Tselot zezeweTerBOOK English 5

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ጸልት ዗዗ወትር

Tselot zezeWetir - Daily Prayers

Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Sunday School Diocese
of U.S & Canada
Produced by: English Youth Outreach Committee

 1

1. አአትብ ገጽየ - A’atib Getsye- I cross my Face
አአትብ ገጽየ ወኰሇንታየ I cross my face and all of A’atib getsye wekulu
በኣርኣያ ትእምርተ myself in the symbol of entinaye be-ti’imrte
መስቀሌ፣ አሜን። the Cross Mesqel
በስመ አብ: ወወሌድ: In the Name of the beSim Ab weWeld
ወመንፈስ ቅደስ: አሐደ Father Son and Holy weMenfesQidus
አምሊክ ኣሜን Spirit Ahadu Amlak Amen
One God Amen

2. በቅድስት ሥሊሴ፣ -be-Qidist Silassie- In the Name of the Holy Trinity

በቅድስት ሥሊሴ፣ In the Name of the Holy Trinity beQidist Silassie
እን዗ ኣአምን ወእትመኃጸን፣ that I believe and entrust myself inze a’amin we’it mehatsen
እክህዯከ ሰይጣን፣ I rebuke you Satan before ikehedike saytan
በቅድመ ዛቲ እምየ ቅድስት my Mother the
beqidme zati Emye Qidist
ቤተክርስቲያን፣ Holy Church
እንተይእቲ ስምእየ ማርያም Who name is Mariam beteChristian
ጽዮን፣ of Zion inte-yiite Simye Mariam
ሇዓሇመ ዓሇም፣አሜን። Forever and Ever amen Tsion
le-alem alem amen

3. ነአኩተከ -Niakuteke – We Thank You

ነአኩተከ እግዚኦ ወንሴብሓከ፣ We thank You Lord and we praise Niakuteke Egzio wene-
ንባርከከ እግዚኦ ወንትአመነከ ፣ You siebihake
ንስእሇከ እግዚኦ ወናስተብቁዓከ ፣ We Bless You Lord and we Nibarekeke Egzio wenit-
ንገኒ ሇከ እግዚኦ፣ ወንትቀነይ believe in You
ሇስምከ ቅደስ። Nisi’ilke Egzio
We beg You Lord look to you wenastebequake
ንሰግድ ሇከ፣ ኦ ዗ሇከ፣
ይሰግድ ኩለ ብርክ ፣ We come to You and serve Your Nigenileke Egzio wenitqeney
ወሇከ ይትቀነይ ኩለ ሌሳን። Holy Name leSimike Qidus
አንተ ውእቱ, ኣምሊከ ኣማሌክት፣ We bow to You to whom all Nisegid-leke O zeleke,
ወእግዚኣ ኣጋእዝት ፣ወንጉሰ ነገስት፣ knees bow and all tongues ysegid kulu birk
ኣምሊክ አንተ ሇኩለ ዗ሥጋ ፣ወሇኩሊ worship weleke yitqeney kulu lisan
዗ነፍስ፣ Ante wi’itu, Amlak Amalikt,
You are Lord of lords, God of weEgzia Egaist, weNigus
ወንጼውኣከ ንሕነ፣ gods, King of kings negest
በከመ መሃረነ ቅደስ ወሌድከ ፣ You are God of All flesh and Amlak ante le’kulu ze-siga
እን዗ ይብሌ: Spirit wele-kulu ze’nefs
“አንትሙሰ ሶበ ትጸሌዩ ከመዝ በለ”። We call out Your name as Your Wene-tsewi’ake nihne
Holy Son taught us saying: bekeme meharene Qidus
weldike inze yibil:
“When you pray say…” “Antemuse, sobe ti’tseliyu
kemezi belu…”

 2
4. አቡነ ዗በሰማያት- Abune zebeSemayat-The LORD’s Prayer/ Our Father Prayer

አቡነ ዗በሰማያት Our Father, Who is in heaven, Abune zebeSemayat,

ይትቀዯስ ስምከ፣ Holy is Your Name yitQedes simike
ትምጻእ መንግሥትከ ፣ Your kingdom come, timtsa Mengistike
ወይኩን ፈቃድከ ፣ Your will be done, we-yikun fiqadike
on earth as it is in heaven. bekeme beSemay,
በከመ በሰማይ ፣
kemahu bemidir
ከማሁ በምድር፣ Give us this day our daily sisayene zelele-iletene
ሲሳየነ፣዗ሇሇ ዕሇትነ፣ bread, habene yom
ሃበነ ዮም። and forgive us our sins, hidig-lene abesane we-
ኅድግ ሇነ፣ አበሳነ ወጌጋየነ፣ gegayene
ከመ ንሕነኒ ንኅድግ ሇ዗ as we forgive those who sin keme nih’neni ni-hidig
አበሰ ሇነ። against us; leze abeselene
ኢታብአነ እግዚኦ ውስተ and lead us not into temptation, eta’biane Egzio wiste
መንሱት፣ ኣሊ አድኅነነ but deliver us from all evil.
mensut ala-adhinene,
ወባሌሐነ፣እምኩለ እኩይ፣ For Yours is the Kingdom, and we-balihane, imkulu iquy
እስመ ዚኣከ፣ይእቲ the Power and Glory isme ziake yiiti
መንግሥት፣ኃይሌ ወስብሐት፣ Forever and Ever Amen. Mengist, Hayle weSibhat
ሇዓሇመ ዓሇም፣አሜን። le-alem alem amen

5. በሰሊመ፣ ቅደስ ገብርኤሌ መሌአክ፣- be-selam Qidus Gabriel Melak - In the Peace of the
ArchAngel Gabriel-
በሰሊመ፣ ቅደስ ገብርኤሌ መሌአክ፣ In the Greeting of the Angel be-selam Qidus Gabriel
Qidus Gabriel melak
ኦ እግዝእትየ ማርያም ሰሊም ሇኪ፣
Oh Our Lady Mariam, Peace be O Igzitye Mariam, Selam
ድንግሌ ብኅሉናኪ ፣ወድንግሌ unto you lechi
በሥጋኪ። You are Virgin in conscience Dingil be’hilinachi,
and Virgin in body weDingil be-sigachi
እመ እግዚአብሔር ጸባዖት ሰሊም
ሇኪ። Oh Mother of God, Peace be Eme Egziabhare Tsebaot,
ቡርክት አንቲ እምአንስት፣ unto you Selam lechi
ወቡሩክ ፍሬ ከርሥኪ።
Blessed are you amongst Birukt anti em-anist,
women we-biruk firi’ay kersichi
ተፈሥሒ ፍሥሕት ኦ ምሌእተ ጸጋ and Blessed is the Fruit of your
እግዚአብሔር ምስላኪ። womb te’fesihi fesiht O Milite
Tsega Egziabihare mislechi
ሰአሉ ወጸሌዪ ምሕረት በእንቲኣነ፣ Rejoice you who is full of
Grace, the Lord is with you se’ali we’tseli, mihret
ኀበ ፍቁር ወሌድኪ ኢየሱስ beg and pray for us be’inti ane

 3
ክርስቶስ፣ to your Beloved Son Eyesus habe Fiqur Weldichi
Christos Eyesus Christos
ከመ ይሥረይ ሇነ ኃጣውኢነ።
That He may have mercy on us keme yisray lene haTe
and Forgive us our sins we’ine
Amen Amen

6. ጸልተ ሃይማኖት- Tselot Haimanot- The Orthodox Creed

ጸልተ ሃይማኖት Prayer of Faith Tselot haimanot

ነአምን በአሐደ አምሊክ We believe in one God, God the ne-amin be-ahadu Amlak
እግዚአብሔር አብ፣ Father Almighty Igziabhare Ab
አኃዜ ኩለ ገባሬ ሰማያት ወምድር Who created heaven & earth ahazye kulu gebarie Semayat
዗ያስተርኢ ወ዗ኢያስተርኢ። we-midr
and all things seen and unseen. Zeyaster’ee weze-
ወነአምን በአሐደ እግዚእ ኢየሱስ We believe in one Lord, Jesus eeyaster’ee
ክርስቶስ፣ Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of Wene-amin be’ahadu Egzi
ወሌዯ አብ ዋሕድ ዗ህሌው ምስላሁ God, begotten of the Father before Eyesus Christos Weld Ab
እምቅድመ ይትፈጠር ዓሇም። all ages; Wahid ze-hulu misleyehu
Light from Light, imqidme’ yitfeTer alem
true God of true God, begotten not
ብርሃን ዗እምብርሃን created, Birhan ze’imberhan
አምሊክ ዗እምአምሊክ of one essence with the Father, by Amlak ze’im Amlak
዗በአማን ዗ተወሌዯ ወአኮ ዗ተገብረ Whom all things were made zebe aman zetewelde we’ako
዗ዕሩይ ምስሇ አብ በመሇኮቱ። zetegebre
዗ቦቱ ኩለ ኮነ ze-iruy misle Ab be-
ወ዗እንበላሁሰ አሌቦ ዗ኮነ melekotu zebotu kulu kone
Who for us men and for our weze-inbeliehuse albo
ወኢምንትኒ ዗በሰማይኒ salvation He came down from zekone
ወ዗በምድርኒ። Heaven;
዗በእንቲአነ ሇሰብእ ወበእንተ and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit we-imenteni, zebe Semayeni
መድኃኒትነ and the Virgin Mary, and became weze-bemidreni
ወረዯ እምሰማያት ተሰብአ Man. zebe’inti ane leseb webeinte
ወተሰገወ እምመንፈስ ቅደስ For our sake, He was crucified
under Pontius Pilate; werede imsemayat tesebA
ወእም ማርያም እምቅድስት ድንግሌ wetesegewe imMenfes Qidus
ኮነ ብእሴ ወተሰቅሇ በእንቲአነ we’im Mariam imQidist
በመዋዕሇ ጲሊጦስ ጰንጤናዊ። Dingil
He suffered, died, and was buried.
And on the third day He rose from kone bi’ise wete’seqle
ሐመ ወሞተ ወተቀበረ be’inte ane bemewa-ile
the dead, in fulfillment of the
ወተንሥአ እሙታን አመ ሣሌስት ዕሇት Peelatos Pentenawi
Scriptures; He ascended into Heaven
በከመ ጽሑፍ ውስተ ቅደሳት and is seated at the right hand of the
መጻህፍት Father. He is coming again in His hame we mote we teqebre
ዓርገ በስብሓት ውስተ ሰማያት glory to judge the living and the we-tensiA imutan ame
ወነበረ በየማነ አቡሁ dead, and His kingdom shall have no salist ilet
ዲግመ ይመጽእ በስብሐት ይኮንን end. bekeme tsihuf wuste
ሕያዋነ ወሙታነ
 4
ወአሌቦ ማኅሇቅት ሇመንግሥቱ። Qidusat metsahift
Yes, We believe in the Holy Spirit, arge be-sibhat wuste
the Lord, the Life-Giver, who Semayat wenebere be-
ወነአምን በመንፈስ ቅደስ proceeds from the Father, Who with yemane Abuhu dagime
እግዚእ ማኅየዊ ዗ሠረጸ እም አብ the Father and the Son is worshipped yimetsi bisibhat yikonen
ንስግድ ልቱ ወንሰብሖ and glorified, Who has spoken hiyawane wemutane
ምስሇ አብ ወወሌድ ዗ነበበ በነብያት። through the Prophets. we-albo mahileqt le-
We believe in one Holy Universal wene amin be-Menfes Qidus
and apostolic Church, And we Egzi Mahiyawi zeseretse im-
ወነአምን በአሐቲ ቅድስት confess one baptism for the Ab nisegd wene-sebiho
ቤተ ክርስቲያን እንተ ሊእሇ remission of sins. misle Ab weWeld zenebebe
ኩለ ጉባኤ ዗ሓዋሪያት። benebiyat
ወነአምን በአሐቲ ጥምቀት wene Amin be-ahati Qidist
ሇሥርየት ሓጢኣት We look for the resurrection of the BeteChristian inte la-ile
dead, and the life of the world to kulu guba’e zeHawariat
ወንሴፎ ትንሣኤ ሙታን come. wene amin be-ahati Timqet
ወሕይወተ ዗ይመጽእ ሇዓሇመ ዓሇም። lesiryeTe haTiyat
Weni-sefo tinsa’e imutan
wehiwete zeyimetsi le-aleme
Amen alem

7. ቅደስ ቅደስ ቅደስ- Qidus Qidus Qidus-(Holy Holy Holy)

ቅደስ ቅደስ ቅደስ Holy, Holy, Holy Qidus, Qidus, Qidus
እግዚአብሔር ጸባዖት Lord of Hosts Egziabhare tseba’ot
ፍጹም ምለዕ ሰማያት The Heavens and the Earth are fitsum mulu Semayat we-
ወምድረ ቅድሳተ ስብሐቲከ። completely filled with your Glory midre Qidesat sebhatike

ንሰግድ ሇከ ክርስቶስ ምስሇ We bow to you Christ with your Niseged leke Christos misle
ኣቡከ ኄር ሰማያዊ Merciful and Heavenly Father Abuke hierr semayawi
ወመንፈስከ ቅደስ ማኅየዊ And with your Holy Spirit, the wemenfesike Qidus maheyewi
እስመ መጻእከ ወአድኃንከነ። Because you came and saved us isme metsa’ike weadhankene

 5
8. እሰግድ ሇአብ -Eseged leAb – I bow to the Father
እሰግድ ሇአብ ወወሌድ ወመንፈስ I bow to the Father Son and Holy Eseged le’Ab weWeld weMenfes
ቅደስ አሐተ ሰግዯተ። (፫ ጊዜ Spirit in a prostration Qidus ahate segdet
በሌ) (Say 3 times) (3 gize)
እን዗ አሐደ ሠሇስቱ
ወእን዗ ሠሇስቱ አሐደ ይሤሇሱ This One is Three and Three is Enze ahadu selestu we-inze
በአካሊት One selestu ahadu
ወይትዋሐደ በመሇኮት Yesielesu be’akalat,
They are Three in persons and weyiTewahdu bemelekot
እሰግድ ሇእግዝእትነ ማርያም One in Godhead
ድንግሌ ወሊዱተ አምሊክ። Eseged leEgitene Mariam Dingil,
I bow to our Lady the Virgin Weladite Amlak
እሰግድ ሇመስቀሇ እግዚእነ Mary, the Mother of God
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ I bow to the Cross of our Lord
዗ተቀዯሰ በዯሙ ክቡር። Jesus Christ Eseged leMesqel Egzi’ine
which was consecrated with His Eyesus Christos
Holy Blood zeteQedese bedemu kibur
መስቀሌ ኃይሌነ፡ The Cross is our Strength Mesqel Hailine
መስቀሌ ጽንዕነ፡ The Cross is our Might Mesqel Tsinene
መስቀሌ ቤዛነ፡ The Cross is our Ransom Mesqel Beyzane
መስቀሌ መድኃኒተ ነፍስነ The Cross is the Healing of our Mesqel Medhanite Nesfine
አይሁድ ክሕደ, ንሕነሰ ኣመነ The Jews denied, but we believe Aihud kihidu, nehnese amene
ወእሇ አመነ በኃይሇ መስቀለ And those who believe we’ile amene
ድኅነ። are saved by the Strength of His behaile Mesqelu dihine

9. ሰሊምሇኪ -Selam lechi- (Peace unto you)

ሰሊምሇኪ እን዗ ንሰግድ “Peace unto you,” we say as we “Selam lechi” inze nisegid
ዝብሇኪ። bow to you neblechi
Mariam our Mother, we ask you Mariam Emene,
ማርያም እምነ ናስተ዗ቊዏኪ። From the predatory animals we nastebe’quachi
entrust ourselves to you Em-arwie Ne’awi
እምአርዌ ነዓዊ ተማህፀነ ብኪ። temahatsen bichi
For the Sake of Hannah your Mother, Beinte Hannah Emichi,
and Joachim your Father
weEyaqem Abuchi
በእንተሐና እምኪ ወኢያቄም
አቡኪ Our Congregation today O Virgin, Mahberene yom Dingil,
።ማኅበረነ ዮም ድንግሌ ባርኪ። bless barichi

 6
10. ጸልት እግዝእትነ ማርያም
Tselot Egzi’itine Mariam Dingil Weladite Amlak
(Prayer of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God)
Luke 1:46-55
ጸልት እግዝእትነ ማርያም Prayer of our Lady Mariam Virgin Tselot Egzitine Mariam Dingil
ድንግሌ ወሊዱተ ኣምሊክ። Mother of God: Weladite Amlak:
“ታዏብዮ ነብስየ ሇእግዚኣብሔር። “My soul magnifies the Lord, “Te’abyo Nefsiye leEgziabhare
ወትትኃሠይ መንፈስየ በኣምሊኪየ And my spirit has rejoiced in my God wet’tit-hasey menfesiye
ወመድኃንየ፤ my Savior. BeAmlachiye weMedhaniye
For He has regarded the lowly state of
እስመርእየ ሕማማ ሇኣመቱ። His maidservant; Esme re’iye himama leAmetu
For behold, henceforth all generations Nahu emye’zese yastebetsiuni
ናሁ እምይእዜሰ ያስተበፅዐኒ ኩለ will call me blessed.
kwulu twlid
ትዉሌድ። For He who is mighty has done great
Esme Gebre leete Hayl abiyate
እስመ ገብረ ሉተ ኃይሇ ዏቢያተ things for me,
weQidus simu
ወቅደስ ስሙ። And holy is His name.
Wesahluni leTwulde twulid
ወሣህለኒ ሇትውሌድ ትዉሌድ ሇእሇ And His mercy From generation to
generation. Le’lile yiferihiwo
ይፈርህዎ። is on those who fear Him weGebre Hayl bemezra’itu
He has shown strength wezerewomu le’ele ya’abyu
ወገብረ ኃይሇ በመዝራዕቱ፡ with His arm; hilina l’bomu
ወ዗ረዎሙ ሇእሇ የዏብዩ ሕሉና He has scattered the proud in the we-nesetomu lehayalan
ሌቦሙ፡ imagination of their hearts emena’brtihomu
ወነሠቶሙ ሇኃያሊን፣ A’ebeyomu le’tehutan
እመናብርቲሆሙ። He has put down the mighty from we-atsgebomu embereketu
ኣዕበዮሙ ሇትሑታን፡ ወኣጽገቦሙ their thrones, le’rhuban
እምበረከቱ ሇርኁባን፡ And exalted the lowly. wefenewomu e’raqomu
ወፈነዎሙ ዕራቆሙ ሇብዐሊን He has filled the hungry with good le’beulan
things, we-tewekfo leIsrael Qul’eyhu
wetezekere Sahlo
ወተወክፎ ሇእስራኤሌ ቍሌዔሁ፡ And the rich He has sent away empty. zeyibielomu leAbewine
ወተ዗ከረ ሣህል He has helped His servant Israel,
዗ይቤልም ሇኣበዊነ In remembrance of His mercy, leAbraham welezeru iske
As He spoke to our fathers,
ሇኣብርሃም ወሇ዗ርኡ እስከ ሇዓሇም”።
To Abraham and to his seed forever.”

 7
11. ስብሐት ሇአብ -Sibhat leAb- Glory to the Father

ስብሐት ሇአብ ስብሐት ሇወሌድ Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Sibhat leab sbhat leWeld sbhat
ስብሐት ሇመንፈስ ቅደስ (፫ ጊዜ በሌ) Spirit 3x leMenfes Qidus 3 gize
- Glory is due to the Father, -ydelwomu leAb leweld
- ይዯሌዎሙ ሇአብ ስብሐት Son and the Holy Spirit
ሇወሌድ ስብሐት ሇመንፈስ weleMenfes Qidus
sbhat egzi-etne mariam Dingil
ስብሐት ሇእግ዗ትነ ማርያም ድንግሌ Glory to our Lady Virgin Mother of Weladite Amlak
ወሊዱተ አምሊክ፡ God - ydelwa Egzi-etne Mariam
- ይዯሌዋ ሇእግ዗ትነ ማርያም - Glory is due to our Lady
Dengl Weladite Amlak
ድንግሌ ወሊዱተ አምሊክ Virgin Mother of God

Glory to the Holy Cross of Lord Jesus

sbhat leMesqele Egzine Eyesus
ስብሐት ሇመስቀሇ እግዚእነ ኢየሱስ Christ kristos
ክርስቶስ - Glory is due to the Holy - ydelwo leMesqele Egzine
- ይዯሌዎ ሇመስቀሇ እግዚእነ Cross of our Lord Jesus Eyesus Christos
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ Christ
Christ remember us with His Mercy Christos bemhretu yzekrene
ክርስቶስ በምሕረቱ ይ዗ከረነ።
- Amen - amen
- ኣሜን

አመ ዲግም ምጽአቱ ኢያስተኅፍረነ። In His second Coming may he not let webedagme metsa’itu
- ኣሜን us be ashamed iyastahafrene
- Amen - amen
ሇሰብሖተ ስሙ ያንቅሀነ May He wake us to Glorify His Name lesibhotu Simu yanqhane
- ኣሜን - Amen - amen
May He keep us in His worship webe-amlikotu yatsne’ane
ወበአምሌኮቱ ያጽንአነ - Amen - amen
- ኣሜን Egzitne Mariam Dingl Weladite
Holy Lady Mariam Virgin Mother of
እግዝእትነ ማርያም ድንግሌ ወሊዱተ God, lift up our prayers
Amlak, a'argi tselotne
አምሊክ አዕርጊ ጸልተነ፣ - amen
- Amen
- ኣሜን we-astesri kulo hatiatne
And Clear all our Sins
ወአስተሥርዪ ኩል ኃጢአተነ - Amen
- amen
- ኣሜን Before the Throne of our Lord qidme menberu le-Egzine
- amen
ቅድመ መንበሩ ሇእግዚእነ - Amen
Who gave us to eat this bread lezeable’ane zente hbste
- ኣሜን - esme lealem mhretu
- For His Mercy is forever
Who gave us this drink welezeasteyene zente tswa-e
ሇ዗አብሌዏነ ዗ንተ ኅብስተ - esme lealem mhretu
- For His Mercy is forever
- እስመ ሇኣሇም ሚሕረቱ He that prepared our meal and our welezeser’a lene sisayene we
ወሇ዗አስተየነ዗ንተ ጽዋዓ food and clothed us arazene
- እስመ ሇኣሇም ሚሕረቱ - For His Mercy is forever - esme lealem mhretu
ወሇ዗ሠርዏ ሇነ ሲሳየነ ወአራ዗ነ
- እስመ ሇኣሇም ሚሕረቱ He has overlooked all our sins takes wlezetageselene kulo hatiatine
away all our sins. - esme lealem mhretu
ወሇ዗ተዏገሠ ሇነ ኵል ኃጢአተነ - For His mercy is forever
- እስመ ሇኣሇም ሚሕረቱ
Who gave us to His Holy Flesh and welezewhabene Sigahu Qeduse
Precious Blood weDemu Kibure
ወሇ዗ወሀበነ ሥጋሁ ቅደሰ ወዯሞ - For His mercy is forever
ክቡረ - esme lealem mhretu
- እስመ ሇኣሇም ሚሕረቱ
wele ze-abtsehane eske zati se’at
ወሇ዗አብጽሐነእስከ ዛቲ ሰዓት። Who brought us to this Time

 8
ነሀብ ልቱ ስብሐተ ወአኯቴተ nehab lotu sibhat weako-tiet le-
ሇእግዚአብሔር ሌዐሌ Let us give Glory and Appreciation to Egziabhier liul
the Lord above weleWeladitu Dingil
ወሇወሊዱቱ ድንግሌ። ወሇመስቀለ And to His Holy Virgin Mother weleMesqelu Kibur
ክቡር And to the Precious Cross yitakot weysebah smu le-
ይትአኯት ወይሰባሕ ስሙ The Lord’s Name be thanked and Egziabhier
ሇእግዚአብሔር glorified wetre bekulu gzie webe kulu se’at.
ወትረ ብኵለ ጊዜ ወበኵለ ሰዓት። Always at all moments and times.

 ኣሜን Amen

 9

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