sults of the ex­er­cise came out.

"Hoo!" Af­ter drop­ping the first car, he im­me­di­ately picked up an­other light
car that had been moved off the road.

The small-look­ing car on the road was so over­whelm­ing that it could not be
said to be small, and it was fly­ing like a stone from a cat­ap­ ult.

Bang! The ve­hi­cle that had com­pleted a short flight once again struck the
hilt of the Sword.

Ki-oh-oh! When the scab be­came an eerie wound, an an­gry cry came out of
the mouth of the Game­cock. Of course, it looked for him with its blue eyes.
But he was not vis­i­ble.

Ppi-yi-yi! To find him hid­ing in the build­ings, it bris­tled up its five senses.

The beasts of the golden smoke started to show up again be­fore the five
senses of the Game­cock.

The golden beasts, who did not know how to give up and die, rushed to­‐
ward the Game­cock, and it flashed its eyes sharply. There was no chance of
it step­ping back in front of an en­emy that was com­ing to it, be­cause it was
filled with the fight­ing spirit to the bone.

The Game­cock, which would die fight­ing against a mon­ster more pow­er­ful
than it­self, in­flated its chest. Then it spat out what was in its chest through
its golden beak.

Ki-oh-oh-oh! Along with coun­ter­ing the en­emy's provo­ca­tions, the Game­‐

cock and the golden smoke beasts, which were pro­tect­ing their own­ers,
were once again tan­gled up. Mean­while, Kim searched for a ve­hi­cle af­ter he
took a breath.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

'A small car.' The road in Bucheon, once a tomb for au­to­mo­biles, was now
quite clean. It was thanks to the Mac Guild's con­stant clean­ing of the road.
There­fore, small cars were nowhere to be seen.

No, small cars were not seen in Ko­rea orig­i­nally.

Wasn't there a say­ing that it was much safer to walk on the roads in Ko­rea
than to ride in small cars?

How­ever, he was not em­bar­rassed.

'There's no time.' His fist black­ened, and it im­me­di­ately hit the wall of a
build­ing nearby.

Qua­sic! The ex­te­rior of the build­ing was torn apart and col­lapsed. He
floated a heavy piece out of the con­crete mass, a lit­tle larger than a hu­man

"Hoo!" In­stead of gun­shots, he let out a breath, and a lump of con­crete

smashed on the chest of the Game­cock.

It was also painful for the Game­cock. Ki-oh-oh-oh!

It was tor­ture to be nailed where its heart was, and to be knocked on the
heart by a ham­mer, it was no won­der that it cried out in fear. But the Game­‐
cock was not scared, just sur­prised. There was no word for fear in it.

Ki-oh-oh-oh! Only fight! All its eyes were fo­cused on pun­ish­ing the golden
beasts that at­tacked it with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

Burn­ing! At such a fight­ing spirit, the Game­cock be­gan to grow its crest,
which had been dis­si­pated by the pow­er­ful ex­plo­sion a while ago, lit­tle by

'No way!' It was un­ex­pected.

'Is anger mak­ing its crest faster?' The dy­ing flame crest was go­ing to be
alive again, fu­eled by its fight­ing spirit!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

'There's no time.' Nat­u­rally, the Game­cock was likely to show re­lease its ex­‐
plo­sion again much ear­lier than he had ex­pected.

Af­ter the ex­plo­sion?

All he could do was run away from Bucheon with all his strength. Of
course, re­turn­ing af­ter a cer­tain pe­riod of time... The Game­cock would be
the owner of Bucheon and turn Bucheon into a mis­er­able tomb that hu­mans
could not live in. The peo­ple in In­cheon would not be safe, ei­ther. Ev­ery­‐
thing he had done so far would go be­yond mean­ing­less and be­come mis­er­‐

"Hoo!" That's why he got his breath back.

'Pierce.' He fo­cused his at­ten­tion and made his mind as clear as pos­si­ble. He
painted only the pic­ture he wanted with a clear mind. The paint­ing de­picted
only its chest, where a huge con­crete mass was rag­ing, and where the
Sword of the Im­per­at­or was pierc­ing. He did not hurry. He flew the stones
one at a time calmly, like one drop of wa­ter pierc­ing the rock.

Boom! His re­peated ef­forts were clearly vis­i­ble.

Boom! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or put all of its long blade into the body of
the Game­cock, leav­ing only the hilt show­ing.

Of course, his re­peated at­tacks have be­come a threat to the Game­cock. It

felt its life was at stake. That was why its fight­ing spirit was so in­tense.


'A mouse bites a cat if it is cor­nered, and how about the last pitch when a
ter­ri­ble mon­ster is in a cor­ner?'

Whar­rrr! It must be so in­tense that it would be unimag­in­able.

Ki-oh-oh! The chest cav­ity of the Game­cock, which burst out with a long
cry, had risen greatly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

Boom, boom! At the same time, the fire that had faded over its head be­gan
to soar like a foun­tain. There was no room to re­act.

'Ah...' As soon as he was aware of the fact, the Game­cock again caused a
huge ex­plo­sion.

Kwa-re­ung! An ex­plo­sion that was more in­tense than the one be­fore it be­‐
gan to sweep around the Game­cock.

Kuh-hung! The golden smoke beasts that fought against the Game­cock
evap­o­rated in an in­stant, and build­ings around it col­lapsed in the ex­plo­sion.
The force of the ex­plo­sion was not just fire. The ex­plo­sion had an enor­mous
amount of hor­ror and hos­til­ity. It was the re­lease of a pow­er­ful fear.

He was at a dis­tance, but it was so pow­er­ful that his body stiff­ened up as he

vom­ited blood.

'Oh, my God.' His En­ergy be­gan to work hard to save its owner's body, who
was frozen by fear. The Gilt-bronze Aval­okites­vara Bod­hisattva Statue,
which he held in his hands, also filled his empty body.

'... bro­ken.' But al­ready, the jar of his body was bro­ken. He couldn't help it.
A while ago, he was us­ing his power to the limit. There was no room for
some­thing to fill his body. Un­der such cir­cum­stances, it would be strange if
his body, which was ex­posed to the sud­den ex­plo­sion and fear, re­mained
strong. A jar with­out a bot­tom was of course not eas­ily filled.

'Think.' Nev­er­the­less, he sought a so­lu­tion at this mo­ment.

'The Bell-tail.' And he found it.

'If I hit the hilt with the Bell-tail...' The Bell-tail of the Bell-tail Rat! With its
amaz­ing bat­ting power, he could drive the Sword deep enough! Of course,
there should be a ham­mer and some­one to use it. And there was only one
per­son who was qual­i­fied to move in the fear that was shak­ing even his


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

And she knew it.

"Fuck!" So at this mo­ment, she rushed to­ward the Game­cock with the mace
made of the Bell-tail which Bang Hyun-wook was hold­ing, re­leas­ing strong
power and hurl­ing abuse at the tem­po­rar­ily daunted mon­ster.

'This will pay off all my debts. All of them!' She ham­mered the Sword of
the Im­per­at­or, of where only the hilt could be seen, with the weapon she
held in her hands, into the breast of the Game­cock. Then, for the first time,
the ter­mi­nal word came out of its mouth.

Cock-a-doo­dle-doo! It was a chicken cry that woke ev­ery­one from a night­‐



'Non­sense.' As soon as the Game­cock started its sec­ond blast, Ma­jor Oh

low­ered his pos­ture while watch­ing the bat­tle. For a while af­ter­ward, he
was stiff. He waited for his En­ergy to en­er­gize his frozen body so that he
wouldn't miss out on the rea­son while par­al­yzed

When Ma­jor Oh rose up and looked at the bat­tle­field through a tele­scope,

what he saw was the last ap­pear­ance of the Game­cock, which was more ap­‐
pro­pri­ate to say, it was more col­laps­ing than fall­ing.

'What the hell hap­pened?' With­out see­ing the in­terim process, he could not
un­der­stand the sit­u­at­ion at all. In­stead, he knew what he had to do at this

'I have to run away at once.'

Clearly, the Game­cock was dead. It was not in any of the plans. Of course,
his ac­tions in this sit­u­at­ion had not been in­structed ei­ther. It was not a sit­u­a‐­
tion which he could judge for his own, and act ac­cord­ing to that judg­ment.

In this case, the an­swer was to with­draw as soon as pos­si­ble. He saw the
two men had fainted as soon as they were ex­posed to the ex­plo­sion of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 78 ⦘

It seemed im­pos­si­ble to wake them up right away, with foam in their

mouths and white eyes. It didn't seem easy, ei­ther.

No, he could bring them away. For an Awak­ener, the weight of the two
adult men would be only two school bags. How­ever, the prob­lem was that it
would be an­noy­ing and dan­ger­ous to run away with­out catch­ing the at­ten­‐
tion of peo­ple around, with their cum­ber­some bod­ies.

So he took the gun out of his waist with­out hes­i­ta­tion and pulled the trig­ger.

Blam, blam! With only the sound of two shots left be­hind, he im­me­di­ately
turned and went out through the door. There was no time to keep his com­‐
po­sure when he stepped out.

'That's crazy. What am I sup­posed to re­port? No, no. How the hell did he
kill it? No, wait a minute. So that mon­ster will eat the mon­ster stone of the
blue-grade mon­ster?'

Of course, Ma­jor Oh could not af­ford to check the ex­is­tence of an ac­tion

cam­era of Go­pro around the door, ei­ther.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 79 - The Price Of The

Blood, Part I
79 -- The Price of the Blood, Part I

Chap­ter 28. The Price of the Blood, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'It's like that time.' It was a mem­ory from Seoul on the last day of 2016,
when Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo vis­ited Bucheon again.

It was hell in Seoul that day, but that didn't mean it would col­lapse help­‐
lessly. It was the cap­i­tal. It was the heart of the coun­try, and of course, its
power was stronger than any­where else. In fact, Seoul has been fight­ing its
own bat­tles against the mon­sters since they ap­peared. There were cer­tainly
con­di­tioned and will­ing to fight.

'When the mon­ster ap­peared.' It was a dragon with navy pupils that de­‐
stroyed their wills. Ev­ery time it breathed out flames, ev­ery time it flicked
its wings, the scenery of Seoul went back a hun­dred years.


The scenery of Bucheon now re­minded him of that time. The scenery of
Bucheon was so ter­ri­ble.

"He's in­side."

As soon as he saw him, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, who was guided into the
cof­fee shop, had to say this in­stead of greet­ing him. "You've been through

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘


There was Kim Tae-hoon within reach of the words, al­ready reek­ing of ver­‐
tig­i­nous cof­fee, as if he had drunk sev­eral cups, and then turned the caf­feine
into a fierce look.

"I don't need to be com­forted." In ad­di­tion, his tongue spoke out the words
like a sharp­ened blade.

"Nei­ther do I. You can't be a com­fort­ing per­son."

"Let's get down to busi­ness right away."

Af­ter fin­ish­ing speak­ing, Kim drank the cof­fee in his half-full mug. But he
didn't en­joy the cof­fee as usual. Gulp­ing, Kim drank cof­fee like wa­ter.

Then he put a clean empty mug on the ta­ble and asked, "Why did you

It was a de­ter­mined ex­pres­sion. He had no in­ten­tion of tak­ing time in to­‐

day's con­ver­sa­tion. He never thought to waste his time like that.

"I con­tacted Colonel Lim Hyun-joon. I gave him your mes­sage, and got an

"Is that a good an­swer?"

"He said, "If you want to meet, come see me in per­son. That's how a sub­or­‐
di­nate treats his su­pe­ri­ors."

Kim nod­ded lightly. Colonel Lim Hyun-joon's re­sponse was ex­pected. Now
Colonel Lim was the king in chess. He was also a pow­er­ful king who had
se­cured mil­i­tary power in the front line, in­clud­ing Gang­won Prov­ince.
Colonel Lim's op­po­nent on the chess board was the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand, which held the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.

It would be rather strange if Colonel Lim, who was en­gaged in a fierce war
against the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, came to meet Kim in per­son. And
Kim also had no de­sire to meet the Colonel right now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

"I think I should post­pone the meet­ing with Colonel Lim." He should stop
the as­sas­si­na­tion, but some­thing much more im­por­tant had hap­pened now.

"Are you putting it off later? Do you have any­thing to do?"

"I want to meet the lead­ers of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."


"Isn't that your pur­pose here?"

The Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was silent. Kim's state­ment was true. The po­si­‐
tion of Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was not great enough to come to Bucheon to
de­liver news about Colonel Lim. Of course, he came to Bucheon be­cause of
a dif­fer­ent or­der!

"You came here to put the dead body of the blue-grade mon­ster, Game­cock,
on the ne­go­ti­at­ing ta­ble."

His goal was a blue-grade mon­ster, the dead body of the Game­cock. Mon­‐
sters' bod­ies were in many ways valu­able. The value of the mon­ster stone
was in­de­scrib­able, and if not, the value of the mon­ster was in­fi­nite.

It was ridicu­lous to dis­cuss the value of the Game­cock. From the stand­point
of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, it was nec­es­sary to ob­tain the re­mains of
the Game­cock. So Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo came to in­ves­ti­gate the sit­u­at­ion
of Kim and that had the Mac Guild that suc­cess­fully killed the blue-grade
mon­ster. Of course, there were many things to look af­ter.

"If not, do you in­tend to rob, not trade?" If Kim and the Mac Guild were hit
hard, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would send troops to take away ev­ery­‐
thing they had gained. No, in fact, such a thought was stronger.

From the stand­point of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, the Mac Guild and
Kim were not a good group. The stronger their group, the worse it would
be. In other words, Lieu­tenant Colonel You came to Bucheon for spy­ing. It
was his duty to as­sess the state of the ob­ject to be plun­dered.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

"We have a plan like that." Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo did not hide the fact. He
was al­ready on Kim's side. It was no good hid­ing dan­ger­ous facts from the
Mac Guild and Kim.

That was why he gave ad­vice. "So, it's dan­ger­ous. If you go to Seoul, you'll
have a ta­ble to ne­go­ti­ate. There's no way they'll let you go if ne­go­ti­at­ions
break down there."

But the ad­vice was point­less. "I don't want to let them go be­cause the ne­go­‐
ti­at­ions break down." Kim didn't re­ally want to ne­go­ti­ate with them, ei­ther.
"I'm set­ting up a ne­go­ti­at­ion ta­ble to get the price for the blood."

"The price for the blood?"

"Many peo­ple died. They will pay for it."

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo gave a long sigh. "I'll re­port it."

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim nod­ded.

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo im­me­di­ately got up and left Bucheon, head­ing to

Seoul. The very day af­ter that, he vis­ited Bucheon again. "They're go­ing to
ne­go­ti­ate. The place to ne­go­ti­ate is the Nam­san Tower."


On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, Seoul was the place where the largest num­ber of
mon­sters ap­peared in Ko­rea, and it was the most fiercely fought place. In a
way, it was ob­vi­ous. Seoul was the home of more than ten mil­lion peo­ple,
in other words, the num­ber of Awak­en­ers was high. From that point of
view, Seoul had to be the most splen­did in Ko­rea.

"What a hell this place is!" But now, in the eyes of Jang Sung-hoon, around
Dig­i­tal Me­dia City Sta­tion in Eu­n­pyeong Dis­trict, Seoul, was more mis­er­‐
able than Bucheon, where the Game­cock went crazy.

"Oh, my God..." Among them, the over­whelm­ing one was four claw marks
drawn on a tall build­ing where a large mart was lo­cated. The huge claw

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

marks were the first seen in Jang's life, but it was not dif­fi­cult to tell whose
claw it was.

"That's its mark, isn't it?"

"It's the mark of a Dragon."


The mon­ster that passed through Bucheon was the main char­ac­ter of the ter­‐
ri­ble dev­as­ta­tion in Jang's eyes.

"If it weren't for the dragon, Seoul wouldn't have col­lapsed this far." Lieu­‐
tenant Colonel Yoo turned his head and ex­plained.

There was an as­phalt road that the turned onto. Of course, the road was not
an or­di­nary one. Once the road melted, it seemed as if lava had passed by.
Jang swal­lowed with­out even re­al­iz­ing it.

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo con­tin­ued his con­ver­sa­tion by re­call­ing the day

with dry lips. "We didn't even get a scratch on its body af­ter we at­tacked it
with all means. It felt like an ant fac­ing a hu­man."

"It wasn't just a hu­man, it had bug re­pel­lent in one hand and a lighter in the
other. Oh, that's ter­ri­ble."

At Jang's words, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo frowned with one eye. He was not
happy to di­lute his mis­er­able mem­ory with jokes.

"Be care­ful from here on, any­way. We haven't fin­ished clean­ing up the
mon­sters yet." Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo gave his own warn­ing to Jang.

How­ever, it was not Jang, but the sub­or­di­nate sol­diers of Lieu­tenant

Colonel Yoo who were ner­vous about the warn­ing. Spe­cial forces or­ga­nized
to search and carry out spe­cial mis­sions out­side of Seoul had sharply raised
their senses.

It was not be­cause of some vague fear. The sub­way line six, cen­tered on the
Dig­i­tal Me­dia City Sta­tion that they were now pass­ing by, was not yet prop­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

erly cleaned up of mon­sters, as Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo had warned.

This meant that it was not un­usual for mon­sters to move through sub­way
line six and ap­pear at the Dig­i­tal Me­dia City Sta­tion. There had even been
re­ports of or­ange and yel­low-grade mon­sters ap­pear­ing re­cently. A yel­low-
grade one was a dis­as­ter for the Awak­en­ers.

"Oh, re­ally?" Of course, Jang was not scared. "Oh, I'm scared. Boss, I'm so
scared. Can you hug me?"

There was a dis­as­ter-like Awak­ener be­side him. That catas­tro­phe to the

mon­sters, Kim Tae-hoon shook his head.

Shh! As soon as he turned his head, the ar­row at Kim's waist im­me­di­ately
shot to­ward where he was look­ing. His ar­row stuck to the wall of a build­ing
that looked like noth­ing spe­cial.

Thump! A mon­ster stuck to the outer wall of the sec­ond floor fell to the
ground like a bro­ken doll.

The mon­ster that fell to the ground looked like a gi­ant lizard, but it was a
furry mon­ster like a mon­key. And it had or­ange eyes.

"The furry lizard!" For the Awak­en­ers and sur­vivors, it was a scary mon­ster
called the as­sas­sin. It was very dif­fi­cult to deal with the mon­ster with its
amaz­ing stealth skill, a whip-like ex­tend­ing tongue, and poi­sonous saliva.
Due to its tough skin and per­sis­tent vi­tal­ity, it was not eas­ily killed by bul­‐
lets. Only shoot­ing the brain and the heart could they could kill it.

Fi­nally, they lived in groups. One was a sign of be­gin­ning, not the end.

"Be care­ful!" "There's more around!" At that mo­ment, ev­ery­one was ner­‐
vous and vig­i­lant around.

Thump! What they saw was a scene where the furry lizards at­tached to the
walls had large holes in their heads, drip­ping blood out through the holes
and fall­ing on the ground.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

Thump! As if play­ing a mu­si­cal in­stru­ment, the car­casses be­gan to hit the

ground se­quen­tially.

Thump! At the end of the per­for­mance, Kim lifted his right hand lightly. As
soon as he closed his right hand, a feath­er­less Ar­row came back into his
hands! He put it back into a leather holder in his left hip. Ev­ery­one looked
blank at the sight.

"Let's move." Kim gave them short no­tice.

At the same time, Jang Sung-hoon also made a brief an­nounce­ment. "Those
are some­thing our boss killed. Please pack them so that we can take them
on our way back. Don't eat se­cretly in the mean­time."


Nam­san Tower...

The only place in Seoul where ten­sion could be eased was filled with ten­‐
sion. The cause of the ten­sion was a group of peo­ple walk­ing to­wards Nam­‐
san Tower. The three of them were silently climb­ing the stairs with­out much

The first thing which wel­comed them was the red pil­lar. In front of the
mon­u­ment, the Sun­subi of King Jin­he­ung, which pro­tected Nam­san Tower
from mon­sters, stood three men on the other side, as if to match the num­‐
bers on their side.

"Are you Ma­jor Kim Tae-hoon?"

They were men with stars: Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk, Com­man­der of
the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand; Brigadier Gen­eral Yoon Seok-young, Com­‐
man­der of the Armed Forces Cap­i­tal Com­mand; and Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-
soo, Chief of the In­ves­ti­ga­tion De­part­ment of the Min­istry of De­fense.

Three gen­er­als were look­ing at Kim. It was a sur­prise; it was noth­ing else,
and the only time star-stud­ded gen­er­als came to meet him was when he was
su­pe­rior to them. That's all.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

If they showed up first in any other case, it would never be a meet­ing. It

was a dec­la­ra­tion of war or the ini­tial sup­pres­sion. It was just one of the
tricks to press an op­po­nent to face from now on.

It was Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo who was ner­vous in front of the trick. He led
Kim and Jang to Nam­san Tower.

'Oh, my God.' He was not in­formed of such a case. He was just or­dered to
guide Kim to Nam­san Tower. But not one, but the top lead­ers of the cur­rent
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand ap­peared like this? 'What's this...'

How­ever, if the gen­er­als moved, the troops who es­corted them would also
have to move. Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo whizzed around. Cur­rently, the best
men un­der the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would be fill­ing the area. If Kim
were to act rashly, they would move by any means pos­si­ble to get rid of
him. 'They're all here.'

Or the mo­ment one of the three gave a sig­nal, they would move to kill Kim,
re­gard­less of the rea­son. Kim couldn't have known about it.

"Yes, I am Kim Tae-hoon." How­ever, he acted calmly in this sit­u­at­ion.

"You want to make a deal?" It was Gen. Yoon Seok-young speak­ing.

"I want a fair price. As you've been briefed on, there's been a lot of dam­age
done to hunt the blue-grade mon­ster, the Game­cock. Prop­erty dam­age is in­‐
de­scrib­able, and many peo­ple are dead."

At Kim's an­swer, Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo smiled. With the smile, he con­‐
tin­ued. "I've heard the bad news, but that's the way it is. It's no joke to get
paid here. You're the one who claimed to be in­de­pen­dent."

Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee's tongue was pointed like a nee­dle. Lee frankly did not
like the sit­u­at­ion where Kim ap­peared in front of him alive and well. Of
course, Lee did not want to con­done the deal.

"We hunted the blue-grade mon­ster with much dam­age," re­peated Kim.

"So it's..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 79 - The Price Of The Blood, Part I ⦘

"Thanks to that, ev­ery­one in Seoul kept their lives."

"What?" At that mo­ment, the mood changed in a cruel way as soon as Kim
said it.

"That's what I'm get­ting for sav­ing these peo­ple, the price of their blood."

"That's funny. Let's talk more about it."

"Lieu­tenant Gen­eral?"

It has changed to some­thing very bloody.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 80 - The Price Of The

Blood, Part Ii
80 -- The Price of the Blood, Part II

Chap­ter 28. The Price of the Blood, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was a mil­i­tary unit cre­ated to pro­tect Seoul.
The po­si­tion of Chief Com­man­der of the unit that pro­tected the heart of the
Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea could not be a reg­u­lar seat. Only the best elites could sit
down, and among the elites, only those who wanted to be at the pin­na­cle
were able to sit down.

Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk was the man who was sit­ting there. "You said
you were un­der Ma­jor Gen­eral Chang Young-sung?"

Lee Hyuk was the chief among the stars. Kim Tae-hoon was fac­ing him
across just one ta­ble. It would be ap­palling to imag­ine the sit­u­at­ion for
those with the rank of sol­diers.


Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo, who was stand­ing be­hind Lt. Gen. Lee Hyuk,
would feel bit­ter if he took the po­si­tion in­stead of Kim Tae-hoon.

"Yes, I was." But Kim was dif­fer­ent. There was no re­treat, no hes­i­ta­tion,
and there was no sign of want­ing to hide the truth.

"You were... not now, it that it?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

"You don't even know if Chang Young-sung is alive?" Kim's harsh re­sponse
made Lee Ki-soo's back go cold.

"No, I'm not say­ing that, but I am ask­ing whether you're deny­ing your mil­i­‐
tary sta­tus." How­ever, Lee Hyuk showed no emo­tional change in Kim's be­‐
hav­ior. He asked ques­tions with a calm but rather cold look on his face. He
looked ex­tra­or­di­nary.

'The star is the star. It's not a joke.' With that look in the eyes of Lee Hyuk,
Jang Sung-hoon, who was be­hind Kim, felt a lump in his throat.

"Yes." How­ever, it did not work for Kim. It was also Kim's pres­ence. "I'm
not a sol­dier now."

Be­fore mon­sters ap­peared, hu­mans were di­vided into so­cial sta­tus, so­cial
po­si­tion, prop­erty, etc. The sol­dier was worse. They used di­rect dis­tinc­tion
be­tween classes. In such a world, an in­di­vid­ual's power had lit­tle mean­ing.
But not any­more.

Kim had power. That was the over­whelm­ing force, at least enough to con­‐
sole those who died for him. And now it was time for that power to dis­tin­‐
guish be­tween ranks.

"I am the head of the Mac Guild, who man­ages the Bucheon and In­cheon

"You are not a sol­dier, but you use the weapons of the Ko­rean Army.

"The weapons are block­ing mon­sters head­ing to Seoul."

"It de­pends on the in­ter­pre­ta­tion. In some ways, the ex­is­tence of the Mac
Guild could be an anti-gov­ern­ment force group that looted mil­i­tary
weapons with­out gov­ern­ment per­mis­sion."

"Do you want me to in­ter­pret this whole sit­u­at­ion on my own?" There­fore,

Kim did not back down in front of Lee Hyuk. At this mo­ment, ev­ery­one
could see who was in the higher rank by com­par­ing the marks of the Awak­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

en­ers on each other's right hand. "Do you want us to be an anti-gov­ern­ment

force group?"

"I can't bear it any­more, stop!" It was not Lee Hyuk, but Lee Ki-soo who
vented anger over Kim's at­ti­tude. "You say what­ever you want when we've
ar­ranged a con­ver­sa­tion! Are you threat­en­ing us?"

The sur­round­ings be­gan to get clut­tered with a harsh at­mos­phere.

'Stand by.' 'Standby.' 'We'll move any­time.' As soon as the or­der was is­sued,
prepa­ra­tions were made to sup­press or kill Kim and Jang.

"I don't in­tend to threaten you." Kim put the clut­ter to­gether into one sen­‐
tence. "I've come all the way to the ne­go­ti­at­ing ta­ble." Along with the
words, he took a thumb-sized jewel out of his arms. The jewel, which was
shin­ing like a blue sap­phire, had be­gun to dye Kim's palm green. Ev­ery­‐
one's eyes widened.

"Is that..."

"The mon­ster stone of the blue-grade mon­ster, the Game­cock."

Snap! At that mo­ment, he could hear the click­ing sound of a cam­era's shut­‐
ter in the dis­tance. It was quite a long way off, tens of me­ters away. It was
not a Smart­phone cam­era, but a DSLR cam­era that sounded like a can­non
through lenses. He palmed the jewel again af­ter hear­ing the sound.

"I've al­ready seen a lot of blood. I don't want to see blood any­more. Let's


Lee Ki-soo im­me­di­ately coughed and stepped back. His eyes were still di­‐
rected to­ward Kim's hand hold­ing the mon­ster stone, and his eyes were
shak­ing. It was proof of his con­cern.

'Damn it, if I get it, the game is over.' At present, it was ridicu­lous to es­ti­‐
mate the value of a blue-grade mon­ster Stone. He could not get it even if he
wanted to. Of course, it was too nec­es­sary for the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

mand, as well as for Lee Ki-soo. What a thing to get by killing Kim Tae-
hoon here!

"How much do you as­sess as the value of this mon­ster stone?" Kim asked

'How much will you pay for it?' It cer­tainly sounded like that to Lee Hyuk
or Lee Ki-soo.

Shh! Lee Hyuk raised his hand. Then Lee Ki-soo, who was back­ing down,
stepped for­ward again. He talked in­stead of Lee Hyuk. "If you ex­clude
Hun­min­jeongeum and the Sun­subi of King Jin­he­ung, we can ne­go­ti­ate with
any­thing. We'll have to ne­go­ti­ate ex­actly as you say, but we can do busi­ness
with any­thing, ex­cept for two things."

As soon as Kim heard that, he looked at the mon­ster Stone of the Game­cock
that he was hold­ing in his hand with black Eyes.

[Crys­tal of the Game­cock]

Strength and Health are in­creased when in­gested.

The skill of En­ergy is greatly in­creased when in­gested.
The skill of Mana is greatly in­creased when in­gested.
The skill of De­fense is greatly in­creased when in­gested.
The skill of Mana Re­sis­tance is greatly in­creased when in­gested.
When in­gested, the power of the Game­cock [Anger Soar­ing] can be

Then he put it in his mouth and gulped it down! Ev­ery­one, who looked at
him went blank.

"Er? Huh?" "Did he eat it?" Those who were try­ing to hide in var­i­ous places
and aimed at Kim even blurted the words in their minds with­out re­al­iz­ing it.
His be­hav­ior was shock­ing enough. The same was true for Lee Hyuk and
Lee Ki-soo, both of whom looked at Kim with a stupid ex­pres­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

"Let's con­tinue the ne­go­ti­at­ions." It was Kim's words, com­ing out of the
mouth that ate the mon­ster stone, that made them change their ex­pres­sions.

"Well, what... You ate it now. What kind of ne­go­ti­at­ion..." Lee Ki-soo still
looked ridicu­lous as he spoke.

"I never said I would be ne­go­ti­at­ing with the mon­ster stone of the Game­‐

"What the fuck is this?" Lee Ki-soo burst into anger. It was rude to show
anger in front of Lee Hyuk, but there was no one, in­clud­ing Lee Hyuk, who
raised doubts about the anger. There was more than enough all around.

"I told you a few times be­fore. Many peo­ple died to stop the Game­cock
head­ing for Seoul, and thanks to it, the peo­ple here sur­vived, and I came to
re­ceive the price of the lives of the dead and the sur­vivors."

But not for Kim Tae-hoon. 'I will be paid the price of the blood.'

For him, all this was un­just, not just fair. In the first place, if Ma­jor Oh Se-
bum and the Six Snakes had not brought the Game­cock in Se­jong City to
Bucheon, there would not have been a dead one.

Was there a more un­just death? And now, he must not tol­er­ate the in­jus­tice.
When he ac­cepted the in­jus­tice, the dam­age would be seen, not by Kim, but
by those who fol­lowed him.

"I can ex­change any­thing ex­cept Hun­min­jeongeum and Sun­subi of King

Jin­he­ung... I will make it a ref­er­ence point for the value of the mon­ster I
have killed."

"You crazy bas­tard!" At the words of Kim, Lee Ki-soo no longer had any
cour­tesy. It was a farce from the be­gin­ning.

'That's crazy.' Kim should not have been here. He should have been dead in

Kim, who should have died, pro­voked Lee Hyuk in this way? Lee Hyuk
was not a naïve man, and he was not a man full of kind­ness. He would re­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

gard all of this from Kim to­day as a dis­grace, and would pre­pare to pay off
his dis­grace.

In the process, if Lee Ki-soo was found to have or­dered Oh Se-bum... It

would be the worst. There­fore, Lee Ki-soo wanted to over­turn the ta­ble it­‐
self. He wanted to make Kim and Lee Hyuk a re­la­tion­ship that they would
not face again in this way.

How­ever, Kim ig­nored Lee Ki-soo and asked Lee Hyuk, "Who is the su­pe­‐

At the words, Lee Ki-soo, who had ex­ploded like a vol­cano, be­came mute.

Lee Hyuk re­vealed his un­pleas­ant­ness with his ex­pres­sion. How­ever, he ex­‐
pressed his dis­plea­sure only in his face at this mo­ment, but he did not vent
his anger.

"We can't stay still if you are un­co­op­er­at­ive." It was ev­i­dence that he had al­‐
ready com­pleted the cal­cu­la­tion per­fectly in his mind; who held the sword
at this mo­ment?

"So you're go­ing to kill me? The dragon, you left that non­sense mon­ster be­‐

The rea­son why the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand hunted mon­sters while rais­‐
ing forces out­side Seoul, in­clud­ing Ma­jor Oh Se-bum, was sim­ple.

They trained Awak­en­ers to kill the mon­sters. In that sense, the blue-grade
mon­ster stone was im­por­tant. It was like a piece of a puz­zle that was nec­es­‐
sary to kill the dragon.

But the mon­ster stone was now in the stom­ach of Kim. Even if his belly
was cut open, the mon­ster stone of the Game­cock could not be ob­tained.

'Chang Young-sung had a great mon­ster un­der his com­mand.' Any­way, Kim
had sur­vived the mon­ster called the Game­cock and killed it. Whether he
was given the fa­vor of the heav­ens or thanks to the relics, he sur­vived any­‐
way. It meant that he had the qual­i­fi­ca­tion to sur­vive and per­sist.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

'Nev­er­the­less, do we have to kill him? We can kill him. But the price to pay
for it is too high.'

Fi­nally, the en­em

­ ies of Lee Hyuk were not just Kim.

"Okay, I'll pay you for the price of the blood." 'I will save you, and Colonel
Lim Hyun-joon is more our con­cern right now.'

There were the Mac Guild and Kim in Bucheon and In­cheon, and Colonel
Lim Hyun-joon was in Gang­won Prov­ince and the front line. As soon as
both of them be­came their en­em
­ ies, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would
be be­sieged. They should avoid that much. "I want to make a deal af­ter I
pay the price."

Fur­ther­more, if Kim claimed to be a hound, he could will­ingly pay and use

him as a hound. "There's a green-grade mon­ster on the side of Cheong­gye
Moun­tain, lead­ing the Gob­lins, and its forces are com­ing down to­ward
Gang­nam Dis­trict, as well as Cheong­gye Moun­tain. Kill it."

"Lieu­tenant Gen­eral, that's---" At the words of Lee Hyuk, Lee Ki-soo tried
to do some­thing, but his ac­tion was blocked by the cold eyes of Lee Hyuk.

They waited for Kim's an­swer, and Kim re­sponded to the wait.

"I'll re­ceive three na­tional trea­sures for the price of the blood, and one na­‐
tional trea­sure for one green-grade mon­ster."


"Boss, can I ask you a ques­tion?"

Out­side Nam­san Tower...

Now the sun­shine felt a lit­tle hot, so the shade of the trees around Nam­san
Tower was pleas­ant, so Jang and Kim talked for a short break.

"What would you do if I was mur­dered?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

This time, Kim Tae-hoon was orig­i­nally sup­posed to go alone. In such a sit­‐
u­at­ion, Jang claimed to be a com­pan­ion. The ex­is­tence of Jang would be a
great help. The prob­lem was risk.

If the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand re­vealed its hos­til­ity to Kim and put it into
prac­tice, the en­dan­gered per­son would be Jang, not Kim. Of course, Jang
was fully pre­pared. How­ever, Kim's ap­pear­ance against Lee Hyuk was so
ag­gres­sive that Jang's fear of pre­par­ing for the res­o­lu­tion was chilled. It
would not be sur­pris­ing if Lee Hyuk caused an ac­ci­dent in a fit of anger.

"If you're killed, you can't help it." Kim an­swered Jang's ques­tion calmly.

"That's too bad to hear."

"I can make one thing clear if you die in­stead."

"Re­ally? What is it?"

"To wage war with the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, you won't have to weigh
at least as much as you do now." With Kim's still calm voice, Jang smiled,
as if he was sat­is­fied with the an­swer.

"It's less re­gret­table to hear that."

A group of peo­ple be­gan to stride to­ward them as they spoke. Wear­ing mil­i­‐
tary uni­forms, they were sol­diers, and at the same time they were Awak­en­‐
ers with marks on their right hands. They were a group of peo­ple here to
help Kim pick up the relics and watch him. It was Ma­jor Oh Se-bum who
had the bright­est ap­pear­ance in the group and was at the fore­front.

"I'll take you to the Bank of Ko­rea." His ap­pear­ance changed the faces of
Jang and Kim. "It's nice to see you again like this."

Ma­jor Oh was one of the rea­sons why Kim and Jang came to Seoul. "Did
you say Ma­jor Oh Se-bum?"


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 80 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Ii ⦘

"So I couldn't even shake your hand." Kim gave his right hand to Ma­jor Oh.
Ma­jor Oh held Kim's right hand af­ter a brief pause. As soon as they held
each other's hands, Kim stared at Oh with his bloody eyes and said in a low
voice. "It's the third time I've met you, and we should shake hands."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 81 - The Price Of The

Blood, Part Iii
81 -- The Price of the Blood, Part III

Chap­ter 28. The Price of the Blood, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon and Oh Se-bum met to­day for the third time. How­ever, Oh
did not ad­mit it.

"The third time, you must have mis­counted the num­bers? Isn't this the sec­‐
ond time you've met me at Gimpo Air­port?"

Of course, to ad­mit that to­day's meet­ing was the third time, would be to re­‐
veal that he was in Bucheon. Oh knew what that meant.


'Damn it.' At this mo­ment, Oh guessed that Kim didn't just say that to see
how he'd re­act sud­denly.

"The dis­tance from Nam­san Tower to the Bank of Ko­rea is about 2.2 kilo­‐
me­ters, and it takes about half an hour to walk. Make sure we're at the sec­‐
ond or third meet­ing in half an hour." Kim Tae-hoon was the same. He did
not just say that to make a pun against Oh, and make his heart pound.

'I'd like to kill him, but...' Many peo­ple had died be­cause of Oh. They were
the ones who gave their lives for Kim. For the com­fort of those who had

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

died, it was nec­es­sary to mete out a clear pun­ish­ment for Oh. There was
enough jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.

Kim did not tease Oh, but as soon as he checked the place where Oh had
watched the Game­cock die, he left a video of Oh in Bucheon with two
Awak­en­ers be­long­ing to the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. It was enough.

It was not like they were in court, to judge who was right and wrong first.
The im­por­tant thing was, as he said ear­lier, jus­ti­fi­ca­tion and ex­cuse. The
video was a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion and ex­cuse that Kim and the Mac Guild were able
to de­clare war against the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

'He's just a tool.' But Kim did not do that. There were many rea­sons. For re­‐
al­is­tic rea­sons, the mo­ment he killed Ma­jor Oh, he would be at war with the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. Kim was con­fi­dent of win­ning that war. He
could kill all the of­fi­cials of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand alone. How­ever,
af­ter the war, there would be few col­leagues who would cel­eb­ rate his vic­‐
tory. It would be a vic­tory of sac­ri­fice.

But the big­gest rea­son was the ad­vice Kim sent to him­self in a dream. 'So
use him.' Use Oh Se-bum. Kim was not emo­tion­ally drunk and did not ig­‐
nore the ad­vice he had re­ceived in re­turn for his own death.

Above all, killing Oh would not be the end of the prob­lem. Oh could not
have done all on with his own. He was just a tool. He was not a loyal tool,
just a use­ful one. If he shook Oh, they would be shaken.

"Then let's move on, Jang Sung-hoon!"

"Yes, boss."

"We're mov­ing."

"You're com­ing! I've been wait­ing!"

So Kim waited so that Oh's trem­bling, which had just started, would spread
even fur­ther.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

The Bank of Ko­rea.

It was a spe­cial place in many ways, needed to man­age the mon­et­ary pol­icy
of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea. The build­ing was the first sign. In the city cen­ter,
full of mo­not­o­nous build­ings, the Bank of Ko­rea's build­ing was el­eg­ ant and
old-fash­ioned, like the only swan on the lake.

It was also the most sym­bolic safe in Ko­rea. Since it was al­ways a place to
keep nine bil­lion dol­lars worth of money for mon­et­ary pol­icy at all times,
what more ex­pla­na­tion would be needed?

And now it was a place to store the relics of Seoul, and it had be­come the
most im­por­tant place of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, in­stead of the nine
bil­lion dol­lars worth of money that had be­come pieces of toi­let pa­per if not
burned for tin­der.

" I'll be right back, boss." Jang Sung-hoon went into the safe. "I'll pick
some­thing good."

It was a com­pro­mise. Kim agreed to re­ceive three na­tional trea­sures from

the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

It was nat­u­ral to de­cide what to re­ceive, but Kim wanted to choose what he
wanted to re­ceive af­ter see­ing them. Not all na­tional trea­sures were relics.
And even if it was not a na­tional trea­sure, there might have been a much
more valu­able relic that was not des­ig­nated as a na­tional trea­sure.

Fur­ther­more, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand could give him a fake. In fact,
there were fakes in mu­se­ums, in­clud­ing the Na­tional Mu­seum of Ko­rea. For
ex­am­ple, in the case of the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, which
Kim had ac­quired, a replica mod­eled af­ter it was dis­played at the Na­tional
Mu­seum of Ko­rea.

There was no sure way to be sure other than to see and choose it, be­cause
there was no right way to deal with the words af­ter they gave it to him and
said that he did not have the abil­ity to use it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

On the other hand, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand did not want to put the
ridicu­lous mon­ster Kim Tae-hoon in a place filled with relics.

Kim agreed. What if he went into the safe alone, and they closed it? Could
Jang, who was wait­ing out­side, save Kim in such a sit­u­at­ion?

"Aha, I'm fi­nally go­ing to open the safe of the Bank of Ko­rea and a nine bil­‐
lion dol­lar piggy-bank!" The com­pro­mise that came out was that Jang
would pick them in­side the safe. That was one of the rea­sons why Jang fol­‐
lowed Kim.

For Kim, this trip to Seoul was not just a trip to Seoul, but a jour­ney to get
the price of the blood of those who had died. It was nat­u­ral to be ready for
myr­iad sce­nar­ios.

So Jang went into the safe with a watch­dog, and Kim im­me­di­ately spoke to
his watch­dog, Ma­jor Oh. "So, what's the an­swer?"

Kim asked Ma­jor Oh, who was de­ployed to mon­i­tor him, the ques­tion he
had not heard the an­swer to at Nam­san Tower.

Ma­jor Oh stared at him in­stead of an­swer­ing Kim's ques­tion. Dur­ing the

thirty min­utes from Nam­san Tower to the Bank of Ko­rea, Oh's mind had
been full of chaos. He had been think­ing about it over and over again.

'Damn it.' But the an­swer did not come out. It was not a mat­ter for the cor­‐
rect an­swer in the first place. There was only one thing, Oh's choice. In the
end, he chose.

"What do you want?" He chose to be faith­ful to his own in­ter­ests. "You're

do­ing this be­cause you want some­thing from me."

If Kim was just go­ing to screw Oh, he did not have to do it like this. That
was Oh's thought, and be­cause of that, Oh de­cided to deal with Kim.

"Do you ad­mit it's your third meet­ing?"

"Shit, I don't care about that. Tell me what you want." In ad­di­tion, the
choice was the least dam­ag­ing choice for Oh. The grounds were sim­ple.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

'I will die if I am an en­emy to this mon­ster.' Oh was very scared of Kim.

Kim was not dis­cour­aged even in front of Lt. Gen. Lee Hyuk, but rather, he
was pro­voked and acted bravely. To deal with such a mon­ster was sim­ply to
deal with the Game­cock that drove Bucheon into a night­mare. It was a thing
that would be hard for him to do.

Above all, Kim was not just a strong man. He was an as­sas­sin who had
lived through strong vi­o­lence. To be his tar­get was ac­tu­ally a death sen­‐
tence, and Oh wanted to avoid such a sit­u­at­ion.

'I just fol­lowed or­ders. There is no rea­son for me to pay my own blood.' In
other words, he in­tended to blame oth­ers for what had hap­pened in
Bucheon, if nec­es­sary.

"One thing I want to know. What method on earth did you use?"


"I'm just cu­ri­ous about the way that the blue-grade mon­ster was at­tracted."

At Kim's re­quest, Oh's left eye­brow soared to the sky. He did not eas­ily un­‐
der­stand Kim's re­quest.

'Is that all?'

"If I asked you to be­tray the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand and be my dog, you
wouldn't be a dog, right?"

"That's true, but..."

Soon af­ter Oh un­der­stood Kim's de­mands, he be­gan to worry again. To be

hon­est, Kim's cur­rent de­mand was a far cry.

'Is this re­ally all?' It was a much weaker de­mand than he thought. At least it
did not mean that there would be a big change in Oh's iden­tity right now,
though he ad­mit­ted Kim's de­mand.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon took an SD card out of his pocket for Oh, who be­gan to
worry about it. "This is an SD card con­tain­ing the orig­i­nal video footage of
you leav­ing the build­ing af­ter killing your two fel­lows. If you give me an
an­swer, I'll just hand it over here."

"... You might have copied it..."

"Do I have to con­vince you for that part?"

"... Jade Dragon Pat­tern Rhy­ton." At that mo­ment, Oh showed the in­side of
his vest with the word. In­side, there was a horn-shaped cup carved out of
white jade.

Kim's eyes turned black.

[Jade Dragon Pat­tern Rhy­ton]

Relic Grade: Grade 2

Relic Value: Rare
Relic Ef­fect: In­ject­ing Mana pro­duces the Wa­ter of Jade Dragon. If
you drink it, you can gain strong re­sis­tance to fear and Health that you
don't get tired of. How­ever, there are side ef­fects af­ter use.


Jade Dragon Pat­tern Rhy­ton.

The item had a buff ef­fect in terms of games. "With this relic, you can tem­‐
po­rar­ily re­sist fear. And one more thing."

At the same time, this item had one more hid­den abil­ity. "When you drink
this, you be­come sim­i­lar to mon­sters. Should I say that the fear of the mon­‐
sters comes out of your body?"

As soon as they drink the Wa­ter of Jade Dragon, en­ergy like a mon­ster's
fear flows out from their en­tire body. Of course, weak mon­sters run away
from the fear.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

'... if the Game­cock saw the strength, it would have been mad rather than
avoid­ing it.' It would have been a clear provo­ca­tion for mon­sters like the

'It's paint­ing a tar­get.' Oh used the Jade Dragon Pat­tern Rhy­ton to lure the
Game­cock. More specif­i­cally, Awak­en­ers were placed from Se­jong City to
Bucheon City, and they drank the Wa­ter of Jade Dragon in or­der.

It was sim­i­lar to Hansel and Gre­tel. In Hansel and Gre­tel, if a slice of bread
played a role, he used the Rhy­ton in­stead of a piece of bread so that the
Game­cock would nat­u­rally reach Bucheon City af­ter chas­ing the Awak­en­ers
who drank the Wa­ter of Jade Dragon.

"Is this enough as an an­swer? Huh?" At Oh's ques­tion, Kim handed him the
SD card he had in his hand in­stead.

Oh no longer spoke non­sense the mo­ment he re­ceived it. The si­lence be­‐
tween the two con­tin­ued un­til a man ap­peared out­side the brightly opened
door of the safe of the Bank of Ko­rea.

"Boss!" Jang ex­claimed.


When Jang came out of the safe, there were three ob­jects in his hands.

The Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware at­tracted Kim's at­ten­tion.


[Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware -- Ser­vant Statue]

Relic Grade: Grade 2

Relic Value: Spe­cial
Relic Ef­fect: In­ject­ing Mana an­i­mates the mounted doll. The amount
of Mana in­jected de­ter­mines the amount of time you can an­i­mate it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

It was a statue of a ser­vant who served the mas­ter statue Kim al­ready had.

"Now we have only Rhy­ton left." In ad­di­tion, there was an­other na­tional
trea­sure sim­i­lar to this one, [Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware -- Rhy­ton] Of
course, it was sim­i­lar, but its his­tory was com­pletely dif­fer­ent.

The next thing that caught his eye was a gold ear­ring. The gold ear­ring was
not an or­di­nary thing to look at for Kim, an out­sider to art.

"It was the first item I chose. It's not a relic, but it's a must-have."

It was shin­ing in gold color and the crafts­man­ship was great. Not only did
the body have tur­tle shells, but dozens of tiny leaf-shaped things on the bot­‐
tom of it were so ex­quis­ite and beau­ti­ful that they could hardly be made by
hu­man hands.

"It's the Cou­ple-Burial-Mound Gold Ear­rings."


[Cou­ple-Burial-Mound Gold Ear­rings]

Relic Grade: Grade 2

Relic Value: Spe­cial
Relic Ef­fect: It cleanses the mind of the wearer and strength­ens con­‐

"It's an ef­fect that tran­scends relics."

The Cou­ple-Burial-Mound Gold Ear­rings of Gyeongju was the na­tional

trea­sure No. 90, and had beauty and so­phis­ti­ca­tion con­sid­ered the best of
Silla's metal crafts­man­ship.

The last item was Ha­hoetal.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

"It's not a Ha­hoetal that is sold as sou­venirs at chicken restau­rants. It is the

old­est Ha­hoetal in Ko­rea. na­tional trea­sure No. 121! It's a thou­sand-year-
old item made in the 11th cen­tury!"

Of course, it wasn't just a Ha­hoetal.

[An­dong Ha­hoetal]

Relic Grade: Grade 2

Relic Value: Rare
Relic Ef­fect: You get [Pos­sessed by a Spirit] when you wear the mask.
The mo­ment you wear it, all your ca­pa­bil­i­ties in­crease greatly. How­‐
ever, as soon as it ends, you tem­po­rar­ily lose all your strength.

As Jang ex­plained, it was the old­est ex­ist­ing Ha­hoetal among the Ha­hoe
masks, which had en­dured for nearly a thou­sand years.

"Note that there were two types of masks, Byeongsan­tal and Ha­hoetal. But
af­ter I thought about them I brought the Yang­ban­tal, one of the Ha­hoetal."

"Why did you choose the Ha­hoetal?"

"I just thought you would be re­ally strong if you wore the Ha­hoetal. Who
knows? Will this be the boss's trade­mark?" Jang's ex­pla­na­tion stopped

"Now, it's boss's turn."

This time, Kim be­gan to ex­plain a relic to Jang who had fin­ished ex­plain­‐

The relic was none other than Jade Dragon Pat­tern Rhy­ton which Oh
showed him a lit­tle while ago.

When Jang heard the name and char­ac­ter­is­tics of the relic, he said in a low
voice, "There is only one place in East Asia where there is likely to be such
a level of ob­jects, es­pe­cially relics made with that level of jade."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 81 - The Price Of The Blood, Part Iii ⦘

Jang said in a low voice that only Kim could hear, "It's the Na­tional Palace
Mu­seum in Tai­wan."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

Chap­ter 82
Chap­ter 29. A+, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The qual­ity and num­ber of relics were pro­por­tional to the length of a coun­‐
try's his­tory. In that sense, China was the birth­place of one of the world's
most fa­mous relic grounds.

It was true. Start­ing with the Yel­low River civ­i­liza­tion, one of the be­gin­‐
nings of civ­i­liza­tion, the relics left through the long his­tory of China were
so great that their qual­ity and quan­tity could not eas­ily be com­pared with
any other coun­try.

"It was un­til the gov­ern­ment of Kuom­intang moved to Tai­wan, as their de­‐
feat in­ten­si­fied in the Chi­nese Civil War."


How­ever, in the midst of his­tor­i­cal tur­moil, China was di­vided into two
coun­tries, and relics could not avoid their fate.

"At that time, the num­ber of relics car­ried by the gov­ern­ment of Kuom­‐
intang from China to Tai­wan was about 600,000. It wasn't just 600,000
pieces, but only 600,000 relics were se­lected and picked by the im­pe­rial
fam­ily of the Qing Dy­nasty. They moved them all to Tai­wan."

When China fought a war, they di­vided into the Com­mu­nist Party and the
Kuom­intang. The Kuom­intang, which was pushed out by the Com­mu­nist
Party, moved to Tai­wan. In the process, the Kuom­intang also moved the
her­itage of Chi­nese his­tory to Tai­wan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

"Even they had de­ceived the U.S. that they would carry civil­ians to Tai­wan,
but they trans­ported the relics. Be­cause of that, there were a lot of peo­ple
killed. They car­ried the relics in­stead of the lives of peo­ple, and the crit­i­‐
cism was huge. Later, be­cause of the Cul­tural Rev­o­lu­tion of the Com­mu­nist
Party of China, the re­main­ing relics in the main­land were com­pletely de­‐
stroyed. Thanks to the Peo­ple's Party, the Kuom­intang, they pro­tected the
relics of China. It's ironic."

On the way back to Bucheon, Jang, who was teach­ing his­tory in the street,
paused and looked at Kim. "Boss?"

Kim didn't look like he was lis­ten­ing to him. It seemed that he was think­ing
of some­thing else.

"Boss?" It was only af­ter Jang called him again that Kim re­sponded.

Kim Tae-hoon turned to look at Jang.

"Did you hear my ex­pla­na­tion?"

"I heard it."

"Can I give you a quiz? Did you re­ally hear that?

"I'll take His­tory ed­u­ca­tion later."

"You didn't lis­ten to me. Boss, did you study bad when you were in

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim looked at Jang qui­etly.

Jang smiled awk­wardly. "It's a joke. What the hell are you think­ing about?"

Kim gave an an­swer to the ques­tion. "If I were in Tai­wan now, and if I were
an am­bi­tious per­son, what would I have planned?"

In the re­sponse, Jang wiped the play­ful­ness from his face. "So what kind of
pic­ture was drawn?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

"Con­trol Tower."


"A huge num­ber of relics, ge­o­graph­i­cal lo­ca­tion in the mid­dle of China,

Ko­rea, and Japan as well as the ge­o­graph­i­cal ad­van­tage of not hav­ing to
worry about mon­ster raids through land routes. If they have the abil­ity to
make con­tact out­side of Tai­wan, then there would be no bet­ter con­di­tions to
be a con­trol tower."

"Oh... I'm sure it is, but I sup­pose it's hard to make a liv­ing be­cause they are
so iso­lated."

"Tai­wan`s food self-suf­fi­ciency rate is about 30 per­cent. There will be peo­‐

ple dy­ing of hunger, but there is plenty of room to hold on. Even if it's win­‐
ter in Tai­wan, the tem­per­at­ure won't drop be­low zero."

"But it's a coun­try where peo­ple freeze to death when it snows. They must
have spent the win­ter re­ally warm. I envy them. It was hell for me to wake
up in the morn­ing dur­ing the win­ter..."

"More than any­thing, they call them­selves China."

Jang smiled at this part. He could help not know­ing the re­la­tion­ship be­‐
tween Tai­wan and China. Nat­u­rally, he knew how ridicu­lous it was to claim
that Tai­wan was China.

"Even though they claim that..."

But the laugh­ing did not last long. Jang's ex­pres­sion had hard­ened. Now he
could un­der­stand it.

"Tai­wan is a coun­try that re­veals its hos­til­ity to China, and they claim that
Tai­wan is China. So far, there has not been a big ac­ci­dent be­cause it was
just at the level of words, but not from now on."

"... it's trou­ble­some."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

If Tai­wan had any na­tional power or con­di­tions to threaten China, Tai­wan's

claim would not have re­mained a mere as­ser­tion. It would lead to a great
war that would af­fect all of Asia.

"The head­quar­ter of the Six Snakes is Tai­wan. They are now draw­ing a
board to gain supremacy."

This was why Kim had to think over his re­turn to Bucheon.

The Six Snakes.

Now he could guess the start­ing point of the group that drove one Kim to
his death.

Jang sighed deeply when he heard the con­clu­sion. "Wow, Tai­wan? ... we
can't go there by air­plane... this is even more trou­ble­some. Are you sure the
head­quar­ter of the Six Snakes is Tai­wan?"

Al­though Jang sus­pected that its head­quar­ter would be out­side the coun­try,
it was a to­tally dif­fer­ent story from hop­ing and feel­ing real.

How­ever, Kim made a good face in­stead. "If we know the lo­ca­tion of the
con­trol tower, it won't be com­pli­cated if we're sick."


"I'll at­tack them first."

Kim knew well.

'The dif­fi­culty in war is not when the en­emy is strong, but when the en­emy
is opaque. This was why it was dif­fi­cult to deal with ter­ror­ists, an­ar­chists,
and an anti-gov­ern­ment group, and why the U.S., with power be­yond any
other group in the world, did not win the war against them.'

'On the other hand, when an en­emy be­comes clear, no mat­ter how great the
en­emy is, he could find a way.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

In ad­di­tion, it was some­thing Kim had done dur­ing all his life: find­ing the
weak point of a strong en­emy and tak­ing only the nec­es­sary lives. "All we
have to do is iden­tify the en­emy more clearly, and then kill the one who
needs to be killed."

"The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand is now more prob­lem­atic than that." Of

course, at this mo­ment, Kim did not miss the prob­lem he was fac­ing. The
im­me­di­ate is­sue was not Tai­wan, but the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

Kim has al­ready fought with the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. It didn't just
lead to blood­shed, but a bloody war of nerves that was enough to hurt feel­‐

"You scratched very well. That's why I have a ques­tion. Why would they
ask the boss to kill a mon­ster? Even it's a green-grade mon­ster... with the
power of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, they can kill the mon­ster when it
gets close."

Jang also did not ig­nore the fact.

Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk re­quested that Kim kill the head of the Gob­‐
lins, the green-grade mon­ster in Cheong­gye Moun­tain, and they would pay
for it. The re­quest was not a lie.

Jang had al­ready known through Dae­dongyeo­jido that there was a green-
grade mon­ster there.

The prob­lem was Lee Hyuk's in­ten­tions.

"For the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, the mon­ster stone is the most ur­gent

At present, it was the mon­ster stones that were ur­gent for the Cap­i­tal De­‐
fense Com­mand. They could take relics from Kim, but he could not spit out
the mon­ster stones he'd al­ready eaten. In that sit­u­at­ion, they were ask­ing
Kim to kill the green-grade mon­ster? It was like giv­ing up their game to
Kim. It was not free, but they would pay for it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

"They want to know what I'm ca­pa­ble of." In that re­spect, Kim summed up
the sit­u­at­ion sim­ply.

"They want to know your abil­ity?"

It was not dif­fi­cult to de­ter­mine what Lee Hyuk in­tended.

"The next game will de­pend on whether a hunt­ing dog can kill a wild boar
or a tiger. That's the per­son­al­ity of Lee Hyuk."

"What kind of per­son is Lee Hyuk?"

"He was the only one who would have been pro­moted to four stars."

Jang Sung-hoon clicked his tongue briefly.

"So he must be an­gry now, right? If he had stayed still, he could have be­‐
come a four-star gen­eral, but his chance flew away be­cause of the mon­‐

In Jann's un­der­stand­ing, Lee Hyuk's life was all rosy, but it was shat­tered by
the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters.

"Huh, it's dis­gust­ing." Jang him­self would not have been able to with­stand
such a sit­u­at­ion eas­ily.

"Lee Hyuk wouldn't be able to get there now if he had had that at­ti­tude."

But Kim was dif­fer­ent. As he said be­fore, he knew what Lee Hyuk was like.
"Four stars, he has done ev­ery­thing to get there. For him, the seat of the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would have been dull."


"A hunt­ing dog can never be a pet." Lee Hyuk had fought all his life and
had al­ways won the fight. That was when he lived as a sol­dier.

Would Lee Hyuk, who had lived such a life, be able to adapt and ac­cept
peace eas­ily? The guy who proved his worth through a fierce war?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

"It would have been an op­por­tu­nity for him when mon­sters ap­peared." For
him, the emer­gence of mon­sters, the col­lapse of the na­tion, and the end of
the world must have felt a his­toric op­por­tu­nity.

"It's a great op­por­tu­nity to leave his name in his­tory books. To put it an­other
way, he is now in a state of wild am­bi­tion be­yond all con­trol."

"So he is be­ing ex­ploited."


The Six Snakes were tak­ing ad­van­tage of Lee Hyuk's am­bi­tion. 'The more
am­bi­tious the fire grows, the blinder the per­son is.'

More im­por­tantly, the Six Snakes were tak­ing out what they hoped to gain
be­neath the eyes of Lee Hyuk, who wanted to build a his­tor­i­cal achieve­‐
ment, not just per­sonal ben­ef­ its.

"Then we should use his am­bi­tion, too."

"So, did you make a plan for the fu­ture?"

"I am the only one who car­ries out the liq­ui­da­tion of Cheong­gye Moun­‐

It was a sud­den no­tice. How­ever, Jang was not sur­prised by the no­ti­fi­ca­tion.

"You'd be bait, that's it."

Now, Jang could fig­ure out Kim's in­ten­tion with­out try­ing to un­der­stand.

"So what do we do while the boss is play­ing a gor­geous bait?"

If Kim made a solo strike at Cheong­gye Moun­tain, all the at­ten­tion of the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would in­evitably be fo­cused on it. Of course,
they would not be able to make any rash moves in Bucheon and In­cheon,
which were con­sid­ered the head­quar­ters of the Mac Guild.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

"We need to make the area that the Game­cock oc­cu­pied our ter­ri­tory." Kim
was plan­ning to ex­pand the Mac Guild's ter­ri­tory as their at­ten­tion was else­‐

"Now is the time to oc­cupy Chungcheong Prov­ince. This makes me feel

like I'm play­ing a game in Ro­mance of the Three King­doms."

The tar­get was Se­jong City and the sur­round­ing ar­eas, and Chungcheong
Prov­ince, which had been oc­cu­pied by the Game­cock. It was also very im­‐

The Chungcheong prov­ince would not only be an im­por­tant route to the Je­‐
olla re­gion but also to the Gyeongsang Prov­ince, as well as the most im­por­‐
tant food sup­ply in the sur­vival bat­tle that would take place from now on.

He was not talk­ing about only farm­ing. Fruit trees, of ap­ples and peaches,
were valu­able re­sources at this point. Fruit trees never grow overnight.

There was an­other one. "If we oc­cupy Chungcheong re­gion, we can ob­tain
oil re­serves in Seosan and Pyeong­taek."

The cities of Pyeong­taek and Seosan, lo­cated near the bor­der be­tween
Chungcheong Prov­ince and Gyeonggi Prov­ince, were the base for oil re­‐
serves in Ko­rea.

'Seosan, in par­tic­u­lar, is a base for crude oil.' Eleven mil­lion bar­rels of oil
were stored in Seosan.

War re­quired hu­man blood, gun­pow­der, and oil to be fought. The oil re­serve
was more im­por­tant than any­thing else.

When Kim fin­ished think­ing, he looked at his right hand with black Eyes.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 561

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

-- Health: 502

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: B Rank

-- Mana: B+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A Rank

-- De­fense: B+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: B Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Anger Soar­ing (Grade 3): The power of the Game­cock. It con­sumes all
your En­ergy and causes a huge ex­plo­sion around you.


Af­ter con­firm­ing his abil­ity, he clenched his fist. 'If you want to see what I
can do, I'll def­i­nitely show you.'


Cheong­gye Moun­tain...

It was the south­ern­most moun­tain sur­round­ing Seoul, not small, but in­suf­fi­‐
cient to call grand. It was a moun­tain one could feel a sense of loy­alty from
time to time, as it kept its seat like a gate­keeper, block­ing those who wanted
to cross Seoul.

How­ever, at this mo­ment, in the sum­mer of 2017, one could not find any
loy­alty to pro­tect Seoul in Cheong­gye Moun­tain.

Kiii, Kiii! Kiii! Gob­lins filled Cheong­gye Moun­tain in­stead of loy­alty. It

was like a Gob­lin zoo. There were all kinds of Gob­lins, and there were

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

count­less num­bers of them. Among them was a mon­ster whose pres­ence

was in­com­pa­ra­ble to that of other Gob­lins.

Kir! Kirr! Rather than a Gob­lin, it looked like a troll, huge in size and white
skinned. Around the Gob­lin, whose green eyes shone, there were all kinds
of skulls of an­i­mals, mon­sters, and hu­man be­ings piled up like moun­tains.

It was a his­tory of pre­da­tion. It was also clear ev­i­dence that the white skin
Gob­lin had reigned as the owner of this Cheong­gye Moun­tain for a long

Snap! Some peo­ple took pic­tures with long-lens DSLR cam­eras that re­‐
minded one of a can­non far away. The num­ber was not one or two, ei­ther.

"They're within range."

"We can cap­ture this side in range."

The num­ber was about forty.

It was not a rare sight in Cheong­gye Moun­tain, be­cause there used to be a

lot of peo­ple who came to take pic­tures of Cheong­gye Moun­tain with pro­‐
fes­sional cam­eras, of­ten as part of a photo club. But those who were hold­‐
ing the cam­eras were not of that kind.


They were all wear­ing uni­forms. It was not just mil­i­tary uni­forms, but black
uni­forms. At the same time, ev­ery­one had a round mark on the back of their
right hand.

"Ev­ery­one, stand by."

They were the spe­cial forces that Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo led. The rea­son
why they brought ex­pen­sive cam­eras here to Cheong­gye Moun­tain, which
had be­come a king­dom of Gob­lins, was sim­ple.

"We're ready."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

They came here to take pic­tures of one man's abil­i­ties.

That man was, of course, Kim Tae-hoon. He told the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand, "I will clean up the Gob­lins of Cheong­gye Moun­tain, so be sure to

"You've man­aged to let this hap­pen, I thought you'd be in­ter­rupt­ing the pho­‐

It was un­ex­pected. The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand pre­dicted that Kim

would do a lot of work to hide his abil­i­ties.

When Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was as­signed the mis­sion of record­ing Kim's
abil­i­ties, he wanted to grab his hair and tear it off at first.

How­ever, Kim al­lowed the film­ing to be done in a pub­lic way.

"Is it for me?"

"Think of it as a good thing."

Of course, it was not for Colonel Yoo.

"How do you think you're go­ing to fight?"

Kim Tae-hoon was just go­ing to show them clearly: his abil­i­ties, and the
abil­ity gained af­ter tak­ing the crys­tal of the Game­cock.

"Isn't there one thing you want to see any­way? I'll show you the new abil­i­‐
ties I have."

He was go­ing to im­print his pres­ence on all of the peo­ple of the Cap­i­tal De­‐
fense Com­mand, in­clud­ing Lee Hyuk.

At that mo­ment, he be­gan to fly.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 82 ⦘

Read­ers, due to tech­ni­cal is­sues, chap­ters 41, 42, 45, and 47 were not show­‐
ing, even though they had been posted. We in­vite you to go back and read
them now that they are show­ing.

A spe­cial thanks to syn­thar and Pf­ef­falof­fi­cus for bring­ing this to our at­ten­‐

11-18-2018. From Kahn.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

Chap­ter 83
Chap­ter 29. A+, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Jin­gle! A fine jin­gle that they had never heard be­fore ap­peared in Mount
Cheong­gye, which was filled with the cries of the Gob­lins.

Ki-yi? To the in­nu­mer­able sounds, the Gob­lins showed cu­rios­ity be­fore


Kiii, Kiii! Cu­rios­ity drove the Gob­lins. There was no hes­i­ta­tion or cau­tion.
It was be­cause Mount Cheong­gye was as good as heaven for Gob­lins. There
were a large num­ber of Gob­lins, def­i­nitely over a thou­sand, and the White
Gob­lin, a ghastly green-eyed mon­ster, reigned as the king of the Gob­lins.
There was no rea­son for Gob­lins to be wary in a land where only Gob­lins
could sur­vive.


Kiii! Then the Gob­lins be­gan to gather in the di­rec­tion of the sound.

It was a man who wel­comed such Gob­lins. He wore a thick pro­tec­tive coat,
a knife-case on his back, a large bag on top of it, and he wore a pair of gold
ear­rings on his left hand that did not match his ap­pear­ance.

Jin­gle! The sound that had brought the Gob­lins' cu­rios­ity was the sound of
the ear­rings on his wrists.

Kiii! Of course, the mo­ment they found the man, the Gob­lins were longer

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

Kieee! Im­me­di­ately, they ex­pressed hos­til­ity with the scream­ing, and some
acted be­fore ex­press­ing hos­til­ity.

Pa­bat, Paat! A dozen Gob­lins be­gan to rush to­ward the man like wild boars.

They were not hes­i­tant at all.

This was a heaven for the Gob­lins, or hell for any other be­ings ex­cept Gob­‐
lins. Ev­ery­thing else that ap­peared to the Gob­lins was just prey. Fur­ther­‐
more, there was a rea­son for the Cheong­gye Moun­tain Gob­lins to have such
con­fi­dence. There were many Gob­lins here: not only the Gob­lins with very
pow­er­ful com­bat power but also the Gob­lins with mys­te­ri­ous magic!

Kiru­ruru! Most Gob­lins was very weak but the Hob­gob­lins made them
strong war­riors.

Kiii! The eyes of the Gob­lins who ran ahead at the mag­i­cal cry­ing of the or­‐
ange eyes Gob­lins that had been heard some­where be­gan to flut­ter.

Krrr! They looked drugged. Fur­ther­more, the dis­tur­bance that started like
this spread around. It moved all the Gob­lins of Cheong­gye Moun­tain.

Kukuku! The ground was shak­ing, and the trees be­gan to trem­ble. It was
like a moun­tain cry­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon, the man fac­ing the waves of the Gob­lins, black­ened his

Jin­gle! His wrist, which was as black as his eyes, made a clear sound and
dug into his ears.

The pure tone that dug into his ears made his mind clear. It was not neg­a‐­
tive, but the op­po­site.

'Ev­ery­thing is clear.' It was a pure white pa­per which could ac­cept any­thing.
He felt like he had been draw­ing TK pic­tures on a dirty board and re­ceived
a white draw­ing pa­per for the first time. He felt like ev­ery­thing he drew
would be clearer than any­thing else.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

The scenery Kim Tae-hoon saw was also so clear it couldn't be any clearer.
It was like com­ing out of the light af­ter the dark­ness. So he was wor­ried at
this mo­ment.

What should I draw in this scene?

Should I use ar­rows to make small holes in this broad space?

Or should I use the Sword to make head­less bod­ies and scat­ter them?

Kieee! The worry con­tin­ued un­til one Gob­lin was close enough to bite him,
and he could smell its rot­ten breath.

Jin­gle! At that mo­ment, the gold ear­rings on his wrist made a sound. But it
was no longer a clear sound.

Kwa-re­ung! It was a sign of the ap­pear­ance of a thun­der­bolt.


Lee Jae-seok.

As an Awak­ener, he had sur­vived since the ad­vent of mon­sters. It was not

easy, but in re­turn for his sur­vival, he was able to gain su­per­hu­man power.
He ate the mon­ster stones, and his abil­ity was steadily strength­ened.

From a cer­tain mo­ment, it was pos­si­ble to gain power that could not be
com­pared to an av­er­age man, and even those who were called pro­fes­sion­als
among the pub­lic.

He had felt strange emo­tions at that fact. The joy of be­ing cho­sen, the sense
of su­pe­ri­or­ity that or­di­nary peo­ple could not ri­val him, and a sense of re­lief
in a world where liv­ing with­out power had be­come a pain.

'Oh, my God.' But at this mo­ment, the scenery seen through the ex­pen­sive
cam­era lenses broke down Lee's feel­ings.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

"What, what?"


It was a pow­er­ful ex­plo­sion. A ring of flames was cre­ated around Kim Tae-
hoon's body, and the ring quickly spread out with an ex­plo­sion.

Kwa-kwa-kwa! Ex­po­sure to the ex­plo­sion had be­come a ter­ri­ble thing. The

trees with shal­low roots were pulled out, and the deep-rooted trees were
bro­ken. The weak Gob­lins' bod­ies were crushed and hurled away.

'What the hell was that...'

'Is it true what I'm see­ing right now, not a movie?'

Ev­ery­thing for a hun­dred me­ters around him was a charred ruin. But even
more in­tense was the hor­ror that swept through ev­ery­thing af­ter with the ex­‐


It was anger. Ex­press­ing this anger was not dif­fer­ent from ex­press­ing hos­til­‐
ity and mur­der to the other party. The ex­plo­sion caused by Kim was deeply
mixed with the anger. And it was not just anger.

When a tiger ex­pressed anger to­ward a rat herd, the rats were bound to be

Here in Cheong­gye Moun­tain, Gob­lins were rats, and Kim, who had ex­‐
pressed his anger, was a tiger. The Awak­en­ers of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand, who watched the scene from a safe dis­tance, were big rats.

There was no one who could stay calm in front of Kim's fear.

The sound of men swal­low­ing was over the place. Those who ended up just
swal­low­ing were the strong Awak­en­ers.

The bod­ies of those with low En­ergy rank were now shak­ing badly, as if
they were naked dur­ing a past win­ter's night.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

Snap, snap, snap! Dur­ing the trem­bling, the cam­era shut­ters blinked, the
sounds of some of their trem­bling fin­gers pound­ing the cam­era shut­ter but­‐
ton. The sound of the cam­era shut­ter sounded like a scream that the tongue,
which had been frozen in fear, could not voice.

The only thing in this sit­u­at­ion that could an­swer this anger with­out fear,
was anger.

Kh-uh-uh-uh! Only the owner of Cheong­gye Moun­tain, the White Gob­lin

with green eyes, was will­ing to pun­ish the one who dared to spit fear in its


[Anger Soar­ing].

The power of the Game­cock caused an in­tense ex­plo­sion and gave Kim
enough sat­is­fac­tion. The abil­ity was also pow­er­ful, but the true sig­nif­i­cance
of Anger Soar­ing was that he could con­di­tion­ally use the fear.

Mon­sters were able to ex­ert over­whelm­ing vi­o­lence against hu­man­ity be­‐

cause of the in­flu­ence of fear. Even if they held a pow­er­ful weapon, they
be­came help­less when they were ex­posed to the fear.

It was the same with the mon­sters. In front of him, who was able to use the
fear, the mon­sters were also de­fense­less. Of course, the price was not small.

'It's very En­ergy-con­sum­ing.'

In re­turn, Anger Soar­ing de­manded all of his En­ergy. En­ergy con­sump­tion

could not be con­trolled. It was also a risk to con­sider when us­ing the Anger
Soar­ing. When En­ergy was con­sumed, phys­i­cal abil­ity, as well as re­sis­tance
to fear, were re­duced. It made the en­emy de­fense­less, but he was de­fense­‐
less, too.

His trump for that part was the Gilt-bronze Aval­okites­vara Bod­hisattva


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

The relic from Buyeo showed its abil­ity in the bag that he was car­ry­ing. His
En­ergy, which had been empty, was re­stored quickly.

Kh-uh-uh-uh! At that mo­ment, the cry of Al­bino Gob­lin knocked on his

eardrum. It started at a long dis­tance, but it was not a long dis­tance to his
hear­ing, and his spine stood up to the sound of Cheong­gye Moun­tain echo­‐
ing the cry.

The En­ergy that started to gain weight again wrig­gled and pro­tected its
owner from the fear.

'I can hold against the fear of the green-grade mon­ster.'

How­ever, al­though his re­duced En­ergy did not com­pletely pro­tect him from
the fear of the Al­bino Gob­lin, it was not enough that he could not demon­‐
strate his abil­ity.

More­over, the gold ear­rings hang­ing on his wrist sharp­ened his con­cen­tra­‐
tion and men­tal strength. Thanks to them, at this mo­ment, even though he
was about to bat­tle the green-grade mon­ster, he was able to as­sess the bat­‐
tle­field coolly.

'I'll hide the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje.' Once he tried to hide its
ex­is­tence. He used it in bat­tle with the Game­cock, and the re­port was
passed on to the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand through Oh Se-bum. But they
only knew that he was play­ing with golden smoke an­i­mals.

More­over, it was not Lee Hyuk who knew the fact, but the Six Snakes, who
wanted to take the power of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. In such a sit­u­a‐­
tion, it was not nec­es­sary to show the ex­is­tence of the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner of Baekje.

It was a dif­fer­ent kind of thing to show a strong hand and show all your

'I will also ex­clude the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

The Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware -- Ser­vant Statue was new, so it was
not un­rea­son­able to use it, but the story was dif­fer­ent if it was the Mas­ter

The Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware was orig­i­nally owned by the Cap­i­tal
De­fense Com­mand, but it was lost in the In­cheon en­try op­er­at­ion to res­cue
Kate Kennedy. It was not strange that he found it in In­cheon and used it, but
it was not good for the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

Was there a sin­gle hu­man be­ing who liked to see things lost from the orig­i­‐
nal owner's hands be­ing used in the hands of oth­ers?

And the best relics he had were, of course, a Sword and an Ar­row.

Ts-re­ung! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or sheathed be­hind him hummed, wait­‐
ing and will­ing to ap­pear.

'Hmm?' Whoo-woong! At that mo­ment, a stone of the size of a per­son's

body came fly­ing by it­self from be­hind him.

Chop! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or im­me­di­ately cut the stone fly­ing to­ward
its owner in half. The two stones crossed to ei­ther side of him.

Thump! Thump! The sound of two stones hit­ting the ground stim­u­lated his
sen­si­tive hear­ing. At that fact, he glared at Al­bino Gob­lin com­ing from his

In the mean­time, once again, stones started to fly to him, this time sev­eral
of them.

'It is us­ing Telekine­sis', he thought. The abil­ity Al­bino Gob­lin had was

Af­ter he re­al­ized the fact, he stopped think­ing be­cause he no longer needed

to think about ways to hunt it. He now be­gan to run to­ward it with his arms


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘


When Anger Soar­ing shook Cheong­gye Moun­tain, there were those who
watched the scene from far away.

"Wow, that's not a joke."

Two men were twin broth­ers, ap­par­ently of the same ap­pear­ance. "I can't
be­lieve there is such a hu­man be­ing. How many mon­ster stones do we have
to eat to be that mon­ster?"

But their tem­per­am

­ ent looked dif­fer­ent. "That's awe­some. Can I stop him?
Huh? Thirty-sec­onds would be great. I have to de­liver a let­ter to him and is
there a chance for me? Damn it, I've come to Seoul af­ter a long time, but I
am go­ing to risk my life de­liv­er­ing a let­ter, rather than tak­ing a cup of cof­‐
fee on the boule­vard. I did not have to come here. I think clean­ing the Mil­i­‐
tary De­mar­ca­tion Line would be safer than here, right?"

One was con­stantly talk­ing, and the other, who was far away with a cam­era
in his hand, was silently film­ing Kim.

"Shut up." The man who had been silent then spoke for the first time.


"Is that what you're say­ing?"

"There's no rea­son not to tell you. Shut up. Is that what you're say­ing?"

"You're my brother, and I think you stopped at the level of shut up." It was
the con­ver­sa­tion of broth­ers that could not be seen any­where else.

"Look at this? Are you try­ing to get im­pu­dent?"

"Shut up a lit­tle bit."

And as with the broth­ers' fights, the two be­gan to raise the level of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 83 ⦘

Kh-uh-uh-uh! It was Al­bino Gob­lin's grudge that stopped the fight be­tween

The two of them were silent at the shout­ing and fo­cused on the bat­tle of
mon­ster and mon­ster that would be­gin now. On the left arms of the uni­‐
forms they were wear­ing, there was a mark with two cir­cles at­tached like a
snow­man. It was the mark of the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion, the
Ot­tuki Unit.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

Chap­ter 84
Chap­ter 29. A+, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Run­ning through the moun­tain­side, Kim Tae-hoon showed no hes­i­ta­tion.

He com­pletely avoided all the ob­sta­cles block­ing his way, some­times us­ing
them as step­ping stones to run, and nar­rowed the dis­tance to the Al­bino
Gob­lin at once.


The Al­bino Gob­lin didn't mind Kim's ap­proach. It was will­ing to wel­come
his ap­proach with a shriek. Each minute the dis­tance be­tween the two
quickly nar­rowed, and when the dis­tance was about ten me­ters, Kim leaped.


Paat! Kim's right arm was black as he jumped, and at the end spot of his
move­ment was the huge head of the four-me­ter tall Al­bino Gob­lin.

It was bla­tant. So bla­tant that ev­ery­one watch­ing the scene knew that Kim's
aim was not any­where else but the head of the Al­bino Gob­lin.

The Al­bino Gob­lin, who was di­rectly in­volved in the bat­tle, was also aware
of the fact.

Keu-ung! Of course, Al­bino Gob­lin coun­ter­at­tacked. It also punched at

Kim. The fist of the Al­bino Gob­lin flew to­ward where Kim would be with
all its might.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

Boom! But it punched only the air.

Keu-ung? What caught the eyes of Al­bino Gob­lin emit­ting the ques­tion­ing
sound was the im­age of Kim, who had stopped still in the air. It was a tem­‐
po­rary pause caused by Telekine­sis!

Kim's body, which stopped just like that, moved again af­ter Al­bino Gob­lin
swept its all-pow­er­ful punch through the air. His body flew once again to
the head of Al­bino Gob­lin like a base­ball hit by a bat.

Whack! The black fist stuck into Al­bino Gob­lin's face. Kim's fist was
enough to shat­ter the sharp horn-like nose of the Al­bino Gob­lin, such that
its face was com­pletely crushed. Its nose was driven back into its face.

It was hard to be­lieve, but it was a nat­u­ral re­sult for Kim. He had more than
500 stat points in Strength. Even if there were other Awak­en­ers in the world
who had higher stat points in Strength than Kim, the num­ber would not ex­‐
ceed five.

In ad­di­tion, his En­ergy rank was B+! No mat­ter how much en­ergy he had
con­sumed in the Anger Soar­ing, the ba­sic out­put was dif­fer­ent. If talk­ing
about cars, the ba­sic horse­power was dif­fer­ent.

Added to this, was the Her­culean Strength of Twin-head Ogre, the achieved
power, which he had ac­quired af­ter eat­ing the mon­ster stone of the Twin-
head Ogre.

It was a great thing that its face was just crushed.

Koo-oong! Al­bino Gob­lin stum­bled back­ward af­ter such a pow­er­ful at­tack.

Krrr! But Al­bino Gob­lin, in­stead of a scream of ter­ri­fied prey, threw out a
cry full of anger. With that cry, it re­gained its bal­ance, which had been
about to col­lapse, af­ter only a few back­ward steps.

Kh-uh-uh-uh! The Al­bino Gob­lin was back up­right and threw out a shriek.
It was the ap­pear­ance of a real mon­ster.

Kim ran to­wards the scream­ing Al­bino Gob­lin.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

The Al­bino Gob­lin con­firmed he was ap­proach­ing, and first nar­rowed its
dis­tance to Kim, who was run­ning on the ground this time. It was go­ing to
at­tack rather than wait!

Bang bang! The huge Al­bino Gob­lin's right fist struck like a light­ning bolt
to­ward Kim on the ground.

Boom! The ground cried out af­ter the Al­bino Gob­lin's fist hit. How­ever,
that was all.

Kim was safe. No, he was not just safe. He stood next to Al­bino Gob­lin's
fist and stretched his left hand out to­ward the face of the Al­bino Gob­lin.
This time it wasn't a punch. He sprayed in­stead of punch­ing it, and the
spray was pour­ing out black, sticky stuff, cov­er­ing its crushed face in the
black liq­uid.

Chi-i-ik! A nat­u­ral shriek came from the mouth of the Al­bino Gob­lin.

Boom! Boom! Bang, bang! At the same time, Al­bino Gob­lin was go­ing
mad. It swung its arms around un­ceas­ingly and slammed its feet on the
ground. Its pain-filled in­dis­crim­i­nate strug­gle be­gan. Along with the strug­‐
gle, the stones and trees around the Al­bino Gob­lin were flut­ter­ing. It was
ev­i­dent that its Telekine­sis was be­ing freely ex­er­cised in its anger.

It was a ty­phoon-like strug­gle, and Kim in­creased the dis­tance from the ty­‐
phoon. Thud, Thud! As he in­creased the dis­tance, he threw two grenades on
the ground.

Ping, Ping! The fallen grenades stopped for a mo­ment on the ground and
then threw out their pins them­selves. The grenades with the safety pins
pulled up like fleas and set­tled on both shoul­ders of the Al­bino Gob­lin.

A mo­ment later, the roar of the grenades shook the moun­tain.

'It's over.' At the mo­ment he heard the sound, Kim no longer thought of
fight­ing hard against the Al­bino Gob­lin. It was be­cause there was no more
rea­son to fight hard.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

'It can't use its Telekine­sis any­more.' The Al­bino Gob­lin would not be able
to use its Telekine­sis from now on.

That was his goal from the start: mak­ing the Al­bino Gob­lin's Telekine­sis

'For Telekine­sis, the five senses and con­cen­tra­tion of the user are more im­‐
por­tant than any­thing else. In other words, Telekine­sis can­not use its power
in sit­u­at­ions where the five senses can­not do their job and con­cen­tra­tion
can­not be ex­er­cised.'

Kim knew that fact bet­ter than any­one else. So, he at­tacked Al­bino Gob­lin's
five senses in turn. He sprayed its eyes and nose, and the grenades made its
hear­ing use­less.

For the Al­bino Gob­lin, who could not see, could not smell, and could not
hear, its Telekine­sis was no longer a weapon. Of course, it might be pos­si­‐
ble if the Al­bino Gob­lin con­cen­trated.

In the old days, Kim had moved the Sword of the Im­per­at­or us­ing his
Telekine­sis in­side the body of the Black Snake, when all five senses had
been blocked.

How­ever, the prob­lem was that Kim did not in­tend to give Al­bino Gob­lin
time to con­cen­trate.

Whizz! The Ar­row of Sun-sin showed up from its sheath.

Swish! At the same time, the Sword of the Im­per­at­or, which had not yet
been seen, also ap­peared.

Not a fierce bat­tle, but a one-sided killing be­gan.


The bat­tle be­tween the Al­bino Gob­lin and Kim was not short.

It took about 15 min­utes. It was a bat­tle that did not suit Kim's char­ac­ter. He
was not a per­son who played a game, and he did not wel­come or en­joy the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

long bat­tle. Nev­er­the­less, the rea­son why the bat­tle was longer was that he
wanted to mea­sure his own abil­i­ties.

Un­til now, Kim had no chance to check his abil­i­ties. His bat­tle had been
one of the two: like noth­ing, or in­tense.

Mon­sters un­der the or­ange grade were as noth­ing to Kim, while other mon­‐
sters de­manded the in­ten­sity of risk­ing his life. And it was likely to be the
same in the fu­ture.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the green-grade mon­ster, the Al­bino Gob­lin, who lacked
phys­i­cal abil­ity com­pared to the Twin-head Ogre, was a good sub­ject to
check his abil­i­ties.

Of course, there were other in­ten­tions. Kim wanted to show his abil­i­ties to
the peo­ple who saw him. He tried to show his power, not a hunt­ing dog that
could be tamed with the lit­tle abil­ity they had, and what kind of de­ter­mi­na­‐
tion and prepa­ra­tion should be made if they wanted to make him an en­emy.

When it was all over, Kim earned the price of his hunt­ing suc­cess. With the
Sword of the Im­per­at­or, he broke open the body of the Al­bino Gob­lin
stained with blood and took the mon­ster stone from its heart.

==[The Crys­tal of the Al­bino Gob­lin]

-- Pro­fi­ciency in Telekine­sis is greatly in­creased.

-- You can ac­quire the power of the Al­bino Gob­lin [The Telekine­sis of a

'I think this is the first time I've got a mon­ster stone re­lated to Telekine­sis.'

Soon af­ter, Kim put the mon­ster stone from the Al­bino Gob­lin in his mouth.
Gulp! Then, he care­fully checked the back of his right hand af­ter tak­ing off
his glove. At that mo­ment, his eyes be­came big­ger for the first time.

'My rank of Telekine­sis be­came A+.'


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

Kieee! Kieee!

Cheong­gye Moun­tain, a par­adise for Gob­lins, was now a hell of Gob­lins.

The death of the king of Gob­lins, the Al­bino Gob­lin, who had made a
heaven for the Gob­lins so far, had caused con­fu­sion. Mt. Cheong­gye was in
tur­moil. It was an ir­re­sistible throb, which the power of an in­di­vid­ual had
noth­ing to do with.

Of course, ev­ery­one in Cheong­gye Moun­tain moved to get out of there.

"God­damn it, he is the crazy mon­ster!"

The same was true of the twin broth­ers who vis­ited Cheong­gye Moun­tain.
"No mat­ter how many times I think about it, it's a sui­ci­dal act if we de­liver
the let­ter to him right now."

Ahn Joo-hyung, who was a mem­ber of the Ot­tuki Unit, also wanted to leave
Cheong­gye Moun­tain as soon as pos­si­ble. "What are you go­ing to do, man?
Can you go af­ter him now and de­liver it? Or do you want to re­turn to the
Unit? Hey, Ahn Jae-hyung!"

The same was true of his younger brother, Ahn Jae-hyung. "Shut up! I'm
think­ing about it my­self."

They orig­i­nally had a mis­sion to de­liver Lim Hyun-joon's let­ter to Kim Tae-
hoon, the leader of the Mac Guild!

"You don't need to think about it, the mo­ment that crazy mon­ster has a
grudge against us, we're dead!"

It was a very im­por­tant task. The ev­i­dence was that none other than Ahn
Joo-hyung and Ahn Jae-hyung broth­ers were put onto this mis­sion.

"But we have to do our duty."

"Is the mis­sion im­por­tant? Life is im­por­tant!"

"You know the cir­cum­stances of our Unit! I don't have time."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

"That's right. What, then? Let's play rock-pa­per-scis­sors and let the loser
de­liver it alone."

"Stop talk­ing about play­ing rock-pa­per-scis­sors. We need to move to­‐


But at this mo­ment, they were not able to eas­ily carry out their du­ties, as a
man was in front of them now.

"Stop what you're do­ing."



The two broth­ers were hor­ri­fied at the ap­pear­ance of Kim. Be­ing star­tled
with their eyes open­ing wide, their sur­prised ex­pres­sions clearly showed
that the two were twin broth­ers. The ex­pres­sion of the two was iden­ti­cal

Kim stared at them. In fact, he had al­ready felt the ex­is­tence of the two.
There was no way he could not feel it. Cheong­gye Moun­tain was a world of
the Gob­lin's own, and the voices of peo­ple in that world were very dif­fer­ent.

Al­though it was quite a far dis­tance off, he could not avoid the two broth­ers'
con­ver­sa­tions. There­fore, he had waited for the right time; when the sit­u­a‐­
tion was set­tled, he would track them down. And now he was in front of

Look­ing at the two broth­ers, he checked their left arms with a glance.
'Colonel Lim Hyun-joon sent them.'

The Mark of the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion in khaki, the so-called
Ot­tuki Unit Mark, came into his eyes. As soon as Kim saw the mark, he did
not have to make the sit­u­at­ion dif­fi­cult or com­pli­cated.

"Take out what you have pre­pared for."

There was no rea­son why the sol­diers of the Ot­tuki Unit that had set­tled in
Gang­won Prov­ince and the north­ern part of Gyeonggi Prov­ince would

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

come over the Han River. They came to con­tact Kim.

It was not strange that they ap­peared, since Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo had
con­tacted Colonel Lim Hyun-joon ear­lier.

"This, this is a let­ter." At the an­swer of Ahn Joo-hyung, Kim Tae-hoon

reached out. Ahn Jae-hyung and Ahn Joo-hyung im­me­di­ately put their
hands into their arms, and af­ter tak­ing out the same let­ter, they put them in
Kim's hand at the same time. The same let­ter was dou­bled, and a nat­u­ral
mea­sure to pre­pare for the loss that might hap­pen.



Of course, this was not a nat­u­ral sight for the two broth­ers who handed over
the let­ter. They looked at each other in sur­prise. The two of them, with the
same ex­pres­sion and the same face, looked at each other as if they were
look­ing in a mir­ror.

Kim Tae-hoon laughed at the funny sight. It was a scene easy to laugh at.
But that did not ease his ten­sion.

'They are able men, as they got here with­out a sin­gle in­jury.'

Un­less Colonel Lim Hyun-joon was a fool, he would not have sent a per­son
of lit­tle abil­ity to con­tact Kim. More­over, a per­son with lit­tle abil­ity could
never sur­vive in the world. No mat­ter how good a sol­dier was, if he was not
an Awak­ener, he could not guar­an­tee his life as soon as he en­coun­tered an
or­ange-grade mon­ster.

The con­tact with Kim was im­por­tant. They should have con­fi­dence as well
as abil­ity. There was no rea­son to re­lax with them in front of him. Re­ceiv­‐
ing two let­ters like that, he read the let­ter af­ter open­ing one of the en­‐

"Well... if you could just give me an an­swer..." Ahn Joo-hyung care­fully

said to Kim, who started read­ing the let­ter.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

While read­ing the let­ter, Kim's eyes turned to Ahn Joo-hyung.

"It was the Colonel's re­quest to hear the an­swer on the spot..." Ahn Joo-
hyung spoke his words even un­der Kim's gaze.

He car­ried out the mis­sion which had been or­dered to in front of the mon­‐
strous man, Kim Tae-hoon. He looked like an ex­em­plar of a sol­dier.

"Tell Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, 'If you don't want to die, come to me.'" Kim
was will­ing to an­swer the ques­tion. Af­ter the an­swer, he tore the let­ter in his
hand apart, put the pa­per on his palm and blew it.

The let­ter pa­per was blown into ashes by the flame from Kim's mouth.


"Okay." Jang Sung-hoon said to him­self and he cir­cled on the map of Ko­‐
rea. It was Dae­san Town, Seosan City, South Chungcheong Prov­ince.

'We have se­cured Songdo LNG base and Seosan oil stock­pile base, so we
will not have to worry about en­ergy for the time be­ing.'

It was one of the oil re­serves in Ko­rea. A lit­tle while ago, he re­ceived the
news that the Mac Guild had se­cured the oil stock­pile.

So the gaze of Jang headed to the area of Chungcheong Prov­ince be­low it.

'We don't have to worry about rice for a while.' In ad­di­tion, they searched
the area of Chungcheong Prov­ince and found sev­eral ware­houses that
stored rice.

There was also a lot of good news.

'We have se­cured a lot of proper farm­land, so we can start farm­ing in


They se­cured farm­land, and they were se­cur­ing a la­bor force by col­lect­ing
new sur­vivors.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 84 ⦘

'I only need to deal with the re­mains of the Mes­siah of Chungcheong Prov­‐

There was, of course, a prob­lem. The Mes­siah han­dled by Kim, the rem­‐
nants of the Mes­siah, had em­ployed bru­tal force through­out the re­gion of
Chungcheong Prov­ince, and due to them, the en­try and ac­tiv­i­ties of the Mac
Guild to Chungcheong Prov­ince were de­layed.

How­ever, Jang did not worry much about that part. "The boss, more like a
mon­ster than a mon­ster, will take care of it. He is a ter­rific catcher of the
Mes­siah." The pres­ence of Kim be­came a lamp that light­ened Jang's trou­‐

'Now I have a good-look­ing pic­ture.'

And now Kim was be­com­ing ev­ery­one's hope.

Jang could see the steps ris­ing to hope grad­u­ally, not the stairs fall­ing into
de­spair in the damn world where there was no end and no bot­tom. So, Jang
was happy about this mo­ment. "Well..."

'At this point, the boss should have fin­ished clean­ing Cheong­gye Moun­tain.
Let's check it out.'

With that joy, Jang opened his bag to take out Dae­dongyeo­jido. But his ex­‐
pres­sion crum­pled at that mo­ment.

"Shit, at this time, you cer­tainly throw ashes."

Jang, a bit­ter taste in his mouth, saw the Golden Glass of Napoleon filled
with red liq­uid!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 85 - A Time-Lim­ited Life,

Part I
Chap­ter 31. A Time-lim­ited Life, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


In the empty plain, where only huge stones were gath­ered, there was a sud­‐
den in­flux of un­in­vited peo­ple.

"Boss!" They were noisy, like most un­in­vited guests.

"I'll def­i­nitely se­cure the Mayan Cal­en­dar."


At that mo­ment, the stones be­gan to emit turquoise light, high up in the sky!
The light re­ally soared to the sky, even to the moon above the sky, and dis­‐
ap­peared in­tensely af­ter a mo­ment. At the same time, the men in the light
were gone.

A man, now a lonely un­in­vited vis­i­tor, looked at the scene with mixed eyes.

"God­damn it, they've al­ready moved!" He could hear a voice, and the voice
came far from.

"Quick! Go af­ter them! We must reach there be­fore mid­night!"

The voice came close at a star­tling pace. When the voice came, the man hid
un­der the shadow of the gi­ant stone, be­tween the dark­ness and the dark­ness.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

Then a new crowd of un­in­vited guests ap­peared. There was no sense of

unity among the peo­ple who ap­peared. There were var­i­ous col­ors, var­i­ous
races, var­i­ous na­tion­al­i­ties, and var­i­ous cul­tures.

Some­one was wear­ing steel ar­mor that would have been worn in me­dieval
Eu­rope, and some­one was wear­ing ar­mor that would have been worn in
Japan dur­ing the Sen­goku pe­riod.

The most no­tice­able of them was the man with the brown skin, dressed in a
suit that the an­cient Egyp­tian pharaohs would wear.

"Se­cure Stone­henge!" the man with the brown skin shouted.

At the sound, the dis­parate crowd, who had to be called all dif­fer­ent, be­gan
to run over the Sal­is­bury Plain, in Wilt­shire, Lon­don. They were men, but
there seemed to be noth­ing rough in their rush, rem­i­nis­cent of a huge beast.

It was a Sword that moved through the dark­ness to block such a run.

Rustling! Ev­ery­one who was head­ing to­ward Stone­henge stopped at the ap­‐
pear­ance of the Sword, which left only the sound of the wind, and turned
one into a head­less corpse at once. It wasn't be­cause one of them died.

"Oh, my God."

"No way!"

"The Dragon Slayer was left!"

His pres­ence, and killing that per­son, stopped ev­ery­one from rac­ing. The
eyes of the un­ruly were filled with anx­i­ety and fear.

"Is the Dragon Slayer left?"

The only man who did not lose his com­po­sure in front of the fear was the
man in a pharaoh cos­tume. The man shook the golden cane in his hand. A
small light came up over the dark night sky, a light that re­minded them of
the sun.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

The iden­tity of the man in the shad­ows of the gi­ant Stone­henge was re­‐
vealed. He was Kim Tae-hoon. He was car­ry­ing two sheaths on his back,
and he over­whelmed them in many ways.

"I didn't know you were left."

In ad­di­tion, Kim's skin, the skin that re­minded them of the scales of drag­‐
ons, gave them a sense of fear be­yond the pres­sure.

"... the ru­mor was true, the ru­mor that you had been cursed by the dragon."

He looked a mon­ster that could no longer be called a per­son, and it gave

them a sense of fear that only such a mon­ster could give.

"The ru­mor is that there's not much time left be­fore we die."

But the man in the Pharaoh's dress was not afraid of the fear, and he said,
his chest straight. "My name is Amoon, the Sav­ior who will save this age."

At the words, Kim's dry face made a slight smile. He smiled slightly at his
words. "Mes­siah?"


"I like it." At that mo­ment, Kim hit the stone of Stone­henge, a gi­ant stone
which was close to him with his black fist.

Boom! The gi­ant stone was shat­tered with the loud noise.

"Crazy!" "My God!" The sight fright­ened the peo­ple. It was worth it.

Who wouldn't be sur­prised to see a his­tor­i­cal legacy of mankind, which had

en­dured for thou­sands of years, now be­come an ir­rev­o­ca­ble pile of rub­ble?

The fact was amaz­ing, and the sight of the stone be­ing smashed into pieces
at one blow was amaz­ing, too. But the sur­prise was not the end there.

"What?" "Oh, damn!" The bro­ken stones be­gan to float and im­me­di­ately
flew to­ward peo­ple. "Get out of here!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

Thump! The world's most ex­pen­sive stone-throw­ing had be­gun.

Amid the stone-throw­ing, Amoon was an­gry. "You!"

It was none other than the huge golden cof­fin on his back that re­acted to the

The Cof­fin of Pharaoh!

It be­gan to re­act to the fury of the Amoon. A mummy ap­peared from the
open door. The ap­pear­ance of the mummy changed the air qual­ity around it.

Kim's eyes also changed. His black-skinned pupil be­gan to split in half like
the eyes of a dragon. He took out the Ha­hoetal, which was hung on his


When Kim opened his eyes, the first thing he wel­comed was the dark­ness.
In­side the room, where there was not a sin­gle light on. He watched the
dark­ness for a mo­ment in a daze.

Af­ter a while, he turned on the light on the desk in front of the chair where
he was sit­ting. The bat­tery-pow­ered lamp be­gan to emit small lights in the

"Come in."

Jang Sung-hoon came into the tiny lighted room. "How did you die this

Kim an­swered the ques­tion qui­etly. "Mummy."


"I died from a mummy."

"Mummy? An Egyp­tian mummy?" Jang, who did not un­der­stand ex­actly

and looked sur­prised, took out the cof­fee he had pre­pared and set it on

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

Kim's desk.

Kim im­me­di­ately drank some cof­fee. The smell of cold-brewed cof­fee

cooled his mind.

"Was there a pharaoh?"

The an­swer did not come out im­me­di­ately. Kim drank his cof­fee more
slowly, or­ga­nized things in his mind, and then spoke, "His cos­tume was a
pharaoh. His name was Amoon."

"Didn't you just have a silly dream?"

"I hope so."

Kim then en­joyed the cof­fee and slowly told him what he saw and heard:
start­ing with the fact that the stage of the bat­tle was Stone­henge in Eng­land,
the fact of Jang Sung-hoon's dis­ap­pear­ance through the Stone­henge, and the
fact that var­i­ous Awak­en­ers had gath­ered and he fought with an Egyp­tian
man who claimed to be Amoon.

"The Mayan Cal­en­dar..."

In ad­di­tion, Kim also said that Jang had men­tioned the Mayan Cal­en­dar be­‐
fore he dis­ap­peared through Stone­henge.

"Do you know any­thing about the Mayan cal­en­dar?"

"There won't be much dif­fer­ence be­tween what I know and what the boss

"Then it's not a good thing."

"At least it won't say the an­niver­sary date that hu­mans can cel­eb­ rate. Maybe
the date of the End is writ­ten in it."

Jang trem­bled at the eerie word 'the End'. They were al­ready fac­ing an end-
to-end sit­u­at­ion, and the real End was com­ing? It was some­thing he didn't
want to think about.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

"Where are the ru­ins of the Mayan Civ­i­liza­tion?" But Kim had to think. He
could not pass on the clues he had ob­tained in ex­change for death.

"It's in Mex­ico."

"Are there any other his­tor­i­cal sites of the an­cient civ­i­liza­tion?"

"Let's see... some of them had built the Aztec Civ­i­liza­tion in cen­tral Mex­ico
af­ter the Mayan Civ­i­liza­tion col­lapsed... the Inca civ­i­liza­tion was on the
Chilean side. I don't know the de­tails be­cause I did not ma­jor in them. For
ref­er­ence, the Lines and Ge­o­glyphs of Nazca were there. I won­der what it
looks like now."

Jang Sung-hoon sighed deeply. "What would I do if I told you? All of them
must have been taken by the U.S." Kim had cof­fee at the words, 'the United
States'. Jang also be­gan to worry af­ter bit­ing his lips.

"There's noth­ing left to the boss this time," Jang grum­bled in worry.

"You have been clear about what you should do be­fore you die, but this
time you just left a clue, like when you first died."

Af­ter rec­og­niz­ing the Golden Glass of Napoleon, Kim had al­ways de­liv­ered
a mes­sage to him­self to see be­fore he died. He left a wish list, a bucket list,
but this death didn't.

Kim fought against the en­emy un­til his death. He didn't tell him­self what he
needed to do or what he did wrong in the process. Of course, he might have
talked, but it might not have been de­liv­ered.

Kim could not fix the mo­ment of death that he had seen by the Golden
Glass of Napoleon.

There­fore, there was no an­swer for Jang to give at this mo­ment. This was
the rea­son for the grum­bling.

"What are you go­ing to do, boss?"

"I'll move on as it is."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

"If you move on as it is..."

"The fact that we were in Eng­land is clear that we have worked very hard
out­side of Ko­rea. In other words, we can get there if we go as it is."

"I sup­pose so."

"Then, once we have set­tled down Ko­rea as planned, we will at­tack Tai­wan.
Of course, what we need to do right now is to stop the as­sas­si­na­tion of
Colonel Lim Hyun-joon."

At the words, Jang nod­ded. "Well, we'd bet­ter deal with it first and think
about the next move." He also put his mind in or­der.

'It's good to think about our fu­ture. It's not mean­ing­ful to live with­out wor­‐
ries. How­ever, we should not swal­low the wor­ries and for­get the re­al­ity fac­‐
ing us right now.'

For the Mac Guild and Kim Tae-hoon, it was not easy to sur­vive in Ko­rea,
let alone the world.

"So, will Colonel Lim Hyun-joon re­ally visit the boss?"

The dice was al­ready thrown. Kim de­liv­ered a very di­rect mes­sage to
Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, Come to me if you don't want to die.

"If he wants to live, he'll come." Kim threw the ball straight to the head of
Lim Hyun-joon.

"To be hon­est, I thought it was too strong. Colonel Lim Hyun-joon might
ig­nore the boss, right?" That was why Jang was con­cerned that there might
be an ad­verse ef­fect at this part.

"More than any­thing, the Ot­tuki Unit, where Colonel Lim Hyun-joon is cur­‐
rently sta­tioned, has enough power for the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand to
keep an eye on. They won't feel threat­ened at all..."

Most of all, from the point of view of Jang, Colonel Lim did have few fac­‐
tors to feel threat­ened.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

Wasn't it the war­lord with the power which the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand

"The big­gest prob­lem with the front­line Units is that self-suf­fi­ciency is vir­‐
tu­ally im­pos­si­ble." Of course, Kim's per­spec­tive was dif­fer­ent. "Now, half a
year af­ter the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters, the stock­piles of food and fuel
are al­most at their bot­tom."


Kim never threw a ball with­out any pur­pose. When he threw a ball, he al­‐
ways had a pur­pose and a rea­son.

"That's why the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand is not mov­ing quickly over to
the 8th Di­vi­sion, which is al­most like an eye­sore. From the stand­point of
the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, if they keep the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry
Di­vi­sion on the front line and the Gang­won re­gion, they will be com­pletely
starved. Above all, in sum­mer, food de­creases faster."

"In sum­mer?"

"It freezes in win­ter, but it melts in sum­mer. The frozen and pre­served food
will start to de­cay."

Kim Tae-hoon saw that the sit­u­at­ion of the 8th Di­vi­sion was not so good.

The front line was the way it was. The mo­ment sup­ply was not made, hell
be­gan. It was not any dif­fer­ent from Colonel Lim Hyun-joon's 8th Di­vi­sion.

From their point of view, they could not eas­ily come down to the south be­‐
cause of the ex­is­tence of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

"So, the win­ter of war is harsh, but sum­mer is ter­ri­ble, and if it gets worse,
they'll get de­sert­ers, be­cause the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand is a gov­ern­‐
ment force, any­way."

Jang nod­ded. "Boss, you're great."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 85 - A Time-Limited Life, Part I ⦘

At the ap­pear­ance of Jang, Kim had cof­fee with­out words. A mes­sage he

sent to him­self in his dream, and a scene that he did not tell Jang, came to

'The curse of drag­ons...' It was not the mummy that killed him.

'I was sen­tenced to a time-lim­ited life.' The curse of the dragon, which was
achieved with the power of the dragon, was the cause of his death.

'Yes, power comes with a price.' At the same time, it was also a price for the
mighty power that was gained by eat­ing the mon­ster stone of the dragon.

So, Kim did not feel the sad­ness at the fact, but he did not have a big ques­‐
tion or deny it. He did not turn away from it.

'I need that power.' If it was not for that power, Kim would have died ear­‐

Kim swal­lowed his cof­fee af­ter the worry.

Three days later, Colonel Lim Hyun-joon came to him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 86 - A Time-Lim­ited Life,

Part Ii
Chap­ter 31. A Time-lim­ited Life, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The mid­dle-aged man stand­ing there was in keen shape. His face was sharp
and shaved so neatly that the end of a hair could not be found. The stiff
nose, sharp eyes and thick lips in the mid­dle were im­pres­sive in many ways.

The most im­pres­sive thing was the man's eyes. They were in­tensely as­‐

"This is Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, the Com­man­der of the Eighth Mech­a‐­

nized In­fantry Di­vi­sion."


He was a man who re­fused to com­pare him­self to an or­di­nary per­son, and

an am­bi­tious man who could be trusted in this tur­bu­lent age. He had no in­‐
ten­tion of hid­ing his pres­ence, and he could not hide it even if he wanted to.

"This is Kim Tae-hoon, the head of the Mac Guild."

"I'm here to hear the an­swer."

Of course, Colonel did not in­tend to hide his true in­ten­tions in front of Kim
Tae-hoon at this mo­ment. "I'll tell you what the let­ter says, but I need your
help to de­stroy the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, so help us all."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

There was no such thing as cour­tesy at the words of Colonel Lim. He made
a one-sided no­tice and co­er­cion, not a sug­ges­tion. He seemed to have no in­‐
ten­tion of even giv­ing Kim a choice, not to men­tion a re­ply.

Kim was will­ing to an­swer Colonel Lim. "If you want to fight, please leave
here and move to Pocheon, then bring your troops down to Bucheon, and
I'll take you on in any bat­tles or any­thing else then."

Colonel Lim's ex­pres­sion changed fiercely at the re­sponse. He was likely to

kill Kim with his eyes.

Kim con­tin­ued with­out avoid­ing Colonel Lim's eyes, "I don't have time to
cheer you up."

Kim's eyes were more hor­ri­fy­ing than in­tense. He was not act­ing.

'There isn't much time given.' Kim was sen­tenced to a lim­ited-time life via
his death in the dream. Of course, the dead­line sen­tence would be­gin at the
mo­ment of killing the dragon and the mo­ment he ate the mon­ster stone of
the dragon.

If Kim re­jected the dragon's power, he could get away from the lim­ited-time
life. How­ever, he did not in­tend to. The power of the dragon was vi­tal to
him. Nor did he in­tend to ac­cept the fate of a lim­ited-time life. There­fore,
he was plan­ning to find how to un­tie the curse of the dragon, how to avoid
his own death, and how to go fur­ther.

Of course, it would not be easy. Since it would not be easy, he had to move
quickly. There was no time to re­lax, and he did not want to waste any time
against Colonel Lim. He wanted to make sure his of re­la­tion­ship with
Colonel Lim to­day. A ter­ri­fy­ing look was an ex­pres­sion of that feel­ing.

"Please tell me why you want to de­stroy the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."

Even­tu­ally, Colonel Lim calmed him­self down. At the sight of Kim's eyes,
he fi­nally gave in. "The big­gest rea­son to break down the Cap­i­tal De­fense
Com­mand is that they are un­re­li­able or­ga­ni­za­tion."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

"What's the rea­son you can't trust?"

"Cur­rently, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand is call­ing it­self the gov­ern­ment

force. They are play­ing the role of the South Ko­rean gov­ern­ment, and it is
based on the fact that they have se­cured the pres­i­dent and the prime min­is­‐
ter. There are two cases in this sit­u­at­ion."

Colonel Lim, who was speak­ing, opened the in­dex fin­ger of his right hand.
"One, if the Pres­i­dent and the Prime Min­is­ter are re­ally alive."

Then he opened the mid­dle fin­ger. "The other one, if the pres­i­dent and
prime min­is­ter are dead."

Colonel Lim clenched his fist. "In the lat­ter case, once the pres­id­ ent and
prime min­is­ter are dead, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand is ly­ing, and it is
not worth be­liev­ing."

"If they are alive?"

"I don't want to call them my boss if they are breath­ing in a safe place with­‐
out show­ing their face a sin­gle time in this chaotic world. In ei­ther case, I
have no rea­son to trust and fol­low the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."

There was no doubt or hes­i­ta­tion in the eyes of Colonel Lim, who in­sisted
on his opin­ion. So, what he said seemed very rea­son­able and plau­si­ble.
Above all, the aura came out of his body. Charisma, the power to in­flu­ence
a per­son, per­fectly filled the gap in his words.

"I haven't heard why the Mac Guild should be on one side in the com­pe­ti­‐
tion be­tween two war­lords." How­ever, Kim was not caught up in the spirit
of Colonel Lim. He knew that Colonel Lim was not sim­ply a per­son who
spoke these words for jus­tice.

'Colonel Lim Hyun-joon is a vil­lain­ous hero in a tur­bu­lent age.' In the first

place, Colonel Lim was a man far from jus­tice. It was the stage of the tur­bu­‐
lent age, and the fuel of am­bi­tion made him move. He came here not to re­‐
al­ize jus­tice, but to re­al­ize his am­bi­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

"And you'll stick to one side which will give you more, won't you?"

"The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand pays me na­tional trea­sures ev­ery time I do

busi­ness with them."

Colonel Lim shut up at the men­tion of relics. It was his weak­ness.

'There are not many relics avail­able in north­ern Gyeonggi Prov­ince or

Gang­won Prov­ince.'

The ab­sence of relics...

There were many fa­mous moun­tains in Gang­won Prov­ince, and there are
many fa­mous tem­ples. How­ever, there were not as many as Seoul, which
had a large num­ber of na­tional trea­sures, in­clud­ing the Na­tional Mu­seum of

Of course, Colonel Lim was not able to pay the ran­som of a mon­ster like
Kim Tae-hoon, like the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

"What can the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion give the Mac Guild?"

And if they would not pay the price, the trans­ac­tion would not be con­‐

"So, you're go­ing to take the side of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand?"

"I think it's rea­son­able to stand on the side of re­ceiv­ing, rather than where I
don't get any­thing."

"Then why did you ap­proach me first? If you were go­ing to take sides with
the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, you would have no rea­son to ap­proach me
through Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo."

There­fore, Kim had no in­ten­tion of mak­ing a deal. "To make a pro­posal."


"Come un­der me."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

"Hmm?" At the words of Kim, Colonel Lim showed his first blunt re­flec­‐
tion. He looked like he didn't un­der­stand the words.

Kim was will­ing to tell him again. "Be my man, and the power of the
Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion will be un­der the Mac Guild."

"What the hell is that-"

"You're to aban­don the rank of a sol­dier, and be a mem­ber of the Mac

Guild, as a sur­vivor."

Now, Colonel Lim, who un­der­stood what he meant, turned into an an­gry
lion with a hard ex­pres­sion. "That's ridicu­lous!"

But he didn't jump like an an­gry lion, be­cause Kim's pres­ence did not al­low

"If you refuse this pro­posal, Colonel Lim Hyun-joon will die."

Colonel Lim had some knowl­edge about Kim, and even if he did not have
that knowl­edge, he had clearly con­firmed Kim's abil­ity through the two
broth­ers. He knew that even a real lion would not dare to run as it wanted in
front of Kim.

"I'm telling you, ac­cept­ing my of­fer is the surest way to sur­vive."

"Is this a threat?"

"The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand will soon send some­one to as­sas­si­nate

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon."

"I'm pre­pared for that."

"If I were the as­sas­sin, how many days could you hold on?"

Of course, Colonel Lim could not make a re­tort be­fore this re­mark.

"... what do you want?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

"The Mac Guild has been rec­og­nized by the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand,
and the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand has also rec­og­nized the au­ton­omy of
Bucheon, In­cheon, and other ar­eas oc­cu­pied by the Mac Guild. Of course,
when the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion be­comes an or­ga­ni­za­tion
un­der the Mac Guild, the rea­son the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would at­‐
tack the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion dis­ap­pears."

"Do you think the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand will keep that prom­ise?"

"Yes, I think they will."

"That's ridicu­lous! You don't know Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk!"

"It doesn't mat­ter who Lee Hyuk is. The im­por­tant thing is that I showed
my abil­i­ties in front of him."

At this mo­ment, Colonel Lim could no longer main­tain his hard and sharp

"Give me a minute, please."

Colonel Lim fi­nally started to think it over. At that mo­ment, Kim's eyes nar­‐

'It's a sig­nal.' Kim had raised his hear­ing abil­ity.

Tap, tap, tap! He heard a hand tap­ping on the desk in a dis­tant room. The
sound was re­peated once more, and then some­one spoke.

"Boss, Lieu­tenant Com­man­der Yoo has come from the head­quar­ters of the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand to de­liver a re­quest. The re­quest is that if we se­‐
cure the three nu­clear power plants in the area of Gyeongsang Prov­ince, in­‐
clud­ing the Kori Nu­clear Power Plant, they will give us relics. I think it's
the sit­u­at­ion that the boss spoke about last time."

It was Jang Sung-hoon's voice.

Kim closed his eyes slightly at the words.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

Colonel Lim, who had fin­ished think­ing for a long time, talked to Kim.
"You said it was a pro­posal, not a threat."


"Then let me ask you a ques­tion... What will you give me in re­turn for your

"I'll let you live."

Colonel Lim re­torted with a firm ex­pres­sion. "Is that all?"

Colonel Lim thought that Kim was look­ing down on him at this mo­ment.

How­ever, Colonel Lim was able to see that his thoughts were wrong when
he saw Kim's eyes.

"Yes, that's all I will do."

Kim Tae-hoon, who an­swered the ques­tion, had the most se­ri­ous eyes in the
con­ver­sa­tion to­day.


Nam­san Tower...

Three men were smok­ing in front of where the red light of the Sun­subi of
King Jin­he­ung was still soar­ing. They were Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo,
Colonel Jang So-gook, and Ma­jor Oh Se-bum.

They puffed up cig­ar­ ettes, and their con­ver­sa­tion started af­ter the cig­ar­ ette
that Lee Ki-soo was smok­ing be­came a butt and fell to the floor.

" Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk has de­cided to ask Kim Tae-hoon to do so.
Sooner or later, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo will de­liver the re­quest."

Af­ter throw­ing a cig­ar­ ette that had quite a bit re­main­ing on the floor, Ma­jor
Oh Se-bum ground it down and had a firm ex­pres­sion at the name of Kim
Tae-hoon. Af­ter that, Ma­jor Oh Se-bum forced his face to re­lax.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

"Well, we can leave him alone, can't we? We'll see about him, then we'll
take care of him when we get a chance?" Ma­jor Oh was about to gloss over
this con­ver­sa­tion.

"What is it?" Colonel Jang So-gook, on the other hand, led this con­ver­sa­‐

Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee replied with a bit­ter ex­pres­sion to Colonel Jang. "Kori,
Wolseong, Uljin."


"Yes, Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee is go­ing to ask Kim Tae-hoon and the Mac
Guild to se­cure a nu­clear power plant."

At that mo­ment, Ma­jor Oh and Colonel Jang were silent.

A nu­clear power plant...

In a sit­u­at­ion where en­ergy was needed more than ever, but where there
were not many buried en­ergy re­sources, the only plants able to sat­isfy the
sup­ply and de­mand of en­ergy were the hy­dro­elec­tric power plants and nu­‐
clear power plants.

Among them, the nu­clear power plants were very valu­able. It was no ex­ag­‐
ger­at­ion to say that it was a lamp of hope. It was cer­tainly im­por­tant to have
such a nu­clear power plant.

But it was not for that rea­son that the two men, Colonel Jang and Ma­jor Oh
kept quiet.

"Nu­clear weapons..."

Ev­ery­body knew nu­clear weapons, as they were the most pow­er­ful weapons
cre­ated by mankind.

"Well, that's a nat­u­ral pro­ce­dure."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

There­fore, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand had a plan to se­cure the nu­clear
weapons early on.

"The nu­clear power plant is now a hope."

In par­tic­u­lar, se­cur­ing nu­clear weapons had be­come a supreme task for the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand af­ter the bat­tle with the Dragon.

The same was true even at this mo­ment when they be­came aware of the ex­‐
is­tence of Kim. He was a huge mon­ster, but his pres­ence was only a small
one in front of the dragon. No one could imag­ine him hunt­ing the dragon.

"In many ways, the nu­clear weapon is hope."

The top pri­or­ity for se­cur­ing nu­clear weapons was se­cur­ing nu­clear power
plants. Nat­u­rally, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand has been at­tempt­ing to se­‐
cure the nu­clear power plants. They had sent spe­cial forces to the site of the
nu­clear plants many times, not once or twice. But all such at­tempts ended in

"It must re­main as a hope." It was be­cause of their ma­nip­u­la­tion. Lee Ki-
soo had ma­nip­u­lated all the at­tempts into fail­ure. It was like the ma­nip­u­la­‐
tion played in In­cheon.

The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand did not spare any in­vest­ment for the cru­cial
mis­sion of se­cur­ing the nu­clear power plants. Thanks to it, they had made a
lot of in­come.

The num­ber of relics taken by Lee Ki-soo through the mis­sion to se­cure the
nu­clear power plants was quite large. The num­ber of the relics was not even
com­pa­ra­ble to the relics ac­quired in In­cheon.

"What are you go­ing to do, Ma­jor Gen­eral?"

This was not the only rea­son why the nu­clear power plant was im­por­tant to
Lee Ki-soo.

"If Kim re­ally moves to se­cure a nu­clear power plant..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

"South Ko­rea's nu­clear weapons de­vel­op­ment is a scene that should not be

in Mr. Mao's paint­ing."

Lee Ki-soo did not want the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand to have nu­clear

"There's noth­ing good in it for us."

Nu­clear weapons were un­ac­count­able vi­o­lence. For Lee Ki-soo, who had
al­ready done his cal­cu­lat­ing in a world full of chaos, and for his part­ner
they called Mr. Mao, the ap­pear­ance of nu­clear weapons was like ink that
could ruin their cal­cu­la­tions en­tirely.

"Yes. How much ef­fort we put into it..."

Most of all, the area where the nu­clear power plant was lo­cated, or to be
pre­cise, the area of Gyeongsang Prov­ince, was the hub of their ef­forts.

It was not just a strong­hold, but a step­ping stone to give a leap to Lee Ki-
soo in a new era. It was un­ac­cept­able for a mon­ster named Kim Tae-hoon to
go to such an im­por­tant stage.

"So, we will stop him." That was why Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo did not
worry for long.

"Is there a way?"

"It won't be easy. I'll call Mr. Mao first."

"But if we don't stop him..."

Fur­ther­more, Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo did not hes­i­tate. "If we can't get
him in our hands by all the means and meth­ods, we'll stop him from go­ing
into the en­emy's hands. It's hard to do, but we can do any­thing to de­stroy

Colonel Jang and Ma­jor Oh kept their mouths shut at the sight of Ma­jor
Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo, who did not hes­i­tate.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 86 - A Time-Limited Life, Part Ii ⦘

Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee looked at the two, took out a cig­ar­ ette again, and put it
in his mouth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 87 - Hunt­ing For Snakes,

Part I
Chap­ter 31. Hunt­ing for Snakes, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"You have to se­cure three nu­clear power plants lo­cated in the area of
Gyeongsang Prov­ince. Ev­ery time you se­cure a sin­gle nu­clear power plant,
we will give you ten relics, in­clud­ing five na­tional trea­sures, and we will
ac­knowl­edge own­er­ship of all the relics ac­quired in the process."

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo Ji-hyun hit the doc­u­ment in front of him­self with
his fin­gers as he was speak­ing. "This is the doc­u­ment." At the end of the re­‐
mark, he looked up and looked at the two peo­ple on the other side of the

Kim Tae-hoon was clos­ing his eyes, and Jang Sung-hoon was rolling his
eyes hard. It was not dif­fi­cult to pre­dict which of the two would speak.


"So..." The an­swer came from Jang's lips. "Is it al­right for us to keep what
we find from se­cur­ing the nu­clear power plant?"


"So, it's okay for the Mac Guild to take all the relics from the Na­tional
Gyeongju Mu­seum, Bul­guksa, and Seokgu­ram?"

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo nod­ded.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

"If we find Man­pasik­jeok in the Tomb of King Munmu of Silla, or Geum­‐

chuk of Park Hyuk-geo-se in Na­jeong, we can take it, right?"


How­ever, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo did not re­spond to Jang's ques­tion.

'What's it?' He had never heard of the Geum­chuk of Park Hyuk-geo-se in
Na­jeong, let alone the Man­pasik­jeok in the Tomb of King Munmu of Silla.

Of course, it was not hard for Jang to men­tion them since they re­ally ex­‐

"Oh, the Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk of Park Hyuk-geo-se are part of the
Gyeongju Samgi (three won­der­ful trea­sures). These two things and the Bell
of King Seongdeok are the Gyeongju Samgi. You don't know these relics
be­cause these do not ap­pear in the text­books."

Only then did Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo un­der­stand the sit­u­at­ion and frown.
He re­al­ized that Jang played a joke on him.

"What would you like to do, the boss?" Jang handed over the ball to Kim in
or­der to avoid the eyes of Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo.

Kim opened his eyes. "What's the sta­tus of the Sobaek Moun­tains?"

Jang was the first to an­swer the ques­tion. 'It's a heaven of mon­sters.'

The Sobaek Moun­tains...

It was a big moun­tain range ex­tend­ing from Tae­baek Moun­tain to Yeong­‐

nam, and Honam to Yeosu Penin­sula. It was also one of the bound­aries that
di­vided the Ko­rean Penin­sula for a long time. The Sobaek moun­tain range
was now a par­adise for mon­sters.

'Two blue-grade mon­sters are in Dae­dongyeo­jido, and the num­ber of green-

grade mon­sters is enor­mous.'

Cross­ing the Sobaek moun­tain range was not much dif­fer­ent from cross­ing
the Jor­dan River, which sym­bol­ized God's Heaven.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

Kim and Jang knew the facts through Dae­dongyeo­jido, so Kim asked the
ques­tion at this mo­ment. If the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand hid or re­duced
the sit­u­at­ion in the Sobaek Moun­tains, it would mean that they had a se­cret

"Once there were blue-grade mon­sters in the moun­tains of Sobaek and Jiri,
and we found green-grade mon­sters in the moun­tains of Tae­baek, De­ogyu,
and Pal­gong. There may be more, but that's what the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand found out."

How­ever, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo's an­swer was not much dif­fer­ent from
what Kim and Jang knew. It meant there was a se­cret de­sign.

"Se­cur­ing the nu­clear power plants, for ref­er­ence, means not just go­ing to
the nu­clear power plants and putting a flag on them, but se­cur­ing them so
that we can op­er­ate the nu­clear power plants, as well as the way to the nu­‐
clear power plants."

The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was se­ri­ous.

"It's not easy." Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo gave a long sigh af­ter that re­mark. 'I
never ex­pected that they would re­quest the Mac Guild se­cure a nu­clear
power plant.'

In or­der for the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea to es­tab­lish a long-term plan, nu­clear

power plants could not be omit­ted. Of course, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand had re­peat­edly tried to se­cure nu­clear power plants af­ter some foun­‐
da­tion has been es­tab­lished. But the at­tempts were not done prop­erly from
the ex­plo­ration stage.

It was not easy to cross the Sobaek moun­tain range, and those who crossed
the Sobaek moun­tain range were also out of com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

In ad­di­tion, this re­quest of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand to the Mac Guild
was not an ex­plo­ration, but a se­cur­ing. The level of dif­fi­culty was dif­fer­ent.

"I'm go­ing to refuse this re­quest."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

There­fore, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was not sur­prised by Kim's an­swer.

"It's too dan­ger­ous, and we would need to use all the power of the Mac
Guild to form a route through the Sobaek Moun­tains."

"I sup­pose so."

Even if he was in the po­si­tion of Kim, he would have given the same an­‐

"I don't want to re­peat my own ex­pe­ri­ence of bleed­ing my peo­ple, while I'm
work­ing some­where else with my en­emy be­hind me."

How­ever, when Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo saw Kim's words and his ex­pres­‐
sion full of de­ter­mi­na­tion, his ex­pres­sion was firm. "Give me a break..."
Yoo was able to see what Kim had planned and what kind of pic­ture Kim
was draw­ing.

"I'm go­ing to kill the traitors in the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand." Kim's next
goal was noth­ing but the traitors of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. It was
no strange thing.

Kim knew how the Six Snakes would come out if he moved to se­cure the
nu­clear power plants. They would do their best to in­ter­fere, and as soon as
Kim se­cured the nu­clear power plants through the ob­sta­cles, the nu­clear
power plants would ex­plode.

Even if they det­o­nated only one of the three nu­clear power plants lo­cated in
Gyeongsang Prov­ince, it would be­come a night­mare land where peo­ple
could not live.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, if he spent all his en­ergy to se­cure the nu­clear power
plants, he would sow and they would reap.

In fact, it was right to kill the Six Snakes when he could do so. Nev­er­the­‐
less, the only rea­son to keep the traitors alive so far was to use them.

"As long as I know Tai­wan is our main en­emy, there's no rea­son to keep
them alive."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

'Now I will see the end.' But now, he knew Tai­wan was their con­trol tower.
Most im­por­tantly, he knew where the Six Snake's heart was.

"You don't know ex­actly who the traitors are, or how much power they

Of course, he did not know how deep or how many roots the Six Snakes
had sunk in the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

"The traitors are not few in the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, and Lieu­tenant
Gen­eral Lee Hyuk is prob­ab­ ly the peak."

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo did not know who the peak was right now. It could
be Lee Hyuk, or it could be an­other ex­ec­u­tive. It was clear that it was not a
small or­ga­ni­za­tion. It was not just a group of three or four ex­ec­u­tives. In
that sit­u­at­ion, Kim would pick out the traitors and re­move them? It would
be im­pos­si­ble.

"If I can't han­dle par­as­ ites, I can just take them with their host."

Kim Tae-hoon couldn't help but no­tice that.

"Host? Are you---"

"I'm go­ing to de­stroy the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, if nec­es­sary."

"Whew!" Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo sighed.

Kim added more words to Yoo. "You will not stand on my side for the ex­is­‐
tence of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand?"

In that re­mark, Yoo stopped sigh­ing. "So, it is a coup." He had a look of res­‐
o­lu­tion in­stead of ner­vous­ness.

As Kim said, Yoo was on his side for this sit­u­at­ion. Yoo was also am­bi­tious.
Right now, within the sys­tem of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, he could
not ful­fill his am­bi­tions, and it was ev­i­dent that his role was only a mes­sen­‐
ger com­ing and go­ing to the Mac Guild and the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.
He could not dis­miss Kim's pro­posal.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

"For now, it is im­pos­si­ble to have a coup with the power of the Mac Guild
alone. I am sure that you are good enough to as­sas­si­nate a VIP, but it will
not be pos­si­ble to do a coup with that power only. You need an army to
man­age the civil­ians, sol­diers, and Awak­en­ers man­aged by the Cap­i­tal De­‐
fense Com­mand." In­stead of stop­ping, Yoo gave sin­cere ad­vice. "There is
only one place with that kind of mil­i­tary power, the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­‐
fantry Di­vi­sion. Please make Colonel Lim Hyun-joon join your side."

At that mo­ment, a sound that did not fit the sin­cere ad­vice of Yoo came out
of Jang's mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Did you think it was funny?" Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo spoke some keen
words, grum­bling. It was nat­u­ral that Jang's be­hav­ior did not seem po­lite,
and it would not hap­pen any­where else in the world.

"No, I don't think your opin­ion is funny."

"Then why did you laugh?"

"Not be­cause of your opin­ion, but be­cause of the look you'll have in a few

Colonel Yoo looked cold.

Jang shook his head. "You'll know what I mean when you go to the next
room. Boss, please ex­plain!"

Kim com­plied with Jang's earnest re­quest. "Colonel Lim Hyun-joon is a

mem­ber of the Mac Guild."


"Colonel Lim Hyun-joon and the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion joined
the Mac Guild."

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo asked with a look show­ing that he did not un­der­‐
stand. "Uh, when?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

Kim checked the watch on his wrist and said, "Thir­teen min­utes ago."

When Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo heard the an­swer, he thought, 'Am I dream­‐
ing now?' He thought that if Kim was not talk­ing non­sense now, he was

Kim said to him again, "I refuse the re­quest of se­cur­ing the nu­clear power
plants, but please tell the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand that I will ac­cept it."

When Yoo heard that, he gave up think­ing. He looked blank.

Jang looked at his ex­pres­sion and said, "Look, I'm right!"


"The re­port is fin­ished." Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo im­me­di­ately left af­ter


It was none other than Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo who filled the seat af­ter
Yoo had dis­ap­peared.

"Lieu­tenant Gen­eral, did the Mac Guild give you an an­swer?"

"I got the an­swer."

At that, the ex­pres­sion of Lee Ki-soo wrin­kled. 'Fuck­ing hell.' Of course,

his in­sides were so wrin­kled that they could not com­pare with his out­side
ex­pres­sion. 'It's the worst.'

Be­yond the Sobaek moun­tain range, there was a power that Lee Ki-soo had
pre­pared in the area of Gyeongsang Prov­ince. Of course, he did not in­tend
to tol­er­ate Kim and the Mac Guild cross­ing the Sobaek moun­tain range. 'I
can't help it.'

"That's re­ally great, and as he has that much power, he is con­fi­dent."

So, at this mo­ment, Lee Ki-soo raised the stakes. "But will he re­ally sat­isfy
the re­quest?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think that the Mac Guild will use them as their own nu­clear
power plants af­ter they have se­cured them? In fact, the Mac Guild is us­ing
the Songdo LNG base af­ter they have se­cured it. The nu­clear power plants
would not be any dif­fer­ent. And if they try to build nu­clear weapons..."

"Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee, just say what you want to say."

"I think we need a leash to keep the Mac Guild from do­ing any­thing wrong,
like tak­ing hostage civil­ians in Bucheon or In­cheon, which the Mac Guild
has oc­cu­pied."

At the com­bi­na­tion of the two words, civil­ian and hostage, Lee Hyuk
looked at Lee Ki-soo with a cold ex­pres­sion. It was a fe­ro­cious look.

'Whew!' The eyes were ones to make Lee Ki-soo sigh re­peat­edly. 'Now I am
branded a trou­ble­maker.'

It was a re­sult of in­cur­ring the wrath of Lee Hyuk. What he was look­ing at
right now was not the near fu­ture. He wanted to be a his­tor­i­cal hero who
would save the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea from this cri­sis, and what he looked at
was his own im­age be­ing recorded for fu­ture gen­er­at­ions.

There­fore, it was un­ac­cept­able to take the civil­ians of Bucheon and In­cheon

as hostages to threaten the Mac Guild. Not be­cause it was un­fair, but be­‐
cause it would be a blot on his his­tory.

"Lieu­tenant Gen­eral, to do the job, we have to do it when Kim Tae-hoon is

not in Bucheon. It will be too late if we do it later." How­ever, Lee Ki-soo
did not re­treat his opin­ion.

"You saw that Kim Tae-hoon was a crazy mon­ster. If he se­cures a nu­clear
power plant, he will in­evitably eat the mon­ster stones in the area. There is
no way to stop a Kim who is even stronger than he is now. He is not a sol­‐
dier who fights thought­lessly. He is a spe­cial­ist trained un­der Ma­jor Gen­eral
Chang Young-sung."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

'I'm try­ing to strike his weak­ness when he is away, and I'm go­ing to make
the time right now and seize his an­kle.' In fact, Lee Ki-soo knew that this
was not the an­swer. 'I'll have to fight against Kim in re­turn.'

In the view­point of Lee Ki-soo, Kim was not a man who would be eas­ily
shaken by threat, and even if he could buy time if he held Kim's aides, sub­‐
or­di­nates and cit­i­zens as hostages, he could not use them as a leash.

Rather, over time, Kim would make him pay for tak­ing the peo­ple around
him as hostages. He would start a full-scale war against the Cap­i­tal De­fense

"Fuck, if it were planned, I should have re­moved Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee

Hyuk af­ter search­ing for Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk, and I should have
taken the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand... none of them have been achieved."

It was a painful thing for Lee Ki-soo. He needed the power of the Cap­i­tal
De­fense Com­mand. Even if the sit­u­at­ion of the CDC was not good, the
num­ber of sol­diers and Awak­en­ers be­long­ing to the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand was enor­mous, and the weapons and fire­power it pos­sessed were also

He had a plan, but now there was noth­ing to say that it was a plan. In the
mil­i­tary, the way a sub­or­di­nate was given the power of a su­pe­rior was sim­‐
ple: if a su­pe­rior was gone, power would be nat­u­rally trans­ferred down.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, it would not be bet­ter for the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand
and the Mac Guild to en­gage in the war of at­tri­tion. But he couldn't help it.

If he left Kim and the Mac Guild like this, they would take mon­ster stones
and relics and ex­pand their force. Later, they would be a real mon­ster which
the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand would have noth­ing to com­pete with.

'I will sac­ri­fice Lee Hyuk.' How­ever, it was not pos­si­ble for Lee Ki-soo to
han­dle this work with his own lit­tle abil­ity. The sit­u­at­ion was dif­fer­ent from
the one with the Game­cock.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

There was no ev­i­dence then, but this time the ev­i­dence would be left. In
other words, a sac­ri­fice would be needed to ac­cept all the anger of Kim, and
Lee Ki-soo was plan­ning to make Lee Hyuk that sac­ri­fice. And for Lee
Hyuk to be a sac­ri­fice, Lee Ki-soo needed Lee Hyuk's com­mand.

"... Can you do that?"

"There are many able mon­ster hunters in the Mac Guild, but there are not
many elite sol­diers who can fight a war. In or­der to cross the Sobaek Moun­‐
tains, al­most all of the Mac Guild's power will be put there, and it will be
like cut­ting trees in an own­er­less, de­serted moun­tain."

"You'll have to plan a lit­tle more specif­i­cally and re­port it."

"I'll take your or­der."

Af­ter hear­ing the or­der he wanted, he im­me­di­ately turned his back af­ter
salut­ing. Colonel Jang So-gook came to his of­fice im­me­di­ately.

Colonel Lee said in a low voice to Lee Ki-soo, "Mao's Okjo ar­rived."

"What's the con­tent?"

"He'll send aux­il­iary troops if nec­es­sary."

"Aux­il­iary troops? In Tai­wan?"

"No, it is Japan that is send­ing aux­il­iary troops."

Lee Ki-soo clenched his teeth tightly upon hear­ing of Japan's in­volve­ment.

"What would you do? Would you like to ask for aux­il­iary troops?"

"... ask him to stand by in Bu­san."

"I un­der­stand."

Af­ter Jang left Lee, he dis­ap­peared some­where. Lee grit his teeth alone.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 87 - Hunting For Snakes, Part I ⦘

'Kim Tae-hoon, I will pay you back the dam­age I have suf­fered!'


Man­pasik­jeok: It is a flute in the leg­end of the Silla Dy­nasty. If some­one

blows it, all the wor­ries and dis­eases of the coun­try dis­ap­pear.

Geum­chuk: It is a mea­sure of the first King of Silla, Park Hyuk-geo-se had.

With the mea­sure, he was able to save the dead and fix the sick.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 88 - Hunt­ing For Snakes,

Part Ii
Chap­ter 31. Hunt­ing for Snakes, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


There was a story about the va­cant lot in front of Bucheon City Hall.

In the win­ter when the cold wind blew, the win­ter when the world seemed
to be dif­fer­ent from the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters, Kim Tae-hoon, the
head of the Mac Guild, gath­ered the hunters in the va­cant lot, and they were

It was a test that only those who showed the de­ter­mi­na­tion to sac­ri­fice a fin­‐
ger as ev­i­dence of loy­alty. Only two passed the test, and the two who had
passed be­came the two big­gest Clan lead­ers of the Mac Guild.


The story was re­peat­edly men­tioned by those who sur­vived un­der the flag
of the Mac Guild.

When­ever there was no story to tell, peo­ple talked about it, and the story
got fat. At one point the story be­came a leg­end. For the Mac Guild's
hunters, that day was a his­toric event, as seen in his­tory books.

Now the hunters had gath­ered again in the va­cant lot. The num­ber of peo­ple
gath­ered was about sev­enty. It was not many, but it was not few, ei­ther, be­‐
cause they were the lead­ers of the groups, were all in charge of the lives of

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

oth­ers, whether they were many or few. Of course, the gath­ered peo­ple
knew the story that had be­come a leg­end.

'Is it an­other test?'

So, they were de­ter­mined.

'I must not miss this op­por­tu­nity.'

'Even if I re­ally cut off my fin­gers, I will not miss this op­por­tu­nity.'

This time, they were de­ter­mined not to miss the op­por­tu­nity with a lame ex­‐
cuse. And their re­solve was ev­i­dence.

'Our party could be bet­ter if we were just al­lowed to be a Clan.'

'If we get Clan recog­ni­tion, our level of item sup­port will change.'

'There's a story about the Mac Guild hav­ing a lot of relics re­cently, and if
we make a con­tri­bu­tion and show loy­alty... we'll get the relics. Then we can
climb higher.'

The ev­i­dence was that the peo­ple gath­ered here were not the des­per­ate ones
who sur­vived the mon­ster era, but the hunters who would not mind a war
with the mon­sters for a bet­ter fu­ture in the world.

So, they gath­ered in the va­cant lot much ear­lier than the promised time, and
they were ready to wait much longer than the promised time. They would
hold on un­til the sun was sink­ing above them and the moon that fol­lowed
was sink­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon showed up in front of them at ex­actly the promised time.

June 14, 2017, 2 PM.

Thump! Kim's body fell like a flash onto the iron stage in the open area in
front of Bucheon City Hall.

Gulp! The crowd re­placed their cheers with swal­lows.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

"At­ten­tion." Thanks to the si­lence, he did not have to calm down those
around him, but he was able to start talk­ing in a low voice from the be­gin­‐

"We re­ceived a re­quest from the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand," Kim said in a
very low voice in front of ev­ery­one's at­ten­tion to­ward him. The low voice
could not be heard un­less they lis­tened care­fully.

"The con­tents of the re­quest is to se­cure three nu­clear power plants lo­cated
in Gyeongsang Prov­ince. It goes through three ma­jor pro­cesses. One, se­cure
the road. Two, re­move the threats. Three, pro­tect the nu­clear power plants.
What we need to do first is to clean the road from the cap­i­tal area to the
Gyeongsang area."

"Ac­cord­ing to our cur­rent in­ves­ti­ga­tion, the Sobaek Moun­tains, which

block Gyeonggi Prov­ince and Gyeongsang Prov­ince, have at least two mon­‐
sters of the same grade as the Game­cock that at­tacked Bucheon, and a large
num­ber of mon­sters are build­ing their own ter­ri­to­ries."

Kim went on with a voice be­yond cool or calm. But his words were nei­ther
cool nor calm; it was the op­po­site, they were hor­ri­fy­ing and thrilling.

'Oh, God, there are two more mon­sters like that?'

'To break through that place...'

'It's like mak­ing a road to Hell.'

The Game­cock had been a night­mare for the hunters of the Mac Guild,
many of whom had died, and the ter­ri­ble signs of the bat­tle were ev­ery­‐
where in Bucheon.

But they had to make a road to with not one mon­ster of the same grade, but
two mon­sters like the Game­cock?

"I'll need a vol­un­teer."

There was at least no one here who had ig­nored the night­mare. These peo­‐
ple who had gath­ered here, were will­ing to die to earn time for civil­ians to

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

evac­u­ate to Yeongjong Is­land be­fore the Game­cock.

"The party or the Clan who wants to vol­un­teer, raise your hands." So, at the
end of Kim's words, they raised their hands up in the open space.

Kim smiled slightly when he saw the scene. 'At least my way was not the
wrong way.' The sight in front of him seemed to prove that his hard­ships
and the ad­ver­sity that had come so far were not in vain.

So, at this mo­ment, he gave a gift to those who proved that he was not
wrong. "There is no pay­ment of forty per­cent for this mon­ster hunt, and you
will keep ev­ery­thing you kill."

Whoop! Then a thun­der­ous shout be­gan to fill the open space. The cheers
were more in­tense than ever. Even those far away could hear them.


"The Mac Guild has moved. More than six thou­sand men, in­clud­ing Awak­‐
en­ers, have now gath­ered in Su­won. Ac­cord­ing to the plan an­nounced, af­ter
mov­ing to Yeoju City through Yeong­dong Ex­press­way, Yeoju City will be
the base area and then the Jungbu Naeryuk Ex­press­way will be the first to
be at­tacked."

Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk, who re­ceived the re­port, signed the doc­u­‐
ment in front of him with­out wor­ry­ing.

The signed doc­u­ment was in the hands of the re­porter, and im­me­di­ately the
re­porter de­liv­ered the re­port us­ing wired com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­nected to Nam­‐
san Tower.

-- Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk signed the op­er­at­ional plan.

Among those who re­ceived the mes­sage was Lee Ki-soo. 'There's no go­ing

Kim Tae-hoon and the Mac Guild's core power had started a long jour­ney to
reach the Sobaek moun­tain range. Start­ing with Yeoju City, they would hunt
mon­sters to se­cure the Jungbu Naeryuk Ex­press­way.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

The most im­por­tant part was to han­dle the high-grade mon­sters lo­cated in
the moun­tains of Wolak and Sokri. It was not some­thing they could fin­ish in
a day. Of course, Bucheon City was cur­rently in a state of no owner, and it
would not take a day or half day to sup­press Bucheon City with the power
of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand.

The point was the fol­low­ing re­ac­tion.

Af­ter the col­lapse of Bucheon City, Kim would not stay still.

'Hostage, we have to get the key hostage.' What Lee Ki-soo could trust in
that sit­u­at­ion was a hostage in the end. It was im­pos­si­ble to even try to deal
with Kim with money or relics. How­ever, if he had a hostage, he could take
his time. And there were two peo­ple who could eas­ily be taken hostages in
the present sit­u­at­ion.

'I have to catch these two surely, Ahn Sun-mi and Jang Sung-hoon.'

'Of course, hostages are not the only thing. Kim is a spe­cial­ist in this field.
If there is a hostage, he can kill the hostage af­ter weigh­ing his op­tions'

Lee Ki-soo also knew that. So, what he wanted was to earn some time.
'Musashi... I just need to earn time for the per­son who saved Tokyo, which
was worse than Seoul.' It was time for a mon­ster to come to deal with a
crazy mon­ster.

Lee Ki-soo got up from his seat. 'But I'll have to get ready to go down to
Daegu, in case some­thing hap­pens.' Stand­ing up, he took out a small item in
his arms. It was a bird statue of white jade, the size of his fin­ger.

Lee Ki-soo grabbed the bird statue with his right hand and paused a mo­‐
ment. When he opened his hand again, the jade bird statue grad­u­ally be­gan
to in­flate.

Soon, Lee Ki-soo be­gan to mum­ble to him­self to the jade pi­geon. Af­ter
com­plet­ing the recita­tion, he or­dered the bird, "Tell them what I said."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

The bird nod­ded and im­me­di­ately be­gan to flap its wings. Swish! The bird
slipped out of the room win­dow and quickly dis­ap­peared. He also left the
room, but through the door.


Bucheon was the first of the ru­ined cities to start re­con­struc­tion af­ter the
mon­sters ap­peared. There was a clue that showed it most clearly. One was a
so­lar panel park lo­cated south of Bucheon City Hall, and the other was a
nearby uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tal that used the elec­tric­ity gen­er­ated by the so­lar

The Mac Guild had made a lot of ef­forts to re­build the med­i­cal sys­tem,
among the many things re­built in the city. A proper med­i­cal sys­tem it­self
had a pow­er­ful force to re­as­sure peo­ple. Even the newly es­tab­lished med­i­‐
cal sys­tem of the Mac Guild had a much more ad­vanced form in some ar­eas
than be­fore the mon­sters ap­peared.

"How much Wa­ter of Ther­apy is left?"

"About 1,300 packs."

"In­crease the pro­duc­tion amount as much as we can."

"I un­der­stand."

"How much flesh of the Mud Troll have we got?"

"We have about 590 kilo­grams left."

"Use 300 kilo­grams for mak­ing re­cov­ery pills, send all the amounts we pro­‐
duce to Yeoju City, and send as much of the Wa­ter of Ther­apy and the flesh
of the Mud Troll as pos­si­ble."

"I un­der­stand."

It was thanks to the mon­sters' dead body parts and relics. They brought re­‐
sults that hu­mans could not achieve with medicine, and the Mac Guild took
the most ad­van­tage of it. The relics that could help the med­i­cal sys­tem were

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

used un­spar­ingly, and the mon­sters' dead bod­ies were also gen­er­ously do­‐

Ahn Sun-mi was at the peak of the med­i­cal sys­tem here.

"Then I'll fin­ish the June 15th brief­ing with this."

At the brief­ing, the peo­ple who were seated at the long ta­ble bowed their
heads deeply. It was a funny sight. Un­til last year, or even half a year ago,
the con­fer­ence room of the uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tal where she was now was a
stage only pro­fes­sors could par­tic­i­pate in.

It was a place she could not gain save in the dis­tant fu­ture, as an in­tern at a
uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tal. Now that she was the di­rec­tor of this place, it was

Of course, for some­one, it might seem a huge suc­cess. But at least she had
never thought it was a suc­cess. She didn't like this sit­u­at­ion.

'I never did any­thing.' She was left alone in the con­fer­ence room where peo­‐
ple were es­cap­ing, and she looked at the mark of an Awak­ener on her right
hand. It was ev­i­dence of a cho­sen per­son who had the op­por­tu­nity to fight
against the mon­sters.

'I never did any­thing again this time.' But she had never done any­thing right
as an Awak­ener.

When Bang Hyun-wook had taken a risk of his life and walked onto the
bat­tle­field, when Kim Soo-ji had led the sol­diers in a dan­ger­ous bat­tle­field,
she has been al­ways deal­ing with the lives of oth­ers in the safest place. That
was why she didn't like her sit­u­at­ion.

'Am I help­ful?' Above all, she was won­der­ing if she would re­ally help Kim

It was be­cause of her first meet­ing with Kim Tae-hoon.

Kim clearly said at the first meet­ing, when he fought the Black Orc at a
large su­per­mar­ket. He would only take those who would help him. If they

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

were not help­ful, he would leave them un­remit­tingly.

Of course, things had changed. Kim did not aban­don them be­cause they
were not help­ful. How­ever, the re­la­tion­ship be­tween Kim and Ahn was not
much dif­fer­ent then or now. There was no rea­son to change.

"Ms. Di­rec­tor." A woman in a nurs­ing suit came in care­fully.

"What's the mat­ter?"

"Jang Sung-hoon is here."

At the nurse's words, Ahn stopped wor­ry­ing. 'What's go­ing on?'

Jang of­ten came to her, but he did not come with­out rea­son.

"Where is he?"

"He's in the di­rec­tor's of­fice."

"Thank you."

Af­ter Ahn got up with a greet­ing of 'thank-you', she im­me­di­ately walked to­‐
wards the di­rec­tor's of­fice.

The nurse who had in­formed her watched the back of Ahn with­out words.
Then the nurse walked away, too. She took down the stairs and went into
one of the rooms. The place was full of pa­tients in their suits.

"Ahn and Jang made con­tact."

But their eyes were not those ones of pa­tients, those who suf­fered from
wounds and pain.

"They're both in the di­rec­tor's of­fice now."

They were the eyes of trained hounds wait­ing for the time to come, with
their prey in front of them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

"We're lucky, we don't have to spread out our power. What's the se­cu­rity
level at the hos­pi­tal?"

At that re­mark, a man ly­ing on the bed rose up. "Ex­cept for the Awak­en­ers,
one pla­toon is all, and most of them are guard­ing the en­trance."


The man an­swered and checked his watch. The clock pointed to eight.
"Three hours from now, we're go­ing to start op­er­at­ions at eleven."

Ev­ery­one checked their watch. There was no an­swer. The tick­ing of their
watches filled the quiet room. They started to make sounds at 11 PM when
the night came.


One of the most pre­cious things since the mon­sters ap­peared was elec­tric­ity,
which was now a tremen­dous power and a great lux­ury to use it at night.

The five men were able to avoid spend­ing a long time look­ing for their tar­‐
gets. There was only one place to shin­ing through the door­ways lined up by
the dark­ened cor­ri­dor. The five men moved slowly to­ward the light-emit­ting
door with­out mak­ing a sound.

Then they stood in front of the door, lis­ten­ing to the room in­side, wait­ing
for the sound. They waited, breath­less, for the sound of col­leagues out­side
the build­ing break­ing into the build­ing.

'When?' 'Why not move?' But no mat­ter how long they waited, they could
not hear any sound they wanted. There was no sound even in the room.
They could hear two men and women talk­ing, but they could not hear the

'There is a prob­lem.' It was nat­u­ral to be aware of the prob­lem at this point.

One of the five men gave the sig­nal to the other four.

His fin­gers moved quickly. 'Two peo­ple be­hind me break in.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

But at the sig­nal, they were still quiet, and his men were not even show­ing
signs of mov­ing, not even the sound of them alive.

'What the hell...?' The leader turned his head.

Then he saw an ar­row with a sharp point to­ward him. 'Ah.'

That was the last scene he re­mem­bered.


Screech! A brightly lit door opened, and a man en­tered the door.

"Boss, are you done?" The man and woman in the room rose im­me­di­ately.

"Now is the be­gin­ning. There will be fight­ing all over the place."

"The dam­age will be great, right?"

"The com­man­dos from the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion will try to
avoid mas­sive ca­su­al­ties."

Jang took a short breath at the words of Kim. "You're cer­tainly an ex­pert in
this part, and you fig­ured out all the lines and plans of the other per­son---"

"Most of the as­sas­si­na­tion and kid­nap­ping man­u­als used by the Ko­rean

Army are based on my re­ports."

"... I'm glad you're my boss."

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim looked over the win­dow. He saw the quiet apart­‐
ment com­plex, which stood be­tween the hos­pi­tal and a road. How­ever, his
eyes did not miss the se­cret move­ments on the ve­ran­das of the apart­ment

"What the hell is go­ing on?" On the other hand, Ahn, who did not know the
sit­u­at­ion, looked at Kim and Jang al­ter­nately, not hid­ing her sur­prise.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 88 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Ii ⦘

"Why, why are you here?" She had to be scared from the mo­ment Kim sud­‐
denly ap­peared. She didn't get any warn­ing in ad­vance.

"You should be in Yeoju! Why are you here?"

Kim still gave a short an­swer to Ahn while his gaze was still over the win­‐
dow. "Hunt­ing for Snakes."

"What the hell is that..."

At that mo­ment, Kim's eyes nar­rowed. "The tail is com­ing to look for its

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 89 - Hunt­ing For Snakes,

Part Iii
Chap­ter 31. Hunt­ing for Snakes, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand planned to hang a leash on Kim Tae-hoon

and the Mac Guild. Ma­jor Oh Se-bum's role in the kid­nap­ping op­er­at­ion
was as a watch­dog.

'Damn it! It's over...'

It was also the task that none other than Lee Hyuk di­rectly gave him.


He was go­ing to do his job well, of course, and he had the time to re­lax to
do it. There was no threat to him in Bucheon with­out Kim Tae-hoon.

'This op­er­at­ion is over!' It was at eleven o'clock in the evening that his
thoughts had changed. As soon as he saw that the men who were wait­ing on
the roof of the uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tal for the kid­nap­ping of Ahn Sun-mi were
taken down by two men who had sud­denly ap­peared, his spine froze coldly
in cri­sis. The op­er­at­ion had failed.

'They knew it all, damn it!'

No, it was not an op­er­at­ional fail­ure.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

'Fail­ure is a word used to ex­press its ap­petite where the beast tried to hunt,
but the game ran away. No one uses the term fail­ure in the sit­u­at­ion where a
preda­tor is scream­ing in a trap pre­pared by a hunter.'

'What do I do?'

Of course, when he saw the scene, he no longer wanted to be in Bucheon.

He was go­ing to get out of Bucheon.

'Who do I go to?'

The prob­lem was where to run. Oh Se-bum, who was go­ing to run away,
won­dered whether he should go to Lee Hyuk at this mo­ment or Lee Ki-soo.
If he fol­lowed or­ders, he should go to Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk. Lee
Hyuk sent him to Bucheon.

'No, not Lee Hyuk.' But it was not the case for Oh Se-bum. It did not seem
proper for him to get an an­swer from Lee Hyuk.

'I have to leave Seoul now.' What he needed now was not to pre­pare for the
Mac Guild's coun­ter­at­tack, but to run away.

Why should he do that? 'I do not know when the mon­ster Kim Tae-hoon
will come to Seoul.'

Kim, who had grasped the in­ten­tions of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand,
could not stay still.

Lee Hyuk also knew that, and when Ma­jor Oh went to tell him the news, he
would ask Ma­jor Oh to es­cort him. How­ever, Ma­jor Oh had no in­ten­tion of
es­cort­ing Lee Hyuk, who would be the top tar­get of Kim from now on.

'Ma­jor Gen­eral.' Oh Se-bum started run­ning for Lee Ki-soo.


"We'll run away."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

From Bucheon City Hall to Nam­san Tower in Seoul, Ma­jor Oh ran the dis­‐
tance with only two legs, but Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo did not give him a
chance to breathe.

Ma­jor Oh paused for a while to catch his breath and asked, "Right, right

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Lee Ki-soo turned his head and looked around. There
were only trees around. He could not find any in­di­ca­tion of a per­son be­ing
around. No mat­ter what they said, no one would over­hear it.

"If it's not now, there is no chance to run away." So, Lee Ki-soo spoke on
the spot.


"Where's the main force of the Mac Guild?"

"They're all in Yeoju City..."

"The Mac Guild that read our plan and set up the trap, will not leave their
main power in Yeoju City, and are al­ready mov­ing to Seoul."

At the mo­ment he heard that, a map of the cap­i­tal area was drawn in Oh Se-
bum's mind. 'Ah.'

It was as Lee Ki-soo said. The Mac Guild, who had known the in­ten­tions of
the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, would not stay in Yeoju City and go to the
Sobaek Moun­tains. What would hap­pen then?

"They're go­ing to build a trap for a siege."

The could not run away to Bucheon and In­cheon. Those were the ar­eas of
the Mac Guild. The same was true of the north­ern Gyeonggi and Gang­won
ar­eas. It was the area of the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, more than 6,000 elites of the Mac Guild would come to
Seoul from Yeoju City, which was lo­cated in the south­east of Seoul?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

"That was his plan."

Then, the siege of Seoul would be com­pleted. More­over, in or­der to move

from Bucheon City to Seoul, they would have to cross the Han River, but in
Yeoju City, there would be a lit­tle bur­den.

"There are no troops there."

"Well, yes."

Cru­cially, there were few troops in the south­east of Seoul. Cur­rently, the
main power of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was con­cen­trated in the west
and north to guard against the Mac Guild and the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­‐
fantry Di­vi­sion, and the south and east were vir­tu­ally open holes.

There was no room to stop the Mac Guild's sud­den at­tack. Six thou­sand
elites or­ga­nized to clean up mon­sters in the Sobaek moun­tain range would
en­ter Seoul with­out any bleed­ing. It would not be easy to get out of Seoul at
that time.

"Then where---"

"We move to Daegu first. We're ready to move. We will travel from the Han
River to Pal­dang Lake."

So now was the golden time.

"Call Colonel Jang So-gook."

"Yes, sir."

"And I... Argh!" Lee Ki-soo, who was talk­ing, screamed in pain at the mo­‐

"Aaaaaaargh!" He fell to the ground, hold­ing his right thigh, scream­ing.

"Ma­jor Gen­eral?" Oh Se-bum, who was sur­prised and looked at Lee Ki-soo,
im­me­di­ately saw why Lee Ki-soo was mak­ing such a noise.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

"Keuk!" A Sword had passed through the right thigh of Ma­jor Oh. But he
did not fall to the ground. He stood up­right on his left leg and shouted,
"Kim Tae-hoon!"

At the end of the cry, Kim Tae-hoon was there. He was car­ry­ing his bag
with a sheath on his back, and he was slowly ap­proach­ing Ma­jor Oh and the
fallen Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee.

Ma­jor Oh's body was trem­bling at the sound of his heavy foot­steps ap­‐
proach­ing. 'Fuck­ing hell.'

In ad­di­tion, Kim's eyes, which were black even in the dark, had given Ma­‐
jor Oh the most over­whelm­ing fear from any stares he had ever en­coun­‐

The fear caused Ma­jor Oh's En­ergy to rise to the ex­treme. His body be­gan
to pump up its strength.

'Other than now, there is no chance.' Ma­jor Oh's in­stincts shouted, 'This is
the only chance to kill Kim Tae-hoon!'

So, Ma­jor Oh ran like a sports car, like a ma­chine, and his body be­gan to
ac­cel­er­ate. He nar­rowed his dis­tance to Kim at once... and that was the
cause of his de­feat.

'Ah.' As soon as Oh Se-bum punched Kim Tae-hoon, he re­al­ized that his

body was mov­ing on its own. The fist that had to be di­rected to­ward Kim's
face moved to­ward Kim's left. It was a magic trick.

'Fuck!' It was a magic cre­ated by Kim's Telekine­sis, and Oh's fist was drunk
on the magic and stuck else­where.

On the other hand, Kim's fist was ac­cu­rately di­rected to Oh's face.

Whack! Kim's black fist shat­tered the face of Oh Se-bum.

"Fuhub!" Ma­jor Oh fell to the ground spray­ing teeth. The blood be­gan to
flow out of his fallen head like spring wa­ter, and his body be­gan to twitch.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

Kim walked to­ward the fallen Lee Ki-soo as he passed the body of Ma­jor

In the mean­time, the Sword of the Im­per­at­or, which was stuck in the thigh
of Ma­jor Oh, re­moved it­self and re-en­tered the sheath.

Click! When Kim heard the sound of the Sword be­ing stuck in the sheath,
his foot­steps stopped. He looked down at the head of the Lee Ki-soo, who
had fallen to the ground.

"You are a mem­ber of the Six Snakes."

The face of the scream­ing Lee Ki-soo went white. "How, how did you-"

Kim knew that he should not know. That was the big­gest rea­son for mak­ing
his face white.

"What was your mis­sion?" Kim Tae-hoon asked him a ques­tion.

Lee Ki-soo's face was white, but as if he was awake, he closed his mouth
tightly in­stead of an­swer­ing. He re­mained silent.

Kim used his own Telekine­sis to con­trol the Ar­row in Lee's thigh. He
slowly pushed the Ar­row deeper.


Kim moved his Ar­row very slowly, like a ci­cada larva.


He squeezed a scream from the mouth of Lee Ki-soo.

"I'll let you talk, or even scream."

"Argh!" In front of the pain, Lee Ki-soo was rather pa­tient. It was be­cause
he was now aware of Kim's in­ten­tions. 'He won't kill me.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

Kim wanted to get some­thing from him, and as long as he wanted to get it,
his life could be spared. It was worth keep­ing him alive. On the other hand,
the mo­ment he said the in­for­ma­tion Kim wanted to know, he would be

'He is go­ing to keep me alive un­til he gets in­for­ma­tion from me.'

'I'll start act­ing.'

Kim could not help but no­tice what Lee Ki-soo was think­ing about. "We'll

"I didn't, I didn't say any­thing."

"You don't have to tell me ev­ery­thing. First, we need to set up a ne­go­ti­at­ion

ta­ble. Take out one of your cards. That's the price for a ne­go­ti­at­ion ta­ble."

And it was not the first time for Kim Tae-hoon to deal with those who re­‐
garded this kind of in­for­ma­tion as a life­line.

"I will not say any­thing-"

"If you want to beg for your life with in­for­ma­tion, you have to judge what's
right, or if you re­ally want to die-"

Tsre­ung! Dur­ing the words of Kim, the Sword of the Im­per­at­or rose by it­‐
self, and then it was in­serted close to Lee Ki-soo.

"Just kill your­self." At the mes­sage, Lee Ki-soo gave a trem­bling look at the
Sword of the Im­per­at­or. He just looked at it. He had no rea­son to kill him­‐
self for keep­ing silent to save his life.

"... how did you know about the Six Snakes?" In the end, Lee Ki-soo talked.

"And how much do you know about the Six Snakes?"


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

"The head­quar­ter of the Six Snakes is Tai­wan, and its pur­pose is to sup­port
the chaotic coun­tries to se­cure the rul­ing forces. From that point of view,
who should the Six Snakes ap­proach? You, or me?"

Lee Ki-soo's eyes trem­bled again. "No way---"

"The deal has been around for a long time, and I doubted why the Six
Snakes had con­tacted you, not me." This re­mark, of course, was not true.

'I'll twist your mind.' The time and ef­fort he had spent to make this trap
were not small. Once it was more im­por­tant than ever to get more in­for­ma­‐
tion from the Six Snakes, he had thor­oughly pre­pared to get the in­for­ma­‐

Kim looked for a way to shake Lee's psy­chol­ogy and how to get in­for­ma­‐
tion from the other's mouth. He had gath­ered a lot of the sur­vivors un­der the
Mac Guild, in­clud­ing psy­chol­o­gists.


"My job was to send the mon­ster stones I had ac­quired through mon­ster
hunt­ing in Ko­rea to Tai­wan, and in re­turn, I re­ceived relics and in­for­ma­tion,
so it was a deal rather than a mis­sion."


Lee's eyes were not shaken any­more by the at­tack of Kim. In­stead of shak­‐
ing, they were just blurred. "I was on a mis­sion... to find a leg­endary relic."

At the mo­ment of hear­ing that, Kim im­me­di­ately pulled out the Ar­row in
the thigh of Lee Ki-soo.


"What leg­endary relic?"

"Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk..." Lee Ki-soo poured out in­for­ma­tion obe­‐


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

At the mo­ment of hear­ing that, in the mem­ory of Kim, Jang Sung-hoon

came up with a word against Colonel Lim Hyun-joon.

'Were there re­ally a Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk?' At that time, Jang men­‐
tioned them as a joke.

'But is that real? That's why.'

On the other hand, Kim was able to un­der­stand the in­ten­tion of the Six
Snakes and the move­ments of Lee Ki-soo.

If the pur­pose of the Six Snakes was sim­ply to se­cure the mil­i­tary power of
Ko­rea, they would have been more ac­tive. The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand
would have been in con­tact with the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion.

Ex­cept for Awak­en­ers, the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion, which ab­‐
sorbed the front-line forces, was much more pow­er­ful than the Cap­i­tal De­‐
fense Com­mand.

But the Six Snakes did not do that. They hid them­selves and caused con­fu­‐

Find­ing what they wanted to have in the chaos was the point.

The ul­ti­mate thing the Six Snakes wanted was not the power of the Re­pub­‐
lic of Ko­rea but chaos here. The Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea must re­main in chaos so
that they could get what they wanted.

What they wanted was not just a relic. If it were a real relic in a text­book, or
in a mu­seum, they would have al­ready taken it. In other words, what they
had been look­ing for had an un­known lo­ca­tion and ex­is­tence.

Here, Kim did not for­get the ad­vice of the sec­ond death.

'They re­ally ex­ist.' It was the ad­vice to put Green Dragon Cres­cent Blade
and Ku­sanagi, which ex­isted only in the imag­i­na­tion, leg­end, and mythol­‐
ogy, on the wish list.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

They were what the Six Snakes wanted. They were not real relics, but the
leg­endary relics that ex­isted only in sto­ries!

'If so, it means that there is a relic in Tai­wan that can roughly grasp the lo­‐
ca­tion of the leg­endary relics.'

Kim stopped think­ing there for a while. "I guess you still haven't got­ten
them since you're here."

There was a lot of in­for­ma­tion to get. "I'll save you." So here, Kim re­leased
the ten­sion on Lee Ki-soo.

"To be hon­est, Lee Ki-soo, your life is im­por­tant to me, and if we bite each
other, we have noth­ing to gain. Rather than, the first thing we have to do is
to find why the Six Snakes hid each other's pres­ence from us."

At that mo­ment, the fo­cus came back to the eyes of Lee Ki-soo. "Well, yes."

Click! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or in­serted in the ground went back into its

"Above all, if we fight like this, my side will also suf­fer greatly. If you had
not known my iden­tity un­til now, you would have asked for help to deal
with me... I am not go­ing to be bled by the sup­port­ing force. Ma­jor Gen­eral
Lee Ki-soo, you have to stay alive to talk to them."

At this part, Lee Ki-soo no longer felt much pain. 'We can live.'

Know­ing that Kim had many rea­sons to save him, hope for his sur­vival
bright­ened Lee's face.

"Uh?" At that mo­ment, Lee Ki-soo's body be­gan to sink into his own

"Er? Uh? Uh!"

While Lee Ki-soo was sur­prised, his body fell into shadow for a mo­ment.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 89 - Hunting For Snakes, Part Iii ⦘

At the same time, gray smoke be­gan to bloom around Kim. The smoke
filled the sur­round­ings in an in­stant. Kim stopped breath­ing.

On the other hand, his eyes were shin­ing, and his ears were open. His vi­sion
and hear­ing be­gan to ab­sorb all the in­for­ma­tion around him.

'No sound, no sight.' How­ever, noth­ing was cap­tured by Kim's senses.

In the mean­time, shad­ows scat­tered un­der the heavy smoke be­gan to move.
Ten mov­ing shad­ows! The shad­ows es­caped from the thick smoke. At that
mo­ment one of the shad­ows rose as it was. The ris­ing shadow soon be­came
a hu­man form. That was not what the per­son di­rectly in­volved wanted.

Damn! The bit­ter sound of the per­son was the ev­i­dence. The bit­ter words
were the man's last words.

Thunk! A Sword was stuck in the chest of the per­son who showed up, and
Kim saw a dead body, his chest pierced by a Sword in the thick smoke. The
man was wear­ing black clothes and a black mask that only ex­posed his

He was a Ninja. When Kim saw a man dressed like that, he stopped look­ing
around. In­stead, a ring of fire be­gan to form around him.

Anger Soar­ing!


The crazy ex­plo­sion at Cheong­gye Moun­tain cov­ered Nam­san Moun­tain.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul,

Part I
Chap­ter 32. The Moon of Seoul, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Rum­bling! The ex­plo­sion that started at Kim Tae-hoon's body shook ev­ery­‐
thing around him. The trees that filled Nam­san were shaken like waves, and
stones flew like leaves.

The same was true of a hu­man body. "Ah­h­hhh!" The nin­jas, swept away by
the huge ex­plo­sion, be­gan to roll like garbage, scream­ing. It was not easy
for any­one to re­gain their bal­ance on the slope, but the nin­jas re­gained their
foot­ing al­most in­stantly.



Wake up! They re­acted im­me­di­ately to some­one's cry. The nin­jas stopped
on the slope and pulled swords from their waists.

Whiz! The nin­jas held leaf-shaped throw­ing-knives be­tween the in­dex fin­‐
ger and the mid­dle fin­ger, be­tween the mid­dle fin­ger and the ring fin­ger,
and threw them at the same time to­ward Kim Tae-hoon.

Swish! Dozens of throw­ing-knives, which cut through the wind thinly and
sharply, moved to­ward Kim, draw­ing a unique tra­jec­tory like a boomerang.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

It was like a shower. No mat­ter how big his eyes were, there was no place
to avoid them.

But Kim was not sur­prised by the show­ers of throw­ing-knives. He did not
ac­tively re­spond. What he did at this sud­den at­tack was open his black Eyes
wide, open his ears as wide as pos­si­ble, and to stretch his arms out with his
palms open, as if push­ing an in­vis­i­ble wall.

Ttuk! Dozens of throw­ing-knives that were head­ing for Kim stopped in the
air. Then they fell to the ground with a sound like fall­ing rain.

The sight gave the nin­jas a look of hor­ror that could be seen be­hind the

'Oh, my God.'

'What the hell is this...?'

The Nin­jas' think­ing stopped in that state. It was an er­ror. Just as the pro­‐
gram that re­ceived the un­in­ter­preted com­mand stopped, the nin­jas, who as­‐
sumed that Kim would avoid or pause, were forced to stop in front of this
ac­tion taken against the throw­ing knives.

Kim, on the other hand, moved.

'I set a bait.' Kim took the gun out of his waist and pulled the trig­ger to­ward
the nin­jas who were far away.

Blam, blam! The gun­shots were like a thun­der­storm wak­ing up the dumb­‐
struck nin­jas.


'We must avoid it!'

The nin­jas re­fo­cused their minds and fo­cused all their five senses on Kim.

'They took the bait.' This was what Kim has wanted.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

Zing! They fo­cused on the gun­shot; in other words, they did not fo­cus on
the Ar­row.

Thunk! The Ar­row of Sun-sin, the relic of the great Ad­mi­ral that did not
need an ex­pla­na­tion, be­gan to re­pro­duce the nos­tal­gia of the past. It be­gan
to pen­et­rate the skulls of the nin­jas, who were to­tally fo­cused on the gun in
the hand of Kim Tae-hoon, and who had stepped on the land of the Ko­rean
Penin­sula in the midst of these tur­bu­lent times.

Ping! When the third shot broke out, no one was look­ing at Kim any­more,
just dead bod­ies that had lost the fo­cus in their eyes were crum­pled near the
dev­as­tated area of Nam­san.

How­ever, Kim did not care about their dead bod­ies. His gaze hur­riedly
chased one per­son. It was a dead body with a dag­ger in his chest that
stopped his gaze.

"Hoo." The mo­ment Kim found the dead body of Lee Ki-soo, his eyes

'Fuck­ing hell.' Kim's mouth was twisted. His ex­pres­sion could not be eas­ily
seen, the feel­ing that Kim felt now was in­tense.

He had suc­ceeded in seiz­ing the psy­cho­log­i­cal gap of Lee Ki-soo. If the

con­ver­sa­tion had con­tin­ued, there would have been a big in­come.

But all that was left now was re­gret. There was no way to get in­for­ma­tion
from the dead Lee Ki-soo. So, re­grets rose in Kim's head, and the ques­tions
fol­lowed re­gret again and again.

Where did they come from? 'The forces of the Six Snakes must have built
power in Japan, too.' It was, of course, Japan. This part was so bla­tant that it
was ab­surd.

'Lee Ki-soo asked for help to check me out.' The prob­lem was the ca­pac­ity.

The fact that there was enough room for elite Ja­pa­nese Awak­en­ers and nin­‐
jas in Ko­rea meant that Japan had built some power within the Ja­pa­nese ar­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘


'This is be­yond what I ex­pected.' But it was not easy for them to send nin­jas
if it was the power of Japan that Kim has known. Japan was not a weak
coun­try, but ba­si­cally, it lacked the most ef­fec­tive army power to deal with
mon­sters, and there were very few army trainees who were de­ci­sively
skilled, as well as weapons.

When they res­cued the Ja­pa­nese VIP, the Ja­pa­nese gov­ern­ment had used its
ties with Ko­rea to ask Kim for help. Here, the great sur­veil­lance sys­tem that
Japan boasted of would have been de­stroyed with the ap­pear­ance of mon­‐

The strength of Japan was that it had a good prepa­ra­tion for dis­as­ters, but
ex­pec­ta­tions for mon­sters were not good. There was a big dif­fer­ence be­‐
tween an earth­quake and the mon­sters. Of course, with the ad­vent of mon­‐
sters, Japan should have been a much worse mess than Ko­rea. At least that
was what he had thought.

'I did not ex­pect that Japan would al­ready have this much power.'

But now he had to ac­knowl­edge it. Japan was equipped to hunt pow­er­ful

It was ob­vi­ous that the nin­jas were dis­patched to Ko­rea, and the nin­jas ac­tu­‐
ally coun­ter­at­tacked Kim af­ter they were struck by Anger Soar­ing.

'The relics they se­cured are not com­mon. No, if the Six Snakes are be­hind
them, they surely have ex­cel­lent relics.'

Kim's Anger Soar­ing was com­pa­ra­ble to a green-grade mon­ster's, and if

they could hold it off with pure En­ergy, they would not have been slain
help­lessly by him. It meant that they had over­come the fear with the help of
relics. It also meant that they could max­i­mize their power against a green-
grade mon­ster.

'... Ku­sanagi.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

'Above all, it is clearly in Japan. There is the relic of un­heard-of that has
been men­tioned in the myths in Japan.'

It was none other than Kim Tae-hoon, who had guar­an­teed it through his

At that mo­ment, Kim heard a dis­tur­bance.


"En­cir­cle the area! Cir­cle it wide!"

It was the sound of those who were sur­prised by the noise at the heart of the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, Nam­san Tower.

It was also a sig­nal that Kim should take his next ac­tion. He opened his
eyes. Open­ing his eyes, he looked at the moon above the sky.

'I will fin­ish it be­fore the sun rises to­day.' There was no tremor in his eyes.


The hos­pi­tal di­rec­tor's of­fice...

There were a lot of peo­ple in the place where Ahn Sun-mi usu­ally worked
alone. It was crowded with men, to be pre­cise.

"What the hell is go­ing on?!"

Ahn Joo-hyung and Ahn Jae-hyung were sur­prised by Ahn's shout, but Jang
Sung-hoon shrugged his shoul­ders.

"It's noth­ing."

"So, what the hell is go­ing on?"

"We're go­ing to take this chance to de­stroy the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand
and take over Seoul. I'm sure it'll be set­tled as early as to­mor­row morn­ing."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

At the calm ap­pear­ance of Jang, who had spo­ken such crazy words, Ahn
looked at him as if he was an id­iot. It was the same with the twin broth­ers
who had been de­ployed to guard them.

'He is talk­ing about the mis­sion that our troops have been plan­ning us­ing all
sorts of means and meth­ods, but we haven't even dreamed of, like buy­ing
things at the lo­cal su­per­mar­ket.'

'As early as...'

The two of them, mem­bers of the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion, knew
well what ef­forts they had made to take down the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand. But the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was more than they thought.

If there had not been a prob­lem in the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, Colonel
Lim Hyun-joon would have taken over Seoul on be­half of the coun­try.

How­ever, the two broth­ers could not deny Jang's words.

'Well, if it is that mon­ster...' Noth­ing else, but they had seen Kim's abil­ity,
and they thought that he could do any­thing.

How­ever, Ahn was dif­fer­ent. "Ex­plain it to me."

She could not un­der­stand ev­ery­thing in the words of Jang. No, that wasn't
what mat­tered to her now.

"It's sim­ple. If we show a loop­hole on pur­pose, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐

mand will come to at­tack the loop­hole, and we'll be at­tacked by the first
punch. As you know, what­ever we do af­ter we are beaten, is for self-de­‐
fense, right? At least it's both our faults, and the other side which is beaten
more is the worse off."

Jang, who was speak­ing, smiled lightly. "Well, don't be too sorry, be­cause
in­for­ma­tion se­cu­rity is im­por­tant, and I couldn't tell you."

"That's not what I'm sorry about!" At that mo­ment, Ahn burst forth with
anger. It was an ex­plo­sion of the agony and the anger she had been hav­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

At her ap­pear­ance, the light laugh­ter on the mouth of Jang be­gan to turn
into a bit­ter laugh. It was not hard to know why Ahn ex­ploded with fury,
be­cause he was quick-wit­ted.

'Fi­nally, she is fu­ri­ous.' Jang knew Why Ahn was an­gry now.

She was wor­ried that she might be­come a use­less per­son just like this, and
that she might be aban­doned by Kim as soon as she be­came a use­less per­‐

'Well, we are all the same.' It was not her own con­cern. It was the worry and
con­cern of all those who have been with Kim from the be­gin­ning. By look­‐
ing at Bang Hyun-wook, they knew that. He was killing mon­sters like crazy
to catch up with Kim some­how, and Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji was do­ing her
best in her role.

The prob­lem was that Kim did not care for them or look back. The peo­ple
who had fol­lowed Kim were up­set. They won­dered if they were do­ing well,
and they were wor­ried. Then they ex­ploded with anger.

'Then, Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji is go­ing to ex­plode next?'

The first ex­plo­sion was Bang Hyun-wook who lacked pa­tience, and now
Ahn Sun-mi had ex­ploded.

But that would not change Kim. He would be the same in the fu­ture.

"Sis­ter Sun-mi, don't think he'll care about you. He won't care if you get
mar­ried and be­come his wife."

There­fore, at this mo­ment, Jang did not say nice things to Ahn.

"Find your own place."

Jang knew bet­ter than any­one else.

"The boss can't af­ford to look back, be­cause he is just too busy look­ing
right in front of him." It was too much for Kim to just look at the mat­ters
fac­ing them right now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

"And now we have to solve the in­vis­i­ble prob­lem."

Af­ter com­plet­ing his words, Jang turned his gaze from Ahn, who had her
mouth shut, and looked at his bag with a side­ways glance.

'If we get the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, the only re­main­ing area is the
Gyeongsang Prov­ince.'

'As soon as the Mac Guild takes the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, the en­tire
area ex­cept Gyeongsang and Je­olla Prov­inces will be­come the ter­ri­tory of
the Mac Guild. More­over, as long as Chungcheong Prov­ince is al­ready se­‐
cured, se­cur­ing Je­olla Prov­ince will pro­ceed smoothly. There is no mon­ster
above the blue grade.'

'The only thing left is the area of Gyeongsang Prov­ince. It will not be easy,
but the area will be cleaned up in three months.'

'Jeju Is­land is now ir­rel­ev­ ant to the sub­ject.'

'Jeju Is­land will be left, and Jeju Is­land has a dark-blue grade mon­ster, so
we will post­pone the at­tack to later, and any­way, the Mac Guild will re­gain
most of the coun­try of Ko­rea.'

'Then we'll have to go through North Ko­rea and go to the con­ti­nent, or we'll
go across the sea to Japan.'

'And that is the start­ing point. It is never the end. If we re­main iso­lated in
the Ko­rean Penin­sula, we will be the prey of the world pow­ers and those
who will lead a new or­der. We have to move to live. We must go with­out
rest, whether in the sea or on land.'

'At that time, Dae­dongyeo­jido is vir­tu­ally use­less.'

'As soon as the world be­comes a stage, Dae­dongyeo­jido, which has been
the best guide of the Mac Guild so far, be­comes use­less.'

'We have to start a strug­gle for sur­vival once again on a stage where we do
not know where the mon­sters are, and where our en­em ­ ies are.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

'It is none other than Kim Tae-hoon who has to stand at the fore­front and
make the way.'

He could not af­ford to take care of some­one like that.

"Well, let's move now."

Jang could not af­ford to look back, ei­ther.

"Let's see the boss take over Seoul, be­cause it's a his­toric mo­ment go­ing to
ap­pear in the text­books."


At the mo­ment of the huge ex­plo­sion, troops gath­ered around Nam­san

Tower, where Lee Hyuk was lo­cated.

"Ev­ery­one, watch out!"

"Don't lower your guard!"

The best elite sol­diers, who were pre­par­ing to pro­tect Lee Hyuk, were ready
for the chaos. They were not the in­ex­pe­ri­enced ones; they had sur­vived in a
world full of mon­sters, and they had in­creased their stats by eat­ing mon­ster
stones with the con­tin­ued help and sup­port of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐

They were the most re­li­able sol­diers of Lee Hyuk. How­ever, Lee Hyuk,
who was es­corted by them, was clearly aware that noth­ing could stop the
ty­phoon that would come to him now.

'Kim Tae-hoon is here. We can't stop him.'

There­fore, Lee Hyuk told his de­ter­mined sub­or­di­nates, "When Kim Tae-
hoon comes, send him to me."


"Don't stop him when he comes, just let him go."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

"But, but..."

At the or­der of Lee Hyuk, his guards looked white. But no one asked him or
tried to per­suade him. They did not even try.

Kim had al­ready shown them; he showed them what he was like and ev­ery­‐
thing in the bat­tle with Al­bino Gob­lin with­out hold­ing back.

That was why Kim showed his abil­ity with­out fil­ter­ing it.

'I think it was also a strate­gic move that he showed his iden­tity in Cheong­‐
gye Moun­tain.'

There had been al­ways a rea­son for Kim's ac­tions. Even if he showed his
strength, he did not show it with­out a rea­son. It was a ploy to use in the fu­‐

'He sent the troops to Yeoju City to siege Seoul. It was also a ploy.' Mov­ing
the troops to Yeoju City was not just a move to de­ceive the eyes. It was also
a strate­gic move.

'Chang Young-sung made a mon­ster.

'This abil­ity is not an abil­ity you are born with. It is an abil­ity to be cul­ti­‐
vated with long train­ing and made through count­less prac­ti­cal ex­er­cises in


Kim was not born with this abil­ity. He went through train­ing which oth­ers
could not stand un­der the goal of pro­tect­ing his coun­try.

'The Ko­rean gov­ern­ment has cre­ated a mon­ster.'

Since then, the Ko­rean gov­ern­ment had put him into all kinds of prac­ti­cal
ex­er­cises, un­like its orig­i­nal pur­pose, for the sake of the Ko­rean gov­ern­‐
ment's taste and the in­ter­ests of those in power.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 90 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part I ⦘

Even though there was no need to go to the Mid­dle East, he car­ried out op­‐
er­at­ions with­out proper sup­port for the in­ter­ests of busi­nesses and politi­‐
cians on the bat­tle­field of the Mid­dle East, and even though there was no
rea­son to go to Africa, he car­ried out his du­ties against all kinds of en­em­ ies.
In the process, he lost many col­leagues and learned lessons in re­turn.

In other words, if Kim had been just an or­di­nary sol­dier, his abil­ity would
have been in­com­pa­ra­bly low.

'This is karma.' When Lee Hyuk reached that point, he smiled bit­terly.

"Lieu­tenant Gen­eral..."

And that was the last laugh he could make to­day.

"Ki-Kim Tae-hoon is com­ing down from the sky."

Kim Tae-hoon was float­ing un­der the moon of Seoul...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul,

Part Ii
Chap­ter 32. The Moon of Seoul, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Early at dawn, a con­ver­sa­tion started at the high­est point of Nam­san Tower,

aim­ing to end the tur­moil.

It was Kim Tae-hoon who said the first words when the two faced one an­‐
other. "I want you to del­eg­ ate all the au­thor­ity of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­‐
mand to the Mac Guild."

It was a strong punch from the start. Kim asked for the full au­thor­ity of the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand with­out any ne­go­ti­at­ion. It was like ask­ing for
Seoul. It was like ask­ing for the le­git­i­macy of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea. And it
was like ask­ing for ev­ery­thing that Lee Hyuk had.


"No." Lee Hyuk re­jected Kim's pro­posal with­out any con­sid­er­at­ion. "I ad­‐
mit my mis­take, but I don't think that's the kind of thing that gives away the
full au­thor­ity of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."

It was never a grudge of Lee Hyuk, and it was not an end­less grudge. At
this mo­ment, he was draw­ing a pic­ture.

'There is still room for ne­go­ti­at­ion. I can't threaten Kim, but I can threaten
what he has.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

'Clearly, I can­not stop Kim. If Kim re­solves to do so, he can ren­der most of
the of­fi­cers of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand into dead bod­ies. But he can­‐
not kill the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand it­self. It should not be pos­si­ble.'

'Once that hap­pens, the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand will not be silent. It will
do its best in any way. The area of the cap­i­tal will be filled with ter­ri­ble

'Even if all the of­fi­cials of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand die, it will be a
prob­lem. Many of the sol­diers who lost their com­mand posts will fol­low
Kim, but not all of them. In ad­di­tion, how do un­con­trolled sol­diers be­have?'

'Clearly, un­con­trolled sol­diers are not any dif­fer­ent from mon­sters. If they
make a fuss, the dam­age will leave a great scar on the Mac Guild, even if
they don't touch Kim him­self.'

That was what Lee Hyuk thought.

On top of that, Lee Hyuk planned to add a game changer.

'I'm mak­ing a deal with Colonel Lim Hyun-joon. Then, if I can't re­verse the
sit­u­at­ion, I can avoid the worst. The Mac Guild's great­est weak­ness is their
num­ber of men. That is a very lethal weak­ness. Win­ning the war is pos­si­ble
with a small num­ber of troops, but man­ag­ing the land can­not be done with a
small num­ber of troops. The only thing that can fill this weak­ness is the 8th
Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion, which is now the only one avail­able in the
cur­rent sit­u­at­ion, and if I suc­ceed in ap­peas­ing the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry
Di­vi­sion, the sit­u­at­ion will be re­versed.'

"I'll give you a hun­dred relics, in­clud­ing twenty na­tional trea­sures, and you
can go to the Bank of Ko­rea's safe and pick them up free."

In other words, the price for this op­er­at­ion would be paid for with relics.
No, from the per­spec­tive of Lee Hyuk, it was nec­es­sary to pay for it. Only
then could he keep his po­si­tion and think of the fu­ture. He knew it was not
fair, and he knew that a guilty man was pulling a re­ally dirty trick for his
own good.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

But if he thought that was wrong, he could not do any­thing.

'I can give him the liver and gall­blad­der, but I can't give him the heart.'

"I want one thing." On the con­trary, Kim did not in­tend to ne­go­ti­ate against
Lee Hyuk's res­o­lu­tion, aim, and at­tempt.

"If you don't want to give it to me, it's war." Now was time to get the re­ward
for the ground­work.

"War... then you'll kill me first."

"I don't in­tend to do that, be­cause the power of the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­‐
fantry Di­vi­sion un­der the Mac Guild is enough to win a full-scale war
against the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."

The strate­gic move, where Kim had made Colonel Lim Hyun-joon of the
8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion a sub­or­di­nate, be­came check­mate.

"What, what is this..." Lee Hyuk stopped him­self from say­ing more, and
then he stroked his mouth with his hand. At this mo­ment, he had a sus­pi­‐

'Colonel Lim Hyun-joon is an am­bi­tious man, whose am­bi­tion is so high

that all the mil­i­tary lead­ers know it. He is a man who will do al­most any­‐
thing to achieve his am­bi­tion! He wants to be the king of a new king­dom,
rather than a coun­try of­fi­cial.'

That was why Colonel Lim had re­jected Lee Hyuk's pro­pos­als so far.

It was com­mon sense, Lee Hyuk must have tried to win over Colonel Lim
to his side. He even sug­gested Colonel take the sec­ond place in the rank­ing,
but he also re­jected that pro­posal.

Who did Colonel Lim go un­der? No way! Lee Hyuk could not imag­ine it
had hap­pened.

'How­ever, if it is Kim Tae-hoon, I should re-eval­u­ate. It is pos­si­ble for Kim

Tae-hoon to win over Colonel Lim to his side, and to bluff with it.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

'Of course, Kim may be bluff­ing. If he suc­ceeds in ac­cept­ing a dec­la­ra­tion

of sur­ren­der through false­hood, it will be recorded in his­tory as a very good
ne­go­ti­at­ion. In fact, there are not many his­tor­i­cal events cre­ated by a three-
inch long tongue.'

But when did Kim make con­tact with Colonel Lim? He had to cross Seoul
to get in touch with Pocheon from Bucheon. Was there any other way?

Lee Hyuk's wor­ries be­gan.

"The choice is one of two." Kim Tae-hoon re­leased his wor­ries.

"You can ei­ther take re­spon­si­bil­ity for this and step back from the front line
and del­eg­ ate all your pow­ers to me, or you can be recorded in three lines in
a his­tory book that will be pub­lished about ten years from now, men­tion­ing
Lee Hyuk's re­bel­lion."

Among the two choices, he did not need to worry about the re­sults.

Hoo... Lee Hyuk gave a long sigh. 'This is my end.'

"I'll del­eg­ ate my full power."


Ka­boom! The fire­works be­gan to ex­plode over Nam­san Tower, and they
were more bril­liant than ever. Even the small stars were shin­ing in the sky
of Seoul, where the pol­lu­tion had dis­ap­peared and the world had stopped.
Thanks to this, the light of the py­rotech­nics that started to burn around
Nam­san Tower could be seen any­where in Seoul.

"Suc­cess." A man who was far away and not able to see Nam­san Tower
with­out a tele­scope could still see the lights.

"Kim Tae-hoon suc­ceeded." Colonel Lim im­me­di­ately pulled his eyes off
the tele­scope. What came into his eyes were dozens of tanks with their gun
bar­rels aimed to­ward Seoul, armed sol­diers hid­ing in the shad­ows cre­ated
by the tanks, and ar­tillery wait­ing for or­ders all over the place.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

They were the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion. Since the ad­vent of the
mon­sters, they were the vet­eran war­riors who had pro­tected the north­ern
part of Gyeonggi, the Gang­won area, and the front line from Pocheon. They
were all equipped to ad­vance to Seoul with their lives once they were or­‐
dered to at­tack.

"We stand by as we are," Colonel Lim or­dered them briefly. It was a word
to quiet the storm.


"Okay, it's boss." There was a per­son in Yeouido who checked the flares
dot­ted around Nam­san Tower with a tele­scope.

Jang, who checked the flares, or­dered, "Now, let's get ready to en­ter Seoul."

Jang looked at the troops that were ready to cross the Han River at any time
with the or­der. Now was when the owner of Seoul had changed, and when
the newly changed owner would give his first im­pres­sion to those who
would fol­low him.


Fi­nally, there were those who checked the flares near the Han River. They
could see Nam­san and they were gath­ered around a ship that floated alone
on the Han River.

"What hap­pened?"

"I think they've been killed."

"What about Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo?"

"It looks like he is dead."

They were nin­jas dressed in black.

"Those id­iots."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

They num­bered ten. Only one of them was wear­ing white, not black.

But it didn't feel clean, and the fiery eyes be­hind the mask were sharp, and
the spirit that was com­ing from his body was very fierce.

"I can't even save a man. I have to re­port a mis­sion fail­ure! What a dis­‐

At the growl­ing of the man named Kazami Hay­ato, the nine men left turned
their eyes or bowed their heads. They had no words to say in ex­cuse, so
Hay­ato turned and looked at Nam­san Tower again. His face was not good as
he watched the bright light of the flares.

'All right', but his mind was dif­fer­ent.

'The mis­sion is com­plete,' Hay­ato Kazami said to him­self. The or­der he had
re­ceived be­fore leav­ing the Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago was to sup­port Ma­jor
Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo. They wanted to make a tool of Lee Ki-soo. But as soon
as he stepped on the Ko­rean Penin­sula, he was given a new or­der: "If you
have a chance, kill Lee Ki-soo!"

'All I have to do is re­port to my mas­ter.'

The or­der was is­sued by a man named Musashi, who had saved Tokyo from
hell, and was or­dered by the man named Musashi who now wanted to es­‐
tab­lish a new Japan.

'This will en­able us to in­vade Ko­rea.'

Musashi. No one knew his real name, and no one cared about it. He was
called Musashi and treated like a Sav­ior. He had a great am­bi­tion. 'If Japan
could oc­cupy Ko­rea...'

The first thing to do for that am­bi­tion was to get out of Japan. It was not the
job of only Musashi. It was the process of all those who had ruled Japan
ear­lier, and those who had tried to ad­vance be­yond Japan to a wider stage. It
was also the re­al­ity that Japan was fac­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

The Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago was not good for liv­ing in iso­la­tion, the land was
too con­strained to have their am­bi­tion re­al­ized. That was why Japan had al­‐
ways sought the Ko­rean Penin­sula in his­tory.

But Musashi and Japan had been hid­ing this am­bi­tion, be­cause the forces of
Lee Ki-soo, sup­ported by the Six Snakes, had set­tled on the Ko­rean Penin­‐
sula. In the sit­u­at­ion that Lee Ki-soo played a good role, the Six Snakes
would not al­low Musashi to ad­vance to Ko­rea. In other words, if Lee Ki-
soo died, only the an­tag­o­nists against the Six Snakes would be left on the
Ko­rean Penin­sula, and there was no rea­son for the Six Snakes to stop Japan
from en­ter­ing here.

Hay­ato felt the time was com­ing, and he felt that Japan would re­peat its his­‐
tory from a cen­tury ago, but it would pro­duce a dif­fer­ent re­sult this time!
Based on the lessons learned a cen­tury ago, he was sure they could re­ally
build an em­pire this time! At such thoughts, he was smil­ing with­out know­‐
ing it.

"No other al­ter­na­tive, we're the only ones on the move," he said, try­ing to
hide his smile.

"Yes!" All nine nin­jas bowed their heads.

'Huh?' At that mo­ment Hay­ato was able to see a per­son who did not bow to

'What is this guy?' Hay­ato was so em­bar­rassed that he for­got to be an­gry.

Com­ing to his senses, he im­me­di­ately made his eyes fierce. He had turned
into a fierce lion and took a dag­ger from his waist­band. He threw the
weapon, called a ku­nai, at the man who was star­ing straight at him.

The Ku­nai flew away with a creepy sound. Then it stopped.

'Uh?' It stopped in the air, and ev­ery­one was sur­prised. Hay­ato's men were
sur­prised that Hay­ato had sud­denly thrown it, and Hay­ato was sur­prised at
the sight in front of him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

Ka­boom! An­other fire­work was fired from the tower above Nam­san, and
the light of the flare, which was a par­tic­u­larly bright, sparkled in the new
man's black Eyes.


A blue flame rose in the black­ness of the dark­ness, com­ing from the burn­‐
ing of pa­per dolls. Nine­teen dolls were burn­ing, and only one doll re­mained
in­tact. A woman was seen dimly be­tween the blue will-o'-the-wisps. She
was wear­ing priest­ess robes that could be seen at a Ja­pa­nese shrine.

An­other woman came into the dark­room where the woman was. "Musashi
is com­ing."

At the words of the woman who was wear­ing the same clothes as her, the
priest­ess in the dark­room rose from her seat, came out of the cham­ber, and
showed her­self. She was a beauty with bobbed hair.

In front of her was a wide-open land, a deep moat that girded it, and col­‐
lapsed build­ings wait­ing for dawn be­yond the moat.

Edo Cas­tle was the place where the woman stood; only the site and the
build­ings re­mained, in­stead of the splen­did cas­tle.

A group of peo­ple was ap­proach­ing her with the rat­tling of ar­mor. They
were samu­rai dressed like those from the Sen­goku pe­riod, and the sound of
ar­mor rose with ev­ery step.

At the head of such samu­rai, the only man wear­ing ki­mono with­out ar­mor
showed his slen­der build.

He was barely over 160 cen­time­ters tall, and he looked young. His skin was
lovely, soft and smooth. He was a hand­some man with a youth­ful ap­pear­‐

He was a man un­usual in many ways, but the most un­usual thing was the
sword which a man was wear­ing at his waist. Even though he had put the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 91 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Ii ⦘

sword in the black sheath, the light from the sword came out through the
sheath and il­lu­mi­nated its sur­round­ings like a bea­con.

Musashi. With the emer­gence of the mon­sters, he was the man who had
saved Tokyo, who was sav­ing Japan, and who would save even the fu­ture of

"Is ev­ery­one dead?" Musashi asked as he stood in front of the shrine


She bowed her head once and an­swered, "The only one who sur­vives
among the twenty is Hay­ato."

"What about con­tact?"

"Okjo hasn't come yet."

"Kazami is an out­stand­ing man. He'll tell us af­ter he es­capes. So, what

about him?"

At his ques­tion, the woman opened her eyes.

There was a smile on the mouth of Musashi. "It's time to set sail," he said
through the smile.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul,

Part Iii
Chap­ter 32. The Moon of Seoul, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was late enough to call it dawn. Peo­ple came over to Colonel Jang So-
gook, who was wait­ing for some­one with his eyes shin­ing, even though it
was time for ev­ery­one to be asleep. But they were not the ones he was wait­‐
ing for.

"Colonel Jang So-gook, you are un­der ar­rest for re­bel­lion."

It was sol­diers who came to Colonel Jang, and they showed a killing spirit
to him. How­ever, he did not re­sist in front of them, but not be­cause he was
afraid of the sol­diers.


"... Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo Dae-hyun, you are a traitor."

The fact that it was Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, not any­one else, who came to
ar­rest him, was what ren­dered Colonel Jang im­mo­bile.

"You're with Kim Tae-hoon..."

Colonel Jang knew the role Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo had served as a mov­ing
bridge be­tween the Mac Guild and the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand. He
could eas­ily see that Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo had be­trayed them. In other
words, he was at­tached to Kim Tae-hoon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

"You have talked a lot for a man who tried to sell the coun­try to Japan,"
Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo re­marked with­out any mercy.

There was no rea­son to be mer­ci­ful. His op­po­nent was the one who wanted
to sell the coun­try out and pur­sue his own in­ter­ests, and from now on he
would be pun­ished for it. It would be Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo who would
carry out the pun­ish­ment.

"Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo and Ma­jor Oh Se-bum are dead, and Colonel
Jang So-gook will be pun­ished as a warn­ing to oth­ers."

That was the mis­sion Kim Tae-hoon had given him.

'No, he must be pun­ished as a warn­ing to oth­ers. The chaos will be re­duced

as he is cru­elly treated.'

Kim Tae-hoon gave Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo the au­thor­ity af­ter the death of
Lee Ki-soo: to find the traitors, and to pun­ish them. Kim Tae-hoon, who
was en­trusted with the full au­thor­ity of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, gave
the right to Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, and in fact, he was like the Grim

"Take him out."

To Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, the Grim Reaper was not a hand­some man with
a black hat and a wet eye, but a man who could take some­one's life with­out

"If he re­sists, kill him."

At that ter­ri­fy­ing or­der, Colonel Jang was dragged out and saw the sky. The
moon of Seoul was as bright as the sun.


The fire­works in the sky near Nam­san Tower woke up those liv­ing near
Seoul from their hard-earned sleep.

"Mom, what is that?" Even the chil­dren rubbed their eyes and woke up.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

"Is it fire­works, huh?"

At the words of a child, a woman looked up at the sky with her daugh­ter in
her arms. Their faces were hag­gard, their eyes dark. That was the re­al­ity of

The land of Seoul, which had the high­est pop­u­la­tion den­sity in Ko­rea, had
no room to sat­isfy the sur­vivors. Food had run out of for a long time, and
there was noth­ing good to eat, just a lump of calo­ries that could fill the
stom­ach. Some­times they filled the calo­ries with cook­ing oil. But the worst
was that they did not have any ex­pec­ta­tions for the fu­ture.

Hope for the fu­ture meant that they would have food that would even­tu­ally
make their stom­achs full. But around the Han River, it was too ter­ri­ble to
farm. It was not easy to break down and clear away the ex­pen­sive apart­‐
ments set up by the Han River, so no one could imag­ine see­ing golden rice
fields in the land of Seoul. This meant that the fu­ture of Seoul was very

Then, trucks be­gan to en­ter Seoul.

Br-br-br-! The trucks car­ry­ing the huge trail­ers woke up the night of Seoul
with the roar of their en­gines.

Peo­ple could see a fan­tasy an­i­mal called a Mac, which they had never seen
be­fore, drawn on ev­ery trailer of the rum­bling trucks.

"This de­sign was well drawn, right? I did it my­self." It was the mas­cot de­‐
sign of the Mac Guild by Jang Sung-hoon. Jang had drawn the de­sign on
the trail­ers of all the trucks en­ter­ing Seoul car­ry­ing food.

"They'll never for­get it once they see it, and they'll prob­ab­ ly dream of it."

It was done to com­pletely rule Seoul.

The Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was guard­ing Seoul, but it was not com­‐
pletely dom­i­nat­ing. The truth was that they were tak­ing con­trol of Seoul
through fear and vi­o­lence.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

Al­though the Mac Guild was en­trusted with the full au­thor­ity of the Cap­i­tal
De­fense Com­mand, the minds of the cit­i­zens of Seoul would not change by
them­selves. There­fore, a new ap­proach was needed.

"I ac­tu­ally wanted to write Mes­siah down, but I quit be­cause I would be
crushed by the boss. Boss and Mes­siah don't get along very well, no mat­ter
how hard I thought about it."

The Mac Guild needed to let Seoul know that it was an or­ga­ni­za­tion to
bring hope for the fu­ture. They needed to make an im­age, and the Mac
Guild's mas­cot was the be­gin­ning of the im­age mak­ing.

"We'll run the food trucks that we've mod­i­fied right af­ter we've sup­plied
food. There's a de­sign that made the Mac Guild's mas­cot cute, and we are
go­ing to make a fish-shaped bun in the food truck and give them to kids all
over Seoul, and for ref­er­ence, copy­right and trade­mark rights are mine. In a
decade, it'll be more pop­u­lar in Ko­rea than Mickey Mouse."

Jang had pre­pared a lot of im­age mak­ing. He wasn't alone in pre­par­ing


The Mac Guild did not just leave the sur­vivors as sur­vivors; they made a
list to help them use their abil­i­ties and skills. They had given a role to each
en­gi­neer and tech­ni­cian.

Some of them were fa­mous in the mar­ket­ing de­part­ment of com­pa­nies. It

was easy to or­ga­nize a team for im­age mak­ing, and it was not hard to make
them work hard. Ev­ery­one had done his best to demon­strate his abil­ity in a
world where he was more likely to live by re­veal­ing his value.

"If I build a com­pany, it'll be the Mac Com­pany. I'll give you a share, so
let's do it well to­gether."

Kim did not have much to say to Jang. He was fid­dling with the jade piece
in his hand, look­ing at the sky where dawn had be­gun to look smudged. At
this mo­ment, he was wor­ried.

'They have se­cretly built a base area in Daegu and Bu­san.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

He had got­ten new in­for­ma­tion that Lee Ki-soo has se­cured a base in Bu­san
and Daegu. It was pos­si­ble, but it was thanks to the many relics fill­ing the

The Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana of Haein Tem­ple played a very im­por­tant role. Haein
Tem­ple in Hapcheon, where the in­vin­ci­ble relic, Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana, was
sealed, de­feated the mon­sters.

Even though mon­sters were swirling around the Sobaek moun­tain range,
there were no mon­sters iden­ti­fied by the Dae­dongyeo­jido in Kaya Moun­‐
tain, a stem of the Sobaek moun­tain range.

'The relic has an ef­fect from the start­ing point of Haein Tem­ple to Daegu...
The power is far be­yond the sil­ver cross that the priest had, and the in­flu­‐
enced area is much larger than the Sun­subi of King Jin­he­ung.'

Fur­ther­more, the in­flu­ence of the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana was also af­fect­ing the
ad­ja­cent Daegu Met­ro­pol­i­tan City. This range was wider than any other
relic, and its power was great.

'Daegu... I'm in trou­ble.'

For Daegu City, it was sim­ply a bless­ing from the heav­ens. The fact that
there was lit­tle in­ter­fer­ence from mon­sters meant that most of the in­fra­‐
struc­ture was the same. More­over, Daegu City had some pow­er­ful mer­its
that could not be com­pared with other cities.

'The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand in Daegu; with­out any fight­ing, the out­‐
come would have been eas­ier than I thought.'

'Once in Daegu, there is the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. The scary thing
about mon­sters is that in front of their fear, the gen­eral armed forces are
use­less and their ap­pear­ance is sud­den. No mat­ter how great an army is,
there's no way to deal with the sud­den rise of a mon­ster from the in­side.
Con­versely, if there is some se­cu­rity guar­an­tee from mon­sters ap­pear­ing,
then the sit­u­at­ion is to­tally dif­fer­ent if there is room to pre­pare.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

If the ap­pear­ance of mon­sters in Daegu was not great, es­pe­cially mon­sters

with strong fear, the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand would have been able to
per­form far bet­ter than ex­pected.

'The ar­ma­ments and ar­tillery of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand were so

small that it would have been easy for the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand to win
them to their side.'

'Of course, there are weak­nesses in the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

There are no ar­mor or ar­tillery units among the troops un­der the Sec­ond
Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. Most of them are in­fantry units.'

'Sur­viv­ing from mon­sters re­quires pow­er­ful fire­power to re­gain the land

that has been taken away, even though it is with the help of relics. With its
fire­power, the pres­ence of ar­mored units and ar­tillery units is ab­so­lute be­‐
yond the cru­cial level.'

There­fore, the pro­posal to the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, sent by Ma­jor

Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, would have been un­‐
de­ni­able. It would not have been dif­fi­cult for Lee Ki-soo to make it a base

'Gyeongju and Bu­san are al­ready their ter­ri­to­ries.' And Lee Ki-soo took
Gyeongju as the next tar­get af­ter us­ing it as a base area.

They ex­panded their ac­tiv­ity area with the strong relics of Gyeongju, and
they were in the process of ex­ert­ing in­flu­ence on Bu­san City.

'The good news is that they have not found Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk

Lee Ki-soo was still look­ing for the leg­endary relics, the Geum­chuk of Park
Hyuk-geo-se and the Man­pasik­jeok of King Sin­mun.

'When I ap­peared and the stage was twisted, they brought Japan to this

For that, they had re­ceived sup­port from the out­side forces of Japan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

"Hey, boss." Jang said to Kim, wor­ried about his si­lence. "What are you so
wor­ried about?"

Jang had made many plans for his fu­ture: af­ter es­tab­lish­ing the Mac Com­‐
pany, he would be a big suc­cess and buy a lot of ex­pen­sive art­work at
Sotheby's auc­tion on the In­ter­net from a man­sion in Mi­ami.

How­ever, Kim did not lis­ten to Jang, and Jang gave Kim a pretty up­set look
since he had not heard his fu­ture plans.

"You didn't hear me, did you?"

"Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk." Kim turned Jang's pout­ing mouth back to

its orig­i­nal shape with two words.

"The Gyeongju Samgi (three won­der­ful trea­sures)? Why?"

"They re­ally ex­ist."


Jang looked puz­zled.

" Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk are some­where be­yond the Sobaek Moun­‐
tains. Lee Ki-soo was look­ing for them."

How­ever, the ex­pres­sion of Jang, who un­der­stood the sit­u­at­ion, soon hard­‐

"So, did they find them?"

'Gyeongju Samgi refers to three relics rep­re­sent­ing the his­tory of Silla; the
Geum­chuk of Park Hyuk-geo-se, the Man­pasik­jeok of King Sin­mun, and
the Bell of King Seongdeok. Of course, the two things in front are lit­er­ally a
story, and only the Bell of King Seongdeok re­ally ex­ists.'

But the world had changed. There was no sur­prise that they were real. Jang
also learned that les­son from Kim Tae-hoon's death. So, their sur­prise was
not the fact that the relics ex­isted.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

"They didn't find them, did they? When they fell into their hands..."

The power of the relics was the power of sur­prise.

Even in case Kim Tae-hoon's first-grade relic, the Gilt-bronze In­cense

Burner of Baekje, its power was creepy.

It was for­tu­nate that Kim Tae-hoon used his wits and robbed it be­fore the
Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje was in use. If Kim Tae-hoon had to
face the mon­sters cre­ated by the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, he
would not have been guar­an­teed vic­tory.

That was the value of a real relic.

How great would the power of Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk, men­tioned in

the leg­ends, would be?

It was true that no one could even mea­sure their power. It would not be an
ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that they would be a game changer, if they were relics
of such power.

"Ah." Jang was able to draw the same pic­ture as Kim was paint­ing.

"The Six Snakes' cur­rent goal is not just to se­cure a base, but to col­lect leg­‐
endary relics!"

'It is not easy to ob­tain real relics. No, to tell the truth, at this point, half a
year af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared, the fa­mous relics are al­ready owned, and
the fast-paced searchers would not have left the relics be­hind. But it will be
dif­fer­ent if it is an un­re­al­is­tic relic.'

'The owner is who­ever finds it first.'

"If it is a relic of leg­end... it'll be nec­es­sary for a pow­er­ful mon­ster hunt, to

kill the mon­ster. Those who search for it first can take the lead in the up­‐
com­ing mon­ster stone bat­tle."

"Not ev­ery­one is like you."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

'That's the an­swer. If all the Awak­en­ers in the world are like Kim Tae-hoon,
they can con­cen­trate on hunt­ing mon­sters rather than do­ing such things. But
there are not many peo­ple like Kim Tae-hoon.'

'No, not many, but no one has be­come stronger like Kim Tae-hoon in the
world. If so, it is rather ridicu­lous. Even Kim Tae-hoon is not able to give a
proper an­swer to the dark-blue grade mon­ster right away.'

'What about oth­ers?'

'Leg­endary relics are the least tools needed for Awak­en­ers to kill more pow­‐
er­ful mon­sters.'

"If they mo­nop­o­lize the leg­endary relics that are es­sen­tial for hunt­ing mon­‐
sters... in fact, ex­cept for the nukes, weapons to hunt mon­sters are gone, so
the Six Snakes could rule the world. If a group mo­nop­o­lizes the tools, they
will be kings of the world."

"These guys are not kid­ding. It is not strange that the Six Snakes did this."

"The Ja­pa­nese Awak­en­ers are in Ko­rea now. And no mat­ter what they are
do­ing it, it's easy to un­der­stand."

"Japan? What do you mean?"

"Nin­jas were here."


"He said he was a ninja of Iga."

"Is he from the Leaf Vil­lage?"

"What's the Leaf Vil­lage?"

"Nev­er­mind. So... ex­plain it to me."

Dur­ing the cross-ques­tions from Jang, Kim told him what he had ob­tained
and the in­for­ma­tion he had got from Kazami Hay­ato.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

Jang's face hard­ened when he heard the in­for­ma­tion.

"Oh, my God, no mat­ter how many times his­tory re­peats it­self, there are
still fuck­ing guys sell­ing the coun­try to Japan."

Jang was an­gry. They had sold their coun­try from the mo­ment they were
sup­ported by the Six Snakes. But get­ting Ja­pa­nese sup­port was quite dif­fer­‐
ent; at least for Ko­re­ans, Japan had been a ter­ri­ble thing.

But Kim Tae-hoon was not an­gry.

'They sell out their coun­try?'

Kim had al­ready seen too many of them. That was not what he was sur­‐
prised about.

'There is no time.'

Ac­cord­ing to the in­for­ma­tion ob­tained from Hay­ato, Japan did not in­tend to
save Lee Ki-soo in the first place.

'Musashi, he is aim­ing to make Ko­rea a base and ad­vance into the con­ti­‐

By killing Lee Ki-soo, the goal was to make Ko­rea a pub­lic en­emy, not a
tar­get of co­op­er­at­ion with the Six Snakes. It was their plan that Japan would
be­come the tip of the sword, pierce Ko­rea first and get ev­ery­thing about
Ko­rea. The plan had al­ready be­gun.

The death of Lee Ki-soo had al­ready been passed on to them. Lee Ki-soo
was dead, and the news was de­liv­ered to the main­land of Japan.

'Spells... they are a cause of anx­i­ety.'

Kim heard that they could use a spell to tell if a per­son was liv­ing or dead
from a dis­tance.

'Of course, Japan will move to ad­vance into the Ko­rean Penin­sula. Their
start­ing point will be Bu­san, of course. There is al­ready a fa­cil­ity in

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

Tsushima Is­land to sup­port mar­itime move­ment be­tween Japan and Bu­san.

Above all, Japan's mar­itime power is so pow­er­ful that it can not be com­‐
pared with their land power.'

'Once Japan is in Bu­san, it is al­most im­pos­si­ble for Ko­rea to pre­vent Japan

from en­ter­ing.'

'In that state, we will be deal­ing with those who have set­tled in the
Gyeongsang area with the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana and Gyeongju relics, and with
mon­sters fill­ing the Sobaek moun­tain ranges!'

'It is not easy. The dam­age will be im­mea­sur­able if we are to win. Of

course, we have to stop their at­tempts right now. We must root out the Ja­pa­‐
nese forces that have en­tered Ko­rea now, and build a front line to pre­vent
them from land­ing on the Ko­rean main­land.'

'It's hard to get our men over the Sobaek Moun­tains right now. The prob­lem
is that it is not easy for us to cross the Sobaek moun­tain range with the
power of the Mac Guild. Mon­sters in the Sobaek Moun­tains are not laugh­‐
able op­po­nents.'

'Even­tu­ally, by the time the troops leave the Sobaek moun­tain range, Japan
will have at least oc­cu­pied Bu­san. Then it will be war. It's not just a war, it's
a civil war. Ko­rea will be­gin to en­gage in a frat­ri­ci­dal war of its own again,
with the land di­vided in half.'

'In the mean­time, Japan will take over the re­mains of Ko­rea again, and will
never leave, be­cause Japan will never con­sider the fu­ture of Ko­rea.'

'The blood is worth for the Game­cock, and we don't need that les­son any­‐

So, Kim did not hes­i­tate at this mo­ment.

"I can't for­give them this time. A lot of art has been leaked out to Japan by
pro-Ja­pa­nese groups! Why should we go to Japan to see the Mongyu­‐
dowondo, our own paint­ing? Boss, leave it to me, and if you give me the
au­thor­ity, I'll re­move them-"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 92 - The Moon Of Seoul, Part Iii ⦘

"Jang Sung-hoon, I will del­eg­ ate all the au­thor­ity I have to you at this time."


"You have all the au­thor­ity, in­clud­ing the right to com­mand and the power
to ap­point the Mac Guild and the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."

"Wait, what-"

"I will cross the Sobaek Moun­tains alone."

At that mo­ment, Kim looked up. Now he saw the dawn, which in­di­cated
that the night had passed.


Mongyu­dowondo: In the Joseon Dy­nasty, in 1447 (the 29th year of King

Se­jong's reign), this Shan Shui was painted with ink and col­ors on the silk
back­ground by An Gyeon. It con­tains a scene where Grand Prince An­‐
pyeong walked through the peach gar­den in a dream.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 93 - Ré­sis­tance, Part I

Chap­ter 33. Ré­sis­tance, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was July in Daegu City. It was hot, and even in the shad­owy build­ings, it
was sweaty and ir­ri­tat­ing.

The same was true of the messy of­fice on the sixth floor of the ru­ined eight-
story build­ing, and the woman gasp­ing in it. Her body was cov­ered with

Fuck! The woman was un­tidy, and her hair was cut short, like a man's. Her
hair was cov­ered with oil and sweat, and her sweat, was black and dark as if
she had not prop­erly washed for a long time.


Nev­er­the­less, she was at­trac­tive enough that she could call her­self a beauty,
and es­pe­cially a lacrimal point un­der her left eye was im­pres­sive. In ad­di­‐
tion, the lacrimal point was the most ob­vi­ous ev­i­dence that she was an ac­‐
tor, Lee Yeon-ah.

'It's the worst.'

Lee Yeon-ah had been an idol singer and had been pop­u­lar dur­ing her idol
days. Af­ter turn­ing to an ac­tress, she had ap­peared as the main sup­port­ing
ac­tor in a con­sid­er­able num­ber of films and had ap­peared twice in pub­lic
TV dra­mas.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

She was not the woman who had been al­ways un­der the glare of light, and
she was not the kind of woman who could gasp for breath in this place.

'Ev­ery­thing is the worst.'

Her mis­for­tune be­gan on De­cem­ber 31, 2016, as ev­ery­one else's did.

That day she was on her way to Seoul af­ter fin­ish­ing a drama shoot in Bu­‐
san. The first mon­sters she saw be­gan to min­gle with or crush the cars run­‐
ning on the Gyeongbu Ex­press­way, as if killing ants. At the ab­surd sight,
her man­ager es­caped out of the Gyeongbu Ex­press­way with an amaz­ing
show of driv­ing skill.

'At that time, I should have run to Seoul.'

The end of the night­mare that had started was Daegu City.

Daegu City was the only place with very few mon­sters to ap­pear, and the
sur­vivors flocked to Daegu City. To be pre­cise, only those who came to
Daegu could sur­vive.

Un­til then, she had the hope that this non­sense would be stopped. With that
hope, she fol­lowed the or­ders of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. It was
not enough to just fol­low. She had helped the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand
to re­as­sure peo­ple. She used her fame to be­come the face of the Sec­ond Op­‐
er­at­ions Com­mand in front of peo­ple. In ad­di­tion to her, en­ter­tain­ers and
celebri­ties came out to help the ac­tiv­i­ties of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­‐
mand. It was a kind of tal­ent do­na­tion, and at the same time, it was a strug­‐
gle to ben­ef­ it.

'If I would have run to Seoul at that time, I might have died, but I would not
have seen those mad bas­tards do any­thing crazy...'

At some point, the sit­u­at­ion be­gan to change. No, the sit­u­at­ion didn't im­‐
prove over time. The sup­port that they thought would come soon did not
come, and mil­lions of peo­ple who flocked to the col­lapse of the so­cial in­fra­‐
struc­ture cre­ated an unimag­in­able dis­or­der. Loot­ing took place all over the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

place, and once ar­son oc­curred, it would be a real dis­as­ter. But that was not
the worst.

'Those bas­tards took peo­ple to the mon­ster's dens and they forced peo­ple to
work... the crazy bas­tards.'

The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand be­gan to make strange moves from a

cer­tain mo­ment. The first ab­nor­mal­ity was when the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions
Com­mand headed to Gyeongju City with those who com­mit­ted a crime and
were iso­lated or im­pris­oned.

At first, no one was very in­ter­ested in it, and most of them wel­comed the
move; at least, no one wanted to share the space with the crim­i­nals. How­‐
ever, there was no sup­port to the mas­sacre of the crim­i­nals who had gone to
Gyeongju City.

It was a nat­u­ral thing, for there were plenty of hun­gry mon­sters in

Gyeongju, and the smell and sweat of thou­sands of peo­ple were not dif­fer­‐
ent from the smell of de­li­cious food.

The prob­lem arose af­ter the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand be­gan to send
peo­ple to Gyeongju City re­peat­edly.

There were peo­ple who started to doubt the fact that even crim­in­ als be­ing
thrown into hell was in­evitable, and ev­ery­thing changed when it be­came
known that the rea­son was to dig up the royal tombs and an­cient tombs in
Gyeongju City.

Peo­ple asked the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand why thou­sands and tens of
thou­sands of peo­ple risked their lives and walked through the royal tombs
and an­cient tombs of Gyeongju with noth­ing but shov­els and songs.

The an­swer to that ques­tion was sim­ple: they were shot dead. The Sec­ond
Op­er­at­ions Com­mand did not spare r those who com­plained and voiced
their opin­ion.

'Damn it.' Af­ter that, the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand forced not only
crim­i­nals but also in­no­cent peo­ple who did not com­mit crimes into

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

Gyeongju City, and they forced them to work.

From then on, only two cat­eg­ ories of peo­ple re­mained in Daegu. Those who
were obe­di­ently taken away, and those who did not want to be taken away.
Lee Yeon-ah was the lat­ter. She did not want to be taken away, so she be­‐
came a mem­ber of the Re­sis­tance.


And that was why she was breath­ing hard in the ru­ined build­ing.

"She's in here!"

"Fuck­ing bitch, you're a rat in a trap."

She grit her teeth at the voice in front of her build­ing.

'How the hell do they know where I am? Did they use a spell?'

But she didn't close her eyes tightly.

"Cap­ture her alive! She would know where Cho Sung-yeon is!"

"Can we just cap­ture her?"

"You guys, the first one to catch her can fuck her first! If you keep her
mouth un­hurt, ev­ery­thing is okay!"

"I am fi­nally fuck­ing her, I've been wait­ing for this day-"

De­spite the ghastly and mis­er­able talk of the sol­diers to­ward her, she never
showed any weak­ness.

'That's a load of bull­shit. How did I keep my vir­gin­ity in the en­ter­tain­ment

in­dus­try? If I am fucked by you guys, I'll set my body on fire.'

Rather, at this mo­ment she checked the num­ber of bul­lets in her own car­‐
tridge belt.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

'There's one left. Only one bul­let is left.'

When she put the mag­az­ ine in the K2 ri­fle she was hold­ing, she still had
about forty rounds of am­mu­ni­tion.

'I can take three of them.' She weighed the amount of am­mu­ni­tion left and
the life of a man.

"Hoo!" Then she drew her breath. Her eyes cooled down as she breathed,
her eyes slowly lost all hope.

'The last mo­ment... I will kill my­self.' Fi­nally, with the readi­ness to die, she
thought of a man's face in her mind.

'At least I have to save the cap­tain. If he dies, it's over.' She re­mem­bered the
face of the man who had fought against the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand
for jus­tice, not in­jus­tice.

"Hoo!" The mo­ment she fi­nally breathed, the mo­ment she pre­pared for the
bat­tle, the mo­ment her con­cen­tra­tion reached its peak, her sense of smell fi­‐
nally caught the odor.


'What is it?'

Deep, gen­tle, yet in­tense... a fra­grance that was not like other fra­grances.

'Oh, this was the aroma of cof­fee.' The scent was a cof­fee fla­vor.

'Oh, God, I for­got the fla­vor of cof­fee.'

She felt a lump in her throat then, sur­prised by the first smell of cof­fee in
some time, the cof­fee fla­vor she used to sa­vor. It was be­cause she felt
deeply how pre­cious the things she had lost were.

On the other hand, her rea­son tinged her.

'Where does this cof­fee smell come from?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

'Who is it?'

It was not an il­lu­sion, be­cause the fra­grance was too thick as an il­lu­sion.

It was clear that this was not the smell of the sol­diers of the Sec­ond Op­er­a‐­
tions Com­mand, the dogs of the mil­i­tary who risked their lives try­ing to
rape her. So, the sol­diers who en­tered the build­ing and started run­ning up
the stairs like dogs had no choice but to stop in front of this cof­fee smell.


"What is it? What does it smell like?"

"I've smelled it a lot of times... cof­fee! Cof­fee!"

The sol­diers also looked sur­prised by the smell, as it had been some time
for them as well. They were sur­prised that they had for­got­ten the smell that
had been blow­ing all over the world just half a year ago, and they were also
sur­prised that the odor was in a ru­ined build­ing. Their sur­prise turned into

Gulp! Then one of them gave a sign with a swal­low. "We'll go to the fifth
floor, and be care­ful if it's a trap."


With the or­der, those who had been climb­ing the stairs opened the door and
en­tered the fifth floor of the build­ing.

'Hoo!' Ly­ing on the stairs be­tween the fifth and sixth floors, Lee Yeon-ah,
who was about to shoot at the sol­diers who were com­ing up, held her breath
again. She heard some voices: start­ing with the voice of a sol­dier, pass­ing
the voice of a man she had never heard be­fore, and even the sound of the di­‐
rect fire or­der.

-- There! There's some­one over there!

-- Stop mov­ing. If you move, I'll kill you.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

-- Fire!

Af­ter that, there was no sound for a mo­ment.

'What's go­ing on?'

Thud! And af­ter a while, Lee Yeon-ah heard things fall on the floor, one af­‐
ter an­other. She could tell that the sound was the last sound of those who
had abruptly be­come dead.

'What, what...?' So, she had to panic. She had heard the sound sev­eral times
when a dead body fell, but she has never heard them with­out a shot.

But her sur­prise was not the end of it.

Huck! Lee Yeon-ah was able to tell that the cof­fee smell was grad­u­ally get­‐
ting stronger. The source was get­ting closer to her.

Screech! The door to the stairs, which had been closed, opened again by it­‐
self. The door­knob moved on its own, and the door opened it­self. A voice
came from be­yond the open door.

"Drop the gun."

It was a warn­ing. It was a warn­ing to Lee Yeon-ah her­self. At the warn­ing,

she wor­ried, and when the worry was over, she took the gun up­side down
in­stead of throw­ing it away. She pointed it at her head.

'If I am taken any in­for­ma­tion...' And with­out a mo­ment's hes­i­ta­tion, she

pulled the trig­ger.

'Ah!' But the trig­ger didn't move. The rea­son was sim­ple. She didn't know
that the safety was on.

'Why, why?' She was em­bar­rassed by the fact.

In the mean­time, a man car­ry­ing a deep cof­fee odor came to­ward her. There
was no sound of walk­ing up the stairs, since the man climbed the stairs in
the air and stood in front of Lee Yeon-ah, who was ly­ing on the stair land­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

ing be­tween the fifth and sixth floors. He had bushy hair and there were two
swords on his back. How­ever, above all, his black Eyes were the most im­‐
pres­sive and over­whelm­ing.

"I, I-"

"My name is Kim Tae-hoon, the head of the Mac Guild, which man­ages the
cap­i­tal city Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, Gang­won, and In­cheon."

Even Lee Yeon-ah, who had made up her mind to sui­cide, was over­‐
whelmed and she made a fool­ish ex­pres­sion. So, she an­swered with­out even
know­ing it, "I, I'm... Lee Yeon-ah."


"Lee, Lee Yeon-ah. Lee Yeon-ah."

"So what?"

"Lee, Lee Yean-ah."

The man frowned strongly, leav­ing Lee Yeon-ah silent in front of him. Then
he said, with a look that seemed to be truly un­aware of her, "The unit, the
rank, the in­for­ma­tion you wanted to hide so much that you chose sui­cide.
All I want to hear is those three things."

With the words, Kim Tae-hoon had cof­fee in a mug in his hand.


"They were wiped out? Does that make sense?" A sol­dier bowed his head at
the ques­tion of the man who was pour­ing out sweat like a flood in the heat.

"How many peo­ple died just try­ing to cap­ture a girl!"

The name of the man who yelled again was Jang Kyun. He was also a Ma­‐
jor un­der the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. That was all.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

Jang Kyun had only a rank, but he did not have proper power or sta­tus. He
was not a Ma­jor in the first place, and it was only be­cause of the mark on
the back of his right hand that he was able to re­ceive the high rank of Ma­jor.

The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand needed to in­crease the loy­alty of their

Awak­en­ers, and in that sit­u­at­ion, all the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand could
do was to give them a de­cent rank. For that rea­son, there were more Ma­jors
than Sec­ond Lieu­tenants un­der the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

"Get her right now!"

"It's dan­ger­ous, and Lee Yeon-ah could have set up a trap."

"So what? Get her now! We have to catch her, so we can find the true lo­ca­‐
tion of the Re­sis­tance!"

"Well, it's still dan­ger­ous-"

Cur­rently, the big­gest prob­lem of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was the
Re­sis­tance, and Lee Yeon-ah was an ex­ec­u­tive of the Re­sis­tance. That was
why Ma­jor Jang Kyun was fu­ri­ous to catch her.

"Get Lee Yeon-ah!"

Ma­jor Jang Kyun would be able to ac­quire the right power and sta­tus as
soon as he caught the ac­tress Lee Yeon-ah, who was the ex­ec­u­tive of the re­‐
sis­tance and all the Ko­rean peo­ple knew her.

'Fuck­ing bitch, I will catch her---'

There was also a de­sire to vent his per­sonal sex­ual de­sires.

The men un­der Ma­jor Jang Kyun were an­gry, of course. 'Crazy bas­tard!
You could go and catch her your­self. If we were able to catch her, we would
have caught her.'

Ev­ery­one knew that they had to catch Lee Yeon-ah to clean up the Re­sis­‐
tance. But she had never been caught.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

Above all, even though they had known her lo­ca­tion clearly, the troops who
had gone to catch her were slaugh­tered. It was more likely that the place
was a trap cre­ated by the Re­sis­tance than any­thing else.

'We should throw our­selves into such a trap?'

'We can't fuck­ing run away...'

'Does it mean that we should die?'

"Ma­jor Jang Kyun." A man in the dis­tance spoke; he was young enough to
be de­scribed as a young man rather than a man.

Be­hind him was a man who was dressed in a suit that any­one could see was
a ninja.

"Mr. Tanaka has some­thing to say."

The young man was none other than a Ja­pa­nese in­ter­preter. Of course, the
ob­ject of in­ter­pre­ta­tion was the man in the ninja out­fit be­hind the young

"If you give him per­mis­sion, Mr. Tanaka will catch Lee Yeon-ah di­rectly."

Ma­jor Jang Kyun was very pleased with the words of the in­ter­preter.


"But he has a con­di­tion."


"If he catches her, you'll have to give him a day or so."

Ma­jor Jang Kyun laughed at that.

'Well, she was fa­mous in Japan, too.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 93 - Résistance, Part I ⦘

Ma­jor Jang Kyun couldn't help but no­tice the mean­ing of that, and he had
no in­ten­tion of com­plain­ing or re­ject­ing the fact. Most of all, he knew the
ninja had a very spe­cial abil­ity. It was the ninja who had found the lo­ca­tion
of the elu­sive Lee Yeon-ah. Of course, he did not hes­i­tate.

"Please tell him to give me a fa­vor."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 94 - Ré­sis­tance, Part Ii

Chap­ter 94: Episode 94 -- Ré­sis­tance, Part II

Chap­ter 33. Ré­sis­tance, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Lee Yeon-ah was sit­ting in a chair. She wasn't sit­ting nor­mally. Her body
was tied to a chair. Her body was tight to the back of a chair, her arms were
on the arm­rests, and her legs were on the legs of a chair.

"Eup eup!" Fi­nally, there was a gag in her mouth.


"I'm telling you a few things."

Kim Tae-hoon was sit­ting in a chair in front of her. His ex­pres­sion while sit­‐
ting on the chair with­out a back­rest was very dull.

"The only thing I want to know is the in­for­ma­tion you wanted to hide un­til
you chose to kill your­self. I don't care about your name or your unit."

On the other hand, Lee was star­ing at Kim. Of course, at this mo­ment she
had no in­ten­tion of co­op­er­at­ing with him.

And Kim did not want to be in a co­op­er­at­ive re­la­tion­ship with her, ei­ther.

"And I don't have much time, and I don't want to waste time tor­tur­ing a per­‐
son to get in­for­ma­tion that I don't know, even if I have plenty of time."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

In the first place, her ap­pear­ance was a sur­prise event for Kim, and no more
than that. Her ap­pear­ance was un­ex­pected, so it was not a mean­ing­ful re­la­‐

"That's the same for you, so you have an hour."

Above all, Kim's pur­pose in Daegu was not to find some­thing.


Kim was here to clean up the threats to the Mac Guild, in­clud­ing Daegu
City. And the clean­ing work did not need to be helped by some­one else.

At least, there was be no one in Ko­rea who could give ad­vice to him in such
clean­ing work. Nev­er­the­less, the rea­son he had saved her life was that she
had tried to kill her­self for in­for­ma­tion se­cu­rity.

'There's a rea­son to risk her life.' Try­ing to kill her­self for in­for­ma­tion se­cu­‐
rity was not easy for non-re­li­gious fa­nat­ics. One more rea­son was that she
was chased by sol­diers of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

Those two rea­sons were all Kim needed to keep Lee alive and in­ter­ro­gate

Of course, he did not in­tend to in­vest a lot of time in her.

"If you look at me like that in an hour, I'll make you the dead body you
want to be."

If her at­ti­tude would not change in an hour, the in­ter­ro­ga­tion would be over.
In ad­di­tion, Kim did not in­tend to re­gret in the fu­ture, leav­ing room for her.

"If you want to talk, tell me."

As soon as Kim fin­ished the no­tice, he closed his eyes. There was no co­er­‐
cive in­ter­ro­ga­tion or tor­ture.

'This man...' Lee stared at Kim turned into a look of ab­sur­dity.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

'What the hell?' Ev­ery­thing was ques­tion­able for her now: Kim's ex­is­tence
it­self, his in­ten­tion, and his abil­ity.

'Doesn't he know me?' Even Lee had doubts about the fact that Kim did not
know her.

'Is my face that bad?' Lee didn't have any doubts be­cause of her pride.

Her im­age and fame were more im­por­tant than she had thought in a land of
un­be­liev­able mon­sters. To be hon­est, or­di­nary peo­ple pre­ferred to lis­ten to
the words of celebri­ties who they had of­ten seen on TV, rather than what
sol­diers said.

Re­li­ab­ il­ity was also much higher for celebri­ties with their own good im­age
than mere sol­diers. In ad­di­tion, Lee was a woman who be­came the man­ager
for the Ré­sis­tance from the man­ager of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

If Lee had been just a nor­mal per­son, it would have been mean­ing­less. But
she was not a nor­mal per­son, and that was why the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions
Com­mand was try­ing to catch her. Not know­ing her was def­i­nitely a mat­ter
for her to go over. How­ever, there was no way to solve her sus­pi­cions.

"Eup eup! Ugh!" She wasn't even al­lowed to ask ques­tions. And as time
went by, there was no room for doubt for her.

'What do I do?'

It was some­times more painful to be forced to suf­fer than to be tor­tured.

'Am I re­ally go­ing to die like this?'

When she was ready to kill her­self, she was des­per­ate and ur­gent. That was
why she could be de­ci­sive. But it was dif­fer­ent now.

She had to ag­o­nize over her death at this mo­ment. To live, she had to sell
her out co-work­ers, but if she didn't, she might die, has been forced into her

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

Even the of­fice, which Kim had taken for a con­ver­sa­tion with Lee, was
used as a ware­house. There were no win­dows, no sun­light, and it was a
place where she could not tell how much time had gone by.

Then Kim opened his eyes. 'Ninja's here.' His eyes were black.

When Lee saw the sight, she let out a gasp.

'Good to have a trap set up.'

Mean­while, Kim got up from his seat and moved near the door. His mouth
was puffed up like a frog. Soon af­ter, he ex­pelled out his mouth­ful of en­‐
ergy into the door.

Foo-hoo-hoo-hoo! A huge fire broke out. The flames be­gan to fill the door
and the hall­way be­hind it.


"Argh! Aaaaaargh!"

Then there was a scream from a place where there was no sign. No, five

Swish! The ar­row from the leather holder in Kim's waist moved to­ward the
five screams.

Thunk, thunk! The ar­row pierced the screams at once. It was all done in a

Af­ter fin­ish­ing his work, Kim sat down again. There was no con­ver­sa­tion.
He started med­it­at­ing with his eyes closed again.

Lee could not glare at Kim any­more. 'What the hell...'

At that mo­ment, Kim opened his eyes and said, "You seem to be a very im­‐
por­tant per­son, and you've got a lot of peo­ple look­ing for you."

"Ugh!" Lee was de­lighted with the voice. But her joy did not last long.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

"Team leader, head, nig­ger." The funny words men­tioned by Kim made her

'Ah...' The words were nick­names for her col­leagues, who she knew well.

"I'll change the con­di­tion." Kim ac­knowl­edged her shak­ing eyes.

"I don't think I'll get in­for­ma­tion af­ter killing col­leagues against a per­son
who de­cides to kill her­self to save her col­leagues. If you give me in­for­ma­‐
tion here, I will save you and your col­leagues to­gether. If not, I will kill you
and your col­leagues." It was the last no­tice.

'Oh, no!' "Eup!" Her eyes changed sadly at the no­tice.

Kim re­leased the gag that was hang­ing in her mouth.


Be­tween the build­ing Kim was in and the next, three peo­ple gath­ered to­‐
gether un­der a deep shadow.

They were two men and a woman; a man in his mid-thir­ties, a man in his
late twen­ties with an un­usu­ally large head, and a woman with dark skin in
her mid-twen­ties. They were gath­ered to­gether in a clus­ter un­der a deep
shadow. What they were look­ing at was an eight-story build­ing that had be­‐
come a ruin.

"She is right there, isn't she?"

"There's def­i­nitely a trail here."

"But why isn't there any sig­nal? Let's send a sig­nal again."

Their iden­tity was none other than the mem­bers of the Ré­sis­tance who Lee
was sup­posed to meet up with.

"Team leader, let's just go in."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

How­ever, Lee did not come to the meet­ing place. It wasn't un­usual. Daegu
City was the area of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, and there was noth­‐
ing strange about the ac­ci­dent. There­fore, they had a sec­ond and third place
to pre­pare for such a sit­u­at­ion. One of the places was the eight-story build­‐
ing that the three were look­ing at.

"Clearly, there were traces. I'm sure she is in­side. How­ever, there is no an­‐
swer to the sig­nal..."

"Team leader, let's just go in!"

So, when they found traces of Lee on the way, they thought there would be
no big prob­lem. But when there was no an­swer even af­ter send­ing sev­eral
sig­nals to the build­ing, the story changed.

There was a trail, but there was no an­swer... In this case, she might not an­‐
swer be­cause of a se­ri­ous in­jury.

"Head, Nig­ger, be quiet."

At this mo­ment, how­ever, a man in his mid-thir­ties, who was called the
team leader, did not move quickly. At that mo­ment, shad­ows be­gan to shuf­‐
fle be­tween the dark shad­ows be­hind their backs.

"Team leader, what are you wait­ing for? There's no­body around, isn't

"There are foot­prints there. There are a lot of traces of mil­i­tary boots."

"So she's in dan­ger, isn't she? We have to get in there quickly."

"If there had been a bat­tle, there would be traces of fight­ing, but there was
no sign of it. Maybe it's a trap."


The three were un­aware that the black masked ninja ap­peared be­hind them.
It wasn't just be­cause of their in­com­pe­tence. Nin­jas were not even breath­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

ing. Soon af­ter, five nin­jas who ap­peared with­out a sound si­mul­ta­ne­ously
threw out the throw­ing dag­gers in their hands.

Whizz! Only then were the sounds that the knives cracked the wind, and
team leader Ko Suk-woo turned his head to no­tice them.

'Oh, my God!' It was a late re­sponse. When Ko turned his head, the throw­‐
ing dag­gers were al­ready too close to them.

The throw­ing dag­gers were all like but­ter­flies, their arcs com­pletely ar­bi­‐
trary. Some were fly­ing straight, some were draw­ing a par­ab­ ola from top to
bot­tom, and some were fly­ing like ducks and drakes on the ground. They
were un­pre­dictable.

Of course, it was im­pos­si­ble to avoid them.

'Ah.' In front of the scene, Ko just let out a sigh.

Then the throw­ing-dag­gers stopped in midair.

"What is it?"


The re­main­ing two turned their heads along with Ko, and they could see
what was go­ing on as well.



The two were fright­ened in front of the throw­ing-dag­gers, which had come
so close to them, but had stopped, just like that.

"What, what?" And it wasn't just them who were freaked out.

"な, なに?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

The words of the nin­jas that threw the throw­ing-dag­gers also sounded the
same as those of the first two.

Thunk! The ar­row which sud­denly ap­peared pen­et­rated the nin­jas' heads,
and the nin­jas be­came dead and fell to the ground.

Tanaka, who was wear­ing a white mask and watch­ing the scene from the
roof of the build­ing, was also fright­ened. 'What is this?'

Orig­i­nally the pur­pose of Tanaka was to help Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo
when he came down to Daegu City while wait­ing with the Sec­ond Op­er­a‐­
tions Com­mand in Daegu. Of course, the real mis­sion was to re­move him if
he made it alive to Daegu City, due to Hay­ato's mis­takes and in­com­pe­tence.

How­ever, at the mo­ment of the death of Lee Ki-soo, the main­land of Japan
gave Tanaka a new mis­sion. In or­der to in­vade the Ko­rean Penin­sula, they
needed to build a base area in Bu­san where the Bu­san Port was lo­cated.
From then on, he be­gan ac­tively help­ing the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.
Of course, he started to clean up the Ré­sis­tance, the big­gest headache of the
Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

There was no trou­ble. All he had to do was tag some­thing, and he could see
where they were, in real time. To him, tak­ing care of Lee Yeon-ah, who had
al­ready been tagged for track­ing, was vir­tu­ally a game. Tanaka, who had
done what he came to do, came here to play with his toy. He came here for
that rea­son...

'Who the hell is it? Who...' There was some­thing in front of him that he
dared not even imag­ine.

'I must run away!' For­tu­nately, at this mo­ment Tanaka knew what he had to
do. 'I must run away first!'

It the most im­por­tant les­son Tanaka had learned in re­turn for sur­viv­ing in
the hell that was Tokyo: never face the un­known fear! But he did not carry
out the les­son...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

'Oh, my God!' As Tanaka turned around to es­cape, a man ap­peared in front

of his eyes in the sky. The man re­ally fell from the sky.

'Let me at­tack first!' The mo­ment Tanaka saw the man, he was not as­ton­‐
ished. He took out a ku­nai.

'The first at­tack gets vic­tory.' He tried to take ad­van­tage of the first at­tack.
How­ever, it was up to the other side.

Swish! As Tanaka pulled out the ku­nai, a Sword ap­peared like a light­ning
bolt from the sky and cut the wrist hold­ing it.

Thud! Tanaka's eyes opened wide enough when he saw his hand hold­ing the
Ku­nai fall to the ground. But he was not al­lowed to be sur­prised or scream.

"Ugh, ugh-ugh!"

Tanaka's body be­gan to rise, like he was be­ing pulled up by a noose. He

touched his neck with his hands... no, he was touch­ing his neck with a good
hand and a sev­ered stump.

In the mean­time, the man in front of Tanaka came to­ward him slowly and
said in flu­ent Ja­pa­nese. "Kazami Hay­ato."

"Ugh?" For Tanaka, it was not good news that the man in front of him was
good with Ja­pa­nese.

"He con­fessed all of the de­scrip­tions of Musashi's peo­ple in ten min­utes. I

thought it would be dif­fi­cult be­cause he was a ninja, but he had no re­sis­‐
tance to tor­ture, and he asked for a deal when I pulled out three of his fin­‐

"Ugh, ugh..."

"I won­der how long you'll last."


The of­fice with the soft smell of cof­fee...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

"That is our story." Af­ter fin­ish­ing the story in front of the cof­fee smell, Lee
looked at the man who was drink­ing it. The man, who was sa­vor­ing it, did
not re­ply eas­ily.

But Lee was no longer sur­prised. She knew now that it was im­pos­si­ble to
open the mouth of Kim Tae-hoon when he had cof­fee.

Kim started to think with his cof­fee.

'Cho Sung-yeon.' The most im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion that Kim learned was that
the leader of the Ré­sis­tance was Cho Sung-yeon.

'I can't be­lieve I am see­ing him here.' It was one of the three things that
must be done in the bucket list that he de­liv­ered to him­self through his
death in a dream; Kim was sup­posed to make Cho Sung-yeon pres­i­dent.

'I'm sick of it.' The prob­lem was that he had heard the name of Cho Sung-
yeon from oth­ers, as well as Lee Yeon-ah.

Kim swal­lowed. Four peo­ple, in­clud­ing Lee around him, swal­lowed, too.
They were ner­vous ahead of his an­swer.

"Your leader has been cap­tured by the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand." Kim
dealt them a hard blow.

"What, what---"

"They caught him two days ago."

Tanaka was the name of an­other per­son from whom Kim had heard the
name Cho Sung-yeon. In front of Kim's tor­ture, he gave up ev­ery­thing he
knew: he had been able to catch Cho Sung-yeon, the leader of the Ré­sis­‐
tance that he had wanted so much, with his abil­ity to track his op­po­nent,
two days ago.

"Non­sense! Then they would have no rea­son to come af­ter me!" Lee de­nied
Kim's words. Her de­nial was ap­pro­pri­ate enough. "It's their pur­pose to catch
a leader... and if they've got a leader, why would they come af­ter me?
Where did you hear that crap?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

The rea­son why the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was try­ing to catch the
Ré­sis­tance ex­ec­u­tives was to learn the lo­ca­tion of Cho Sung-yeon.

Was there any rea­son why those who had al­ready caught Cho Sung-yeon
would hide the fact and chase the ex­ec­u­tives?

How­ever, Kim did not raise any doubts about this sit­u­at­ion. Rather, from
his point of view, the ac­tions of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand were rea­‐

"The rebel group in the point for­ma­tion makes two choices when a leader is
caught: one is to do ev­ery­thing in its power to res­cue the leader, or to se­lect
a new leader. What­ever they choose, there is some­thing in com­mon."

"What is it?"

"Chang­ing the hide­outs and net­works that they used to use."


"It's the ba­sic of the ba­sics."

'The cap­ture of the leader is proof that the se­crets of the or­ga­ni­za­tion have
been ex­posed to some de­gree. Of course, as soon as the leader is caught, the
or­ga­ni­za­tion must change the ba­sic sys­tem to­tally.'

'So, when they root out groups such as rebels and ter­ror­ists, they do not in­‐
form any­one if they catch a leader. Rather, they act as if they did not catch
the leader, and they use the in­for­ma­tion they get from the leader to find the
re­main­ing par­ties, in­clud­ing the ex­ec­u­tives.'

The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was now do­ing the same thing, for they
would want to root out the Ré­sis­tance as far as pos­si­ble.

Al­though they had caught Cho Sung-yeon, it would be only known af­ter his
ex­ec­ u­tion cer­em
­ ony and af­ter some achieve­ments were noted.

'I can't guar­an­tee his life, or maybe he's al­ready dead.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 94 - Résistance, Part Ii ⦘

As Kim knew, there was no ex­pert in the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand who
could tor­ture a per­son un­til he was on the brink of death. Above all, Cho
Sung-yeon, who Kim heard about from Lee, was a man with a strong will
and de­ter­mi­na­tion.

If there was a mo­ment, if there was a chance, the man would be will­ing to
kill him­self. He was a man who would not tol­er­ate his life harm­ing his or­‐

'... the bucket list and the wish list never re­verse.'

Kim did not hes­i­tate any more. No, there was no rea­son to hes­i­tate. Even if
it was not be­cause of Cho Sung-yeon, there was a good rea­son to at­tack the
Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. The time was just a lit­tle faster.

"We are go­ing to res­cue Cho Sung-yeon im­me­di­ately."

At that re­mark, Lee asked re­flex­ively. "When, when are you go­ing to do it?"

It was a re­flex­ive ques­tion, lit­er­ally. She was so ea­ger to save Cho Sung-
yeon that she blurted it out.

An­swer­ing her ques­tion in re­turn, Kim started to cal­cu­late the time for the
plan by look­ing at his wrist­watch.

"Now, it's 7:22 PM, it takes about 5 min­utes to get to Daegu City Hall,
where the head­quar­ter of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand is lo­cated. If I
add time to un­der­stand the sit­u­at­ion and the op­er­at­ion plan..."

Kim fin­ished his cal­cu­la­tion and said, "We at­tack Daegu City Hall at 7:30
PM, eight min­utes from now."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 95 - Ré­sis­tance, Part Iii

Chap­ter 95: Episode 95 -- Ré­sis­tance, Part III

Chap­ter 33. Ré­sis­tance, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was a dark base­ment. Only one light, a yel­low­ish lamp, glowed in the
dark­ness. Un­der the lamp was a metal chair.

A man sat in an iron chair that re­minded some­one of an elec­tric tor­ture

chair, ex­pertly tied up. His limbs were firmly fixed on the metal chair.


The man looked ter­ri­ble.

His two hands were tied to the arm­rests, and all ten fin­gers were bleed­ing,
with no nails, and bro­ken mul­ti­ple times. The shape of his thighs was even
worse, with dozens of nails stick­ing out of them.

The name of the man with ter­ri­ble wounds and a gag was Cho Sung-yeon.


The 28-year-old young man was on the verge of death. The only rea­son for
his death was that he had said that some­thing wrong was wrong.

'Damn it.' Of course, he was an­gry at the fact. In other words, he kept his
will in spite of this ter­ri­ble wounds.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

Screech! There was fi­nally a sound in the base­ment. It was the sound of the
door open­ing.

'Who is it?'

Clump. A string of foot­steps fol­lowed. Cho care­fully opened his eyes,

which were burn­ing very brightly, un­like his hor­ri­ble shape.

Was that why? Cho was able to see two men com­ing to­ward him from be­‐
yond the dark­ness. One was a man in a mil­i­tary uni­form. His rank was Ma­‐
jor, but his im­age was not at all like a sol­dier. He looked like a civil­ian in a
mil­i­tary cos­tume play.

The other was a man dressed in an out­fit rem­i­nis­cent of a Ja­pa­nese Samu­rai

of the Sen­goku pe­riod, wear­ing breath­tak­ing ar­mor and a sword at his

It was an ex­tra­or­di­nary com­bi­na­tion, but it was a fa­mil­iar com­bi­na­tion one

to Cho. 'Here they are, the damned Ja­pa­nese and the pro-Ja­pa­nese bas­tard.'

Ko­jima and Jang Byung-wook. It was al­ready the third time that they had
come to Cho Sung-yeon. The two stood in front of Cho. When Ko­jima gave
the sig­nal, Jang im­me­di­ately pulled out the gag in his mouth.

"Whew! It's numb." As soon as the gag dis­ap­peared, Cho Sung-yeon im­me­‐
di­ately spoke to Jang.

Jang was not sur­prised, as this was not the first time for him, but the third

"Oh, I'm tin­gling," Cho said af­ter his jaw was loos­ened to some ex­tent, be­‐
cause he had been gagged.

"I don't want to kill my­self by bit­ing my tongue, but you keep gag­ging my
tongue. You fuck­ing bas­tards, I will not die if I bite my tongue."

Jang did not an­swer to Cho's com­plaints. In­stead, he con­veyed his words to
Ko­jima in Ja­pa­nese.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

The samu­rai, with his thick beard cov­er­ing his chin, nod­ded and smiled.
Then Ko­jima said some­thing, and Jang in­ter­preted the words.

"He says the of­fer is still valid."

"What? What? I can't hear you be­cause you're a pro-Ja­pa­nese bas­tard."

Jang's face hard­ened, and Cho smiled deeply.

"What are you do­ing? Just in­ter­pret it. You got the Ma­jor's rank to do it. Of
course, un­der the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, there are more peo­ple with
Ma­jor ranks than Sec­ond Lieu­tenants. They have no pen­sion, and they have
to make their own rank-in­signia and at­tach it to their clothes by them­selves.
The Ma­jor is a rank that ev­ery­one ig­nores."

Jang in­ter­preted the words again af­ter he clenched his mouth tightly at the
words of Cho.

Ko­jima's ex­pres­sion hard­ened when the in­ter­preter had prop­erly de­liv­ered


Then again, Ko­jima spoke, and Jang Byung-wook trans­lated it.

"If you ac­cept the of­fer, the Ninja and Samu­rai on the Ja­pa­nese main­land
will be your power, you can de­stroy the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, you
will man­age Ko­rea, and you will be the king of Ko­rea."

"No, I can be a king by my­self. Why do the damn Ja­pa­nese de­cide that?
Funny lit­tle bas­tards."

The con­ver­sa­tion was re­peated through the trans­la­tion. But in fact, the in­ter­‐
preter was ac­tu­ally mean­ing­less to Cho.

'I'm an­noyed to hear the trans­la­tion in the mid­dle, pre­tend­ing not to speak
Ja­pa­nese.' Cho knew how to speak Ja­pa­nese. But he pre­tended not to know
Ja­pa­nese, and then he could hear it straight away.

"You must win him over to our side some­how, and he must not die."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

"But you see, he is so stub­born... you know that he is a real tough cookie."

"He has to be alive."

"Well, it's not some­thing I can do..."

The two talked to each other, giv­ing up the con­ver­sa­tion with Cho... Any­‐
way, thanks to act­ing like he could not speak Ja­pa­nese, he learned im­por­tant

Ko­jima, this samu­rai from Japan, wanted to save Cho. He had never told
Jang why, but Cho was able to guess the rea­son.

'Maybe he'll re­lease me soon.' That way, the Ré­sis­tance led by Cho would
ha­rass the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand as ever, so that the Sec­ond Op­er­a‐­
tions Com­mand would pay trib­ute to these ridicu­lous 21st-cen­tury nin­jas
and samu­rai.

Or, on the other hand, the Ré­sis­tance would quake and bow down to Japan
to de­stroy the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. To Japan, it was much bet­ter
than one side push­ing the other side.

'Shit, they re­ally piss me off.' It was ridicu­lous to Cho.

"Tanaka went to catch Lee Yeon-ah. He'll catch her sooner or later, and then
I'll talk to him again."

Cho heard the name of Lee Yeon-ah. 'Damn it.' When he heard it, he closed
his eyes to hide how shaken he was.

Thump! A sud­den roar shook the Daegu City Hall build­ing above them.

Screech, screech. The light shook above Cho's head, and it told them that
the shock they felt was not an il­lu­sion.

"What's go­ing on?"

"I, I don't know."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

"We're go­ing out. If an earth­quake hap­pens, it's not good to be un­der­‐


The two left the base­ment im­me­di­ately. For their ben­ef­ it, Cho re­sponded
with all his might. He clutched the fin­gers of both his hands, still tied to the
arm­rests, ex­cept the two mid­dle fin­gers.


Kim Tae-hoon had been un­usu­ally weak. It was not a joke.

He had al­ways had to deal with over­whelm­ing en­em

­ ies, and of course, he
knew bet­ter than any­one how to deal with a strong per­son.

But it did not mean that the strong did not know how to deal with the weak.
Rather, in or­der for the weak to catch the strong, he had to know how the
strong catch the weak.

There­fore, he knew bet­ter than any­one else how to deal with the weak.

"It's a mon­ster!"

"A mon­ster of smoke!"

Kim's choice against the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was not dif­fi­cult, it
was a straight frontal break­through. He at­tacked once he sum­moned the
golden smoke us­ing the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje.

"Well, I think that's a per­son."

"That's not a per­son."

Now, the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje used Kim's mana. He had
eaten the mon­ster stone of the blue-grade Game­cock, so now it sum­moned
fig­ures made of wild an­i­mals, fly­ing an­i­mals, and hu­mans.

The sum­moned crea­tures of the golden smoke that ap­peared be­gan to hunt
the sol­diers who were fill­ing the area around Daegu City Hall. It was a one-
sided hunt.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

"Aaaaaaargh!" The sum­moned crea­tures' teeth and claws ripped into the
sol­diers' bod­ies with­out mercy, but they re­sponded with a rain of gun­fire.

Tu­tutu! "Fuck, the guns don't work!"

Rather, the shots passed through the body of the sum­moned and hit the bod­‐
ies of their forces be­yond it.

"Stop shoot­ing! Stop shoot­ing!" some­one with a Ma­jor's rank shouted, but
some­one else with a Ma­jor's rank also shouted. "Shoot! Get that mon­ster!"

It was a mess.


It was the fire that started to fill the sur­round­ing build­ings of Daegu City
Hall and made it an even greater hellish mess.

Foo-hoo-hoo! The fire was caused by Kim. He started to set fires ev­ery­‐
where. He knew the power of fire, es­pe­cially in this con­fus­ing sit­u­at­ion, and
peo­ple never ap­proached a place where fire was lo­cated. Of course, peo­ple
were driven to a place where there was no fire, and where they were



The booby traps that Kim in­stalled were in op­er­at­ion. The booby trap,
which was cre­ated based on grenades, caused a lot of ca­su­al­ties.

"Ugh... help, help me."

"Get away! Run!"


It cre­ated a huge fear that could not be com­pared with the ca­su­al­ties. In
front of that fear, proper lead­er­ship and com­mand were no longer pos­si­ble.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

'As ex­pected.'

In ad­di­tion, they were not able to re­ceive proper lead­er­ship and com­mand.

'Their abil­ity to fight against mon­sters is very weak.'

'Daegu City is cur­rently un­der the in­flu­ence of the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana of the
nearby Haein Tem­ple; they are free from the threat of mon­sters.'

'It is not bad. It is a mir­ac­ le and a good for­tune given by heaven. But it is
also true that the mir­ac­ le took away the mon­ster Ré­sis­tance that Daegu peo­‐
ple should have. It is the op­po­site of the Mac Guild.'

If it were the Mac Guild, they would have cer­tainly shared their roles in this
con­fu­sion. They would have evac­u­ated, and the com­man­dos would have
risked their lives to earn the time to evac­u­ate.

Of course, the sit­u­at­ion would not have changed much. If that abil­ity was
present in the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, Kim would have de­vised a
new plan ac­cord­ingly.

'I will go in.' Soon Kim changed his dress. As soon as he had ar­rived in
Daegu, he had donned the Ma­jor's uni­form and held a bag and a Sword at
his chest.

Kim went into Daegu City Hall, leav­ing be­hind the chaos he had cre­ated.
No one was de­ter­ring him. It was 7:33 PM.


The door to the ma­chine room was a steel door. Stand­ing in front of the
solid iron door, Kim looked at the door­knob. The door­knob started to turn
slowly. But the door did not open. It was locked.

Kim re­al­ized that, and he twisted the door­knob.

Crack! The door­knob screamed as it was crushed. He opened the door and
went in.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

The pitch dark­ness wel­comed him. It was not dif­fi­cult to find what he
wanted in the dark ma­chine room. There was only one man un­der a lonely

"Who is this time, huh? Where are you from?"

A lit­tle while ago, Ko­jima and Jang for­got to gag Cho be­cause they left in a
hurry, and he was will­ing to con­front the new vis­i­tor as best he could.

Kim nar­rowed the dis­tance to Cho. When it was close enough, he ex­am­ined
Cho's face care­fully.

He had the im­age of a man in his late twen­ties, his lips split from tor­ture,
and his skin and bones dried by de­hy­dra­tion. His dark eye­brows were like a
pine cater­pil­lar drawn on the skull.

But his eyes were the most im­pres­sive. Even in front of this ab­surd tor­ture,
the eyes of Cho were not dead at all.

"There's an­other weird bas­tard again." In the eyes of Kim, Cho vom­ited his
words with­out his spirit not be­ing pressed.

"Name," Kim asked him the first ques­tion.

"What? What?" Cho ques­tioned in re­turn with a wry smile.


"Look at this. Do you have... eighth-grade syn­drome?"


"My last name is Mother, and my first name is Fucker. To­gether, it's Moth­‐
er­fucker. That's my name."

Kim smiled at the re­peated de­fi­ance of Cho. Cho's spirit died for the first
time with the smile. 'What's with this bas­tard?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

Cho con­sid­ered Kim a Ma­jor of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. He had

no choice but to think so. It was enough to think that the uni­form with a
Ma­jor's rank he was wear­ing was not a Ja­pa­nese mil­i­tary uni­form.

How­ever, Kim's eyes and at­ti­tude were com­pletely dif­fer­ent. Above all, that
smile was to­tally dif­fer­ent. Since De­cem­ber 31, 2016, Cho has never seen
any­one smile like that.

"Who are you?"

"Kim Tae Hoon."

"No, I did not ask your name. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to save you."

Cho did not re­joice at the re­mark. Rather, he made his first se­ri­ous look.
Then he swal­lowed and said, "Okay, kill me now."

His words had not been a joke. "I'm se­ri­ous. There's noth­ing good about me
be­ing alive. Look at my body. Can I ever be a leader with my body in this
con­di­tion? I have to die and then they can have a new leader. So kill me."

Kim did not an­swer at the sin­cer­ity of Cho.

Cheure­ung! In­stead of an­swer­ing, one of the two Swords he was hold­ing at

his chest, the Sword of the Im­per­at­or, was picked up.

The self-picked Sword flew back be­hind Kim.


Im­me­di­ately there was a harsh sound of iron meet­ing. It was the sound of
two blades hit­ting. Kim's eyes nar­rowed.

"He's called Ko­jima, he's a samu­rai," Cho ex­plained to Kim. "Be care­ful,
his skills aren't nor­mal. My col­leagues couldn't even touch him. No, just kill
me and go. Con­sid­er­ing that you're here, your skills are not nor­mal..." he
warned Kim.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 95 - Résistance, Part Iii ⦘

"Does he have good in­for­ma­tion?"


"Is he worth not killing?"

"Well, well, it de­pends on you be­ing able to take out the in­for­ma­tion."

Of course, it was the most use­less warn­ing in the world.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 96 - Freezer, Part I

Chap­ter 96: Episode 96 -- Freezer, Part I

Chap­ter 34. Freezer, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Be­fore the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters, Ko­jima was a po­lice­man. As a spe­‐

cial note, he had a fourth grade in kendo.

But af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared, he had changed. He be­came a war­rior

fight­ing against mon­sters. He sur­vived in Tokyo, as a war­rior. That was
enough. Sur­viv­ing in Tokyo, which had be­come a hell, was its own medal
and ev­i­dence for Ko­jima, proof that he was strong.


"Do you know how to han­dle a sword?"

There was no rea­son for him to step down against Kim Tae-hoon. No, he
was en­joy­ing the sit­u­at­ion.

'I was bored, that's good.'

Since he had stepped in Ko­rea, ev­ery­one he dealt with was weak. Not only
were they weak, but they were not able to fight prop­erly. Even those with
the marks on the back of their hands did not know how to han­dle the relics,
and most of them did not han­dle guns in a skilled man­ner.

It was ridicu­lous. It was so ab­surd that he was an­noyed be­yond his bore­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

In such a sit­u­at­ion, Kim's ap­pear­ance was a pleas­ant stim­u­lus to Ko­jima,

and en­joyed the bat­tle­field.

Swish! As if to en­joy the pleas­ant stim­u­lus, Ko­jima moved his sword. He

added his left hand to the sword he had held in his right hand.

'Higekiri will taste the blood of a man af­ter a long time.' He held Higekiri,
his fa­vorite sword, with both hands.

Of course, Higekiri was not an or­di­nary sword. The first thing to con­sider
was its name. When they cut a per­son's head off with the sword, they cut his
beard along with it. Be­cause of that, the name Higekiri was given to it.

(TL Note: Hagekiri lit­er­ally means 'Beard Off')

At the same time, it was a trea­sure for­merly on dis­play at the Ki­tano Ten­‐
mangu Shrine in Ky­oto, Japan, as a na­tional im­por­tant cul­tural as­set.

It was a sword sharp enough that it was not un­usual to cut a per­son's body
in two even if he swung it with one hand. The fact that he held such a sword
in both hands meant that Ko­jima would fight with all his might from now

In front of Ko­jima, Kim also picked up the other Sword. Tsre­ung! He pulled
the other Sword out of the re­main­ing sheath of the two he had in his arms.

The Sword that ap­peared was splen­did, dec­o­rated with the same gold as its
sheath, and on the end of the hilt was at­tached a ring or­na­ment.

Cheon­ma­chong Hwan­doo­daedo.

It was a Sword that Kim had newly ac­quired; it was ev­i­dence that Kim had
changed. So far, he has only used the Sword of the Im­per­at­or, be­cause it
was the only sword he owned.

Ko­jima, who did not know that, moved as soon as Kim grabbed the Sword.
Ko­jima con­cen­trated his En­ergy on his toes, and he in­jected En­ergy into his
sword. Tsu-tsu-tsu! Higekiri took the En­ergy and be­gan to emit pur­ple en­‐
ergy with a scream.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

'The first at­tacker gets the vic­tory!' What Ko­jima aimed was as clear as day­‐

But the first at­tack was Kim's share.


It was Ko­jima who moved first, but the Sword that Kim swung to­ward the
com­ing Ko­jima was faster. There was no par­tic­u­lar rea­son. If their weight
and physiques were sim­i­lar, the car with su­pe­rior emis­sions and horse­power
was faster.

If Ko­jima was a pretty good sports sedan, Kim was a sports car made by
Bugatti. Even if Ko­jima pressed the ac­cel­er­at­or first, Kim would have been
the first to take the lead.

'Let me stop it once!' In the end, Ko­jima gave up on the first at­tack. In­stead,
he lifted the sword with both hands over his head to parry Kim's sword,
which was com­ing down to split his head with great force. He drew a hor­i­‐
zon­tal line with the sword over his head.

Clank! The two swords clashed and a rough sound came out.

"Ugh!" At the same time, the two legs of Ko­jima, which pre­vented Kim
from hit­ting his sword, were stuck in the ground. The foot­prints of the Ko­‐
jima were carved into the ce­ment floor.

'What, what power!' Even though Kim held the sword with one hand and
Ko­jima with both hands, Ko­jima could not push him back.

"Aah­h­hhh!" Ko­jima screamed and squeezed all his strength out, but noth­ing
changed. Ko­jima could barely en­dure Kim's crush­ing power.

'Next, next at­tack...' At this mo­ment, Ko­jima waited only for Kim to make
his next at­tack.

Kim, how­ever, did not in­tend to do so from the be­gin­ning. As said ear­lier,
Kim car­ried two Swords be­cause he had a good rea­son. The rea­son was
now ap­par­ent.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

Swish! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or, which was rolling on the floor, be­gan
to move by it­self.

The num­ber of swords that Kim could han­dle per­fectly was two. That's why
Kim had two swords.

'This, this crazy mon­ster, where...' Only then did Ko­jima see prop­erly. Kim
was a mon­ster in­com­pa­ra­ble with any mon­ster he had faced in Tokyo.

Kim spoke slowly to Ko­jima in Ja­pa­nese, "I won't kill you."


"Oh, my God."

The Ré­sis­tance was cre­ated to re­sist the per­pet­ual vi­o­lence of the Sec­ond
Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. They were David and the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­‐
mand was Go­liath. It was never a good story. David orig­i­nally could not
beat Go­liath. The same was true of the Res­i­dence. It was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­‐
ble for David's men to de­feat Go­liath's Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

"Is it re­ally true what we are see­ing?"

"Oh, it's real."

The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand has been con­trolled most of the peo­ple
who rushed to the city of Daegu. They early iden­ti­fied the Awak­en­ers and
the ex­is­tence of the relics, and they made the Awak­en­ers their own forces.
The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was not just a force, but a group of al­‐
ready priv­i­leged peo­ple with power.

On the other hand, the Ré­sis­tance was a gath­er­ing of ex­ploited peo­ple who
did not have power. There­fore, the Ré­sis­tance could not win the fight
against the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand in the first place.

But now the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was be­ing taken down by a man.

"Only one man..."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

The Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was scream­ing in front of only one man.
No, now, there was no scream­ing to be heard any­more.

The sur­vivors ran away with­out look­ing back, and the only ones left were
the dead.

'That's ab­surd.' Lee Yeon-ah and the mem­bers of the Ré­sis­tance who
watched the scene felt fear rather than ex­cite­ment at this mo­ment.

'How the hell did this hap­pen...' It was the fear that the world had changed
while they were trapped in the land of Daegu, and that it had turned into a
form that they could not even imag­ine.

In that fear, Kim ap­peared on the roof of the build­ing they were at.

Thump! Kim ap­peared with a heavy sound, with two Swords on his back
and a third in his hand. He was an over­whelm­ing fig­ure.

Kim made a one-sided ges­ture. "Come along."

"Yes?" Ev­ery­one was just as sur­prised as they were.

"How did you know where we were?" Lee asked in re­turn.

There was no an­swer to the ques­tion. Kim im­me­di­ately headed to­ward the
stairs that led up to the roof.

Lee turned her head once again fol­low­ing Kim, and she looked down at
Daegu City Hall.

'I know one thing for sure.' Lee, look­ing at the burn­ing Daegu City Hall,
was able to be sure of one fact at this mo­ment. 'I must not make him an en­‐

'Don't make Kim an en­emy.' It was a very im­por­tant les­son.


A build­ing which was not far from Daegu City Hall...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘


"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm so glad to see you."

In the build­ing, Lee and his col­leagues were able to meet their leader. But
the meet­ing was not pleas­ant.

"What the hell have you been through?"

It was be­cause of Cho Sung-yeon's ter­ri­ble ap­pear­ance. It was hard to find a

good place on his whole body as he lay on the floor.

If the eye­brows like a pine cater­pil­lar and the eyes still glis­ten­ing un­der
them were not the same, they would not think of him as Cho Sung-yeon.
They could not be­lieve that the last time they saw his face was only five
days ago.

"Sud­denly the samu­rai and the nin­jas came into the se­cret hide­out, killed
ev­ery­one else, and tor­tured me af­ter they saved me."

"What the hell was that..."

"We'll talk about it later." In ad­di­tion, Cho did not in­tend to make this mo­‐
ment a pleas­ant sit­u­at­ion.

"Tell ev­ery­one through the emer­gency con­tact net­work right now, leave the
hide­outs and wait un­til they hear from me." Cho's eyes were se­ri­ous.

"Move right away." Cho re­it­er­ated with his eyes. It was more im­por­tant to
act than to talk about his body and his wounds. That was the driv­ing force
when ev­ery­body be­came David and fought against Go­liath. When ev­ery­one
turned away from what was right, he was fac­ing what was right and dig­ni­‐
fied. He was the most hon­est light­house. If the light­house showed what it
had to do, it was only nec­es­sary for them to do it.

"I un­der­stand."

"I'll move."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

The mo­ment the Ré­sis­tance moved again, Kim was down­stairs. He wasn't
alone. Ko­jima was sit­ting on the iron chair in only his un­der­wear, where
Cho had sat a few hours ago. Kim was boil­ing wa­ter with Ko­jima in front
of him.

At the fact, Ko­jima opened his eyes wide and asked Kim why he was boil­‐
ing wa­ter. "Ah­h­h­hhh!"

How­ever, the gag in his mouth made it im­pos­si­ble to have a proper con­ver­‐

"I'm go­ing to make some cof­fee."

Nev­er­the­less, Kim man­aged to un­der­stand Ko­jima's words, and be­gan to

pour wa­ter into the cof­fee drip­per he had pre­pared af­ter the an­swer.

Drib­bling! With the faint sound of wa­ter, the sub­tle aroma of cof­fee be­gan
to spread.

The eyes of Ko­jima at the sight were full of fear and doubt. 'What the hell
are you do­ing?' He was ex­pect­ing to be tor­tured. But the act of mak­ing cof­‐
fee be­fore tor­ture was not some­thing he ex­pected.

For­tu­nately, Ko­jima's doubts did not last long; Kim, who poured as much
wa­ter as he wanted in the cof­fee drip­per, ap­proached Ko­jima with the ket­tle
and tilted the ket­tle over his right thigh.


"Aaaaaaargh!" The hot wa­ter scalded his thigh, and moan­ing came out of
his mouth.

"Aaaaaaargh!" The crazy pain stopped only af­ter Kim's tilted ket­tle found
its orig­i­nal hor­i­zon­tal­ity again.

Cha­lang! Cha­lang! Kim shook the ket­tle to check the re­main­ing amount of
wa­ter and filled the ket­tle with more wa­ter. He put the ket­tle back on the
flames of the burn­ing solid fuel.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

"I have some ideas to think about when tor­tur­ing peo­ple," Kim spoke

"I think you thought, 'when I tor­ture some­one, I will never be tor­tured like
this. I can't get hurt, and I'm safe'. I'm sure you thought that when you tor­‐
tured Cho, be­cause it was too much to see."

"Aaaaaaaargh" In front of Kim's eerie no­tice, Ko­jima looked at the melted

skin on his thigh as he screamed.

Kim did not speak to Ko­jima any more. He did not ask ques­tions or no­tify
him. Now was the time to wait. It was the time to wait un­til this pain and
his words were rooted in the mind of Ko­jima.

Then, Kim or­ga­nized the ques­tions that he was go­ing to ask. He looked at
the mark of Ko­jima's right hand with his black eyes.

'The sum of Strength and Health is 310, the En­ergy rank is B, the De­fense is
C+ rank, and the re­main­ing Mana and Mana Re­sis­tance ranks are D+.' Ko­‐
jima's abil­i­ties were ex­cel­lent.

'He was raised.' It was ev­i­dent that an Awak­ener named Ko­jima had eaten
mon­ster stones through proper mon­ster hunt­ing. It's not just what he had
killed; he could not make that much if he hunted and ate alone, so he also
ate what oth­ers killed.

Kim turned his eyes and looked at the Sword he had ob­tained from Ko­jima.


Relic Grade: Grade 2

Relic Value: Spe­cial
Relic Abil­ity: It is a noted sword that boasts a cut­ting force. It cut
down an Oni, a su­per­nat­u­ral Ogre, and it has a mys­te­ri­ous power that
even cuts down un­real things, as if to match the nick­name Onikiri.]==

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

It was a sec­ond-grade spe­cial relic; not a com­mon relic, but a weapon of

great value. It was a thing that would not be given to or­di­nary peo­ple. These
two things were telling him the value of the man named Ko­jima in Japan.

'He is an im­por­tant per­son. He is in a very im­por­tant po­si­tion.'

But Hay­ato didn't know much about Ko­jima. The prob­lem was that Kim did
not have any in­for­ma­tion about Ko­jima from the in­for­ma­tion he ob­tained
by tor­tur­ing Hay­ato. Hay­ato could not have for­got­ten an im­por­tant per­son
like Ko­jima at all.

And if Hay­ato had known, Kim would have known about Ko­jima, be­cause
Hay­ato had vom­ited ev­ery­thing he had known to Kim.

'Ko­jima came to Ko­rea af­ter Hay­ato had come to Seoul, and that fact was
not told to Hay­ato.'

In other words, a new op­er­at­ion was es­tab­lished while Hay­ato was per­form­‐
ing his mis­sion in Seoul, which meant that Ko­jima was newly dis­patched to
carry out the op­er­at­ion. The man named Musashi, who was cur­rently called
the mas­ter, would have given the mis­sion to Ko­jima.

Kim com­bined the in­for­ma­tion and cre­ated ques­tions that would pen­et­rate
Ko­jima's shak­ing mind.

"What is the new com­mand that Musashi gave you?"

The ques­tion that pen­et­rated the core caused Ko­jima's eyes to open wide.
Then, Ko­jima pressed the gag tightly, dis­play­ing his will­ing­ness not to tell.

It was also the re­ac­tion Kim had hoped for. So, he picked up the ket­tle
again, and fi­nally, he warned Ko­jima, "Don't think Ko­re­ans will tol­er­ate Ja­‐
pa­nese who are play­ing tricks on the Ko­rean Penin­sula."


Jang Sung-hoon was ac­tu­ally the sec­ond most pow­er­ful per­son in the Re­‐
pub­lic of Ko­rea, and he was sit­ting in a chair and chew­ing on his an­guish.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘

'I'm crazy.'

There had been a lot of work for him re­cently. Once the full au­thor­ity of the
Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand was del­eg­ ated, the Mac Guild had to make a
ma­jor re­or­ga­ni­za­tion. But it was not tor­ment­ing Jang now. In fact, that part
was eas­ily pro­cessed.

'When one or­ga­ni­za­tion is re­or­ga­nized, the most prob­lem­atic part is the

back­lash from the losers.'

How­ever, the re­or­ga­ni­za­tion was smoothly pro­ceed­ing, as there was no

such re­bel­lion un­der the Mac Guild. It was be­cause there was no big­ger de­‐
ter­rent than hav­ing Kim as an en­emy.


It was none other than Japan that wor­ried Jang. Japan was once again burn­‐
ing its will to in­vade Ko­rea, and it was al­ready on the move. If the in­for­ma­‐
tion ob­tained through the ninja and Colonel Jang So-gook was true, it was
more se­ri­ous than ex­pected.

'It's a real war now.'

It was not a nor­mal prob­lem. In fact, the con­fronta­tion that had ex­isted on
the Ko­rean Penin­sula had been close to a civil war, but the min­im ­ um line
was not crossed.

'But if we start a war with Japan, it is lit­er­ally a na­tional war. There is no

line to keep each other sep­ar­ ate. But if the tar­get is Japan and Ko­rea, they
will be be­yond the line that they shouldn't cross at all. So far, the his­tory of
the Ko­rean Penin­sula and the his­tory of the Ja­pa­nese Ar­chi­pel­ago has
proved this fact.'

'There's noth­ing strange about what Ja­pa­nese peo­ple do. So we have to keep
in mind what­ever they can do.'

That was the rea­son for the agony. Japan would do what­ever it could do to
Ko­rea, and the scope of what might hap­pen had to be taken into con­sid­er­a‐­

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 96 - Freezer, Part I ⦘


"Hmm?" Jang, who was look­ing at Dae­dongyeo­jido hung in his of­fice, rose
from his seat.

"Er?" A num­ber of lights on Dae­dongyeo­jido, which was re­flected in Jang's

eyes, be­gan to move quickly.

"Huh!" The mov­ing lights were green and blue ones.

'Why are these bas­tards mov­ing all of a sud­den?'

And the move­ment was cen­tered around the Sobaek Moun­tains. Green and
blue lights were mov­ing to Mt. Gaya and the city of Daegu. It was clear

'It's too creepy, isn't it?'

It was proof that the huge wall, which had been block­ing the mon­sters so
far, had dis­ap­peared. It was ev­i­dent that some­one had crossed the line that
should not have been crossed. Jang searched through the moun­tain Gaya.

'What's in Gaya?'

"Shit, Haein Tem­ple is there!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii

Chap­ter 34. Freezer, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Ly­ing like a corpse in the mid­dle of a dark room, Cho turned his head and
saw a man com­ing into the room.

"Oh, are you here?" Cho wel­comed the man's visit. "How do you do? I hope
you had a good re­sult. Let's talk a lit­tle bit more."

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon's at­mos­phere was not good com­pared with that of
Cho, who ex­pressed his wel­come joy­fully. It was the worst. His im­age was


'Be­cause of that?' Cho re­called the mo­ment when he had met Kim the first
time. It was never the best kind of a first meet­ing. No, if Cho had been Kim,
he would not have let go of the first meet­ing. At least he would have used
the fact to ne­go­ti­ate.

"Haha... I was so rude in the first meet­ing, wasn't I?" Cho was will­ing to

"Please un­der­stand, as you can see my cur­rent con­di­tion, I was so badly tor­‐
tured that I didn't see any­thing, and I apol­o­gize if you were of­fended any­‐
way." It was a heart­felt apol­ogy. It was not just a per­son's apol­ogy, but an
apol­ogy that should be done as a leader of the or­ga­ni­za­tion called Ré­sis­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

'I have to deal with this guy some­how.' Al­though Kim had de­stroyed Daegu
City Hall, the head­quar­ter of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, all of the
power did not col­lapse yet. The head­quar­ters had just col­lapsed, and the
power of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand still re­mained suf­fi­cient.

Of course, the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand would rec­og­nize all of this as

a mas­ter­piece of the Ré­sis­tance.

So how would the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand move?

Would they lift their arms up into the sky and de­clare sur­ren­der, or would
they do their best to root out the Ré­sis­tance forces?

'If we miss this guy, the dam­age will be un­con­trol­lable.'

The an­swer was ob­vi­ous. In such a sit­u­at­ion, there would be no vic­tory if

they missed Kim, the only life­line of the Ré­sis­tance. If nec­es­sary, they
should kneel naked and bow down.

In ad­di­tion, Cho was a man who could do that much, a man who was will­‐
ing to do so if he could save the life of his col­leagues in ex­change for his

How­ever, Kim's ex­pres­sion did not change at all at such a sin­cere apol­ogy.

It was eerie, se­vere, and bloody.

"Please blow your steam off, and if you want, I'll kneel be­fore you here..."

"How many troops are in Haein Tem­ple?" For the first time, words flowed
out of Kim's firm face.


"What is the num­ber and qual­ity of troops of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­‐
mand sta­tioned at Haein Tem­ple?"

At that ques­tion of Kim, Cho won­dered, 'What is he talk­ing about?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

How­ever, Cho was quick-wit­ted. Rather, he changed the ques­tion mark on

his face to an ex­cla­ma­tion point as if he had no­ticed some­thing. Cho's eyes
had changed to look like Kim.

"Once in Haeinsa, al­most all of the 201st Com­mando Brigade's troops are
sta­tioned there at all times, and three more in­fantry bat­tal­ions are de­ployed
through­out the Gayasan Na­tional Park. In ad­di­tion, the 52nd Mil­i­tary Sup­‐
port Team reg­u­larly trans­ports sup­plies, and the 52nd Mil­i­tary Sup­port
Team has about two bat­tal­ions of es­cort troops."

It was a de­tailed ex­pla­na­tion. Thanks to the ex­pla­na­tion, Kim was able to

move on to the next ques­tion.

"What is the num­ber of Awak­en­ers?"

"Awak­en­ers? Ah...! Three of the men who have been ap­pointed Colonel are
al­ways sta­tioned there."

"How strong is a Colonel?"


Cho re­called the Awak­ened who had re­ceived the Colonel rank. The Sec­ond
Op­er­at­ions Com­mand gave them a Ma­jor rank to the Awak­en­ers first. Since
then, those who made a con­tri­bu­tion, or the Awak­en­ers with ex­cel­lent abil­‐
ity, had been given a higher rank. A colonel was a rank that was re­ceived
those with out­stand­ing abil­ity and achieve­ment.

"What if you com­pared them with me?"

"They can't be com­pared with you." Nat­u­rally, they were not that good.
They could not be com­pared with Kim.

"They could stop that Ko­jima, the Samu­rai who you caught. They are not
weak. In­deed, the three Colonels there are ones who sur­vived in the war
against the green-eyed mon­ster that once ap­peared."

Kim closed his eyes when he heard the words. He fin­ished his cal­cu­la­tions
in his mind.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

'With that power, they can­not stop it.' When he fin­ished his cal­cu­la­tion, Kim
took some­thing out of his arms. It was a bird sculp­ture, Okjo.

He in­jected Mana into the Okjo, and then the size of the Okjo, half the size
of a cig­ar­ ette pack, be­gan to grow. Then the Okjo, which was now a dove,
waited for its or­der with its head on the palm of his hand.

He said to the Okjo, "Jang Sung-hoon, the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana in Haeinsa is

dam­aged now. The cul­prit is Japan. Watch the move­ments of mon­sters in
the Sobaek Moun­tains and re­move our troops wait­ing near the Sobaek
Moun­tains. De­liver the mon­sters' move­ments through the Okjo."

Kim, who fin­ished his speech, re­called Jang's face in his mind while look­‐
ing at the eyes of the Okjo. The Okjo, af­ter lis­ten­ing to Kim's words qui­etly,

"Go and tell him what I said."

When the or­der was given, the Okjo be­gan to flap its pow­er­ful wings. It
quickly left the room.

Af­ter send­ing off the Okjo, Kim turned his at­ten­tion to Cho again. At this
mo­ment, he could not find any more leisure or play­ful­ness on the face of

"What do you mean that the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana is dam­aged?"

Kim Tae-hoon an­swered the ques­tion im­me­di­ately, "It's my mis­take."


"Samu­rai Ko­jima came here to burn the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana of Haeinsa if the
sit­u­at­ion was not good."

"No, what is it---"

Ko­jima was a man who Japan had pre­pared, just in case.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

Even if things didn't go as planned, Japan de­sired to leave an in­deli­ble scar

on the Ko­rean Penin­sula that could not be taken away, and to plant a ter­ri­ble
con­fu­sion on the wound.

Japan was aware of the amaz­ing trea­sure, the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana, and if the
sit­u­at­ion was not good, it also planned to burn the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana.

At first, Japan in­tended to move the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana to Japan. There was
no trea­sure in Japan that pro­tected a vast area of forty kilo­me­ters from the
threat of mon­sters.

The prob­lem was that the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana was too big to just take it. It
was the rea­son why Japan pre­pared to burn it.

"In that sit­u­at­ion, I tor­tured Tanaka who came to catch Lee Yeon-ah, and
then I killed him. The prob­lem is that they have a way to check their col­‐
leagues' deaths through Shikigami (Ja­pa­nese ghosts). As soon as Tanaka
died, the nin­jas who were wait­ing around Haeinsa im­me­di­ately burned the
Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana."

And the switch of the fire was not only be­cause of the death of Tanaka and

Japan had no dif­fi­culty de­cid­ing what to do be­cause there was a way to

grasp the death of a col­league in real time us­ing Shikigami.

When Kim tor­tured Tanaka and got in­for­ma­tion from him, and killed him,
the fact was trans­mit­ted to the nin­jas who were wait­ing around Haeinsa in
real time, and they im­me­di­ately acted.

Kim had ac­tu­ally pressed the switch of the bomb in­stalled in Haeinsa Tem­‐

"What the hell?"

How­ever, it was just ab­surd for Cho, who did not know the de­tails. No,
even if he knew the de­tails, he could not ac­cept this fact now.

"No, what kind of crazy bas­tard burned it!?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

It was a trea­sure. It was a pride that the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea would give to the
fu­ture gen­er­at­ions on the Ko­rean penin­sula.

There­fore, even in the sit­u­at­ion where the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand

and the Ré­sis­tance killed each other, the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana was ex­cluded
from the bat­tle.

The Ré­sis­tance did not touch the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana, and the Sec­ond Op­er­a‐­
tions Com­mand did not with­draw the troops to de­fend the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­‐
ana, no mat­ter how se­vere the Ré­sis­tance ac­tiv­i­ties were.

But now the trea­sure was burn­ing. The ab­surd thing hap­pened. It was some­‐
thing that was not ac­cept­able. It was some­thing that shouldn't be.

But at this mo­ment, Kim was able to clearly ex­plain why it burned. "Be­‐
cause it's a war."

It was not just a war, but a war be­tween two coun­tries, Ko­rea and Japan,
who hated each other.

They could do any­thing in such a war. Once Japan showed its will, they did
some­thing to Ko­rea.

In other words, no mat­ter what Ko­rea would do against Japan from now on,
it would not be a prob­lem. So at this mo­ment, Kim was not en­raged.

'War is not fought by emo­tion. No mat­ter what we do, a war is not an easy
one. When you get emo­tional, ev­ery­thing col­lapses.'

Kim judged it that way calmly and coolly.

'The most prob­lem­atic thing at this point is the blue-grade mon­ster that is
now mov­ing.'

First, Kim faced the most im­por­tant is­sue. The is­sue he faced right now was
not the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana burn­ing. It was al­ready lost. What they lost was
not com­ing back.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

The prob­lem was that Daegu City, which was pro­tected by the Trip­i­taka
Ko­re­ana, was ex­posed to mon­sters af­ter the dis­ap­pear­ance of the Trip­i­taka
Ko­re­ana. Cur­rently, most sur­vivors of the Gyeongsang area were gath­ered
in Daegu City.

For mon­sters, Daegu City was the most cov­eted fish­ing ground in the

Above all, Daegu had no owner, and that was im­por­tant. The ab­sence of a
mas­ter meant that they did not have to oc­cupy the area through a strug­gle
with an­other strong mon­ster; the first one to come would be the owner.

'Ab­so­lutely, a blue-grade mon­ster is com­ing to Daegu.' That was the prob­‐

lem. And it was a prob­lem that had to be solved.

Kim had no in­ten­tion of go­ing to Japan, leav­ing a threat to the land of the
Ko­rean Penin­sula be­hind.

'I'll kill two blue-grade mon­sters.' In other words, the mo­ment when the
threat to the Ko­rean Penin­sula dis­ap­peared, Kim's next tar­get would be


"At first, all the Sobaek moun­tain mon­sters moved at the same time, but at
some point, the move­ment stopped, and in­stead, only the two blue-grade
mon­sters moved. One of them is mov­ing to Daegu. The ex­pected route is to
en­ter Daegu City af­ter go­ing through Pal­go­ngsan."

Jang Sung-hoon's voice came out clearly from the Okjo's mouth. The story
was long. But none of the long sto­ries were good. It was all ter­ri­ble.

"Oh, my God." When the Okjo fi­nally said ev­ery­thing, Cho, who had fin­‐
ished grasp­ing the sit­u­at­ion be­fore and af­ter, spoke with a sigh.

"The blue-grade, the blue-eyed mon­ster was right around..."

Cho also knew that the grade of the mon­ster var­ied de­pend­ing on the color
of the eyes. The strong­est mon­ster that he had seen so far was a mon­ster

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

with green eyes. In ad­di­tion, the green-grade mon­ster was the trig­ger for
him to or­ga­nize the Ré­sis­tance.

In March, a green-grade mon­ster ap­peared while the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions

Com­mand was dig­ging up the royal tombs to find Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­‐
chuk in Gyeongju while snow was still on the ground. The re­sult was ter­ri­‐
ble; there were 6,000 deaths and 400 dead Awak­en­ers.

Cho saw the scene in per­son, and he could not ac­cept that he had to keep
work­ing on dig­ging up the royal tombs with­out know­ing the rea­son in a
world full of mon­sters.

But now Kim said that there was a stronger mon­ster than the green-grade

"No way..." Cho was stunned by this ter­ri­ble fact. And at the same time, he
re­mem­bered his duty. "... we have to evac­u­ate."

"We need to tell Daegu City about this fact. We need to in­form the Sec­ond
Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. We need to evac­u­ate them! Aaaaaargh!"

Cho tried to raise his body as it was, but he screamed at the pain com­ing
from his legs and fin­gers. He could not stand up alone, but he tried to get up
again some­how, even though he screamed.

"No, if we let it go, it'll kill us all. I'll have to evac­u­ate them all..." At this
mo­ment, he only thought that he should evac­u­ate ev­ery­one. All he could
think was that he could save one more.

Cho thought that one of them could live, even if he was a sol­dier of the Sec­‐
ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand who wanted to kill him. He was such a man.

In the first place, he did not or­ga­nize the Ré­sis­tance forces for his own ben­‐
e­fit. To say the right thing was right and the wrong thing was wrong, he or­‐
ga­nized the Ré­sis­tance.

"God­damn it!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

Kim was im­pressed by such an im­age of Cho. Fur­ther­more, it was the first
time he saw such a sense of jus­tice from Cho.

Cho was the only one who cried so sadly about the val­ues that ev­ery­one
should fol­low.

'He is like a light­house.' Only then did Kim know why he had asked him­self
on the bucket list to make him pres­i­dent.

Cho was the one who would walk to­ward the right val­ues in the midst of
chaos. He was the man of the great­est virtues nec­es­sary to be the leader of
the great group.

How­ever, Kim was not im­pressed so much at this mo­ment. It was not the
time to be so moved that his heart was over­flow­ing, since he was a hunter.
What mat­tered to hunter Kim Tae-hoon was his at­ti­tude to­ward the mon­ster
who was com­ing to Daegu.

'Blue grade.'

'The first thing a hunter has to do be­fore he hunts is to mea­sure the level of
his game.'

Cur­rently, he did not know the iden­tity of the blue-grade mon­ster to Daegu
City. He did not know whether it was a wild an­i­mal or a fly­ing an­i­mal, and
he did not know what it was ca­pa­ble of. Even so, he had to as­sess its

'The point of ref­er­ence is the Game­cock.'

For now, Kim had set the Game­cock as the start­ing point. He thought over
the bat­tle with the Game­cock and pointed out the present dif­fer­ences from
the bat­tle at that time.

'There is no first aid. There is no Kate and Bang Hyun-wook around me


He did not take down the Game­cock just with his power. In a way, Kate's
help was huge. He did not know what the out­come would have been if it

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

had not been for the Bell-tail of the Bell-tailed Rat.

'I'm much stronger than I was then. The level of the relics I have is dif­fer­‐
ent. There are the Cou­ple-Burial-Mound Gold Ear­rings, Cheon­ma­chong
Hwan­doo­daedo, Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware -- Ser­vant Statue, and
Higekiri from Ko­jima.'

'I'm much stronger now. The abil­i­ties I have are dif­fer­ent. The Telekine­sis
of A+ rank and Anger Soar­ing both made me a stronger hunter. How­ever,
I'm not sure.'

But this alone was not enough to en­sure vic­tory. He needed more help. 'K-
2.' Here, Kim re­called the K-2 Air Force base in Daegu.

'Radar or wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tions are cur­rently un­avail­able. There­fore,

fighter jets are also ex­tremely in­ef­fi­cient. Just tak­ing off and land­ing right
away will cause an ac­ci­dent. But the fire­power pre­pared to arm the fight­ers
are valid. The Balkan guns that are used for fighter jets are very pow­er­ful.
If the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand were not fools, it would have made
sev­eral mod­i­fi­ca­tions so that it could use the fire­power at the K-2 Air Force
Base in sit­u­at­ions where it could not op­er­ate a fighter plane.'

'A few more.'

How­ever, Kim was not eas­ily con­vinced, even if he in­cluded that fire­power.
This would be a sin­gle com­bat against a unique mon­ster. A false con­vic­tion
would be death.

There­fore, he asked ques­tions, "What kind of relics did the Sec­ond Op­er­a‐­
tions Com­mand bring from Gyeongju?"

"They brought ev­ery­thing from the Na­tional Mu­seum."

"What is the most im­por­tant relic?" The ques­tion im­me­di­ately re­minded

Cho of a relic.

"There is the Bell of King Seongdeok at the K-2 Air Force Base. In the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

Kim asked in re­turn, "Do you have any pic­tures of the Bell of King

"I don't have any pic­tures at hand."

Kim tight­ened his mouth at the an­swer. It was a use­less ques­tion. Right
now, Cho was just wear­ing his pa­ja­mas.

"But I re­mem­ber." How­ever, Cho's mem­ory was much bet­ter than he ex­‐
pected. "If some­one rings the bell, it de­feats all the evil power and weak­ens
mon­sters. The relic is of the first grade, and its value is spe­cial."

Fur­ther­more, Cho quickly no­ticed what Kim wanted to hear. "When we

hunted the green mon­ster, the Bell of King Seongdeok be­came a game
changer. As soon as the Bell rang, the green mon­ster screamed."

As soon as Kim heard it, he was con­fi­dent. 'I can kill it.'

Con­sid­er­ing the given power, the cur­rent power in Daegu, the match was
worth a try.

Only one thing was left now.

'Is it worth killing?

'Hunters do not hunt for prey that is use­less and worth­less.'

Kim looked at Cho and asked a ques­tion, "If I kill the blue-grade mon­ster,
can you take con­trol of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand?"

At the re­mark, Jo thought long and an­swered briefly. "It's cer­tainly pos­si­ble,
as long as you show ev­ery­one that you're on my side."


Jjeo­jeok! It was a beast made of ice with a lion's head, ea­gle's wings, and a
snake's tail. It was a gi­ant beast mea­sur­ing ten me­ters in length.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 97 - Freezer, Part Ii ⦘

Jjeo­jeok! It was also a beast that froze what­ever was around it when­ever it

Keure­ung! At the same time, it was the leader of Wolves with white fur nu­‐
mer­ous enough that they looked like they were cov­er­ing the snow­field, and
all had or­ange eyes.

Kkeoeoeoeong! The beast stood at the top of Pal­go­ngsan, Birobong, looked

down at the city of Daegu and gave out a huge cry. At that mo­ment, its eyes
glowed bluer than its body.

The mon­ster, Freezer, de­clared that the city of Daegu was its ter­ri­tory at this
mo­ment, and that ev­ery­thing there was its game!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii

Chap­ter 34. Freezer, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


K-2 Air Force Base...

The house of the fighter planes, the hangar, was set in the back­ground of the
wide run­way. It was filled with tur­moil for a long time.

"There's a mon­ster."


"What mon­ster?"

"A mon­ster made of gold smoke-"

"What the hell are you talk­ing about? Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, it's true!"

The main cause of the dis­tur­bance were sol­diers and sur­vivors be­long­ing to
the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand evac­u­ated from Daegu City Hall. The
num­bers were not small, and there were so many large hangars built to keep
fight­ers that they made the hang­ers into a mess.

"There was a mon­ster!"

No, it was more like tur­moil than a mess. Those who had evac­u­ated from
Daegu City Hall were con­stantly shiv­er­ing, voic­ing their fears, what they

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

had heard and ex­pe­ri­enced, and the fear be­gan to oc­cupy the hangars eas­ily.

"What the hell is go­ing on this time-"

That was the re­al­ity. If some­one was to say that an ele­phant with golden
smoke ap­peared in 2016 and threw a street­light with its elon­gated nose, he
or she would have been taken to a men­tal hos­pi­tal un­der the treat­ment of a
mad­man. But 2017 was dif­fer­ent.

In the world where mon­sters had ap­peared, Awak­en­ers were born, and relics
ex­isted, the ele­phant made of golden smoke was now a re­al­ity and a fact
that ev­ery­one should ac­cept. There was no rein­ing in the fear that had be­‐
gun to spread like that.

"Shit! Stop it, any­way!"

"Brigadier Gen­eral, the sit­u­at­ion is---"

"Don't talk about the sit­u­at­ion, just come up with coun­ter­mea­sures! Coun­‐

"Brigadier Gen­eral, we're don't have any way to con­trol it."

"Who told you to con­trol it? Build up your mil­i­tary power! Get back to
Daegu City Hall some­how! How many times did I tell you to make an op­er­‐
a­tion plan and gather troops to re­cap­ture Daegu City Hall!?"

The tur­moil was be­cause the com­man­ders who should be rein­ing in this fear
could not do their part. Of course, no one could blame them sim­ply for their
in­com­pe­tence. Apart from in­com­pe­tence, the sit­u­at­ion was some­thing that
no one had ex­pe­ri­enced or ex­pected.

Daegu City was too calm to an­tic­i­pate and ex­pe­ri­ence this sit­u­at­ion. Daegu
City, which was pro­tected by the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana, did not even al­low the
mon­sters to leave their foot­prints, and Daegu City Hall did not even al­low
the Ré­sis­tance's foot­prints. It was too much to ask those who took such
safety and seren­ity for granted to come up with a proper re­sponse to the
cur­rent sit­u­at­ion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

"Shit, get it done!"

"Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dee-joo, please, calm down-"

"Calm down? If we keep go­ing like this, I will be in dan­ger!"

Cru­cially, it was Lee Dae-joo who felt the most ter­ri­ble fear at that mo­ment,
not the com­man­ders.

He was the Wing Com­man­der of the 11th Air Force, and he had al­ready
been nearly killed by the Ré­sis­tance. There­fore, Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-
joo knew bet­ter than any­one about the Ré­sis­tance or­ga­ni­za­tion.

'If the Ré­sis­tance had that power, it is ob­vi­ous that they would only go af­ter
the top lead­ers!'

The pur­pose of the Ré­sis­tance was not to de­stroy the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions
Com­mand but to re­veal the truth. So far, the Ré­sis­tance had fo­cused on the
lead­ers and ex­ec­u­tives rather than the gen­eral sol­diers, and they had fo­‐
cused on pro­pa­ganda rather than war.

That was why the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand wanted to cap­ture Lee
Yeon-ah, as it was to­tally dif­fer­ent from what the av­er­age per­son said on the
pro­pa­ganda and what Lee Yean-ah said on pro­pa­ganda. On the other hand,
that was all the Ré­sis­tance could do so far.

The war against the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand was not even at­tempted,
and there was an over­whelm­ing power dif­fer­ence be­tween the two forces.

But things had changed. The Ré­sis­tance now had the power to break down
Daegu City Hall in a mo­ment.

'It's dan­ger­ous.'

Here was an­other fac­tor that drove Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo crazy.
Con­tact with the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, which had sup­ported the Sec­‐
ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand, was no longer avail­able.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

Even the last con­tact was to ask for them to pre­pare, as the Cap­i­tal De­fense
Com­mand was in dan­ger and was plan­ning to evac­u­ate to the Sec­ond Op­er­‐
a­tions Com­mand. How­ever, since he re­ceived that in­for­ma­tion, he had not
been con­tacted.

'It's re­ally dan­ger­ous.'

There was no wall to lean on be­hind Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo. There
was only a cliff.

"God­damn it!" Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo clicked his tongue again, and
his men sweated in front of him. There was no an­swer from the men's side,
and their sit­u­at­ion was not so dif­fer­ent from Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo
be­cause they were all colonels and com­man­ders.

Some­one ar­rived at a run.

"Re, Ré­sis­tance Lee, leader, Cho Sung-yeon asked for a meet­ing and a con­‐

"What?" Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo made a fool­ish ex­pres­sion at this

ridicu­lous mes­sage. "What do you mean?"

"Cho, Cho Sung-yeon came in per­son."

At the words of his sub­or­di­nate, Lee Dae-joo be­gan to comb his dark beard
like crazy, with a dumb­struck look.

"What do you mean, that mad­man?"

Panic was the most ob­vi­ous word to ex­press his state of mind. Of course, it
was im­pos­si­ble for Lee Dae-joo to make a proper judg­ment.

"Is Cho Sung-yeon here?"

"Yes? Yes."

"What are you do­ing?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

All he could do was make an ex­treme judg­ment.

"Go and kill him! Kill him!"


"You crazy bas­tards, if he is here, you kill him! Are you go­ing to let him

Brigadier Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo was rather an­gry at the blank faces of his
men, and now he stood up as if he was go­ing to kill Cho Sung-yeon him­‐
self. He laid his hand on the pis­tol at his waist. It was the big­gest and last
mis­take he made.

Swish! An ar­row en­tered the of­fice and pen­et­rated the head of Gen­eral Lee
Dae-joo in­stantly.



The men jumped up in fright. One of them fell over the couch he was sit­ting
on. Hard­ened as they were, ev­ery­one looked at the dead body of Brigadier
Gen­eral Lee Dae-joo with a face as white as a corpse, with­out words.

A few min­utes later, a new man came up. "Cho, Cho Sung-yeon wants to
make a deal with Lee Dae-joo's suc­ces­sor."


The F-15K fighter jets were wait­ing for a run which would hap­pen some
day, and at that mo­ment, some­thing rare to see in the hangar ap­peared. It
was a wheel­chair.

Cho Sung-yeon was sit­ting in the wheel­chair. It was un­usual in many ways
in the hangar, so all of the hun­dred or so sol­diers of the Eleventh Air Force
Squad who were fill­ing the hangar were look­ing at Cho.

'I'm crazy.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

Of course, the sol­diers who looked at Cho were more vig­i­lant than afraid.
Some were ready to pull the trig­gers on him and aimed guns at him.

At this point, Cho was con­fi­dent that he would ac­cept this fact in his own
way, be­cause he had courage and ca­pac­ity which very few peo­ple pos­‐

'I'm re­ally crazy.'

The prob­lem was that Kim Tae-hoon, who had been push­ing Cho's wheel­‐
chair un­til now, acted a lit­tle while ago. Kim killed Brigadier Gen­eral Lee
Dae-joo. Cho came to ne­go­ti­ate with Lee Dae-joo, but Kim killed him at

Not just that, Kim killed Lee Dae-joo with an Ar­row with­out feath­ers from
a long dis­tance away. The rea­son was that Lee Dae-joo had no in­ten­tions of

'Wow, it's driv­ing me crazy.'

The rea­son and the process were all non­sense. At this mo­ment, how­ever,
Cho did not look sur­prised by events, but rather adopted a seem­ingly un­‐
con­cerned im­age, con­trary to his amazed thoughts. He looked so calm that
it de­fined his im­age.

Like an in­jured god­fa­ther of the mafia, he sat in a wheel­chair and be­gan to

show his weight. The at­mos­phere of the hangar be­gan to change. In the
chang­ing at­mos­phere, Cho was able to find the ap­proach­ing crowd and in­‐
stantly iden­tify the face of one of them.

'Colonel Baek Ho-seop!'

It was Colonel Baek Ho-seop, Com­man­der of the 110th Com­bat Squadron.

His face was white as a sheet. It was so strange that his face could turn so
white. With such a fright­ened face, he stood in front of Cho and barely
man­aged to ask, "Do you want to ne­go­ti­ate, Cho?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

At that mo­ment, Cho pulled his body a lit­tle bit out of his wheel­chair and
said, sit­ting like a piece of a chewed string, "Uh."

It was a leisurely fig­ure. It was a per­for­mance. It was act­ing in which one

had to twist one's mood in con­ver­sa­tion. Colonel Baek Ho-seop, of course,

"You are surely crazy. You wanted to ne­go­ti­ate, but killed the Brigadier

At the re­mark, Cho shrugged his shoul­ders. "I didn't want to ne­go­ti­ate the
first round, or the sec­ond round, of talks that way. We have to ne­go­ti­ate
right here, to­day. But Lee Dae-joo didn't want to ne­go­ti­ate with a part­ner.
What was I go­ing to do? I had to change my ne­go­ti­at­ion part­ner."

Those who heard the con­ver­sa­tion at this mo­ment could see that this was
not a ne­go­ti­at­ion. It was a threat, not ne­go­ti­at­ion. If it had been usual times,
Colonel Baek Ho-seop would never have re­sponded to the threat.

"... so what do you want to ne­go­ti­ate?" How­ever, Colonel Baek Ho-seop

calmly asked a ques­tion at this mo­ment in­stead of act­ing an­gry.

When Cho saw his face, he was con­vinced. 'The game is over.' He came to
ne­go­ti­ate, but in fact, the ne­go­ti­at­ion was over.

"I will tell you briefly." So, at this mo­ment, Cho did not waste time or
words for an ar­gu­ment. "The blue-eyed mon­ster will come here soon."


"What doesn't make sense is send­ing some­one to dig a royal tomb in a

world full of mon­sters."

"It, it's..."

"Shut up and lis­ten to me. Sooner or later, there will be a mon­ster with blue
eyes in Daegu City, and we will kill it."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

How! Colonel Baek Ho-seop ex­pressed his feel­ings with a look of dis­may,
in­stead of an an­swer.

At the words of Baek Ho-seop, Cho looked at Kim be­hind his wheel­chair.

Baek Ho-seop's eyes nat­u­rally turned to­ward Kim. But his gaze did not last
long. Baek Ho-seop couldn't meet Kim's eyes for long. It was like a rat
could not see the snake's eyes.

"The sit­u­at­ion is ex­actly what Cho said. The mon­ster is com­ing and I will
kill it. So I need your full co­op­er­at­ion," the snake spoke to the rat.

"Full co­op­er­at­ion..."

"Give me ev­ery­thing you have, not only weapons but also the Bell of King

"That's ridicu­lous. It's..."

Kkeoeoeoeong! At that mo­ment, a mys­te­ri­ous and un­known shriek swept

through the K-2 Air Force Base.


In the dis­tance, even though it was a very dis­tant cry, it af­fected those who
filled the hangar. There were a lot of sol­diers tot­ter­ing, fall­ing, and kneel­‐

It was the same with Cho. "Damn, damn, damn it... it re­ally came..."

Trem­bling! Cho be­gan to trem­ble in his wheel­chair, and Colonel Baek Ho-
seop and his men, who had been fac­ing them all the time, also strug­gled to
avoid fall­ing down on the floor.

'With this dis­tance, di­rec­tion... is it Pal­go­ngsan? It came there much faster

than I thought. And see­ing that it screamed out to cause fear, it doesn't want
to spend any time. It'll be right here.' Only Kim stood up­right.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

Kim, stand­ing so up­right, turned to the ceil­ing. Then he opened his mouth
and ex­haled the En­ergy in his gut.



The Howl­ing that came out of Kim's mouth af­ter a long time, be­gan to
soften the power of the fear that was fill­ing the hangar.

"Huck!" There were the sounds of breath com­ing back all over the place.
Colonel Baek Ho-seop, who had been trem­bling all the time in front of
Kim, seemed to have calmed down, fo­cus­ing on his eyes again. Of course,
the amount of fear im­planted by the pupils of Kim re­mained.

"I'll tell you again," Kim de­manded Baek Ho-seop. "We need the M61 and
the Bell of King Seongdeok."

There was no an­swer. There was only a nod.


The straight dis­tance from the Birobong of Pal­go­ngsan to K-2 Air Force
Base was about 13 kilo­me­ters. The path, sit­u­ated in a steep moun­tain range,
was a road that lit­er­ally never had a straight stretch.

But now a road was be­ing built on the moun­tain range. It was not just a
road, but a white road. A broad white road, about twenty me­ters wide, was
be­ing made in real time, at an alarm­ing rate.

Freez­ing! The white road was the path of Freezer, an ice mon­ster with blue

Freez­ing! The chill from its whole body was freez­ing ev­ery­thing all around.
It was an in­cred­i­ble sight. But the amaz­ing sight was not the end of it. There
were Wolves run­ning on the white road.

There was con­stant howl­ing. A group of Snow Wolves was fol­low­ing

Freezer with all their might. The num­bers of Snow Wolves were hard to

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

mea­sure. In the world that was turned white by Freezer, they were com­‐
pletely hid­den. The fact that they were mov­ing in groups was not eas­ily
con­firmed by the naked eye. This was a scene that could not be seen or

But the amaz­ing sight was their speed. Even on steep moun­tains and hill­‐
sides, they had no hes­i­ta­tion. On the downslopes, they threw them­selves
and ac­cel­er­ated down them, and on the up­hill, they pulled their strength out.

It took them about ten min­utes to reach the city of Daegu af­ter leav­ing Pal­‐
gong Moun­tain. It was a mere in­stant.

Be­fore the city's cit­i­zens, who were ex­posed to the fear that Freezer worked
its best, could re­gain their free­dom from the fear, hun­dreds of Snow Wolves
led by the Freezer and its teams were in the city.

Of course, there was no bat­tle.


"Sa, save me..."

There was just a one-sided meal. It was also a vo­ra­cious feast.

Wooguck Wooguck! Snow Wolves ate ev­ery­thing they could to fill their
empty stom­achs af­ter the ex­plo­sive race.

Sniff! They bit off what they could see, and then they chased af­ter what
they could not see with their noses and bit it.

The white Snow Wolves be­gan to roam through the city of Daegu, leav­ing
traces of red foot­prints, howl­ing in their ea­ger­ness.

Freezer only stared at the scene. It didn't seem like It was go­ing to stop the
Snow Wolves from eat­ing too much.

It was a time of glut­tony per­mit­ted by the owner. Only the sound of the Bell
stopped the glut­tony that could not stop and had no rea­son to stop.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘


Rather than be­ing pure, it was a melan­choly, sad, and hor­ri­ble sound. In­‐
stead of im­press­ing the lis­ten­ers, the ac­tions of Snow Wolves who en­joyed
the glut­tony stiff­ened at the sound that made them shiver.

Doo-woo-woong! When the Bell rang again, some Snow Wolves be­gan to
back away with ter­ror-stricken eyes.

Yelp! Some be­gan to trem­ble with their tails droop­ing as they called out.

Doo-woo-woong! As soon as the third Bell rang, the un­sus­tain­able Snow

Wolves looked up.

Owwwwwwww! Howl­ing, Snow Wolves gath­ered their mouths to­gether to

fight against the sound of the Bell. It be­gan to spread and grow louder. The
droop­ing tails of the Snow Wolves also grad­u­ally be­gan to rise to­ward the

Tu­tu­tu­tutu! It was the ar­tillery that stopped the heal­ing.

Tu­tu­tu­tutu! No, it was more a mon­ster than a can­non. It was an M61 Vul­‐
can. The sound mak­ing up some­thing launch­ing 6,000 rounds per minute
with six guns ro­tat­ing, twenty-mil­lime­ter-long, adult palm-length shells was
a per­fect match for the term "mon­ster."

What was more mon­strous was Kim's shoot­ing of an M61 Vul­can with his
hands like a ma­chine gun, and even a bar­rel full of dozens of kilo­grams of
bul­lets on his back.

Tu­tu­tu­tutu! Kim con­tin­ued his shoot­ing, even aim­ing at the tar­gets ac­cu­‐
rately, de­spite the con­stant gun­fire.

Yelp! There was no such thing as a Snow Wolf cop­ing with the at­tack.

The 20-mm shell, not just a bul­let, ripped them apart, far more than merely
pierc­ing the skins of the Snow Wolves.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 98 - Freezer, Part Iii ⦘

Tu­tutu... When the M61 Vul­can, which threw out thou­sands of bul­lets in
one breath, took a pause, Kim looked at Freezer, who was still sur­vey­ing
the whole scene on the road, with his black Eyes. It was not show­ing any
in­ter­est in this scene. In other words, it was not feel­ing any threat at this

Kim aimed at it with the M61 Vul­can. How­ever, he did not im­me­di­ately

'The mo­ment I shoot, it's the be­gin­ning. It is im­pos­si­ble to kill this mon­ster
with just a few shells from an M61 Vul­can. That would only make it an­gry.
The bat­tle will start as soon as the gun­fire be­gins.'

So, Kim waited for the Bell to ring again.

Doo-woo-woong! As soon as the Bell rang, Ha­hoetal, the mask, which was
gen­tly rest­ing on Kim's shoul­der, set­tled across his face.

Tu­tu­tutu! Kim's M61 fi­nally shot off shells.

Kkeoeoeoeong! Freezer, who had been in­dif­fer­ent un­til now, vom­ited fear
to­wards Kim.

The bat­tle had be­gun.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

Chap­ter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv

Chap­ter 34. Freezer, Part IV

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


What is the most im­por­tant thing when hunt­ing? The an­swer to this ques­‐
tion is clear. The fa­tal point, the fac­tor that can cer­tainly lead the prey to
death, is the most im­por­tant.

Isn't it com­mon knowl­edge that a per­son who doesn't know how to kill their
prey, can­not hunt prop­erly? It is even truer if the prey is not just an an­i­mal,
but a mon­ster, not just an or­di­nary beast.

'I need to find it.'


Mon­sters have ev­ery­thing be­yond the nat­u­ral. Their body's de­fense, phys­i­‐
cal strength, life force, and physique are all over the com­mon-sense level,
and thus the imag­i­na­tion is eas­ily tram­pled. One can't be sure of death if
one breaks its head and makes it bleed. Hunters hunt­ing mon­sters, there­‐
fore, must keep in mind the most im­por­tant thing about hunt­ing.

'I need to find its heart.'

Hunters must keep in mind that ev­ery mon­ster's weak point is its heart.
When they think about some­thing other than this, the think­ing is mean­ing­‐
less, and the hunt­ing that they per­form af­ter they worry about this is an un­‐
con­di­tional fail­ure.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon knew it bet­ter than any­one else. So, when he looked at
Freezer, and when he saw the blue eyes em­bed­ded in the translu­cent body
made of ice, he knew that find­ing its heart was his top pri­or­ity.

Then, how could he find its heart?

'I can't see it.'

He couldn't im­me­di­ately find its heart with the Eyes of the Black Snake. He
could not see any­thing in­side its translu­cent body that he was sure was its

'If so, when I take to the next step, I have to make its heart move in some
way. I must make it an­gry, scared, or in pain.'

That's what Kim was do­ing now. Tu­tu­tu­tutu! Kim, who ran be­tween the
build­ing and the build­ing, be­tween one roof and the next as eas­ily cross­ing
step­ping stones, bom­barded Freezer with the Vul­can as it was fol­low­ing

The shots were ac­cu­rate. His shoot­ing abil­ity and the Eyes of the Black
Snake made the Vul­can in his hands as ac­cu­rate as the sniper ri­fle. It was
per­fect shoot­ing.

Ping, ping! The shells of the Vul­can be­gan to pock Freezer's body. How­‐
ever, that was all. Though deeply em­bed­ded, the 20mm scary shells failed
to pen­et­rate in. It was a re­sult that did not fit the power of the Vul­can,
which could punch through. Even the scars caused by the Vul­can did not
last long.

Pat­ter! The icy body was frag­mented and fell to the ground, and the wound
that had opened so quickly re­cov­ered by it­self.

Kim's mouth twisted as he looked at the scene through the eyes of Ha­hoetal.

'I didn't think it would be hurt with the Vul­can, but...'

The power of the Vul­can is over­whelm­ing. It is not be­cause it seems rea­‐

son­able to have a Vul­can can­non, which weighs more than 100 kilo­grams,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

on an ex­pen­sive fighter jet which is strug­gling to re­duce its weight ev­ery lit­‐
tle bit.

Of course, Kim did not think he could kill a blue-grade mon­ster with only a

'It is too strong.' Still, the sight Kim saw now was quite shock­ing to him.
What was even more shock­ing was that at this mo­ment, Freezer, who was
run­ning be­tween the build­ings af­ter him, has never used its fear, the most
ob­vi­ous weapon it had.

'I can't even get it to use its fear.'

Fear is the most ob­vi­ous weapon of the mon­ster. It is a pow­er­ful weapon,

es­pe­cially against hu­mans. The blue-grade mon­ster's fear has a ter­ri­ble ef­‐
fect on those who have En­ergy lev­els be­low A rank. Of course, mon­sters
use fear with­out hes­i­ta­tion when they feel threat­ened, or when things are

All the mon­sters Kim had en­coun­tered so far were the same. Most of all,
mon­sters had learn­ing skills, and there was no pos­si­bil­ity that Freezer
would not know that fear was more pow­er­ful than any other abil­ity. So, he
wore the mask, Ha­hoetal.

'There isn't much time.'

The ef­fect of An­dong Ha­hoetal was to sig­nif­i­cantly in­crease the level of

abil­ity by giv­ing the wearer a [Pos­ses­sion by a Spirit] ef­fect. Of course,
Kim was in a sit­u­at­ion where he was pos­sessed by a spirit. It was ev­i­dent on
the back of his right hand, not any­where else.

[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Mus­cle: 911

-- Health: 902

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

-- En­ergy: A-Rank

-- Mana: A-Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A+ Rank

-- De­fense: A-Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: A-Rank

Kim's abil­ity to re­ceive the [Pos­ses­sion by a Spirit] was over­whelm­ing

enough. He could clearly feel the abil­ity that had in­creased so dras­ti­cally.
In­fi­nite power was ex­plod­ing in­side his body.

At the same time, it was also clear that this power would not last long.
When a sports car over 500 horse­power ran in a cir­cuit, it was sim­i­lar to
watch­ing the fuel nee­dle fall.

'9 min­utes 33 sec­onds.'

Ac­cord­ing to his cal­cu­la­tion, the du­ra­tion of [Pos­ses­sion by a Spirit] was 9

min­utes 33 sec­onds. Af­ter that, he would be a nor­mal per­son who has lost
all his abil­ity. In other words, he needed to ac­com­plish what he wanted
within that time.

Even one-sec­ond longer was the same as get­ting into a des­per­ately dan­ger­‐
ous mo­ment. In such a sit­u­at­ion, it was very bad that he could not even pull
out the Freezer's fear.

'I must throw away what I can't do.'

Kim no longer had a fuss about the M61. Be­ing ab­sorbed by the fact that he
could use this ter­ri­ble Vul­can with his bare hands, he did not force him­self
to do what he could not. Ac­cord­ingly, he aban­doned the Vul­can.

Bang! The Vul­can, thrown from a six-story build­ing, fell to the ground and
clanged loudly

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

Chewre­ung! He pulled his Swords from their sheath. It was the sound of the
Sword of the Im­per­at­or and the Sword of Hwan­doo­daedo, the two Swords
that Kim was car­ry­ing on his back. The two swords be­gan to fly.

Clank! The tar­get was Freezer, and the goal was to leave as many wounds
as pos­si­ble in the short­est time on the Freezer's body.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa! The goal was mak­ing long, deep wounds. The two
Swords per­formed these or­ders well.

Keureureu! They earned noth­ing but the first growl from Freezer's mouth.
At the same time, the Freezer gave up its pur­suit of Kim and fo­cused on the
two Swords that cir­cled around it. Freezer avoided the Swords, while on the
other hand, it tried to strike the Swords by mov­ing its legs, tail, and wings.
How­ever, the two Swords moved in daz­zling pat­terns, mak­ing the Freezer's
work use­less.

"Hoo!" At that mo­ment, Kim gave out a long sigh. With that sigh, he
brought his hand to the two Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­wares that he had
hung at his waist like dec­o­ra­tions, one for a mas­ter and a ser­vant.

Kim in­jected Mana at the same time into the two Earth­en­wares, which were
orig­i­nally a pair. He threw them at the Freezer.

The two Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­wares fly­ing in the air be­gan to in­flate
sur­pris­ingly quickly, and by the time they reached the edge of the Freezer,
they re­vealed their enor­mous splen­dor, a size that was not lack­ing com­pared
to the ten-me­ter-long Freezer.

Whinny! At the same time, their at­tack be­gan. The first at­tack was at their
owner's com­mand.

Whinny! As the horse ran at the Freezer at full speed, the mas­ter threw his
sword at the Freezer.

Bang! The sword, which had flown so hard, buried half of it­self into the
back of the Freezer.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

Keu-aang! Freezer's eyes flick­ered. What came into the eyes of the Freezer
as it turned its eyes was the mas­ter's horse, with a spear com­ing out of its

Kwa­jik! The spear that com­ing out of the horse's chest drove into the
Freezer's body. At the same time, the horse be­gan to crum­ble in the process
of break­ing the body of the Freezer. In the mean­time, the mas­ter war­rior
stepped on his own horse as a step­ping stone climbed into the body of the
Freezer. The war­rior hit the tip of the hilt of his sword on the back of the
freezer with his fist.

Kwa­jik! First was the right hand, sec­ond was left hand, and then right hand

Bang, bang! The hilt grad­u­ally de­scended deeper and deeper with the re­‐
peated blows of the war­rior, ham­mer­ing it in.

Kwa­jik! In the end, the body of the Freezer was split in half. But it was not
the re­sult of the war­rior's sword. Rather, it was by the op­po­site, done by the
Freezer's will. The ev­i­dence was that the cloven body of the Freezer trans­‐
formed into dif­fer­ent an­i­mals; an ice lion in front, and an ice tiger in the

Keu-wang! Keureureu! The two sep­ar­ ate Freez­ers sur­rounded the mas­ter
back and forth, and im­me­di­ately bit and clawed at it. The war­rior's right
shoul­der and left leg were bit­ten, and in front of the claws, a lump of clay-
like flesh was crushed. The war­rior, hav­ing lost his arms and legs, fell to the

Ding-dong, ding-dong! At that time, the ser­vant who had been look­ing at
the mas­ter's work un­til now shook the bell in his hand.

Ding-dong, ding-dong! The mir­ac­ le that the bells pro­duced was giv­ing arms
and legs to the war­rior who lost his arms and legs. Even a sword was made
as a bonus on the re­stored arm. The war­rior, who had in­stantly re­gained his
form, swung his sword at the ice tiger in his vicin­ity.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

Kwaang! The ice tiger grabbed the sword into its mouth and bit down. In
the mean­time, the ice lion threw it­self at the ser­vant, who was shak­ing the
bell over and over on the road be­low the build­ing, jump­ing from the high
build­ing to the ground.

Ppoo-woo-woo! At that mo­ment, an ele­phant with golden smoke hit the ice
lion fall­ing to the ground in midair.

Bang! Smoke and ice, the two things made a strange sound. It was a mo­‐
ment when the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, the amaz­ing relic,
once again ex­erted its power.

Doo-woo-woong! The Bell sounded for them. It was a sound of de­struc­tion

to­ward the Freezer, a sound of cheer­ing for the beasts of golden smoke and
the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware.

The bod­ies of the Freezer be­gan to move slowly at the bell sound, while the
beasts of the golden smoke, the mas­ter and the ser­vant, were coura­geous
and be­gan to press the two-part Freez­ers.

In the end, the Freezer had to use its fear-mak­ing roar.

Kkeo-eo-eo-eong! The fear, burst­ing si­mul­ta­ne­ously from the mouths of

two Freez­ers, shook the whole city of Daegu at once. Its power was for­mi­‐

The golden beasts cre­ated by the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje

were shaken and faded like haze, and the clay frag­ments of the mas­ter and
ser­vant be­gan to pour down like rain. Kwa-aang!

But it didn't stop the two Swords. Kim, with his black Eyes shin­ing be­hind
Ha­hoetal from a long dis­tance, did not show any shak­ing.

Af­ter the Pos­ses­sion by a Spirit, the En­ergy that ranked-up ex­ploded as

soon as it was ex­posed to the fear of the Freezer. It be­gan to squeeze all its
power to pro­tect its mas­ter from threats.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

Even with the fear, the threat did not dis­ap­pear. Keureureu! Freezer no
longer kept its face, its dig­nity. The Freez­ers, the icy tiger and the icy lion,
be­gan to turn into hedge­hogs as thorns rose from their bod­ies.

The thorns of the Freez­ers swept all over the place with their self-de­struc­‐
tion. Con­crete walls and as­phalts crum­pled like tofu, pud­ding, and flew for
sev­eral kilo­me­ters, even de­stroy­ing a small shop­ping mall at once. It was a
for­mi­da­ble power.

What was even eerier was the fig­ures of the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­‐
wares and the golden smoke beasts pen­et­rated by the ice thorns. Rather than
re­cov­er­ing the wounds af­ter be­ing pen­et­rated by the thorns, they be­gan to
freeze white.

The Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware be­came white ice stat­ues with holes in
them, and the golden smoke beasts cre­ated by the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner of Baekje be­gan to fade away with holes in them.

Ice Blaster was the most pow­er­ful power of Freezer. Of course, the abil­ity
de­manded a price. In ex­change for ex­plod­ing its body, Freezer re­vealed the
heart it had been hid­ing and cov­er­ing. The trans­par­ent heart was the size of
an adult man, and the blue jewel in the trans­par­ent heart was glis­ten­ing un­‐
der the sun's di­rect sun­light for a long time.

'I found it.' Kim did not miss the light. He did not miss what he had to do.

'It's the be­gin­ning.' It was now the be­gin­ning, and Kim, think­ing this,
quickly left his seat. While he ran, the heart of the Freezer cre­ated its body

Keueoeo! This time its body was an ice Ogre with a height of five me­ters.
The Ogre, the Freezer, cre­ated an ice club and be­gan to swing it around.

It was an ex­pres­sion of in­dis­crim­i­nate rage.

A truck en­gine roared as it ap­proached the Freezer. Kim was in the lug­gage
com­part­ment of the truck, which had no driver present, the steer­ing wheel
mov­ing freely. There were lumps of iron bound to­gether be­hind it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 99 - Freezer, Part Iv ⦘

The long, elon­gated mass that seemed to be a rugby ball was a GBU-31
bomb, which was built to be mounted on the F-15K and had a 900-kilo­gram
ex­plo­sive. One of the bombs was lifted by the Telekine­sis of Kim. It was
like when he had hurled a small car with his Telekine­sis to punch the Sword
of the Im­per­at­or into the chest of the Game­cock.

But it was def­i­nitely dif­fer­ent then. At this mo­ment, there was no Sword of
the Im­per­at­or in the body of the Freezer.

'Two min­utes left.' And the Sword didn't have to be stuck.

"Hoo!" The GBU-31 mis­sile, com­ing into the air with a short ef­fort of the
Telekine­sis, be­gan fly­ing to­ward the Freezer's heart.


Jang Sung-hoon was look­ing at Dae­dongyeo­jido. At that mo­ment, the blue

light in Daegu City faded. It was a sit­u­at­ion that de­served to be en­joyed. It
was ev­i­dence that Kim suc­ceeded in killing a sec­ond blue-grade mon­ster.
How­ever, Jang did not re­joice. In­stead of ex­press­ing his joy, he turned his
head and looked at the Golden Glass next to Dae­dongyeo­jido.

Look­ing at the Golden Glass filled with red liq­uid, he clenched his teeth

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 100 - Check List, Part I

Chap­ter 35. Check List, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


For Cho Sung-yeon, the blue-grade mon­ster Freezer that had ap­peared in
Daegu City would be re­mem­bered for a life­time.

'Oh, my God.' He would also re­mem­ber the Freezer as a ter­ri­ble mon­ster.

'Does that make sense? It was a crazy mon­ster that had en­dured nine GBU-
31s, a lump of ex­plo­sives weigh­ing close to a ton. It was not dropped from
a few thou­sand me­ters above like a jet, but thrown from the ground like a
shot­gun. En­dur­ing the ex­plo­sion of the crazy-pow­er­ful bombs nine times
was be­yond the com­mon sense of Cho and any of his imag­i­na­tion.


'He killed the in­sane mon­ster! What a freak!' And of course, Cho would re­‐
mem­ber Kim Tae-hoon, who killed the ter­ri­ble mon­ster with the tenth mis­‐
sile and swal­lowed the blue crys­tal of the Freezer, the only pay­out he got
from the mon­ster he killed.

That's how the hunt ended.


'The abil­ity of a per­son shines in a cri­sis, so the value of a per­son shines in a


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

In the cri­sis that came to Daegu City, there were two peo­ple who proved it
to Kim.

One was, of course, Cho. He pro­ceeded with the plan that Kim had pre­‐
pared as soon as Kim killed the Freezer. He in­formed Daegu City, which
was de­fense­less due to con­fu­sion and fear, that now the world has changed
and it was only he who could be­come a leader in this changed world, and
Kim was be­hind him.

"In a world full of mon­sters, I can't say Daegu is safe any­more, but how
long are you go­ing to fol­low the non­sense or­ders of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions
Com­mand? Huh? Those in­com­pe­tent peo­ple? Are you will­ing to let those
who sit on the floor and trem­ble in front of a blue-eyed mon­ster or­der you
around? So don't think about it, give me all the rights. If you don't like it,
say no, but I'll give you a piece of ad­vice... fin­ish it when you talk to me. If
you say no when you talk to my part­ner, not me, he'll never let you go."

Cho also ac­tively used the fact that Kim was his backer. He used all the sit­‐
u­at­ions given to him fa­vor­ably. Above all, he in­sisted that it was not to
merely an in­di­vid­ual's ben­ef­ it, but an honor, a de­sire to pur­sue the wor­thy
val­ues that those who sur­vived from now on should take. His cry for jus­tice
be­came his most pow­er­ful weapon in the world where all or­der was bro­ken.

He was able to take over all the pow­ers of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­‐
mand, which had been in con­trol of Daegu City, in just three days.

"How have you been, Boss?"

The other one who was shin­ing in the cri­sis with Cho was Jang Sung-hoon.

The dis­ap­pear­ance of the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana of Haein Tem­ple!

When ev­ery­one fell into a state of de­jec­tion amid the chaos cre­ated by the
crazy in­ci­dent, Jang did not shake.

"I haven't seen you in a long time."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

In this crazy sit­u­at­ion, Jang some­how found an op­por­tu­nity and turned it

into a chance for change. His op­por­tu­nity was for large-scale change. Un­til
now, mon­sters in the Sobaek Moun­tains had been build­ing their own ter­ri­‐
tory. In such a sit­u­at­ion, the sud­den move­ment of mon­sters above the green
grade was the same as a large-scale change.

There were very strong changes that hu­mans, as well as the mon­sters lower
than the yel­low-grade ones, could en­dure eas­ily!

Jang led his forces into the Sobaek Moun­tains to find op­por­tu­ni­ties in the
large-scale change.

"Oh, I'm sorry I dis­obeyed your or­der."

It was in di­rect op­po­si­tion to Kim's or­der. Kim clearly or­dered the troops
stand­ing near the Sobaek Moun­tains to move back.

But it was Jang Sung-hoon who was right. He hunted the con­fused mon­‐
sters. The strong fire­power of the Mac Guild's hunters, the 8th Mech­an­ ized
In­fantry Di­vi­sion, and the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand, the com­bined
strength of those who won the right to sur­vive in fierce bat­tles and strug­‐
gles, not power cre­ated like a flower in a green­house like Daegu City, had
been spewed on the mon­sters. The ef­fect was im­pres­sive.

"But I thought I was right."

'The rea­son mon­sters are so scary is that their abil­ity to cre­ate fear is strong,
and they also have their own ter­ri­tory. A game in one's own ter­ri­tory is
never a game. Rather, it is a real hunter who eats what comes into one's ter­‐
ri­tory. In other words, mon­sters that have come out of their do­main are bet­‐
ter tar­gets than ever.'

"In the end, we se­cured the Gyeongbu Ex­press­way."

And through the hunt, the Mac Guild was able to se­cure a very valu­able
road, called the Gyeongbu Ex­press­way. The road, which reached from
Seoul to Bu­san, was taken back from the mon­sters. The ev­i­dence was the
pres­ence of Jang, who had led the Mac Guild to Daegu City.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

"Oh, and this is a small gift." Jang handed Napoleon's Golden Glass, and
the red liq­uid within, to Kim.


It was a room about ten square feet, with only one desk in it, and walls on
all sides.

The elon­gated eyes re­minded them of dragon eyes, and the skin was
grotesque, mys­te­ri­ous, and hor­ri­fy­ing, as if the dragon's scales were hid­den
un­der the skin. Right now, a dragon seemed to be born in the man's body.
But even more fright­en­ing was the in­fi­nite and bizarre power that wrig­gled
in the man's body.

'I couldn't lift the curse.'

Kim, dream­ing of his death, could see that he was re­peat­ing the same death
now. At Stone­henge, Eng­land, at this mo­ment, he was dy­ing by the curse of
the dragon.

'Couldn't I find a way?' It was the first time. Un­til now, Kim had never re­‐
lived the same death. That cre­ated a strong sense of hope. It was hope that
the fu­ture has changed, and it was the be­lief that he had learned a les­son
through the deaths. It was also a hope that he was go­ing to pro­ceed fur­ther,
on the ba­sis of his own death.

But at this mo­ment, he was re­peat­ing the same death.

"It's a great power, and I'm go­ing to ex­plode my body right now."

The curse of the dragon, a price that could not be dealt with, was be­ing paid
for with the man's greed. It was a painful and sad thing, a ter­ri­ble thing.

It was more painful and des­per­ate than any death he had ever ex­pe­ri­enced.

'Rather, that room...'

But Kim did not chew on de­spair at this mo­ment.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

'What was the room for?'

Rather, he did not worry about his death at this mo­ment. The death was
what he had al­ready ex­pe­ri­enced. He did not have to worry about why he
died, how he died, and who killed him.

And it was the same for him, and the fu­ture Kim Tae-hoon who he dreamt

He was dy­ing, but he did not think of de­spair. He was look­ing around the
room with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

'Ah.' Only then did Kim know.

'This is in­for­ma­tion.' This room was the place that the fu­ture of him made to
die, the place made to strug­gle in front of the same death. This was the in­‐
for­ma­tion he did not know. There was a lot of in­for­ma­tion on the wall of
the room. It was a vis­i­ble map of in­for­ma­tion!

There were large con­ti­nen­tal maps all over the walls, and maps of the six
ma­jor con­ti­nents. Around the map, there was a lot of in­for­ma­tion, like a spi­‐
der web. Mil­i­tary in­for­ma­tion, in­for­ma­tion about relics, in­for­ma­tion about
mon­sters, and in­for­ma­tion about peo­ple!

'I have col­lected only the best ones.'

It was very good in­for­ma­tion for Kim's taste, and it was so vast. It was im­‐
pos­si­ble to re­mem­ber all the in­for­ma­tion.

'It's just like me.' Kim was sat­is­fied.

'It's just like me, since I don't ad­mit that too much is as bad as too lit­tle.' It
was his job to gather a lot of in­for­ma­tion to the max­i­mum level de­spite the
ob­vi­ous in­abil­ity to di­gest it all. He was grate­ful at the same time.

'If I die a hun­dred times, I'll see all the in­for­ma­tion here.'

Even in this death, he was grate­ful that he had not lost him­self, and he was
proud of him who had not given up yet.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

His foot­steps stopped in front of the map of the Asian con­ti­nent, one of the
six con­ti­nen­tal maps.

He stood and scanned it. He, who was dream­ing of him­self, also saw Kim
Tae-hoon. Among them, Kim paid at­ten­tion to Japan.

'It's funny.'

The Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago...

There was a lot of in­for­ma­tion around the map: in­for­ma­tion on im­por­tant

relics, in­clud­ing the story of Musashi, who was now a Ja­pa­nese monarch,
and Ja­pa­nese mil­i­tary in­for­ma­tion!

'The only leg­endary relic in Japan is Ku­sanagi, and there are lots of swords,
not as valu­able as the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana, but I can still get some pay­back
for their debt.

It's funny. It's so funny be­cause it is child­ish... there are the four heav­enly
guardians un­der a man named Musashi, who is not the monarch of Japan.

The essence of Japan... is not lost, and even in that sit­u­at­ion, the weapons
are hid­den all over the place. If there is a war, they will some­how take ad­‐
van­tage of it. Af­ter the Fukushima nu­clear cri­sis, their fail­ure to get rid of
the ex­ec­u­tives of the Tokyo Elec­tric Power Com­pany was to pre­vent the se­‐
cret nu­clear weapons project from be­ing leaked.'

Kim's eyes turned to China.

'China's ac­tions are so ex­plicit that un­til the mon­sters ap­peared there was
noth­ing new any­more.'

And fi­nally, Kim looked at Ko­rea. 'Hmm.' Here, he was sus­pi­cious. Most of
the in­for­ma­tion about Ko­rea he had al­ready been grasped, and the things
that had been grasped had now be­come his. He did not need to see the land
of Ko­rea any­more.

'Ah.' But the doubts didn't last long. There was a note: there is only one
thing that can calm the curse of the dragon. Only the Man­pasik­jeok, which

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

elim­i­nates all the tur­moils of the world.

It was a clue, a clue to sur­vive.


And that was the last thing Kim saw. The dragon's curse be­gan to melt his


There was a dark room with a sin­gle light glow­ing. Two men were fac­ing
each other across one ta­ble, two cups of cof­fee in front of them.

"Is this Mr. Cho Sung-yeon?"

"Yes, and you?"

"I am Jang Sung-hoon."

Their first con­ver­sa­tion was to in­tro­duce to each other. They rec­og­nized

each other's names, and the greet­ing was over.

"Can I call you el­der brother?"

"El­der Brother?"

"I can tell some­body's for­tune by phys­iog­nomy, you will be pres­i­dent one
day." Jang Sung-hoon, at the end of the greet­ing, im­me­di­ately said some un­‐
be­liev­able words to the other.

"Well, I'd ap­pre­ci­ate it if you would, be­cause I hon­estly didn't know how to
treat you." How­ever, Cho Sung-yeon was merely sur­prised for a while and
soon ac­cepted the un­be­liev­able words.

"So what's my brother do­ing?" the con­ver­sa­tion be­gan.

"I was in the mil­i­tary un­til last year."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

"Re­ally? Where?"

"Bucheon Ojung-dong."

"I was on duty in Pocheon."

"Pocheon, the Ot­tuki Unit?"

"Yes, I worked at the Ar­mored Search Party of the Eighth Mech­an­ ized in­‐
fantry Di­vi­sion."

"Re­ally? Do you know Colonel Lim Hyun-joon?"

"No, I don't know, who is he?"

"The Com­man­der of the Eighth Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion."

"Re­ally? You said he was a colonel?"

"He's also Com­man­der of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand."

"... I think he should have had some guts to do that. So, what's your re­la­‐
tion­ship with Colonel Lim Hyun-joon and you?"

"He's my man now, and he's go­ing over the Tae­baek Moun­tains and Uljin to

In many ways, it was an ab­surd story. How­ever, Cho did not smile or look
sur­prised at the ab­surd story.

"I think the world has changed a lot."

Ev­ery­thing would be a small change in the pres­ence of Kim.

"What kind of per­son is Kim Tae-hoon?"

"Boss? He's a good man."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 100 - Check List, Part I ⦘

Cho frowned a lit­tle at the words 'a good man'. Kim had never hurt him, but
Kim was by no means a man who matched the words 'good' or 'kind'.

"If you're on the same side, there is no one bet­ter than him."

How­ever, at that ex­pla­na­tion, Cho had to agree. At the same time, he was
sure at this mo­ment, 'Jang Sung-hoon, his code is right with me.' He was
sure that Jang was a man whose morals matched his own in many ways. Of
course, the con­ver­sa­tion be­tween the two was soft.

"Don't worry about the wounds, we have a won­der­ful doc­tor."

"We have a won­der­ful ac­tress."


"Lee Yeon-ah."


Screech! The sound of the door open­ing in the room stopped the long con­‐
ver­sa­tion be­tween the two.

"Jang Sung-hoon, give the or­der to Colonel Lim Hyun-joon." Be­yond the
open door was Kim Tae-hoon, who didn't mince his words. "Make a war­‐
ship ready for Japan."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Volume 2 ⦘

Vol­ume 2

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 101 - Check List, Part Ii

Chap­ter 35. Check List, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Where are they now?"

"Nam­chang Sta­tion has been cleared."

"Nam­chang Sta­tion..."


"With this sit­u­at­ion... they are go­ing to get here within half an hour..."

At the re­port of the sub­or­di­nate, Lieu­tenant Colonel Kang Je-wook, the

com­man­der of the newly-built Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion un­der the 8th
Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion, turned his head back.

There was a vast ex­panse of sea in that di­rec­tion. It was a cool sea. It was a
sea that opened his mind. How­ever, the ap­pear­ance of the sea did not come
into the eyes of Lieu­tenant Colonel Kang. All he could see was the build­‐
ings that had the sea in front of them, huge con­crete masses with round

"Stay as long as you can."

The Kori Nu­clear Power Plant pro­duced the largest amount of elec­tric­ity of
the Ko­rean nu­clear power plants, and it would have the largest num­ber of
vic­tims when it was de­stroyed.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

"Stay as long as you can any­way."


Now it was the place Lieu­tenant Colonel Kang had to pro­tect.

'Damn it.' At this mo­ment, Lieu­tenant Colonel Kang felt deep de­spair and

'I did not ex­pect that I would be as­signed to the Kori Nu­clear Power Plant.'

Jang Sung-hoon tried to se­cure two things dur­ing the large-scale change, af­‐
ter the dis­ap­pear­ance of the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana. One ob­jec­tive was the
Gyeongbu Ex­press­way, and the other was the three nu­clear power plants
built along the East Sea coast­line.

There was no guar­an­tee that those who had burned the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana
would leave the nu­clear power plants alone. Jang del­eg­ ated ev­ery­thing to
Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, and Colonel Lim, who felt the ur­gency of the sit­u­‐
a­tion, moved all his spare troops.

Af­ter cross­ing the Tae­baek moun­tain range, Lim moved along the coastal
road by the East Sea and forced a way to reach the nu­clear power plant
through re­peated bat­tles with fierce mon­sters.

So, start­ing with the Uljin Nu­clear Power Plant, they passed the Wol­song
Nu­clear Power Plant and even­tu­ally reached the fi­nal des­ti­na­tion, the Kori
Nu­clear Power Plant.

The prob­lem was at this mo­ment.

'There's no other way... we can't get sup­port for more than two hours.'

At present, about a thou­sand mon­sters, in­clud­ing a green-grade mon­ster,

were ap­proach­ing the Kori Nu­clear Power Plant at a rapid pace. There was
no way to stop the mon­sters.

'But we have to stop it.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

Lieu­tenant Colonel Kang couldn't give up. When the Kori Nu­clear Power
Plant col­lapsed, the Gyeongsang area would be­come a land of death. The
blow would be be­yond de­scrip­tion. The hope of Ko­rea, which had just been
gained and had just be­come a flame in­stead of a mere can­dle, would be in­‐
evitably shaken. He did not want to con­done it. He did not want to tar­nish
the hope that had be­gun to grow in such des­per­ate days, and he would not
tol­er­ate the de­struc­tion.

"Get all our troops to­gether."


"And take out all forces around the nu­clear power plant."

So, at this mo­ment, Kang made an ex­treme choice.

"What do you mean-"

"The tar­get of the mon­sters is not the nu­clear power plant, but peo­ple. If
there is no­body near the Kori Nu­clear Power Plant, there is no rea­son for
the mon­sters to at­tack the Kori Nu­clear Power Plant."

"Ah!" The or­der made the sub­or­di­nate sol­dier gasp, and then he clamped
his mouth shut. He felt bit­ter de­spair. How­ever, the fact that there was no
clear way to pro­tect the nu­clear power plant did not even al­low him to ques­‐
tion it. The man raised his hand and saluted. It was now to de­fend to the

Thump! At that mo­ment, some­thing dropped down be­hind them with a

heavy sound. Sub­or­di­nate and com­man­der turned to look at him in shock
and sud­den fright.

"Re­port to me about the sit­u­at­ion."


Owwwwwwww! The Howl­ing of the mul­ti­col­ored gi­ant Wolf be­gan to flow

through the moun­tains. The flow­ing Howl­ing wrapped around var­i­ous kinds
of Wolf mon­sters that were con­stantly de­scend­ing the moun­tains.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

Kuh-hung, Kuh-hung! The mad­ness be­gan to flut­ter in the eyes of the Wolf
mon­sters wrapped in the Howl­ing.

Owwwwwwww! The Wolf, with its col­or­ful fur, once again let out a long
howl­ing. This time, the Wolf mon­sters ran even faster, just like a car that
had al­ready reached its limit had trig­gered a booster.

Owwwwwwww! The mas­ter of this mys­te­ri­ous Howl­ing was none other

than a Witch Wolf. It was a mon­ster with green eyes, a mon­ster who knew
how to sound a Howl­ing with a mys­te­ri­ous magic to it, not a sim­ple howl­‐
ing as its name sug­gested.

Of course, it was also a mon­ster that showed its pres­ence when con­duct­ing
a pack rather than when it was act­ing alone. Un­der the Witch Wolf were a
va­ri­ety of Wolf mon­sters, num­ber­ing over a thou­sand. It was a night­mare
that could turn a small city into a grave within a day or two.

"Shoot! Don't stop and shoot!"

It was hard to re­sist such mon­sters.

"Hold on!"

"Stop, stop, please stop!"

More­over, the Fear of the Witch Wolf hit their en­em

­ ies hard, al­though it
gave its forces a stronger abil­ity.


There were not many peo­ple who could keep mov­ing in front of the wide­‐
spread fear. Those who were merely shiv­er­ing were in bet­ter con­di­tion.


"Vomit! Just spit it out! Breathe!"

Those with low En­ergy lev­els were also con­vulsed or breath­less, fall­ing to
the ground. It was hard to find any­one who could do his job.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

On the other hand, there was no sur­plus force for the mon­sters who gained
strength from the Howl­ing of the Witch Wolf.

Kuh-hung, Kuh-hung! The rac­ing Wolves did not feel pain, nor did they
feel fa­tigue. In­stead, those only felt a thirst for blood, and still had a ter­ri­ble
drive even if their limbs were cut off. They were dev­ils.

It was a can­dle in front of the storm, any­one could see it; a group of Wolves
led by the Witch Wolf was a storm, and the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion fac­‐
ing them was a can­dle.

It was one man who changed that fact.

Thump! As al­ways, Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared in the sky and landed on the
ground. But there was some­thing dif­fer­ent than usual this time.

Seueueu! Kim was wear­ing a thick thorn ar­mor made of ice, a thorn ar­mor
that re­minded them of the shell of a durian fruit. It was a lot more im­pres­‐
sive than his usual look. Es­pe­cially the thorn ar­mor hel­met, the black Eyes
shin­ing within, was at a level that could be ex­pressed as 'su­per-im­pres­sive'.

Kr­rrr! Of course, the Witch Wolf was wary of Kim's ap­pear­ance, but it
didn't run away. It was proud, the pride of a mon­ster with green eyes, and
run­ning was not al­lowed. It was un­ac­cept­able to show its tail in front of a
hu­man be­ing. That was the pride of the Witch Wolf!

While the Witch Wolf grew vig­i­lant and hos­tile, Kim raised the thorns of
his ice thorn ar­mor. Seueueu! The thorns of the ice thorn ar­mor had now be­‐
come long and sharp enough to re­mind them of dag­gers, all from the new
abil­ity he got. He did not get the same abil­ity as the ice blast ex­plo­sion that
Freezer showed af­ter its body turned into thorns.

There­fore, he used a dif­fer­ent abil­ity.

Rum­bling! The abil­ity ac­quired from the Game­cock, Anger Soar­ing was ac­‐
ti­vated in Kim's ice thorn ar­mor. Of course, the ice thorn ar­mor wrapped
around him shat­tered and mixed with the ex­plo­sion cre­ated by the Anger

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

The ex­plo­sive power could not be com­pared with the de­struc­tive power that
Anger Soar­ing had showed so far. It was like a mas­sive frag­men­ta­tion bomb
go­ing off.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa! The frag­ments of ice thorn ar­mor mixed with the ex­‐
plo­sion of the Anger Soar­ing cut, smashed, and pen­et­rated through ev­ery­‐
thing. The thorns of the ice thorn ar­mor did not stop af­ter sim­ply scar­ring.
There was a curse on the ice thorn that made it im­pos­si­ble to re­pair, cure
and re­cover the wounds.

Ke­heng! The body of the Witch Wolf, which was clos­est to the ex­plo­sion,
was left full of holes at once. The color of its fur be­gan to turn red.

Owwwwwwww! But the Witch Wolf did not fall. It let out an­other Howl­‐
ing, even with the ice thorns in its body. Its wounds be­gan to heal, and the
pain be­gan to fade rapidly.

It was a spell. The spell took away the fear of the Witch Wolf and re­placed
it with anger. As the fear was great, the anger that filled the place was also
huge, as the pain was great.

Keuaaang! The Witch Wolf threw out the roar of a wounded beast, not a
Howl­ing, to­ward Kim Tae-hoon.

But at this mo­ment, Kim did not lis­ten to the sound. He was lis­ten­ing to the
beat­ing of its heart.

'It is near the neck.' When he heard the sound, he painted a pic­ture of three
Swords from above, each stab­bing the heart of the Witch Wolf from dif­fer­‐
ent di­rec­tions.

Swish! And the pic­ture be­came real.



[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

-- Strength: 702

-- Health: 689

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: B+ Rank

-- Mana: B+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A+ Rank

-- De­fense: B+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: B+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Ice Thorn Ar­mor (Grade 3): Con­sumes Mana to pro­duce Ice Thorn Ar­‐
mor; any­thing stabbed by the thorns of the Ice Thorn Ar­mor is cursed and
its abil­ity to re­cover is greatly weak­ened.

-- Howl­ing of the Witch Wolf (Grade 4): With the power of the Witch Wolf,
it gives mag­i­cal power to the Howl­ing. When us­ing Howl­ing, it re­moves el­‐
e­ments that are harm­ful to the Al­lies and user, and it in­creases their ba­sic

Kim turned his head af­ter he looked at the back of his right hand, see­ing a
group ap­proach. It was Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo and his men. They came up
to him and saluted him im­me­di­ately. Af­ter re­ceiv­ing the salute, he said,
"You can speak freely."

"I haven't seen you in a long time, but I think you have changed a lot."

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo and his men were dressed in black spe­cial forces
uni­forms and looked like the Grim Reaper.

"I think Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo Dae-hyun has changed a lot."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

"Since the role has changed, I should change."

"When will you start?"

"You've al­ready set the stage, there's no rea­son to waste time. I'll do it right

And in fact, they came here to re­place the role of the Grim Reaper.

"We can't just let the sol­diers who ex­ploited the peo­ple for their own ben­e‐­
fit, abused them, and even slaugh­tered them, go, at least if Ko­rea is a coun­‐

Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was not an Awak­ener. There­fore, he could not be a

hunter who fought against mon­sters, even if he had a great deal of abil­ity to
com­mand. The role which Kim had given him was to deal with peo­ple who
were mon­sters.


It was the role of Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo to pun­ish the cor­rupt prac­tices
that took place within Ko­rean ter­ri­tory. Kim gave him enor­mous power to
in­spect, rang­ing from mil­i­tary to civil­ian.

Fur­ther­more, the cur­rent force Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo could show off to
sol­diers was enor­mous. It was a war sit­u­at­ion. In wartime, the mil­i­tary's
cor­rup­tion and un­fair prac­tices would not end up in jail or a fine mixed with
sus­pended sen­tences.

Sum­mary Trial!

The tip of the sword of Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was ready to cut the heads
of the top of­fi­cers of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand.

"There will be a lot to do."

Pun­ish­ment of the ugly, in­hu­mane acts of the Sec­ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand

would be­gin.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

"A lot, a lit­tle bit, that's not im­por­tant. It's im­por­tant to root out the poi­‐
sonous plant this time."

Of course, he would not de­fend any­one who had com­mit­ted bil­lions of dol­‐
lars worth of cor­rup­tion for a liv­ing.

"Please deal with it prop­erly. I have to leave Ko­rea for a while, so don't
leave any room while I'm away." Kim was hop­ing so, too.

"You won't be in Ko­rea?" Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was sur­prised at Kim's

an­swer. "What does that mean? Are you leav­ing Ko­rea for a while?"

Oth­ers might not know, but if it was Kim, the story would be dif­fer­ent.
Right now, the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea was able to come here thanks to a man
named Kim Tae-hoon. His ab­sence was not a hole eas­ily filled.

"I'm go­ing to Japan."

At the an­swer, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo was able to calm down, with only a
lit­tle bit of sur­prise. He knew that Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo had bor­rowed
Japan's power to check Kim Tae-hoon and the Mac Guild. Lieu­tenant
Colonel Yoo him­self was the one who had cap­tured and in­ter­ro­gated
Colonel Jang So-gook, the clos­est sub­or­di­nate of Lee Ki-soo. Fur­ther­more,
he had learned that the Ja­pa­nese nin­jas were re­spon­si­ble for burn­ing the
Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana.

Kim's trip to Japan would be enough.

"For re­venge?"

The point was why. Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo now thought that Kim was go­‐
ing to Japan to pay back what he had suf­fered in re­venge.

Ob­vi­ously, re­venge was im­por­tant. Even more so, if one is a sol­dier! If one
shows mercy af­ter the en­emy's at­tack, one will have only a stronger at­tack
to come back to. Af­ter all, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!

But now, it was def­i­nitely a mat­ter of weigh­ing the scales enough to ac­cept
Kim's ab­sence in re­turn for his re­venge on Japan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 101 - Check List, Part Ii ⦘

"Of course, it's also for re­venge."

Kim was well aware of the fact. Had it been just for re­venge, Kim would
not have headed to Japan right away.


In other words, there was a rea­son be­sides re­venge.

"But what's more im­por­tant than re­venge is to de­prive Japan of all its
power." What he was af­ter, was all Japan had.

"Do you mean its relics, by all its power?"

"The relics are also in­cluded."

"Is there any­thing else be­sides the relics?"

When asked that by the Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, Kim an­swered with a
ques­tion. "How would they come if China were to pur­sue power and at­tack
South Ko­rea?"

"It's..." Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, who stopped speak­ing for a while, put his
thoughts to­gether and an­swered. "It is hard to get through the land. The mil­‐
i­tary strength in Ko­rea is enor­mous. If our army is in front of the en­trance
to the Ko­rean Penin­sula in a sit­u­at­ion where an air force is not avail­able, it
will be im­pos­si­ble for them to use a hu­man-wave strat­egy. If the com­man­‐
der of the Chi­nese army is not an id­iot, he will at­tempt a land­ing via the sea.
Ko­rea's naval ca­pa­bil­ity is at a low level com­pared to China. Ah..."

Af­ter speak­ing, Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo re­al­ized that he had an­swered

Kim's ques­tion cor­rectly. "Do you in­tend to de­prive Japan of its naval

Kim did not an­swer, be­cause he didn't have to give a def­i­nite an­swer.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 102 - Any Room, Part I

Chap­ter 36. Any Room, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Au­gust 13th.

Eight months af­ter the emer­gence of the mon­sters, Ko­rea was still full of
mon­sters and ru­ins. Among the bro­ken build­ings, no straight build­ing could
be found, the roads were still grave­yards of cars, and a lot of peo­ple were
suf­fer­ing from the wa­ter short­age, not to men­tion not be­ing able to wash
their hands.

On the other hand, mon­sters were still threat­en­ing hu­mans, hid­ing them­‐
selves in ev­ery cor­ner or build­ing their own ter­ri­to­ries.


There seemed to be lit­tle change in the grue­some­ness of re­al­ity. How­ever,

the sense of de­spair, which was felt not just by the eyes, but also the body,
was clearly dif­fer­ent from the past.

On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, a blaze of hope was ig­nited in some cities in South
Ko­rea, where there was noth­ing but de­spair. Among them, the hottest place
was Bucheon. Pre­vi­ously, this small city, which was just sand­wiched be­‐
tween Seoul and In­cheon, was now the hottest city in South Ko­rea.

There were many rea­sons. Hav­ing more so­lar power plants than any other
city en­abled a sta­ble elec­tric­ity sup­ply; the na­tion's most ad­vanced health
care sys­tem; and the in­fra­struc­ture of liv­ing was bet­ter than any other city,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

and crime rates were the low­est. Most of all, there was some­thing else in
Bucheon City.

"That's the head­quar­ter of the Mac Guild."

"Look­ing at the flag of the Mac Guild there, it looks like this is the safest
place in South Ko­rea."

The head­quar­ter of the Mac Guild, in what was once Bucheon City Hall,
made Bucheon the hottest city. Nat­u­rally, the na­tion's peo­ple gath­ered in
Bucheon City.

"We sell yel­low-grade mon­ster leather! You can trade with mon­ster stones
any time!"

"We're look­ing for Clan mem­bers! All Awak­en­ers are wel­come!"

"We're look­ing for party mem­bers to join in the hunt for mon­sters! It's a
Starfish Clan party!"

The Awak­en­ers who had gath­ered there made Bucheon a hot­ter city through
their ac­tiv­i­ties in Bucheon.

Mon­sters' bod­ies were traded here and there, and such traded bod­ies were
made into items in the work­shops. The items were the ba­sis for hunt­ing
stronger mon­sters when held in the hands of the crowded Awak­en­ers.

A vir­tu­ous cir­cle was formed to kill stronger mon­sters. It was the Mac
Guild who fu­eled such a vir­tu­ous cy­cle.

"Did you hear that? I heard the Mac Guild will re­lease lots of relics this

The Mac Gild did not want their pos­ses­sions to rot in a safe.

"Oh, I heard the story. There are ru­mors that they will re­lease the relics that
they gained from Gyeongju."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

"Ac­cord­ing to the ru­mors, the items made from the hair of the Game­cock
are fi­nally be­ing auc­tioned, and there are also the elite goods made by Park
Kap-soo and his dis­ci­ples! There's a ru­mor that they are more pow­er­ful than
a few relics!"

"There will be some great things, I'll have to pack up the mon­ster stones!"

"It will be hard for an in­di­vid­ual to get a suc­cess­ful bid at an auc­tion. The
top Clans are hold­ing hands be­fore this Mac Guild auc­tion, it's go­ing to be a
huge deal."

The relics wanted to find their mas­ters and be­come weapons to hunt mon­‐
sters. For that rea­son, the Mac Guild auc­tioned off items made us­ing relics
and mon­sters they had hunted. For the hunters, it was ba­si­cally the only
place where they could get pow­er­ful weapons with­out bleed­ing for them.

"This auc­tion will be more in­tense than ever be­cause it's a place where the
Clans can show their strength."

"They can show their loy­alty to the Mac Guild."

Fur­ther­more, the Mac Guild-spon­sored relic auc­tion was now a place where
the Clans of the Mac Guild, whose num­bers now ex­ceeded a hun­dred, could
dis­play their strength. It was not just an im­ma­ture strug­gle.

"The pow­er­ful Clans will have a lot of rights now."

In the world of mon­sters, the hunter groups and the Clan had no choice but
to ex­er­cise ab­so­lute in­flu­ence. It was no won­der that a com­mu­nity was
formed around such a Clan.

Tal­ented en­gi­neers and tal­ented peo­ple who wanted to re­ceive pro­tec­tion

and sup­port gath­ered un­der the tal­ented hunters. The com­mu­nity that com­‐
bined in that way showed great per­for­mance in the process of restor­ing the
in­fra­struc­ture of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea, which had ob­vi­ously col­lapsed.

"If they are smart, they'll have to re­al­ize that this is a his­toric op­por­tu­nity."

That meant a great deal.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

In the land of Gang­nam, which no one dared to ap­proach and where the
mon­sters were over­flow­ing in the ru­ins and the build­ings, if some­one built a
build­ing, who would be the owner of the build­ing?

It would be hard for the old owner of the build­ing to claim full rights to the
new build­ing.

What if they re­cap­tured an area full of mon­sters and re­built a city there, not
just a build­ing or two?

In Ko­rean his­tory, those who had taken the op­por­tu­nity be­fore and af­ter the
Ko­rean War be­came a power, be­com­ing the chae­bol who con­trolled the Re­‐
pub­lic of Ko­rea. There­fore, they could not help but know what to do now to
get wealth and power in the next ten years.

The Mac Guild's auc­tion made many peo­ple boil up.

There was one more event that at­tracted at­ten­tion as such an auc­tion.

"This time there is a new re­cruit­ment an­nounce­ment for a hunter."

"Re­ally? Where is it this time?"

Hunter Re­cruit­ment No­tice.

It was a no­tice that the Mac Guild was re­cruit­ing vol­un­teers to hunt high-
grade mon­sters that were hard to hunt with the power of just a Clan or small

An am­bi­tious Clan or party com­pet­i­tively ap­plied be­cause it could then

hunt pow­er­ful mon­sters, and could get a stake in the mon­sters. Above all,
the par­tic­i­pa­tion rate of par­ties that wanted to be a Clan rec­og­nized by the
Mac Guild was higher than ever.

It was a true gate­way; the mo­ment they climbed up, there was a chance they
could be a top Clan!

"Let's see... huck!" But this time the story was dif­fer­ent.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

"... this hunt­ing spot is Jirisan, isn't it?"


If they were Ko­re­ans, they can­not help but know that Jirisan was the rep­re­‐
sen­ta­tive moun­tain of Ko­rea, next to Mt. Halla and Mt. Se­o­rak, and bet­ter
known than ei­ther.

"Jirisan? Wait, wait, what if it's Jirisan?"

"... the realm of the Golden Horn Spi­der, a blue-grade mon­ster."

"Oh, my God."

And now it was no­to­ri­ous for hous­ing a blue-grade mon­ster, the Golden
Horn Spi­der with its golden legs. It was a place the liv­ing were not al­lowed
to ap­proach. In­deed, the Mac Guild an­nounced that Jirisan was an area of
the Golden Horn Spi­der be­cause hunters and the pub­lic care­fully avoided
the dan­ger­ous place.

"Isn't this the first time for a blue-grade mon­ster?" Of course, the Mac
Guild had never is­sued a hunter re­cruit­ment an­nounce­ment for a blue-grade

"The first time is not im­por­tant, it's not a case of how many times!"

No, they couldn't af­ford to refuse the hunter re­cruit­ment an­nounce­ment.

"There's only one per­son in Ko­rea who can be a hunter, not a prey, against a
blue-grade mon­ster!"

There was only one hunter who could hunt blue-grade mon­sters!


Bucheon City Coun­cil Pre­lim­i­nary Board Meet­ing Room...

It was crowded with peo­ple since it had now be­come the Mac Guild's con­‐
fer­ence room. The ad­di­tion of new mem­bers to the early days of the Mac

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

Guild's foun­da­tion had made it more crowded than ever be­fore.

Two of them were prom­i­nent: Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, now Com­man­der of

the Ko­rean mil­it­ary, and Cho Seong-yeon, In­terim Com­man­der of the Sec­‐
ond Op­er­at­ions Com­mand. They were the first to be here, but their fa­cial
ex­pres­sions were not much dif­fer­ent from those of the rest of them.

'I don't know what they're think­ing.'

'What the hell are they think­ing?'

They were frown­ing, re­veal­ing their agony.

'They're hunt­ing a blue-grade mon­ster, and they of­fer a hunter re­cruit­ment


What both­ered them was the re­cent hunter re­cruit­ment an­nounce­ment of the
Mac Guild. It was an­nounced that it would re­cruit hunters to par­tic­i­pate in
the hunt­ing of the Golden Horn Spi­der which had set­tled in the area of

It was a pub­lic an­nounce­ment made by Kim Tae-hoon. In the first place,

there was no one who could plan a blue-grade mon­ster hunt­ing with­out his
opin­ion. The prob­lem was that no one had been in­formed that the hunt­ing
re­cruit­ment an­nounce­ment would be made in ad­vance.

It was a sur­prise. It was nat­u­ral that their heads were about to burst, be­cause
they had to grasp Kim's in­ten­tions in the sit­u­at­ion where they were raid­ing.

Screech! The door of the Pre­lim­i­nary Board Meet­ing Room opened, and
Jang Sung-hoon stuck out his head.

"You all look like shit." At the end of the sen­tence, some peo­ple turned their
eyes to­ward him, who whis­tled cheek­ily. In a sit­u­at­ion where they had to
com­plain about Kim Tae-hoon, only Jang was of no ac­count. At their an­gry
looks to­ward him, Jang re­sponded by shak­ing the cof­fee pot in his hand. No
one in the room was un­aware of who the cof­fee pot with the white steam
com­ing out was for.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

Kim, as ev­ery­one ex­pected, ap­peared be­hind Jang. Ev­ery­one was silent. In

the si­lence, Kim re­ceived the cof­fee pot from Jang and im­me­di­ately be­gan
to pour hot wa­ter over the cof­fee drier he brought along. As the wa­ter fell,
the quiet con­fer­ence room melted with the cof­fee beans.

"I'll be go­ing to Japan soon," Kim Tae-hoon's words thun­der­bolted into the
quiet con­fer­ence room.


"What is that?"


Ev­ery­one was sur­prised at the an­nounce­ment. The only ones who were not
sur­prised were Jang Sung-hoon, Cho Sung-yeon, and Colonel Lim Hyun-
joon. Jang and Cho were the first to hear of Kim's trip to Japan, and Colonel
Lim was con­tacted by Jang and had pre­pared a ship for Kim's trip to Japan.
How­ever, that did not brighten the faces if the three.

"I'm ready to go to Japan." Kim con­tin­ued to speak in the shocked at­mos­‐

phere. "But the rea­son I have not left yet is not to leave any room."

Any Room.

The mean­ing of Chi­nese char­ac­ters was 'the re­main­ing land'.

"I don't want to leave any room for Jirisan if you can't kill a blue-grade
mon­ster with­out me."

Jirisan was the only place in the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea, ex­cept for North Ko­rea
and Jeju Is­land, where there was a blue-grade mon­ster which the Mac Guild
could not kill. Kim did not want to leave the land as 'any room'. Of course,
this alone could not ex­plain why he is­sued a hunter re­cruit­ment an­nounce­‐

"In ad­di­tion, we will get vol­un­teers for this hunt."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

"They can­not help you." Some­one stopped Kim. Ev­ery­one looked at the
man who in­ter­rupted Kim's words with sur­prised eyes... Cho Sung-yeon!
Cho shrugged at the au­di­ence's gaze.

"Why? I didn't say any­thing wrong, did I? What would ants do to hunt
tigers? Oh, this time they're not tigers, they're huge spi­ders."

How­ever, at the im­age of Cho Sung-yeon, who still spoke with­out be­ing
dis­cour­aged, those who saw him at this mo­ment could catch a cer­tain sense
of what kind of per­son he was: a man who said what he wanted to say, un­‐
der any cir­cum­stances.

Kim was will­ing to an­swer the words of such a man. "The mo­ment I go to
Japan, the war be­gins. The re­sult is one of two: whether Japan is de­feated,
or Ko­rea is de­feated."

It was an eerie an­swer. But Kim's story was not over there.

"For ref­er­ence, Japan is not the end. There are two rea­sons why I am at­tack­‐
ing Japan. One is that they de­clared war on us first, and the other is that we
need Japan's relics and naval power for the next war. The next war is likely
to be China."

China was af­ter Japan. Some of them felt a deep dizzi­ness at his story, of
some­one who was go­ing to deal with the moun­tains ris­ing one above an­‐

But Kim's story was still not over.

"It will be a good thing if the war is over there, but there's no guar­an­tee that
it will be over, and we might fight­ing the world; Rus­sia, In­dia, Eu­rope, and

With that, Kim picked up a cup of the cof­fee that he had just made in front
of them. He drank the cof­fee just as it was.

Si­lence came, and dur­ing that time, ev­ery­one in the con­fer­ence room or­ga­‐
nized their thought.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 102 - Any Room, Part I ⦘

It was Kim who broke the si­lence. "What I need in this sit­u­at­ion is a man
who will be will­ing to risk his life with me."

A com­rade.

It was a word that Kim did not use eas­ily. For him, the ob­ject of war was
not a mon­ster, but a hu­man or a na­tion. The word "com­rade" was also much
stronger than the feel­ing of be­ing a col­league fight­ing against a hu­man be­‐
ing, rather than a col­league fight­ing against a mon­ster. Of course, that was
why he used the word "com­rade".

"This hunt­ing an­nounce­ment is a process for find­ing my com­rades. 'I'll be

with you,' and with that re­mark alone, they will be at my side in the com­ing
war, and such crazy guys will be will­ing to fol­low me to the hell where the
blue-grade mon­ster is lo­cated."

Kim took an­other drink of cof­fee af­ter the words, swal­low­ing with­out sa­‐
vor­ing it. It was a sur­prise. He said, "And I want to show to those who will
be my com­rades, who ex­actly I am, and how ca­pa­ble I am, to be able to
trust me and risk his life with me."

Kim's words were heard more sin­cerely than ever.

"I don't want to leave any room in their minds to doubt the power I have,
and the power of my coun­try and the Mac Guild. That's why I made a re­‐
cruit­ment an­nounce­ment."

As soon as the words were fin­ished, no one could even look un­happy with
Kim any­more. He smiled lightly at the crowd. "That's why it hap­pened, so
the de­tails should be taken care of by the peo­ple here."

At the end of his words, Kim left the con­fer­ence room with his mug in his
hand. Ev­ery­one looked af­ter him with blank eyes.

Jang stood where Kim dis­ap­peared. "Well, let's start the meet­ing."

And that was how the meet­ing be­gan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii

Chap­ter 36. Any Room, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The an­nounce­ment for hunters to kill the Golden Horn Spi­der greatly shook
the hunters of Bucheon City. The storm had sub­sided over time, and af­ter
the storm, the hunters came up with ra­tio­nal and rea­son­able an­swers.

"There's no rea­son to ap­ply un­less we're crazy." They in­sisted that they
should not ap­ply for the Mac Guild's Hunter re­cruit­ment.

"The risk is too high, even with the merit. It's a blue-grade mon­ster, and we
might faint or die of a heart at­tack just by be­ing ex­posed to its fear." It was
a wise de­ci­sion. A blue-grade mon­ster was like a nat­u­ral dis­as­ter, which
was not easy to mea­sure the risk of. No one was cal­cu­lat­ing profit and loss
against the blue-grade mon­ster, as no one was wor­ried about what they
would gain with the ty­phoon, in front of the ty­phoon.


"There are not many peo­ple." As a re­sult, only 3,000 ap­plied for the Mac
Guild's Hunter re­cruit­ment.

"There were fewer ap­pli­cants, but they had stricter qual­i­fi­ca­tions. I hear
there's a thou­sand pass­ing through." Even when they ex­cluded those who
did not meet the qual­i­fi­ca­tions, those re­main­ing num­bered only a thou­sand.
Only a thou­sand of the count­less hunters who made Bucheon City boil like
a fur­nace were passed!

"A thou­sand peo­ple, isn't that too few?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

"Well, if the guy who's par­tic­i­pat­ing is be­ing called crazy, and there are a
thou­sand crazy guys, then there's a lot."

Af­ter that, some­one said that there were still more than a thou­sand crazy
peo­ple left! They did not need to ex­plain how ter­ri­ble this hunt would be.

"If it had not been for the Mac Guild, he would have lost his life. How­ever,
when the Mac Guild asked for help, the bitch ran away, afraid for his life.
So, a vol­un­teer is bet­ter than a fuck­ing bas­tard."

"The leader is a woman, and she's a mad­woman."

"Yes, I'm a crazy bitch!"

Park Joo-yeon and her col­leagues were some of the three thou­sand peo­ple
who had ap­plied for the ridicu­lous hunter re­cruit­ment. They were also some
of the thou­sand peo­ple who had passed through the quite dif­fi­cult qual­i­fi­ca­‐

The Park Joo-yeon party.

Hav­ing a sim­ple and ig­no­rant party name, they were quite fa­mous in
Chungcheong Prov­ince, un­like the funny party name.

A large flute that Park Joo-yeon, the leader, had in­her­ited as a fam­ily trea­‐
sure, was a very pow­er­ful third-grade relic, and her skill in us­ing it was also

Af­ter they re­ceived a lot of re­cruit­ment at­tempts from the Clans and were
ready to suc­ceed in a world full of mon­sters, they said that they would ap­‐
ply for the hunter re­cruit­ment and sur­prised the peo­ple around them.

Oth­ers asked the party why they would walk on their feet into a place like a
grave. They even said that if the party hunted down weak mon­sters and im­‐
proved their abil­ity and skills, the party could be suc­cess­ful enough.

How­ever, Park and her col­leagues did not hes­i­tate to ap­ply for hunter re­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

"Even this crazy bitch knows that I have to pay for the price of my life!"

Park and her col­leagues were once saved by Kim Tae-hoon. By the time he
took out the Mes­siah in Chungcheong Prov­ince, they were freed, and thanks
to the hunters sent by the Mac Guild, they were now safe from the mon­ster
threat and sur­vived thanks to the Mac Guild's sup­port.

"I think they're all mak­ing a mis­take, and I think this war hasn't even started
yet. There are too many peo­ple who think that killing a Golden Horn Spi­der
is go­ing to end the war."

So, Park and her col­leagues were will­ing to vol­un­teer when the Mac Guild
asked for help. That was why they were talk­ing while eat­ing at the Gurye
County Of­fice, where they could see the Seomjin River be­low and No­go­‐
dan, one of the three peaks of Jirisan, in the east.

"Ex­cept for that rea­son, it's a chance to fight along­side the first hunter, isn't
it? This is not a com­mon op­por­tu­nity."

"That's right. It is a scene that we couldn't see even if we paid for it."

Af­ter fin­ish­ing the meal, they were about to em­bel­lish the story ahead of the
mon­ster hunt­ing that would start to­mor­row morn­ing.

"Take cof­fee."


A mug of cof­fee was given to vol­un­teers of this hunt­ing gath­ered at the

play­ground of Gurye Mid­dle School in front of Gurye County Of­fice.


"Not a pa­per cup, cof­fee in a mug---"

In ad­di­tion, the mug was not just a mug, but a mug with the Mac Guild's
mas­cot, Mac. Ev­ery­one looked stunned at the fact. But it did not take long
for their ex­pres­sions to change.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

"Hey! That's Bang Hyun-wook!"

"Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji is also there!"

Now, those who had be­come fa­mous had ap­peared one by one, and ev­ery­‐
one changed their ex­pres­sions in sur­prise.

It was when Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared with Jang Sung-hoon that their ex­pres­‐
sions peaked. At first, there were not many peo­ple who im­me­di­ately no­ticed
that Kim was there.

But when they saw Jang, whose face was well known, stand­ing be­side Kim
with a se­ri­ous pos­ture, and Bang Hyun-wook and Kim Soo-ji salut­ing Kim
re­spect­fully, there was no one who could not no­tice that he was Kim Tae-

Gulp! Ev­ery­one swal­lowed the same way with the same ex­pres­sion, hold­ing
the same mug with the same cof­fee in their hands.

"I have a few things to say be­fore the brief­ing on the Golden Horn Spi­der
that will be­gin to­mor­row."

In a world where ev­ery­one had be­come a man­nequin, Kim talked with a

mug of cof­fee in his hand.

"The orig­i­nal mean­ing of a hunt was that some­thing strong eats some­thing
weak, and it was com­mon for a fox to catch a rab­bit, a tiger to catch a boar,
and so it was with hu­man be­ings. It was orig­i­nally a hunt to eat the weak,
but the con­cept of the hunt be­gan to change at some point."

Kim turned his head to­ward Jirisan.

"At some point, a hu­man be­ing be­gan to kill some­thing stronger than him­‐
self. He be­gan hunt­ing wolves and hunt­ing tigers."

Kim turned his head back to them. There were a thou­sand hunters look­ing
at him with a sur­prised ex­pres­sion. He smiled at them lightly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

It was a very small fig­ure af­ter see­ing that the num­ber of hunters reg­is­tered
in the Mac Guild now ex­ceeded ten thou­sand peo­ple, but he was rather sat­‐
is­fied with this num­ber.

'There are many crazy guys.'

For Kim and the Mac Guild, there were about a thou­sand crazy peo­ple who
would walk on­wards, even if it was di­rectly into a grave. They were proof
that what he had done so far was not wrong. So he con­tin­ued to speak with
a lit­tle ex­cite­ment.

"Tools, strate­gies, tac­tics, and co­op­er­at­ion, these things have al­lowed hu­‐
mans to hunt stronger things, and that doesn't change even when mon­sters
are present."

Kim had dealt with two blue-grade mon­sters so far. It was amaz­ing, a great
feat, even if it was a sur­prise that it was al­most done by him alone. How­‐
ever, the fight with the two mon­sters was close to a strug­gle to live, not

The power, tac­tics, and weapons used in the bat­tle were the mas­ter­pieces
and tricks cre­ated by Kim's im­pro­vi­sa­tion. It was not a thor­ough hunt.
Rather, the hunt­ing that he had tried af­ter thor­ough prepa­ra­tion was usu­ally

That hap­pened in the hunt of the Black Snake. He was all ready to kill it,
and ev­ery­one was work­ing to­gether, but the re­sult? Ev­ery­thing that was pre­‐
pared was mean­ing­less, and only Kim's fi­nal at­tempt to sur­vive was able to
save him. It was a clear fail­ure.

Since then, Kim has never suc­ceeded at real hunt­ing. As said be­fore, he sur­‐
vived in the fights with his tricks and skills. The prob­lem was the re­sult.

The hunt­ing of the Black Snake failed, but he was able to learn a clear les­‐
son from the fail­ure.

On the other hand, there was no les­son in the strug­gle af­ter us­ing the tricks.
That was the re­al­ity. Tricks could not give peo­ple faith and trust, even

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

though they would bring out their ad­mi­ra­tion.

If Kim wanted to kill the Golden Horn Spi­der on his own, he could kill it,
and ev­ery­one would be amazed at it. How­ever, that was all. The bat­tle
would never leave a les­son that would be a step­ping stone for some­one else.

"The same is true of the Golden Horn Spi­der. If you try to kill it with your
bare body, no one can kill it now. But if you use tools, use strate­gies and
tac­tics, and fi­nally col­lab­o­rate, there's no rea­son you can­not kill it."

It was that part Kim wanted to say right now. Fur­ther­more, it was such a
feel­ing that he wanted to give to those who gath­ered here for this hunt.

"This is a hunt like that, not just to de­feat the catas­tro­phe we face, but to
deal with it with our own hands. This will be the first true hunt against a
blue-grade mon­ster."

Af­ter fin­ish­ing his speech, Kim had cof­fee. As al­ways, a short si­lence of sa­‐
vor­ing be­gan. But no one ques­tioned this si­lence. Ev­ery­one was will­ing to
wait for the si­lence to end.

" I'll start the brief­ing."

And the si­lence was over.


A Golden Horn Spi­der.

The way this gi­ant spi­der, with its eight long golden legs and a coal-black
body well over ten me­ters long, worked was so sim­ple. It spread a wide spi­‐
der web across its ter­ri­tory.

And that was it.

The Golden Horn Spi­der did not come to find the prey on its web. It just
waited to take the en­ergy of the prey the spi­der web had caught, drain away
its health, and even­tu­ally suck away its vi­tal­ity. That was the power of the
Golden Horn Spi­der.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

Its web was not just tough and sticky, but it had the eerie abil­ity to suck the
en­ergy, health, and vi­tal­ity of an ob­ject. That Golden Horn Spi­der's web
was spread widely around a peak of Jirisan, Cheon­wang­bong.

Of course, the Golden Horn Spi­der did not in­tend to come out of its own
area. On the other hand, in or­der to kill the Golden Horn Spi­der, the most
ba­sic rule was to fight it in a place other than its area.

If Kim had to fight alone, it would not be dif­fi­cult. Us­ing his Telekine­sis to
fly, it would be pos­si­ble to fight enough where the spi­der web did not reach.

But if he was go­ing to do that, Kim would not have made a fuss. He pre­‐
pared for the event. Even if they ex­cluded his ex­is­tence, they could make a
valid at­tack on the mon­ster called a Golden Horn Spi­der.

"We se­cured Banyabong!"

Once Kim or­dered the hunters to re­move the mon­sters that were crowded
around the Golden Horn Spi­der.

In­di­vid­ual Bat­tle.

Through that method, they se­cured the main area around Cheon­wang­bong
and an area where they could se­cure vis­i­bil­ity.

"We also se­cured No­go­dan!"

( Up­dated by BOXNOVEL )

Their process was be­ing re­vealed on the map. Ev­ery time they se­cured a
tar­get point, a black Go stone was placed on the map, and the num­ber of the
Go stones set down reached about thirty. The black Go stones had per­fectly
sur­rounded Cheon­wang­bong in Jirisan.

Based on the sit­u­at­ion, Kim also gave a new or­der with­out mov­ing him­self.

"Put the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion into the area."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

The Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion.

It was Colonel Lim Hyun-joon who came up with the con­cept of this newly
es­tab­lished spe­cial unit af­ter the emer­gence of mon­sters. Its ori­gin was sim­‐

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon took over the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion at
once, and au­thor­ity over the front line and the Gang­won area, and be­gan to
re­or­ga­nize his power to fight with the mon­sters.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, there were two things that wor­ried Colonel Lim.

One was that the front line and the Gang­won area were moun­tain­ous ter­‐
rains, where ar­mored power could not be used freely, and the other was that
the num­ber of relics se­cured by the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion was
in­suf­fi­cient, so they needed great fire­power, like a tank, for mon­ster hunt­‐

Colonel Lim in­ter­preted the sit­u­at­ion sim­ply. "A trained ar­tillery­man can
carry a sixty-mil­lime­ter mor­tar alone, so if he is a sol­dier with high
Strength, Health, and En­ergy, he can dis­as­sem­ble and trans­port towed ar­‐

It was a ter­ri­ble thought for the sol­diers un­der Colonel Lim, es­pe­cially the
sol­diers who were Awak­ened, but he per­son­ally im­ple­mented the idea. Of
course, he did not prac­tice it him­self, but his men prac­ticed. The re­sult was
im­pres­sive. The Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion fought with great fire­power in
any harsh area.

Af­ter that, Colonel Lim joined the Mac Guild, and as soon as the Mac Guild
ac­tu­ally took over the full power of the ROK Armed Forces, he fo­cused on
fos­ter­ing and sup­port­ing the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion.

The re­sult was now re­vealed to Mt. Jiri.

"I can't be­lieve I set it up, be­cause I'm haul­ing an ar­tillery can­non into the
mid­dle of Mt. Jiri."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

In the mid­dle of a rough moun­tain, a tank could not ac­cess and even he­li­‐
copters could not reach eas­ily, a KH179 155mm how­itzer was stand­ing up­‐
right with a long bar­rel in a good shape. It was the work of the Ar­mored
Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion. It was a great achieve­ment.

Was there a Unit in the world that could take the gi­ant how­itzer apart, bring
it to the moun­tains, and as­sem­ble it again?

"I might carry a tank later."

"I hope not."

Of course, the faces of the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion, who had made a
great achieve­ment a re­al­ity, were not so great af­ter do­ing this glo­ri­ous thing.

They knew that there was no end of work in the mil­i­tary.

"But there is a ru­mor that the Di­vi­sion is build­ing an M61 Unit."

"What is that?"

"A Unit car­ry­ing an M61 and sup­port­ing fire­power..."

"No, what the hell is that? The M61 is for a fighter or a war­ship, not for a
man! Who did that?"

"The Guild Mas­ter---"

"... let's hope it's not us."

"Wouldn't it be more ef­fec­tive to just pray for the dis­ap­pear­ance of the mon­‐

In ad­di­tion, they knew that this army was a child­ish or­ga­ni­za­tion that re­ally
used all means and meth­ods to ap­pease their su­pe­ri­ors.

Any­way, the how­itzer was ready to show off its splen­dor im­me­di­ately. The
how­itzers in­stalled in thirty places pointed their long bar­rels to­ward Cheon­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

wang­bong. In ad­di­tion, mor­tars in­stalled ev­ery­where were ready to pour in

ad­di­tional fire­power.

"They brought the real towed ar­tilleries in with their bare hands and in­‐
stalled them."

"I'm glad I am a hunter. If I was in the mil­i­tary..."

"Look, I am still in the re­serve troops, but they are not go­ing to call up re­‐
serve forces to do this, are they?"

Hunters who had se­cured safety for the mem­bers of the Ar­mored Hunt­ing
Bat­tal­ion by re­mov­ing mon­sters were crowded around them.

"Well, I'm sure now that I see this."

Now they could truly un­der­stand the con­ver­sa­tion the day that they had all
shared the same cof­fee and mug on the grass play­ground of a ru­ined mid­dle

"Why did the mas­ter call it hunt­ing?"

"I agree."

The hunt be­gan.


Tokyo, Japan.

There was only one new build­ing ris­ing up in the world, in what was the
largest ruin in the world.

It was a build­ing. The build­ing, which was still un­der con­struc­tion, was so
large that it re­minded them of the sky­scrapers and Burj Khal­ifa in Dubai,
but the im­pact of what con­struc­tion had been al­ready been com­pleted was

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

The build­ing was a dou­ble-sided build­ing in many ways. In some­one's eyes,

it seemed to be the hope of a land that had been ru­ined, and on the other, it
seemed to be a hideous thing that did not fit in with the ru­ined land.

Ob­vi­ously, in the eyes of the man who was look­ing at the build­ing now,
Musashi, it was the same hope as the sun above the sky.

"How long will it take to build the Ris­ing Sun?"

Be­cause of this, Musashi gave a name di­rectly to the build­ing: the Ris­ing

Musashi was plan­ning to de­clare Japan an em­pire, not just Japan, the mo­‐
ment the build­ing was com­pleted.

"If only we had the la­bor force..."

Of course, it was only a vi­sion of Musashi, and for those who had to make
his vi­sion a re­al­ity, the build­ing seemed to be a dis­as­ter. In fact, the build­‐
ing, which would be called the Ris­ing Sun by most of those who sur­vived in
Japan, was con­sid­ered a hideous thing be­yond the ru­ins.

The re­sources and man­power used to build a build­ing in the ru­ined land
were enor­mous. It was in fact not dif­fer­ent from build­ing a huge build­ing
with hu­man bones and blood in a sit­u­at­ion where even ur­ban restora­tion
was not done prop­erly. Many peo­ple had al­ready died dur­ing con­struc­tion.

But Musashi didn't mind.

"We will soon be able to bring in a la­bor force from the Joseon Dy­nasty in
Ko­rea, so plan your work ac­cord­ingly."

Rather, he smiled hard, re­mem­ber­ing the con­ver­sa­tion he had shared a few

hours ago.

A few hours ago, the Six Snakes had met. At the meet­ing, Musashi fi­nally
got con­sent from all the Six Snakes; the Ko­rean Penin­sula was his now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

It al­lowed Japan to at­tack the Ko­rean Penin­sula and then gave Japan all
rights to the Ko­rean Penin­sula, with the prom­ise of full sup­port from the
Six Snakes in the process! It was not dif­fer­ent from mak­ing the Ko­rean
Penin­sula Ja­pa­nese ter­ri­tory for Musashi. Of course, Musashi had no in­ten­‐
tion of tak­ing any more time.

'We failed to get Bu­san, but it doesn't mat­ter, be­cause South Ko­rea's naval
power is so weak that we can get through it any time we put our full power
in. It would be eas­ier if China could check South Ko­rea through North Ko­‐

He has waited for only one thing, the sup­port of the Six Snakes. The Six
Snakes, which had ac­quired even China, said they would at­tack the north
area of Ko­rea with Chi­nese troops. Then all the troops in Ko­rea would be
as­signed to the north. If the Ja­pa­nese naval forces were to launch a land­ing
op­er­at­ion, they would get vir­tu­ally blood­less en­try to Ko­rea.

'The Six Snakes were right: there is no rea­son to dis­re­gard the op­por­tu­nity
to es­tab­lish a new or­der.'

Musashi turned and looked north. For now, Mount Fuji came into view. But
at this mo­ment, Musashi saw be­yond Mt. Fuji.

He saw it at least un­til he heard the news.

"Lord, Lord! Ko­rea sent you a let­ter."

"What do you mean, a let­ter?"

"An Iga Ninja who was sent to Ko­rea brought back a let­ter."

"How could a dis­patched man get a let­ter from the Ko­rean gov­ern­ment?"

"... he was caught and sent back."

The smile dis­ap­peared from Musashi's lips. At the same time, he reached
out his hand and the man who ar­rived handed the let­ter to him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 103 - Any Room, Part Ii ⦘

Af­ter that, he opened the let­ter, scanned it, and handed it back to his sub­or­‐

It was be­cause the let­ter was writ­ten in Ko­rean. His sub­or­di­nate im­me­di­‐
ately read the let­ter to in­ter­pret and be­came pale.

"Tell me the con­tents."

His pale sub­or­di­nate told him the con­tents of the let­ter.

"... the ar­range­ments are over, and now he's com­ing here to claim the price
of Ko­rean lives."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii

Chap­ter 36. Any Room, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Golden Horn Spi­der had eight golden legs and was ten me­ters long.
With a huge body and head that fit such legs, it had never hid­den it­self. No,
it couldn't hide it­self.

The huge body was the sec­ond. The eight blue eyes on its head made the
legs of its prey numb with fright hun­dreds of me­ters or even kilo­me­ters
away. It didn't have to hide it­self.

Un­like other mon­sters, the Golden Horn Spi­der did not have to work hard
to hunt.


The Golden Horn Spi­der had only two things to do: to widen the area of its
web when it was in a good mood and to pun­ish those who dared to live in
its own ter­ri­tory. In fact, so far, it had only done those two things. It had no
ex­pe­ri­ence do­ing any­thing else. There­fore, it was con­fused.


The Golden Horn Spi­der could hear dimly the rolls of thun­der from a long
dis­tance away. Even the thun­der­storm came not from one di­rec­tion, but all
di­rec­tions, dozens of rolls of thun­der in se­quence.

Cheee? This was a sit­u­at­ion it had never ex­pe­ri­enced and never thought of

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

Cheee! The power of the rolls of thun­der, how­ever, was be­yond imag­i­na­‐
tion. When­ever a shot hit the ground, the ground turned up­side down and
soared like a foun­tain.

Cheeeeee! Dozens of thun­der­storms ar­riv­ing in a sin­gle breath left in­deli­ble

scars on the body of the Golden Horn Spi­der. Two of its legs were ripped
off, cre­at­ing ter­ri­ble scars on the huge body.

Cheee! Cheeeee! A painful cry burst out to the Golden Horn Spi­der.

But this was not the end.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was a small noise com­pared to the pre­ced­ing thun­der, but still pow­er­ful
lit­tle bolts of light­ning be­gan to shower down on the Golden Horn Spi­der.

Chee...! By that time, there was no longer a faint cry from the Golden Horn

Doo-woo-woong! In­stead, a sad and heartrend­ing sound was heard.


The power of a 155mm shell tran­scended com­mon sense. The sight of the
earth ris­ing up like a foun­tain at the mo­ment of the bomb blasts was amaz­‐
ing that hu­mans made such weapons to kill hu­mans.

When hun­dreds of 60mm, 81mm, and 4.2-inch mor­tars be­gan to fill the
gaps be­tween the spout­ing shells in a sep­ar­ ate se­quence from the 155mm
towed ar­tillery guns, the de­struc­tive power gen­er­ated by the con­cen­trated
sat­u­ra­tion would have crushed the gi­ant moun­tain, Jirisan.

The fig­ure of the Golden Horn Spi­der, who had re­ceived such an ab­surdly
in­ten­sive bom­bard­ment, looked ter­ri­ble.

Doo-woo-woong! Above all, the peal of the Bell of King Seongdeok, which
was be­ing run steadily, made the Golden Horn Spi­der vul­ner­ab­ le. It was the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

most fa­tal thing. Even with its nat­u­ral ar­mor, it could not hold on un­der the
in­ten­sive bom­bard­ment, but it was shot naked.


In the end, even when there was no fur­ther bom­bard­ment, the Golden Horn
Spi­der was weak enough to shud­der at the Bell of King Seongdeok.

Of the eight eyes, only two were fine, and only three of its eight legs were

How­ever, the Golden Horn Spi­der had still sur­vived af­ter this ab­surd in­ten­‐
sive bom­bard­ment. They were not just the shells, but it was a bom­bard
made out of a Bronze Sword third-grade relic, be­ing ex­posed to the Bell of
King Seongdeok. It was a cer­tain proof that this mon­ster was far be­yond the
com­mon sense of a hu­man be­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon stood in front of the Golden Horn Spi­der. He was hold­ing
three Swords on his back, car­ry­ing a bag, and look­ing at it with his black

'This is the first time.'

At the same time, the past im­age of the mon­ster with the blue eyes that he
was now look­ing at, was pass­ing by.

'When I face a mon­ster that has be­come a rag...'

The first was the Game­cock. The first meet­ing with the Game­cock was the
peak of his des­per­at­ion. Kim had to fight it with­out pre­par­ing at all.

Then it was the Freezer. He was not very pleased to see it. If there had been
no Bell of King Seongdeok and with­out a mis­sile usu­ally mounted on a
fighter, he would have had to step down, with hun­dreds of thou­sands of sur­‐
vivors still left in Daegu City.

To the two mon­sters that he had faced like that, Kim was an in­signif­i­cant

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

As ev­i­dence, there was no vig­i­lance or fear in the blue eyes of those who
had looked at him. There was only the fe­roc­ity of a hun­gry beast in front of
their prey.

'And even when I see this so scared.'

But now the blue eyes of the Golden Horn Spi­der were em­bar­rassed, fright­‐
ened, and afraid. That was the ob­vi­ous ev­i­dence. At this mo­ment, the
Golden Horn Spi­der was game. Now it was time to fin­ish the hunt. As al­‐
ways, it was time to stab the mon­ster's heart and take the mon­ster stone out
of its heart. But Kim Tae-hoon waited for it.

Toot-toot! He waited for those who were com­ing to this place where the
Fear of the Golden Horn Spi­der still re­mained, with the help of the power of
all kinds of mu­si­cal in­stru­ments, in­clud­ing the large flute heard from far
away, and the in­stru­ments that be­came relics.

Trem­bling! He waited for the crowd shak­ing all over who wanted to come
here, trem­bling in front of the fear that they could not con­trol even though
they were helped by the relics. In that man­ner, Kim waited for the com­rades
who will­ingly risked his or her life for this hunt­ing.

"There, there!"

"Oh, my God..."

And when the com­rades gath­ered, Kim fi­nally fin­ished the hunt.

Tsre­ung! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or in the sheath flew like a light­ning bolt
to­ward the heart of the al­ready weak Golden Horn Spi­der.

Thunk! The Sword of the Im­per­at­or brought an end, and at the same time,
the trem­bling of those who flocked around the Golden Horn Spi­der be­gan
to stop. Ev­ery­one felt the hunt was over, and they were free now.

"Whooooooooooooooooooo!" It was a free­dom to make the big­gest shout

that could be used by those who had stopped shak­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

Kim had con­fi­dence in the sit­u­at­ion where ev­ery­one was shout­ing like thun­‐

'There is no room now.'

There was no room left. So now Kim no longer hes­i­tated.

'Tonight, I will at­tack Japan.'


Yeosu Port.

It was a dark night, and the night sea of Yeosu was vis­i­ble. How­ever, un­for­‐
tu­nately, there was no light that could have shown a beau­ti­ful sight.

There was a man in­stead. Colonel Lim Hyun Joon was look­ing at night sea
of Yeosu. He still had a strong fig­ure and a burn­ing look.

Thud! And now there were two men.

"Here you are."

Kim had landed from the sky, and Colonel Lim im­me­di­ately spoke to him,
"What hap­pened with the hunt?"

"The Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion has done well."

At the re­sponse, Colonel Lim smiled with sat­is­fac­tion. "I'm glad to hear that
they helped you."

The Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion was the Unit that Colonel Lim had cre­ated.
He was the most con­fi­dent with the Unit. Its value was rec­og­nized by Kim,
not just any­one else. It was like get­ting the high­est praise for Colonel Lim
as a com­man­der.

"The Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion may take a more ac­tive part in the fu­ture

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

"I sup­pose so. Spe­cial forces with the fire­power of the tank will ac­tu­ally be
the mas­ters of the bat­tle­field. Above all, if a per­son who has the Eyes of a
Black Snake or the Hear­ing of a Bell-tailed Rat like you be­comes a com­‐
man­der, the deeds of the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion will be even more

"I think we need to in­crease the size of the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion. In
ad­di­tion, we need train­ing for moun­tain­ous ter­rain, for desert ter­rain, and
for street fight­ing."

"I'll ap­ply it to the train­ing soon."

"This time, I think we need to or­ga­nize the troops in de­tail. Based on the
abil­ity of the sol­diers who han­dled the 4.2-inch mor­tar, the 4.2-inch mor­tar
can be op­er­ated by two peo­ple, not a group of three. The 60mm mor­tar in­‐
clud­ing ar­tillery shells can be op­er­ated by an in­di­vid­ual, if they are trained

If the mem­bers of the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Bat­tal­ion heard this, the con­tents of
the con­ver­sa­tion might have made them dizzy. For­tu­nately, the story ended

"Did you send them a warn­ing note?"

"I don't know what's go­ing to hap­pen dur­ing the de­liv­ery, but I did. We sent
five of the nin­jas we cap­tured, and one of them should ar­rive."

It was an or­der given to Colonel Lim be­fore Kim went on hunt­ing for the
Golden Horn Spi­der: de­liver the let­ter to Japan us­ing the cap­tured nin­jas.
The mes­sage was, of course, a warn­ing note.

"But what was your in­ten­tion in do­ing so?"

"I threw a stone, so they are go­ing to re­act any­way. And there will be some
kind of gap."

"That's great."

The rea­son for send­ing the warn­ing note was to make a gap.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

Colonel Lim ad­mired Kim's move. No mat­ter how am­bi­tious, ca­pa­ble, and
qual­i­fied Colonel Lim was, he could not have had more ex­pe­ri­ence in war
than Kim. Kim showed lessons that he wanted to buy, even if he had to pay
a bil­lion dol­lars.

Kim did not re­spond to Colonel Lim's ad­mi­ra­tion. Rather, he made his cold
face colder.

'It's war now.' The dice had been thrown.

For Kim, the Ko­rean Strait be­tween Ko­rea and Japan had be­come the Ru­bi­‐
con River. The dif­fer­ence was that Cae­sar crossed the Ru­bi­con with his
army in­stead of cross­ing it with a sin­gle body, while Kim crossed the Ko­‐
rean Strait as a sin­gle body. That was all.

"In thirty-six hours, send troops to Tsushima Is­land and take it over."

The re­sult of Kim who would cross the Ko­rean Strait and of Cae­sar who
had crossed the Ru­bi­con would be the same. Just as Cae­sar had made a new
Ro­man his­tory, Kim would re­write Ja­pa­nese his­tory.

( Up­dated by BOXNOVEL )

Colonel Lim read Kim's in­ten­tion, and did not make any more ad­mir­ing re­‐
marks. He breathed out a long sigh.

'Now it's a real war.

'War is a word of fate, for sol­diers. Some­one wants to avoid it, and some­one
wants it to come.'

Colonel Lim was the lat­ter. He was an am­bi­tious man, and he wanted a his­‐
toric war to hap­pen in his heart. Now the war he wanted was com­ing. It was
not just a war.

'I'm not go­ing to be at the cen­ter of this war.'

Ko­rea's Con­quest War of Japan!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

It was a war that was hard to find even in the long his­tory that had ex­isted
be­tween the Ko­rean Penin­sula and the Ja­pa­nese is­lands. So far, there has
been no war in their his­tory in which the na­tions of the Ko­rean Penin­sula
had fought against Japan on the main­land of Japan. The tar­get of the in­va­‐
sion was al­ways the Ko­rean Penin­sula, and the bat­tle­field was also on the
Ko­rean Penin­sula.

Kim's war was in­evitably a his­toric war in many ways.

"Hoo!" Colonel Lim, who was just re­al­iz­ing the fact, felt his heart shak­ing
with all kinds of emo­tions.

Kim briefly told him, "Don't get emo­tional and don't get sen­ti­men­tal. All
you can ap­pre­ci­ate is those who haven't ex­pe­ri­enced war."

Kim fin­ished the warn­ing and im­me­di­ately flew out to a fish­ing boat that
had al­ready sailed out into Yeosu Port.

Colonel Lim looked af­ter it and rubbed his face, eras­ing the ex­pres­sion on
his face.

'I al­most made the same mis­take as Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Lee Hyuk.'

Kim was right.

'War is noth­ing but war. Eval­u­at­ion of the war, or mourn­ing or rev­er­ence of

the war, emo­tion and ap­pre­ci­at­ion, crit­i­cism and blame, are the re­spon­si­bil­‐
ity of those who have not ex­pe­ri­enced it; for those who have ex­pe­ri­enced it,
war is noth­ing more than war.'

The act of mak­ing an emo­tional face was not some­thing a com­man­der

should do to lead a war and shed the blood of oth­ers. Colonel Lim re­moved
his ex­pres­sion, straight­ened his right hand and put it to his tem­ple. He
waited that way un­til the fish­ing boat dis­ap­peared from his sight.


Tsushima Is­land.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

The is­land, which was called Tsushima Is­land in Japan, was the clos­est is­‐
land to both Ko­rea and Japan.

There­fore, it was a place for tourists and pas­sen­ger ships, rather than ten­‐
sion, guns, or a war­ship at the is­land.

Al­though Ko­rea and Japan were anx­ious be­cause they could not take over
each other po­lit­i­cally and diplo­mat­i­cally, it was ev­i­dent that they were in
har­mony on mil­i­tary mat­ters.

On the other hand, the fact that the mil­i­tary had come into Tsushima Is­land
was ev­i­dence that Japan was bla­tantly re­veal­ing its in­ten­tions to in­vade the
Ko­rean Penin­sula.

"How long do we have to wait here?"

"How could I know that?"

And now there were war­ships, not a few sol­diers, and Awak­en­ers with
marks on their hands.

"Some­day the or­der will come."

The time they were wait­ing for was, of course, the time of the in­va­sion. As
soon as the or­der came down, ev­ery­one on Tsushima Is­land would im­me­di­‐
ately move for Bu­san. The mo­ment they ar­rived in Bu­san, they would ac­‐
quire Bu­san ac­cord­ing to a set plan, and then, a pow­er­ful force from the Ja­‐
pa­nese Ar­chi­pel­ago, set­tled in Bu­san, would take over the Ko­rean Penin­‐

It was their role to be the ad­vance guards of the war. In that sit­u­at­ion, the
days of do­ing noth­ing to those on Tsushima Is­land with all their res­o­lu­tions
were not free, and they were feel­ing itchy all over.

"God­dammit, if they're go­ing to do this, just leave us on the main­land!

There is no wa­ter to drink, and it's hard to take a shower here! What a hard

"My words too!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

There was noth­ing to do but com­plain.

It was a mi­nor dis­tur­bance that si­lenced their com­plaints.

The whine of sirens! The noise of the warn­ing be­gan to spread rapidly in
the dark of the Tsushima Is­land.

"What's go­ing on?"

"A boat is com­ing here!"

The main cul­prit of the dis­tur­bance was a boat head­ing for Tsushima Is­land.
The in­com­ing boat made a faint sound and it did not show any threat to

But those who looked at the boat didn't re­lax at all.

"Who's on the boat?"

"I can't see any­one."

Noth­ing was on the fish­ing boat. Then, the an­swer was one of two: it was a
ghost boat, or some peo­ple were hid­ing them­selves in­side the boat.

Ei­ther way was noth­ing good for Japan Mar­itime Self-De­fense Force nes­‐
tled on Tsushima Is­land. They didn't hes­i­tate.

"Sink the boat!" Ma­jor Szuki or­dered im­me­di­ately, and soon the ma­chine
guns on the tower on Tsushima Is­land fired, quickly turn­ing the fish­ing boat
into a hole-rid­den wreck. The fish­ing boat sank with bub­bles.

Af­ter that, the peo­ple with tele­scopes looked at the area the fish­ing boat had

Sit­u­at­ion Ter­mi­nated. But at this mo­ment, no one felt like the sit­u­at­ion was

"Is it over?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 104 - Any Room, Part Iii ⦘

"It's weird."

"I feel weird, too. I don't think it's over."

It was be­cause of the feel­ings of the Ja­pa­nese.

'Japan is a coun­try full of earth­quakes which can oc­cur daily. If such hap­‐
pened in an­other coun­try, it might be a na­tional dis­as­ter. It is nat­u­ral that
peo­ple liv­ing in such a coun­try have the abil­ity to sense an in­evitable dis­as­‐

At this mo­ment, they could feel it. An over­whelm­ing dis­as­ter that they
could not dare to face was com­ing to Tsushima Is­land!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

Chap­ter 105 - A Hunter From A

For­eign Coun­try, Part I
Chap­ter 105: Episode 105 -- A Hunter from a For­eign Coun­try, Part I

Chap­ter 37. A Hunter from a For­eign Coun­try, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


No place was free from the night­mare that be­gan on De­cem­ber 31, 2016. In
that sense, the night­mare that Japan had faced was enough to say that it was
nearly the worst night­mare.

It was the worst from the start. Four dark-blue mon­sters set­tled in the Ja­pa­‐
nese is­lands and built their own ter­ri­tory. But that was the be­gin­ning, as was
said ear­lier. On the night­mare that be­gan with the emer­gence of mon­sters,
an un­avoid­able mon­ster called "nat­u­ral dis­as­ter" came to Japan.

It be­gan with a mag­ni­tude 7.4 earth­quake that struck Kyushu, Japan on

March 11. Af­ter that, earth­quakes with mag­ni­tudes of 7.2 and 6.3 came to
Tokyo se­quen­tially.


The tsunami that came af­ter the earth­quake drowned those that had sur­vived
in the for­est of build­ings. Of course, the blow was fa­tal.

Japan had a bet­ter dis­as­ter pre­pared­ness sys­tem than any other coun­try, but
the sys­tem was use­less af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared. Then, as July started, a
ty­phoon swept through the Ja­pa­nese main­land.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

It was sim­ply a se­ries of dis­as­ters at which even mon­sters would scream,

and Japan could no longer play its part. At the time of the ty­phoon's ar­rival,
the coun­try of Japan no longer ex­isted in the is­lands, and a new na­tion was
built there.

The great Ja­pa­nese Em­pire.

It was the of­fi­cial name of the new na­tion es­tab­lished in the is­lands.

Musashi founded the em­pire so that he could put him­self on the throne as
the em­pire's first em­peror. He had driven away mon­sters with the Sword,
Ku­sanagi, from the Tokyo ru­ins that had be­come hell.

Of course, there was no such thing as democ­racy. There was no equal­ity ei­‐
ther. In­stead, clas­sism and in­equal­ity took their place.

Musashi di­vided the cit­i­zens of the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire into nine classes, from
first to ninth.

Those who were not Awak­ened be­came ninth-class cit­i­zens, and those who
were Awak­ened were fifth-class cit­i­zens, each of whom was able to be­come
higher-class cit­iz­ ens, de­pend­ing on their role, per­for­mance, and achieve­‐

Most com­mon sur­vivors re­mained ninth-class cit­i­zens, who were treated

like slaves. Iron­i­cally, this sys­tem helped the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire re­cover its
in­fra­struc­ture quickly.

Those who wanted to sur­vive in a world where they had to prove their
worth in any way in or­der to sur­vive were des­per­ate.

Hiyoshi Taiyo was one of the sur­vivors of this new Japan.

"Hooooo!" In ad­di­tion, he was a suc­cess­ful man who could puff out long
cig­ar­ ette smoke from his of­fice at any time.

'That's crazy.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

The back­ground of his suc­cess was the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit. It was a core
or­ga­ni­za­tion of the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire, a group that took charge of ev­ery­thing
about mon­ster hunt­ing as it was. It was the most sup­ported group in Japan
that was still full of mon­sters, and it was a pow­er­ful and in­flu­en­tial or­ga­ni­‐

Hiyoshi be­longed to such an Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit.


In ad­di­tion, he was a third-class cit­i­zen of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, a

great place to de­scribe his suc­cess. It was re­ally great. He was liv­ing a
much bet­ter life than be­fore the mon­sters had ap­peared.

Un­til about a month ago, when Mat­sumoto Kanyo, his su­pe­rior, one of the
clos­est aides to and one of the four heav­enly guardians of Musashi, named
him as the head of the Kyushu branch of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, he had
noth­ing to envy.

'It's bet­ter to go to hell.'



This huge is­land, lo­cated south of the ar­chi­pel­ago, was one of Japan's two
largest Hell is­lands, along with Hok­kaido.

The 7.4 mag­ni­tude earth­quake that hit Kyushu did not leave any so­cial in­‐
fra­struc­ture, and an Eight-tailed Fox, with its dark-blue pupils, had made
Aso Moun­tain, lo­cated in Ku­mamoto City, its ter­ri­tory.

He be­came the branch man­ager of a place like that. It was a de­mo­tion. This
alone would leave him feel­ing bad.

'How the hell am I sup­posed to solve the prob­lem that is on Tsushima Is­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

How­ever, the big­ger prob­lem be­gan a week ago, when Tsushima Is­land, a
base for ad­vance­ment into the Ko­rean Penin­sula, fell to the en­emy

As said ear­lier, Kyushu was now a mon­ster's ter­ri­tory. Of course, Hakata

Port in Fukuoka City, lo­cated in Kyushu Prov­ince, the near­est port to Ko­‐
rea's Bu­san Port, was cur­rently un­avail­able.

So, Tsushima Is­land was im­por­tant. Once they had a naval base on it, they
could send a ship to Bu­san Port or Yeosu Port from the cen­tral lo­ca­tion of
Tsushima Is­land, even though it was in­suf­fi­cient.

In fact, Musashi was able to show his will­ing­ness to ad­vance to the Ko­rean
Penin­sula im­me­di­ately thanks to the con­struc­tion of a min­i­mal fa­cil­ity to
ac­com­mo­date the naval forces on the is­land.

But now that they had lost Tsushima Is­land, it was no won­der the plan was
bro­ken. Of course, the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire was now try­ing to re­cover the is­‐
land. The ef­fort in­cluded re­cap­tur­ing Hakata Port in Kyushu Prov­ince,
which could send enough pow­er­ful naval force with­out need­ing Tsushima

Nat­u­rally, an urge for Hiyoshi, a branch man­ager of Kyushu who had been
de­moted, be­gan.

'I am crazy. I have to match the num­ber of the mon­ster stones which should
be sent home coun­try some­how...' ( Up­dated by BOX NOVEL.COM)

This urge was not sim­ply done by a word. It was done by in­creas­ing the
num­ber of the mon­ster stones which the Kyushu branch of the Im­pe­rial
Hunt­ing Unit had to pay back to Tokyo, the home coun­try, which de­manded
ac­tion, not words.

'I am done if I can't fill the num­ber of the mon­ster stones this time again.'

In ad­di­tion, this was his last chance. If Hiyoshi could not prove his worth
here, he would be de­moted once again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

'I will be de­ployed to the Ko­rean Penin­sula with­out con­di­tions. It will be

the first...'

The next re­gion for his de­mo­tion was a hun­dred per­cent likely to be the Ko­‐
rean Penin­sula. It was clear that he would be­come a pro­logue ac­tor in the
war to make the Ko­rean Penin­sula a bridge­head for the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire. It
was ac­tu­ally a sui­cide squad.

'No, there's a crazy mon­ster in Ko­rea. If I am de­ployed to the Ko­rean Penin­‐

sula right now...'

More­over, Hiyoshi knew that cur­rently, there was an ab­surd mon­ster in Ko­‐
rea that the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire wanted to hide some­how.

Hiyoshi was an able man. If he had wanted, he could have be­come a samu­‐
rai of the Em­pire, not an Im­pe­rial Hunter. In other words, if he stepped into
the Ko­rean Penin­sula, his mis­sion was highly likely to face the mon­ster of
the Joseon Dy­nasty.


That's why Hiyoshi now smoked in­ces­santly.

Knock! There was a knock on his of­fice door. Hiyoshi did not an­swer. He
looked at the door with ner­vously.

Screech! Then the door opened, and his sub­or­di­nate showed up.

"Well, sir?"


Look­ing at Hiyoshi'sci­garette and his sharp eyes, the sub­or­di­nate ac­knowl­‐

edged that he came at a re­ally bad time and low­ered him­self as much as he
could be­fore speak­ing cau­tiously.

"Oh, I've brought in the pay­ment for the home coun­try for sec­tion 392, led
by Arashi."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

Hiyoshi breathed out a long cloud of smoke at the re­port of his sub­or­di­nate.


It was not a mat­ter of anger, since the pay­ment for the home coun­try had ar­‐
rived at a time when the mon­ster stones were in ur­gent need. The only thing
that both­ered him was the name Arashi.

'A group leader, Arashi...'

A branch man­ager of Kyushu, Hiyoshi re­mem­bered Arashi be­cause he was


"Bring it in."

How­ever, Hiyoshi was in need of the mon­ster stones that even Arashi had
brought, and he couldn't help feel­ing an­noyed.

The sub­or­di­nate, un­aware of his thoughts, care­fully put a heavy pouch on

his desk.


The mo­ment Hiyoshi saw a heavy pouch the size of a young child's head,
his eyes changed. Then he opened the pocket and saw the red stones fill­ing
it. He no longer wor­ried.

"Call in the group leader Arashi."


Arashi Jun was a very good man on the out­side. It was hard to find a prob­‐
lem on the out­side. It seemed dif­fi­cult to sum up the man named Arashi Jun
with only a few char­ac­ter­is­tics.

"This is him."

On the other hand, next to Arashi was a man of a dif­fer­ent type than Arashi.
He was a man of short cut hair, bushy beard, and sharp eyes, with a Horn

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

Bow on his back! Ev­ery­thing about him was im­pres­sive.

"This man from Ko­rea, his name is Kim So-hoon." Arashi in­tro­duced the
Mas­ter Sergeant.

"He was a mem­ber of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand in Ko­rea. His rank
was a boss."

At the next in­tro­duc­tion, Hiyoshi opened his eyes slightly and looked at the
man named Kim So-hoon.

"But since he is wanted for re­bel­lion in Ko­rea, he risked his life to ar­rive in
the ter­ri­tory of our great Ja­pa­nese Em­pire."

"Stop." Hiyoshi stopped Arashi. In­stead, Hiyoshi di­rectly asked a man

named Kim So-hoon, "Do you speak Ja­pa­nese?"


"How much can you speak?"

"I have no prob­lem com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Ja­pa­nese peo­ple."

"Why did you come to Japan?"

Arashi made a grim face at the ques­tion. He had ex­plained why the man
named Kim So-hoon came to Japan. Hiyoshi asked this ques­tion again to
the man named Kim So-hoon again.

Arashi did not think that Hiyoshi would ask this ques­tion just be­cause he
wanted a sim­ple an­swer as Kim had been driven to Japan on ac­count of re­‐

"I'm here to go back to Ko­rea."

"Go back?"

"I was un­der Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo. I know to some ex­tent what kind
of deal he made with Japan."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo. 'I've heard of him.'

It was a vague name in Hiyoshi's mem­ory. Of course, it wasn't im­por­tant if

it was vague.

'The name was men­tioned sev­eral times when Mat­sumoto was re­fer­ring to

What was im­por­tant was about the dim mem­ory char­ac­ter was Kanyo Mat­‐
sumoto, the leader of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit.

'A run­away from a power strug­gle?' At this mo­ment, a pic­ture was painted
in Hiyoshi's mind.

Lee Ki-soo, who was in con­tact with Japan, died, and the new group would
have moved to root out Lee's rem­nants. If he didn't want to die, he would
have to be a fugi­tive.

So, what was the es­cape route that a fugi­tive could take from the land of the
Ko­rean Penin­sula, not from North Ko­rea? To North Ko­rea or Japan.

A man named Kim So-hoon chose Japan as an es­cape route, and he even­tu­‐
ally reached Japan. This was the pic­ture Hiyoshi painted.

"What do you want?"

"I want to take over the plan of Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-soo. Of course, I'd
like to speak to some­one who can talk about it."

'He shows his am­bi­tion.'

As soon as Hiyoshi heard this, he was sure of one thing. 'He's worth a lot of

Kim So-hoon was a man who could only ben­ef­ it from him, from Hiyoshi's
per­spec­tive, no mat­ter how he used him.

'How do I use him?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

He was a pump­kin that had rolled in. It wouldn't hurt to just send this man
to the home coun­try as he was. At least Hiyoshi would hear the praise.

'A com­pli­ment is not enough.'

Lis­ten­ing to such praise would not im­prove Hiyoshi's sit­u­at­ion. What he

needed right now was per­for­mance.

'I think his abil­ity is good.'

The speed of gath­er­ing the mon­ster stones af­ter con­tact­ing Arashi, as well
as hav­ing the guts to come from Ko­rea to Japan, was def­i­nitely im­pres­sive.

'But he must have come this far be­cause his abil­ity was good.'

He must have been a good hunter in Ko­rea.

The key was that. 'I can use him any­time, and throw him away if nec­es­sary.'

Right now, Hiyoshi was in a hurry for mon­ster stones, and a sharp knife
came in, which would not harm him if he broke it. It was sim­ple, then.

"I can­not ac­cept your of­fer right now. As you know, now Ko­rea has at­‐
tacked our em­pire. Very re­cently, Tsushima Is­land was at­tacked. Un­der such
cir­cum­stances, it is im­pos­si­ble to send a Ko­rean to our home coun­try. Not
killing you right now is the great­est con­sid­er­at­ion I can show."

"I guess con­sid­er­at­ion isn't free. What do you want?"

"I'll be a mid­dle­man, if you prove you are faith­ful and if you pay for the in­‐
tro­duc­tion." Hiyoshi would only use this knife un­til he could use it no more.

"You don't want me to write with my blood, and what you want are mon­ster

"It's nice to have a quick un­der­stand­ing. There are now mon­sters in Kyushu.
There's no bet­ter place to play."

"So, what do you want?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

"Hmm?" Hiyoshi looked side­ways at the fol­low­ing re­ac­tion. 'Did my com­‐

mu­ni­ca­tion fail?' Here, Hiyoshi thought the man named Kim So-hoon didn't
re­ally un­der­stand what he was say­ing. No mat­ter how good he was at Ja­pa­‐
nese, it was al­most im­pos­si­ble to mas­ter an­other lan­guage.

'Even though the peo­ple talk with their own peo­ple in their own lan­guage,
there is a per­son who can't un­der­stand the words. That's a hu­man be­ing.'

So Hiyoshi tried to ex­plain it again. "So now Kyushu is full of mon­sters


"So what do you want?" But this time, the con­ver­sa­tion went wrong, and
Hiyoshi re­mained silent. Then he stared at Kim with an an­gry look.

Kim said in front of such eyes, "So what color do you want?"

Hiyoshi re­laxed his ex­pres­sion at the re­mark. "... what color is pos­si­ble?"

"Yel­low. If I get the right sup­port and as­sis­tance, that's what I can do."

"Yel­low?" Hiyoshi ex­pressed his ad­mi­ra­tion for the re­mark.

'Oh, God, only some­one that is at least a samu­rai is needed to kill a yel­low-

In­stead of re­spond­ing to him, Kim took a smart­phone out of his pocket.

Snap! Soon af­ter he took off his gloves, he took a pic­ture with his smart­‐
phone and showed it to Hiyoshi.

[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

Strength: 294
Health: 217

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 105 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part I

En­ergy: B-Rank
Mana: C Rank
Telekine­sis: C Rank
De­fense: B-Rank
Mana Re­sis­tance: C Rank

Hiyoshi's eyes changed af­ter read­ing the con­tents of the smart­phone.

'Not nor­mal.'

Those stats were enough to ex­press such con­fi­dence. But the sur­prise did
not stop there.

"If I can bring my team here, and if I can get some solid sup­port, I can kill a
green-grade. Ac­tu­ally, my team has a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence killing green-grade
mon­sters in Seoul."

"Is, is that true?"

"Ask the man who knows the sit­u­at­ion of the Cap­i­tal De­fense Com­mand
about Ma­jor Oh Se-bum. I hunted mon­sters with him. If you learn of his
achieve­ments, you will find that I'm not talk­ing non­sense."

Hiyoshi didn't worry about it any­more.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

Chap­ter 106 - A Hunter From A

For­eign Coun­try, Part Ii
Chap­ter 37. A Hunter from a For­eign Coun­try, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Ki­takyushu City, lo­cated in Fukuoka Pre­fec­ture, was the first city you met
upon en­ter­ing Kyushu Prov­ince in the Ja­pa­nese is­lands. The Ki­takyushu
City Hall was a six-sided build­ing with glass walls in­stead of ce­ment. For
this rea­son, the build­ing was im­pres­sive in its own way, as it ex­uded a so­‐
phis­ti­cated of­fice build­ing im­age, rather than a sense of the city hall. Of
course, that was the old story.

Now, the Ki­takyushu City Hall has be­come a hor­rid, skele­ton-like build­ing
where it was hard to find a glass win­dow af­ter of the mag­ni­tude 7.4 earth­‐
quake that had buried men and mon­sters.

The Kyushu branch of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit was cur­rently us­ing the
Ki­takyushu City Hall as its head­quar­ter. It was a far from a con­ve­nient


'That's Kokura Cas­tle.'

The rea­son why the mem­bers of the lo­cal Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, which
could be called a pre­cious force, used the Ki­takyushu City Hall as a head­‐
quar­ter was not a be­cause it had a few good spa­ces to avoid the night wind.
It was be­cause of the an­cient cas­tle, Kokura Cas­tle, lo­cated just in front of
the Ki­takyushu City Hall build­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

'They take sac­ri­fices to pro­tect some­thing that is not a relic.'

That did not mean that Kokura Cas­tle was a relic. Of course, the old ob­jects
kept in Kokura Cas­tle be­came relics, and it was not strange to guard Kokura
Cas­tle be­cause there was still a high pos­si­bil­ity that there were still un­found
relics in Kokura Cas­tle.

But it was cer­tainly not rea­son­able for an Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, who nor­‐
mally risked their lives mon­ster hunt­ing, to take bit­ter sac­ri­fices in­stead of
sweet rest to pro­tect Kokura Cas­tle.

'Then why do you keep Kokura Cas­tle? They're go­ing to make a leg­end, not
a his­tory.'

It was be­cause of the com­mand of Musashi, who had es­tab­lished the Ja­pa­‐
nese Em­pire. He had an un­com­mon ob­ses­sion with keep­ing this an­cient
cas­tle in­tact. He made a lot of sac­ri­fices to re­cap­ture the area where the cas­‐
tle was lo­cated from the mon­sters, and he in­vested a lot to pro­tect the cas­tle
that he had se­cured.

Musashi was not a man with a per­verted taste for height.

'The Sen­goku pe­riod, he wants to re­pro­duce it.'

The an­cient cas­tles, which were lo­cated in var­i­ous parts of Japan's is­lands,
were the most ob­vi­ous sym­bols of Japan's Sen­goku pe­riod.

Japan's Sen­goku pe­riod was ab­so­lutely true to the max­ims of 'The weak are
the prey of the strong,' and 'Win­ner takes all'.

By recre­at­ing that era, Musashi wanted to make all he en­joyed and ev­ery­‐
thing he did true. The cur­rent be­hav­ior of Musashi to demo­cratic Japan was
noth­ing more than vi­o­lence, but the cur­rent be­hav­ior of Musashi in the
Japan of the Sen­goku pe­riod would be a leg­end or a myth.

'That's so funny.'

Any­way, the res­i­dence of Kim So-hoon, a hunter from a for­eign coun­try,

was also set up in the Ki­takyushu City Hall. On the 11th floor, the el­ev­ a­tor

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

did not work, so he had to take a bit of trou­ble to walk up. The only good
thing was the scenery where he could look at Kokura Cas­tle if he ven­tured
out a lit­tle.

How­ever, Kim did not like the scenery of Kokura Cas­tle. There was only
one thing he liked.

'Noth­ing I like ex­cept cof­fee beans.' The smell from the cof­fee mug in his
hand Kim was bet­ter than he thought.

Kim grabbed a mug in his right hand and pulled out a smart­phone from his
pocket with the other. With a few ma­nip­u­la­tions, he turned on a pic­ture on
the liq­uid crys­tal that he had showed in front of Hiyoshi, the head of the
Kyushu branch, sev­eral hours ago.

Kim pressed the pic­ture with the thumb hold­ing the smart­phone. An ap­pli­‐
ca­tion that was not vis­i­ble on the back­ground screen was ex­ec­ uted.

[Strength: En­ter the num­ber you want]

[Health: En­ter the num­ber you want]

Kim wrote a few num­bers as in­di­cated, and then switched to pho­tog­ra­phy

mode again. Af­ter that, he lifted his mug with his TK, and he took a pic­ture
of his right hand with the smart­phone held with his left.

Snap! The pic­ture was taken with the typ­i­cal sound of pho­tograph­ing.

[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 111

-- Health: 111

Kim laughed thinly as he looked at the pic­ture.

'The ap­pli­ca­tion is bet­ter than I thought.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

Kim put his smart­phone in his pocket im­me­di­ately and scratched his right
hand with his left hand. Some­thing black, cov­er­ing the mark, be­gan to peel
off like dead skin. It looked like a pic­ture was hid­den un­der a pic­ture.

Kim looked at the real mark that was re­vealed with his black Eyes.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 749

-- Health: 733

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A-Rank

-- Mana: B+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A+ Rank

-- De­fense: B+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: B+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Golden Web (Grade 3): With the power of the Golden Horn Spi­der, it cre­‐
ates a spi­der web with En­ergy.

The higher the En­ergy rank, the stronger the spi­der web is.

The higher the Mana rank, the more ad­he­sive the spi­der web is.

The higher the Telekine­sis rank, the greater the abil­ity to feel and con­trol
with the spi­der web is.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

The real mark, hid­den be­low the spe­cially de­signed Henna tat­too, re­vealed
the real num­bers. The re­vealed num­bers were the clear­est ev­i­dence of his

'They were de­ceived by this sim­ple trick.'

It was the clear­est ev­i­dence that the man look­ing at Kokura Cas­tle out of
the Ki­takyushu City Hall was Kim Tae-hoon. A week ago, he had made
Tsushima Is­land an un­in­hab­ited is­land in ex­actly forty-nine min­utes. It was
not an ac­ci­den­tal move, of course.

'I ap­pre­ci­ate it from my point of view.'

Kim, through his death-dreams, has al­ready fig­ured out how Japan would
be go­ing for­ward, and what was in Japan. There, he picked out what he
needed. There were three ma­jor needs: navy power, relics, and the mon­ster
stones of mon­sters in the Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago.


It will not be easy to steal them. In the case of the power of the navy, I will
have to steal a war­ship, but a war­ship is not a toy for chil­dren, and even if I
took a few tech­ni­cians, I can­not take dozens or hun­dreds of war­ships.

The same is true of relics. Most of the im­por­tant relics al­ready in Japan
have al­ready found their own­ers, and it is not a mat­ter of steal­ing one or
two, but steal­ing all of them is not some­thing I can do right away.

But the most trou­ble­some of these is the mon­ster stone. The relics and bat­‐
tle­ships re­main in place un­less they are stolen. But the mon­ster stones end
the mo­ment they en­ter a per­son's stom­ach. They can't be stolen then even if
I want to. If I want to steal them, I have to steal them be­fore some­one eats


So, Kim made it his top pri­or­ity. 'On Oc­to­ber 15, I will eat the heart of the
Eight-tailed Fox.' That was why he was here now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

'Be­fore that, I need to kill the core fel­lows of the head of the Kyushu
branch, Hiyoshi.'

And it was also the rea­son why Kim, who had cof­fee, did not smile, even a
lit­tle. It was for the war that he came here in the end, so he never in­tended
to give any mercy here. Above all, he was not the one who had started this

'It's a war where the blood of an ally is re­duced as much as the blood of the

Kim swal­lowed his cof­fee and turned his head in the di­rec­tion Tokyo was.


Kyushu, called the sec­ond hell of the Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago, was a land of
op­por­tu­nity for some. It was a con­tra­dic­tory anal­ogy. There were a few fea­‐
tures that ap­plied only to the Kyushu re­gion that made such con­tra­dic­tion a

There were no sur­vivors in Kyushu. The ab­sence of sur­vivors was be­cause

Kyushu Prov­ince had no room for long-term food to be grown with­out a lot
of prob­lems ver­sus the food re­main­ing in the wide land.

In ad­di­tion to the pre­served food, al­co­hol and cig­ar­ ettes re­mained like trea­‐
sures, and even the Self-De­fense Force's guns and am­mu­ni­tion left be­hind
in Kyushu re­mained like jew­els.

The sec­ond rea­son was that there were a lot of mon­sters here. Mon­sters
were threat­en­ing, but the value of mon­ster stones had be­come a real jewel
that could not be re­placed by any­thing. There were real jew­els that could
not be com­pared to the di­am­ onds and sap­phires that were now so use­less!

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the Kyushu re­gion, which was full of mon­sters, had to
look like a land of op­por­tu­nity for some­one search­ing for a place full of

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

Cru­cially, ev­ery­thing was done with­out any clear plans in the Kyushu re­‐
gion. There was no con­di­tion to mon­i­tor or pun­ish some­one's cor­rup­tion or
il­le­gal ac­tiv­i­ties.

"God­damn it."

That was why Samu­rai Nak­ag­ awa Genji was will­ing to come down to

The Samu­rai was an im­por­tant group in the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire, and along
with the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, were a group of elite Awak­en­ers. Of
course, no one could eas­ily en­ter such an elite group.

The sum of Strength and Health had to ex­ceed 400 points, and the En­ergy
and De­fense rank had to be above C+ or one of them B-or above to be qual­‐
i­fied for Samu­rai.

Those which just pre­con­di­tions for the test, and af­ter that, they had to prove
their abil­ity against mon­sters and peo­ple, and then they be­came a Samu­rai.

The treat­ment of Samu­rai was bet­ter than any other group. If it was not an
im­por­tant mat­ter, they were not both­ered by it.

The rea­son why the Samu­rai were born in the first place was to carry out
op­er­at­ions against mon­sters which nor­mal Awak­en­ers could not per­form
prop­erly be­cause of the fear, such as the mon­sters of the green-grade or

There was no rea­son to use such a knife to kill chick­ens. In ad­di­tion, a cer­‐
tain amount of mon­ster stones was al­ways paid to the Samu­rai to im­prove
their abil­i­ties.

Fi­nally, a few Named Swords in Japan were given to them. No, a Named
Sword was the most ob­vi­ous proof that he was a Samu­rai.

'It's all messed up be­cause of that Zainichi!'

The prob­lem was that the num­ber of Samu­rai in­creased, and the num­ber of
Named Swords was lim­ited. There­fore, there were more peo­ple who did not

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

re­ceive a Named Sword than those who re­ceived them among the cur­rent

'Fuck­ing bas­tard.'

In the end, it was nec­es­sary to prove their value among the Samu­rai to re­‐
ceive a Named Sword.

'I can't gather the mon­ster stones be­cause of that fuck­ing bas­tard, Zainichi.'

It was the rea­son why Nak­ag­ awa Genji came down to Kyushu Prov­ince by
him­self. He col­lected mon­ster stones in Kyushu, try­ing to gather a bribe to
achieve what he wanted. His plan was go­ing very smoothly un­til a few days

A branch man­ager of Kyushu, Hiyoshi, who had been in short sup­ply of

mon­ster stones and re­cently been trans­ferred from Tsushima Is­land, had
been urged to meet his de­mands rather than to in­ter­fere with the work of
Nak­ag­ awa Genji.

Es­pe­cially in a sit­u­at­ion where a yel­low-grade mon­ster should be killed,

hunt­ing was not done with­out the help of Nak­ag­ awa Genji. The re­la­tion­ship
be­tween Hiyoshi, the branch man­ager of Kyushu, and Nak­ag­ awa Genji was
close to the re­la­tion be­tween a ser­vant and a mas­ter.

But the strange man who sud­denly ap­peared broke the re­la­tion­ship. He
hunted mon­sters at a tremen­dous pace and be­gan to re­lieve the big­gest
worry of Hiyoshi.

'If it weren't for the branch man­ager of Kyushu, Hiyoshi, he could not stand
a sin­gle stroke of my Sword...'

His skills were not great. To be ex­act, they were not great at all. It was not a
triv­ial level, but it was not com­pa­ra­ble to Nak­ag­ awa Genji. But he was
smart and com­pe­tent.

He shot the ar­rows us­ing a relic, Horn Bow, and he never missed the tar­get;
the ar­rows pen­et­rated only the hearts and heads of the mon­sters. He was

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

pre­dict­ing the mon­ster's habits and be­hav­ior pat­terns more ac­cu­rately than
any­one else, and he was com­ing up with the right num­bers. He was hunt­ing
mon­sters like a real hunter.

That made it even more dif­fi­cult. If Kim was a strong man who Nak­ag­ awa
Genji could not do any­thing about, Nak­ag­ awa Genji would not have wor­‐
ried about it. Genji must have told the home­land all about Kim.

'If I take this kind of job and let the head­quar­ter know about him...'

Kim said that he was a Ko­rean-Ja­pa­nese cit­i­zen, but there was no rea­son for
Genji to let a strong per­son who was not clearly iden­ti­fied hunt around.

'... I will have to­tally lost my face.'

But now the man, Kim So-hoon, was not a man with such strength. In such
a sit­u­at­ion, if Genji in­formed the head­quar­ter about Kim So-hoon, it was
clear that they would ridicule him, with the eval­u­at­ion that he was a use­less
per­son who could not even han­dle such things with his own strength, and
was try­ing to bor­row their power to cover his weak­ness. That was why
Nak­ag­ awa Genji was wor­ried about his trou­bles at the same time.

'And sooner or later, if he suc­ceeds in hunt­ing a White Snake...'

More­over, sooner or later, the Kyushu branch of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit
was plan­ning to hunt a yel­low-grade mon­ster, the White Snake, that had set­‐
tled in Mount Umami in Asakura City. The branch man­ager of the Kyushu
Hiyoshi had not yet said any­thing to Nak­ag­ awa Genji about when the hunt
would start.

That meant that Hiyoshi rec­og­nized the abil­ity of the Ko­rean, and would go
on the White Snake hunt cen­tered around the man.

'My po­si­tion is over. The White Snake is a mon­ster as wor­thy of the yel­low-
grade as the Black Snake.'

If Kim So-hoon suc­ceeded in hunt­ing the White Snake, there was no rea­son
for Hiyoshi to hu­mor Nak­ag­ awa Genji and ask him for any­thing. In the case

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

of killing the White Snake, the abil­ity ac­quired from the White Snake was
one of the most valu­able abil­i­ties.

The abil­ity to see dis­tant ob­jects was ex­tremely good!

'I have to take it.'

In fact, it was a mon­ster Nak­ag­ awa Genji was af­ter. So, he was able to de­‐
cide one thing.

'I have to get rid of him some­how, be­fore he goes hunt­ing for the White
Snake, with­out let­ting Hiyoshi know...'

It was none other than Kim So-hoon that gave him the so­lu­tion to his prob­‐


If the Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago was com­pared to a long coal mine, Ki­takyushu

City, the en­trance of the Kyushu re­gion, was like the blind end of a mine
tun­nel. It was one of the ends where some­one could es­cape from the Ja­pa­‐
nese is­land, where the sea was blocked ev­ery­thing.

There were sev­eral places in Ki­takyushu City where evil and ugly hu­mans
would show up. Among them, the Yakuza, even if a nu­clear bomb once
again ex­ploded in Japan, would sur­vive with the cock­roaches to the end.
The busi­nesses they ran were the worst places.

Drugs were a joke, hu­man traf­fick­ing was ba­sic, and if some­one paid the
price, even as­sas­si­nat­ing peo­ple or killing for plea­sure was pro­vided. Mon­‐
sters with hu­man faces... no, they showed the cru­elty that only hu­mans
could show.

The un­der­ground bar which Kim Tae-hoon was now head­ing to was one of
the worst places. It was orig­i­nally a build­ing where an il­le­gal Yakuza bar
was lo­cated, and it was now a place where il­le­gal ac­tiv­i­ties which would
never have been dreamt of in the past were car­ried out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 106 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part Ii

When Kim stepped in, drug users were on the floor of the bar, and there
were dirty sex­ual ac­tiv­i­ties go­ing on ev­ery­where. He stood there look­ing for
a seat. A man in a neat at­tire ap­peared in this at­mos­phere.

"What do you want?"

"The strong­est drink."

With the or­der, Kim im­me­di­ately took five red jew­els out of his pocket and
put them on the ta­ble.

"How much strong drink do you want?"

"I want the fire to go on blaz­ing."

"Such a stiff drink needs a mon­ster stone per bot­tle."

"Five bot­tles."

The waiter nod­ded and im­me­di­ately opened the menu in front of Kim.
There was a va­ri­ety of things on the menu: a jewel for a bot­tle of wine, a
jewel for a metham­phetamine, a jewel for a woman, five jew­els for mur­der,
ten jew­els for rape and mur­der... It was a menu filled with the cru­elty that
would be hard to find in hell.

Kim did not cover the menu. He read the menu slowly from the be­gin­ning.

'This is a Yakuza bar pro­tected by Nak­ag­ awa Genji.'

And he waited.

'It'll take about 16 min­utes for him to come.'

Af­ter think­ing about it, he set the timer on his wrist.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 107 - A Hunter From A

For­eign Coun­try, Part Iii
Chap­ter 37. A Hunter from a For­eign Coun­try, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'If they have mon­ster stones, they can buy drugs, buy peo­ple, and kill peo­‐

It was around the time when the bot­tle was raised on the ta­ble where Kim
Tae-hoon sat, when the at­mos­phere of the place where it was like a devil's
den, which was so ter­ri­ble and be­yond the clut­ter and even evil, be­gan to

"This is the strong­est one in our store."


One by one.

Ev­ery time the bot­tles fill­ing Kim's ta­ble in­creased by one, the at­mos­phere
around him changed. Those who were drunk and fallen were dragged away
by one or two peo­ple, and the peo­ple who had sex vi­o­lently enough to look
cruel be­gan to dis­ap­pear one by one.

The seats of those who dis­ap­peared were filled with new guests. The guests
had a shrewd force and sharp eyes that did not fit the bar.

Thump! The cli­max of all this was a sound heard from the iron door that
warded the un­der­ground bar as soon as Kim had five bot­tles on the ta­ble.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

With the sound of the iron door clos­ing firmly, there was no longer a clut­‐
tered at­mos­phere any­where in the bar.

A man ap­peared at the ta­ble of Kim, where he was sit­ting alone.


The man who spoke in an un­friendly man­ner was wear­ing a ki­mono and a
Ja­pa­nese blade on his left hip. The two fac­tors were suf­fi­cient to dis­cern the
fact that he was a Samu­rai, a third-class cit­i­zen, and an Awak­ener, Nak­a‐­
gawa Genji.

It was no trou­ble to iden­tify that this was a bar man­aged by the Yakuza un­‐
der his pro­tec­tion.

Any­way, he had sud­denly ap­peared, and he was smil­ing in front of Kim.

"I was think­ing about how to kill you, but you came into the tiger's den by

The smile was a hearty smile. Nak­ag­ awa Genji was rather grate­ful, happy
to see Kim at this mo­ment. It was like a big tiger now trapped in a trap that
a hunter threw away for be­ing use­less.

"It's funny how the world works. When it's bad, it's bad luck, and if it's
lucky, it's al­ways good."

He was so happy that he was dumb­founded. More­over, when Nak­ag­ awa

Genji came here in one step, the stage was al­ready set. The Yakuza who ran
this bar un­der­stood the mind of Nak­ag­ awa Genji and set the stage early
where they could re­move a per­son with­out noise or ru­mors. He felt like he
was the main char­ac­ter of the finest sur­prise party. It was why Nak­ag­ awa
Genji was will­ing to give con­sid­er­at­ion to Kim Tae-hoon.

"You didn't drink all the bot­tles af­ter or­der­ing, did you? Would you like me
to wait un­til you have a drink, which will be your last drink in the world?"

Of course, the con­sid­er­at­ion did not last long.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

"Drink it when I show my re­spect, be­cause this may be the first and last
time I've ever given this kind of con­sid­er­at­ion to a Zainichi." The pa­tience
and em­pa­thy of Nak­ag­ awa Genji were not so great.

"I have never liked the Zainichi. They are not only ru­in­ing a coun­try, Japan,
but they are a crude, un­civ­i­lized peo­ple who com­mit crimes. Josen­jin is a
dirty blood-stained land, and they must be bar­baric and un­civ­i­lized, right?"

A laugh came out from around at Nak­ag­ awa Genji's ques­tion.

Kim did not re­act much to the at­mos­phere, which was re­ally a night­mare.
He did not drink or give a glance at Nak­ag­ awa Genji. It was be­cause there
was still time left.

"Any­way, the mo­ment I step on the land of Joseon, I will kill all the men
and cut off all the limbs of the girls and make them sex slaves-"

Beep! And the time that re­mained was gone.

"What is it?"

Beep, beep! Kim's wrist­watch be­gan to spit out an alarm, and Nak­ag­ awa
Genji, sur­prised by the sound, took alert.

Click! Click!

Those around him also im­me­di­ately pulled the guns out of their waist­bands
and pointed them at Kim. Of course, it didn't take long to re­al­ize that the
sound was a watch alarm, be­cause Kim pressed his watch and turned off the

Some made dis­be­liev­ing ex­pres­sions, some of them were full of anger. Nak­‐
a­gawa Genji was the lat­ter. The fact that he was sur­prised by the clock
alarm melted away his small con­sid­er­at­ion at once.

"You Zainichi bas­tard!" It was the mo­ment he was about to ex­press his

Swish! The ar­row that was silent in Kim's waist started float­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

Swish! The ar­row was mov­ing sur­pris­ingly fast, fast enough to be in­vis­i­ble.

Thunk! At the same time, it was sur­pris­ingly pow­er­ful. It eas­ily pen­et­rated

from tem­ple to tem­ple, a piece of flesh be­tween the bones the length of

Thud! It was the sound of bod­ies be­gin­ning to fall on the floor that an­‐
nounced that the flight of the ar­row was over.

'Huh?' Nak­ag­ awa Genji has stiff­ened up where he stood. It was be­cause his
think­ing stopped at this sit­u­at­ion that could not be un­der­stood by com­mon
sense at all. Of course, he re­al­ized the most im­por­tant thing im­me­di­ately.


It was not pos­si­ble for him to get the po­si­tion of a Samu­rai with just luck, as
only those who had ex­cel­lent abil­ity and skill qual­i­fied.

He rec­og­nized the des­per­ate cri­sis he was in, and he dropped his hand to his
waist to cut down the cri­sis into a sin­gle stroke. He wanted to pull out the
sword in his waist­band.

Tsre­ung! And the Sword was pulled out by it­self.

Huck! The Sword that was drawn out was caught by Kim, now fac­ing Nak­‐
a­gawa Genji.

A sud­den feel­ing of help­less­ness rose up in front of the ab­surd things that

had hap­pened in a short time. No, at this mo­ment, his abil­ity to de­tect dan­‐
ger re­al­ized that any abil­ity to sense dan­ger or act was com­pletely fu­tile.

So, he was scared stiff, and Kim just looked at the man who was now the
color of a corpse.

"I'm sorry, but I can't kill you right now. If I kill you right here, the fact will
be de­liv­ered through the Shikigami [Ja­pa­nese ghosts] to Musashi."

Along with the words, Kim threw some­thing golden in his palm to­ward the
mouth of Nak­ag­ awa Genji.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

"You fuck­ing bas­tard -- Eup!" It was sticky, and it sealed his mouth at once.

Kim got up. It was the first time since he had en­tered this bar. But it was not
just Kim who got up. The bot­tles on Kim's ta­ble also be­gan to emerge.

Clank! The bot­tles ex­ploded and sprin­kled al­co­hol all over the place.

Ptui! Kim spat on the scat­tered al­co­hol.

Fwoosh! The strong liquor ig­nited as if it were try­ing to prove how strong it
was. The bluish flames re­flected off his black Eyes.


The Kyushu re­gion was like the blind end of Japan, and the Ki­takyushu
area, which was the be­gin­ning of the Kyushu re­gion, was al­ways over­flow­‐
ing with ac­ci­dents.

"It's com­pletely col­lapsed."

It was not un­usual for a build­ing out­side the city to col­lapse overnight.

"What do you want me to do?"


How­ever, some of those who had just been dis­patched to Ki­takyushu City
did not know that. Of course, it was not spe­cial ei­ther.

"The build­ing has col­lapsed..."

"So what do you ex­pect me to do?"


"What do you want me to do when the build­ing col­lapses?"

It was nat­u­ral for a new re­cruit to know noth­ing, and it was the role of the
se­nior to teach them

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘


"Do you have any equip­ment to clean up the build­ing or some­thing im­por­‐
tant in­side? Enough to put all your man­power in here right now, huh?"

"Oh, no, uh, no."

That was what it was now. The se­nior made it clear to the new re­cruits the
re­al­ity of Ki­takyushu, and even Kyushu.

It was not easy to re­move the wreck­age of the col­lapsed build­ing and res­cue
peo­ple be­fore the mon­sters ap­peared, and in the present age, it was wise to
leave this build­ing as a grave.

"Do you get a bonus for clean­ing this up?"

And do­ing this would be of lit­tle help to the sur­vivors.

"... No, I don't get a bonus."

"What should we do then?"

In front of such a se­nior's in­struc­tion, the new re­cruit learned a les­son that
he could not for­get even if he wanted to for­get.

"I'll just deal with it as an ac­ci­dent."

"Yeah, just make it hap­pen. Write a re­port. The build­ing is down, and no

"I un­der­stand."

So, the re­port was writ­ten on the spot.


Hiyoshi, the branch man­ager of the Kyushu re­gion, was cur­rently in charge
of Ki­takyushu City. It was not un­usual for him to be in charge of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

Kyushu re­gion, where the role of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit in a mon­ster-
filled land was more im­por­tant than ever.

Of course, the branch man­ager of the Kyushu Hiyoshi re­ceived a sig­nif­i­cant

amount of re­ports ev­ery day. The mon­sters were ev­ery­where, and ac­ci­dents
were com­mon when there were so many peo­ple of the worst char­ac­ter.

How­ever, he wasn't the type to read his re­ports care­fully.

"I'm sorry, it's such a noisy place." All he did was read the ti­tle and stamp
his seal on the bill as soon as he saw it.

It was still the case. He was not par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in the re­port of [The
col­lapse of an outer build­ing of the city, No Vic­tims].

His only in­ter­est was di­rected at the man stand­ing in front of him.

"Was there any mat­ter?"

At the ques­tion of Kim, Hiyoshi ap­proved the re­port and read the ti­tle
again. "Fire de­stroyed a build­ing. No vic­tims."

Kim calmly an­swered at the words of Hiyoshi. "It's not a big deal."

"Yes, it's not a big deal." At the mo­ment of speak­ing out the words 'Not a
big deal,' Hiyoshi no longer had the re­port in mind. "It's not im­por­tant."

In­stead, Hiyoshi had a mon­ster, a gi­ant snake with a white body, in his

"What do you think? Can you do that?"

"You mean the White Snake?"

"Is there any­thing else be­sides that im­por­tant thing right now?"

The White Snake was a huge snake, a yel­low-grade mon­ster; it was a scary
mon­ster. How­ever, just be­cause it was the only yel­low grade, Hiyoshi did

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

not give his keen at­ten­tion to it. That way, his at­ten­tion should be di­rected
to an Eight-tailed Fox, a dark blue-grade mon­ster on Mount Aso.

The rea­son to get the at­ten­tion of Hiyoshi wasn't the grade of the mon­ster.

"The Eyes of the White Snake is more valu­able than a green mon­ster's abil­‐


The Eyes of the White Snake is the abil­ity ob­tained when some­one eats the
crys­tal of the White Snake.

The Eyes of the White Snake can give some­one bet­ter eyes than a hawk.

In ad­di­tion, an abil­ity to im­prove the five senses, such as the Eyes of the
White Snake, is treated as much more valu­able than other abil­i­ties. The rea­‐
son is that the Awak­en­ers are su­per­hu­mans.

No mat­ter how good they are, they can't func­tion prop­erly if they are deaf.
Con­versely, if they lack the abil­ity, they can demon­strate their abil­ity at 120
per­cent if they have five ex­cel­lent senses. There­fore, the value of the Eyes
of the White Snake that gives hu­man vi­sions to tran­scend is equal to a crys­‐
tal of a green-grade mon­ster, or it has more value, de­pend­ing on the sit­u­a‐­


In ad­di­tion, the crys­tal of the White Snake was not an ob­ject they needed to
send on to the home coun­try.

'My as­sess­ment is go­ing up re­cently, and if I clear Fukuoka City, I can go to

Tokyo by us­ing the Eyes of the White Snake as a bribe.'

A bribe.

Even if Hiyoshi just paid valu­able goods like the Eyes of the White Snake
to his home coun­try, there would be noth­ing for him. On the other hand, the
re­al­ity was that some­one was more likely to in­ter­cept and eat it dur­ing

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

trans­porta­tion. Of course, Hiyoshi did not even re­port on the White Snake,
so few peo­ple even knew about it.

To be pre­cise, it seemed to be­long to the Samu­rai Nak­ag­ awa Genji so far. In

the po­si­tion of Hiyoshi, it was an ob­ject that could not be taken even if he
was will­ing to take it, un­til this man ap­peared be­fore him.

"So can you hunt the White Snake?"

Un­til Kim ap­peared, Hiyoshi was sup­press­ing his greed for the White
Snake. But now that Kim ap­peared, he could no longer sup­press his greed.

"I can't give you a def­i­nite an­swer."

That was about it. Kim showed a great abil­ity to make Hiyoshi burst into
the greed that he had for­merly sup­pressed well. Kim's mon­ster hunt­ing abil­‐
ity had been ex­cel­lent enough to be con­sid­ered out­stand­ing among those he
had seen.

"Can't you make it more clear?"

"I've never seen a mon­ster called a White Snake, and a yel­low-grade is not
some­thing I am cer­tain I can kill with just my con­fi­dence."

So, at this mo­ment, Hiyoshi nod­ded rather than urg­ing him at the words of
Kim. "Find­ing it is a pri­or­ity."

He did not have any com­plaints or ques­tions about this.

"Do you need any­thing?"

"If some­one is an able man like me, I'll go with him. But if he is not, I'd bet­‐
ter go alone."

"I sup­pose so, when are you go­ing to leave?"

"I don't have to stay here long, so I'll move right away."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

At the re­sponse of Kim, Hiyoshi smiled. 'I can't be­lieve a sword I can throw
away any time is so use­ful.' Of course, there was no con­sid­er­at­ion or worry
for Kim in the smile.

It was the same with Kim. 'There's no rea­son to give him the White Snake.'


A city that had been ru­ined.

Now, a gi­ant snake with a pure white body ap­peared in the street, where it
was hard to find even bones, let alone a dead body.

Chyureup, Chyureup!

The color of its skin, as well as the tongue that came out through the gaps in
the tight mouth, was shin­ing white. The only other color on the snake's
body were the yel­low eyes that clung to both sides of its in­verted tri­an­gle

It was a pale-yel­low eye, well matched for the white body, but it was not a
beau­ti­ful eye. Rather, in­stead of beauty, it was hor­ri­fy­ing and bizarre in­‐
stead of the beau­ti­ful. It was the shape of the yel­low eyes. The cir­cle in the
cir­cle, the cir­cle in it again... The shape of the cir­cles over­lap­ping in that
way re­minded him of a cam­era lens.

Even its eyes were mov­ing like cam­era lenses. As it looked into the dis­‐
tance, the pupils of the White Snake be­gan to move like cam­era lenses. The
White Snake scanned its ter­ri­tory with its own eyes.

Chyureup! Then it could see that a mile away, a deer was mov­ing in the
moun­tains, avoid­ing the preda­tor's eyes.

Kyaa! At the same time as the White Snake found the deer, it opened its
mouth and shrieked out its fear. That was the end of the hunt. A deer had no
power to en­dure the fear of a mon­ster.

Thud! The deer fell on the spot, its heart still, and the White Snake moved
to eat, not hunt, to ap­pease its hun­gry stom­ach.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

Swish! It was about that time that a Sword fell down like a light­ning bolt.
When the White Snake was all re­laxed and its mind was filled with the
plea­sure of eat­ing, a Sword, fall­ing like a light­ning bolt, pen­et­rated deep
into the back of its neck, be­tween the head and the body.

Thunk! The Sword pen­et­rated the White Snake's body and stuck into the

Swish! Then a sec­ond light­ning bolt came. This thun­der­storm was from the
left, not at the head of the White Snake. A Sword, like a mis­sile, struck the
left of the White Snake and passed through and out the right side.

Two at­tacks were enough to take the light out of the pupils of the yel­low

Thump! The White Snake fell to the ground as it was.

A man stepped to­ward the White Snake. Clump! A man, who re­minded
them of ghosts rather than peo­ple, stood in front of the White Snake.

Whizz! At the same time, the Sword that had passed through the White
Snake flew to­ward the man. The man snatched it from the air, and he be­gan
to cut through the skin of the White Snake from the start­ing point of the
wound in its body.

Red blood spouted like a foun­tain from the white body of the White Snake,
stain­ing the pure white­ness bright scar­let. What the two Swords pierced and
cut were not just blood ves­sels, but an or­gan filled with blood. It was def­i­‐
nitely the heart of the White Snake!

'Here you are.' The man could see the heart of the White Snake, and the yel­‐
low jewel that had stuck to the heart, through the gap of the open skin. The
man changed the color of his eyes.

==[The Crys­tal of a White Snake]

-- Mana in­creases when in­gested.

-- Mana Re­sis­tance in­creases when in­gested.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 107 - A Hunter From A Foreign Country, Part
Iii ⦘

-- You can ac­quire [The Eyes of the White Snake], the power of the White
Snake, when in­gested.]==

The man could see the value of the yel­low crys­tal of the White Snake with
his black Eyes. He didn't hes­i­tate. The man reached out his hand to strip the
jewel from the White Snake and put it into his mouth im­me­di­ately, still cov­‐
ered with blood.

Gulp! He swal­lowed it. At that mo­ment, his Eyes be­gan to turn into some­‐
thing like the Eyes of the White Snake. The black Eyes be­gan to change
like cam­era lenses, and at the same time, they be­gan to see things in de­tail
far away. He smiled de­spite him­self.

'I get an in­come from an un­ex­pected place.' With his new Eyes, the man
looked at Mount Aso, which was dimly vis­i­ble in the dis­tance.

'If I kill the Eight-tailed Fox on Mount Aso, then it's... Jeju Is­land, Ko­rea.'
There was no sign of a smile on his lips then.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 108 - Tro­jan Horse, Part I

Chap­ter 38. Tro­jan Horse, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Tokyo was now not the cap­i­tal of Japan, but the home of the Ja­pa­nese Em­‐
pire, and looked like some­thing out of a his­tor­i­cal drama. In the vast space
of Tatami, ki­mono-wear­ing men and women were sit­ting in rows, like rails
on a rail­way. At the end of the rail, a man in a ki­mono was look­ing down at
ev­ery­one with a brightly shin­ing Sword be­side him.

It was not a his­tor­i­cal drama. There were no cam­eras film­ing this, and the
man's fe­ro­cious eyes were shin­ing brightly. The crowd ac­cept­ing the eyes
turned pale. The eyes and ex­pres­sions were not act­ing.

"So it's im­pos­si­ble?"


The man sit­ting on the podium spoke into the si­lence. Ev­ery­one swal­lowed
at that. Only one neatly-shaved bald man in his early thir­ties, with an an­gu­‐
lar face, dared to speak. "We must lead a large army at once to take over the
Ko­rean Penin­sula, in a sit­u­at­ion where the Tsushima Is­land has been taken
away. But as you know, if we move a large army, we will ir­ri­tate the King
of the Sea."

"So it's im­pos­si­ble?"

"If we en­counter the King of the Sea, we must think about throw­ing away
half of our troops. I do not know if you can achieve what you want at the
ex­pense of the dam­age, but ac­cord­ing to the re­port of the Iga Nin­jas, Ko­rea

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

is de­ploy­ing de­fen­sive forces quickly. Most of all, the army power of Ko­‐

"So it's im­pos­si­ble?"

But in front of this same third ques­tion in re­turn, Mat­sumoto Kanyo, the
only man who dared speak, the leader of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, had to
keep his mouth shut.

There was no longer a man who could defy the words of Musashi on the
podium, and there was si­lence.

It was a hard si­lence, and one of the peo­ple who could not bear it fi­nally
spoke. "If you want a way, there is only one way to get there, and we will
have to travel through Hakata Port in Kyushu. It is the short­est dis­tance
from Hakata Port to Bu­san. We could take the risk be­cause the dis­tance is

Only then did Musashi take back his fe­ro­cious eyes. He must have wanted
that an­swer.

"Then that's what we'll do."

At that time, Mat­sumoto Kanyo, who was silent, spoke again. "There is an
Eight-tailed Fox in Kyushu. It is pos­si­ble to re­gain Hakata Port, but if there
are war­ships, troops, and lo­gis­tics bases there, there will be in­evitably tens
of thou­sands, or even hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple, around Hakata Port.
There are not a hun­dred peo­ple there now, and if there are tens of thou­sands
of peo­ple, the Eight-tailed Fox will not be still. "

"Well, why don't we kill the Eight-tailed Fox?"

How­ever, the words of Mat­sumoto Kanyo were once again blocked by the
cross-ques­tion of Musashi.

'Fi­nally...' In fact, Mat­sumoto Kanyo knew bet­ter than any­one what

Musashi wanted to hear. Nev­er­the­less, Mat­sumoto Kanyo did not in­ten­tion­‐
ally say that. 'Is he go­ing to raise the stakes?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

It was be­cause he wanted to pre­vent Musashi some­how from try­ing to kill

the dark blue-grade mon­ster, an Eight-tailed Fox.

'Ap­par­ently, we have to kill an Eight-tailed Fox.' Of course, if they could

kill such a mon­ster, it was only right to kill it. Fur­ther­more, the Kyushu re­‐
gion was more im­por­tant than any other re­gion to the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire, as it
sought to en­ter the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

'But it is sui­cide if we want to kill it now.' The prob­lem was that the cost
and risk to take to kill an Eight-tailed Fox at this point were too great.

"Lord, it's dan­ger­ous."

Musashi was def­i­nitely strong. He was a man who re­garded the hell of
Tokyo as a trial to be strong, and a man who built a great Ja­pa­nese Em­pire
alone in col­lapsed ru­ins of Japan.

The Ku­sanagi in his hand was not dif­fer­ent from ev­i­dence that God looked
over Japan. But such a Musashi could never guar­an­tee a chance of win­ning
against a dark blue-grade mon­ster. Even if Musashi was alive and killed the
Eight-tailed Fox, many oth­ers would be sac­ri­ficed re­gard­less.

Musashi knew that. Be­cause he knew that, Musashi had been stay­ing in
Tokyo all this time.

"Kanyo, you want me to be treated like a jerk?"

The changes in the mind and at­ti­tude of Musashi were caused by a jade bird
Okjo from Tai­wan yes­ter­day.

"The Chi­nese army is al­ready in North Ko­rea, and soon they will come
down to the Mil­i­tary De­mar­ca­tion Line as promised and be­gin a mil­i­tary
demon­stra­tion against South Ko­rea. What will it look like if I don't do any­‐

Musashi told to the Six Snakes that the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire would de­stroy Ko­‐
rea and make the Ko­rean Penin­sula the ter­ri­tory of the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

The Six Snakes said they would use the Chi­nese army to strike the Ko­rean
bor­der and the Mil­i­tary De­mar­ca­tion Line to help him.

'Look one way and row an­other!' While South Ko­rea's mil­i­tary power was
con­cen­trated in the north to check the Chi­nese army, Japan was plan­ning to
use a very sim­ple but ef­fec­tive op­er­at­ion to land on the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

And the op­er­at­ion was now un­der way. The Chi­nese army was now ready to
cross the Yalu River. It was not an or­di­nary mat­ter.

"The Chi­nese army is mov­ing, bear­ing the dan­ger, even though there is a
dark blue-mon­ster in Mt. Paektu, but if I am stuck in Tokyo be­ing afraid of
the Eight-tailed Fox, what would they see me as?"

'There is a dark blue-grade mon­ster in Mt. Baekdu. No mat­ter how far apart
they move through Mt. Baekdu, there is no guar­an­tee that the mon­ster of
Mt. Baekdu will tol­er­ate it. And if the mon­ster of Baekdu Moun­tain is hos­‐
tile to­ward the mov­ing troops, the troops will be an­ni­hi­lated.'

How­ever, the Six Snakes were mov­ing at that risk. But Musashi and Japan,
who had strongly ad­vo­cated this op­er­at­ion, could not do any­thing?

Musashi's pride did not find this ac­cept­able.

'I should have in­formed them when Tsushima Is­land was taken. Be­cause of
my pride...'

In fact, be­cause of his pride, Musashi did not even an­nounce the cur­rent sit­‐
u­at­ion and the sit­u­at­ion that he had lost Tsushima Is­land through the Okjo.
If he had in­formed him of the fact, the Six Snakes would not have moved
the troops to the Ko­rean Penin­sula un­less they were in­sane.

'So, af­ter all, my pride has done this to me.'

It was a sit­u­at­ion where his pride had made things worse, and Musashi had
no in­ten­tion of bend­ing his pride at this mo­ment. He was de­ter­mined to
make a reck­less choice be­cause of his pride.

'We must stop it.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

Of course, now it was just a word.

'We have to stop it some­how.'

The mo­ment a word was acted, it would be the end.

So, at this mo­ment Mat­sumoto Kanyo said, "Then I'll see what's go­ing on
with the Kyushu branch man­ager, and I'm sure it won't be too late."

'You have to have time to do that.'

At that point, Musashi looked at Mat­sumoto Kanyo with a cold eye. But
this time, Kanyo did not avoid the look.

"Do it as soon as pos­si­ble."

Musashi fi­nally took a step back.


'Fuck!' Hiyoshi Kyushu Branch Man­ager, the re­cent days for him were re­‐
ally hell days.

'Who the hell killed the White Snake?'

The start­ing point was Kim Tae-hoon's re­port. The news brought by Kim,
who went out to search be­fore hunt­ing the White Snake, was that the White
Snake had dis­ap­peared.

The plan to use the crys­tal of the White Snake as a step­ping stone to change
his po­si­tion and to use the good sword Kim Tae-hoon, who he could aban­‐
don any­time, was sud­denly gone with the wind.

The prob­lem was, as said ear­lier, the start­ing point!

'Nak­ag­ awa, that bas­tard, is also miss­ing.' The ab­sence of the Samu­rai Nak­a‐­
gawa Genji had been too long. Of course, the fool had never re­ported his
ac­tions to Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

Nak­ag­ awa Genji was not the sub­or­di­nate of Hiyoshi, nor was he de­moted to
Kyushu. He al­ways did as he pleased, and some­times he treated the Kyushu
branch man­ager Hiyoshi as if he were a sub­or­di­nate. How­ever, if there was
a prob­lem with the life of Nak­ag­ awa Genji, the re­spon­si­bil­ity was on

'Damn it! Did he die while hunt­ing the White Snake?'

If Nak­ag­ awa Genji had died, the re­spon­si­bil­ity would be on Hiyoshi. More­‐
over, his sense told him that there was a con­nec­tion be­tween the dis­ap­pear­‐
ance of the White Snake and the ab­sence of Nak­ag­ awa Genji.

'But if Nak­ag­ awa Genji died, the home­land would have known it. They can
al­ways check the life and death of Ninja and Samu­rai through the

The com­mon sense and sys­tem that Hiyoshi the Kyushu branch man­ager
knew de­nied his think­ing.

If some­thing was clear, he would act. But it was not, so he could not even
do any­thing.

'What the hell hap­pened?' It was also the rea­son why Hiyoshi was go­ing

"Sir!" With a sud­den burst, the door opened and a man came in.

Hiyoshi, who was al­ready an­gry, shouted out with eyes rem­i­nis­cent of an ax
blade. "What?!"

"I've re­ceived a call from the home coun­try."


"Sir, they want your re­port."


==[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

-- The Eyes of the White Snake (Grade 4): It is the power of the White
Snake. It im­proves vi­sion sig­nif­i­cantly.]==

Kim Tae-hoon looked at his right hand with his black Eyes for a mo­ment
be­fore look­ing away. A view came through the bro­ken win­dows of Ki­‐
takyushu City Hall.

For Kim, who was us­ing the Eyes of the White Snake, all the scenery
seemed to be de­tailed.

His black Eyes be­gan to change like cam­era lenses. Things in the dis­tance
looked de­tailed. Kokura Cas­tle was now quite close. He could see a rat
mov­ing along its roof.

'The Eyes of the White Snake and the Eyes of the Black Snake over­lap!'

The view was fa­mil­iar to Kim in a sense, be­cause it was very sim­i­lar to
what he saw through a sniper scope. 'I can work it more clearly if I can see
it.' In other words, he had the con­fi­dence to do what he could with a sniper
ri­fle and scope.

At this mo­ment, Kim set up a hy­poth­es­ is in his mind. 'I can do phys­i­cal ac­‐
tions with my Telekine­sis even if they are not vis­i­ble now, but it will be the
most ac­cu­rate and pow­er­ful if I see and move things with my eyes. If I can
see what is far away, then wouldn't it be pos­si­ble for my Telekine­sis to take
ac­tions at that far dis­tance?'

As soon as the hy­poth­es­ is was es­tab­lished, Kim thought of the ar­row in his
waist. He quickly drew a pic­ture that the ar­row seemed to pen­et­rate the rat
mov­ing along the roof of Kokura.

Shoot­ing an ob­ject that was far away was so bor­ing that Kim no longer
needed to do im­age train­ing. The sniper ri­fle was just turned into an ar­row.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did not put the at­tempt into prac­tice. 'Some­one is
com­ing.' He heard the sound of foot­steps on the stairs from a dis­tance.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

Kim's eyes re­turned to their orig­i­nal form. At the same time, he put the
sticker he had pre­pared on the back of his right hand. When he re­moved the
sticker, his right-hand mark changed. He put his gloves on top of it.

It was a dou­ble se­cu­rity de­vice in­stalled so that no one could know his abil­‐
i­ties un­less some­one cut his wrist.

"Sergeant Kim So-hoon!" By the time Kim fin­ished all his prepa­ra­tions, the
sub­or­di­nate of Hiyoshi ap­peared in front of him.

"The branch man­ager is call­ing for you." His voice was ur­gent, and his eyes
were ner­vous.

When he saw it, Kim felt in­tu­itive. 'Musashi must have given up on tak­ing
Tsushima Is­land and cho­sen to hunt the Eight-tailed Fox.'

Now the time had ripened.


"Can you kill a Green Mon­ster?" The heart of Kyushu branch man­ager
Hiyoshi was run­ning more ur­gently than ever as he asked the ques­tion.

Kim's ears were sore at the sound of that fran­tic heart­beat. "I don't want to
say I can kill a green-grade mon­ster in a sit­u­at­ion I haven't even killed a
yel­low-grade one... but you asked me a ques­tion, and I'll an­swer it. I'd be
able to kill a green-grade mon­ster if I had my men."

"How would you do that?"

"Do I need to ex­plain to you, Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi, who be­‐
longs to the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit. You should know it bet­ter than me."

"Just tell me."

"... it is pos­si­ble to kill the yel­low-grade mon­ster with the abil­ity of an

Awak­ener him­self, but for the green-grade one, the hunt­ing is dif­fer­ent de­‐
pend­ing on the relics se­cured. The rea­son I say it is pos­si­ble if I have men is
if the relics they can han­dle are wor­thy and ca­pa­ble."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

At the mo­ment he heard that, the Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi re­layed a
com­mand from his home coun­try.

'They sud­denly urged me to re­port.'

What came from the home coun­try was noth­ing but a de­mand for a clear re­‐
port on the cur­rent achieve­ments of Kyushu. To Hiyoshi, it meant sub­mit­‐
ting a re­port card in which his fate was at stake.

'Damn it!'

It was the worst be­cause the re­port card of Hiyoshi was not good at all.

Re­cently, thanks to Kim's per­for­mance, he had filled the mon­ster stone pay­‐
ments re­quired by Tokyo, but it was merely a given task.

'What the high peo­ple want is not to do well at the given home­work, but to
fin­ish the home­work and do some­thing new. That way I can get a good

'But I couldn't even main­tain it.'

The big­ger prob­lem was that now, rather than home­work, de­duc­tions were
ev­ery­where for Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi.

'Nak­ag­ awa Genji is still ab­sent.'

He could not kill the White Snake, and the ab­sence of Nak­ag­ awa Genji had
not been solved yet.


The mo­ment Tokyo re­ceives my re­port, they will come to check if the re­‐
port is cor­rect, and then Kim Tae-hoon's ex­is­tence be­comes a large bomb
that can burst at any time. Cur­rently, Kim is a sword that I have hid­den and
used well, but from the per­spec­tive of Tokyo, I held a weapon with­out per­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

Fuck! In other words, when the sit­u­at­ion is set­tled as it is now, my fate is

over here. Per­haps, the next de­mo­tion area will be a grave, if not hell!

I don't have a choice now, I need an ac­com­plish­ment that can cover all my


So at this mo­ment, the Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi was go­ing to gam­‐
ble in a des­per­ate at­tempt to re­verse his sit­u­at­ion.

"There's a green-grade mon­ster in Hakata Port."

"I know."

"Do you know what it is?"

"The green-grade mon­ster search is harder than the yel­low-grade, so you

have to give me more time to ex­plore."

"You don't need to search."

The gam­bling card was, of course, Kim Tae-hoon. Hi­roshi the Kyushu
branch man­ager handed a doc­u­ment file that he had al­ready pre­pared to

"The Green-grade Mon­ster Ghost Tur­tle now oc­cu­pies Hakata Port. How
many men do you need to kill this one?"

Kim closed his eyes as soon as he saw a doc­u­ment file, a pic­ture of a huge
tur­tle with a bizarre shape on the back shell that re­minded him of a ghost.
He started cal­cu­lat­ing. And when the cal­cu­la­tion was over, he opened his

"You know, killing a hard mon­ster is harder than just killing a mon­ster.
More­over, ac­cord­ing to the re­port, it's one of the mon­sters of the high­est
grade among the green-grade mon­sters."

Kyushu branch man­ager Hi­roshi was al­ready fed up with his words.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

The Ghost Tur­tle was one of the most pow­er­ful green-grade mon­sters, and
if they di­vided the green-grade mon­sters into top, in­ter­me­di­ate, and low ac­‐
cord­ing to power, it was a top grade one. It was not a mon­ster that dozens of
peo­ple could kill. Hun­dreds or thou­sands of peo­ple might die try­ing to kill

"So how many peo­ple do you need?" Of course, the Kyushu branch man­‐
ager Hiyoshi, who knew the fact well, was cu­ri­ous about the num­ber
needed to kill this mon­ster.

"I need 200 men, at least."

"Can 200 peo­ple make it here?"

"25%. It's a prob­ab­ il­ity that any­one who leaves Ko­rea can reach Japan. If I
bring in sev­eral war­ships, the pos­si­bil­ity goes up, but cross­ing the ocean on
a ferry is like walk­ing a tightrope be­tween a cliff and a cliff. If the Ja­pa­nese
see a ferry right away, why wouldn't they sink it first? I've been in a lot of
trou­ble. Even I had to swim ten kilo­me­ters to get to main­land Japan."

"If we send eight hun­dred men to bring two hun­dred peo­ple, six hun­dred of
them will die."

"If we look at it sim­ply, it is so."

At the words, Hayoshi said firmly, "What's the price of six hun­dred lives?"

Kim looked sur­prised. "It's..."

"If you kill this guy, I'll in­tro­duce you to Mat­sumoto Kanyo, the cap­tain of
the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit. I prom­ise on my neck."

Kim was silent again at the an­swer.

The Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi did not grill him, as if he had fin­ished
the cal­cu­la­tion. He waited for the man weigh­ing his am­bi­tions against the
sac­ri­fice of six hun­dred men to fin­ish the scales.

"... do I have to hand over the crys­tal of the Ghost Tur­tle?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

"If you kill it, you can have the crys­tal. The dead body of Ghost Tur­tle be­‐
longs to the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit."

"How much can you help me to at­tempt an il­le­gal en­try into the coun­try?"

"If it's a port near Kyushu, you can pass with my per­sonal con­nec­tions."

"How many can you pass? More than two hun­dred?"

"Of course. A hun­dred or a thou­sand is okay, but ten thou­sand will be

hard." Hiyoshi smiled wryly on the in­side.

'It doesn't mat­ter if there are 1,000 or 10,000. They're all con­sum­ables that I
can throw away at any time.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who did not see his bit­ter smile, replied, "Okay."


'For Man­pasik­jeok, there is a leg­end that two flutes are com­bined to­gether,
and I must fo­cus on that.'

Jang Sung-hoon, who was study­ing the data in a space in Bu­san, put the
book­let he was hold­ing down on his desk. He leaned back in the creak­ing

'The Ja­pa­nese have al­ready ac­quired a leg­endary relic, and the prob­lem is
that we have no leg­endary relic. Musashi would not have come into the
eyes of the boss, un­less he had had a leg­endary relic. If there was some­thing
in the boss's hand...'

Cur­rently, Jang Sung-hoon was work­ing on find­ing the relics that ex­isted
only in the leg­endary folk tale, Man­pasik­jeok and Geum­chuk. It was a spe­‐
cial­ized field he was adept in. He was that kind of guy in the first place. He
was a man who had no tal­ent in com­mand­ing an army or lead­ing the coun­‐
try, and he did not want to have such tal­ents.

'... I've got to find Man­pasik­jeok or Geum­chuk, but the best strat­egy is to
steal what the oth­ers have.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 108 - Trojan Horse, Part I ⦘

He heard a noise from the win­dow. A jade bird was tap­ping on the win­dow
with its beak.


Jang im­me­di­ately rose from his seat, ap­proached the win­dow, and opened
it. The jade bird came in through the win­dow. He raised his arm, and the
Okjo sat on his arm. The Okjo checked his face, and af­ter con­firm­ing his
iden­tity, said, "Send Tro­jan Horse."

Kim Tae-hoon's voice came out of the beak of the jade bird. Jang smiled at
the voice he had not heard in a long time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 109 - Trojan Horse, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 109 - Tro­jan Horse, Part Ii

Failed to down­load chap­ter body

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 110 - Tro­jan Horse, Part

Chap­ter 38. Tro­jan Horse, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'The mon­ster is non­sense in ex­is­tence, its ex­is­tence is non­sense, and be­yond

the yel­low-grade mon­ster, it has ir­ra­tional abil­ity be­yond com­mon sense.
Some have the abil­ity of fire, some have the abil­ity of witch­craft, and some
have the abil­ity to de­tect be­yond the range of nor­mal senses.'

In that sense, the Ghost Tur­tle was in­com­pe­tent for hav­ing green eyes. It
didn't have fire, it didn't have a su­per­hu­man sense, and it wasn't the kind of
thing who could show a great deal of ac­tiv­ity. It did not even have a lot of
mon­sters un­der its com­mand.

It was true that those who saw the devil of the back skin went stiff with fear,
and that was its spe­cial abil­ity, but it was doubt­ful whether they could call it
spe­cial com­pared to the fear of an­other green-grade mon­ster.


So, what was the spe­cialty of the Ghost Tur­tle?


A huge back shell a hun­dred me­ters in length, huge legs like a pil­lar suit­‐
able for car­ry­ing its shell, and a long neck as thick as a tree. That was the
spe­cialty of the Ghost Tur­tle.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

Its body was a very pow­er­ful, an over­whelm­ing weapon that re­fused to

com­pare with any mon­ster. Just mov­ing its huge body was a dis­as­ter for hu­‐

Right now the body of the Ghost Tur­tle was rac­ing over the port city of
Hakata at about thirty kilo­me­ters per hour. It was not slow, but it was a
cum­ber­some speed com­pared to other mon­sters that showed ab­surd per­for­‐

But the huge body re­garded a five-story build­ing as a mere cum­ber­some ob­‐
sta­cle when mov­ing at that speed, en­abling a de­struc­tion that no other mon­‐
ster could eas­ily show.

"Get out!"

In front of such a Ghost Tur­tle, the port city of Hakata, a for­est of build­ings
built over decades, was like sand cas­tles on the beach. They thought it
would be bet­ter for a tsunami to come in, or an earth­quake with a mag­ni­‐
tude of 7.0. Worst of all, there were peo­ple in the com­mo­tion.

"Never show your back!"

Those wear­ing spe­cially de­signed black uni­forms were mov­ing away from
the Ghost Tur­tle in the bro­ken port city of Hakata. It was in a state of
unimag­in­able dis­as­ter, a sit­u­at­ion where they could not even think of run­‐
ning away in de­spair. They could suf­fer a heart at­tack just by lis­ten­ing to
the foot­steps like a thun­der­storm.

"Okay, it's gone."

"That's awe­some, the as­phalt road is crushed like a tofu."

How­ever, there was no sign of de­spair even though the faces of those who
were caught up in this sit­u­at­ion were ner­vous.

"Sergeant Park Jin-seo, five build­ings just flew into the sky."

"That's about nine peo­ple on that scale."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

"No, ten peo­ple have to pre­tend to die."

"Yes, it's bet­ter to die a lot any­way."

Rather, in this sit­u­at­ion, they were play­ing with the word, death.

"There must be more than a hun­dred deaths now."

Of course, it was pos­si­ble to talk like that be­cause it was not real.

"To be ex­act, it's 109."

In the first place, the Ghost Tur­tle was not a dis­as­ter for them. The one that
the ghost tur­tle was deal­ing with was none other than Kim Tae-hoon, their
sav­ior, and a night­mare to the mon­sters.

To call such a big green-grade Ghost Tur­tle a dis­as­ter to Kim Tae-hoon was
noth­ing more than an in­sult to the real dis­as­ters that Kim had faced so far.
In other words, the sit­u­at­ion it­self was a lie.

"You guys are dead from now on."

Kim Tae-hoon did not do that even though he could get rid of the Ghost
Tur­tle at once if he had the heart. He in­ten­tion­ally pro­voked the Ghost Tur­‐
tle and taunted it to break the build­ings that were barely left in the port city
of Hakata.

Kim made a great and ter­ri­ble stage for them to cover their mouths with
both hands, and his men pre­tended to die. Death washed their iden­tity as a
ghost, not smug­gled men.

"You will join the First Spe­cial Op­er­at­ion Unit and carry out the op­er­at­ion."


"I wish you good luck."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

And now they were ghosts, and they would dig into the ma­jor fa­cil­i­ties in
Japan with the ghosts that had come be­fore. That was the real rea­son they
came here. These were not here for mon­ster hunt­ing, but for the war that
Japan had be­gun, will­ing to re­spond to the war.

"There are now 98 sur­vivors."

"I don't need any more deaths."


And when the mo­ment no longer needed dead men...

"Send a sig­nal to the mas­ter, we don't need any more dead men, so he can
kill it now."


Red smoke that had risen from some­where be­gan to rise above the sky. Ex­‐
actly three min­utes later, the smell of cof­fee bloomed in the to­tally ru­ined
port of Hakata Port.


"What's the sit­u­at­ion?"

"The Ghost Tur­tle is de­stroy­ing Hakata."

"What's the sit­u­at­ion around us?"

"We're try­ing to stop peo­ple from go­ing to Hakata, at the com­mand you
gave us, and in fact, we don't have to stop them. Who would go there if
they're not crazy?"

At the ques­tion of his sub­or­di­nate, Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi tapped

his desk with his fin­ger in­stead of an­swer­ing.

'We have to kill it,' he thought, 'Some­how, we have to kill the Ghost Tur­tle.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

At this mo­ment, Hiyoshi was ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the most in­tense ir­ri­ta­tion of his

'I bet ev­ery­thing I have.'

The fun­da­men­tal rea­son for this Ghost Tur­tle Hunt­ing was that he had taken
ahold his des­tiny, and the ad­di­tional rea­son was that the Kyushu Branch of
the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit did not par­tic­i­pate in this hunt­ing.

'Damn it, I should have just put in an Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit? Even if it was
the best elites, it was reck­less to kill the green-grade mon­ster with only two
hun­dred men.'

The rea­son why he didn't put in an Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit was sim­ple. The
pres­ence of Kim Tae-hoon and his men had not yet been re­ported to his
home coun­try, so they were il­le­gal weapons that were not al­lowed or eas­ily

There would be noth­ing good com­ing if there were many peo­ple who knew
about such weapons. Be­cause of that, he did not sup­port them, and no one
was al­lowed to go to Hakata Port, and he had to ar­range his trusted men on
the way to Hakata Port. He put the re­li­able men there to stop those who
were head­ing there. He was go­ing to make this hunt one with­out wit­nesses.

Even Hiyoshi him­self grasped the progress of this bat­tle sit­u­at­ion only
through in­ter­mit­tent re­ports in his of­fice in Kokura Cas­tle, not on the bat­tle­‐
field. There­fore, he had to be ner­vous.

Fur­ther­more, the sit­u­at­ion of the bat­tle that was re­ported was not good. The
Ghost Tur­tle was go­ing crazy, and the port city of Hakata was re­turn­ing to
the Stone Age.

'God.' In the end, Hiyoshi skipped all his trou­bles and an­guish, and he
prayed earnestly to God.

"Heck, heck, heck!" A man ap­peared through the open door with a pant­ing
breath. "They got it! They got the Ghost Tur­tle!" / up­date by box

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

At that, Hiyoshi did not an­swer. He just stood up and ran to Hakata Port
with all his might.


Even though the gi­ant Ghost Tur­tle was still dead, it still boasted an eerie
pres­ence. Those with low En­ergy rank were not even al­lowed to ap­proach
the body. There­fore, Hiyoshi was look­ing at the body of the Ghost Tur­tle
from a dis­tance, too.

'How did they kill it? I can hardly see any ex­ter­nal wounds...?'

Next to him was a man with a pretty se­ri­ous in­jury, his head ban­daged, a
crude sling around sup­port­ing his bro­ken right arm.

Kim's sub­or­di­nate re­ported on be­half of Kim to Hiyoshi, "There are 112

dead, 13 miss­ing, and 36 in­jured, and now Kim... Mas­ter Sergeant Kim So-
hoon is be­ing treated for a se­ri­ous in­jury."

It was a se­ri­ous re­port. The hard-faced ex­pres­sion of Hiyoshi be­gan to be

dis­torted. 'We got it.' But the dis­tor­tion was not re­ally for any se­ri­ous con­‐
cern about what he was told.

'That's the best sce­nario.' It was a dis­tor­tion that oc­curred when he tried to
re­sist the smile he wanted to dis­play in this se­ri­ous sit­u­at­ion. That was all.

'God is look­ing over at me, too!' The sit­u­at­ion was so per­fect that the ner­‐
vous­ness that Hiyoshi the Kyushu branch man­ager had faced so far be­came

'Once we killed the Ghost Tur­tle, we have achieved the most im­por­tant
thing we wanted. And there were no vic­tims in the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit!'

Of course, the re­port would be writ­ten: the suc­cess of the hunt­ing of the
Ghost Tur­tle, the re­cap­ture of Hakata Port, no deaths, no in­juries...

'Is there a more per­fect re­port card than this?'

And dur­ing the hunt, Kim Tae-hoon was se­ri­ously in­jured...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

'If I do well...'

The eyes of Hiyoshi looked at the man Lee Hyung-woo re­port­ing to him.
The mouth of Hiyoshi be­gan to twitch in the eyes of Sergeant Lee Hyung-
woo, who did not show any shak­ing even in front of his in­juries and the ter­‐
ri­ble deaths of his col­leagues.

'I can make them mine if I do well.' The men, brought by Kim Tae-hoon,
were only il­le­gal im­mi­grants. Those had no place to lean on. They had been
aban­doned even in Ko­rea. If Kim dis­ap­peared from them, who would be the
one they should choose their des­tiny with? The an­swer was ob­vi­ous.

'If this level of elite sol­diers and the relics they brought from Ko­rea come
into my hands...' Be­cause it was so ob­vi­ous, Hiyoshi did not worry any­‐

"Thank you. I pray to God that Mas­ter Sergeant Kim will re­cover quickly."

Now it was time to get the prize of gam­bling and win­ning ev­ery­thing!


The re­cent at­mos­phere in Tokyo, as Oc­to­ber loomed be­fore them, was the
at­mos­phere of the night be­fore a storm. The storm they were wait­ing for
was noth­ing but a re­port to ar­rive from the Kyushu branch.

"A re­port from the Kyushu branch has ar­rived."

"The storm fi­nally came."

It was not un­usual to ex­press the re­port as a storm, as the Kyushu branch re­‐
port de­ter­mined whether or not to hunt an Eight-tailed Fox. Of course, the
re­port could not be read by an in­di­vid­ual as he pleased.

"Call the coun­cil in the royal pres­ence. Un­til then, keep this re­port sealed,
and keep a close watch on it. No one is to open it!"

The re­port was sealed un­til the meet­ing was con­vened again, and it was of
course Musashi who read the sealed re­port for the first time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

The process was not sim­ple, ei­ther. Mat­sumoto Kanyo, the head of the Im­‐
pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, opened the sealed re­port and handed it to Musashi. It
was to com­pletely block any noise that might hap­pen or any tricks.

So Musashi read the re­port and handed the bun­dle to Mat­sumoto Kanyo,
with words that seemed to be mad­ness be­yond mean­ing.

"Kanyo, God is in fa­vor of my will."

So, at the mo­ment he heard that, Mat­sumoto Kanyo guessed that ev­ery­thing
was wrong. And the guess was con­vinced the mo­ment he read the re­port.

'Does God re­ally want us to hunt an Eight-tailed Fox?'

In front of this con­vic­tion, Mat­sumoto Kanyo forced a cool ex­pres­sion to

dis­guise his in­tro­spec­tion, and Musashi spoke to the crowd, "The Kyushu
branch has suc­cess­fully re­cap­tured the port of Hakata. They hunted the
Ghost Tur­tle, with­out a sin­gle death!"

At that point, the peo­ple gath­ered in the crowd some­how strug­gled to fol­‐
low the ex­pres­sion of Mat­sumoto Kanyo.

'Oh, my God.'

'How the hell?'

'... if this hap­pened, we'll have to kill an Eight-tailed Fox.'

'A dark blue-grade mon­ster hunt, isn't it a hunt no one has ever suc­ceeded

They did their best not to ex­press their anx­i­ety and fear.

"The Kyushu branch has done so great for the great will of the Ja­pa­nese
Em­pire, and it is im­pos­si­ble with­out God's pro­tec­tion that there were no
deaths in the re­cap­tur­ing of the Port of Hakata!"

Musashi, on the other hand, did not hide his in­ner self and bla­tantly said, "It
doesn't make sense if I am afraid, even the de­moted Kyushu branch man­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

ager has been un­der God's pro­tec­tion! I will hunt the Eight-tailed Fox!"

Then he nailed it. "We will hunt the Eight-tailed Fox and re­claim Kyushu;
we will head for the Ko­rean Penin­sula through the port of Hakata, and we
will use the Ko­rean Penin­sula as the cor­ner­stone of the great his­tory for the
Ja­pa­nese Em­pire to be writ­ten!"

There was no ob­jec­tion. No one could break through the spirit of Musashi
and ut­ter any ad­vice. It was the same with Mat­sumoto Kanyo.

'How could he have re­cap­tured the port of Hakata, if he was not so com­pe­‐

There was ob­vi­ously a ques­tion. The Kyushu branch man­ager Hi­roshi, who
Mat­sumoto Kanyo knew, was not in­com­pe­tent, but he was not one who
could have such an amaz­ing re­sult. But Mat­sumoto Kanyo did not stick to
the facts.

'No, what­ever the Kyushu branch man­ager did is fine.'

'In such a sit­u­at­ion that the dam has al­ready col­lapsed, it is stupid to worry
about the rea­son why the dam has col­lapsed. Like­wise, Musashi will go on
a hunt for the Eight-tailed Fox, and there is no way to stop it now.'

'What mat­ters now is...'

If so, there was one best choice left. By us­ing all means and meth­ods, he
had to lead the hunt­ing of the Eight-tailed Fox to suc­cess and keep Musashi

"Lord, I'll pre­pare Kamikaze."

At the ap­pear­ance of the word, the faces of the crowd, who were try­ing to
re­main calm, be­gan to get white.

"Kamikaze?" Musashi also ques­tioned.

"It is to kill a dark blue-grade mon­ster for the first time, and no mat­ter how
much we pre­pare for it, we are not sure of ev­ery­thing."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

"How many Kamikazes do you in­tend to put in?"

"I think we should put ev­ery­one in if we need to."

At the words of Mat­sumoto Kanyo, Musashi closed his mouth tightly.

Kamikaze was not an im­me­di­ate unit. It was more of an op­er­at­ion than a

The op­er­at­ion was that the Samu­rai would make their live can­dles be­fore
their deaths by us­ing the power of the relics, mak­ing im­pos­si­ble things pos­‐
si­ble by burn­ing their last flame.

Kamikaze was the last choice, of course. Even if he suc­ceeded in the hunt,
the Samu­rai would be vir­tu­ally out of power.

'We put all that Kamikaze in as needed?'

If all Samu­rai be­came kamikaze, it would be a loss even if they killed the
Eight-tailed Fox. This was a re­sis­tance of Mat­sumoto Kanyo, in a sense.

'With­out that much de­ter­mi­na­tion, we can't do it.' It was Mat­sumoto

Kanyo's fi­nal re­sis­tance against Musashi.

At the re­sis­tance, Musashi spoke, "Yes, we should. Rather than be­ing a

cow­ard trapped in the ar­chi­pel­ago with­out even fol­low­ing what I said, it
would be bet­ter to be a light for the his­tory of the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire. Mat­‐
sumoto Kanyo, you're right. Gather the Samu­rai. If nec­es­sary, I will hunt
the Eight-tailed Fox at the cost of them all."

Ev­ery­one bowed their heads at the an­swer.

The hunt for the Eight-tailed Fox was ready to be­gin!


Kim was drink­ing cof­fee in a tem­po­rary shel­ter. No one could find any
trace of a man who had led a fierce bat­tle to vic­tory. Not a scratch, not a bit
of fa­tigue was found.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 110 - Trojan Horse, Part Iii ⦘

"I fin­ished the re­port."

In front of him was Sergeant Lee Hyung-woo, wear­ing a ban­dage. With

those words, he saluted at at­ten­tion with his right arm.

"Thank you for your ser­vice."

As soon as he heard the re­port, Kim an­swered and drank an­other cup of cof­‐
fee. Hold­ing the cof­fee, he closed his eyes.

"If it is Musashi, of course, he will move to hunt the Eight-tailed Fox."

Over his closed eyes, the in­for­ma­tion he had seen be­fore his death was

'The Samu­rai will serve as a sui­cide squadron for that Musashi.'

Step by step, Kim re­called the in­for­ma­tion he had seen. He mea­sured in­for­‐
ma­tion about the per­son, and about the mon­ster.

'In the end, they will fail in the hunt­ing of the Eight-tailed Fox.'

Even­tu­ally, Kim came up with a note in his mind: a memo in his dream
stated that Japan would fail to kill the Eight-tailed Fox on Oc­to­ber 15, 2017.


Due to my cur­rent health, my up­loads will be re­duced to two chap­ters for a

short time. Please bear with me and smite the bug that is eat­ing at me as you
do! Thank you! == Khan

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox,

Part I
Chap­ter 39. An Eight-tailed Fox, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


A hos­pi­tal in Ki­takyushu City...

A room in a place now ru­ined and a scourge that even an­i­mals did not wan­‐
der into was filled with dim light. The dim light was from a can­dle. The
blaz­ing light was brighter than some­one thought. It was thanks to the can­‐
dle­light. A man sit­ting on a sin­gle bed in a pri­vate hos­pi­tal room was able
to read his pocket note­book freely thanks to can­dle­light.

'Musashi is strong, and Japan is also ca­pa­ble of hunt­ing the blue-grade mon­‐
ster at this point, and there was ac­tu­ally a record that they have al­ready
hunted it.'


The main char­ac­ter of the pocket note­book was Kim Tae-hoon.

'First of all, the relic grade of the Ku­sanagi is first, and its value is leg­‐
endary. The suc­cess rate that Musashi will kill the Eight-tailed Fox is more
than forty per­cent, I can guess.'

In ad­di­tion, the pocket note­book was a check­list that Kim Tae-hoon had
writ­ten down the last time he had seen his death, the in­for­ma­tion he had
got­ten from his death, and the con­tents of the check­list he read now were

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

about the relics of Japan. The first thing he saw was a record of the Ku­‐

==[The Ku­sanagi]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 1

-- Relic Value: Leg­end

-- Relic Ef­fect: It con­sumes the En­ergy of the user and pro­duces a pow­er­ful
cut­ting chi that can slice any­thing.]==

The op­tion it­self of the Ku­sanagi was plain. How­ever, there were more con­‐
tents on the check­list made by Kim Tae-hoon.

'It is a great weapon.'

The Ku­sanagi.

Kim was able to gauge its power only through let­ters, but he could not help
but be sur­prised by its power. It was an amaz­ing weapon that turned crazy
mon­sters that sur­vived in a mis­sile bom­bard­ment into a T-bone steak baked

'The prob­lem is the price. The time for an Awak­ener with the En­ergy rank
of A+ can main­tain the Ku­sanagi is up to 59 sec­onds...'

But it was a weapon that de­manded a huge price for its tremen­dous power.

The time for a per­son with an En­ergy rank of A+ could use the Ku­sanagi
was just less than a minute!

'Even if he uses relics and items to in­crease the speed and to­tal amount of
En­ergy re­cov­ery, it will be just over a minute. On the other hand, when he
en­ters the bat­tle, he will en­dure the fear and con­sume a lot of En­ergy to dis­‐
play his su­per­hu­man abil­ity. At this point, even if Musashi is sup­ported by
the great power, the time he can use the Ku­sanagi is around thirty sec­onds.'

It was not a weapon that could be used at will.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

Of course, Kim was con­fi­dent. 'Well, thirty sec­onds to kill is enough.

'59 sec­onds is a short mo­ment for an or­di­nary per­son, but that time is like
an eter­nity for a hunter who is about to kill.'

Thirty sec­onds was enough to kill!.

Kim Tae-hoon im­me­di­ately looked at the next relic.

==[The Black Ar­mor of Oda Nobunaga]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 2

-- Relic Value: Spe­cial

-- Relic Ef­fect: It is the ar­mor that the leg­endary hero wore on the bat­tle­‐
field. It has the power to re­sist any hor­ror.]==

The Black Ar­mor of Oda Nobunaga.

This was also an item that Musashi had at this point. In ad­di­tion, the value
and level of relics se­cured by Japan at this time were not much be­hind those
se­cured by Ko­rea.

'More­over, if he can prop­erly use the Seven-Branched Sword, a relic of the

same grade as the Golden Al­tar of the Kon­jikido... he can ac­tu­ally lower the
Eight-tailed Fox to the level of the blue-grade. If he pulls it down to the
blue-grade level... If I look ahead this far, the chance of suc­cess in the
Eight-tailed Fox hunt­ing is over sev­enty per­cent.'

The power of Japan was enough to hunt the Eight-tailed Fox, which was the
weak­est among the dark blue-grade mon­sters.

Musashi and his aides knew that too. If they tried to hunt the Eight-tailed
Fox, there would be some sac­ri­fices, but if they took those sac­ri­fices, there
was no rea­son they could not kill it.

'Be­cause of that cal­cu­la­tion, Japan is try­ing to hunt the Eight-tailed Fox.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

If, in com­mon sense, the hunt­ing of the Eight-tailed Fox was un­suc­cess­ful,
and there were only sac­ri­fices, Musashi, who thought he was cho­sen by
God, would not have forced the Eight-tailed Fox hunt.

Musashi was ar­ro­gant, but he was not a stupid man with­out end.

'That's the rea­son they've sur­vived.'

Kim did not ig­nore Japan's power. They had sur­vived in a place which had
be­come hell. That was a sur­prise.

If there had been no Kim Tae-hoon in the land of Bucheon, Ko­rea on De­‐
cem­ber 31, 2016, what would have been the fu­ture of Ko­rea now? So, he
ques­tioned at this mo­ment.

'Then, why did he fail?'

Ob­vi­ously, Japan's hunt for the Eight-tailed Fox was a fail­ure. But given the
cir­cum­stances, there was no chance that the hunt­ing would fail sim­ply be­‐
cause of its lack of ca­pa­bil­ity. It was clear that there was a mis­take if it

'There's some­thing about it.'

It was now Kim's job to fig­ure it out. He should not re­verse the mis­take.
Above all, the Eight-tailed Fox hunt was very im­por­tant to him.

'If I eat Eight-tailed Fox's crys­tal... I may be able to el­ev­ ate my Telekine­sis
to a higher level.'

Kim saw his fu­ture, and in the fu­ture death, he could not hunt Eight-tailed
Fox. In other words, the surest way to change the fu­ture was to kill it.

'And my death may change.'

Kim needed to change his fu­ture, some­how, and why he died.

'No, I must change it. Once again... once again, I can­not die of the curse of
the dragon.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

If Kim's death were due to the curse of the dragon in his next dream, he
didn't even know what to do.

On the con­trary, at this mo­ment, Kim had a dif­fer­ent way of think­ing. 'I'd
rather see the fu­ture through some­one else... If I am forced to die from a
dragon's curse, then I will have some­one else drink Napoleon's Golden

But the ques­tion of how to do it was not long.


Kim heard foot­steps in­side the hos­pi­tal, where there was only one pa­tient.
He stopped wor­ry­ing and waited for the owner of the foot­steps to ap­pear
be­fore his eyes.

Soon af­ter­ward, Sergeant Lee Hyung-woo pre­sented him­self. "Mas­ter

Sergeant Kim So-hoon, Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi is com­ing here."

When he said that, Kim gave an or­der while cov­er­ing his pocket note­book.
"Pre­pare for the play."



As soon as the Eight-tailed Fox was sched­uled to hunt, a state of emer­gency

was de­clared through­out Japan. Japan's ar­chi­pel­ago ac­tu­ally en­tered a state
of war.

The hail be­gan to fall on the calm lake like a shower, and of course, ev­ery­‐
one be­gan to bounce the aba­cus be­fore the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire's mon­u­men­tal
his­tor­i­cal event called the Eight-tailed Fox Hunt. The peo­ple who fin­ished
the cal­cu­la­tion quickly took ac­tion.

'Damn it!' Among them, Hiyoshi fin­ished his cal­cu­la­tions the fastest and
moved the fastest.

'What the hell is wrong with me?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

Un­til he suc­ceeded in hunt­ing the Tur­tle, suc­ceeded in re­cap­tur­ing Hakata

Port, wrote about the sit­u­at­ions and sub­mit­ted the re­port, Kyushu branch
man­ager Hiyoshi was in­flated with an­tic­i­pa­tion. 'Maybe I could go to

How­ever, the an­swer from Tokyo was that the power for hunt­ing the Eight-
tailed Fox would ar­rive in Ki­takyushu City, and be pre­pared to wel­come
them. At the mo­ment he re­ceived the or­der, the mind of Hiyoshi went

'Why on earth so sud­denly...?'

To be hon­est, Hiyoshi did not even know that the an­swer to his re­port was
"Eight-tailed Fox hunt­ing."

'No, I don't mind that.'

On the con­trary, it was enough to cal­cu­late how Eight-tailed Fox hunt­ing

would af­fect his sit­u­at­ion.

'I need to get rid of Mas­ter Sergeant Kim So-hoon first.'

Sooner or later, a large num­ber of in­flu­en­tial peo­ple and pow­er­ful peo­ple

who rep­re­sented the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire would come to the city of Ki­‐
takyushu. If Kim So-hoon and his men were found by them, it would be ob­‐
vi­ous what would hap­pen to Hiyoshi. That was why he had to get rid of

"Now that this is the case, keep your pres­ence hid­den dur­ing the Eight-
tailed Fox hunt."

That was why the Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi was fac­ing the hag­gard
face of Kim, who had raised his up­per body ar­du­ously in the bed of the ru­‐
ined hos­pi­tal room.

"Don't talk non­sense!"

Be­cause of that rea­son, Kim also protested against the words of the Kyushu
branch man­ager Hiyoshi.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

"Isn't this dif­fer­ent from your prom­ise? If we risked our lives and suc­ceed
in hunt­ing the Ghost Tur­tle, you'd risk your life and in­tro­duce us to the head
of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, Mat­sumoto Kanyo?"

What Hiyoshi wanted for Kim and his men was sim­ple: be ghosts un­til the
end of the Eight-tailed Fox hunt, and wait in a des­o­late place.

"So this is the right time, isn't it? It's noth­ing else, and Mat­sumoto Kanyo
him­self will come! But you're hid­ing us!... It's non­sense!"

It was a com­pletely dif­fer­ent story from the prom­ise. Kim and his men did
not hunt the Ghost Tur­tle with their lives be­cause they wanted its mon­ster
stone. It was the sin­cer­ity, the ex­pres­sion of the will, and a pay­ment of the
price that they showed to lean on Japan, as they had to find a new place to
lean on be­cause they were driven out of Ko­rea as rebels.

"I can't ac­cept it!"

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the no­ti­fi­ca­tion of Hiyoshi was not any dif­fer­ent from
vi­o­lat­ing the prom­ise he had made.

"I can't help it, this is not what I ex­pected." Kyushu branch man­ager
Hiyoshi knew that well.

'As ex­pected, he re­sists strongly. But I can't help it.' He was well aware that
he was mak­ing a cold, hard look.

"And if you con­tinue to be un­co­op­er­at­ive, I'll be forced to be un­co­op­er­at­ive

as well." As his face looked, he be­gan to threaten now, not a no­tice.

"What the fuck is... 'cough, cough!'" Kim, who was shout­ing some­thing to­‐
ward Hiyoshi, be­gan to cough sud­denly and vi­o­lently.

"Mas­ter Sergeant!"

The cough made the sur­round­ings of Kim, who had barely raised his body
in the bed, red­dish. Lee Hyung-woo, who was wait­ing nearby, was scared
and ran over to Kim, who was soaked in the blood that he had spit out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

"Cough, cough!"

"Are you al­right, Mas­ter, Mas­ter Sergeant? Mas­ter Sergeant!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

The viewer saw the symp­toms of ane­mia, and Kim's blood was the proof.

'The in­jury must be se­ri­ous, and I think that blood trans­fu­sion is im­pos­si­ble
here... and I'm sure he will soon be dead with this con­di­tion.' On the con­‐
trary, Hiyoshi was con­vinced at the pa­thetic ap­pear­ance of Kim.

'With this dis­play, it's easy to tell.' Noth­ing was as easy as threat­en­ing a
weak hu­man be­ing. Now, Hiyoshi, who had the power to de­cide the death
of Kim, made the fi­nal no­tice to Kim, who was like a can­dle in front of the

"When the Eight-tailed Fox hunt is over, there will be a ma­jor re­or­ga­ni­za­‐
tion in the Kyushu branch, and my po­si­tion will be dif­fer­ent. If the hunt
suc­ceeds, I will be able to go back to Tokyo. So if you stay with me, you'll
nat­u­rally be able to set­tle here, but if I die, you'll all die."

With the no­tice, Hiyoshi took some­thing out of his pocket. It was a leather

"I'm not go­ing to throw you away. I will keep my word. I'll give you the
crys­tal of the Ghost Tur­tle as proof."

And it was the crys­tal of the Ghost Tur­tle that filled it. The Kyushu branch
man­ager Hiyoshi care­fully placed it on the leg of Kim, who raised only his
up­per body while ly­ing on the bed.

"I have kept my prom­ise, and you and your men will show your own good­‐
will. I as­sure you, if I do well, it will not be bad for you. What can you do
with that body, meet­ing Mat­sumoto Kanyo? Mat­sumoto Kanyo will never
deal with a man that looks like a corpse, so I think you will be in the hos­pi­‐
tal for a while re­cu­per­at­ing. I'll tell you about a nice hot spring nearby."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

There was no fur­ther ques­tion about the no­tice. Kim took the leather pocket
with­out say­ing any­thing. Hiyoshi re­leased his cold ex­pres­sion.

"Please leave this place to­mor­row, with your men. There shouldn't be any
traces of you in Ki­takyushu. Of course, I won't give you any spe­cific or­ders.
I know you'll do your best if you are the best elites."

Af­ter that, Hiyoshi left the hos­pi­tal room, leav­ing si­lence be­hind in the hos­‐
pi­tal room.

Then the smiles be­gan to spread in the si­lence.

"You have great act­ing skills. He's been fooled by a hun­dred per­cent. I was
al­most fooled along the way. I thought you were re­ally bleed­ing!"

When Sergeant Lee Hyung-woo said that a smile, Kim smiled and shook
his head.

Of course, Kim was fine. The hag­gard face was a dis­guise, and the im­age of
a blood-split­ting death was just an act. It was one of the few acts that Kim
could do.

'This is how it helps to pre­tend to be dead when I was cap­tured by the en­‐

The best way to sur­vive at the last mo­ment was to pre­tend to be dead and to
be sick.

It was the rea­son why Kim, who had sur­vived bet­ter than any­one else, had
to do bet­ter than any­one else.

"I think your per­for­mance has fin­ished the op­er­at­ion neatly."

The rea­son for this per­for­mance was sim­ple. In fact, the re­quest of Hiyoshi
was what Kim and his men wanted. It was not good that he and his men
were ex­posed on the sur­face in the first place. Be­ing just like ghosts was
what they wanted.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

If he obe­di­ently ac­cepted the dis­ap­pear­ance, he would be sus­pi­cious. So he


'Now this is the end of the act.' His act­ing ca­reer was short.

"We're go­ing to stage two, and in­form the First Spe­cial Op­er­at­ion Unit and
the main­land via the Okjo."

The next time Kim Tae-hoon re­vealed him­self, Kim So-hoon would not be
needed any­more.


"And you're mov­ing to Ky­oto."


"Don't for­get to bring some cof­fee-tast­ing candy."


At the last words, Sergeant Lee Hyung-woo looked sur­prised, and soon
gave an ex­cited look and an­swered with a salute. "Yes, I'll eat it the next
time you need my help!" Af­ter that, Sergeant Lee left the hos­pi­tal room.

Now alone, Kim put the green jewel in the leather pocket on his palm.

==[The Crys­tal of the Ghost Tur­tle]

-- Health level will in­crease sig­nif­i­cantly when in­gested.

-- The pro­fi­ciency of De­fense rank is greatly in­creased when in­gested.

-- The power of a Ghost Tur­tle, [the Devil Shield] will be ac­quired when in­‐

And he put it right in his mouth.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

The Ghost Tur­tle's crys­tal went down his throat, and he looked at his right


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 765

-- Health: 777

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A-Rank

-- Mana: B+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: A+ Rank

-- De­fense: A-Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: B+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Devil Shield (Grade 4): With the power of a Ghost Tur­tle, you can give
the power of the Devil Shield to ev­ery­thing you cre­ate with your own En­‐
ergy, Mana, or Telekine­sis. If the ob­ject is given the power of the Devil
Shield, its re­sis­tance to fear and its de­fense greatly in­crease.


'Not bad...'

Kim was not im­pressed at this mo­ment. There was no rea­son to feel that.

'It'll help in hunt­ing a lit­tle bit.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 111 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part I ⦘

As said ear­lier, he no longer had to play Kim So-hoon. The only thing that
ex­isted now was the hunter Kim Tae-hoon. That was why he took out his
di­ary again and pre­pared for the hunt­ing.

On Oc­to­ber 15, the hunt­ing day dawned.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox,

Part Ii
Chap­ter 39. An Eight-tailed Fox, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Thun­der rolled across the land...

The sound awak­en­ing the still­ness of Aso Moun­tain be­gan to spread.

The source of the sound was a tank. There were forty-five tanks of Type 90,
fifty-five tanks of Type 74, and so a to­tal of a hun­dred tanks were mov­ing
to­ward Aso Moun­tain. It was a great thing in many ways.


'The num­ber of tanks in Japan, which did not need to have a large army in
the first place, is not so many, and af­ter the emer­gence of mon­sters, the
num­ber of tanks in Japan op­er­at­ing prop­erly does not ex­ceed four hun­dred.'

So, the sight of the tanks mov­ing for­ward was ob­vi­ously spec­tac­u­lar.

"Isn't this enough... to kill the Eight-tailed Fox?"

'Even if we don't kill the Eight-tailed Fox, this fire­power could give it a fa­‐
tal blow!'

'Yes, I was un­nec­es­sar­ily wor­ried. Even it is a mon­ster, it is hope­less in the

pres­ence of mod­ern weapons? Noth­ing to fear!'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

It was such a spec­tac­u­lar sight that the hopes of the peo­ple who were
watch­ing the scene be­came more in­tense than their de­spair. But the man,
who was watch­ing the scene with black Eyes like a cam­era lens, was dif­fer­‐

'Fire­power is pow­er­ful, I'm sure.'

The ap­pear­ance of the tanks in his eyes was not a spec­ta­cle.

The word "dev­as­ta­tion" that filled his head.

'I'm sure they will start with a big blow if they're go­ing to use fire­power
against a blue-grade mon­ster.'

'The fire­power that a hun­dred tanks can show is over­whelm­ing. It is also

true for mon­sters. It is Kim Tae-hoon and the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Unit that
proved it, more than any­one else.'

'But it's not true for the dark blue-grade.'

Kim knew bet­ter than any­one else the rea­son why mod­ern weapons were
valid against mon­sters, and why they are pow­er­ful.

'The fear range is not com­pa­ra­ble.'

'The hor­ror of mod­ern weapons is not the fire­power, but the shoot­ing range.
It is fright­en­ing that the shoot­ing range is a few kilo­me­ters or dozens of
kilo­me­ters; how­ever, mis­siles can hit the tar­get ac­cu­rately from hun­dreds of
kilo­me­ters away.'

'Then, how far is the range of the fear used by a dark blue-grade mon­ster?'

The fear range of the blue-grade mon­ster Kim Tae-hoon had con­fronted was
about sev­eral kilo­me­ters. In the case of a mon­ster with Howl­ing, it was pos­‐
si­ble to at­tack with the fear even far­ther away.

'At least five kilo­me­ters, and if some­one is be­low the D rank of En­ergy, he
is help­less even with the help of any relics and items.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

'If I keep that in mind, the fear range of the dark blue-grade mon­ster should
be at least five kilo­me­ters in ra­dius. It is sim­i­lar to the ef­fec­tive range of the
lat­est tanks.'

'The scope of ac­tiv­ity is even more in­com­pa­ra­ble.'

'The big­ger prob­lem is that the scope is not fixed. The mon­ster moves with
ab­surd speed, ig­nor­ing the law of physics. The fear also moves ac­cord­ing to
the move­ment of the mon­ster.'

'Un­less the mem­bers of the ar­mored forces are filled with Awak­en­ers above
the C rank of En­ergy, and un­less they raise re­sis­tance to the fear with relics
and items... they are sac­ri­fices.'

At this mo­ment, Kim was able to see why a hun­dred tanks were gath­ered

The tanks were sac­ri­fices, sac­ri­fices to hold the Eight-tailed Fox for a

'They used a hun­dred tanks as bait...'

It was a huge of­fer­ing.

'If some­one said he had to use a hun­dred tanks as a sac­ri­fice to kill a mon­‐
ster, ev­ery­one will say that he is a mad­man. Apart from the money, the tac­‐
ti­cal value of a hun­dred tanks is be­yond de­scrip­tion. Cru­cially, a hun­dred
tanks are not some­thing some­one can pro­duce in a mo­ment even if he wants
to pro­duce more tanks later. It is fa­tal be­yond the level of sac­ri­fice.'

'They took de­ci­sive ac­tion.'

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon was rather ad­mir­ing of this fact, rather than sur­‐

'A tank is cer­tainly the best bait to kill time against a dark blue-grade mon­‐

'It is im­pos­si­ble not to use bait to hunt a dark blue-grade mon­ster.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

'Then, what should we use as bait?'

'It's hard to use a hu­man be­ing as bait. They are too weak to use as bait. No
one hangs a tubifex on the fish­ing hook to catch a whale. But the tough hard
bait is mean­ing­less; some­one can't catch a shark by hang­ing a di­am
­ ond on a

'A bait is needed to at­tract the at­ten­tion of the prey and to make time. In that
sense, the tanks have enough power to at­tract the at­ten­tion of the prey.'

'As soon as a hun­dred guns burst out flames, the mo­ment the shells fall near
the Eight-tailed Fox, it will run to the tanks with all its might to tear the
tanks apart. Even if it is an Eight-tailed Fox, it will take a lot of time to
crush a hun­dred tanks. Of course, it is not some­thing any­one can do. It is a
ter­ri­ble idea.'

But Kim Tae-hoon was not sur­prised, and he did not think the man who had
made such a judg­ment was scary. The scary thing was the mon­ster that
made this sac­ri­fice nat­u­ral just by look­ing at its face.

He heard the roar in the dis­tance.

So, the bat­tle be­gan.


The si­mul­ta­ne­ous gun­fire of a hun­dred tanks be­gan to shake Aso Moun­tain,

and the pure white Eight-tailed Fox re­vealed it­self.

The mon­ster who showed up was not so big for hav­ing dark blue eyes. The
length of its body, ex­cept for the tails, was about ten me­ters, and the tails
were sim­i­lar to the length of the body. In to­tal, it was twenty me­ters. Al­‐
though it looked big­ger be­cause of its bulging tails, it cer­tainly didn't give
them any­thing over­whelm­ing by its physique.

Of course, it wasn't a good story. On the con­trary, its small body, which did
not fit in with its dark blue eyes, made the Eight-tailed Fox a more fright­en­‐
ing be­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

"Fire!" Guns thun­dered.

It was not easy to hit a twenty-me­ter tar­get sev­eral kilo­me­ters away. And
what if the twenty-me­ter tar­get could run up to two hun­dred kilo­me­ters per
hour in some sit­u­at­ions?

"Fire! Fire with aim!" Can­nons roared.

'Fuck, how can I hit that?'

In fact, fire­power was mean­ing­less. Even he was happy to rec­og­nize the

fact. The dis­tance be­tween the Eight-tailed Fox and the Tank Unit was
greatly re­duced with each blink of an eye, and ev­ery time the dis­tance was
re­duced, the sol­diers' ra­tio­nal­ity of the Tank Unit be­gan to drop with ter­ror.

"Ugh!" In the end, there were a lot of peo­ple who died of drowsi­ness or
heart at­tacks. Un­able to re­lease the fear, it just led to death with its pres­‐
ence. That's what hap­pened two min­utes af­ter the bat­tle be­gan with the gun­‐
fire of the tanks. Even that hor­ror was just the be­gin­ning, not the end.

Bang! The tanks around the Eight-tailed Fox to turn over with a loud noise.

Telekine­sis! The Telekine­sis of the Eight-tailed Fox, be­yond the ex­pres­sion

of be­ing strong and star­tling, be­gan to turn tanks into dead frogs. To­ward
the over­turned tanks, it showed a beastly ap­pear­ance that meant it had suc­‐
ceeded in hunt­ing.


The golden claws and teeth of the Eight-tailed Fox be­gan to tear the metal
of the tanks like pa­per, just like a beast ripped open a bat's skin and eat­ing
the flesh and in­testines in it. It was the meal time of the fe­ro­cious beast that
no one should in­ter­fere with.

Tu­tu­tutu! It was the sound of dozens of he­li­copters that in­ter­fered with the
meal time of the pre­da­tion. All the he­li­copters that ap­peared and sur­rounded
the Eight-tailed Fox had Torii, used at the doors of a Ja­pa­nese shrine, hang­‐
ing be­neath them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

The he­li­copters be­gan plant­ing the Torii around the Eight-tailed Fox. Their
num­ber was forty-eight!

"Put Mana into the Torii!"

The Awak­en­ers clung to the forty-eight Torii. They shiv­ered like as­pen
leaves, touched the legs of the Torii, and be­gan to in­ject their Mana.

The Torii be­gan to shoot out var­i­ous light pil­lars with strange cries and


For the first time, a cry came from the mouth of the Eight-tailed Fox be­‐
cause of the light pil­lars. The dark blue eyes of the Eight-tailed Fox flashed
sharply. It shone its eyes to­ward the Torii sur­round­ing it, and the plants and
stones that had been crushed and scat­tered around the Eight-tailed Fox be­‐
gan to rise up as if they were in zero grav­ity.

The Eight-tailed Fox was go­ing to shat­ter the Torii, which were get­ting on
its nerves, us­ing the pow­er­ful Telekine­sis that even over­turned the tanks.

Kkii, Kkii, Kkii! But the Torii did not eas­ily break down, even though they
were mak­ing an eerie sound that seemed to die right away.

Gyareureureu...! There was no dif­fer­ence, even though snarls came out be­‐
tween the tight golden teeth of the Eight-tailed Fox. It was not just about the
power of the Torii.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

"Hoo, hoo!"

It was be­cause of the Golden Al­tar of the Kon­jikido that ap­peared on a

palan­quin car­ried by four men. It was the mo­ment when what was con­sid­‐
ered a pre­cious trea­sure that peo­ple were not al­lowed to pho­to­graph, the
first na­tional trea­sure of Japan, and it was the mo­ment when it left the tem­‐
ple of Chu­son-ji and showed its ap­pear­ance to the world for the first time in
the last ten cen­turies.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘


The ef­fect of the relic was cer­tain. The great Telekine­sis of the Eight-tailed
Fox be­gan to lose its power. But that was it.

'Not enough.' Kim Tae-hoon, who just watched the bat­tle­field qui­etly, be­gan
to gauge the bat­tle­field again at this mo­ment.

'They only weak­ened its Telekine­sis. The Eight-tailed Fox is an over­whelm­‐

ing mon­ster with­out its tor­rent of Telekine­sis.'

It could weaken the Eight-tailed Fox, but the teeth and claws that had been
used to rav­age the ar­mor of the tanks were still there.

'This will only make the Eight-tailed Fox an­grier.'


Above all, in ex­change for weak­en­ing the Telekine­sis of the Eight-tailed

Fox, they had to face its anger. In the dark blue eyes of the Eight-tailed Fox,
a pow­er­ful mur­der­ous spirit that could not be com­pared to be­fore was now

'Its view nar­rows as an­gry as it is.'

At the same time, the Eight-tailed Fox had to pay the same price as the mo­‐
ment it re­leased its anger and mur­der­ous spirit.

So, Kim was able to see the card that Japan pre­sented against the Eight-
tailed Fox next.

'Now is the chance to hold the Eight-tailed Fox and try a close-up fight,
when its vi­sion is nar­rowed.'

As if to re­spond to Kim's ex­pec­ta­tions, a group of war­riors be­gan to rush to­‐

ward the an­gry Eight-tailed Fox.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

It was the Samu­rai who started the race. There was no sign of fear in their
eyes as they threw them­selves into the fear of the Eight-tailed Fox, their
hearts skip­ping, and even breath­less. But it was not be­cause they had great

"We don't have much time!"

"I'll take the left!"

"Then I'm on the right!"


It was pos­si­ble be­cause they got the power be­yond their abil­ity for a while
in re­turn for be­ing like a mayfly. Their pur­pose was to put the Seven-
Branched Sword into it.

'They'll try to put in the Seven-Branched Sword.'

'As soon as the Seven-Branched Sword is stuck into the body of the Eight-
tailed Fox, weak­ened by the Golden Al­tar of the Kon­jikido and forty-eight
Torii, the Eight-tailed Fox is vir­tu­ally a blue-grade mon­ster. Of course, it is
still an ab­surd mon­ster that we are not al­lowed to fight against.'

'Musashi will ap­pear then.'

But Musashi was dif­fer­ent.

He and his Sword Ku­sanagi could ex­ec­ ute a fa­tal at­tack on the Eight-tailed
Fox af­ter it had weak­ened to a blue-grade level. He didn't have to at­tack
many times, any­way. The Ku­sanagi was not a long-term weapon. Musashi
could at­tack with the Ku­sanagi three times at the most. And three times was
too many. It was ideal to fin­ish it with a sin­gle blow when hunt­ing.

'A blow.'

Be­cause of this, Musashi would try to kill the Eight-tailed Fox with only
one at­tack.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

'If he hits the head of the Eight-tailed Fox with a blow...'

'That's the rea­son for fail­ure.'

Kim Tae-hoon was able to fig­ure out here why they failed to hunt the Eight-
tailed Fox af­ter such prepa­ra­tion, de­ter­mi­na­tion, and sac­ri­fice. At the mo­‐
ment he grasped the fact, he was no longer an au­di­ence.


A hun­dred tanks were used as bait. The num­ber of Awak­en­ers used was five
thou­sand five hun­dred and forty-nine. And so far, the num­ber of Samu­rai
put into Kamikaze was forty-seven.


The face of Musashi, a bat­tle­field in front of him which would in­evitably

re­sult in a costly vic­tory, was more peace­ful than ever. It was not a pre­tense.

'The time has come.' He felt more seren­ity than ever. There was only one

'Now it was time for me to be the sun that will il­lu­mi­nate Kyushu. By
killing the Eight-tailed Fox, the Kyushu re­gion will be also filled with the
same tran­quil­ity as Tokyo.' That scene was glim­mer­ing in the eyes of

Sim­ply put, Musashi was al­ready sure. It was not just any­one who could kill
the Eight-tailed Fox, but God's wish in heaven.

'Man pro­poses, God dis­poses.' He pre­pared ev­ery­thing and even heaven

wanted to do this, so he did not have any rea­son to doubt he would fail,
rather than look for the rea­son for fail­ing.


And the time had come.

"The Seven-Branched Sword is put in!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

The mo­ment he heard it, Musashi opened his eyes.


The Eight-tailed Fox was still pow­er­ful. No mat­ter how great the relics
were, they were still just garbage in front of its claws and teeth. In fact, no
one had even been able to counter the Eight-tailed Fox af­ter it was weak­‐
ened by the Golden Al­tar and the Torii.

It was sim­ply a fight be­tween a fox and mice. All the mice could do was run
as hard as pos­si­ble and at­tract the at­ten­tion of the fox. That was what the
samu­rai who be­came Kamikaze were do­ing. They tried to do their best to
ir­ri­tate the Eight-tailed Fox and at­tract its at­ten­tion. They made the Eight-
tailed Fox ob­sessed with catch­ing the mice.


And when the Eight-tailed Fox be­gan to get an­gry be­yond the level of
mouse-catch­ing, when ev­ery­thing was fo­cused on it, a samu­rai leaped up
and fell on its body. In the hands of the fall­ing samu­rai, was the Seven-
Branched Sword with the seven sword tips. One of those seven tips stuck
into its body.

The depth was not deep, just of two joints of a fin­ger; it was a scratch, com­‐
pared to a per­son.


But when Seven-Branched Sword was stuck in its body, the Eight-tailed
Fox felt that this at­tack was more pow­er­ful and dan­ger­ous than any at­tack it
had ever re­ceived. The dark blue eyes of the Eight-tailed Fox, which felt the
fact, shone fe­ro­ciously.

At the same time, translu­cent beads ap­peared at the end of its eight tails.
The translu­cent beads that ap­peared be­gan to sweep around it at a tremen­‐
dous rate. The tele­ki­netic beads that showed up be­gan to hit ev­ery­thing
around it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

Boom! The power was enor­mous. They were like wreck­ing balls used to
break down build­ings, the power to make hard con­crete and re­bar lumps
into cookie crumbs at once.


Of course, the power was enough to make a hu­man body into meat­loaf. It
was done in an in­stant. The samu­rai, who were bustling around the Eight-
tailed Fox like mice, flew hun­dreds of me­ters away from it and be­came

Pook! At that mo­ment, the Seven-Branched Sword stuck in the back of the
Eight-tailed Fox drove in on its own. The sec­ond tip of the sword was stuck
into it. In other words, the Seven-Branched Sword was deeply set in now,
deep enough that its depth could not be mea­sured with fin­ger joints now!


A painful cry came out of the Eight-tailed Fox's mouth, and at the same
time, it be­gan to shake its body to re­lieve the pain.

It was just an in­stant, of course. At that mo­ment, a black man ap­peared near
the Eight-tailed Fox.

Tsre­ung! The sound of pulling a Sword from its scab­bard sounded as soon
as he ap­peared.

Poowhat! It emit­ted a huge light that so in­tense that it blinded ev­ery­one.

Crunch! The light that emerged cut ev­ery­thing apart. The first thing to be
cut was the ground. A gap ap­peared which they could not mea­sure right

Then it was the head of the Eight-tailed Fox. There was noth­ing to in­ter­rupt
it. There was not even a cut­ting sound. The light cut down on its head and
soared into the sky.

Click! The last sound was the one of the light that had ap­peared like that en­‐
ter­ing the sheath.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

'It's over.' At that mo­ment, only Musashi was able to feel that all the sit­u­a‐­
tion was over. It was a proper in­tu­ition.

'It's over now.' He cut its head off. Need­less to say, it was per­fect. Now its
head would fall to the ground, and its body would be spray­ing blood like a
foun­tain. There could not be any more def­i­nite fin­ish. At least to Musashi,
no, to all the Ja­pa­nese, cut­ting off the head meant death. That was com­mon

But that was the rea­son for its fail­ure. This world was al­ready be­yond com­‐
mon sense.

Boo-woong! It was a mo­ment. As soon as the Eight-tailed Fox's head was

cut off, its tele­ki­netic beads ap­proached the front and back of Musashi, like
clap­ping with both hands to catch a mos­quito.

Bang! Two great forces struck Musashi's body, and his body and ar­mor
were crushed in the air by the ab­surd at­tack. The third tele­ki­netic bead flew
to­ward the float­ing body, and the crushed body of Musashi was smashed
away like hit­ting a fly with a fly swat­ter. All this was done in an eye­blink.

'Khuck!' This was done in such a short time that there was no time for
Musashi to scream at the blow. Even those who saw it could not un­der­stand
what was hap­pen­ing now.

Thud! The Eight-tailed Fox's head, cut off in the midst of all that was hap­‐
pen­ing in a flash, fell to the ground.

A man fell down on top of the Seven-Branched Sword stuck it in the body
of the Eight-tailed Fox.

Thunk! The fallen man, wear­ing Ha­hoetal, drove all the tips of the Seven-
Branched Sword into the Eight-tailed Fox's body, and its dark blue eyes on
the ground grew big­ger, like a flash lamp.

'I can hear it.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

But the man did not stop, be­cause he knew the com­mon sense that had not
changed even in this age when all com­mon sense was de­nied, this time of

'I can hear the sound of its heart.'

'The com­mon sense is that mon­sters die when their hearts are stabbed.'

And at this mo­ment the man put the com­mon sense into prac­tice.

Tsune­ung, Tsune­ung, Tsune­ung!

The three swords on his back showed up, and three swords were si­mul­ta­ne­‐
ously stuck into the one place where its eight tails were gath­ered, its back­‐

The at­tack was not the end of it.

'Its heart beats.'

The sound of the heart-pound­ing on his eardrum was still in­tense, even
though three swords had been stabbed into it.

'More swords.' It was was a where he needed more swords. The man was
not em­bar­rassed by it. There was no rea­son to panic. Around the Eight-
tailed Fox were pow­er­ful relics, the Swords used by the samu­rai.

Swish! Now the Swords moved to the heart at the back of the Eight-tailed
Fox, fol­low­ing the or­ders of their new mas­ter.

Kya, kya! As the num­ber of Swords that were in­serted in­creased, the num­‐
ber of shrieks that its sev­ered head yelled out in­creased, and in the end, it
was no longer able to spit out the last shriek.

That was the end of the Eight-tailed Fox hunt­ing.

'I killed the Eight-tailed Fox.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 112 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Ii ⦘

But the man's hunt­ing was not done. 'Now they have to pay for the burn­ing
of the Trip­i­taka Ko­re­ana.'

The body of Kim Tae-hoon was cov­ered with ice thorn ar­mor, and at the
same time, a ring of fire was cre­ated around him.

Ice Blaster an­nounced the start of a new hunt!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox,

Part Iii
Chap­ter 39. An Eight-tailed Fox, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Na­ture is al­ways cold. Suc­cess­ful hunt­ing does not guar­an­tee a day when it
is fully stuffed. Rather, if some­thing suc­ceeds in hunt­ing, they have to fight
to pro­tect their game from oth­ers. So, one of the most dan­ger­ous things in
the world is to touch a beast that is feed­ing it­self on the prey af­ter the hunt.

'It is war now.'

Kim Tae-hoon knew the fact bet­ter than any­one else. It was a com­pletely
dif­fer­ent story to have a suc­cess­ful hunt for the Eight-tailed Fox, and to get
the game that he killed. The fact was that when he suc­ceeded in his hunt,
ev­ery­thing around him would jump to take his prey.


There­fore, he needed to show his power. The man who hunted the Eight-
tailed Fox now was not just a lone ea­gle who took a chance, but a more bru­‐
tal, cruel, and ter­ri­fy­ing beast than the Fox. The roar in­form­ing ev­ery­one
was the Ice Blaster!

The ice thorn ar­mor wrapped around Kim Tae-hoon's body was shat­tered
with the ex­plo­sion of Anger Soar­ing, and it scat­tered all over with a thun­‐
der­ous ex­plo­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

The power was enor­mous. Just be­ing ex­posed to the power was enough to
wound even a blue-grade mon­ster.

The first group that was ex­posed to the at­tack by Kim were the Samu­rai
who had ap­proached near the Eight-tailed Fox for hunt­ing. There was no
way to stoop the ice thorn frag­ments that were sud­denly shoot­ing at them,
af­ter they had al­ready suf­fered a lot of in­juries and dam­age due to the bat­tle
with it.


"Get out of here!"

All they could do was to choose to run away with all their might at this ur­‐
gent mo­ment. Run­ning away was the only pos­si­bil­ity, but no one suc­‐

'I will kill all of the Samu­rai.' Kim had no in­ten­tions of let­ting them live.
That rea­son was enough.

Swish! Their fel­low's Swords moved to­ward the flee­ing Samu­rai with­out
show­ing any mercy. The re­sult af­ter that was ob­vi­ous.

Pook! The fly­ing katanas pen­et­rated through the ar­mor they were wear­ing
and they be­came dead bod­ies crum­pled around the blades. The Swords that
had been pre­pared to kill the Eight-tailed Fox be­came dag­gers to pierce
their ar­mor.

In the mean­time, an at­tempt was made to save the Samu­rai from a long dis­‐
tance and to take the game from Kim.



Kim turned his head to­ward those who were ap­proach­ing from a long dis­‐
tance. It was a long way. It was hard to mea­sure the dis­tance with­out the
help of a tele­scope if there was a mov­ing ob­ject at a long dis­tance, but he
was able to grasp the move­ments of those who came to­ward him clearly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

He saw a Samu­rai ap­proach­ing with a low­ered pos­ture and a firm de­ter­mi­‐

na­tion to kill him some­how in this sit­u­at­ion.

Kim painted a pic­ture in the scene that looked like that.

'It's pos­si­ble now, with the help of Ha­hoetal.'

He painted a pic­ture that a feath­er­less ar­row on his waist flew across the
long dis­tance and pierced the tar­get's brow at once.


The ar­row moved to make the pic­ture its mas­ter painted in front of it real.

Pook! The ar­row, fly­ing quickly, sleekly, and in a straight line, pen­et­rated
the Samu­rai's brow at once.

Kim turned his head and saw the men around the Samu­rai. They were not
only the Samu­rai, but Awak­en­ers who were well armed.

Thunk! And now they be­came dead bod­ies with a hole in their heads. They
couldn't be­lieve their eyes.

"Run, run away!"

"The curse! The curse has come down!"

Those, who ex­pe­ri­enced it in close prox­im­ity, how­ever, de­nied re­al­ity re­‐

gard­less of their be­lief. It was nat­u­ral to ex­press the sud­den death of a col­‐
league as a curse.

On the other hand, Kim did not feel much in­spi­ra­tion at this fact. 'Not bad,
but not ef­fi­cient.' He re­al­ized that this was not a very wise way to solve this
sit­u­at­ion. In ad­di­tion, he did not for­get that what he should do now was not
just mur­der, but make war to pro­tect his prey. He swelled his chest largely.

"Fuhuhu!" He be­gan to breathe out a huge fire through his mouth. The fire
started to burn rapidly and quickly with the sur­round­ing grass and plants as

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

That was the sig­nal.

"It's the mas­ter's sig­nal!" It was a sig­nal to Kim's men who were wait­ing in
the dis­tance.

"Start shoot­ing!"

"Start shoot­ing!"

Bang! Shortly af­ter Kim set the fire, gun­fire be­gan to spread on the stage,
which was al­ready a mess.

"It's an en­emy at­tack!" De­spair be­gan to spread in the eyes of those who
had been star­ing at Kim.

"Not an en­emy!"

There were two main ways to keep his game: Show­ing the power of the
owner of the game, and show­ing the owner of the game was a group rather
than alone. At this point, it was only right to back down.

In fact, no one was ap­proach­ing near the Eight-tailed Fox.

"The Ku­sanagi! Get the Ku­sanagi any­way!"

"Take your life and re­trieve it!"

In­stead, there were those who rushed to­ward the Ku­sanagi that Musashi had
dropped as he had flown away

Of course, Kim did not in­tend to al­low it. 'I will never give them any­thing
on the wish list.'

Kim started run­ning like an an­gry beast to­ward the Ku­sanagi.


'What the hell hap­pened?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

Mat­sumoto Khan, the head of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, was neg­at­ive from
be­gin­ning to end about this Eight-tailed Fox hunt­ing.

There were more than a hun­dred tanks sac­ri­ficed im­me­di­ately, and dozens
of Samu­rai, re­gard­less of the vic­tory or de­feat of the bat­tle, were forced to
re­ceive no­tices of the re­quired sac­ri­fices.

More­over, Kyushu was not the only prov­ince which the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing
Unit man­aged. Still, the Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago was full of mon­sters, and the
Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit had to deal with all of them.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, con­cen­trat­ing power for hunt­ing the Eight-tailed Fox

meant that there would be a power vac­uum else­where. There was no chance
that the mon­sters would leave the power vac­uum alone, and if they added
the dam­age that would oc­cur that way, the Eight-tailed Fox hunt de­manded
so much in re­turn...

There­fore, the hunt­ing of the Eight-tailed Fox had to be suc­cess­ful. Not just
a suc­cess, but it needed suc­cess to be­come a leg­end of the his­tory of the Ja­‐
pa­nese Em­pire in the fu­ture.

So, when Musashi cut off the head of the Eight-tailed Fox by us­ing the Ku­‐
sanagi, Mat­sumoto Kanyo thought that this hunt­ing barely made ends meet
right now, rather than feel­ing joy. He thought it was more nat­u­ral and
proper than that it was great. He thought about like that...

'Who the hell is he?'

Ev­ery­thing fell apart. Of course, what should be done was now shat­tered.
The hard-built tower was now be­ing blown away as dust as it col­lapsed.

"Cap­tain Mat­sumoto, or­ders!..."

The worst was that Mat­sumoto Kanyo, who had the high­est com­mand in
this sit­u­at­ion, was him­self. It was a hunt. It was strange that some­one other
than him, the leader of the Im­pe­rial Hunt­ing Unit, gave or­ders in a mon­ster

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

In the sit­u­at­ion that he was not able to con­firm even the life and death of
Musashi af­ter the at­tack by the de­cap­i­tated Eight-tailed Fox, it was im­pos­si­‐
ble for some­one other than Mat­sumoto Kanyo to make a de­ci­sion.

"The or­der... the Eight-tailed Fox right now..." Mat­sumoto Kanyo, of

course, tried to or­der them to se­cure the Eight-tailed Fox at the urg­ing of a

He could not even imag­ine such a thing as not se­cur­ing the dead body of the
Eight-tailed Fox, or even the crys­tal, as they had suf­fered so much dam­age!

Re­gard­less of the dam­age, it had to be se­cured, as much as the crys­tal of the

Eight-tailed Fox.

'Now, wait.' But at that mo­ment Mat­sumoto Kanyo re­con­sid­ered the judg­‐
ment he was about to spit, in his mind.

'Is that re­ally true? No mat­ter what dam­age?'

'How much dam­age do we have to take to re­gain the crys­tal of the Eight-
tailed Fox at this mo­ment? And can we re­ally get what we want by tak­ing
that dam­age? The ob­vi­ous thing is that we can't do what we want at any
cost, be­cause if it were a real world, it wouldn't have hap­pened now.'

"Not one en­emy. We're be­ing shot at from ev­ery­where. We can't lo­cate

"They're ob­vi­ously sol­diers, and there's been bomb at­tacks all over the
place, as well as booby traps."

"There are fires ev­ery­where, and the fires are get­ting stronger. The en­emy
pre­pared the fire at­tack."

"We have the sign of mon­sters from other re­gions who are com­ing here!"

In front of the new in­for­ma­tion, Mat­sumoto Kanyo rolled his head.

Then some­one ex­claimed, "The man who killed the Eight-tailed Fox is Kim
Tae-hoon, the mon­ster of Joseon, Kim Tae-hoon!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

The mo­ment he heard it, Mat­sumoto Kanyo turned his head and looked at
the man who spoke. He was an Iga ninja in a black ninja suit. Orig­i­nally, he
was act­ing with his iden­tity hid­den, and now he was rais­ing his voice in
front of ev­ery­one. Even the Iga ninja was em­bar­rassed and fright­ened. It
made Mat­sumoto Kanyo's choice pos­si­ble. He gave the or­der.

"Take all the relics we can se­cure and re­treat to Ki­takyushu City, and block
all the ways from Kyushu to the main­land! Land route, and sea route, of
course! And con­tact Hi­roshima Port! All naval forces have to block
Kyushu! Don't let any­thing get out of Kyushu!"


'There is a man who knows how to make bold de­ci­sions on the Ja­pa­nese

Kim Tae-hoon knew war bet­ter than any­one else.

'I know bet­ter than any­one that it is the com­man­der who moves the flow of
war. 'A com­man­der of that kind never de­cides on the im­pulse of all or noth­‐

He knew of course what a bold, de­ci­sive com­man­der would do.

'There is no all-in in this sit­u­at­ion.' Kim was con­fi­dent be­cause of this.

'In this con­fu­sion, the Ja­pa­nese com­man­der will never fight with all-in. Nat­‐
u­rally, the forces that fill the sur­round­ings will be­gin to re­treat like the ebb

And his pre­dic­tions came true. The sounds heard by Kim be­gan to dis­ap­‐
pear grad­u­ally. He knew that it was not just a re­treat, but an op­er­at­ional re­‐

'Now they're go­ing to block Kyushu.'

'Kyushu is a large is­land. If the land route and sea route are blocked, they
can­not leave. In other words, from now on, Japan's power is con­cen­trated
on the out­skirts of Kyushu.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

'Now I can take a break.' So Kim was able to take short rest for the first
time and was able to in­spect the game that he had suc­ceeded in keep­ing for
the first time: the dead body of the Eight-tailed Fox. Its head was cut off,
lay­ing on the ground, and the Ku­sanagi was in his hand.


==[The Crys­tal of the Eight-tailed Fox]

-- Telekine­sis can reach the tran­scen­den­tal rank when in­gested.

-- The power of the Eight-tailed Fox, Tele­ki­netic Beads, will be ac­quired

when in­gested.]==

A dark night.

Kim Tae-hoon was stay­ing up at night, with a cup of cof­fee for com­pany.


Kim's whole body was filled with a sense of las­si­tude. He could not feel his
En­ergy, his Strength, his Mana. It was the price that he had paid for us­ing
the amaz­ing power of Ha­hoetal. It was a dan­ger­ous time.

Now, in a sit­u­at­ion where Japan was the en­emy, it was eerier than be­ing a
nor­mal hu­man be­ing and en­ter­ing a lion cage with his naked body. But Kim
did not feel par­tic­u­larly afraid of it. It was a usual rou­tine for him. At this
mo­ment, it was not a fear of such a thing, but a choice that was tor­ment­ing

'The re­wards were big.'

To­day, Kim had re­ally got­ten so much. The big­gest prizes were the crys­tal
of the Eight-tailed Fox and the Ku­sanagi. He had got­ten the in­de­scrib­able
trea­sure. He had se­cured had many other relics. The num­ber of relics that he
had taken from the dead Samu­rai was twenty-seven!

Of course, there were things he had not got­ten. He had not ac­quired the
Golden Al­tar of the Kon­jikido; it was too much larger than the oth­ers. It

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

was pos­si­ble to steal the Golden Al­tar, but it was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to es­‐
cape af­ter steal­ing it. He felt sorry at the fact.

But now Kim's an­guish was not agony for his sor­row. The start­ing point of
agony was the dark blue mon­ster stone now grasped in his hands.

'If I eat a dark blue mon­ster stone, I will def­i­nitely be cursed.'

Kim died be­cause of the dragon's curse, not once, but twice. He even­tu­ally
re­peated the death he had thought would not be re­peated.

'If I eat the crys­tal of the Eight-tailed Fox, I'll surely be cursed.'

From that point of view, it was also likely for him to be cursed if he ate this

In the case of the curse of the dragon, the curse was not just a stigma caused
by the fact that the mon­ster stone was eaten.

'It's a price for tran­scen­den­tal power, rather than a clear curse.'

The curse was a kind of side ef­fect of tran­scen­den­tal power, gain­ing its
power, and overus­ing it.

'It would be strange to use such a crazy power with­out any cost.'

And it was a very rea­son­able side ef­fect.

'No mat­ter how an Awak­ener is cho­sen, there is a limit; there is al­ways a

limit to ev­ery­thing, and among them, strong power al­ways comes with dan­‐
ger. When mankind tran­scended the speed of sound with re­peated tech­no­‐
log­i­cal de­vel­op­ments, the air it­self be­comes a wall in the end. Like that, if
some­one gets the tran­scen­den­tal power be­yond the su­per­hu­man level, the
power it­self will be­come a wall in the end.'

Of course, even Kim was afraid of it, he did not in­tend not to eat the crys­tal
of the Eight-tailed Fox.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

Kim was a man who wanted to set a new record, by dop­ing if nec­es­sary.
What he wanted was to run faster than any­one else to sur­vive, not Olympic
medals. Even now, the res­o­lu­tion did not change at all.

'I'm not afraid to eat it.'

'In an age al­ready full of en­em­ ies, if I eat the crys­tal of the Eight-tailed Fox,
I will die in the dis­tant fu­ture, but if I do not eat it, I may die right away.
No, if I had an in­ten­tion not to eat it in the first place, I would not even have
had to worry about it. I have to eat it, so I have to worry.'

'I can't die of a curse again, in the end.'

'The mo­ment I eat it, I will be sen­tenced to a dead­line.'

'The curse of the dragon was so, but it is not so good to die of a curse, for
the lim­its of what can be ob­tained by that death are clear. Above all, the
death that can be seen as Napoleon's Golden Glass was very frag­men­tary.'

If Kim died again with the curse of the dragon or the curse of the Eight-
tailed Fox, the time of death will not change much, and the rea­son for his
death or the sur­round­ing sit­u­at­ion would not change much.

'The fact that the sur­round­ing sit­u­at­ion does not change means that the pos­‐
si­bil­ity of ac­quir­ing new in­for­ma­tion from the sur­round­ings is low­ered. In
other words, the golden op­por­tu­nity, Napoleon's Golden Glass, will be
mean­ing­lessly blown away.'

'The next Napoleon's Golden Glass must be drunk by some­one who can see
the age af­ter I die.'

That's why he needed some­one who could drink Napoleon's Golden Glass
on be­half of Kim Tae-hoon, and who would look af­ter Kim's death.

That was the rea­son for the trou­ble.

It would be ir­re­spon­si­ble to leave Kim's fate to some­one else, in the end.

Could Kim Tae-hoon do that? And was there any­one who would be will­ing
to bear that fate on be­half of him?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 113 - An Eight-Tailed Fox, Part Iii ⦘

In the agony, there was one face which came up in the mind of Kim.

"Hoo." Kim drank his cof­fee with a long sigh. Af­ter a while, he swal­lowed
his cof­fee and put the crys­tal of the Eight-tailed Fox in his mouth.

Gulp! A small sound rang out in the dark night.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 114 - The World Af­ter

Death, Part I
Chap­ter 40. The World Af­ter Death, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"The worst that can be ex­pected is not the worst."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, well... Kobe and Os­aka are in a state of panic over ter­ror­ism. Only
the key fa­cil­i­ties have been at­tacked with pre­ci­sion."


"Who did it?"

"Well, we are try­ing to fig­ure it out."

"You didn't even fig­ure that out?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

There would be no more ap­pro­pri­ate ex­pres­sion to ex­press Mat­sumoto

Kanyo's cur­rent sit­u­at­ion.

'What the hell is this?'

The body of the Eight-tailed Fox and the Ku­sanagi were taken away. Need­‐
less to say, it was the worst sit­u­at­ion, and Mat­sumoto Kanyo had with­drawn

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

all the forces at Aso Moun­tain in Kyushu that had been hunt­ing the Eight-
tailed Fox, bring­ing them back to Ki­takyushu City. It was to pre­pare for the

'How could this be...?'

How­ever, af­ter re­treat­ing to Ki­takyushu City, what was wait­ing for Mat­‐
sumoto Kanyo, who was mov­ing to pre­pare for the worst, was sad news
from all over. Ma­jor and key fa­cil­i­ties in each city were lost to sud­den ter­‐
ror­ism. The mil­i­tary fa­cil­i­ties were hit par­tic­u­larly hard, and even though
they were hid­den from the out­side for their own se­cu­rity, their op­po­nents
struck them as if they knew all about them.

"We...we're in big trou­ble." The peak of the sad news came from Hi­‐

"What else?"

"Hi-Hi­roshima Port has been at­tacked, and no ship can sail."

Hi­roshima Port, where most of the Ja­pa­nese naval forces were crowded,
had been at­tacked, and Mat­sumoto Kanyo no longer even sighed in front of
the sad news. He didn't want to be sur­prised by this any­more. He didn't
deny the re­al­ity.

"Did you fig­ure out who at­tacked?"

In­stead, he just wanted to know the iden­tity of those who were pulling this
non­sense. But his lit­tle de­sire was not ful­filled, ei­ther.

"Well, it was at­tacked by mon­sters."


"The mon­sters came sud­denly. It seems that some­one in­ten­tion­ally lured the
mon­sters near Hi­roshima."

The mo­ment he heard the story that it was at­tacked by the mon­sters, Mat­‐
sumoto Kanyo's thoughts vir­tu­ally stopped.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

'We were fooled com­pletely.'

At the same time, he re­al­ized that he could no longer serve as a com­man­der.

'This is the worst.' He could see that this mo­ment when he could not act as a
com­man­der was the worst sit­u­at­ion.

"Cap­tain Mat­sumoto, the Lord has come to his senses."

"Re­ally? What about his con­di­tion?"

"All the prac­ti­tion­ers are re­spond­ing to treat­ment, and their phys­i­cal

wounds are likely to be treated soon, and there seems to be no ma­jor men­tal
prob­lems or ab­nor­mal­i­ties."

For the first time, he saw hope in the worst.

"Good." Kano Mat­sumoto was de­lighted. His ex­pres­sion, which was so

clear, was ev­i­dence that he saw hope. How­ever, it was also the ev­i­dence
that Mat­sumoto Kanyo did not know yet what the worst was.

"Yes, as long as the lord is alive, there will be some chance. There is no
place to fall any fur­ther, so there is noth­ing left to climb."

The worst he could ex­pect... was not the worst.


"Hi­roshima team has suc­ceeded in its op­er­at­ion."

Kim Tae-hoon re­ceived the re­port, nod­ded, and drew an X on Hi­roshima

City, on the map of Japan that was un­folded in front of him. The map of the
Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago was now full of X marks.

"With this op­er­at­ion, we have suc­ceeded in tem­po­rar­ily neu­tral­iz­ing more

than sev­enty per­cent of the ma­jor fa­cil­i­ties in Japan."

It was ev­i­dence that Kim Tae-hoon, and the first Spe­cial Op­er­at­ion Unit that
had landed on the Ja­pa­nese ar­chi­pel­ago at risk of their lives, had com­pleted

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

their mis­sion per­fectly. So, ev­ery­one with Kim Tae-hoon was look­ing at the
map with a good feel­ing.

'We did it.'

'We re­ally did it!'

'We have vir­tu­ally neu­tral­ized Japan with less than a thou­sand men! We
won the war!'

If they did not cheer up at once, their big hearts would burst out. How­ever,
Kim did not give them the op­por­tu­nity to cheer. On the con­trary, he looked
at the crowd with his cold sunken eyes.

"Don't re­lax."

This was the en­emy camp. And al­though they had been neu­tral­ized many of
their op­po­nent's forces and fa­cil­i­ties, the dif­fer­ence in power in the Ja­pa­‐
nese ar­chi­pel­ago was still dev­as­tat­ing to the ex­tent that they felt shame­ful
us­ing the words 'nu­mer­i­cal in­fe­ri­or­ity'.

"This is just the end of the sec­ond phase."

Also, Kim knew well that there was no eter­nal vic­tory in war.

'If we win a war, that's all. The loser will start a new war when the win­ner is
care­less. His­tory proves that.'

"There is still the third phase left."

Above all, it was not over yet. He had cer­tainly gained a lot, and he had ac­‐
quired a great deal of valu­able relics, in­clud­ing the dead body of the Eight-
tailed Fox, and had also hit Japan with a fa­tal level of dam­age. But there
was some­thing very im­por­tant that has not been done yet.

"I say again, I will not let you lower your guard or re­lax un­til the leader of
our en­emy is dead."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

Musashi, the head of the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire, was not dead yet. And that was
what Kim had in­tended.

'War never ends un­til a pe­riod is reached that ev­ery­one can un­der­stand.'

If he wanted to kill Musashi in the con­fu­sion, he could have done so eas­ily.

There was noth­ing hard about it.

'The Ku­sanagi ba­si­cally con­sumes the En­ergy of the owner at a tremen­dous

speed when it is drawn. En­ergy is the source of life, and of course, the mo­‐
ment he uses the Ku­sanagi, his body will have a great de­crease in re­sis­tance
to ex­ter­nal at­tacks.'

In such a sit­u­at­ion, be­ing at­tacked un­ex­pect­edly by the Eight-tailed Fox was

like be­ing shot with­out a bul­let­proof vest. It would not have been dif­fi­cult
to get rid of Musashi, who was in such a de­fense­less state, even though it
would have re­quired some hard work for Kim Tae-hoon.

But Kim did not.

'Musashi fits for the end of this war.'

The risk was much greater than the mer­its of killing Musashi there.

'It is al­ways so. Peo­ple hate de­feat, and if they are de­feated, they want to
make ex­cuses for the de­feat some­how. Killing Musashi ob­vi­ously stamps
the stigma of a loser on Japan, but it also gives the most per­fect ex­cuse to

'Japan will not ac­cept it as a le­git­i­mate de­feat. The death of Musashi would
not be a le­git­i­mate death, but the dirty work of Kim Tae-hoon.'

Even though Musashi might have died there, they would never have put all
their weapons down and lifted the white flag above their heads.

'If Japan is the op­po­nent, we need a more def­i­nite end.'

What was Japan like? In World War II, Japan, which had noth­ing left be­‐
cause of its de­feat, did not give up the war. They were cry­ing out, "Fight­ing

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

Spirit, For­tune, Di­vine Wind!" and just say­ing that they would die as a sui­‐
cide squad, if they were sup­posed to die. In the end, it was a coun­try with a
mad­ness that could not be un­der­stood by ra­tio­nal think­ing and rea­son.

'We need a fin­ish like Lit­tle Boy.'

It was two nu­clear bombs fall­ing on Hi­roshima and Na­gasaki that broke
their mad­ness.

It was not any dif­fer­ent this time. In a world where com­mon sense and its
value col­lapsed due to the emer­gence of mon­sters, a world where they
could not sur­vive with­out mad­ness, a def­i­nite fin­ish would be needed to end
the war.

Of course, there was a big rea­son for mak­ing this choice.

Kim glanced at the back of his right hand.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 770

-- Health: 781

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A-Rank

-- Mana: B+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S-Rank

-- De­fense: A-Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: B+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

-Tele­ki­netic Beads (Grade 2): The power of the Eight-tailed Fox can make
Tele­ki­netic Beads, to which any abil­ity of the maker can be ap­plied.


'Musashi is no longer even an op­po­nent to me. There is no pos­si­bil­ity that

Musashi, who has lost his Ku­sanagi, will win against me. Even if Musashi
makes him­self Kamikaze right now, he can not be the op­po­nent of me.'

That was why he had made the choice to let Musashi go.

'The win­ner of this game is al­ready de­cided, and the im­por­tant thing is to
get as much as pos­si­ble from the planned vic­tory. It is like try­ing to get
more ter­ri­tory in the game of Go.'

'We must pre­pare for war with China, be­yond North Ko­rea, with what we
will get here as a foun­da­tion.'

'What we get from Japan will be an im­por­tant foun­da­tion for the fu­ture war.'

Fur­ther­more, Kim Tae-hoon did not want to go to war with Japan be­hind his
back, a coun­try that had never been a true ally in the his­tory of the Ko­rean

'I will get ev­ery­thing I can get from Japan thor­oughly, ter­ri­bly, and des­per­‐

"Send a war dec­la­ra­tion to Ki­takyushu City to­mor­row morn­ing."

The start­ing point for it was a dec­la­ra­tion of war to be sent soon.

"We start the third phase."

The mo­ment the or­der was given, his men did not look any more ex­pec­tant.
They used his words as nee­dles to burst their swollen hearts, and in­stead,
had a de­ter­mined eye. At the same time, they had faith!

'Yes, we have the mas­ter.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

'All we have to do is fol­low the mas­ter. It's not our job to be happy and sad.'

Then a new man came into the room. "The Okjo has ar­rived!"

A bird made of jade, care­fully held by his sub­or­di­nate with both hands,
jumped over to Kim Tae-hoon's shoul­der.

"I will re­port about the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion."

From the mouth of such a jade bird, along with the voice of Jang Sung-
hoon, the re­port on the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion in Ko­rea flowed out with­out hes­i­ta­‐
tion. Some de­tails were im­por­tant, and some seemed to have lit­tle mean­ing.

"There­fore, there seems to be noth­ing im­pos­si­ble now."

The same was true of this phrase. When this phrase came out, no one
thought it was a word with a spe­cial mean­ing.

Only one, Kim Tae-hoon, grasped the mean­ing of the phrase. 'The Golden
Glass is full.'

"Hoo..." At that mo­ment, a long sigh came out of his mouth.


Jang Sung-hoon was al­ways pleas­ant. He was a friendly man. He was

young, he had lived a life that would not nor­mally be ex­pe­ri­enced by young
peo­ple, and he did not lose him­self in such days. How­ever, he did not feel
good at this mo­ment. Sit­ting in a chair with a ta­ble in front of him, he was
hold­ing his face in his hands.

"Uh-hoo." Through the palms of his hand, a sigh, which those who heard
seemed to droop his shoul­ders, came out. On the desk in front of him,
Napoleon's Golden Glass was dan­gling a red liq­uid of prom­ise be­fore his
eyes. Stand­ing be­side the Golden Glass, an Okjo was look­ing at the Glass
and cock­ing its head.

"Uh-hoo." Once again, with a sigh, he looked at the Okjo, re­leas­ing his
hand from his face. Then he re­mem­bered what the Okjo had said.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

'The boss said that I have to drink it!' It was he who had to drink Napoleon's
Golden Glass on be­half of the boss.

'Boss.' The Okjo had spo­ken in the voice of Kim Tae-hoon, not just any­one.
And the words were not the end.

'It's been a long time since I heard the word, "please", from the boss.'

Kim had added, "I beg you to do it, please." He had also added, "Of course,
I will not force you to do it."

How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon did not lis­ten to the words af­ter­wards. At the
word 'please' from Kim Tae-hoon, he was ready to give his life. In other
words, he had no fear of drink­ing Napoleon's Golden Glass. There was no
rea­son to be afraid.

'I have of­ten won­dered how I will die.'

'It's a dream in the first place. It is not a real death, but an op­por­tu­nity to
avoid death by ex­pe­ri­enc­ing it. It is a golden chance.'

'But can I drink this?'

That was the rea­son for the worry.

'Can I do it like the boss?'

'The mo­ment of death which can be seen by Napoleon's Golden Glass is

frag­men­tary, and it is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to get an op­por­tu­nity to avoid the
death in that frag­men­tary sit­u­at­ion.'

'Since it was Kim Tae-hoon, he has been able to go to the next stage on the
ba­sis of his death. If it had been for oth­ers, they would have urged their
death on rather than go­ing be­yond.'

'A bloke like me?'

Jang was a per­son be­long­ing to the "oth­ers" men­tioned above.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 114 - The World After Death, Part I ⦘

Jang couldn't help it. He was not an Awak­ener, nor was he a great strate­gist,
nor was he a leader who was will­ing to risk his life for what was just. He
was just a young man with a good artis­tic eye. He was not just the sec­ond
man of the Mac Guild, but a brother who stuck to Kim Tae-hoon. He was
that kind of man. Well, could he get some­thing to con­trol the fate of the
world in the frag­men­tary sit­u­at­ion ahead of his death?

"Oh, God, re­ally..." Fi­nally, his feel­ings were vom­ited out through Jang's
mouth. At this mo­ment, he no longer con­sid­ered his feel­ings. He would
never drink it that way. In­stead, he tried to do what he could do bet­ter than
any­one else. He mea­sured Kim Tae-hoon's feel­ings. He imag­ined how Kim
felt and how Kim thought about ask­ing him for this.

'The rea­son why the boss wants me to drink this is that the boss wants to see
the world af­ter his death. In other words... the boss is not sure he's go­ing to
live too long.'

Jang picked up Napoleon's Golden Glass as if he had fin­ished his de­ter­mi­‐

na­tion. Then he prayed to God, 'Let me live as a land­lord in Gang­nam,
Seoul, in my fu­ture life.'

With an un­work­able wish, he drank the liq­uid in Napoleon's Golden Glass,

all in one go. At the same time, he started to dream about the world af­ter
Kim's death.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 115 - The World Af­ter

Death, Part Ii
Chap­ter 40. The World Af­ter Death, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Taang! With a clean shot, a mid­dle-aged man grabbed his chest and backed
away. The man's back steps were im­me­di­ately blocked by a gray wall, and
the man fell back against the wall and be­gan to slip to the floor.

Flop! Blood be­gan to gur­gle out of the chest of the man that had fallen on
the floor. No mat­ter how much he tried to force him­self to stop it with his
own hands, he could not stop the blood that had burst out.

The man re­al­ized then, "... Now I see how it feels to see red HP de­crease in
a game."


At the words of the mid­dle-aged man, the man who had aimed his gun at
him, put the gun down on the floor.

The mur­derer and the vic­tim.

It had now be­come such a re­la­tion­ship, but there has been no vi­cious at­mos­‐
phere be­tween the two.

On the con­trary, the man who was shot had a bit­ter smile on his face, and
the gun­man was shiv­er­ing. It was not a tremor of anger. It was a tremor

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

caused by an over­whelm­ing feel­ing, such as re­gret and con­fu­sion. The

trem­bling young man seemed to be out of his mind.

So, it was the man who was shot that said first. "You shouldn't have done it,
if you shoot and re­gret it."

"But, but..."

"I'm not hit on my heart, so I can talk to you a while, so why did you kill
me, who was forty years old and could not even get mar­ried?"

"I, I heard. We... we ru­ined the world like this."

"I've heard that be­cause of the Mac Guild, the world has be­come like this
and mon­sters have come to dom­i­nate the world, and that if it had not been
for the Six Snakes, mankind would have been de­stroyed?"

The man who was spit­ting out the words, Jang Sung-hoon, breathed a long
sigh at the words.

A long sigh­ing cough was ac­com­pa­nied by red blood. Jang's vi­sion also
turned blurry, as if the lights were out be­fore the movie started in the movie

"... Boss has been dead for over fif­teen years. Jun-hyuk, you've never seen
him be­fore?"

"The first hunter..."

"He was the first and strong­est hunter, and he was the one who cre­ated the
Hunter sys­tem and the guild sys­tem, and he was the first per­son who had
killed a dragon."

"But he... the Mayan Cal­en­dar---"

"He de­stroyed the Mayan Cal­en­dar, and he lost the chance to turn all this
around, to stop the mon­sters from ap­pear­ing?"

"Surely, surely I heard that."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

Jang smiled lightly at the young man's ob­jec­tion. "It's a lie, but... I'm telling
you clearly. If the Mayan Cal­en­dar was de­stroyed or not, if the boss was
alive... At this mo­ment we could have been hunters hunt­ing mon­sters, not
sav­ing lives from mon­sters."

The young man shook his head in dis­be­lief. "That's, that's ridicu­lous! Then,
why did he die?"

"Look... He fought against the Em­peror of the Orcs."

"The Em­peror of the Orcs was def­i­nitely killed by a nu­clear weapon-"

"We fired nu­clear weapons, but the Em­peror of the Orcs sur­vived. It be­‐
came a ra­dioac­tive mon­ster in the world, try­ing to cover the world with ra­‐
di­at­ion. It was a funny night­mare. Who knew that mankind was go­ing to
pay for ra­di­at­ion that way." Jang, who was spit­ting out his words, coughed
again. Blood was pour­ing out, but it was not se­vere. He se­cretly guessed his
body con­di­tion.

"... I could talk more, but any­way, some­one had to kill it, and the boss went

"So he died of ra­di­at­ion?"

"No, the boss was al­ready dy­ing at that time." Jang, who was spit­ting out
his words, sighed again. "It was a price be­cause he had eaten so much, a
very strong force, and the boss was will­ing to fight be­cause he was dy­ing."


"So some­one would see the world af­ter his death, and he thought it would
be an op­por­tu­nity."

"What? What..."

"Haha! Khuck!" Jang, who was spit­ting his words, threw up more blood.
The amount of blood that he was spit­ting out was enor­mous, as if the com­‐
po­sure that came af­ter the cough was the calm be­fore the storm.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

"Now the real death is be­fore me." So, he was able to feel that his death was

"I think this is the right time." The time has come to spit out the last words.
"The Man­pasik­jeok can only calm down the Curse of the Dragon, but the
boss will con­tinue to de­cline. So to sur­vive, he has to eat the im­mor­tal Wolf
Cher­nobog in Rus­sia. The only an­swer is to get the power of im­mor­tal­ity.
Bo­ga­tri's Great Sword will make it pos­si­ble."

"What, what?"

Jang smiled at the sur­prised man, and said, "This is my mes­sage to send to


-- I fin­ish my re­port. Oh, shit. What a funny! I did not get mar­ried even
when I was forty years old. I was the same as a eu­nuch. Wait, wait! Take the
words out! Delete the words! Damn it, how do I delete this?-

In front of the voice of the Okjo, which was con­stantly talk­ing, Kim Tae-
hoon started to drip cof­fee down once again into an empty cof­fee cup. The
room, which was al­ready full with cof­fee odors, be­gan to fill with the heavy
aroma of cof­fee once again.

He did not have to drink cof­fee, just with the cof­fee fra­grance alone.

How­ever, he had cof­fee again, as if that was not enough af­ter he had al­‐
ready had a lot of cof­fee. In that state, he closed his eyes.

'If I say this is the af­ter­life, it is the af­ter­life.'

He drew a pic­ture of the world af­ter his death in his mind.

'The mon­sters are still ev­ery­where.'

Af­ter Kim died, it was the Six Snakes that brought or­der af­ter such mon­‐
sters, and the world was still over­flow­ing with mon­sters. The world was
dom­i­nated by the Six Snakes, and the Mac Guild was the only re­sis­tance to

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

those Six Snakes, and I be­came... the worst vil­lain on the Earth, who had
led the world to its end.

In the sit­u­at­ion where they set the new or­der, the Six Snakes be­gan to erase
the his­tory of the Mac Guild, and to paint over the col­ors where they had
been erased.

'Af­ter all, Jang Sung-hoon, who led the Mac Guild to the end, was shot by a
sub­or­di­nate who had fallen to the temp­ta­tion of the Six Snakes.'

The peak was Jang's death. His clos­est aide was tempted the Six Snakes,
and a sin­gle shot be­came his end. Just be­fore his death, he left a clue about
how Kim Tae-hoon could sur­vive.

'Cher­nobog and Bo­ga­tri's Great Sword, I think we need to in­ves­ti­gate.'

When Kim fin­ished think­ing, he opened his eyes. There was no ner­vous­ness
or shak­ing in his eyes.

'Not bad.'

If he said that there was no ag­i­ta­tion, it would be a lie. But the sit­u­at­ion was
not com­pli­cated enough to shake him long. The sit­u­at­ion was rather sim­ple.

'Noth­ing is com­pli­cated.'

There was no need to doubt some­one new, and what to do right now was
also clear. Fur­ther­more, the dis­tinc­tion of the en­emy was clear, and the
clues were over­flow­ing.

'There was no loss at all.'

Most of all, the most faith­ful thing was that Jang Sung-hoon fol­lowed Kim
Tae-hoon un­til the very end.

'I think I've earned more than ever.'

'The fact that there is a man who will work hard for me in the world af­ter
my death, means that I have al­ready ac­quired thou­sands of troops and

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

horses. Why should there be an­guish and dis­tress in such a sit­u­at­ion?'

'Thanks to this, I don't need to change my plans now.'

Kim smiled lightly and rose up from his seat af­ter the last cof­fee.

When Kim moved on, left his room, and en­tered the new room, all the peo­‐
ple in the room got up and started salut­ing.

Kim asked them, "What's the an­swer to the dec­la­ra­tion of war?"

"None yet."

"Did the other party con­firm the dec­la­ra­tion of war?"

"I don't know."

"Then send it again."


A dec­la­ra­tion of war. It was a let­ter of war, lit­er­ally, and the con­tents of it

were equally sim­ple.

"And on Oc­to­ber 31, as sched­uled, we at­tack Tokyo." On Oc­to­ber 31, 2017,

Ko­rea would launch a na­tional of­fen­sive against Tokyo, Japan. It was a ba­‐
sic cour­tesy that the na­tions had to fight a war. It was also the last cour­tesy
to be used.

"Ev­ery­one in Tokyo is an en­emy un­less Japan sur­ren­ders un­con­di­tion­ally."

'There is no more cour­tesy af­ter this. There is only in­hu­mane and more ir­ra­‐
tional vi­o­lence than any­where else.'

But there was no new res­o­lu­tion to that.

"We will keep in mind."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

It was Japan that had pointed the gun at Ko­rea and pulled the trig­ger first. If
their op­po­nent ig­nored the dec­la­ra­tion of war in a sit­u­at­ion with jus­ti­fi­ca­‐
tion and cour­tesy, then they be­lieved they didn't need to re­spond. All they
needed would be anger.

"Then de­liver it to ev­ery­one." At the words, the peo­ple in the room moved

Some­one rushed into the room. "Mas­ter, this is their re­ply."

Kim read the let­ter in a loud voice that his sub­or­di­nate had handed him im­‐

"They want a sum­mit match."

"Yes?" The men re­acted in sur­prise.

Kim ex­plained at the sur­prise re­sponse. "It's not a no­tice of a war be­tween
na­tions, but a duel no­tice that says Musashi and I will bring an end to this
with our bare hands."

"Fight­ing un­armed?"

"No way!"

There was a vi­o­lent re­ac­tion. It was a nat­u­ral re­sponse to this funny sit­u­a‐­
tion, where they had sent a dec­la­ra­tion of war and been an­swered with a
duel, they even sug­gested un­armed com­bat? It would be bet­ter to put a head
full of blood in the hun­gry tiger's mouth.

How­ever, in­stead of an­swer­ing the re­ac­tion of his men, Kim took out the
let­ter he had al­ready writ­ten in his pocket and handed it to his sub­or­di­nate.
Then he said to his man, who looked puz­zled.

"It's a re­ply, send it."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

There was a let­ter in the hand of Mat­sumoto Kanyo. It was a dec­la­ra­tion of

war from Ko­rea: Ko­rea would at­tack Tokyo on Oc­to­ber 31, and that the
only way to avoid war was the un­con­di­tional sur­ren­der of Japan.

It was plain in many ways, and the use of the words and sen­tences in Ja­pa­‐
nese was also flaw­less. Even a young child could un­der­stand the con­tents of
this dec­la­ra­tion of war.

'It's the worst.' It was the worst, since Mat­sumoto Kanyo could eas­ily pre­‐
dict what Musashi would an­swer when he saw the con­tents of this let­ter.

"Cap­tain Mat­sumoto, the Lord calls for you."

And now it was time to check on his pre­dic­tions. Mat­sumoto gave a long
sigh as he re­al­ized, 'It was not the heav­ens that saved the lord. He, the mon­‐
ster of Joseon, de­lib­er­ately saved the lord.'

He re­ally rec­og­nized what the worst thing was.

"It's a war."

Musashi was fine. There was no sign that he nearly died a few days ago.
The se­cret was the bot­tles with the long snouts be­side him. They were filled
with Wa­ters of Ther­apy to the brim.

The first se­cret was to drink the heal­ing wa­ter made by the power of the
relics, and the sec­ond se­cret was to fill up the pow­er­ful re­cov­ery items ob­‐
tained by killing the mon­sters. The last se­cret was the anger he had now.

"I saw the let­ter. Kim Tae-hoon de­clared war on us. There will be no sur­ren­‐

Musashi, who had ev­ery­thing away by Kim Tae-hoon, could no longer af­‐
ford to see any­thing else. Now there was only a life to kill Kim Tae-hoon.
That was why Musashi was more en­er­getic than ever.

'As the race­horse runs to­ward the fin­ish line, it is the fastest and most en­er­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

Of course, Mat­sumoto Kanyo had no power to stop such a Musashi. And

there was no rea­son to stop it. "Lord, sug­gest a duel, not a war." He just
turned the di­rec­tion.


"This is war, but the times have changed. We don't have to use bul­lets. I
think it's right to end with a sum­mit match."

"Do you want me to fight him alone?"


"Why should I?" Musashi's ex­pres­sion was cold.

"Be­cause I have no doubt of your vic­tory." Mat­sumoto Kanyo an­swered

him calmly, and the an­swer re­laxed the hard ex­pres­sion of Musashi.

"Yes, it is you who un­der­stands my heart and will, and you are right."

"How­ever, what's both­er­ing me is that the Ku­sanagi is in his hands..."

"It doesn't mat­ter, be­cause the Ku­sanagi is like a dou­ble-edged sword. The
mo­ment he lifts the Ku­sanagi, it will be the mo­ment he dies, and he won't
use the Ku­sanagi against me, ei­ther."

"But just in case, you have to ask for a duel of empty hands."

"Is it be­cause I lost the Ku­sanagi?"

"It's a fight that will de­cide the fate of a coun­try, and it's not good to have
some­thing to ar­gue about."

"What if he avoids the duel?"

"No one is afraid of a dog with its tail down. By the way, no mat­ter how
much they pre­pare for it, it is not enough against Tokyo. In Tokyo is our en­‐
tire power. He may have pro­voked this with that in mind, and he is think­ing
of a duel, not a war."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

"Kim Tae-hoon, does he have the con­fi­dence to win against me?"

"It seems that he has the ca­pac­ity and abil­ity."

"Of course, you're right," Musashi nod­ded and gave him a quick glance.
Mat­sumoto Kanyo nod­ded in his eyes.

"Then I'll pre­pare a duel no­tice."

"Show me when you're done. I'll sign it my­self."


Mat­sumoto Khan, who came out like that, im­me­di­ately painted a pic­ture in
his mind.

'If he ac­cepts the duel, we will use the lord as bait and put in all our power
and take Kim Tae-hoon down.'

Mat­sumoto Kanyo had no in­ten­tion of hav­ing a le­git­i­mate duel.

'If it makes the lord an­gry, that's all.'

Rather, he was try­ing to kill Kim Tae-hoon by putting all the power into the
fight us­ing the op­por­tu­nity of the duel. He didn't mind if it be­came a dis­‐
grace and shame in the his­tory books.

'His­tory is writ­ten by the win­ner, any­way. When Kim Tae-hoon dies, Ko­rea
loses all the cards it has.'

As Mat­sumoto Kanyo thought, his­tory would be writ­ten around the vic­to­ri­‐

ous. 'If we win, the shame of the day will re­main a very clever and great
tac­tic, an op­er­at­ion and de­cep­tion, not a dis­grace.'

So, at this mo­ment, Mat­sumoto Kanyo had to worry about only one thing:
to as­sess Kim Tae-hoon, who would be caught in the trap.

'It is im­por­tant to mea­sure his strength. We have to think that Kim is as

strong as the Eight-tailed Fox.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 115 - The World After Death, Part Ii ⦘

At this mo­ment, Mat­sumoto Kanyo be­gan to worry about Kim Tae-hoon be­‐
ing at the same grade as the Eight-tailed Fox.

A re­ply came in while Mat­sumoto Kanyo was wor­ried about it.

[Ac­cep­tance of the Duel; the place is the Asa­giri Jam­boree Golf Club, east
of Mt. Fuji]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 116 - The World Af­ter

Death, Part Iii
Chap­ter 40. The World Af­ter Death, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Asa­giri Jam­boree Golf Club...

'It is a golf course lo­cated on the east side of Mt. Fuji, the Di­vine Moun­tain
of Japan, and it has many ad­van­tages. Fa­mously, it is one of the few golf
cour­ses where some­one can see his own ball fly­ing to­ward the top of Mt.
Fuji. It is also a place where many golfers want to play a round once.'

Of course, all of this was be­fore 2017. As it en­tered the fall of 2017, it was
not pos­si­ble to find an im­age of a golf course any­where in the Asa­giri Jam­‐
boree Golf Club. The lawns, which had al­ways been neatly trimmed, were
dead, and the place was oc­cu­pied by swathes of hearty weeds, and the land­‐
scaped trees were now show­ing a wild­ness be­ly­ing the hands of man.


The fin­ish­ing stroke was taken by two guests who had vis­ited this golf
course about a year ago. Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared in the black mil­i­tary uni­‐
form of the spe­cial forces, and Musashi was wear­ing a col­or­ful ki­mono.
There was no room for the words 'golf course' to in­ter­vene in the pres­ence
of those two.

"Kim Tae-hoon."

They were fac­ing each other, ten me­ters away.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

"I heard you speak Ja­pa­nese."

It was a dis­tance where they only needed to raise their voices a lit­tle to talk
to each other.

"So I'll speak Ja­pa­nese." The voice spit­ting out the words was loud, and the
emo­tions in the voice were also strong and ex­plicit. He was an­gry, wary at
the same time, and yet con­fi­dent on the other hand.

"You touched some­thing you shouldn't have touched."

On the con­trary, there was no sign of fear.

"Now, you will pay for it. Start­ing with your death, ev­ery­thing will be rav­‐
aged. Ev­ery­thing you want to pro­tect and ev­ery­thing on the Ko­rean Penin­‐
sula will be wiped out. I prom­ise!"

How­ever, the words of Musashi, which were blocked by noth­ing, did not
con­tinue. "Why don't you speak?"

Kim kept silent! It was not so good to see Musashi talk­ing to Kim, who was
not an­swer­ing.

Kim fi­nally an­swered at the ques­tion of Musashi. "Ten sec­onds. I'll at­tack in
ten sec­onds. This is the last of my cour­tesy." Af­ter fin­ish­ing his speech, he
shouted "TEN!" in Ja­pa­nese. Then, he be­gan to lower the num­ber in turn.

'How dare you...!' Musashi's face was firm. It was the first time he had ever
been ig­nored since he had be­come an Awak­ener af­ter the mon­sters ap­‐
peared. He had never been ig­nored, even by mon­sters. He was al­ways a
threat to mon­sters. It would be strange if he was not an­gry. But he did not
leave him­self in anger at this mo­ment.

'Yes, this is the end of your bluff.'

The op­po­nent in front of him was such a mon­ster that he could not guar­an­‐
tee his vic­tory. No mat­ter how much they promised to fight with­out the help
of any relics un­der the un­der­stand­ing, he was the mon­ster of the mon­sters
who ate a dark blue-grade mon­ster stone.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

'I'm the one who will win.'

Of course, Musashi could not guar­an­tee vic­tory, but he did not doubt his
vic­tory. He would be hurt, but there was no doubt that God would choose
him in the end. He thought this mo­ment was one of the great hard­ships and
ad­ver­sity that God gave him, and the page he had to go through be­fore he
moved on to a new chap­ter.


When Musashi was pre­par­ing for his de­ci­sion, the mo­ment the num­ber 1
was spo­ken, the num­ber made Musashi charge ahead like a For­mula Rac­ing

'Jerk!' He in­jected the power God had given him to his pow­er­ful body, his A
Rank En­ergy. His body was an iron horse mov­ing at a dead run. It be­came a
mon­ster that noth­ing could stop. It was at the level that just bump­ing into it
was enough to crush some­one. Even few mon­sters could avoid him phys­i­‐

'Don't ask for mercy!'

There was noth­ing wrong with his ac­tion. His choice was right, his body
and En­ergy syn­er­gized won­der­fully. The only prob­lem was one... the man
in front of him was Kim Tae-hoon.

'Huck!' His rush stopped. The chains of an enor­mously pow­er­ful Telekine­sis

had tied his whole body in a mo­ment. He stopped and stiff­ened up.

'Oh, no way!' He strug­gled to tear away this op­pres­sive power, but it was
not easy. No, if he was given time, Musashi was con­fi­dent of be­ing able to
shake off this power. But he didn't have a long time. He needed just a sec­‐
ond. He was con­fi­dent that he would be able to shake off the chain if he was
given about a sec­ond, frankly.

On the other hand, a sec­ond was all the time Kim needed to kill Musashi,
who had come too close to him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

'Ah!' Only then did Musashi ac­tu­ally see Kim Tae-hoon. 'It was all his aim,'
he thought, 'and the count­down was a trap...'

Musashi could see the hair that had turned white, like the fur of the Eight-
tailed Fox, and the eyes of the Fox that re­minded him of it, and the im­age of
Kim's black fist com­ing at him.

Ppaak! And that was the last thing he saw.


Kim Tae-hoon and Musashi promised three things ahead of the bat­tle.

One, only two fight.

Two, they don't get the help of relics.

Three, de­feat is ac­cepted as a de­feat of the na­tion.

The rea­son why the wide golf course be­came the stage of the duel was due
to the first prom­ise.

'If they see some­thing, if a lot of power moves, there are not many stages
where they can no­tice it.'

Of course, this prom­ise had a blind spot. For the Iga nin­jas who could hide
them­selves in the shad­ows, it was not dif­fi­cult to hide in the golf course and
ap­proach them with­out be­ing seen by the tar­get, with the power of the

Mat­sumoto Kanyo se­cretly called the nin­jas and or­dered them, "When the
Lord and Kim Tae-hoon at­tack to­gether, when the bat­tle be­gins, and when
the gap is seen, all of you at­tack Kim Tae-hoon. Don't worry about the
Lord's anger. Kill Kim Tae-hoon with enough de­ter­mi­na­tion to crush your
own bones."

It wasn't over there. Since then, the dis­ci­plined nin­jas be­gan train­ing with a
num­ber of sce­nar­ios in mind. They made a man­ual for all sit­u­at­ions.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘



But there was no such thing in their man­ual, af­ter the bat­tle be­gan, a sin­gle
punch shat­tered the sun they were sup­posed to pro­tect and serve. It was a
shock that didn't even al­low for em­bar­rass­ment.

And that was what Kim Tae-hoon aimed for. He had al­ready an­tic­i­pated that
there was no rea­son for Musashi to come alone, and there was al­ready nin­‐
jas ev­ery­where. So, he in­ten­tion­ally pro­voked Musashi to end the duel in
one punch.

He knew that if the bat­tle against him was pro­longed, it would be dan­ger­ous
for him­self. Of course, hav­ing achieved what he wanted, he moved on to
the next step.

A ring of flame be­gan to hover around his body.

Anger Soar­ing! The skill that had al­ready worked against the nin­jas hid­den
in the shad­ows once again ap­peared.

The ex­plo­sion that burst out with thun­der and fire blew away the nin­jas as
they were qui­etly breath­ing around him.



Screams be­gan to rage all over the place. But even those screams didn't last

Kim, whose hair had turned white, lifted his palms and showed a lump of
bas­ket­ball-sized bun­dle of translu­cent spheres.

They were Tele­ki­netic Beads.

The beads were the power achieved af­ter, eat­ing the crys­tal of the Eight-
tailed Fox. He gave his power to the Tele­ki­netic Beads that he cre­ated.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

'I did not ex­pect that the power of Ghost Tur­tle is used like this!'

As he in­jected the power of the Ghost Tur­tle, the Devil Shield, into it, the
shape of the Tele­ki­netic Beads changed to the devil face on the back of the
Ghost Tur­tle.



The Devil Shield that ter­ror­ized ev­ery­thing it faced made them man­nequins
as those who sur­vived in the ex­plo­sion re­gained con­scious­ness, and at­‐
tempted to at­tack him. The bat­tle­field be­gan to tin­gle with fear.

Kim moved in the fear.


A man was walk­ing on the golf course, now red­dish with blood. The man
was Mat­sumoto Khan, who had to lead the bat­tle­field from a safe dis­tance.
But now he was on the bat­tle­field him­self. There was only one rea­son: to
de­clare sur­ren­der.

'It was my mis­judg­ment. I dared to mis­judge the mon­ster Kim Tae-hoon,

and I ru­ined ev­ery­thing.'

'I have to sur­ren­der un­con­di­tion­ally.' It was an in­evitable choice.

'The re­sult of a war of at­tri­tion is de­struc­tion.'

Japan has lost Musashi. He was hope. He was the sun that rose in Japan,
and he was the only sun. His sun could brighten the night­mare world dom­i­‐
nated by the two dark blue-grade mon­sters still in Hok­kaido, and a mon­ster
called the King of the Sea rang­ing the East Sea.

But now there was no Musashi. There was no way to stop one of the mon­‐
sters of Hok­kaido com­ing down to Tokyo right now. That was the first rea­‐
son for sur­ren­der­ing. "I will sur­ren­der un­con­di­tion­ally, and I will hand over
all the rights of the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire to Ko­rea."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

"I will also humbly ac­cept any pun­ish­ment for this." And the sec­ond rea­son
for sur­ren­der was to plan the fol­low­ing.

'I will give you ev­ery­thing. I will ded­i­cate you ev­ery­thing. I will plan the
fol­low­ing in re­turn.'

'There is noth­ing per­fect in this world, noth­ing eter­nal. The same is true of
de­feat. There is no per­fect de­feat, no eter­nal obe­di­ence.'

'I'll bow my head right now, but one day I'll look up and see the sun again.'

There was no way that Japan could not do that. Joseon was in­de­pen­dent
only un­til the Ja­pa­nese colo­nial pe­riod. At least that was what Mat­sumoto
Kanyo thought. So, he came here to sur­vive, and then he knelt down to
make life some­how in ex­change for the un­speak­able hu­mil­i­at­ion, and to get
Kim Tae-hoon's sym­pa­thy and mercy by show­ing the most de­press­ing ap­‐
pear­ance that could be shown.

"Please ac­cept our sur­ren­der." Mat­sumoto Kanyo's at­tempts and thoughts

were not wrong.

"If you sur­vive, you can do any­thing." The only prob­lem was that the man
in front of him was Kim Tae-hoon.

"Be­trayal, re­venge, re­tal­i­at­ion, re­ver­sal... those are the things you can do
when you are alive. Noth­ing is pos­si­ble if you die."

Kim Tae-hoon black­ened his fist with his words. "Mat­sumoto Kanyo, so
will you. If you want to sur­vive, you'll do any­thing, and wait for a crack."

Mat­sumoto Kanyo shouted with some em­bar­rassed eyes at the words.

"Show me mercy! If you do not, you will be crit­i­cized in­ter­na­tion­ally!" In
such a sit­u­at­ion, Mat­sumoto Kanyo made his last vo­cal­iza­tion.

"An in­ter­na­tional crit­i­cism?"

"Yes, yes! In this way, the world will think of you as an en­emy! Will you
turn the world against you?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

At the last words, Kim punched with his fist in­stead of an­swer­ing. Ppaak! A
hor­ri­fy­ing sound rang through the world.


Kim knew the fact bet­ter than any­one else about what the group that the
col­lapsed com­mand team would face later. He had to know be­cause it was
the main mis­sion he did dur­ing his mil­i­tary days to re­move the head of a
group, the lead­ing mem­bers, and the com­mand struc­ture.

'Sur­pris­ingly, the time for con­fu­sion when the com­mand col­lapses is not
very long, be­cause they are hu­man be­ings. When the head at the top is cut
off, those who are be­low him start their own judg­ment. Now they start tap­‐
ping the cal­cu­la­tor with­out read­ing the coun­te­nances of their su­pe­ri­ors.'

'The con­fu­sion comes when the thoughts and judg­ments from a lot of heads
are set to a con­tro­versy. In other words, the time they knock on the cal­cu­la­‐
tor is a golden time that can calm the con­fu­sion.'

"Hiyoshi, the Kyushu branch man­ager, I will now ap­point him as gov­er­nor
of the Ja­pa­nese Gov­ern­ment-Gen­eral."

Kim had no in­ten­tion of miss­ing the golden time. At the same time, he
knew who should be his agent at this mo­ment.

"You mean the Kyushu branch man­ager, Hiyoshi?"


Kim Tae-hoon was plan­ning to put Hiyoshi as the new head in Japan when
its old head dis­ap­peared.

"Can I ask you why?"

'It is hard to un­der­stand, of course. The Kyushu branch man­ager Hiyoshi is

not a man close to Ko­rea, nor is he a man of re­spect and cour­tesy to Ko­rea.
He is not a faith­ful, loyal man. Rather, he is a man who is will­ing to give
the profit of the or­ga­ni­za­tion to a dog for his own ben­ef­ it. Is not that the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

rea­son why Kim Tae-hoon and his men were able to en­ter Japan with­out

"He's al­ready a traitor." It was the ba­sis for set­ting him up as a head of

"If I give him power, there will be a group of rebels against him and then he
will want to crush them to live, be­cause he is greedy. He'll fight to keep
what's in his hands."

"But he's Ja­pa­nese..."

"As we re­mem­ber Ye Wany­ong the traitor, who we should have killed more
than Ito Hi­robumi, most grudges will turn to him if Hiyoshi be­comes the

The men nod­ded at the ex­pla­na­tion of Kim, who was so rea­son­able. At the
same time, the men had their last ques­tion. "Hiyoshi, will he ac­cept this of­‐

Kim an­swered the ques­tion calmly. "Do you think he'll choose to kill him­‐

There were no more ques­tions at the an­swer. In ad­di­tion, Kim no longer

filled his mind with wor­ries about Japan.

'Now, the Six Snakes won't be still.'

As long as Japan had been at­tacked and had fallen, the Six Snakes would
not let this fact go. So, Kim was wor­ried.

'What would I do if I were the Six Snakes? What will be the next step the
Six Snakes take?'

At that mo­ment, Kim's gaze turned in the op­po­site di­rec­tion of Mt. Fuji,
where the largest is­land of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea was lo­cated.

'They'll use that method.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

Af­ter fin­ish­ing his thought, Kim turned his head north.

'Then I'd bet­ter clean up North Ko­rea first.'


It was a more lux­u­ri­ous room than any­where else, a room filled with bril­‐
liant relics, pow­er­ful and un­be­liev­able relics that emit­ted light on their own.

There was a young man, with a mag­ni­fy­ing glass, star­ing at a globe. Then
the man be­gan to write some­thing down on a sheet of pa­per, as if he had
found some­thing over the mag­ni­fy­ing glass.

A woman en­tered the room where the man was. "Mr. Mao."

As soon as she ap­peared, the man, who was still look­ing at the globe with a
mag­ni­fy­ing glass, said to the woman, who had knelt on the floor and bowed
her head, "Tell me briefly."

"Musashi has died."

At that, the young man, Mao, turned his head and looked at the woman.
"Send an Okjo to Ma­jor Chin­shan, who en­tered North Ko­rea."

"What's the con­tents to be sent?"

"We must with­draw the troops. What does it mean to hit Ko­rea right now,
when Japan is down?"

"Then what about Japan..."

Mao paused and be­gan to worry at the ques­tion of the woman.

The woman spoke to him cau­tiously. "If Japan's mil­i­tary and South Ko­rea's
mil­i­tary forces are com­bined... it will not be easy to put pres­sure with mil­i­‐
tary ac­tion. If you want to do so, you have to lead a lot of troops, and it will
be eas­ier to be­come a mon­ster's tar­get."

"I sup­pose so."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 116 - The World After Death, Part Iii ⦘

"And the as­sas­si­na­tion of Kim Tae-hoon..."

"It's not pos­si­ble. Ac­cord­ing to the in­for­ma­tion of Ma­jor Gen­eral Lee Ki-
soo, he's the best as­sas­sin in the world, and we ap­pre­ci­ate him be­ing a

Mao, who was speak­ing, smiled lightly as if some­thing had come to his
mind. "Then we just have to give the hunter a suit­able, se­ri­ous prob­lem.
Send some peo­ple to Jeju Is­land."


"I'll see if Kim Tae-hoon can stand in front of a real dark blue mon­ster."

"It can't be..."

"Wake up the dragon."


"Read­ers, I will not be post­ing new chap­ters from to­mor­row even though
I've nearly fin­ished trans­lat­ing the First Hunter. There's some stuff go­ing on
be­hind the scenes at Qid­ian here, and I am go­ing to wait for them to get re­‐
solved. It may be a few days be­fore the story restarts... or never, if these
things don't get re­solved. I thank you for your un­der­stand­ing, and I hope to
get new chap­ters out to you as soon as pos­si­ble!" -- From Khan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 117 - Py­ongyang, Part I

Chap­ter 41. Py­ongyang, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Ev­ery­one, check your clothes again!"


Bu­san Port.


Like a wall that had col­lapsed in a bru­tal at­tack of bar­bar­ians, the voices of
the peo­ple were echo­ing for a long time in the place where con­tainer boxes
col­lapsed by the mon­sters were scat­tered around like play­ing cards.

"Hey! Put your hat on right!"


At the heart of the ac­tiv­ity were sol­diers. They aligned in straight rows with
strict dis­ci­pline, each dressed in a neat mil­i­tary uni­form that showed their
be­long­ings. The tight­ness of the strict dis­ci­pline was so sharp that it seemed
to cut their skin.

"Pay at­ten­tion!"

The per­son they would face from now on was a man who had no short­age
of achieve­ments com­pared to any­one in the his­tory of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­‐
rea, and even in the his­tory of the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

"It's the first time for us to meet the mas­ter who has con­quered the ar­chi­pel­‐
ago! Don't look dis­tracted!"


Kim Tae-hoon was the man who took over the dark blue mon­ster, the Eight-
tailed Fox; who crushed Japan alone, when it claimed it­self to be an em­pire
and showed an un­be­liev­ably ar­ro­gant am­bi­tion to­ward the Ko­rean Penin­‐
sula. Fi­nally, af­ter fin­ish­ing the con­quest of Japan, he would ar­rive at Bu­san
Port with his spoils. He was the man who the sol­diers gath­ered here now
had to meet.

It was a his­toric mo­ment. In the fu­ture... No, it was a mo­ment that would be
a leg­end to­mor­row morn­ing, not to men­tion in the fu­ture.

Maybe it would be no won­der that to­day would be es­tab­lished as a na­tional

an­niver­sary, in about ten years. So, it would be strange to be with­out strict

"They are in sight!"

Soon, a ship showed its pres­ence in Bu­san Port. The type of the ship was an
Aegis De­stroyer. It was the youngest of the Aegis ships owned by Ashigara
and the Japan Mar­itime Self-De­fense Forces. It was a trea­sure that could
not be ex­changed with any­thing in the Ja­pa­nese Mar­itime Self-De­fense
Forces. But the flag above the Aegis De­stroyer was not the Ris­ing Sun flag
of the Ja­pa­nese Mar­itime Self-De­fense Forces.

The Taegeukgi, the Ko­rean flag, which could not be con­fused with the Ris­‐
ing Sun flag, was flap­ping on the top of the Aegis De­stroyer's mast, and in­‐
di­cated in­tensely and fiercely about who the owner of this ship was.

'Oh, my God!'

'Some­thing more in­cred­i­ble than the mon­sters hap­pened.'

Gulp! Some of the peo­ple who checked it through the tele­scope first swal­‐
lowed with­out know­ing it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

'He has re­ally brought back war­ships... Has there ever been any­thing like
this done in the his­tory of war?'

An Aegis De­stroyer.

In truth, the util­ity of the Aegis in the present sit­u­at­ion was def­in­ itely worse
than be­fore the mon­sters ap­peared. The best value of the Aegis was not
only its com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity of a sim­ple bat­tle­ship, but also the abil­ity to re­‐
spond af­ter pro­cess­ing the in­for­ma­tion through a su­per­com­puter, ac­quired
through a high-per­for­mance radar sys­tem.

It was clear that the value of the Aegis De­stroyer was not the same in a
world where radar didn't work well. How­ever, for that rea­son, no one dep­re­‐
cated the value of the Aegis ship ap­proach­ing Bu­san Port. Bring­ing a bat­tle­‐
ship worth over a bil­lion dol­lars in as spoils of vic­tory was hard to find any­‐
where in the his­tory of hu­man war.

'That's the be­gin­ning...'

'Since all the war­ships of the Japan Mar­itime Self-De­fense Forces have be­‐
come ours... how much is that?'

More­over, the Aegis ship that was now com­ing to Bu­san Port was just the
be­gin­ning. In fact, all of Japan's war­ships had be­come spoils of war, and
their value was vir­tu­ally be­yond the level of money.

Who would have ex­pected the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea to take these spoils from

'Huck!' Sit­ting on the Aegis was a mon­ster's body that chilled their spines.

'The Eight-tailed Fox!'

'Wow, he killed it by him­self?'

The dead body of the Eight-tailed Fox.

Al­though it was cut off and blood­stained, the re­mains of the Eight-tailed
Fox, who still had its charm­ing white fur, were decked out, and those who

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

iden­ti­fied it could no longer think straight.

"Ah..." They were blank, for­get­ting that they had to re­port the facts they
had checked with a tele­scope in real time. As soon as the Aegis ar­rived at
the port, the sol­diers' dis­ci­pline reached their peak.

'Here he is.'

'I can fi­nally see him!'

Even the of­fi­cers, who were watch­ing for those who were dis­or­ga­nized in
pos­ture and uni­form, were dumbed down. So, they waited for the ap­pear­‐
ance of the man who would mark the end of this his­tor­i­cal mo­ment.

'Why isn't he com­ing?'

But the man they were wait­ing for did not ap­pear. Rather, the man who got
off the ship was the first per­son they saw. Even the man who got off the
ship be­gan to run in front of the sol­diers, show­ing an ur­gent ap­pear­ance.
The man stood in front of Colonel Yang Jung-hoon, the con­duc­tor di­rect­ing
the scene at Bu­san Port.

"... the mas­ter is not com­ing."

Colonel Yang's eye­brows wrig­gled when he heard that. "What do you

mean? It was only a lit­tle ear­lier that I was told that the Mas­ter was on

It was yes­ter­day that he was in­formed that Kim Tae-hoon would come to
Bu­san Port with his spoils, and of course, Colonel Yang pre­pared to wel­‐
come Kim with all his might. The sol­diers had also pre­pared all the cam­eras
for the his­tor­i­cal scene, fear­ing it might not be recorded prop­erly due to
lack of his­tor­i­cal records.

But Kim Tae-hoon was not com­ing?

"Didn't he get on board?"

"Oh, no, I'm sure he was there a lit­tle while ago."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

"A lit­tle while ago? And now?"


The talk­ing sol­dier looked up at the sky.

'Ah.' That was enough ex­pla­na­tion. There was no one in Ko­rea who did not
know how Kim Tae-hoon ap­peared. Of course, Colonel Yang did not in­tend
to fin­ish the story there.

'Let's say he flew into the sky.' "Where did he go, then? Didn't he leave any

Where the hell had he gone?

"No, he told me where he was go­ing."

"Where is it?"

He replied with an ex­pres­sion that he who was speak­ing words even he

could not be­lieve. "Well, he is go­ing to Py­ongyang..."


When the mon­sters ap­peared, Kim Tae-hoon thought, "We can be self-suf­fi­‐
cient on the Ko­rean Penin­sula, but it is im­pos­si­ble to main­tain mil­i­tary
power through self-suf­fi­ciency. To sur­vive, we must even­tu­ally take over
North Ko­rea and then ad­vance to the con­ti­nent."

'In or­der to se­cure the fu­ture, not for our im­me­di­ate sur­vival, we must go
through North Ko­rea and to the con­ti­nent.'

This idea was not for just Kim Tae-hoon.

There was an­other man who thought the same thing: Colonel Lim Hyun-
joon. He, who had taken con­trol of the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion
and suc­ceeded in win­ning the fore­front power and Gang­won's mil­i­tary
forces se­quen­tially, knew that he could never guar­an­tee the fu­ture with hav­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

ing North Ko­rea as it was above South Ko­rea. So, he started pre­par­ing to
ad­vance to North Ko­rea early on.

He dis­patched a search party to the bor­der, as well as the Mil­i­tary De­mar­ca­‐

tion Line, to col­lect in­for­ma­tion, and worked to se­cure a route to ad­vance to
North Ko­rea at any time.

The work was ac­cel­er­ated when Kim Tae-hoon oc­cu­pied the Cap­i­tal De­‐
fense Com­mand, in fact, and when the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea be­gan to func­tion
again and con­firmed that the North Ko­rean regime had col­lapsed.

Un­der the com­mand of the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion, the en­try into
North Ko­rea be­gan.

Tu­tutu! Tu­tu­tutu!

"Keep shoot­ing!"


"Don't stop! Shoot with­out be­ing seen! If the shots stop, the damn Gob­lins
will come in flocks!"

The ad­vance to North Ko­rea that started like that was not easy. Once, the
route it­self to North Ko­rea was ba­si­cally lim­ited. It was not easy to get past
the de­mil­i­ta­rized zone right now.

Pass­ing through one of the dens­est mine­fields in the world was vir­tu­ally the
same as cross­ing a bridge be­tween two cliffs. It was not easy to move ar­‐
mored power, and sup­ply was not easy. It cer­tainly proved true here.

"There seems to be no end to the damn mon­sters, no mat­ter how many we


"I've never seen a North Ko­rean be­fore."

North Ko­rea was full of mon­sters. It was be­cause no mon­ster hunt­ing had
been done. This was a nat­u­ral thing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

It would be strange to ex­pect the right prepa­ra­tions for an un­prece­dented

dis­as­ter which no other coun­try in the world had re­sponded to, in a coun­try
with an ab­nor­mal dic­ta­tor­ship that did not con­trol even its own peo­ple.

"Per­haps the de­mil­i­ta­rized zone stopped the mon­sters from com­ing south,
or we would have been no dif­fer­ent than North Ko­rea."

"I agree."

More­over, the mon­sters in Manchuria, China and Rus­sia also flocked to the
Ko­rean Penin­sula. In the po­si­tion of mon­sters who rec­og­nized hu­mans as
food, it was nat­u­ral for mon­sters to fol­low sur­vivors, and it was also nat­u­ral
for such mon­sters to be driven to the Ko­rean Penin­sula, where many peo­ple
still sur­vived.

If the mine­fields in the de­mil­i­ta­rized zone had not pre­vented the enor­mous
num­ber of mon­sters from step­ping into South Ko­rea, Ko­rea would have be­‐
come no dif­fer­ent from North Ko­rea, which was now a world of mon­sters.

In other words, they could no longer rely on the pro­tec­tion of the de­mil­i­ta­‐
rized zone, as they stepped onto the North Ko­rean land be­yond it.

"When is backup com­ing?"

"Mas­ter Sergeant Kim, we are run­ning low on am­mu­ni­tion."

They could not ex­pect pro­tec­tion, sup­port, or sup­ply.

"Mas, Mas­ter Sergeant Kim!"

"What's go­ing on?"

"Smoke! There's smoke!"

"What color is it?"

"It's green."

"God­damn it!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

Of course, there was no such thing as free­dom to avoid the fear and de­spair
that would dare to chal­lenge them.


And they had no in­ten­tion of avoid­ing this fear and de­spair.

"There is no backup, no am­mu­ni­tion left, and what are the chances of run­‐
ning away and sur­viv­ing?"

"When we throw a coin, we're go­ing to get a chance of the coin stand­ing."


If they had in­tended to avoid fear and de­spair in the first place, no one
would have come here.

"How many stim­u­lants do you have?"

"There is only one dop­ing left."

"Okay, let's buy some time for oth­ers to run away."

At the words of Mas­ter Sergeant Kim Se-hyung, all of his troops be­gan to
smile at the firm ex­pres­sion. It was not a pre­ten­tious smile. They smiled
sin­cerely. The fact that they had to face death now only made them harder.

"I'm sorry, guys." Kim Se-hyung asked for for­give­ness for such troops.

"It's okay, you know that."

"Well, it was good to sur­vive. How many of the GOPs have sur­vived and
stepped on North Ko­rea?"

The troops were will­ing to for­give Kim Se-hyung. Fi­nally, they were silent
for a mo­ment.

Tu­tutu! Ev­ery­one pre­pared for a wor­thy death among the scat­tered shots to
check the crowd of Gob­lins. They took out a plas­tic wrap­per that re­minded

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

them of candy. They took the edge of the saw­tooth off by hand and peeled
off the wrap­ping pa­per, and the pill hid­den in it ap­peared.


It was made from a mon­ster as a ma­te­rial, and it had the ef­fect of rais­ing re­‐
sis­tance against mon­ster fear for a time. It was not some­thing eas­ily made.

It was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to hold on against the fear of a green-grade mon­‐

ster. They just didn't lose their tem­per. The mo­ment they faced a green-
grade mon­ster, their whole body would shake, and at that time they would
not even be able to pull the trig­ger of the gun, or even shake their legs.

Gulp! But no one hes­i­tated to swal­low it. Ev­ery­one ate the stim­u­lant at the
same time. A yel­low­ish aura be­gan to cir­cu­late in their eyes.

"Hoo!" There were strong breaths ev­ery­where. Their ac­tions were not over
yet. Ev­ery­one put their hands in their pock­ets again. They brought out
some­thing that re­minded them of candy. No, it was candy. It was cof­fee-fla­‐
vored candy.

The brands were dif­fer­ent, but all of them were cof­fee-fla­vored candy. Ev­‐
ery­one took out the cof­fee fla­vored candy care­fully, with a more se­ri­ous
look than when eat­ing the stim­u­lant, and they ripped the wrap­ping pa­per off
and put it in their mouth.

And they wished, 'Please, let us have luck. Please let our sac­ri­fice be the ba­‐
sis for our col­leagues, not the strug­gle. Please be a sur­vivor and en­joy the
sad luck of telling our child or grand­chil­dren what we are do­ing to­day.'

When ev­ery­one was so ea­ger to speak, some­thing fell from the sky. Thump!
It fell like a light­ning bolt, and with­out look­ing around, it ap­proached Kim
Se-hyung, who was the high­est-ranked here, straight away. "Re­port the sit­u­‐

Kim Se-hyung, who was chew­ing a candy, was so sur­prised by this sud­den
sit­u­at­ion that he swal­lowed the candy.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

'Kuck!' His esoph­ag­ us and stom­ach screamed. Kim Se-hyung's in­stincts

also screamed. Of course, the scream of in­stinct was not a scream of pain.

"I am, Mas­ter Sergeant Kim Se-hyung of the 22nd Di­vi­sion, and I am re­‐
port­ing now. There is a green-grade mon­ster ahead and we are work­ing on
buy­ing time to help the troops re­treat."

"Did you take the stim­u­lant?"

"All of us took it."

"Then we'll re­sume fight­ing."


At the words, the men, who were mak­ing sur­prised ex­pres­sions, stood up
with­out know­ing it.

Kkiii! At the same time, the Gob­lins who had been af­ter them be­gan to rush
to­ward them. Ev­ery­one turned their heads in sur­prise. Some of the quicker
re­sponses in the crowd im­me­di­ately moved to point their ri­fles at the Gob­‐
lins. But there were no gun­shots.

Thud! The thirty Gob­lins that were ap­proach­ing be­gan to fall on the dirty
ground, with blood drip­ping through the holes in their heads.


'What, what?'

Kim Tae-hoon stepped for­ward to the scene.

Keueoeoeo! At that time, a scream that could not be pro­duced with­out a

mon­ster burst out from a place not far away.

Keuaaa! There were two screams, not one, burst­ing out at the same time.
The cry re­minded ev­ery­one of what they had learned: the in­for­ma­tion that
among the green-grade mon­sters, the Twin-headed Ogre was the most pow­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 117 - Pyongyang, Part I ⦘

'T, Twin-headed Ogre!'

'The green-grade mon­ster is Twin-headed Ogre!'


They re­mem­bered the story of the hunter who had first killed the Twin-
headed Ogre. So, in front of it, Kim Se-hyung and his troops smiled in­stead
of cry­ing.

Kim Tae-hoon also smiled gruffly. 'If I stay this way, I will be fooled by the
tricks of the Six Snakes.'

Kim Tae-hoon was con­vinced that the Six Snakes would not stay still. He
knew that they would use all means and meth­ods to de­stroy him and the Re­‐
pub­lic of Ko­rea. Of course, he was go­ing to stop their work.

'Be­ing hit is not in my per­sonal his­tory.'

Of course, he didn't want to be sat­is­fied with the block­ade. No, Kim Tae-
hoon was not such a man in the first place. He was a man whose job had
been to de­stroy im­preg­nable fortresses and to de­stroy the el­em
­ ents of hos­‐
tile groups.

The essence now was no dif­fer­ent. The best de­fense was an at­tack, and Kim
was will­ing to carry out the needs of the war. He would be beaten, but
would pay back as much as he had taken, and would fur­ther in­fringe their
ter­ri­tory so that they would not even think of do­ing it again.

'We take over North Ko­rea and then we go to the con­ti­nent.' North Ko­rea
was a bridge­head for it, and that was the rea­son why Kim crossed the Mil­i­‐
tary De­mar­ca­tion Line with­out wast­ing time at the pa­rade of Bu­san Port. Of
course, there was no time to waste against a Twin-headed Ogre.

Kim turned to­ward the di­rec­tion of the Twin-headed Ogre. "We will take
Sari­won to­day, and cross the Dae­dong River to­mor­row."

At those words, Kim Se-hyung and his troops shouted with all their might,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 118 - Py­ongyang, Part Ii

Chap­ter 41. Py­ongyang, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Kaesong In­dus­trial Com­plex...

It was the only place where land­mines had been re­moved be­tween Ko­rea
and North Ko­rea. Of course, the South Ko­rean army was sup­port­ing all sol­‐
diers and hunters work­ing in North Ko­rea, us­ing the Kaesong In­dus­trial
Com­plex as a base for the oc­cu­pa­tion of North Ko­rea.

"A green-grade mon­ster ap­peared in Seo­he­ung County, and many vic­tims

were re­ported. I think we need some sup­port."


"Yonan County has re­quested as­sis­tance. It's an ur­gent re­quest."

"Geum­cheon County has also re­quested for as­sis­tance."

It was also a place where all the sad news in North Ko­rea was gath­ered.

'Damn it.' Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, who was in charge of this Kaesong Ad­‐
vance Base, clenched his teeth tightly in front of the re­peated sad news.

'It is not even Py­ongyang... it is so hard to reach Sari­won, which is just on

the way to Py­ongyang.'

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

He was only a colonel, but in fact, he was the com­man­der of the Ko­rean
army. He seemed to be the per­son who was in charge of the Ad­vance Base
of the Kaesong In­dus­trial Com­plex.

But the rea­son why he stayed him­self at the Kaesong Ad­vance Base and
took the risk was sim­ple. 'We must build de­fense lines in North Ko­rea as
soon as pos­si­ble, and at least se­cure sup­ply routes over Py­ongyang, if not
the Yalu River.'

The fate of South Ko­rea was at stake in oc­cu­py­ing the land of North Ko­rea.

'The mine­fields in the DMZ stop the mon­sters from com­ing down to the
south, but if we fail to move up, we're vir­tu­ally iso­lated... if we are iso­lated,
we will die.'

That was a good rea­son. It would be strange for a sol­dier, whose duty was
to pro­tect the fate of the na­tion, and carry out mis­sions with the fate of the
na­tion at stake, to not do all he could.

More­over, Colonel Lim knew the army bet­ter than any­one else. 'The army
is an or­ga­ni­za­tion, as the high­est must put to prac­tice and the sub­or­di­nates
do their best. In other words, if the su­pe­ri­ors spare them­selves, no army can
ex­ert its abil­ity.'

'Damn it.' So it was more prob­lem­atic. Al­though Col. Lim Hyun-joon, who
was now the Chief Com­man­der of the Ko­rean mil­i­tary, be­came the gen­eral
man­ager of the Kaesong Ad­vance Base, the sit­u­at­ion showed no sign of im­‐
prove­ment, even though his men were ex­ert­ing more than 120 per­cent of
their power. The wall be­fore them was still solid when they could no longer
squeeze more power out.

'The num­ber of mon­sters com­ing to the South re­cently in­creased. In the

worst case... there is a pos­si­bil­ity that the forces of China and Rus­sia are
com­ing to the south for the oc­cu­pa­tion of the Ko­rean Penin­sula.'

The re­cent in­crease in the num­ber of mon­sters south­ward had been shak­ing
Colonel Lim's spir­its. Be­cause of that, Colonel Lim's ex­pres­sion was solid.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

"It's an ur­gent re­port!" A man rushed into the op­er­at­ing room.

"We suc­ceeded in killing the green-grade mon­ster near the Py­ongyang Gae­‐
seong Ex­press­way, which is lo­cated on the way to Sari­won City!"

'Oh, my God! Is it true?'

At the voice of the man who con­veyed the good news, the faces of the
crowd who had only heard sad news glowed. Colonel Lim was also the

"The green-grade mon­ster?"

"Yes! The mon­ster they killed..." Once again, the man who an­swered in a
loud voice read the note in his hand, which had been writ­ten by a bad

"Twin-headed Ogre."

Twin-headed ogre!


'Wait, wait!'

The ex­pres­sions of the crowd were more doubt­ful than joy­ous when he said
that they had hunted a mon­ster like a night­mare, be­yond their power.

Colonel Lim was also the same. 'Twin-headed Ogre! How did they kill it?'

'It is very dif­fi­cult to kill a Twin-headed Ogre. In or­der to hunt it, a large
num­ber of the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Unit must be put in, and even that is not

In the past, the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Unit suc­ceeded in hunt­ing the Golden
Horn Spi­der, but it was thanks to the ten­dency of the Golden Horn Spi­der to
work in its own do­main. Thanks to its ten­dency, they were able to build a
siege net­work around Jirisan safely, and af­ter that, they could kill it be­cause
it was hit hard by the salvo bomb­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

'The ac­tiv­ity ra­dius of the type of mon­ster that ac­tively wan­ders is un­reach­‐
able, such as the Twin-headed Ogre, and it is the most dif­fi­cult type for the
Ar­mored Hunt­ing Unit to deal with.'

But they hunted it.

"Which unit?" Colonel Lim asked on be­half of all who had doubts, and the
sub­or­di­nate im­me­di­ately read the note in his hand.

"The 22nd Di­vi­sion's Mas­ter Sergeant Kim Se-hyung and his pla­toon... no,
Kim Tae-hoon killed it." At that mo­ment his sub­or­di­nate's ex­pres­sion was

"Wait, wait a minute... well..."

Then the sub­or­di­nate, who felt some­thing strange, be­gan to go white with
em­bar­rass­ment, and the color of his face be­gan to spread out.


'The Mas­ter?'

There was no per­son who did not know the name Kim Tae-hoon here.

On the other hand, Colonel Lim shook his head with a bit­ter smile. 'Kim has
not been changed at all.' He knew so well that Kim was such a man.

"I'll check it out again."

"You don't have to do that, be­cause he is the Mas­ter."

Fur­ther­more, Colonel Lim was able to gauge what Kim wanted at this mo­‐

"The mas­ter will se­cure the way to Sari­won City, and the rest of the men
will fol­low him. Give my or­der to them; the mon­sters on the Py­ongyang-
Kaesong High­way will be cleaned up, so move with peace of mind."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

What Kim wanted was to oc­cupy North Ko­rea as soon as pos­si­ble. That
was all.

'We are bound to be­lieve him. Such a fig­ure of Kim Tae-hoon takes away
the free­dom to doubt from those who fol­low him.'

'I will just be­lieve and fol­low him.'

"And in­form Seoul."

"What shall I say?"

"The Mas­ter is back."


Sari­won City...

It was a place they could reach if they fol­lowed along the Py­ongyang-
Kaesong High­way con­nect­ing Kaesong and Py­ongyang, and a place where
the rail­ways con­nect­ing Kaesong and Py­ongyang passed.

'If Ko­rea takes over North Ko­rea and the trains can run again on the
Gyeongui Line, it will be a key point of trans­porta­tion. That's why so far,
many peo­ple have tried and been sac­ri­ficed to se­cure this place first.'

"When I last heard it was def­i­nitely a mon­ster's heaven, but I think it's like a
hell of mon­sters."

And now no one was needed to sac­ri­fice them­selves to re­cap­ture Sari­won


"Boss, it's been a long time."

"It's been a long time."

Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

When they faced each other for the first in a long time, they looked at each
other and sighed as if they had promised. For a mo­ment af­ter that they were

"Oh, it's cold. It's def­i­nitely win­ter, and it's fi­nally com­ing." It was Jang
Sung-hoon who spoke in the si­lence first. "How was your trip to Japan?"

"It wasn't bad."

"Then, of course, you brought me a sou­venir?"

A sou­venir.

At the word, Kim Tae-hoon said with a bit­ter smile, "There's a ship at Bu­‐
san Port. I'll give it to you as a sou­venir. You can sell or use it."

"Hey, you learned how to joke since I last saw you, boss, and I'm thrilled."

The at­mos­phere of the con­ver­sa­tion that started was not bad. It could not be

"Rather, what was I like? What did you think of me when I was forty years
old and never for­got my loy­alty to you?"

Now, be­yond the re­la­tion­ship be­tween the boss and the sub­or­di­nate, it was
the re­la­tion­ship that they could un­der­stand best as sur­vivors of the world.

"I don't have time to waste on such a story. We will take over Py­ongyang in
the short­est time, and then build a line of de­fense around Py­ongyang."

Of course, Kim did not waste his words for a good con­ver­sa­tion. Jang nod­‐
ded at Kim's ap­pear­ance. There was no sad­ness or any­thing for him. This
was what Kim looked like.

"What's the next thing we need to do, if we need to do it in the short­est


"I will kill the dragon that has set­tled on Mt. Halla, Jeju Is­land."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

"... wow." Of course, Jang was forced to pause in front of Kim's an­nounce­‐
ment, which was so sud­den and shock­ing.

"I ex­pected some­thing, which was not a joke, to come out, but I never
thought it would come out." Jang heaved a long sigh at the words of Kim.

"Well, I'm not go­ing to stop you, be­cause you don't want me to stop you.
Tell me why."

"We'd bet­ter get rid of the Six Snakes be­fore they touch us first, and if I
want to fight against them, it's best to fight on Jeju Is­land."

"Is there a rea­son for the Six Snakes to touch the dragon?"

"Why not touch it?"

"Well..." Jang, who was about to ask a ques­tion in re­turn, gave him­self an
an­swer. "Now that nei­ther Ko­rea nor Japan is the Six Snakes, they don't
care about them. No mat­ter where the dragon is on the Ko­rean Penin­sula, or
on the ar­chi­pel­ago, they will merely look at it from the po­si­tion of the Six

It was as he said. From the stand­point of the Six Snakes, they must now
clean up Ko­rea and Kim Tae-hoon by all means pos­si­ble. In such a sit­u­a‐­
tion, the dark blue-grade mon­ster, the dragon, which was on Mt. Halla in
Jeju Is­land, was the surest bomb they could blow. When Lee Ki-soo was
alive, or when Musashi led the Ja­pa­nese Em­pire, they could not blow it. On
the other hand, there was no rea­son not to burst it now.

'Even if the bomb is dis­posed of, it is a very ter­ri­ble bomb that leaves a fa­tal
af­ter­ef­fect to some­one in some way.'

"We haven't found the Man­pasik­jeok yet. The dragon's curse..."

"You're the one who ad­vised me to take the power of im­mor­tal­ity be­cause
I'll die of an­other Curse if I undo the Dragon's Curse."

Jang shook his head at the an­swer.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

In front of Jang's eyes, Kim's hair color be­gan to turn white.

Jang looked sur­prised. "That's..."

"Even if it's not a Dragon's Curse, I al­ready have one Curse."

"... is it the Curse of the Eight-tailed Fox?"

"It's the price for us­ing the tran­scen­dent power rather than a curse, and if
you put an air­plane en­gine into a small car, it's like the car break­ing down."

"Ah..." With a long sigh, Jang had many wor­ries. But he did not ex­press his
con­cern. He was wor­ried, and he just buried what he was wor­ried about for
later. He didn't need to speak. It was Kim Tae-hoon who was de­ter­mined to
do so, any­way. What Jang should do was not break Kim's de­ter­mi­na­tion,
but give his strength, in­stead.

"Do you need any­thing for the dragon hunt?"

"As I said, first of all, clean up Py­ongyang."

"Do we re­ally have to go to Py­ongyang? If we were to build a front line in

the north, it would be enough to set­tle down near the Dae­dong River. There
is noth­ing left to take in Py­ongyang."

"We'll have to kill the rest of the party."

"The rest of the party?"

"The North Ko­rean lead­ers."

Jang asked, "Will they be alive?"

North Ko­rea had vir­tu­ally col­lapsed, ac­cord­ing to cur­rent fig­ures. For a

coun­try that had been at the brink of col­lapse in the first place, the mon­sters'
ap­pear­ance was like stran­gling a pa­tient who could not live with­out the help
of a ven­ti­la­tor. Now it was not easy to find sur­vivors.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

As proof, the num­ber of sur­vivors found in re­cent months by South Ko­rean

troops work­ing in the North was only a hun­dred. It was a dis­as­trous re­sult.

"We are al­most a year away from the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters... I won­‐
der if they're all dead or ran away." Un­der such cir­cum­stances, it was un­‐
likely that North Ko­rean of­fi­cials would be alive.

How­ever, Kim's ideas were dif­fer­ent. "The en­emy of North Ko­rea was the
United States."

"Yes. It was the main en­emy."

"In other words, the un­der­ground bunkers made by North Ko­rea were made
with the United States in mind." Kim knew North Ko­rea bet­ter than any­one

"That would cer­tainly mean that they have the most amaz­ing un­der­ground
bunkers in the world. But who knows the bunker's lo­ca­tions... Ah!"

And Kim had no choice but to know.

"Boss was a top ex­pert in this field."

The orig­i­nal pur­pose of the unit Kim be­longed to, was to as­sas­si­nate the
North Ko­rean VIPs. Though the greed of those in power had led him to a
mis­sion that had noth­ing to do with him, it didn't mean that its essence dis­‐

Kim had all the rights to ac­cess all the in­for­ma­tion needed to as­sas­si­nate the
North Ko­rean VIPs, and he al­ways took full ad­van­tage of it. There was a
more com­plete map of Py­ongyang in his mind than the cit­i­zens of Py­‐

"Then, all we have to do is fol­low the boss. Then it is dragon hunt­ing af­ter
clean­ing up Py­ongyang?"


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 118 - Pyongyang, Part Ii ⦘

"So, af­ter you fin­ish hunt­ing the dragon, are you think­ing of go­ing to Rus­sia
to get the power of the im­mor­tal­ity? To with­stand the Curse of the

Kim an­swered Jang's ques­tion with­out any con­sid­er­at­ion, "No."

"Then where are you go­ing? China? Eu­rope? or Amer­ica? Shall we go to

the Lou­vre and clean it up?"

"I'm go­ing to Tai­wan."


Kim an­swered the sur­prised Jang qui­etly, "It's much wiser to deal with them
be­fore we are hit by them, rather than to pay it back af­ter we are hit."

With that an­swer, Kim rose from his seat. "The op­er­at­ion is sim­ple. If I
make a way, you fol­low. To­mor­row evening, we eat in Py­ongyang."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 119 - Py­ongyang, Part Iii

Chap­ter 41. Py­ongyang, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


'We will eat din­ner in Py­ongyang To­mor­row.'

When the words were de­liv­ered to sol­diers and hunters who were ac­tive
through­out the coun­try try­ing to ad­vance to Py­ongyang, no one ac­cepted it
as a se­ri­ous story.

"We are hav­ing din­ner in Py­ongyang to­mor­row... we can't get to Py­ongyang

even if we start to run right now."


"There are so many mon­sters around Py­ongyang!"

"Did he say that from the heart? I think that it's just the name of the op­er­a‐­

It was nat­u­ral. Even though they had tried to go north for sev­eral months,
they had never even drunk wa­ter from the Dae­dong River. There­fore, it was
im­pos­si­ble for any­one to reach Py­ongyang in just one day.

"Kim Tae-hoon? The Mas­ter is here?"

"That's why we came up with that op­er­at­ion."

"But it's im­pos­si­ble to eat din­ner in Py­ongyang to­mor­row un­less the mas­ter
eats alone."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

No mat­ter how Kim ap­peared on the bat­tle­field, they did not be­lieve that it
would be pos­si­ble. How­ever, they be­gan to change their minds when the
sun went down and the new year came up.

"Am I dream­ing?"

"...if this is a dream, we're hav­ing the most bru­tal lucky dream in the

Py­ongyang-Kaesong High­way.

The road that should have been filled with cars was now oc­cu­pied with the
dead bod­ies of mon­sters. What was more sur­pris­ing was the state of the
dead bod­ies. The mon­sters' bod­ies were all be­headed and crum­pled on the

It was a sight that even hunters who had hunted many mon­sters could not
eas­ily ac­cept.

"How the hell could he kill all this?"

"It is pos­si­ble to cut off the head."

"No, I mean..."

It was not just be­cause the heads were cut off. Cut­ting the head off was a
very ef­fec­tive way, be­cause some of the mon­sters were still alive even af­ter
they were struck by a hail of bul­lets. So, cut­ting off the head was one of the
most ob­vi­ous treat­ments, af­ter de­stroy­ing the heart.

"I don't know how it's pos­si­ble to make hun­dreds of mon­sters into a pile of
bod­ies dead at once."

The prob­lem was the num­bers. Usu­ally, when a mon­ster group was hit hard
enough to al­most wipe them, it was when an ar­tillery-led in­ten­sive bom­‐
bard­ment was car­ried out. Of course, in that case, the con­di­tion of the bod­‐
ies was far from clean. In other words, it was a com­mon-sense pic­ture to
those who had sur­vived in the present era.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

The tes­ti­mony of those who wit­nessed the scene in per­son made the al­ready
un­usual sight more un­usual.

"It was five swords."


"Five swords moved to the mon­sters and cut off the mon­sters' heads to­‐

The fact that five swords moved freely and cut off the mon­ster's heads was
so un­usual that even those who had seen it were un­able to ex­press it prop­‐
erly and ex­plain it. But no one was fright­ened by it.

"In a word, it was... won­der­ful."

Rather, they were the op­po­site!

"I just felt that when I saw the mon­sters came in a horde and then fall to the
ground as a head­less body, all I have to do is trust the mas­ter and fol­low

Ev­ery­one was en­cour­aged by the dead bod­ies of the mon­sters and the sto­‐
ries of their col­leagues who were wit­nesses. Of course, those who gained
that courage no longer doubted!

"If I trust the mas­ter and fol­low him, I can eat din­ner in Py­ongyang

And their faith had be­come a re­al­ity.



The cap­i­tal of North Ko­rea was more or less as at­trac­tive as ex­pected. The
pres­ence of the Ryu Kyung Ho­tel, once the high­est build­ing in Asia, was
much more in­tense than ex­pected, as well as the high-rise build­ings that did
not match ter­ri­ble North Ko­rea known to the world.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

But those who vis­ited Py­ongyang di­rectly felt some­thing het­ero­ge­neous in

its splen­dor. Even­tu­ally, they re­al­ized that Py­ongyang was not a city, but a
film set that di­rected the city.

So if a stranger who did not know any­thing saw Py­ongyang now, he would
think they are film­ing a movie on the set. They would also think that the ac­‐
tors were mon­sters, not hu­mans, and among them was a gi­ant bloody-furred
bear-man mea­sur­ing at least ten me­ters long. Blood Were­bear was the lead­‐
ing ac­tor in a movie film­ing in Py­ongyang.


Of course, as soon as they stepped into Py­ongyang, they re­al­ized that it was
not a movie, but a tragic re­al­ity.

The Blood Were­bear's blue eyes were full of the fear that could not be pro­‐
duced in any other way. But now there were groups ap­proach­ing the Blood
Were­bear, mon­sters made of golden smoke.

Start­ing with an ele­phant, the group com­prised a lion, a tiger, a bird, and
hu­mans! It was a herd of an­i­mals that had no sense of unity. At the same
time, it was a group that could not be any threat at all. There was no rea­son
to be afraid of their claws and teeth, which were oth­er­wise de­void of sub­‐

Blood Were­bear was one of the mon­sters with blue eyes! It didn't even in­‐
tend to take this ridicu­lous threat se­ri­ously. There­fore, Blood Were­bear
opened its mouth and vom­ited its fear out through its huge mouth.

Keueoeoeong! The fe­ro­cious fear that could de­stroy the heart of the lis­tener
shook Py­ongyang.

The an­i­mals in gold smoke were the same. Their bod­ies be­gan to trem­ble
like a haze in front of the fear that the Blood Were­bear was let­ting free.

Twang! It was noth­ing but the sound of a ge­o­mungo, a six-stringed Ko­rean

zither, that stopped the shak­ing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

Toot-toot! Then the two sounds of the tungso, the six-holed bam­boo flute,
and the zither be­gan to blend to­gether.

Dum-de-dum! Dum-da-dum! Drum­ming be­gan to give strength to the per­‐

for­mance. That was how the five mu­si­cians, made up of golden smoke, be­‐

The golden beasts of the play be­gan to change. The golden smoke beasts,
which were sway­ing like a haze in the fear, were no longer shaken, and it
wasn't just that.

Ppoo-woo-woo! Ev­ery beast be­gan to get big­ger, and their claws and teeth
turned sharper and sharper. They be­came beasts which even Blood Were­‐
bear could not help but re­spond to se­ri­ously.

Keuwawaang! Of course, the Blood Were­bear did not feel a sense of cri­sis
or shrink back. On the con­trary, it charged to­ward the golden beasts that
were now clearly its en­em
­ ies.

The Blood Were­bear started to run on the road, its paws thud­ding loudly,
while golden beasts also be­gan to race, too. The bat­tle that be­gan was as­ton­‐

Keuaang! When­ever the Blood Were­bear swung its arm, the build­ing
nearby be­came a garbage dump. Fur­ther­more, un­like reg­u­lar bears, a two-
legged Blood Were­bear had longer arms than legs, and its up­per body was
larger than its lower body.

Its of­fense was very di­verse. As long as the Blood Were­bear just ran up and
swung its arms, it used its arms as if it were a hu­man boxer. Above all, its
power was enor­mous.

Its might, which made the Twin-head Ogre's strength laugh­able, was so
pow­er­ful that it could fling the golden smoke ele­phant nearly a hun­dred me­‐
ters away. The ele­phant was op­pressed that much, so the tiger and the lion
couldn't do their best.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

They tried all they could to leave the marks on the body of the Blood Were­‐
bear with their teeth and claws, but the dam­age was only a scratch. They
were clearly in­fe­rior. No one could see a win­ning chance for the beasts of
the golden smoke.

At that time, a Sword flew from a long dis­tance and stuck into the Blood
Were­bear's chest with breath­tak­ing speed.

Keueoh? While the sur­prised Blood Wearer was in a state of con­fu­sion, an­‐
other Sword flew over and drove into its chest again.

Keuaaah! The Blood Were­bear, who had been at­tacked on its chest twice in
a row, looked in the di­rec­tion the Swords had come from with sur­prised and
an­gry eyes.

Pook, pook! At that mo­ment, two more swords, two katanas, dug into the
eyes of the Blood Were­bear. That was the be­gin­ning.

Pook! From a long dis­tance, a kilo­me­ter or far­ther away, a sword be­gan to

fly un­ceas­ingly and stuck into the body of the Blood Were­bear. All the fly­‐
ing swords were katanas. How­ever, they were not or­di­nary katanas. The
named swords, which were treated as na­tional trea­sures in Japan, had now
be­come relics and the teeth and claws of hu­mans hunt­ing mon­sters! They
were also no or­di­nary relics.

Pook! The sev­enth Ja­pa­nese sword in the body of the Blood Were­bear was
a katana named To­ji­giri Ya­sut­suna, which was one of the five most pow­er­‐
ful swords in the world.

Pook! The eighth Ja­pa­nese sword was one of the five most pow­er­ful swords
in the world, named Mikazuki Munechika.

Pook! The ninth sword was named On­i­maru Ku­nit­suna.

Keueoeoeo! This sword, which pulled out the loud­est scream from the
Blood Were­bear's mouth, was con­sid­ered to be the peak of the Ja­pa­nese

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

King's use! It was a trea­sure among the trea­sures, and not even des­ig­nated
as a na­tional trea­sure be­cause it was a pos­ses­sion of the Heav­enly King, the
Ja­pa­nese Em­peror.

Only one per­son would use such a trea­sure as a sub­sti­tute for an ar­row, and
that was Kim Tae-hoon.

'It's more pow­er­ful than I thought.'

From a dis­tance where they could not see the Blood Were­bear with hu­man
eyes, he saw it very clearly with his black Eyes, as twenty-five Swords
waited for their owner to call them.

Tsure­ung! Now the tenth sword showed it­self, and with­out de­lay be­gan its
flight to­ward the Blood Were­bear.


3 p.m.

By the time hunger be­gan to cir­cu­late, sol­diers and hunters be­gan to en­ter
Py­ongyang City.

For mon­sters, it was a pleas­ant sit­u­at­ion that their prey ap­peared at their
feet af­ter a long time. But no mon­ster dared ap­proach the crowd. It was be­‐
cause of the man who led the crowd: Kim Tae-hoon.

There was no mon­ster will­ing to show its teeth to him, who had de­feated
the Blood Were­bear and be­come the new owner of Py­ongyang.

"From now on, we are get­ting rid of all the mon­sters in Py­ongyang."

Of course, it did not mean that Kim Tae-hoon was giv­ing mercy to the mon­‐
sters who did not at­tack.

"There is no meal un­til we clean up the mon­sters in Pyeongyang." Fur­ther­‐

more, Kim did not give un­con­di­tional mercy to the sol­diers and hunters, ei­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

What they needed in the first place was not mercy.

"I cer­tainly or­dered that we will have din­ner in Py­ongyang tonight."

What was needed was a com­mand from a trust­wor­thy leader and its leader.

"Yes!" At Kim Tae-hoon's or­der, the sol­diers and hunters who came to Py­‐
ongyang felt their eyes burn­ing, and so the clean­ing be­gan.


"Boss." The con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon be­‐

"You eas­ily killed a blue-grade mon­ster now, that's great."

At the words of Jang, Kim rubbed his tem­ple with his right hand in­stead of
an­swer­ing. "It's not enough."


"I'm not sure about the dragon hunt with this much." In fact, Kim was not
very happy now. He was not as sure as he had claimed.

"This isn't enough?" Jang was dumb­founded at the fact. More­over, Kim's
poor ap­pear­ance and ut­ter­ing that he was not so sure about his hunt­ing was
al­most un­heard of in his mem­ory.

If Kim made a weak sound, those who fol­lowed him should have ex­ag­ger­‐
ated their pain. How­ever, he did not want to hide the re­al­ity with his awk­‐
ward con­fi­dence at this mo­ment.

"I've al­ready died once." He had al­ready ex­pe­ri­enced that death.

"Ah... the first."

The first death he had ex­pe­ri­enced af­ter drink­ing Napoleon's Golden Glass
was the one by a dragon. So he knew bet­ter than any­one what the level of
bat­tle with the dragon was.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 119 - Pyongyang, Part Iii ⦘

Jang, who knew that fact, shook his head. "So you came to Py­ongyang," he
sud­denly said.

At the words, Kim cocked his head. "So I came to Py­ongyang?"

"Yes?" This time, Jang cocked his head. "Isn't this rea­son why you came to

"The rea­son I came to Py­ongyang was to take over Py­ongyang and de­ploy a
de­fen­sive force here, as I ex­plained yes­ter­day."

"That's nat­u­ral, but what I'm say­ing..." At that mo­ment, Jang made a sud­den
ex­pres­sion, as if he had just re­al­ized some­thing. "You didn't know. No, you
could not help but not know, be­cause I never told you." He con­tin­ued care­‐
fully, "There is a royal tomb of King Dongmyeong in Py­ongyang, the tomb
of Dongmyeongseong­wang, also known as Ju­mong of Goguryeo!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 120 - The Sword Given By

Heaven, Part I
Chap­ter 42. The Sword Given by Heaven, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"The un­der­ground bunker hid­den by the North Ko­rean of­fi­cials is closely

con­nected to the sub­way sta­tion build­ing of Py­ongyang Metro. It is nat­u­ral
that the Py­ongyang Metro it­self was not built for trans­porta­tion pur­poses in
the first place, but as a con­cept of air de­fense against pro­pa­ganda and bom­‐
bard­ment. There­fore, all the sub­way sta­tion build­ings in Py­ongyang are the
en­trance to the un­der­ground bunker. They don't have elec­tric­ity to run the
sub­way, that's why they can­not op­er­ate it."

When Kim Tae-hoon went through hard train­ing and joined the Se­cret Spe­‐
cial Forces, a so-called Ghost Unit, the first ed­u­ca­tion he re­ceived was
about their goals.

"The most se­cret un­der­ground bunker among them is the Tongil Sta­tion of
the Chol­lima Line. It is lo­cated deep enough to take 20 min­utes down the
es­ca­la­tor and is lo­cated clos­est to the Tae­dong River. Be­cause se­cur­ing
drink­ing wa­ter is easy, it is pos­si­ble for them to sur­vive for five years in a
se­cret un­der­ground bunker lo­cated here. There are also things that North
Ko­rean of­fi­cials can cash in at any time, in­clud­ing the Rolex watch Che
Gue­vara liked, gold, art­works, and relics."


The tar­gets of the Ghost Unit were, of course, North Ko­rean of­fi­cials. It
was their duty to get rid of those who had helped and served as tools to the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

North Ko­rean dic­ta­tor.

"In other words, it is vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to get in there and es­cape af­ter the
mis­sion is com­plete. As I said ear­lier, the place is deep and well guarded.
It's im­pos­si­ble to kill some­one and to come out alive."

Only the mis­sion was all about the ex­is­tence of the Ghost Unit.

"I tell you clearly, if you com­plete your mis­sion at the Tongil Sta­tion, kill
your­selves as soon as you com­plete it."

In other words, at the mo­ment of com­ple­tion of the mis­sion, the rea­son for
the ex­is­tence of the Ghost Unit seemed to dis­ap­pear.

"I say again, kill your­selves as soon as you com­plete your mis­sion, and I
will not al­low you to die un­til then."

These were the or­ders he had re­ceived in train­ing.


At this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon was walk­ing to­ward a se­cret un­der­ground

bunker hid­den in the Tongil Sta­tion of the Chol­lima Line.

'This day fi­nally came.'

Each step was strange. It was as he said. At this mo­ment, Kim did not know
ex­actly what his feel­ings were. He did not know whether he was happy, sad,
re­gret­ful, or sat­is­fied.


Kim's foot­steps stopped in front of a big iron door. The iron door was so
firm that the scars cre­ated by the mon­sters' claws were nearly noth­ing, and
it re­vealed its de­ter­mi­na­tion that it would not al­low an un­per­mit­ted per­son
to visit.

In front of the door, Kim was able to make one thing clear.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

'This is the end of the duty of sol­dier Kim Tae-hoon. To­day, the mil­i­tary's
mis­sion for Kim Tae-hoon will be over. But it does not mean that Kim Tae-
hoon will be killing him­self here. If there is any­thing that will die here to­‐
day, it is only the sol­dier Kim Tae-hoon, not the hunter Kim Tae-hoon.'

There­fore, Kim Tae-hoon did not hes­i­tate. His right fist, stand­ing in front of
the iron door, be­gan to blacken. The black skin passed his arm at once,
mak­ing his up­per body and even his face black. Then he threw his black fist
to­ward the iron door.


The Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong.

Lo­cated a lit­tle dis­tance away from Py­ongyang, it was lit­er­ally the tomb of
King Dongmyeong, the founder of Goguryeo.

"Is this re­ally the tomb of Ju­mong?"

"I don't know."

Of course, there were dif­fer­ent opin­ions about the fact that it was the tomb
of the real King Dongmyeong.

"Yes? It was called the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong, and King
Dongmyeong must have been Ju­mong..."

"No, it is clear that Py­ongyang is not the first place where Ju­mong died."

Once King Dongmyeong, Ju­mong, be­came a king, the cap­i­tal of Goguryeo

was Jol­bon.

"Py­ongyang be­came the cap­i­tal of Goguryeo when it was un­der King

Jangsu, you learned that in the class on Ko­rean his­tory, didn't you? Silla and
Baekje formed the Naje Al­liance against the South­ward Ad­vance Pol­icy,
which was es­tab­lished dur­ing the reign of King Jangsu. You've been get­ting
tired of hear­ing it in el­em
­ en­tary, mid­dle, and high school, haven't you?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

"Isn't it Ko­rean his­tory we for­get first when the Col­lege Scholas­tic Abil­ity
Test has ended?"

It was dur­ing the reign of King Jangsu that Py­ongyang be­came the cap­i­tal
of Goguryeo. King Dongmyeong's Tomb in Jol­bon was moved to Py­‐
ongyang at that time, which was the cur­rent spec­u­la­tion about the ex­is­tence
of the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong in Py­ongyang. There was no def­i­‐
nite ev­i­dence found that it was truly the tomb of Ju­mong.

"But the his­to­ri­ans would not have called it the Royal Tomb of King
Dongmyeong... there is def­i­nitely some rea­son for it."

"That's what we do, in com­mon sense, but this is not a coun­try of com­mon

North Ko­rea never con­ducted a full-scale in­ves­ti­ga­tion and re­search to con­‐

firm the au­then­tic­ity of the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong.

"Even af­ter the North Ko­rean of­fi­cials who vis­ited South Ko­rea saw Cheon­‐
ma­chong, the Tomb in Gyeongju, he in­sisted that the height of the Royal
Tomb of King Dongmyeong not be lower than that of the South Ko­rean
Cheon­ma­chong, so they raised the height of the Royal Tomb of King
Dongmyeong by two me­ters."

"For that rea­son, they raised the height?"


The high of­fi­cial of North Ko­rea said that it was the Royal Tomb of King
Dongmyeong, but what kind of crazy his­to­rian would try and work to deny
it? So far, the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong had never been prop­erly
ver­i­fied, un­like the royal tombs of Baekje or Silla. That was why Jang was
con­cerned. "Even if it's real, it's a prob­lem."


And that was not the only rea­son Jang Sung-hoon was wor­ried. "My spe­‐
cialty is the forgery of art."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

"Well, is that true?"

"Come on, ev­ery­one knows about it. Why do you pre­tend you don't know?
Any­way, North Ko­rean relics are clas­si­fied sep­ar­ ately at the art black mar­‐
ket, es­pe­cially in the Chi­nese art black mar­ket."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that the trade vol­ume is high."

North Ko­rea was a par­adise for rob­bers. Sur­vival was the supreme task of
the na­tion, so to pro­tect their na­tional trea­sures and his­tory was an­other na­‐
tion's story.

"For ex­am­ple, if we say that the mayor of Gyeongju ran away steal­ing the
relics of the Cheon­ma­chong on one big last job be­fore leav­ing Ko­rea, no
one would be­lieve it. But if a North Ko­rean of­fi­cial stole the Royal Tomb of
King Dongmyeong and fled to China to se­cure funds for es­cap­ing from
North Ko­rea, most peo­ple would be­lieve it, right?"

If it were real, the relics in it would be even more dan­ger­ous.

"First of all, the worst mur­derer in the world is reign­ing as king in North
Ko­rea, and it may be too much to wish that the real relic in the mur­derer's
front yard is in­tact."

"Then it's no use in­ves­ti­gat­ing the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong?"

Nev­er­the­less, the rea­son why Jang Sung-hoon came to the Royal Tomb of
King Dongmyeong was sim­ple. 'In Lotto, you have to scratch it be­fore you
know whether you won or not.'

"We need to know whether we lost the draw, so we can move on to the

"And I told you hon­estly, but my feel­ing is telling me that I'm go­ing to get a
bit hit in Py­ongyang."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

Fur­ther­more, Jang felt that some­thing great would hap­pen when he stepped
on Py­ongyang.

"Is that very ac­cu­rate?"

"I had a sim­i­lar feel­ing about eleven months ago."

"Eleven months ago?"

"It was when most of my fel­low troops were eaten by the Mud Troll in the
Ojung-dong mil­i­tary base, and only Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji and twenty of us
were still alive and trem­bling."

"Did you find a trea­sure then?"

Jang smiled be­fore the an­swer to the ques­tion of his sub­or­di­nate.


"Then what-"

"I met the boss." Fi­nally, Jang held a pre­pared shovel with his last words.
"Now, let's get started!"


Colonel Lim Hyun-joon's Ar­mored Hunt­ing Unit was the best com­bat unit
com­bin­ing Awak­en­ers and the army. Nat­u­rally, with con­fi­dence in the Ar­‐
mored Hunt­ing Unit, he wanted to cre­ate a power of the new gen­er­at­ion that
com­bined Awak­en­ers and the army. Here, he once again came up with a
new idea.

"The Spe­cial En­gi­neer Unit is not a joke."

"I think it's faster for them to use a shovel and a pick­axe than a folk-crane."

Af­ter com­bin­ing Awak­en­ers with the en­gi­neers, Colonel Lim cre­ated a very
strange unit called the Spe­cial En­gi­neer Unit. It wasn't the end. In plan­ning
a Spe­cial En­gi­neer Unit, he vis­ited Park Kap-soo, the chief of the work­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

shops, and de­manded the pro­duc­tion of pow­er­ful en­gi­neer equip­ment with

the ma­te­ri­als from mon­sters that could break iron. The chief of the work­‐
shop, Park Kap-soo, pro­duced bet­ter equip­ment than Colonel Lim had ex­‐
pected, and the abil­ity of the Spe­cial En­gi­neer Unit was be­yond his imag­i­‐

The fol­low­ing was the creed that Colonel Lim gave to the com­pleted Spe­‐
cial En­gi­neer Unit: when a Gen­eral En­gi­neer Unit sets a tent, a Spe­cial En­‐
gi­neer Unit builds a house!

It was not a big task to work on the small royal tomb for such a Spe­cial En­‐
gi­neer Unit. They started to work af­ter break­fast, and be­fore lunch, the
Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong was al­ready re­vealed.


"Fuck!" Jang Sung-hoon was also re­veal­ing his in­ner self. "Shit!"

He could not be sure of the truth of the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong.
But there was no relic in it, not even one. He didn't even see the sar­coph­a‐­
gus to en­close the bones, just a few ce­ment struc­tures sup­port­ing the empty
space. It was not even made prop­erly, some space was buried as it was.

'Fuck!' Jang Sung-hoon had no choice but to swear.

'For the Ja­pa­nese, the Ku­sanagi just fell out of the sky by it­self, but why are
we like this?'

Hon­estly, ex­pec­ta­tions were high. The de­sire was even big­ger than the big

'Damn it, Kim has to kill the dragon, the dragon!'

Kim was ready to kill the dragon right now. He was go­ing to try what no
one else in this world could do. It was a great job, which no one could even
sac­ri­fice for on be­half of Kim Tae-hoon. In such a sit­u­at­ion, a leg­endary
relic was the most ob­vi­ous thing to save Kim's life.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

There­fore, Jang had to be des­per­ate. Of course, in the sit­u­at­ion that his ex­‐
pec­ta­tion and long­ing were crushed, the dis­ap­point­ment that he felt was
also great.

'I felt it!' More­over, Jang re­ally felt some­thing. If not, there was no rea­son
to have ex­pec­ta­tions. As he had told his men, the prob­ab­ il­ity that the Royal
Tomb of King Dongmyeong was a real tomb was low, and even if it was
real, the prob­ab­ il­ity that the things in it would be fine was even lower.

'I still feel it!' Even Jang was strongly felt that some­thing would come out at
this mo­ment.

"Isn't there any­thing in it?"

"No, there's noth­ing more to come out, un­less they built a tun­nel and hid in

"Just in case, take a look at it again, es­pe­cially things that look like an ar­‐
row­head or a bow... no, even just sticks are okay, so take a pic­ture of ev­ery­‐
thing that comes out of it."

"I un­der­stand."

There­fore, Jang could not eas­ily turn his back on the Royal Tomb of King

He mea­sured other clues in his mind. 'Is there some­thing in the Kum­su­san?
Ac­cord­ing to the records, there was Jocheon­seok, a stone to heaven, in
Kumsu Moun­tain, on which King Dongmyeong stepped when he went to
heaven... Maybe there is a gi­raffe cave in Kum­su­san where Ju­mong raised a
gi­raffe. Or maybe they had hid­den all the relics from the Royal Tomb of
King Dongmyeong at the Kum­su­san Palace of the Sun...'

In or­der to get some­thing some­how, Jang wan­dered through his his­tor­i­cal

knowl­edge. He over­worked his mind to the point of burst­ing. It was the ap­‐
pear­ance of the per­son who made Jang so des­per­ate that stopped such self-

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

"The Mas­ter is here."

Kim Tae-hoon showed up at the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong. He ap­‐

peared above peo­ple's heads, as al­ways, just as Haemosu, the fa­ther of Ju­‐
mong, came down from the sky in the myth of Goguryeo.

In front of Kim, Jang gave a long sigh. "Boss, I'm sorry, I thought some­‐
thing might come up, but there was noth­ing."

It was Jang who had given Kim an ex­pec­ta­tion. If he had not brought up the
story of the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong, Kim would not even know
there was such a thing. So, Jang did not stop here.

"But some­thing was kept in the Royal Tomb of King Dongmyeong, and
there is a sign that some­one took it. If we look through the Kum­su­san
Palace of the Sun or wher­ever, some­thing will come out."

Jang couldn't stop there, be­cause he could not stop Kim Tae-hoon's dragon

"So if you give me a lit­tle more time and bud­get-"

"It's okay."

Kim stopped Jang's words and handed him a sword in his hand.

"I'm sure of the hunt­ing now."

'I'm sure.'

Jang looked at the sword with sur­prised eyes at those words. It was a sword
made of gold, the length of an adult man's arm, and it had a form that would
have been used in rit­u­als, not com­bat.

Most im­pres­sive of all was the pat­tern carved on the blade. A pe­cu­liar pat­‐
tern, made of the scales of an an­i­mal, cov­ered the blade.

'The pat­tern of a dragon's scale...' It was like a dragon's scales. Also, the
light emit­ted from the sword was not an or­di­nary one. It was not golden.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

'The ra­di­ance like the sun...' It was a ra­di­ance when he looked up at the sun,
a mys­te­ri­ous light that could never be mea­sured by the naked eye of a per­‐

'The dragon pat­tern, the ra­di­ance, the sword. The dragon, the ra­di­ance, the

At that mo­ment, Jang thought of a story closer to a myth rather than the his­‐
tory of Goguryeo.

"Oh, my God..."



There was still warm weather, and there was no win­ter sea­son.

Mao's at­tire was the same. Even in No­vem­ber, he was wear­ing only a thin
black silk suit. In front of him, there was a pile of fur leather clothes that
promised to be hot even if he wore them in the win­ter when the cold wind
was blow­ing.

A woman en­tered Mao's room. As soon as she came in, she bowed her head
and handed Mao the note she had in her hand.

Mao read the note and said, "The Six Snakes meet­ing came to a con­clu­‐

"Is it about the dragon?"

"The dead­line is af­ter De­cem­ber 1, and the con­clu­sion is that we can wake
up the dragon any time af­ter that."

"Why De­cem­ber 1...?"

"They'll need time to pre­pare for the sit­u­at­ion af­ter the dragon wakes up."

"What are they pre­par­ing for?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 120 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part I ⦘

"I think there's a lot of stuff they are not telling us, just like a ty­phoon isn't
some­thing peo­ple can do."

The woman nod­ded. She looked at the furry clothes. It was a dress that did
not fit in the sea­son and weather of Tai­wan, but on the other hand, the
woman knew the rea­son for the ex­is­tence of the clothes.

"... are you go­ing to take over Rus­sia?"

"The only time that we can move in Rus­sia, which has al­ready be­come a
world of zom­bies, is in the win­ter when the zom­bies freeze. Above all, if
the dragon wakes up, it will not be sat­is­fied with Japan and Ko­rea alone,
and its anger will reach China, or even where we are. We must pi­o­neer a
new path in prepa­ra­tion for that time."

The woman asked care­fully. "It may not hap­pen, but if Kim Tae-hoon kills
the dragon, what kind of mea­sures..."

"Mea­sures?" Mao made a some­what fishy smile at the ques­tion. "It's ab­so­‐
lutely im­pos­si­ble. I ad­mit he's great, but he can't do what is im­pos­si­ble."

With that some­what fishy grin, he as­serted, "Un­less he's been deal­ing with a
dragon, he'll never kill a dragon."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 121 - The Sword Given By

Heaven, Part Ii
Chap­ter 42. The Sword Given by Heaven, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Oh, my God, this is John­nie Walker Blue La­bel, isn't it?"

The un­der­ground bunker the North Ko­rean Party lead­ers made for them­‐
selves was more like a trea­sure stor­age than an un­der­ground bunker.

"There's a room filled with Bal­lan­tine's here, twenty-one years old."


"Crazy bas­tards, how much is it in to­tal?"

The ware­house in the bunker was full of fancy drinks, closer to lux­ury
goods rather than just liquor. In­side the safe, there were valu­able relics, art,
gold, sil­ver, and a bun­dle of dol­lars.

"The ob­vi­ous thing is, if they had sold ev­ery­thing here, the North Ko­re­ans
would have never starved."

It was a prod­uct of in­tense blood­shed ex­tracted through mad ex­ploita­tion.

"But why did they tie this dol­lar bun­dle with the white pa­per, and this dol­lar
with the red pa­per?"

"Maybe one of them is a Su­per­dol­lar."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

"A Su­per­dol­lar, a coun­ter­feit note made by North Ko­rea?"

"They can't use them if they mix them."

Fur­ther­more, there was a pile of prod­ucts of vi­cious crimes.

"What a crazy coun­try!"

The se­cret un­der­ground bunker in North Ko­rea was a space filled with all
the ma­li­cious­ness that hu­mans could show. Even the sol­diers who came to
get the goods there would sigh rather than ex­press ad­mi­ra­tion and joy in
front of the trea­sures be­fore their sight, and they felt ter­ri­ble in­stead of joy­‐

"God­dammit... when the world was dy­ing for the mon­sters, the North Ko­‐
rean Party lead­ers were here en­joy­ing their lives, drink­ing Bal­len­tine's or
gorg­ing them­selves."

"But be­cause they sur­vived, they met the Mas­ter... and they paid the right
price for their crimes."

What com­forted them was the cur­rent im­age of those who had en­joyed
them­selves in the bunker.

'This is the Polit­buro Com­mis­sioner Lee Seo-hong, this is Cab­i­net Deputy

Prime Min­is­ter Im Woong-cheon, and this is... the big fish.'

Their bod­ies and heads were neatly sep­ar­ ated, and their dead faces were
filled with screams and pain. It was proof that they had not died eas­ily.

"This is the sec­ond-ranked North Ko­rean leader, Park Kwang-seo, who is

the head of the mil­i­tary and po­lit­i­cal af­fairs de­part­ment."

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, who was ex­am­in­ing their bod­ies one by one,
straight­ened up af­ter check­ing the face of the last body. Then he looked
back along the road he had walked. On the road, about forty bod­ies were ar­‐
ranged, all head­less. Most of them were in the top hun­dred of the power or­‐
der in North Ko­rea.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

'It is sur­pris­ing and won­der­ful that so many pow­er­ful men who sur­vived the
ad­vent of the mon­sters and the cap­ture of Py­ongyang by mon­sters died in
an in­stant.'

Colonel Lim's gaze im­me­di­ately turned to the goods that the sol­diers had
brought up from the deep un­der­ground bunker. He could see al­co­hol, all
kinds of lux­ury goods, and gold and dol­lars they had col­lected for their es­‐
cape over­seas.

Even the crum­pled bod­ies were wear­ing ex­pen­sive lux­ury watches on their
wrists. There were also some with two watches on their wrists.

Al­though mea­sures were taken to pre­pare for an emer­gency es­cape, not just
Colonel Lim, but all the peo­ple of the world knew that those watches were
not earned by their own sweat and ef­fort. Hun­dreds of North Ko­re­ans' blood
and tears would have been forcibly drawn for just one watch.

'I never imag­ined that this was what they had col­lected through ex­ploita­‐

'The fine liquor in gold wine-jars is the blood of a thou­sand peo­ple.' It was a
scene where Lee Mong-ry­ong yelled out a thun­der­ing cry to­ward the cor­‐
rupt of­fi­cials.

'I'm sure since they kept this kind of stuff hid­den in a se­cret un­der­ground
bunker ware­house, they could say they didn't have any money. They
couldn't have had money to spend be­cause it was all there.'

Soon af­ter, Colonel Lim turned his head and saw Kim drink­ing cof­fee while
stand­ing there.

Colonel Lim walked up to Kim and said, "Con­grat­u­la­tions, you've com­‐

pleted your mis­sion. You don't have to be a ghost any­more."

At that re­mark, Kim added a bit­ter smile. Colonel Lim also had the same
bit­ter smile. The bit­ter smiles grad­u­ally dis­ap­peared. The story to be shared
from now on was not a story that they could laugh at.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

"The war for over half a cen­tury has come to an end."

The war, which had be­gun on June 25, 1950, ended on No­vem­ber 9, 2017.
The bod­ies killed by Kim Tae-hoon ac­tu­ally meant the dis­ap­pear­ance of the
North Ko­rean regime, and it was an ev­i­dence that the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea
had fi­nally won a war that had lasted for 67 years.

How­ever, Colonel Lim was not pleased with the fact. "The mon­sters helped
us unify."

The re­al­ity was still too ter­ri­ble to be happy. Above all, the end of the oc­cu­‐
pa­tion of Py­ongyang meant that a new page, a new en­emy, would be wel­‐

"So, who is the next en­emy?"

The new en­emy would be de­cided by Kim Tae-hoon.

"It is Jeju Is­land."


"I'll kill the dragon on Jeju Is­land."

Colonel Lim made a sur­prised ex­pres­sion at the calm re­ply of Kim. How­‐
ever, Colonel Lim seemed to ac­cept the sit­u­at­ion and gave a long sigh in­‐
stead of an ag­i­tated re­ac­tion. Hoo! Now, be­cause of the chilly weather, the
white breath added color to his sigh.

At the end of the sigh, Colonel Lim said briefly, "I'll risk my life to pro­tect
this place."

Af­ter that short talk, Colonel Lim turned his back, be­cause he re­al­ized that
it was not the time for him to feel sen­ti­men­tal over the spoils in front of


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

The place where Colonel Lim dis­ap­peared was im­me­di­ately filled with Jang
Sung-hoon. He was hold­ing a lot of pic­tures, us­ing both hands.

Kim asked a ques­tion, "Is it an im­por­tant relic?"

"Oh, this? It's not im­por­tant. These pic­tures are for prais­ing Kim Il Sung
and Kim Jong Il."

"Why did you bring them?"

"I could not bear that this shit was in the trea­sures. I brought them out to
burn." As soon as he fin­ished, Jang threw the pic­tures on the ground. "Can
you spit on them?"

Kim was will­ing to spit at his re­quest. Ptui! The spit started to burn the pic­‐
tures, which were now not dif­fer­ent from garbage. The heat gave warmth to
the cold air.

Jang rubbed his hands to­ward the warmth and asked, "Did you tell the

"A lit­tle while ago."

"That's why his face was so." Jang looked at the golden sword hang­ing on
Kim's waist. Kim fol­lowed Jang's eyes, and he also looked at the golden
sword on his waist. His eyes were black.


[Dragon Light Sword]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 1

-- Relic Value: Leg­end

-- Relic Ef­fect: Un­der the sun­light, it can cut any mon­ster.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

The value of the Dragon Light Sword was plain.

"Un­der the sun­light, it can cut any mon­ster..." But the con­tent was not plain.
It could hurt any mon­ster un­der the sun­light. It meant some­thing amaz­ing.

"It's the Sword of Haemosu."

There was no short­age of those us­ing the name Dragon Light Sword, which
was one of the Three Sa­cred Trea­sures which Haemosu, the son of the
Heav­enly God, had borne, he who was called the fa­ther of Ju­mong in
Goguryeo mythol­ogy.

It was the sword given Ko­rea by heaven!

"I don't know why this was in the hands of the trash guys."

If it had not been given by heaven, the Dragon Light Sword that was sleep­‐
ing in the se­cret un­der­ground bunker would not have come into the hands of
Kim Tae-hoon, who was about to hunt the dragon.

"But, boss, can I ask you a ques­tion? Were you con­fi­dent you would kill the
dragon with­out the Dragon Light Sword?" On the other hand, there was the
ques­tion of Jang. It was not a thing that Kim found, but a thing that came to
Kim. Kim didn't even know where the Dragon Light Sword was in the first

Kim Tae-hoon was al­ready pre­par­ing for the dragon hunt be­fore find­ing the
Dragon Light Sword. It meant that he was go­ing to hunt the dragon with­out
the Dragon Light Sword.

"I was sure of the plan I had pre­pared for the dragon hunt, and I was sure if
I moved on with the plan, I would kill the dragon."


"I just didn't have the con­fi­dence to do it 100 per­cent per­fectly."

At the an­swer, Jang gave a long sigh. "... so are you con­fi­dent that you will
carry out the plan now?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

"The Dragon Light Sword is in my hand, so it's about 80 per­cent con­fi­dent."

"Twenty per­cent short?"

"That twenty per­cent is filled." At that ques­tion, Kim looked at his right
hand for the an­swer.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 824

-- Health: 857

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A Rank

-- Mana: B+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S-Rank

-- De­fense: A Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: B+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- The Heart of the Bloody Were­bear (Grade 3): The power of the Bloody
Were­bear al­lows you to have a heart that emits a pow­er­ful vi­tal­ity. If you
have even a tiny bit of re­main­ing power, your heart does not stop.


The power of the Bloody Were­bear, which he had newly ac­quired!

The power made the blood of Kim Tae-hoon's heart spe­cial. It was like the
cof­fee that al­ways woke him up was hang­ing around in his blood ves­sels on

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

be­half of his heart. This power gave him con­fi­dence. He was con­vinced that
he could stand in front of the dragon in a com­pletely dif­fer­ent way from the
first time it had passed by him on Jan­u­ary 1, 2017.

At such an im­age of Kim, Jang re­al­ized that no one could stop Kim any­‐

"Boss, won't you say hello to Hyun-wook or sis­ter Sun-mi be­fore you go?
Kate or Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji, too. Why don't you come and have a re­‐
union once?"

Jang did not want to stop Kim any­more. He was ready to send him on.

"There is no time for that, by now the Six Snakes must have sent a com­‐
mando team to the Jeju Is­land to stim­u­late the dragon, and there is no guar­‐
an­tee that the dragon will not come to Seoul to­mor­row."

"Would you like to leave a mes­sage for them? Do you know how hard it is
be­ing in be­tween you and them?"

Kim left a word at the re­peated re­quests of Jang: "Sur­vival."

It was a good enough word.


Jeju Is­land.

It was al­ways a bright place, even far from civ­i­liza­tion, where its beauty
could not be de­nied by any­one. The blue sea, which filled the sur­round­ing
area of the is­land, made the sky blue, and the sun­shine scat­tered the for­est
around Mt. Halla with green and pleas­ant scenery. Right now the beauty of
Jeju Is­land was reach­ing its peak. The world was full of green trees and
green shades. Na­ture was openly re­veal­ing its ex­is­tence.

"There's not a sin­gle sur­vivor."

In other words, it meant that no per­son had sur­vived. No mat­ter how much
peo­ple tried, na­ture was the liveli­est when there were no peo­ple around.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

The same was true of Jeju Is­land's full vi­tal­ity, as there were no sur­vivors
on Jeju Is­land.

"Most peo­ple died of heart at­tacks..."

"It's so scary. Even within the same dark blue grade, it is not like those in
Japan or China."

It was the dragon who had caused the heart at­tacks, and who had made
Halla Moun­tain of Jeju Is­land its own ter­ri­tory. The three hun­dred-me­ter-
long dragon with dark red skin had landed on the top of Mt. Halla, and it
im­me­di­ately cried out with its huge body.

Dragon fear! In front of the fear, the nasty mon­sters and hu­mans on Jeju Is­‐
land could no longer con­tinue to live.

"It was just a dis­as­ter." A ter­ri­ble dis­as­ter that could not be com­pared to ty­‐
phoons and earth­quakes.

"The scari­est thing is that it is not the end." What was even more dev­as­tat­‐
ing was that such an out­ra­geous dis­as­ter was not alone.

"And even more fright­en­ing is that when the or­ders are given, we must
wake up this crazy mon­ster."

At the mo­ment the last words came out, the oth­ers shut up. At that re­mark,
the crowd once again re­al­ized their po­si­tion. They were not sur­vivors of
Jeju Is­land, but they were will­ing to come to hell to make one place of the
world hell. There was no vi­tal­ity in their faces, and the si­lence that came
over them could not be eas­ily loos­ened.

In the si­lence, one be­gan to feel some­thing strange. "Some­thing strange..."

He felt a sense of it and tried to ex­press it in words. But the man did not
have to fin­ish all the words. "Kuck!"

The un­speak­able fear struck their place and en­cir­cled their bod­ies. In front
of the fear that made their souls stand up, not just their hair, they prac­ticed
what they had trained thou­sands of times. They put mana into the relics, the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 121 - The Sword Given By Heaven, Part Ii ⦘

crosses, or the pieces of jade they had, and at the same time chewed and
smashed the lit­tle cap­sules that were al­ready in their mouths.

The mo­ment ev­ery­one swal­lowed, a cry that could not be ex­plained by any­‐
thing be­gan to tap their eardrums.


At that mo­ment, one of them fell to the ground, bleed­ing and vom­it­ing. The
rest of them were not fine, ei­ther. All four of them be­gan to shake and
shiver madly.

For three of them, the shak­ing was so in­tense that their teeth be­gan to

"Re­cover your senses! Hey, hey, hey, Wake up!" Only one per­son spoke to
his col­leagues re­peat­edly, hold­ing his rea­son. But even that per­son barely
kept his rea­son, and he was not in his best mind, ei­ther. Even here, the
owner of Jeju Is­land did not stop us­ing its fear!

Keuaaaa! Once again, it let out the fear.

'Ah-!' Only then did he re­al­ize that the dragon was not sim­ply awak­ened
from sleep, but it had started fight­ing some­thing. 'Oh, it's a fight, the dragon
has started a fight with some­thing! But, what the hell dares go against the

Of course, at this mo­ment the man could not even guess. What could fight
against an over­whelm­ing crea­ture like a dragon?

'This is not the time for this. I have to let them know. I have to fig­ure this
out and re­port it!'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I

Chap­ter 43. Dragon Slayer, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Hoo, hoo!" Kim Tae-hoon's world, which was seen be­tween rough breaths,
was shak­ing red. The red­ness was due to the blood flow­ing from the burst
veins in his eyes, and the shak­ing was due to the power of the low En­ergy
which could no longer en­dure the pres­ence of the mon­ster in front of him.


And the mon­ster was the dragon.


'Just look­ing at it, I feel I have a long ways to go.'

The dragon.

The body of the mon­ster, which did not tol­er­ate any en­em
­ ies, was cov­ered
with wounds that did not suit its dig­nity. Among them, the big­gest wound
was its right eye. The blood was drip­ping out through its closed right pupil.
It was a wound cre­ated by Kim Tae-hoon's Sword of the Im­per­at­or.

At that mo­ment, the dragon opened its right eye. The eye which reap­peared
was scarred, and the pupil of dark blue had cracks like spi­der­webs. The
lines were grad­u­ally fad­ing, just like rain­wa­ter wet dry rice fields af­ter an
end­less drought.

'It's re­ally a long way to go.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

In the end, the dragon's dark blue eye was re­stored to its orig­i­nal form, the
wounds were gone, and the cen­ter of its nor­mal dark blue eyes be­gan to
split ver­ti­cally. It looked at Kim Tae-hoon with eyes that had re­turned to

In front of its eyes, Kim once again re­called the bat­tle. 'Sur­pris­ing de­fense
and amaz­ing re­silience.'

The dragon was very spe­cial. The skin of the dragon was strong enough to
be barely hurt by the Sword of the Im­per­at­or, which had the full power of
the En­ergy of Kim Tae-hoon be­hind it, but even so, the wounds that were
in­flicted were re­cov­ered sur­pris­ingly quickly.

"The de­fense of its scales is nat­u­ral, and ts amaz­ing re­silience is the re­sult
of the for­mi­da­ble level of Mana of the dragon's heart."

It was a long way off. 'What amaz­ing re­silience the dragon has! It is hard
for me to hurt!' Even worse, it was just the be­gin­ning.

Keuooo! The dragon fear it was cry­ing out was al­ready a for­mi­da­ble
weapon in it­self.

Fear... no mat­ter how high his En­ergy level was, he would be hurt, and if he
was ex­posed to the fear when he ran out of En­ergy, no more bat­tle was pos­‐
si­ble. It was re­ally a long way to go.

It was not easy to hold on against the fear with a low En­ergy rank, and even
if the En­ergy rank was high, the amount of En­ergy con­sumed to with­stand
the dragon fear each time was ter­ri­ble. The worst thing was that it was a

It had wings. 'This sight is so em­bar­rass­ing.' It had un­be­liev­ably huge wings

which lifted the colos­sal body and made even ridicu­lously ac­ro­batic flight

Cuu! Cuu! Cuu! Ev­ery time it flicked its wings, it cre­ated a small whirl­wind
around it. It cre­ated a gale that was not easy to hold on against, and it be­gan
to fly with the wind. This alone was al­ready de­spair­ing. The ways a wing­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

less man could hurt a mon­ster who had just started to fly were ex­tremely
lim­ited and weak. But as al­ways, the worst was more ter­ri­ble than he had


It did not al­low the wounds, it did not tol­er­ate the scars, it de­manded a ter­ri­‐
ble price just for re­veal­ing his hos­til­ity to it, and now the neck of the
dragon, who did not tol­er­ate any ad­ver­sary in the sky, be­gan to heat up.
Even­tu­ally, the dragon opened its tightly closed mouth.

'It is re­ally im­pos­si­ble to de­fend the Dragon Breath. If it grazes me, it would
be over.'

Dragon Breath!

The worst peak and the end­ing, the Dragon Breath flew to­ward Kim Tae-
hoon, who was stand­ing on the ground and who had lost his power at that

An at­tack that no crea­ture could with­stand, a spear that could pen­et­rate any
shield, had come. Kim closed his eyes to the fact.

'End.' His rec­ol­lec­tion ended right there.


Kim opened his eyes. He saw the dragon sleep­ing with its huge body
sprawled across the top of Mt. Halla, where he could see Baekrokdam
Crater Lake.


The first death Kim Tae-hoon dreamed of was a bat­tle with the dragon. He
fought hard, but he was de­feated in the bat­tle. It was not a de­feat to be de­‐
sired much. The gap be­tween that Kim Tae-hoon and the dragon was so big
that he could not feel sorry for the loss.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

It had be­come a valu­able de­feat, and through the de­feat, Kim Tae-hoon
knew what he needed to kill the dragon and how to kill it.

So he set three of the most im­por­tant de­tails.

'One, if I fight from a dis­tance, I die.'

The most im­por­tant thing was not to keep away from the dragon.

The mo­ment the dis­tance was far, es­pe­cially when the dragon started its fly,
he could no longer chase it. The dragon's move­ment in the sky was as­ton­‐
ish­ing, and the dragon, once it be­gan to move, was a weapon in it­self.

'A mas­sive body three hun­dred me­ters long. It is not the phys­i­cal power of
its body, even if it is cal­cu­lated by tons, but a body weigh­ing that much fly­‐
ing at hun­dreds of kilo­me­ters per hour.'

'I can be killed if the dragon just passes by. So, to hunt the dragon, what­ever
it does, I have to stick to its body. And I have a very good abil­ity to make
that pos­si­ble.'

'I will use the Golden Web.'

The Golden Web, the power of the Golden Horn Spi­der!

The Golden Web, which was made up of En­ergy, was strong, very ad­he­sive,
and ul­ti­mately its bond with Kim Tae-hoon was cru­cial. The Golden Web
was ac­tu­ally like his skin. It con­veyed the feel­ing of some­thing be­ing
touched to him, even far away.

Thud! Kim landed on the body of the dragon, and im­me­di­ately be­gan to ap­‐
ply the Golden Web cre­ated on his palms to the body of the dragon.

Flash! It was at that mo­ment that the dragon's eye­lids rose. The dark blue
eyes showed up, split again ver­ti­cally, and the darker blue light in­side ap­‐

Keuooo! At the same time, it be­gan to straighten it­self out, roar­ing out the
dragon fear.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

The in­tense fear at­tacked Kim's body.

"Hoo!" At that mo­ment, Kim's eyes were shak­ing. But the tremor calmed
down quickly.

'Two, the power to with­stand the fear.'

The power of var­i­ous relics, in­clud­ing the En­ergy of A rank, made it pos­si­‐

'I can hold on.'

Kim was sat­is­fied with the fact.

The dragon no­ticed that. It grasped the ex­is­tence of Kim, who was not
afraid of the fear it had given voice to.

Keuooo! It let out the Dragon Fear again. But the fear was no longer a
threat, it was the procla­ma­tion of war. Kim Tae-hoon was not just an an­noy­‐
ing fly, but a threat to it­self, and now it was an­nounc­ing that it would start a
war to crush the threat.

Kuu, Kuu! With that, the dragon be­gan to flap its wings to drop Kim Tae-
hoon and kill him surely as he fell. That was the way the dragon did things.
The winged dragon never fought on the ground. There was no rea­son to
fight like that. The mo­ment it started to fly, ev­ery­thing was in the Dragon's

He would die to the dragon's breath if he re­mained on the ground be­cause

he was afraid. Cling­ing to the body of the dragon who started to fly up in
the sky, meant death from a fall the mo­ment he was thrown off.

Of course, Kim Tae-hoon had no in­ten­tion of fall­ing down. Fur­ther­more, he

hoped that it would fly higher and higher. He hoped it would fly closer to
the sun.

As if an­swer­ing his wish, the dragon be­gan to fly high into the sky. The
sun­light in the clear sky of Jeju Is­land be­gan to shine brightly on the
dragon's black-red scales and his white hair cling­ing to it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

'Three, a weapon sure to hurt him.'

Kim be­gan to shine the golden sword in his hand. His sec­ond dragon hunt


"We have suc­ceeded in se­cur­ing the leg­endary relic Gand­hibagh, and luck­‐
ily we fig­ured out Vasavi Shakti. We be­lieve it's in the Elora Caves. We'll
move right there and se­cure Vasavi Shakti."

Mao smiled lightly as he lis­tened to the con­stant mut­ter of an Okjo. Then,

as the story of the Okjo stopped, Mao im­me­di­ately wrote some­thing in his
pocket note­book.

Tap tap! An­other Okjo ap­peared at his desk and im­me­di­ately spoke.

"We found the Qin Shi Huang Sword."

The words from the Okjo's mouth were short, and Mao im­me­di­ately wrote
some­thing down in his pocket note­book and recorded what he had gained in
a new code let­ter he only could rec­og­nize.

'It's go­ing smoothly.' There was a smile on his lips. But the smile be­gan to
con­tort at some point. 'I'm sorry I missed the Ku­sanagi.'

It was be­cause of the name of a man who came to his mind. His smile was
so dis­torted that it didn't come back eas­ily.

Mao clicked his tongue briefly, his face crum­pled. 'If it was any­one else, but
the Ku­sanagi is in the hands of such a man.'

Mao knew how to sur­vive in the age when mon­sters ap­peared. Fur­ther­more,
he knew how to re­build the or­der of the world that had col­lapsed with the
ap­pear­ance of mon­sters.

'That's why I missed the crys­tal of the Eight-tailed Fox. The dam­age is al­‐
ready se­vere.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

The key was to get as many mon­ster stones as pos­si­ble. In short, the world
had a lim­ited num­ber of mon­sters, and the man who se­cured as many mon­‐
ster stones as pos­si­ble would be a king. The world was not like a game.

'In the case of the Ku­sanagi, I can re­trieve it any­time, but I can't re­place the
mon­ster stone...'

The prob­lem was that no mat­ter how many mon­ster stones were eaten, it
was im­pos­si­ble to raise the abil­ity above a cer­tain level of mon­sters. It was
nec­es­sary to have a pow­er­ful relic to hunt mon­sters of the dark blue grade,
which was hard to even la­bel as a mere mon­ster.

In other words, mo­nop­o­liz­ing the pow­er­ful relics was like mo­nop­o­liz­ing the
op­por­tu­nity, abil­ity, and con­di­tions to hunt dark blue-grade mon­sters.

Mao gave the an­swer when the mon­sters ap­peared and ex­actly a week had
passed. He, who found the right an­swer sooner than any­one else, im­me­di­‐
ately put his an­swers into ac­tion. He con­tacted sur­vivors from all over the
world through Okjo, and the com­mu­nity that was cre­ated was named the
Six Snakes. The ac­tiv­i­ties of the Six Snakes that were born like that were
go­ing smoothly.

'The plan is still be­ing dis­torted be­cause of Kim Tae-hoon.'

It was suc­cess­ful un­til Kim made the Mac Guild and ac­tively moved.

'He is a mon­ster.' Kim Tae-hoon's per­for­mance was tremen­dous. No, be­‐

yond the tremen­dous level, he de­nied the new prov­i­dence that had arisen
since the mon­sters ap­peared.

Of those who had sur­vived the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters, those who
gained strength and power were lucky. Luck­ily, those who had ac­quired
pow­er­ful relics and leg­endary relics in the world had be­come men of power.

Musashi was typ­i­cal of them, and that was no strange thing. Hu­man be­ings
were orig­i­nally an­i­mals with tools, and sur­viv­ing in a world full of over­‐
whelm­ing beasts was eas­ier for hu­mans with bet­ter tools.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

But Kim Tae-hoon was not. He sur­vived, eat­ing strong mon­sters even when
he was thrown into the wild with his bare body.

'No, he's al­ready a mon­ster.' In the end, Kim be­came a mon­ster.

That was why Mao wanted to wake up the dragon. In or­der to re­move the
mon­ster Kim Tae-hoon, he had to bor­row the power of a more dan­ger­ous
mon­ster: the dragon!

'So, we gave up the Ko­rean Penin­sula and the Ja­pa­nese is­lands be­cause of

In ad­di­tion, it was a pretty big loss for the Six Snakes.

'As soon as the dragon wakes up, the Ko­rean Penin­sula and Japan will ac­tu­‐
ally be­come the ter­ri­tory of the dragon, and there is no guar­an­tee that the
anger of the awak­ened dragon will be sat­is­fied with the Ko­rean Penin­sula
and the ar­chi­pel­ago alone.'

'But this is the end.'

In other words, there was no more def­i­nite method than this one.

'He can ei­ther aban­don them all and run away, or he can fight for ev­ery­one
and die.'

The only choice Kim Tae-hoon and Ko­rea could choose against the awak­‐
ened dragon was des­per­ate. The fact let him smile again.

'We have a prob­lem, but it'll be set­tled.' It was a new Okjo that in­ter­rupted
his smile. Un­like other Okjo, Mao's ex­pres­sion wrin­kled as soon as the
Okjo made of red jade ap­peared. '

'The red Okjo!'

As soon as the red Okjo stood on Mao's desk, it said in a trem­bling voice,
"Some, some, some­one is fight­ing with the dragon!"

In front of that voice, Mao rose im­me­di­ately.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 122 - Dragon Slayer, Part I ⦘

'No way!' His rac­ing foot­steps brought him over in front of the globe, the
Globe of Mar­tin Be­haim!

'No way!' He stood in front of the globe and im­me­di­ately brought his eyes
close to the globe with a mag­ni­fy­ing glass. He could see that two small
lights were glit­ter­ing at the end of the Ko­rean Penin­sula, so small they
could not be seen with­out a mag­ni­fy­ing glass!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part

Chap­ter 43. Dragon Slayer, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


There are many ways to hunt. There is hunt­ing us­ing bows, us­ing spear and
sword, and us­ing traps. And there is fish­ing! In ad­di­tion, fish­ing is a very
good hunt­ing method. When they pick up only a few kilo­grams of fish, they
don't re­al­ize it, but they can see it clearly why fish­ing is good hunt­ing when
hun­dreds of kilo­grams of fish bite the hook. As soon as peo­ple take a fish
weigh­ing hun­dreds of kilo­grams, far out at sea, with a fish­ing rod, they
know how great fish­ing is.

'It's im­pos­si­ble to kill it with a sin­gle stroke.'

The hunt­ing method that Kim Tae-hoon pre­pared against the dragon was
fish­ing. Of course, it was not about putting a hook into the mouth of the


'What I want to use is the method of an­glers who have a long bat­tle with the
fish, to wear the fish's stamina down to the bot­tom and then fish it out.'

Kim Tae-hoon was plan­ning to have a long bat­tle with the dragon.

'In case of the Eight-tailed Fox, it died im­me­di­ately af­ter eight swords were
stuck into its heart. If it is the dragon... even if I stabbed a knife into its
heart, it would not stop its heart im­me­di­ately.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

It was a nat­u­ral choice, the only one.

The weak­ness of mon­sters was def­i­nitely the heart. But stab­bing its heart
didn't end ev­ery­thing. In ad­di­tion, as ev­ery­thing about the mon­sters of the
dark-blue grade was be­yond the stan­dard, the hunt for them did not end just
by stab­bing its heart.

It was even more so when it came to the Dragon's abil­ity to re­gen­er­ate.

Even if a sword was stabbed into its heart, the wound was healed away. So,
what do you do to weaken that re­cov­ery?

'So, I have to con­sume the Health and Mana that lays the foun­da­tion of its
abil­ity to re­cover, some­how. As I said be­fore, I have no choice but to wear
down its stamina to the bot­tom. I have to make it ex­hausted, giv­ing it re­‐
peated fa­tal wounds and forc­ing it to re­gen­er­ate them.'

'Stab­bing its heart is af­ter that.'

To put it sim­ply, Kim Tae-hoon's work from now on was to hurt the dragon
un­til it be­came no­tice­ably weak in its abil­ity to re­gen­er­ate.

The prob­lem was that the work had to be done on the body of a gi­ant
dragon fly­ing a few kilo­me­ters in the air at a speed of more than three hun­‐
dred kilo­me­ters per hour!

His eardrums screamed at the sound of the wind pass­ing through his ears.

Whoo-woong! The dragon's flight was not a sim­ple flight, but an ac­ro­batic
course meant to fling off Kim Tae-hoon, who was stick­ing to its body. It
rose freely, fell ar­bi­trar­ily, drew a big cir­cle in the sky like the Blue Streak
at Cedar Point, and in the process, it turned its body like a top. It was us­ing

Krrr! The dragon be­gan to rise up at right an­gles to drop Kim Tae-hoon,
who still oc­cu­pied its back.

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did what he had to do on it.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

Pook! He drove the Dragon Light Sword into the body of the cliff-like crea­‐
ture, and then hung his whole body on the Dragon Light Sword.

Then the sun­lit Dragon Light Sword be­gan to cut through the scales along
the back of the black dragon. Mov­ing with it, Kim Tae-hoon's body also slid
down the dragon's body.

Kim Tae-hoon's body, which had been near the neck of the dragon, ar­rived
near the tail.

'More.' If he fell a lit­tle more here, it was time to fall to Jeju Is­land, which
was now the size of a fist be­low him.

'I need to make deeper, longer wounds.' In that sit­u­at­ion, Kim Tae-hoon was
greedy, and even­tu­ally, the Dragon Light Sword that hung Kim Tae-hoon
fell from the dragon's body.

At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon reached out his left hand. The Golden Web
which came out of his left hand be­came a rope that caught Kim Tae-hoon as
he fell off of the body of the dragon.

Kim Tae-hoon used the rope to climb back onto the dragon's body at once.
He put the Dragon Light Sword onto the back of the dragon's neck again,
where he had just wounded it.


The act of mad­ness which had to be called be­yond crazy be­gan again. Kim
Tae-hoon did it over and over again. He went through the ac­ro­batic feat of
risk­ing his life.


The se­ries of ac­ro­bat­ics of Kim Tae-hoon also gave the dragon a sense of
cri­sis. The dragon, soar­ing high into the sky, turned over with a scream. The
sun­light that was shin­ing on Kim's body dis­ap­peared, and a deep shadow
was cast to him. At the same time, Kim's body fell from the dragon's body.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

But there was no fall. Kim had the Golden Web and Telekine­sis that was
more use­ful than any rope. Just like a spi­der hang­ing from the ceil­ing, Kim
hung him­self on the back of the dragon.

'Re­bound.' Kim drove his body with the force of Telekine­sis. Kim Tae-hoon
drew half a cir­cle around the body of the dragon and reached its belly. Sun­‐
light fell on him again.

Kim cut Dragon's belly scales again with the Dragon Light Sword. The
wound was deep, but the cut be­gan to heal im­me­di­ately.

'Re­cov­ery speed is a lit­tle slower.' But at that fact, Kim had hope in­stead of
de­spair. If it was like cut­ting down run­ning wa­ter when he had first slid
down the body of the dragon, it was now like cut­ting mud on a rainy day.
The abil­ity to re­cover was slower than at the be­gin­ning of the bat­tle.

'I can plant it now.' At the fact, he added some­thing new.

A grenade was drawn from his waist­line. Ting! As soon as the grenade was
out, the safety pin and safety ring were re­moved on their own. Kim planted
the grenade into the wound of the dragon, which is now ready to ex­plode.
When the dragon's wound healed over and the grenade was cov­ered, the
wound ex­ploded.


Keuaaaang! The dragon, who was fly­ing in the sky like do­ing the back­‐
stroke, looked up at its belly skin in fright.

Kr­rrr! It stared at Kim Tae-hoon, there on the scales of its belly.

Kim did not avoid the cold-hearted eyes. He looked at them with his black

'Still, a long way to go.' It wasn't easy. Just hav­ing a star­ing con­test, the En­‐
ergy set­tled in Kim's stom­ach, even though it was huge, be­gan to churn.

On the other hand, the two relics soothed his roil­ing En­ergy just like that.
The Cou­ple-Burial-Mound Gold Ear­rings on his wrist and the Gilt-bronze

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

Aval­okites­vara Bod­hisattva Statue in the bag on his back filled quickly re­‐
filled his ex­hausted En­ergy.

'But there's noth­ing if I can't hold on.' The two relics also filled Kim's con­fi­‐
dence. In his con­fi­dence, he put the Dragon Light Sword back onto the
belly of the Dragon.

Pook! The sun­lit Dragon Light Sword cut the un­beat­able dragon's belly eas­‐
ily. The dragon just watched the process. In­stead of cry­ing out in pain, it
just looked at it with­out spit­ting out a roar of anger.

Kim Tae-hoon was will­ing to show it again in front of such a fel­low. He put
a grenade into the wound which was be­ing healed over. It was a spe­cial
grenade made by melt­ing relics, not just iron.

Poowhat! Then the grenade ex­ploded again, and the blood and flesh of the
dragon scat­tered in the air.

Kr­rrr... At that mo­ment Dragon looked straight ahead again, and it turned it­‐
self up­side down again.

Kim moved along the dragon's body hor­i­zon­tally, in line with its ro­ta­tion.


Then Dragon be­gan to fall to­wards the blue sea of Jeju! It seemed about to
fall into the sea. It was a dec­la­ra­tion: "Let's see how far you can hold on!"

The dragon's bla­tant will was con­veyed through his whole body as he clung
to its back. He, who grasped its will, clenched his teeth tightly.

'That's what I want.'


Soon af­ter­ward, Kim Tae-hoon and the dragon drove into the sea.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘


Na­tional Palace Mu­seum in Tai­wan...

It was con­sid­ered one of the four great­est mu­se­ums in the world. The out­‐
side im­age was un­usual. The Na­tional Palace Mu­seum, which had a blue-
green roof and yel­low walls, set­tled be­tween the feet of a moun­tain full of
green trees and shade, show­ing off its splen­dor by shin­ing gold when the
sun­light came down.

It was the same now. The sunny old Palace Mu­seum was shin­ing more
brightly than ever.

But the peo­ple who gath­ered at the mu­seum looked the op­po­site. The col­ors
of their faces were the black of a dead body.

"It doesn't make sense. No mat­ter how great he is, he's mak­ing a pre-emp­‐
tive strike against the dragon..."

"Ko­rea can't af­ford it. Even they can af­ford it, there's no rea­son why we
didn't no­tice an inkling."

"Right, right now, Ko­rea's whole power is con­cen­trated in the oc­cu­pa­tion of

Py­ongyang. But Jeju Is­land, where the dragon is lo­cated, is in the south­ern­‐
most part of the Ko­rean Penin­sula, and he had to cross the sea. No mat­ter
what South Ko­rea wants to hide, it can't hide a large troop move­ment over
that long dis­tance."

"But if Kim Tae-hoon goes on a solo dragon hunt..."

"Don't talk non­sense. Is that pos­si­ble? A solo dragon hunt!..."

Those who looked so dead were now all in power in Tai­wan and the Six

"Mao, why don't you give us your opin­ion?"

"Please tell us some­thing."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

Of course, Mao was at the cen­ter. Ac­cord­ingly, he also had a ter­ri­ble face.

'No mat­ter how I think about it, it's im­pos­si­ble.' Mao, no mat­ter how hard
he tried to think, could not fig­ure out how Kim Tae-hoon planned to hunt
the dragon.

'Even if Kim has the Ku­sanagi in his hands, noth­ing would change.'

Clearly, Kim had the Ku­sanagi in his hands. The Ku­sanagi was def­i­nitely a
pow­er­ful weapon. If it was the power of the Ku­sanagi, it could rip through
the dragon's scales and stab the heart be­yond it.

'But if Kim could kill the dragon with only the Ku­sanagi, we wouldn't have
suf­fered this much.'

How­ever, the du­ra­tion of the Ku­sanagi was lim­ited. If he were in com­bat,

he would have about thirty sec­onds to main­tain the Ku­sanagi. The prob­lem
was that if it was a dragon, it would not die by be­ing stabbed into the heart.

'More­over, the tar­get that the Ku­sanagi stabs is still the dragon.'

'Fur­ther­more, En­ergy is also the re­sis­tance to mon­sters' fear. If En­ergy is

con­sumed quickly, re­sis­tance to the fear also re­duced. This fact is bound to
be even more deadly in the dragon hunt.'

'Even if he has En­ergy of A rank, in fact, it's only ten sec­onds or so. If I cal­‐
cu­late the time cor­rectly, the ef­fec­tive win­dow of time to use the Ku­sanagi
is ten sec­onds. He can't kill the dragon un­less he to­tally mu­ti­lates the
dragon's heart for those ten sec­onds.'

'How­ever, the Ku­sanagi is not a weapon ca­pa­ble of mu­ti­la­tion. It is not easy

to swing once, and it is not too much to say that it is a mir­ac­ le if he does it

In fact, Musashi was also able to cut with it only one time, apart from main­‐
tain­ing the Ku­sanagi. With this in mind, the prob­ab­ il­ity that Kim would
suc­ceed in the dragon hunt was zero!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

'Even if he has a new leg­endary relic, it's un­likely to be­come a game


No mat­ter what a new leg­endary relic he ac­quired, noth­ing would be

changed greatly.

'Then, what the hell?...'

But Kim had moved. He was hunt­ing the dragon. And given the cir­cum­‐
stances, it was highly likely that Kim went on a solo hunt, un­like when
Japan had fought with all their might to kill the Eight-tailed Fox.

'On what ba­sis does he dare to hunt the dragon?'

Even Mao, who had been called a teacher, was un­able to un­der­stand the sit­‐
u­at­ion, al­though he has shown his in­sight with the same in­for­ma­tion as the
wis­est man so far.

That was why his face was so ter­ri­ble. Even a des­per­ate story could be ac­‐
cepted if he could un­der­stand it, but the sit­u­at­ion it­self was not un­der­stand­‐


"Red Okjo!"

A crow made of red jade came into their place, land­ing right in front of
Mao. He met the eyes of the Red Okjo with a stiff ex­pres­sion, and the Red
Okjo said with its beak wide open, "The dra, dra, dragon went into the sea."

The words fright­ened the crowd.


"Why did the Dragon go into the sea?"

"Does it in­tend to swim to the Ko­rean Penin­sula?"

"Stop talk­ing non­sense, it doesn't need to swim since it has wings!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 123 - - Dragon Slayer, Part Ii ⦘

Mao was the only silent one in the space where ev­ery­one was vom­it­ing out
their hor­ri­fied feel­ings.


He was only aware that the crow made of red jade had not shut its beak. As
he ex­pected, the open-beaked Red Okjo spoke again af­ter about 10 min­utes.

"The dra, dra, dragon has risen out of the sea. Its, its, its whole body is
bleed­ing. The dra, dra, dragon is scream­ing."

Once again, the Red Okjo stopped talk­ing. But it did not shut its beak. The
Red Okjo was still open-mouthed.

'Oh, that's not the end.'

'It has more to say.'

Ev­ery­one swal­lowed, look­ing at the Red Okjo. That was all. No one spoke
in this sit­u­at­ion. Af­ter a long time, about thirty min­utes, it spat out more
words from its open beak, "A flash shone over the dragon."

The voice of the Red Okjo was no longer shak­ing...

"Ah... the dragon is fall­ing from the sky..."

At the end of those words, the Red Okjo shut its beak.

It was now time for any­one to talk. But there was no one who could open
their mouths.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part

Chap­ter 43. Dragon Slayer, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It fell like a me­teor com­ing down.

Boom! It was like a bomb went off. A huge dis­as­ter struck the mid­dle of
Mt. Halla and the vast ex­panse of green grass. It was lit­er­ally a dis­as­ter. The
earth shook with the roar, and with the pow­er­ful shock, a huge dust-col­ored
shock wave swept out.

Kukukuku! The world let out a wild scream. The iden­tity of the dis­as­ter
was re­vealed af­ter the eerie scream that.


'Oh, my God.' And now the first wit­ness of the dis­as­ter, Zhi­hong, was un­‐
able to shut his mouth at the sight that had un­folded be­fore his eyes.

'Did you re­ally kill it?' At the cen­ter of the dis­as­ter was the dragon, full of
wounds. It was deeply wounded in its long neck, a huge wound pass­ing
right through it.

'Did he kill the dragon?' There was a dragon that had now be­come a corpse.

'What the hell...' The sight was in­cred­i­ble.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

In fact, Zhi­hong did not be­lieve what he saw and heard at this mo­ment. At
this mo­ment, his body was the only thing he could trust. The fact that there
was no more tremor was the true ev­i­dence that the dragon in front of him
was a corpse.

'What the hell is this non­sense...' Even with such ev­i­dence, Zhi­hong was un­‐
able to move his feet eas­ily at this mo­ment.

Crack! It was only af­ter he pounded his cheeks with his hands that he be­gan
to move. The in­tense sound of his face burn­ing red at once changed his
eyes. He had the same eyes as his first time here on Jeju Is­land.

'Con­fir­ma­tion is first.' He moved to­ward the body of the dragon, the trig­ger
that would lead to death and de­spair for tens of mil­lions of peo­ple who had
sur­vived in the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea and Japan, and with the eyes of those
who were will­ing to pull the trig­ger of a mas­sacre that no slaugh­terer had
done in hu­man his­tory.

'This may be an op­por­tu­nity.' In the mind of Zhi­hong who changed his eyes,
the cal­cu­la­tion be­gan im­me­di­ately.

'No, it's a chance!' In fact, this mo­ment was a life­time op­por­tu­nity for Zhi­‐
hong. In a time when the body of a mon­ster had more value than any­thing
else, the body of a dragon was in front of him at such a time.

The chance of a life-change was in sight.

'If only I could eat the crys­tal of the dragon...' Above all, Zhi­hong had a
mark on the back of his right hand, and he had the min­i­mal qual­i­fi­ca­tions to
be the owner of the price­less trea­sure in front of him.

'Yes, I will eat it.' The only thing left for him was to re­move his ri­val, who
was only as qual­i­fied as he was. As soon as he thought of that, Zhi­hong be­‐
gan to search for some­thing other than the dragon.

'... there he is.' And he found him. Over near the great crater the dragon's
body had cre­ated, a man was ly­ing on his back.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

'Is he dead?' He was like a dragon as if he were not dif­fer­ent from a corpse.
The man was in such a ter­ri­ble con­di­tion.

'He looks ter­ri­ble.' All his clothes were torn to pieces, and the bare flesh that
had been re­vealed was just a lump of flesh, even though the bruises that had
been painted all over his body made it im­pos­si­ble to imag­ine what kind of
shock he had. His left knee was also turned the wrong way, and his right
arm was bro­ken, its bone com­ing out through his skin.

'He is surely Kim Tae-hoon.' It was a corpse, no mat­ter how he looked at it.
So, with­out hes­i­ta­tion, Zhi­hong ap­proached the body and turned the body
over. Then he saw the man's face.

'Ha­hoetal.' The man was wear­ing a Ha­hoetal. On the other hand, it proved
his iden­tity.

'It is Kim Tae-hoon.' The only one who would be wear­ing a Ha­hoetal be­side
the dead dragon in this world would be Kim Tae-hoon. And as soon as he
found out, Zhi­hong's heart be­gan to throb vi­o­lently with an­tic­i­pa­tion and

'Once if I make sure he's dead...' Once he had con­firmed life and death, if he
found out that Kim was dead in front of him, ev­ery­thing here would be his!

With that ex­pec­ta­tion, Zhi­hong, whose heart swelled, low­ered his pos­ture
and care­fully brought his ears to Kim Tae-hoon's chest.

Pow! At that mo­ment some­thing caught Zhi­hong's neck.

"Ugh!" There was a breath­less noise from his throat, and it was the last
sound he would make.

Kim Tae-hoon's left hand, which had caught Zhi­hong's neck, ripped out his
throat. Zhi­hong fell to the ground with­out even spit­ting out his last breath.

"Gasp! Gasp!" Kim Tae-hoon, who had fallen down, rose up. He was in
dan­ger. As soon as he got up, his body stag­gered again and again.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

Even now, his left leg, which was no longer func­tion­ing as a leg, was sti­‐
fling, but there was no sign of him calm­ing down.

Thump! In the end, Kim fell to the side of Zhi­hong. He reached out and
pulled out the pis­tol at the waist of the fallen Zhi­hong.

With one gun­shot, Zhi­hong's strug­gle stopped.

"Hoo-oo." At the same time, a long sigh came from Kim's mouth.

'If he were a stu­dent of mine, I would be dead.'

Kim Tae-hoon did not put his ear to the en­emy's chest to con­firm the en­‐
emy's life and death, and he did not teach his men that kind of thing.

If Zhi­hong had been Kim's stu­dent, he would have pulled the trig­ger un­til
the mag­az­ ine was empty as soon as he saw Kim.

'I was lucky.' Kim was as lucky as he felt. He kept his life be­cause of the in­‐
ex­pe­ri­ence of a man named Zhi­hong. And...

'I was so lucky.' The dragon who had be­come a dead body would save the
life of Kim Tae-hoon, who was dy­ing now. Lit­er­ally.

Kim was dy­ing now. His phys­i­cal body and health had al­ready bot­tomed
out due to the long bat­tle with the dragon, the Ha­hoetal which he wore in
such a sit­u­at­ion set­ting fire to his body, and the un­sheathed Ku­sanagi from
the sheath made the fire a short and strong ex­plo­sion.

Ev­ery­thing in Kim Tae-hoon was burned out. Af­ter that, his re­main­ing body
would not be in­tact, noth­ing but ashes in the wind. It was a weak, ema­ci­ated
body which was stag­ger­ing in the pass­ing wind.

'I ex­pected it, but...' And Kim was ex­pect­ing this sight as well. He did not
in­tend to hunt the dragon in a re­laxed man­ner with­out burn­ing ev­ery­thing.
He was not so ar­ro­gant.

At the same time, Kim knew what would save him dy­ing at this mo­ment.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

"Ugh!" Kim, who rose again to per­form the method, moved to­ward the
dragon, limp­ing with his left leg, which had al­ready be­come use­less. His
foot­steps stopped in front of a huge hole in the neck of the dragon. Be­yond
the level of ripped flesh, there was a light be­yond the hole that pen­et­rated
the dragon's neck.

'I can't say a word.' But what came into Kim's eyes was a sign of hope.
Even in the sit­u­at­ion of be­ing stabbed by the Ku­sanagi, there was a sign that
some­how it was try­ing to heal the wound.

If the power of the Ku­sanagi was in­suf­fi­cient, or if the dragon had any re­‐
main­ing abil­ity to re­cover, he would have been pass­ing through its throat at
this mo­ment, chopped into small pieces by its teeth.

At that mo­ment, Kim put his body into the hole in its neck. When he pulled
out him­self again, he had a shiny jewel of dark-blue hue in his hand.

Kim put it in his mouth. Gulp! There was no hes­i­ta­tion in swal­low­ing it.

Fur­ther­more, he was not hes­i­tant to use the power of the dragon that be­‐
came his own from now on. It was quick. His body, which was col­ored with
blood and bruises, be­gan to re­gain its orig­i­nal color at an amaz­ing rate.

Not long af­ter Kim forced his left knee back to its orig­i­nal po­si­tion, he was
able to move his left knee at will, and the bone in his right arm was forced
back to its orig­i­nal po­si­tion. His whole body re­cov­ered its orig­i­nal state
very quickly.

"Hoo!" The change was not the end of it.

Kim's nor­mal arms be­gan to change into the hide of a dragon, and his black
Eyes be­gan to split ver­ti­cally. He looked at the back of his right hand,
which looked like a dragon's hide now, with his dragon-like Eyes.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 999

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

-- Health: 999

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A+ Rank

-- Mana: A+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S-Rank

-- De­fense: A+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: A+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

Dra­co­nian (Grade 2): You can open the dragon's power, but you can't use
any spe­cial abil­i­ties with the dragon's power open.


The change was like a death sen­tence, a death sen­tence Kim had never
passed. How­ever, he did not make a bit­ter ex­pres­sion. He was very sat­is­‐

'With this power, it de­serves to be a death sen­tence.'

The open power of the dragon was over­whelm­ing be­yond the level of at­‐
trac­tion, even the death sen­tence seemed sweet. How­ever, his ap­pre­ci­at­ion
of the power of the dragon was to­tally valid.

Kim turned his head and looked over at Zhi­hong's body. 'The Six Snakes
must have fig­ured out I started hunt­ing the dragon.'

He ex­pected the Six Snakes would use the dragon to play tricks. An­tic­i­pat­‐
ing it, he went on the dragon hunt. And now, when he had suc­ceeded in
hunt­ing the dragon, there was one thing to do: make them pay for try­ing to
play tricks.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

'I will at­tack them be­fore they pre­pare.'



The Na­tional Palace Mu­seum in Tai­wan...

The place, which was shin­ing with golden light in front of the sun­light, re­‐
gained its orig­i­nal col­ors as the sun went down. The spec­tac­u­lar scenery
dis­ap­peared as if the plat­ing had been peeled off, and scenery that seemed
to be child­ish took its place.

A man was walk­ing down the street in the land­scape.

'He killed the dragon.' Mao felt a sense of cri­sis at this mo­ment for the first

'The Codex Gi­gas clearly de­scribed the dragon as one of the strong­est dark
blue-grade mon­sters... but he killed it.'

It was the first time. Mao had never felt a sense of cri­sis in the first days
when mon­sters ap­peared. The globe he had, the Globe of Be­haim, and the
Codex Gi­gas, called the Devil's Bible, made it pos­si­ble. The Codex Gi­gas
had in­for­ma­tion about the mon­sters that had ap­peared in the world, and the
Globe of Be­haim had in­for­ma­tion about the leg­endary relics, the only way
to kill them. It was ac­tu­ally like an an­swer sheet. It was an an­swer sheet
with an­swers to the prob­lems mankind was now fac­ing!

'He caught a mon­ster we couldn't kill.'

But not any­more, he felt a sense of cri­sis. What he had dared not ex­pect had

'God­dammit! I have to give up on the plan I've been pre­par­ing for be­cause
of one hu­man be­ing.'

The prob­lem that Mao had not had any­where in the an­swer sheet was now
be­gin­ning to threaten him. That was why he felt a sense of cri­sis. His first

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

sense of cri­sis in the era of mon­sters shook him greatly.

'... but I can't help it.' Shak­ing, Mao was forced to make a de­ci­sion. 'The
size of the Six Snakes is too big. The big­ger size makes me un­able to es­‐
cape or hide. I must re­duce the size of the Six Snakes first.'

He needed to de­stroy ev­ery­thing he had made us­ing the names of the Six

'Sur­vival is now a pri­or­ity. If I am alive, I can make new plans.'

He was go­ing to give up the plan in which the Six Snakes be­came sav­iors
and cre­ated a new or­der in the world.

'I'll have to break the bal­ance at the same time.' Of course, Mao did not in­‐
tend to leave a bal­ance in a world with­out the Six Snakes.

'Kim Tae-hoon, if you want to be a sav­ior, be the only sav­ior.' Mao in­tended
to pass ev­ery­thing on to Kim about the huge chaos that be­gan like that.

'Be the sole sav­ior and die bravely.' When Mao thought up to there, he
stopped walk­ing.

"Soso!" Stand­ing in place, he called some­one's name and im­me­di­ately a

woman came from a long dis­tance.

"Yes, sir."

"Tell Ma­jor Chin­shan to de­stroy the Great Wall."


"De­stroy the Great Wall."


"It is just as I say, tell Ma­jor Chin­shan to de­stroy the Great Wall."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 124 - Dragon Slayer, Part Iii ⦘

"Then the mon­sters will cross the con­ti­nent..." The woman named Soso
looked at Mao in sur­prise.

Mao said firmly, "That's why I'm telling you to break it. And one more
thing... tell Ma­jor Chin­shan to get ready to greet us."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 125 - Judg­ment Day, Part

Chap­ter 44. Judg­ment Day, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"Move it care­fully!"

Just as the flow­ers bloomed on the spot where the ty­phoon passed, and the
grass grew on the ground col­lapsed by the earth­quake, vi­tal­ity be­gan to
flow around the mid-slope of Mt. Halla in Jeju Is­land, where there was an
un­be­liev­able dis­as­ter.

"If you can re­trieve a drop of blood, you'll get it back!"


"The earth on the spot where the dragon was, dig it up to the end! Dig it all

It was sol­diers who were ex­ud­ing the vigor. Uni­formed sol­diers were car­ry­‐
ing the dis­as­sem­bled dragon car­cass, like hold­ing eggs to their chests, and
de­scend­ing the moun­tain. They were care­fully dig­ging up the soil soaked
with the blood that had flowed from the dragon's body, and car­ry­ing it in
pre­pared plas­tic bags.

"That's great, I can't imag­ine how many great items will come out with this

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘

It was a job that only the hunters who suc­ceeded in a hunt could en­joy, so
all the sol­diers who par­tic­i­pated in the work were lively.

"I can't imag­ine the mas­ter killed this crazy mon­ster alone."

Fur­ther­more, the fact that this amaz­ing achieve­ment was ac­com­plished by

the man who pro­tected them, not just any­one, fu­eled their vi­tal­ity. It was the
rea­son why ev­ery­one was smil­ing, and some of them were work­ing with­out
any com­plaints, even though it was dif­fi­cult to climb and de­scend Mt.

"It seems that the world has changed since the sol­diers are do­ing their best
to par­tic­i­pate in the work. Orig­i­nally the sol­diers were the men who swore
when they were given work."

Jang Sung-hoon, who was watch­ing the scene, ex­pressed his ap­pre­ci­at­ion.

Kim Tae-hoon, stand­ing next to him, tilted a mug in his hand in­stead of an­‐
swer­ing. Kim, sa­vor­ing his cof­fee, watched the scene tak­ing place slowly
be­fore his eyes.

"You're here, boss. I thought you'd just run to Tai­wan." Jang asked. Of
course, he waited af­ter ask­ing the ques­tion un­til he heard Kim swal­low­ing.
It was ev­i­dence that he was now used to the habits of a man named Kim

"There were Awak­en­ers sent from Tai­wan here."

"Yes, I checked the dead bod­ies. Con­sid­er­ing that they al­ready sent a group
of Awak­en­ers to Jeju Is­land... I am sure you're right. No, I guess they
moved much faster than the boss ex­pected.

"So the Six Snakes are likely to have fig­ured out now that I killed the

"Then, you have to move ear­lier, don't you?"

Jang knew the mo­ment Kim killed the dragon faster than any­one else. There
was noth­ing hard about it. He could al­ways fig­ure out the life and death of

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘

the dragon us­ing Dae­dongyeo­jido. Of course, he con­tacted Bu­san Port as

soon as the dark blue light dis­ap­peared from Jeju Is­land. There was noth­ing
strange to say af­ter that. How­ever, when he ar­rived at Jeju Is­land, he had no
choice but to ques­tion the mo­ment he heard that Kim was still there.

"As you said, they're start­ing to pre­pare, and it is the boss's style to at­tack
them first be­fore that."

Kim Tae-hoon said that Tai­wan, the main body of the Six Snakes, would be
next af­ter the dragon.

If he had not been ill, he would have gone to Tai­wan as soon as he killed the
dragon. In fact, his orig­i­nal plan was to do so. He had a plan to move on
Tai­wan if he could af­ford to at the mo­ment he killed the dragon, un­til he
checked the Awak­en­ers dis­patched from Tai­wan to wake up the dragon.

"No, there are no Six Snakes in Tai­wan."


"I hon­estly didn't ex­pect them to move so early."

It was some­thing Kim did not ex­pect. The rea­son why Kim was in a hurry
to hunt the dragon in the first place was to hide the whole process from the
Six Snakes. How­ever, the move­ments of the Six Snakes were much faster
than his ex­pec­ta­tion.

"What does it mat­ter?"

"It means that there is at least one per­son in the Six Snakes, who thinks like
me and has the abil­ity to put that idea into prac­tice." It meant that there was
some­one in the Six Snakes who was at least half a step ahead of Kim Tae-


"If I were the Six Snakes, I wouldn't even think about fight­ing against a
man who had killed the dragon alone."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘


Kim was con­vinced that if the per­son had such judg­ment and be­hav­ior, he
would surely think about what was best at this mo­ment and put it into prac­‐
tice. That was the rea­son.

"Well, if I were your en­emy, I wouldn't stay in Tai­wan, an is­land coun­try

where there is no place to run away."

The rea­son why Kim stayed in Jeju Is­land was that the real Snakes that he
wanted to catch right now ran away, so there was no rea­son to hurry.

"So are you go­ing to leave Tai­wan as it is?"

"No." Of course, it did not mean not to at­tack Tai­wan!

"Hey, boss, I don't want to be sur­prised any­more, say­ing 'Yes' or 'Ah'. Can
you just sum­ma­rize and tell me?"

At the words of Jang, Kim was silent with cof­fee. Gulp! Af­ter sum­ma­riz­ing
the words in his mind, he said, "The Six Snakes would have left Tai­wan
with im­por­tant relics and Awak­en­ers, but on the other hand, the Tai­wanese
au­thor­i­ties would have been left as they were."

"Those re­main­ing are bait."

"The bait that at­tacked us, with­out any dec­la­ra­tion of war, uni­lat­er­ally, with
in­hu­mane val­ues and ide­olo­gies." With the words, Kim got up.

"Then I'll have to let them pay for it."

At that re­mark, Jang did not ask why Kim gave them time to pre­pare. He
knew bet­ter than any­one that they could not stop Kim, no mat­ter what they
pre­pared for.

So, he prayed briefly in­stead of such a ques­tion, 'The day the boss ar­rives in
Tai­wan will be Judg­ment Day.' He prayed for those who were as good as
dead now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘


On De­cem­ber 2, 2017, snow was fall­ing in the sky in Tai­wan, which had
en­tered win­ter. It was mys­te­ri­ous in Tai­wan, it was hard to see be­cause the
tem­per­at­ure here stayed above zero de­grees year-round.

But it was dan­ger­ous. In Tai­wan, if the tem­per­at­ure dropped be­low five de­‐
grees Cel­sius, dozens or hun­dreds of peo­ple could freeze to death, and cold
weather was a more fright­en­ing dis­as­ter than a storm.

They could not af­ford to ap­pre­ci­ate the snow that fell on the Tai­wanese. The
same was true of the cit­i­zens of Taipei. Mon­sters that had ap­peared on De­‐
cem­ber 31 last year took much from the Tai­wanese. The rav­ing mon­sters
had crushed ev­ery­thing in Tai­wan.

To counter such mon­sters, Tai­wan had to unite around the mil­i­tary, and ev­‐
ery­one who sur­vived in the process had to give up their free­dom and hu­man
rights to sur­vive. Ev­ery­thing was cen­tered around the mil­i­tary, and the Tai­‐
wanese fully co­op­er­ated with their mil­i­tary. That was why they couldn't af­‐
ford to look at the snow.

"Don't play the wag!"

"The lazy cubs will be ex­ec­ uted by fir­ing squad!"

At the an­gry scold­ing of the sol­dier with a gun, the move­ments of peo­ple
who clear­ing away the wreck­age of the build­ing be­came busier. More­over,
as soon as the snow be­gan to fall in this sight, it was no longer the scene of
Tai­wan that the world re­mem­bered. It was a sight that was only seen in
North Ko­rea.

A man ap­peared at the scene. The man in black uni­form was car­ry­ing two
swords and a bag on his back. It was a het­ero­ge­neous dress.

"What is it?"

So, when the man ap­peared, some of the sol­diers were will­ing to show in­‐
ter­est in the man.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘

"You there! What the fuck are you do­ing?"

The man who ap­peared be­fore the at­ten­tion brought the loud­speaker in his
right hand to his mouth. Then the man said through the loud­speaker, "From
2 PM. on De­cem­ber 2, 2017, the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea will be­gin a war against
Tai­wan, and the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea will wage a war with a fair and full
force against Tai­wan."

The Chi­nese lan­guage spread through the loud­speaker was very awk­ward
and un­col­ored, the mark of a per­son who did not know Chi­nese speak­ing
with mem­o­rized words.

Of course, no one re­ally ac­cepted the man's words. No one warned the man.
The only re­ac­tion was that a sol­dier aimed at the man with a loud­speaker
with his M4 car­bine ri­fle.

Tutu! It was not long be­fore the shoot­ing sur­prised the neigh­bor­hood. Those
who were work slowed down re­flex­ively, as if they were fa­mil­iar with the
gun­shots, and the sol­diers also smiled re­flex­ively, as if they were tired of
the fa­mil­iar sit­u­at­ion.



But the crowd froze at the sight of the man who tore off the dis­torted bul­let-
heads from his cheek with his hand, rather than bleed­ing and scream­ing at
be­ing shot.

'What, what?' Ev­ery­one froze in front of this ridicu­lous sight.

In front of the scene, the man once again spoke to the loud­speaker. This
time, it is flu­ent Ko­rean, not awk­ward Chi­nese. "It's 11:22 a.m., I'll at­tack
Taipei City at 2 PM. This is the last cour­tesy."

At the end of the words, the man Kim Tae-hoon turned his back.

Kim later ap­peared at 2 PM.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘



This abil­ity ac­quired through the dragon's crys­tal was fear­some. As soon as
the power of the dragon opened, his phys­i­cal De­fense was in­vul­ner­ab­ le to
bul­lets, and his Mana re­sis­tance and tol­er­ance to fear also rose very sharply.

At the same time, the ba­sic abil­ity was strength­ened be­yond the nu­mer­i­cal
rep­re­sen­ta­tion. His Strength was at the level that he could carry a mid-size
car like a shield, and the mean­ing Health was vir­tu­ally elim­i­nated.

There was only one con­straint, that he could not use spe­cial abil­i­ties if he
was in Dra­co­nian mode, and us­ing the power of the dragon. Lit­er­ally. In
Dra­co­nian mode, he could not use spe­cial abil­i­ties. In other words, in Dra­‐
co­nian mode, he could use any ba­sic abil­i­ties and achieved abil­i­ties, ex­cept
spe­cial abil­i­ties.


On De­cem­ber 2, at 2 PM, Taipei City, Kim Tae-hoon an­nounced his ap­pear­‐

ance by throw­ing out huge flames. Of course, this fact did not mat­ter to the
Tai­wanese sol­diers who started fight­ing not just a bat­tle against the en­emy,
but a war for their na­tion.



"Don't stop and shoot!"


The im­por­tant thing for the Tai­wanese sol­diers was that Kim Tae-hoon's ab­‐
surd phys­i­cal De­fense ig­nored the bul­lets, and his crazy Strength let him
throw a big­ger pas­sen­ger car than the medium-sized car they us­ing as cover
at them.

Bang! It was a ridicu­lous sight.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘

"Crazy, crazy!" Even if they con­cen­trated on the bat­tle, their lives were in
dan­ger, but the sol­diers who pulled the trig­gers for­got to shoot for a while at
the sound. The sight of the Lexus LS fly­ing to­wards a Toy­ota Camry was

"Be, be care­ful!" When a Ford truck, not a small car, flew to­ward the sol­‐
diers who were shoot­ing from the win­dow of the build­ing, there was vir­tu­‐
ally no one ea­ger to fight any­more.

'This is a ridicu­lous bat­tle.'

'It's a mon­ster that can­not com­pare with a mon­ster!'

The rab­bit's front teeth were never ea­ger to bite a lion.

'I'm go­ing to get out of here.' Sol­diers who lost their fight­ing spirit nat­u­rally
wanted to es­cape from the fight. Sev­eral sol­diers, not one, be­gan to flee the
bat­tle­field, as if the pla­toons had made a mu­tual prom­ise. It was true that
flee­ing dur­ing wartime would be judged by sum­mary ex­ec­ u­tion im­me­di­‐
ately. But no one judged them. It was be­cause a lot of com­man­ders who had
to judge them also ran away!

The prob­lem was that Kim Tae-hoon did not in­tend to al­low them to es­cape.
His ver­ti­cal-split black eyes swept around. It was not the Eyes of the Black
Snake, nor the Eyes of the White Snake.

The Eyes of the Dragon.

Ev­ery­thing was vis­i­ble to the eyes of the preda­tor who was at the peak.
Each one of the fugi­tives was clearly vis­i­ble; it was like look­ing at ants and
iden­ti­fy­ing them one by one. Of course, it was point­less. When killing ants,
it was not nec­es­sary to dis­tin­guish and iden­tify the ants one by one.

All he needed was one method, over­whelm­ing vi­o­lence. Kim Tae-hoon

used the vi­o­lence at this mo­ment. He raised his head and opened his mouth.
His heart be­gan to swell up. Soon he re­leased it from his chest.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I ⦘

Keuaaa! The sound of a dragon's roar shook Taipei City, a sound that could
not be pro­duced by a hu­man voice. The legs and heads of the sol­diers who
ran or fought shook to­gether.

"Khuck!" Those who fought fell down on the spot, and those who ran away
crashed down as they were. Ev­ery­one be­gan to trem­ble with fear.

Only one per­son, Kim Tae-hoon, who had cre­ated all of this fear, walked
leisurely in the world where ev­ery­one else had col­lapsed. Walk­ing ca­su­ally,
he showed a cold heart and de­ter­mi­na­tion that matched the war. In­stead of
punch­ing the fallen sol­diers in this sit­u­at­ion, he showed the wis­dom of us­‐
ing the guns the sol­diers had.


So, the judg­ment day be­gan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 126 - Judg­ment Day, Part

Chap­ter 44 -- Judg­ment Day, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The world's as­sess­ment and view on Tai­wan was not good. It was not be­‐
cause Tai­wan lacked po­ten­tial and na­tional power. The big­gest rea­son was
that it had an en­emy: China.

The na­tional power and mil­i­tary power of China were be­hind that of the
United States, but the fact that Tai­wan had the more ruth­less and amoral
China as its en­emy, had made the world look at Tai­wan with a sym­pa­thetic

Tai­wan's mil­i­tary power was not at a level of sym­pa­thy. On the other hand,
they still had the power not to kneel against China, and were even play­ing a
mean trick for their own ben­ef­ it that a small man would not do.


Ma­jor Gen­eral Li Su-kwang was a per­son with faith and pride in the po­ten­‐
tial of Tai­wan. So, he ac­cepted Mao's pro­posal, al­lowed the Six Snakes to
play in Tai­wan, and gave them full sup­port. Fur­ther­more, he dreamed of
Tai­wan be­com­ing the Re­pub­lic of China and a great na­tion to dom­i­nate the
world be­yond Asia, with the Six Snakes, to win the Chi­nese Civil War, the
war against the Chi­nese Peo­ple's Lib­er­at­ion Army that Tai­wan and China
have been play­ing out for over half a cen­tury.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

Li Su-kwang dreamed of be­com­ing the pro­tag­o­nist and the lead­ing player

of his­tor­i­cal achieve­ments.

'Why the hell did this non­sense hap­pen?'

It was not un­til three hours ago that he had given up on the dream. It was
the same when he had heard that the dragon of Jeju Is­land was killed. It was
cer­tainly a mat­ter of cau­tion, but he didn't want to give up ev­ery­thing he'd
ever achieved, and the dream.

There­fore, he just kept alert and had only pre­pared for it. He still had the
same dream, pre­par­ing to guard against an at­tacker.

'What on earth is this Kim Tae-hoon?' But now his dream was blur­ring for
the first time.

Kim Tae-hoon, the man who had killed the dragon, de­clared war in per­son
and alone in Taipei City, Tai­wan on De­cem­ber 2nd.

Of­ten, in the his­tory of war, civil­ians were in­formed of an at­tack in or­der to

re­duce death tolls prior to the mas­sive bom­bard­ment and air raids, but it had
never been done in the his­tory of hu­man war like Kim Tae-hoon, who ap­‐
peared in the cen­ter of the city alone and gave no­tice of the at­tack with his
own voice.

What was even more sur­pris­ing was that he started the war alone, and now
the war sit­u­at­ion was over­whelm­ingly di­rected to­ward Kim Tae-hoon.

'What kind of mon­ster can do this? What kind of mon­ster is he?'

Even Kim Tae-hoon's tac­tics, which were re­ported in real time, had em­bar­‐
rassed Li Su-kwang.

Kim Tae-hoon was mov­ing him­self openly. He ig­nored the con­cept of mod­‐
ern war­fare that a sol­dier should not be a tar­get, and he ap­peared in front of
an armed army, ig­nor­ing the con­cept of num­bers and fire­power, and he won
with sim­ple and one-sided vi­o­lence against the bul­lets and shells that were

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

pour­ing to­ward him. There was no con­cept of tac­tics in Kim Tae-hoon's


'How the hell do we stop this guy?' It was not a tac­tic, so it was not pos­si­ble
to aim for the gap in the tac­tics.

"Ma­jor, Ma­jor Gen­eral Li Su-kwang." A man ap­peared in front of Ma­jor

Gen­eral Li Su-kwang ur­gently.

Ma­jor Gen­eral Li, who con­firmed the face of the sub­or­di­nate who had sud­‐
denly ap­peared, asked in­stead of shout­ing at him, "What did Mr. Mao say?"

"Well, well..."


"He, he's not there."


"No, no one is there, and I didn't even see the relics that Mr. Mao kept."

The mo­ment he heard it, he did not dream any­more. In­stead, he faced re­al­‐
ity, a very cold re­al­ity.

"... we'll move to the port. We'll leave the is­land as soon as pos­si­ble."


"Ugh..." The car that he had been rid­ing in a while ago came to the eyes of
Ma­jor Gen­eral Li, who opened his eyes with a low groan. The car he was
rid­ing in was turned over like a dead frog.

There was a man near the up­side-down car.

'Kim Tae-hoon...'

Li Su-kwang had never seen Kim Tae-hoon, but he was con­vinced that the
man in front of him was Kim Tae-hoon. Fur­ther­more, he was sure that Kim

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

Tae-hoon's ac­tions of not us­ing tac­tics at all, were the re­sult of his shak­ing
the grass of Tai­wan to pull out the Snake.

'He stirred the bushes to sur­prise the snake... He did it on pur­pose... on pur­‐

It was the right an­swer. The rea­son why Kim showed a clear and ac­tive
move­ment, as if he were putting on a show, was to stim­u­late the key com­‐
man­ders of the Tai­wan army.

In fact, Tai­wan was a place harder to at­tack than he thought. Just as North
Ko­rea has cre­ated count­less se­cret un­der­ground bunkers to sur­vive from the
en­emy the United States, Tai­wan also had a lot of se­cret un­der­ground
bunkers to sur­vive from their en­emy China.

More­over, Kim knew about North Ko­rea well, but there was not much in­‐
for­ma­tion about Tai­wan. If the VIPs of the Tai­wanese mil­i­tary hid in the se­‐
cret un­der­ground bunkers that Kim did not know about, it would be in­‐
evitably painful. So, he did this, and the trick suc­ceeded in pulling out the
big­gest snake.

Kim stood in front of Li Su-kwang.

"Wait, wait---" Li Su-kwang barely squeezed his words out in front of Kim.
He also used Eng­lish, not Chi­nese.

At this mo­ment, Li Su-kwang was calmer than Kim had thought, ev­i­dence
that he was not a nor­mal per­son.

Kim looked down at him with­out tak­ing any other ac­tion.

"I am Ma­jor Gen­eral Li Su-kwang, and I have all the mil­i­tary power of the
Re­pub­lic of China in my hands." In front of Kim, Lee Su-kwang in­tro­duced
him­self. It was the most mis­er­able in­tro­duc­tion in the world.

"Let's, let's ne­go­ti­ate." Af­ter com­plet­ing his in­tro­duc­tion, Li Su-kwang im­‐

me­di­ately made a pro­posal.

"If you will save me, I will give you full co­op­er­at­ion-"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

"A lot of peo­ple died be­cause of the work of the Six Snakes, and you guys
would have sat at the ta­ble and ap­plauded and de­lighted in it." Of course,
Kim did not in­tend to re­ceive the pro­posal.

"Well, that's-"

"And now you pro­pose a deal? Do you think I'll ac­cept it? With the peo­ple
who tried to kill me and use the dragon to de­stroy my coun­try?"

The Six Snakes and Tai­wan.

They had in­cred­i­bly good luck. The relics in the Na­tional Palace Mu­seum,
the num­ber of mon­sters ap­pear­ing in Tai­wan, and be­ing an is­land gave them
a choice of be­com­ing a sav­ior to the world, or a con­queror to in­fringe on
oth­ers and reign over the world.

How­ever, they chose the lat­ter with­out hes­i­ta­tion among the two op­tions,
and they made a move to at­tack and reign over the world. In­stead of reach­‐
ing out to those who were hang­ing on the cliff and ask­ing for help, they
stepped out and tram­pled on the hands of the peo­ple barely hold­ing on.

Kim did not in­tend to ask why they acted. He just came here for re­venge of
those who were killed by the choices of the Six Snakes, and to ad­min­is­ter
judg­ment for the choice.

"Nev­er­the­less, it's good to save me."

How­ever, in front of Kim, Li Su-kwang re­peat­edly pro­posed ne­go­ti­at­ions. It

was a mat­ter of his life, and at the same time, he knew his worth bet­ter than
any­one else.

"I'll give you in­for­ma­tion! In­for­ma­tion... eub eub!"

Kim said qui­etly, af­ter block­ing the mouth of Li Su-kwang with the Golden
Web, "That's why I will keep you alive, to get in­for­ma­tion."


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

-The sit­u­at­ion is ter­ri­ble. Kim Tae-hoon is at­tack­ing the main­land of Tai­‐


The faces of those who lis­tened to the story of the Okjo were hard.


'How could this be...?'

The story that the Okjo re­layed was so un­be­liev­able.

'Who can be­lieve that an in­di­vid­ual has won an over­whelm­ing vic­tory

against a na­tion?'

But Mao was not sur­prised by the story be­cause he was ex­pect­ing it. 'As ex­‐
pected, if he is a hu­man be­ing who has killed a dragon, he'll have to show
this much.'

He knew so well that Tai­wan could not do any­thing to the great mon­ster
that had been a mon­ster be­fore the mon­sters ap­peared, the mon­ster that had
been a mon­ster af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared, and now a mon­ster that had
even eaten a Dragon. Rather, he was sat­is­fied.

'I see Kim Tae-hoon at­tacked Tai­wan much later than I thought... he ex­‐
pected us to run away. And he gave up chas­ing us and de­cided to clean up
Tai­wan first.'

The fact that Kim Tae-hoon at­tacked Tai­wan later than he thought meant
that Kim would give up chas­ing him and de­stroy Tai­wan alone. In other
words, Mao had suc­ceeded in es­cap­ing from a mon­ster called Kim Tae-

There were more rea­sons for Mao to be sat­is­fied with this sit­u­at­ion.

'I've got all the relics.' He had taken the im­por­tant relics, and all the pow­er­‐
ful relics he had col­lected so far.

"Mr. Mao, Ma­jor Chin­shan is here."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

"Mr. Mao, I'm see­ing you for the first time."

And he also had pow­er­ful Awak­en­ers, to bring out the value of the relics at
100 per­cent.

"Ma­jor Chin­shan! It's good to see you like this."

Fur­ther­more, Mao knew that he had noth­ing to lose now. So far, he had a lot
of things to lose. How­ever, he has noth­ing to lose now that he has lost

"I have de­stroyed the Great Wall as or­dered."

"Good work, it could not have been easy."

"The Qin Shi Huang Sword, the new sword, was very help­ful, and so we
didn't have to worry about our lack of troops."

"And what about the move­ments of the mon­sters?"

"The mon­sters that have been wait­ing for the Great Wall to col­lapse are
cross­ing the Great Wall, and some of them are ex­pected to head to­ward the
Ko­rean Penin­sula."

"I sup­pose so."

From now on, Kim Tae-hoon would be a man who would keep a lot of
things. He would not have time to worry about other places as he had to
pro­tect his coun­try from the mon­sters that were com­ing.

"Where would you rather go?"

"We are go­ing to move to Mos­cow along the Siberian rail­way, and then we
are go­ing to Eng­land."

That amount of time would change the win­ner and loser again. There was
no doubt that it would hap­pen.

"I'll be home in a year." His home ground was not Tai­wan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘


"Kill him!"

Taipei City.

The cap­i­tal of Tai­wan, where vi­o­lence was now rag­ing, scream­ing and
bloody. At the cen­ter of the vi­o­lence were the Tai­wanese.

Sol­diers and civil­ians.

The two groups, point­ing their guns at each other, be­gan to fight a civil war
of life-and-death.

It was a nat­u­ral pro­ce­dure. In the sit­u­at­ion where the sol­diers who main­‐
tained or­der with strong vi­o­lence were com­pletely col­lapsed by Kim Tae-
hoon, the civil­ians who had been per­se­cuted could not stay still. They be­gan
to spit out their anger in the most vi­o­lent way af­ter be­ing sup­pressed for
nearly a year.

Kim Tae-hoon was watch­ing the scene. It was proof of their de­ter­mi­na­tion.
What he did to­day was a judge with a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion, but that did not mean
that he could be­come a war­rior of jus­tice. He knew that fact bet­ter than any­‐
one else. He had no right to ig­nore the sight, and he had no in­ten­tion of
turn­ing away.


There­fore, Kim made his de­ter­mi­na­tion stronger by watch­ing the scene in

front of him. Fur­ther­more, he re­minded him­self of what he should do and
what he should be again, in front of the scene.

'If you think of me as a hero and play a trick about it, you will surely die to

On De­cem­ber 2, 2017, the day of judg­ment was over.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘


It was hard to find the past im­age af­ter it had be­come a city of the Re­pub­lic
of Ko­rea, no longer the cap­i­tal of North Ko­rea. The most prom­i­nent new
thing was the pres­ence of Torii, which had once been seen at the en­trance of
the Ja­pa­nese shrine. The red Torii were show­ing their pres­ence ev­ery­where
in Py­ongyang, like util­ity poles.

Around the planted Torii were tanks and self-pro­pelled guns, and the sol­‐
diers and Awak­en­ers who were fully armed around them were re­fill­ing.

'Once we build a Mag­inot Line.'

It was a way which Colonel Lim Hyun-joon pre­pared, to pro­tect Py­ongyang

and Ko­rea from mon­sters. It was a wise method.

'The Torii weak­ens the mon­ster's power af­ter in­ject­ing Mana, and at the
same time cre­ates a pro­tec­tive area around it­self. In such a pro­tec­tive field,
re­sis­tance to the fear in­creases greatly. Even if some ap­pro­pri­ate mon­sters
ap­pear, it will be a sit­u­at­ion where we can use close to 100 per­cent of our

Fur­ther­more, it was not the only thing that Colonel Lim had pre­pared.

"I'll re­port, the dragon ar­mor and the dragon bone lance made from the
dragon, and the leather ar­mor made from the Eight-tailed Fox, have ar­rived
from the Mac Work­shop in Bucheon."

"They have fi­nally ar­rived, I'll check them right away. Please tell the Head
of the Mac Work­shop, 'Thank you for mak­ing them so fast, and I'll send you
the re­sults af­ter check­ing the power of the pro­to­type goods.'"


Colonel Lim planned to do ev­ery­thing he could on the fi­nal de­fense line in

Py­ongyang. He was go­ing to test the power of the pow­er­ful items that were
now be­ing cre­ated. He would not be sat­is­fied with win­ning the bat­tle and

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

sur­viv­ing, but he was go­ing to grow and de­velop ev­ery­thing based on the

'I won't just bleed.'

One of his men came up to him. The sol­dier was wear­ing thicker clothes
than the other sol­diers, and al­though Py­ongyang, which had en­tered De­‐
cem­ber, was cold, it would be a lit­tle over­done in Py­ongyang in De­cem­ber.
But it was not a strange out­fit.

"We are re­port­ing on the search for the Ra­son Spe­cial Eco­nomic Zone."

They were the ones who had re­turned af­ter the end of the search for the Ra­‐
son Spe­cial Eco­nomic Zone, the north­ern­most in North Ko­rea, which was
lo­cated in front of the Tu­men River. That was why his thick cloth­ing was
not strange.


"We have not found any sur­viv­ing North Ko­rean res­i­dents in the Ra­son
Spe­cial Eco­nomic Zone."

Colonel Lim was con­vinced af­ter the sol­dier's re­port. 'It's over.' The fact
that there were no sur­vivors of North Ko­rea even at the north­ern­most point
meant that there were no sur­vivors of North Ko­rean an­ces­try any­more.

"But we con­tacted a group of Awak­en­ers from Rus­sia dur­ing the search."

There were sur­vivors, not North Ko­re­ans.


"Yes, they ex­pressed their in­ten­tions to co­op­er­ate in any way, and to be pro­‐
tected by the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea. In ad­di­tion, one of them iden­ti­fied her­self
as a mem­ber of the Rus­sian SSO Unit."

"SSO?" Colonel Lim re­sponded for the first time. The SSO Unit was wor­‐
thy of that re­ac­tion.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 126 - Judgment Day, Part Ii ⦘

'A mem­ber of the Spe­cial Forces of the Rus­sian De­fense Min­istry...'

The Spe­cial Forces of the Rus­sian De­fense Min­istry.

If some­one was a sol­dier, he would have to re­spond to the Unit like that.

"Once you dis­arm them, in­ves­ti­gate thor­oughly."

Of course, Colonel Lim did not in­tend to be­lieve what they were say­ing
right away.

"In­ves­ti­gate thor­oughly. You can push them to the limit. If you see any­thing
strange, you can kill them right away on the spot." Colonel Lim didn't want
to show them a fa­vor of mercy and kind­ness. "I'll take re­spon­si­bil­ity for ev­‐


It was the surest way to pro­tect his coun­try in this world.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 127 - Mu­si­cal Chairs, Part

Chap­ter 45. Mu­si­cal Chairs, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED




The ear-split­ting gun­fire and screams from mon­sters shook the city area of
Dae­dong County, South Py­on­gan Prov­ince.


"Shoot!" The main char­ac­ters of the gun­fire were the sol­diers who wanted
to de­fend the fi­nal de­fense line built around Py­ongyang.

Kkie! Kkiee! The main char­ac­ters of the scream were the gi­ant Wolf Ants
cov­ered with shaggy hair.

"Fuck, we've met the ones we didn't want to see most."

Wolf Ants.

The mon­sters who started to ap­pear on the Ko­rean Penin­sula re­cently were
very scary and threat­en­ing ones.

"Cap­tain, I think we've lost the draw."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

One, each in­di­vid­ual was strong. The lower-class Wolf Ants with red eyes
could not be killed with one or two bul­lets, and the strength of the yel­low-
eyed Wolf Ant lead­ers was the high­est level of yel­low-grade mon­sters. But
the scari­est thing was not the strength of such an in­di­vid­ual, but the habit of
the Wolf Ant race.

"The pro­por­tion of Sol­dier Wolf Ants is high, and they must have come to
build nests, not just search sta­tions."

The Wolf Ants had the habit of crush­ing ev­ery­thing in their ter­ri­tory and
build­ing their new own nests there.

"We have to stop them un­con­di­tion­ally. When the nest is built..."

"Yes, the queen will come."

And as soon as a nest was built, the Queen Wolf Ant would move there,
with hun­dreds and thou­sands of troops!

"We must stop the Queen Wolf Ant from set­tling here. If they take over this
place, Py­ongyang will be very dan­ger­ous."

The dis­tance be­tween Dae­dong County and Py­ongyang City, where the bat­‐
tle was now be­ing held, was less than twenty kilo­me­ters in a straight line,
and in the mid­dle of it was just a plain.

"If the Queen Wolf Ant set­tles here... it might be an hour to Py­ongyang."

At the words of the sol­diers, Cap­tain Park Il-sung, who led the 9th squad
un­der the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Unit and was in charge of guard­ing Dae­dong
County, gave a short sigh.

"What about sup­port?"

"We'll need a bat­tal­ion force to deal with the Wolf Ants, and I ex­pect it will
take more time for backup."

"Then, we'll hold on un­til backup comes." Il-Sung clenched his teeth tightly
af­ter sigh­ing. "I am sorry, but there's no re­treat."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

If they were other mon­sters, he would have been will­ing to re­treat, and join
the backup forces and sweep away the mon­sters. But the Wolf Ants were
dif­fer­ent. As said be­fore, the mo­ment the Wolf Ants built a nest in Dae­dong
County, the Queen Wolf Ant would come here.

Build­ing the nest did not mean build­ing a splen­did palace, but the mo­ment
when the Wolf Ant rec­og­nized Dae­dong County as their home.

That was why they couldn't re­treat. Un­til the backup forces came, they had
to con­vince the Wolf Ants that Dae­dong County was not their home.

"You don't have to be sorry, we'll be able to hold on un­til we get the
backup." At the words of Cap­tain Park Il-sung, the sub­or­di­nate sol­dier re­‐
placed the an­swer with a de­ter­mined smile in­stead of a des­per­ate ex­pres­‐

"Cap­tain!" A sol­dier rushed in, with a hail of gun­fire sound­ing be­hind him.

"Sup­port troops have ar­rived!" Then he said some­thing ev­ery­one wanted to


Of course, Cap­tain Park turned his head back, but his turned face im­me­di­‐
ately stiff­ened, be­cause there was no sign to be seen af­ter he turned his
head. "What do you mean sup­port? Where are the backup forces?"

At the words of the ques­tion of Cap­tain Park, the sol­dier pointed to the
north, the front which the Wolf Ants were ad­vanc­ing in a rush. "There!"

"What the hell is that non­sense-" At that, Cap­tain Park turned his head to
the bat­tle­field again with a strange ex­pres­sion.

'What?' And he could see that the Wolf Ants who had been run­ning madly
to­ward them turned their heads and ran back­ward.


He also saw that the dead bod­ies of the Wolf Ants scat­tered all over by a
huge ex­plo­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

'Could it be...'

The most pow­er­ful sup­port force in the world had ar­rived.


"The land­scape is al­ways the same ev­ery time I meet you." Colonel Lim
looked at the scene in front of him for a while. The dead bod­ies of the pow­‐
er­ful Wolf Ants were scat­tered all over. It was the scene which Kim had

"Are you look­ing for the most dan­ger­ous place on pur­pose?"

It was al­ways like that. When Kim re­turned to Ko­rea af­ter fin­ish­ing his
work, he ap­peared in the most dan­ger­ous place and made it the safest place.

"I don't want to waste time walk­ing down the flower path."

It was not a co­in­ci­dence, and it was in­ten­tional. Kim al­ways fo­cused his
five senses when he re­turned to Ko­rea, and he headed to­ward the place with
the most gun­shots and screams in the crowd.

Colonel Lim smiled lightly at Kim's ap­pear­ance, not hid­ing his ad­mi­ra­tion.
"That's great." It was an ad­mi­ra­tion for the ex­is­tence of Kim, who al­lowed a
smile in a world full of mon­sters, and in a sit­u­at­ion where ev­ery­one risked
their lives to pro­tect their coun­try from mon­sters in the world.

"Please re­port the sit­u­at­ion." How­ever, Kim was not happy with the ad­mi­ra­‐

Colonel Lim erased his smile and started re­port­ing. "We are cur­rently build­‐
ing a de­fense line around Py­ongyang. The im­me­di­ate threat is the Queen
Wolf Ant and Wolf Ant army in Kae­chon City, South Py­on­gan Prov­ince.
The num­ber of Wolf Ants now is about twelve hun­dred, a mixed num­ber of
lower Wolf Ants and Sol­dier Wolf Ants."

"I'll re­move the Queen Wolf Ant to­mor­row. I want you to or­ga­nize a backup
unit. Any­thing else spe­cial?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

"Af­ter dis­cov­er­ing a group of Rus­sian sur­vivors in Ra­son City, we're cur­‐

rently in­ves­ti­gat­ing them. One of them has iden­ti­fied her­self as an SSO op­‐

SSO... the word changed Kim Tae-hoon's eyes.

Colonel Lim im­me­di­ately be­gan a brief­ing on the re­ac­tion, as if he had ex­‐

pected such a re­ac­tion from Kim. "She is twenty-nine years old, and her
name is Maria Alexan­drovich Solovi­jov. As she said---"

"She must have said that af­ter work­ing for KGB for three years and be­com­‐
ing a mem­ber of SSO, she was in Syria and Libyan Civil War un­til the mon­‐
sters ap­peared."

But the brief­ing was over im­me­di­ately.

"Do you know her?"

"She is a daugh­ter of Vic­tor Solovi­jov, Deputy Di­rec­tor of the FSB."

"The daugh­ter of the Deputy Di­rec­tor of the Rus­sian Fed­eral Se­cu­rity


"She was orig­i­nally a mem­ber of the Al­pha Group, a Coun­tert­er­ror­ism Unit

of the Fed­eral Se­cu­rity Agency, and was rec­og­nized for her abil­ity to in­ter­‐
vene in the Syr­ian Civil War. She made such a great con­tri­bu­tion that the
Syr­ian gov­ern­ment of­fi­cially ob­tained sup­port from the Rus­sian army."

Colonel Lim's ex­pres­sion be­gan to harden at the story that was much more
amaz­ing than ex­pected. "... I think there's an amaz­ing story, so what's your
re­la­tion­ship with her?"

"I saved her life three times at the re­quest of our gov­ern­ment."

In this part, Colonel Lim shook his head. It was point­less for Kim to get his
brief­ing if they were in such a re­la­tion­ship.

"Then it's you'd bet­ter meet her than I do. She's in de­ten­tion in Py­ongyang
now. I'll ar­range the meet­ing now."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

Kim did not nod at the pro­posal. "I'll kill the Queen Wolf Ant first."

"You don't have to hurry-"

"It's much more im­por­tant to hunt the Queen Wolf Ant and re­duce the dam­‐
age to sol­diers and hunters than to talk to a smug­gler from Rus­sian whose
in­ten­tions are un­known."

"... I'll pre­pare for it right away." Colonel Lim did not try to per­suade Kim.
What he had to do was not to stop Kim, but to pro­vide full co­op­er­at­ion and
sup­port for what Kim wanted to do.

"Cap­tain Park Il-sung!"

"Yes, Com­man­der."

Colonel Lim called Cap­tain Park, who was stand­ing nearby as firm as a

"You'll lead the 9th squadron to help kill the Mas­ter's Queen Wolf Ant." He
or­dered on the spot. It was not re­ally an or­der to those who had risked their
lives to de­fend Dae­dong County un­til just a while ago, and those who had
not even taken a proper rest yet.

At the or­der, Cap­tain Park shouted as hard as he could, since there was no
safer or­der in the world, "It's an honor!"


There was a room full of frus­tra­tion, and a small light the only il­lu­mi­na­tion.
A woman was sit­ting in a chair. The tall woman's hair was very short, and
yet she had a beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance that was not lack­ing for all her nearly
180 cm height.

Maria Alexan­drovich Solovi­jov was the name of the beau­ti­ful woman, who
was still at­trac­tive even af­ter a wound that passed through her nose.

But those who knew her re­mem­bered her by a nick­name, rather than a real

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

"It's been a long time, Writer."

Maria turned her head at the word "Writer" from the man stand­ing by the
now-open door. She was sur­prised, "Mes­siah?"

The man who ap­peared was Kim Tae-hoon.

"You call me Mes­siah?"

"Be­cause I owe you three lives. Rather, why are on earth you here?"

"From this side, I want to ask you why, of all oc­ca­sions, the per­son from
Rus­sia is you."

Maria an­swered Kim's ques­tion im­me­di­ately. "I have only come this far
since I ran away; it is such a world, isn't it?"

There was no prob­lem with that re­mark. Maria's ex­pres­sion was show­ing
her feel­ings, as well. There was noth­ing to find fault with.

Kim did not think she had any fault.

"If the op­po­nent is an­other per­son, it will be no prob­lem, but not you." The
only prob­lem was that the op­po­nent was Maria. "You al­ways move to write
a sce­nario."


Even in the Al­pha Group, Rus­sia's lead­ing spe­cial forces, the nick­name was
not fit for a sol­dier who had been rec­og­nized for her abil­ity. Nev­er­the­less, it
was be­cause of her role that she had such a nick­name.

Be­fore the ad­vent of the mon­sters, the world pow­ers longed for the pre­text
to ex­ert over­whelm­ing vi­o­lence in an era where vi­o­lence could no longer be
ex­er­cised, and they tried to cre­ate a cause.

Maria was a writer who wrote the nec­es­sary sce­nar­ios to make the cause.

'It was Maria who was able to in­ter­vene in the Syr­ian Civil War.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

It was the Syr­ian civil war that showed the most prom­ise. If she hadn't
caught the weak spot by en­trap­ping a CIA agent in­versely who had been
caught in the Syr­ian Civil War, the U.S. could not have just watched a bla­‐
tant in­ter­ven­tion of Rus­sia for its ally, the As­sad regime of Syria.

It was Kim Tae-hoon who saved her and her Unit when they were in dan­ger
of an ISIS at­tack af­ter that had hap­pened. And as she said, it was the third
time. He moved to res­cue her when­ever she was in a cri­sis while car­ry­ing
out a very close sce­nario.

"Don't play a clumsy trick." Nat­u­rally, Kim knew what kind of sce­nario she
wrote ev­ery time he went to save her. "I have no in­ten­tion of play­ing with
you, and there is no time."

With the words, Kim im­me­di­ately took off his pack and started putting it on
the desk. He down put his bag first and then put two Swords on the desk.
As soon as he sat across from Maria, he grabbed the Sword of the Im­per­a‐­
tor, which he put on the desk, and pulled it out.

Tsre­ung! The Sword sounded eerie and re­vealed its hideous nu­dity. The
naked body of the Sword was cov­ered with blood that smelled rot­ten. The
ev­i­dence showed that Kim was in the bloody bat­tle­field just a lit­tle while

Maria's eyes changed be­fore the ev­i­dence. Suit­able for her nick­name as a
writer, she un­der­stood the mean­ing of Kim's ac­tions. 'Kim Tae-hoon will
kill me with­out hes­i­ta­tion, the mo­ment he judges me to be a threat.'

Maria also knew Kim as much as the man in front of her knew her. That
was why at this mo­ment she was able to see the pri­or­ity of what she had to
do first: she did not play tricks on Kim. 'The first thing is to prove that I am
not a threat.'

"Do you know the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion of our coun­try?"

"I ask the ques­tions." Kim also had no in­ten­tion of let­ting Maria off be­cause
he knew her. He had a slight ac­quain­tance with her. Never have they been
to­gether in the con­cept of co-work­ers.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

'There is a pos­si­bil­ity of con­tact with the Six Snakes.' Above all, it was
more likely that she came here be­cause of the Six Snakes. 'If I find any
prob­lems with her, I will kill her.'

If she showed any signs of work­ing as an agent of the Six Snake, Kim
would kill her with a sin­gle stroke, and he showed it with­out hid­ing it a bit.
That was why he took a Sword and wiped the blood of the Queen Wolf Ant
on the Sword. It was a bla­tant threat.

Maria, sens­ing the mean­ing of the threat, did not play any tricks.

"Rus­sia has be­come a zom­bie-over­flow­ing world with the ad­vent of Cher­‐

nobog." She only talked about the truth that she knew.

"Tell me about Cher­nobog."

"I don't know its iden­tity. There is only a vague clue about a mon­ster with a
wolf fig­ure, but no one knows ex­actly what skin color of the Wolf or what
size is. No wit­nesses sur­vive see­ing it that close. In­stead, I'm just sure it has
pur­ple eyes."


"The places where Cher­nobog has passed are full of zom­bies. The dead rise
and use vi­o­lence. I'd be glad if it was just peo­ple, but it's crazy and in­cludes

"Is it a virus?"

"For­tu­nately, it's not con­ta­gious. Be­ing bit­ten by a zom­bie doesn't make

peo­ple a zom­bie. Of course, it's not cer­tain."

"What is the Rus­sian gov­ern­ment's re­sponse to them?"

"Nu­clear weapons."

At that mo­ment, Kim stopped wip­ing the Sword and raised his hand. The
con­ver­sa­tion went off with­out a hitch. Soon af­ter­ward, he tapped into space
with his hands as if he were knock­ing on the air. Tap tap tap!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘

The door in the dis­tance knocked on its own. Im­me­di­ately a man opened
the door and came in. The man had a ket­tle of boil­ing wa­ter, a cof­fee drip­‐
per, and a tray of crushed cof­fee beans.

Maria sighed briefly at the sight. Drink­ing cof­fee in­stead of pol­ish­ing a

sword, she didn't have to ex­plain which was less threat­en­ing.

Kim used his Telekine­sis to move a cof­fee draper and a ket­tle in front of
Maria. He con­tin­ued his talk af­ter low­er­ing his cof­fee, us­ing his Telekine­sis.

"In win­ter, zom­bies freeze and can­not move, and it the only time a nu­clear
op­er­at­ion can per­form. But if it had been sim­ply be­cause of that, Maria, you
wouldn't have come to the Ko­rean Penin­sula... You are op­posed to the

Maria nod­ded at the re­mark. "That's right. I'm against us­ing nu­clear
weapons. Of course, this is not be­cause I am an op­po­nent of nu­clear
weapons. All I'm wor­ried about is..."

"It's a case where they can't get rid of Cher­nobog with the nu­clear

"That's right."

"What you need is some forces to sup­port the op­po­si­tion."

Fi­nally, Kim stopped talk­ing and im­me­di­ately picked up a cup of cof­fee.

Then he drank cof­fee. The hour of si­lence had be­gun.

Af­ter the si­lence, Kim said, "I'll help you."

Maria did not cheer in his re­ply. "What do you want?"

She knew that Kim's an­swer was never an an­swer from jus­tice and char­ity.

And as she thought, Kim wasn't help­ing her for char­ity and the right value.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 127 - Musical Chairs, Part I ⦘


"The cost of help­ing is all the re­sources and sup­plies Rus­sia has."

At the words, Maria re­vealed her feel­ings for the first time. She shouted
with a sur­prised look, "What's that non­sense? It can't be pos­si­ble, right?
Does it mean we should ac­tu­ally be a colony?"

Kim re­sponded calmly to her re­ac­tion, "Ask Japan whether it is pos­si­ble or

not, Of course, if I have a chance."

Kim Tae-hoon, drank his cof­fee and closed his eyes.

Maria clenched her teeth at the sight and racked her brain.

'Kim Tae-hoon is a cool-headed man. He is not talk­ing non­sense. He knows

his abil­ity bet­ter than any­one else.'

She imag­ined why Kim said this, and she made a story out of her imag­i­na­‐

'He re­ally wants ev­ery­thing, so he asked for it all. And... he thinks he is

worth ask­ing for all of it.'

In the end, she was able to come up with the most ob­vi­ous way to sort out
count­less sto­ries in her mind.

"I want to know your abil­ity. That way, I can de­cide whether to bet or not."

At the words, Kim once again knocked into the air. Tap tap tap! There was a
knock again, and the man who brought some cof­fee came back. Kim said to
the man, swal­low­ing his cof­fee. "De­liver my or­der to Colonel Lim, get
ready to climb Mt. Baekdu."

And Kim, who had his cof­fee again, thought, 'Six Snakes, I'll take the place
you've fled to.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 128 - Mu­si­cal Chairs, Part

Chap­ter 45. Mu­si­cal Chairs, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Se­jong Cen­ter Cham­ber Hall.

It used to be a per­for­mance hall rep­re­sent­ing Ko­rea.

How­ever, it faded af­ter the es­tab­lish­ment of the Seoul Arts Cen­ter. This
place, with­out show­ing its past rep­u­ta­tion and pres­ence, was fi­nally
crowded with peo­ple af­ter a long time.


In many ways, it was a strange thing. It was strange that peo­ple gath­ered at
a per­for­mance hall like the Cen­ter Cham­ber Hall in an era when the mon­‐
sters still dom­i­nated the world, and it was also strange that the faces of the
gath­er­ing were var­i­ous. It was also strange that the lan­guages spo­ken by the
gath­ered peo­ple were var­ied.

"If any­one who does not know sees this, they would think you are host­ing a
UN con­fer­ence."

Of course, the strangest thing among them was Jang Sung-hoon, who had
ap­peared in a tuxedo. His tuxedo was not lack­ing, he wore a fe­dora, and he
ap­peared with a cane that seemed to be use­less, at­tract­ing ev­ery­one's at­ten­‐
tion. There was no shame in the ap­pear­ance of Jang Sung-hoon, who re­‐
sponded with a bright smile to such gazes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

"Hey, you should have worn like that?" In the end, the shame fell on those
who came with Jang Sung Hoon. Cho Sung-yeon and Ahn Sun-mi, both of
them were di­gest­ing the shame of Jang Sung Hoon in­stead.

"No, I think it's po­lite to dress up for the in­vi­ta­tion of the am­bas­sadors to
Ko­rea, but you're rather weird. Didn't you both get tuxe­dos and dresses?"

"I'm pissed off that it's not a se­ri­ous talk."

"It's a se­ri­ous talk."

"Let's not talk, let's not."

Ahn Sun-mi closed her mouth at the end of the words, and Cho Sung-yeon
said care­fully be­tween them. "... more than that, brother, can you tell me
why you've as­sem­bled this meet­ing?"

In the mind of Cho Sung-yeon ask­ing the ques­tion, the mem­o­ries of the last
two days ago came to mind. Two days ago, Cho was do­ing sup­port ac­tiv­ity
for sur­vivors.

It was a task to find sur­vivors who they might not know, to res­cue those
who had suf­fered from the mon­ster dam­age, to col­lect chil­dren who had lost
their par­ents, and to cre­ate a data­base so that par­ents who had lost their chil­‐
dren could see their per­sonal in­for­ma­tion. It was a task that some­one had to
do, but no­body was do­ing, so Cho was will­ing to spend his days do­ing it.

But two days ago, Jang sud­denly sent a let­ter to him, 'I am go­ing to gather
all the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea and talk...'

It was a let­ter stat­ing that Jang would gather the sur­viv­ing am­bas­sadors to
Ko­rea at Se­jong Cen­ter Cham­ber Hall and talk. It was a let­ter ask­ing them
to at­tend, and when. There was noth­ing strange about it.

Now, for the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea, which had be­gun to func­tion as a na­tion
once again, it was nec­es­sary to go be­yond in­ter­nal sta­bil­ity and strengthen
diplo­matic in­ter­ests. For diplo­matic in­ter­ests, the role of the am­bas­sadors to

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

Ko­rea was very im­por­tant, and was some­thing that even any­one who had no
deep knowl­edge of diplo­macy knew.

'What is he go­ing to tell them?'

The prob­lem was that it was not ex­actly stated what he was talk­ing about. It
was a place to in­vite all the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea. It was not for one or
two, but a place to gather a large num­ber of them, and it was also a place
where var­i­ous races, na­tion­al­i­ties, and cul­tures would meet. It was very in­‐
ef­fi­cient to go be­yond po­lite­ness to just talk with­out a more def­i­nite propo­‐

Nev­er­the­less, un­til this mo­ment, Jang did not tell any­one what the topic of
the meet­ing would be here to­day. At this point, it was no won­der Cho was
not cu­ri­ous about what Jang would talk about, and he was wor­ried.

"It's noth­ing, I'm go­ing to ne­go­ti­ate with the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea to­day."
At this mo­ment, Jang told them why he gath­ered peo­ple here to­day.


"Now, there are just a hand­ful of coun­tries around the world that are func­‐
tion­ing as na­tions. Its func­tion is not a mat­ter, but in most coun­tries, their
sur­vivors are dy­ing right now. Of course, they will need help."

"That's a nat­u­ral story, isn't it?"

"It is no won­der that the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea should work hard to ne­go­ti­‐
ate with Ko­rea, which can help their coun­try at this mo­ment." At that mo­‐
ment, Cho Sung-yeon's eyes changed.

Ahn Sun-mi also opened her mouth as if she un­der­stood the sit­u­at­ion, and
asked, "So, what are you go­ing to ask for in ne­go­ti­at­ions?"

"Ah!" When she asked her ques­tion, Jang made short ex­cla­ma­tions of ad­mi­‐
ra­tion, as if he had some­thing in mind.

"I'll cor­rect my words."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

"What are you cor­rect­ing?"

"I think I used the wrong ex­pres­sion. It's not a ne­go­ti­at­ion." Cho Sung-yeon
and Ahn Sun-mi looked at Jang Sung-hoon, their eyes nar­rowed.

Jang smiled and said to the two, "I am go­ing to threaten them."


It was like a me­dieval ar­mory, where clas­si­cal weapons, such as well-sharp­‐

ened swords and ar­mor, were breath­ing while wait­ing for the time of the
bat­tle. There were two no­table ones among the weapons. A vest made of a
dragon's dark red scales, and a leather coat made of the hide of a fox with
white hair.

==[The Leather of a Dragon]

-- Re­sis­tance to fear in­creases sig­nif­i­cantly.

-- The rate of re­cov­ery of all abil­i­ties in­creases very sig­nif­i­cantly.

-- Pro­fi­ciency in all abil­i­ties is greatly in­creased.

-- In­ject­ing En­ergy or Mana pro­duces a dra­conic aura with strong de­fen­sive

abil­ity. ]==

==[The Leather of an Eight-tailed Fox]

-- Re­sis­tance to fear in­creases sig­nif­i­cantly.

-- It has a strong tol­er­ance for Telekine­sis at­tacks.

-- It has a strong re­sis­tance to fire and cold.

-- In­ject­ing Telekine­sis will make the body lighter. ]==

They were the items made from the leather of the Dragon and the Eight-
tailed Fox.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

"They are pro­to­type items. The Chief of the Mac Work­shop, Park Gap-soo
made them in haste, and al­though the outer im­age is not the best, the ef­fect
is per­fect."

Kim, who had checked the items with black Eyes, did not turn his head in
the di­rec­tion of the voice. In­stead, he asked a ques­tion. "Are these the only
pro­to­type items?"

"No, I've left them for dis­play."

The an­swer came right away, and as soon as Kim heard it, he pulled the vest
made of dragon leather with both his hands. Chick! The vest tore promptly.

Colonel Lim, see­ing this, stood there with a blank ex­pres­sion on his face.

It was around that time that Kim turned his head to him.

"The seam is weak. Please tell them we need an im­prove­ment."

"... I'll de­liver it."

"So, what brings you here?"

"An Okjo ar­rived from Seoul. It said that the nine­teen coun­tries are go­ing to


Kim did not show any spe­cial re­sponse at the word.

"I hon­estly still don't un­der­stand." It was Col. Lim who spoke the word
him­self. "Why are you forc­ing the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea to watch the hunt
for the Blue Qilin?"

The Blue Qilin.

It was a dark blue-grade mon­ster cur­rently lo­cated at the Heaven Lake of

Mt. Baekdu. It had the body of a deer, the tail of a cow, the hooves, and the
mane. It had two buck­horns on a dragon's head mounted on the bizarre

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

body, and it was walk­ing on the Heaven Lake of Baekdu Moun­tain, con­sid­‐
er­ing it­self as a ce­les­tial be­ing on the di­vine moun­tain.

Of course, the words 'a ce­les­tial be­ing' were ap­plied when it was not threat­‐
ened. When it was threat­ened, it be­came a scary mon­ster vom­it­ing light­ning
with its two horns, killing ev­ery­thing in­dis­crim­i­nately. Nat­u­rally, it was
strong. It was not as strong as a dragon, but it was as good as an Eight-
tailed Fox. It was just a walk­ing dis­as­ter.

It hadn't mat­tered so far. For the peace of the Ko­rean Penin­sula, it had to be
killed. If Kim Tae-hoon, who had killed the dragon, took the lead, the
chance to kill it would be higher than ever. The prob­lem was that the am­‐
bas­sadors to Ko­rea were vis­it­ing the scene to hunt such Qilin, by force.

"They can make a de­ci­sion by look­ing at the level of abil­ity we have. That's
the rea­son."

"What de­ci­sion?"

"Whether they choose the Six Snakes or us?"

Kim Tae-hoon knew war very well.

'War is not just about ex­chang­ing blows. If they win, they plun­der, but if
they lose, they are plun­dered. That is what war is about. If they hit and wait
for the op­po­nent to re­cover, and if they over­look things when the op­po­nent
de­clares sur­ren­der, if the ref­eree in­ter­venes when a prob­lem arises, it is not
a war, but a game.'

This time was the same, too. Kim Tae-hoon hit the Six Snakes. So, what
should he do next? He should take ev­ery­thing away from them. All that the
Six Snakes oc­cu­pied should now be oc­cu­pied by Kim Tae-hoon, and the
Mac Guild and Ko­rea.

"Are you go­ing to do the same thing as the Six Snakes did?"

"If I save a coun­try that is about to be de­stroyed by mon­sters, I nat­u­rally

would get the cor­re­spond­ing price." From now on, he was go­ing to make

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

them a sub­ject coun­try in ex­change for killing the mon­sters of each coun­try
and sup­port­ing them.

"It's not a right­eous thing." Of course, it was not a just thing.

"Colonel, do you see me as an apos­tle of jus­tice?"

Kim Tae-hoon had no in­ten­tion of be­com­ing an apos­tle of jus­tice.

If he was beaten, he would be pun­ished more than that, and he would de­‐
mand the right price for what­ever he did. He had done it in the past, and he
was do­ing it now. That was why many peo­ple be­lieved and fol­lowed Kim

Kim Tae-hoon had not claimed to be a hero, and he had placed more im­por­‐
tance on the lives of his col­leagues and sub­or­di­nates than on sav­ing the
world. Fur­ther­more, un­til now, he had al­ways paid back those who had hit
him­self and his sur­round­ings.

Was there a more re­li­able leader than this in the cur­rent era?

"No way!" There­fore, Colonel Lim no longer ques­tioned forc­ing the am­bas­‐
sadors to Ko­rea to at­tend the Qilin hunt­ing. As al­ways, he would do his best
to help Kim Tae-hoon.

"When are you go­ing to move?"

"I'll fin­ish it be­fore the new year."

"I'll have to move to­mor­row."


"This is ridicu­lous."


It had been a long time since vis­i­tors came to this city, now part of the Re­‐
pub­lic of Ko­rea. The vis­i­tors were am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea, and of course,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

their na­tion­al­i­ties and races were di­verse. But it was not dif­fi­cult to find a
sense of unity among them.

"Watch­ing mon­ster hunt­ing..." Ev­ery­one had stiff faces and turned white.

"We might die if you make a mis­take!"

"We would be lucky if just one per­son died. If we are an­ni­hi­lated, there's
noth­ing wrong with it. A dark blue mon­ster hunt..."

Of course, hav­ing lost their own coun­tries due to the emer­gence of mon­‐
sters, mak­ing them watch them hunt the dark blue mon­ster, the Blue Qilin,
was not much dif­fer­ent from mak­ing them do bungee jump­ing that did not
guar­an­tee safety.

The at­mos­phere of Py­ongyang, where the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea ar­rived,

was also clearly telling; the tanks ready to fire with guns at any time, the
sol­diers around and the hunters of the Mac Guild were telling them that this
was still a bat­tle­field where a fierce fight was tak­ing place.

'Damn it...'

'This is the worst. I thought I'd barely sur­vived... I can't hold on to this year.'

Their ex­pres­sions dis­ap­peared as soon as they en­tered the ar­mored car

which was pre­pared.

There were a few of those who kept their minds in the ar­mored car run­ning
on the Py­ongyang Heecheon High­way, where the bod­ies of mon­sters that
had not yet been pro­cessed were still scat­tered. Most of them were prac­ticed
enough not to ex­press their emo­tions on their faces.

"What is your in­ten­tion?"

Some were dif­fer­ent, of course. Kate did.

She at­tended as one of the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the US Am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea

dur­ing the visit to the Blue Qilin hunt­ing, and she vis­ited the per­son in

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

charge of this work while the ar­mored car stood for a while to deal with the
mon­ster bod­ies that were scat­tered on the road­side.

"I'm not great at Eng­lish, so can you speak slowly?" The di­rec­tor was Jang

"What are your in­ten­tions?" At the ques­tion of Jang Sung-hoon, Kate spoke
the words clearly one by one in Ko­rean, not Eng­lish.

Jang shrugged at her words. "It's ex­actly what I said at that time. Check our
abil­i­ties with your own eyes, and then sign the ne­go­ti­at­ion con­tract if you
need our strength."


Se­jong Cen­ter Cham­ber Hall...

Jang Sung-hoon said some­thing sim­i­lar to what he had said to the am­bas­‐
sador to Ko­rea there: check the power of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea and the
Mac Guild di­rectly, and ne­go­ti­ate if you need that power.

Of course, if it was over, the am­bas­sadors of Ko­rea would not have been at
the hunt­ing of the Blue Qilin, with pale faces.

"If you don't at­tend, I'll ban­ish you, that's a threat!" said Kate.

Those who would not co­op­er­ate in this process should re­turn to your home
coun­try! The words added by Jang Sung-hoon were the de­ci­sive rea­son for
bring­ing the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea here. In this sit­u­at­ion, re­turn­ing home
was vir­tu­ally not dif­fer­ent from go­ing back to hell.

At the words of Kate, Jang Sung-hoon shrugged. "The sit­u­at­ion in Ko­rea is

not good enough to take care of peo­ple who do not co­op­er­ate. It is not a

"That's ridicu­lous!" Kate turned on her eyes with fire at Jang Sung-hoon's

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon ex­tended his palms for her, say­ing, "whoa, whoa, whoa,"
he be­gan to ex­plain.

"Miss Kate, it's noth­ing. It's like Juras­sic Park, not a mon­ster hunt, but you
just have to watch it and make a de­ci­sion. It's a de­ci­sion about the fate of a
coun­try, and it's no won­der you're ready for it."

"Juras­sic Park?"

"Juras­sic Park, di­rected by Steven Spiel­berg. Don't you know that amaz­ing
movie?" With the words, Jang Sung-hoon bent his fin­gers and took a ges­‐
ture that re­minded her of Tyran­nosaurus.

Kate spoke to him with a cold, sink­ing look. "... you don't know what the
movie is about?"

Juras­sic Park by Steven Spiel­berg.

It was a film about the story that takes place in the theme park where the di­‐
nosaurs are re­born through ge­netic ma­nip­u­la­tion and re­leased.

"I com­pletely know it. I've seen it a hun­dred times."

In ad­di­tion, the char­ac­ters of the movie sur­vive against the di­nosaurs in the
trou­bled Juras­sic Park. If this sit­u­at­ion was Juras­sic Park, there would be a
hun­dred per­cent chance for the mon­sters to ap­pear at this mo­ment.

And that word came true so quickly.

Kate turned her head re­flex­ively to the left.

Keuaaaa! At the mo­ment she turned her head, there was a fierce shriek.



The am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea who were tak­ing a break re­sponded with voices
that seemed to be soul-stricken by the mon­ster's shout. But there was no

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

fear ef­fect on them, be­cause the spe­cial ar­mored car with relics in­stalled in­‐
side had the abil­ity to block the fear.

"Save, save me!"

"God­damn it, damn it, damn it!"

"Oh, God save us."

It was, of course, a night­mare for the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea. They would

nor­mally have been doz­ing off when they were ex­posed to the fear, but now
they had to face fear in real time with­out fall­ing un­con­scious.

On the other hand, Jang Sung-hoon smiled in the di­rec­tion of the mon­ster's
scream­ing. "I like the relics, too, it lets me see the mon­sters, even if I'm a
pub­lic fig­ure."

Kate did not an­swer Jang Sung-hoon's words. In­stead, she took the Gan­dol
Sword she had brought with her.

In the mean­time, she was not the daugh­ter of the US Am­bas­sador to Ko­rea,
but a hunter, who did not run away when a mon­ster ap­peared, but pro­tected
peo­ple from mon­sters and spent busy days hunt­ing mon­sters in Ko­rea.

That fact was not go­ing to change now. Kate looked straight ahead.

'I'll go out and kill it, if nec­es­sary.' She fo­cused on the gi­ant mon­ster run­‐
ning madly to­ward them now, an Ogre with yel­low eyes.

On the other hand, Jang Sung-hoon looked at the sky, not the Ogre. He
found some­thing in the sky, turned his back to the Ogre, and looked at the

"I'll in­tro­duce him to you."

Thump! At that mo­ment, light­ning from the sky cut the body of the Ogre in
half in­stantly.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 128 - Musical Chairs, Part Ii ⦘

'What?' Ev­ery­one opened their eyes at the sight. They were cap­ti­vated by
the un­be­liev­able sight.

Jang Sung-hoon bowed and in­tro­duced, "This is our mas­ter, Kim Tae-

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part

Chap­ter 46. The Blue Qilin, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


There had been a sin­gu­lar­ity ev­ery­where.

The fact also ap­plied to the war with the mon­sters in the era of mon­sters.

If the emer­gence of Awak­en­ers and relics was the start­ing point, the sin­gu­‐
lar­ity was noth­ing but the items that were made us­ing mon­sters as ma­te­ri­als.


Relics were more re­stric­tive than they thought. Their use was fixed, and the
pow­er­ful relics re­quired more from the users. In short, the users had to align
them­selves to the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the relics.

How­ever, items were dif­fer­ent. Items made of mon­ster leather, bones, etc.
were made to suit users. Of course, no mat­ter how lim­ited their use was,
items that sur­passed the power of relics had never been made.

There was not enough ma­te­rial for an item to sur­pass a relic, and even if
there was ma­te­rial, there was not enough tech­nol­ogy and en­vi­ron­ment to
make them.

But it was not true any­more. Park's Work­shop had steadily de­vel­oped tech­‐
nol­ogy un­der the full sup­port of the Mac Guild, and when they were given

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

the strong­est ma­te­ri­als of the dark blue-grade mon­sters, the Eight-tailed

Fox, and the dragon, the items were in a tran­si­tion pe­riod.

Items that were com­pa­ra­ble to first-grade relics were born!

"Ev­ery­one, stand by."

The ul­ti­mate ac­com­plish­ment was done by a group of hunters who grew up

and fought with mon­sters for a year un­der the name of the Mac Guild.

The Mac Guild.

The group cre­ated by Kim Tae-hoon was not just a group of Awak­en­ers
who killed mon­sters. Kim Tae-hoon had al­ways en­cour­aged mem­bers of the
Mac Guild to com­pete. Af­ter a fierce com­pe­ti­tion, he paid more for those
who won the race, and he treated the out­stand­ing as they de­served.

Now the sur­vivors of the process had been given items made from the
dragon and the Eight-tailed Fox. It was no ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that a beau­ti­‐
ful pic­ture of the dragon has been com­pleted at this point.

-- Dragon Knights, re­move the mon­sters in front.

At this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon was di­rect­ing a pow­er­ful group from the

"Re­move the mon­sters in front!" At the sound in their heads, twelve hunters
who have been given the new name Dragon Knights, and who had been
wait­ing, fi­nally made their ap­pear­ance.


Those who showed up faced a horde of Orcs that filled the vast plains. They
num­bered at least a thou­sand! Fur­ther­more, the Orcs were of many dif­fer­ent
kinds: from hairy Orcs like snow­men, to the ones with black skin, the ones
with red skin, to the ones with white skin!

The color of their eyes was also var­ied. The num­ber of or­ange eyes that ap­‐
peared be­tween the red eyes was not small. There were so many mon­sters

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

with yel­low eyes that they could not be counted with one hand.

They were le­gion.

They were so many pow­er­ful groups that it seemed to be dif­fi­cult for only a
dozen peo­ple to make an at­tempt to fight. Even the men who ap­peared had
no firearms, the pow­er­ful weapons of hu­man be­ings. Spears, swords, and
shields were all of their weapons.

Keueoeoeo! Of course, the Orcs cried with joy at the ap­pear­ance of the
small group. It was only nat­u­ral since food has ap­peared be­fore them all of
a sud­den.

Keuaaa! Even more, those greedy for hot hu­man flesh and blood rushed at
the Dragon Knights with­out pay­ing at­ten­tion to the com­mands of their lead­‐

The bat­tle was launched im­me­di­ately, but it didn't last long. The mo­ment
the bat­tle started, it be­came a one-sided mas­sacre, not a bat­tle any­more. The
spears and swords of the Dragon Knights cut the Orcs like cut­ting wa­ter.

Shiik! A sin­gle stroke split the body of an Orc in half, and a sin­gle stab of a
spear opened up a huge hole in an­other's chest.

Bang! Even the bod­ies of the Orcs did not hold out against one sim­ple
punch. With one punch, an Orc's chest was crushed like a can of crushed
soda, and the crushed body flew sev­eral me­ters and knocked down other
Orcs like bowl­ing pins.

-- Front, a Big­foot Orc Ap­proaches. Three peo­ple, take care of it.-

The vigor did not stop in front of the Big­foot Orc, one of the lead­ers of the
Orc army.

Kre­ung, Kre­ung! As the com­mand echoed in their heads, the three Dragon
Knights charged the Big­foot Orc, who was run­ning at them, leav­ing huge
foot­prints with a bizarre cry.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

One of the three sprint­ers blocked the front of the Big­foot Orc, and the
other two slid past it and took their po­si­tions. Tri­an­gle-for­ma­tion!

-- Get rid of it as soon as pos­si­ble. The rest of the mem­bers, clean up the
sur­round­ings so oth­ers do not in­ter­fere in the killing of the Big­foot Orc.-

They were sim­ple, but with a sim­ple but pow­er­ful for­ma­tion, they im­me­di­‐
ately be­gan the bat­tle. The bat­tle was also fast and sharp.

Kre­ung, Kre­ung! One of them caught the Big­foot Orc's at­ten­tion while the
other two swung their swords at the Big­foot Orc.

Shiik! The sharp sword left a wound deep enough for all the fin­gers to go in
on the thigh of the Big­foot Orc. As soon as the Big­foot Orc changed its tar­‐
get to get its re­venge, the other two moved freely.

Shiik! Shiik!

Af­ter the swords crossed sev­eral times with the eerie sound of the wind, the
Big­foot Orc knelt on the ground. Thump!

Kr­re­ung! It was not be­cause of lack of strength, the loss of power, or the se­‐
vere bleed­ing. The rea­son for its kneel­ing was that it had been ham­strung
and had no way to stand any­more. It was ev­i­dence that the Big­foot Orc's re­‐
silience could not keep up with the cu­mu­la­tive speed of the wound.

Kr­re­ung? Kre­ung? The Big­foot Orc, who would never have kneeled like
this, was em­bar­rassed.

Dur­ing its em­bar­rass­ment, the eerie blades moved to­ward the Big­foot Orc's
neck, where the swords could now reach with­out leap­ing.

Its neck was cut, and its blood was spray­ing like a foun­tain.

Keueo? In front of this scene, the Orcs no longer bore the same grue­some
vigor as be­fore. Fear be­gan to spread through the Orc army. The fear
slowed the Orcs' foot­steps.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

Keueo, Keueoeo! The Orcs, who knew noth­ing but the rush of com­bat, be­‐
gan to run away with a ter­ri­fied scream.

"Oh, my God."

"What the hell---"

The faces of the am­bas­sadors of Ko­rea, who were look­ing at the scene from
a dis­tance away, were filled with sur­prise and em­bar­rass­ment. It was a nat­u­‐
ral re­sult.

'How the hell did this hap­pen?'

'What has hap­pened in Ko­rea in the mean­time?'

Af­ter barely sav­ing them­selves from mon­sters, the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea

have been busy sur­viv­ing rather than fight­ing mon­sters. To them, the mon­‐
sters who were es­cap­ing from hu­mans was shock­ing. Fur­ther­more, the sight
was also shock­ing to many sol­diers and hunters who par­tic­i­pated in this bat­‐

'Is it the ef­fect of the items made from the Dragon and the Eight-tailed

'Those items have sur­passed the relics.'

The com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity that the Dragon Knights showed, and the power of
the items which were the ba­sis of their com­bat abil­ity, were so great.

'Not bad.' Only one per­son, Kim Tae-hoon, was sim­ply sat­is­fied with the
sight be­neath him.

'With that power, they can hunt a blue-grade mon­ster.'

Kim's eyes turned to the back of his right hand.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

-- Strength: 1008

-- Health: 1012

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A+ Rank

-- Mana: A+ Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S-Rank

-- De­fense: A+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: A+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Telepa­thy (Grade 4): The power of the Queen Wolf Ant al­lows tele­pathic
com­mu­ni­ca­tion to the ob­ject. The higher the Telekine­sis rank, the wider the
range and ef­fec­tive­ness of telepa­thy. How­ever, telepa­thy does not reach
them if the ob­ject re­jects it.


'The power of the Queen Wolf Ant is sat­is­fac­tory.'


Kim liked the abil­ity gained through the crys­tal of the Queen Wolf Ant. In
fact, what he wanted to con­firm in this bat­tle was not the com­bat power of
the Dragon Knights, but the power of the Queen Wolf Ant.

It was not dif­fi­cult for him to mea­sure the Dragon Knight's abil­ity even if it
was not a real bat­tle, but Telepa­thy was the abil­ity he used for the first time.

'With this much, there is no short­fall in the hunt­ing of the Blue Qilin.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

The scope and ef­fect of the Telepa­thy that had been tested in the real bat­tle
were very im­pres­sive. In an era when wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion was still im­‐
pos­si­ble, the ef­fect of Telepa­thy was end­less in a bat­tle­field where life and
death came and went in sec­onds.

'We are ready.'

The place where Kim Tae-hoon's gaze was headed was the place where the
am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea had gath­ered. It was a long dis­tance to naked eyes,
but Kim Tae-hoon's eyes, which be­gan to change like a cam­era, were able
to clearly grasp the move­ments of the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea.

It was not just that he could see it. He had the Hear­ing of a Bell-tailed Rat.
Thanks to that, he could hear.

"What do you think?"

"We have not been able to get in touch with our home­land, and we are not
even sure what the sit­u­at­ion is. I be­lieve that we will not lose any­thing, ac­‐
cept­ing the pro­posal from Ko­rea."

"What was the con­tract about?"

"In fact, it's sim­i­lar to be­ing a sub­ject coun­try, and we just avoid be­ing a

"At other times, it would be ridicu­lous, but... it's bet­ter to be a sub­ject coun­‐
try then to be ruled by mon­sters."

"We could change the deal later, right? We'd bet­ter ac­cept the of­fer first.
No, we have to ne­go­ti­ate be­fore the rest of the coun­try, and the later our or­‐
der is, the less we will have."

He could hear the sounds of the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea who, af­ter wak­ing up
from their shock, were knock­ing on their cal­cu­la­tors.

'Their re­ac­tion is as ex­pected.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

The po­si­tion of am­bas­sador to Ko­rea was not just a seat where any diplo­mat
could sit down. It was a seat where they faced North Ko­rea, which they had
never missed when dis­cussing in­ter­na­tional af­fairs in the era be­fore the
mon­sters ap­peared. It was also a seat where diplo­mats of the world's great
pow­ers came to­gether.

Hav­ing ex­cel­lent abil­ity and ex­pe­ri­ence was the ba­sics of ba­sics. A close re­‐
la­tion­ship with the top man of power was also es­sen­tial.

Would it be all right to send some­one who is not close to him to call him on
his per­sonal cell phone if nec­es­sary when he sends an am­bas­sador to Ko­‐

'Their am­bi­tion is start­ing to burn.'

Cru­cially, they must be am­bi­tious. Ba­si­cally, the po­si­tion of am­bas­sador to

Ko­rea was a busy and dif­fi­cult seat. If North Ko­rea shot off a mis­sile, they
should not even think about sleep­ing prop­erly for a few days. It did not
mean that they were get­ting more money than other diplo­mats be­cause they
are busy and work­ing hard, and they did not get hon­or­able re­wards like a
sol­dier did through dis­tin­guished mil­i­tary ser­vice.


There was no rea­son to sit in the po­si­tion of am­bas­sador to Ko­rea un­less

they had a strong am­bi­tion to climb to a higher seat, based on the back­‐
grounds of pre­vi­ous Am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea.

And not just diplo­mat could sit down in the po­si­tion. There was no way to
al­low any­one else to sit in a po­si­tion where a per­son with close ties, very
good abil­ity, ca­reer, and am­bi­tion, wanted to sit.

What did the sug­ges­tion of the Mac Guild and the abil­ity Kim Tae-hoon
showed them mean?

The ob­vi­ous thing is that there was no ad­van­tage to not act­ing.

It was not the end that Kim Tae-hoon wanted to show.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

'When I am done here, they'll weigh their op­tions.'

Rather, what he had shown now was an ap­pe­tizer; Kim Tae-hoon, as he has
al­ready said, would hunt the Blue Qilin in front of them. He would show
them in the hunt that one per­son, one in­di­vid­ual, had killed by him­self the
Eight-tailed Fox that Japan had at­tacked with the bait of more than a hun­‐
dred tanks and ar­mored cars and failed to hold on to. So, he would clearly
im­print who they should hold hands with for their am­bi­tion.

'Be­tween the Six Snakes and the Mac Guild, I'll make them not have to
worry about which one is bet­ter.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who had the will, turned his head. He could def­i­nitely see
the slopes of Mt. Baekdu.

A week later, on De­cem­ber 30, the hunt­ing of the Blue Qilin be­gan.



The pic­ture drawn in the minds of those who think of this place, the cap­i­tal
of Rus­sia, is al­ways the same: the Krem­lin sit­u­ated in­side Red Square, and
St. Basil's Cathe­dral.

And now, at the end of 2017, Red Square was still in a good shape. Two
men were talk­ing there.

"I am sorry I didn't get good re­sults." The man who spoke was a big man in
a thick fur coat. He was also an im­pres­sive man with white skin, an an­gu­lar
face, and a mus­tache that re­minded them of the waves.

"My of­fer is al­ways valid."

It was Mao who stood in front of the man. He seemed to have not changed
much, as he had trav­eled a long way along the Siberian rail­way, which was
now just a guide. But his po­si­tion was dif­fer­ent.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

"Okay, good­bye, take a good rest and leave." The Rus­sian turned his back
on him as soon as he spoke.

Mao smiled lightly at the fact.

A man ap­proached Mao and said, "His at­ti­tude is so dif­fer­ent. I think that
he was the one who was send­ing you the Okjo to ask for Mr. Mao's opin­ion
a month ago."

The ex­pres­sion of Ma­jor Chin­shan who spoke the words showed a sense of
dis­com­fort and anger.

But Mao did not re­lease his smile even at the words. "It is nat­u­ral."

"Isn't it un­grate­ful?"


There was no word more suit­able for the present sit­u­at­ion than that. The
man who had re­buked Mao a while ago was a man who would have died as
a dis­pos­able item in the bat­tle with the mon­sters af­ter the mon­sters ap­‐
peared, if it had not been Mao's help.

Mao was a life­saver to him, and even now most of those who had real
power in Rus­sia could en­joy what they now en­joyed with the help of the
Six Snakes.

But now it was dif­fer­ent. As soon as the Six Snakes lost their main base in
Tai­wan and be­came wan­der­ers, those who were sup­ported by the Six
Snakes changed their at­ti­tude. It was clear that they must seem un­grate­ful.

Mao didn't want to deny it ei­ther. "It's nat­u­ral be­cause hu­mans are nat­u­rally


"And we were the ones who left only the un­grate­ful in the Rus­sian regime,
weren't we?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

At that ques­tion, Ma­jor Chin­shan re­mem­bered what the Six Snakes had
done. The Six Snakes helped those who held hands with them gain power.
Af­ter that, they re­moved the el­em
­ ents that could threaten their power.

In par­tic­u­lar, those who claimed free­dom and rights, and those who con­sid­‐
ered jus­tice more im­por­tant than in­jus­tice, had been re­moved com­pletely.
They were the most dis­turbed at the new or­der that the Six Snakes wanted
to make.

Of course, where the Six Snakes touched, only those who chose in­jus­tice
rather than jus­tice, and those who could treat the free­dom and rights of oth­‐
ers like garbage for their own ben­ef­ it, re­mained.

Only one place, Ko­rea, was dif­fer­ent.

"Yes, we were."

Ma­jor Chin­shan, who knew all the process, could no longer re­fute Mao's
words. Mao did not worry deeply about his sit­u­at­ion.

"Then what are we go­ing to do..."

Most of all, Mao had fully ex­pected this sit­u­at­ion.

"There's noth­ing you can do."


He had al­ready pre­pared him­self, as he had ex­pected.

"Sergei is al­ready mov­ing."



At that name, Ma­jor Chin­shan was able to see im­me­di­ately that Mao had al­‐
ready taken ac­tion. That was why Mao didn't lose his smile.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 129 - The Blue Qilin, Part I ⦘

"I hope he likes Vasavi Shakti."

"He'd be happy with the Di­vine Spear. And if he held the Di­vine Spear...

Rus­sia was now pow­er­ful. Un­der the sup­port of the Six Snakes, they knew
how to deal with mon­sters, had strong mil­i­tary power, and had pow­er­ful
relics from a long his­tory. So, Rus­sia no longer felt sorry for Mao and the
Six Snakes.

Then what was needed to make them feel sorry for?

"Yes, it will be a dis­as­ter for Rus­sia."

The an­swer was clear. That was why Mao was in Mos­cow now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part

Chap­ter 46. The Blue Qilin, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The night be­fore hunt­ing is a night that can­not help but be cov­ered in ten­‐
sion and ner­vous­ness in many ways. If the op­po­nent is a dark blue-grade
mon­ster, the Blue Qilin, and if it is a mon­ster of mon­sters, it wasn't nec­es­‐
sary to say any­thing.

"The night sky looks so pretty." But the night be­fore such a Blue Qilin hunt­‐
ing was so beau­ti­ful that they could not spend the night trem­bling with taut

"I didn't re­ally ex­pect that the day when I saw the moon and the stars above
Baekdu to come this way." The night sky, which they could see on the back­‐
ground of Mt. Baekdu, was so beau­ti­ful.


"Didn't you agree, boss?"

Of course, the big­gest rea­son he was able to ap­pre­ci­ate the night sky with­‐
out be­ing caught up in the anx­i­ety was be­cause of the ex­is­tence of Kim Tae-
hoon, not any­one else.

Kim Tae-hoon slurped his cof­fee and looked up at the top of Mt. Baekdu.
He pon­dered it silently.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon spoke to Kim, "You can use Telepa­thy now, and you can
talk to me even if you drink cof­fee."

At the words of Jang, Kim still did not an­swer. In­stead, he smiled faintly.

Then, one of the un­in­vited guests ap­peared.

Jang Sung-hoon turned his head. "There's a guest here."

It was Kate who had shown up.

-- Two.- At that time, Kim's voice was heard in Jang's head, and Jang
looked around.

He saw a woman ap­proach­ing be­tween the back­ground of a large base camp

around them. It was a woman who marked her pres­ence more clearly than
any­one else, with a wound on her nose. It was Maria.

Maria and Kate, both of them walked to­ward Kim and Jang as if they had
made a prom­ise.

Jang shrugged at the sight. "Boss, it's not a bother, is it? It doesn't mat­ter if
you have a love af­fair with a woman or two at the same time. But if you
choose one, don't cut the other off. Just tell me. Isn't that your right-hand
man's job? You have to tell me be­fore­hand, and I'll go to the woman and
said, 'Please, break up with my boss.'"

Of course, Kim ig­nored Jang's words.

Kate and Maria stood near them, glanc­ing at one an­other.

'Who is it?'

'Kate Kennedy?'

Kate won­dered at Maria, and Maria quickly un­der­stood her iden­tity. The
per­sonal in­for­ma­tion of the US Am­bas­sador to Ko­rea was some­thing that
any elite of Rus­sian spe­cial forces should be aware of.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

While the two women were ner­vous about each other for dif­fer­ent rea­sons,
Kim Tae-hoon said, "You, make it clear whether you're here as a rep­re­sen­ta­‐
tive, or as an in­di­vid­ual."

Maria and Kate looked at each other at the words.

"As an in­di­vid­ual."

"As an in­di­vid­ual."

At the same time, they said the same words. Nat­u­rally, a strange air be­gan
to flow be­tween them.

In the air, Jang made a ges­ture to get up from his seat qui­etly. Of course,
Kim looked at Jang. Then, Jang said care­fully, "I'm go­ing to get some pop­‐
corn, and I think it will be more fun than to­mor­row's Blue Qilin hunt­ing."

Of course, such a thing, which Jang would get up and bring some pop­corn,
did not hap­pen. At Kim Tae-hoon's scary eyes, he sat down on the ground
again with his hands lightly lifted.

The full-scale con­ver­sa­tion be­gan af­ter Jang sat down again.

"Just get straight to the point, Kate first."

"Who is she?"

Kim an­swered briefly to Kate's ques­tion, which was re­ally clear and short.
"It's Maria from Rus­sia."

"What's your re­la­tion­ship?"

"Is that im­por­tant?"

"If a Rus­sian is in love with you, then Amer­ica has to make dif­fer­ent judg­‐
ments in many ways."

Jang Sung-hoon, who un­der­stood Kate's words, said as if he had waited for
it, "Wow, now is the day when the na­tion­al­ity of the boss's wife changes the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

world sit­u­at­ion. I envy you be­cause I can't marry any­one over forty."

While Kate's face hard­ened at Jang's com­plaint, Kim turned his at­ten­tion to
Maria. Then he nod­ded his chin lightly. It meant she should speak now.

"I'll make one thing clear, I don't have that re­la­tion­ship with Kim Tae-hoon,
and the rea­son I'm here as an in­di­vid­ual is that I've got to give you a few
things to tell you."

"Tell me briefly."

"The cur­rent Rus­sian gov­ern­ment's power has been re­struc­tured, and in the
course of the re­or­ga­ni­za­tion, the Rus­sian gov­ern­ment has sus­pended all am­‐
bas­sadors abroad. The Rus­sian am­bas­sador here, in other words, can­not
rep­re­sent Rus­sia at this time."

"What's the point?"

"I'm the clos­est one to the Rus­sian rep­re­sen­ta­tive right now, and I'm here to
be rec­og­nized."

"I rec­og­nize it." Kim Tae-hoon, who an­swered im­me­di­ately, turned his head
back to Kate. "Is that all you had to ask?"

Kate was em­bar­rassed by the look. She was not here for a rea­son, to be hon­‐
est. She just wanted to see Kim's face af­ter a long time and this was the only
time she could do.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, her mind couldn't be com­pletely clear be­cause she said
some­thing strange even to her mind. So, she asked vaguely, "Rather, where
is Bang Hyun-wook? What about Lieu­tenant Kim Soo-ji? Aren't they par­‐
tic­i­pat­ing this time?"

The an­swer to the vague speak­ing came from Jang's mouth. "A closer
doesn't play from the start. He'll be here when he has to fin­ish the game."

With those words, Jang rose from his seat.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

"I'd rather you two move to the as­signed area, be­cause if both par­ties of the
United States and Rus­sia are here, you'll have trou­ble. This is like a camp­‐
site, but you're not here to camp."

There was no more play­ful­ness in Jang's eyes. "I won't ex­plain any­more,
but I'll tell you what I want to say af­ter the hunt." In­stead, there was a firm
will and charisma that no one could eas­ily re­ject. "Go back."

Kate and Maria had to back off.

Jang Sung-hoon, who spoke the words, was one of the most pow­er­ful men
in Ko­rea, and now he was a man who had no de­sire to dis­cuss the world sit­‐

When the two turned their foot­steps around, Jang erased his se­ri­ous eyes
and said, "Boss, you're re­ally suck­ing nec­tar with Telepa­thy."

The beau­ti­ful night passed like that, and the sun rose.


Mt. Baekdu.

It was un­ques­tion­able that this moun­tain, like the Soul Moun­tain of the Ko­‐
rean peo­ple, was beau­ti­ful. And on De­cem­ber 30, the last day of the year,
Baekdu Moun­tain's Heaven Lake was frozen white and showed that it was
the cold­est place on the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

A deer was walk­ing through the frozen Heaven Lake of Mt. Baekdu. It was
a gi­ant deer with a big body that re­minded them of an ele­phant.

But the huge size was col­or­less in front of the deer's ap­pear­ance. The deer
was so un­usual. The head that re­minded them of an ori­en­tal dragon had two
horns that seemed to be a deer's, and its body was cov­ered with the scales of
a strong dragon, not a fuzzy fur. It could not be com­pared with any­thing,
and it could not be con­fused with some­thing else. Be­cause of that, it was so
easy to gauge its iden­tity.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

The ex­is­tence, which could only be seen in leg­ends and myths, now ex­isted
be­fore them as a real be­ing. Of course, the Qilin in front of them was not
the same kind of bird of good luck that ap­peared in mythol­ogy or leg­end.
Rather, it was a mon­ster that had ap­peared to bring hu­man­ity to de­spair and
an end.

A man ap­peared be­fore the mon­ster.

Whoo! The man with a long breath was also wear­ing a unique out­fit. The

clothes were not a hiker's. He was dressed in a white an­i­mal fur coat over a
suit made of the black-red hide of the Dragon.

The five Swords which were hov­er­ing around the man like satel­lites or­bit­‐
ing a planet, clearly showed why the man had come here. He was here to
wield a sword.

The man openly re­vealed his in­ten­tion to paint the frozen Heaven Lake of
Baekdu Moun­tain with the blood of the Blue Qilin. The bla­tant hos­til­ity
was not ig­nored by the Blue Qilin.

Cheee! With a strange cry, the Blue Qilin turned to the man. That meant
that the pres­ence of the man was strong enough to be de­fined as an en­emy
to the Blue Qilin.

Of course, there was no need for greet­ings. The bat­tle be­gan im­me­di­ately.

Shiik! The first move­ment was made by a sword made of gold: the Dragon
Light Sword. As soon as the sun was shin­ing, the pow­er­ful weapon that
even cut off Dragon's skin ran over the frozen lake. With noth­ing to hide the
sun from the sky and the Heaven Lake of Baekdu Moun­tain, the stage was
set for the Dragon Light Sword.

The Blue Qilin also moved at the move­ment of the Dragon Light Sword.

The clat­ter of hoofs! The horse­shoe-like feet be­gan pound­ing on the frozen
Heaven Lake con­stantly. The knock­ing was eerie.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

Ddageu­dak! Ddageu­dak! The sound of foot­steps of the Blue Qilin with the
ele­phant-sized body, which was likely to reach tens of tons, was low.

Nev­er­the­less, its move­ment was fast and rough.


In one leap, it moved dozens of me­ters like fly­ing, and its four feet cre­ated a
dy­namic move­ment with­out a break, as if watch­ing a pair of tap dancers.

With that dy­namic move­ment, it avoided the Dragon Light Sword that was
fly­ing con­stantly aim­ing for it. Even as it avoided it, it be­gan to nar­row the
dis­tance to Kim Tae-hoon.

Of course, Kim also moved. He put his body on the frozen Heaven Lake of
Baekdu Moun­tain and started a run­ning fight where he was chased and he
chased. Dur­ing the chase, Kim moved two more Swords to­ward the Blue

The Sword of the Im­per­at­or, and the On­i­maru Ku­nit­suna.

The named sword, which was ex­cluded from the na­tional trea­sures be­cause
it was owned by the Ja­pa­nese Em­peror, and the sword who Kim Tae-hoon
first used, moved to­ward the Blue Qilin, flash­ing ruth­less blades more then
sim­ply sharp.

Three swords be­gan to per­form ac­ro­bat­ics, leav­ing no gaps, and avoid­ing

what could not be even imag­ined.

Swish, swish! In front of the ac­ro­bat­ics cre­ated by the three swords, the
Blue Qilin avoided the danc­ing blades with amaz­ing grace. Even its dark
blue eyes were star­ing at Kim, not the blades mov­ing to­ward it in this sit­u­a‐­
tion. The Blue Qilin looked so re­laxed.

On the other hand, Kim's eyes were not fo­cused on the Blue Qilin. His eyes
were watch­ing some golden ob­jects that were scat­tered on the ground.

Golden Web! Kim was mov­ing and wait­ing for the Blue Qilin to step on the
Golden Web that he had scat­tered around.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

As soon as the Blue Qilin stepped on the Golden Web, it be­came a mine
that caught the an­kle of the Blue Qilin.

Chi­hik! Of course, it was only a mo­ment that it caught its an­kle. Even the
ex­pres­sion "catch" was al­most mean­ing­less. But it was enough.

Shiik! The small gap was enough for the fly­ing swords to taste the blood of
the Blue Qilin that they had an­tic­i­pated so much.

At the same time, the wound was enough to pull out the in­stincts of the
Blue Qilin who had been play­ing around so far.

Pazik! As soon as the Dragon Light Sword made a fin­ger-deep wound on

the back of the Blue Qilin, sparks be­gan to splash be­tween its two horns.

The blue light­ning!

The blue light­ning gave an ex­tra­or­di­nary pres­ence to the Qilin.

Paz­i­jjik! Now it be­gan to in­crease its size enor­mously and emit an over­‐
whelm­ing pres­ence. The blue light­ning, which rose like a bam­boo, spewed
in­tense thun­der­bolts around the Blue Qilin. The shape of the light­ning arcs
looked like a net. In fact, it was a net.

Pazik! Pazik! In the net made of the blue light­ning, the three swords were
caught re­peat­edly fly­ing like ac­ro­bat­ics.

'They can't move.' The power of the net was pow­er­ful enough to ig­nore
even the power of Kim Tae-hoon, who had reached the S-rank of Telekine­‐
sis now.

'Ap­proach­ing is dan­ger­ous.' But Kim was not em­bar­rassed by the fact.

'But it doesn't seem easy to move around us­ing that tech­nique.' In­stead of
em­bar­rass­ment, he calmly an­al­yzed the sit­u­at­ion and came up with a re­‐
sponse to the sit­u­at­ion he had an­al­yzed.

Kim opened his palms and the haze be­gan to rise over his palm. The ris­ing
haze be­came a sphere the size of a hu­man body, tak­ing its place like a snake

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

coil­ing it­self. It was the power of Eight-tailed Fox, the Tele­ki­netic Beads.

The Tele­ki­netic Beads ap­peared and be­gan to freeze, the eerie ice thorns
ma­te­ri­al­iz­ing around the hard, solidly frozen beads.

Ice Thorn Ar­mor!

Of course, there was a power of Anger Soar­ing in it. Kim threw the Tele­ki­‐
netic Beads into the net of the blue light­ning cre­ated by the Blue Qilin.

Pazik! The net of the blue light­ning also caught the Tele­ki­netic Beads... but
that was all. There was no way to stop the count­down that had al­ready be­‐
gun. The short count­down started, and the mo­ment the count­down ended,
the Tele­ki­netic Beads ex­ploded and blew the ice thorns all over the place.

At the same time, the pow­er­ful ex­plo­sion caused cracks in the frozen
Heaven Lake of Baekdu Moun­tain. It was like a vol­cano burst­ing out.

Du-woo-woong! A sad bell be­gan to ring at the scene. Af­ter a long jour­ney,
the Bell of King Seongdeok be­gan to cry out in the Heaven Lake of Baekdu
Moun­tain. It was not the end of re­veal­ing new pres­ences. The Golden Al­tar
of the Kon­jikido that came from Japan be­gan to shake the senses of the
Blue Qilin by spread­ing its own sa­cred power.

Chii! Chii! While the Blue Qilin, who was wounded and en­dur­ing the Bell
of King Seongdeok and the Golden Al­tar, was cry­ing fran­ti­cally, Kim Tae-
hoon, who had dis­ap­peared with the ex­plo­sion, be­gan to fall from the sky.

Kim Tae-hoon who was fall­ing held the Seven-Branched Sword with his
hands cov­ered with scales of a dragon.

The Power of a Dra­co­nian!

Kim's fall, led by an unimag­in­able power the Power of a Dra­co­nian and the
pow­er­ful relic Seven-Branched Sword, struck like a thun­der strike on the
body of the Blue Qilin through the net of the blue light­ning it had cre­ated.

Poo-ook! The Seven-Branched Sword was deeply em­bed­ded in the body of

the Blue Qilin.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 130 - The Blue Qilin, Part Ii ⦘

Chi­iii! The Blue Qilin's mouth opened and screamed at the power of the
Seven-Branched Sword that was stuck in its body.

Keuaaaa! Kim Tae-hoon also screamed while push­ing the Seven-Branched

Sword deeper into the body of the Blue Qilin.

"Eu-ryat-cha-cha!" As soon as the scream was over, pow­er­ful cheers be­gan

to come into the Heaven Lake of Mt. Baekdu.

"Ev­ery­one, charge!"

The Dragon Knights.

They had al­ready showed up on Mt. Baekdu, prov­ing their strength. The
dif­fer­ence was that there were thir­teen peo­ple, not twelve.

"I'm here, big brother!" One of them, who called him­self an ace of the Mac
Guild, was Bang Hyun-wook.

At the fact, a smile rose the lips of Kim Tae-hoon, who was en­dur­ing the
pain of the light­ning strik­ing him on the body of the Blue Qilin. 'It's been a
long time.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part

Chap­ter 46. The Blue Qilin, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon did not think of him­self as per­fect. In par­tic­u­lar, there was no
per­fec­tion in bat­tle. There­fore, af­ter the bat­tle was over, it is al­ways nec­es­‐
sary to re­flect, and through re­flec­tion, he could re­al­ize the lack and find a
way to fill the short­com­ings.

The same was true of the bat­tle with the Dragon. In the bloody bat­tle with
the Dragon, Kim Tae-hoon had re­flected on many parts and at the same
time, he took bet­ter mea­sures.

The an­swer which he came up with was sim­ple: use bait.


Any­one was fine. If some­one be­came a bait and drew the mon­ster's at­ten­‐
tion for a sec­ond, it would be a chance for Kim Tae-hoon.

"Bucheon High School's fifth bat­ter is here! Come on!"

In that sense, Bang Hyun-wook, who ap­peared in an im­proved Dragon ar­‐

mor with per­fect ar­ma­ment, was a bait close to per­fec­tion. It was not sim­ply
be­cause his abil­i­ties were ex­cel­lent, and his relics and items were pow­er­ful.

Bang grew up dif­fer­ently from the hunters of the Mac Guild. Other hunters
tried to be­come hunters like Kim Tae-hoon, but they were not him. He

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

wanted to be strong, but he wanted to help Kim Tae-hoon, rather than re­‐
sem­ble Kim. It was like that from the be­gin­ning. He al­ways acted as bait for
Kim and faith­fully per­formed his role.

And so did Kim Tae-hoon. When he faced the un­ex­plained dis­as­ter of the
Black Orc, and when he tried to kill it, who filled the gap and made an op­‐
por­tu­nity? Bang Hyun-wook made it.

That was the be­gin­ning. Bang had lived thanks to Kim, and Kim had also
sur­vived with the help of Bang. Of course, they knew each other well, they
did not have to talk to each other about how they would move and how they
would want the op­po­nent to move.

The team­work, which had been cre­ated by risk­ing each other's lives, would
not lose its light in the sep­ar­ a­tion of a few months.

"Yipe! It's hurt! Shit, it's re­ally hurt!"

Bang had avoided and with­stood the blue light­ning that the Blue Qilin was
now bla­tantly pour­ing out, and he had gained time from the Blue Qilin.

"You son of a bitch! I am go­ing to hit you!"

Fur­ther­more, he drove the spe­cially made bone lance, the Dragon lance
made from the Dragon's bones, not any­thing else, into the body of the Blue
Qilin, and drew out its anger.

"Yes! I'm the best at throw­ing! I am Randy John­son of Bucheon!"

Chii! While the Blue Qilin was so an­gry with Bang, Kim was will­ing to
take ad­van­tage of the op­por­tu­nity.

'Bang Hyun-wook, you are the best at pro­vok­ing mon­sters.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who held the Dragon Light Sword in the Dra­co­nian state,
slipped un­der the body of the Blue Qilin and cre­ated a big wound along its
belly. At the same time, his eyes could feel the throb­bing un­der the belly

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

'... here is the heart.' The mo­ment he grasped where the heart, he de­liv­ered
his words by telepa­thy. -Bang Hyun-wook, draw its at­ten­tion once more!-

"Yes, brother, I'll do what you or­dered!"

Bang Hyun-wook in­flated his chest. Foo-hoo-hoo! He turned quickly to the

Blue Qilin who was chas­ing him, and he poured out an in­tense flame. He
re­leased the abil­ity of the Flame-spew­ing Wolf Croc­o­dile he had gained by
his own strength.

Of course, it was im­pos­si­ble to draw the at­ten­tion of the Blue Qilin with
just the flames. The flames could only in­ter­fere with its gaze for a mo­‐
ment... but that was just what Bang wanted.

As soon as the Blue Qilin came out of the flames, Bang threw the Bell-tail
of the Bell-tailed Rat as if throw­ing a stone. The Bell-tail flew to­ward the
head of the Blue Qilin.

Clank! The Bell-tail of the Bell-tailed Rat knocked on the head of the Blue
Qilin and made a clean sound. It was a more won­der­ful and mag­nif­i­cent
sound than "Doo-woo-woong", the sound of the Bell of King Seongdeok,
which res­onated re­peat­edly.

With that sound, the Blue Qilin looked at Bang with an eerie eye. It was not
just an an­gry look.

"Uh, sorry."

It was an­noyed anger, very damned anger that some­one felt when he was
sud­denly hit on the back of his head in class. Of course, at that mo­ment, the
dark blue eyes of the Blue Qilin were all on Bang.

Chii! Chii! The Blue Qilin ig­nored the Dragon lances that the Dragon
Knights threw at it, and it rushed to kill Bang.

"I'm sorry!" Bang started to es­cape with a cry for for­give­ness from the Blue

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

A flash of light that seemed to cut Mt. Baekdu in two fin­ished the funny
chase that started like that.


Colonel Lim Hyun-joon was star­ing silently at the river flow­ing in front of
him. The river was quite large. That was all. The river was not es­pe­cially
clear, nor did it have a beau­ti­ful land­scape around it.

Colonel Lim low­ered him­self in front of such an or­di­nary river, and af­ter
putting one knee on the ground, he opened the lid of the can­teen in his hand
and put the wa­ters of the flow­ing river into the can­teen. Soon he, who had
filled the can­teen with wa­ter, looked up at the sky.

'On De­cem­ber 31, the mon­sters ap­peared. In ex­actly one year, I am drink­ing
the wa­ter of the Yalu River.'

Colonel Lim, who dropped his head again, looked at the Yalu River.

'Now I can put the words, "a sol­dier who drank the wa­ter of the Yalu
River", in the slo­gan of the 8th Mech­an­ ized In­fantry Di­vi­sion.'

In the mind of Colonel Lim, the slo­gan of the 6th In­fantry Di­vi­sion came to
mind. The 6th In­fantry Di­vi­sion, which was the first of the Ko­rean army
and the UN forces to ad­vance to the Yalu River dur­ing the time of the Ko­‐
rean War and the first to put the Yalu River wa­ters in their can­teen, al­ways
re­garded it as an honor, boast, and pride.

And now the Unit led by Colonel Lim would be the new pro­tag­o­nist of the

"Hoo-oo." Colonel Lim gave a long sigh at the fact. When the long sigh was
over, he saw a man walk­ing to­ward him.

Kim Tae-hoon.

His ex­pres­sion, which had been writ­ing a leg­end that no one could be­lieve
for a year af­ter the mon­ster ap­peared, was not so good. It was an un­char­ac­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

ter­is­tic ex­pres­sion for the hunter that had killed the last dark blue mon­ster,
the Blue Qilin, left in the ter­ri­tory of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea.

Of course, Colonel Lim was ner­vous. "What hap­pened? You look bad."

Kim Tae-hoon an­swered the ques­tion with a cool re­ply. "Bang Hyun-wook
is drunk and is mak­ing some trou­ble."

Colonel Lim im­me­di­ately re­mem­bered.

At the end of the hunt­ing, the mo­ment when Kim's Ku­sanagi pierced the
heart of the Blue Qilin, Bang sud­denly started to dance on the spot when it
fell. It was an ex­pres­sion of his own joy. And it was also an ex­pres­sion that
he could do any­thing.

'The am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea were shocked in a dif­fer­ent way.'

The prob­lem was that this Blue Qilin hunt was not just a hunt, but a hunt in
front of the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea. In the minds of the am­bas­sadors to Ko­‐
rea, only Bang Hyun-wook, who danced in front of the body of the Blue
Qilin, was left.

Af­ter that, Bang had drunk a lot dur­ing the en­ter­tain­ment af­ter the cer­e‐­
mony. It seemed that Bang lost con­trol of him­self against Kim in such
heavy drink­ing.

"Bang Hyun-wook is an adult, so he can be drunk, can't he?"

"A child or an adult should not be drunk, and they should not lose con­trol of

Colonel Lim burst out laugh­ing at the re­ply. "But it is great, and there will
be only Bang Hyun-wook who loses con­trol of him­self in the heavy drink­‐
ing against you in the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea." 'And there are few peo­ple who
you will let drink like that...'

At that, Kim Tae-hoon did not an­swer. He looked at the Yalu River silently.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

Colonel Lim no longer talked about Bang. The story about Bang was def­i­‐
nitely pleas­ant and en­ter­tain­ing, but the re­al­ity that they had to face from
now on was nei­ther pleas­ant nor en­ter­tain­ing.

"We're go­ing to build a new front line around the Yalu River. It won't be
easy. Py­ongyang was close to Seoul, and there was a lot of fire­power near
the Mil­i­tary De­mar­ca­tion Line, but this is the north­ern­most part of the Ko­‐
rean Penin­sula. More­over, it's Jan­u­ary to­mor­row, and the win­ter in the
North is harsh."

The fi­nal de­fense line must now be ex­tended to the Yalu River. It would not
be easy. A lot of peo­ple would be sac­ri­ficed, and more would be sac­ri­ficed
af­ter ex­pand­ing the fi­nal de­fense line.

"It will be a hard win­ter in many ways."

From now on, the mon­sters in China, Rus­sia, and their vast ter­ri­to­ries
would come to the Ko­rean Penin­sula for food.

Frankly, Colonel Lim could not even gauge the fu­ture he would face from
now on.

'I didn't know I would come here, but I can't imag­ine what the fu­ture will
look like from now on.'

"How did the ne­go­ti­at­ions go with the am­bas­sadors to Ko­rea?"

Colonel Lim could not imag­ine what the fu­ture Kim was paint­ing would be

"You'll have to ask the guy who's com­ing."

"Boss! Boss!"

Then he heard a voice call­ing Kim Tae-hoon from a long dis­tance. He did
not even have to worry about who was the main char­ac­ter of the voice.

"Why! Why did you just run away?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon was walk­ing to­ward the place where Kim Tae-hoon and
Colonel Lim Hyun-joon were. Jang's ex­pres­sion was very sim­i­lar to the ex­‐
pres­sion Kim had made a while ago.

"Hyun-wook is throw­ing up now!"

At the end of Jang's words, Colonel Lim laughed again. "I'll leave you

At the end of the sen­tence, Colonel Lim stepped down with his can­teen, and
Jang came over to Kim.

"Boss, do some­thing about Hyun-wook. He drank and be­came a dog."

At the ap­pear­ance of Jang, who was an­gry straight away, Kim replied with
his eyes: What can I do?

"No, you have raised him wrong, so you have to take re­spon­si­bil­ity?"

Kim did not even re­spond to the an­swer, as if it was not wor­thy of deal­ing

How­ever, Jang did not stop. "When you drink with him at least, the sit­u­a‐­
tion will be go­ing well. Since you have raised him wrong, you have to drink
as pun­ish­ment."

With that, Jang slowly pulled some­thing out of his arms. The Golden Glass
was show­ing a red liq­uid within.

"You'll have your first dream of the new year."

Kim re­ceived the Glass from Jang, and stood silent for a while. He had to
dream of his own death as his first dream of the new year. It was des­per­ate
be­yond un­pleas­ant, but it did not si­lence him. Rather, he was nei­ther of­‐
fended nor dis­cour­aged at the mo­ment. The si­lence was only due to worry.
As he wor­ried, he looked at the back of his right hand.

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 131 - The Blue Qilin, Part Iii ⦘

-- The Blue Light­ning (Grade 2): The power of the Blue Qilin con­sumes
En­ergy and Mana to pro­duce the Blue Light­ning.

'I have ac­quired three abil­i­ties of dark blue-grade mon­sters.'

With the abil­ity of the Blue Qilin, Kim has now ac­quired three sec­ond-
grade abil­i­ties. Al­ready, it has ex­ceeded the power that hu­man be­ings could
tol­er­ate. To be hon­est, he could not eas­ily imag­ine him­self dy­ing of some­‐
thing other than the curse.

On the other hand, Kim had to imag­ine it.

If he was the head of the Six Snakes, what would he do to kill a mon­ster
named Kim Tae-hoon?

"Boss, if you're scared, will I drink it?" Jang, who was look­ing at the worry
from the side, care­fully asked a ques­tion.

At Jang's ques­tion, Kim broke the si­lence. "No."

Jang re­sisted the res­o­lute word of Kim. "What? Why? I drank it the other
day and got some pretty good in­for­ma­tion. Why not?"

"You'll find out why you didn't get mar­ried, not why I died."

"Oh, don't make me laugh! I'm get­ting mar­ried, def­i­nitely. No, do you think
I'm not ca­pa­ble? If I make a pub­lic pro­posal now, ap­pli­cants will be lined
up from the Yalu River to the Han River. I'm not kid­ding. I'm go­ing to
marry over a hun­dred times!"

Kim smiled lightly when Jang huffed ir­ri­ta­bly. With that smile, he re­mem­‐
bered to­day of a year ago, look­ing at Napoleon's Golden Glass: De­cem­ber
31, 2016, that day at a large mart when he did not even have time to dream.

'So, this will be the first dream of the new year, af­ter the mon­sters ap­‐

On De­cem­ber 31, 2017, Kim Tae-hoon was still alive!...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 132 - New Year, Part I

Chap­ter 47. New Year, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


It was a warm sunny win­ter in Hawaii. A man was walk­ing slowly to­ward a
con­tainer which was ar­ranged un­der the sun. The man's ap­pear­ance was un­‐

Wear­ing two swords on his back, car­ry­ing a bag over two swords, wav­ing
his shaggy black hair and car­ry­ing a dragon-shaped flute in his right hand,
his shape was not suit­able for the warm sun­shine in Hawaii.

The man's steps did not stop. The man con­tin­ued to walk to­wards the con­‐
tainer and as the man ap­proached, the door of the con­tainer opened by it­‐


That was all. There was no­body in the con­tainer. It was mys­te­ri­ous.

The man, how­ever, did not seem to be sur­prised at all, and he walked into
the con­tainer. When he came into the con­tainer, the first thing he saw was a
map fill­ing the walls of the con­tainer.

A map of the world, the wide un­folded map was filled with var­i­ous X-char­‐
ac­ter mark­ings, and not in mono­chrome. There were three col­ors, blue, dark
blue, and pur­ple. Most were blue, fol­lowed by dark blue, and the least nu­‐
mer­ous were pur­ple. The num­ber of pur­ples was only five, com­pared to the
blue fill­ing the map as if they were col­or­ing it: Rus­sia, Cen­tral Asia, Eu­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

rope, Africa, and North Amer­ica. And at this mo­ment, a pur­ple pen moved
on its own, draw­ing a sixth X-mark­ing in Latin Amer­ica.

"It's over."

The man who was watch­ing it spoke slowly, "The long war is over.
Mankind has won, and I have sur­vived."

Only then did the man speak­ing move on to the ta­ble in­side the con­tainer.
On the ta­ble were the tools needed to make cof­fee. The man be­gan to use it
to bring cof­fee down slowly, as if to sa­vor the process it­self.

Then, when the cof­fee be­gan to steam in the mug, the man con­tin­ued to say
his paused words af­ter a sip of the cof­fee.

"I was the only one who sur­vived." The man who spoke the words had a
bit­ter look. "It's not strange. It was a long war and a hard one. Many peo­ple
died, and I was able to win be­cause of their deaths."

The man who had cof­fee again con­tin­ued his story on the stage with­out one
lis­tener. "Even if I re­gret it, it's a thing to chew on af­ter the war. That's the
sit­u­at­ion now. The war is over. I have killed the last pur­ple mon­ster, and
there are no mon­sters to threaten the world."

He said again, "The only thing left to me who have sur­vived is to chew on
my re­grets. That's what this is about."

The man who had been drink­ing cof­fee in­stead of saliva as if his mouth was
dry con­tin­ued to say, "If I had pre­vented the Six Snakes who de­stroyed Rus­‐
sia with nu­clear ex­plo­sions, it might have been eas­ier to hunt Cher­nobog,
and if I had found Bo­ga­tri's Great Sword hid­den in Lenin's Tomb a lit­tle
ear­lier, I might have pre­vented Cher­nobog from com­ing down to Eu­rope
and mak­ing an end to the Vat­i­can's his­tory."

The man who swal­lowed the cof­fee again and im­me­di­ately gave a long
sigh. "Hyun-wook would not have died to pro­tect the Vat­i­can."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

The man be­gan to re­call, and with that rec­ol­lec­tion, he care­fully rubbed his
tem­ples. "Af­ter all, the fall of the Vat­i­can even­tu­ally brought Fafnir in its
wake, and Eu­rope be­came hell. There were count­less vic­tims in the hell
equal to world war to find the Bal­mus, and in the mean­time, killing Cher­‐
nobog and gain­ing the abil­ity of im­mor­tal­ity was good luck."

The man looked at the back of his right hand with the words. "But in the
end, the Six Snakes ac­quired the Bal­mus, and the sac­ri­fices were re­peated
to kill Fafnir---"

The man who was re­call­ing stopped again and took more cof­fee. It was so
clear, and in front of the mem­ory, the man had been silent for a while with

Then the man said, "Mao Spencer, if I had made a deal with him, if I had
ob­tained the Mayan Cal­en­dar from him, if I had pre­vented Quet­zal­coatl
from wak­ing up, the war would have ended ear­lier, and sac­ri­fices would
have been less."

Then the man gave out a bloody tone, like a beast growl­ing. "If I had done
so, Sung-hoon would not have died."

The man fin­ished his speech and put the empty cof­fee cup on the ta­ble. In­‐
stead of a cof­fee cup, he held the dragon-like flute in his hand. "I have won
the war, but only re­grets re­main. For­tu­nately, now is the time when I don't
need to be, and there's only one way to re­verse re­gret in this sit­u­at­ion."

The man looked at the flute with his black Eyes.



-- Relic Grade: Grade 1

-- Relic Value: Leg­end

-- Relic Ef­fect: Any anx­i­ety and worry can be si­lenced.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘


"The only way is to undo the im­mor­tal­ity that has been given to me." With
those words, the man in­jected Mana into the Man­pasik­jeok, and it be­gan to
emit a bluish light. The light en­veloped the man.

In the light, the man said softly, "My story is that far."


Jan­u­ary 1, 2018, the first day of the New Year, which Kim Tae-hoon looked
at, was not warm.

It was not be­cause the place to see the sun was the north­ern­most part of the
Ko­rean Penin­sula, where Baekdu Moun­tain and Yalu River could be seen at
the same time. Nor was it be­cause he spent hours watch­ing the dawn be­fore
the sun rose, nor the cold­ness of the cof­fee that Kim Tae-hoon held in his

'That was ter­ri­ble.' Mak­ing the first year of the new year so cold was Kim's
dream, which he had lived through be­fore the dawn.

'That was the most ter­ri­ble death ever.' The Kim Tae-hoon of the fu­ture was
dead. No one, noth­ing, but he killed him­self.

'Fuck­ing hell.'

It was lit­er­ally sui­cide. It was a no­ble thing in a way. There were not many
greater things than giv­ing up on him­self for some­thing.

But it was not so for Kim Tae-hoon.


So far, what made Kim Tae-hoon move was his will to sur­vive. It was an
un­de­ni­able fact, and he did not want to deny it. His ob­ses­sion with sur­vival
had made the present Kim Tae-hoon. If it had not been for that will, he
would not have strug­gled so hard to sur­vive. For him, sui­cide was not just

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

'I'd rather be grate­ful for the deaths I've been through.' It was the most ter­ri­‐
ble, tragic death he could face. It was de­nial and dis­grace to ev­ery­thing he
had done so far.


There­fore, in front of the first dream of the new year, Kim could not eas­ily
or­ga­nize his mind. Even cof­fee did not give him a clear pic­ture. In the end,
he had to ad­mit that the re­al­ity he faced now was not that he could un­der­‐
stand and solve.

There was the only thing that could be ob­tained by dream­ing of this death:

'I can­not tol­er­ate such a death.'

Only the in­tense anger about the fu­ture him who died in that way re­mained
to Kim Tae-hoon now.


On Jan­u­ary 1, 2018, Kim made a New Year's res­o­lu­tion, "If I go this way, I
will some­day gain the his­tory of vic­tory, but I will deny it!"



On the first day of the new year, Jang Sung-hoon raised his voice on the day
when he gave a pleas­ant New year's greet­ings and smiled in front of the big
New Year's gift money.

"What do you mean, go­ing to Rus­sia?"

The rea­son for his high voice was due to a word from Kim Tae-hoon.

By the time the morn­ing sun was just ris­ing, Kim said briefly, "I'm go­ing
straight to Mos­cow."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

Of course, it was fore­seen. Now Kim had three curses: Dragon, Eight-tailed
Fox, and Blue Qilin! The strong power made him a ter­ri­ble mon­ster, but at
the same time it de­manded a huge price from him, and what could free him
from the curse was eat­ing the crys­tal of Cher­nobog, the Im­mor­tal Wolf who
oc­cu­pied Rus­sia.

"Of course, it's not strange to go to Rus­sia, but..." Jang Sung-hoon was not
just any­one. Kim had ex­pe­ri­enced his death and said what would hap­pen. It
was nat­u­ral that Kim Tae-hoon's next des­ti­na­tion would be Rus­sia.

"So just be­cause you are go­ing there right now does not mean that there is a
so­lu­tion, right?"

The prob­lem was that Kim said that he would start his trip to Mos­cow right
away, us­ing the Siberian rail­way as a guide with­out any prepa­ra­tion, with­‐
out any new op­er­at­ions or new or­ders.

At this mo­ment, on Jan­u­ary 1, Kim said he would go to Rus­sia.

"We need to plan and pre­pare prop­erly."

In the sit­u­at­ion where the abil­ity of im­mor­tal­ity be­came the key to judge the
life and death of Kim Tae-hoon, the at­tack on Rus­sia could not pro­ceed
care­lessly. That was why Jang Sung-hoon worked with the am­bas­sadors to
Ko­rea, even with the show.

The abil­ity of im­mor­tal­ity could not be ex­torted by sim­ply ig­no­rant force,

but it was some­thing that could be ob­tained af­ter steady prepa­ra­tion. It was
clear that it would not be bet­ter to run into Rus­sia with a naked body, and
with­out a proper un­der­stand­ing of the sit­u­at­ion.

"More­over, it's pur­ple, pur­ple!" Cru­cially, Cher­nobog was a pur­ple-grade

mon­ster, as it was now known.

Kim Tae-hoon was a mon­ster. How­ever, he had never fought a mon­ster of

the pur­ple grade. It was the same in the dream of Napoleon's Golden Glass,
and he had never ex­pe­ri­enced deal­ing with the pur­ple grade or even faced

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

it, not even in the dream. In other words, no one in the world knew what
kind of strength a mon­ster of the pur­ple-grade had.

Kim Tae-hoon was just throw­ing him­self with lit­tle abil­ity against such a

"This isn't like you, boss." This was not Kim Tae-hoon's way. In fact, he did
not want to rush to Cher­nobog, but af­ter win­ning the Rus­sian gov­ern­ment
over to his side, he would try to solve the prob­lem se­quen­tially. That was
his way. It was rough, but it was not fool­ish, ig­no­rant, or reck­less.

"What the hell did you see?" So, Jang was cu­ri­ous and wor­ried about why
Kim sud­denly showed such a change be­cause of what he dreamed of.

Kim an­swered Jang, "I can't tell you."

Jang gave a long sigh to the an­swer. In the sigh, Jang re­al­ized, 'Boss's will is

Kim's will was more firm than ever, and in some way, he was putting his
pri­or­ity on start­ing with Rus­sia.

'I need a guardrail.' There was no way to stop Kim from driv­ing. He was the
one who had killed the Dragon alone. It would be bet­ter to stop a rush­ing
lo­co­mo­tive than to stop him. That was why Jang used the term guardrail. If
there had been some­thing that could stop Kim, he would have used the term
"brake" in­stead of "guardrail." In other words, Jang felt the need for a
scape­goat to sac­ri­fice him­self when Kim fell into cri­sis.

"Boss, I will never send you alone." In this part, Jang also had no in­ten­tion
of with­draw­ing or com­pro­mise.

"Tell me what you want to at­tach."

"I'll at­tach the Dragon Knights."

"Dis­missed, the Dragon Knights are the most ob­vi­ous al­ter­na­tive power to
fill my ab­sence. In­stead, I will take the Unit that Colonel Lim Hyun-joon

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

has. One pla­toon, Jang Sung-hoon, you build the mem­bers with your dis­cre­‐

"Then please in­clude Hyun-wook in the mem­bers."


"There is no need for Hyun-wook to be left be­hind be­cause the Dragon

Knights are left. And you saw it dur­ing the hunt­ing of the Blue Gi­raffe. The
team­work of Hyun-wook and Boss is the best."

"It's mean­ing­less against the pur­ple-grade mon­ster, and Bang Hyun-wook is

a com­pe­tent hunter, but he's not a com­pe­tent sol­dier."

"Then add Maria. What are you go­ing to do in Rus­sia alone? You don't
speak Rus­sian. Of course, you'll have to ne­go­ti­ate on the way."

"That's it?"

"And one more, a very im­por­tant, es­sen­tial, valu­able, and ex­cel­lent Joker

At the words, Kim cocked his head. He couldn't think of any­one who was a
very im­por­tant, es­sen­tial, valu­able, and ex­cel­lent Joker card.

Jang an­swered se­ri­ously in the tilt­ing. "Please in­clude me."

"Dis­missed." Of course, Kim im­me­di­ately dis­missed him. "You won't be

able to bear it."

It would not be easy to hold on to the hard sched­ule to Mos­cow un­less he

was a Dragon Knight. In ad­di­tion, he would not be trav­el­ing to Mos­cow.

The rea­son Kim was rush­ing to Rus­sia now was that he wanted to kill Cher­‐
nobog faster than the Six Snakes were try­ing to de­stroy Rus­sia with nu­clear

It was to not al­low the his­tory that he had told him­self in his dream.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 132 - New Year, Part I ⦘

'Do I take Jang Sung-hoon, a civil­ian who is not an Awak­ener, to the crazy
bat­tle­field? It's non­sense.'

Jang asked a ques­tion in re­turn in such ap­pear­ance of Kim. "Am I that im­‐
por­tant to you, to keep me from go­ing to a dan­ger­ous place?"

Kim did not an­swer. It wasn't a ques­tion that needed an an­swer. For him,
Jang was the most re­li­able sub­or­di­nate, col­league, and friend. This fact did
not need to be ex­pressed in words.

Jang was also like that. He did not ask that ques­tion be­cause he wanted to
hear the an­swer. He just spat out such words to make Kim think.

"Then, can you be re­lieved if you leave me here on the Ko­rean Penin­sula,
and are you sure you won't re­gret it? Can you be sure that the Ko­rean
Penin­sula is the safest place for me?"

Kim did not an­swer Jang's ques­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 133 - New Year, Part Ii

Chap­ter 47. New Year, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED



It is the east­ern­most city of Rus­sia, the largest coun­try in the world, and the
cen­ter of the Far East, and one of the most de­vel­oped cities in Rus­sia.

"Boss, do you know what Vladi­vos­tok means?"


It was also a city with an ar­ro­gant name.

"Dom­i­nate the East!"

The ruler of the East was the mean­ing of the name Vladi­vos­tok. It was ev­i­‐
dence of what Rus­sia had in mind when build­ing the city of Vladi­vos­tok,
and what kind of coun­try Rus­sia was at that time.

"Well, there is noth­ing strange about it. The found­ing of Vladi­vos­tok was
dur­ing the Rus­sian Em­pire, and from then un­til the col­lapse of the So­viet
Union, Rus­sia was one of the strong­est na­tions in the world. Who would
say that Rus­sia is a load of bull­shit when nam­ing the city in or­der to dom­i­‐
nate the East?"

Now it was ev­i­dence of Rus­sia's re­al­ity. The world's great­est power, which
was will­ing to use ag­gres­sive and provoca­tive words to dom­i­nate the East
in the city name, was no longer present.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

"But now it's dif­fer­ent. There's no more East­ern ruler in this city."

At the end of the words, Jang, look­ing up at Vladi­vos­tok, gave a long sigh.
The sigh spread around like an epi­demic.

"Hoo-oo." Ev­ery­one stopped for a mo­ment and sighed at the scenery.

The land­scape of Vladi­vos­tok was ter­ri­ble. The city, which was eco­nom­i­‐
cally, po­lit­i­cally and cul­tur­ally pros­per­ous enough to be called the third cap­‐
i­tal of Rus­sia, had now be­come a city that had no traces of peo­ple.

The build­ings that filled the city were crushed by the strug­gles of mon­sters
whose size could not even be guessed; de­cent roads were hard to find, and
the cars that had be­come scrap iron were crum­pled like dead bod­ies all over
the roads.

What was even more creepy was that this sight was fa­mil­iar to Kim Tae-
hoon and the men who vis­ited here now.

'I feel like I've gone back a year.'

This was the view of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea a year ago. By that time, all the
cities in Ko­rea were this ter­ri­ble. The dif­fer­ence was the flow of time, but
the grue­some­ness and de­spair dom­i­nat­ing the city were not much dif­fer­ent.

'If there had been no Mas­ter Kim, Seoul would have looked like this.'

If there had been no man named Kim Tae-hoon, the ap­pear­ance of Seoul
would not have been much dif­fer­ent from Vladi­vos­tok. Ev­ery­one stopped
sigh­ing and looked at Kim. They felt re­newed.

Even though Rus­sia was a tooth­less tiger, its mil­i­tary power was far greater
than Ko­rea's mil­i­tary power. Not to men­tion, Vladi­vos­tok was also a mil­i­‐
tary strate­gic point of Rus­sia, and im­por­tant when it came to the world sit­u­‐
a­tion. It was a mil­i­tary city where the Rus­sian Pa­cific Fleet was cru­cially
lo­cated. It was a city that Rus­sia had built up to deal with Japan and even
the United States.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

Nev­er­the­less, Vladi­vos­tok did not last a year in the mon­ster era. Far from a
year, the wreck­age of the car bod­ies ev­ery­where told them that Vladi­vos­tok
had been out of func­tion for months, and that Vladi­vos­tok had not sur­vived
even three months be­fore col­laps­ing.

'We were so lucky.'

By com­par­i­son, the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea was will­ing to wel­come the new

year of 2018 with­out col­laps­ing, be­cause of a sin­gle man with no peer.

Un­der the eyes of those sur­round­ing him, Kim Tae-hoon said briefly, "Don't
get sen­ti­men­tal. There's no les­son to learn here."

The short words changed their eyes. Kim Tae-hoon was right. There were
no more lessons to be learned in front of these scenes, to those who had
seen the same scene a year ago.

The les­son was mean­ing­ful when they got it be­fore and deeply en­graved it.

It was mean­ing­less to re­call the same les­son ev­ery time they saw the same
scene. The eyes of the men who had es­caped from their rec­ol­lec­tions were
im­me­di­ately turned into the eyes of vet­eran hunters.

'Mas­ter is right, we are not here to learn a les­son.'

They held their breath and sti­fled their spirit. Wear­ing the Black Lion furs
which be­came hot on their own, their pres­ence was like a dark shadow.

'That's great.'

Maria, the only out­sider among them, was ner­vous. She had to be ner­vous.

'Kim Tae-hoon is Kim Tae-hoon, but his men are not or­di­nary, ei­ther.'

The level of these peo­ple, who had been se­lected to help with Kim Tae-
hoon's sud­den trip to Mos­cow, was so in­tense that it could eas­ily ex­ceed
Maria's com­mon sense.

'How on earth did he nur­ture these sol­diers? In just one year?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

And that was nat­u­ral. They were not just sol­diers or hunters, but elite agents
who had been tested sev­eral times in the ab­surd ty­phoon that had driven the
Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea for a year, and Colonel Lim Hyun-joon had strate­gi­cally
nur­tured them un­der the sup­port of the Mac Guild.

An agent who was fos­tered not only for mon­ster hunt­ing but also for spe­cial

Even the ad­viser to the process of fos­ter­ing these agents was Kim Tae-hoon,
not just any­one.

'Ko­rea may be­come a game maker who will move the world from now on.'

Even though they did not show such a bat­tle yet, Maria felt her spine creep­‐
ing in the win­ter of Vladi­vos­tok, where even the sea was frozen, at the pres­‐
ence of Kim Tae-hoon's men. Of course, the chill was not com­pa­ra­ble to the
one that she felt when she faced the man.

Kim Tae-hoon said while look­ing at Maria who did not show her chill,
"We'll move to our next des­ti­na­tion, guide us."

Maria opened her frozen mouth and said, "I'll have to check the map once
I've moved to Vladi­vos­tok Sta­tion. There is some­thing you need to keep in
mind, even though it is too late to say."

"Let's talk on the move." Their trip be­gan again, and the story with it.

"I don't know what or­ders would have been given to the let­ter, but if there
were no specifics, the next des­ti­na­tion will be Khabarovsk, be­cause the
Rus­sian Far East is lo­cated in Khabarovsk. It will take five days to get there
if we walk along the Siberian rail­way."

"Who is the head of the place?"

"I think it's a name you know. Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir Duprin­ski."

"A big shot."

"Yes, he was a big shot."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon, who was lis­ten­ing to the con­ver­sa­tion, in­ter­rupted, "Who

is it?"

"He is the for­mer chief of pres­i­den­tial se­cu­rity."

"He is quite ex­pe­ri­enced and not fit for be­ing in the Far East, far from

"He was the top of the in­flu­en­tial men."

"He was the top of the in­flu­en­tial men, but the mon­sters came along and
now he is in charge of the dan­ger­ous place... I'm think­ing of Lieu­tenant
Colonel Yoo."

Maria, who did not know Lieu­tenant Colonel Yoo, cocked her head, but on
the other hand, at the ex­pla­na­tion of Jang, the agents were able to gauge the
po­si­tion of the man named Vladimir in the present coun­try of Rus­sia.

'He is ex­iled from power.'

He was a man of power who has been forced out be­cause he did not adapt
him­self to the new power and or­der af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared.

'But he's not giv­ing up his power.' But he was still am­bi­tious and look­ing
for an op­por­tu­nity.

Of course, Jang sud­denly in­ter­vened in the con­ver­sa­tion to nat­u­rally in­form

the sur­round­ings of such facts.

Maria had no­ticed that, too. She did not miss the sud­den dis­ap­pear­ance of
the vig­i­lance and doubt that had been dimly in the eyes of the agents, af­ter
this short con­ver­sa­tion.

"... and if I con­tinue to talk, the main task of the Far East is to fo­cus on ma­‐
te­ri­als search and mon­ster searches, but there's some­thing more im­por­tant
than this."

"What is it?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

"It's a new rule you must re­mem­ber, as you have stepped into Rus­sian ter­ri­‐
tory from now on."

Be­fore she could speak, Maria turned her head north. "We are go­ing to fol­‐
low the Siberian rail­way. Of course, we will visit the city where the sta­tion
is lo­cated, and we will re­sup­ply there. The visit to the city and mov­ing will
be made mostly at night. This is the first rule to re­mem­ber."

The crowd cocked their heads at the words.

Mov­ing at night was dan­ger­ous in many ways. The night in Rus­sia was
cold, and even if they trav­eled the same dis­tance, they would be more ex­‐
hausted than if they were mov­ing dur­ing the day. The abil­ity to pre­pare for
a mon­ster's at­tack and the abil­ity to fight also de­creased. There was no rea­‐
son to move at night un­less there is a spe­cial rea­son.


Of course, there was a rea­son. "When the sun rises, the dead move."

At that rea­son, ev­ery­one's face stiff­ened. Jang was also the same.

"Isn't that the op­po­site? You know, Zom­bies are weak dur­ing the day and
they move at night?" In the end, Jang once again in­ter­vened in the con­ver­‐

"There's no such thing as day and night for a Zom­bie. There are only warm
enough to move and cold enough to not move. It's not ex­act, but the stan­‐
dard is mi­nus fif­teen de­grees. If it's higher than this tem­per­at­ure, we can't
avoid fight­ing Zom­bies."

Maria's ex­pla­na­tion con­tin­ued, "I'll tell you the sec­ond rule here. From now
on, what you are deal­ing with is lit­er­ally a Zom­bie. They can live with­out
eat­ing, they don't die even though you cut off their heads, they don't die if
they're shot with holes like cheese, and they don't die if their hearts are de­‐

In front of the sec­ond rule, the faces of some peo­ple hard­ened.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

"I'm not un­der­es­ti­mat­ing your abil­i­ties. You're the best spe­cial­ists in mon­‐
ster hunt­ing. But the mon­ster you're deal­ing with is not the one you've been
deal­ing with. There's only one thing that can stop them, the cold of Siberia."

The ex­pla­na­tion made the crowd un­der­stand. From now on, the en­emy they
had to face was a com­pletely dif­fer­ent kind of mon­ster than the en­em
­ ies
they had faced be­fore. Of course, ev­ery­one was ner­vous.

'It's not go­ing to be easy, I'm sure.'

'A Zom­bie mon­ster... a world that is not even funny.'

"Is that the end of the ex­pla­na­tion?"

"Yes? Yes."

Only one per­son was not ner­vous about it.

"We'll step into Khabarovsk on Jan­u­ary 4th, re­mem­ber."



The New Year here was al­ways harsh.

What fur­ther ex­pla­na­tion did they need, since the av­er­age tem­per­at­ure in
Jan­u­ary was mi­nus 20 de­grees Cel­sius, mi­nus 30 de­grees Cel­sius at night,
and some­times mi­nus 40 de­grees Cel­sius in a crazy cold.

But sur­pris­ingly, it was much warmer than usual in Khabarovsk on Jan­u­ary

4th: Five de­grees be­low zero! It was a warm New Year, hard to find in the
long his­tory of Khabarovsk.

"God­damn it!"

At the same time, Khabarovsk was fac­ing the worst night­mare since.

"Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir, a bunch of Zom­bies are com­ing!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

Once proud of its beau­ti­ful scenery, Khabarovsk was now a city dom­i­nated
by hu­mans and mon­sters with frozen, rot­ten flesh. It was a night­mare
brought about by a warm New Year. In front of the night­mare, Vladimir, the
head of the Rus­sian Far East branch in Khabarovsk, had no choice but to
feel de­spair.

'Why the hell is this hap­pen­ing?'

On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, when the mon­sters ap­peared, Khabarovsk had won
the war with the mon­sters. But in the sum­mer and warmer tem­per­at­ures,
Rus­sia had no choice but to give up Khabarovsk in front of the Zom­bies
com­ing down from the north. They took a rain check.

The next was the New Year 2018. Dur­ing this win­ter, when the bit­ter cold
raged, it was the role of the Far East to col­lect mil­i­tary sup­plies and relics in
neigh­bor­ing cities, based out of Khabarovsk. It was a very im­por­tant role.

Nu­clear war­heads were in­cluded in the mu­ni­tions to col­lect here. Of course,

there was a lot of in­vest­ment in Khabarovsk for this work. Rus­sia, which
was al­ready suf­fer­ing from a short­age of goods, made the max­i­mum in­vest­‐
ment that they could.

But now the in­vest­ment was on the verge of go­ing out of busi­ness even be­‐
fore it re­ally paid off.

'We must keep it some­how. If Khabarovsk is taken again, it is over. There is

no next year.' Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir had no in­ten­tion of ac­cept­ing it.

'But how?'

There was no way for Vladimir to do any­thing about the Zom­bies who had
al­ready be­gun to oc­cupy Khabarovsk. Most of all, there were too many of
them. The num­ber of Zom­bies com­ing into Khabarovsk was too high, but
the big­gest prob­lem was that there were also many Zom­bies hid­ing in

It was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to fight a proper bat­tle against Zom­bies that

popped out from all over the place, and from un­ex­pected places. More­over,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

their op­po­nents were not just weak Zom­bie that would not die, from an old
Zom­bie movie.

In the cold win­ter of Siberia, the flesh that could only be wiped out by rot­‐
ting away had frozen hard like steel, and their move­ments were not slow at

Even as their rea­son had dis­ap­peared, pain and fear had gone away too, and
there was only fe­roc­ity left. Above all, the Zom­bies were not hu­man be­ings,
the weak­est an­i­mals. They were be­ings who had be­come mon­sters.

"Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir, please give us an or­der!"

"... how many flame-throw­ers are ready?"

"All are ready, sir. Will you at­tack?"

Of course, they have pre­pared. In­stead of guns and swords, they pre­pared
gaso­line and flame-throw­ers as their weapons, and they also brought spe­cial
ar­mored cars made to crush Zom­bies be­neath their treads.

"A se­ri­ous thing hap­pened." How­ever, this prepa­ra­tion was not that mean­‐
ing­ful to Zom­bie mon­sters.

"What's go­ing on?"

"It's an Ogre. Ogre Zom­bies have ap­peared."

In front of a mon­ster that had al­ready crossed the cat­eg­ ory of com­mon
sense, such prepa­ra­tions had no mean­ing.

"Oh, my God, an Ogre Zom­bie---"

"Do you re­ally want to or­der an at­tack, Ma­jor Gen­eral?"

Their prepa­ra­tions had no mean­ing for an Ogre Zom­bie. Fight­ing with a

flame-thrower or spe­cial ar­mored car against an Ogre Zom­bie was no dif­‐
fer­ent than stop­ping a run­ning wagon with a man­tis.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

"Do we have a pro­ce­dure for hunt­ing Ogre Zom­bies?"

"Yes, we do."

"What is it?"

"A Na­palm Bomb..."

At the word, Na­palm Bomb, the ex­pres­sions of ev­ery­one in­clud­ing Ma­jor

Gen­eral Vladimir hard­ened. It wasn't that there was no Na­palm Bomb. Nor
were they ig­no­rant of the power of the Na­palm Bomb. That was why his
face was so firm.

'We will have to use a Na­palm Bomb in the city our­selves? The man­ual is
prac­ti­cally telling us to burn Khabarovsk with our own hands, isn't it?'

A Na­palm Bomb was a very good weapon to de­stroy a city, af­ter all. The
fact had al­ready been con­firmed dur­ing World War II. Of course, if they
used the Na­palm Bomb in Khabarovsk, the city was done.

'Does it fall into the hands of the mon­sters, or burn it with my own hands?'

Of course, Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir was an­guished. But at this mo­ment, he

knew what he had to choose.

'It's ob­vi­ous. If I have to lose the city any­way, it is bet­ter to burn it all with
the Zom­bies.'

It was the sec­ond op­tion to avoid the worst by us­ing Na­palm Bomb rather
than just re­treat­ing. There was no need to weigh. The only prob­lem was

'Is my life over here?'

As soon as he made the choice, all the achieve­ments made by Ma­jor Gen­‐
eral Vladimir dis­ap­peared, and he be­came a nor­mal per­son.

That was why Gen­eral Vladimir could not eas­ily speak out the ob­vi­ous op­‐
tion. But the time given to him was not long. There was no other way, ex­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 133 - New Year, Part Ii ⦘

cept to lower the tem­per­at­ure of Khabarovsk to mi­nus 15 de­grees.

"Na­palm Bomb---" Fi­nally, Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir spoke.

"It's, it's break­ing news!" A new guy ran into the op­er­at­ing room.

Af­ter swal­low­ing the words he was about to say, Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir
looked at the sol­dier who had emerged and asked, "What's go­ing on?"

"The Ogre Zom­bie is dead."

Ev­ery­one was sur­prised at the fact, and they ques­tioned it.

'It is a Zom­bie be­cause it is not dead, but that Ogre Zom­bie is dead?'

But that was the be­gin­ning of a story that they could not un­der­stand, since
the sight they would face from now on was one they had never seen be­fore.

"A-a man from heaven burned all the Ogre Zom­bies with blue light­ning,
and... now the golden-smoke beasts are hunt­ing Zom­bies."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 134 - New Year, Part Iii

Chap­ter 47. New Year, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


There were two ef­fec­tive ways to kill Zom­bie mon­sters: burn them to death,
or crush their bod­ies with over­whelm­ing phys­i­cal force.

That was not the best way. The strength of the mon­ster's bod­ies was far be­‐
yond the beasts that mankind had en­coun­tered so far.

There was a mon­ster with skin so hard it ate away the saw-blade of an elec­‐
tric saw af­ter only one layer, and there was a mon­ster that kept its flesh
firmly in the fires, rather than melt­ing.



An Ogre was a mon­ster where both things ap­plied. Their body was so
strong that even a bul­let could not eas­ily pierce into them, and was so tough
that it would not eas­ily melt down in the flames.


It was also huge. Even if there was a way to hurt its body, even if there was
a way to hurt it deeply, it was only a scratch, not a deep wound, in the huge
body of the Ogre.

Bang! 'Oh, my God.' It was at the time that Mas­ter Sergeant Oleg re­al­ized
that the RPG-7 he was hold­ing was empty and the empty bar­rel was pour­ing

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

out a fuzzy sigh.

"How, how does it with­stand this?"

RPG-7 was a pow­er­ful weapon that did not need an ex­pla­na­tion. It was a
weapon made to de­stroy a tank, a lump of iron with an amaz­ing de­fense,
not just any­thing.

Of course, Mas­ter Sergeant Oleg him­self did not ex­pect that one RPG-7
shell would make a Ogre Zom­bie truly dead.

'Fuck!' But it was un­ex­pected that the ab­surd can­non­ball would end up just
like one shot of a gun on a hu­man be­ing, just a small hole.


'Fuck, damn it!' De­ci­sively, the thing which made Mas­ter Sergeant Oleg
des­per­ate was that the re­sult of ap­proach­ing it to take the shot had drawn
more at­ten­tion and anger from the Ogre Zom­bie.

'It's over now.' At this mo­ment, Mas­ter Sergeant Oleg did not even think of
run­ning away. He couldn't even af­ford to run away. The ef­fect of dop­ing,
which he used to get near the Ogre Zom­bie, was not so long.

His whole body trem­bled like an as­pen leaf in the un­prece­dent­edly warm
Jan­u­ary of Khabarovsk.

'Damn, damn, damn it!' It was amaz­ing he did not fall on the ground with
his trem­bling legs. Even that didn't last long.

Thump! Some­thing fell down sud­denly in front of Oleg, and at that shock,
Oleg fell to the ground help­lessly.

"Eu-huck!" A man in un­usual at­tire came into his eyes as he fell on the
ground and let out a gasp. The man with the two swords on his back was
ex­cep­tion­ally im­pres­sive.

'Who, who?' The man who ap­peared like that made his right hand a gun
shape and pointed at the Ogre Zom­bie with the end of his in­dex fin­ger. He

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

moved his hand lightly, like a gun­shot, and a blue spark splashed on the tip
of his in­dex fin­ger.

Pazik! The spark im­me­di­ately be­came a blue light­ning ar­row and struck the
two pupils of the Ogre Zom­bie.

Eu­eoeoeo... ... the Ogre Zom­bie, who was rush­ing to­ward Oleg, stopped for
a mo­ment with a re­laxed cry.

It was only a mo­ment, of course. There was no pain in the Ogre who had
be­come a Zom­bie. The Ogre Zom­bie's pause was like a pro­gram that was
work­ing well stop­ping for a while be­cause of a sud­den change.

It was lit­er­ally a mo­ment, and when the Ogre Zom­bie be­gan to move again,
there was a blue bead about the size of a man's head in front of it.

The ab­surd bead that emit­ted blue light­ning be­gan to stab and burn the
whole body of the Ogre Zom­bie with­out rest.


It was an un­speak­ably ter­ri­ble sight, and at the same time, it was over­‐

'Am, am I in an­other world?'

The blue light­ning was re­duc­ing the Ogre Zom­bie to ash. Un­der the re­‐
peated at­tacks, the body of the Ogre Zom­bie moved dif­fer­ently from its

The pro­gram that made it move seemed to be in er­ror, and re­peated blue
light­ning at­tacks cracked open the body of the Ogre Zom­bie, burst­ing its
joints, and be­gan to shat­ter its bones.

The Ogre Zom­bie's body fell to the ground with a grotesque sound. Af­ter
that, the body of the Ogre Zom­bie be­gan to make pop­corn pop­ping sounds
again and again.

Mas­ter Sergeant Oleg was lost at the sight.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

The man who cre­ated this ridicu­lous sight to him ap­proached and said in
some­what awk­ward Rus­sian. "Now tell Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir ev­ery­thing
you saw and heard."


"... the story is so far."

As soon as Mas­ter Sergeant Oleg fin­ished his story, a heavy si­lence be­gan
to weigh on the crowd. Even though they were wear­ing Rus­sian uni­forms
which were not lack­ing com­pared to other mil­i­tary uni­forms, and which
were sym­bols of strength in world his­tory, no one could over­come the si­‐
lence that pressed them now. Even the only star-ranked per­son among them,
Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir, was the same.

'It's a ridicu­lous story.'

Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir knew about the strength of the Awak­en­ers. To the
ex­tent he knew, he be­lieved that only Awak­en­ers could end the mon­ster era.
Nu­clear weapons were not a so­lu­tion to the mon­ster era, but Awak­en­ers and
relics were.

But even Vladimir, who highly ap­pre­ci­ated the value of the Awak­en­ers
could not eas­ily ac­cept the strength of the man that Oleg had told him

'And... no, I don't think he is the one I know.' Fur­ther­more, his name was
Kim Tae-hoon, and it shook Vladimir's mind even more. There were not
many Ko­rean names that Vladimir knew, and most of them were Ko­rean
gen­er­als and very spe­cial peo­ple, like the pres­i­dent and the prime min­is­ter.

In a dif­fer­ent sense, the only name that Vladimir re­mem­bered was Kim Tae-
hoon. Even the Rus­sian army, which was proud of be­ing the world's strong­‐
est in the spe­cial forces, could not help but rec­og­nize his abil­i­ties. He was a
man the Rus­sian army was will­ing to ask for mil­i­tary as­sis­tance.

'It can't be.' So, it was more prob­lem­atic. If Kim Tae-hoon was the same
per­son as the amaz­ing Awak­ener that Oleg had de­scribed now, he would be

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

in fact a man who no one could man­age in the world. Un­for­tu­nately, the
hope­ful pre­dic­tion of Vladimir did not last long.

"Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir, Ma­jor Maria is here."

"Ma­jor Maria?"

"She's wait­ing out­side."

"For­tu­nately, if we had lost her, there would have been no greater dam­age."

"She says she has some­thing to re­port."

"We're all here, and I'll get a re­port here."


"I hope she can bring some­thing we can hope for from the Ko­rean Penin­‐

Maria, who had come to visit Vladimir, ap­peared and be­gan to re­port in
front of all. "Cur­rently, Ko­rea is ready to fight the mon­sters now. It is said
that South Ko­rea has al­ready oc­cu­pied North Ko­rea's land, and that Japan
has been de­feated af­ter a war with South Ko­rea, al­though it has not been
con­firmed. It is now a colo­nial state in re­turn for hand­ing over all
sovereignty to Ko­rea."

She started a more un­be­liev­able story for those who could not come to their
senses af­ter the non­sense story of Oleg. There­fore, no one could ask a ques­‐
tion about Maria.

'Ma­jor Maria is ei­ther crazy or we're crazy, or if both of us are not, this is all
a dream.'

No one came up with a ques­tion when they didn't even un­der­stand her

"I'll ask you one thing." Only one, Vladimir, opened his mouth and asked,
"Is Kim Tae-hoon the one I know?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

Maria nod­ded cau­tiously at the ques­tion. At that mo­ment, there was no

choice left for Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir.

"I'll have to see him."


"The min­eral rights of nat­u­ral gas and other re­sources, lease of farm­land,
tanks, war­ships, mis­siles, and-" a young man, who spoke Rus­sian quite flu­‐
ently, smiled and fin­ished his speech, "Nu­clear weapons. You can pay for
any­thing among these. Ah, Red Square is fine, too. I'll fig­ure out the Krem­‐
lin's value."

The man who fin­ished his talk picked up a Choco pie on the ta­ble with a
smile. The wrap­ping pa­per of the in­di­vid­u­ally packed Choco pie was en­‐
graved with the di­vine bird mas­cot Mac, rais­ing his thumb, un­like the usual
wrap­ping pa­per.

"Of course this Choco pie is free."

He ripped the wrap­ping pa­per off and took out the Choco pie in it. The man
who started eat­ing looked at the man be­yond the ta­ble.

Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir had served as the head of the Rus­sian prime min­is­‐
ter's se­cu­rity de­part­ment, and he had been in power in the Rus­sian army.
The eyes of the man who could kill a per­son just by blaz­ing his eyes were
quite fe­ro­cious.

The blue eyes made him feel bluer. How­ever, Jang Sung-hoon, who was
eat­ing a Choco pie in front of the spirit, did not feel daunted at all. There
was no rea­son to be afraid.

"That's more dry and crum­bling than I thought. Boss, can you get me some

The pres­ence of the man who was stay­ing calm and cool be­hind Jang Sung-
hoon was so great that he was not in­tim­i­dated.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

The same was true of Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir. The days of a man who has
been the head of the Rus­sian prime min­is­ter se­cu­rity de­part­ment were out
of or­di­nary. Dur­ing the Cold War era, he served as a first-year sol­dier, and
he played an ac­tive role as an ace of the KGB at the time of the col­lapse of
the So­viet Union. He be­came the top per­son of the in­flu­en­tial peo­ple in the
Rus­sian army. And now, even in the ab­surd age of the mon­sters, he was ac­‐
tive with­out los­ing his am­bi­tion.

How­ever, even Vladimir could not main­tain his com­po­sure in front of the
pres­ence of Kim Tae-hoon.

"Hoo-oo." A long sigh came from the mouth of Vladimir. It was the sound
which he should make at the ta­ble. With that sigh, he spoke slowly, "In
short, if we pay for the mon­sters that are now oc­cu­py­ing our coun­try, you
will get rid of them."

His words were im­me­di­ately trans­lated into Eng­lish through Maria, and
Jang nod­ded and an­swered in Rus­sian.

"I can talk, but I can't lis­ten; now I am in trou­ble. That's why we shouldn't
study for­eign lan­guages with a book, right, boss?"

It was a not-so-funny hap­pen­ing cre­ated by Jang's Rus­sian abil­ity. How­ever,

Kim did not raise any is­sues at it hap­pen­ing. Even be­fore the mon­sters ap­‐
peared, Jang had not been able to speak Rus­sian as well as Eng­lish. Kim
knew that Jang would have gone through much ef­fort and hard­ship to speak
this level of Rus­sian. Fur­ther­more, the rea­son why he stud­ied such a for­eign
lan­guage was not sim­ply for his own ben­ef­ it.

In ad­di­tion, Jang's Rus­sian skills were ac­tu­ally not im­por­tant in the con­ver­‐

"Let me ask you a ques­tion."

"The ques­tions are free, so you can ask me as much as you like."

"How much would it cost to kill Cher­nobog?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

At the ques­tion, Jang cleared the Choco pie pow­der from his mouth in­stead
of look­ing sur­prised, and he said with a light smile on his lips, "How much
are you of­fer­ing?"

The cross-ques­tion made Maria and Vladimir harden. This kind of ques­tion
was un­ex­pected. Jang waved his hand lightly as if he ex­pected the re­ac­tion
of the two.

"It's a joke, a joke, but is it true that Cher­nobog is a pur­ple-grade mon­ster

that now oc­cu­pies all of the north­ern parts of Rus­sia?"


"What col­ors have you even killed?"

"If it's a mon­ster color... blue."

"It's lucky."


"Yes, it's lucky, you'll fully un­der­stand the price needed when we kill the
pur­ple-grade mon­ster."

"What the hell is that-"

"All of them."

The con­ver­sa­tion that had been smoothly go­ing stopped, as if they did not
un­der­stand what Jang said.

"You've killed a blue mon­ster, haven't you? And then isn't that a fully un­‐
der­stand­able price?"

On the other hand, Jang con­tin­ued to speak with an ex­pres­sion that was
hard to un­der­stand when he saw the re­ac­tion of the two. "We have killed
three dark blue-grade mon­sters, for the sake of the coun­try's fate, so I can
as­sure you. At this point, killing a dark blue mon­ster would be a mat­ter of
con­trol­ling the fate of the coun­try. Not to men­tion, do you think you could

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

end up just us­ing a few nu­clear war­heads and killing a pur­ple-grade mon­‐
ster, more eas­ily than the dark blue-grade?"

Jang's words were out­spo­ken. He spoke Rus­sian more flu­ently than the
Rus­sians. Of course, it was not be­cause his lin­guis­tic abil­ity in­creased
sharply be­cause he talked with na­tive speak­ers for sev­eral min­utes. It was
be­cause he had ex­pected this sit­u­at­ion, and spoke out the words pre­pared
for this sit­u­at­ion.

It was not just words that Jang spit out on his own, but words that con­tained
the will of the man watch­ing this con­ver­sa­tion be­hind him.

So, as soon as Jang Sung-hoon spoke, Vladimir's eyes were head­ing to­ward
Kim Tae-hoon. Vladimir's eyes, look­ing at Kim, were the fiercest eyes, like
a com­man­der on the brink of war. They were ap­pro­pri­ate.

"Our coun­try has never been ruled by an­other coun­try." They had lost wars
a few times in the long his­tory of Rus­sia, but they were only once un­der

"Come on, you were ruled by the Mon­gol Em­pire." It was in the mid-thir­‐
teenth cen­tury, the Mon­go­lian era that had brought night­mares to Eu­rope at
that time.

But now in the 21st cen­tury, would Rus­sia be­come a vas­sal power of the
Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea?

A great coun­try with a long his­tory, with the most land in the world, would
be hu­mil­i­ated to serve un­der a small coun­try on the Ko­rean Penin­sula, a
coun­try that was only a lit­tle larger than Lake Baikal?

It was the most in­sult­ing provo­ca­tion ever re­ceived by Vladimir. So, his
eyes were fe­ro­cious.

"Oh, well... I think, Goryeo, Ko­rean Dy­nasty was in a sim­i­lar sit­u­at­ion. I'm
just say­ing." Now, even Jang could not af­ford to re­lax in front of those eyes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 134 - New Year, Part Iii ⦘

"Boss, can you change seats? I'm dizzy." Of course, Jang's role only went so
far. His role was to make Vladimir look like a tiger at the edge of a cliff. In
other words, the time when Kim stepped for­ward had come.

"This is the first time see­ing you in per­son, Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir." He
had been silent un­til now, and af­ter he had stood up, he walked to­ward the
ta­ble. He made eye con­tact with Vladimir, "So, are you go­ing to war with

At the ap­pear­ance of the word 'war', the eyes of Vladimir, which were
fiercer than ever, were trem­bling. Kim Tae-hoon's pres­ence was that strong.
In or­der to pro­tect his coun­try, he was ready to be­come a torch for war, even
by burn­ing his body. Most of all, he re­al­ized at this mo­ment that he was
truly afraid of Kim Tae-hoon. His sit­u­at­ion at the edge of the cliff made him
re­al­ize it.

"... show me your abil­i­ties in front of me." In the end, Vladimir made a
com­pro­mise. In­stead of low­er­ing his head right away, he made the most
rea­son­able choice he could make in this sit­u­at­ion.

Kim Tae-hoon stepped down from the ta­ble, and Jang Sung-hoon con­tin­ued
his speech with a short cough. "What do you want us to kill?"

The door opened with a knock and a man ap­peared. "I'm sorry." The man,
whose face was red as he held his breath, care­fully ap­proached Vladimir
and spoke in a low voice. "We've re­ceived an emer­gency call from the Tiger
Unit wait­ing at Lake Baikal."

The re­mark changed the ex­pres­sion of Vladimir. It was ev­i­dence of sup­‐

press­ing forcibly a ris­ing sense of sur­prise, em­bar­rass­ment, and cri­sis.

And for both Kim and Jang, there was ev­i­dence that the game had fi­nally
shown a big gap. Of course, the two did not in­tend to miss this chance.

"We'll start the pro­mo­tion. I'll take one de­stroyer in Vladi­vos­tok, and take
care of it."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 135 - Light­ning Spear,

Part I
Chap­ter 48. Light­ning Spear, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The rea­son why Zom­bies are scary can be seen in count­less movies and dra­‐
mas based on Zom­bies. There is no way to win against an im­mor­tal army
that can not be killed by bul­lets, all they can do is run away. Be­cause of
this, in the war against Zom­bies, the cli­max is the mo­ment when the place
to run away to is no longer there.

The am­mu­ni­tion from re­peated es­capes and re­sis­tance runs out, and in the
end, a sit­u­at­ion arises where they can not flee, they can only make a fort to
earn a few hours against the Zom­bies. As soon as they make the fort, the
Zom­bies start to at­tack the fort. It is rather hope­ful that the end is in­vis­i­ble.

The re­sults are al­ways the same. A lucky man es­capes, and the ones who
can­not es­cape are just vic­tims of hunger that is never filled.


Eu­eoeoeo... The land­scape of Biro­bidzhan was like that now. The small but
beau­ti­ful city, with a pop­u­la­tion of sev­enty-five thou­sand and a trans-
Siberian train pass­ing through, had no sur­vivors, but was in­stead a sea of
Zom­bies, with thou­sands of Zom­bie mon­sters re­main­ing there.

Eu­eoeoeo... What was even more creepy was that the over­flow­ing Zom­bies
and Zom­bie mon­sters did not show any move­ment. It was clear ev­i­dence

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

that there was noth­ing for the Zom­bies to be in­ter­ested in, and that the smell
of the liv­ing could not be found any­where in the city of Biro­bidzhan.

Peep! Peep! In that sit­u­at­ion, a skinny mouse ap­peared. It seemed to be out

to eat any­thing since it could not bear hunger any­more. Of course, the
hunger dis­ap­peared as soon as it checked the Zom­bie mon­sters that were
scat­tered ev­ery­where, and the mouse's run for sur­vival be­gan.

Woowoo! All the Zom­bies re­acted and moved in pur­suit. There was no co­‐
op­er­at­ion among the Zom­bie mon­sters who had only one will: Kill what­‐
ever lives" They moved only for their own pur­poses, and in the process,
they hit each other and fell, or were wounded.

Thump! In a cor­ner of the al­ley, a large Zom­bie Orc fell, and the Zom­bie
Gob­lins that fol­lowed were tan­gled up with it. Nev­er­the­less, there was no
stop­ping. The fallen ones tried to move even if they crawled, and those who
could not crawl even screamed. In many ways, a sight that could not be
seen in the hu­man world, but it was sim­ply a scene of hell.

Thump! A dot fell down from the sky.

Peep! Peep! The pan­icked mouse ran to­ward what­ever fallen. It was not an
at­tack. It was like reach­ing out for a rope that came down from the sky at
the worst mo­ment. The mouse in­stinc­tively re­al­ized where the chance to
sur­vive was at this mo­ment.

The sur­vival in­stinct of the mouse was cor­rect.

Kerblam! As soon as the rac­ing mouse reached the man's feet, the ring
around the man's body ex­ploded with thun­der. The ex­plo­sion blew away the
crowded Zom­bie mon­sters, ruth­lessly and harshly, and it crushed them.

Eu­eoeoeo... From the mouths of the Zom­bies, the eerie sounds be­gan to
come out.

The man took in a deep breath at the scene. Take a deep breath? It did not
look like that. The swollen man's chest was too big, and the man's face was
still, de­ci­sive. The man who took a deep breath to soothe his mind and soul,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

from ten­sion and ner­vous­ness, was mak­ing an ex­pres­sion that was in­ap­pro­‐

Fu­fu­fufu! The man threw up his chest and a huge flame be­gan to blow. In a
mo­ment, the flames started to seethe all over the place.

Eu­eoeoeo... In the flames, the Zom­bies be­gan to cry out loud. The fire, of
course, did not stop them; the Zom­bies be­gan to rush to­ward the man, re­‐
gard­less of whether they were burn­ing or melt­ing. The rush of Zom­bie
mon­sters, which had be­come fire­balls, seemed fiercer. The great sea of fire
seemed to be pushed to­ward the man who had ap­peared in the Biro­bidzhan.

In that hellish sight, the man was mak­ing some­thing. A ter­ri­ble mass of
head-sized thorn ice was formed on his bare right hand, and a Golden Web
from the man's left hand was lined with a mass of ice thorns.

Whoo-woong! Whoo-woong! The ice flail that was made be­gan to ro­tate
around the man with a grue­some sound.

Poo-what! The ice flail shat­tered the body of the Zom­bie mon­ster run­ning
in a very funny way. The bod­ies of the Zom­bie mon­sters with red eyes, as
well as the Zom­bie mon­sters with or­ange eyes, were just crumbs in front of
the ice mace wielded by the man. Even mon­sters with yel­low eyes earned
fa­tal wounds if they did not prop­erly re­ceive the ice flail.

That was how the movie started. The movie was called "Zom­bie Mas­sacre",
star­ring the main ac­tor Kim Tae-hoon.


"Maybe if you make a movie out of what the boss has done, there'll be a
demon­stra­tion out­side the the­ater where the movie is be­ing screened."

"Was it too cruel?"

"No, the Zom­bies were pa­thetic."

Jang Sung-hoon, who was look­ing at the flesh of thou­sands of Zom­bie

mon­ster bod­ies that were hard to call a corpse now, clicked his tongue. "I

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

al­ways feel it, but you're amaz­ing."

Zom­bie mon­sters formed night­mares. The only weak­ness that the mon­ster
had was its heart, but it had dis­ap­peared.

But the night­mare was just a joke in front of Kim Tae-hoon.

"There's noth­ing great about it, but it's more dif­fi­cult for an or­di­nary mon­‐
ster to deal with."


"Mon­sters in­stinc­tively seek op­por­tu­ni­ties to live un­der any cir­cum­stances,

so no one knows what liv­ing mon­sters will do, but mon­sters that be­come
Zom­bies just move the same. They just move to kill what is alive, with no
in­stinct for sur­vival." The black Eyes of Kim Tae-hoon were look­ing
around thor­oughly as he spoke.

Jang Sung-hoon care­fully asked him, as if he felt a sense of it. "Don't you
think it's hard to deal with Zom­bie mon­sters?"

"It won't be easy."

"It's not easy, but is there a rea­son for the re­sponse man­ual to be com­pli­‐

Kim Tae-hoon did not an­swer. Even if he did not an­swer ob­sti­nately, Jang
Sung-hoon would be able to reach the an­swer that Kim Tae-hoon had given.
It was true.

'Rus­sia sur­vived in the Mon­ster Age, and from Mos­cow to Vladi­vos­tok,

how­ever, they have en­dured, at any rate.'

In Jang's view, Rus­sia was not a pow­er­less coun­try.

Could a pow­er­less coun­try have crossed over 9,000 kilo­me­ters in Siberia,

send­ing trains from Mos­cow to Vladi­vos­tok, or us­ing other means than
trains, in a world full of mon­sters?

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

'And there are more ex­pe­ri­ences and pro­ce­dures for war with Zom­bie mon­‐
sters than any other coun­try.'

Rus­sia fought against the un­dead mon­sters left by Cher­nobog, the Im­mor­tal
Wolf. The re­sponse man­ual for Zom­bie mon­sters would be con­sid­ered to be
bet­ter than any other coun­try in the world, even Ko­rea. But such Rus­sian
elites were still beaten by Zom­bie mon­sters. Of course, the mon­sters could
still be beaten.

'It feels so easy to get beaten.'

But they shouldn't be beaten so eas­ily. The strength of Rus­sia and the year
they had en­dured did not al­low it. There was a vari­able. In other words, if it
was eas­ily beaten, it meant that there was some­thing un­ex­pected in the

'The Six Snakes would have done the trick.'

Jang Sung-hoon was able to guess what the main fac­tor of the vari­able was.
There was only one thing left: phys­i­cal proof. Here, it was nec­es­sary to find
out the cause of death through the bod­ies of the Rus­sian army guard­ing the
Biro­bidzhan: whether it was a mon­ster or some­thing that killed them. That
was what Kim Tae-hoon was look­ing for.

Peep! Peep! The squeak of a mouse softly filled the silent Biro­bidzhan.

Peep! Peep! Jang Sung-hoon, who was suf­fer­ing from the re­peated sound,
made a sullen look.

"Boss, I think we have a mouse. Do you want me to catch it?"

At the words of Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon raised his hand in­stead of
an­swer­ing. Jang Sung-hoon was silent.

Peep! Peep! The squeak of the mouse sounded more clearly, and the squeak
be­gan to hover at some point.

Kim Tae-hoon moved to the place where the sound was com­ing from.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

What was wait­ing for Kim Tae-hoon was a body that was al­ready torn apart
by mon­sters. The flesh was al­ready ripped out, only the skele­ton re­mained.
There­fore, Jang Sung-hoon, as well as Kim Tae-hoon, was able to clearly
un­der­stand the cause of death. They had seen so many dif­fer­ent kinds of
bod­ies, con­sid­er­ing what the hole in the head of the body was like, be it by
the mon­ster's teeth or bul­lets.

"Boss, how did you know the mouse would find the Rus­sian corpse?"

"It is not go­ing to eat a Zom­bie mon­ster's flesh."

Of course, the mo­ment they saw the ev­i­dence, they ac­cepted the hy­poth­es­ is
in their minds as fact now.

"Well, I'm sure about this. It wasn't a Zom­bie, but a per­son who at­tacked the
Rus­sians in the Biro­bidzhan: the Six Snakes, or some­one else."

In Biro­bidzhan, a man had killed a man here.

There was only one thing left... why.

"It's a trap."

"A trap?"

Kim Tae-hoon knew the rea­son well. "The res­cue re­quest was a lie, a lie to
lure Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir's forces to Lake Baikal."

"Did the lie work?"

"What makes a sol­dier move in the most ter­ri­ble bat­tle­fields is not a sense
of duty or loy­alty to his coun­try."

Kim Tae-hoon had ex­pe­ri­enced it many times.

"It's com­rade­ship."

Ten sol­diers risked their lives to save one col­league. That is war. The sol­‐
diers at the front line don't know what com­man­ders think, and they don't

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

want to know. They don't care whether com­man­ders or peo­ple in power are
talk­ing about world peace.

They just don't want to leave a col­league next to them, a col­league who has
crossed the places of death to­gether, and they don't want to run away from
the bat­tle­field alone. The more des­per­ate war be­came, the more such things

It was a war against mon­sters. When a mon­ster be­comes an en­emy, com­‐

rade­ship will soon be love for mankind.

Kim Tae-hoon was con­vinced. Among the cities near Lake Baikal, in Ulan-
Ude, where the Tiger troops were made up of only the elites among the
Awak­en­ers were sta­tioned, some guys might be wait­ing to kill the troops of
Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir.

'This trap is not small.'

And they would not be cast-offs. They would be able men with the abil­ity
to use mon­sters to play games in the era of mon­sters.

'They are able men who can han­dle leg­endary relics and who can kill a
blue-grade mon­ster at their dis­cre­tion.'

"But boss, if this was done by the Six Snakes, why are they at­tack­ing Rus­‐
sia? Isn't Rus­sia the ob­ject of their con­cil­i­at­ion? Do they need to make Rus­‐
sia an en­emy?" Jang Sung-hoon asked a new ques­tion.

Kim Tae-hoon gave the an­swer that he had al­ready given with­out wor­ry­ing
about the ques­tion. "Only hu­mans who have some short­age will sit at the
ne­go­ti­at­ing ta­ble."


"If they cut off Rus­sia's hands and feet, the men of power in Mos­cow will
visit the Six Snakes again."

"... crazy peo­ple." Jang Sung-hoon, who spoke out the words, was sur­prised
and looked at Kim Tae-hoon. "Boss, no way!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

At the sur­prised ex­pres­sion of Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon had a calm


"No, wait! You're go­ing alone, aren't you?"

Kim Tae-hoon still looked cool.

"You said it was a trap, and are you go­ing to at­tack there alone?" Jang's
voice grew louder. "No, what are you go­ing to do?"

When Jang Sung-hoon's voice grew so loud that it could no longer grow,
Kim Tae-hoon replied, "If I cut off the limbs of the Six Snakes, they'll be



It was the cap­i­tal of the Re­pub­lic of Bury­at­ia, a large Rus­sian fed­eral city,
with a pop­u­la­tion of three hun­dred thou­sand.

It was a trade cen­ter cross­ing the Trans-Siberian Rail­way Net­work, and the
Trans-Mon­go­lian Rail­way con­nect­ing Mon­go­lia and China, a place where
fa­cil­i­ties and re­sources were built to oc­cupy an axis of the Rus­sian avi­at­ion

But there was only one im­age in most peo­ple's minds about Ulan-Ude: a
city with a huge lake called Lake Baikal! It was in­evitable. In front of the
old­est and deep­est lake in the world, any­thing else would be just a lit­tle
thing. The win­ter of Lake Baikal was mag­nif­i­cent. The frozen Lake Baikal
boasted a very clear and beau­ti­ful color, like crys­tal.

A man was fish­ing on the frozen Lake Baikal. He was a strange man in
many ways. Once the man had worn ar­mor that was worth see­ing in an­cient
China. On the other hand, what he had in his hand was a tool called a Va­jra,
used in an­cient In­dia. Fi­nally, the man was a white man with long blond

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 135 - Lightning Spear, Part I ⦘

The white man in the blond hair wear­ing the an­cient Chi­nese ar­mor and the
an­cient In­dian weapon... there was no word for unity any­where in the man.
But the most un­usual and bizarre thing was the man's fish­ing method. The
man who made holes in the frozen Lake Baikal did not put a fish­ing rod in
the hole.

Whack! He just kept dig­ging holes. In ad­di­tion, the man was not just dig­‐
ging holes, but mak­ing a square shape with holes, like a dot­ted line of
stamps. Then, when the holes made a square shape, the Va­jra in his hand
be­gan to vomit light­ning.

Pazik, Pazik! The sud­den ap­pear­ance of the golden light­ning turned into a
throw­ing spear. The man put the changed light­ning into the hole he had
made. Then, with a huge burst of thun­der, the cracks spread across Lake
Baikal, which had been frozen hard.

But the cracks did not spread across the whole of Lake Baikal, be­cause the
man had blocked the cracks from spread­ing. In­side the square fence, the
stunned and elec­tro­cuted fish be­gan to float up, one by one. The man smiled
slightly at the sight.

"Mr. Sergei." A woman came up to him from a dis­tance.

"The forces of Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir have passed through Biro­bidzhan."

"They are mov­ing faster than I thought."

"They seem to be mov­ing with the best power avail­able."

"I'm sure they are. With­out the Tiger Unit, Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir and his
forces in Khabarovsk would be dead." With those words, he made a huge
smile, look­ing east for a while. "I hope this will be a big­ger fish than I

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 136 - Light­ning Spear,

Part Ii
Chap­ter 136: Episode 136 -- Light­ning Spear, Part II

Chap­ter 48. Light­ning Spear, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED

Mos­cow, the Krem­lin...

The flower, the heart of the Red Square was al­ways the stage for the
supreme pow­ers of Rus­sia.

"Con­tact with those on duty has been sus­pended! What the hell is go­ing


This fact, even in the era that the mon­sters ap­peared, did not change.


Those with stars over their shoul­ders and with heavy medals above their
chests, filled the ta­bles of the most lux­u­ri­ous large ban­quet halls in the Mos­‐
cow Krem­lin. It was like look­ing at the starry night sky.

"We're work­ing on it now."

"How can you say such words, 'We're work­ing on it now'?"

How­ever, the at­mos­phere was so gloomy that the glit­ter­ing of the stars and
medals were put in the shade. Ev­ery­one in the room looked stiff.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

"We must some­how re­cover the nu­clear war­heads as soon as pos­si­ble, be­‐
fore the win­ter is over, and start the op­er­at­ion!"

"Who doesn't know that? The prob­lem is that the peo­ple who are in the
process of re­cov­er­ing the war­heads are lost."

"Then we need to dis­patch res­cue teams or search teams to fig­ure out what's
go­ing on!"

"We've put all the elites in the process of se­cur­ing the war­heads, and do you
want me to send some or­di­nary sol­diers where they went miss­ing?"

On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, mon­sters ap­peared. It was the be­gin­ning of de­spair,

and Rus­sia, which had the largest ter­ri­tory, be­came the coun­try with the
most land dev­as­tated by mon­sters. The days had been ter­ri­ble. It was only
be­cause of hope that Rus­sia could last for a year in those days.

"So, are we go­ing to end this op­er­at­ion, as it failed? Are we go­ing to re­open
it next year?"

The hope was that the mo­ment they could cover the mon­sters and Zom­bies
with the cold of Siberia, if they used the So­viet Union's her­itages through­‐
out Rus­sia, they could re­verse the war against mon­sters! Fur­ther­more, it
was also Eu­rope's hope!

Be­sides Rus­sia, there were many coun­tries with nu­clear weapons, in­clud­ing
France and Britain in Eu­rope. But the num­ber of nu­clear weapons pos­‐
sessed by France and Britain was about four hun­dred. On the other hand,
Rus­sia's nu­clear weapons ex­ceed fif­teen hun­dred in ac­tual de­ploy­ment, and
the num­ber of weapons they pos­sessed was over five thou­sand.

The fact that Rus­sia was the coun­try with the largest num­ber of nu­clear
weapons and ar­mored power in the world was not a sim­ple ex­pres­sion. Of
course, if all that was blown up, mankind would be de­stroyed, not mon­sters,
but it was clear that nu­clear weapons seemed to be a so­lu­tion to the present

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

Cru­cially, Rus­sia had the largest ter­ri­tory in the world, and a mon­ster named
Cher­novog: a pur­ple-grade mon­ster, the peak of mon­sters. Rus­sia was at the
surest ex­per­i­men­tal stage. It was an ex­per­i­men­tal stage to de­ter­mine
whether or not they could kill a mon­ster of the pur­ple grade with nu­clear

From that point of view, it was no ex­ag­ger­at­ion to say that us­ing nu­clear
weapons to kill Cher­nobog was very im­por­tant not only to Rus­sia but also
to mankind. Even if the re­sults were not good, the at­tempt should not fail.

There­fore, some­one said, "Why don't we ask Mao Spencer for help?"

The stars were quiet as the name Mao Spencer was men­tioned. No one
asked who said the name, be­cause if some­one had no con­tact with Mao
Spencer, he would not have been able to sit here now.

"That's dan­ger­ous talk."

"He'll ask for some non­sense."

That was why the mo­ment the Six Snakes had lost their main­land, the Rus­‐
sians in power had coldly cut off their re­la­tion­ship with Mao. The Rus­sians
in power owed too much to the Six Snakes to con­tinue their re­la­tion­ship
with them.

But again, would they bor­row the power of the Six Snakes?

It would not be dif­fer­ent from the sound of kick­ing the debtor out of the
house and call­ing him again and bor­row­ing more money.

Of course, no one said that that idea was good.

"Why don't we ask the Vat­i­can for backup?" All they could say was the next
best op­tion.

"It's not go­ing to be good for the Vat­i­can to have our Rus­sia fail like this."

The next best op­tion that came out was the Vat­i­can. The Vat­i­can, the city it­‐
self, was his­tory and a relic, and it was the only place in the mon­ster era

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

that had kept its in­tegrity with­out any dam­age. Of course, af­ter the emer­‐
gence of mon­sters, the lead­ers of each coun­try, Eu­ro­peans in power, and
Awak­en­ers were all gath­ered in the Vat­i­can.

Ask­ing for help there meant ask­ing for help from Eu­rope.

"They won't be able to help us for free."

"But it's bet­ter than screw­ing up this op­er­at­ion. Af­ter this win­ter, there's no
an­swer. How do we wait un­til next win­ter?"

"I think it would be good to talk with them."

Of course, there was no def­i­nite an­swer here. It was be­yond ev­ery­one's ex­‐
pec­ta­tions to have such a meet­ing in the first place. There were only two
things that were clear at this mo­ment.

'That's crazy.'

'Why are things so messed up?'

First, those who were here were in a po­si­tion that they needed some­thing.

"Mr. Mao, the Rus­sian gen­er­als meet­ing is over. There was noth­ing spe­cial
in it. They'll send some­one from Rus­sia to the Vat­i­can sooner or later."

"What's the sit­u­at­ion of Sergei?"

"He is wait­ing near Lake Baikal."

"Lake Baikal?"

"He sent a false res­cue re­quest there, and af­ter he de­stroys the Far East
Branch, he will re­turn."

"That's his method, lov­ing fish­ing."

The Six Snakes were wait­ing for a gap be­tween the lead­ers of Rus­sia, who
were in need of some­thing, and they would not be still.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

"And there is new news. The twins have se­cured a nu­clear war­head. They
stand by with the Ter­ra­cotta War­riors. We can blow it any­time you want."

"That's great."

So, the more se­vere win­ter in Eu­rope be­gan.

Ulan-Ude, once hous­ing over three hun­dred thou­sand peo­ple, had now be­‐
come a land where only Zom­bie mon­sters re­mained. A man had ap­peared
there. The foot­steps of the man in Rus­sian mil­i­tary uni­form were cau­tious.

Eu­eoeoeo... It was to avoid Zom­bie mon­sters that were spread like liv­ing
alarms all over the place. He even ex­haled care­fully, the white breath cov­‐
ered by a mask over his mouth.

The man ar­rived at Ulan-Ude Sta­tion, a part of the Trans-Siberian Rail­way

Net­work. All the win­dows were bro­ken, and the door was bro­ken, and
Ulan-Ude sta­tion re­minded him of a ghost house. It was a place he would
not en­ter nor­mally en­ter sober.

But the man in the uni­form took a deep breath and went through the win­‐
dow into Ulan-Ude Sta­tion. The man who en­tered the sta­tion low­ered his
mask and be­gan to make a sound with pursed lips.

Whiii, Whiii... The whis­tle with a strange rhythm be­gan to flow through the
quiet sta­tion of Ulan-Ude.

Whick! Whick! Not far away, a small whis­tle sounded, and the man, who
was low­er­ing his pos­ture and ner­vous, re­laxed and im­me­di­ately stood up
and be­gan to walk for­wards. When the man reached the spot the whis­tle had
come from, a man with a blond hair in an­cient Chi­nese ar­mor was stand­ing
there. The mo­ment the man in the Rus­sian army uni­form saw him, he
stopped im­me­di­ately.

The blond guy, on the other hand, smiled. "I hoped I could catch a big fish
at once, but it's not easy, ei­ther. But I'm glad I got a bite."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

At the words of Sergei, the man with blond hair, the man in the Rus­sian
army uni­form did not an­swer. In­stead, he glanced around quickly.

"I'm sorry, but your col­league is dead. No, I killed him." Sergei de­liv­ered
the ter­ri­ble news to the man.

The man who was glanc­ing around looked straight at Sergei.

Sergei whis­tled briefly at his eyes. "Your eyes are burn­ing. Judg­ing from
the fact that you are here alone, you're com­pe­tent enough. The mark on
your uni­form says you be­long to the di­rect com­mand unit of Ma­jor Gen­eral
Vladimir, and he has raised you well."

At that mo­ment, the man wear­ing the Rus­sian army uni­form im­me­di­ately
held the AK-47 ri­fle and pointed it at Sergei.

Tu­tutu! There was a flash of gun­fire. But Sergei did not avoid the shots.

Tingt­ing! The three shots that flew to­ward Sergei's chest were crushed, not
even scratch­ing his ar­mor. As soon as Sergei raised his arm to cover his
face, he was in fact in a sit­u­at­ion where bul­lets did not work.

Sergei rushed straight for­ward. It was an ex­plo­sion, more than a rush.

Boom! With a sin­gle foot stamp­ing down, Sergei's body flew for­ward like a
can­non shell.

Swish! At the same time, the Va­jra in Sergei's hand cut the air. It was a very
nip and tuck move­ment. If the man in the mil­i­tary uni­form hadn't sud­denly
low­ered his po­si­tion, Sergei would have cut the man in at once.

'He is bet­ter than ex­pected.' Sergei was briefly im­pressed with the fact,
rather than em­bar­rassed. At the same time, he un­der­stood. 'Well, un­less Ma­‐
jor Gen­eral Vladimir is a fool, he can't send a mere rab­ble as the search
party where the Tiger Unit has re­quested a res­cue.'

It was not very strange for the man in front of him to avoid his at­tack. Of
course, he was for sure that the mem­ber of the search party would never be
able to avoid his sec­ond at­tack.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

'Luck only hap­pens once. I will kill him right away.'

Sergei had no in­ten­tion of keep­ing the searcher alive. If the searcher re­‐
turned alive to the main camp, the big fish who Sergei wanted would not
bite the hook of his fish­ing rod. He shouldn't even give him a chance to
scream. So, Sergei had no in­tent to hide his abil­ity. Be­fore he could com­‐
plete his jump and land on the floor, he pulled out all his skills at once with
full force.

Pazik! Va­jra, Vasavi Shakti in his hand spewed out light­ning and now had
the shape of an elon­gated spear. It was not just a spear, but a javelin. As
soon as it left its owner's hand, the spear, like a flash that could pen­et­rate
any tar­get the owner was aim­ing for, was the deadly spear of Karna, an an­‐
cient In­dian myth hero, ob­tained from In­dra, a god of light­ning, in ex­change
for his golden ar­mor.

Sergei, af­ter form­ing the spear, landed on the floor and now looked for his
tar­get to die un­der this deadly weapon. He turned around, with the pose of a
javelin thrower. He found the tar­get look­ing at him with black eyes, in­stead
of run­ning away.

Swish! At the same time, a sword that had flown out from some­where cut
off Sergei's right wrist.

Thud! His right hand, and the Vasavi Shakti that his hand was hold­ing, fell
to the floor with a clat­ter.

'Ah.' Only then did Sergei's face be­gin to stiffen, feel­ing that some­thing was
go­ing wrong.

"Who are you...?" Sergei man­aged to open his mouth through his stiff face.
It was the be­gin­ning of a night­mare.

"Kim Tae-hoon."

He, who lost his right hand and his most pow­er­ful weapon, had to deal with
a mon­ster from Ko­rea.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘


Kim Tae-hoon's eyes be­gan to split, like those of a dragon.

==[Vasavi Shakti]

Relic Grade: Grade 1

Relic Value: Leg­end
Relic Ef­fect: It is a spear which the hero Karna re­ceived from In­dra, a
god of light­ning. A pow­er­ful light­ning spear that can pen­et­rate any­‐

Vladimir, who con­firmed the con­tents of the smart­phone, looked up at the

man in front of him.

Jang Sung-hoon, who had al­ready an­noyed Vladimir, was fac­ing him across
only one ta­ble. But it was quite dif­fer­ent from be­fore. Un­like that time,
when it was full of play­ful and fun at­tempts to pro­voke his op­po­nent any­‐
way, Jang was more se­ri­ous than ever.

"There's no bet­ter ev­i­dence we can show you." Jang had to be se­ri­ous be­‐
cause he claimed that the Six Snakes and their head Mao had at­tacked Rus­‐

"But I need to hear the an­swer here." And now, Jang was ask­ing Vladimir
for a choice. "Will you hold hands with us?"

At that ques­tion, Vladimir gave a long sigh that he should re­lease at the ne­‐
go­ti­at­ing ta­ble. But he did not re­gret the sigh he had spo­ken.

'There is only one choice.' He was think­ing this was a threat ta­ble, not a ne­‐
go­ti­at­ion ta­ble. It was not wrong.

Kim Tae-hoon showed his abil­ity per­fectly. He an­ni­hi­lated the Tiger Unit
alone, and he shat­tered Sergei and his forces, who had set a trap. At the
same time, he showed that there was an en­emy who threat­ened and had at­‐
tacked Rus­sia.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 136 - Lightning Spear, Part Ii ⦘

In this sit­u­at­ion where the en­emy of the un­heard-of was in front, and an
over­whelm­ingly vi­o­lent per­son had reached out his hand, there was no such
thing as choices for Vladimir.

"What do you want from us?" All he could do was hold that hand.

At the ques­tion of Vladimir, Jang said, "Ev­ery­thing."

"... then what do we have to do?" Vladimir spat out the next ques­tion.

To the ques­tion, Jang replied, mak­ing his play­ful and fun face. "Can you
give us a false iden­tity?"

"A false iden­tity? What is that..."

"We need a false iden­tity, just like Tom Cruise, who was able to en­ter the
Mos­cow Krem­lin with a false iden­tity in Mis­sion Im­pos­si­ble 4."

The play­ful look on his face re­minded Vladimir. 'What hap­pened to the
Mos­cow Krem­lin in Mis­sion Im­pos­si­ble 4?' At the same time, the ex­pres­‐
sion on his face hard­ened. He re­mem­bered the scene where the Mos­cow
Krem­lin and Red Square were shat­tered by an ex­plo­sion in Mis­sion Im­pos­‐
si­ble 4.

Jang grinned at the ex­pres­sion of Vladimir. "That movie was fun, wasn't

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 137 - Light­ning Spear,

Part Iii
Chap­ter 137: Episode 137 -- Light­ning Spear, Part III

Chap­ter 48. Light­ning Spear, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED

In mid-Jan­u­ary, Lake Baikal, which was again bathed in se­vere cold, was as
beau­ti­ful as the sur­face of a planet made of crys­tal.

Look­ing at the beau­ti­ful back­ground, drink­ing a cup of cof­fee that had just
been made, with the night view of Lake Baikal where the stars were shin­‐
ing, was so ro­man­tic!



How won­der­ful this was!

"For this taste, the Boss is drink­ing cof­fee."

Jang Sung-hoon, who could feel the smell of cof­fee en­graved deeply on the
breath he was ex­hal­ing through a nose as red as a straw­berry in the cold of
the frozen Lake Baikal, seemed to un­der­stand a lit­tle why Kim Tae-hoon
was so crazy about cof­fee.

A man started walk­ing on Lake Baikal to­ward Jang Sung Hoon. The man
who ap­peared sat down on a fish­er­man's pa­tio chair that Jang had pre­pared
in ad­vance. That alone could tell the iden­tity of the man.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

"Boss, did you fin­ish your work well?"

The face of Kim was not so bright be­cause of his calm ex­pres­sion.

"Not yet."

"He must have a heavy mouth."

Jang did not urge Kim. "Would you like a cup of cof­fee?" It was Jang's
frank feel­ing that he wanted to stop Kim for a while, who had been run­ning
with­out stop­ping, some­how.


"What? Does the Boss refuse cof­fee?"

"Your cof­fee doesn't taste good."

Whether he knew the in­ten­tion of Jang or not, Kim re­jected Jang's con­sid­er­‐
a­tion and pre­pared his cof­fee us­ing the tools Jang had pre­pared to make cof­‐
fee, which was ex­actly Kim's.

"No, I used the same beans and the same tool, it would be the same. How
can it be dif­fer­ent...?" Jang com­plained at Kim's words.

"Dif­fer­ent." Kim cut off the com­plaints of Jang coldly. Jang shook his head.

While Kim was mak­ing cof­fee, Jang threw out, "So, what does he say?"

'He' was Sergei, who had been cap­tured by Kim. Of course, Kim did not kill
Sergei. Sergei had a lot of in­for­ma­tion to tell them, as long as he was surely
one of the Six Snakes and Mao's clos­est aide. He could also be a tool of in­‐
tim­i­da­tion and a sub­ject of ne­go­ti­at­ion. Lastly, if he killed Sergei, Mao
would be likely to find out im­me­di­ately.

There was no need to have a broad prospect. Japan had con­firmed the life
and death of the nin­jas us­ing Shikigami, and if a relic and an Awak­ener that
made it pos­si­ble were next to Mao, he could grasp the life and death of his
aides no mat­ter how far away they were.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

Even if not, it was the Six Snakes, with more mys­te­ri­ous relics than any­one
else, in­clud­ing Okjo. It was not nec­es­sary to kill Sergei and give Mao a sig­‐
nal; it was a sig­nal that Kim Tae-hoon was car­ry­ing a sword to kill Mao

"He said about be­lief."

It was not easy, of course, to get in­for­ma­tion from Sergei. He did not give
any ma­jor in­for­ma­tion in front of Kim's tor­ture.


In­stead, Sergei only told Kim why he fol­lowed Mao and acted as a mem­ber
of the Six Snakes.

"Isn't their be­lief to be­come kings in a world that has been ru­ined by mon­‐

"That's a pur­pose, not a be­lief."

"This and that, that's all bad any­way."

"If it had not been for the Six Snakes, some­one else would have done it, and
it is what any­one would do. In fact, all who have sur­vived now are new
lead­ers who have new power in an era where the ex­ist­ing or­der has been
col­lapsed by mon­sters."

"That doesn't mean that a bas­tard is not a bas­tard, right?"

"That's right."


"So it doesn't re­ally mat­ter if such peo­ple die. As you say, man is a god-
damned race."

Then Jang was able to know the in­ten­tion of Kim, and the be­lief of the Six
Snake mem­bers, in­clud­ing Sergei.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

"Since a hu­man is a god-damned race, it doesn't mat­ter if they die?

Wouldn't they rather be the or­der of a new era, and lead the world?"

In­stead of an­swer­ing, Kim took a half-full mug, brought it to his mouth, and

"The bad guys be­came the en­em ­ ies. Since they're the bad guys that much,
they have ha­rassed you. If they were noth­ing, the boss would have killed
them. Now I am cu­ri­ous to know how much more they are go­ing to do."

Tak­ing ad­van­tage of Kim's si­lence that started like that, Jang laid out his
com­plaints with­out hes­i­ta­tion. But Kim did not hear the com­plaints. In­‐
stead, what Sergei had said hov­ered in his ear for a mo­ment: Let's check out
whether the night sky be­fore the mon­sters ap­peared was beau­ti­ful, or the
night sky af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared was beau­ti­ful.

Kim, who re­mem­bered the words, looked up at the sky.

Jang, who looked up af­ter Kim, looked at the night sky and said, "The night
sky is so cool."

Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir made a de­ci­sion to leave his des­tiny to Kim Tae-
hoon. As soon as the de­ci­sion was made, he no longer hid his cards. He fi­‐
nally pulled out the card of Avia Za­vod.

"The big­gest rea­son the Tiger Unit is lo­cated in Ulan-Ude is be­cause of the
Avia Za­vod."

Avia Za­vod was not a very spe­cial name. It was just a fac­tory name. The
spe­cial thing was the fac­tory's pro­duc­tion.

"I had to pro­tect the Avia Za­vod fac­tory that pro­duces the Mi and Su fight­‐
ers in Rus­sia."

The air­craft was pro­duced by a fac­tory named Avia Za­vod. Of course, since
the ad­vent of mon­sters, wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, in­clud­ing radar, was not
pos­si­ble. It meant that it was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to op­er­ate a fighter or an
air­craft, which was a high-tech prod­uct.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

There­fore, Jang was sur­prised and asked, "Didn't Rus­sia have radar or wire­‐
less com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy?"

"We're work­ing on it, but we haven't got radar or the right wire­less com­mu­‐
ni­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy yet." Maria shook her head at the ques­tion.

"Then how are you go­ing to op­er­ate the air­craft?"

"Rather, the op­po­site."

"The op­po­site?"

"The Wright broth­ers didn't build a plane with wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion

tech­nol­ogy and radar, did they?"

At that mo­ment, Jang and Kim's ex­pres­sions were firm.

Maria stepped up and con­tin­ued to talk. "At first, Rus­sia was in a panic be­‐
cause the lat­est Rus­sian fighter jets and air­crafts be­came use­less. The pi­lots
were con­cerned right away. No one calmly said that they would take off and
land in a sit­u­at­ion where they couldn't com­mu­ni­cate with the con­trol

It was Kim Tae-hoon who re­ceived her words. "The rapid de­vel­op­ment of
fighter air­craft was around World War I, but radar was used in World War
II." Speak­ing out the words, Kim's face was not good. It was ev­i­dence of re­‐
flec­tion and re­gret. 'Why didn't I think of it?' It was a re­flec­tion and re­gret
that he did not think of what Rus­sia had pre­pared.

Jang, on the other hand, cocked his head. He un­der­stood the words of Maria
and Kim, but he did not un­der­stand all of them. "No, to state in a brief way,
did they build a plane with­out radar and wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion? No, they
can make it float. Even a hot air bal­loon can float in the sky. The prob­lem is
if they can run it or not."

For or­di­nary peo­ple with com­mon sense, an air­plane did not just end up fly­‐
ing in the sky. Rather, it was the op­po­site, and it is the most dan­ger­ous thing
to fly in the sky.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

Among those who can­not get on planes, there are not many peo­ple who
can­not get on the plane be­cause of fear of heights. Most are afraid of the
planes be­cause it might fall.

But on the con­trary, those who par­tic­i­pated in war know. An air­plane is not
an ob­ject that falls more eas­ily than you think. And con­sid­er­ing those who
die in a plane crash, there were far more sur­vivors on the plane.

Of course, the im­por­tant thing now was not to per­suade Jang. She didn't
have to try to per­suade Jang.

"What shape?"

"It is based on the pro­pel­ler en­gines used in World War I."

"What's the speed of flight?"

"We're still de­vel­op­ing it, but the pro­to­type we're work­ing on is up to three
hun­dred kilo­me­ters per hour, but the av­er­age speed should be around two
hun­dred kilo­me­ters per hour for safety and other prob­lems."

"What is the dis­tance with one load of fuel?"

"About two thou­sand kilo­me­ters."

"The driv­ing route is... the Trans-Siberian Rail­way Net­work."

"There will be no bet­ter guide in this age."

If they per­suaded Kim Tae-hoon, ev­ery­thing would be solved. And he was

will­ing to be per­suaded.

"What's the num­ber who can board?"

"Six peo­ple, in­clud­ing the pi­lot."

"That's a good num­ber."

"There's a prob­lem, in­stead."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

Kim cocked his head at the word "prob­lem."

"What we're de­vel­op­ing is a trans­porter, not a fighter, and com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity

is vir­tu­ally elim­i­nated. It's im­pos­si­ble to have a fancy air show at high al­ti­‐
tudes, like a fighter. Of course, there's no way to re­spond to ex­po­sure to fly­‐
ing mon­sters."

Kim an­swered briefly at the is­sue. "Fill up the fuel."

Maria warned Kim again, "It's dan­ger­ous, is that okay?"

Jang an­swered at her warn­ing, "Is it us that's dan­ger­ous, or the poor mon­‐
sters that will at­tack our boss?"

"... I'll fill up the fuel."

The Red Square was beau­ti­ful. Es­pe­cially when the snow fell from the gray
sky, the Red Square turned into the red­dest square.

It was so now. The snow, calmly fall­ing from the sky, was mak­ing the Red
Square glow.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mao."

Two men were talk­ing in front of the beau­ti­ful sight. They were Mao and
Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Dmitry with the thick fur coat and mus­tache, who had
driven Mao out ear­lier.

"I don't think we need to talk about any­thing un­com­fort­able to each other.
Tell me why you called me to­day."

"I need your help."

"What ex­actly do you mean?"

"I won't hide it, we are cur­rently dis­con­nected from the troops that were
sent to col­lect the war­heads, and I need a search party to iden­tify their sit­u­a‐­
tion and a res­cue team to res­cue them."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

"Didn't you ask the Vat­i­can for help?"

"I have asked the Vat­i­can for help, but I can­not leave my coun­try's fate to
the Vat­i­can alone."

"Are you go­ing to make me com­pete with the Vat­i­can?"

"I don't mean to make you feel bad, I just made a choice that would help
our coun­try's in­ter­ests."

Mao paused for a mo­ment, then looked at the red wall where the snow had
be­gun to build.

"I don't have much time, and I want you to an­swer me here to­day."

Dmitry looked at Mao and urged him to an­swer.

At his ap­pear­ance, Mao said, "I'm sorry."

At the apol­ogy, the eyes of Dmitry had cooled more rapidly than the fall­ing

"Is it about the other day?"

"It's not ir­rel­ev­ ant."

"I don't think you are one to make up your mind be­cause of re­gret."

"No, it's not. The rea­son why I de­clined your of­fer is not what you think."

"What is dif­fer­ent?"

At that mo­ment, the crazy ex­plo­sion be­gan to emit a huge roar. Bang!

Rum­bling! The ex­plo­sion was ac­com­pa­nied by an earth­quake and a pow­er­‐

ful storm that could not be de­scribed.

In the ex­plo­sion, Dmitri's body and Mao's body stag­gered like a sail­boat on
a rag­ing wave. But the two equally tot­ter­ing faces were not the same at all.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

The ex­pres­sion on Dmitry's face was be­yond sur­prise, and it was a shock.
'Oh, my God!' It was a nat­u­ral ex­pres­sion in front of the scene where the
Red Square col­lapsed un­der a re­peated ex­plo­sion.

Mao's ex­pres­sion was dif­fer­ent. He was smil­ing at the ex­plo­sion.

'No way!'

The smile was ev­i­dence. It was the ev­i­dence that the main cul­prit of this
crazy ex­plo­sion in Red Square was Mao, not just any­one.

"You bas­tard!" Dmitry, who had no­ticed it, reached out his arms as if to
grab Mao's neck.

Swish! A sin­gle Bronze Sword cut his stretched arms off as they were.

"Haha!" A pleas­ant laugh came from near the hilt. There was a beau­ti­ful
Asian woman there with a lively smile.

"Ugh!" On the other hand, Dmitry, who had lost his arms, fell to the ground
with his bal­ance lost.

Bang! Bang! In the mean­time, the ex­plo­sions were re­peated and be­came a
se­ries of ex­plo­sions, and the ex­plo­sive sound grad­u­ally be­gan to get closer
to Mao and Dmitry. In that sit­u­at­ion, Mao looked at Dmitry.

"As al­ways, hu­mans need an ex­am­ple to know their place."

Of course, it was im­pos­si­ble for Dmitry to hear Mao prop­erly in the re­‐
peated ex­plo­sions. Mao him­self did not care whether Dmitry was lis­ten­ing
to him or not. Any­way, Dmitri would die soon re­gard­less.

"That's the dif­fer­ence be­tween dogs and hu­mans. Once a dog is mad there is
noth­ing we can do about it, but if hu­mans see an ex­am­ple, they can fig­ure
out what's go­ing on and adapt."

Mao, who had fin­ished his talk, chopped his neck with his hand, and the
woman with the sword struck the neck of Dmitry with her Bronze Sword.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

Swish! The golden let­ters on the Bronze Sword that cut off the head of
Dmitry were shin­ing: Yue Wang Gou­jian Self-use Sword. The glit­ter­ing let­‐
ters were gone as soon as the woman put the sword into the sheath.

Mao turned to the woman. The woman smiled a lit­tle. Be­hind that smile,
Ma­jor Chin­shan showed up. The face of Chin­shan was full of red spots.
They were blood-spat­ter marks.

"We have re­moved most of the VIPs, but we couldn't re­move them all. I'm

"It doesn't mat­ter, be­cause a sur­vivor is a real ex­am­ple," Mao spoke and
gave a short sigh. "Now we can talk to the peo­ple in the Vat­i­can."

"Then we'll take you to the Vat­i­can."

"No, the next des­ti­na­tion..."

Bang! At that mo­ment, an ex­plo­sion ex­ploded closer, and Mao swal­lowed

what he was about to say. When the ex­plo­sive sound stopped for a mo­ment,
Mao spoke again, "We're go­ing to Fin­land."

"You re­ally mean Fin­land?"

"We will wake up the Huge Gi­ant Hrung­nir there, and make it ad­vance to

As soon as the mon­ster Hrung­nir was men­tioned, the twin sis­ters be­hind
him, as well as Chin­shan, looked sur­prised. They had to.

Hrung­nir, the dark blue-grade mon­ster, was as crazy as the color of its eyes.
It was a mon­ster of the mon­sters who would be will­ing to com­pete with the
Dragon, called the strong­est mon­ster of the dark blue grade! Fur­ther­more,
there was one dif­fer­ence be­tween Hrung­nir and the dragon.

"If Hrung­nir moves, the Gi­ants will move with it."

The gi­ants were the mon­sters who made Fin­land, Swe­den, Den­mark, and
Nor­way a land of death that hu­mans could not live in! Hrung­nir was the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 137 - Lightning Spear, Part Iii ⦘

head of the gi­ants. In a sense, it was a more threat­en­ing night­mare than a

Dragon for hu­mans. Of course, it was clear what the most threat­en­ing night­‐
mare was.

"With that much, the Vat­i­can will lower its po­si­tion and reach out to us.
There is no such thing as Ko­rea's crazy mon­ster, though the leg­endary relics
are over­flow­ing there."

There would be no greater threat than forc­ing that night­mare to hap­pen for
his ben­ef­ it!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 138 - The Vat­i­can, Part I

Chap­ter 49. The Vat­i­can, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The dron­ing of a plane with sev­eral pro­pel­lers be­gan to pass over Mos­cow.
It was quite dan­ger­ous, since it didn't send out a warn­ing as it flew over the
cen­ter of Rus­sia, and it was fly­ing low enough to be vis­i­ble to the naked

In fact, an at­tempt was made to crash the plane at its ap­pear­ance. But it was
not started by fight­ers or shoot­ing from be­low.

What ap­peared were mon­sters. Three bizarre mon­sters rem­i­nis­cent of

pterosaurs flapped their pow­er­ful wings and headed to­ward the plane, mak­‐
ing hor­ri­fy­ing screams.


The dis­tance was nar­rowed in­stantly.

It was a dan­ger­ous sit­u­at­ion since at the mo­ment of col­li­sion, both sides

were in­evitably hit hard. But there was no fear in the flash­ing or­ange eyes
of the mon­sters flap­ping their wings at the plane. The pro­pel­lers, which
were ro­tat­ing so strongly that or­di­nary peo­ple would be fright­ened just
imag­in­ing their ap­proach, did not threaten the mon­sters.

And the plane it­self did not hes­i­tate at all to con­front these mon­sters, and it
sped up, as if it had de­cided to hit the mon­sters in front of it with­out any in­‐
cli­na­tion, rather than turn­ing around. A game of chicken started over Mos­‐
cow. How­ever, the losers of this game were the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘


Thunk! A sin­gle ar­row ap­peared from some­where and pierced the bod­ies of
all three mon­sters at once. There were no screams at all.

The heart-pierced mon­sters stopped flap­ping their wings and be­gan to fall
down straight to the ground. How­ever, those aboard the plane did not look
at them. Their eyes were di­rected at the front.

"Damn it, boss. I think some­one came be­fore us and filmed Mis­sion Im­pos­‐

The ap­pear­ance of Red Square, which had been dev­as­tated by an un­known

ex­plo­sion, was shock­ing. No one could ex­press his own ap­pre­ci­at­ion or
cross-ques­tion the words that Jang Sung-hoon had said.

-- I'm go­ing down first.- At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon's voice was heard
in ev­ery­one's head.

"Boss!" At the voice, Jang called out for Kim re­flex­ively, but the thing that
wel­comed him was only the strong wind com­ing in through the air­plane
door as it opened.


Kim had vis­ited Mos­cow sev­eral times, but he had never been al­lowed to
visit the Krem­lin. When he came to Mos­cow at the in­vi­ta­tion of the Rus­sian
gov­ern­ment, Rus­sia did not in­vite him into the Krem­lin Palace.

Of course, the big­gest rea­son was that he did not have to go to the Krem­lin
Palace, but the thoughts of those who knew him were dif­fer­ent. They said
Rus­sia was afraid of Kim Tae-hoon, a crazy bomb, step­ping into the Krem­‐
lin Palace. At this mo­ment, he had lost his chance to visit the Krem­lin
Palace for­ever.

"Wow, it was com­pletely de­stroyed." There was no more Krem­lin Palace in

this world.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

"If I'd known this, I'd have bor­rowed a loan to travel to Mos­cow... I
wouldn't have had to pay back the debts, any­way."

It was a ter­ri­ble sight in many ways. But what mat­tered right now was not
the fact that they could no longer see the Red Square, the Krem­lin Palace.

"Did a mon­ster sweep it away?"

"It was a bomb."


"It wouldn't lead to this much col­lapse un­less it was placed in the right

Af­ter fin­ish­ing the ex­pla­na­tion, Kim raised his head and scanned the en­tire
Red Square again. It was un­speak­able dev­as­ta­tion, but it did not im­press
him. Nev­er­the­less, his ex­pres­sion was hard­ened for an­other rea­son.

"I don't know if Lenin's Tomb is okay."

Lenin's Tomb was the place the founder of Rus­sia, the com­mu­nist hero, had
been buried. It was also the rea­son why Kim and Jang had to wash their
iden­ti­ties be­fore com­ing to Mos­cow.

"At first, Lenin's Tomb was not lo­cated in the un­der­ground fa­cil­ity of the
Krem­lin Palace, but..."

Of course, it was not be­cause Kim and Jang were Com­mu­nists.

"You're all right, aren't you? What can you do to Cher­nobog with­out Bo­ga­‐
tri's Great Sword?"

Ap­par­ently, Kim had told him­self in his dream that the weapon that could
kill the Im­mor­tal Wolf Cher­nobog was in Lenin's Tomb. So, he made a

With com­mon sense, how could he ask them to open the cof­fin, say­ing,
"There is a weapon in Lenin's Tomb that can kill Cher­nobog."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

But now it was all mean­ing­less.

"I will ask Maria first."

Kim went to Maria im­me­di­ately. She was not far away. She was silently
look­ing at the Krem­lin Palace nearby. Her con­di­tion was so ter­ri­ble that it
could not be com­pared with Kim or Jang's.

It was nat­u­ral. It would be strange if she could eas­ily ac­cept the col­lapsed
Red Square, as she has risked her life for her coun­try and walked on the
bat­tle­field for it.

But Kim did not con­sole her. He did not even put rhetoric into the words
that he wanted to speak out. He asked her a ques­tion as if star­ing at her
blurred eyes. "Where did you keep Lenin's Mau­soleum?"

"Yes? What---"

"Lenin's tomb, in which there is a weapon that can kill Cher­nobog."

It was not just a state­ment, but a shock­ing state­ment that could not be ac­‐
cepted even in nor­mal con­di­tion. But rather it worked.

"What, what's that..." As a shock ther­apy, the new shock that en­tered the
mind of Maria re­turned her eyes to nor­mal. "His cof­fin is..."

Of course, it was only for a while that the pupils were clear. "... we car­ried
it to a se­cret bunker in the un­der­ground of the Krem­lin Palace in case some­‐
thing hap­pened." Her eyes, be­gan to shake vi­o­lently as she spoke.

It was the same with Jang. "Well, well, is the only weapon which can kill
Cher­nobog buried deep down in the un­der­ground of the Krem­lin Palace
which has been col­lapsed, un­der a pile of stones that would take at least a
year to clean up us­ing hun­dreds of heavy movers?" Af­ter the ques­tion, Jang
shut his mouth.

What more could he say? The only weapon that could kill Cher­nobog, the
only clue that Kim would es­cape from the curses of the mon­sters that he

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

had gained so far, and that he would gain from now on, had be­come some­‐
thing he might not prom­ise next time.

How­ever, Kim was dif­fer­ent. He judged the sit­u­at­ion coldly.

'I will ex­clude Bo­ga­tri's Great Sword at once. What I can­not get I can­not
get. Here, spit­ting out com­plaints and chew­ing de­spair, there is no way for
Bo­ga­tri's Great Sword to come out of the bunker deep in the col­lapsed
Krem­lin Palace. So, what mat­ters right now is the back­ground of what hap­‐
pened now.'

'It was not a sim­ple ex­plo­sion. Some­one de­cided to de­stroy Red Square.'

It was bombs that had de­stroyed Red Square, and to be pre­cise, the Krem­lin
Palace. It was not just a bomb, but a huge amount of ex­plo­sives were used,
and it was not just used but de­signed for an ex­plo­sion. If it were just a sim­‐
ple ex­plo­sion, it would not have col­lapsed to this ex­tent.

Who would have done that? 'Not a mon­ster.'

It was clearly not a mon­ster.

If a mon­ster had the abil­ity to deal with ex­plo­sives at this level, Kim would
just give up the war with the mon­sters here. It was un­likely that any force in
Eu­rope would be the cul­prit, as Mos­cow was a huge break­wa­ter that would
pre­vent the mon­sters in Siberia from en­ter­ing West­ern Eu­rope.

'With­out the lips, the teeth feel the cold.' There might be a man who ex­‐
pected the fall of Mos­cow, es­pe­cially those who were lo­cated around the
Vat­i­can, but no one wanted it to be a re­al­ity.

The only thing left was one.

'Then, the cul­prit is just the Six Snakes.'

The Six Snakes broke down Rus­sia.

'So now it's time to move on. I need to fig­ure out why.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

What did they gain by de­stroy­ing Rus­sia?

The Six Snakes would not have de­stroyed Rus­sia for no rea­son. The Six
Snakes were in­ter­fer­ing with the plans of Rus­sia once more. They were ac­‐
tively in­ter­fer­ing with Rus­sia's at­tempt to re­cover the war­heads dur­ing the
win­ter. They had cut off the hands and feet of Rus­sia.

'Rus­sia would have tried to ne­go­ti­ate with the Six Snakes.'

When he re­al­ized that, Kim thought that what the Six Snakes wanted was to
oc­cupy a fa­vor­able po­si­tion in ne­go­ti­at­ions with Rus­sia. He thought that the
Six Snakes, who had lost their stage in Tai­wan, would set­tle on Mos­cow
and re­veal their am­bi­tion to dom­i­nate the world once again, based on Eu­‐

'I had the hid­den in­ten­tion to take ad­van­tage of it in re­verse.'

That was why Kim forged his iden­tity.

He in­tended to hide his iden­tity and kill the Six Snakes who had set­tled in
Mos­cow. He was go­ing to hide his iden­tity and en­ter the snake cave to catch
the snakes.

But the Six Snakes did not set­tle on Mos­cow, they made it hell. Was it be­‐
cause the ne­go­ti­at­ions didn't work out?

'If the ne­go­ti­at­ions do not go well, they change the part­ner at the ne­go­ti­at­ing
ta­ble, but they don't change the ne­go­ti­at­ing ta­ble.'

Nor was it highly likely. If the Six Snakes had wanted to set­tle in Mos­cow,
they would have set­tled by any nec­es­sary means.

'This means that they did not in­tend to set­tle in Mos­cow in the first place.'
The only cer­tain thing was that the Six Snakes had no in­ten­tion of set­tling
down in Mos­cow from the be­gin­ning.

'Then, what is their aim?'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

'Con­vic­tion is for­bid­den, con­jec­ture re­mains con­jec­ture. This is not known

im­me­di­ately; I can only guess, and I must not be sure of the con­jec­ture that
comes from it.'

There­fore, Kim mea­sured the im­pact of Mos­cow turn­ing to this state, rather
than guess­ing the pur­pose of the Six Snakes.

'West­ern Eu­rope will be shaken.'

The news of Mos­cow's col­lapse would nat­u­rally spread rapidly through­out

Eu­rope. Eu­rope would nat­u­rally be tainted with fear. At the same time, they
would be anx­ious. In the fear and anx­i­ety, the ex­ist­ing power struc­ture
would once again shake greatly.

'A hero in a war­like age.'

At that mo­ment, Kim gave an an­swer.




At the mo­ment of giv­ing the an­swer, Kim did not waste his time wor­ry­ing

"We're go­ing to the Vat­i­can."


In 1999 and 2012, a lot of peo­ple said, "Hu­man­ity will come to an end, and
only those who be­lieve in God will be saved!"

The world thought that such a thing would never hap­pen, and of course,
they called the other peo­ple crazy. In fact, the next year those who said that
were gone. By 2016, no one was talk­ing about such a thing any­more. But
by 2017, ev­ery­one in Eu­rope has be­come a lu­natic shout­ing about the end
and sal­va­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

The Vat­i­can...

Even in the era of mon­sters, it boasted a strong pres­ence, mak­ing those in

Eu­rope the mad­men men­tioned above. In front of the mad­ness that started,
all the power of Eu­rope was re­or­ga­nized at the cen­ter of the Vat­ic­ an.

The power of the Vat­i­can be­gan to change into a form that could not be
found in his­tory. The Vat­i­can's own­ers were not just re­li­gious peo­ple, but
the men in power that con­trolled the fate of Eu­rope, and even the world.
That was why the Vat­i­can dis­cussed the fate of Ger­many, not any­where

"The Gi­ants have at­tacked Ger­many now. Ham­burg has al­ready fallen, and
they are mov­ing to­ward Cologne. Car­di­nals, if you have any keen in­sight,
please make it clear here with­out hes­i­ta­tion or ad­just­ment."

It was ev­i­dent that the Vat­i­can was now the owner of Eu­rope, be­yond the
lead­ers of Eu­rope. Of course, they did not have duty and re­spon­si­bil­ity
along with their power.

"I think all we have to do is to ac­cept the refugees."

Even in the days of mon­sters, there was no sense of cri­sis for the own­ers of
the Vat­i­can, which had never been in­vaded by a sin­gle mon­ster. Even if
there was a sense of cri­sis, the firm be­lief in the fact that God would pro­tect
them made the small sense of cri­sis even more dis­col­ored.

"If Ger­many has al­ready col­lapsed, it is dan­ger­ous to put more troops into
Ger­many, and there is a high chance that the Gi­ants will not cross the
Cologne. Isn't it there is a cathe­dral in Cologne?"

It was still true. The Vat­i­can Car­di­nals did not have fear, even though they
had a sense of cri­sis of the Gi­ants who had de­stroyed Fin­land, Nor­way, and
Den­mark as soon as they ap­peared, and were now mov­ing south

"The Gi­ants have been silent over the Baltic Sea. It may be tem­po­rary. If
they've filled their stom­achs enough in Ger­many, they might be quiet af­ter

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

that, or they might go back over the Baltic Sea. So, it would be bet­ter to
watch them than to make war with all our might."

The ab­sence of fear made them feel am­biva­lent to­ward the mon­sters.

"I think it is Mos­cow that is dan­ger­ous now. Didn't the bomb at­tack hap­‐
pen? There's no guar­an­tee that such a dis­tur­bance will not hap­pen in the

The news that scared the own­ers of the Vat­i­can was the news of the col­lapse
of Mos­cow, not the pres­ence of the Gi­ants who had de­stroyed Ger­many, nor
Hrung­nir, the mon­ster with the dark blue eyes that led them.

"The ru­mor is that the Six Snakes com­mit­ted a ter­ror­ist act-"

"Why would the Six Snakes blow up the Red Square in Mos­cow?"

"Didn't Rus­sia re­ject their of­fer of help, and cut off their ties with the Six
Snakes? So, Rus­sia has asked us for help, not the Six Snakes."

The Vat­i­can was safe from the mon­sters. It was pos­si­ble be­cause the Vat­i­‐
can main­tained the most com­plete form of a sa­cred place of any re­li­gion.

How­ever, that was all. The Vat­i­can relics blocked the mon­sters, but there
was no abil­ity to pre­vent hu­mans. That was why the Vat­i­can Car­di­nals were
re­luc­tant to send troops to war against the Gi­ants. In a sit­u­at­ion where only
peo­ple could stop peo­ple, the Vat­i­can own­ers were wor­ried about the ab­‐
sence of their troops.

"Do you mean that's why the Six Snakes broke Mos­cow?"

"It is a warn­ing. It is an ex­am­ple of how a per­son who re­fuses their of­fers is


In that sense, what the own­ers of the Vat­i­can were now afraid of was not the
Gi­ants, but the Six Snakes. It was still true.

"Now that we have a story about them, let's move on to the Six Snakes."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 138 - The Vatican, Part I ⦘

To the con­gre­ga­tion, the story of the Gi­ants had no sense of weight. All
their at­ten­tion was, af­ter all, on the Six Snakes that threat­ened them.

"Mao Spencer of the Six Snakes sug­gested that they would hunt the Gi­ants
if we need them to."

As ev­i­dence, ev­ery­one who at­tended the meet­ing looked at the re­mark dif­‐

"I don't think it's free."

"I think it's dan­ger­ous to ac­cept an of­fer right away."

"The Six Snakes them­selves are dan­ger­ous, not a sug­ges­tion. We'd rather
de­clare war on the Six Snakes this time..."

Of course, their at­ti­tudes changed too.

"If Mos­cow is re­ally the re­sult of the Six Snakes, it's no good to fight
against the Six Snakes, is it? The Six Snakes' sug­ges­tion may be that they
want to rec­on­cile with us."

"There's no rea­son to say 'no' about killing the Gi­ants, of course."

"What if we re­ject the Six Snakes, and they hold hands with Mus­lims? If
Six Snakes are placed in Mecca, the Mus­lims will be glad to ac­cept it."

Ev­ery­one was se­ri­ous and thought­ful in front of the schemes of the Six

"Then we'll vote on whether to ac­cept the Six Snakes' of­fer or not."

At last, they be­gan to make de­ci­sions in a way that would fit the Vat­i­can's
long his­tory. There was no more talk of the Gi­ants be­tween them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 139 - The Vat­i­can, Part Ii

Chap­ter 49. The Vat­i­can, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, there was one thing that sur­vivors found when
mon­sters came out.


Most peo­ple who sought and prayed to God in that way were frus­trated that
God did noth­ing for them. But peo­ple in Eu­rope, es­pe­cially Italy in West­ern
Eu­rope, were dif­fer­ent. When they sought God, God was will­ing to an­swer
the young sheep who were look­ing for him. The Vat­i­can was the an­swer.


"It's still as a beau­ti­ful city as it used to be. It re­mains alive and pro­tected
from mon­sters."

The Vat­i­can's ap­pear­ance, which had been able to main­tain its pres­ence af­‐
ter mon­sters came out, was the clear­est proof that God's will was in this
land. In the face of that ev­i­dence, Eu­rope had no choice but to en­ter an age
of fa­nati­cism be­yond blind faith. In that era, the Vat­i­can, which proved that
God still ex­isted, be­came the most pow­er­ful group of a new or­der.

"Since the Vat­i­can re­mains undi­min­ished, the Car­di­nals must be do­ing


A Car­di­nal's pres­ence among them was ab­so­lute. The sev­en­teen re­main­ing

Car­di­nals in Vat­i­can City were just like agents act­ing at God's will.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

"They have to stay healthy."

It was a su­per­fi­cial story that the pub­lic knew.

"They carry a cross in­stead of you."

There were more hid­den sto­ries to be said than done.


There was some­thing to talk about.

It was cer­tain that a Car­di­nal's dig­nity was ab­so­lutely un­de­ni­able in an age

in which faith in God was so fa­nat­i­cal. But could they make the right de­ci­‐

There was no need to men­tion the in­com­pe­tence of the Car­di­nals. There

was no need to de­scribe in­com­pe­tence in the first place. What mat­tered is
whether the Car­di­nals had knowl­edge, ex­pe­ri­ence, judg­ment, or ex­am­ples
to con­sider when mak­ing de­ci­sions dur­ing the age of mon­sters.

Of course, there were no such things for the Car­di­nals. In­deed, the Car­di­‐
nals did not know mon­sters. Stay­ing in the Vat­i­can, the safest place in the
world from mon­sters, they had never seen a liv­ing mon­ster with their own

Nev­er­the­less, sur­vivors of West­ern Eu­rope left their fate to the Vat­i­can, and
they were will­ing to risk their lives in a war against the mon­sters if the Vat­i­‐
can cried out for war.

Their faith in God made it pos­si­ble for some of them, but they were only
part, and most of them, even though they made ra­tio­nal judg­ments be­fore
faith, were still will­ing to leave their fate to the Vat­i­can.


"Isn't that right, John?"

"Sir Spencer, you have harsh words."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

The above-men­tioned was pos­si­ble due to a man say­ing this re­mark, who
had a long horse-like face and a golden pony­tail, dressed in the black
priestly robes.

Arch­bishop John Gabriel was the head of the Vat­i­can City State, which had
been newly es­tab­lished, and he had made it pos­si­ble. He, who was orig­i­‐
nally one of the dea­cons of the for­mer Pope, now led Vat­i­can City in the
mon­ster era.

When the Car­di­nals con­cluded that they would pray to God to de­feat the
mon­sters, John Gabriel led an army armed with pow­er­ful relics and
weapons through Eu­rope, start­ing with the Lou­vre Mu­seum as well as the
relics of the Vat­i­can, and won the war against the mon­sters.

John Gabriel had shown the de­ci­sion that the Car­di­nals had made through
in­ef­fi­cient pro­cesses was not good. His ac­cu­mu­lated re­sults were the ba­sis
for peo­ple to be will­ing to leave their fate to the Vat­i­can.

He was re­ally a hero of rare cal­iber. Now, he was talk­ing with Mao, the
head of the Six Snakes, in front of the peace­ful scenery of the Vat­i­can.

"So why did you come here?"

"There's some­thing the Vat­i­can has to do."

"Why should the Vat­i­can help the Six Snakes?"

"Be­cause you've been helped."

If any­one knew the iden­tity of the Six Snakes, they could not help but know
what he meant.

Mao gave John Gabriel a sce­nario: put all the re­spon­si­bil­ity on God and the
Car­di­nals by putting out the sym­bolic ex­is­tences of the Car­di­nal in front,
and take all the good re­sults for him­self.

It was a wise and touch­ing sce­nario.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

Even if he was de­feated in the bat­tles with the mon­sters, he did not have to
take re­spon­si­bil­ity for the fail­ure. If he said that de­feat was God's will, ev­‐
ery­one was con­vinced and nod­ded.

The Car­di­nals were like a cross for John Gabriel. Just by mak­ing peo­ple ad­‐
mire the Car­di­nals and hold­ing them sa­cred, John Gabriel was able to be
for­given all his fail­ures.

In other words, to John Gabriel, the Six Snakes and Mao Spencer specif­i­‐
cally were an Achilles heel. Of course, he was not sat­is­fied with this con­‐
ver­sa­tion now.

"What I want is sim­ple. You lead the Cru­saders, and fight with the head of
the Gi­ants, Hrung­nir."

Not to men­tion, he didn't like the speaker, nor the con­tent of the con­ver­sa­‐

"The Cru­saders are not al­lowed to lose."

The Cru­saders were the army of the Vat­i­can City. It was lit­er­ally an army
that ful­filled the will of God, a group that had gath­ered the Awak­en­ers rep­‐
re­sent­ing West­ern Eu­rope, armed them with the most pow­er­ful relics in
West­ern Eu­rope, and planted faith close to mad­ness in God. It was the best
weapon the Vat­i­can had ever built with their power.

Now, Mao was ask­ing the Cru­saders to hunt Hrung­nir?

"And when the Cru­saders are de­feated, Eu­rope is shaken."

At the view­point of John Gabriel, it was a hunt that was more likely to be a
de­feat then a win. In ad­di­tion, as he said, the Cru­saders were not an army
that could be al­lowed to be de­feated.

"Yes, that's why I want you to do it, and as ter­ri­bly as you can, the faces of
those who fight with you will be so ter­ri­ble when they are so des­per­ate."

It was not just a de­feat, but a des­per­ate de­feat. Of course, John Gabriel had
no in­ten­tion of re­ceiv­ing this pro­posal.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

"What do we get by do­ing that?" That was why he was ask­ing this ques­tion

"You've al­ready learned the les­son, right?"

But as said be­fore, Mao and the Six Snakes were Achilles heels for John


"The les­son of Mos­cow."

As Achilles had been shot dead by an ar­row in his heel, John Gabriel had
no way of do­ing any­thing to his fa­tal weak­ness. It was still true. In front of
Mao, he could no longer ex­press his in­ten­tion to refuse.

"... what is your in­ten­tion in do­ing this?" Even­tu­ally, John Gabriel de­cided
to de­fend his Achilles heel.

Mao was glad to an­swer at his re­ply. "A hero ap­pears in a des­per­ate sit­u­a‐­
tion, in a war that the holy army of the Vat­i­can can­not even win."

"You are go­ing to be a Mes­siah, and are not go­ing to hide in the shad­ows

At the cross-ques­tion­ing of John Gabriel, Mao looked at the Vat­i­can land­‐

scape in­stead of an­swer­ing.

'If the Six Snakes be­come a Mes­siah, Kim Tae-hoon, you will have to cross
the dead bod­ies of the Vat­i­can and Eu­ro­peans be­fore you kill us.'

Mao looked at the scene and smiled at the cor­ner of his mouth.


"Huck, huck!"

Frank­furt, Ger­many...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

Ger­many, whose main river was the Rhine, was not only one of Eu­rope's
ma­jor eco­nomic cen­ters, but also al­ways crowded with peo­ple be­fore the
ad­vent of the mon­sters. How­ever, since the ad­vent of the mon­sters, Frank­‐
furt had be­come a land of mon­sters, where there was no rea­son to visit un­‐
less it was a mer­ce­nary who made mon­ster hunt­ing their job.

'Fuck!' In other words, Emma's job, a red-haired beauty who had been pant­‐
ing in the Dreie­ich Na­ture Re­serve in Frank­furt be­fore it was ru­ined, was
now noth­ing but a mer­ce­nary. She was also a mer­ce­nary who would now
lose her life in ex­change af­ter en­coun­ter­ing a pow­er­ful mon­ster.

Awwww! In ad­di­tion, it was a group of Were­wolves with or­ange eyes that

were chas­ing Emma. There were no less than ten of them! Even that was
con­sid­ered small now.

"Were­wolves have been seen in hordes of over a hun­dred, and the mon­sters
are mad!"

The num­ber in the were­wolf packs that Emma and her col­leagues en­coun­‐
tered for the first time was over a hun­dred. It was crazy.

'Damn it! Damn it!'

If a dozen Were­wolves formed a pack, the level of hunt­ing dif­fi­culty be­‐

came yel­low grade. Even Emma, who had sur­vived for a year since the
mon­ster ap­peared, had never heard of a hun­dred Were­wolves form­ing a

'All mon­sters are go­ing crazy be­cause of the Gi­ants.'

It was the Gi­ants who crossed the Baltic Sea and set their huge feet on Ger­‐
man soil that made such non­sense a re­al­ity. The Gi­ants were a pow­er­ful
threat to hu­mans and mon­sters alike. Of course, to fight the ruth­less Gi­ants,
mon­sters be­gan to unite, dozens of them be­com­ing hun­dreds, hun­dreds be­‐
com­ing thou­sands.

But Emma and her col­leagues didn't know that.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

"Huck, huck, huck!" The re­sult of that ig­no­rance was Emma's rough breath­‐
ing. To sur­vive, she and her col­leagues had scat­tered. They had scat­tered in
all di­rec­tions and run away.

'Damn it!' At the cost of nine sac­ri­fices, it was a way to es­cape with one or
two peo­ple sur­viv­ing. It was the high­est sur­vival rate in this sit­u­at­ion.

'I did not ex­pect that I would die here even be­fore I got mar­ried!'

And at this mo­ment, Emma was sure she was one of the nine sac­ri­fices. Her
face, which turned pur­ple for lack of breath, was ev­i­dence.

"Huh-uck, Huh-uck!"

'I'm sure I am re­ally about to die, damn it. I can smell the cof­fee that I've
never had since the mon­sters ap­peared...'

It was also ev­i­dence that she could smell the deep aroma of cof­fee be­tween
gasps of breath. It was ev­i­dence that her nose had lost its sense of smell as
she was about to die.

'Hmm?' In the end, Emma saw a phan­tom in her eyes. 'What, what?'

A long ways away, in the trees, in front of a camp­fire, the sight of two men
and a woman drink­ing cof­fee with marsh­mal­lows as if camp­ing, filled
Emma's eyes.

'Am I dream­ing be­cause I am al­ready dead?' Of course, she thought it was a


"Yipe!" Emma fell to the ground, not see­ing the roots in front of her feet,
look­ing at the phan­tom. She fell for­ward and turned over and looked be­hind


She saw twenty or­ange eyes run­ning madly to eat her, and...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

Whizz! There was some­thing dimly pass­ing fast through those or­ange eyes
with an eerie sound.

Bloosh! An­gry Were­wolves fell like bro­ken dolls, shed­ding blood at their

'Ah...' Of course, Emma thought this was a dream, a vain sight un­til a man
ex­tended her his hands and words.

"Are you all right?"

"Ah... Ah ah..."

"Oh, you can call me Jang. And those are my body­guards, you can call
them Kim and Mary.

"You're so sur­prised that you can't talk."

It was then that Emma could see that this was not a dream, but a re­al­ity.

"Have some warm cof­fee and Marsh­mal­lows, and warm your­self."

Of course, the re­al­ity that she saw was the most un­re­al­is­tic re­al­ity ever
since the mon­sters had ap­peared.


Af­ter the ad­vent of mon­sters, mankind was de­prived of many things. Most
of the things that en­riched mankind were taken away. Hu­mans could no
longer ex­pect to drink cof­fee af­ter eat­ing rich sal­ads and oily steaks. So it
was with Emma.

As an Awak­ener, she knew how lucky it was to be a mer­ce­nary and be able

to eat food and not to starve to death in ex­change for killing the mon­sters.
Now, how­ever, she was in the mid­dle of a quiet for­est, sit­ting in front of a
bon­fire, and she was soak­ing her mouth with the most de­li­cious cof­fee she
had ever had, eat­ing mod­er­ately melted Marsh­mal­lows.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

It was a lux­ury she had never imag­ined. Of course, in front of this un­re­al­is­‐
tic lux­ury, she was forced to melt.

"How did you get chased by mon­sters?"

"I ran into a hun­dred Were­wolves, and I had to run away."

"Then why did you come to Frank­furt? To this dan­ger­ous place?"

"The mis­sion we were given was to clean up the sur­round­ings so that the
Cru­saders could fight the Gi­ants." In front of the man named Jang who had
saved her from death, she did not in­tend to hide or do any­thing.

"Where are the Cru­saders?"

"They're wait­ing in Stutt­gart." She said ev­ery­thing she knew. "I heard that
they're go­ing to at­tack the leader of the Gi­ants in Frank­furt on Feb­ru­ary 14."

"If it is the leader of the Gi­ants..."

"It's a mon­ster with dark blue eyes that makes the Gi­ants look like chil­‐

"Then Emma, why did you par­tic­i­pate in such a dan­ger­ous thing? You
would not be able to live af­ter be­ing ex­posed to the fear of the dark blue-
grade mon­ster." Jang was sur­prised at the words that she spoke of her own

Emma gave a bit­ter laugh at the words.

"The Vat­i­can told me to do so, so I should do it. How can I re­sist His will?
Much more, since the Cru­saders are present in full force, it is a holy war.
Not to get some­thing, it's about pay­ing back what I've been given."

"But it's too dan­ger­ous, isn't it?"

"It's all right, and there's a ru­mor that the Or­ac­ le has come down."

"The Or­ac­ le?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 139 - The Vatican, Part Ii ⦘

"On Feb­ru­ary 14, God sends a Sav­ior to save the world on his be­half, and
the Sav­ior will save us from the Gi­ant."

Emma, who said the words, sipped her cof­fee and scanned the crowd.
Emma's eyes stopped at a man who was look­ing at her, drink­ing cof­fee in
the same way as her.

A wry smile hung at the cor­ners of his mouth, Kim had bushy hair that gave
her a sharp im­pres­sion.

'What is it?' Emma, who could not guess the mean­ing of the wry smile,
cocked her head.

"Sav­ior, do you mean the Mes­siah is com­ing down?" Jang asked her again.

Emma swal­lowed her cof­fee quickly and said, "Yes, it's not one, but five.
Those five will save us from the tri­als."

"Mes­siah..." At the word Mes­siah, Jang also made a sim­i­lar smile to the
man named Kim, who was smil­ing wryly.

Emma cocked her head again and asked, "Is there a prob­lem with what I
said?" The ad­vent of the Mes­siah, it was not a story for them to smile at like

At the ques­tion of Emma, Jang smiled and said, "There is no prob­lem. It's
just my face looks weird. Who doesn't like it when the Mes­siah is de­scend­‐
ing? Isn't that right, Kim?"

At Jang's sud­den ques­tion, the man Kim swal­lowed the cof­fee he was drink­‐
ing and said, "I'm re­ally look­ing for­ward to it."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 140 - The Gi­ants, Part I

Chap­ter 50. The Gi­ants, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Thump! It was a Gi­ant with a huge body, about twenty me­ters tall and so
big that it was im­pos­si­ble to es­ti­mate its weight. At the same time, it was a
walk­ing dis­as­ter. The huge thing mov­ing was a dis­as­ter it­self and it was not
pos­si­ble by physics.

Thump! Fur­ther­more, the phys­i­cal im­pact of such an enor­mous body could

not even be imag­ined.

Thump! Thump! Thump! The Gi­ants did not num­ber one, but cru­cially,


At a glance, it was hard to even es­ti­mate the whole num­ber of Gi­ants who
were cross­ing the river like a stream, and just strolling over a small hill as
they ad­vanced. The most over­whelm­ing of them was the big­gest Gi­ant at
the back. It had a huge body, with a height of about a hun­dred me­ters,
which made the pre­vi­ous gi­ants look like noth­ing.

With its ad­vent, this mon­ster Hrung­nir had made the land be­yond the Baltic
Sea, the land that had once been con­sid­ered the best place to live, an un­in­‐
hab­it­able land. It looked down at Frank­furt, the cen­ter of Ger­many, with the
dark blue eyes of its huge body from on high.

Woooho­hoh! At that mo­ment, the Gi­ants with the green eyes, the green Jö­‐
tuns ev­ery­where, opened their mouths and let out a howl of dom­i­na­tion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

The cry shook Frank­furt. The cry and the ad­vance of the Gi­ants started to
turn over Frank­furt.

The ground be­gan to emit the sound of thun­der. It was like the sky and the
earth were up­side down.

"Lord." The mo­ment they saw it, they could not help, but seek God on the
spot. "Please look over us who fol­low and love you..."

In front of this scene, the im­age of those who prayed for God, tran­scend­ing
ev­ery­thing, was not at the cliff of de­spair. Rather, it was the op­po­site. "Fill
our minds and bod­ies with the Holy Spirit..."

There was no sign of ter­ror on their faces and bod­ies, or any­where else, as
they re­cited prayers. The clothes of those who were de­ci­sively look­ing for
God, were not the typ­i­cal at­tire of those who des­per­ately prayed. They were
wear­ing ar­mor in­stead of priestly robes, and they were hold­ing a sword in­‐
stead of a cross, and a shield in­stead of the Bible. "Let us be the swords and
shields of the world."

They had the eyes of fierce beasts hun­gry for bat­tle. Of course, when they
fin­ished their prayers, they did not run away. They did not turn away. Ev­‐
ery­one looked straight ahead. Among them was a man with a long head like
a horse.

John Gabriel was the head of the Vat­i­can City State, and he was lead­ing the
Cru­saders to pre­vent the in­va­sion of the Gi­ants. At the end of the prayer, he
opened his eyes and looked at the sight he had to face. Now he re­mem­bered
a man's face, not the Gi­ants who had just made Frank­furt a city where noth­‐
ing ex­isted.

'Mao.' Mao Spencer de­manded that John Gabriel lead the Cru­saders to fight
the Gi­ants, in hope of a ter­ri­ble de­feat.

John Gabriel ac­cepted that de­mand, which was bound to be bloody. But it
was not a dec­la­ra­tion of sur­ren­der to the Six Snakes. On the con­trary, when
he heard the pro­posal, he was go­ing to stab a dag­ger in the Six Snakes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

'You won't have the chance to be a Mes­siah.' By vic­tory, not the de­feat, he
in­tended to block the op­por­tu­nity for the stage Mao wanted to come out.
There was noth­ing wrong with it.

Even if Mao just wanted them to lose, he did not tell John Gabriel to be de­‐
feated on pur­pose.

Even if he won the war against the Gi­ants, it was never a breach of their

That was why John Gabriel did not ar­gue about the deal in vain. Of course,
there was a re­quire­ment for that: to kill Hrung­nir.

'We will kill the Huge Gi­ant Hrung­nir. We'll kill a dark blue-grade mon­ster
for the first time.'

The Vat­i­can had never killed a dark blue-grade mon­ster. It was not that they
avoided hunt­ing be­cause they lacked con­fi­dence. The Cru­saders had al­‐
ready suc­ceeded in hunt­ing more than ten blue-grade mon­sters, and through
the hunt­ing, they had gained ex­pe­ri­ence, won mon­ster stones, and were able
to get pow­er­ful relics and items. Their faith grew stronger.

'To­day we will change his­tory.'

Due to the be­lief that God's grace pro­tected them, John Gabriel, who was
about to fight the Gi­ants, could shout more con­fi­dently than ever. "To­day
we will prove that the Lord's will has de­scended here!"

The Cru­saders shiv­ered at the cry and the glory it promised.

"Ring the Bell of Jerusalem!"

Ding-dong! When the very clear sound of the Bell be­gan to ring, there were
no more peo­ple who shiv­ered.

Whoo! There were only fa­nat­ics who were not afraid of death.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

Kkure­ung! The Gi­ants' foot­steps were like thun­der as they raced across the
Main, the river that was not go­ing to stop their pas­sage south.

Boom! The sound of can­nons from those who wanted to stop the Gi­ants
from mov­ing south be­yond the Main was also like a thun­der­storm. That was
about it. The bat­tle on the stage of Frank­furt was dif­fer­ent from the sound.
Of course, the land­scape of the bat­tle­field was also dif­fer­ent.

Boom! Boom! A num­ber of mor­tars, in­clud­ing the Leop­ard II tanks and

their can­nons, which rep­re­sented Ger­many and its tanks, spewed shells, and
the Gi­ants marched through the bap­tism of shells.

Keueoeoeo! When the Gi­ants who had reached the main body of the Cru­‐
saders be­yond the Main River re­peat­edly roared out, the Awak­en­ers of the
Cru­sade who were wait­ing be­gan to work on the Gi­ant's bod­ies with their
weapons, cling­ing to them as they moved.


"Eyes! Aim at the eyes!"

"Cut the an­kles! Break it down!"

A tram was crum­pled like a soda can by the feet of a Gi­ant who went on the
ram­page, and the Gi­ant's body col­lapsed un­der the at­tack of the ant-like
Cru­sade, fall­ing to the ground and cre­at­ing an earth­quake. The sight of a
hell, which hu­man­ity had never ex­pe­ri­enced or imag­ined be­fore, was un­‐
fold­ing around the Main River across Frank­furt.

Ding-dong! The so-pure and beau­ti­ful sound of the Bell ring­ing in the scene
made Frank­furt's stage an un­re­al­is­tic stage that could never be un­der­stood
by rea­son.

"Boss, the Cru­saders are more pow­er­ful than we've heard from Miss Emma,
and are not get­ting over the Main River." Jang Sung-hoon, who used a tele­‐
scope to con­firm the fact next to Kim Tae-hoon, was calm in front of this
un­re­al­is­tic scene.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

"If they go this way, the Cru­saders will win." It was a sight he was fa­mil­iar
with. "Then your plan is go­ing to go wrong, isn't it?"

Rather, Jang had a sense of cri­sis at the com­bat abil­ity of the Cru­saders. "I
don't think there's any chance of the Six Snakes com­ing out here."

Kim Tae-hoon, who was look­ing at the bat­tle­field with his black Eyes with­‐
out a tele­scope, said, "They're stronger than I thought."

"So does the boss see it? Right? Some of them are not Awak­ened, but they
fight well in front of the fear of a Blue-grade Mon­ster. I think their relics
are not nor­mal. Need­less to say, as they've plun­dered hu­man his­tory, it
would be odd if they didn't have that many relics."

"It is just what you say. The relics are pow­er­ful."


"That's all."

Kim Tae-hoon, who spoke out the words, once again looked at the bat­tle­‐
field wide. The power of the Cru­saders who built the fi­nal de­fense line at
the south of the Main River and the Gi­ants try­ing to cross the Main River to
some­how crush the Cru­saders was vis­i­ble. It was sim­ply chaos, and there
was no proper or­der any­where.

"They have strong relics, but their skills at us­ing them are no bet­ter than the
hunter-ap­pli­cants of the Mac Guild."

"Ah." Then Jang could un­der­stand Kim's in­ten­tion. "Well, they don't have
the con­cept of tac­tics or strat­egy, as the boss says. They just fight with
strength against strength. To fight with just strength against strength... even
an­i­mals will not do that."

It was just as Jang said. The Cru­saders were pow­er­ful, but that was all.
They were fight­ing a power-to-power bat­tle against the Gi­ants, over just a
river called the Main.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

'Man can­not win against a mon­ster by us­ing power against power, and even
more so if it is the dark blue-grade.'

Kim Tae-hoon, the Mac Guild, and Ko­rea could feel the fact that it would
never be an an­swer in the fierce strug­gle to sur­vive against mon­sters. In
other words, the Cru­saders were not aware of it as they had not had to re­al­‐
ize it.

"They've crushed the mon­sters only with the power of their relics... in that
sense, it's nat­u­ral."

When most peo­ple tried to sur­vive in the war against mon­sters, the Vat­i­can
did not have to make such an ef­fort. The relics that Eu­rope had were plun­‐
dered from the world over the years, in­clud­ing the Lou­vre Mu­seum, gave
Eu­ro­peans the power to fight mon­sters. It was like teach­ing a child how to
hold a gun and use it. Any­way, if a child knew how to shoot a gun, he or
she could kill a beast with vi­o­lence. In other words, the child who grew up
like that did not have an op­por­tu­nity to learn other ways to kill a beast.

The Huge Gi­ant Hrung­nir would give a great les­son to the Cru­saders, which
they had not learned.

It would teach them so in­tensely that they would never for­get it again, and it
would be im­printed in his­tory be­yond the level of im­print­ing on their mind.

'Mao would have ex­pected this, too.' Mao, the head of the Six Snakes,
would have made the same pre­dic­tion as Kim Tae-hoon.

'And he would set the stage to take ad­van­tage of this sit­u­at­ion.' That was
why Kim was here. He pre­dicted Mao's aim in front of the col­lapsed Red
Square in Mos­cow.

'He wants to be a Mes­siah.'

He pre­dicted that the Six Snakes that had been try­ing to be­come the re­al­ity
in the dark­ness came out un­der the bright sun and wanted to be the Sav­ior.
Of course, it was not to be a holy mar­tyr who sin­cerely burned ev­ery­thing
for the world.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

Mao and the Six Snakes would not burn them­selves for the world, but
would they burn the world for their own ben­ef­ it?

'Their pur­pose is to use Eu­rope as a shield.' What they wanted was a scape­‐
goat. The fa­nat­ics of God had se­cured all the power of Eu­rope in their own
hands. There­fore, if they could be a Mes­siah to Eu­rope, Eu­rope would do
any­thing to pro­tect their Mes­siah. If some­one were to tar­get the Mes­siah,
they would block any­one who threat­ened the Mes­siah with­out a mo­ment's
hes­i­ta­tion. They would do any­thing for the Mes­siah. They would gladly be
a shield to pro­tect the Mes­siah.

'A shield to stop me.' The shield was what the Six Snakes wanted. Through
the shield, the Six Snakes were try­ing to stop the crazy mon­ster Kim Tae-
hoon. Of course, he did not in­tend to let the Six Snakes have shields.

At that mo­ment, Kim's eyes stopped in one place. He found a group of

about a hun­dred peo­ple gath­ered there, just a lit­tle dis­tance away from the
bat­tle­field where the fierce bat­tle took place. He found two women in front
of them, twin sis­ters with the same ap­pear­ance.

"I found her."

"Yes? Who?"

"The bitch who killed me."


"Sir, the num­ber of the Gi­ants cross­ing the Main River is de­creas­ing."

Half a day...

The fight against the Gi­ants stopped for a while af­ter a time, like watch­ing a
movie. The world's most hor­ri­fy­ing long film has stopped.

"The Gi­ants are not head­ing south now. They seem to be get­ting their
breath­ing." But at that fact, Jo­han Gabriel did not ex­press his joy.

"Sir, God has taken care of us, and we will win if we con­tinue on this way."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

In con­trast to the bright voice that came out of the bright ex­pres­sion of his
sub­or­di­nate, his face was stiff­ened as he looked at the bat­tle­field.

'The bat­tle­field has col­lapsed.' There were cer­tainly no liv­ing Gi­ants on the
south of the Main River. There were only the dead bod­ies of the Gi­ants who
were at­tacked by re­peated bom­bard­ment and the Cru­saders around the Main
River. There were about two hun­dred huge dead bod­ies dom­i­nat­ing ev­ery­‐

An enor­mous num­ber of Gi­ants' dead bod­ies lay all over the place. It was
sim­i­lar to the im­age of the city cen­ter, whose build­ings had all col­lapsed.
That was the first rea­son to make John Gabriel's face hard.

'It will be hard to bomb from the banks of the Main River any­more.'

It was crazy to fight with tanks and ar­tillery in the mid­dle of a city where
the build­ings had col­lapsed. The mo­bil­ity of the tanks was sec­ondary, and it
was dif­fi­cult to se­cure the launch an­gle for the shoot­ing. In other words, the
tanks and ar­tillery that made the great­est con­tri­bu­tion to the col­lapse of the
Gi­ants were now un­able to ex­ert their power.

Of course, they have not lost yet. The dam­age to the troops was not se­ri­ous,
and the mu­ni­tions to con­tinue the bat­tle were still over­flow­ing. They had
planned on a long fight in the first place. The use of Frank­furt as a bat­tle­‐
field was to oc­cupy the ad­van­ta­geous ground. But it had not pro­vided a ba­‐
sis for over­com­ing the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion, even if it might be com­fort­ing.
Above all, John Gabriel was feel­ing a clear limit as he com­manded the bat­‐

'The huge Gi­ant has not moved yet.'

Al­though the Cru­saders did not bring out all their power, John Gabriel more
than any­one else could see that it was the same for the Gi­ants. He had never
for­got­ten that the Huge Gi­ant, Hrung­nir, who could change the sit­u­at­ion of
the bat­tle­field at once, was still watch­ing the bat­tle­field from the back.
Above all, he could not think of what tac­tic to use next.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

'How do we fight next?' They had never been in this sit­u­at­ion. The Cru­‐
saders had al­ways won a sim­ple and light vic­tory with pow­er­ful relics. This
tough fight was not suit­able for the Cru­saders. In other words, the Cru­‐
saders had never had such a hard and dif­fi­cult fight.

Then the dark clouds over­head be­gan to let out the faintest rain­drops. It
didn't seem like heavy rain. But there was great anx­i­ety in John Gabriel's

Then, a sound be­gan to come down from above. Woo-oh-oh!

"Huck!" The man who was re­port­ing grabbed his chest and fell on the
ground and be­gan to shake like an epilep­tic.

Ugh! So did John Gabriel. He had to take two steps to the side to re­gain his

'What the hell is it?' John Gabriel looked up at the sky in sur­prise.

Woo-oh-oh! Woo-oh-oh! It was then that John Gabriel could see that the
sound was not com­ing down from the sky, but from the mouth of the Huge
Gi­ant, who seemed to reach the sky.

'Ah.' And he re­al­ized that this sound, which made the rea­son in the head
white even though it was only heard, was not at the level that a weak hu­man
be­ing could fight against with a spear and sword. He also re­al­ized that he
was so full of faith in God that he could not make a ra­tio­nal judg­ment for a
while. But the night­mare was not the end, it was the be­gin­ning.

'Oh, my God!' Some of the Gi­ants' dead bod­ies ly­ing on the bat­tle­field be­‐
gan to move.

"Gi­ants are mov­ing!"

"The dead bod­ies are mov­ing!"

The heart that had stopped, or the Gi­ants who were barely breath­ing, be­gan
to move at the sound of their leader. Some of the fallen Gi­ants were not
dead, but wait­ing for their bod­ies to re­cover. It was a fail­ure of the Cru­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

saders. They did not know that a mon­ster was not dead un­til its heart was

Whoo-woo-woong! At the same time, huge stones be­gan to fly over the
Main River.

"Get, get away!"

Boom! Boom! The Gi­ants who they thought would no longer cross the
Main River be­gan to throw the stones they had col­lected in­stead of charg­ing


The three el­em

­ ents were enough to break down the front line be­yond the
Main River, which had been vic­to­ri­ous: Wak­ing dead bod­ies, the stone-
throw­ing of the Gi­ants, and the fear of Hrung­nir! The three things erased
the word vic­tory in ev­ery­one's mind.

'The front line is col­lapsed.' It was the same in John Gabriel's mind. The
mo­ment the word vic­tory dis­ap­peared, John Gabriel was al­ready run­ning to
the place where the Six Snakes' sol­diers would fight against the Gi­ants on
be­half of the Cru­saders any­time.

'I need the strength of the Six Snakes.'

When he went there, it was the twin sis­ter who wel­comed John Gabriel
first. One of them smiled at John Gabriel, who ap­peared, and said on be­half
of ev­ery­one. "Here you are, you id­iot." The smile spread to the mouths of a
hun­dred peo­ple wait­ing be­hind her, like an epi­demic.

Then when Jo­han Gabriel stood be­fore them, he heard a voice. "Is this all?"

Ev­ery­one looked up in the di­rec­tion of the voice. Ev­ery­one looked over

their heads. John Gabriel also raised his head and looked over his head.
They could see a man who was look­ing down at them from the sky, which
was dulled by the dark clouds. Of course, most of them were not able to
grasp the iden­tity of the man at once.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 140 - The Giants, Part I ⦘

Only one of the twin sis­ters who had just smiled, Lin Siyi, iden­ti­fied the
man. "The dragon slayer?"

Of course, the man did not an­swer. In­stead of an­swer­ing, he waved his right
hand to­ward the ground as if he were greet­ing them.

Whizz! Dozens of swords be­gan to fall from the sky like a shower.

"Get out of here!"

The bat­tle had be­gun.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 141 - The Gi­ants, Part Ii

Chap­ter 50. The Gi­ants, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Kim Tae-hoon did not un­der­es­ti­mate the Six Snakes. Even if he had dozens
of pow­er­ful and sig­nif­i­cant relics, even if his body had al­ready reached a
level that tran­scended a hu­man be­ing, even if he had ac­quired the power of
the dragon and count­less mon­sters, Kim did not un­der­es­ti­mate the Six

It was not sim­ply be­cause his per­son­al­ity was so care­ful.

The Six Snakes was a force that wanted to rule the world in the era of mon­‐
sters. In a world where civ­i­liza­tion had col­lapsed, they had planted roots
through­out the world and achieved what they wanted steadily.


Then, how could he look down on them? If he did, it would be too funny.

There was no rea­son to un­der­es­ti­mate them, not at a sin­gle point. The fact
was the same at this mo­ment.

"Get out of here!"

As soon as the sword show­ers fell, the war­riors of the Six Snake who were
wait­ing to kill Hrung­nir moved fran­ti­cally. The em­bar­rass­ment they felt was
enor­mous. It would be strange if they did not panic when Kim him­self
made an un­ex­pected sud­den at­tack. But their move­ments dur­ing their sur­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

prise were in per­fect or­der. Un­der the heavy rain of swords, some­one made
a quick dodge, and some­one lifted a shield.

Clank! There were a sound of iron and a wind-split­ting sound.

"Ugh!" A faint groan came through it. That was all. No one screamed nois­‐
ily. Even the dy­ing swal­lowed their last words be­fore they died. It was ev­i­‐
dence that the peo­ple gath­ered here were not a dis­or­derly crowd, but well-
trained, and able men who could smile in front of Hrung­nir with the dark
blue eyes.

"Don't be inat­ten­tive! Our en­emy is the dragon slayer Kim Tae-hoon! He's
the mon­ster who killed the Dragon alone!"

As said be­fore, Kim knew bet­ter than any­one else at this mo­ment that they
were not en­em
­ ies to look down on. And he knew what to do to kill them.

Thud, Thud! That was why some­thing fell to their feet when ev­ery­one was
look­ing for Kim, who was fly­ing in the sky, with their weapons stick­ing up
against the shower of swords.

Phou-shou-shou-shou! The thing which fell like that im­me­di­ately be­gan to

pour out a thick cloud of smoke.

'A smoke bomb?' It was noth­ing but a smoke bomb. Not one, but dozens of
smoke bombs ex­ploded, mak­ing ev­ery­thing a world full of smoke.

Ev­ery­one swal­lowed at the fact. The sound of swal­low­ing was also proof
that they were vet­eran war­riors.

The smoke bombs re­stricted their vi­sion and smell. Even if any­one could
not tell how the stage was ad­van­ta­geous be­tween more than a hun­dred war­‐
riors of the Six Snakes and only one, Kim Tae-hoon, there were those here
who soon re­al­ized that. Their night­mare be­came re­al­ity too quickly and too

"Ugh!" A scream was heard through the thick smoke, and a bloody smell
re­vealed its pres­ence clearly among the acrid stench of the smoke.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘


"Don't move rashly!"

Even in that sit­u­at­ion, ev­ery­one re­mained calm. They knew bet­ter than any­‐
one the power of the spears and swords in their hands. The spears and
swords were pow­er­ful enough to tear, pierce, and cut the skin of mon­sters
that could not be harmed by bul­lets.

If they swung such a weapon in­dis­creetly and at­tacked their col­leagues, it

would be a big­ger mis­for­tune.

"Ugh!" When a new scream burst out, ev­ery­one was pa­tient. In­stead, they
set their five senses up to find Kim im­me­di­ately and start fight­ing as soon
as the smoke dis­ap­peared.

'If the smoke dis­ap­pears...'

'We will kill him then.'

Even at the death of their col­leagues and the com­ing death, they did not
shake and waited for the right time.

Whoowoowoo! Some­one's huge breath blew away the smoke that filled the
sur­round­ings at once.

'Fi­nally!' Of course, the war­riors of the Six Snakes now flashed their eyes
and opened their ears wide to find Kim. It was dozens of ob­jects float­ing in
the air that wel­comed them. It was some­thing sim­i­lar but dif­fer­ent from the
smoke bomb that tor­mented them a lit­tle bit ago. 'Ah.'

The flares, hid­den in the smoke­screen, started to ex­plode as soon as the

smoke was gone. First, the light burst, and then there was a shrill, ear-pierc­‐
ing sound.

"Argh!" The im­pact of the flares on the acute five senses was so in­tense that
it was fa­tal. It would be bet­ter if a grenade ex­ploded. In­deed, the phys­i­cal
de­fenses of these peo­ple and the relics they wore were pow­er­ful enough to
with­stand the power of a grenade. On the other hand, no mat­ter how great a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

relic was, and no mat­ter who had a strong phys­i­cal abil­ity, their eyes and
ears were not as strong.

"Ugggh!" So, ev­ery­one started to stag­ger as if they were drunken, with their
eyes closed tightly. It was a pain they had never ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore. But
swal­low­ing them at this mo­ment was not the pain that they had never been
used to.

'What at­tack is next...'


The fear of be­ing in the de­fense­less con­di­tion in front of the mon­ster Kim
Tae-hoon de­voured the war­riors of the Six Snakes. In that fear, there was
only one thing the war­riors of the Six Snakes could do; they took as de­fen­‐
sive a pos­ture as pos­si­ble, just as a tur­tle hid in its shell.

'At least I have to save my life.' It was a nat­u­ral act that would be taken by
any an­i­mal with a sur­vival in­stinct.

The nat­u­ral sur­vival in­stinct that an­i­mals took was an op­por­tu­nity for a
hunter. It was an op­por­tu­nity to pre­dict the be­hav­ior of the prey and to pull
the trig­ger firmly in ac­cor­dance with the ac­tion. Of course, Kim pulled the
trig­ger to­ward the war­riors of the Six Snakes who took an ex­tremely de­fen­‐
sive pos­ture.

Swish! The Ku­sanagi that could cut any­thing in this world painted a semi­‐
cir­cle flash.


Lin Siyi and Lin Yin­ing, the twin sis­ters had al­ways been win­ners. It has
been true since the ad­vent of the mon­sters. The two sis­ters fought against
the mon­sters with their bare hands when all oth­ers ran away from the mon­‐
ster. Since then, the two sis­ters had never turned away from the mon­sters in
front of them, and they had never thought about de­feat. It was the same
when the Six Snakes suf­fered hard­ships and ad­ver­sity, when Japan col­‐
lapsed, and when Tai­wan col­lapsed. At that mo­ment, Lin Siyi and Lin Yin­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

ing sis­ters per­formed their given roles with Ma­jor Chin­shan with­out a sin­‐
gle fail­ure.

'The Ku­sanagi!' The same was true when ev­ery­one be­came a tur­tle in front
of the ex­plo­sion of the flare. She never con­sid­ered de­feat. She had pro­tected
her eyes and ears just be­fore the flare burst, and she waited for her chance.
She waited for Kim Tae-hoon to take out his card first, and as soon as he
pulled out the card called The Ku­sanagi, her mind drew a card to cope with

'The En­ergy con­sump­tion of the Ku­sanagi is high.'

The Ku­sanagi was pow­er­ful. It was im­pos­si­ble to stop the Ku­sanagi with a
few relics since it was be­yond imag­i­na­tion. At the same time, it's con­sump­‐
tion was be­yond imag­i­na­tion. The Ku­sanagi de­manded a price so high that
even an owner of S En­ergy rank could not use it more than once.

'Af­ter he uses the Ku­sanagi, his power drops sharply for a while.'

Lin Siyi thought it as a chance. Be­cause of that, she sent, -The Drag­on­‐
slayer uses the Ku­sanagi! First, avoid it by any means!-

Her telepa­thy was passed on to her twin sis­ter and the peo­ple around her,
and those who re­ceived her telepa­thy waited in a sit­u­at­ion that was in­vis­i­ble
and un­heard.

'We'll surely kill him now.'

Swish! Soon af­ter, Kim's sword, the Ku­sanagi slashed through a huge semi­‐
cir­cu­lar arc and cut ev­ery­thing that was caught in it. The world was cut in
half like a sheet of pa­per.

Click! Kim put the Ku­sanagi back in the sheath. The flash dis­ap­peared, and
for a mo­ment si­lence re­placed it.

Poohh­wat! Then the cut-offs be­gan to make a creepy sound as they started
to come apart.

In that sit­u­at­ion, the coun­ter­at­tack of the Six Snakes' war­riors be­gan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

Dding! The be­gin­ning was the lute that Lin Siyi's twin sis­ter held.

As soon as she thrummed the strings of the lute, the dull eyes of the peo­ple
around her be­gan to glow golden, and the golden light brought back the fo­‐
cus to their eyes. At the same time, it stim­u­lated the En­ergy in their guts.



Their eyes, which were tinged with a golden light, seemed to be filled with
hos­til­ity and blood­thirsti­ness. There was no room for fear in such hos­tile
and blood­thirsty eyes. Those who for­got their fear im­me­di­ately rushed at
Kim as he put the Ku­sanagi in its sheath and took a breath for a while.

'It's quan­tity, not qual­ity. If we want to kill that mon­ster, we have to press
him down with quan­tity.'

In the mean­time, Lin Siyi pulled out one of the two swords she had. It was a
brightly shin­ing Bronze Sword. It was a sword that was plain with­out use­‐
less or­na­men­ta­tion, but it was so beau­ti­ful in and of it­self. Af­ter she put the
sword on the ground, she shouted, "The Em­peror com­mands, the mil­i­tary,
carry out an at­tack!"

The mo­ment the spell-like cry ended, the ground be­gan to shake, and the
sol­diers and horses made of soil be­gan to shoot up from the earth.

Thump! It took only a mo­ment for an army of a thou­sand troops to be built.

The army of one thou­sand that ap­peared like that moved af­ter the war­riors
of the Six Snakes at­tack­ing Kim Tae-hoon.

Thump! Thump! Thump! The ground res­onated loudly at the foot­steps of

the earthly sol­diers and horses who rushed to line up for bat­tle.

In front of the scene, Kim did not per­form any spe­cial ac­tion.

Af­ter he put the Ku­sanagi back in its sheath, he breathed calmly and
changed only his eyes in front of the enor­mous army that was rush­ing to­‐
ward him. His black and shin­ing eyes split in half. Open­ing his Dra­co­nian

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

power, his right hand, cov­ered with the scales of the dragon, pulled out a
new sword to re­place the Ku­sanagi.

At that time, the clouds that cov­ered the sky re­treated, and the sun that
showed up be­gan to shine on the sword that he pulled out.

The Dragon Light Sword be­gan to shine bril­liantly un­der the sun.


John Gabriel had tried to stab a dag­ger into the Six Snakes, but he had
never ig­nored their power. There was no way he could ig­nore it. It was not
God, but the Six Snakes that made John Gabriel a new power in Eu­rope, the
top per­son among the in­flu­en­tial peo­ple, and even the Em­peror above the
Pope, hold­ing all the power of the Car­di­nals of the Vat­i­can. Be­cause of that,
he could not un­der­stand what was hap­pen­ing in front of him.

'What the hell...' The war­riors of the Six Snakes were be­ing slaugh­tered.
Not just any­one, but the war­riors who the Six Snakes had se­lected, nur­‐
tured, and armed them­selves!

'This is non­sense...'

The mas­sacre was be­ing done by not a large army of tens of thou­sands, but
only one. A sin­gle man was slaugh­ter­ing the one hun­dred and seven war­‐
riors of the Six Snakes.

Clang! The end of the mas­sacre was the bat­tle be­tween Lin Siyi and Kim

Clang! The Sword of Gou­jian, which could cut any­thing, and the Dragon
Light Sword that could cut any­thing un­der the sun, hit with the sound of
metal col­lid­ing. Of course, the sound did not last long.

Lin Siyi was def­i­nitely strong. All her stats were A rank, she had eaten
count­less mon­ster stones and she could not be weak. But her strength could
only strug­gle in front of Kim.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

Clang! In the end, at the third col­li­sion, Lin Siyi was no longer able to re­‐
ceive Kim's at­tack.

The Sword of Gou­jian en­dured the Dragon Light Sword, but her arm hold­‐
ing The Sword of Gou­jian was cut and hurled back, and the black­ened left
fist of Kim struck her chest in the gap.

Ppudeuk! Her ribs crum­bled, and there was the sound of her chest cav­ing
in. At the sound, Lin Siyi shouted at Kim, throw­ing out a gout of blood and
squeezed out her last strength. "???!!"

Boom! The sound of a bomb blast­ing were her last words. Of course, her
last words did not leave much im­pres­sion on Kim.

"Uhhh!" Rather, the last cry she ut­tered gave a great shock to Jo­hann
Gabriel, who was watch­ing from far away.

"Huh-uck, Huh-uck!" A hor­ri­fied sound broke out from John Gabriel's

mouth. It was not the sound of rea­son, but in­stinct.

'I, I have to run away...' It was the in­stinct that Kim's next tar­get was him,
af­ter leav­ing not a sin­gle sur­vivor.

And as his in­stinct had warned him, Kim, who had killed all of them,
stepped to­ward John Gabriel as soon as he con­firmed that he no longer had
any sur­vivors left to kill.

Stomp, stomp, stomp... Kim left his foot­prints clearly on the ground cov­‐
ered with corpses and blood. His walk was not fast. It was slow enough to
get him a breath of wind.

Nev­er­the­less, John Gabriel could not es­cape from Kim. He just sat down on
the ground and waited for Kim. When Kim stood in front of him, he said re­‐
flex­ively, "God..."

It was the only word he could say at this mo­ment, the most des­per­ate call of
his life, when he had been look­ing for God for a life­time. But God did not

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 141 - The Giants, Part Ii ⦘

"My name is Kim Tae-hoon." In­stead, Kim Tae-hoon said, "I am the head of
the mon­ster hunt­ing guild, the Mac Guild, now in Ko­rea."

In­stead of an­swer­ing, John Gabriel blinked his trem­bling eyes.

"I will kill the Gi­ants and their leader, the Huge Gi­ant," Kim sug­gested to

Woo-oh-oh-oh! Then, as if wait­ing, the big cry of Hrung­nir the Huge Gi­ant
flowed down from the sky.

The sound made Jo­hann Gabriel trem­ble like an as­pen leaf.

But Kim said with­out any tremor, look­ing at the shak­ing eyes of John
Gabriel, "If you pay the price."

It was the last no­tice. In­stead of talk­ing any­more, Kim wiped off the blood
on his face and the blood that Lin Siyi had poured a while ago.

With that ap­pear­ance, John Gabriel was able to re­call one of the most per­‐
fect words to ex­plain Kim. Devil!

"What's the price?"

"The Vat­i­can."

And at this mo­ment, John Gabriel made a deal with the devil.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 142 - The Gi­ants, Part Iii

Chap­ter 50. The Gi­ants, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


There were many rea­sons why the war with mon­sters is scary. The strength
of mon­sters that tran­scended com­mon sense was one of the rea­sons, and
their be­hav­ior that could not be mea­sured by com­mon sense was also a
scary rea­son. One of the rea­sons is that sur­ren­der did not work. Against
mon­sters, no mat­ter how hard they shook the white flag, and even if they
cried and begged for mercy, it did not work.


The fact had not changed in the bat­tle­field that was now cen­tered around
the Main River.


"Ugh..." The mo­ment the Hrung­nir's fear hit the bat­tle­field, the Cru­saders
were vir­tu­ally in­ca­pable of com­bat. It was nat­u­ral.

'Why, why did this hap­pen to me even though I have a relic...'

The fear of a dark blue-grade mon­ster was not some­thing they can tol­er­ate
just with the power of a relic. Only the com­bi­na­tion of the help of a leg­‐
endary relic and an Awak­ener with a high En­ergy rank could gain the qual­i­‐
fi­ca­tions to face the dark blue eyes. Of course, most peo­ple didn't know this
be­cause they died when they en­coun­tered a dark blue-grade mon­ster.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

'I, I must avoid...' No one could avoid the huge stones be­ing hurled while
nearly in­ca­pac­i­tated by the fear.

Bang! A stone smashed a tank and the men within.


"My, my legs, my legs!"

As screams burst out, trams were crushed, and hu­man bod­ies splat­tered, the
Gi­ants who were once smashed apart be­yond the Main River like corpses,
moved once again.

Eu­eoeo... The leg-cut Gi­ants crawled, wield­ing their arms like whips and
ham­mers us­ing their re­main­ing power.

Whack! The Gi­ants' arms struck the bod­ies of those who could not even
stand prop­erly be­cause their legs were trem­bling.

'If Rodin had seen this scene in his life­time, per­haps the door of hell would
have been like this.' Jang Sung-hoon, who looked at the scene from a dis­‐
tance, closed his dry mouth.

His thoughts as he looked at this scene of hell were not pleas­ant. How­ever,
he did not let his per­sonal feel­ings color his de­ci­sions.

What Jang had learned from Kim was that "the more fierce and des­per­ate
the war is, the colder and more cal­cu­lat­ing his ac­tion should be."

It was still true. From the cold view­point of Jang, there would be noth­ing to
change now even if the spe­cial forces that Jang and Kim brought were put
into the bat­tle­field. They could save a few more peo­ple, but it was not prof­‐
itable when he checked the sit­u­at­ion. Above all, Kim had not in­ter­vened in
the bat­tle­field yet.

'As the boss said, they placed too much con­fi­dence in the ef­fects of the
relics, and they were over­con­fi­dent about their abil­i­ties. I sup­pose why this
sit­u­at­ion hap­pened was that they were so ir­re­spon­si­ble that they thought
God would do it all.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

They could not win a war with­out a leader. There­fore, with­out a leader, they
must not fight. It was a core rule.

So, Jang waited, and the men who had fol­lowed him waited with­out turn­ing
away from the scene of hell in front of them. They saw that a sword passed
through the cen­ter of a Gi­ant's chest as it was walk­ing to­ward the Main
River, where the sound of ar­tillery could no longer be heard.

Thump! They saw that Gi­ant with its heart pierced by the sword fall­ing for­‐

Jang opened his dry mouth at the scene. "Now, we be­gin the op­er­at­ion
called 'Glean­ing'."


Faith is pro­por­tional to be­trayal. And be­trayal makes hu­mans mis­er­able.

That was why the vicin­ity of the Main River in Frank­furt was filled with

"Lord..." The only thing that sur­vivors in the south­ern Main River, which
was now the stage of the Gi­ants, could look for was not a fel­low or a boss,
but God.

Woo-eo-eo-eo! But it was the Gi­ant's huge hands and feet that came to

Bang, bang! The God they cried and sought did not an­swer them.

"Ah..." By the time those who were look­ing for God in front of the fact be­‐
gan to shud­der at the un­speak­able be­trayal, the Gi­ant, who had car­ried out
the mas­sacre that made the be­trayal more mis­er­able, fell down. Thump!

That was the be­gin­ning. Thump! The Gi­ants who were ad­vanc­ing to cross
the Main River grabbed their chests and fell for­ward, or be­gan to fall back.
The huge Gi­ant's bod­ies crashed against the ground, shak­ing the al­ready
grue­some land.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

'What's go­ing on?' Ev­ery­one was cap­ti­vated by the fact for a mo­ment.

"Oh, God!" Some found the God that they had been cry­ing for. They truly
be­lieved that God had fi­nally be­gun to save them. Of course, it was not God
who saved them.


"Hoo!" A man was breath­ing some­where away from the Main River, where
he had piled up more than a hun­dred spears and swords. He was Kim Tae-
hoon, the main char­ac­ter of the mir­ac­ le that took place around the Main

The way he did the mir­ac­ le was sim­ple. He mea­sured the dis­tance to the tar­‐
get, once he ac­ti­vated the Eyes of the Black Snake and the White Snake at
the same time. Then he turned his gaze to­ward the swords and spears piled
up be­hind him.

==[Oliver's Sword]

-- Relic Grade: Grade 1

-- Relic Value: Spe­cial

-- Relic Ef­fect: It is the sword of Olivier, one of the 12 Pal­adins of Charle­‐

magne. Its strength and sharp­ness are ex­tra­or­di­nary.]==

He picked up one of them and threw it with­out a ready pos­ture as if he

throw­ing a javelin. With all his power, he threw it at the chest of a Gi­ant
who seemed to be too close to him, al­though it was far away.

Whizz! The sword that flew out like that pierced through the Gi­ant's heart
in a flash.

That was the back­ground of the mir­ac­ le that had hap­pened on the Main
River. But this mir­ac­ le was not free.

'Nine­teen.' Kim was cal­cu­lat­ing the num­ber of Gi­ants he had killed cor­‐
rectly, and of course, he was cal­cu­lat­ing the price of killing the Gi­ants. Fur­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

ther­more, he was go­ing to re­ceive the price of their lives from those who
sur­vived here to­day. If they would not pay for it, he would force them to
pay out, and he was go­ing to get paid in some way. That was the back­‐
ground of win­ning the war that Kim Tae-hoon had thought would be im­pos­‐

Kim never suf­fered a loss in any bat­tle, and, he re­ceived the cost of his
wounds in some way through the war to match the risks he took.

'The re­main­ing Gi­ants num­ber one hun­dred and sev­enty-seven.'

How­ever, Kim's dark eyes turned black like a lens and looked at the Huge
Gi­ant Hrung­nir.

'No, I'd rather kill a big one first.' At that mo­ment, Kim no longer turned his
head to the pile of swords and spears.

Cheu-cheu-cheu! In­stead, the swords and spears them­selves ap­proached

Kim as if they were alive, and be­gan to hover around him like satel­lites. He
picked one of them.

'First, I will go with the Sword of Gou­jian.'


A man was stum­bling as if he was drunken. Stomp, stomp... When the

man's weak steps stopped, there was a bat­tle­field be­fore the man. No, it was
more like a grave than a bat­tle­field. There were huge fallen Gi­ants all over
the place. There was a huge hole in the chest of ev­ery dead car­cass. The
man, Jo­hann Gabriel, was dis­tracted for a mo­ment.

'Is this re­ally real?' But in front of this ab­surd sight, he did not look for God
as al­ways.

'He re­ally did this...' In­stead of look­ing for God, he thought of a man. 'Kim
Tae-hoon.' He re­mem­bered the man's face, which he had no choice but to
call a devil, and then he closed his eyes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

"Hey! Take that! The bell!" John Gabriel could hear a lan­guage un­fa­mil­iar
to him, and he turned his head. Then he saw the men in black and red
leather, and pure white feath­ers, mov­ing briskly around a head-sized bell
which was shin­ing with brass.

Some of them laid down the fallen peo­ple in one place, and some moved to
take the bell. The sight fright­ened Jo­hann Gabriel be­cause the bell was not a
nor­mal one.

'The, the Bell of Jerusalem?'

The Bell of Jerusalem was lit­er­ally a bell of the Holy Land with the dig­nity
of God. It was in­deed a tool that could make God's voice.

"Oh, no!" Of course, John Gabriel ran away, scream­ing. It was un­ac­cept­‐
able, ei­ther by in­stinct or by rea­son, to be robbed of the Bell of Jerusalem
by those who he did not know the iden­tity of. But his run did not last long.

"Ugh!" In the state of be­ing ex­posed to the fear of Hrung­nir, in the sit­u­at­ion
where he had lost his fight­ing spirit, his body, which was still fright­ened by
Kim Tae-hoon's ap­pear­ance, fell to the ground af­ter tak­ing a few steps.

A man stepped to­ward him af­ter he had fallen, stomp­ing the ground. The
man was unique in many ways and he had many ac­ces­sories; the fin­gers of
both hands all had gold rings, stone rings, and jade rings, and on his neck,
there were three neck­laces, such as a Bud­dhist rosary, a gold neck­lace, and
a cross neck­lace made of sil­ver. There was no sense of unity in the things he
wore. The man held out his hand to the fallen John Gabriel.

"Are you all right?"

"Who, who are you?"

Of course, John Gabriel did not ac­cept the fa­vor. Even though ev­ery­thing
was bro­ken, he gave out the great­est sense of anger that he could.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

"Oh, you didn't hear the ex­pla­na­tion from the boss." The man who held out
his hand to him took it back and smiled. "I'm Jang Sung-hoon, and I be­long
to the Mac Guild."

The Mac Guild, the words shook John Gabriel's eyes again. It was words he
heard to­day for the first time, but it was words that John Gabriel would re­‐
mem­ber as clearly as his name for the rest of his life. Of course, it was not
re­mem­bered in a good sense.

Jang smiled at the re­ac­tion of John Gabriel be­cause the re­ac­tion was the
most ob­vi­ous ev­i­dence that he had met Kim Tae-hoon. He said with that
smile, "For ref­er­ence, I'm in charge of the ap­praisal of the relics in the Mac

"The ap­praisal of the relics?"

"You heard it from the boss, didn't you? He'll get paid for killing mon­sters
since it's not free."

"Well, that's..."

"You ac­cepted the of­fer, and you can see the Gi­ants dy­ing here." Jang, who
was speak­ing, pointed to the Bell of Jerusalem be­hind him with his thumb.

"And what good are the euro, the dol­lar, and the gold in this age? It's ob­vi­‐
ous, isn't it?"

"You'll get relics in re­turn?"

"We're tak­ing relics." At that mo­ment, Jang said care­fully, with his mouth at
the ear of John Gabriel in a very low voice. "Not only relics but his­tor­i­cal
art, even if they have not be­come relics, can be also paid the price. For ex­‐
am­ple, the Mona Lisa. I don't think it's a relic since it's not here. Where is

At the whis­per of Jang, John Gabriel could see again.

"I'm the sec­ond-in-com­mand of the Mac Guild, and if the boss is in charge
of the ac­tual fight­ing, I'm in charge of the prac­ti­cal af­fairs. If you have a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

close and in­ti­mate re­la­tion­ship with me, you'll have noth­ing to lose. Oh, of
course, I'm not ask­ing for bribes, just be­cause I'm in­ter­ested in art. I
dreamed of dec­o­rat­ing the house with the Venus De Milo and the Nike of
Samoth­race. Oh, I'm not ask­ing you to give them to me, but I'm just say­ing
it's my sim­ple dream."

John Gabriel could see that the Mac Guild was a devil's den.

Then, one of his men ap­proached and told Jang. "We found the Nike."

"Oh, re­ally? Was it there?"

"Yes, it's a first-grade leg­end."

"What's the ef­fect?"

"It en­hances com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity."

"Take it care­fully, be­cause it should be dis­played at the Mac Guild Mu­seum


The con­ver­sa­tion be­tween his sub­or­di­nates and Jang pro­ceeded in Ko­rean,

but it was not dif­fi­cult for John Gabriel to gauge the words. He did know
what the word Nike meant.

'Oh, no.' The Nike of Samoth­race was a valu­able Vat­i­can relic, as valu­able
as the Bell of Jerusalem, and at the same time, a hu­man trea­sure that
showed that mankind had built a bril­liant civ­i­liza­tion in this land. It was a
trea­sure of trea­sures that could not be mea­sured!

'We have to stop them.' So, John Gabriel tried to over­come the sit­u­at­ion by
mak­ing an armed demon­stra­tion, if nec­es­sary. Blood­thirsti­ness and fight­ing
spirit be­gan to grow in the eyes of John Gabriel.

The fact was caught by the sub­or­di­nate who was re­port­ing to Jang. It was
meant to be caught. 'He's dan­ger­ous.'

The spe­cial forces Jang brought were those who would sac­ri­fice on be­half
of Kim Tae-hoon as needed. In other words, it meant that they were good

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 142 - The Giants, Part Iii ⦘

enough to re­place Kim Tae-hoon for a while. Of course, they were much
bet­ter than the elites of the Cru­saders. They were dif­fer­ent from ex­pe­ri­ence.

They did not sur­vive in the war against the mon­sters with the help of relics;
they had climbed from the bot­tom and gained the power of their own. As­‐
suredly, none were weaker than John Gabriel, even if he was ready to fight.
Of course, as soon as John Gabriel started to at­tack Jang, at least one of his
limbs would be cut off.

For­tu­nately, no such thing oc­curred.

At that mo­ment, there was a huge boom of thun­der, and ev­ery­one turned
their heads in the di­rec­tion of it. They saw a blue flash of light cut the sky
and stick into the chest of the Huge Gi­ant. The Spear of In­dra, Vasavi
Shakti, had pierced the heart of Hrung­nir!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 143 - Dis­as­ter, Part I

Chap­ter 51. Dis­as­ter, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Light­ning and thun­der had al­ways been fear­ful to mankind. When light­ning
struck the sky and thun­dered, hu­mans were ter­ri­fied and frozen.

Rum­ble! The same was true when a sin­gle light­ning bolt pen­et­rated Hrung­‐
nir's chest with a thun­der­ous sound.

"Huck!" Ev­ery­one on the bat­tle­field was frozen in front of a flash of light

and the thun­der rum­bling that swept through the sky.


'What's go­ing on...' The ab­surd sight in front of them did not even al­low
them to shout out in shock.

Rum­ble! The feet of Hrung­nir, which shook the frozen world, had stopped
for a mo­ment.

Woo-oh-oh-oh-oh! The cries as well as the feet-stomp­ing... no, the vi­bra­‐

tions be­gan to shake the sur­round­ings of the Main River. Hrung­nir poured
out his feel­ings with the scream. It was an­gry, and the rea­son was ob­vi­ous.
There was a huge hole in its chest, and blood burst­ing out through the hole.

Now Hrung­nir was un­der the threat of death and was an­gry about it. Of
course, its steps were not sim­ple steps, but the beast fac­ing a threat did its
best, dis­play­ing its full power.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

Rum­ble! At ev­ery step, the ground shook with the power of the gi­ant.



The world was stum­bling, and even the Gi­ants fell down, los­ing their bal­‐
ance at this shak­ing. A sight that seemed like the end of the world loomed
in front of ev­ery­one.

In the haze, a sword flew once again to­ward Hrung­nir's chest, mov­ing with
a sharp sound that cut the wind.

Thunk! A katana, with a pure white blade, pen­et­rated deep into the chest of
Hrung­nir af­ter fly­ing like a mis­sile.

Whizz! Soon af­ter that, a golden-col­ored sword was in­serted into its chest.

Whizz! Whizz! Like the bul­lets of a ma­chine gun, dozens of spears and
swords flew to­ward the hole in the chest of Hrung­nir.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! They con­tin­u­ously, con­stantly, re­peat­edly, drilled

into the hole in Hrung­nir's heart. Ev­ery time Hrung­nir took an­other step, its
heart was filled with an­other three swords.

Woo-eo-eo-eo! Of course, the more it walked, the more holes were drilled
in its heart, and the more it screamed. The cry was weak af­ter Hrung­nir
walked ten steps. Its body be­gan to wob­ble like it had ane­mia.

Hrung­nir's body, which could not hold af­ter it stag­gered, be­gan to lean, and
slowly and grandly fell to the ground. BOOM!

The im­pact was enough to send the bod­ies of ev­ery­one, who had been suf­‐
fer­ing from sup­pres­sion, into the air, and let ex­pe­ri­ence zero grav­ity for a

A Mir­ac­ le. It was a scene that could not be ex­plained by any­thing other than
those two words.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

It was a man com­ing down from the sky that put the fin­ish­ing dot on the


Kim Tae-hoon had learned a great deal through the dream that Napoleon's
Golden Glass al­lowed him. The dream that gave him the great­est and most
im­por­tant lessons and knowl­edge was, of course, the first dream. In his
dream of be­ing killed by the dragon, he had seen how he had han­dled his
weapons in the bat­tle. He saw sev­eral spears and swords hov­er­ing around
him­self like satel­lites.

It was a hint, an idea for the best bat­tle method, which Kim Tae-hoon had
re­fined through re­peated trial and er­ror. The hint told him, "Use a lot of
relics as bul­lets." Hav­ing many weapons hov­er­ing around him was, to put it
plainly, like a re­volver's cylin­der cir­cling around.

Now Kim had used the best bat­tle method for the first time. He had his
weapons hov­er­ing around him­self and fired them off like pulling a trig­ger.
He used the Sword of Gou­jian to gauge the lo­ca­tion of the heart, used the
Light­ning Spear, Vasavi Shakti, to neu­tral­ize the hard skin, and then shot
dozens of relic weapons like bul­lets of a ma­chine gun to­ward the ex­posed

'Not bad.'

The power of the at­tack was now proved by the dead body of Hrung­nir,
which was un­der Kim's feet, the heart com­pletely de­stroyed, and by the
dark blue jewel in his blood­stained hand.

==[The Crys­tal of the Huge Gi­ant]

-- Strength and Health in­crease sig­nif­i­cantly when in­gested.

-- Pro­fi­ciency of Mana rank can reach Tran­scen­den­tal when in­gested.

-- Any­one can ac­quire the power of the Huge Gi­ant [the Mana of the Huge
Gi­ant] when in­gested.]==

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon, af­ter con­firm­ing the value of the Crys­tal of the Huge Gi­ant,
swal­lowed it, and then checked the back of his right hand with his black


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 1277

-- Health: 1313

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: A+ Rank

-- Mana: S-Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S-Rank

-- De­fense: A+ Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: A+ Rank

[Achieved Abil­ity]

-- The Mana of the Huge Gi­ant (Grade 2): Any­one given the Mana of the
Huge Gi­ant can gain the power of the Huge Gi­ant.


'Mana has reached the Tran­scen­den­tal rank.' It was an in­come be­yond his

'I like the new skill I've learned this time.' Mana had reached the Tran­scen­‐
den­tal rank, and there was no prob­lem in mea­sur­ing its util­ity value.

'The value of the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje will in­crease.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

'Mana is con­sumed as fuel to bring out the power of relics.' Con­sid­er­ing

that, it was not dif­fi­cult to gauge how the Mana of the Huge Gi­ant would
af­fect things. In ad­di­tion, Kim had many relics that could use the Mana of
the Huge Gi­ant prop­erly: The Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, the
Horse Fig­ure-Type Earth­en­ware, and...

'The Qin Shi Huang Sword will be help­ful, too.' This time, he had the newly
ac­quired the Qin Shi Huang Sword.

It was a lu­cra­tive hunt in many ways, but Kim did not smile at the fact. In­‐
stead, he lifted his head and looked around, and saw a flag fly­ing. It was a
huge flag, on which the sym­bol of the Mac Guild, Mac, was drawn. The
flag clearly told ev­ery­one on this bat­tle­field who the true win­ner of this bat­‐
tle was. It was also telling Kim that the dis­as­ter has be­gun.

'Now, it's time to clean up what Mao has done.'


When Hrung­nir fell down, John Gabriel thought there would be noth­ing
that would sur­prise him any­more. He ex­pected that he would not ex­pe­ri­ence
any more un­re­al­is­tic days. But it did not take long for his thoughts and ex­‐
pec­ta­tions to break. Kim Tae-hoon made it hap­pen.

'Cof­fee...?' As soon as the un­re­al­is­tic bat­tle was over, the stage of di­al­ogue
was cre­ated, and the leader of the Cru­saders, Jo­hann Gabriel, sat down with
the Mac Guild's rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Kim Tae-hoon. It was no sur­prise. They had
made a deal, and now that it was over, it was time to cal­cu­late the price.

But the scene of boil­ing wa­ter and drop­ping cof­fee on the spot was some­‐
thing no one ex­pected. Even Kim en­joyed his cof­fee. Not just to rinse his
mouth, but hold­ing his cof­fee in his mouth, he just looked dis­pas­sion­ately at
John Gabriel.

John Gabriel could not find the word 'ne­go­ti­at­ing' any­where in the im­age of

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

And in fact, Kim had no in­ten­tion of ne­go­ti­at­ing here. He swal­lowed his

cof­fee and said, "I will tell you again."

In that way, the con­ver­sa­tion be­gan.

"The price is all the Vat­i­can has, and re­mem­ber it."

John Gabriel opened his mouth and let out a full sigh of re­lief. 'Any­way, he
is a hu­man.' The fact that Kim was talk­ing re­as­sured him be­cause at least he
re­al­ized that Kim Tae-hoon was a con­ver­sa­tional part­ner.

"I have some­thing to say about that, and I will cer­tainly not for­get the grace
you have shown us to­day, and I will pay for it, but I can­not give you all of
the Vat­i­can." So, John Gabriel re­gained his com­po­sure and be­gan to say the
words he had pre­pared.

'I can't give him ev­ery­thing.' To be hon­est, John Gabriel had no in­ten­tion of
pay­ing ev­ery­thing in the Vat­i­can for sav­ing their lives in this bat­tle. What
the Vat­i­can had now was vir­tu­ally ev­ery­thing in Eu­rope. It made no sense to
give it all.

'There's no con­tract, so I'll have to fin­ish a ne­go­ti­at­ion here. I'll min­i­mize

the losses.' Es­pe­cially, if he gave ev­ery­thing here, the relics, the ex­is­tence of
the Vat­i­can would be mean­ing­less. The Vat­i­can knights who lost their relics
could not wage a war prop­erly against the mon­sters in the fu­ture?

"Of course I don't mean I won't pay, but I can't give you any of the relics
with the Vat­i­can's honor and his­tory."

In this sit­u­at­ion, John Gabriel did not have a sense of shame. Shame and
dis­honor did not mat­ter to him in the ne­go­ti­at­ion that con­cerned life and
death. What if it took hun­dreds or tens of mil­lions of lives, not just a few
lives? There was no rea­son why he could not com­mit a sin against heaven.
The only prob­lem was that the man in front of John Gabriel was Kim Tae-

"Once the Bell of Jerusalem-"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

"This is how your con­ver­sa­tion would have gone af­ter Mao and the Six
Snakes killed Hrung­nir."

"What, what's that-?"

In front of John Gabriel who asked a cross-ques­tion, Kim kept his cof­fee in­‐
stead of con­tin­u­ing his words. The si­lence started like that. John Gabriel did
not dare to open his mouth and break the si­lence. It was sim­ply a time of

Gulp! Kim swal­lowed his cof­fee again, and slowly spoke out words with a
deep aroma of cof­fee.

"If the sol­diers of the Six Snakes on standby had killed the Huge Gi­ant, you
would have tried to ne­go­ti­ate this way. 'We can't give it all. We have our sit­‐
u­at­ion, so, let's change the deal.'"

John Gabriel did not an­swer. It was not easy to breathe or speak in the sit­u­a‐­
tion where he seemed to have been stabbed with a dag­ger. But it was the be­‐

"Do you think the Six Snakes didn't ex­pect that?"

At the words of Kim, John Gabriel turned his op­po­nent in front of him into
Mao Spencer, not Kim Tae-hoon.

He imag­ined what he would do when he vis­ited the Six Snakes' war­riors

and asked for help, when they ac­cepted his re­quest and killed the Huge Gi­‐
ant Hrung­nir, and when they made the same re­quest. He would not be as
sur­prised as he was now, but he would prob­ab­ ly be try­ing to ne­go­ti­ate with
the Six Snakes.

'Oh, my God...' And John Gabriel's at­tempt to ne­go­ti­ate would have failed.

He would not ex­pect a rea­son­able ne­go­ti­at­ion from the man who blew up
the Red Square in Mos­cow purely for the pur­pose of pun­ish­ing Rus­sia,
which had re­fused his pro­posal and re­quest and been made an ex­am­ple.
Fur­ther­more, Mao and the Six Snakes would have ex­pected John Gabriel's

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

ac­tions to re­vise the deal. They would have pre­pared some­thing ac­cord­‐

'That can't be right.' When he reached that point, his face was white as a
sheet. Now he re­al­ized that the dis­as­ter pre­pared by the Six Snakes and
Mao was not the end, but the be­gin­ning.

"... would the Six Snakes pre­pare a new mon­ster?"

It had al­ready been proven that the Cru­saders were not ca­pa­ble of deal­ing
with a dark blue-grade mon­ster. In such a sit­u­at­ion, what would hap­pen if a
mon­ster above the dark blue grade came to Eu­rope? There was no need to
worry long. The Vat­i­can and Eu­rope would ded­i­cate their bod­ies and souls
to those who would stop the mon­ster, hop­ing for sal­va­tion.

"When a mir­ac­ le once hap­pens, peo­ple deny it; but when a sec­ond mir­ac­ le
hap­pens, they long for it."

It seemed time for a real Mes­siah to be born. There would be no choice for
those who would de­sire sal­va­tion from the Mes­siah who was born like that.
The fact was still true. The sec­ond dis­as­ter pre­pared by the Six Snakes
would soon hit Eu­rope, and there was only one per­son who could deal with
the dis­as­ter.

"I will re­turn to the point, and I will some­how take the price of killing the
Huge Gi­ant, and if I kill the mon­ster in the fu­ture, I will also take the cor­re­‐
spond­ing price."

The mo­ment John Gabriel re­al­ized it, ne­go­ti­at­ing was no longer in his

Kim Tae-hoon did not speak out any more words that he did not need. He
just en­joyed his cof­fee qui­etly.


Siberia, where harsh win­ter winds were still rag­ing...

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 143 - Disaster, Part I ⦘

In the bit­ing wind, peo­ple in white uni­forms were gath­ered in a clus­ter. No

mat­ter how warmly dressed they were, they were in cold­ness like their
whole bod­ies were be­ing chopped, but no one com­plained about it. Of
course, there was no fire.

Even more so, they all had keen eyes that would defy even the se­vere wind.
The keen eyes showed that their de­ter­mi­na­tion, re­spon­si­bil­i­ties, and obli­ga­‐
tions were not sim­ple. It was the men in the white uni­forms that ap­peared in
the dis­tance that changed their eyes.

"It is not here."

"It is not here?"

"Yes, the war­head is gone. There's a sign of in­va­sion. I think some­one took
the war­head."

At that re­port, the keen eyes of ev­ery­one be­gan to shake like can­dles in
front of the wind.

The man who was re­port­ing said with un­shak­able eyes, but with a mixed
ex­pres­sion, "... de­liver the news to Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir as soon as pos­‐
si­ble. We've lost a nu­clear war­head."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 144 - Dis­as­ter, Part Ii

Chap­ter 51. Dis­as­ter, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


"To re­it­er­ate, the Vat­i­can will have the right to use the relics on this list, and
in­stead, you will pay forty per­cent of the mon­ster stones of the mon­ster that
you kill with the aid of this relic to the Mac Guild."

The con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Kim Tae-hoon and John Gabriel ended eas­ily and
briefly. There was no rea­son for the con­ver­sa­tion to be long or com­pli­cated
since the win­ner and the loser had al­ready been de­ter­mined.

"This right is valid for one year, and if ei­ther party does not re­quire a ter­mi­‐
na­tion or change of the con­tract three months be­fore the con­tract ex­pires,
the con­tract will be re­newed au­to­mat­i­cally for an­other year."


But the real story was what came next. Af­ter the lead­ers had fin­ished their
con­ver­sa­tion, the men who served them had to ver­ify ev­ery­thing was prac­ti­‐
cal and valid. It was trou­ble­some and com­pli­cated in many ways. They had
to check each sen­tence and word used in the con­tract and mea­sure the merit
of the con­tract.

"Now, sign it."

That role was, of course, Jang Sung-hoon's. In ad­di­tion, Jang's role was not
over at that point.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

"Oh, and this is a per­sonal re­quest, but I'd like you to put this poster around
the Vat­i­can City State. It's not spe­cial, but I'm go­ing to make a Eu­ro­pean
branch of the Mac Guild, so I'd like to ad­ver­tise it."

Jang im­me­di­ately set out to work on cre­at­ing a branch of the Mac Guild in
Eu­rope. It was part of their orig­i­nal plans.

"The good things are to be shared with you, of course."

Even if Kim Tae-hoon was so pow­er­ful, it was not easy to have a strong in­‐
flu­ence on the lands of Eu­rope un­less he set­tled there. Hu­man his­tory had
proved it. If he wanted to rule a coun­try, it was im­pos­si­ble un­less he even­tu­‐
ally won the help of the peo­ple in the coun­try.

"Oh, any­one can join the Mac Guild, and there are no re­stric­tions on race,
re­li­gion, or na­tion­al­ity."

Of course, in the ab­sence of any mer­its, the Mac Guild Eu­ro­pean branch
would not put down roots prop­erly. Nat­u­rally, Jang had pre­pared the mer­its.

"In ad­di­tion, some of the relics that are not on this list will be rented to
hunters in the Mac Guild Eu­ro­pean branch. It will be at a lower price, I will
lend them to the hunters if I like. I am not sure if I've told you I'm in­ter­ested
in art, but cer­tainly I told the head of the Vat­i­can City State, haha!"

Some of the relics re­ceived from the Vat­i­can in re­turn for the fight would be
held in the hands of hunters join­ing the Mac Guild Eu­ro­pean branch.

It would be the cre­ation of some­thing from noth­ing. It was crazy from the
stand­point of the Vat­i­can.

"I can give you an ap­pli­ca­tion if you want? For ref­er­ence, if you sign up, I'll
give you a cute Mac doll."

Ar­riv­ing at this point, the Mac Guild Eu­ro­pean branch would build their
force and get or­ga­nized in­cred­i­bly quickly.

"Oh, don't you care? I don't in­tend to push you. Huh? The boss? Are you
ask­ing where he is?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

It was his re­spon­si­bil­ity to rep­re­sent the pres­ence of the Mac Guild Eu­ro­‐
pean branch, which be­gan to be struc­tured.

"The boss is in France now."

The Mac Guild Mas­ter, Kim Tae-hoon would def­i­nitely show Eu­rope who
they should choose to back in a world full of mon­sters. At the mo­ment it
hap­pened, the ends of the Eurasian con­ti­nent would be placed un­der a sin­‐
gle name.



The move­ment of more pow­er­ful mon­sters greatly changed the map of ter­ri­‐
to­ries claimed by lesser mon­sters. The Mac Guild had iden­ti­fied this in
count­less cases. Fur­ther­more, the Mac Guild had also con­firmed that when
pow­er­ful mon­sters ap­peared, mon­sters did not just move, but showed dif­‐
fer­ent pat­terns of move­ments, ac­cord­ing to their grades and char­ac­ter­is­tics.

For ex­am­ple, a blue grade mon­ster that led a group of at least five hun­dred
did not sim­ply run away. As soon as pos­si­ble, it ex­plored its new ter­ri­tory,
and when it found a suit­able place, it used its full power to oc­cupy the
place. In the process, some clever in­di­vid­u­als de­lib­er­ately saved their prey,
rather than kill them all, to keep them as an emer­gency food sup­ply.

This was ex­actly the case for the Gob­lin King, the huge golden-skinned
Gob­lin with blue eyes. It was orig­i­nally lo­cated in Bel­gium. There, as its
name sug­gested, it had reigned as king. But it boldly aban­doned its ter­ri­tory
as soon as the Gi­ants came over the Baltic Sea to Ger­many. Fur­ther­more,
af­ter aban­don­ing a large num­ber of the Gob­lins fol­low­ing him, it moved
with only 5,000 elites. Its tar­get was none other than the cap­i­tal of France,
Paris, where it made its new ter­ri­tory.


The en­try of the Gob­lin King and the Gob­lin Corps into Paris, which be­gan
like that, was not hard.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

Hun­dreds of thou­sands of sur­vivors and troops re­sid­ing in Paris failed to

even fight prop­erly against the Gob­lin Corps.

-Fuck, damn it!-

So far, the first rea­son was that the blue-grade mon­sters were hunted solely
un­der the Vat­i­can's ini­tia­tive, and the sec­ond rea­son was that those with
great tal­ents and pow­er­ful relics re­sid­ing in Paris had gone to Ger­many to
fight the Huge Gi­ant.

The third rea­son was the peo­ple left in Paris. The sur­vivors of Paris, as they
had done so far, went to war, be­liev­ing that God would take care of them in
any cri­sis and hard­ship. Of course, proper com­bat was not pos­si­ble.

Vir­tu­ally all of them were made use­less by the fear of the Gob­lin King, and
the neu­tral­ized men were noth­ing, but plen­ti­ful food for the Gob­lins that the
Gob­lin King had se­lected. On the street of Champs-El­y­sees, un­der the Eif­‐
fel Tower, un­der the Arc de Tri­om­phe, the sound of chew­ing flesh was

"God­damn it..."

That's why Leo LeRoy was watch­ing hell now.

"Damn it! Damn it, damn it!"

But at this mo­ment Leo couldn't es­cape from this hellish land­scape.

-I need to save Cather­ine.-

She was too fright­ened to run away even when he saw her be­ing dragged to
the Bois de Boulogne af­ter be­ing beaten in­dis­crim­i­nately by a group of
Gob­lins. That was why he felt more des­per­ate.

-Find a way some­how, Leo! Find a way some­how! I can't lose even her!-

In the sit­u­at­ion where he had to save his lover, the fact that even if he risked
his own life, there was noth­ing to be changed, put Leo into the deep­est de­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

-If I go to the Vat­i­can and ask for help...-

The Vat­i­can was the only place that he could think of at this mo­ment. The
blue-grade mon­ster was an evil thing that only the Vat­i­can could pun­ish,
and sav­ing the world from the mon­sters was also a mir­ac­ le that only the
Vat­i­can could per­form.

-Damn it, it can't be true...-

But in this sit­u­at­ion, it was dif­fi­cult to get even get out of Paris right now.
The dis­tance from Paris to Vat­i­can City, a thou­sand kilo­me­ters away, was
too far.

Even if he ran the whole dis­tance to the Vat­i­can, even if the Vat­ic­ an showed
him the mercy of God, there was no guar­an­tee that his lover would be alive
when he came back.


In the face of this re­al­ity, a sense of mis­ery flowed through Leo's tight lips.


"I'll ask you a ques­tion."

The sud­den pen­et­rat­ing voice made his clenched jaw drop.


Leo turned his head, fright­ened. Look­ing be­hind, he saw an Asian man
there. The man with the two swords on his back was im­pres­sive. Leo
pointed at the man with a gun in his hand re­flex­ively.

"Who, who is it?"

"Can you speak Eng­lish?"

In front of the gun, the Asian spoke stilted French calmly. Leo shook his
head re­flex­ively as he lis­tened to the French.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

The Asian man clicked his tongue briefly.

Then, Leo looked at the Asian man and asked, "Ko­rean?"

Leo spoke awk­ward Ko­rean, and the fact put the Asian man in a good
mood. "You speak Ko­rean?"

"I lived in Ko­rea for five years."

"I want to un­der­stand the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion in Paris. Any­thing is good,

whether it's about mon­sters, sur­vivors, or relics."

Leo paused at the sud­den and in­ex­pli­ca­ble man's re­quest. But his con­cern
was not long. The man in front of him was not a man hunt­ing a hu­man, but
mon­sters. Most of all, he didn't think he could do any­thing about the guy
even if he pulled the trig­ger.

"Hoo!" Leo low­ered his gun, calmed him­self down, and then slowly con­tin­‐
ued, re­mem­ber­ing the words in Ko­rean af­ter a mo­ment. "Paris is now oc­cu­‐
pied by the Gob­lin King. There is the camp of the Gob­lin King. Peo­ple are
be­ing cap­tured. The Parisian army has re­treated. No sur­vivors have been
iden­ti­fied. All the sur­vivors have scat­tered."

The man's eyes went black dur­ing the ex­pla­na­tion in Ko­rean, which was
awk­ward but enough to un­der­stand the gen­eral mean­ing.

Leo stum­bled back, sur­prised, but the man looked at the Bois de Boulogne,
the cas­tle of the Gob­lin King, with his black Eyes, un­con­cerned. It was a
very long dis­tance, not vis­i­ble to the naked eyes, but in the eyes of the man,
the Gob­lins mov­ing through the for­est park con­stantly came in.

"Kkii, kkikki! Kkiii!" He could hear the dis­tant sounds that a Gob­lin was
threat­en­ing an­other Gob­lin with, as it was about to bite the arm of a liv­ing
hu­man, as well as the bizarre sound of the other Gob­lins.

The man, who had checked the sit­u­at­ion, turned his black eyes back to their
orig­i­nal color and said to Leo, "My name is Kim Tae-hoon, mas­ter of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

Mac Guild, a hunter guild hunt­ing mon­sters." The man walked for­ward
with the brief ex­pla­na­tion.

Leo shouted, sur­prised at the sight. "Gob­lins are dan­ger­ous!"

Kyaah! As soon as the words were fin­ished, five Gob­lins, who had heard
the con­ver­sa­tion and sneaked in to am­bush them, ap­peared and flew at the
man with open jaws, in­tend­ing to wet their dry throats with fresh blood.

Thunk! How­ever, the ground was promptly soaked with blood from the
sides of their heads. The man, Kim Tae-hoon, walked to­ward the for­est
with­out look­ing at the fallen dead bod­ies.

Leo's mind as he looked at the scene was stamped with the words, "The
mas­ter of the Mac Guild, Kim Tae-hoon."

"Ma, Mas­ter! Help, help! Please help!"




It was a city in the south­east of Eng­land. Few out­siders knew the name of
this coastal city, which was lo­cated over­look­ing the Strait of Dover. But to
the UK, the value of the city of Folk­ston was un­be­liev­ably high.

Folk­ston was valu­able be­cause of the Chan­nel Tun­nel, a sub­merged tun­nel

across the Strait of Dover be­tween Eng­land and Eu­rope.

How­ever, the scenery of such Folk­ston was both hor­rific and bizarre. The
roads, moun­tains, and fields were filled with cars, as if all the cars in Eng­‐
land had gath­ered here. But with so many cars, there was no in­di­ca­tion of
any peo­ple be­ing around.

A deep si­lence! There was a man stand­ing alone in this grave­yard si­lence.
The man stand­ing alone be­tween the own­er­less cars was look­ing at his palm
with his head down.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

The man's palms were full of the ashes left be­hind af­ter some­thing was

The man look­ing at the ashes was silent.


Then a cry which was clearly from a mon­ster be­gan to vi­brate through the

Fi­nally, a Gi­ant Tiger with two heads ap­peared, leap­ing over the roof of a
car. The body of the mon­ster, which flashed yel­low eyes, was all skin and
bone, in spite of its huge size. It hadn't eaten prop­erly for a long time. Per­‐
haps that's why the blood­thirsti­ness that flashed in its yel­low eyes was more
in­tense than ever.

Nat­u­rally, the hun­gry mon­ster threw it­self at the man with­out any hes­i­ta­‐

At that mo­ment, a spear showed up out of nowhere and cut through the
mon­ster's necks. The head­less body fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry." The man who im­me­di­ately apol­o­gized was none other than Ma­‐
jor Chin­shan. "I'm just..."

The man re­ceiv­ing the apol­ogy was Mao Spencer. "They are all dead."


"Ev­ery­one left in Ger­many to kill the Huge Gi­ant was killed, in­clud­ing the
Lin sis­ters." With those words, Mao Spencer be­gan to dust off the ashes in
his palms. The black ashes crum­bled and soon dis­ap­peared.

Ma­jor Chin­shan tensed up when he heard that. "What do you mean..." The
words com­ing from the stunned Chin­shan were quite weak.

Mao did not an­swer his ques­tion. In­stead, he looked at his palms, which
were now empty. At that mo­ment, a weird laugh burst out of Mao's mouth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

In front of the laugh­ter that he could not help but call in­san­ity, Chin­shan
closed his mouth.

Mao's laugh­ter filled the quiet space for a long time. When the laugh­ter
stopped, Mao looked again at his palms with the words. "I made the Six
Snakes in the hope of dom­i­nat­ing six con­ti­nents, and I lost all of them."

"Mr. Mao, for now..."

"Empty hands and naked fists."

Mao grabbed his fist. Empty hands and naked fists were ev­ery­thing he had
now. But he was not about to cry. In­stead, he only laughed bit­terly.

Ma­jor Chin­shan spoke care­fully again in front of Mao. "Then what are you
go­ing to do?"

"We'll leave."

"To leave..."

"The Eurasian con­ti­nent has left our hands, there is no rea­son to stay here

"Then where are you go­ing?"

There was no an­swer to that ques­tion. In­stead of an­swer­ing, Mao looked at

the end of the Chan­nel Tun­nel, to­ward France, be­yond the Strait of Dover.

"The good news is that we can earn enough time thanks to the pre­pared nu­‐
clear bombs." Mao turned his head in the op­po­site di­rec­tion af­ter he fin­‐
ished his low-pitched talk­ing to him­self. "We will go to Stone­henge first,
and then we are go­ing to the United States."

At the an­swer "the United States," Chin­shan ap­pealed to Mao with tears in
his eyes, "If we go to Amer­ica, the Pen­ta­gon will never fol­low Mr. Mao. If
they know Mr. Mao is in trou­ble... Why not go to Egypt, where you still
have in­flu­ence and power?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 144 - Disaster, Part Ii ⦘

"Egypt is too close. We will be caught if we go there."

"But the United States..."

"The per­son who is in need should lower his head, and if the Pen­ta­gon
won't fol­low me, I'll just lower my head and go un­der­neath them."

Ma­jor Chin­shan closed his mouth at the teeth-grind­ing sound at the end of
Mao's words. There was no way he did not know Mao's char­ac­ter.

Mao felt it was a great hu­mil­i­at­ion to serve un­der­neath some­one who was
once his equal. Nev­er­the­less, he had to ac­cept the hu­mil­i­at­ion.

Per­se­ver­ance! Mao was will­ing to com­pro­mise with hu­mil­i­at­ion for the fu­‐
ture. The bit­ter smile at his lips be­gan to turn into a lit­tle bloody smile as he
de­ter­mined to make the com­pro­mise.

"I won­der if he can stop the army of the Orc Khan, and..." That was the end
of what Mao had said. He moved his chin with­out fin­ish­ing his words.

Chin­shan checked the di­rec­tion of the chin and nod­ded. He shouted, "We
are go­ing to Stone­henge!"

Shortly af­ter the cry, the en­trance to the Chan­nel Tun­nel col­lapsed with a
loud ex­plo­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 145 - Dis­as­ter, Part Iii

Chap­ter 51. Dis­as­ter, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Bois de Boulogne...

Lo­cated in the city of Paris, this for­est park was a beau­ti­ful rest­ing place for
Parisians and a won­der­ful thing to see when­ever they looked west from the
Eif­fel Tower. It was a place Paris' cit­i­zens de­served pride at hav­ing made it,
and the tourists who vis­ited Paris re­mem­bered.



But at this mo­ment it was a night­mare for the cit­i­zens of Paris.

Kkik Kkik! Kkiee!


"Shut up! Be quiet."

"God­damn it, damn it---"

Count­less peo­ple were shiv­er­ing in ter­ror at the shrieks of dozens of Gob­‐

lins. None of them were healthy. Not only were most of them cov­ered with
wounds, but not a few of them were barely breath­ing, bones bro­ken and al­‐
ready un­con­scious. In ad­di­tion, they were all mud­dled up with their own or

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

oth­ers' waste, be­cause they didn't have a chance to clean them­selves. It was
the fate of un­cared-for live­stock.

"Aaaaaargh!" A scream was heard by the peo­ple liv­ing in the sor­did, mis­er­‐
able con­di­tions. The scream, which rose far away, was strong enough to
shake the Bois de Boulogne for­est.

"Sa, save me! Don't eat me! Please don't eat me!"

The hor­ri­ble scream that fol­lowed drove the sur­vivors thicker and deeper
into de­spair.


Khuck! Khuck!

As soon as the scream that shook the for­est was gone, the breath­ing of those
still alive stopped for a while.

'Damn it...'

'It's a dream. It must be a dream.'

Ev­ery­one was tight-mouthed, for­get­ting to breathe, and forced them­selves

to sa­vor the fear.

Kkiyr, kkiyr! Kkii!

Gob­lins who looked at them whet their ap­petite. But a Gi­ant Gob­lin with
yel­low eyes looked on with glar­ing eyes and warned the Gob­lins with its
gaze: the hu­mans here were emer­gency food, so don't even think about tak­‐
ing a nip.


In the end, some Gob­lins couldn't re­sist their hunger, and they ran to the
lake in the Bois de Boulogne for­est nearby. They drove their heads into the
lake and be­gan to drink deeply.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

Kkiik? One of the Gob­lins who had been drink­ing so much wa­ter stopped
and looked up, as it felt some­thing strange. The Gob­lin rolled its or­ange
eye­balls around, but there was noth­ing strange about the lake.

Kkii? The Gob­lin tilted its head once and then pushed its head back into the
lake to drink again.

At that mo­ment the Gob­lin was able to iden­tify the strange scent it had felt.

Kkii! The Gob­lin saw sol­diers made of earth mov­ing un­der the lake.

Kkii! Kkii! As soon as the Gob­lin backed away in a fright, the sol­diers
mov­ing un­der the lake ap­peared.

Kkieeee! The Gob­lins who were drink­ing wa­ter in front of the sol­diers were


It was a good re­sponse to the ap­pear­ance of the sol­diers, who boasted a

huge height of four me­ters.

Kkieeeeek! The re­ac­tion of the Gob­lins be­gan to burst forth through­out the
Bois de Boulogne for­est.

The slaugh­ter be­gan.



'Oh, my God.'

In front of Leo there was now a Gi­ant Gob­lin; a gi­ant, big enough to be an
Ogre, rather than a Gob­lin, with fangs that re­minded him of Sha­bel Tiger,
and blue eyes. This was the sec­ond time he had seen this Gob­lin.

The first time, Leo saw this huge Gob­lin from a very long dis­tance. When
its bell-like cry came out of its mouth, he fainted. It was as it was. Leo's rea­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

son was cut off, and his body col­lapsed like a bro­ken doll.

When he opened his eyes again, hell was al­ready out. In the hands of the
Gob­lin Corps, peo­ple were treated like meat, not just corpses, and some had
been taken alive to the Bois de Boulogne for­est.

'This ridicu­lous mon­ster...'

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the Gob­lin in front of him, the Gob­lin King, walked
leisurely around the city of Paris, eat­ing. It pulled off the head of a man
who fainted in its way, then chewed it like a candy and filled its belly. The
num­ber of heads it had eaten was at least three hun­dred!

Leo, who had run away with his lover be­fore this, Ka­trin, prayed earnestly
to God at that mo­ment. 'Please don't let me see this mon­ster again.'

But now he had seen the Gob­lin again.

'I can't be­lieve it was so easy to kill.'

Gob­lin King was crum­pled in front of Leo, a corpse with a fright­ened face.
There were five swords in its chest, like a flower ar­range­ment.

'Am I dream­ing now?'

Leo turned his head as if he couldn't be­lieve this non­sense. The scene
around him was hard to un­der­stand. Gob­lin bod­ies were ripped up, and
there stood sol­diers of an­cient China, made of earth, who could only be
called gi­ant stat­ues. The spears, swords, and feet of the sol­diers were
stained with dark red blood.

The blood re­minded Leo of the gi­ants' stab­bing and the Gob­lins that be­‐
came meat­balls in front of them. It was a sight so pa­thetic that the Gob­lins
looked more piti­ful than any­thing else.

'Ah!' The last place Leo's gaze went to was the sky.

As the man fell down on the corpse of the Gob­lin King with a thump, the
five swords stuck in the chest of the Gob­lin King moved by them­selves and

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

be­gan to or­bit him like satel­lites.

He drove his arm deep into the bloody chest of the Gob­lin King and pulled
it out quickly. In his hands was a bril­liant blue jewel.

That was the end of the story of Mac Guild's Mas­ter Kim Tae-hoon, which
Leo would tell his lover and the peo­ple around him, and to him­self for the
rest of his life, sa­vor­ing the mem­o­ries in­stead of a drink.




[Achieved Abil­ity]

-- The Dig­nity of the Gob­lin King (Grade 3): With the power of the Gob­lin
King, you can force Gob­lins into sub­mis­sion.


Kim Tae-hoon, who con­firmed on his right hand with his black eyes, closed
his eyes slightly. His ex­pres­sion, af­ter clos­ing his eyes, was not good.

'It is much weaker than I thought for a blue grade.'

Kim Tae-hoon opened his eyes again and looked around. The newly ac­‐
quired relics, the horse sol­diers cre­ated by the Qin Shi Huang Sword, dec­o­‐
rated his eyes. The pres­sure of the horses, which had be­come even greater
thanks to the mana of the gi­ant, was be­yond de­scrip­tion. In ad­di­tion, the
com­bat power of the gi­ant horse sol­diers was as­tound­ing.

Mere mo­ments were enough for the horse sol­diers to make the Gob­lin King
and its elites, who had de­stroyed Paris, into corpses at once.

But in front of that fact, Kim Tae-hoon never fell into the il­lu­sion.

'I can't be­lieve the power of Paris is this weak.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon, the city he knew as Paris, and France were strong. France
was one of the five per­ma­nent mem­bers of the United Na­tions. If they had
been weak, France would never have been given one of the five per­ma­nent
seats of the United Na­tions.

'No, it must have been weak­ened.'

Strength did not mean that it sim­ply pos­sessed nu­clear weapons. It had
many fighter jets, war­ships, and tanks. The strength that Kim Tae-hoon
knew of was the power to sur­vive the wars, sur­viv­ing as a strong na­tion af­‐
ter the great wars that dom­i­nated hu­man his­tory for many years, in­clud­ing
two World Wars.

Such French­man gave away Paris, the heart of the na­tion, so help­lessly
against the blue-grade mon­ster. That was the re­al­ity of France now, the re­al­‐
ity of Eu­rope.

'They've had their teeth pulled out per­fectly; not only are they a tooth­less
tiger, but they have be­come a tooth­less pig.'

They no longer had teeth to sur­vive in the Age of Mon­sters.

'This is his snare.' It was what the Six Snakes wanted.

'A beast with­out teeth can never be a beast. The tooth­less beast has no
choice but to leave all its fate to the real beast in or­der to sur­vive in the Age
of the mon­sters.'

Of course, it was more im­por­tant than any­thing for the Six Snakes, who
were try­ing to con­trol ev­ery­thing in the Age of Mon­sters. It was nec­es­sary
to turn the beasts who could bite them into tooth­less dogs and pigs. The
work of those Six Snakes was so per­fect.

'China and Rus­sia have col­lapsed.'

China and Rus­sia, two of the U.N.'s per­ma­nent mem­bers, had vir­tu­ally col­‐
lapsed. They could no longer ex­er­cise their proper pow­ers.

'France's per­fect teeth were pulled out.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

And at this mo­ment, France clearly un­der­stood that it had no more teeth.

'The British won't be any dif­fer­ent.'

With the sit­u­at­ion in France like this, chances were not very high that
Britain was dif­fer­ent. It was doubt­ful how much Britain, which was com­‐
pletely and mis­er­ably sealed off, could have en­dured, com­pared to the Con­‐
ti­nen­tal Seal­ing Act that France took to block off Britain.

'Is the U.S. the only one left?'

Un­der these cir­cum­stances, the only coun­try left was the United States.

'It's pa­thetic.'

In front of the facts, Kim Tae-hoon re­mem­bered his dream of the day again,
and his dream of self-de­ter­mi­na­tion.

He had done ev­ery­thing. He killed the Em­peror of Orcs, the Im­mor­tal Wolf,
the Evil Dragon Fafner, the Dragon of Dis­as­ter, Quet­zal­coātl. Nev­er­the­less,
he chose to die on his own. There was noth­ing left in the world. In fact, he
could not keep ev­ery­thing he had wanted to pro­tect so much.

'Then, how is it now? There are no more preda­tors with sharp fangs in the
place where the Six Snakes have passed. Mon­sters, on the other hand, still
in­un­dated the world, and none of the pur­ple-grade mon­sters have been

It was Mao Spencer who knew this bet­ter than any­one else.

He had not ex­pected that Mao Spencer was a mem­ber of the Spencer fam­‐
ily, the Eng­lish aris­to­crats.

'There will be no one in the world who knows that bet­ter than the one who
planned it all. I'll have to be de­ter­mined about this.'

'Nat­u­rally, Mao Spencer will some­how make ac­tive use of the sit­u­at­ion. I
will also have to. Any­thing he can do against an en­emy like me will save
his life.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

'I will also have to pre­pare, so I can face him.'

When Mao ap­peared in front of Kim Tae-hoon, he was ready to make a

choice with no re­grets left.


At that mo­ment, a jade bird, an Okjo, flew over the shoul­der of Kim Tae-
hoon, who was in deep thought. He im­me­di­ately looked at the Okjo, and it
opened its mouth.

-- Boss.-

Jang Sung-hoon's voice that came out. His voice was heav­ier than ever.

-This is break­ing news from Gen­eral Vladimir. The mush­room clouds rose
in Mon­go­lia.-

He was quick to guess why. When Kim Tae-hoon heard the words, he could
tell what Jang Sung-hoon would say next.

-The Orcs' Em­peror, the Orc Khan, is leav­ing Mon­go­lia, mov­ing to Kaza­‐
khstan. Its fi­nal des­ti­na­tion is likely to be Eu­rope.-

The Orc Khan was the Em­peror of all the Orcs scat­tered around Mon­go­lia,
as well as of all the Orcs that had ap­peared in the world, and a mon­ster with
pur­ple eyes! It was a cri­sis that the Six Snakes de­signed to be­come the true
Mes­siah of Eu­rope and the Vat­i­can.

Now the Orc Khan was com­ing to­ward Eu­rope. Not alone, but by forc­ing
all the Orcs that ex­isted on ev­ery road, lead­ing over 100,000 Orcs this way!

'I avoided the worst.'

Kim Tae-hoon was re­lieved by the fact. Right now Bo­gatyr's Great Sword,
which could kill the Im­mor­tal Wolf in Siberia, was buried in the col­lapsed
Mos­cow Square, and the Orcs' Em­peror was eas­ier than the Im­mor­tal Wolf.

'There is a way.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 145 - Disaster, Part Iii ⦘

The Six Snakes knew it too.

'If there had been no way, he would not have cho­sen the Orcs' Em­peror as a
Eu­ro­pean cri­sis.'

Fur­ther­more, the Six Snakes would have al­ready learned a way to at­tack the
Orc Khan, and they pre­pared what they needed to do so. Oth­er­wise, the Six
Snakes would not have brought a pur­ple-grade mon­ster to Eu­rope, which
they wanted to be their strong­hold.

'All the relics of the Six Snakes are now mine, and so there is no rea­son I
can­not kill the Orcs' Em­peror.'

Ev­ery­thing that the Six Snakes had pre­pared to deal with Orc Khan be­came
his. There was only one thing left, to find out how to use the tools he had.

'I must have the key in my hand; among the relics I have re­cov­ered, there is
the key to killing the Orc Khan.'

-- Ah, and I'm sorry to be late, but I know how to kill the Orc Khan.-

At that mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon turned his head and looked at the Okjo sit­‐
ting on his shoul­der. The Okjo spat out the re­main­ing words.

-- I saw it in my dream when hav­ing a drink yes­ter­day.-



Vat­i­can City...

The cap­i­tal of Italy, the cen­ter of Rome, a ma­jes­tic place, was now ru­ined.

Two men were talk­ing to each other in the back­ground of the ter­ri­ble sight.
When the con­ver­sa­tion be­tween them was over, one of them sud­denly put
some­thing in his mouth. Then the man, af­ter swal­low­ing what he had put in
his mouth, said with a salute, "Then, boss, I'll see you again within four

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I

Chap­ter 52. Orc Khan, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Changchun City...

Orig­i­nally, it was lo­cated in the north of the Ko­rean Penin­sula, and seven
mil­lion peo­ple lived there. But now, it was hard to find any trace of them,
let alone liv­ing hu­man be­ings.

There were foot­steps there af­ter a long time. The main source of the foot­‐
steps was the sol­diers. The foot­steps of those, who wore the na­tional flag of
the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea on their right shoul­ders and the di­vine an­im
­ al Mac
on the left, were cau­tious, but there was no cow­ardice.


In Changchun City, which now be­longed to the mon­sters, they were walk­‐
ing more im­pos­ingly than any­one else. It was not a bluff, nor the courage of

As if to prove it, as soon as a Gi­ant Cen­tipede rose from un­der the ground,
the sol­diers be­gan to move like wolves on the hunt rather than in sur­prise.

Re­strained shots burst out, and as the Gi­ant Cen­tipede strug­gled against
them, some of them pulled back bows they were hold­ing in­stead of guns.

Twang! The ar­rows that left the bow­string rose and drove deep into the
head of the writhing Cen­tipede.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

Twang! Five ar­rows from all sides punched into the head of the Cen­tipede
in suc­ces­sion. In the head of the Cen­tipede, flow­ers made of ar­rows
bloomed. It was in­cred­i­ble to see such ac­cu­racy. Such archery skills, which
were re­ally close to the mirac­u­lous, made the body of the Cen­tipede like the
Tower of Pisa.

The Gi­ant Cen­tipede be­gan to tot­ter. Of course, un­like the Lean­ing Tower,
the body of the Cen­tipede fell to the ground with­out de­lay. There was a
heavy thump, and sandy dust spread out.

"Go up and take a look."

It was the first time they spoke. A man who was given the or­der im­me­di­‐
ately be­gan to climb the ru­ined build­ing. The man climbed the wall, cling­‐
ing to it like Spi­der-Man. The man who had climbed up the build­ing and se­‐
cured his look­out point took a tele­scope and looked around.

"Sergeant!" At that mo­ment the man stopped his head as if he had found
some­thing and called out to the ground. "The Orcs are mov­ing."

At the word, Orc, the sol­diers be­low smiled with a deep ten­sion.

"What are their num­bers?"

"About five hun­dred."

But the pale smiles dis­ap­peared like melt­ing snow in front of the num­ber of
five hun­dred. The same was true of Sergeant Lim Jung-soo, who got the re­‐
port. In the head of Lim Jung-soo, the re­port sent by the search party came
to mind.

'The search party' re­port was cor­rect; there is an Orc com­mu­nity near here.'

The search team, which was search­ing Manchuria, told him that there was a
large Orc com­mu­nity in Changchun City. That was why Lim Jung-soo and
his men were here. Their job was to re­move the mon­sters in the north of the
Ko­rean penin­sula be­fore they crossed the Yalu River and caused prob­lems.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

It was es­pe­cially im­por­tant to re­move mon­sters that gath­ered to­gether, like

Orcs, when they could be re­moved. If a pow­er­ful Orc ap­peared, the Orcs
would be­come an Orc army un­der the pow­er­ful Orc, and it was ob­vi­ous
where the Orcs would head.

Of course, five hun­dred was not an un­rea­son­able num­ber.

'Five hun­dred is enough to kill in the city.'

Nev­er­the­less, Sergeant Lim Jung-soo was con­sid­er­ing fight­ing in­stead of


Be­cause he was stupid? It couldn't be. Be­cause of the res­o­nance? Of course


There was only one rea­son to try to en­gage, be­cause of the Mac em­broi­‐
dered on his shoul­der. To a Mac unit, five hun­dred Orcs were not things to
avoid, but crea­tures to an­ni­hi­late. They were now the best in Ko­rea and
even the best elites in the world.

"Huh?" Lim Jung-soo heard the sur­prised voice of the watch­ing sol­dier.

"What's go­ing on?"

"The Orcs sud­denly changed di­rec­tion."


"They're head­ing in the op­po­site di­rec­tion, west... to­ward Mon­go­lia." The

sol­dier put away the tele­scope in his hand and im­me­di­ately dropped to the
ground. He landed in front of Lim Jung-soo at once re­ported with a firm ex­‐

"Not a group, but all groups of Orcs from ev­ery side are mov­ing in one di­‐
rec­tion at once. The num­bers are not nor­mal. The Orcs around here are
gath­er­ing in the same place at the same time."

Af­ter the re­port, Sergeant Lim Jung-soo no longer con­sid­ered com­bat. "I
think some­thing's go­ing to hap­pen, which we've never ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

At the words of Sergeant Lim Jung-soo, his men's ex­pres­sions hard­ened. A

chill ran down their spines.



Vat­i­can City...

In a world where ev­ery­thing was fall­ing and col­laps­ing, some­thing new

emerged there that was even more glo­ri­ous than be­fore. Flags, new flags,
were flut­ter­ing all over the Vat­i­can. It was a beast that oc­cu­pied the flag. It
was a beast that has not ex­isted in the Vat­i­can, or in Eu­rope.

The an­i­mal was Mac. It was amaz­ing.

Who would have imag­ined that Vat­i­can City, the real ruler of Eu­rope,
would hang the flag at the same height as their flag, an an­i­mal they had
never seen?

"Did you hear the ru­mor? I heard that he had taken Paris back in one morn­‐

"He fin­ished it in an hour, not a morn­ing."

But even more sur­pris­ing was that no one had any doubts about it.

"The de­gree of re­cap­tur­ing Paris is an af­ter-lunch level of ex­er­cise com­‐

pared to his dis­play in Frank­furt."

"I'm glad Mac Guild came to Eu­rope. If it had not been for him, the Vat­i­can
would have been tram­pled by the Gi­ants."

"Yes, I'm so glad."

Ev­ery­one was grate­ful for the flag of the Mac Guild fly­ing there in Vat­i­can

"What about my di­rect­ing?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

Two men were walk­ing down the streets of Vat­i­can City where the flags of
Mac Guild flut­tered.

"For ref­er­ence, I have changed our Mac mas­cot de­sign a lit­tle bit, in a more
fe­ro­cious way."

Jang Sung-hoon was the man ex­plain­ing things.

"Maybe next year, Mac Guild will be more fa­mous than Mc­Don­ald's. I
should have made a cor­po­ra­tion and listed it."

Of course, it was Kim Tae-hoon next to him, lis­ten­ing to the ex­pla­na­tion.

"Oh! There it is."

The place where the two of them were head­ing for a cool con­ver­sa­tion
could be called the heart of Vat­i­can City.

"That's the Sis­tine Chapel."

The Sis­tine Chapel was the place where the mass of the Pope was held, and
the con­clave was held to elect the Pope.

"I didn't know I would see the cre­ation of heaven and earth and the Last
Judg­ment like this."

It was also the place where the mas­ter­piece of Michelan­gelo's soul, one of
the most fa­mous artists in the world, was left.

The first thing that wel­comed Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon as they
vis­ited the Sis­tine Chapel, was the sol­diers who were camp­ing in front of
the cathe­dral.

"Wow, they've col­lected a lot."

The num­ber of men was con­sid­er­able. A hun­dred units were roughly vis­i­‐

"This is what we see, and the de­ployed num­bers... Whew."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

If they added the num­ber of those who were hid­ing around the Sis­tine
Chapel, it was pos­si­ble to say that the num­ber would be more than a thou­‐
sand. It was a large enough num­ber that shrink­ing back was ex­pected.

How­ever, it was not Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon who were shrink­‐
ing at this mo­ment, but the sol­diers fac­ing them.

As ev­i­dence, the sol­diers' necks, which faced Kim Tae-hoon closer, were
tensed. But no one thought of it as blame or shame.

Kim Tae-hoon killed the Gi­ants and their leader alone. It would be strange
if they kept a calm face, in a sit­u­at­ion where they might face him as an en­‐
emy. In the mid­dle of such ten­sion, a man showed up and walked to­ward
Jang Sung Hoon and Kim Tae Hoon.

"Wel­come. Come with me."

John Gabriel was the real owner of Vat­i­can City. He met Kim Tae-hoon and
im­me­di­ately led him into the Sis­tine Cathe­dral. A short con­ver­sa­tion was
held com­ing and go­ing.

"I want you to be po­lite to the Car­di­nals."

"What if I am not po­lite?"

"Please, I beg you to show your sin­cer­ity. Even if any­thing hap­pens... I

don't want to see blood. They'll be an­gry with you, but they can't threaten

It was a con­ver­sa­tion that was not very pleas­ant. The con­ver­sa­tion made it
pos­si­ble to guess the at­mos­phere of the con­ver­sa­tion that would take place
here to­day, at the Sis­tine Cathe­dral.

"The mo­ment I leave here, this place will col­lapse, and I have no rea­son to
see blood."

To­day, Kim Tae-hoon was plan­ning to deal with the Car­di­nals, who de­cided
ev­ery­thing for the Vat­i­can.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

Af­ter the ma­nip­u­la­tion of the Six Snakes and John Gabriel, the Car­di­nals
with the au­thor­ity and ar­ro­gance, who had no idea of the changed world,
now had to deal with the strong­est man in the world, the man who used any
means and meth­ods for his pur­pose.

"... I beg you, though." John Gabriel was con­fi­dent that this con­ver­sa­tion
would not end well.

"Whew!" With a sigh of re­lief, Jo­hann Gabriel opened the door of the Sis­‐
tine Chapel. The Car­di­nals were wait­ing be­yond. They were gath­ered un­der
the west wall of the Chapel, the wall of the Last Judg­ment painted, as if
they wanted Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon to take care of them­selves
and kneel be­fore this great work.

"Wow, that is beau­ti­ful. Boss, do you want me to hang it up at Bucheon

City Hall?"

How­ever, the first words of Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon the Car­di­‐
nals heard, made their bones cold, rather than sat­is­fy­ing their ex­pec­ta­tions.

"How dare you say that? So im­per­ti­nent!" a Car­di­nal shouted re­flex­ively at

Jang's words. It was a nat­u­ral re­ac­tion.

The Last Judg­ment was a trea­sure of hu­man and Vat­i­can his­tory that no
longer needed ex­pla­na­tion. It was a trea­sure that did not even al­low pho­tog­‐
ra­phy to avoid any dam­age to some­how leave it in the pos­ter­ity.

But Jang was go­ing to take it off and use it for dec­o­ra­tion some­where else?

It was in­sult­ing be­yond the ridicule of God. For the Car­di­nals, the rep­re­sen­‐
ta­tives of God, it was hu­mil­i­at­ion and dis­grace be­yond in­sult.

In re­sponse to such a re­ac­tion, Jang Sung-hoon laughed. It was a smile that

a preda­tor with a very ridicu­lous tar­get in front of him would make.

"Boss, I don't think they know what's go­ing on yet. I don't think they've
heard how many mon­ster stones chief John Gabriel pays for the Sis­tine
Chapel a year."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

At his smile, the faces of the Car­di­nals were sur­prised at the words Jang
Sung-hoon spoke. Af­ter clos­ing the door of the cathe­dral, the ex­pres­sion of
John Gabriel, who was wait­ing near the door, hard­ened.

Kim Tae-hoon had gained au­thor­ity over ev­ery­thing in the Vat­i­can in re­turn
for sav­ing Eu­rope from the Gi­ants. The Sis­tine Chapel was no ex­cep­tion.
Now the Sis­tine Chapel was all owned by the Mac Guild, not only just the
brick, but even the dust rolling on the floor.

The Vat­i­can City had to pay the rent for the Sis­tine Cathe­dral ev­ery year to
the Mac Guild.

"Chief Gabriel! Is this true?"

Of course, the Car­di­nals had no choice but to find Gabrielle for this sit­u­a‐­
tion that had never ex­isted in Vat­i­can his­tory.

"Oh, my God, you sold Sis­tine Chapel, what the---"

"What non­sense to sin against the Lord!"

The Car­di­nals were ready to burst into anger, mak­ing their old bod­ies red­‐
den like ac­tive vol­ca­noes. For­tu­nately, John Gabriel had no trou­ble ex­plain­‐
ing the sit­u­at­ion.

"Quiet." Kim Tae-hoon opened his mouth, and ev­ery­one else qui­etly shut
up when he spoke. It was a sur­prise.



The Car­di­nals had ded­i­cated their lives with pa­tience and faith to the in­vis­i­‐
ble, un­heard, un­touch­able, and un­ap­peal­able God. No mat­ter if they went in
the wrong di­rec­tion now, their pa­tience and faith would not fade. They were
will­ing to ac­cept death for God. Such Car­di­nals were weighed down by a
sense of op­pres­sion.

"Let's talk about it in a short way."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

That was the ex­tent of Kim Tae-hoon's pres­ence. His pres­ence was the re­‐
sult of the days he had walked so far. He walked from end to end of the
Eurasian con­ti­nent, killing count­less mon­sters alone.

What could they com­pare the weight of that process with?

"There are Orc armies com­ing here now."

Above all, the mon­ster that Kim Tae-hoon would dis­cuss to­day was a very
big thing.

"It is the Orcs' Em­peror, the Orc Khan, who leads the horde. A pur­ple-grade

The Orc Khan was a mon­ster that did not need an­other ex­pla­na­tion, only
the fact that it had pur­ple eyes.

"There's no in­for­ma­tion about it yet, and I don't want to judge it poorly."

The mon­ster was lead­ing a horde of Orcs to­ward Eu­rope.

"Ob­vi­ously, there are only two things: it's com­ing to Eu­rope, and Eu­rope
can't stop it."

Genghis Khan, the em­peror of the Mon­go­lian Em­pire in the past, had
painted Eu­rope as a night­mare. The wild run of Genghis Khan had never
reached the Vat­i­can, but he was not the Orc Khan. It was a mon­ster of mon­‐
sters, that would not be sat­is­fied with tram­pling through the en­tire con­ti­nent
of Eu­rope, from the Vat­i­can to Spain and Por­tu­gal.

"I'm the only one who can kill it."

Af­ter that, Kim Tae-hoon stopped talk­ing. The crowd be­came quiet.

"So..." In the si­lence, one spoke. "So what do you want from us?"

Kim Tae-hoon did not an­swer the voice. The an­swer came from the for­‐
merly silent Jang Sung-hoon's mouth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

"We don't want any­thing from you."

"What the hell is that-"

"You don't know the re­al­ity yet, but as I said, ev­ery­thing the Vat­ic­ an has al­‐
ready be­longed to the Mac Guild."

There was no laugh­ter in Jang Sung-hoon's voice.

"The power of the Vat­i­can and Eu­rope is noth­ing more than a tooth­less pig
that can­not deal with even a blue-grade mon­ster like the Great Gi­ant. How
much will that power help us in front of a pur­ple-grade mon­ster? It would
just be a piece of meat that feeds the Orc Khan and the Orcs. So we don't
need any­thing, and we don't need any help."

The fate of Eu­rope was not some­thing to laugh at.

"It is your job to give us a rea­son for our boss to fight the Orc Khan, and
de­fend the Vat­i­can and Eu­rope with his life."

Jang Sung-hoon, who spoke the words, looked at the Last Judg­ment be­hind
the Car­di­nals and said qui­etly, "Lord, please don't ask me for my sins on the
Day of Judg­ment."

The faces of the Car­di­nals hard­ened in front of the low-voiced words, and
Jang Sung-hoon spoke the last words to­ward them. "You'd bet­ter make a
wise and clever de­ci­sion, so that you can kneel in front of the pic­ture be­hind
you and not say what Paul III said."

At the end of the words, they could hear a knock over the door as if some­‐
one had waited. The knock sounded like a heart­beat pound­ing.

John Gabriel, who had been stand­ing near the door like a stone statue,
opened the door half­way. A woman's voice came through the door.

"This is a pho­to­graph of the Orc Khan and the Orc horde com­ing to Eu­rope.
They're near the Caspian Sea." Maria had ap­peared there. "More than five
hun­dred sol­diers were killed to take this pic­ture."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 146 - Orc Khan, Part I ⦘

There was a huge Orc in the pic­ture she handed to Jo­han Gabriel through
the door, rip­ping the body of a blue-grade Game­cock apart with its bare

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii

Chap­ter 52. Orc Khan, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


A Game­cock with fe­ro­cious eyes un­der a blaz­ing comb never runs away
with its en­em
­ ies in front of it. The fact does not change even if it is faced
with a strong en­emy.

It was the same now. The blood-stained Game­cock, flesh torn all over, was
still fac­ing the en­emy, its eyes burn­ing. Fur­ther­more, it never ut­tered the
sound of death or a cry of pain be­cause it was close to death.

As its feath­ers and flesh were torn apart, the Game­cock, soaked in its own
blood, gave a cry of tear­ing up the sky. With the sound, it spewed out the
last of its power.


The blaz­ing comb of the Game­cock rose up. Anger Soar­ing, the for­mi­da­ble
power of the Game­cock, was ac­ti­vated.

A huge ex­plo­sion burst out around the body of the Game­cock with a clap of
thun­der. The ex­plo­sion of power seemed to send ev­ery­thing near the Game­‐
cock to the far end of the hori­zon.

But in front of the ex­plo­sion, it didn't fly away. Far from fly­ing, it broke
through the over­whelm­ing ex­plo­sion with a sin­gle leap and climbed onto
the body of the Game­cock in one fell swoop.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

Then it be­gan to tear away the flesh of the Game­cock, its sturdy feath­ers, its
tough hide, and its hard flesh, with its big hands.

As if to dig out the soil, it dug out the flesh of the Game­cock, and then, as
soon as the heart was re­vealed, the gi­ant Orc with pur­ple eyes put its fist
into the heart and pulled out the heart of the Game­cock.

Blood spurted out, the ex­plo­sion died down, and the Game­cock that had
been burn­ing its fight­ing spirit col­lapsed.

It was a dis­as­ter. The end of the scene, which was in­evitably called for, was
a shout of tri­umph from the mon­ster who had just de­stroyed the Game­cock.

The Orc Khan had ar­rived in Eu­rope.



Jang Sung-hoon, Maria, and Kim Tae-hoon sat around a crude ta­ble where
they could see the chim­neys of the Sis­tine Chapel. There were mugs in
front of them with cof­fee, bloom­ing in the morn­ing. Its aroma was quite
good. Even the Ital­ians, who were some of the most finicky cof­fee drinkers
in the world, could ad­mire it.

But the cof­fee in front of Maria had not been touched. In­stead of sip­ping
her cof­fee, she looked ner­vously at the chim­ney of Sis­tine Cathe­dral and
then at Kim Tae-hoon, who was en­joy­ing his cof­fee. Fi­nally, she looked at

Jang Sung-hoon, who had just wet his lips with a sip, put his mug down and
asked, "Do you have any­thing you want to say?"

"Why are you so calm?" Maria spoke, but could not hide her anx­i­ety. She
had ac­cu­mu­lated a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence and abil­ity on the bat­tle­field so that she
did not lack the ex­pe­ri­ence. In other words, the re­al­ity she faced now meant
that she was se­ri­ous enough to dis­turb her.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

"Now that ridicu­lous mon­ster is com­ing to Eu­rope, can we stay like this?"
The Orc Khan, the Em­peror of all the Orcs was lead­ing the Orc army to Eu­‐

"They're ap­proach­ing the Caspian Sea, and de­tour­ing around it."

If it by­passed the Caspian Sea, then what was next? It would be the Black

"And then, if they cross Ukraine or Tur­key, there's no way to stop them."

As soon as they passed the Black Sea, Eu­rope must wage a bloody war with
the Orc army: a war with­out a win­ner.

"We'll have to deal with it be­fore then."

Maria thought there was only one way to stop it af­ter she knew the ex­is­‐
tence of Orc Khan. Be­fore the Orc Khan and the Orcs crossed the Black
Sea, the only so­lu­tion was to det­o­nate nu­clear weapons in Ukraine or Tur­‐
key in the Black Sea and crush them. In fact, Maria and Rus­sia tried to do

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did not give an OK sign for the op­er­at­ion. That
was the prob­lem.

"It's not time to do this. At once, nu­clear weapons..."

If they re­ally wanted to stop the Orc army and the Orc Khan in Ukraine or
Tur­key, they had to step up now. Even now, they could not do such a thing
like reg­u­lar sol­diers. That was be­cause as Orc Khan headed for Eu­rope, the
mon­sters in Tur­key and Ukraine were go­ing crazy as well.

In this sit­u­at­ion, Kim Tae-hoon was the only one who could in­stall nu­clear
weapons. It was nat­u­ral that Maria's heart would burn.

"Hey, if we use nu­clear weapons ev­ery time we have a prob­lem, will the hu­‐
mans in this world re­main? Nu­clear weapons are a self-de­struc­t­ing weapon.
We'll only use them right be­fore the end of mankind."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

"That's the only way we can stop it now!"

"Who said that? Did the boss say that?"

"It's..." At Jang's ob­jec­tion, Maria looked at Kim. In­stead of an­swer­ing her

eyes, Kim only sa­vored cof­fee. Fi­nally, Maria looked at Jang again.

"So there's an­other way to kill the mon­ster?"

"I don't want to tell you about it here be­cause it's a se­cret! You and I know
each other, and if you could ar­range a meet­ing with a woman for me, I'd re­‐
ally like it..."

"It's ris­ing." Kim Tae-hoon's voice crossed the line be­tween Maria and Jang

The two, who were fac­ing one an­other, turned their heads and looked at the
chim­ney of the Sis­tine Chapel. They could see white smoke stream­ing up
through the chim­ney.



"That's all we can give." Along with the words, the Car­di­nals be­gan to put
the pa­pers in their hands slowly and in or­der on the ta­ble. It was a sub­scrip­‐
tion, a Mac Guild sub­scrip­tion.

"Af­ter a long dis­cus­sion, we have come to the con­clu­sion that there is noth­‐
ing else we can give you. And again, af­ter a long dis­cus­sion, we unan­i­‐
mously agreed to give this to you."

The Car­di­nals ac­cepted the fact that they no longer had any ma­te­ri­als to pay
Kim. And now they re­al­ized that all they could give was men­tal things. The
re­sult was this just now.

"Please ac­cept it."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

It was what Kim Tae-hoon and Jang Sung-hoon wanted. Ap­par­ently, in ex­‐
change for the Great Gi­ant, Kim Tae-hoon took pos­ses­sion of ev­ery­thing
the Vat­i­can had. He also wrote a con­tract. But how ef­fec­tive would the con­‐
tract be?

It was not very re­li­able a con­tract in the first place, and there was noth­ing as
use­less as a con­tract at this time.

Fur­ther­more, their op­po­nent was not just a group, it was the Vat­i­can. It was
a group that had shown faith and com­mit­ment to one be­ing for more than
twenty cen­turies. Putting them un­der with only ma­te­rial dif­fi­cul­ties had
never been done by any­one in hu­man his­tory, and at­tempts to sub­due them
in that way had al­ways cre­ated greater chaos.

Kim Tae-hoon was no dif­fer­ent. He would not make the Vat­i­can give in
from the bot­tom of their heart just with force and vi­o­lence. All he had to do
was make the Vat­i­can de­feat it­self.

It was the only way to make the Vat­i­can a com­rade, not an en­emy, and to
ad­mit that mankind was fac­ing a dis­as­ter that had never been en­coun­tered
be­fore, and that the Vat­i­can must fol­low Kim Tae-hoon to sur­vive the dis­as­‐

"I checked my sub­scrip­tion." So, the Mac Guild ac­cepted the Car­di­nal's
choice. "By this time, the Car­di­nals have be­come mem­bers of the Mac
Guild, and I now ask for ac­tive co­op­er­at­ion and ser­vice for the Mac Guild."

Af­ter Jang Sung-hoon re­ceived the sub­scrip­tion from the Car­di­nals, he be­‐
gan to or­ga­nize it. "In ad­di­tion, the Mac Guild will do our best to pro­tect its

Jang Sung-hoon, who had ar­ranged the sub­scrip­tion forms, fin­ished the
words and looked at Kim Tae-hoon.

Ev­ery­one looked at Kim Tae-hoon.

Kim Tae-hoon spoke in front of their eyes. "We'll fin­ish it in the Black Sea,
pre­pare the bat­tle­ship."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon moved to pro­tect the Mac Guild.



The Black Sea...

Un­til De­cem­ber 30, 2016, it was the tens­est sea in the world. While count­‐
less coun­tries claimed the Black Sea as theirs, the oc­cu­pa­tion of the
Crimean Penin­sula by Rus­sia, which be­gan in 2014, made the Black Sea a
chess­board of world pow­ers, not just East­ern Eu­rope.

It was funny that the mon­sters ended the ten­sion. For a while, the screams
of hu­mans filled the Black Sea that had be­come the mon­sters' hunt­ing
ground, but it was lit­er­ally only for a while.

In Tur­key, where hu­mans had dis­ap­peared and the Black Sea was to the
north, peace, and abun­dance, which could not be com­pared with the past,
had be­gun to take its place.

It was the Orc Horde that broke the peace, the abun­dance, and the still­ness.

They were over­whelm­ing from the be­gin­ning. As the hun­dred thou­sand

Orcs marched on the ground with­out rest, the ground shook like an earth­‐
quake and screamed. The sound alone scared the pow­er­ful mon­sters and
made them run away.

On the other hand, those who could not es­cape had to face the most ter­ri­ble
death in the world. The hun­gry Orc Horde ate any­thing that was alive.
There was no hunt­ing in the process. There was no bat­tle. There was just a
process of eat­ing it if there was some­thing alive. No mat­ter how huge the
mon­sters were, only bones were left when the Orc Horde ran.

But it was the pres­ence of a Gi­ant Orc mov­ing at the rear of the horde that
pro­duced more over­whelm­ing re­sults than the 100,000 Orc Horde pro­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

It was about four me­ters tall. It was ob­vi­ously rather big. Of course, it was
not so big com­pared to the mon­sters that were called huge.

But the mus­cles that filled its body were def­i­nitely dif­fer­ent. The mus­cles
seemed to be twisted with steel, and they were so in­tense that just mov­ing
its body lightly made the view­ers gasp. The fig­ure with the green skin re­‐
minded them of the Hulk from Mar­vel Comics. The dif­fer­ence from the
Hulk was that four sharp fangs were pro­trud­ing up and down from the muz­‐
zle of this mon­ster, and that its eyes were shin­ing pur­ple.

That was the only dif­fer­ence. The de­struc­tive power that it could show was
not lack­ing com­pared to what the char­ac­ter Hulk showed in the comics.


There was no dif­fer­ence be­tween the fe­roc­ity of the Hulk and the fe­roc­ity of
this mon­ster. It was im­pos­si­ble to face even at long dis­tance, not just right
be­fore it.

"It's not a joke." The sol­diers, who were watch­ing the Orc Khan from a dis­‐
tance with a tele­scope, felt the fact.

"We could not imag­ine that it was this bad."

They were Rus­sian sol­diers, all flut­ter­ing. They were not just sol­diers, but
those who qual­if­ ied to fight mon­sters, with pat­terns on the back of their
right hands.

"We've got more than the B-rank in our En­ergy, but we can't get any closer."

Fur­ther­more, they were not merely Awak­en­ers, but also elites. Ev­ery­one
had a com­bined strength and stamina of more than 500, and a higher En­ergy
rank than B. They were those who had the qual­i­fi­ca­tions and abil­i­ties to not
be dis­turbed in front of pow­er­ful mon­sters.

"We wouldn't have been able to get this close with­out this Cross."

But the pres­ence of the Orc Khan af­fected them, too, be­fore the could even
see the Orc Khan with­out a tele­scope. It had them piss­ing them­selves at that

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

dis­tance, and that wasn't a metaphor.

"It's a good thing I wore di­ap­ ers as or­dered." Those here were ac­tu­ally piss­‐
ing, even wear­ing adult di­ap­ ers to pre­pare for it. Even that was a re­lief.

"It doesn't have a mon­ster to at­tack, so we are just piss­ing. Let's thank it for

Those who were mon­i­tor­ing the Orc Khan and the Orc army ahead of them
died while watch­ing the Orc Khan fight with the Game­cock. The rea­son for
their death was sim­ple. As soon as the Orc Khan bel­lowed to­wards the
Game­cock stand­ing in its way, most of those who were watch­ing the Orc
Khan died of a heart at­tack. Di­ap­ ers were merely lessons left for the sur­‐

"This ap­pears a mon­ster that doesn't make sense. I don't un­der­stand why
such a mon­ster has been silent in Mon­go­lia all this time"

In ad­di­tion, there was one more les­son left by those who had died be­fore;
this mon­ster did not con­done any en­emy.

"It's crazy to be able to live by killing a mon­ster like this."

For­tu­nately, there was one per­son in the world who would be free from the
lessons. The man was on the side of the sol­diers who were here now.

"... he is here."

At that mo­ment a sol­dier raised his head and looked up at the sky. The rest
of the sol­diers fol­lowed. A plane flew rapidly over the sky to­ward the Orc
Horde. The most no­tice­able thing they could see from its low flight was the
Rus­sian flag dec­o­rat­ing the plane. But it was not the flag that came into the
eyes of the sol­diers, but a new Mac on the tail of the plane. The sol­diers
who con­firmed the new Mac im­me­di­ately crossed them­selves or gath­ered
their hands. There were dif­fer­ent ways, but the prayers were the same.

"May the grace of God be with the Mas­ter." With that sign, ev­ery­one im­me­‐
di­ately bit the cap­sule in their mouth.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

The bit­ter liq­uid that burst out of the cap­sules be­gan to dou­ble the amount
of the En­ergy in their guts af­ter it de­scended their throats, and their eyes

Bang! At the same time, shells fell off the low-fly­ing air­plane and be­gan at­‐
tack­ing the Orc Horde on the ground.

The Orc Khan bel­lowed out its war­cry. The fear of death be­gan to spread
rapidly around the Orc Khan, and even reached the sol­diers who were still
very far away.

"Ugh!" "Ah­hhh!" The sol­diers be­gan to scream with a look like Munch's

Of course, the fear reached the plane pass­ing over the head of the Orc
horde. But the plane was not shaken at all by the fear. How­ever, the plane
turned its nose to­ward the Black Sea to the north and con­tin­ued spit­ting out

The fact changed Orc Khan's pur­ple eyes. It stopped bel­low­ing, and in­stead
grabbed one of the Orcs nearby and threw it at the fly­ing plane, an un­con­‐
ven­tional at­tack.

Whizz! What was more un­usual was that the body of the thrown Orc passed
by the plane more than two hun­dred me­ters above. The Orc Khan did not
stop there.

Thump, thump, thump! It started run­ning af­ter the plane, and when it leaped
up, his body was high enough to look closely at the plane. The im­pos­si­ble
chase be­tween the Orc Khan and the plane be­gan.

"Oh, my God."

The sol­diers' eyes, look­ing at the ridicu­lous sight, the wing­less mon­ster
chas­ing the air­plane fly­ing by, were shak­ing non­stop. Ev­ery­thing was so
shock­ing. De­spite the sit­u­at­ion, the sol­diers did not for­get two things: the
fact that they were still alive, and the fact that they had a mis­sion to com­‐
plete as long as they were alive.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 147 - Orc Khan, Part Ii ⦘

"Now, let's move."

It was the Land Rover Range Rover, called the Rolls Royce of the desert,
that was wait­ing for the sol­diers who turned their heads to com­plete their

"We risk our lives now, and de­liver the weapons to the Mas­ter."

The hunt­ing be­gan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii

Chap­ter 52. Orc Khan, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Sam­sun Carsamba Air­port in Tur­key...

The air­port at Sam­sun, over­look­ing the Black Sea, was des­o­late. A smashed
and bro­ken run­way told them that it was an air­port, but there was no other
­ ent that in­di­cated one.

In that sit­u­at­ion, a plane ap­peared over the air­port. It seemed that the time
for the air­port to act like one had come af­ter a long time.


But the ap­pear­ance of the plane was not good. It was a fall, not a land­ing. It
looked like it had been hit sev­eral times by huge stones, and the air­plane,
with­out a sin­gle thing ex­cept for its wings, could no longer be called an air­‐

An Orc that had flown from the ground pointed to it.

The Orc, who ap­peared with an un­heard scream, tan­gled up with a pro­pel­ler
on the wing of the plane. The re­sult was nat­u­rally ter­ri­ble.

The Orc's body was cut off by the pro­pel­ler, and the mo­tor that had been
driv­ing the pro­pel­ler was over­loaded in the process. The plane, which had
lost its wings, barely man­aged to stay aloft, and it fell heav­ily to­wards the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

It was all over in a flash. The plane crashed on the run­way at Carsamba Air­‐
port, and the de­bris scat­tered all over the place with a crunch of im­pact.

The bombs in the plane burst in suc­ces­sion, and the re­mains of the de­bris
were blown away.

But it was not the end, merely the be­gin­ning.

On the run­way at Carsamba Air­port, the tide of Orcs came in, shout­ing
fiercely. The Orcs were not afraid of the fires ev­ery­where, the sharp wreck­‐
age of the plane, or the bombs that might ex­plode at any mo­ment. They
rushed to the plane and sur­rounded it at once.

One of the Orcs strode to­ward the cock­pit of the plane, look­ing past the
blaz­ing flames. But when it re­al­ized that there was noth­ing in the cock­pit, a
ques­tion formed in the Orc's mind. Then, an­other Orc screamed, look­ing at
a place that had noth­ing to do with the plane. All the Orcs looked over.

Huge Horse Sol­diers made of soil faced the Orcs. Un­like a horde of Orcs,
who were free and un­ruly, the Horse Sol­diers ap­peared to take the same
steps at the same time, keep­ing the line to­gether.

Thump! Thump! Thump! The Horse Sol­diers be­gan to walk faster.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! The Horse Sol­diers be­gan to race. As

they did, the spear­men at the front line of the Sol­diers lev­eled their spears
straight ahead.

The Orcs did not back down or panic be­fore the ap­pear­ance of the Horse
Sol­diers. Rather, they be­gan to run to­ward the Sol­diers that were com­ing at
them. Very quickly, the two groups clashed like clap­ping hands to­gether.

Bang! Bang! A bloody and soiled bat­tle­ground un­folded over the run­way at
Carsamba Air­port.

Ko­ho­hoh! In the mean­time, a huge Dragon made of golden smoke be­gan to

fall down on the run­way.

The Orc-hunt­ing be­gan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘



The war be­tween mankind and mon­sters de­manded a com­pletely dif­fer­ent

mind­set from the wars that had come be­fore.

A typ­i­cal fig­ure was num­bers. Num­bers were the most im­por­tant fac­tor in
war. But num­bers in the mon­ster and hu­man war were no longer im­por­tant.
No mat­ter how many num­bers there were, the num­bers were mean­ing­less in
front of an over­whelm­ing pres­ence.

The same was true of the mon­sters. To Kim Tae-hoon, the num­bers of the
Orc Horde were also mean­ing­less. The fact that the air­port was now
crowded with more than 100,000 Orc Horde proved it.

Thump! The be­gin­ning move was a thou­sand of the Horse Sol­diers of the
Qin Shi Huang Sword, show­ing that each had power equal to a hun­dred
war­riors against the crowded Orc Horde.

It was no strange thing. Orig­i­nally, the Horse Sol­diers were able to cope
with an or­ange-grade Orc. Now, the Horse Sol­diers were able to gain the
power of the Gi­ant us­ing the Mana of Kim Tae-hoon. It was a night­mare for
the Orcs.

The great spears and swords wielded by the Sol­diers of the Qin Shi Huang
tore the Orcs, crushed them, and the gi­ant Horses tram­pled on them and
filled the air­port with the screams of Orcs.

One sol­dier, in par­tic­u­lar, played the most out­stand­ing role.

It was made of clay, but it looked com­pletely dif­fer­ent from the Horse Sol­‐
diers of the Qin Shi Huang: the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware, Mas­ter
Statue. The Mas­ter Statue and the Ser­vant Statue, who be­came much more
mas­sive due to the Mana of the Gi­ant, car­ried out a mas­sacre across the
Orcs. They took an out­stand­ing ac­tive part in the com­bat.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

But even that great per­for­mance was not com­pa­ra­ble to the Dragon who
was go­ing through the bat­tle­field.

A gi­ant Dragon, a hun­dred me­ters long, made of golden smoke, was mak­ing
its way over the Orc Horde, wan­der­ing around the air­port.

The Dragon of the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje, which sup­ported

the great work of art, was spread­ing its pres­tige in the dis­tant coun­try of
Tur­key. Of course, the Dragon was not alone. Var­i­ous an­i­mals of the golden
smoke fill­ing the Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje were also ram­pag­‐
ing through­out the bat­tle­field.

Even though Kim Tae-hoon had not yet par­tic­i­pated in the bat­tle prop­erly,
the 100,000 Orc Horde was not able to achieve the right re­sults. There was
only one thing that could change this sit­u­at­ion.

The Orc Khan with the pur­ple eyes walked to­ward the bat­tle­field. Its eyes
were an­gry. The same was true of its ac­tions.

The Orc Khan stood there, hit things that in­ter­fered with it with­out mercy,
or crushed them with its feet.

The Orcs with yel­low or green eyes screamed un­der the anger of Orc Khan.

With a cry that hu­mans could grasp the mean­ing of, the Orcs be­gan to move
away from the Orc Khan. Its sur­round­ings turned into an empty field.

The Mas­ter Statue of the Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware ran in with­out
hes­i­ta­tion. A war horse made of clay breathed hard, and a war­rior of clay
mounted on the horse stared at the Orc Khan with a sword in his hands.

The war­rior of clay had no ul­te­rior mo­tive for fight­ing the Orc Khan on its
mas­ter's be­half, and Orc Khan did not con­done such a war­rior's chal­lenge.

The Orc Khan reached the war­rior with just one leap from place to place,
with­out any help. Then, with a sin­gle punch, the war­rior's body was shat­‐

The star­tled horse spewed out a harsh breath. The breath be­came its last.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

Orc Khan lifted the horse with one hand and smashed it down the ground.

The Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware, which had per­formed won­der­fully

against the Orcs, be­came garbage in an in­stant.

Of course, there was still a chance.

Jin­gle! The Ser­vant Statue of Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware rang the bell
for his mas­ter, so his owner could again com­pete against the Orc Khan.
How­ever, the at­tempt was shat­tered by some­thing sud­denly flung out.

The Mas­ter Statue that the Orc Khan threw out shat­tered the body of the
Ser­vant Statue. It was over­whelm­ing.

The Orc Khan, who showed such a com­mand­ing pres­ence, be­gan to swell
its chest greatly.

The Orcs look­ing on trem­bled and cov­ered their ears with both hands, even
though they were fight­ing. Soon af­ter, Orc Khan vom­ited what had been
fill­ing its chest into the world.


A great fear, far be­yond dragon fear, de­voured the Carsamba air­port in one
gulp. It was thun­der, a dev­as­tat­ing at­tack.

The at­tack caused the eardrums of Orcs to burst, and some of them fell to
the ground, vom­it­ing blood as they were.

The solid bod­ies of the Horse Sol­diers of the Qin Shi Huang cracked like
the land in se­vere drought. The worst was the golden smokes of the Gilt-
bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje. They dis­ap­peared with­out even scream­‐

The fierce bat­tle had be­come a fu­tile strug­gle. It was a wretched sight that
went be­yond ap­palling.

Only two in the scene could keep their pre­vi­ous in­ten­tions in a high tide.
One was Orc Khan, calmed this bat­tle­field with only one roar, and the other

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

was Kim Tae-hoon, who had cre­ated this bat­tle­field.

"Hoo!" Kim Tae-hoon, who had ap­peared with his back to the Black Sea at
the end of the run­way, in­formed the Orc Khan of his ap­pear­ance with a long

Kim Tae-hoon was al­ready pre­par­ing for the fight­ing. Dra­co­nian Mode was
ac­ti­vated, with the Dragon Light Sword in his right hand, and a new Aegis
shield in his left hand. His ap­pear­ance seemed ready but weak.

It seemed that he had spent all his strength hold­ing back the fear of Orc

That was the dif­fer­ence in power be­tween Kim Tae-hoon and Orc Khan. He
was seem­ingly out of power against it.

The Orc Khan could not help but no­tice. It im­me­di­ately no­ticed that Kim
Tae-hoon, de­spite with­stand­ing its fear, could not threaten it. Of course, the
Orc Khan had no such hes­i­ta­tion.

The Orc Khan ran to­ward Kim Tae-hoon. The dis­tance be­tween them was
about a kilo­me­ter, but it was only a short dis­tance of a hun­dred me­ters for
the Orc Khan.

Eight sec­onds were all the time Kim Tae-hoon had against the Orc Khan
run­ning at him. It was enough time to breathe once and end. It was enough
time to blink a few times.

"It is en­trapped."

It was enough. It was the time it took to in­voke the trap Kim Tae-hoon had
al­ready set.

"Gleip­nir!" With his cry, golden chains be­gan to rise un­der the ground.



⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

"The Orc Khan is never tired, so it never stops, and it has enough vi­tal­ity
and re­silience to sur­vive a nu­clear ex­plo­sion."

It was the in­for­ma­tion that Kim Tae-hoon, who had fin­ished the hunt,
handed to Jang Sung-hoon, who would kill him­self in front of him.

"You will never kill it just by cut­ting it." The Orc Khan was a paragon of
the im­pos­si­ble.

"Even I can fight it for a few min­utes at best."

The Orc Khan, with the strength close to in­fi­nite, could fight with­out rest,
and its vi­tal­ity and re­silience over­whelmed even a dragon. It seemed to be a
god of war.

In a fight to see blood, it was the in­car­na­tion of bat­tle that could win against
any mon­ster. In other words, the way to beat it was to avoid close-quar­ters.
In some ways, it was a con­tra­dic­tion. But in that con­tra­dic­tion, they found
the right an­swer.

"That's why the Six Snakes pre­pared Gleip­nir."

The Six Snakes found a way to kill the Orc Khan, de­spite it seem­ing im­pos­‐
si­ble to any­one.

"We will grab Orc Khan with Gleip­nir and use a war­ship to drown it in the
Black Sea."

They were go­ing to bury it at sea. At this mo­ment, Kim Tae-hoon used the
method on be­half of the Six Snakes. As the Orc Khan charged at Kim Tae-
hoon, gold chains be­gan to rise from un­der the ground, wrap­ping around the
Orc Khan in a flash.

The Orc Khan groaned and ex­erted strength all over its body, but the chains
be­gan to melt into its skin, rather than break­ing. It was enough time for the
snare of Gleip­nir, which had held even a god, to hold the Orc Khan. As
soon as Gleip­nir caught the Orc Khan, its real power was re­vealed.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

The gold chains that had been con­cealed un­der the sea like a sub­ma­rine op­‐
ti­cal ca­ble be­gan to re­veal them­selves. At the end of the ex­posed gold
chains was a great war­ship. It was a Mos­cow-class bat­tle­ship, sec­ond
largest af­ter the air­craft car­rier among Rus­sian war­ships.

The bat­tle­ship, of course, be­gan its voy­age to­ward the cen­ter of the Black
Sea when the bait was caught.

Fight­ing hard, the Orc Khan worked to defy the power of the chain drag­‐
ging it to­wards the Black Sea. The tug-of-war be­tween the war­ship and the
Orc Khan be­gan. It was ridicu­lous, ac­tu­ally.

The Mos­cow-class war­ship had more than 100,000 horse­power.

But a four-me­ter-high mon­ster, no mat­ter how much mus­cle it had, was im­‐
pos­si­bly tug­ging at the gi­ant bat­tle­ship. Com­mon sense was un­ac­cept­able.
The Orc Khan had never rec­og­nized com­mon sense.

It screamed as it re­al­ized the un­com­mon sense as re­al­ity again. It be­gan to

en­dure the power of the bat­tle­ship drag­ging it to­wards the sea with its
screams. It was some­thing they could not be­lieve.

Of course, the power com­pe­ti­tion could not last long. As time went by, the
bat­tle­ship be­gan to speed up, and if the bat­tle­ship was at full power, not
even the Orc Khan could sus­tain its ef­forts. Fur­ther­more, the land on which
Orc Khan was stand­ing was giv­ing way as it fought this ridicu­lous com­pe­ti­‐
tion of power.

The body of the Orc Khan held out, but the ground be­gan to crum­ble un­der
it. The Orc Khan's body grad­u­ally moved to­ward the Black Sea, and it did
not seem that Orc Khan had much time left stand­ing.

But that was enough time. Orc Khan had no in­ten­tion of just fight­ing with
brute force ig­no­rantly.

It be­gan to rip off the golden line, the Gleip­nir, which held it. It tore the
Gleip­nir away, and its flesh came with it, but it did not care. It would rip out

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

all its hide if it needed. It knew by in­tu­ition that if it was dragged into the
sea like this, it would die in the deep sea no mat­ter how much power it had.

It feared death that it had never feared be­fore. The strug­gle seemed to work.

Chwaak! Al­though Orc Khan's body was grad­u­ally dragged into the Black
Sea, the method of tear­ing out the Gleip­nir merged in its skin along with the
skin be­gan to work. It was re­ally go­ing to rip the skin off its body and re­‐
move Gleip­nir with it.

If a sword had not been drilled deeply into its back, its at­tempt would have

Sur­prised, the Orc Khan turned its head and looked be­hind it. In its eyes,
Kim Tae-hoon, who had set him­self as bait, had come in.


And it saw a Land Rover Range Rover rac­ing to­ward Kim Tae-hoon.




The Red Square had been beau­ti­ful, but now it had be­come a place of ru­ins,
and heavy equip­ment to re­store the ru­ins. Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir's com­‐
plex­ion was whiter and colder than the ac­cu­mu­lated snow as he looked at
the scene.

'It was hu­man be­ings who had fi­nally de­stroyed the cas­tle that had en­dured
the mon­sters' in­va­sion.'

What was firm in the face of the mon­ster's emer­gence, its elu­sive dis­as­ter,
was crushed by hu­man hands. Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir knew bet­ter than
any­one what it meant.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

'Even if we win the war against the mon­sters, that's all. Af­ter that, there will
be a war be­tween the Awak­en­ers.'

The war would not be over un­less hu­mans sur­vived. Vladimir sighed a long
breath. Through that sigh, a man ap­proached.

"Ma­jor Gen­eral, the col­lapse is worse than we thought."

At the re­port of his man, Vladimir's eye­brows wrig­gled.

"How much?"

"They didn't just blow up a sin­gle bomb. They set up a large amount of ex­‐
plo­sives in­side the build­ing, and they set them up in lo­ca­tions that could ac­‐
cel­er­ate the col­lapse."

"... did they do it with­out be­ing no­ticed?"

"It's not some­thing they could do in a short time. I'm sure they worked at it
for a min­i­mum of more than a fort­night.

Vladimir felt dizzy at the word.

'Mao Spencer never in­tended to ne­go­ti­ate with our coun­try. He just needed
time to build a bomb.'

But Vladimir re­mained un­moved by the dizzi­ness.

"So how long will it take to ex­ca­vate the un­der­ground bunker?"

"As you know, the un­der­ground bunker is lo­cated at the bot­tom. It's not just
dig­ging in, but we have to work care­fully that the sur­round­ings don't col­‐
lapse. There­fore, at least twenty days are re­quired."

"Twenty days..."

Ma­jor Gen­eral Vladimir turned his head south while talk­ing. In his mind,
the face of Kim Tae-hoon came in.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 148 - Orc Khan, Part Iii ⦘

'He must have started now. Is, af­ter all, the fate of man in his hands?'

By now, his bat­tle with the Orc Khan was both a sub­ject of fear and a sub­‐
ject of faith for Vladimir. It was also the last hope of mankind. The only
pres­ence that could face the over­whelm­ing dis­as­ter and could rush to­ward it
was now him. That was why Rus­sia was now us­ing all its might to clear the
ru­ins of the Krem­lin palace that had col­lapsed.

'First of all, as he said, it's best to se­cure Bo­gatyr's Great Sword. Un­der the
de­bris, there is a weapon to de­stroy the deadly mon­ster that dom­i­nates
Siberia, and Kim Tae-hoon will be happy to use that weapon to re­store Rus­‐
sia's vast lands. There's still time to spare.'

The good thing was that they still had plenty of time. The bit­ter cold of
Siberia was still rag­ing, and now that it was, catch­ing zom­bies was the last
chance to pre­pare for a night­mare, un­less some­thing spe­cial hap­pened.

"Ma, Ma­jor Gen­eral! We're in trou­ble."

"What's the mat­ter?"

"An earth­quake was de­tected in the east­ern part of the coun­try."

There was no rea­son for trou­ble un­til the win­ter was over, un­less strange
things be­yond com­mon sense hap­pened.

"... it looks like a nu­clear bomb went off."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 149 - Ad­vent, Part I

Chap­ter 53. Ad­vent, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Black Sea was al­ways quiet. Un­like other seas, the Black Sea, which
had a lot of hy­dro­gen sul­fide in it, did not have many liv­ing things. A huge
bat­tle­ship floated on the eerie still­ness. It did not show any such thing as
dig­nity or great honor.

The bat­tle­ship looked like a Hordee float­ing on the wa­ter. Even though it
was big enough to carry thou­sands of peo­ple,, they could not find any trace
of hu­man be­ings any­where. It was no won­der it was dead.

Kim Tae-hoon was drink­ing cof­fee on the deck of the ship, a place where a
bizarre si­lence could be felt.


"Hoo." How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon's ex­pres­sion of breath­ing out seemed more

re­laxed than ever.

'Now I feel a lit­tle re­laxed.' Kim Tae-hoon, who had cof­fee again with his
spare time, turned his at­ten­tion to the deck. He could see an­other sea, not so

"Hoo." Kim Tae-hoon, who made a long sigh again, re­viewed the bat­tle he
had just had.

'A ridicu­lous mon­ster.' The Orc Khan was strong.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

'If I had just con­fronted it in a nor­mal way, it would have been ter­ri­ble.' It
was too strong. As a mat­ter of fact, the Orc Khan was not some­thing Kim
Tae-hoon could beat with his own strength. It had a tug-of-war against a
bat­tle­ship for a short time!

If he had en­gaged in a phys­i­cal fight, he would not have been able to with­‐
stand its fist, even if he was in Dra­co­nian Mode.

If it were not for the way the Six Snakes had pre­pared, or if they had not
saved Gleip­nir, Kim Tae-hoon would have only run away quickly from the
Orc Khan. That was why the Vat­i­can had be­come ashes in the scene be­fore
Jang Sung-hoon's death.

To find out how, Kim Tae-hoon took time for the Orc Khan and the Orc
Horde to tram­ple Eu­rope. So, this fruit was sweeter than ever.

"Hmm." Kim Tae-hoon closed his eyes, sa­vor­ing the strong aroma of his

'As the Vat­i­can was guarded, the ap­pear­ance of Fafnir was pre­vented.'

In ad­di­tion, the suc­cess of the hunt for the Orc Khan was sig­nif­i­cant in
many ways. The most im­por­tant thing was that he kept the Vat­i­can. Kim
Tae-hoon had never for­got­ten what he had said to him­self in his dream.

Kim Tae-hoon had told him­self be­fore his self-sui­cide, "The mo­ment the
Vat­i­can col­lapsed, the Evil Dragon Fafnir from myth ap­peared."

If the Evil Dragon Fafnir, who could not be killed with­out the sword of
Siegfried, Bal­mung, had ap­peared, Eu­rope would have be­come a land
empty of hu­mans.

'The Bo­gatyr's Great Sword can be re­cov­ered in a month.'

Here, the work to se­cure the Bo­gatyr's Great Sword, sleep­ing in the un­der­‐
ground bunker of Krem­lin Cas­tle, was pro­ceed­ing smoothly. It did not seem
dif­fi­cult to se­cure Bo­gatyr's Great Sword be­fore the bit­ter cold of Siberia

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

'With the Bo­gatyr's Great Sword and the jewel of Orc Khan, there is no rea­‐
son to fear Cher­nobog.'

Fi­nally, Kim had gained the strong power of the Orc Khan's heart, the jewel
of the Orc Khan. He did not know what the power of Orc Khan's jewel was.
How­ever, it was clear that it would give power that could not be com­pared
with any power he had.

Fur­ther­more, what if Bo­gatyr's Great Sword were added here?

It seemed that all prepa­ra­tions for hunt­ing the Im­mor­tal Wolf Cher­nobog
were over. The game would soon be ac­tu­ally over.

'And if I kill Cher­nobog, then...'

Af­ter he killed Cher­nobog, Kim Tae-hoon would no longer need to be

afraid of death. Af­ter that, there would be only one thing left: the Six

'Mao Spencer, now it's your turn to be beaten.'

Kim Tae-hoon's eyes, which were plan­ning the next hunt­ing in the leisure
time, be­gan to sink cold and black, like the Black Sea.

'I will get the blood-price some­how.'

As he watched, a bird fly­ing over the Black Sea came into him.



The Sis­tine Chapel...

It was the no­blest stage of the Vat­i­can, the Pope's stage for Mass. But now
the Sis­tine Chapel was oc­cu­pied by sol­diers in mil­i­tary uni­form. Of course,
there were no such things as char­ity or sa­cred­ness any­where in Sis­tine
Chapel. Only the harsh­ness, the mur­der­ous spirit, and des­per­at­ion were seen

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

At the cen­ter of the gru­el­ing at­mos­phere was a map, a map of Rus­sia.

Around the map, sev­eral peo­ple were mak­ing se­ri­ous faces. Jang Sung-
hoon was also present.

"So, here, in Yakutsk, a city in north­east Rus­sia, a nu­clear ex­plo­sion oc­‐


It was Maria who an­swered the ques­tion of Jang Sung-hoon. "Yes."

"Is there any­thing spe­cial here?"

"No, noth­ing spe­cial."

"Is there re­ally not any­thing spe­cial?"

"There was no re­port or any ma­jor mil­i­tary fa­cil­ity in Yakutsk City that I
knew of."

John Gabriel was also in a po­si­tion to talk here. John Gabriel, the chief of
the Vat­i­can City; Maria, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Rus­sian mil­i­tary; and Jang
Sung-hoon, the sec­ond leader of the Mac Guild, were there. The theme of
their con­ver­sa­tion, like a sum­mit meet­ing, was the nu­clear ex­plo­sion in
Yakutsk, a small city in the north­east­ern part of Rus­sia.

"Then why did a nu­clear bomb go off in Yakutsk, north­east of the vast
Siberian fields?"

"The Six Snakes would know that."

The nu­clear ex­plo­sion, the ter­ri­ble vi­o­lence that man cre­ated, had hit
Siberia. That was why the at­mos­phere of the Sis­tine Chapel was so bad.
More­over, a nu­clear ex­plo­sion was the worst vi­o­lence cre­ated by mankind,
and the vi­o­lence that only mankind could cre­ate.

'We need to fig­ure out what Mao is try­ing to do.'

The nu­clear ex­plo­sion that hit Yakutsk City was not a co­in­ci­dence, but a re­‐
sult of a hu­man be­ing with in­ten­tions. Jang did not miss that fact.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

'Why did he det­o­nate a nu­clear bomb here? For what? A nu­clear bomb can
never be det­o­nated re­motely now. This means that they had set the timer...
but it's un­likely that they set the timer re­cently. It is more likely that the nu­‐
clear bomb timer was set up in Mon­go­lia to stim­u­late the Orc Khan.'

The rea­son for the nu­clear ex­plo­sion in Mon­go­lia was sim­ple. It was to pro­‐
voke the Orc Khan so that it would lead the Orc Horde to Eu­rope. With an
of­fer­ing of the Orc Khan, the Six Snakes would be­come the sav­ior of Eu­‐
rope and rule ev­ery­thing in Eu­rope. But Jang could not eas­ily guess the in­‐
ten­tion of the ex­plo­sion in a small city in north­east­ern Rus­sia.

'Is it to pro­voke the Im­mor­tal Wolf?'

It was the Im­mor­tal Wolf Cher­nobog that came to his mind right now. It
was likely that Mao had used a nu­clear bomb to move the Im­mor­tal Wolf,
just as he had brought the Orc Khan to Eu­rope us­ing a nu­clear bomb.

'How­ever, even Rus­sia does not know where the Im­mor­tal Wolf is now. In a
sit­u­at­ion where only a timer set­ting can trig­ger a bomb... The chance of this
ex­plo­sion mak­ing the Im­mor­tal Wolf move at will is not high.'

But it was hard to say that the pos­si­bil­ity was high. First of all, the ac­tiv­ity
ra­dius of the Im­mor­tal Wolf was not cer­tain, and its range of ac­tiv­ity in­‐
cluded all of Siberia, one of the world's largest ar­eas. On such a stage, could
they move the Im­mor­tal Wolf with a nu­clear ex­plo­sion?

'If the Im­mor­tal Wolf is headed for Eu­rope, even if it stim­u­lates the Im­mor­‐
tal Wolf... the Six Snakes would be be­tween a rock and a hard place.'

If the Im­mor­tal Wolf moved to Eu­rope, there would be noth­ing worse for
the Six Snakes.

'The Six Snakes wouldn't take a gam­ble like that, and they never op­er­ate
that way. They don't bet on nu­clear weapons in­stead of chips, even if they
do. Bet­ting on a nu­clear weapon means there's some­thing else to be sure of.'

From the stand­point of the Six Snakes, they would now lose their Eu­rope,
which would be their base, with­out be­ing able to use it prop­erly. It would be

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

the same as killing them­selves.

'It is not the Im­mor­tal Wolf that they want to move.'

Jang Sung-hoon knew bet­ter than any­one that the Six Snakes were not those
who would kill them­selves. Here, Jang mea­sured the per­son who had
planned this. He thought of Mao Spencer, who was ca­pa­ble of any­thing for
his own pur­poses. At that mo­ment he fig­ured out what the man re­ally
wanted to do.

'What Mao Spencer wants... He's go­ing to de­stroy the Ko­rean Penin­sula.
The rea­son he det­o­nated a nu­clear bomb is that he's go­ing to de­stroy the
Ko­rean Penin­sula. With what? With mon­sters. But the Im­mor­tal Wolf
should be ex­cluded. Then, what's left?'

Not long be­fore, Jang came up with an an­swer. "Ms. Maria, has Rus­sia ever
seen a mon­ster above the blue-grade?"

Maria an­swered with­out hes­i­ta­tion, "There have been a few blue-grade

hunts, but they've never hunted a blue-grade mon­ster be­fore, and I'm hon­‐
estly sure that Kim is the only one who can hunt a blue-grade mon­ster."

"So how many dark blue and blue-grade mon­sters has Rus­sia dis­cov­ered in
its ter­ri­tory?"

"Er... I don't know the ex­act fig­ures. Be­cause of Cher­nobog and the zom­‐
bies, it was dif­fi­cult to search---"

"Just tell me the num­ber you've fig­ured out."

"Twenty-one blues, and nine dark blues."

"What hap­pened to those mon­sters?"

"Well... those who could es­cape from Cher­nobog would have run away, and
those who could not es­cape would be frozen in Siberia as zom­bies."

"How much heat is gen­er­ated at the mo­ment of a nu­clear ex­plo­sion?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘


When Maria asked a ques­tion in­stead of an an­swer, Jang no longer con­tin­‐

ued the con­ver­sa­tion. In­stead of talk­ing, he put his hand on the map of Rus­‐
sia and near na­tions. It was Mon­go­lia that he picked up.

"It was be­cause of the Orc Khan here that most of the mon­sters in Rus­sian
ter­ri­tory did not come down to the south."

So, he moved his hands near the Caspian Sea. "And now the Orc Khan has
moved to­ward Eu­rope."

He went back to Rus­sia. "The zom­bies would have wo­ken up from the heat
of the nu­clear ex­plo­sion, and they would nat­u­rally fol­low the liv­ing. And
now, where the sur­vivors of East Asia are gath­ered..."

The last jour­ney ended on the Ko­rean Penin­sula.



When they reached that point, ev­ery­one was si­lenced. Jang Sung-hoon also
fell into a de­pres­sion.

'What Mao wanted to move was not the Im­mor­tal Wolf, but the mon­sters
that were zomb­i­fied by the Im­mor­tal Wolf.'

In the si­lence, Jang Sung-hoon's worst sce­nario was drawn.

'And if Cher­nobog moves along with the Zom­bies...'

With a harsh sound, the door of Sis­tine Chapel opened as if it were break­‐
ing, and a man ap­peared. The door it­self was a trea­sure, and in the Sis­tine
Chapel, no one ever man­han­dled it. Of course, the sol­diers wait­ing there
would nor­mally go out and deal with this rude vis­i­tor.

But no one moved in that sit­u­at­ion. All that any­one could do in front of the
ap­pear­ance of Kim Tae-hoon was harden them­selves, that was all.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

"Boss!" Only one per­son, Jang Sung-hoon, ap­proached Kim Tae-hoon with­‐
out hard­en­ing. As soon as he ap­proached, Jang said, "Mao left a trap." That
ex­pla­na­tion was enough. The con­clu­sion that Kim Tae-hoon had come to
was also the same as the one that Jang Sung-hoon made.

The Six Snakes were not sat­is­fied with only pos­sess­ing Eu­rope. It was their
plan to take Eu­rope and de­stroy the Ko­rean Penin­sula. In this sit­u­at­ion, the
an­swer they chose was de­cided.

"The heat of the nu­clear ex­plo­sion will bring the Zom­bies to the Ko­rean
Penin­sula. The worst thing is... the worst is the Im­mor­tal Wolf mov­ing, but
it will be hard to stop the Zom­bie Horde with the power of the Ko­rean

'The power of the Ko­rean Penin­sula is great. But it is not enough to stop the
blue and dark blue-grade mon­ster horde that has be­come Zom­bies. Fur­ther,
it is not all about stop­ping them. What is more im­por­tant is to re­duce the
dam­age as much as pos­si­ble.'

"We need to is­sue an evac­u­at­ion or­der, and we need to move to Jeju Is­land,
and if nec­es­sary, to Japan. Boss, wait here un­til Bo­gatyr's Great Sword is

There was noth­ing Kim Tae-hoon could do about this prob­lem.

'If Kim Tae-hoon comes out, he will be able to stop the Zom­bie Horde. But
the worst sit­u­at­ion that Jang Sung-hoon said be­fore, is if the Im­mor­tal Wolf
ap­pears. Now, Kim Tae-hoon can­not kill the Im­mor­tal Wolf. There is no
way, no tool.

'If Bo­gatyr's Great Sword is se­cured, the win­ner will even­tu­ally be Kim
Tae-hoon, no mat­ter what the dam­age is.

'All they had to do is take the dam­age. If they made time for the evac­u­at­ion
of the cit­i­zens, and they used the sac­ri­fices of sol­diers and hunters to pre­‐
vent the Zom­bie Horde from en­ter­ing the Ko­rean Penin­sula, then ev­ery­‐
thing will be sorted out.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

'Fur­ther­more, if Kim Tae-hoon kills the Im­mor­tal Wolf, the risk fac­tor dis­‐

There­fore, Jang Sung-hoon did not doubt that Kim Tae-hoon would make
the same choice as him­self.

"Boss?" How­ever, when Jang saw Kim's eyes, Jang was able to guess Kim's
in­ten­tions. "No! No! Never!" Jang Sung-hoon protested. "It is a mon­ster
who won't die! You can only kill it with Bo­gatyr's Great Sword! You can't
win the fight! In the end, you'll be ex­hausted and go down!"

At the ob­jec­tion, Kim Tae-hoon showed the pur­ple crys­tal in his hand in­‐
stead of an­swer­ing.


[Orc Khan's Crys­tal]

-- Strength in­creases sig­nif­i­cantly when in­gested.

-- Health in­creases sig­nif­i­cantly when in­gested.

-- En­ergy rank can reach the tran­scen­dent rank when in­gested.

-- De­fense rank can reach the tran­scen­dent rank when in­gested.

-- Anti-Mana rank can reach the tran­scen­dent rank when in­gested.

-- You can ac­quire the power of Orc Khan [ In­ex­haustible In­fin­ity] when in­‐


"I don't know any­thing else, but I won't be ex­hausted." With those words,
Kim Tae-hoon put the pur­ple crys­tal in his mouth. Gulp! In­side the tran­quil
Sis­tine Chapel, the sound echoed qui­etly.

Then Kim Tae-hoon looked up. Be­yond the frozen crowd in front of his
throat, Michelan­gelo's mas­ter­piece, the Last Judg­ment, came into view. He

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 149 - Advent, Part I ⦘

saw a pic­ture that made view­ers fear the Day of Judg­ment, and the dig­nity
of God.

'I will sur­vive, but not alone.' In front of the pic­ture, Kim Tae-hoon did not
feel fear. It was Kim Tae-hoon who led the Day of Judg­ment this time.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 150 - Ad­vent, Part Ii

Chap­ter 53. Ad­vent, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Con­stant gun­shots fell through the city.

Ex­plo­sions ap­peared re­peat­edly be­tween the gun­shots, Lee Hyung-woo bit

the candy in his mouth. The cheap cof­fee smell filled his mouth.

"Damn Zom­bies!" Lee Hyung-woo, suck­ing on his cheap cof­fee-fla­vored

candy, looked up with a bit­ter sound and looked at the front. The Zom­bie
mon­ster horde came into his eyes.


Eu­uhuh! The Zom­bie Mon­ster horde was ad­vanc­ing, ig­nor­ing ev­ery­thing

around them, even the enor­mous amount of shells and bul­let bap­tism pour­‐
ing to­ward them. It was like magma flow­ing from a vol­canic erup­tion.

"Now we're look­ing at all sorts of un­ex­pected things, and what hap­pened in
Se­jong City was noth­ing." At the scene, grum­bles came out of the mouth of
Sergeant Lee.

Of course, no one heard his low com­plaints be­tween the end­less gun­fire.
Even if they heard it, no one paid at­ten­tion to the com­plaints. The same was
true for Sergeant Lee. He did not care about the com­plaints, even though he
spoke them.

'Damn it.' The sit­u­at­ion was too ur­gent to care about such com­plaints. 'We
shouldn't give up Tonghua City.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

Tonghua City it­self was noth­ing spe­cial. It was not a place where great re­‐
sources were buried, there was no im­por­tant in­fra­struc­ture, nor was it a his­‐
tor­i­cal point.

'The next af­ter Tonghua is the Yalu River.

'The prob­lem is that Tonghua City is the last city on the Yalu River, which
is the base­line of the Ko­rean Penin­sula. In other words, if the front line re­‐
treats from Tonghua City, then the next place to fight is near the Yalu River.'

'It's a dead­line.'

'If the Zom­bie mon­ster horde crosses the Yalu River, it means that the Ko­‐
rean penin­sula has been in­vaded both re­al­is­ti­cally and sym­bol­i­cally.'

'We have to buy as much time as we can, even if we give it to them... In

many ways, it's a damn war. The goal is to buy time be­fore de­feat.'

The worst part was that the pur­pose of this bat­tle was not to an­ni­hi­late the
en­emy, but to draw time. It was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to win against Zom­bie
mon­sters, who did not die. Such was the judg­ment of head­quar­ters.

Even if Ko­rea had the world's high­est power and was ex­pe­ri­enced in the
bat­tling mon­sters, it was against mon­sters. Now, the op­po­nents were Zom­‐
bies, not mon­sters. So head­quar­ters de­clared the pur­pose of this bat­tle was
to earn time for cit­i­zens to evac­u­ate.

'This war, I am al­ready tired.' To be hon­est, Sergeant Lee Hyung-woo did

not have the will to fight this bat­tle. It was strange to have a will to fight a
war that would be lost re­gard­less. If the vet­eran Lee Hyung-woo, who had
fought and fought with the mon­sters, was that de­mor­al­ized, there was noth­‐
ing to say about the sol­diers who had lit­tle ex­pe­ri­ence.

"Sergeant!" A sol­dier wear­ing a hel­met ap­peared by Lee Hyung-woo as he

was caught in his an­guish.

"What's the mat­ter?"

"The or­der to re­treat."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘


At the end of the cross-ques­tion, five fire trucks ap­peared on the bat­tle­field.
At the same time, some­one shouted.

"Stop fir­ing!"

An in­tense cry that could not be said to be hu­man swal­lowed the city at
once. Mean­while, the sol­diers from the fire truck moved quickly.

"Pour the wa­ter!"

"Pour the wa­ter!"

A stream of wa­ter be­gan to pour from the fire hose pointed at the Zom­bie
mon­sters. At the same time, a thick smell was blow­ing all over the place. It
was gaso­line they could smell when they vis­ited the gas sta­tion.

The gaso­line soaked the Zom­bie mon­sters that had started to move more ac­‐
tively in the gap be­tween the bom­bard­ment and the shelling.

In the mean­time, the sol­diers who built the front line be­gan to with­draw
from the bat­tle­field. The same was true of Sergeant Lee Hyung-woo.

"Come on! Move faster!" He be­gan to move away from the bat­tle­field, urg­‐
ing his men. It wasn't long be­fore the smell of gaso­line no longer pierced
his nose.

The city of Tonghua was en­gulfed in flames with huge ex­plo­sions. Lee
Hyung-woo, who turned his head and looked at the scene, held his teeth

'Oh, my God.' In front of this in­sane war, Lee Hyung-woo felt like re­al­ity
was a long ways off. How­ever, in front of the fuss, Lee did not seek God.
At this mo­ment, all the peo­ple here wanted was not God, but a man's ad­‐


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘


"The troops are with­draw­ing from Tonghua and By­ron." With the re­port of
the sub­or­di­nate, the small horses on the map came down near the Yalu
River. How­ever, Colonel Lim Hyun-joon did not look at the horses. In­stead,
his gaze was on a horse sit­ting near Vladi­vos­tok.

The horse was dif­fer­ent. It was a piece that looked like a chess horse, but
un­like the usual horse, was en­graved with the word, 'sol­dier.'" In ad­di­tion,
the piece was a piece of the di­vine an­i­mal Mac.

"What's the sit­u­at­ion of Mac Unit?" The sculp­ture rep­re­sented the most elite
mil­i­tary force of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea.

"The last news came that they were en­gaged in a bat­tle with a Zom­bie-
grade green mon­ster, a Zom­bie ogre."

Of course, the mis­sions given to them were also the most dif­fi­cult tasks. It
was to re­move the mon­sters above the green grade, which gen­eral sol­diers
and hunters could not kill. With­out any sup­port, they had to do ev­ery­thing
on their own.

"What about the dam­age?"

"So far... five dead, twelve wounded."

The dam­age was as bad as it was dif­fi­cult. How­ever, in front of the ter­ri­ble
re­sult, Colonel Lim Hyun-joon did not ex­press any emo­tion. In­stead, he
looked at the map and asked again, "What about civil­ian evac­u­at­ion?"

"We're on the right track, but there are too many peo­ple."

"Search party, re­port."

"The num­ber of Zom­bie mon­sters on the Ko­rean Penin­sula is in­creas­ing,

the ac­tiv­i­ties of the search party are im­pos­si­ble."

It was a night­mare re­port. In front of the re­port, Colonel Lim did not re­veal
his feel­ings at all, nor did he change his ex­pres­sion. The sit­u­at­ion was

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

straight­ened out in his mind with­out any signs.

'Even if they're Zom­bies, mon­sters be­low the or­ange grade can be brought
down by or­di­nary sol­diers, as well as by the ar­mored hunt­ing units.'

The sit­u­at­ion was not good. The war it­self was too sud­den. It was not just a
mon­ster, but a Zom­bie mon­ster was out­side the scope of the plans of
Colonel Lim.

'The prob­lem is that when Zom­bie mon­sters above the green grade or
higher ap­pear, no more en­gage­ment is pos­si­ble, and the front­line is forced
to re­treat.'

The big­ger prob­lem was that even if they built a bar­rier line to block Zom­‐
bie mon­sters, the line would ac­tu­ally col­lapse when a mon­ster above the
green grade ap­peared. This was a bat­tle where they could not help but re­‐
treat. In short, there was no hope or pos­si­bil­ity of vic­tory in this bat­tle.

The whole point was to earn some time for a few more peo­ple to es­cape.
Since they were the mil­i­tary and hunters of the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea, they
were able to carry out this bat­tle with­out any strain. If it were other coun­‐
tries, they would not be able to stand against the Zom­bie Army this far, the
cit­i­zens would have al­ready pan­icked, and there would have been a riot of
dis­or­der, not any evac­u­at­ion.

'We can't en­dure bad news any­more.'

In other words, South Ko­rea was now at its break­ing point. If more bad
news were added, it would not be strange if ev­ery­thing sud­denly col­lapsed.

"It's a re­port, re­port!" A sub­or­di­nate ap­peared in a hurry. A jade bird was in

his hands.

'That jade bird?'

'No way!'

At that mo­ment a chilly thun­der­bolt passed through the spines of ev­ery­one

there. In a few mo­ments, the Okjo opened its mouth in the quiet space.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

-This is Artyom, the small town above Vladi­vos­tok.-

Ac­cord­ing to ev­ery­one's in­tu­ition, the Okjo let out a ter­ri­ble night­mare.

-We found a dark blue-grade Zom­bie mon­ster. The iden­tity of the mon­ster...
is de­ter­mined to be a Hatch with horns, on the body of a sheep.-

It was the voice of Bang Hyun Wook.



'Re­mem­ber, Hyun-wook. Af­ter all, it's a phys­i­cal strength fight. In the

world of pro­fes­sion­als, nei­ther a pitcher with a speed of 150 km/h nor the
slug­ger can sur­vive if he has no phys­i­cal health. So don't skip phys­i­cal
train­ing. That's the only way you can make it to the pros.'

It was a mem­ory from his se­nior year in high school. It was from at most
two years ago.

"Cap­tain, are you sleep­ing?"

Bang slowly opened his eyes, brood­ing over the dimmest mem­ory.

"No, I was think­ing about the old days."

"Once upon a time?"

"When I was in high school."

"So, you said you were a base­ball player?"

When asked again, Bang only smiled bit­terly in­stead of an­swer­ing. His
smil­ing face showed signs of weari­ness. It wasn't just him, but all of them.
Ev­ery­one in front of Bang's eyes looked tired. It was un­be­liev­able.

Mac troops were a group of hunters with out­stand­ing skills. With Bang
Hyun-wook, the troops were the elites of the Mac Unit. Their av­er­age

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

Health level was over 300 points. They had ac­quired many abil­it­ies from
mon­sters. They would be beaten to death by mon­sters, but they would not
be ex­hausted.

How­ever, the fact that they felt phys­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions meant that the daily
rigor of their bat­tles was be­yond imag­i­na­tion. Un­der such cir­cum­stances,
they were fac­ing a des­per­ate bat­tle that was in­com­pa­ra­bly harsh and hope­‐

"Now let's get ready."

A mon­ster came up be­tween the Zom­bie mon­ster horde be­fore the eyes of
Bang Hyun-wook, who looked up at the words.

It was a mon­ster of a pe­cu­liar ap­pear­ance. It was about five me­ters long, its
body looked like a sheep, but was cov­ered with steel-like sil­ver scales in­‐
stead of a fluffy fleece, and a pointed horn rose up on its head. On ei­ther
side of the horn were two dark blue eyes that had lost fo­cus.

It was a Hatch.

The dark blue grade mon­ster be­came a Zom­bie, and it stood out in the Zom­‐
bie horde. With such a pow­er­ful pres­ence, it gave the Mac troops a sense of

'Of all times, a dark blue-grade mon­ster Zom­bie...'

'A mon­ster that has be­come a Zom­bie does not die even if they pull out its
heart and smash its head. There was only one way, to cut apart the body and
set it on fire.'

There was only one man in the world who could kill the dark blue mon­ster
in that way.

"We'll have to hold on un­til he gets here."

Be­cause of that one man, they did not run away in front of a mon­ster that
could not be fought by Bang Hyun-wook and the Mac Unit. The role of the
Mac Unit was to re­place Kim Tae-hoon, who would fin­ish the night­mare.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

'When he is not with us, I am, on be­half of him.'

At the same time, it was also a re­quest by Kim Tae-hoon to Bang Hyun-

Be­fore leav­ing for Rus­sia, Kim Tae-hoon told Bang Hyun-wook, who
wanted to go with him, to stay in Ko­rea. He asked him to pro­tect Ko­rea
from threats on be­half of him­self, not an or­der.

"Then I'll give you an op­er­at­ional brief­ing again."

There­fore, Bang Hyun-wook did not in­tend to turn his head in front of this

"Our goal is not hunt­ing, but buy­ing time."

How­ever, he did not in­tend to burn his life to the ground. The ul­ti­mate thing
that Bang Hyun-wook had learned from Kim Tae-hoon was sur­vival, not
strug­gle. The same was true of this time.

"First of all, I would like you to step up and clear your area while I catch its

As said be­fore, the Mac Unit had no means and meth­ods to kill the Hatch
that had be­come a Zom­bie now. Then there was no rea­son to be mind­ful of
killing. It was just to lure, and if they could buy time, it would be enough.
That was all.

"Then I'll lure it back north. Well, let's cheer up for the last time."

Bang Hyun-wook, who spat out his words, stood up, his whole body feel­ing
heav­ier than ever. But Bang did not col­lapse.

"Hoo!" With a long sigh, he raised his head, and now saw the mon­ster he
had to face nearby. See­ing the mon­ster, he took a deep breath. He ex­haled
with all his strength, his breath ready to burst out his chest.

"Come on!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 150 - Advent, Part Ii ⦘

At that mo­ment, a thun­der­bolt fell on Bang's head. Kim Tae-hoon de­‐

scended from the sky.



There is a word used to de­scribe where a nu­clear ex­plo­sion oc­curs: ground

zero. Where ev­ery­thing is gone, and now noth­ing can live. In a sense, it is
the clean­est place in the world.

A grotesque wolf ap­peared there. No, it was more than a wolf, as if flesh
that had been ripped from a body had been gath­ered in wolf form. Only the
pur­ple eyes told them that it was not just a mon­ster. An Im­mor­tal Wolf, the
mon­ster that turned the vast land of Siberia into a world of Zom­bies, stood
mo­tion­less for a while on Ground Zero.

How long had it been like that?

It turned its head to the east, to­ward the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 151 - Ad­vent, Part Iii

Chap­ter 53. Ad­vent, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


God de­scends from heaven into the hu­man world is the orig­i­nal mean­ing of
Ad­vent. There­fore, it is a mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the dic­tio­nary to use the ex­‐
pres­sion when de­scend­ing against hu­mans.

Ah! How­ever, for the mem­bers of the Mac Unit, there was noth­ing else to
ex­press the ap­pear­ance of Kim Tae-hoon but Ad­vent. It was the rea­son why
ev­ery­one was fas­ci­nated by Kim Tae-hoon's ap­pear­ance. As if to re­pay their
ex­pec­ta­tions and ex­pres­sions, Kim Tae-hoon, who had dropped down from
the sky, im­me­di­ately started to move to­ward the bat­tle­field.

Kim walked through the city to­ward the Zom­bie mon­ster horde that was
pushed be­tween the build­ings. As he walked, Kim grabbed the han­dle of the
sheathed sword in his left hand with his right hand. Then he drew the sword
at once, with­out hes­i­ta­tion, to­ward the Zom­bie mon­ster horde.


Thunk! A flash of light cut the city in half.


[Achieved Abil­ity]

-- The In­ex­haustible In­fin­ity (Grade 1): Orc Khan's power does not con­‐
sume Health, En­ergy, Mana, or Telekine­sis.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

The In­ex­haustible In­fin­ity gained by killing the Orc Khan was an abil­ity
that did not tire. No mat­ter how hard he worked, he did not feel the limit of
his phys­i­cal Health, and even if he used spe­cial abil­i­ties such as En­ergy,
Telekine­sis, Mana, his abil­i­ties never touched bot­tom. It was like he could
drive a car with­out gas.

There­fore, it was a ter­ri­ble en­counter for the mon­sters when Kim Tae-hoon
was hold­ing Ku­sanagi, which de­manded the most con­sump­tion.

Thunk! Kim Tae-hoon, who no longer had to worry about the con­sump­tion
of En­ergy, re­peat­edly wielded Ku­sanagi. The sharp flashes from the sword
of the Ku­sanagi cut apart the bod­ies of the Zom­bie horde and the build­ings
of Artyom.

Eu­uhuh... Zom­bie mon­sters with up­per body and lower body or legs or neck
were cut off and fell to the ground, break­ing in half with grotesque cries. Of
course, the Zom­bie mon­sters did not die by that alone. Those who lost their
an­kles or feet still ran with their legs cut off, while those who were sep­a‐­
rated from their lower bod­ies used their arms to crawl and move, and those
who fell on the ground re­peat­edly made noisy threats.

The bod­ies of the Zom­bie mon­sters that were cut off were buried by the
build­ings of the city.

The sight of dozens and hun­dreds of build­ings be­ing cut off and col­lapsed
was more bizarre than eerie. It looked like a dis­as­ter, as if the city was hit
by a tsunami, like a city col­laps­ing in front of an earth­quake, like a tor­nado
tore its build­ings apart and was soar­ing high into the sky. It was not a hu­‐
man-made re­sult. So to speak, it was the pun­ish­ment of God.

'Am I dream­ing now?' In front of the scene, the mem­bers of the Mac Unit,
who were now su­per­hu­man, were stunned. Bang Hyun-wook looked at the
bat­tle­field with blank eyes. Of course, the bat­tle was just the be­gin­ning. If it
had been a bat­tle that ended with just cut­ting the bod­ies and cov­er­ing the
bod­ies with the wreck­age of the build­ings, Kim Tae-hoon would not have
come here.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

As soon as Kim Tae-hoon put the Ku­sanagi back into the sheath, some­thing
ran out of the wreck­age of a col­lapsed build­ing.

Whoosh! It was a dark blue-grade mon­ster, the zomb­i­fied Hatch, fly­ing to­‐
ward Kim Tae-hoon. The Hatch charged horn down, its speed hard to be­‐
lieve. The phys­i­cal force of the Hatch, with a sheep's body five me­ters in
length, larger than a lion, moved so quickly it was unimag­in­able.

In front of the sud­den, pow­er­ful, and ag­gres­sive at­tack of the Hatch, Kim
Tae-hoon pulled his body side­ways us­ing his Telekine­sis. The Hatch, horn
down, shot past Kim Tae-hoon like a mis­sile. The wake flapped Kim Tae-
hoon's clothes.

The body of the Hatch punched through the build­ings be­hind Kim Tae-hoon
as if it were an ar­tillery round.

Huck! The men of the Mac Unit around came to their senses af­ter the Hatch
moved a kilo­me­ter away. How­ever, wak­ing up did not change any­thing.
There was noth­ing they could do in this ridicu­lous bat­tle.

"Big brother!" Only Bang Hyun-wook tried to move at this mo­ment.

'That abil­ity is dan­ger­ous.' The Hatch's abil­ity was to pro­pel its body like a
can­non shell. It was a power be­yond com­mon sense. The Hatch had just
moved a kilo­me­ter away in four sec­onds or so. Two hun­dred fifty me­ters
per sec­ond was near­ing the speed of sound. A few tons of an ob­ject mov­ing
at a speed close to the sound speed... its de­struc­tive power was clearly
shown by the city build­ings be­hind Kim Tae-hoon.

'It's re­ally dan­ger­ous.' Bang Hyun-wook's spine, who had been pre­par­ing to
buy time against the mon­ster with such a ridicu­lous abil­ity, cooled quickly.

'It's not easy for big brother, ei­ther.' At the same time, Bang Hyun-wook re­‐
al­ized that the abil­ity of the Hatch was also threat­en­ing Kim Tae-hoon.

'That at­tack of the Hatch is hard to de­fend against, and it is im­pos­si­ble to

stand up to. In­stead, there are plenty of gaps. Af­ter one at­tack, it can not

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

con­trol it­self.' It was still true now. The Hatch, which crashed through
build­ings like pa­per, could not stop un­til its body was stuck in the ground.

'If some­one baits and lures it into a trap, we can kill it.'

"I'll help you!"

In this sit­u­at­ion, it was Bang Hyun-wook's role to al­ways be the bait, and he
did not want to give that role to some­one else. How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did
not an­swer the cry of Bang Hyun-wook. In­stead, Kim Tae-hoon un­tied the
golden bracelet on his left wrist and threw it on the ground.

"Baaaaaaa..." In the mean­time, the Hatch, which had re­gained its po­si­tion,
took a po­si­tion fac­ing Kim Tae-hoon again, af­ter point­ing its horn.

It looked like a rocket on the launch pad.

Kim Tae-hoon shouted at it, "Gleip­nir!"

At that mo­ment, the golden chains leaped out of the ground un­der the
Hatch's feet and wrapped around its body.


Ev­ery­one in sight, even the Zom­bie Hatch tied in a golden chain now, had a
stunned look.

Only one, Kim Tae-hoon, ac­cepted all of this and pulled out the Sword of
the Im­per­at­or on his back to face the Hatch caught in Gleip­nir.



There is a say­ing that war is a bat­tle of in­for­ma­tion. It is also be­cause of the

great in­flu­ence of valu­able in­for­ma­tion and in­for­ma­tion treated as con­fi­den­‐
tial can de­cide vic­tory and de­feat on the bat­tle­field.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

But that was not the only rea­son. Even if it was not such a se­cret, the abil­ity
to deal with gen­eral in­for­ma­tion is also very im­por­tant in war. Sim­ple in­for­‐
ma­tion is not sim­ple in­for­ma­tion on the bat­tle­field.

When the bat­tle be­gins right away, there is count­less amounts of in­for­ma­‐
tion on the bat­tle­field. In ad­di­tion, there was a lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion fa­cil­‐
i­ties, and all that was pos­si­ble was wired com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Even if the con­di­‐
tions are not good enough, all kinds of in­for­ma­tion come in freely.

In some cases, in­for­ma­tion which is trans­mit­ted through hu­man re­sources,

in­for­ma­tion may ar­rive three hours be­fore the in­for­ma­tion dis­patched five
hours ear­lier.

It is the com­man­der's abil­ity and role to find the an­swers in the in­for­ma­tion

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon was faith­ful to the role and was com­pe­tent at the
same time. He made the best de­ci­sion, and his de­ci­sion brought him to the
peak of the Ko­rean mil­i­tary in the flood of in­for­ma­tion com­ing in from all
over the bat­tle­field. But at this mo­ment, he could no longer be a com­pe­tent

"It's break­ing news from Ho­ery­ong City, the Zom­bie Mon­ster horde has
been re­moved."

"It's break­ing news just in from Hye­san City! The Zom­bie Mon­ster horde
has been de­stroyed!"

"The Zom­bie Mon­ster horde was de­stroyed in Manpo!"

"The mon­sters that ap­peared in Sinuiju were wiped out."

The break­ing news that flowed in si­mul­ta­ne­ously from the cities along the
Yalu River was un­be­liev­able.

"The ad­vent of the Mas­ter is done." And at the end of all the re­ports, the
word mas­ter and ad­vent were at­tached to­gether. The sol­diers never used the
words, but Colonel Lim Hyun-joon could not find words that could clearly

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

con­vey the sit­u­at­ion now. He showed his emo­tions on his face for the first

"Huh-huh." He smiled awk­wardly on his flimsy face. At his laugh, the first
since the bat­tle with the Zom­bie Mon­ster horde, his men seemed to un­der­‐
stand rather than be sur­prised, and they were also laugh­ing awk­wardly.

"The Mac Unit has ar­rived from Vladi­vos­tok." It was the re­turn of the Mac
Unit that stopped the laugh.

"I'll get a re­port right away."

Mac Unit and Bang Hyun-wook had ar­rived at the head­quar­ters, and of
course, Colonel Lim Hyun-joon called them.

Bang Hyun-wook im­me­di­ately told Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, "Big brother

said that he would deal with the Im­mor­tal Wolf in the Manchurian field, and
there is some­thing for the bat­tle."

Colonel Lim Hyun-joon's ex­pres­sion was firm at the re­port, since the Im­‐
mor­tal Wolf was the fate of Kim Tae-hoon, as well as the fate of the Re­pub­‐
lic of Ko­rea to deal with a mon­ster of the pur­ple grade, a mon­ster that could
not die. It would be nec­es­sary to sup­port the war us­ing all the sup­port of the

"What do you need?" While spit­ting out the words, Colonel Lim Hyun-joon
had a lot of things in his mind -- the best elite Mac Unit and the Dragon
Knights, as well as the Ar­mored Hunt­ing Units he had de­voted him­self to,
in­clud­ing the ter­ri­fy­ing tanks!

In re­sponse to such a ques­tion by Colonel Lim Hyun-joon, Bang Hyun-

wook scratched his head and said cau­tiously. "So it's..."



A pur­ple-grade mon­ster was like a mov­ing end... the end of the hu­man race.
There­fore, it was easy for hu­mans to grasp the pres­ence. The same was true

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

of Kim Tae-hoon.

'Here it is.'

On the wide plain of Manchuria, Kim Tae-hoon was able to feel it even be­‐
fore he saw it. At some point, as he felt, it showed up. The Im­mor­tal Wolf
Cher­nobog ap­peared on the Manchurian field. It was alone. There was no
Zom­bie Mon­ster horde. There was no need. It didn't need to be pro­tected by
any­thing, and it had no rea­son to be afraid of death.

Kim Tae-hoon also did not have any new de­ter­mi­na­tion with such a guy in
front of him. From the dis­tance, he made the first at­tack. The weapon of the
first at­tack was In­dra's spear, Vasavi Shakti.

The thun­der and light­ning spewed a thun­der­storm of light, and stuck in

Cher­nobog's body. It im­me­di­ately re­leased a thun­der­bolt that turned the
grass all over the place ashes in an in­stant.

The at­tack turned Cher­nobog's body to ashes, too, shred­ded and scat­tered
all over the place. How­ever, that was all. Its whole body was shat­tered, but
the pres­ence of the crea­ture fill­ing the Manchurian field did not dis­ap­pear at
all. Soon af­ter, one piece of the flesh that had fallen from Cher­nobog's body
be­gan to grow, and then it was re­stored to its orig­i­nal shape.

Vasavi Shakti, which had al­ways left a sur­pris­ing wound, was just a tool to
earn a minute or so in front of Cher­nobog.

At that mo­ment, a gold chain rose from be­neath the ground, and it clung to
Cher­nobog's body. Gleip­nir! The chain that led to the death of Orc Khan
turned Cher­nobog into a mummy.

Cher­nobog was crushed. As if clutch­ing jelly, Gleip­nir grabbed Cher­nobog

and its body was scat­tered into shat­tered pieces. The same scene was re­‐
peated af­ter that. One piece of flesh popped out of its body be­gan to form a
wolf again. It was enough.

'As ex­pected.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 151 - Advent, Part Iii ⦘

The fact that Kim Tae-hoon's count­less weapons could never kill Cher­‐
nobog was not just spec­u­la­tion, but the fact. He also rec­og­nized that all he
could do was buy time, and de­lay Cher­nobog reach­ing the Ko­rean Penin­‐
sula a lit­tle longer.

So, Kim Tae-hoon did not hurry. He didn't push it. In­stead, he took out
some­thing he had never used be­fore when deal­ing with mon­sters. He
opened his bag and took out some­thing as im­por­tant as a relic in it: a cof­fee
drip­per, solid fuel, bot­tled wa­ter, and new beans from Italy.

Kim Tae-hoon, who spent the time mak­ing cof­fee, took a sip of the cof­fee.

He filled him­self with the deep cof­fee scent. He then drew a pic­ture with his
black eyes, look­ing at the dis­tant Cher­nobog, palms open; it was a pic­ture
of a strait­jacket made by his own Telekine­sis on Cher­nobog's body, a pic­‐
ture that would pull the body of the crea­ture bound like that and tie it to one

At that mo­ment, Cher­nobog's move­ments stopped for the first time. The
fight be­tween the undy­ing mon­ster and the tire­less hunter be­gan qui­etly,
with a cup of fra­grant cof­fee.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

Chap­ter 152 - Ad­vent, Part Iv

Chap­ter 53. Ad­vent, Part IV

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Since the ap­pear­ance of the mon­sters, Mos­cow, the cap­i­tal of Rus­sia, had
be­come a city of si­lence and tran­quil­ity. The new pow­ers of Rus­sia wanted
to main­tain their power and sta­tus through fear, and of course, they did not
al­low any­one but them­selves to raise their voices.

"Come on! Move fast!" But now there were count­less voices fill­ing Red

"Here! Get through this way!"


"Get this out of the way!"

"Send some­one! How many times do I have to tell you, huh?"

It was not just one voice. The lan­guages and races of var­i­ous coun­tries, in­‐
clud­ing Eng­lish, Ger­man, French, and oth­ers, were com­ing to­gether to raise
their voices.

What was even more sur­pris­ing was that the noise, the talk all at the same
time, was or­gan­i­cally in­ter­twined for one pur­pose, like when the tower of
Baby­lon was built, when ev­ery­one in the world was not sub­ject to lan­guage

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

'This is great.' Jang Sung-hoon ad­mired the scene. 'I feel like the in­te­gra­tion
of Eu­rope that no one has ever done, has been done here.'

At that mo­ment, Jang Sung-hoon's mem­ory re­turned to a few days ago, the
day Kim Tae-hoon had left for Ko­rea. On the day Kim Tae-hoon left, Jang
Sung-hoon made a pub­lic an­nounce­ment through­out Eu­rope with the help
of the Vat­i­can: a no­tice that they were re­cruit­ing ap­pli­cants to clean up the
de­bris of Red Square.

There was no com­pul­sion. It was not a sit­u­at­ion where co­er­cion was pos­si­‐
ble. In the sit­u­at­ion where Kim Tae-hoon left alone for Ko­rea to stop the
Im­mor­tal Wolf, what Jang Sung-hoon could do was more lim­ited than he

'Life is al­ways un­ex­pected.' To be hon­est, Jang Sung-hoon did not ex­pect

much when he made the an­nounce­ment. In the age of mon­sters, who would
walk to Mos­cow, where there was still cold weather, and who would take
shov­els and pick­axes there and take on the hard work?

There was no great ben­ef­ it to be given. To put it bluntly, Jang won­dered if

he could even give them some­thing to eat. How­ever, the re­sults were dif­fer­‐
ent from Jang's ex­pec­ta­tions.

Tens of thou­sands of peo­ple were will­ing to take a long jour­ney on their

own, and they were break­ing and re­mov­ing the wreck­age that had fallen, on
their own. Ev­ery­one was will­ing to take the price­less abuse un­der the flag
of the Mac Guild, not the flag of a coun­try. Kim Tae-hoon made Eu­rope

'If I take a pic­ture, I'll get a Pulitzer Prize, and if I paint it, I'll be able to step
on the thresh­old of Sotheby's auc­tion.' It was a mon­u­men­tal event, re­ally.
Jang Sung-hoon, who had to call it, felt the art-soul that he thought had dis­‐
ap­peared with­out leav­ing ashes. He felt a de­sire to make the traces of what
he saw now through his own hands, not any­thing.

'Well, what does it mean to leave it like that?' How­ever, Jang was not drunk
with the art-soul.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

'That's not the point.' In­stead of lift­ing his brush, he put on a tat­tered wood­‐
work­ing glove. 'Boss, hold on a lit­tle longer.'

"Come on, let's all work hard!" With the cry, Jang Sung-hoon threw him­self
into the work.



Kim Tae-hoon, who swal­lowed the cof­fee he had been hold­ing, opened his
eyes again. Into his black eyes sud­denly en­tered the Im­mor­tal Wolf, which
had reached a dis­tance of about three hun­dred me­ters from him.

'It's been one hun­dred and fifty hours.' It had been that long since the match
be­tween the Im­mor­tal Wolf and Kim Tae-hoon be­gan. The Im­mor­tal Wolf
had no change. It was not very an­gry about the sit­u­at­ion, nor did it try any­‐
thing dif­fer­ent.

It just walked when Kim Tae-hoon's Telekine­sis, which was just try­ing to
tie it down, broke down and stopped walk­ing when it was tied by Kim Tae-
hoon's Telekine­sis again. That was all.

'I'm at the limit.' On the other hand, Kim Tae-hoon was not. The power of
the In­ex­haustible In­fin­ity was cer­tainly great, end­less. No mat­ter how much
En­ergy, Mana, and Telekine­sis he used, he felt it was still full and bound­‐

'He's mov­ing faster.' The prob­lem was that Kim Tae-hoon's body was not
in­fi­nite and not eter­nal.

'I'm sure I'm good enough to stay here.' More­over, Kim Tae-hoon's body
was not much bet­ter than he thought. It couldn't have been good. Af­ter eat­‐
ing the crys­tal of the Eight-tailed Fox, Kim Tae-hoon's body was vir­tu­ally
the same as re­ceiv­ing a death sen­tence.

Even af­ter that, he kept fill­ing his body with tran­scen­den­tal power that was
not al­lowed to hu­man be­ings, again and again. He filled his body with the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

Dragon's power, with the power of the Blue Qilin, and with the power of the
Great Gi­ant. He even pos­sessed the power of the Orc Khan, which would
drive him crazy, the power that he could not but call a curse be­cause it was
too pow­er­ful. In the end, he used the power as much as he liked. If he
wanted his body to be safe and eter­nal, it would be a delu­sion, not greed.

'It's been a long time, and this feel­ing of death com­ing right is right in front
of me.' In a sense, Kim Tae-hoon was in the midst of the most dan­ger­ous
mo­ment. If he could not kill the Im­mor­tal Wolf in front of him, if he could
not eat the mon­ster stone, Kim Tae-hoon would face death from his own

There was not much time left. Kim Tae-hoon knew his con­di­tion well. He
knew that his body could not last three months with­out the power of im­mor­‐
tal­ity. He also knew that the more he used his strength, the faster his life
span would be short­ened, and in or­der to stop the Im­mor­tal Wolf for more
than a week, Kim Tae-hoon had spent most of his life.

'This is the first time I've ever wasted my life like this.' Kim Tae-hoon al­‐
ways used means and meth­ods to live. So, it was a strange thing. How­ever,
Kim smiled lightly at this sit­u­at­ion.

'So much has changed.' At that time, Kim Tae-hoon's eyes, above his pale
smile, wrig­gled. He sensed some­thing com­ing here, to­ward the vast
Manchurian field.

'... yes, there is no way it is go­ing this qui­etly.' The Zom­bie Mon­ster horde
was con­verg­ing with all its might to­ward the place where the Im­mor­tal
Wolf was. Its num­bers were con­sid­er­able.

'Is it near ten thou­sand? No, it'll be more.' Of course, it was not likely that
they would be a threat to Kim Tae-hoon, even if they were united.

'If I miss this guy, it's over.' The prob­lem was that it was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­‐
ble to hold this guy as it was now, if the Im­mor­tal Wolf was buried in the
surg­ing waves of the horde. Even now, as his con­cen­tra­tion fell, it was be­‐
com­ing harder to catch the Im­mor­tal Wolf.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon did not think of the word aban­don­ment in his mind. He
grabbed the sword of the Qin Shi Huang, which was wrapped at his waist,
in­stead of tak­ing an­other cof­fee cup.

'With the Horse Sol­diers of the Qin Shi Huang, the Gilt-bronze In­cense
Burner of Baekje, and Horse Fig­ure Type Earth­en­ware...' He mea­sured the
bat­tle in his mind. He looked for a way to never back down, to keep things
be­hind him.

At that mo­ment, the voice that Kim had waited for so much knocked on his
ear. "Big brother!" In that voice, he raised his hand that was mov­ing to­ward
the Qin Shi Huang Sword to the hilt next to him. He caught the Ku­sanagi.



"Eu­uhuh..." The sound of dy­ing at the mo­ment, but the sight of the things
that were spit­ting out the sound, never min­gled with it.

Ten thou­sand, the vast num­bers of the Zom­bie Mon­ster horde were rac­ing
through the Manchurian field. It was a tsunami, made of rot­ten bod­ies, eat­‐
ing at the Manchurian plains. At the end of the tsunami was a wolf with a
body that was be­yond even the com­ing Zom­bie Mon­ster horde.

The Im­mor­tal Wolf tied by Kim Tae-hoon's Telekine­sis slowly ad­vanced,

over­com­ing his Telekine­sis. The way a rot­ten wolf, who seemed ready to be
crushed if touched, and to fall down if kicked, walked over, seemed to be
un­be­liev­ably pa­thetic and hard to ex­plain.

How­ever, nowhere else was the im­age of the Im­mor­tal Wolf pa­thetic. It was
still spread­ing its de­spair­ing pres­ence, and fear be­yond the over­whelm­ing
level. Above all, its pur­ple eyes were shin­ing more than ever at this mo­‐
ment. It was a clear proof that it was wait­ing for this mo­ment.

The Im­mor­tal Wolf was wait­ing for the mo­ment, when the mon­ster horde,
which had be­come Zom­bies by its own power, dis­rupted the power trap­ping
it. It was not hard to wait. It could wait for­ever if nec­es­sary.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

Its pa­tience was re­warded. The Zom­bie Mon­ster horde rolled over the Im­‐
mor­tal Wolf.

It was a short time. The mo­ment the Im­mor­tal Wolf was buried in a huge
roar, the Telekine­sis to tie it down was lost. It now started run­ning again.
No, it didn't have to run.

The Im­mor­tal Wolf was swept for­ward by the crazed surge of the Zom­bie
Mon­ster horde. It did not re­sist it, nor did it show anger, sigh, or a cry of a
word about its body be­ing tan­gled with other Zom­bie mon­sters. The Im­‐
mor­tal Wolf mixed it­self into the tsunami of the run­ning horde. It be­came a
tree in a dense for­est. No trace of the Im­mor­tal Wolf could be seen any­‐

Thunk! In that sit­u­at­ion, a long flash of light ran un­der the knees of the
Zom­bie Mon­ster horde. The flash brushed un­der the knees and around the
an­kles, and it made the Zom­bie Mon­ster horde a foot­less horde.

The Zom­bie Mon­ster horde, which had just lost their feet, be­gan to tum­ble
for­ward and get tan­gled up.

A huge wall made of a pile of cramped un­dead soared over the Manchurian

Eu­huhu... There were ter­ri­fy­ing voices ev­ery­where. In front of the tan­gled

pile, a lump of rot­ten flesh pro­truded out and be­gan to wrig­gle back to
shape. The Im­mor­tal Wolf saw the man again with its pur­ple eyes, a man
who had black eyes and was lift­ing a sword too big to be a sword. The man,
who charged at once, wielded the sword and cut its body in half.

It was the last sight the Im­mor­tal Wolf ever saw.



"It's over!" Bang Hyun-wook's words were like a spell. As he spoke, the
Zom­bie mon­sters re­turned to be­ing rot­ten bod­ies. It was the most ob­vi­ous

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

ev­i­dence that the Im­mor­tal Wolf Cher­nobog had died. Ev­i­dence that the his­‐
tor­i­cal mo­ment was here.

"Big brother!" Bang Hyun-wook, a wit­ness of the his­tor­i­cal mo­ment, ran to­‐
ward the pro­tag­o­nist of the his­tor­i­cal mo­ment. "You did it!"

How­ever, the main char­ac­ter in Bang Hyun-wook's eyes was silent. It was
not enough to be silent. He put his hand through the dead body of the Im­‐
mor­tal Wolf, which had now be­come rot­ten, crum­pled meat. He pulled out
the pur­ple crys­tal and looked at it with his black eyes.

"Huck! Big brother?" Bang Hyun-wook was fright­ened by the ap­pear­ance.

"That, that's rot­ten! That's rot­ten!"

In­stead of an­swer­ing in front of the fright­ened Bang Hyun-wook's cry, he

put the pur­ple crys­tal he had brought out in his mouth. He swal­lowed it
even though the rot­ten smell stewed in his mouth.

"Ugggh!" Bang Hyun-wook gri­maced as he watched the scene.

On the other hand, the man looked at the back of his right hand with a calm,
but very gen­er­ous look.


[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 1932

-- Health: 1955

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: S Rank

-- Mana: S-Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S Rank

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

-- De­fense: S Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: S-Rank

[Achieved Abil­i­ties]

-- Im­mor­tal­ity (Grade 1): The power of the Im­mor­tal Wolf. You have a
body that can­not be killed by any­thing.


When the man fin­ished check­ing his right hand, the man gave his gaze to
Bang Hyun-wook, who had drawn near. Then he opened his mouth, "Now
is the time."


At the cross-ques­tion­ing of Bang Hyun-wook, Kim Tae-hoon handed over

the three-me­ter-long sword he was hold­ing to Bang Hyun-wook, in­stead of

"Oh? Huh? What's wrong with you all of a sud­den?" Sur­prised, Bang Hyun-
wook re­ceived the great sword. Soon, how­ever, Bang Hyun-wook laughed.
"You want me to take it with you? Yes, sir, I'll carry your weapon from now

Kim Tae-hoon did not laugh at the laugh­ing Bang. In­stead of laugh­ing, he
said qui­etly, "You're the only one who's go­ing back."


"I'm not go­ing back."

"What the hell does that mean..."

"It's time for them to pay for the price of our blood." Af­ter fin­ish­ing his
speech, Kim Tae-hoon turned his back on Bang Hyun-wook and walked
away from Bang Hyun-wook, who had a blank ex­pres­sion.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘

As such, Kim Tae-hoon's ap­pear­ance dis­ap­peared over the Manchurian




The Pen­ta­gon was one of the most fa­mous build­ings in the world, and also
one of the most cu­ri­ous build­ings in the world. The great­est cu­rios­ity of all
was about the build­ing in the mid­dle of the Pen­ta­gon.

Amer­ica was a great coun­try, un­prece­dented in hu­man his­tory.

What is in the mid­dle of a pen­tag­o­nal con­crete mass that over­saw the mil­i­‐
tary power of the great pow­ers?

The an­swer to that ques­tion is sur­pris­ingly sim­ple: a cafe.

In the park in the mid­dle of the Pen­ta­gon, in the build­ing be­tween the
forests, was a cafe. The café was called Ground Zero. It was a pleas­ant
name, in the sense that if a nu­clear war hap­pened, it would be the first to be

But af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared, such joy was no longer in the Pen­ta­gon.

What re­mained in the Pen­ta­gon was the new Amer­i­can pow­ers who now
ruled the Amer­ic­ as. Mao Spencer was there now. He was in a po­si­tion to re­‐
port af­ter re­ceiv­ing the news.

"We've got the po­si­tion of the Re­sis­tance ex­ec­u­tives. This will help us deal
with them sooner or later." Now Mao was a sub­or­di­nate of John Smith, the
head of the Pen­ta­gon. "The Pan­ther Unit sent to se­cure the Mayan Cal­en­dar
has en­tered Mex­ico."

"Good work."

It was hu­mil­i­at­ion. It was usu­ally im­pos­si­ble for a per­son who once wanted
to take con­trol of the world, and who thought he had done so, to bow his
head to a man like a horse.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 152 - Advent, Part Iv ⦘


In other words, Mao had a rea­son why he was en­dur­ing hu­mil­i­at­ion and
now was serv­ing as not the head of the Six Snakes, but as the sub­or­di­nate of
the head of the Pen­ta­gon that dom­i­nated the United States. He turned his
back, his head down at John Smith's ges­ture, and was out of the cen­ter of
the Pen­ta­gon.

"Mr. Mao."

"What's the mat­ter?"

"I think he's dead some­how."


"I think he died in the bat­tle with Cher­nobog."

At this mo­ment Mao could taste the very sweet price of the hu­mil­i­at­ion he
had en­dured.

"It was worth the setup of the sec­ond trap."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 153 - In Amer­ica, Part I

Chap­ter 54. In Amer­ica, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


High­way 95...

The view of the road across Nevada was al­ways des­o­late. Un­less peo­ple
had a unique taste for the ris­ing yel­low clouds of sand, there was noth­ing
in­ter­est­ing about it... and even that was no longer en­joy­able.

High­way 95, which had not been man­aged for more than a year, was ac­tu­‐
ally like a mine­field. It was bet­ter to run on the broad ex­panse of the waste­‐
land than on the road.


That was why Car­los Perez, an im­pres­sive-look­ing man with cop­pery skin
and a mus­tache, was rac­ing along through the rough waste­land, not a road,
on his beloved Wran­gler Jeep. In ad­di­tion, that was why the mon­sters fol­‐
low­ing Car­los's Wran­gler also ran through the wilder­ness.

Cuhung, Cuhung! The mon­sters, who were con­stantly scream­ing, looked

sim­i­lar to a Were­wolf. But they were a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, their physique was
smaller than a Were­wolf.

The Were­jackal was a mon­ster about 160 cen­time­ters tall. How­ever, even if
it was small, it could not be ig­nored.

The Were­jack­als, with their wicked and cruel habits and clever hunt­ing
skills, were very dan­ger­ous, and even or­ange-eyed mon­sters would not eas­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

ily at­tack a horde of red-eyed Were­jack­als. An or­di­nary hu­man nat­u­rally

could not do any­thing against such Were­jack­als.

"Fuck!" That was why Car­los swore con­stantly in his con­stantly bounc­ing

"What?!" A man who changed the choice of Car­los's words. In the dis­tance,
a man was hold­ing out his thumb. It was a hitch­hik­ing ges­ture seen of­ten in
the broad United States and could be seen at any time on the Amer­i­can

'Crazy!' Of course, it was a ges­ture from be­fore De­cem­ber 31, 2016, be­fore
the mon­sters ap­peared. It was a ges­ture that was never seen in the un­tamed
land next to High­way 95, head­ing for Las Ve­gas at two PM on June 5,
2018. It was a ges­ture that was just not seen now. Even ghosts didn't make

'Am I look­ing at a phan­tom?' Nat­u­rally, Car­los was in a panic. His mind

was be­gin­ning to go crazy in front of a sit­u­at­ion he had never dreamed of.

'What do I do?' As he was ap­proach­ing the man who had made the hitch­hik­‐
ing ges­ture, Car­los had a lot of thoughts and an­guish in his mind.

'Will I stop?' He never had so much trou­ble mak­ing a de­ci­sion in such a

short time in his life.

'Should I just pass?' He made a de­ci­sion in the end. "Damn it!"

He stepped on the brakes he had never in­tended to step on and shouted loud
enough to reach out of the car with­out open­ing the win­dow. "Get on board,
you crazy bas­tard!" The door opened with his cry, and a black-haired Asian
man boarded the car.

"Fuck!" At the same time, Car­los swore and stepped on the ac­cel­er­at­or as
hard as he could.

Jeep Wran­gler be­gan to run again, mak­ing a rough sound, puff­ing out
smoke over the wilder­ness, leav­ing be­hind the corpses of Were­jack­als with

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

blood at the tem­ples on the ground.


Kukuku! Car­los, who had checked the rearview mir­ror in a rough-sound­ing

lover on the dirt road, sighed af­ter con­firm­ing that noth­ing com­ing be­hind
him. "What are you, crazy fucker?"

The con­ver­sa­tion be­gan af­ter the sigh. "Hitch­hik­ing in this place? Are you

"I'm sorry."

At the apol­ogy from the man's mouth, Car­los checked the rearview mir­ror
again and turned to the pas­sen­ger seat. Only then did Car­los see the face of
the man who had driven him crazy. He was a sharp-look­ing Asian. That im­‐
pres­sion alone showed that he was not try­ing to hitch­hike be­cause he was
men­tally ill.

"Are you from LA?"

"I don't have a place to live."

"You must be a Hunter, I sup­pose."

The man took off his glove in­stead of an­swer­ing and showed him the pat­‐
tern on the back of his right hand. Car­los sighed again, con­firm­ing it. It was
dif­fer­ent from the pre­vi­ous sigh. It sounded like a whis­tle.

'It will be a threat, but it won't be a stum­bling block.' In the age of mon­sters,
the value of a Hunter, the only op­po­nents of such mon­sters, was ab­so­lute.
That was why Car­los felt a strange sense of re­lief for this man who he had
met for the first time.

"You must be a quite good Hunter, hitch­hik­ing here." The man who filled
his pas­sen­ger seat was more likely to be a Hunter with a good abil­ity than a

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

com­mon Hunter. Oth­er­wise, he could not be in good con­di­tion work­ing

alone in the wilder­ness.

"Good enough to make a liv­ing."

"So why were you hitch­hik­ing there? You could not have done it sim­ply be­‐
cause it was hard."

"As I en­tered Las Ve­gas, I felt like I was go­ing to get shot by some­one if I
went there. So I was look­ing for a com­pan­ion."

Car­los was sure of things. The man in the pas­sen­ger seat was not a lu­natic,
but a much more ra­tio­nal man than he had thought. "That's wise, but it was

Car­los was also con­vinced that the man in the pas­sen­ger seat knew noth­ing
about Las Ve­gas. "You wouldn't have been shot in Las Ve­gas just be­cause
you were alone."

At Car­los's words, the man did not raise any ques­tions, and Car­los didn't
bother wait­ing for the man to re­spond.

"Mayor Dean has more com­mon sense than any other Mayor." For Car­los, it
was some­thing to boast of.

"At least, un­like the May­ors in other cities, he does not de­mand ridicu­lous
tolls be­cause you are an out­sider, and you're not treated like a slave." It was
the pride that would not have been funny be­fore.

A Mayor was the most greedy, in­com­pe­tent per­son sit­ting and wast­ing the
most taxes in most coun­tries and most cities. How­ever, he was proud of this
kind of Mayor. It was a very un­usual case. In other words, the Mayor in Las
Ve­gas was now a per­son with the abil­ity and per­son­al­ity to be proud of.

"If we had to start the U.S. pres­i­den­tial elec­tions right away, James Dean,
he should be elected."

Named for a leg­endary ac­tor who was an icon of Amer­i­can youth cul­ture
and an icon of blue jeans in the past, James Dean was a man wor­thy of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

name, a man wor­thy of the pride of the sur­viv­ing cit­i­zens of Las Ve­gas.

"It wouldn't have been pos­si­ble if it had not been for him, for a nor­mal hu­‐
man like me to drive around like this."

In the days of mon­sters, James Dean was a bet­ter Hunter than any­one else.
At the same time, he was also a smart man. He fought against the mon­sters
and founded a cas­tle that could go to war with them be­fore any­one else,
while ev­ery­one else was look­ing for a safe place af­ter the ap­pear­ance of the

"Do you know the story where he took Hoover Dam as a base?" The story
of James Dean mak­ing Hoover Dam his base was ev­i­dence that he was bril­‐
liant and clever.

"It's the big­gest and the thick­est cas­tle in the world, a cas­tle larger than the
Great Wall of China." Hoover Dam, which would prob­ab­ ly re­main even if
mankind died, was the strong­est cas­tle in the world where mon­sters went
wild. Fur­ther­more, the cas­tle was the eas­i­est place to get drink­ing wa­ter, as
well as a huge en­ergy source. But when the mon­sters ap­peared, no one
thought of that. Only James Dean re­mem­bered it. James Dean, who made
Hoover Dam his own cas­tle, saved Las Ve­gas dur­ing the world of mon­sters.

"Then what he showed us was... Mes­siah, he was him­self." In­stead of ask­‐

ing for a price for the fact, he showed mercy. He treated the sur­vivors as hu­‐
man be­ings. With the ad­vent of mon­sters and hunters, or­di­nary hu­mans
were hardly seen in a world where they were merely some­thing to ex­ploit.

"I dare not com­pare him with a mad­man group like the Pen­ta­gon..." It was
never seen in the Pen­ta­gon, which had be­come a new or­der to dom­i­nate the

"My good­ness." Of course, it wasn't very good to speak out about it.

"What I said a lit­tle be­fore..." Car­los' cop­pery skin was white when he said
some­thing he wasn't sure he should.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

The man in the pas­sen­ger seat spoke to Car­los. "I don't like the Pen­ta­gon,
ei­ther. Above all, I'm not a mem­ber of the Pen­ta­gon. I wouldn't have hitch­‐
hiked like this if I was a mem­ber of the Pen­ta­gon."

"It is a good thing to hear, and please don't tell the oth­ers that I said that..."

'I don't know what you are talk­ing about. What did you say?"

Car­los's ex­pres­sion fi­nally re­leased. "Thank you." A long sigh came out of
the ex­pres­sion.

"So, what's your name?" Then, as if to change the mood, Car­los asked a
ques­tion that had noth­ing to do with the con­ver­sa­tion so far but could not be

The man an­swered the ques­tion briefly. "You can call me Kim."

"What's your name?"

"It's Jung-hoon."

"Jung-hoon Kim. I heard they would call their fam­ily first in Ko­rea, so you
will be Kim Jung-hoon. Is that right?"

"You can call me Kim eas­ily."

"I'd like that."

A city came into their eyes; Las Ve­gas, a city of tourism and gam­bling in
the past, but now a city of free­dom and equal­ity.

Car­los, who saw the city, looked at Kim Jung-hoon with a pale smile, as if
he had found some peace now.

"Kim, wel­come to Las Ve­gas."



⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

It was a bar. Of course, as a liquor seller, the odor of all kinds of al­co­hol
and of all kinds of peo­ple was thick. Two guests ap­peared at the bar.

"Car­los, you're still alive!" Ja­cob, the bar­tender and liquor store owner,
greeted Car­los with a smile. "I didn't hear from you any news for a while,
so I thought you were dead."

"You're pour­ing out curses!"

"But isn't it bet­ter to live and hear curses, than to die and hear harps?"

"I'd rather live and hear good mu­sic, though the best thing is to live and
drink a beer."

"I agree, but who's this next to you?"

"Kim, I met him on the way. To be ex­act, I saved him."

"Oh, then he'll pay for the drinks to­day."

At the end of the con­ver­sa­tion, Ja­cob and Car­los' eyes were di­rected at Kim.
So nat­u­rally, Kim Jung-hoon had to pay for the drinks to­day. They had done
this be­fore, ob­vi­ously.

Even­tu­ally, Kim put his hand in his arms, took out a pocket in­stead of a
wal­let, took out a red jewel from it and threw it at Ja­cob.

"Or­der!" Ja­cob smiled.

"Give me a beer, Bud­weiser." Car­los's or­der for Ja­cob was an ex­tra­or­di­nary

one. It was im­pos­si­ble for Bud­weiser beer to be pro­duced in an era where
most of the in­fra­struc­ture had col­lapsed? In fact, few of the drinks sold at
Ja­cob's bar were fa­mous in the past. There was noth­ing but wine and vodka,
and not a sin­gle beer. But Ja­cob was not em­bar­rassed. He didn't even get
an­gry. Be­cause he knew in the first place that what Car­los wanted wasn't a
real Bud­weiser beer.

"I like Bud­weiser."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

Ja­cob didn't even have to give Car­los a Bud­weiser. All he had to do was put
the hand­made beer made by him­self in a jar la­beled Bud­weiser. In ad­di­tion,
Ja­cob, who op­er­ated a bar af­ter the ap­pear­ance of mon­sters, was a man who
had ex­pe­ri­enced count­less things. He would not be sur­prised at any­thing.

"And what about you? For your in­for­ma­tion, vodka or wine is ex­pen­sive. I
can only give you a cup with a red stone. That's a small cup."


"Hmm?" Ja­cob was sur­prised by Kim's or­der. So was Car­los.

'Cof­fee?' Car­los had to think for a while what the word cof­fee meant.

"What does that mean, cof­fee?" Af­ter the agony, he made a ridicu­lous face.

On the other hand, Kim Jung-hoon looked at Ja­cob and said, "Is there no
cof­fee, here?"

"... even if there is cof­fee, but it's just the beans from al­most two years ago."

"It's all right. I'd like a drink, please."

Ja­cob shook his head with a snap. "I'll get you when you're in the seat."

While Ja­cob went to pre­pare a drink and cof­fee, Car­los and Kim Jung-hoon
took a seat.

And as soon as he took the seat, Car­los said, "You have a unique taste for
cof­fee. Oh, no. Cof­fee is not a unique taste. I drank three cups of cof­fee ev­‐
ery day for a long time. Yes, I did. I'm sure I used to have cof­fee in my

At Car­los' words, Kim did not an­swer. In ad­di­tion, Kim was not even look­‐
ing at Car­los. His gaze was di­rected at a group in a cor­ner.

"Is there any­thing in­ter­est­ing over there?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

Car­los fol­lowed his gaze and looked at the cor­ner. There were peo­ple there
who were wear­ing leather jack­ets made of the skin of a scaly lizard, com­‐
pletely dif­fer­ent from their sur­round­ings.

'Huck!' As soon as he con­firmed the fact, Car­los quickly turned his head to
fear that his eyes might run into them. Then he warned Kim in a low voice.
"It's Hunters from the Pen­ta­gon! Don't look them in the eye. If you touch
them, you'll be dead from sum­mary judg­ment!"

The warn­ing turned Kim's eyes. The two shut their mouths for a mo­ment.
The si­lence was long.

'I did not ex­pect to meet the Pen­ta­gon Hunters here... If they are go­ing to
pro­voke a quar­rel with me, what can I do? Damn it!' Car­los's anx­ious mind
re­volved around the con­ver­sa­tion he had had with Kim in his jeep car be­‐
fore com­ing to Las Ve­gas shortly be­fore.

Is that why? As soon as a wait­ress put a beer in the bot­tle of Bud­weiser and
the cof­fee in the cup of Bud­weiser, Car­los grabbed the bot­tle and put it in
his mouth. He be­gan to gulp down his beer, as if to swal­low the anx­i­ety that
had choked his throat.

"Chuh!" The ef­fect of the beer was cer­tain. His blocked neck was pierced,
and the cool­ness filled his chest.

"Yes, I live for this taste." Car­los's closed mouth opened.

On the other hand, Kim held a glass of beer hot with cof­fee and put the cof­‐
fee in his mouth. He closed his eyes and mouth for a while. He lis­tened to
the voices of Hunters from the Pen­ta­gon who were se­cretly talk­ing in the

"So the date?"

"A week from now, in Death Val­ley. On the day the Ve­gas Rangers go on a
blue-grade mon­ster hunt."

"We will get rid of Mayor Dean there."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 153 - In America, Part I ⦘

At the voice, Kim Jung-hoon, who had cof­fee in his mouth, smiled faintly.

Car­los asked him a ques­tion, "Why did you come here?"

Kim an­swered the ques­tion. "I'm look­ing for a man."

Car­los flinched un­know­ingly at his changed ex­pres­sion, at the hor­ri­fy­ing

smile at the end of the re­ply.

'Fi­nally, I've found the start­ing point.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 154 - In Amer­ica, Part Ii

Chap­ter 54. In Amer­ica, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


When the age of mon­sters came, when the world was in a mess, and the
world be­gan to flood with de­spair, James Dean was grate­ful for three facts.
One, be­ing given the abil­ity to kill mon­sters, and two, the free­dom of the
gun laws of the United States. The third was his trusted col­leagues and fol­‐

The Ve­gas Rangers, a gath­er­ing of James Dean and the Hunters who fol­‐
lowed him, was based on these three things. They were lit­er­ally rangers,
those who would fight for the safety and peace of the cit­i­zens, not for the
per­sonal in­ter­ests and greed of the in­di­vid­ual. Their val­ues did not change
even af­ter Las Ve­gas was sub­or­di­nated to the Pen­ta­gon.

"We'll go hunt­ing the Desert Dragon in a week, as planned." That was why
James Dean and the Ve­gas Rangers planned the Desert Dragon hunt, the
crea­ture that owned Death Val­ley Na­tional Park west of Las Ve­gas. It was a
great and no­ble set of val­ues. It was some­thing that im­pressed and was ad­‐
mired by ev­ery­one, show­ing rather than hid­ing.


But James Dean didn't re­veal it to any­one. It was be­cause of the Pen­ta­gon.

"There is one thing to re­mem­ber: don't let the Pen­ta­gon dogs know that."

From the mo­ment the Pen­ta­gon made a strange de­mand to the man­agers of
each city un­der their com­mand: do not hunt mon­sters above green grade

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

with­out the per­mis­sion of the Pen­ta­gon.

It was a de­mand that did not fit the re­al­ity of the facts, that one more mon­‐
ster had to be killed faster for the safety of the cit­i­zens, and for the safety
and fu­ture of the na­tion. But the Pen­ta­gon be­gan to do some­thing ridicu­lous
to ful­fill its de­mands, as well as make such a ridicu­lous re­quest.

"The mo­ment, they know that there will be some kind of in­ter­fer­ence."

They ruth­lessly pun­ished those who at­tempted unau­tho­rized hunt­ing. In ad­‐

di­tion, in this era, re­lent­less pun­ish­ment was not sim­ply throw­ing peo­ple in

"Maybe they are try­ing to kill us. Though there's no clear proof of that,
there's plenty of con­vic­tion." It was a sit­u­at­ion that de­served to be pre­pared
for death.

"Yet we have to do it." In this sit­u­at­ion, James Dean and Ve­gas Rangers ig­‐
nored this re­quest of the Pen­ta­gon. There was a rea­son.

"If we con­tinue this way, we'll all be the dogs of the Pen­ta­gon." The pur­‐
pose of the Pen­ta­gon was the rea­son.

"Not just us, but the whole world." The Pen­ta­gon was go­ing to use mon­sters
to com­pletely con­trol the land of Amer­ica. They were go­ing to use the mon­‐
ster's threat to hu­mans as a tool to rule hu­mans. The prob­lem was that it was
an amaz­ingly ef­fec­tive way to do things.

"And the Pen­ta­gon has enough power to do it."

James Dean and Ve­gas Rangers were the ev­i­dence. It was not a demo­cratic
process of vot­ing that al­lowed them to be­come Las Ve­gas man­agers. It was
be­cause they had the power to fight against the mon­ster's threat. So when he
re­al­ized the Pen­ta­gon's pur­pose, James Dean no longer in­tended to ac­cept
the Pen­ta­gon's de­mand. Fur­ther­more, he re­al­ized that the only way to fight
against the Pen­ta­gon was to be­come stronger.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

"So we have to move be­fore them, and if we kill the Desert Dragon in
Death Val­ley, we can work closely with Los An­ge­les and San Fran­cisco.
They are cre­at­ing forces to fight against the Pen­ta­gon in the West, where the
Pen­ta­gon can't reach." The hunt for the owner of the Death Val­ley, the
Desert Dragon, was the first start­ing point. It would be the start­ing point of
re­sis­tance to the Pen­ta­gon's am­bi­tion. In other words, the be­gin­ning of the
war with the Pen­ta­gon.

"I be­lieve that we can do it!" But James Dean did not feel any fear about it,
be­cause he had his three things.



Death Val­ley Na­tional Park...

It has an eerie name, the Val­ley of Death, but had a slightly dif­fer­ent land­‐
scape then its eerie name. For this rea­son, those who saw Death Val­ley for
the first time of­ten ex­press their ad­mi­ra­tion, rather than feel­ing dizzy or get­‐
ting goose­bumps.

The scenery of Death Val­ley in the eyes of tourists was won­der­ful, they
could feel the grandeur of na­ture. So the tourists who ad­mire Death Val­ley's
scenery im­me­di­ately ques­tioned the name: how did this won­der­ful scene
come to be given the ap­palling name of the Val­ley of Death?

The way to know the an­swer to the ques­tion was sim­ple. A walk through
Death Val­ley in the mid­dle of sum­mer showed ev­ery­thing. If they ex­pe­ri­‐
enced their sweat dry­ing un­der the sun of Death Val­ley, where the tem­per­a‐­
ture could rise to 60 de­grees, they had no more ques­tions about why it was
called Death Val­ley.

"Hoo!" Now a group of thirty men was mov­ing through Death Val­ley. Mov­‐
ing on foot, with­out ve­hi­cles, they were car­ry­ing loads that looked heavy to
ev­ery­one. It was a strange sight just by look­ing at them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

For the mon­sters who made Death Val­ley their home, the sight was a sweet
thing that made them hun­gry. This was the case with the Black Horned
Lizards, who hid gi­ant bod­ies rem­i­nis­cent of al­li­ga­tors un­der the bar­ren
waste­land, only show­ing the black horns on their heads.

Know­ing that thirty prey had come from the senses of their pro­trud­ing
black horns, the Black Horned Lizards had no de­sire to wait be­fore the
sweet temp­ta­tion.

Zizz... They slowly be­gan to rise from the sands. There was no warn­ing; as
soon as they ap­peared, the Black Horned Lizards be­gan gal­lop­ing along the
parched ground, or­ange eyes shin­ing.

They were like a sports-car try­ing to set a zero-60 record. It was that fast,
that dy­namic.

To the group of Black Horned Lizards, the dis­tance from the tar­get was vir­‐
tu­ally zero. Of course, no mat­ter how fast they were, they were not faster
than gun­fire.

In one mo­ment, six shots were fired from each of the thirty men that turned
to­wards the ap­proach­ing group of Black Horned Lizards. That was a hun­‐
dred and eighty gun­shots. What was sur­pris­ing was that the one hun­dred
and eighty shots sounded like a sin­gle shot.

They were quick shots that could not be made by a sim­ple pis­tol. There
were two se­crets to the quick shot. One was that they used re­volvers. The
other was that the gun­men were not sim­ple ones, but Mon­ster Hunters.

The ten Black Horned Lizards that were rac­ing in front of the re­sults of
these two se­crets be­came meat­balls spray­ing blood. Upon see­ing this, the
Hunters im­me­di­ately opened the huge re­volvers they had in their hands.

From the cylin­der of the re­volver, shells thicker than the thumb of an adult
man fell onto the ground like rain. It was a hunt­ing re­volver and bul­let spe­‐
cially de­signed to kill mon­sters, now the stan­dard of the United States. The
per­fect han­dling of such re­volvers was the rea­son these Ve­gas Rangers were
now called Rangers.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

"We don't have to get any bait." James Dean, the head of the Ve­gas
Rangers, smiled at the pile of dead. The re­sults that he and his col­leagues
pro­duced at the same time al­ways made James Dean smile. It was not just
him, the Ve­gas Rangers all ex­pressed sat­is­fac­tion at the sight they had cre­‐

"It's bet­ter to fi­nally hunt like this af­ter a long time. I've been a lit­tle bored
af­ter be­ing stuck in Hoover Dam all these years be­cause of the Pen­ta­gon."

"I agree. A Hunter has to hunt."

It was proof that they were al­ready skilled Hunters; not those who were des­‐
per­ate to sur­vive against mon­sters, but Hunters who were will­ing to de­vour
mon­sters. They were Hunters who pre­ferred the smell of blood that dried
rapidly un­der the scorch­ing sun to the smell of dried beer in a tav­ern.


"What, what?"

When they sud­denly felt an un­marked fear of start­ing to wash over them,
they could tell the rea­son for the fear, like any skilled Hunters.

"Huh, no way!"

"De, Desert Dragon?"

The Desert Dragon had come for the Ve­gas Rangers.



There are sev­eral iron rules to fol­low when hunt­ing preda­tors. When one of
them meets a preda­tor in an un­ex­pected sit­u­at­ion, he or she should not fight.
If they could meet in an un­ex­pected sit­u­at­ion and be guar­an­teed vic­tory,
they wouldn't have to pre­pare for the hunt in the first place. That is the char­‐
ac­ter­is­tic of a hunt.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

When things go as planned, a group of cats can hunt tigers, but on the con­‐
trary, there is only one thing left for the cat to do when the plan goes wrong:
to sur­vive with as many as pos­si­ble.

'We need to min­i­mize the dam­age.' That's ex­actly what James Dean thought
when ev­ery­one was ter­ri­fied in front of the un­ex­pected ap­pear­ance of the
Desert Dragon. As soon as he reached it, James Dean looked up at the sky
and shouted out loud.

Au­uuu! Howl­ing came out of his mouth, and the howl­ing that he ut­tered re­‐
laxed the Ve­gas Rangers' bod­ies, par­al­yzed by the sud­den ap­pear­ance of the
Desert Dragon.


"Hoo, hoo!"

The Ve­gas Rangers be­gan to breathe in the clogged air. The one who
breathed be­fore any­one else shouted quickly, "Re­treat!"

James Dean's long-awaited or­der froze the Ve­gas Rangers once again.

'What do you mean, re­treat?'

'No way!'

Ev­ery­one came to the same con­clu­sion with the same re­solve. At this mo­‐
ment, James Dean was will­ing to sac­ri­fice him­self, stay alone and buy time
for Ve­gas Rangers to run away.

"Cap­tain! We'll stay!" The or­der, of course, was not ac­cepted by Ve­gas
Rangers. They couldn't ac­cept it.


At that mo­ment, not so far away, a cry flowed like a river ris­ing through a
tow­er­ing canyon. Be­hind the cry came a blue-eyed mon­ster, the Desert
Dragon. The thirty-me­ter-long mon­ster had no wings. In­stead, it had four

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

thick legs, cov­er­ing piles of sand in­stead of iron­clad scales. It was far from
the com­mon dragon, more like a lizard than a dragon.


But its pres­ence and the fear of spread­ing around proved that there was
wor­thy to be called a Dragon.



The Ve­gas Rangers were start­ing to trem­ble. In such a sud­den sit­u­at­ion, be­‐
ing ex­posed to the Dragon fear this way was not dif­fer­ent from be­ing shot
while de­fense­less. Only a few of them who had a high En­ergy rank suf­fered
in­stead of trem­bling.

'What do I do?'

'I must en­dure the fear first and un­leash the power of the relics!'

'What about the cap­tain?'

And James Dean, the only one with A-Rank En­ergy, was run­ning to­wards
the Desert Dragon.


"My God!"

When the Ve­gas Rangers called for James Dean, he was al­ready climb­ing
up a cliff ris­ing ver­ti­cally. Af­ter climb­ing up the canyon, he was go­ing to
throw him­self di­rectly onto the tail of the Desert Dragon. Af­ter pro­vok­ing
the Desert Dragon, he in­tended to run away in the op­po­site di­rec­tion from
the Ve­gas Rangers. In just a mo­ment, James Dean had worked out the sim­‐
plest, most ef­fec­tive and sure way.

'I'll lure the Desert Dragon away one way or an­other.' In the process, there
was no need to re­new his de­ter­mi­na­tion not to avoid sac­ri­fice to save some­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

one. He had been a vic­tim more than any­one so far. Of course, he kept
think­ing an­grily.

'It's most likely the Pen­ta­gon's trick.' As planned, it should have been an­‐
other day be­fore they en­coun­tered the Desert Dragon.

'There's no way that the Desert Dragon ran­domly came out here.' The last
place the Desert Dragon was seen was forty kilo­me­ters from where they
were now. More­over, the Desert Dragon was not as ac­tive as it once was,
and it o lived in a desert full of sand rather than a canyon.

The sand cov­er­ing its body was proof. To the Desert Dragon, if the desert
was a com­fort­able home, the bar­ren canyon was like walk­ing out naked. In
other words, it was so an­gry that it ran out­side even though it was naked.

Un­less some­one pro­voked it and mocked it, the chances of meet­ing it here
were in­fin­i­tes­i­mal. It was a mat­ter of rage.

'Who the hell...' This time the Desert Dragon hunt had been pre­pared in
more com­plete se­cu­rity than any other hunt.

'Who be­trayed...' In other words, if this in­for­ma­tion leaked out, it meant that
one of James Dean's most trusted col­leagues was a traitor. James Dean was
more heart­bro­ken that there was a traitor than the fact that he had to fight
for his life.

'Who made this plan that the Pen­ta­gon moved so thor­oughly?' Fur­ther­more,
he felt a sense of cri­sis about the Pen­ta­gon.

'John Smith could never have come up with a plan like this.' The Pen­ta­gon
was not orig­i­nally a think­ing force. They were sim­ple and ig­no­rant, but
strong! They were the group that used vi­o­lence the most vi­o­lently. But now
the Pen­ta­gon was us­ing vi­o­lence clev­erly.

'... damn it.' James Dean had run over the canyon and past the Desert
Dragon as he reached the thought, was fly­ing through the air now. He
landed be­hind the long tail of the Desert Dragon. He im­me­di­ately aimed at
the Desert Dragon with the large-di­am­et­er Re­volver in his hand. If he

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

pulled the trig­ger, there would be a gun­shot, and the Desert Dragon would
turn its gi­ant body around and roar at him. A race of death for sur­vival
would be­gin.

'Hoo!' James Dean, who re­called that fact, pulled the trig­ger as he breathed.

Blam! The gun­shot went off.

The chase be­gan.



James Dean was at his limit ten min­utes af­ter the chase be­gan.

"Gasp, gasp..." It was not easy to run away from the Desert Dragon, which
was rush­ing af­ter him with tremen­dous speed. It was amaz­ing that he had
run away for ten min­utes. In fact, the dis­tance James Dean ran in ten min­‐
utes was just over 5 kilo­me­ters. It was no won­der that he reached his limit.

'This is enough to get ev­ery­one to a safe place.' It was far enough that he
didn't have to worry about his col­leagues. James Dean was now get­ting
ready to die, rather than run away any­more. As he was run­ning, he quickly
and skill­fully in­serted the bul­lets into his re­volver's cylin­der.

Click! James Dean, who had just fin­ished load­ing up, turned around and
faced the Desert Dragon, point­ing the gun at it. Of course, he didn't think he
could kill the Desert Dragon with just a gun. Con­sid­er­ing his abil­ity, it
would have been more likely to hurt the Desert Dragon af­ter hold­ing the
metal in his hand and in­ject­ing En­ergy. Nev­er­the­less, hold­ing a gun was to
mark his end like a Ranger!

'I can't be­lieve I am go­ing to end my life like this.' James Dean wanted to
dec­o­rate his end with gun­fire, not a crude sound. His dream came true right

Blam! Gun­fire, in­tense gun­fire, shook Death Val­ley. At the same time,
some­thing like a thun­der­bolt fell down on the body of the Desert Dragon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 154 - In America, Part Ii ⦘

Poowhat! It pen­et­rated the body of the Desert Dragon, which was much
harder and denser than steel, in a breath. The sight shocked James Dean.

'What is this? It was an un­think­able sight. 'Is my gun a relic?'

But what was more sur­pris­ing was what hap­pened next.

'Ah.' The scene shocked even James Dean, who had seen all the hard­ships
of life. The Desert Dragon, its body made of sand, be­gan to col­lapse and
crum­ble. It was a sight that could only be seen the mo­ment the Desert
Dragon was de­stroyed, the mo­ment it died per­fectly.

"Oh my God..." So the mo­ment James Dean saw the scene, he sought God
with­out re­al­iz­ing it. But it wasn't the God James Dean was look­ing for that
showed up on the body of the Desert Dragon, which had fallen into a pile of

An Asian man who was stand­ing there now.

"James Dean, Mayor of Las Ve­gas; from now on, your life be­longs to me."
it was a man with black hair and two swords on his back. It was Kim Tae-

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 155 - In Amer­ica, Part Iii

Chap­ter 54. In Amer­ica, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Las Ve­gas...

The city of tourism and gam­bling was also a city of crime. Those who lost
ev­ery­thing were of­ten more likely to be crim­i­nals, and those who gained ev­‐
ery­thing were more likely to be tar­geted by crim­i­nals. There was no bet­ter
en­vi­ron­ment for crime to play. Las Ve­gas was full of hide­outs with crime
syn­di­cates and se­cret spa­ces that were nowhere in the city's de­sign.

Even in the days af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared, those facts did not change.


One of the high-end houses with swim­ming pools lined up on South 14th
Street in Las Ve­gas, one of the fine homes of a lawyer or ac­coun­tant, was
one of those places. In the base­ment of the house, where the leader of a
small drug-traf­fick­ing or­ga­ni­za­tion lived, there was a bunker built for a nu­‐
clear ex­plo­sion, and in­side it was filled with un­trace­able metham­phetamine,
guns, bul­lets, and dol­lars. It was a place to turn the eyes of crim­i­nals red.


But the two men who were now there, ap­par­ently re­lated to their su­pe­ri­ors
and sub­or­di­nates, were not pay­ing any at­ten­tion to the mess around them.

"We've con­firmed that... Mayor, uh, Dean, moved to lure away the Desert
Dragon as planned."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

"But why is Mayor Dean okay now?"

"I don't know..."

It was proof that they weren't just crim­i­nals whose great­est plea­sure was to
get high on drugs. Of course, it didn't mean they were good, right­eous, and
just peo­ple.

"The num­ber of rea­sons I see is three. One, Mayor Dean suc­ceeded in run­‐
ning away from the Desert Dragon. Two, Mayor Dean killed the Desert
Dragon on his own. Three, you guys were like shit.

"I don't think the two things in front are likely."

"Well, that's, uh..."

The leather jack­ets they wore, made of Dragon's skin, and the Pen­ta­gon de­‐
signs were far from sub­tle. They were Hunters from the Pen­ta­gon.

"Stop the damn ex­cuses! This case does not al­low an ex­cuse!"

They were now gath­er­ing in this se­cret place and talk­ing. Of course, there
would be no such thing as a nor­mal story.

"Damn, un­less Mayor Dean is a fool, he'll so­lid­ify the guard from now on,
and find the traitor."

James Dean was the tar­get of the Pen­ta­gon Hunters who were now in Las
Ve­gas were. It was a story to be shared only in pri­vate. In ad­di­tion, Colon,
who was now run­ning wild in front of his men, was a Hunter, sent from
Texas for this im­por­tant mis­sion. Of course, he was a trusted, strong man
with good ex­pe­ri­ence. The Pen­ta­gon would not have sent just any­one to get
rid of James Dean, who was con­sid­ered a hero of Las Ve­gas. That's why
Colon knew bet­ter than any­one else how the Pen­ta­gon would treat the in­‐
com­pe­tent and the failed, and how they would deal with him and his men
who had failed to elim­i­nate Mayor James Dean. He knew it so well that
Colon didn't bother him­self for long at this mo­ment. There was only one
thing he had to do now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

"If we leave Mayor Dean alive, we will die. They will kill us to get rid of
the tail, damn it!



"Gather them all to­gether. All the Hunters in Las Ve­gas. No, not just
Hunters. Gather ev­ery­one you can. Gather the mafia, the gangs. Gather
them to­gether..."

"We will kill Mayor Dean di­rectly." To elim­i­nate Mayor James Dean him­‐
self was the only way Colon and his men could sur­vive.

Boom! The door of the un­der­ground bunker where they were hid­ing was
bro­ken in loudly.

"What is it?" Colon and his men sprang up from their seats in as­ton­ish­ment.
The two of them could see a man cross­ing a bro­ken door. He was an Asian
with a sharp ap­pear­ance.

The Asian man stepped slowly to­wards Colon. Thud! Then he took the
chair that Colon had just sat down with, and sat down be­tween him and his
men. All this was done while Colon and his men stood firm and watched.
There was no re­sis­tance, no re­bel­lion at all.

'What, what...'

'What is it?'

It was be­cause in­vis­i­ble forces were en­tan­gling them.

The man sit­ting be­tween the two men who were as help­less man­nequins
spoke slowly, "Let's start a con­ver­sa­tion."

"Yes..." At his words, the closed mouth of Colon was al­lowed to open.
"Who are you?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

At the ques­tion, the man didn't show a flicker of ex­pres­sion, let alone an an­‐

Colon also re­al­ized that what he was talk­ing about could not even be car­ried
away by a man.

So Colon quickly changed his words.

"Do you know who I rep­re­sent?" It was a sneaky threat.

There was a manly re­sponse to the threat. "A Hunter of the Pen­ta­gon."

The re­ac­tion was not very good for Colon. The fact that his op­po­nent came
to him even know­ing who Colon was meant that he was ready enough. But
Colon didn't give up.

'This is... dan­ger­ous.' He had a hunch that the mo­ment he gave up here, he
would be dead.

So he was go­ing to do ev­ery­thing he could be­fore he died. That was the rea­‐
son why Colon had gone be­yond the fri­vol­ity of a child and was now speak­‐
ing child­ish threats. It was the only thing he could do.

"If you touch me, the Pen­ta­gon won't stay still!"

"I know. That's why I'm here."

"What's that..."

"From now on, you only an­swer my ques­tions."



Hoover Dam...

There were many words at­tached to this huge block of con­crete. One of
them was that it was the last struc­ture of mankind. It was not an ex­ag­ger­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

ated ex­pres­sion.

Build­ings that were no longer un­der hu­man con­trol, or their roads, could
last for only two to three hun­dred years, but Hoover Dam could last for
thou­sands of years. It was a build­ing that would sur­vive to the last minute
when mankind died.

"I think the Pen­ta­gon re­ally wants my head." James Dean, the owner of
Hoover Dam, had an ex­pres­sion on his face that was not char­ac­ter­is­tic of
the mas­ter of the great struc­ture. "It was not un­ex­pected, but..." His face
was dull and grim.

"I didn't ex­pect they were go­ing to make a real plot like this. They bought
off a col­league of mine."

James Dean had known for a long time that Pen­ta­gon con­sid­ered him an
eye­sore. It was nat­u­ral. The two were op­po­sites in what they were pur­su­ing.
The Pen­ta­gon wanted to di­vide the world into kings and slaves, and James
Dean wanted to make the world a good place to live in. It was nat­u­ral that
the two of them were in one land and col­lided. The rea­son for the lack of
col­li­sion so far was that the Pen­ta­gon was lo­cated in Wash­ing­ton DC, and
Las Ve­gas was lo­cated in west­ern Amer­ica. It was too far away to make a

"I didn't even know that a man of that kind, Colon, had come to Las Ve­gas,
which means that not just a man or two was bought off, but a whole part of
the city was bought off."

But the dis­tance to the Pen­ta­gon was now col­or­less. The ev­i­dence was that
they had tried to kill James Dean far away in Las Ve­gas. It was why James
Dean looked so ter­ri­ble.

"This is my sit­u­at­ion now."

On the other hand, the man, who was drink­ing cof­fee and look­ing at James
Dean, had not changed much.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

"I don't know how I can help you, but you can tell me what you want, be­‐
cause as you say, my life is in your hands."

Kim Tae-hoon lis­tened to James Dean with a cool ex­pres­sion and swal­‐
lowed the cof­fee he was hold­ing. "What I want is a man's life, and now he's
at the cen­ter of the Pen­ta­gon."

"You want to at­tack the Pen­ta­gon? You want me to help you? No prob­lem.
There's no rea­son not to go on that." James Dean laughed bit­terly. At the
same time, his eyes were sharp. He had fear of the war against the Pen­ta­‐

How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon's ex­pres­sion was still cool. "It's okay to take down
the Pen­ta­gon. I can do that with­out other peo­ple's help." With a calm ex­‐
pres­sion, he ut­tered words that were not calm.

"What the hell is that..."

"It's ex­actly what I said. If I am just knock­ing down the Pen­ta­gon, I

wouldn't have to be here."

James Dean was em­bar­rassed for a mo­ment. Kim Tae-hoon's ap­pear­ance

came to mind: he killed the Desert Dragon, a blue-grade mon­ster, with just
a ges­ture. It in­di­cated strongly that Kim Tae-hoon's words were not just

Kim Tae-hoon con­tin­ued to ex­plain to him. "It took a year or so to bring

down the group that com­mit­ted the crime on Sep­tem­ber 11, 2001, but it
took ten years to catch the main cul­prit."

In that ex­pla­na­tion, James Dean was able to draw a clearer pic­ture of what
Kim Tae-hoon wanted.

"I un­der­stand." James Dean was able to un­der­stand the pic­ture enough. "So
what should I do for your plan?"

"Op­pose the Pen­ta­gon."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

"Do you mean I should dis­tract the Pen­ta­gon while you find the tar­get?"
James Dean thought for a mo­ment and said, "The power of Las Ve­gas will
not be enough to deal with the Pen­ta­gon."

The idea of fight­ing against the Pen­ta­gon was al­ready hap­pen­ing. The
Desert Dragon hunt­ing was also to build forces to re­sist the Pen­ta­gon. If so,
it was a great op­por­tu­nity, not a cri­sis, now that Kim Tae-hoon could sup­‐
port it.

"We need to es­tab­lish an or­ganic part­ner­ship with at least San Fran­cisco and
Los An­ge­les, and the West­ern Al­liance, that is the least we have to do."
James Dean im­me­di­ately brought out his plan.

"The prob­lem is that these three places need to re­move the mon­sters that are
the ob­sta­cles to or­gan­i­cally co­op­er­ate, but ... it's not easy." He also brought
out the great­est dif­fi­culty in car­ry­ing out the plan. "Es­pe­cially in Yosemite
Na­tional Park, there are seven blue-grade mon­sters, the most trou­ble­some."

At the end of his words, Kim Tae-hoon an­swered briefly. "That's no prob­‐

James Dean was happy with that. "If you help me, I'll be able to sub­ju­gate
the mon­sters as soon as I can!"

"You don't have to."

But at the an­swer of Kim Tae-hoon, James Dean had to tilt his head side­‐
ways. "What does it mean..."

"I re­moved ev­ery­thing on the way."

At this mo­ment James Dean looked blank for a mo­ment. In more de­tail,
James Dean could not grasp the mean­ing of Kim Tae-hoon's words and
could not ac­cept the facts he had de­duced.

In front of James Dean, Kim Tae-hoon took a sip of cof­fee in his hand.

'Oh my God.' Af­ter the long si­lence, James Dean's sigh burst out. James
Dean stroked his face with his hand. Clearly, what Kim Tae-hoon had told

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

him was good news, and he should be pleased. But James Dean could not
feel the joy of this fact.

"What the hell..." The ef­forts he had made so far seemed to be just a triv­ial

But Kim Tae-hoon did not in­tend to com­fort him. "How long would it take
to build a West­ern al­liance that com­bined LA and San Fran­cisco?"

Kim Tae-hoon knew bet­ter than any­one that com­fort was not very help­ful in
the cur­rent era. He knew that only those who felt dis­con­tent could sur­vive
un­til now.

James Dean did the same. He did not re­treat from his fear. "The Pen­ta­gon
has forces in the West, so it will take time to move away from their eyes. I
ex­pect it will take about a month."

"What if you move, re­gard­less of the Pen­ta­gon's move­ments?"

"Ten days is enough, but the Pen­ta­gon won't be quiet un­less they are dis­‐
tracted else­where..." A plan flashed into James Dean's mind as he spoke.
"Texas," he said im­me­di­ately. "If we can de­stroy Texas, we can build
stronger forces to fight against the Pen­ta­gon, as well as to earn time."

The word "Texas" nar­rowed Kim's eyes.

"As you know, Texas has oil fields." The Texan oil fields were the largest
oil fields in the United States. They were ba­si­cally sup­ply­ing the rest of the
coun­try. In ad­di­tion, the value of oil fields would be ab­so­lute in a sit­u­at­ion
where most civ­il­iza­tions had col­lapsed, like now.

"And Texas is in the cen­ter of Amer­ica." Texas was lo­cated in the cen­tral
south­ern part of the United States. If the Pen­ta­gon and the West­ern League
started a war, Texas would de­ter­mine the scale of the vic­tory and de­feat.

"So the Pen­ta­gon used all its means and meth­ods to make Texas more se­‐
cure." Of course, the Pen­ta­gon was more fo­cused on se­cur­ing Texas than
any­where else.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 155 - In America, Part Iii ⦘

"That's why the Pen­ta­gon has the great­est in­flu­ence in Texas, and at the
same time, their anger at the Pen­ta­gon is the great­est." The Pen­ta­gon had
never done any­thing with char­ity, mercy, or moral­ity there. As he had said
be­fore, there were only kings and slaves in the world of the Pen­ta­gon.

"The Re­sis­tance is there, and the peo­ple of Texas be­lieve in the Re­sis­tance
be­cause real val­ues are ad­mit­ted ev­ery­where." In Texas, which had suf­fered
the great­est dam­age and per­se­cu­tion of the Pen­ta­gon, the num­ber of peo­ple
who re­sisted the Pen­ta­gon was also the high­est.

"Who should I go to Texas and help?"

"Jen­nifer Mitchel is the head of the Re­sis­tance."

"What are her out­ward fea­tures?"

"Don't you know her?" She was a big ac­tress who had starred in more than
a dozen Hol­ly­wood films. She was a woman ev­ery­one knew.

At the ques­tion, Kim Tae-hoon made some­thing other than a cool ex­pres­‐
sion for the first time.

"I'll show you a pic­ture." James Dean said quickly. In­stead, he asked, "Can
you do it?"

Kim Tae-hoon did not an­swer the ques­tion. "I need two iden­ti­ties that I can
get into Texas City qui­etly with, so I can con­tact the Re­sis­tance."

Kim Tae-hoon was here to make it work even if it did not work.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 156 - Black Dragon Down,

Part I
Chap­ter 55. Black Dragon Down, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


The Pen­ta­gon build­ing...

Once the largest build­ing in mankind, it had so many rooms that it matched
its grandeur. There were rooms that had not been used prop­erly for more
than half a cen­tury since the Pen­ta­gon had been built.

The same was true of the days af­ter the mon­sters ap­peared. When the Pen­‐
ta­gon build­ing be­came the head­quar­ters of the Pen­ta­gon, not the United
States De­part­ment of De­fense, no­body felt there was not enough room for
the small num­ber of peo­ple be­long­ing to the Pen­ta­gon who be­gan to live in
the Pen­ta­gon build­ing.


Mao Spencer could qui­etly watch the Globe of Be­haim, which showed the
lo­ca­tion of leg­endary relics, alone in a room with a sunny win­dow, with a
mag­ni­fy­ing glass. He was look­ing at Asia now. It was a small piece of land
on the globe, but not China or Japan: the Ko­rean Penin­sula.

Mao was breath­ing, star­ing silently at it with a mag­ni­fy­ing glass. In Mao's

eyes, sev­eral very small lights, lit­tle more than dust, shone on the Ko­rean
Penin­sula and dis­ap­peared. Mao looked away from the mag­ni­fy­ing glass.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

"If I see that most of the leg­endary relics still re­main in Ko­rea... there is no
par­tic­u­lar move­ment."

The Globe of Be­haim, the first globe of mankind, had the abil­ity to tell the
lo­ca­tion of leg­endary relics in the world. It did not in­form eas­ily. Once a
day a light came up like a light­ning strike from the dry sky in the area of
leg­endary relics. The light was not ob­serv­able by a cam­era or any­thing, and
only vis­i­ble to the naked eye. That was why Mao spent his time hold­ing a
mag­ni­fy­ing glass in front of the globe.

'Ev­ery­thing is go­ing well.' Of course, Mao had no com­plaints about it. He

would not have come here with­out this Be­haim Globe.

"If we gain the Mayan Cal­en­dar and Dr. Chang's re­search is fruit­ful, there
will be no more games." Most of all, what Mao was sat­is­fied with was that
there would be noth­ing to stop him sooner or later. Just re­mem­ber­ing that,
Mao could smile at any time, and un­der any cir­cum­stances.

"Mr. Mao." Ma­jor Chin­shan came into his room.

"What's the mat­ter?"

"The Pen­ta­gon is get­ting busy." As he spoke, Ma­jor Chin­shan also moved

his mouth with­out any sound, like a carp.

-Paul Fork left the Pen­ta­gon with his troops.-

Mao re­ceived the silent mes­sage and im­me­di­ately an­al­yzed what Chin­shan
had told him. There was noth­ing hard about it.

'If the Hyena moves, there's only one rea­son.'

Paul Fork was the leader of the Hyena Unit, one of the core Hunter units of
the Pen­ta­gon. In ad­di­tion, the Hyena Unit was a unit that han­dled what
some­one had left be­hind. The fact that they moved meant that some­one else
did not per­form their mis­sion prop­erly. There was only one place where the
mis­sion the Pen­ta­gon as­signed was ur­gent and im­por­tant enough for the
Paul Fork and the Hyena Unit to move.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

'There's a prob­lem in the West.' It was not dif­fi­cult for Mao to reach that
con­clu­sion. He was not par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in the fact.

-They found the Mayan Cal­en­dar.-

The sub­se­quent words of Chin­shan did not let Mao worry about any­thing
else. The Mayan Cal­en­dar was what Mao had hoped for.

'Fi­nally, I can wake Quet­zal­coatl when­ever I want.'

The world that the Six Snakes wanted needed mon­sters, es­pe­cially a very
pow­er­ful mon­ster. That way, the world would be afraid of mon­sters and
would be ab­so­lutely loyal and obe­di­ent to those who fought against the
mon­sters. In other words, the abil­ity to con­trol pow­er­ful mon­sters was the
most nec­es­sary abil­ity for Mao's world.

'The strong­est and worst Dragon is now in my hands.'

The Mayan Cal­en­dar, the relic, was a ter­ri­ble thing that could wake up the
Quet­zal­coatl, the strong­est and worst of the pur­ple-grade mon­sters. It was
the mon­ster of the mon­sters, and could not be com­pared to the Orc Em­peror
or the Im­mor­tal Wolf that had ap­peared so far. It was a dis­as­ter that could
lead the world to an end, to fi­nal de­struc­tion.

'I've got the best shield.'

In other words, it was the best shield. No one in the world would want to
face Quet­zal­coatl in ex­change for killing Mao. Even Mao him­self did not
in­tend to face Quet­zal­coatl. So it was the best shield.

'There's only one left.' So now Mao had only one thing to do: get­ting the
strong­est spear that could break any­thing in the world at once.

'When Dr. Chang's re­search is fruit­ful, even the best spear will come into
my hands.' It would not be long be­fore even the spear would come in Mao's
hand. And as soon as the day came, Mao would not spare what he had.

'Judg­ment Day is com­ing.' Mao smiled a deeper smile. At this mo­ment he

was sure the game was ac­tu­ally over, un­til he heard the news from the city

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

of Dal­las, the cen­ter of Texas.



The big­gest prob­lem that mankind had faced since the ad­vent of mon­sters
would be suf­fi­ciently ex­plained by this short word: en­ergy short­age. Peo­ple
lacked the en­ergy to move their bod­ies, and they didn't have enough en­ergy
to re­build civ­i­liza­tion.

In such a sit­u­at­ion, the value of oil was could not be matched by dol­lars and
gold. It did not take long for those who sur­vived the ap­pear­ance of the mon­‐
sters to re­al­ize that.

The same was true of Amer­ica. The sur­vivors of the United States, who had
the most pow­er­ful army in the world, were freer to carry guns than any
other coun­try, and were able to win more vic­to­ries than any other coun­try in
the war against the mon­sters that started sud­denly.

"The world once blamed the le­gal­iza­tion of Amer­i­can gun pos­ses­sion, and
it was Amer­ica that was right, be­cause only those with guns could sur­vive
when the mon­sters ap­peared. That's why all the Hunters carry guns."

Those who had won nat­u­rally be­gan to flock to Texas, where the Texas oil
fields were, the most im­por­tant oil fields in the Amer­i­cas.

"That's how the smartest of the sur­vivors knew where to go with there
guns." So un­til mid-2017, Texas was vir­tu­ally the cen­ter of the United

"The ma­jor cities, Dal­las, Hous­ton, Austin, San An­to­nio, of the state of
Texas were full of peo­ple." All the sur­vivors were in Texas, and the power
gath­ered in Texas was be­yond com­mon sense.

"The army was gath­ered, of course. Ev­ery­one be­lieved that this war would
not last long." So the Amer­i­cans in Texas did not doubt that they could win,

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

and es­tab­lish a great Amer­ica again, un­til the Black Dragon with blue eyes

"How­ever, as soon as the Black Dragon came in, ev­ery­thing col­lapsed.

Texas be­came Ground Zero. No one dared to deal with the Black Dragon.
Texas was Hell at that time. It was even July 4th when it first ap­peared." On
July 4, 2017, with the ap­pear­ance of the Black Dragon in Texas, vir­tu­ally all
func­tions of Texas were sus­pended.

"It was no dif­fer­ent than the In­de­pen­dence Day movie. No, the scene that
the Black Dragon vom­ited its breath was more shock­ing than the UFO
space­ship shoot­ing down the laser beam over the White House on In­de­pen­‐
dence Day." It was an age of de­spair. It was heav­enly luck that the sky had
given them to stop the era of de­spair.

"But it sud­denly fell asleep in the vicin­ity of Lake Ea­gle Moun­tain in Fort
Worth." In Fort Worth, one of the most prom­i­nent cities in Texas and one of
the ma­jor cities of sur­vivors gath­ered in Texas, the Black Dragon fell to

"How­ever, an In­dian Chero­kee said it was be­cause of a crys­tal totem in Ea­‐

gle Mount Lake." The leg­endary relic, the Chero­kee Totem, made the
dread­ful Dragon fall asleep.

"Of course, at the mo­ment, ev­ery­one was dis­tracted by the es­cape, and be­‐
fore the Dragon woke up, they ran away madly. Some to the west, some to
the east, but the Black Dragon did not wake up. And then peo­ple started to
change their minds." It was a sign that bad luck of­ten brought good luck.

"There are no mon­sters where the Dragon sleeps, and para­dox­i­cally Texas
has be­come the safest place in the United States, be­cause the Black Dragon
is asleep."

An­i­mals could not live by the beast, but hu­mans were an­i­mals that could
live on cliffs as well as with the beasts if it meant sur­viv­ing. The Black
Dragon was no dif­fer­ent. The fugi­tives flocked back to Texas. For those
who had come so far, there was one ab­so­lute rule that ev­ery­one kept: never
touch Chero­kee Totem; never wake the Black Dragon from sleep.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

"As long as the Chero­kee Totem is safe, the Dragon will be the guardian of
Texas. That's the only rule you'll have to fol­low in Dal­las City from now

Kim Tae-hoon, rid­ing in a Ford truck, nod­ded at the words.



When the Black Dragon be­gan to sleep in Fort Worth, the big­gest ben­ef­ i­‐
ciary was Dal­las, which was next door to Fort Worth. Dal­las City had be­‐
come vir­tu­ally the cen­ter and the whole of Texas. Nat­u­rally, ev­ery­thing in
Texas was gath­ered in Dal­las City. Oil gath­ered, peo­ple gath­ered, and
Hunters gath­ered.

Dal­las City be­gan to en­joy an un­prece­dented boom. The most pop­u­lar thing
in the boom was the bar. It was a nat­u­ral pro­ce­dure. Now, the best way to
spend time in a bor­ing world with­out base­ball, foot­ball, or ice hockey was
to play poker, darts, or chat with a red-faced drunk.

The same was true of a bar named Dal­las Cow­boy, lo­cated out­side Dal­las.
The bar was crowded, even if it was out­side of the city.

The bus­tle did not change much when a new Asian guest came alone. No
one was very con­cerned that the man had two unique swords on his back.
The bar­tender was the same. The bar­tender did not ask where he came
from, what his na­tion­al­ity was, how hard it was to get there, what his job
was, or if he was a Hunter. They weren't some­thing to be cu­ri­ous about in

"What would you like to or­der?" So the bar­tender spoke briefly and to the


But when the man an­swered, the mood changed a lit­tle. The bar­tender
smiled awk­wardly for a mo­ment in front of this ridicu­lous or­der.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

"I'm sorry, but I don't sell cof­fee here."

"Then a glass of hot wa­ter and a mug."

The bar­tender cocked his head again, but it was not a state­ment of doubt.
The bar­tender's eyes were proof of it. There was no ques­tion mark in the
bar­tender's eyes.

A man ap­proached in the strange at­mos­phere of the bar­tender and the Asian

"Hey, there." He was a man drink­ing from a large beer glass filled with beer
nearby. "I don't know where you came from, but this is a bar. There are only
two things you can or­der. Drinks and women."

Kim Tae-hoon said qui­etly at the words of the man filled with the smell of
beer, "Jenny, Mitchell."

At that mo­ment the mood changed. Those who seated at a ta­ble far away
from the bar moved. The men hold­ing the glasses laid them down on the ta­‐
ble, and the men who were not hold­ing the glasses moved their hands to­‐
ward the guns that were on their thighs or sides or at their backs. The at­‐
mos­phere be­gan to spread, even­tu­ally reach­ing the point of an Asian man
who said the name, Jen­nifer Mitchell.

Click! The sound of a re­volver ham­mer be­ing thrown back en­tered the ear
of the man in front of the bar­tender.

The bar­tender, who had not lost his cour­tesy in the midst of the sit­u­at­ion,
stared at the man with an eerie look on his face. "Where are you from?"

"Las Ve­gas."

"What about the proof?"

At the cross-ques­tion of the bar­tender, he slipped his hand qui­etly into his
trouser pocket.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

As soon as he saw it, the bar­tender winked at the per­son who was point­ing
the gun at the cus­tomer in front of him: don't pull the trig­ger, but if some­‐
thing sus­pi­cious ap­pears in that pocket, pull it with­out de­lay.

The man took out a finely folded pa­per be­tween the grue­some glances. To
be ex­act, it was a movie poster cut off, a short-cut poster with only the lead­‐
ing ac­tress. In­side the poster, a blond woman with emer­ald eyes wear­ing red
lip­stick was pos­ing in a stiff pos­ture. She was an in­de­scrib­ably charm­ing,
cap­ti­vat­ing woman.

The Asian man who took out the poster looked at it and then turned to the
wait­ress who was look­ing at him from the cor­ner of the bar.

"Jen­nifer Mitchell."

Blam! In­stantly, the gun went off, and with the shot, ev­ery­one pulled their
guns in re­sponse. Dozens of guns locked on one place. The many eyes of
those hold­ing the guns also looked at that place. They could see that the
man had snatched the bul­let from the air as it was. No, to be ex­act, no one
had seen it prop­erly. It was some­thing they could not see with sim­ple eyes,
done in an eye­blink

In­stead, the man who grabbed the bul­let with his hand dropped a small
hunk of lead, clat­ter­ing to the floor of the wooden bar, let­ting them guess
what had hap­pened be­fore and af­ter at that mo­ment.

'No way!'

'Did he catch the bul­let?'

It was an ab­surd sit­u­at­ion. The man who did such a crazy thing in such a
sit­u­at­ion was still look­ing at the wait­ress, with­out even glanc­ing at other

"Let's start the brief­ing. Sooner or later, the Black Dragon will come to the
city of Dal­las. All the func­tions of Dal­las will be par­al­yzed. Take con­trol of
the city of Dal­las, aim­ing at the cracks."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 156 - Black Dragon Down, Part I ⦘

The wait­ress asked the man, "Who are you?"

The man spoke briefly at the ques­tion. "I'm Kim Tae-hoon, the Mas­ter of
Mac Guild."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 157 - Black Dragon Down,

Part Ii
Chap­ter 55. Black Dragon Down, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Jen­nifer Mitchell...

The de­scrip­tion of her did not need to be that long. She had blond hair,
green eyes and was a beau­ti­ful woman that most of the world could not help
but ad­mire, a world-class ac­tor with nine Hol­ly­wood movies be­hind her.

Her ap­pear­ance and ca­reer were also well-known. She had the power to at­‐
tract and per­suade peo­ple to fol­low her. It was of­ten called aura or
charisma, and Jen­nifer Mitchell had it.


In ad­di­tion, she had her own stub­born­ness and style. She was not just
charis­matic, she had an aura that could make her one of the most bril­liant
stars on the stage of Hol­ly­wood.

It was im­pos­si­ble to be­come a global ac­tor with­out a clear sense of self-

worth and stub­born­ness to ad­here to her ideals. Her pas­sions were in­tense,
un­ri­valed, and of course, they did not change much in the mon­ster era.

She had charisma and the aura to lead peo­ple, and she never in­tended to live
her life be­cause she was not sat­is­fied with the un­fair­ness. That was why she
be­came the leader of the Re­sis­tance, a so-called Free Lib­er­at­ion Army
leader in Texas, which was in the hands of the Pen­ta­gon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

Would Jen­nifer Mitchell look sad, like a pa­thetic hero­ine in a movie, to an

Asian man who she had never seen be­fore, even though he had shown an
ab­surd abil­ity?

Of course, she wouldn't

"You said Kim, didn't you?" Ting! She took out a grenade she had hid­den in
a pocket be­tween the shabby wrin­kles of her skirt, and she pulled out the
safety pin at the same time. She asked, keep­ing the safety han­dle de­pressed,
"Kim, what do you want?"

"The oc­cu­pa­tion of Dal­las City by the Re­sis­tance."

"Why are you help­ing us?"

"Don't get it wrong." Of course, Kim Tae-hoon was not a man to be daunted
in this sit­u­at­ion. "This is not a ne­go­ti­at­ion or a deal."

Rather, the op­po­site, Kim Tae-hoon' en­em ­ ies so far had been too great to be
fright­ened by a grenade. If he was re­ally scared and low­ered his pos­ture
here, it would be an in­sult to the en­em
­ ies who had died by Kim Tae-hoon.

"I'll tell you again. I don't in­tend to ne­go­ti­ate, or make a deal."

Cru­cially, Kim Tae-hoon had many ex­pe­ri­ences deal­ing with groups like the
Re­sis­tance. So at this mo­ment, he did not in­tend to ne­go­ti­ate or deal with
them. What he wanted to do was a one-sided de­mand. To put it bluntly, it
was a threat.

Jen­nifer Mitchell's eyes flashed sharply at Kim Tae-hoon. But Kim Tae-
hoon's eyes were over­whelm­ing enough to make her ner­vous, who had been
fear­less against even against the Pen­ta­gon.

'Where on Earth did he come from...?'

In front of Kim Tae-hoon, Jen­nifer Mitchell, who had great charisma and
aura, could not show her hos­til­ity right away. In­stead of get­ting an­gry, she
put her brain to work. She ac­knowl­edged that her op­po­nent was out of the

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

or­di­nary, and she be­gan to con­sider get­ting some­thing more ad­van­ta­geous

in this sit­u­at­ion.

"Did you say that you are go­ing to wake up the Black Dragon? Don't be
ridicu­lous. If you wake up the Black Dragon, Texas, in­clud­ing Dal­las, will
be de­stroyed."

She got to the point. The most shock­ing and key thing Kim Tae-hoon had
said was that he would wake up the Black Dragon sleep­ing in Ea­gle Moun­‐
tain Lake!

"Please don't think that we didn't do it be­cause we didn't know about it."

What the Re­sis­tance forces of Texas were pur­su­ing was not like over­throw­‐
ing the regime. It was to pre­vent the un­just, in­hu­mane, im­moral Pen­ta­gon
from hurt­ing any­one. Of course, the Texas Re­sis­tance had never thought of
wak­ing the Black Dragon just to hurt the Pen­ta­gon.

Us­ing the Black Dragon to drive out the Pen­ta­gon would be like bring­ing a
tiger home to deal with a lo­cal mad dog. It was not a good idea for any­one
who called Texas their home. If any­one wanted to wake the Black Dragon,
the Re­sis­tance would be will­ing to hold hands with the Pen­ta­gon to stop
them. From that point of view, Kim Tae-hoon, who was go­ing to wake up
the Black Dragon rather than the Pen­ta­gon, was more dan­ger­ous.

Kim Tae-hoon an­swered her ques­tion with a cool ex­pres­sion. "The role of
the Black Dragon is to par­al­yze Dal­las with the fear for a while."

Jen­nifer Mitchell asked back, with a ridicu­lous laugh. "You can kill the
Black Dragon any time you like it, as I see your bab­bling about like that
way?" In her cross-ques­tion, Kim Tae-hoon lightly spread his right hand in­‐
stead of an­swer­ing.

"Ugh!" At that mo­ment, Jen­nifer Mitchell's grip on the grenade fal­tered.

Thud! The grenade fell to the floor.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

'Oh, no!' Jen­nifer Mitchell was sur­prised, and the peo­ple around her were
shocked. At that mo­ment, lives flashed be­fore peo­ple's eyes.

The grenade that fell to the floor was sucked into Kim Tae-hoon's hands.
Kim grabbed the grenade tightly and squeezed. The grenade crum­pled like
an empty can of drink.

Three sec­onds later, there was rum­bling bang, and a small ex­plo­sion broke
out in Kim's hand. Kim Tae-hoon's hand was cov­ered with the scales of the
Dragon, and his eyes were slit­ted like a Dragon's. It was the Dra­co­nian
mode. The ex­plo­sion of the grenade was just a mi­nor nui­sance to Kim Tae-
hoon, who wielded a power that was mighty and tran­scen­dent. Kim Tae-
hoon kept his Dra­co­nian mode and un­folded his palm cov­ered with scales.

The grenade frag­ments tin­kled to the floor. No­body could sigh or even
show sur­prise in front of the scene. It was so shock­ing it made them im­pos­‐
si­ble to judge it ra­tio­nally.

In the still­ness, Kim Tae-hoon said qui­etly. "A cou­ple of days from now, at
11 pm, the Black Dragon will ap­pear in Dal­las> There may a slight er­ror on
the time, so take it and pre­pare."

Kim Tae-hoon looked at the bar­tender for the last time and said, "Hot wa­ter
and a mug."



The first thing the Pen­ta­gon did af­ter it took over Texas was to re­place the
may­ors of Texas' ma­jor cities with those who suited their tastes. In the
process, the Pen­ta­gon was sup­ported by many in­flu­en­tial, ex­pe­ri­enced, and
tal­ented peo­ple. It was so nat­u­ral. It was like hold­ing some of the ab­so­lute
power that Texas would be­come the cen­ter of the Amer­i­cas, and even of the
world, in the fu­ture.

The Pen­ta­gon, fur­ther­more, only ad­mit­ted kings and slaves. Be­ing the
owner of the city un­der the Pen­ta­gon was vir­tu­ally the same as be­ing a king.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

In this back­ground, Bean Co­hen, who had be­come the Mayor of Dal­las,
was, of course, one of the most in­flu­en­tial fig­ures in the Pen­ta­gon.

'I am not sat­is­fied with only Dal­las.' In ad­di­tion, Mayor Bean Co­hen had no
in­ten­tion of be­ing sat­is­fied with his po­si­tion now. There was also more

'If I eat up to Hous­ton, Texas is prac­ti­cally mine.' In fact, Hous­ton was not
very at­trac­tive, ge­o­graph­i­cally and eco­nom­i­cally, in the present sit­u­at­ion.

'If I eat up only the in­sti­tutes there...' In­stead, Hous­ton had the most fa­mous
state-of-the-art re­search in­sti­tute in the world, NASA. The John­son Space
Cen­ter, one of NASA's af­fil­i­ated or­ga­ni­za­tions, was also lo­cated in Hous­‐

'Now it's NASA that's go­ing to de­velop a new era.' In the present era, there
would be a ques­tion of what use rocket sci­en­tists were, but if they were
smart, in­clud­ing the Pen­ta­gon, they had to no­tice them. Rather, it could be
said there was no one as im­por­tant as NASA re­searchers in the present age.

This was a char­ac­ter­is­tic of space re­search. Study­ing the uni­verse was like
study­ing the way of sur­vival in the un­known fu­ture of a ter­ri­ble, harsh uni­‐
verse. In a way, NASA's re­searchers were the ones who fired rock­ets at the
moon with com­put­ers that were worse than peo­ple's smart­phones. They
were the best brains to face the mon­sters and the un­known times be­yond.

'If they're all in my hands, it's not im­pos­si­ble for me to de­vour the Pen­ta­‐

That was why Mayor Bean Co­hen cov­eted Hous­ton. If he had the oil fields
of Texas, the count­less Hunters and com­bat weapons gath­ered here, and the
man­power and tech­nol­ogy to face the fu­ture, he would no longer be afraid.
And it was not long be­fore it might be pos­si­ble.

'Not long. By the end of the year. There's noth­ing to worry about. There's
noth­ing to fear.' Mayor Bean Co­hen's plan was mak­ing steady progress.
There was noth­ing to fear now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

'But what the hell...' In that sit­u­at­ion, the Mayor of Bean Co­hen was feel­ing
creepy all over his body. It was so strange.

'I've never felt this way be­fore... No, I think I've had this feel­ing be­fore...'

What was even more strange was that Mayor Bean Co­hen felt that this
strange sen­sa­tion was not the first time. It was not the first time that his
whole body felt creepy, and his spine was cold with­out know­ing any­thing.
It was not the first time.

But if this ex­pe­ri­ence was not the first time, he should re­mem­ber when. In
the end, Mayor Bean Co­hen had to frown while he was grop­ing for mem­o­‐

'What the hell is it?' The frown­ing face of Mayor Bean Co­hen be­gan to
spread. He looked be­yond sur­prised and star­tled, to pale.

'No, no way. The Black Dragon?' He re­mem­bered the mon­ster that had
made Texas a cru­cible of fear and de­spair in only one morn­ing.


The Black Dragon ap­peared in Dal­las.



The ap­pear­ance of the Black Dragon, which crushed hu­man rea­son and
com­mon sense by just ap­pear­ing in the sky, was sud­den and in­tense.

Soon af­ter, it slowly came down to the ground, flap­ping its wings, and the
build­ings of Dal­las were buf­feted by the winds. When it reached ten me­ters
above the ground, the Black Dragon stopped flap­ping its wings.

The body of the Black Dragon, ten me­ters high, cre­ated a shock wave that
ev­ery­one could feel through­out Dal­las.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

With its neck raised high, the fear that it had vom­ited to the sky left all the
liv­ing things in Dal­las City just barely alive. Al­most ev­ery­one in Dal­las fell
to the ground, mind­less with fear.


"Run, run away---"

Only a few peo­ple with high En­ergy rank did not faint, but that was all.
Even if rea­son and think­ing re­mained, they could not hope to do any­thing.

There was only one per­son on Earth who could with­stand the Drag­on­fear
with­out any prepa­ra­tion or prepa­ra­tion.

In other words, only those who had pre­pared could move.

"Hoo-oo!" That way why the Texas Re­sis­tance, af­ter long sighs and some
trem­bling, could bear the Drag­on­fear. Jen­nifer Mitchell was one of them.

"Move." So they be­gan to move to re­gain Dal­las City, where ev­ery­thing had
stopped. At that time, the only man on earth who could stand in front of the
Drag­on­fear with­out any prepa­ra­tion was fac­ing the Dragon. That was
enough to stop the Black Dragon, who could melt the whole city of Dal­las
with its deadly poi­sonous breath.

Krrr... It was amaz­ing. A mon­ster that could not be con­fronted by any­thing

was war­ily watch­ing a man who stood in front of its fear. Frozen with vig­i­‐
lance, it could not move at all.

Krrr... It just stared at the man with its own eyes, the man with two swords
on his back.

How­ever, the man didn't care much about the Black Dragon's at­ten­tion, vig­‐
i­lance, and anger. In­stead, the man was only look­ing at a watch on his wrist.

At last, when ten min­utes had passed, Kim Tae-hoon con­firmed the time
and looked at the Black Dragon, not the clock.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 157 - Black Dragon Down, Part Ii ⦘

At the same time, be­hind Kim Tae-hoon's back, three beads made of blue
thun­der, red flame, and blue ice ap­peared, spark­ing with power.

The Black Dragon hunt be­gan.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 158 - Black Dragon Down,

Part Iii
Chap­ter 55. Black Dragon Down, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Dal­las, Texas...

The num­ber of se­cu­rity guards and Hunters sta­tioned in City Hall was over
a thou­sand. But the im­por­tant thing was that they were elites, not lack­ing in
qual­ity. The quan­tity and qual­ity were not just in the Hunters. There was
noth­ing lack­ing in the relics and items they owned.

Their weapons were among the best. Armed with weapons from Amer­ica,
not the rest of the world, the be­gin­ning and source of the power of the
United States, the forces of Dal­las had the power to fight against any coun­‐


On ev­ery road into the City Hall M1 Abrams tanks were sta­tioned, now
eerily quiet, and in­side the City Hall, a week's worth of am­mu­ni­tion was
stored. It was a fortress that could not be con­quered by any force.

"Uh..." But now all that power was fallen and groan­ing on the floor. The
im­preg­nable cas­tle had turned into an own­er­less one.

"Go in!"

"Move fast!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

The Re­sis­tance quickly en­tered the own­er­less cas­tle. There was no bat­tle,
nor did the rebels kill the fallen sol­diers of the Pen­ta­gon.

"Avoid bat­tle as much as pos­si­ble! Find Bean Co­hen!"

The Re­sis­tance did not have much time, and what the Re­sis­tance wanted in
the first place was not blood vengeance, but the re­al­iza­tion of le­git­i­mate
value. The slaugh­ter of the de­fense­less did not fit the val­ues they fol­lowed.

"Don't be in a hurry to fight if you find Mayor Bean Co­hen!"

Above all, Mayor Bean Co­hen, who they wanted to catch, was not a Hunter
who could be help­lessly hurt by the Dragon fear. As a Hunter of the Pen­ta­‐
gon, he was one of the most ex­pe­ri­enced Hunters who had ever par­tic­i­pated
in pow­er­ful mon­ster hunt­ing. The mere act of deal­ing with him had al­ready
run out of time.

'As soon as pos­si­ble.' Cru­cially, Jen­nifer Mitchell, who led this op­er­at­ion,
was still not sure. 'He may not kill the Dragon.'

Kim Tae-hoon, who had sud­denly ap­peared and called out the Black
Dragon, had been silent for a long time. It was a great thing in it­self. Any­‐
one could wake up the Black Dragon, but it was im­pos­si­ble for any­one to
at­tract the awak­ened Black Dragon to Dal­las. The prob­lem was what came
next. If Kim Tae-hoon could not kill the Black Dragon, the prob­lem would
be­come so big that no­body could con­trol it.

'No, it makes no sense to deal with the Black Dragon alone.' And it was true
that the pos­si­bil­ity that Kim Tae-hoon would kill the Black Dragon alone
was not good enough to imag­ine it­self. 'Where on Earth did he come from?'

For Jen­nifer Mitchell, in case of the worst, they needed to get at least some­‐
thing. Se­cur­ing Mayor Bean Co­hen was the min­i­mum profit she could get
at this mo­ment.

'Quickly, any­way.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

So when she moved to the City Hall, lead­ing her sub­or­di­nates to find
Mayor Bean Co­hen, a huge roar shook the City Hall.

The sub­se­quent cry of the Black Dragon shook ev­ery­one's En­ergy once

"U-eup!" The Re­sis­tance was also af­fected. Jen­nifer Mitchell's face stiff­‐
ened for a mo­ment.

One of her men came to her and re­ported the sit­u­at­ion. "He started fight­ing
the Black Dragon."

"What's the sit­u­at­ion?"


Jen­nifer Mitchell guessed that the sit­u­at­ion was go­ing badly at the ap­pear­‐
ance of a blurred sub­or­di­nate. And her guess was not to­tally wrong... as the
sit­u­at­ion was not so good for the Black Dragon.

"The Black Dragon is be­ing over­whelmed."



Kim Tae-hoon came to the United States and did not bring a sin­gle leg­‐
endary relic with him. Bring­ing a leg­endary relic with him in a sit­u­at­ion
where Mao had a tool to lo­cate leg­endary relics was in fact no dif­fer­ent then
re­veal­ing his where­abouts to him. It was ob­vi­ously a mat­ter of power, be­‐
cause Kim Tae-hoon's leg­endary relics were over­whelm­ing and pow­er­ful
enough to make them in­com­pa­ra­ble to other relics.

How­ever, Kim did not care much. He was con­fi­dent even if he was weak­‐
ened in power. He had the con­fi­dence to kill a mon­ster of the blue grade
with his own abil­ity, with­out the help of leg­endary relics. He was show­ing
the rea­son for his con­fi­dence against the Black Dragon now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

The start was the flames of Furry Croc­o­dile and Tele­ki­netic Bead of
Freezer's ice thorns. Two fire and ice beads, now large enough to en­cap­su­‐
late a hu­man body, roamed over the Black Dragon and be­gan to melt or
freeze its scales. On top of such melted or frozen scales, the Tele­ki­netic
Bead of blue thun­der vom­ited the power of light­ning.

The blue light­ning the Tele­ki­netic Bead con­stantly threw out was a ter­ri­ble
at­tack. The Black Dragon lost its ar­mor as its scales burst.

A scream burst from the Black Dragon's jaws. Even its amaz­ing re­silience
couldn't deal with the pain.

Of course, those at­tacks were not the end of it.

The two swords brought by Kim Tae-hoon, the Sword of the Im­per­at­or and
On­i­maru Ku­nit­suna, flew into the air to­ward the Black Dragon.

Their flight stopped in the eyes of the Black Dragon.

The Black Dragon closed its eyes tightly. It was a ges­ture of pain, and at the
same time, a sign that the Black Dragon was ex­hausted.

The an­gry Dragon closed its huge mouth tightly af­ter look­ing at Kim. The
thick dark­ness be­gan to wrig­gle in its throat.

When the Black Dragon opened its mouth, a black liq­uid was spewed out of
its mouth like a laser beam. The liq­uid swal­lowed Kim Tae-hoon's body in­‐
stantly. It was poi­son and acid.

The poi­son was so pow­er­ful that it could melt a lump of con­crete or an as­‐
phalt road. Just smelling it would kill some­one. The poi­son nat­u­rally af­‐
fected Kim Tae-hoon's body... but that was all. Kim Tae-hoon was still alive
in front of the poi­son.

"Ugh!" Al­though he frowned at the pain and moaned for a sec­ond, Kim
Tae-hoon did not die.

His flesh, which had been poi­soned to death, quickly be­gan to re­gain its
orig­i­nal color, and his eroded body quickly gained new flesh.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

Kim Tae-hoon could not die, be­cause he had the im­mor­tal abil­ity. His
ridicu­lous re­cov­ery abil­ity re­freshed his body. Of course, there was no En­‐
ergy or Health con­sumed in the process, since the In­ex­haustible In­fin­ity of
Orc Khan was now Kim Tae-hoon's.

Even Kim Tae-hoon's clothes did not melt in front of the Black Dragon's
acid breath. Only the dye melted away and the orig­i­nal color of his leather
clothes, made from the Orc Khan's skin, was re­vealed.

The most pow­er­ful at­tack which the Black Dragon could use did not work
on Kim Tae-hoon at all.

It was a worse sit­u­at­ion then the Black Dragon could be­lieve. But, as al­‐
ways, the worst it could ex­pect was not the worst.

Kim Tae-hoon was ready to show the Black Dragon the worst. He took the
Gilt-bronze In­cense Burner of Baekje from his bag. In the dis­tant lands of
Amer­ica, a golden phoenix ap­peared.



The great phoenix, made of golden smoke, screamed a clear tone to­ward the
sky. At the foot of the Phoenix was a huge Dragon's car­cass, which had
been torn to pieces in a mess.

The Black Dragon who had hor­ri­fied the whole coun­try, in­clud­ing Texas,
was bleed­ing, the most mis­er­able thing in the world. A man ap­peared be­‐
tween the big­gest wounds on the Black Dragon's body.

Drip­ping! The ap­pear­ance of the man, who had the black blood and poi­son
of the Black Dragon all over his body, was ter­ri­ble. His whole body seemed
to be melt­ing. But ev­ery time he stepped out of the body of the Black
Dragon, his body grad­u­ally re­gained its orig­i­nal color and form.

Soon af­ter, Kim Tae-hoon, who had re­gained his orig­i­nal ap­pear­ance,
looked at the dark blue crys­tal in his hands with his black Eyes.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘


[Black Dragon's Crys­tal]

-- The level of Strength and Health in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill pro­fi­ciency of En­ergy rank in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill pro­fi­ciency of Mana rank in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill pro­fi­ciency of Telekine­sis rank in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill pro­fi­ciency of De­fense rank in­creases when in­gested.

-- The skill pro­fi­ciency of Mana Re­sis­tance rank in­creases when in­gested.

-- You can ac­quire the power of the Black Dragon [Black Poi­son] when in­‐


Af­ter check­ing, Kim Tae-hoon put the Black Dragon's crys­tal into his

The skin in his mouth burned from the poi­son. It was a poi­son of ter­ri­ble
power. But Kim Tae-hoon didn't mind the fact and swal­lowed the crys­tal.

The burn­ing sen­sa­tion in his throat made him feel sick to his stom­ach. He
smiled bit­terly and checked the back of his right hand.


[Ac­quired Abil­ity]

-- Black Poi­son (Grade 2): Black Dragon's power can con­sume Mana to
cre­ate a pow­er­ful Black Poi­son. The higher the power of Black Poi­son, the
stronger the acidic abil­ity.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

'Not bad.' To be hon­est, it wasn't ex­actly the kind of abil­ity he needed. He

al­ready had so much power that it was nearly noth­ing. How­ever, he had no
in­ten­tion of reusing it. When a snake had legs, it would be­come a mon­ster.
He was will­ing to be a mon­ster.

He could hear foot­steps ap­proach­ing him. It was not dif­fi­cult to gauge their
iden­tity. The only group that could move in the city of Dal­las were those
who had lis­tened to his warn­ing and pre­pared for it.

"You..." Jen­nifer Mitchell, who saw the Black Dragon's dead body in the
dis­tance, was un­able to even make a face. In front of this ridicu­lous scene,
she was sim­ply un­able to de­cide what ex­pres­sion she should have. The sit­u­‐
a­tion at the mo­ment was that weird. Even though she was wear­ing tights
that clung to her body, she just looked dull at this mo­ment.

"What about the Mayor?" Kim Tae-hoon asked her a ques­tion.

Only then did Jen­nifer Mitchell come to her senses, and opened her mouth.
"We got him!"

When he heard the an­swer, he did not bother to ask a new ques­tion. Now
there was only one thing he had to do.

'Prepa­ra­tion is over.' Cracks were made in the West, and cracks were grow­‐
ing in the mid­dle. Now, the place Kim Tae-hoon should go to next was one

'Now, I will catch Mao.'

Wash­ing­ton DC, to the east, was Kim's next des­ti­na­tion.



"Urgh..." When Mayor Bean Co­hen woke up with a moan, it was a gray
world that faced him.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

'Damn it.' But Mayor Bean Co­hen was not very em­bar­rassed in front of the
world he faced.

'I was caught.' He un­der­stood the sit­u­at­ion eas­ily. It wasn't hard to fig­ure
out that he was tied up now, that he had a sack on his face, and that the sack
that cov­er­ing his face had car­ried cof­fee beans.

'Re­sis­tance bas­tards!' Fi­nally, Mayor Bean Co­hen could even re­call the fact
that Jen­nifer Mitchell was among those who had at­tacked him. Nat­u­rally, all
these facts were say­ing that he had been taken hostage by the Re­sis­tance.

'Crazy peo­ple.' The only thing that com­pli­cated his mind was the Black
Dragon's fear.

'I had never thought that they would wake the Black Dragon to catch me.'
Any­one could use the Black Dragon to mess up Dal­las City. The prob­lem
was that no one would try it.

'They fi­nally made the at­tempt.' In ad­di­tion, this at­tempt was ir­re­versible.

'They are done.' No mat­ter how good the rebels pre­tended to be, no one in
Texas would fol­low the Re­sis­tance af­ter they woke the Black Dragon. The
Re­sis­tance had now be­come a pub­lic en­emy in Texas. So Mayor Bean Co­‐
hen thought that this mo­ment was a cri­sis of des­per­at­ion, and at the same
time the best op­por­tu­nity.

'If I es­cape... I'll go to the Pen­ta­gon and bring the troops back to Texas.
Texas will not help the rebels any­more.' If he could re­claim Texas with the
help of the Pen­ta­gon af­ter his es­cape, he could com­pletely root out the Re­‐
sis­tance that was his big­gest headache.

Fur­ther­more, once the Black Dragon woke up, the Pen­ta­gon would even­tu­‐
ally go Black Dragon hunt­ing with all its might. The oil fields in Texas
were some­thing the United States could not give up, and that, of course,
meant the Pen­ta­gon.

Then, Mayor Bean Co­hen would no longer have to tol­er­ate the grue­some
Black Dragon next to him. The cri­sis had be­come an op­por­tu­nity!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

'How should I es­cape?' Of course, over­com­ing the cri­sis was more im­por­‐
tant than any­thing else. If he did not es­cape like this, he would be used as a
hostage, and he would cer­tainly face the worst.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!" Mayor Co­hen took a breath and lis­tened to the sounds
around him. Then he heard the voices of the Re­sis­tance.

"Why aren't we killing Mayor Co­hen?"

"They say he will be used as a hostage."

"Damn it, why don't we just take a hostage af­ter we kill him? He is Bean
Co­hen, a Hunter of the Pen­ta­gon! He is a su­per­hu­man who could es­cape by
him­self at any mo­ment!"

"What can we do? Now we are in trou­ble be­cause our boss woke up the
Black Dragon. We should have a hostage."

From their voices, Mayor Co­hen re­laxed more. 'As I thought.'

It was then he that heard their voices ex­claim in sur­prise.



"Who is it?"

There was a cry, but that was it. Noth­ing else was heard... In­stead, the
sound of two bod­ies hit­ting the floor tick­led the wait­ing ears of Co­hen.

At that mo­ment, Bean Co­hen felt in­tu­itive that some un­wel­come vis­i­tor to
the Re­sis­tance had come here to find him. 'Some­one's here!'

Co­hen's pre­dic­tion was right. The sound of a per­son came close to him, and
the per­son peeled off the sack cov­er­ing his face.

"Are you Mayor Bean Co­hen?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 158 - Black Dragon Down, Part Iii ⦘

Mayor Co­hen looked at the man who had saved his life, an Asian man with
dark hair and a sharp ex­pres­sion.

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Mao sent me."

"Mr. Mao?"

"Yes, as you know, Texas is..."

"I know, Mr. Mao is in­ter­ested in the NASA In­sti­tute in Hous­ton. Any­way,
that's a re­lief. Through his good in­ten­tions..."

"I'll help you es­cape to Wash­ing­ton DC."

"Thank you. What's your name?"

"You can call me Kim."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

Chap­ter 159 - Judge­ment Day, Part

Chap­ter 55. Judge­ment Day, Part I

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


John Smith, the head of the Pen­ta­gon, which was now the con­troller of the
land of Amer­ica, was not the kind of per­son who used his brain to do
things. He thought that the most valu­able thing in the mon­ster era was
power, not in­tel­li­gence. That was why he didn't have a meet­ing with his
men, stay­ing in one place and work­ing hard on a dif­fi­cult prob­lem. He
knew bet­ter than any­one that he could not do any­thing at such a meet­ing,
and so he didn't feel it nec­es­sary.

John Smith was a man who might not be clever, but he was not stupid; he
was a man who fo­cused only on what he could and should do.

"A gen­eral meet­ing... un­ex­pected."


As soon as John Smith called all the key ex­ec­u­tives of the Pen­ta­gon into the
Ground Zero Cafe at the cen­ter of the Pen­ta­gon, and Mao was in­cluded in
the list, Mao could see that it was not just a sim­ple sit­u­at­ion.

"Did you see any signs?" In ad­di­tion, what Mao asked Ma­jor Chin­shan was
that he did not sense any signs of this not-so-sim­ple sit­u­at­ion.

"No... noth­ing. The park­ing lot was clean, and there was no move­ment from
other peo­ple."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

If there had been any sign, Ma­jor Chin­shan would have in­formed Mao.

'Some­thing came straight...' With­out such a sign, what John Smith was do­‐
ing some­thing he did not nor­mally do, mean­ing that some­thing was de­liv­‐
ered through di­rect lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

'Some­thing se­ri­ous...' It must be break­ing news.

'If it's enough to make John Smith move like this... it must be a huge threat.
Did they even rouse the Black Dragon in Texas?'

John Smith, who was con­fi­dent and con­vinced that he had al­ready be­come
king of the world, was an ar­ro­gant and leisurely man.

So at this mo­ment, Mao felt some­thing of a cri­sis. '... what­ever it is, I'll have
to do some­thing dan­ger­ous. Pre­ven­tion is bet­ter than a cure.' That was the
se­cret of Mao's sur­vival so far, and at this mo­ment he stood by it.

"Ma­jor Chin­shan."

"Yes, sir."

"Go there now, and if you don't hear from me... just do what I said."


"De­stroy it."

At that re­mark, Chin­shan only nod­ded in­stead of an­swer­ing.



Bean Co­hen knew Mao Spencer when the Pen­ta­gon was or­ga­nized and he
be­came an ex­ec­u­tive in it, not just a Hunter. John Smith called Bean Co­hen
and told him that there were the Six Snakes be­hind him, and that there was
a man named Mao Spencer at the cen­ter of it. He also told him about what

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

the Six Snakes were af­ter and the world Mao Spencer hoped for. Bean Co­‐
hen ad­mired him.

When Mao Spencer lost ev­ery­thing, came to Amer­ica, and bowed his head
to John Smith, Bean Co­hen did not see him as a weak man. All the more, he
was im­pressed.

'This guy is def­i­nitely dif­fer­ent! This is some­one who wants to be the ruler
of the world! This is a scheme to bury his pride for the next step!'

Fur­ther­more, Bean Co­hen was sure that Mao Spencer had not lost ev­ery­‐
thing, and there must be a se­cret weapon for a quick re­ver­sal of his sit­u­a‐­

'For Mao Spencer, there may still be one hid­den thing. And this man is one
of them.'

And at this mo­ment, he was sure that one of the hid­den weapons was the
man in front of his eyes.

'Kim.' The man who had only in­tro­duced him­self as Kim now eas­ily es­‐
caped with Co­hen from the city of Dal­las, which was now un­der the con­trol
of the Re­sis­tance.

'What kind of train­ing can give him this abil­ity?'

In the process, Kim had com­pletely avoided the sur­veil­lance of the Re­sis­‐
tance. With­out a sin­gle bat­tle, with­out a gun­shot, Kim made Co­hen es­caped
from Dal­las City. What was sur­pris­ing was af­ter that.

"We are go­ing to Wash­ing­ton now. The dis­tance to travel is about twelve
hun­dred miles, so we are go­ing to move sixty miles a day, and we'll be in
Wash­ing­ton in twenty days."

The dis­tance for the jour­ney to Wash­ing­ton, which be­gan with the es­cape
from Dal­las City, was nine­teen hun­dred kilo­me­ters. Kim showed his amaz­‐
ing abil­ity dur­ing the jour­ney with­out a sin­gle proper tool in a sit­u­at­ion full
of mon­sters, not just a jour­ney.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

'How can we not meet a mon­ster once in a trip of more than a thou­sand

They had not en­coun­tered a mon­ster, and Kim al­ways found some­thing to
eat in some way in the wilder­ness. It was not sim­ply some­thing that a pow­‐
er­ful Hunter would show. It was more than that.

It was the abil­ity that only a sur­vival spe­cial­ist could show in a place where
sur­vival was harder than any­thing be­fore be­com­ing a Hunter. It was on the
level of as­ton­ish­ment be­yond ad­mi­ra­tion.

"That's great. Can I ask you a ques­tion?"

"I'll an­swer any ques­tions I can."

"What the hell hap­pened in Asia? Can you tell me why Lord Mao Spencer
came to Amer­ica with a man with such a great tal­ent?"

Co­hen asked Kim at the end of the long jour­ney, why Mao Spencer, who
had a man as strong as Kim, had moved to the United States af­ter los­ing ev­‐
ery­thing, and who it was that had knocked down Mao Spencer and driven
him so far away.

How­ever, Mao Spencer had not told any­one but John Smith about his story.
He was hu­mil­i­ated, but he did not speak about it as much.

From Co­hen's point of view, it was a big ques­tion. 'What kind of mon­ster is
there in Asia?'

Kim shook his head at the ques­tion. "I can't an­swer that."

"What kind of mon­ster is there in Asia? Just tell me what you feel."

"I'm sorry."

Kim shook his head again, and Co­hen no longer asked Kim, be­cause now
was time to face some­thing more im­por­tant than this ques­tion, and he did
not need an an­swer.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

"No, it's okay. I'm al­ready grate­ful to you." Af­ter speak­ing, Co­hen looked
up far away. The pic­ture of Wash­ing­ton came into his eyes.

The twenty-day jour­ney was over.



Wash­ing­ton DC...

The cap­i­tal of the United States, the world's strong­est coun­try, the most
pow­er­ful coun­try in hu­man his­tory, was just a won­der­ful city on the sur­‐
face. It was planned and de­signed. In other words, it was a city where ev­‐
ery­thing from one to ten was planned to make its cap­i­tal, so it could not just
be cool. Of course, the Wash­ing­ton DC, which the world saw was not the
real face of the city.

The truth of Wash­ing­ton was re­vealed when they feel a fa­tal threat. At the
mo­ment of a fa­tal threat, ev­ery­thing in the city proved to be pre­pared for ur­‐
ban de­fense and war.

In par­tic­u­lar, af­ter the Sep­tem­ber 11 ter­ror­ist at­tacks, the United States re­‐
mod­eled ev­ery­thing in Wash­ing­ton, so that they would not go through the
same in­ci­dent again. The United States had hid­den a pow­er­ful thorn in­side
it­self, and noth­ing dared to do any­thing in Wash­ing­ton.


Now Wash­ing­ton was cov­ered with its thorns.

"I didn't know Wash­ing­ton was like this."

"I didn't know ei­ther. There are so many weapons hid­ing all over Wash­ing­‐

Nu­mer­ous weapons, in­clud­ing tanks, had been de­ployed through­out Wash­‐

ing­ton. It was armed with enough weapons to fight the world right now.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

"What on Earth are they guard­ing against?"

"Any­thing that is not nor­mal."

The same was true of their vig­i­lance. It was vir­tu­ally im­pos­si­ble to pass
with­out a trace, with­out sound, through the strict bor­ders. The road to the
Pen­ta­gon was even worse. In­side the Pen­ta­gon, the se­cu­rity was so se­vere
that no one could en­ter even if they wanted to. The rea­son for the se­cu­rity
was sim­ple.

"Ac­cord­ing to the re­port by the Hyena Unit, the West­ern Al­liance has al­‐
ready been formed, with lo­ca­tions in San Fran­cisco, Los An­ge­les, and Las

"There must be strong mon­sters be­tween the three cities, in­clud­ing

Yosemite Na­tional Park."

"All the blue-grade mon­sters in Yosemite Na­tional Park have been re­‐

"The blue grade?"

"I guess they have been pre­par­ing for it."

"The rebels of Texas suc­ceeded in killing the Black Dragon that ap­peared in

"The Black Dragon is one of the most pow­er­ful dark blue-col­ored mon­sters.
Were the rebels alone? Are you sure?"

"The body of the Black Dragon has now been iden­ti­fied. In ad­di­tion, the
news is spread­ing in Texas, the news that the rebels have killed the Black
Dragon... and it's not easy to stop the news from spread­ing. The Re­sis­tance
forces are us­ing this mo­men­tum to ex­pand their in­flu­ence in Texas."

Not one, but two great threats shook the Pen­ta­gon. It was their first time.

The Pen­ta­gon had never been in a cri­sis. The Amer­i­cans were so rich that it
was not lack­ing to call them blessed by God. The cri­sis they had faced in

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

the mean­time was an op­por­tu­nity to grow one step fur­ther af­ter a cri­sis.

"There's a ru­mor that some or­ga­ni­za­tions have helped the West­ern Al­liance
and the Texas rebels."

The threat to them now, the threat to the ex­is­tence, was hard to bear. John
Smith was forced to mas­sage his tem­ples re­peat­edly in front of the re­port.

And so was Mao. 'Clearly, it is Mac Guild.'

He was in­tu­it­ing that this re­port was not sim­ply a si­mul­ta­ne­ous co­in­ci­dence.
Fur­ther­more, he was able to clearly mea­sure the ex­is­tence of the cul­prit
who had com­mit­ted all this. In fact, Mao had ex­pected it.

'The Mac Guild is ex­pand­ing its ter­ri­tory, start­ing in the west­ern United
States. Yes, they can't be bound by the Ko­rean Penin­sula for­ever.'

Kim Tae-hoon was dead. It was the con­clu­sion Mao had made us­ing all the
in­for­ma­tion net­works he had.

Kim Tae-hoon's death was, of course, a fa­tal event for Mac Guild. But that
did not mean that the Mac Guild had lost all power. With­out Kim Tae-hoon,
the power of the Mac Guild was still very pow­er­ful.

The num­ber of leg­endary relics they had was not only ex­tra­or­di­nary, but
above all, they had the legacy left by the strong­est Hunter, Kim Tae-hoon.
The in­flu­ence of the Mac Guild was felt across the whole of Eura­sia, and it
was nat­u­ral that their next pur­pose was to come to the Amer­i­cas.

'It will not be easy to bring down the Pen­ta­gon.'

But Mao did not worry much about it. The Pen­ta­gon and the city of Wash­‐
ing­ton, where the Pen­ta­gon was lo­cated, were per­fect enough fortresses for
Mao to have con­fi­dence in them. In­trud­ers were com­ing into a sys­tem that
the United States had set up for war with the world, but they could not
come in with­out a sound, with­out dam­age, with­out any trace.

"Mayor Bean Co­hen has ar­rived in Wash­ing­ton, and he's on his way here."
And then there was news that Mao and the Pen­ta­gon ex­ec­u­tives had been

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

wait­ing for, for so long.

Two days ago that they were con­tacted by Bean Co­hen, who was cap­tured
by the Re­sis­tance forces, but lucky enough to es­cape. The mo­ment they
were con­tacted, the Pen­ta­gon de­cided to lis­ten to him and make a judg­ment.

That was why John Smith's right hand, mas­sag­ing his tem­ples, stopped, and
had a clear sign of awak­en­ing. John Smith looked up.

"Call them all here."




The Na­tional 9.11 Pen­ta­gon Memo­rial...

When he looked at the place erected in honor of the 9/11 vic­tims, he felt his
heart cool. Now calm, he walked to­ward the Pen­ta­gon. There was a man be­‐
hind him. Kim was mov­ing along with Bean Co­hen like a shadow, and no
one stopped him.

Bean Co­hen's name and face were the most ob­vi­ous ID card amid the tight
watch. None of the fully armed sol­diers stopped Bean Co­hen from pro­ceed­‐
ing. Ev­ery­one was salut­ing and glad to wel­come Bean Co­hen.

Their first stop was in the cen­ter of the Pen­ta­gon, in front of the door to the
Ground Zero Cafe. Now they stood there, where the spe­cially de­signed iron
door was blocked.

"Thank you." Bean Co­hen reached out to Kim for a hand­shake.

Only Bean Co­hen could en­ter through the door, and for that Kim had es­‐
corted him this far.

"I wouldn't have been able to get here with­out you." Bean Co­hen did not
miss out on his heart­felt grat­i­tude.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 159 - Judgement Day, Part I ⦘

But Kim did not re­spond to that hand­shake. He did not even nod with­out
say­ing any­thing.


In­stead, Kim ig­nored Co­hen and opened the door to the Ground Zero Cafe.

In this sud­den sit­u­at­ion, not only Co­hen but ev­ery­one wait­ing by the door
were shocked. But that was all. Their as­ton­ished bod­ies were still stiff and
un­able to move. 'I can't move...'

As soon as the door opened, a build­ing was seen be­tween the trees and the
green grasses that were lo­cated be­fore him.

"I am Kim Tae-hoon, the Mas­ter of Mac Guild!" Kim Tae-hoon shouted at
the place. "I'm here to get the price of blood!"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

Chap­ter 160 - Judge­ment Day, Part

Chap­ter 55. Judge­ment Day, Part II

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Ground Zero Café...

The grove in the cen­ter of the Pen­ta­gon was like the heart of the Pen­ta­gon.
The rea­son it was the heart was sim­ple. That was where John Smith was.
The fact was the ob­vi­ous rea­son for the heart.

"Kim Tae-hoon of the Mac Guild?"



John Smith was such a per­son for the Pen­ta­gon: the or­ga­ni­za­tion's cen­ter,
the core, and all-in-one man. He was a man of vi­o­lence who could fight
against a mon­ster with over­whelm­ing strength in an age full of mon­sters. In
short, he was the strong­est man in the Pen­ta­gon. To John Smith, Kim Tae-
hoon's pres­ence and his visit were, of course, not pleas­ant.

"That's him. That's him."

Kim Tae-hoon com­pli­cated his mind, made his chest stuffy, and caused ir­ri­‐
ta­tion and anger. It was all there.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

"Mao, didn't you say he was dead?" John Smith was an­gry and ir­ri­tated by
Kim's ap­pear­ance, but showed no other feel­ings.

"He must have been alive." There was no sign of panic. Mao's pale, weary
look and John Smith's face were per­fectly con­tra­dic­tory.


See­ing Mao, who looked like a fright­ened lit­tle boy, John Smith asked no
more ques­tions. He didn't even have ques­tions. He rose im­me­di­ately from
his seat and walked out of the cafe with­out any hes­i­ta­tion.

There was no one to stop him. The strong­est man here was John Smith, and
no one could stop him from do­ing any­thing. Of course, there was no one
who could pro­tect and es­cort him, the strong­est. Pro­tect­ing John Smith was
an in­sult to his strength.

When John Smith left the cafe, he was able to face Kim Tae-hoon.

"I am John Smith, the head of the Pen­ta­gon."

In­tro­duc­tions were over. Con­sid­er­ing the char­ac­ters of the two, the in­tro­‐
duc­tions were all they could do to each other at this time.

"You said you are Kim Tae-hoon, what did you come here for?"

Kim Tae-hoon did not an­swer John Smith's ques­tion. He gave a brief no­tice.
"You can choose whether to co­op­er­ate by your­self or to co­op­er­ate by

John Smith laughed at the no­tice, as if he were grate­ful that Kim Tae-hoon
had said that.

"Yes, you should do that." He nod­ded fur­ther. "It's fun for you to come out
like that."

John Smith was a Hunter who had been cho­sen by God be­yond his nat­u­ral
level. He was dif­fer­ent from the be­gin­ning. When the mon­ster ap­peared, he
be­came an Awak­ener, and from the mo­ment he be­came an Awak­ener, his

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

abil­ity was dif­fer­ent. All his ranks were above B rank. Among them, En­‐
ergy and Mana were A rank.

It was so ridicu­lous that it could not be ex­plained sim­ply by the word

"luck". It was more ap­pro­pri­ate than any­one to say that God had cho­sen

Of course, he was dif­fer­ent from the be­gin­ning. He was on the eat­ing side,
not the be­ing eaten side, from the start. He had de­stroyed or de­voured quite
pow­er­ful mon­sters, as well as clumsy Awak­en­ers.

He was even dif­fer­ent from the start­ing point. Most peo­ple en­tered the age
of mon­sters in homes and build­ings with noth­ing, in blocked sub­way sta­‐
tions, and in big marts. John Smith en­tered this era in the mil­i­tary. In the
U.S. mil­i­tary, re­garded the strong­est in hu­man his­tory, he had started a war
with mon­sters.

He had not ex­pe­ri­enced a real de­feat or cri­sis. In the days of mon­sters and
re­peated fight­ing, he felt bored. It was the bore­dom that there was no en­emy
to fight against with his full power. It was the thirst to test his strength prop­‐
erly once again. Those who had power at the apex were sup­posed to have it!

"When I heard about you, I wanted to fight you."

"It's my last warn­ing. De­cide whether you will co­op­er­ate or not." Kim Tae-
hoon gave no­tice to John Smith.

John Smith smiled in­stead and pulled up the En­ergy in­side. His eyes turned
golden. The golden light that be­gan in his eyes wrapped around his whole
body. His mus­cles were swelled to burst­ing and at the same time be­came so
strong that even a bul­let could not pierce them. The mus­cle fibers had be­‐
come steel.

It was a clear an­swer. John Smith had no in­ten­tion of co­op­er­at­ing. That was
all he could do.

As soon as John Smith fin­ished all prepa­ra­tions for the bat­tle, Kim Tae-
hoon fin­ished ev­ery­thing.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

Whack! Kim Tae-hoon's body nar­rowed the dis­tance to John Smith at once,
and his black fist made John Smith's golden body a head­less body. It was a
fu­tile but nat­u­ral re­sult. If a puppy was not afraid of a tiger, the re­sult was

John Smith, who lost his head, fell to the ground, just like that.

'What is this?'

'What the hell?'

No one moved. Ev­ery­one stood there par­al­yzed, un­able to even swal­low.

It was Ground Zero. Lit­er­ally, ev­ery­thing be­came zero with­out be­ing able to

Only one man moved there. Mao Spencer ap­peared be­fore Kim Tae-hoon.



The Spencer Fam­ily where Mao was adopted was a no­ble fam­ily of Eng­‐

Theirs was not a great story. The Spencers needed a tal­ented per­son to shine
and dec­o­rate their fam­ily, and Mao, a Hong Kong-born child with an out­‐
stand­ing tal­ent for art, was their de­sired per­son.

For Mao, the Spencers were the best stage to un­leash his tal­ents to the
fullest. It was no loss to any­one. The life af­ter he had the name Mao
Spencer was so flat. Ev­ery­thing he wanted was his.

There was no fail­ure, no frus­tra­tion. It was the same af­ter the ad­vent of the
mon­sters. By the time the mon­sters ap­peared, Mao was man­ag­ing ar­ti­facts
for a new ex­hi­bi­tion of the British Mu­seum. Be­haim's Globe was one of
them, and the Codex Gi­gas was also one of them.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

There were a lot of relics in his hands. Even Mao was pre­par­ing for the ex­‐
hi­bi­tion by film­ing all of them over and over with his cam­era.

The first per­son to dis­cover the relics was Mao. That alone was the end of
the game. Mao was able to grasp the value of relics be­fore any­one else af­ter
the ar­rival of the mon­sters, and the name Spencer be­came a power in a
chaotic age.

In the mean­time, af­ter he grasped Stone­henge's abil­ity to move through

space, Mao then put into prac­tice the idea that he only imag­ined be­fore.

Mao moved to Tai­wan with ev­ery­thing. He was quickly aware of the lim­i­ta­‐
tions that the coun­try of Eng­land would face in the age of mon­sters. In Eng­‐
land, Mao Spencer was just an out­stand­ing man, but the mo­ment he ap­‐
peared in Tai­wan with ev­ery­thing, he could be a sav­ior. There was no worry
about choos­ing be­tween hero and God, the dif­fer­ence was ob­vi­ous.

Af­ter that, ev­ery­thing went smoothly, as planned and as hoped. Mao cre­ated
a group called the Six Snakes, and he used the relics of the British Mu­seum
and the Tai­wan Palace Mu­seum to ex­tend the in­flu­ence of the Six Snakes.

In an era of chaos, the truth of the Six Snakes was the only truth that could
deal with the con­fu­sion. Mao, who cre­ated the truth, was like God. That
was what he wanted.

Mao didn't want to be the ruler of the world. He didn't mean to be a king or
an em­peror. He didn't mean to be a mor­tal, with only one line in the his­tory
books, and a name and a story left.

God! As time went by, he wanted his ex­is­tence to be­come more and more
enor­mous and great. Mao did not want to be a man who was loved or cho­‐
sen by God, he wanted to be God him­self. So, at this mo­ment, Mao was
con­fi­dent that he would be God him­self and im­mor­tal.

'There's still a chance. I'm not dy­ing. No, I can't die.' So, Mao was con­fi­dent
that he would not die here to­day. 'If I live here, no one can kill me.'

That was why Mao ap­peared in front of Kim Tae-hoon.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘



"You're smaller than I thought. I thought you'd be an ab­surd mon­ster."

The first meet­ing be­tween the two, Mao and Kim Tae Hoon, which could
not be ex­plained as sim­ply en­mity, was achro­matic. They were look­ing at
each other with ghastly ex­pres­sions on their faces, and their words showed
no emo­tions. There was only a gen­eral no­tice.

"I'd heard that you were dead... Did you dis­guise your death just for this?
That's amaz­ing. You have hid­den your­self from my eyes like that in this
age. No, maybe it's just that I re­ally wanted to be­lieve in your death."

The re­la­tion­ship be­tween the two was not close enough to tell the de­tails to
the other.

"Of course, it's not very im­por­tant now."

It was a re­la­tion­ship where ei­ther side had to dis­ap­pear to at­tain what they
wished, noth­ing worse, noth­ing bet­ter.

For Mao, that was all of the con­ver­sa­tions he had to share with Kim Tae-
hoon. In ad­di­tion, it was not as im­por­tant as he said. No mat­ter what the
process was, Kim Tae-Hoon was alive and stand­ing in front of Mao, and
Mao's ac­tions now were only to sur­vive.

So, Mao went straight to the point."If you kill me, the Mayan Cal­en­dar will
be de­stroyed im­me­di­ately. If the Mayan Cal­en­dar is de­stroyed, ex­actly 15
days later, the Quet­zal­coatl will ap­pear in the world."

It was a threat.

" Quet­zal­coatl is a mon­ster in a dif­fer­ent di­men­sion than the two pur­ple

grade mon­sters you've en­coun­tered. Even if you kill it, then half the world
will al­ready be burn­ing." It was the most pow­er­ful and for­mi­da­ble of all

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

"You're the only one who may sur­vive."

The threat was enough to make say­ing some­thing like he in­tended to shoot
nu­clear weapons laugh­able. In fact, Mao's words were not false.

"In the Codex Gi­gas, called the Devil's Bible, there is in­for­ma­tion about
mon­sters. So, I hope you don't take my words for noth­ing. The Quet­zal­coatl
is a dis­as­ter greater than you can imag­ine."

Mao, af­ter in­tim­i­dat­ing him, be­gan trad­ing on the ba­sis of the threats.

"If you spare me, I'll hand over the Mayan Cal­en­dar. That's all. Af­ter that,
you will try to kill me even if I tell you not to kill me. Isn't that a sim­ple
story? You just let me go once, get the Mayan Cal­en­dar, and kill me af­ter­‐
wards. No mat­ter where you look, it's not a los­ing busi­ness."

Kim Tae-hoon an­swered the pro­posal.


A sin­gle shot from some­where pen­et­rated Mao's chest. It was made by a

gun float­ing in the air un­der the power of Kim Tae-hoon.

"Ugh!" Mao knelt on the floor, a star­tled look in his eye, his hand grab­bing
his chest where the bul­let had pen­et­rated.

Mao shouted out loudly, burn­ing the life that was es­cap­ing him. "If, if you
kill me, the Mayan Cal­en­dar!..."

"I'll give you three rea­sons." Only then did Kim Tae-hoon speak to Mao.

"One, all I be­lieve in is my col­leagues, my men, and my com­rades. Mao,

you are not in­cluded in those." A gun float­ing in the air came into Kim's
hand, and he pointed it at Mao's head.

"Two, I'm not here for a deal, I'm here for the price of the blood that has
been shed so far, as well as the price of the blood that will be shed in the fu­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 160 - Judgement Day, Part Ii ⦘

"You, you're mak­ing a mis­take, if the Quet­zal­coatl wakes up..."

"Three, when it wakes up, I'll just kill it. That's why I'm here."

Blam! The con­ver­sa­tion fin­ished, Kim Tae-hoon pulled the trig­ger again.
There was just one more shot. Kim Tae-hoon no longer needed to speak to

Kim Tae-hoon, who had killed the two with­out a break, now spoke to the
crowd. "I will only say this once. De­cide whether you will co­op­er­ate on
your own or not."

The crowd didn't an­swer but lifted their hands over­head in a flash.

See­ing that, Kim Tae-hoon took a jade bird out of his sleeve and spoke to it.
"Jang Sung-hoon, the judg­ment is over. Start­ing now, we're go­ing to hunt
the Quet­zal­coatl."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

Chap­ter 161 - Judge­ment Day, Part

Chap­ter 55. Judge­ment Day, Part III

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


Above the blue sky in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., and the vast ex­panse of the sky,
where there was no pol­lu­tion at all, black dots ap­peared.

The black dots that ap­peared were AC-130 gun­ships. Ugly planes, nick­‐
named An­gels of Death, were con­tin­u­ing their flight to An­drews Air Force
Base in the heart of Wash­ing­ton, D.C.

'It's sim­i­lar to the scenery then', Kim Tae-hoon mused, look­ing at the scene
with­out a word. At this mo­ment, he re­called one of the many scenes of
death that Napoleon's Golden Glass had shown him: the scene of the dy­ing,
watch­ing the in­com­ing AC-130 gun­ship, all fir­ing at him in the dev­as­tated
land. In that dream, he had left him­self some­thing to do be­fore he died. He
had left a bucket list.


'You've kept ev­ery­thing, but one.' Two of those three things were done, and
one was not done. Kim Tae-hoon smiled at the fact.

'When this is over, I'll fin­ish the rest.' Kim Tae-hoon's rec­ol­lec­tion ended
there. He got up from his seat.


⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘


An­drews Air Force Base...

The Navy and Air Force In­te­grated Base in Wash­ing­ton D.C. was one of the
most im­por­tant and spe­cial of the count­less air bases in the United States.

There were two rea­sons. Wash­ing­ton D.C. was the US capi­tol, and was
where the Air Force One's home was. These two facts alone made the pres­‐
ence of An­drews Air Force Base in­com­pa­ra­ble to any other air base.

"Boss!" The ti­tle, which had never been used be­fore at An­drews Air Force
Base, echoed out. Jang Sung-hoon was the start­ing point of the ti­tle, and at
the end of the ti­tle was Kim Tae-hoon.

"I haven't seen you in a long time!" Jang Sung-hoon, who was ap­proach­ing
hap­pily, im­me­di­ately opened his arms, as if to hug him.

Kim Tae-hoon said to Jang Sung-hoon, "What about what I or­dered?"

"Oh, boss, I've just met you for the first time in a few months, and can't tell
you af­ter you hug me? We should take a pic­ture. How cool would that be?
It'll be a great pic­ture of the fu­ture gen­er­at­ion. It'll be in his­tory books, too."

"I can't do what your wife can't do first."

"Well, you've must've made a lot of jokes in the mean­time."

"I don't do jokes."

At the words of Kim Tae-hoon, Jang Sung-hoon turned his head back as if
he were sick of them. Be­hind them, he saw the sol­diers car­ry­ing the things
in the trans­port plane. Ev­ery­one was wear­ing a black lizard leather uni­form,
and on both shoul­ders were badges of the Taegeukgi Ko­rean flag and Mac

Jang Sung-hoon once again laughed at Kim Tae-hoon and then shouted in a
salut­ing pos­ture. "We have com­pleted the prepa­ra­tion of a to­tal of 896

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

relics, in­clud­ing 533 spe­cial relics of the sec­ond grade, 271 rare relics of the
first grade, 77 spe­cial relics of the first grade, and 15 leg­endary relics."

At the re­port, Kim Tae-hoon put his hand lightly on Jang Sung-hoon's

Jang Sung-hoon's smile was drawn. How­ever, his smile did not seem so
bright. Through the smile, he care­fully spoke out, "Boss, if you hadn't killed
Mao, it would have been eas­ier. You wouldn't have to fight Quet­zal­co­huātl
right away."

Jang had al­ready re­ceived the re­port that Kim had ig­nored mak­ing a deal
with Mao and killed him. In­stead of sav­ing Mao and post­pon­ing the bat­tle
with Quet­zal­co­huātl un­til later, Kim killed Mao and chose to kill the mon­‐

"Did you have any rea­son?"

In fact, it was not re­lated to Jang Sung-hoon. He was not a Hunter. So, he
did not have to face a ter­ri­ble mon­ster.

But Kim Tae-hoon was dif­fer­ent. Only the strong­est Hunter, Kim, could
face the most pow­er­ful mon­ster, Quet­zal­co­huātl, in the present sit­u­at­ion,
and go hunt­ing it. It was a very nat­u­ral, and very dif­fi­cult fact. Even if he
had an im­mor­tal body, even if he had an un­lim­ited power that would not
tire, it would not elim­i­nate the fear and pain that Kim Tae-hoon would face.

The same was true of the bat­tle with Quet­zal­co­huātl. While Kim killed it,
the pain and an­guish he would have to en­dure dur­ing that time no one
would dare to imag­ine, and would not be able to take it in his place.

There­fore, Jang Sung-hoon had wanted Kim Tae-hoon to ne­go­ti­ate with

Mao. If Kim ne­go­ti­ated with Mao, the world would be a lit­tle more trou­ble­‐
some, but in­stead, Kim would be a lit­tle more com­fort­able.

"Deal­ing with him... I def­i­nitely had that in mind."

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

It was the same with Kim Tae-hoon. He was firm, but he was not a very
stub­born man. If it was more prof­itable and more ra­tio­nal, he could ig­nore
his per­sonal feel­ings.

It was not that much dif­fer­ent from Mao. If he had de­cided that Mao was
not a threat, Kim Tae-hoon would not have killed him im­me­di­ately.

"But why did you just kill him right away?" How­ever, Kim Tae-hoon did
not talk to Mao for long, killing him af­ter a short con­ver­sa­tion.

"Hous­ton." Kim did not do that with­out any rea­son, with­out any feel­ing or
with the ha­tred of Mao.

"When I heard about Hous­ton, I de­cided I wouldn't make a deal with him."

"Yes? What does Hous­ton have to do with it?"

When the word "Hous­ton" came out of Mayor Bean Co­hen's mouth when
Kim res­cued him, Kim im­me­di­ately re­mem­bered. "There's a NASA lab in

"Oh, re­ally? And?"

"Do you know what the most im­por­tant tech­nol­ogy in space re­search is?"

"Isn't that... rocket tech­nol­ogy?"

"Wire­less tech­nol­ogy."

"Wire­less tech­nol­ogy?"

One of the most im­por­tant things in space re­search was wire­less tech­nol­‐
ogy, be­cause space re­search was im­pos­si­ble within the scope of wire.

The same was true of NASA. They were study­ing how to send and re­ceive
more in­for­ma­tion faster and more in an ex­treme space that they could not
ex­pe­ri­ence on Earth. They stud­ied wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy that
could get in­for­ma­tion out from a ridicu­lous en­vi­ron­ment.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

It was per­fectly pos­si­ble for them to con­duct re­search that would en­able
wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion even now, a time when wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion
was not pos­si­ble. It was also pos­si­ble that NASA re­searchers, who had
found a way to com­mu­ni­cate wire­lessly even in space, could find a way to
com­mu­ni­cate wire­lessly on Earth.

"Boss, how the hell did you think of that?"

But it wasn't some­thing any­one could think of. How many peo­ple could ac­‐
tu­ally con­nect the word Hous­ton to wire­less tech­nol­ogy re­search? And how
many peo­ple would con­clude that wire­less tech­nol­ogy would be an ab­so­lute
threat to mankind? There must be only one per­son in the world, Kim Tae-
hoon. And Kim Tae-hoon was not the only one who man­aged to reach out
for it.

"It was a dream."


"I don't wear a smart­watch."

"A smart­watch... in front of the Bucheon Li­brary... Ah!"

In the first dream that Napoleon's Golden Glass showed, Kim was wear­ing
a smart­watch on his wrist. That was a def­i­nite clue, in­di­cat­ing that wire­less
com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy would be re­stored in some way in the world of
the fu­ture. Oth­er­wise, he would never have worn a smart­watch. Even­tu­ally,
Kim had come up with the an­swer Jang had reached.

"Nu­clear weapons... Mao was go­ing to use nu­clear weapons. If we have

wire­less tech­nol­ogy, we'll be able to use nu­clear bombs."

If Kim had given him time, Mao would have threat­ened Kim and Mac
Guild with a nu­clear weapon launch, not Quet­zal­co­huātl. It was when Kim
reached that fact that he was de­ter­mined to re­move Mao. He didn't have any
hes­i­ta­tion when he made up his mind.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

"My God, if you let him live..." In front of Kim Tae-hoon, Jang did not ex­‐
press his ad­mi­ra­tion for a long time. He put out his tongue with a short spit
and smiled.

"Now, let's move on to cli­max." Jang Sung-hoon, who said those words,
took a Golden Glass out of his bag.

"I hope this is the last time. Hon­estly, it's much bet­ter not to have this."

The red liq­uid filled the Golden Glass. It had been of the most valu­able help
to them, yet was the most use­less thing in the world.

"I don't know when it will be, but I'll see you in the fu­ture."

At the words of Jang Sung-hoon, Kim Tae-hoon closed his eyes.



When Kim Tae-hoon opened his eyes, a great wilder­ness filled his eyes.
There was a huge shadow, a dark cloud, over the wilder­ness where a crea­‐
ture could not grow. But it was not a dark cloud. The dark­ness was a
shadow cre­ated by a huge dragon mov­ing over the sky, cov­er­ing the sun.

It was a huge mon­ster. The snake-like green body was over a kilo­me­ter
long, with a red mane that re­sem­bled the lion's mane on its head, and a wing
on its back that re­minded him of an an­gel. But the most in­tense thing was
not that ap­pear­ance, but the two pur­ple eyes on its head.

'It's awe­some.'

Re­fus­ing to com­pare with any­thing else, Quet­zal­co­huātl, who was in it­self a

dis­as­ter and an end, had a si­lence that did not match its grandeur. It was not
even cry­ing. It did not do any­thing to threaten the other mon­sters to face it,
or scream to make them feel fear. It was not nec­es­sary.

'It is go­ing to burn half the world.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

Its ex­is­tence it­self was a dis­as­ter and a ter­ror. The same was true of Kim
Tae-hoon. Shiv­er­ing, his arms trem­bled slightly; he had not thought he
would not trem­ble be­fore any mon­ster again. He took his trem­bling right
hand in his left hand. He looked at the back of his right hand with black

[Ba­sic Abil­i­ties]

-- Strength: 2313

-- Health: 2441

[Spe­cial Abil­i­ties]

-- En­ergy: S Rank

-- Mana: S Rank

-- Telekine­sis: S Rank

-- De­fense: S Rank

-- Mana Re­sis­tance: S Rank

Kim looked at his abil­ity, which had noth­ing more to add. At the same time,
he looked around. There were count­less relics stand­ing around him like a
tomb­stone. There were many dif­fer­ent kinds. There were var­i­ous kinds with
unique per­son­al­it­ies in one place, start­ing with spears, knives, and swords,
and there were stone stat­ues made of huge mon­u­ments and stones all over
the place.

There was one thing that they had in com­mon, which was not vis­i­ble on the
sur­face; they served only one mas­ter. Over a thou­sand pow­er­ful relics were
talk­ing to their only mas­ter, Kim Tae-hoon, that ev­ery­thing was ready.

At that fact, Kim Tae-hoon smiled lightly and grabbed a sword to meet their
will. At the same time, he re­called to­day's date and his sit­u­at­ion.

'It's Sep­tem­ber 3, 2018... I am still alive.'

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 161 - Judgement Day, Part Iii ⦘

As soon as he fin­ished think­ing about it, he threw the Sword of the Im­per­a‐­
tor in his hand at the Quet­zal­co­huātl in the sky.

Phat! At the same time, the relics ev­ery­where be­gan to soar along the pil­lars
of light high up into the sky, fol­lowed by all sorts of bells ring­ing them­‐
selves grandly.

That was how the hunt be­gan. The fi­nal hunt of Kim Tae-hoon, the First
Hunter, who would be re­mem­bered long and who had changed his­tory, be­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

Chap­ter 162 (End) - Epi­logue

Trans­la­tor: Khan

Ed­i­tor: RED


On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, mon­sters ap­peared in the world. It was un­ex­pected

and the pres­ence of the mon­sters was unimag­in­ably pow­er­ful. In front of
the mon­sters, peo­ple shouted, "The world is com­ing to an end!" and through
that cry, no one dared to say that man was the lord of all things. Hu­man be­‐
ings, far from the lord of all things, had be­come prey for mon­sters.

It was a se­ries of mis­er­able re­al­i­ties, and mis­er­able days went by. In that
wretched­ness, the end of mankind seemed to be at hand. Even if mankind
sur­vived, there would be no more glory than in the past.

That was what ev­ery­body imag­ined.

How­ever, the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea and the land of the Ko­rean Penin­sula de­‐
nied all of that. The 51-story Mac build­ing, tow­er­ing in the mid­dle of
Bucheon City, Gyeonggi Prov­ince, Ko­rea, was proof. Above all, the build­‐
ing, which rose up­right and dig­ni­fied, was clear ev­i­dence that the world
would re­gain its glory of the past, as well as move on, based on the age of
mon­sters. At the same time, the build­ing was also proof of a man's in­flu­‐


"On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, that big mart over there was the be­gin­ning of Mac
Guild. There was a rev­o­lu­tion in that place that changed the his­tory of

It was Jang Sung Hoon, the sec­ond mas­ter of the Mac Guild, and now a
man of power rul­ing the world. He was a very young man, with the power

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

to dec­o­rate his pri­vate man­sion or villa, with the enor­mous art trea­sures of
the Lou­vre or the British Mu­seum. He had no choice but to be very young.
On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, when mon­sters ap­peared, he was a young man who
was just over twenty years old, and that was only five years ago. Nat­u­rally,
he was still in his twen­ties.

"And that hos­pi­tal over there is where the fa­mous doc­tor Ahn once worked.
If Dr. Ahn hadn't come to buy en­ergy drinks at the large mart at the end of
the year for an er­rand, she would not be here now."

It was even more amaz­ing that he had more than twice as many days to live
in the fu­ture than he had lived in the past, since he had ac­cu­mu­lated ev­ery­‐
thing he could, power and wealth. Of course, the world en­vied Jang.

"If you're done with the ex­pla­na­tion, can I ask you a ques­tion now?"

"As you wish."

"What do you think about the fact that Pres­i­dent Cho gave pref­er­en­tial
treat­ment in the Mac Build­ing con­struc­tion process?"

At the same time, they were both jeal­ous and sus­pi­cious of Jang. Now, the
beau­ti­ful re­porter in front of Jang Sung-hoon, Song Hye-sun was the same.
She was de­ter­mined to fight against the ab­sur­dity of the world with a strong
jour­nal­is­tic spirit, and she did not want to con­done the Mac Guild, which
had saved the world and was still sav­ing the world. If they were full of in­‐
jus­tice and cor­rup­tion, if they were cov­ered with ab­sur­dity, she was will­ing
to dig it out.

When she had the op­por­tu­nity to in­ter­view Jang Sung-hoon, she nat­u­rally
did not avoid it!

When asked such a ques­tion, Jang laughed be­fore an­swer­ing.

"Is my ques­tion funny?" Song Hye-sun's eyes flashed sharply.

"It is funny."

"What's so funny?"

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

"If you look down here, you'll see a va­cant lot next to the big mart I men­‐
tioned ear­lier. It was orig­i­nally a plaza in front of Bucheon City Hall, and in
the process of de­vel­op­ing Bucheon City as a spe­cial zone for Hunters, I de­‐
mol­ished Bucheon City Hall and the sur­round­ing area, but I left that park
alone. Do you know why?"


"Many peo­ple got a chance there: Yang Jung-hwan, mas­ter of Starfish Guild
in China, Lee Soo-young, one of the ex­ec­u­tives of Mac Guild, and Bang
Hyun-wook, who is now a Hunter rep­re­sent­ing Mac Guild. There was a his­‐
tor­i­cal and leg­endary event in that va­cant lot, and that's why I left that park

Song Hye-sun shut up, since if they were re­porters, if they were Ko­re­ans, if
they knew the his­tory of Mac Guild, they would know what Jang was talk­‐
ing about.

At the same time, it was a fact that ev­ery­one who had sur­vived the world
should re­mem­ber, keep in mind, and ap­pre­ci­ate.

"And you wouldn't have been a jour­nal­ist with­out that his­tor­i­cal event, be­‐
cause mon­sters don't do an in­ter­view, and it's funny in many ways."

"Is that the an­swer to the re­cent ru­mors of spe­cial pref­er­ences for the Mac
Guild's sec­ond mas­ter, Jang Sung-hoon?" Of course, Song Hye-sun was not
dis­cour­aged by the fact. If she was go­ing to be dis­cour­aged by this, she
wouldn't have come here in the first place.

Af­ter Jang Sung-hoon made a sullen look on her ap­pear­ance, he mut­tered to

him­self. "... she does not con­done it. They usu­ally con­done it here."


"Noth­ing." Jang Sung-hoon, who spoke to him­self quickly, con­tin­ued his

speech. "Pref­er­ences, that's ridicu­lous. Be­fore Cho Sung-yeon was elected
pres­i­dent, he was res­cued by Mac Guild, pro­tected, and be­came the first
pres­i­dent of the new uni­fied Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea, but the process was con­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

ducted by demo­cratic pro­ce­dures. If he was a per­son who gave pref­er­ence

to some­one, would he have been pres­i­dent?"

"But there are many in­di­ca­tions that Pres­i­dent Cho's re­cent poli­cies are
closely re­lated to the Mac Guild."

"Ko­rea is still un­der the threat of mon­sters, and right now sev­enty-three
per­cent of the world is still the ter­ri­tory of a mon­ster. Right now, Africa,
South Amer­ica, In­dia, and South­east Asia are still at war with mon­sters, and
that close re­la­tion­ship is nat­u­ral when the role of Ko­rea is more im­por­tant
than ever.."

"Then what do you think about the claim that the Mac Guild holds ex­clu­‐
sive rights to all the relics and that the other guilds can­not go on a proper
mon­ster hunt?"

To that ques­tion, Jang Sung-hoon smiled lightly be­fore an­swer­ing. With

that smile, he turned his head. Then a sheet of Dae­dongyeo­jido, which was
fill­ing one wall, came to his eyes. He opened his mouth in front of the map
where no light was vis­i­ble any­where. "Why do you think I'm sit­ting in the
Mac Guild's sec­ond mas­ter's seat?"


"The first mas­ter said that hu­man greed is end­less, and they re­peat the same

"Did he re­ally say that?"

"No, he did not... any­way, he left some words sim­i­lar in nu­ance."

"What ex­actly do they mean?"

"If they eat and be­come fat, they're not sat­is­fied by it, and they'll try to eat

At the an­swer, Song Hye-sun closed her mouth tight.

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

Jang Sung-hoon smiled at her and said, "It's kind of a shame that the mas­ter
of Mac Guild, the world's strong­est and best Hunter guild, beats those guys
who try silly things, and that's why I be­came the sec­ond mas­ter." At the end
of the words, Jang Sung-hoon turned his head and looked at Bucheon City,
which was more bril­liant than ever.

'As Boss said, it was not the end of the game to kill Quet­zal­coatl. Now that
the mon­sters are gone, hu­mans are go­ing to be mon­sters.' He looked at the
Bucheon City and re­mem­bered a man.

'How is the boss do­ing?' Jang Sung-hoon greeted the man in his heart. 'I'm
do­ing fine, ex­cept I haven't made a girl­friend yet.'

He gave a very sad greet­ing.



South Africa...

Lo­cated at the south­ern­most tip of Africa, it was a place of the great­est de­‐
spair in the mon­ster era. The rea­son was sim­ple: South Africa could not ex­‐
pect any help or aid from any coun­try, nor did it have the mil­i­tary power or
relics to win a vic­tory in the war against the mon­sters. It did not take long
for Jo­han­nes­burg, one of the ma­jor cities of South Africa, to be­come a huge

But there were those who sur­vived in such a world.

"Come on! Quickly!" It was the case for a boy and a girl who looked to be
about ten years old at best and looked enough alike to be sib­lings. It was a
mir­ac­ le to have sur­vived in a world that had been worse than hell for a long
time. At the same time, the two young sib­lings were ev­i­dence that there was
still hope in South Africa.

"Brother!" But now that hope was be­com­ing a can­dle in front of the ty­‐

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

Khung! Khung! It was be­cause of a huge dog with yel­low eyes that tried to
eat that hope in a ter­ri­ble and gru­el­ing way. It was un­usual that the dog had
two heads, and was big enough to chew up even the ele­phants out on the sa­‐
van­nah. It was a yel­low-grade mon­ster, a Killer Dog. This mon­ster of the
mon­sters was twice as fe­ro­cious as the two heads, and the two young sib­‐
lings could not deal with.

Khung! Khung!

Nev­er­the­less, be­cause of the pat­tern on the back of the two hands, the
brother and sis­ter could es­cape in front of the bloody mon­ster. Though the
pat­tern on the back of the hand might give the young chil­dren the power to
es­cape from the mon­ster of the mon­sters, there was no way they could do
any­thing about it.

"Ugh!" The girl, who was cross­ing the col­lapsed build­ing, fell on the
ground, and the boy, who was reach­ing out to his sis­ter through the lit­tle
hole, was fright­ened.

"Lia!" At that mo­ment the boy ran to­wards his sis­ter with­out wor­ry­ing,
with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

"Run! Run away!" The boy knew that if he threw his body at the mon­ster, if
he wet his skinny neck, his sis­ter could run away while the mon­ster sa­vored
him. It was the only way in the world to save one, not two. He knew that
there was no such thing as a mir­ac­ le or sal­va­tion in this world. The world in
which the eleven-year-old boy lived was such a world. To a boy, no, to a
much-too-young man, his sis­ter's life was more pre­cious than his own in
this fuck­ing world.

"Quickly!" The boy's cry had be­come a howl at some point. "Quickly!"

The fallen girl rose from the ground. At that mo­ment the girl's eyes
changed. Like a brother and a sis­ter, the girl's eyes were just the same as the

"Brother, you run away!" the girl shouted at her on­com­ing brother. The cry
baf­fled the boy. At this mo­ment he ag­o­nized over what to do to change his

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

sis­ter's mind.

Khung! Khung!! Mean­while, the Killer Dog burst into a pleased cry at the
ten­der smell of flesh that was just around the cor­ner.



Khung! Khung!!

The de­spair of the liv­ing and the joy of the mon­ster filled ru­ined Jo­han­nes­‐

Thump! The end of that sound was one of some­thing fall­ing from the sky.

Khung? Khung? The ap­pear­ance of the sound changed the cries of the mon­‐
ster, while the two had looks of ad­mi­ra­tion and sur­prise.

At that mo­ment the scream­ing Killer Dog fell to the ground. Blood oozed
from its two-headed tem­ples and be­gan to soak the ground.

Then, the two, who were hug­ging one an­other, looked at a man who they
could see only in sil­hou­ette, his back to the sun, with their trem­bling eyes.
Soon af­ter, young George asked as he looked at the man, "You, you..."
George was speech­less. At that mo­ment he re­called a word that peo­ple had
been look­ing for in the sky from a dark mem­ory.

"Are you a Mes­siah?"

The man an­swered the ques­tion. "No, I'm Mac Guild's Hunter..."

Keueoeoeoeong! Be­fore the man's words could fin­ish, there was an in­tense
scream, in­com­pa­ra­bly more pow­er­ful than the mon­ster be­fore. The source
of the scream was a gi­ant dog, Cer­berus, with three heads, and burn­ing blue

At the ab­surd scream, the faces of George and Leah went white. They re­‐
mem­bered that there was not a sin­gle be­ing who had sur­vived in front of

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

this mon­ster that ruled Jo­han­nes­burg.

On the other hand, the man frowned as if he were a lit­tle an­noyed, in­stead
of be­ing ner­vous or wor­ried. Tsre­ung! Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, as he frowned, one
of the two swords on his back moved.

Whoosh! The sword flew through the wind and cut off all three heads in a
sin­gle breath. The process was so easy, so sim­ple. Soon the drawn sword re­‐
turned to its orig­i­nal home.

The click of the sword go­ing into its sheath was very clear.

At the end of the clear sound, the man ut­tered his words. "I am the First
Hunter, Kim Tae-hoon."



On De­cem­ber 31, 2016, mon­sters ap­peared all over the world si­mul­ta­ne­‐

And on Jan­u­ary 1, 2022, I'm still alive.

-The end---


Trans­la­tor and Ed­i­tor's Af­ter­word:

This novel is over. It's been a very dif­fer­ent sort then the usual slay-all-the-
mon­sters teenage hero sort of thing, which gave its own fla­vor and charm.
We apol­o­gize for the de­lays. We hope you en­joyed this book, it's def­i­nitely
dif­fer­ent than any we've worked on in the past, and Khan would tell you
that the guy writ­ing this novel did so in ter­ri­bly for­mal, ar­chaic speech, like
lis­ten­ing to some royal his­to­rian from early last cen­tury, so it was def­i­nitely
in­ter­est­ing for both of us.

Good luck and good read­ing out there!

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘

⦗ The First Hunter c1-162 — Chapter 162 (End) - Epilogue ⦘


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