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CONFIDENTIAL, JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 KUPTM a FINAL EXAMINATION DIPLOMA IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (TESL) COURSE : SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION COURSE CODE : EDU2213 DURATION : 2HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. This question paper consists of FOUR (4) parts PART A (20 questions) PART B (20 questions) PART C (6 questions) PART D (2 questions) 2, Answer ALL questions. Write your answer in the question paper. 3. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i. The Question Paper 4, DO Not bring any material into the examination. 5. Please write your answer using a black/blue pen. MYKAD/ PASSPORTNO- : ID. NO. : LECTURER SECTION ji SS DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This question paper consists of 19 printed pages including the front page. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 PART A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Answer ALL questions. 1 Education is @ social institution through which a society's children are taught A. policies of schools B. to fit into the social structure C. basic academic knowledge, leaming skills and cultural norms D. educational practices, controversial topics and unpopular beliefs 2 Educational sociology is A. includes more practical implications B. the application of sociological findings on education C. emphasize on try to find new plans and activities for future benefit 1D, more emphasis on the achievements of the education on an individual 3. Theoretical approaches in sociology are needed because A. suggest solutions to social problems B. suggest ways and means of social progress C. provide a guide of how the social world works D. preserve and instil in future generations the knowledge, ideas, and customs of our culture 2 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 4. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about macro-level of the level of analysis? A. The focus is on the social stability and change B. The focus is on small-scale interactions between individuals C. The focus is on the social dynamics of face to face interaction . The focus is on the property of society-wide social interaction 5. The theory that compares each part of the society's system that plays a role in the total working society is known as A, Social Theory B. Conflict Theory C. Interactionist Theory D. Functionalist Theory 6. Which of the following is CORRECT due to the existence of different socio-economic strata in the society with various class interests? A. Different politics in the school B. Causing many of indisciptine in the classroom C. Causing a lack of responsibility among the teachers in school D. Setting up mutually incompatible tensions in the educational program 7. Education takes different structure at different times and places because A. it separates the educational system from the society B. it begins and develop social values through contact with others C. any changes in society refiects a change in education and vice versa D. it cannot discrete the educational system from the society as they reflect each other 8. Sunny lives in rural Chile, and is the daughter of a poor farmer. The nearest school 's 70 miles away, and she has no means to get there. What does the educational system in Sunny’s country lack of? A. Latent Functions B. Universal Access C. Formal Education D. Informal Education 3 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET AJEDU2213 10. 1 12 “The limitation of functional approach happened because of [A, individuals who dominate the capitalist systems mold individuals within the system to suit with their own purposes B. society and political systems are fundamentally changed that attempt to provide equal access will be impossible . individuals with wealth and power try to hold on to It by any means possible and suppressing the powerless individuals D. the difficulty of analyzing interactions such as the classroom dynamics of teacher-student or student-student relationship Which of the following is NOT the category of students based on teacher's expectation for labelling theory in education? A. Race B. class C. ethnicity D. education New generations of children leam the rights and wrongs, values and role expectation of the society which they are born through. ‘A. Socialization B. Change and Innovation ©. Transmission of Culture . Selection, Training and Placement of Individuals in Society In preparing young people to become as responsible adults, schools teach not only subject areas but how to be responsible adult. This curriculum refers as A. Written Curriculum B. Taught Curriculum CC. Hidden Curriculum D. Assessed Curriculum 4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. What is the process of defining individuals into categories and rank these categories from higher to lower? A. Level of Analysis B. Social Stratification C. Structure of Society D. Social System Structure A fight has broken out amongst a group of Primary 4 girls at lunchtime. What would be the best way to deal with it? A. Keep them in at lunchtime for the rest of the week B. Report to their parents before speaking to the pupils C. Punish them to write the school rules out for multiple times D. Have a chat with them together, talking about their feelings, why it was wrong and what a better approach would be next time Informal education A. only takes place at home B. refers to the leaming of cultural norms C. includes specialized programmes and training D. structured education system that run from primary school to higher institution Which of the following is a manifest function of schools? A. Following a schedule. B. Leaming to read and write. C. Knowing the etiquette in public. D. Understand when to speak up and when to be silent. Defined as a hereditary intermarrying group which determines individual's status in the social stratification by his occupation. A. Caste B. Class C. Power D. Status Fy CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET AJEDU2213 18. 19. 20. ‘The stated goals of public schools are often different from the operation and procedure. This procedure should focus on A. power B. prestige C. class traits D. curricular content Rational, efficient way of completing tasks and rewarding individual can best be described as _ A. Rationalist B. Adhocracy C, Bureaucracy D. nonsupervisory Pupils who have not completed a high school program can be describes as A. drop out B. withdraw C. nonconformist D. school failures (TOTAL: 20 MARKS) 6 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 PART B: TRUE OR FALSE Read each statement below carefully and circle the correct answer. 1 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. Macro level of analysis is the small-scale studies of classroom True / False interaction. Discipline in school is one of the issues in education focused by True / False Durkheim, Interactionist theory focuses on the interaction between pupils and True / False between pupils and teachers, Discipline methods similar with social class, racial-ethnic group and sex. True / False Honor and respect gained from the public depends on the class of the True / False individuals. Inequality is created by the needs of society not by the desires and True / False needs of individuals. Conflict Theory is mostly associated with Emile Durkheim (1848). True | False Functionalist theorists believe that social order is maintained by True / False domination and power rather than by consensus and conformity. A social institution can be defined as an institution that formed by the True / False government. Rational choice is a choice which meets some consistency criterion as True / False defined by a decision theory and is suitable to achieve specific goals. Pupils from higher social classes have more cultural capital. True / False Social stratification is a horizontal division of society into “higher and True / False “lower” social units. The similarity in people’s abilities is one of the features of social True / False stratification, A person's ability to get their way despite the resistance of others is True | False because of their status. According to conflict theorist, the school system is composed of many True / False distinct subsystems or parts. The degree of homogeneity of the people involved in the system should True / False be considered in decision making. 7 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 17. 18. 19. 20. Some view decentralization of decision making simply as an True | False administrative device. “The implementation of cluster school is based on centralization proces True / False of decision making “The hidden curriculum prepares the pupils for instrumental and True / False expressive roles that involve substantial negotiation ‘Two components of achievement at the elementary level are cognitive True / False and moral. (TOTAL: 20 MARKS) 8 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET AJEDU2213 PART C: SHORT ANSWER Answer ALL questions. 1. State FOUR (4) types of social movements. (4 marks) 2. List FIVE (5) characteristics of bureaucracy. (5 marks) 3. How home environment can affect the educational achieves rent of the pupils? Justify your answer. (5 marks) CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 nt and morale? 4, What are the characteristies of schools with high student achievernel (5 marks) 5, Briefly explain the THREE (3) types of education on lifelong learning skills. (6 marks) 6. What are the basic principles of humanistic education? (6 marks) (TOTAL: 30 MARKS) 10 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 PART D: ESSAY Answer ALL questions. 1. There are FIVE (5) major of functions of education, Use your own experience to elaborate each of them, (20 marks) 2. Explain the factors to pupils’ drop out status in school. (10 marks) (TOTAL: 30 MARKS) END OF QUESTION PAPER 4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 13 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET AIEDU2213 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 15 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET AJEDU2213 16 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET A/EDU2213 CONFIDENTIAL ef 7 ef Gee tee eee eee eee eee SeeEEeeeeee eres ees eet Be eee eee eeeeeeeeceeeeeee See eee eee eee _

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