Flag Campaign Guidelines - South Side Feb 2008

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Purpose: Last year True Father asked a question many times about the Family Church of Peace Flag to Dr. Yang.
Chicago is the first one to respond to this providence and had been leading this nation in this area. Throughout last two
major distribution campaigns (July and September in 2007), we found that the Flags were very effective tools to
expand our contact and build a good relationship with pastors. This month of January, we will do this Flag Distribution
Campaign once again to develop our ACLC foundation as well as to fulfill the providential requirement.

Target: Compared with the first Flag campaign in the West Side, many South Side churches remain not yet covered
during the second Flag campaign. Also, ACLC Monthly Prayer Breakfast will be held on February 19 at the Gospel
Truth MB Church in the South Side of Chicago.

Goal: Three South Side Churches will be assigned to each Hoon Dok Group. Flags need to be distributed
before ACLC Prayer Breakfast on February 19.

Method: Distribution activity will be centered on the Hoon Dok Family Group organization, through attending Bible
studies and worship services. Also by using ACLC flyer “Who Are We?” we will introduce ACLC activity and invite
them to our Prayer Breakfast on February 19 at Rev. W. L. Mobley’s Gospel Truth Missionary Baptist Church.


What to Take with You: Family Church of Peace Flag, new ACLC Introduction Flyer, ACLC Monthly Prayer Breakfast
Flyer, contact church map (provided to each HD Family Church Group), digital camera for reporting.
Note: Flag Pickup Locations 1) Takami Family Home (626 Carroll Sq. 2E, Elk Grove Village, IL; 847-725-9174)
2) Rinkema Family Home (1167 Westchester Dr. Hanover Park, IL; 630-289-2437)

Sample Talk: “We are from ACLC, American Clergy Leadership Conference. We enjoy fellowship beyond race, culture
and ethnicity. We believe that we can realize world peace through building One Family under God. There are
many peace movements in the world. But if they are not centered on God, none of them can be successful.
Family is the divine institution given by God. We believe that through building a peaceful family centered on God,
we can make a peaceful community, nation and world. We are now giving this Family Church of Peace Flag. It
says ‘When there is blessing and peace in families, there will be peace in the nations and the world’. Today, we
want to present it to the pastor and this church.”

To make your visitation effective: We recommend attending the service as much as possible. It’s not easy to attend
all service from the beginning to the end. But in many cases, even you visit first time, the pastor recognizes us and he
will greet us after the service, or ask some comment in the service. That will be helpful to inspire the congregation.


After each visitation, please report your activity to the Church Center, including the following information

1. Date 2. Pastor’s name 3. Church name 4. Church address and telephone

5. Pastor’s Comment about the Flag or ACLC: Please get Pastor’s comment about the flag. If Pastor is familiar to
ACLC, it is good to ask how he or she came to know our movement. It will be a good testimony to inspire our
members not only in Chicago but also all over America.

6. Picture: Good pictures can tell more than many words. If the Pastor is really inspired, you can ask the congregation
to join the picture.

Bishop William Glispie and Old Landmark Church of

Pastor Shelby Stokes, Jr. and Tree of Life MBC God Holiness in Christ #2

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