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Please Recite Durood at least once JazakAllah….

May Allah help us All…..Regards

Zeeshan Ullah

Kindly recite a dua for my beloved father Ehsan Ullah



Twitter and Insta: @zeeshane1113

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 1


The largest word in the Constitution of Pakistan that contains 15 letters is:
A. Demonaturements
B. Representatives
C. Demoralizations
D. Reproductmentry

Article 42 of the Constitution of Pakistan is about:

A. oath of senator
B. oath of prime minister
C. oath of president
D. oath of chief minister

Who becomes the acting President , once the Presidential seat gets vacant in
A. Chairman of Senate
B. As per decision of Federal Government
C. Speaker of National Assembly
D. Through polling in Parliament

Under the constitution of 1973, part vIII, chapter 2, if a govt’s tenure completes,
election should be held within?
A. 90 days
B. 60 days
C. 120 days
D. None of these

Under the constitution of 1973, part III, chapter 2, if a govt dissolves, election
should be held within ?
A. 120 days
B. 90 days
C. 30 days
D. SC decides

“Commission” means the Election Commission of Pakistan constituted under

A. Article 208
B. Article 218
C. Article 228
D. None of these

Which article of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with protection of

minorities ?
A. Article 34
B. Article 35

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 2


C. Article 36
D. None of these

Article 18 of constitution of 1973 deals with_____________?

A. Freedom of moment
B. Freedom of association
C. Freedom of trade
D. Freedom of speech

A general election to the National Assembly or a provincial Assembly shall be held

within a period of ______days:
A. 15
B. 30
C. 60
D. None of above

Which article of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with High treason?
A. Article 6
B. Article 10(A)
C. Article 19
D. None of these

Who became acting election commissioner in the absence of chief of election

commission of Pakistan?
A. Senior member of ECP
B. Chairman of Senate
C. Judge of supreme court
D. None of these

Which article of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with Elections by secret
A. Article 217
B. Article 224
C. Article 226
D. None of these

Article 25(A) of constitution of 1973 deals with______________?

A. Equality of citizen
B. Right to education
C. Right to information
D. None of these

Election Commission of Pakistan was established on:_________?

A. 23 March 1956
B. 26 November 1960
C. 14 August 1973
D. None of these

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 3


The Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan may resign his office by writing
under his hand addressed to the _________:
A. Chief Executive
B. President of Pakistan
C. Prime Minister
D. None of these

Which article of the Constitution from the following deals with Chief Election
A. 212
B. 313
C. 213
D. None of above

Urdu is declared the Official language of Pakistan under which article of

Constitution of Pakistan 1973
A. 250
B. 251
C. 252
D. 253

Islam is declared as a state religion under which article of the Constitution of

Pakistan 1973
A. Article: 1
B. Article: 2
C. Article: 3
D. Article: 4

Article 149 of the Constitution of Pakistan: What it says about federal

government’s Powers?
A. Power of President to direct Governor to discharge certain functions as his Agent
B. Acquisition of land for Federal purposes
C. A Local Government
D. Directions to Provinces in certain cases

Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended ___________ and ___________

A. 2nd and 3rd
B. 4th and 5th
C. 6th and 7th
D. None of above

Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended _____________ Articles?

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 4


Nineteenth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended __________ Articles?

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. None of above

Due to 18th amendment power of President to dissolve National Assembly under

Article __________ was diminished?
A. 58
B. 58(2)
C. 58(2)(b)
D. None of above

Name of the N.W.F.P was substituted Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through_______________?

A. 18th Amendment
B. 19th Amendment
C. None of the above
D. None of above

__________ Articles were substituted through Eighteenth Amendment ?

A. 19
B. 20
C. 21
D. None of above

Constitution Eighteenth Amendment was published in Official Gazette

A. 19th April, 2010
B. 20th April, 2011
C. 21st April, 2011
D. None of above

18th Constitutional Amendment Act was passed on__________________?

A. 19th April, 2010
B. 20th April, 2011
C. None of above
D. None of above

It was provided through ______ Amendment in the Constitution Article 58, after
clause (2) the following new clause shall be added, namely (3) the President in
case of dissolution of the National Assembly under paragraph (b) of clause (2)
shall, within fifteen days of the dissolution, refer the matter to the Supreme Court
and te Supreme Court shall decide the reference within thirty days whose
decision shall be final?
A. 15th
B. 16th
C. 17th
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 5


Constitution Sixteenth Amendment amended __________ Articles?

A. 1(27)
B. 2(27, 29)
C. 3(27, 29, 40)
D. None of above

Constitution Sixteenth Amendment Act was enacted on__________________?

A. 3rd August, 1997
B. 3rd August, 1998
C. 3rd August, 1999
D. None of above

Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill was passed by National Assembly

A. 15th October, 1997
B. 15th October, 1998
C. 15th October, 1999
D. None of above

Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on

A. 3rd July, 1997
B. 4th July, 1997
C. 5th July, 1997
D. None of above

Through __________ Amendment new Article 63A (Disqualification on ground of

defection) was added ?
A. Thirteenth
B. Fourteenth
C. Fifteenth
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 was amended by the Thirteenth Amendment

A. 3rd April, 1997
B. 3rd May, 1997
C. 3rd June, 1997
D. None of above

Constitution Twelfths Amendment was enacted on____________________?

A. 28th June, 1981
B. 27th July, 1991
C. 28th August, 1991
D. None of above

Tenth Amendment of the Constitution amended ____________ Articles?

A. 2
B. 4

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 6


C. 6
D. None of above

Constitution tenth Amendment was enacted on ___________________?

A. 25th February, 1987
B. 25th March, 1987
C. 25th April, 1987
D. None of above

In Eighth Amendment through Article __________ President was empowered with

power of dissolution of National Assembly ?
A. Article 56
B. Article 57
C. Article 58
D. None of above

Constitution 8th Amendment Act was published in Official Gazette on_____________?

A. 11th November, 1985
B. 12th November, 1985
C. 14th November, 1985
D. None of above

__________ Articles were amended by Seventh Amendment Act of the Constitution of

1973 ?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 was amended 7th time on_________________?

A. 16th May, 1977
B. 16th June, 1977
C. 16th July, 1977
D. None of above

Sixth amendment was published in official Gazette on_______________?

A. 1st January, 1977
B. 3rd January, 1977
C. 4th January, 1977
D. None of above

Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of 1973 affected ___________ Articles?

A. 10
B. 15
C. 16
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 was amended fourth time on______________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 7


A. 1st June, 1975

B. 14th August, 1975
C. 21st November, 1975
D. None of above

Constitution of Pakistan was amended third time on______________?

A. 13th February, 1975
B. 13th March, 1975
C. 13th April, 1976
D. None of above

The Constitution of Pakistan 2nd Amendment was made on_______________?

A. 21st August, 1974
B. 17th September, 1974
C. 21st September, 1974
D. None of above

Constitution of Pakistan 1973 was first time amended on________________?

A. 4th May, 1974
B. 4th June, 1974
C. 4th July, 1974
D. None of above

Oath for the office of President is provided in ___________ Schedule?

A. Third
B. Fourth
C. Fifth
D. None of above

First Schedule of the Constitution of 1973 is consisting ___________ parts?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of above

___________ can Proclaim emergency on account of war or internal disturbance, etc

under Article 232 of the Constitution ?
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. None of above
D. None of above

For the purpose of the Constitution period of time shall be reckoned according to
___________ calendar?
A. Gregorian
B. Hijri Calendar
C. None of above
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 8


Urdu is National Language of Pakistan as provided in Article _____________ of the

A. 251
B. 253
C. 254
D. None of above

No private organization capable of functioning as a military organization shall be

formed and any such organization shall be illegal as provided in Article ___________
of the Constitution ?
A. 250
B. 256
C. 260
D. None of above

Which Articles of the Constitution deals with formation of Public Service

Commission ?
A. 242
B. 252
C. 262
D. None of above

Article __________ of the Constitution deals with amendment of Constitution ?

A. 236
B. 238
C. 238-A
D. None of above

The Islamic Council shall consist of minimum ____________ members ?

A. 8
B. 15
C. 20
D. None of above

Under Article 226 all elections under the Constitution, other than those of the
Prime Minister and the Chief Minister, shall be be ___________ ballot?
A. Open
B. Secret
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Article 218 of the Constitution deals with______________?

A. Election Commission
B. Election Tribunal
C. Election Laws
D. None of above

A person appointed as Chief Election Commissioner shall held office for a term

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 9


A. Three years
B. Five years
C. Seven years
D. None of above

Who may be appointed as Election Commissioner ?

A. Minister of Law
B. Attorney General
C. Any retired Judge of Supreme Court or High Court
D. None of above

Article __________ of the Constitution deals with formation of administrative Courts

and Tribunals ?
A. 212
B. 215
C. 217
D. None of above

Supreme Judicial Council formed under Article 209 of the Constitution consist
_____________ members?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 7
D. None of above

Article 203DD of the Constitution provides ___________ power to Federal Shariat

Court ?
A. Revisional
B. Original
C. Advisory
D. None of above

Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with Constitution of High Court ?
A. 191
B. 192
C. 193
D. None of above

If a Judge is found guilty of misconduct his matter will be proceeded

A. Supreme Court
B. Relevant High Court
C. Supreme Judicial Council
D. None of above

Article 204 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with contempt of ______________?

A. High Court
B. Supreme Court

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 10


C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Article 203D of the Constitution deals with____________________?

A. Formation of Federal Shariat Court
B. Powers, jurisdiction and functions of Federal Shariat Court
C. None of above
D. None of above

Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court shall hold office for a period not
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. None of above

Federal Shariat Court shall consists of not more than ___________ Muslim Judges?
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. None of above

Constitutional Jurisdiction of High Court ___________ when adequate remedy is

A. Can be invoked
B. Cannot be invoked
C. Depends upon wish of petitioner
D. None of above

A High Court may make an order requiring a person within the territorial
jurisdiction of the court holding or purporting to hold a public office to show
under what authority of law the claims to hold that office is called writ
A. Certiorari
B. Quo-Warranto
C. Prohibition
D. None of above

Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with power of review of Supreme
Court ?
A. 186
B. 188
C. 190
D. None of above

Article ____________ of the Constitution 1973 deals with appellate jurisdiction of

Supreme Court ?
A. 184
B. 185

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 11


C. 186
D. None of above

Article 182 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with appointment of___________________?

A. Ad hoc Registrar of Supreme Court
B. Ad hoc Judges of Supreme Court
C. Ad hoc appointment of Supreme Court Staff
D. None of above

Before entering upon office the Chief Justice of Pakistan shall make oath before
the ____________________?
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Retiring Chief
D. None of above

The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the __________________?

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. National Assembly
D. None of above

Article _________, declare Federal Government owner of all lands, minerals and
other things of the value within the continental shelf or underlying the ocean
beyound the territorial waters of Pakistan ?
A. 167
B. 170
C. 172
D. None of above

The National Economic Council shall consist _____________ members?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. None of above

The Council of Common interests consist of ____________ members?

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. None of above

Article _________ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Federation to acquire land

for Federal purpose ?
A. 151
B. 152
C. 153
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 12


Articles __________ to ___________ of the Constitution of 1973 dals with distribution of

legislative powers ?
A. 141 to 144
B. 144 to 150
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

To became Advocate-General the person must be qualified to be______________?

A. Appointed a Judge of High Court
B. Appointed a Judge of District Court
C. None of above
D. None of above

Article ___________ , of the Constitution of 1973 deals with appointment of Advocate

General ?
A. 139
B. 140
C. 141
D. None of above

Article ____________ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Provincial Assembly to

pass vote of no confidence against Chief-Minister ?
A. 132
B. 133
C. 136
D. None of above

______________ is Chief executive of the Province ?

A. Governor
B. Chief Minister
C. None of above
D. None of above

Article 113 of the Constitution deals with qualification and disqualifications

A. Membership of Provincial Assembly
B. Membership of Armed Forces
C. Judges of High Courts
D. None of above

Article ___________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with Constitution of Provincial

Assemblies ?
A. 104
B. 106
C. 108
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 13


Before entering upon office the Governor shall make oath

A. President
B. Chief Justice of Supreme Court
C. Chief Justice of concerned High Court
D. None of above

To become an Attorney General of Pakistan the person must have

A. To be appointed a Judge of Supreme Court
B. To be appointed a Judge of High Court
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

The President shall appoint a person being a person qualified to be appointed as a

Judge of Supreme Court to be the __________ under Article 100 of the Constitution of
A. Minister of law
B. Auditor General
C. Attorney General for Pakistan
D. None of above

Article 95 of the Constitution deals with vote of no confidence

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. Chairman of The Senate
D. Chief Minister

According to Article 93 of the Constitution the President can appoint ____________

advisors on advice of Prime Minister?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 10
D. None of above

_______________is the head of the Cabinet ?

A. Prime Minister
B. Speaker
C. Chairman of Senate
D. None of above

Formation of cabinet is provided in_________________?

A. Article 90
B. Article 91
C. Article 92
D. None of above

Article 62 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with qualification of__________________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 14


A. Membership for Parliament

B. Judge of Supreme Court
C. President
D. None of above

A bill can be pass by ____________ in both houses of the Parliament ?

A. 1/3 majority of total membership
B. 2/3 majority of total membership
C. 3/4 majority of total membership
D. None of above

It is restricted in Article ___________ of Constitution that no discussion shall take

place in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) with respect to the conduct of any Judge of
Supreme Court and a High Court in the discharge of his duties ?
A. Article 58
B. Article 68
C. Article 78
D. None of above

The Presiding Officer of the Senate is called________________?

A. Speaker
B. Deputy Speaker
C. Chairman
D. None of above

Disqualification on grounds of defection of Members of Parliament is provided in

Article ____________ of The Constitution?
A. 62
B. 63
C. 63A
D. None of above

Article 63 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with disqualification

A. Memers of National Assembly
B. Senate members
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

The system of election adopted for Senate in Constitution of 1973 is called

A. General election
B. Proportional representation
C. None of above
D. None of above

Each province have ______________ seats in the Senate?

A. 14
B. 16

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 15


C. 18
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 provides ____________ elections for President ?

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. None of above
D. None of above

Under Article 58, the President shall dissolve the National Assembly at advice
A. Speaker
B. Chairman of Senate
C. Prime Minister
D. None of above

Minimum age for membership of National Assembly is__________________?

A. 25 years
B. 30 years
C. 35 years
D. None of above

Federal Capital area has ____________ seats in National Assembly?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None of above

Total strength of National Assembly members is________________?

A. 342 members
B. 352 members
C. 355 members
D. None of above

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has ______________ General Seats in National Assembly?

A. 35
B. 40
C. 43
D. None of above

Duration of National Assembly is 5 years, as provided in Article __________?

A. 50
B. 51
C. 52
D. None of above

Lower House of Pakistan Parliament is called _________________?

A. National Assembly
B. Senate

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 16


C. Cabinet
D. None of above

Article 49 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers _____________ to perform functions

of President in absence of the President?
A. Chairman of Senate
B. Speaker of The National Assembly
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Article ___________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with removal or impeachment

of President?
A. 45
B. 46
C. 47
D. None of above

President is empowered by Article ___________ of the Constitution to grant pardon,

reprieve, and respite and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence ?
A. 45
B. 56
C. 47
D. None of above

In Constitution of 1973 minimum age limit for President is held __________________?

A. 35 years
B. 45 years
C. 55 years
D. None of above

The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities
including their due representation in Federal and Provincial Services is provided
by Article _____________ of the Constitution 1973?
A. 35
B. 36
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

State is responsible for the protection of family, marriage, mother and child as
provided in________________?
A. Article 28, of the Constitution
B. Article 35, of the Constitution
C. Article 36, of the Constitution
D. None of above

Right to information is provided in _____________ of the Constitution of 1973 ?

A. Article 15
B. Article 19

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 17


C. Article 19-A
D. None of above

Article __________ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for
the purpose any particular religion ?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. None of above

Article 18 of the Constitution, 1973 deals with _______________?

A. Freedom of trade
B. Freedom of business or profession
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Freedom of assembly is provided in Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973?

A. 121
B. 15
C. 16
D. None of above

No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence is

provided in Article ____________, of the Constitution 1973 ?
A. 14
B. 14(I)
C. 14(2)
D. None of above

Article 12 of the Constitution of 1973 provided protection against ?

A. Terrorism
B. Illegal detention
C. Retrospective punishment
D. None of above

Right to fair trial is __________ right of every citizen of Pakistan ?

A. Fundamental
B. Inherent
C. Natural
D. None of these

Safeguards as to arrest and detention is provided in ___________ of the Constitution?

A. Article 8
B. Article 10
C. Article 12
D. None of these

Articles _________ to __________ of the Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights ?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 18


A. 8 to 28
B. 8 to 30
C. 8 to 32
D. None of these

Article 8 Constitution of 1973 describe any law inconsistent with or in derogation

of Fundamental rights ?
A. To be void
B. To be illegal
C. To be valid
D. None of these

Definition of the State is provided in Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973?

A. 7
B. 8
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or held in abeyance, or

attempts or conspires to abrogate or suspend or held in abeyance, the
Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional
means shall be guilty of_______________?
A. High treason
B. Felony
C. Sedition
D. Non of these

The basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan is that_________________?

A. He must be faithful person
B. He must play creative role for development of Pakistan
C. He must be loyalth to Pakistan
D. Non of these

Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in __________ of the

Constitution of 1973 ?
A. Article 1
B. Article 2
C. Article 2(A)
D. Non of these

The Constitution of 1973 declared Pakistan as_________________?

A. Republic of Pakistan
B. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
C. Federation of Pakistan
D. Non of these

Objectives Resolution demanded that Pakistan__________________?

A. Shall play its positive role for international community
B. Play model role for Muslim Countries

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 19


C. Both A and B
D. None of above

According to Objectives Resolution minorities shall be made________________?

A. Free to serve their lives according to their own religion
B. Bound to serve their lives according teachings of Islam
C. To serve their lives according to government policies
D. None of above

Objectives Resolution provided that the State shall exercise its powers and
authority through _____________________?
A. Dictators
B. Elected representatives of peoples
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

According to Objectives Resolution sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs

A. Public of Pakistan
B. Almighty Allah
C. Government of Pakistan
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 consist ___________________?

A. 6 schedules
B. 7 schedules
C. 8 schedules
D. None of these

The Constitution of 1973 came into force on_________________?

A. 23rd March, 1973
B. 12th May, 1973
C. 14th August, 1973
D. None of these

In Constitution 2nd Schedule through Twentieth Amendment the words ‘Chief

Election Commissioner’ were substituted by the words ?

A. Election Commission of Pakistan

B. Election Commission
C. Both A and b
D. None of above

Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 inserted Article _____________________?

A. 219A
B. 222A
C. 224A
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 20


Constitution Twentieth Amendment Act was passed on_______________?

A. 28th February, 2012
B. 29th February, 2012
C. 28th April, 2012
D. None of above

Nineteenth Amendment was assented to by the President on________________?

A. January 1, 2011
B. January 1, 2010
C. January 10, 2011
D. None of above

Right to Fair trial is granted by Article 10A, of the Constitution of 1973 which was
added by __________ amendment?
A. 17th
B. 18th
C. 19th
D. None of above

Eighteenth Constitution Amendment amended ____________ Schedules?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. None of above

Constitutional 18th amendment ___________ Articles of the Constitution of 1973

were amended ?
A. 69
B. 79
C. 89
D. None of above

L.F.O. is the abbreviation of________________________?

A. Law for Overseas
B. Legal Framework Order
C. Law For Origin
D. None of above

Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act was passed on________________?

A. 30 December, 2003
B. 31st December, 2003
C. 1st January, 2004
D. None of above

Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill could not be passed due to_________________?

A. Lapse of time
B. Dissolution of National Assembly
C. Illegality in procedure
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 21


Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment added ___________ new Articles in the

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None of above

Constitution Fourteenth amendment was enacted on________________?

A. 3rd July, 1997
B. 3rd August, 1997
C. 3rd September, 1997
D. None of above

Through _________ Amendment on 3rd April, 1997 sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of
Article 58 was omitted?
A. 11th
B. 12th
C. 13th
D. None of above

Constitution Twelfths Amendment was published in official Gazette

A. 28th July, 1991
B. 28th August, 1991
C. 28th September, 1991
D. None of above

Constitution Tenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on_________?

A. 27th March, 1987
B. 28th March, 1987
C. 29th March, 1987
D. None of above

Constitution Ninth Amendment Bill 1986 was lapsed due to__________________?

A. Illegality of procedure
B. Dissolution of National Assembly
C. None of above
D. None of above

__________ Articles of the Constitution were amended through Eighth Constitution

Amendment ?
A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. None of above

Eighth Amendment was enacted on_________________?

A. 9th November, 1985
B. 9th October, 1985

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 22


C. 9th December, 1985

D. None of above

Seventh Amendment was published in Official Gazette on ___________________?

A. 11th November, 1977
B. 16th May, 1977
C. 16th June, 1977
D. None of above

____________ of the Constitution of 1973 were amended through Sixth Amendment ?

A. 3 Articles
B. 4 Articles
C. 5 Articles
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 was amended sixth time on_________________?

A. 31st December, 1976
B. 1st January, 1976
C. 1st February, 1976
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 was amended fifth time on________________?

A. 13th September, 1976
B. 13th October, 1976
C. 13th November, 1976
D. None of above

___________ Articles were amended through 2nd Amendment of the Constitution ?

A. 2 Articles (106, 260)
B. 3 Articles (Article 1, 17 and 19)
C. 4 Articles (Article 1, 17, 19 and 160)
D. None of above

Through First Amendment ________ Articles of the Constitutions were amended ?

A. 12
B. 16
C. 18
D. None of above

____________ of the Constitution deals with remuneration and terms and conditions
of service of Judges ?
A. 4th Schedule
B. 5th Schedule
C. 6th Schedule
D. None of above

____________ Schedule of the Constitution deals with Legislative lists ?

A. 3rd
B. 4th

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 23


C. 5th
D. None of above

2nd Schedule of the Constitution provide election procedure for ____________________?

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. National Assembly
D. None of above

A bill passed by the Parliament (both houses) and assented by the President is
called _____________?
A. An Act
B. An Ordinance
C. Prime Minister
D. None of above

No citizen of Pakistan shall accept any title, honour or decoration from any
foreign State except with the approval of the ?
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Federal Government
D. None of above

Which Article of the Constitution from the following deals with immuity of
President from any criminal proceedings ?
A. Article 247
B. Article 248
C. Article 249
D. None of above

Constitution can be amended by __________ majority in both Houses of the

Parliament ?
A. Simple majority
B. 2/3 majority
C. 1/4 majority
D. None of above

The President has power to issue proclamation in case of failure of constitutional

machinery in a Province as provided in Article ____________ of The Constitution of
A. 232
B. 233
C. 234
D. None of above

Function of Islamic Council are provided in__________________?

A. Article 228 of the Constitution of 1973
B. Article 229 of the Constitution of 1973

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 24


C. Article 230 of the Constitution of 1973

D. None of above

Article _________ of the Constitution deals with composition of Islamic Council ?

A. 225
B. 227
C. 228
D. None of above

Articles ________ to _________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with Electoral laws and
conduct of elections ?
A. 222 to 226
B. 222 to 230
C. 222 to 235
D. None of above

Can any person can hold membership of 2 houses at the same time ?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Chief Election Commissioner before entering office shall make oath

A. Chief Justice of Pakistan
B. President
C. Chief of army staff
D. None of above

Supreme Judicial Council consists_________________?

A. Chief Justice of Pakistan and two next most Senior Judges of the Supreme Court
B. The two most Senior Chief Justices of High Courts
C. All of above
D. None of above

Article __________ of the Constitution deals with formation of Supreme Judicial

Council ?
A. 208
B. 209
C. 210
D. None of above

A Judge of Supreme Court or High Court may resign from his office by writing uner
his hand addressed to the ___________________ ?
A. Chief Justice of Pakistan
B. Prime Minister
C. President
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 25


Under Article 203F of the Constitution appeal can be made to Supreme Court
against the decision of_________________?
A. High Court
B. Federal Shariat Court
C. None of above
D. None of above

Article 203E of the Constitution deals with ____________________?

A. Original Power of Federal Shariat Court
B. Power and Procedure of Federal Shariat Court
C. Revisional Power of Federal Shariat Court
D. None of above

Before entering into office Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court shall make oath
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Chief Justice of Supreme Court
D. None of above

The principal seat of Federal Shariat Court shall be at____________________?

A. Islamabad
B. Capitals of all provinces
C. None of above
D. None of above

Articles 203 A to 203 J of the Constitution deals with___________________?

A. High Court
B. District Court
C. Federal Shariat Court
D. None of above

Article 199(1)(b)(i) deals with writ of____________________?

A. Certiorari
B. Habeas corpus
C. Quo-warranto
D. None of above

High Court may make an order directing a person performing within territorial
jurisdiction of the Court functions in connection with the affairs of the Federation,
a Province or a local authority to refrain from doing any thing he is not permitted
by law to do, the writ will be called ____________?
A. Writ of Mandamus
B. Writ of Quo-Warranto
C. Writ of Prohibition
D. None of above

Retiring age of High Court Judge is__________________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 26


A. 55 years
B. 60 years
C. 62 years
D. None of above

Under Article ___________, all executive and judicial authorities throughout Pakistan
shall act in aid of the Supreme Court ?
A. 190
B. 191
C. 192
D. None of above

If President desires to obtain opinion of Supreme Court about any question of law
Supreme Courts consider this will be called ____________ of Supreme Court?
A. Appellate Jurisdiction
B. Original Jurisdiction
C. Advisory Jurisdiction
D. None of above

Article ___________, of the Constitution deals with Original Jurisdiction of Supreme

Court ?
A. Article 184
B. Article 185
C. Article 186
D. None of above

Article 175A, provided ___________ for appointment of Judges of Supreme Court,

High Courts and Federal Shariat Court?
A. Supreme Judicial Council
B. Judicial Commission
C. Judicial Department
D. None of above

A Judge of Supreme Court hold office until he attains the age of_________________?
A. 60 years
B. 63 years
C. 65 years
D. None of above

Article ___________, of the Constitution of 1973 deals with constitution of Spreme

Court ?
A. 176
B. 186
C. 196
D. None of above
Article 160 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with _______________?
A. National Finance Commission
B. National Law and Order Committee

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 27


C. National Disaster Management

D. None of above

The President under Article ___________ of the Constitution shall constitute National
Economic Council?
A. 155
B. 156
C. 157
D. None of above

The Council formed under Article 153 of the Constitution of 1973 is known
A. National Security Council
B. Council of Common Interests
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

Administrative relations between Federation and Provinces are dealt by Articles

_________ to _________ of The Constitution?
A. 145 to 152
B. 151 to 155
C. 155 to 160
D. None of above

It shall be the duty of the __________ to give advice to Provincial Government upon
legal matters and to perform other duties of legal character ?
A. Attorney-General
B. Advocate-General
C. Provincial Minister of Law
D. None of above

Advocate-General is appointed by the ______________ ?

A. Chief Minister
B. Governor
C. Minister of Law
D. None of above

To move a resolution for vote of no confidence against Chief Minister Provincial

Assembly will need support of ____________ of total membership?
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. None of above

___________ is head of the Province ?

A. Governor
B. Chief Minister
C. None of above
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 28


Governor of Province have power to promulgate Ordinances under_______________?

A. Article 126
B. Article 127
C. Article 128
D. None of above

Governor has power to dissolve Provincial Assembly as provided by Article 112 at

advise of __________?
A. Chief Minister
B. Speaker of concerned Provincial Assembly
C. President
D. None of above

In absence of Governor of Province ____________ will perform Governors functions?

A. Speaker of the Provincial Assembly
B. Chief Minister of Province
C. Chief Justice of the Province
D. None of above

Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article 101 of
the Constitution of 1973 ?
A. 35 years and above
B. 40 years
C. None of above
D. None of above

Under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973 President appoint a ____________ on

the advice of Prime Minister?
A. Chief Ministers
B. Governor
C. Advocate General
D. None of above

A resolution for vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than

____________ % members of National Assembly against the Prime-Minister?
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. None of above

Article 95 of the Constitution deals with________________?

A. Vote of no confidence
B. Appointment of Federal minister
C. None of above
D. None of above

Before entering upon office a Federal Minister or Minister of State the Minister
shall make oath before______________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 29


A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. None of above
D. None of above

Under Article 90 of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the

Federation shall be exercised in the name of President by ?
A. The President
B. Prime Minister
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

Article 89 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ____________ to promulgate

A. Minister of Law
B. Prime Minister
C. President
D. None of above

According the Constitution of 1973 money bill can only be introduced in

A. Senate
B. National Assembly
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

Article _________ of the Constitution of 1973 describes procedure for introduction

and passing of bills in Parliament?
A. Article 70
B. Article 71
C. Article 72
D. None of above

Minimum age for candidate of Senate is_______________?

A. 25 years
B. 30 years
C. 35 years
D. None of above

Article 66 of the Constitution deals with privileges of ____________________?

A. Members of Parliament
B. President
C. None of above
D. None of above

A person who holds fual citizenship is disqualified for membership of Parliament

as provided in_____________?
A. Article 63(a)
B. Article 63(b)

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 30


C. None of above
D. None of above

A person shall not be qualified to be elected or chosen a member of Parliament

unless he fulfill the qualification according to Article __________, of the Constitution
of 1973?0
A. 61
B. 62
C. 73
D. Non of these

There are _________ seats for non Muslims in the Senate of Pakistan ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of above

There are ___________ seats for technocrats in the Senate ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of above

Under Article __________ of the Constitution the Senate shall consist 104 members?
A. Article 57
B. Article 59
C. Article 61
D. None of above

National Assembly is presided by _______________________?

A. Prime Minister
B. Speaker
C. Interior Minister
D. None of above

The Constitution of 1973 provided election for National Assembly ?

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. None of above
D. None of above

FATA has ___________ seats for women in National Assembly ?

A. 5
B. 3
C. 0
D. None of above

Seats reserved for women from Sindh in National Assembly are_______________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 31


A. 12
B. 14
C. 16
D. None of above

Punjab has __________ total Seats in National Assembly?

A. 150
B. 175
C. 183
D. None of above

Balochistan has __________ total Seats in National Assembly?

A. 14
B. 15
C. 17
D. None of above

__________ is Upper House of Parliament?

A. National Assembly
B. Senate
C. Provisional Assembly
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 provide ___________ kind of Parliament?

A. Uni cameral
B. Bi cameral
C. Tri cameral
D. None of above

Article 48 of the Constitution of 1973 bounds the President to act upon advice
A. Cabinet
B. Prime Minister
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

President can be removed from his office by the Parliament on ground of physical
or mental incapacity or misconduct through ?
A. Court proceeding
B. Process of impeachment
C. Process of election
D. None of above

Before entering upon office under Article ____________, the president shall make
oath before the Chief Justice of Pakistan?
A. 40
B. 41
C. 42
D. None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 32


Article ___________, of the Constitution, deals with Promotion of social justice and
eradication of social evils ?
A. 36
B. 37
C. None of above
D. None of above

According to 1973 Constitution _________ is head of the State?

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. chief Minister
D. None of above

According to Article __________ of the Constitution, all citizen are equal before law?
A. 19
B. 25
C. 27
D. None of above

Protection of property rights is ensured in Article __________ of The Constitution of

A. 22
B. 23
C. 24-A
D. None of above

Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of
public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by
law is provided in Article ________, of The Constitution of 1973?
A. 18
B. 19
C. 19A
D. None of above

Freedom of ___________ is provided in Article 17 of the Constitution of 1973?

A. Assembly
B. Association
C. None of above
D. None of above

Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of______________?

A. Speech
B. Movement
C. Schooling
D. None of above

Article 13 of the Constitution protects from__________________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 33


A. Illegal
B. Unfair trial
C. Double punishment
D. None of above

Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article __________, of the Constitution of
A. 11
B. 11-A
C. None of above
D. None of these

Article 10-A of the Constitution deals with_________________

A. Right to fair trial
B. Right to safeguard against illegal detention
C. None of above
D. None of these

Any right which has been provided by the Constitution of 1973 is

A. National right
B. Inherent right
C. Fundamental right
D. None of these

No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as

provided in_________________?
A. Article 8 of the Constitution of 1973
B. Article 9 of the Constitution of 1973
C. Article 10 of the Constitution of 1973
D. None of these

Articles __________ to ____________ of The Constitution of 1973 are providing Principles

of Policy?
A. 18 to 28
B. 29 to 40
C. 28 to 38
D. None of above

As per Article 6(3) ___________ is empowered to provide punishment of persons

found guilty of high treason?
A. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)
B. Supreme Court
C. Law enforcement agencies
D. None of above

Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is basic duty of every
citizen of Pakistan and it is provided in_____________?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 34


A. Article 5 of the Constitution

B. Article 5-A of the Constitution
C. Article 6 of the Constitution
D. None of above

According to Article 2A Objectives Resolution is ________ Part of the Constitution?

A. First
B. Corroborative
C. Substantive
D. Non of these

As per Article 1 of the Constitution territories of Pakistan shall

A. The Province of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab Sindh, Federal
Capital and FA
B. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and FATA
C. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Islamabad Capital Territory
D. Non of these

Objectives Resolution was set as ___________ in 1973 Constitution?

A. Preamble
B. Annexure
C. First Schedule
D. Non of these

According to Objectives Resolution independence of the judiciary shall

A. Attached
B. Fully secured
C. Developed
D. None of above

Objectives Resolution stress that the Muslims of Pakistan shall enable to order
their lives _________________?
A. Secular
B. As per teachings of Islam
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

According to Objectives Resolution authority enjoyed by the peoples of Pakistan

within limits prescribed by Almighty Allah as sacred _________________?
A. Trust
B. Right
C. Duty
D. None of above

Objectives Resolution was passed on____________?

A. January, 1949
B. February, 1949

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 35


C. March, 1949
D. None of above

Constitution of 1973 consist_________________?

A. 250 Articles,
B. 280 Articles
C. 285 Articles
D. None of these

Constitution of 1973 was authenticated and published in the official Gazette

A. 23rd March, 1973
B. 12th May, 1973
C. 12th April, 1973
D. None of these


1. Constitution of 1973 was authenticated and published in the official Gazette on
A. 23rd March, 1973
B. 12th May, 1973
C. 12th April, 1973

2. The Constitution of 1973 came into force on

A. 23rd March, 1973
B. 12th May, 1973
C. 14th August, 1973

3. Constitution of 1973 consist

A. 250 Articles,
B. 280 Articles
C. 285 Articles

4. Constitution of 1973 consist ______

A. 6 schedules
B. 7 schedules
C. 8 schedules

5. Objectives Resolution was passed on

A. January, 1949
B. February, 1949
C. March, 1949
D. None of above

6. According to Objectives Resolution sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to

A. Public of Pakistan

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 36


B. Almighty Allah
C. Government of Pakistan
D. None of above

7. According to Objectives Resolution authority enjoyed by the peoples of Pakistan

within limits prescribed by Almighty Allah as sacred _______
A. Trust
B. Right
C. Duty
D. None of above

8. Objectives Resolution provided that the State shall exercise its powers and authority
through _______
A. Dictators
B. Elected representatives of peoples
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

9. Objectives Resolution stress that the Muslims of Pakistan shall enable to order their
lives ________
A. Secular
B. As per teachings of Islam
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

10. According to Objectives Resolution minorities shall be made

A. Free to serve their lives according to their own religion
B. Bound to serve their lives according teachings of Islam
C. To serve their lives according to government policies
D. None of above

11. According to Objectives Resolution independence of the judiciary shall be

A. Attached
B. Fully secured
C. Developed
D. None of above

12. Objectives Resolution demanded that Pakistan

A. Shall play its positive role for international community
B. Play model role for Muslim Countries
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

13. Objectives Resolution was set as ______ in 1973 Constitution

A. Preamble
B. Annexure
C. First Schedule

14. The Constitution of 1973 declared Pakistan as

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 37


A. Republic of Pakistan
B. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
C. Federation of Pakistan

15. As per Article 1 of the Constitution territories of Pakistan shall comprise

A. The Province of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab Sindh, Federal
Capital and FATA
B. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and FATA
C. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Islamabad Capital Territory

16. Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in _____ of the Constitution of
A. Article 1
B. Article 2
C. Article 2(A)

17. According to Article 2A Objectives Resolution is _____ Part of the Constitution

A. First
B. Corroborative
C. Substantive

18. The basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan is that

A. He must be faithful person
B. He must play creative role for development of Pakistan
C. He must be loyalth to Pakistan

19. Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is basic duty of every citizen
of Pakistan and it is provided in
A. Article 5 of the Constitution
B. Article 5-A of the Constitution
C. Article 6 of the Constitution
D. None of above

20. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or held in abeyance, or attempts
or conspires to abrogate or suspend or held in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force
or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of
A. High treason
B. Felony
C. Sedition

21. As per Article 6(3) ______ is empowered to provide punishment of persons found
guilty of high treason
A. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)
B. Supreme Court
C. Law enforcement agencies
D. None of above

22. Definition of the State is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973
A. 7

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 38


B. 8
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

23. Articles ______ to _______ of The Constitution of 1973 are providing Principles of Policy
A. 18 to 28
B. 29 to 40
C. 28 to 38
D. None of above

24. Article 8 Constitution of 1973 describe any law inconsistent with or in derogation of
Fundamental rights
A. To be void
B. To be illegal
C. To be valid

25. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as
provided in
A. Article 8 of the Constitution of 1973
B. Article 9 of the Constitution of 1973
C. Article 10 of the Constitution of 1973

26. Articles ______ to _______ of the Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights
A. 8 to 28
B. 8 to 30
C. 8 to 32

27. Any right which has been provided by the Constitution of 1973 is called
A. National right
B. Inherent right
C. Fundamental right

28. Safeguards as to arrest and detention is provided in _______ of the Constitution

A. Article 8
B. Article 10
C. Article 12

29. Article 10-A of the Constitution deals with

A. Right to fair trial
B. Right to safeguard against illegal detention
C. None of above

30. Right to fair trial is ______ right of every citizen of Pakistan

A. Fundamental
B. Inherent
C. Natural

31. Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article ______, of the Constitution of 1973
A. 11

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 39


B. 11-A
C. None of above

32. Article 12 of the Constitution of 1973 provided protection against

A. Terrorism
B. Illegal detention
C. Retrospective punishment

33. Article 13 of the Constitution protects from

A. Illegal
B. Unfair trial
C. Double punishment

34. No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence is
provided in Article _____, of the Constitution 1973
A. 14
B. 14(I)
C. 14(2)
35. Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of
A. Speech
B. Movement
C. Schooling

36. Freedom of assembly is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973

A. 121
B. 15
C. 16

37. Freedom of ______ is provided in Article 17 of the Constitution of 1973

A. Assembly
B. Association
C. None of above

38. Article 18 of the Constitution, 1973 deals with

A. Freedom of trade
B. Freedom of business or profession
C. Both (a) and (b)

39. Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of
public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law is
provided in Article ______, of The Constitution of 1973
A. 18
B. 19
C. 19A

40. Article ______ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the
purpose any particular religion
A. 20
B. 21

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 40


C. 22

51. Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers President to promulgate


52. Formation of a cabinet is provided in Article __.


53. Under Article__ of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the Federation
shall be exercised in the name of the president by by the Federal Government,
consisting of the Prime Minister)

54. ____ is the head of the Cabinet.

Prime Minister
None of the above

55. According to Article 92 of the 1973 Constitution the number of Federal Ministers
and Ministers of State who are _.
Half of number
One-fourth of the number
Two-third of the number
Three-fourth of the number

56. Before entering upon office a Federal Minister or Minister of State the Minister shall
make oath before ____.
Prime Minister
Chief Justice
None of the above

57. According to Article 93 of the Constitution the president can appoint __ advisors on
the advice of the Prime Minister.
up to 3 advisors
up to 4 advisors
up to 5 advisors
up to 6 advisors

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 41


58. Article__ of the Constitution deals with the Vote of no Confidence against Prime

59. A resolution for a vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than __ %
members of the National Assembly against the Prime Minister.

60. The President shall appoint a person being a person qualified to be appointed as a
Judge of the Supreme Court to be the Attorney-General for Pakistan under Article __ of
the Constitution of 1973.

61. Under Article of the Constitution of 1973 President appoint a Governor for each
Province on the advice of the Prime Minister.

62. Under Article __ an Attorney General of Pakistan must have qualification to be

appointed as a Judge of Supreme Court.

63. Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article 101 of the
Constitution of 1973 not less than ___years of age.

64. Before entering upon office the Governor shall make oath before____.
Chief Minister of Province
Chief Justice of High Court
Interior Minister of Province

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 42


65. In absence of Governor of Province _ will perform Governors functions.

Chief Minister of Province
Chief Justice of High Court
Interior Minister of Province
None of the above

66. Article__ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the Constitution of Provincial

67. Governor has the power to dissolve the Provincial Assembly as Provided by Article
___ at the advice of Chief Minister.

68. Article ___ of the Constitution deals with qualification and disqualifications for
Membership of Provincial Assembly.

69. ____ is Chief Executive of the Province.

Chief Minister
Governor of province
Chief Justice High Court
None of these

70. ____ is head of the province.

Governor of the province
Chief Minister
Chief Justice of High Court
None of above

71. Article ____ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Provincial Assembly to pass a vote
of no confidence against Chief-Minister.

72. To move a resolution for a vote of no confidence against Chief Minister Provincial
Assembly will need the support of ____ total membership.

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 43



73. Article _ of the Constitution 1973 deals with the appointment of the Advocate

74. Advocate-General is appointed by the __.

Governor of the State
Chief Justice Supreme Court
Chairman senate
None of these

75. To become Advocate-General the person must be qualified to be ____.

A Judge of the High Court
Holding Master’s Degree
None of above

76. It shall be the duty of the ____ to give advice to the Provincial Government upon legal
matters and to perform other duties of legal character.
Governor of Province
Chief Justice High Court
None of these

77. Administrative relations between the Federation and Provinces are dealt with by
Articles _ to _ of the Constitution.

78. Article___ of the Constitution of 1973 empower Federation to acquire land for
Federal Purpose.

79. The Council formed under Article___ of the Constitution of 1973 is known as Council
of Common Interests.

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 44



80. The President under Article _ of the Constitution shall constitute the National
Economic Council.

81. The National Economic Council shall consists of _ members.


82. Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with National Finance Commission.

83. Article ____ declare Federal Government owner of all lands, minerals, and other
things of value within the continental shelf or underlying the ocean beyond the
territorial waters of Pakistan.

84. Article _ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the constitution of the Supreme

85. The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the __.

Prime Minister
Chairman Senate
None of above

86. A judge of the Supreme Court holds office until he attains the age of _.
60 years
62 years
64 years
65 years

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 45


87. Before entering upon office the chief justice of Pakistan shall make oath before the
Prime Minister
Chairman Senate
None of above

88. Article ___ , provided Supreme Judicial Council for the appointment of judges of
Supreme Court, High Courts, and Federal Shariat Court.

89. The Constitution of 1973 declared state religion of Pakistan as __.


89. The Constitution of __ declared Islam as the state religion of Pakistan.

All of above

90. According to Article __, the territories of Pakistan comprise Balochistan, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, and Islamabad Capital Territory.

91. Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in Article _ of the Constitution
of 1973.

92. According to Article __ Objective Resolution is Substantive Part of the Constitution.


93. To enjoy the protection of the law and to be treated in accordance with the law is the
Primary right of _____ .
Muslims only
Minorities only

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 46


None of above

94. Loyalty to the ____ is the basic duty of every citizen.

Prime Minister
Chairman Senate

95. No person shall be compelled to do that which the _ does not require him to do.
Prime Minister
Chief Justice

96. Obedience to the Constitution and law is the inviolable obligation of every person
living in ___.
Gilgit Baltistan

97. Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is the basic duty of every
citizen of Pakistan and it is provided in _.
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8

98. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or

attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance the
constitution shall be guilty of ____. (High treason)
Article 5
Article 6
Article 4
Article 3

99. The act of high treason is defined under Article ____ of the Constitution 1973.

100. An act of high treason shall not be validated by ___ .

Supreme Court
High Court
Any Court
None of above

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 47


Question 1: According to the Constitution's preamble, "Whereas the sovereignty over

the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by
the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by him is a Sacred __________."
A State
B Land
C Trust
D Nation

Question 2: The expenditure of the National Assembly and the Senate of Pakistan within
authorized appropriation shall be controlled by the National Assembly or, in the case
may be, the Senate acting on the advice of ?
A. Federal Cabinet
B. It's Finance Committee
C. Chairman
D. Finance Ministry

Question 3. According to Article 4 of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 1973

constitution, Every citizen of Pakistan has the right to enjoy the protection of the law
and to be treated in accordance with the law is the ____________ right .
A. Inherent
B. Inalienable
C. Natural

Question 4: According to Article 58(1) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of

Pakistan, 1973, the President shall dissolve the National Assembly from advised by the
_______ of Pakistan
A. Chief of Army Staff
B. Chief Justice
C. Attorney General
D. Prime Minister

Question 5: According to Article 60(2) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 1973

Constitution, the Chairman Senate's term is ______ years beginning on the day he joins
A. three
B. five
C. two
D. four

Question 6: Article 50 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 1973, the

Parliament of Pakistan consists of ___________
A. National Assembly
B. President and two Houses
C. President of Pakistan
D. Senate of Pakistan

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 48


Question 7: According to Article 31 of the Constitution of Pakistan, steps shall be taken

to enable the Muslims of Pakistan, individually and collectively, to order their lives in
accordance with the fundamental principles And basic concepts of Islam and to provide
facilities whereby they may be enabled to __________
A. Have free options to lead their lives
B. Be the best citizens of Pakistan
C. Bring their lives in line with the principles of natural justice
D. Understand the meaning of life according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah

Question 8: In accordance with Article 53(1) of the Constitution, the National Assembly
shall __________ elect a Speaker and Deputy Speaker from among its members following a
general election, and the Assembly shall elect a new Speaker whenever one of the
positions of Speaker or Deputy Speaker becomes vacant. or the Deputy Speaker, as the
case may be.
A. At its one of the early meetings and in addition to any other business
B. At its first meeting and after any other important business
C. At its first meeting and to the exclusion of an other business
D. At its first meeting and with the approval of the Prime Minister

Question 9: According to Pakistan's Constitution's Article 32. The State will support
local government institutions made up of elected officials from the affected areas, and in
those institutions, special representation will be given to _______.
A.Peasants and workers
B. Peasants and Women
C. Peasants, workers and women
D. Workers and women

Question 10: In accordance with paragraph (1) of Article 184 of the Pakistani
Constitution, "The Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of all other courts, have original
jurisdiction in any dispute between any ______."
A.Two or more legal Persons
B. Two or more Governments
C. Two or more Departments
D. Two or more autonomous institutions

Question 11: As per Article 73 of the Constitution, a money bill shall originate in _________
A. The Federal Cabinet
B. The Prime Minister Secretariat
C. The Senate
D. The National Assembly

Question 12: When the President of Pakistan signs or is believed to sign a bill, it
becomes law and is known as __________.
A. A Constitutional Bill
B. An Act or President
C. An Ordinance
D. An Act of Parliament

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 49


Question 13. In the case of the National Assembly, a person must be at least ___years old
in order to be eligible to be elected or chosen as a member of Majlis-e-Shoora
B. Twenty-two
C. Eighteen
D. Twenty-five

Question 14: As per Article 62 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, what age is
specified for a person to contest for election of National Assembly of Islamic Republic of
Pakistan ?
A. Not less than 25 years
B. Not less than 30 years
C. Not less than 18 years
D. Not less than 40 years

Question 15: The Constitution of 1975 states that all children under the age of
_______________ years must receive a free, public education in accordance with any
relevant laws.
A. Six to fifteen
B. Five to eighteen
C. Five to seventy
D. Five to sixteen

Question 16: According to Pakistan's 1973 Constitution, article 24 declares that

protecting property rights is a _____________ right.
A.contingent right
B.vested right
C.fundamental right
D.human right

Question 17: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan's Constitution of 1973 states that the
head of the National Assembly is?
A.The Opposition Leader
B.The Prime Minister
C. The Chairman
D. The Speaker

Question 18: According to Article 40 of the Constitution, the State must work to
__________ based on Islamic unity, support the interests of the peoples of Asia, Africa, and
Latin America, promote international peace and security, encourage goodwill and
friendly relations among all nations, and support the peaceful resolution of
international disputes.
A. Preserve the Islamic brotherhood among Muslim countries
B. Be as much closer with Muslim countries
C. Be active part of Islamic cohesion among Muslim

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 50


D. Preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries

Question 19: As per Article 73(1) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
1973, a money bill shall originate in ___________
A.The President Secretariat
B.The National Assembly
C.Any house of the Parliament
D.The Senate only

Question 20: According to Article 10(2) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 1973
Constitution, everyone who is detained in custody after being arrested must appear
before a___________ within twenty-four hours of the detention.
C.Superintendent police
D.Station house officer

Question 21: According to Article 63-A of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's

Constitution, _______ serves as the presiding officer of the National Assembly.
A.The Opposition Leader
B.The Prime Minister
C.The Speaker
D.The Chairman

Question 22: If a member misses _______ consecutive days of a House's sittings without
the House's permission, the House may declare the member's seat vacant.

Question 23: In accordance with Article 176 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court shall
be composed of a Chief Justice who shall be known as the Chief Justice of Pakistan and
such other Judges as may be decided by an Act of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) or, until
such time as may be resolved, as may be fixed by the ____________ of Pakistan.
C.judicial commission
D.Chief Justice

Question 24: A Judge of the Supreme court shall hold office until he attains the age of
__________ years

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 51


Question 25: The State shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of minorities,
including their due representation in _________, in accordance with Article 36 of the
Pakistani Constitution.
A.The education sector
B.The federal and provincial electoral process
C.All spheres of life
D.The federal and provincial services

Question 1: According to the article 64 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. a House

may declare the seat of a member vacant if , without leave of the House he remains
absent for _________ consecutive days of its sittings.
A Sixty

Question 2: According to the Article 11 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, no child

below the age of _ years shall be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous

Question 3: In accordance with Article 4 (1) of Constitution of Pakistan. 1973, to enjoy

the protection of law and to be treated in accordance with law is the ________ right of
every citizen. Wherever he may be, and of every other person for the time being within
B.Fundamental right

Question 4: In accordance with Article 206 of the 1973 Constitution , a judge of the
Supreme Court or of a High Court may resign his office by writing under his hand
addressed to the ___________
A.President of Pakistan.
B.Concerned Governor
C.Chief justice of Pakistan
D.concerned Chief justice

Question 5: In accordance with Article 75 (I) of Constitution of Pakistan 1973, when a

Bill is presented to the President for assent, the President shall, within ___________ days
assent to the Bill or returned the bill to parliament .

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 52



Question 6:As per article 52 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the National
Assembly shall, unless sooner dissolved, continue for a term of live years from the day
of ____________ and shall stand dissolved at the expiration of its term.
A.Its oath taking ceremony
B.Notification of members of parliament
C.Announcement o results of election
D.Its first meeting

Question 7: In accordance with Article 13 (a) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, No

person shall be prosecuted or punished for the same offence more than __________
C.four time
D.three time

Question 8; In accordance with the article 60 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. the
term of office of the chairman or Deputy Chairman Senate shall be __________ years from
the day on which he enters upon his office

Question 9: According to the Article 53 (2) of Constitution of Pakistan 1973, before

entering upon office, a member elected as Speaker or Deputy Speaker shall make before
the National Assembly oath in the form set out in the ________
AFourth Schedule
B.Second Schedule
C.First Schedule
D.Third Schedule

Question 10:According to Article 76(2) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. a bill

pending in the Senate which has not been passed by the National Assembly shall not
lapse on the dissolution of the _________
A.National Assembly

Question 11: As per the Article 3 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the _______ shall
ensure the elimination of all forms of exploitation and the gradual fulfillment of the
fundamental principle, from each according to his ability to each according to his work

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 53



Question 12 :The minimum quorum for a National Assembly session is ________,

according to Article 55(2) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 1973 Constitution.

Question 13:According to Article 186 of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 1973

Constitution, the president can seek the advice of Supreme Court on any ___________
which he considers of public importance.
A Question of incompetency of federal government
B.Question of fact
C.Question of competency of federal government
D.Question of law

Question 14:In accordance with Article 199 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic
of Pakistan, 1973, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has the authority to issue an order of
nature if it determines that the implementation of any _______________ raises a matter of
public significance.
A.Provincial autonomy
B The doctrine of separation of power
C of the fundamental rights
D The doctrine of division of power

Question 15: According to the Article 7 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973. in this Part.
unless the context otherwise requires. "the State means the __________ (Majlis-e-
Shoora)(Parliament). a Provincial Government, a Provincial Assembly, and such local or
other authorities in Pakistan as are by law empowered to impose any tax or cess .
A.Federal Government
B Senate
C.National Assembly

Question 16:In accordance with Article 188 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973, The
Supreme Court shall have power, subject to the provisions of any Act of (Majlis-e-
Shoora) (Parliament) and of any rules made by the supreme court to _________ any
judgment pronounced or any order made by it

Question 17; In accordance to the article 178 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973,
before entering upon office, the Chief Justice of Pakistan shall make before the
President. and any other Judge of the Supreme Court shall make before the Chief Justice,
oath in the form set out in the _________

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 54


A Fourth Schedule
B Second Schedule
C First Schedule
D Third Schedule

Question 18: In accordance with Article 176 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court shall
be composed of a Chief Justice who shall be known as the Chief Justice of Pakistan and
such other Judges as may be decided by an Act of the Majlis-e-Shoora of Pakistan
(Parliament) or, until such time as may be resolved, as may be fixed by the ____________
A Judicial commission
B Parliament
C President
D Chief Justice

Question 19: According to the article 190 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, all
executive and Judicial authorities throughout Pakistan shall act in aid of the __________
A Federal Shariat Court
B Supreme Court
C District Court
D High Court

Question 20: According to the Article 211 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973, The
proceedings before the Council, its report to the President and the removal of a Judge
under clause (6) of Article 209 shall not be called in question in __________
A Subordinate court
B. Any court
C High court
D.District court

Question 21: In accordance with Article 175 (2) of Constitution of Pakistan 1973. No
court shall have any jurisdiction save as is or may be conferred on it by the Constitution
or by or under______ law.
C. Moral

Question 22: In Accordance with Article 20 (b) of Constitution of Pakistan 1973. Subject
to law, public order and morality every religious denomination and every sect thereof
_________ have the right to establish, maintain and manage is religious institutions.
A May not
B. May
C Shall not

Question 23. According to Article 178 of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's Constitution
from 1973, the Chief Justice of Pakistan must take an oath in front of the president using
the form specified in the ______ schedule.

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 55


C second
D Third

Question 24 In accordance with Article 63-A(5) of Constitution of Pakistan 1973. An

party aggrieved by the decision of the Election Commission may within thirty days,
prefer an appeal to the Supreme Court which shall decide the matter within _________
from me dale of the ling or me appeal
A Sixty days
B Fort days
C Ninety days
D Thirty days

Question 25: In accordance to the article 85 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973,

National Assembly shall have power to make any grant in advance in respect of the
estimated expenditure for a part of any financial year, not exceeding _________ month(s).
A. One
C. Three
D. Four

The Constitution of 1973 was enforced on 14 August, ____.

(a) 1972
(b) 1973
(c) 1974
(d) 1975

The Constitution of 1973 consists of ____ Articles.

(a) 270
(b) 280
(c) 290
(d) 300

It consists of ____ Chapters.

(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 18

It consists of ____ Schedules.

(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) 11

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 56


The Constitution of 1973 provides ____ form of government.

(a) Parliamentary
(b) Presidential
(c) Federal
(d) Dictatorship

____ article claimed that the President was to be the “Head of the State”.
(a) 40
(b) 41
(c) 42
(d) 43

The tenure of the President will be ____ years.

(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8
____ amendment authorised the President to dissolve National Assembly.
(a) 5th
(b) 8th
(c) 17th
(d) Both a & b

Constitution can be amended by ____majority.

(a) 1/2
(b) 2/3
(c) 1/4
(d) 2/4

The Constitution set up ____legislature.

(a) Bicameral
(b) Tricameral
(c) Unicameral
(d) None of these

The Upper House is ____.

(a) Senate
(b) National Assembly
(c) President
(d) Both a & b

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 57


The Senate consists of ____ members.

(a) 63
(b) 87
(c) 100
(d) 104 (now 96 after 26th amendment)

The National Assembly consisted of ____ members.

(a) 200
(b) 300
(c) 372
(d) 342 (now 336 after 26th amendment)

The term of the members of senate shall be ____ years.

(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8

Articles 8 to ____ deal with the Fundamental Rights.

(a) 26
(b) 27
(c) 28
(d) 29

Articles 41 to ____ deal with the President.

(a) 43
(b) 45
(c) 47
(d) 49

Articles 50 to ____ deal with Majlis-e-Shoora.

(a) 86
(b) 87
(c) 88
(d) 89

Articles 176 to ____ deal with the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

(a) 190
(b) 191
(c) 192
(d) 193

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 58


Articles 213 to ____ deal with Elections.

(a) 220
(b) 222
(c) 224
(d) 226

Articles 227 to ____ deal with Islamic Provisions.

(a) 230
(b) 231
(c) 232
(d) 233

Article ____ deals with Council of Common Interests.

(a) 151
(b) 152
(c) 153
(d) 154
Article ____ deals with National Economic Council.
(a) 156
(b) 157
(c) 158
(d) 159

Under____ article, Urdu was declared as the National Language.

(a) 250
(b) 251
(c) 252
(d) 253

Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs

1. The Constitution of 1973 was enforced on 14 August________
Answer: 1973
2. The Constitution consists of ____ Articles
Answer: 280
3. It consists of ____ Chapters

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 59


Answer: 14
4. It consists of ____ Schedules
Answer: 7
5. The Constitution of 1973 provides a ________ form of government
Answer: Parliamentary
6. ____ Article claimed that the president was to be the “Head of the state”
Answer: 41
7. The tenure of the president will be ____ years
Answer: 5
8. ____ Amendment authorized the president to dissolve the National
Answer: 5th and 8th
9. The state shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities
including their due representation in Federal and provincial Services is
provided by Article___ of the Constitution 1973
Answer: 36
10. Article ____ of the Constitution, deals with the promotion of social justice
and eradication of social evils
Answer: 37
11. In the Constitution of 1973 minimum age limit for a president is held
Answer: Not less than forty-five (45 years of age)
12. Before entering upon office under Article ____ the president shall make oath
before the Chief Justice of Pakistan
Answer: 178
13. President is empowered by Article ___ of the Constitution to grant pardon,
reprieve, and respite and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence
Answer: 45
14. President can be removed from his office by the parliament on the ground
of physical or mental incapacity or misconduct through____
Answer: Process of impeachment
15. Article ____ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the removal or
impeachment of the President
Answer: 47

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 60


16. Article 48 of the Constitution of 1973 bounds the president to act upon the
advice of_____
Answer: Prime Minister
17. Article 49 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ___ to perform the function
of President in absence
Answer: Chairman
18. Constitution of 1973 provides ___ kind of Parliament
Answer: Bicameral
19. Lower House of Pakistan parliament is called
Answer: National Assembly
20. ____ is Upper House of Parliament
Answer: Bicameral federal legislature / Senate
21. Duration of National Assembly is 5 years, as provided in Article ____
Answer: 52
22. Balochistan has ___ total Seat in National Assembly
Answer: 17
23. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has ___ General Seats in National Assembly
Answer: 43
24. Punjab has ___ total Seats in National Assembly
Answer: 183
25. Total strength of National Assembly members is ____
Answer: 342
26. Seat reserved for women from Sindh in the National Assembly is ___
Answer: 14
27. Federal Capital area has ___ seats in the National Assembly
Answer: 2
28. Fata has ___ seats for women in the National Assembly
Answer: 12
29. Minimum age for membership of the National Assembly is ___
Answer: Not less than 25 years of age

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 61


30. Under Article 58 the President shall dissolve the National Assembly at
advice of ____
Answer: Prime Minister
31. National Assembly is presided by ___
Answer: Speaker
32. Constitution of 1973 provides ____ elections for President
Answer: Indirect
33. Under Article ____ of the Constitution the Senate shall constitution the
Senate shall consist 104 members
Answer: 59
34. Each province has ___ seats in the Senate
Answer: 14
35. There are ____ seats for technocrats in the Senate
Answer: 4
36. There are ___ seats for non-Muslims in the Senate of Pakistan
Answer: 1
37. The system of election adopted for Senate in Constitution of 1973 is called
Answer: General election
38. Term and Tenure of Senate membership is ___ years
Answer: 5 years
39. A person shall not be qualified to be elected or chosen a member of
parliament unless he fulfills the qualification according to Article ___ of the
Constitution of 1973
Answer: 62
40. Article 63 of the constitution of 1973 deals with disqualification of ____.
Answer: Members of National Assembly and Senate members
41. A person who holds fuel citizenship is disqualified for membership of
parliament as provided in ____
Answer: 63
42. Disqualification on grounds of the defection of members of parliament is
provided in Article ___ of the Constitution

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 62


Answer: 63
43. Article 66 of the Constitution deals with the privileges of ____
Answer: Members of Parliament
44. The Presiding Officer of the Senate is called ____
Answer: Chairman
45. Minimum age for the candidate of the Senate is ____
Answer: Must be aged 25 or older
46. It is restricted in Article ___ of the Constitution that no discussion shall take
place in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament with respect to the conduct of any
judge of the Supreme Court and a High Court in the discharge of his duties
Answer: 68
47. Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973 describes the procedure for the
introduction and passing of bills in parliament
Answer: 70
48. A bill can be pass by ___ in both houses of the Parliament
Answer: 2/3 majority of the total membership
49. According to the Constitution of 1973 money bill can only be introduced in
Answer: National Assembly
50. Article 62 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with qualification of.
Answer: Judge of Supreme Court
51. Article 89 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ___ to promulgate
Answer: President
52. Formation of a cabinet is provided in ____
Answer: 92
53. Under Article 90 of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the
Federation shall be exercised in the name of the president by ____
Answer: President by the Federal Government, consisting of the Prime Minister
54. ____ is the head of the Cabinet
Answer: Prime Minister

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 63


55. According to Article 92 of the 1973 Constitution the number of Federal

Ministers and Ministers of State who are _____
Answer: One-fourth of the number
56. Before entering upon office a Federal Minister or Minister of State the
Minister shall make oath before ____
Answer: Prime Minister
57. According to Article 93 of the Constitution the president can appoint ___
advisors on the advice of the Prime Minister
Answer: Not more than 5 advisors
58. Article 95 of the Constitution deals with the Vote of no Confidence against
Answer: Prime Minister
59. A resolution for a vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than
___ % members of the National Assembly against the Prime Minister
Answer: 20%
60. The President shall appoint a person being a person qualified to be
appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court to be the ___ under Article 100 of
the Constitution of 1973
Answer: Attorney-General for Pakistan
61. Under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973 President appoint a ___ on the
advice of the Prime Minister
Answer: Governor for each Province
62. To become an Attorney General of Pakistan the person must have
qualification _____
Answer: To be appointed a Judge of Supreme Court
63. Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article
101 of the Constitution of 1973____
Answer: Not less than thirty-five years of age
64. Before entering upon office the Governor shall make oath before____.
Answer: Chief Justice of the High Court
65. In absence of Governor of Province ___ will perform Governors functions.
Answer: Chief Minister of Province
66. Article____ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the Constitution of
Provincial Assemblies

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 64


Answer: 106
67. Governor has the power to dissolve the Provincial Assembly as Provided by
Article 112 at the advice of ___
Answer: Chief Minister
68. Article 113 of the Constitution deals with qualification and
disqualifications for _____
Answer: Membership of Provincial Assembly
69. ____ is Chief Executive of the Province
Answer: Chief Minister
70. ____ is head of the province
Answer: Chief Minister
71. Article ____ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Provincial Assembly to
pass a vote of no confidence against Chief-Minister
Answer: 136
72. To move a resolution for a vote of no confidence against Chief Minister
Provincial Assembly will need the support of ____ total membership
Answer: 20%
73. Article ___ of the Constitution 1973 deals with the appointment of the
Advocate General
Answer: 140
74. Advocate-General is appointed by the ____
Answer: Governor of the State
75. To become Advocate-General the person must be qualified to be ____.
Answer: A Judge of the High Court
76. It shall be the duty of the ____ to give advice to the Provincial Government
upon legal matters and to perform other duties of legal character
Answer: Advocate-General
77. Administrative relations between the Federation and Provinces are dealt
with by Articles ___ to ___ of the Constitution
Answer: 145–152
78. Article___ of the Constitution of 1973 empower Federation to acquire land
for Federal Purpose
Answer: 152

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 65


79. The Council formed under Article 153 of the Constitution of 1973 is known
as ____
Answer: Council of Common Interests
80. The President under Article ___ of the Constitution shall constitute the
National Economic Council
Answer: 156
81. The National Economic Council shall consist ___ members
Answer: 10
82. Article 160 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with ____
Answer: National Finance Commission
83. Article ____ declare Federal Government owner of all lands, minerals, and
other things of value within the continental shelf or underlying the ocean
beyond the territorial waters of Pakistan
Answer: 172
84. Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the constitution of the
Supreme Court
Answer: 176
85. The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the ____
Answer: President
86. A judge of the Supreme Court holds office until he attains the age of _____
Answer: 65 years
87. Before entering upon office the chief justice of Pakistan shall make oath
before the ____
Answer: President
88. Article 175A, provided ___ for the appointment of judges of Supreme Court,
High Courts, and Federal Shariat Court
Answer: Supreme Judicial Council
89. The Constitution of 1973 declared Pakistan as ____
Answer: The state religion of Pakistan
90. According to Article 1, the territories of Pakistan comprise ____
Answer: Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, and Islamabad Capital

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 66


91. Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in ___ of the

Constitution of 1973
Answer: 2
92. According to Article 2A Objective Resolution is ___ Part of the Constitution
Answer: Substantive
93. To enjoy the protection of the law and to be treated in accordance with the
law is the right
Answer: Primary
94. Loyalty to the ____ is the basic duty of every citizen
Answer: State
95. No person shall be compelled to do that which the ___ does not require him
to do
Answer: Constitution
96. Obedience to the Constitution and law is the inviolable ____ of every person
living in Pakistan
Answer: Obligation
97. Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is the basic duty of
every citizen of Pakistan and it is provided in _____
Answer: Article 5
98. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance,
or attempts or conspiresto abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in
abeyance the constitution shall be guilty of ____
Answer: High treason
99. The act of high treason is defined under ____ of the Constitution 1973
Answer: Article 6
100. An act of high treason shall not be validated by any ___including the
Supreme Court and a High Court
Answer: Court


1. The time period of a senator is 6 years.
2. Khewra mines are at Jehlum.

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 67


3. The Current NAB chairman Justice (R) Javed Iqbal.

4. Election 2013 took place on 11th May 2013.
5. The age of the President of Pakistan should be 45 years.
6. Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran.
7. Minority seats in National Assembly are 10.
8. NADRA ordinance promulgated in 2000
9. Headquarter of NATO is in Brussels.
10. Permanant secretariat of SAARC is at katmandu.
11. Jannat Baqi is in Madina.
12. The original name of Imam Bukhari is Ismail?
13. Kissing of Hajr-e-Aswad is Istalam.
14. Bangladesh seprated from Pakistan on 16 th Dec 1971.
15. The objective resolution was passed on 12th March 1949.
16. The second constitution of Pakistan was enforced on 8 June 1962
17. The Governor of KPK is Shah Farman.
18. Naval Cheif of Pakistan? M Amjad Khan Niazi NI(M)
19. Pakistan Iran gas pipeline is known as the peace pipeline.
20. Pakistan China signed 46 billion dollars pacts. (Now it has enhanced to 62Bn$)
21. Foreign Minister of India is Bharath Subramaniyam
22. President of China Zing jing ping?
23. First constitution on March 23, 1956.
24. Indian National Congress formed in 1885.
25. Govt India Act introduced in 1935.
26. Quid e Azam joined the Muslim league in 1913.
27. Nehru report brought in 1928?
28. First President of Pakistan? Mirza became the first president of the country.
29. Partition plan 3rd June.
30. Pakistan 6th largest in population. (Now it has crossed the Brazil and standing as
5th largest population in the world)
31. The duration of CEC is 3 years.

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 68


32. Last census of Pakistan in 1998. (But now it is 2017)

33. Turn out in general elections 2013 was?
34. The country with no veto power is Canada.
35. Diamir Basha Dam constructed on? River Indus
36. Cultivated land in Pakistan is 25%.
37. Non-permanant members in UNO are 10.
38. Pakistan shares the longest border with? India (The Pakistan-India border is
almost 2,912 kilometers long. It beats Afghanistan which has 2,400 kilometers
39. Nisab of zakat on silver is 52 1/2.
40. Two times bismillah in surah Namal.
41. 1st country to recognize Pakistan? IRAN
42. The deputy speaker of NA? Mr. Qasim Khan Suri
43. The current minister for religious affairs is Noor-ul-Haq Qadri
44. k2 height? 8,611 meters
45. The current chairman senate? Sadiq Sanjrani
46. Constitution which declared Pakistan an Islamic republic? 1956
47. 26 amendments in the constitution so far
48. The state bank of Pakistan inauguration on? 1948
49. UN formed on 24 October 1945
50. Pakistan joined the UN on? Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN)
on 30 September 1947 just over a month after it came into existence
51. HQs of int court of justice? Hague
52. When the first constitution of Pakistan came into being? 23rd March 1956

Article 11 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with the?

Child Labour and Slavery
High Treason
Fundamental Rights
Protection of Minorities.

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 69


Under which constitution of Pakistan Islamabad was confirmed as the capital of Pakistan?

Article 31 of the constitution of 1973 lays down that the state shall endeavor with regard to the
Muslims of Pakistan to
Enforce Usher and Zakat laws
Secure the proper organization of Zakat and Usher
Secure collection of Zakat and Usher
None of these

The third constitution of Pakistan was enforced in the year


Who is the constitutional head of Pakistan?

Chief Justice of the supreme court
President of the country
Prime Minister
Speaker of national assembly

Which article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat


Under which Article President of Pakistan shall dissolve the National Assembly if so advised by the
Prime Minister?
Under the Article 58
Under the Article 58 (1)
Under the Article 57
Under the Article 57 (1)

Ahmadis were declared non-Muslims in__________?


The Qadianies and Ahmadis where declared non Muslim due to

Non believing of finality of prophethood
Believing of Mirza Gulam Ahamdies teaching
Believing of continuing prophethood
None of these

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 70


President has all the executives, legislative, judicial and emergency powers in
Pakistan.But he exercise them with the advice of _________?

If PM of Pakistan wants a bill to be passed.It is necessary to get bill approved from

President of Pakistan
Senate of Pakistan
National Assembly of Pakistan
All of the above

Who works as acting PM of Pakistan in the absence of PM?

Senate chairman
Speaker national assembly

Who works as acting president of Pakistan in abscense of president?

Senate chairman
Speaker national assembly

In what condition the opposition may declare a vote of no confidence against PM in

national assembly of Pakistan?
If PM is physically unwell
If PM is Mentally sick
If PM is violating the Constitution
If PM conspires against country with another state
All of the above

Which Article deals secret balloting?


No person shall be punished for the same offence more than :


The basic duty of every citizen is :

Obedience to constitution and law
To get education
To work hard

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 71


Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy are included in which part of the
constitution of Pakistan, 1973
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V

According to the constitution of Pakistan the education shall be free and compulsory to
all citizens of age
5-16 years
1-16 years
5-20 years

National Assembly is bound to convene the assembly session within ________ days after
submission of a no confidence vote.

How many members of National Assembly are required to present a no confidence

against a prime minister?
At least 05 percent
At least 10 percent
At least 15 percent
At least 20 percent

Article 219 of the Constitution of Pakistan deals with ___________

Function and duties of the election commission
Appointment of the election commission
Electoral rolls
None of these

Retirement age of High Court Judge is:

50 years
55 years
60 years
62 years
None of these

Minimum age limit to contest for MNA in Pakistan is:

15 years
18 years
20 years
25 years

Article 5 of the constitution of Pakistan is about:

Every citizen must join army
Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen
Basic education is the right to every child
All of these

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 72


According to constitution, Pakistani federal cabinet including ministers and ministers of

state cannot exceed _____ members.

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) is worked under which Ministry?

Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination
Ministry of Communication
Both A & B

Which article of the constitution deals with 'Vote of No Confidence' against Prime
Minister of Pakistan__________?
article 97
article 35
article 87
article 95

Islam was declared "State Religion" of Pakistan in which constitution____?

None of the above

Right Of Information is provided in the article ___of the Constitution


How many signatures required to table a no-confidence motion against Chief Minister

The National Assembly and all the Provincial Assemblies are elected for a period of:
2 years
9 years
3 years
5 years
4 years

PPC stand for:

Pakistan Penal Code
Pakistan Penal Court
Pakistan Pass Code

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 73


Which Article of the Pakistani constitution 1973 states “The State shall provide free and
compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner
as may be determined by law?

According to the fundamental rights no child below the age of ___shall be engaged in any
factory or mine or any other hazardous employment
10 years
14 years
7 years

Who is the Head of the Cabinet?

Speaker National Assembly
All of the above

In which constitution the restriction of a Muslim was not for the Prime Minister

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) resolves the disputes of______________?

Power sharing between the Federation and Provinces

The present constitution of Pakistan was adopted in:


Total amendments in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan?


The constitution is the state's -----Law.


Which of following not among the fundamental rights of citizens ?

Freedom of movement

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 74


Freedom of speech
Freedom of education

In present constitution, how many lists of power are given for the division of powers
between Provinces and Federation?

Upper part of Parliament of Pakistan is called:

National Assembly

Which Article of Constitution gives Supreme Court the Suo Motu powers?
Article 184(3)
Article 164(3)
Article 144(3)

Who is the only Civil Martial Law Administrator :

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Ayub Khan
Skindar Mirza

All bills passed by the parliament of Pakistan are not approved until signed by _________?
Chairman Senate
Prime Minister

Urdu was made national language of Pakistan in which Constitution :


Under which article of constitution Special Court announced death sentence of (Rtd)
General Pervaiz Musharraf in 2019_?
Article 6
Article 5
Article 6a
Article 5a
Term of National Assembly of Pakistan
5 Years
3 Years
2 Years
1 Year

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 75


Urdu was declared the national language of Pakistan in which year?

August 1947
April 1954
April 1956
April 1958

The senate of Pakistan was under the constitution of?

1962 constitution
1956 constitution
1973 constitution
None of these

Under which article, Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) take Suo-Muto notice?
116 (2)

Federal Government deployed Army troops in all provinces after floods under article:
Article 210
Article 240
Article 245
Article 230

Who Friday Declared As an Official Weekly Holiday in Pakistan?

Gen ZiaUlHaq
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Nawaz Sharif
None of these

Which of the following resolutions is the preamble of the 1973's constitution of

Kashmir Resolution
Pakistan Resolution
Capital Resolution
Objective Resolution

How many articles are the in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?


Which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution??

Basic Democracy
How many constitutions have been enforced in Pakistan?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 76


When was the 1973 constitution of Pakistan was promulgated____?

August 11, 1973
August 12, 1973
August 13, 1973
August 14, 1973

The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, was promulgated on:

23 March ,1973
14 August ,1973
6 September, 1973

According to the 1973 constitution, what is the term of the office of President?
5 years
6 years
3 years
4 years

President and Prime Minister must be Muslim in which constitution of Pakistan?


The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan came into force on?

14th August 1973
23rd March 1973
27th October 1973
8th June 1973

Article of Constitution which gives Supreme Court Suo moto power ?

Article 144 (3)
Article 164 (3)
Article 184 (3)
None of these

Under 1973 constitution, if no political party commands majority in the Provincial

Assembly, then the Governor:
Orders re-election
Refers to the President
Dissolves Provincial Assembly
Imposes Governor Rule

What age was prescribed for the president in 1973 constitution?

35 years
40 years
45 years
50 years

In the constitution 1973 who were declared none Muslims?


By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 77


Who introduced Islamization in Pakistan?

Liaquat Ali Khan
General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
Imran Khan
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Central Government speculated to take control of Karachi by invoking Article __ of


According to this constitution, a candidate must be ______ to contest for the election of
national assembly.
25 years old
35 years old
45 years old
55 years old

The Governor under the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan takes oath before:
Speaker of the Provincial Assembly
Chief Justice of the respective High Court
Chief Minister

Article 140 of constitution of Pakistan deals with:

Provincial Government
Federal Government
Local Government

After which constitution was “The Council of common interest” established_______?


According to which article of constitution of 1973, every citizen shall have the right to
freedom of speech and expression?
Article 6
Article 19
Article 16
Article 14

Article 19 of constitution of Pakistan 1973 is about _________.

Fundamental Rights
Freedom of Speech
Electoral rolls
Right of education

The 18th Amendment Bill was passed on April 8

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 78



When Zulfikar Ali Bhutto launched a new constitution in the country?

14th August 1973
11th August 1973
21st August 1973
17th August 1973

In constitution 1973 what number of seats in Senate was set?

115 Seats
120 Seats
100 Seats
110 Seats

What Martial Law of Government of Zia ul Haq introduced in lieu of 1973 constitution?
Provincial constitution order
Legal frame work order
Interim constitution order
None of these

Urdu was declared Official Language of Pakistan under which article of the constitution
Article 252
Article 251
Article 253
Article 250

Islam was explicitly declared as the State religion of Pakistan under the constitution of

How many schedules are there in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?


What is the age of Retirement of Supreme Court Judges?


Article 10-A, right to fair trial was inserted through ________ amendment
8th amendment
10th amendment
15th amendment
18th amendment

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 79


None of the above

Article 25 of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan deals with?

Rule of Law
Equality of citizens
Equal protection of law
All of these

The basis of ideology of Pakistan is _________?


Bicameral Legislature system was introduced for the first time in Pakistan in
constitution of 1973
constitution of 1956
constitution of 1962
None of the above

1956 constitution is promulgated in

2 june 1956
3 july 1956
23 March 1956
5 April 1956

According to 1973 constitution, who elects the president of Pakistan?

National Assembly
Provincial Assembly
Both A & B
All of the above

Name of the Parliament of Pakistan is______?

National Assembly
Majles e Shura
Assembly of Union

A total of _______ amendments to the constitution of 1973 have been passed by the
Parliament ?
None of these

Chapter 1 of the 1973 constitution deals with?

Fundamental Rights
Principle of Policy
President's powers
Power Minister's Power

Who introduced the constitution of 1973 in Pakistan?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 80


Zulifqar Ali Bhutto

Iskandar Ali Mirza
Tikka Khan
Yahiya Khan
None of the above

National Assembly adopted Constitution unanimously on April 11,


General Elections are held after every__ years.


According to 1973 constitution, who elects the prime minister of Pakistan?

National Assembly
Provincial Assemblies
Chief Justice

Article 25(A) of constitution of 1973 deals with ________?

Rule of Law
Equality of citizens
Right to education
Right to information

When was the Constitution of 1973 enforced?

14th August 1973
14th September 1973
14th October 1973
14th May 1973

Imran Khan ceased to hold to office of prime minister under Article__________?

Article 95
Article 75
Article 15
Article 05

1973 constitution of Pakistan was _______ constitution.


Article 243 of the Constitution of 1973 is about:

Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen
Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces
defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war
An oath of armed forces members

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 81


Article 244 of the Constitution of 1973 is about:

Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen
Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces
defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war
An oath of armed forces members

Article 245 of the Constitution of 1973 is about:

Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen
Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces
defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war
An oath of armed forces members

Article 58(2b) of constitution 1973 is about:

Power of President to dismiss Army Chief
Power of President to dissolve Provincial Assemblies
Power of President to dissolve National Assembly
Power of President to dissolve Senate

Under which article of 1973, gives powers to the president to suspend Fundamental
Rights of Citizens during emergency period?
None of these

Article 6 of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with?

high treason
fundamental Rights
protection of minorities.
right of education

Z A Bhutto gave the 1973 constitution on:

17 august
14 august
16 august
none of these

According to the constitution of Pakistan, the chief executive and most powerful person
in Pakistan is:
Army Chief
Chief Minister
Prime Minister

Article 25 (A) of constitution of Pakistan deals with:

Equality of Citizen
Freedom of speech
Right to education
Right to information
None of these

Constitution of Pakistan was amended during Z.A. Bhutto's regime was?

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 82


Four times
Five Times

The duration of the National assembly is specified in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973
Article 48
Article 72
Article 24
Article 52

What was the strength of the National Assembly Committee tasked with drawing the
1973 constitution?

Ordinance in Punjab ?
To curtail powers of the speaker
To curtail powers of the Prime Minister
To curtail powers of the president

According to ASF Act 1975, “ competent authority ” means _____?

any officer or authority designated as such by the ASF
any officer or authority designated as such by the Aviation Division
any officer or authority designated as such by the Aviation Authority
any officer or authority designated as such by the Federal Government

Before the 14th amendment, who was the Chief Justice of Pakistan_____?
Ajmal Mian
Syed Sajjad Ali Shah
Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi

Who dissolved Imran Khan’s government in April 2022?

Justice Bandial
Chief of Army Staff
Dr Ari Alvi
Asad Qaisar
Qasim suri

Under ______________of the Constitution Dr Arif Alvi approved the advice to dissolve the
National Assembly?
Under the Article 58 (1)
Under the Article 48(1)
Both A & B
None of these

According to 1973 constitution, what is the minimum age limit for voting?
16 years

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 83


18 years
28 years
11 years

What is the retirement age in Pakistan?


The constitution of Pakistan 1973. can be amended______

With the simple majority vote in the twohouses of parliament
With two-third majority in the National Assembly and a simple majority of the Senate.
With two-third majority of both the houses of partiament.
with the approval of Provincial Legislatures

As per Article 176 of constitution,The supreme court shall consist of a Chief Justice Shall
be known as chief justice of Pakistan and so many other judges as may be determined
by act of Majlis e Shoora or intill so determined as may be fixed by the ___ of Pakistan.
Judicial commission
Chief Justice

Friday was declared holiday in_________?


Every person arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before a magistrate :
The same day
Within 48 hours
Within 24 hours

Which language was declared as National in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan?

None of these

Under which Article of Contitution of 1973 is Governor Rule imposed in case of failure
of constitutional machinery in the province ________?

The concept of acting in aid of civil power by the armed forces has been laid down in the
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 __________?
Article 246
Article 247

By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 84


Article 245

How many list of Powers according to 1973 constitution?


By @zeeshane1113 8 Feb, 2024 85

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