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WRITING ASSIGNMENT 2 (15 % of Course Grade)

Part A (5% of course grade): List of Guidelines for Writing a Book Review
Develop an integrated list of guidelines for writing a scholarly book review. Utilize the
instructions found in Vyhmeister (2008, chapter 18 [2001, chapter 17]) and Craswell and Poore
(2012, chapter 6 [2005, chapter 5]) in preparing these guidelines. Explain each guideline in one
to two paragraphs. Your list will be utilized in your Final Assignment for this course. (one to two
Part B (5% of course grade): Steps Needed to Convert an Academic Paper
Develop a list of logically ordered (sequential) steps needed to convert an academic paper or
essay into an article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Utilize the instructions in
Craswell and Poore (2012, chapter 12 [2005, chapter 9]) when identifying these conversion
steps. Explain each step in one to two paragraphs. (one to two pages)
Part C (5% of course grade): Changes Needed to Publish an Academic Essay
Identify a peer-reviewed academic journal you believe would consider publishing an article that
addresses the role of critical thinking in tertiary education—the focus of your response to
Question 2 in your assignment 1. Review the journal’s submission and publication requirements,
then propose changes to your original work that would transform it into a publishable article. In
proposing these changes, use your critical thinking skills and creativity to address the following
1. Why would this journal consider publishing a theoretical paper on this topic? Does it regularly
publish theoretical articles or articles that address critical thinking or higher education?
2. In reference to the journal’s instructions to prospective contributors, respond to the following:
a) How long, stated in words or pages, would the article need to be? (How does this target
compare to the length of your response to Question 2 in your original Assignment 1?)
b) What writing style, computer format, or other unique features are required?
3. What content changes and additional topics or research findings, if any, would you need to
incorporate into your original work before submitting the revised article to the journal? Describe
these in general terms; you may quote briefly from your original essay when doing so. Include in
this discussion those style and content changes you would need to make in order to “engage the
reader” (see Craswell and Poore 2012, pages 223 -226 [2005, pages 241–244]). Part C should be
two to three pages.

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