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Activity Book 3

Unit 1. ABOUT ME

Unit 1, lesson 2, ex. 1

Liz: Hello! I’m Liz. What’s your name?

Lucky: Hello, Liz! I’m Lucky.
Mike: Hello! I’m Mike. What’s your name?
Susie: Hi, Mike! I’m Susie.
Mr Compy: Hello! I’m Mr Compy. What’s your name?
Rose: Hello, Mr Compy! I’m Rose.
Mrs Read: Hello! I’m Mrs Read. What’s your name?
Peter: Hello, Mrs Read! I’m Peter! I’m Peter!

Unit 1, lesson 3, ex. 1

Rose: How are you, Mr Compy?
Mr Compy: I’m fine, thanks, Rose. And you?
Rose: I’m OK.
Mike: Hi, Lucky! How are you?
Lucky: I’m fine, thanks. How are you, Mike?
Mike: I’m fine, thanks!
Mrs Read: Hi, Peter! How are you?
Peter: Hello, Mrs Read. I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
Mrs Read: I’m fine. Thanks.

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Liz: How are you, Susie?
Susie: I’m fine. Thanks, Liz. How are you?
Liz: I’m fine, thanks.

Unit 3, lesson 3, ex. 3

Hi. I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. This is my family.

Unit 1, lesson 4, ex. 1

Mrs Read: Hello, Lucky.

Lucky: Hello, Mrs Read.
Mrs Read: How old are you, Lucky?
Lucky: I’m two. Woof! Woof!
Lucky: Hi, Rose.
Rose: Hi, Lucky.
Lucky: How old are you, Rose?
Rose: I’m two. Squeak! Squeak!
Rose: Hello, Mr Compy.
Mr Compy: Hi, Rose.
Rose: How old are you, Mr Compy?
Mr Compy: I’m five. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Mr Compy: Hi, Susie.
Susie: Hello, Mr Compy.
Mr Compy: How old are you, Susie?
Susie: I’m four. Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow!
Susie: Hi, Peter!

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Peter: Hi, Susie!

Susie: How old are you, Peter?
Peter: I’m three! I’m three! I’m three!

Unit 1, lesson 5, ex. 1

Mr Compy: What’s your phone number, Liz?
Liz: 172903.
Mr Compy: Thanks.
Mr Compy: What’s your phone number, Mike?
Mike: 270913.
Mr Compy: Thanks.
Mr Compy: What’s your phone number, Mrs Read?
Mrs Read: 285516.
Mr Compy: Thank you, Mrs Read.
Mr Compy: What’s your phone number, Rose?
Rose: 285516.
Mr Compy: Thanks.
Mr Compy: What’s your phone number, Susie?
Susie: 172903.
Mr Compy: Thanks, Susie.
Mr Compy: What’s your phone number, Lucky?

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Lucky: 270913.
Mr Compy: Thanks, Lucky!

Unit 3, lesson 5, ex. 4

He. She. Sasha. Hello. Pasha. Her.

Unit 1, lesson 6, ex. 1

‘A’ is green. ‘B’ is blue. ‘C’ is yellow. ‘D’ is red. ‘E’ is black. ‘F’ is brown.

Unit 3, lesson 6, ex. 3

Hi. I'm Pilipka. I'm from Belarus. I'm little. I've got a mum and a dad. I
love my family.

Unit 1, lesson 7, ex. 1a

One is pink. Three is orange. Two is purple. Five is white. Four is grey.


Unit 2, lesson 1, ex. 1a

Girl: I’m Anna. Look! My mum, my dad and my granny.
Boy: I’m Vlad. Look! My mum, my grandad and my sister.
Girl: I’m Pat. Look! My mum, my dad, my brother and my sister.
Boy: I’m Alex. Look! My mum, my dad, my grandad and my granny.

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Unit 2, lesson 3, ex. 1a

Liz: I’ve got a mum. I’ve got a dad. I’ve got a sister. I’ve got a brother.
Mike: I’ve got a mum. I’ve got a dad.

Unit 2, lesson 4, ex. 1a, b

Big boy: I’ve got a horse. It’s black. I’ve got a pig. It’s pink. I haven’t
got a giraffe.
Girl: I haven’t got a cat. I’ve got a dog. It’s brown. I’ve got a frog. It’s
Little boy: I haven’t got an elephant. I haven’t got a kangaroo. I’ve got a
snake! It’s yellow and green.

Unit 2, lesson 5, ex. 1

Mr Compy: Susie, have you got a mum?

Susie: Yes, I have.
Mr Compy: Have you got a dad?
Susie: No, I haven’t.
Mr Compy: Have you got a sister?
Susie: Yes, I have.
Mr Compy: Have you got a brother?
Susie: No, I haven’t.
Mr Compy: Have you got a granny or a grandad?

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Susie: No, I haven’t.

Mr Compy: Hi, Rose.
Rose: Hello, Mr Compy.
Mr Compy: Rose, have you got a mum?
Rose: Yes, I have.
Mr Compy: Have you got a dad?
Rose: Yes, I have.
Mr Compy: Have you got a sister?
Rose: Yes, I have.
Mr. Compy: Have you got a brother?
Rose: Yes, I have.
Mr Compy: Have you got a granny or a grandad?
Rose: I’ve got a granny. I’ve got a grandad.

Unit 2, lesson 7, ex. 1

Mr Compy: Nick, hello!
Boy 1: Hello, Mr Compy!
Mr Compy: How are you, Nick?
Boy 1: I’m fine, thanks.
Mr Compy: How’s your mum?
Boy 1: She’s very well. Thanks.
Mr Compy: How’s your sister?
Boy 1: She’s fine. Thanks, Mr Compy.
Mr Compy: How’s your dad?
Boy 1: He’s very well. Thank you. And how are you, Mr Compy?
Mr Compy: I’m fine. Thanks, Nick.

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Mr Compy: Hello, Jack. It’s Mr Compy.
Boy 2: Hello, Mr Compy!
Mr Compy: How are you?
Boy 2: Very well, thank you.
Mr Compy: How’s your mum?
Boy 2: She’s fine, thanks.
Mr Compy: How’s your dad?
Boy 2: He’s very well.
Mr Compy: How’s your granny?
Boy 2: She’s not very well.
Mr Compy: Oh! I’m sorry!
Mr Compy: Hello, Nelly.
Girl: Oh Mr Compy! Hello! How are you?
Mr Compy: Very well, Nelly. Thank you. How’s your mum?
Girl: She’s fine, thanks.
Mr Compy: How’s your dad?
Girl: He’s very well. Thank you.
Mr Compy: How’s your grandad?
Girl: He’s OK, thanks.


Unit 3, lesson 1, ex. 1a

Number 1. This is my mum. Number 2. This is my dad. Number 3. This is my

grandad. Number 4. This is my baby sister. Number 5. This is my big sister.

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Number 6. This is my brother. Number 7. This is my granny. Number 8.

This is my cat.

Unit 3, lesson 1, ex. 2

Red. Rose. Granny. Brother. Granddad. This.

Unit 3, lesson 2, ex. 1a

Hi, I’m Tim. I’ve got a mum. Her name’s Tanya. I’ve got a dad. His name’s
Ron. I’ve got a granny. Her name’s Polly. This is my sister, her name’s Liza.
And this is my baby brother, his name’s Ben.

Unit 3, lesson 4, ex. 1a

1. Hello. My name’s Alice. I’m from Britain.

2. Hi! I’m Bonifaciy. I’m from Africa. I love Africa.
3. Hello! My name’s Winnie-the-Pooh. I’m from Britain.
4. Hello! I’m Alyonka. I’m from Belarus.
5. Hi! I’m Mickey Mouse. I’m from America.
6. Hello! I’m Pilipka. I’m from Belarus.

Unit 3, lesson 6, ex. 1a

Alyonka: I’ve got big eyes.

Dumbo: I’ve got big ears.
Bonifaciy: I’ve got short hair.
Pilipka: I’ve got a little nose.
Mickey Mouse: I’ve got a little mouth.
Shrek: I’ve got little eyes.

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Unit 3, lesson 7, ex. 1a

He’s got brown eyes. He’s got fair hair.
She’s got brown hair. She’s got blue eyes.
He’s got red hair. He’s got green eyes.

Unit 3, lesson 8, ex. 4

Mouth. Three. Green. Three. Thanks.

Hello. My name's Danila. I'm from Belarus. I haven't got a sister. I've
got a brother. His name's Pasha. He's six.

Unit 3, lesson 10, ex. 1

Woman: What’s your phone number, Tom?
Boy 1: It’s 699328.
Woman: What’s your phone number, Mary?
Girl 1: It’s 600142.
Woman: What’s your phone number, Max?
Boy 2: 338190.
Woman: What’s your phone number, Christie?
Girl 2: 592841.

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Unit 4. OUR PETS

Unit 4, lesson 1, ex. 3

Hi! I'm Ross. This is my puppy Dash. It's grey. And this is my goldfish
Rush. It's orange and red.

Unit 4, lesson 2, ex. 1a

1. I’ve got three rats.

2. I’ve got two hamsters.
3. I’ve got a puppy.
4. I’ve got a goldfish.
5. I’ve got a budgie.
6. I’ve got three kittens.
7. I’ve got two rabbits.
8. I’ve got a tortoise.

Unit 4, lesson 3, ex. 1a

Rob: Hi, my name’s Rob. I’ve got a tortoise. I haven’t got a kitten. I
haven’t got a budgie, but I’ve got a rat.
Sam: Hello, I’m Sam. I’ve got a hamster, a rabbit and a puppy. I haven’t
got a kitten.

Unit 4, lesson 4, ex. 2a

Masha: I’ve got a cat. I haven’t got a puppy. My cat is black and white.
Dasha: I’ve got a rabbit. It’s grey. I haven’t got a tortoise. No…
Pasha: Budgies are nice. But I haven’t got a budgie. I’ve got a hamster.
It’s brown and yellow.

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Unit 4, lesson 4, ex. 2b

I've got a pet. It's a rabbit. It's grey. It's got a pink nose and red eyes. It
can walk and jump. It can't fly. It can't swim. It's nice.

Unit 4, lesson 6, ex. 1a

Girl: I can dance. I can sing. I can swim. I can’t climb a tree.
Boy: I can jump. I can run. I can climb a tree. I can’t sing.

Unit 4, lesson 7, ex. 1

I've got a pet. It's a tortoise. It's green and brown. It's got little ears and
a little mouth. It's got a little nose. It can't jump or run.

Unit 4, lesson 8, ex. 1

Take the bag. Go to the shop, Rose.

Stop! No, don’t go! Look! A cat! A Big black cat!
Take the hat! Hide and go, Rose.

Unit 4, lesson 8, ex. 4b

1. Shad is a fish; sprat is a fish too. 2. Tom is a good lad. 3. Have the
scone. It's nice. 4. Pat your cat. It's sad. 5. You can swim in the lake. 6.
Take the hose and help your rose. 7. She's got sand in her hand.

Unit 4, lesson 9, ex. 3

Hi! My name 's Jerry. I'm from Britain. I've got a mum, a dad, and a little
sister. I've got a pet. It's a hamster. It's beautiful. It's got little black eyes,
a pink nose and pink ears. It can run, jump, and hide. It's funny.

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Unit 5. FOOD

Unit 5, lesson 1, ex. 3

Water. Juice. Pizza. Bread.

Unit 5, lesson 2, ex. 3

Fish. Milk. Meat.

Hot dog. Coffee. Yoghurt.

Unit 5, lesson 2, ex. 4a

Alex: I like pizza. It’s yummy. No, not jam. I like to drink juice. I don’t
like tea.
Kim: I like white bread and jam. Yoghurt is yummy. I like it. And I like
tea, not coffee.

Unit 5, lesson 3, ex. 2

Yoghurt. Ice cream. Chocolate.

Unit 5, lesson 5, ex. 1

Hello! I'm Chuck. I've got three pets. The rat likes cheese. The budgie
eats apples and drinks water. My dog likes chicken and sausages. And I
like chocolate. It's yummy!

Unit 5, lesson 5, ex. 2

Peter: Have you got any bananas?

Salesman: No, sorry.
Peter: No problem. Have you got any oranges?
Saleswoman: Yes.

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Peter: Seven oranges, please.

Saleswoman: OK. Here you are.
Peter: Thank you. And … Fourteen potatoes and seven cucumbers, please.
Saleswoman: Good. Fourteen potatoes. Seven cucumbers. Here you are.
Peter: Thank you. Have you got any cakes?
Saleswoman: Yes, sure.
Peter: Four cakes, please.
Saleswoman: OK. Here you are.
Peter: Thank you.
Saleswoman: You’re welcome.

Unit 5, lesson 6, ex. 1

Three little green seals eat ice cream.

Three big green seals drink tea.

Unit 5, lesson 7, ex. 2a

Hi! My name is Josh. I'm at the cafe. Peter's got soup, meat, potatoes,
and tomatoes. He's got fish, chicken, cheese, and bread. I eat chicken,
cheese, and potatoes.
Peter’s got tea, chocolate, cake, jelly, and jam. I drink tea and I eat
chocolate. Oh, it's yummy. I like it.

Unit 6. MY HOME

Unit 6, lesson 2, ex. 2a

Peter: Have you got a table Liz?
Liz: No, I haven’t.

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Peter: Have you got a mirror?

Liz: Yes, I have.
Peter: What colour?
Liz: Blue.
Peter: Have you got a sofa, Mike?
Mike: No, I haven’t.
Peter: Have you got an armchair?
Mike: Yes, I have.
Peter: What colour?
Mike: Red.
Peter: Have you got a mirror, Jessica?
Jessica: No, I haven’t.
Peter: Have you got a lamp?
Jessica: Yes, I have.
Peter: What colour?
Jessica: Green.
Peter: Have you got a computer, Steve?
Steve: No, I haven’t.
Peter: Have you got a bookcase?
Steve: Yes, I have.
Peter: What colour?
Steve: Brown.

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Peter: Have you got a carpet, Alla?
Alla: No, I haven’t.
Peter: Have you got a TV?
Alla: Yes, I have.
Peter: What colour?
Alla: Black.

Unit 6, lesson 4, ex. 2a

This is our classroom. We've got six desks and twelve chairs. We've
got a teacher's table and a teacher's chair. We've got two bookcases and
a carpet on the floor. The carpet is green, yellow, and brown. The desks
and the table are brown. The chairs are yellow. Two red books are on the
teacher's table. A green bag is on the desk. A red bag is under the desk
on the floor.

Unit 6, lesson 7, ex. 2a

1. My room is big. I’ve got two white windows, a blue sofa and a blue
armchair, a brown desk and a brown bookcase. I haven’t got a TV, but I’ve
got a computer. It’s black.
2. My room isn’t big. I’ve got a white window and a white door. I’ve
got a bed, a desk, two chairs and a bookcase in my room. I haven’t got
a TV, but I’ve got a computer. I like my room.
3. My room’s nice. The window is big. I’ve got a sofa, two armchairs,
a little table and a bookcase in my room. I haven’t got a computer, but
I’ve got a TV.

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Unit 6, lesson 9, ex. 1a

Hello! I’m Carlson. This is my house. I’ve got a brown bed, a green table
and two yellow chairs. I’ve got a blue mirror on the wall. The carpet on
the floor is beautiful. It’s green, yellow, blue, brown and red. And I’ve got
sweets and jam on the table. Oh, I like them very much!

Unit 6, lesson 10, ex. 2b

I've got a little room. It's beautiful. I've got a big window. The window is
white. The door is brown. The floor is brown too. I've got a blue and yellow
carpet on the floor. I've got a grey bed, a grey desk and a blue and grey
bookcase, two yellow chairs and a computer in my room.


Unit 7, lesson 2, ex. 1

Rose: Liz, can you give me a pencil?

Liz: Here you are.
Peter: Mike, can you give me a rubber?
Mike: Here you are, Peter.
Lucky: Mrs Read, can you give me a ruler?
Mrs Read: Sure, Lucky. Here you are.
Susie: Nikita, can you give me a pen?
Nikita: Here you are.

Unit 7, lesson 3, ex. 3

This is Steve. He's in the lesson. This is his pen. It's red. This is his
pencil. It's yellow.

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Unit 7, lesson 4, ex. 1

1. The rat is in the cheese.

2. The rat is near the cheese.
3. The rat is on the cheese.
4. The rat is under the cheese. Yummy!

Unit 7, lesson 7, ex. 1a

1. Speak English!
2. Write on the desk!
3. Don't eat in the lesson!
4. Draw in the book!
5. Listen to the teacher!
6. Don’t sleep in the lesson!

Unit 7, lesson 8, ex. 3

This is Alice. She's a pupil. She's got a pen, a rubber, and a ruler. She's
got ten pencils in her pencil case. She puts her books, ex. books and
pencil case in her bag. She takes her bag and goes to school.

Unit 7, lesson 10, ex. 1

A book, a school, a pen, a pencil, a pupil, a teacher, a door, a ruler, a

bag, a desk, a rubber, a window, a board, play, listen, speak, read, write,
open, close, draw.

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Unit 8, lesson 1, ex. 1a

1. It’s warm. 2. It’s foggy. 3. It’s sunny. 4. It’s windy. 5. It’s cold. 6. It’s
hot. 7. It’s cloudy.

Unit 8, lesson 3, ex. 1

Winter. Summer. Spring. Autumn.

Unit 8, lesson 4, ex. 3

Hello! I'm Bounty. I'm a little mouse. I'm funny. I live in a house. My
house is little. I can run but I can't fly. My friends, ducks can fly. They're
happy. It's spring. It's sunny. Look at the sky! Hello, Polly! Hello Molly!

Unit 8, lesson 5, ex. 1a

Teacher: Hello, Misha.
Misha: Hello.
Teacher: Misha, can you play football?
Misha: Yes, I can! I play football with my friends!
Teacher: Can you play tennis?
Misha: Yes, I like tennis.
Teacher: Can you play ice-hockey?
Misha: Ice-hockey? No, I can’t. I can’t play ice-hockey and I can’t skate.
Teacher: Misha, can you ski?
Misha: Oh, yes! I can ski! I like it!
Teacher: Can you swim then?
Misha: Of course, I can! All my friends can swim! We swim every day!

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Teacher: Thank you, Misha. Bye!

Misha: Bye!
Teacher: Hi!
Alesya: Hello!
Teacher: What’s your name?
Alesya: My name’s Alesya.
Teacher: What a nice name! Alesya, can you play football or ice-hockey?
Alesya: Football? Ice-hockey? Oh, no! I can’t play football and I can’t
play ice- hockey!
Teacher: And what about tennis?
Alesya: Oh, yes! Tennis is great!
Teacher: Can you ski or skate, Alesya?
Alesya: I can skate but I can’t ski.
Teacher: And the last question, Alesya. Can you swim?
Alesya: No, I can’t. I can’t swim. But my sister can!

Unit 8, lesson 6, ex. 1a

Kate: My favourite season is summer. It’s hot. I can swim in summer.

Pavel: My favourite season is winter. It’s cold. I can skate in winter.
Linda: My favourite season is autumn. It’s warm. I can see yellow, red
and orange leaves in autumn.
Alex: My favourite season is spring. It’s warm and sunny. I can see
green grass in spring.

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Unit 8, lesson 7, ex. 3

Cloudy. Spring. Ice hockey. Sock. Sunny. Black. Mouse. Windy.

Chicken. Foggy.

Unit 8, lesson 8, ex. 1a

– Let’s play basketball!
– That’s a good idea! I like basketball.

– Let’s dance!
– Sorry, I can’t dance.
– Let’s swim!
– No, thank you. The water’s cold.
– Let’s play badminton!
– No, thank you. It’s windy!
– Let’s play tennis!
– That’s a good idea. Tennis is my favourite game.
– Let’s go for a walk!
– That’s a good idea! It’s warm and sunny.

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Unit 8, lesson 9, ex. 1

My favourite season is summer. It's hot and sunny. I like green trees. I
can go for a walk and swim in summer. I don't go to school in summer.
It's cool!

Unit 8, lesson 10, ex. 1

Summer, autumn, winter, spring, windy, cloudy, foggy, sunny, warm,

hot, cold, a cat, a kitten, a dog, a puppy, a budgie, a goldfish, a hamster,
a mouse, a rabbit, a parrot, a rubber, a ruler, a pen, a bag, a pencil case,
a pencil, spring.


Unit 9, lesson 1, ex. 1

Monkey. Tiger. Bear. Lion. Hippo.

Unit 9, lesson 2, ex. 1a

1. They’re from Africa. They’re grey. They’re very big. They can
swim very well.
2. They’re from Africa. They’re yellow and brown. They’re very big.
They can run.
3. They’re from Britain. They’re red. They’re little. They like rabbits
and chickens.
4. They’re from Africa. They’re brown. They can climb trees. They
like bananas.
5. They’re from Africa. They’re green. They’re long. They can swim
and hide.

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6. They’re from India. They’re grey. They’re very big. They’ve got a
long nose and big ears.

Unit 9, lesson 3, ex. 1

They're from Belarus. They're red. They're beautiful. They can run and
jump. They eat fish and rabbits. They drink milk and water.

Unit 9, lesson 4, ex. 3

We are at the zoo. We see a monkey. It's funny. It can jump and climb
trees. It eats bananas, apples, cakes, and sweets.

Unit 9, lesson 5, ex. 1

1. C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, D1, E1, F1, D4, E4.
2. M8, N8, O8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, M14, N14, O14
3. U15, V15, W15, X15, U16, U17, U18, U19, U20, U21, V21, W21, X21,
V18, W18

Unit 9, lesson 6, ex. 1

1. He likes carrots.
2. He likes sweets.
3. He doesn’t like winter.
4. He likes football.
5. He doesn’t like tennis.
6. He likes the circus.
7. He doesn’t like the zoo.
8. He likes summer.

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Unit 9, lesson 6, ex. 4

Dear mum,
I’m at the circus.
I’ve got a friend. It’s a dog. It’s white.
It can dance and sing.
I’m happy.
Love, Bunny.

Unit 9, lesson 7, ex. 1

A tiger, a lion, a crocodile, a monkey, a giraffe, an elephant, a bear, a

hippo, a fox, a hamster, a tortoise, a rat, a snake, a puppy, a kitten, a
guinea-pig, a parrot, a tiger, a goldfish.

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