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1. United Kingdom
The official name of the country we usually call England and occasionally
The U.Britain is the United
K. is situated on theKingdom
group ofof Greatlying
islands Britain and
just offNorthern Ireland.
the mainland of
north¬western Europe. The British Isles include Great Britain proper,
Ireland and a number of smaller islands. Great Britain consists of England,
Scotland and Wales. The southern part of Ireland is the Republic of Eire.
Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel, the
narrower part of which is called the Strait of Dover. The British Isles are
surrounded by the shallow waters of the Irish Sea and the North Sea, the
Norwegian Sea, the North Channel and the Atlantic Ocean.
Britain is comparatively small, but there is hardly a country, in the world
where such a variety of scenery can be found. There are wild desolate
mountains in the northern Highlands of Scotland - the home of the deer
and the eagle. The Pennine Range in northern England and the Cambrian
Mountains in Wales are much lower. In the extreme south of England are
the famous chalk hills, some of which form the Dover Cliffs. The southern
and south-eastern parts of the island lie in varied lowlands.
The rivers of the region are short and of no great importance as
waterways. The longest of them is the "Father of London", the Thames,
which is a little over 200 miles. Britain's principal ports are London,
Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, and Glasgow.
Thanks to climatic conditions, Britain in truth looks like one great well-

ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges. 1/59
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2. London-capital of Great Britain

The capital of Great Britain is London. It's political, economic and
commercial center of the country. Its population is about 8 million.
London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End
and the East End.
The heart of London is the City, its financial and business center.
Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there, including the Bank of
England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live here, but
over a million people come to the city to work.
There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. Perhaps the most
striking of them in St. Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of British churches.
Another important monument of London is The Tower of London which was
used for many purposes: as a royal palace, an observatory, an arsenal, a
state prison and it is now a museum. For many visitors the principal
attraction is the Crown Jewels, the finest precious stones of the nation.
Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London. Westminster
Abbey is a national shrine where the kings and queens are crowned and
famous people are buried. Across the road from Westminster Abbey is the
seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower, which contains the hour-
bell called Big Ben, is known the world over. Buckingham Palace is the

Trafalgarresidence of the
Square is the geographical
Queen. center of London. On the north side of
Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery.
Not far away is the British Museum - the biggest museum in London.
The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. Only
reach people live there. But in the same time The East End is the poorest
district of London. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here.
The streets are narrow, the buildings are unimpressive. This is the place of
living of the working class.
So after all we can say that the UK is one of the most powerful countries
with great culture and it would be very exiting to visit it.
3. Climate and Nature of Great Britain 2/59
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The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the
influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth
temperateinto Britain.
and humid.The climate in Britain is usually described as
British people say: "Other countries have a climate, in England we have
The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the
next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be
cool. Therefore it is natural for the people to use the comparison "as
changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or
opinion about something. The weather is the favorite topic of conversation
in Britain.
Rainfall is more or less even throughout the year. In the mountains there is
heavier rainfall then in the plains of the south and east. The driest period is
from March to June and the wettest months are from October to January.
The average range of temperature (from winter to summer) is from 15 to
23 degrees above zero. During a normal summer the temperature
sometimes rises above 30 degrees in the south. Winter temperatures
below 10 degrees are rare. It seldom snows heavily in winter, the frost is
rare. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August
the warmest. Still the wind may bring winter cold in spring or summer
days. Sometimes it brings the whirlwinds or hurricanes. Droughts are rare.
So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild,

arechangeable. ThatSnow
extremely mild. means that
may it is never
come too hot
but it melts or too In
quickly. cold.
the cold is humid cold, not the dry one.
This humid and mild climate is good for plants. The trees and flowers begin
to blossom early in spring.
4. Customs and traditions in UK
Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed
to be cold, reserved, rather haughty people. They are steady, easy-going
and fond of sports. There are certain kinds of behavior, manners and
customs which are peculiar to England.

Britain is a nation of animal lovers. In Britain pets can send Christmas

cards to their friends, birthday cards. 3/59
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Every Englishmen spends his weekend different: those who live in cities
and towns like to go out of town. They may go to stay in the country to
admire the bright
and leisure are. sun and fresh air where no crowds of people, just silence
There are some traditions concerning food. English cooking is heavy,
substantial and plain. The Englishman likes a good breakfast. To him a
good breakfast means porridge with, fish, bacon and eggs, toast and
marmalade, tea or coffee.
Tea is part of the prose of British life, as necessary as potatoes and bread.
Seven cups of it wake you up in the morning; 9 cups will put you to sleep
at night.
The English have a popular specialty known as fish and chips. They are
bought at special fish and chips shops.
5. New Year's Day in UK
The celebration of New Year's Day varies according to the district. In the
south of England, the festival of Christmas, lasting 12 days from December
25th, runs on well into the New Year. The decorations of colored streamers
and holly, put up round the walls, and of course the fir-tree, with its
candles or lights, are not packed away until January 5th. On the evening of
December 31st, people gather in one another's homes, in clubs, in pubs, in
restaurants, and hotels, in dance halls and institutes, to "see the New Year
On New Year's Day all English schoolchildren make New Year resolutions.

They make
children, up mothers
their lists of shortcomings which
and fathers, and they
their intendlaugh
friends to correct. The a
and have
good time when they read them. The children promise to keep them.
In the north, and in Scotland, particularly, the Year known as Hogmanay is
very well kept up. The ceremonies are similar, but they have an added
called "first foot". This means opening your door to anyone who knocks it
after midnight, and who will then enter the house, carrying a piece of coal-
or wood, or bread. The visitor is entertained with cakes and ale.
Considerable quantities of good Scotch whiskey are consumed during
these celebrations
6. Places of interest
There are a lot of places of interest in London. They are all worth seeing.
On the north side of Trafalgar Square stands one of the world's greatest art 4/59
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galleries. The National Gallery represents all schools of Western painting

from the Italian Primitives to the early 20th century. Portraits by Reynolds
SinceGainsborough can bethe
the time of William seen here.
Conqueror the Tower of London has served as
a fortress, a royal residence, treasury, mint and prison. Here many people
were imprisoned and beheaded. Now it's a museum.
St. Paul's Cathedral is the largest and the most magnificent church of the
city. The High Altar forms a memorial to those who died in the two World
The Victoria and Albert Museum represents the finest examples of the
applied and decorative arts of all kinds. It has collections of furniture,
jewellery, costumes, musical instruments and metalwork.
The Barbican centre was opened by the Queen in 1982. It includes a
concert hall, the home of the London Symphony Orchestra, two theatres,
three cinemas and an art gallery.
Piccadilly Circus is one of London's busiest road-junctions. It's always full of
cars, people as there are many theatres, shops and restaurants there. The
statue of Eros is in the middle of Piccadilly.
One of the beautiful things in London is Madame Tussaud's museum. It
represents wax figures of the famous and infamous people of the past and
present. The Chamber of Horrors is of particular interest and also Company
and the Royal Ballet.

7. Press
Probably in Britain
in no other country are there such great differences the various
national daily newspapers- in the type of news they report and the way
they report it.
On the one hand, there are the "quality" newspapers: The Times, The
Independent, The Guardian, the Financial times and the Daily Telegraph.
These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major
national and international events, with the world of political and business
and with the arts and sport.
On the one hand, there are the "populars" and "tabloids", so-called
because of their smaller size. The tabloids- the most widely read of which
are The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, the Daily Mirror, The Sun and the
Daily Star- concentrate on more emotive reporting of stories often 5/59
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featuring sex, violence, the Royal Family, film and pop stars, and sport. It is
often said that the popular press aims to entertain it's rather than inform
In addition to the 12 national daily newspapers there are nine national
papers which are published on Sundays. Most of the "Sundays" contain
more reading matter than daily papers, and several of them also include
"color supplements"- separate color magazines which contain
photographically-illustrated feature articles.
The British are one of the biggest newspapers-reading nations in the world.
8.Museums and Art Galleries of London
London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of
painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery. There are about 300 oils and 19000
watercolors and drawings. There are many works by the English painter
William Turner there. There are a lot of paintings by the 16-th century
English artists and paintings by foreign artists of the 19-20-th centuries,
such as Pablo Picasso's paintings. There are many interesting sculptures
there of Henry Moor's
The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. It
comprises the national museum of archaeology and ethnography and the
national library. The present building was built in 1852. It contains books
and manuscripts: Greek, Roman, British and Oriental antiques. It has a
department of Ethnography. This collection is so vast that only a very small
percentage of it is on show to the public. There's also a department of

prints and drawings.

and philately. There're
Those who comedepartments devoted
to the British museumto can
seecoins, medals
a fascinating
array of clocks and watches.
Cultural life of London would be impossible without the Royal Albert hall,
the Royal Festival hall, the National theatre and a great number of
museums: the Victoria and Albert museum, the Geological Museum, the
Museum of Mankind, Natural history museum and others.
9. The houses of Parliament
The house of Parliament in London, known also as the Palace of
Westminster is the place where members of Parliament (M.P.) gather to
make laws.
The members of each House meet in sessions which begin at the end of
October and last for about one hundred and sixty days. The sittings usually 6/59
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begin at 10 o'clock in the morning and end in the late afternoon; but if
Parliament is discussing an important question sittings may go on till late
at night. All
building, andthe timethe
when Parliament
House of is in session,
Commons a flag
is still can be
sitting seen
after over
dark, the is
a light over the face of Big Ben.
The members of the House of Commons sit on two sides of the hall. The
Speaker is the chairperson at all the debates in the House of Commons,
and it is duty to keep order. The Speaker is elected by all the members of
the House of Commons. He belongs to one of the political parties in
Parliament, but he never votes are equal he votes with the government.
The chairperson of the House of Lords is Lord Chancellor. He sits on the
Woolsack, a large bag of wool covered with red cloth. If shows that wool
made England rich

10. Political system of United Kingdom

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. It means that there is a Queen
(or King) and the Parliament. The Queen has almost no power in the
country. Her powers are limited by the Parliament. Laws are made by the
The Queen is only a formal ruler: she reigns but does not rule. In fact
everything that she does is done on the active of her ministers, who are
responsible for the royal acts. Thus, most of her functions are symbolic.
The Queen's residence in London is Buckingham Palace.

The British
House Parliament
of Commons. consists
There of twothan
are more cambers: the Houseinifthe
1000 members Lords and of
House the
Lords. Many seats are hereditary.
The House of Commons has 635 members. They are elected by a general
election (secret ballot).
The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the
party that has won the election.
In Great Britain there are three main political parties: the Conservatives,
the Labour Party and the Liberals.

11. Sightseeing London 7/59
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The Tower of London is the most famous of all the historical buildings in
London. In the past the Tower of London served both as a palace and as a
state prison,
Trafalgar but itisisinonly
Square a museum
the centre today.
of the West End of London. On the north
side is the National Gallery; in the north-east corner is the National Portrait
Gallery, and in the centre is Nelson's Column with the figure of the great
Trafalgar Square is the place where mass meetings and demonstrations for
peace and for working people's rights take place.
"Big Ben" is the name of the great bell which strikes the hour. It is in the
clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament.
Westminster Abbey is the historic building in London to which every visitor
sooner or later goes. Many of Great Britain's famous men are buried in
Westminster Abbey.
Piccadilly Circus is a square in the central part of London. London's best-
known theatres and cinemas and most famous restaurants are on
Piccadilly Circus. Hyde Park is the largest park in the West End of London.
In the 19th century it became a popular place for public meetings.
The British Museum is one of the largest museums in the world. It consists
of the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and
12. Some facts about London
London has been home of many famous Englishmen. Some were born

there. Some
short time lived
but theresomething
all gave all their lives. Others
to this lived
great city in London only for a
One of the first names of importance is that of Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet.
He lived most of his life in London. He knew the courts of King Richard II d
King Henry IV. His most famous work, 'The Canterbury Tales", opens at the
Tabard Inn, in Southward.
William Shakespeare also lived in London. He lived there for more than
twenty years. He acted at the Globe Theatre and wrote his plays in London.
But London's famous men are not only writers. Sir Christopher Wren, the
architect, spent most of his life in London. He designed many beautiful
churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral. He also designed palaces and fine
Music is represented by a very interesting figure. This is George Frederick 8/59
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Handel. He came to London from Hanover in 1710After some success and

some failure he at last became famous. This happened when he composed
"The Messiah".
Like Chaucer "Judas
and manyMaccabeus"
other greatand 'TheHandel
artists. Music for the Royal
is buried Fireworks"
in Westminster
Another famous London figure is one of England's greatest seamen.
Admiral Lord Nelson. He has a very special memorial in Trafalgar Square.
Equally famous is the general who led the army at the battle of Waterloo in
1815. This was the Duke of Wellington. His house stands at Hyde Park
Comer. It is sometimes known as Number One, London. Like

Admiral Nelson, the Duke of Wellington is buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.
13. Stratford-upon-Avon
Stratford-upon-Avon lies at the very heart of England. It attracts people not
only by its history and connection with William Shakespeare, but also by its
wonderful nature and typical English character.
Stratford stands on the river Avon and is one of the oldest market towns. It
has still preserved its own character and atmosphere, as you will not see
modern buildings there. The houses are small and lots of them are very
old. Some of them date back to Shakespeare's time.
Here you can visit Shakespeare's birthplace (it is a museum now), Anna
Hathaway's cottage the foundations of the New Place, where Shakespeare

lived whenschool
Grammar he retired
that and died in 1616.
Shakespeare usedJust round the corner there is
to attend.
Here in Stratford there is Holy Trinity Church where William Shakespeare
was buried. Thousands of people from all parts of England and foreign
visitors come here on Shakespeare's birthday (23rd April) to pay tribute to
the great poet.
Among other sights connected with the name of Shakespeare there is an
interesting monument with the statue of the great poet on top and with
characters from his plays round it. And, of course, you should visit the
Royal Shakespeare Theatre, a red-brick building standing on the banks of
the Avon. The Royal Shakespeare Company, which is one of the best
known and largest theatre companies in the world, regularly performs here
and in the Barbican Centre in London. 9/59
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14. Youth organizations in Great Britain

Youth and youth movement have become important factors in the life of
the country.
youth There are
organizations canabout 60 youth
be divided intoorganizations in Great Britain. All
three large groups:
1. non-political organizations;
2. youth organizations associated with political parties;

3. youth organizations controlled by religious bodies.

The two largest non-political youth organizations are the associations of
the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides.
The Scout movement was intended for boys from 11 to 14, but in 1916
Baden Powell introduced a program for younger people. He called them
Wolf Cubs. They had special uniforms, badges, a special training system
and the motto "Do your best!"
There are some other non-political organizations: the Combined Cadet
Force, Sea Cadet Corps, the Woodcraft Folk, the Youth Hostels Association,
the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, Greenpeace.
Youth Organization Greenpeace deals with most urgent ecological
problems. It protests against nuclear weapon tests, sea and soil pollution,
Sport clubs are characteristic youth organizations in the UK. They unite
people who are interested in basebaii, football, golf, etc.
Religious young organizations and groups aim at helping to elderly people

or working
Many in hospitals.
of these organizations have done and still are doing useful work in
providing leisure facilities for young English people.
15. Vegetation and wildlife
Britain was originally a land of vast forests. Mainly oak and beech in the
Lowlands and pine and birch In the Highlands, with great stretches of
marshland and smaller areas of moors. Extensive forests remain in eastern
and northern Scotland and in south-eastern and western England. Oak,
elm, ash, and beech are the commonest trees in England, while Scotland
has much pine and birch.
The fauna or animal life of Britain is much like that of north-western
Europe, to which it was once joined. Many larger mammals such as bear,
wolf have been hunted to extinction, others are now protected by law. 10/59
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There are many foxes. Otters are common along rivers and streams, and
seals live along much of the coast. Hedgehogs, hares,

rabbits, rats and mice are numerous. Deer live in some of the forests in the
Highlands of Scotland and England.
Some 230 kinds of birds live in Britain, and another 200 are regular
visitors, many are songbirds. The most numerous are blackbirds, sparrow
and starling. Robin Redbreast is the national bird of Britain. The number of
ducks, geese and other water fowl has diminished during recent years.
16. Holidays in Great Britain
English are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them. English
people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. It's the season of
good will. It's the most beautiful time of the year - the time of love, joy and
There are some traditions on New Year's Day. One of them is the old First
Footing. The first man to come into the house is very important. The
Englishmen believe that he brings luck.
Another best-loved holiday is St.Valentine's Day on the 14th of February -
the holiday of love and affection, the day of sending and giving presents to
those you love.
In England, Easter is a church holiday. A custom is decorating eggs for
children. Halloween is the day or evening before all Saint's Day. Children
dress up in Halloween costumes and masks over their faces.

According to the Act of Des

Monday, whit-Monday, Parliament of 1871
26th -Boxing there
Day. are public
Other 4 bankholiday
Good Friday, May Day, Also there is a Pancake Day, April's Fool Day,
Mother's Day.
17. Educational system in Great Britain
The educational system of Great Britain is extremely complex and
bewildering. It is very difficult to generalize about particular types of
schools as schools differ from one to the other.
Primary education takes place in infant schools for pupil's ages from 5 to 7
years old and junior schools (from 8 to 11 years). Some areas have
different systems in which middle schools replace junior schools and take
pupils ages from 9 to 11 years. Secondary education has been available in
Britain since 1944. It is compulsory up to the age of 16, and pupils can stay 11/59
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at school voluntarily up to three years longer.

At the age of 16 pupils take school-leaving examinations in several
candidatesat the
at aOrdinary level. Thisestablishment.
further education examination could also be
This exam taken
was by the
General Certificate of Education (GCE). Pupils of comprehensive school had
taken the examination called the Certificate of Secondary Education either
with or instead of the GCE. A GCE of Advanced ("A") level was taken two
years after the Ordinary level exam.
The private sector is running parallel to the state system of education.
There are over 2500 fee-charging independent schools in GB. Most private
schools are single-sex until the age of 16.
There are over 90 universities in GB. They are divided into three types: the
old universities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), in the
19th century universities, such as London and Manchester universities, and
the new universities.
Full courses of study offer the degree of Bachelor of Art or Science. Most
degree courses at universities last three years, language courses 4 years.
Medicine and dentistry courses are longer (5-7 years).
Most students live away from home, in flats of halls of residence.
There are not only universities in Britain but also colleges. Colleges offer
courses in teacher training, courses in technology and some professions
connected with medicine. 18. Buckingham Palace
Buckingham palace is the official London residence of Her Majesty The

Queen andmonarchy.
the British as such is one ofhas
Yet it thebeen
best known
a royal and most potent
residence symbols
for only of
just over
two hundred and thirty years and a palace for much less; and its name,
known the world over, is owed not to a monarch but to an English Duke.

Buckingham House was built for John, first Duke of Buckingham, between
1702 and 1705. It was sold to the Crown in 1762. Although King George III
modernized and enlarged the house considerable, the transformations that
give the building its present palatial character were carried out for King
George IY by Nash, by Edward Blore for King William IY and Queen Victoria
in the end, and by James Pennethoooorne.
In the reign of King Edward Yll, much of the present white and gold 12/59
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decoration was substituted for the richly colored 19th century schemes of
Nash and Blare; and in the 1920s, Queen Mary used the firm of White Alum
rooms open a number of rooms.
to visitors are used principally for official entertainment
.These include Receptions and State Banquets, and it is on such occasions,
when the rooms are filled with flowers and thronged with formally dressed
guests and liveried servants, that the Palace is seen at its most splendid
and imposing. But of course the Palace is also far more than just the
London home of the Royal Family and a place of lavish entertainment. It
has become the administrative centre of the monarchy where, among a
multitude of engagements, Her Majesty receives foreign Heads of State,
Commonwealth leaders and representatives of the Diplomatic Corps and
conducts Investitures, and where the majority of the Royal Household,
consisting of six main Departments and a staff of about three hundred
people, has their offices.
19. Media in Great Britain
The media play a central role in Britain's daily life, informing and
educating, questioning and challenging - and of course - entertaining. In
recent years the availability of more radio frequencies, together with
satellite, cable and microwave transmissions, has already made a greater
number of local, national and international services possible. The transition
from analogue to digital transmission technology is now expanding this
capacity enormously. Broadcasting in Britain has traditionally been based

principle that it is a public service accountable to people. While retaining
the essential public service element, it now also embraces the principles of
competition and choice:
- the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), which broadcasts
television and radio programs;
- the ITC (Independent Television Commission), which licenses and
regulates commercial television services, including cable and satellite
- the Radio Authority, which licenses and regulates commercial radio
services, including cable and satellite;
The three bodies work to broad requirements and objectives defined and 13/59
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endorsed by Parliament, but are otherwise independent in their daily

conduct of business.
Cable services
subscription. are delivered
Cable through
franchises underground
have been cables and
granted covering are paid for
comprising 83 per cent of all homes and nearly all urban areas in Britain. In
mid - 1999 there were about 12.1 million homes able to receive such
services, and 3 million subscribing homes. Digital technology is being
introduced which will support up to 500 television channels. Cable also has
the capacity for computer - based interactive services, such as home
shopping and email. Satellite television and cable services are funded
mainly by subscription income.
Television viewing is by far Britain's most popular leisure pastime: over 97
per cent of households have at least one TV set. British television
productions are sold world - wide
20. European Union
The establishment of the EU intended to work toward common goals of
European countries.
The EU was established after 2nd World War. France officially undertook
the establishment of the EU proposing to create "the first concrete
foundation of a European federation". On May 9, 1950 the EU was created
and initially six European countries joint to the EU: Belgium, Germany,
France, Italy, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands. Then other countries joint
to the EU and today the number of the



member countries is 27. The requirements for the countries willing to

become member of EU are the following:
Member countries must be a stable democracy, respecting human rights,
the rule of law, and the protection of
Member countries must have a functioning market economy;
The EU has such a structure that there are 5 institutions and each of them
is responsible for a respective objective: 14/59
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European Parliament - The main functions of this institution is to exercise

the issues related to the legislation, implementing foreign and security
Councilmonitor the budget.
of the European Union - This is the most influential institution in
decision making process. The main function of this institution is to exercise
the issues related to the legislation, to suggest and monitor the
international agreements, implementing foreign and security policy.
European Commission - It is mainly responsible for creating the initial
outline of legislation, implementing the legislation to assure that law is
property applied, and representing the EU in international scope and
signing trade and cooperation agreements.
Court of Justice -checks whether laws are in the accordance with the justice
or not
Court of Auditors - Its major function is to check whether all the Union's
revenues and expenditures are going in a regular manner, according to the
EU budget.
Today EU became driving force into the international market for member
countries. Such kind of economic communities are needed to increase
today's economic growth and make countries better off.
21. Role of the USA in the world politics
It is impossible to discuss a future role of the United States of America in
the world without understanding the global processes that have been
taken place in the world over the last several years. September 11, without

doubt, was
a danger of aan
break point event
international in theseSecond,
terrorism. processes. First, itbrought
the event showedabout
confrontation between two different viewpoints on the development of
world politics. On the one hand, politicians from many countries believe
that any active actions to preserve world order must be organized only by
United Nations. On the other hand, the United States is pushing forward its
aggressive unilateral policy that is based only on Washington's
understanding of the current international situation.
This US strategy was clearly demonstrated in Iraq. Now, after two and a
half years of the war, the question must be asked if this policy achieved its
goals. Did it bring a peace and stabilization in the post Sad am country?
Yes, the military operation itself was a success. Despite the military
successes, this strategy did not produce desirable results. The USA cannot 15/59
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stabilize the situation, and the Iraqis continue to organize attacks against
the US and coalition forces.
It is possible
anymore that the
because USAagainst
it goes will not objective
be able toprocesses
continue its unilateral
in the policy
world economy
and international relations. The political regimes in European countries are
very close to American, so any military confrontations are very unlikely at
this point. But an economical competition would be intense. It could be
said that the other war, between the euro and the dollar, is already on, and
the dollar is loosing so far.
There is another potential threat to the USA. Only a few years ago, a dollar
was almost equivalent to gold. People and businesses all over the world
tried to keep their savings in dollars. Now, when a dollar is getting cheaper,
many try to get rid of it and buy euros. What would happen if all this dollar
cash came back to the USA? India, Japan, and Russia will probably also try
to make their influence on the world politics comparable with their
economical potential.
One thing is clear, however, the future of the country directly depends on
today's policy.
22. Geographical position of USA
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world
(after Russia, Canada and China). It m
occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific
to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the

square Ocean. The total
kilometers. areaborders
The USA of the country is about
on Canada in thenine and
north a half
and million
on Mexico
in the south. It also has a sea boarder with Russia.
The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special
federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The
population of the country is about 250 million.
The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the
Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley, which is located in
America's largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande
and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the
largest and deepest in the USA.
The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the 16/59
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north. The climate of Alaska is arctic. The climate of the central part is
continental. The south has subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the
Gulf of Mexico
industrial often
country. It bring
is the typhoons. The USA
world's leading is a highly
producer developed
of copper and oil and
the world's second producer of iron ore and coal. Among the most
important manufacturing industries are aircraft, cars, textiles, radio and
television sets, armaments, furniture and paper.
The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit,
San Francisco and others.
The United States is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own
government. The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington,
DC. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are
divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the
legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the juridical. The Congress
consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are two
main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic
23. Scotland
Scotland is administrative division of the kingdom of Great Britain,
occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain. As a geopolitical
entity Scotland includes 186 nearby islands, a majority of which are
contained in three groups—namely, the Hebrides, also known as the
Western Islands, situated off the western coast; the Orkney Islands,

thenortheastern coast;
Orkney Islands. Theand the Shetland
largest Islands,
of the other situated
islands is the
Island of Arran. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland as well as a major
industrial area and seaport
Notable among the lakes, which are especially numerous in the central and
northern regions, are Loch Lomond (the largest), Loch Ness, Loch Tay, and
Loch Katrina. The longest river of Scotland is the Tay; the Clyde, however,
is the principal navigational stream, site of the port of Glasgow.
Like the climate of the rest of Great Britain, that of Scotland is subject to
the moderating influences of the surrounding seas The most common
species of trees indigenous to Scotland are oak and conifers—chiefly fir,
pine, and larch.
The only large indigenous mammal in Scotland is the deer. Both the red 17/59
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deer and the roe deer are found, but the red deer, whose habitat is the
Highlands, is by far the more abundant of the two species. Other
indigenous mammals
wildcat. Game are thegrouse,
birds include hare, rabbit, otter,ptarmigan,
blackcock, ermine, pine
andmarten, and
Both agriculture and industry are important in the economy of Scotland.
The chief exports are petroleum and natural gas and manufactured goods,
especially burlap, clothing, machinery, textiles, and whiskey.
The chief imports are food and iron
The most populous city in Scotland is Glasgow. Other important industrial
cities are Dundee and Aberdeen.
Scotland is governed as an integral part of Great Britain. It is represented
by 72 members in the House of Commons and by 16 Scottish peers in the
House of Lords.
24. Olympic Games
The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in
Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at
Olympia. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing,
wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to
compete in the Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped.
So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.
In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many
centuries later.

In 1894, a Frenchman,
governing Baron Pierre
bodies and pointed designificance
out the Coubertin, addressed all the
of sports and its sports
educational value.
Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the
competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the
centuries-old tradition. In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was
set up. It is the central policymaking body of the Olympic movement. It is
formed by the representatives of all countries which take part in the
Olympic Games.
The International Olympic Committee decides upon the programmed of the
games, the number of the participants and the city host for the Games.
Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International
Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National Olympic 18/59
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Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There are always several
cities wishingCommittee.
International to host the Games. The
After that most
the city suitable is selected
of the Games startsby the
preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities,
stadiums, hotels, press centers. Thousands of athletes, journalists and
guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange
There is always an interesting cultural programmer of concerts,
exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games.
The next summer games will be held in Beijing, Republic of China.
25. Holidays in USA
The U.S. has no national holidays. Legal holidays - days on which banks,
schools, or other public institutions and most places of business are closed.
Memorial Day is a legal holiday, observed annually on the last Monday in
May in most of the United
Independence Day is an annual holiday commemorating the formal
adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence
on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia. Although the signing of the Declaration
was not completed until August, the Fourth of July holiday has been
accepted as the official anniversary of United States independence and is
celebrated in all states and territories of the U.S.

The Fourthand
pageants of July is traditionally
public speeches. celebrated publicly with parades and
Thanksgiving Day, a legal holiday in the U.S., was first celebrated in early
colonial times in New England. President Abraham Lincoln appointed a day
of thanksgiving, and since then each president has issued a Thanksgiving
Day proclamation, generally designating the fourth Thursday of November
as a holiday.
New Year's Day is the first day of the year, January 1 in the Gregorian
Christmas is an annual festival, held on December 25, to celebrate the
Nativity, or birth of Christ. The Christmas tree, an evergreen trimmed with
lights and other decorations, is derived from the so-called paradise tree,
symbolizing Eden. 19/59
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Saint Valentine's Day, a holiday honoring lovers, is celebrated on February

14. There is a custom of sending greeting cards or gifts to express
of lovers. St. Valentine has traditionally been regarded as the patron saint

26. Washington
Washington is the capital city of the United States. It is located on the
north bank of the Potomac River. It was called after George Washington,
the first President of the USA, Washington is one of the most beautiful and
unusual cities in the United States. It has little industry, and only one
million people. One reason Washington looks different from other cities is
that no building in the city may be more than 40 meters tall. There are no
skyscrapers, because they would hide the city's many monuments from
view. One can easily find a park, a square or an open area there. The most
impressive and the best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial and the
Washington Monument.
The heart of Washington is the Capitol, which is connected with the White
House by Pennsylvania Avenue. It dominates the city of Washington. All
the tourists begin sightseeing from the Capitol and see the Senate
Chamber, the Hall of Representatives, the Statuary Hall and some others.
The Washington Monument, the tallest stone structure in the USA, is in the
Potomac River. It was opened to the public in 1888. It is 555 feet tall, is
called the "Pencil" because of its shape. It is three blocks south of the

observation There is The
an elevator, which williscarry
Lincoln Memorial in theyou to of
west 500-foot
the level
Washington Monument. It is designed like a Greek temple. The dominant
figure is the realistic figure of Abraham Lincoln seated in the centre of the
open temple. The Jefferson Memorial is worth seen, too. It is situated south
of the Washington monument near the Potomac River. The Library of
Congress contains millions of books and manuscripts. The Washington
Cathedral is on Massachusetts Avenue, and the Arlington National
Cemetery is outside the city limits just across the Potomac River near the
Pentagon in Virginia. The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is visited by
millions of people every year.
Washington is the place where mass demonstrations take place against
unemployment and racism, for democracy and civil rights. 20/59
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27. Theatres in Great Britain

One peculiarity of the theatres in Great Britain is a follows: there are two
kinds of seats,
unbootable oncewhich
no be bookedand
numbers an the
advanced (book
spectators able), them
occupy and on the
principal: first come - first served. And ancient time's plays were acted
inside churches and later on the market places. The first theatre in England
"The Backfires" build in 1576, and "The Globe" build in 1599, which is
closely connected with William Shakespeare. Speaking about our times we
should first of all mention "The English National theatre", "The Royal
Shakespeare Company" and "Covent Garden". The first "Covent Garden
theatre" was built in 1732. It was burnt down in 1808 and rebuilds exactly
a year after. It opened in September 1809, with Shakespeare's "Macbeth".
Since the middle of the last century "Covent Garden" became exclusively
devoted to opera.
Now "Covent Garden" in busier than ever, it is one of the few well-known
opera houses open for 11 months of the year and it employs over 600
people both of the Opera company and the Royal Ballet.
Theatres are very much the same in London as anywhere else; the chief
theatres, music halls and cinemas are in the West End. If you are staying in
London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in finding
somewhere to spend an enjoyable evening. You'll find opera, ballet,
comedy, drama, revue, musical comedy and variety. The best seats at
theatres are those in the stalls, the circle and the upper circle. Then comes

the pit, and

of course, the
are last
the of all
most the gallery where the seats are cheapest. Boxes,
At the West End theatres you can see most of the famous English actors
and actresses. As a rule, the plays are magnificently staged - costumes,
dresses, scenery, everything being done of the most lavish scale.
28. Famous people of America
There are many outstanding people in United States. America produced
statesmen, thinkers, explorers, musicians, writers, scientists and other
people who are well known around the world.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is known to most people as Mark Twain.
While he worked as a reporter he began to sign his articles "Mark Twain".
From then on Clemens used Mark Twain as his pen-name.
While he spent his summers on his farm, he wrote "The Adventures of Tom 21/59
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Sawyer", published in 1876.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry
States.are among
Among the Twain's
Mark most popular books are
other books ever"Joan
published in "Life
of Arc", the United
on the
Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States.
Lincoln became president in 1860. In 1861, there was a war between the
North and the South of the United States. The people in the South wanted
a separate government from the United States. The North wanted the
United States to stay together as one country. Lincoln was the leader of
the North.
The North won the Civil War. The war ended on April 9, 1865. Six days
later, President Lincoln and his wife went to the theatre. Inside the theatre,
a man went behind the president and shot him in the head. The man's
name was John Wilkes Booth. He was a supporter of the South. Lincoln died
the next morning.
Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest 20th-century American writers.
He was a brilliant writer of stories and novels. His most successful novels
are the following: For Whom The Bells Tolls, The Old Man and the Sea and
others He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.
29. Education in USA
The general pattern of education in the USA is an eight-year elementary
school, followed by a four-year high school.

There areby
followed eight
years of
ofelementary schooling.
secondary school, The school.
or high elementary
Oftenschool is
the last
two years of elementary and the first years of secondary school are
combined into a junior high school.
Admission to the American high school is automatic on completion of the
elementary school. During the four-year high school program the student
studies four or five major subjects per year, and classes in each of these
subjects meet for an hour a day, five days a week. In addition, the student
usually has classes in physical education, music, and art several times a
week. If he fails a course, he repeats only that course and not the work of
the entire year. Students must complete a certain number of courses in
order to receive a diploma, or a certificate of graduation.
Usually there is no admission examination required by a state university 22/59
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for those who have finished high school within the state. Sometimes a
certain pattern of high school studies is necessary, however, and some
grades. require a certain scholastic average, or average of high
It usually takes four years to meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts
or Bachelor of Science degree. A Master of Arts or Master of Science
degree may be obtained in one or two additional years. The highest
academic degree is the ! Doctor of Philosophy. It may take any number of
years to complete the original research work necessary to obtain this
In general, higher education in the USA may be divided into two broad
fields: liberal arts and professional. Each of these fields may be further
subdivided into undergraduate and graduate levels. The liberal arts
program, on the undergraduate level, may be a two-year junior college
course, or a four-year course leading to a degree of Bachelor of Arts or
Bachelor of Science. The four-year course is usually subdivided into a lower
division (which may be called the junior college), consisting of the two first
years, and the upper division, which is the last two years. The first two

continue the general education and specialization begins in the third year.
30. Fast Food of America
Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a lawn? May be you're

Anyway,all it these hot interesting
is always dogs and cheeseburgers, becauseabout
to find out something it's a the
history of such trifles, which make our life more comfortable. They really
make life more pleasant, especially outdoors, don't they?
Pop Corn- It's impossible to imagine American take¬away food or snacks
without popcorn. Clear as a day, it is made from corn. But what about the
first part of the word "pop". Actually, when you put a kernel of corn on a
fire, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a "pop" noise.
That is why we call it popcorn. But in 1945 a new machine was invented
that changed the history of the product. The electric machine enabled to
pop corn outside the home. And soon movies started selling popcorn to
make more money. The famous American habit of eating popcorn at the
movies is well-known. Many people like to put salt or melted butter in their 23/59
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popcorn, some peeper to have it without. Either way Americans love their
Coca Cola- Coca-Cola
all-purpose medicine, The
madeworld famous
in 1886 by afresh drinkfrom
druggist Coca-Cola first
Atlanta, whowas an
a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. The syrup wasn't a
success and then another druggist, Jacobs, had an idea of selling Coca-Cola
as a soda fountain drink. He mixed the syrup with soda water. Soon
everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola. And the
World War II helped to make Coca-Cola popular outside America, when the
Coca-Cola Company sent bottles of the drink to US soldiers fighting in
Europe. It became so popular with the soldiers that the US Army asked the
company to start ten factories in Europe. It's a curious thing but of 1903
coca leaves were no longer used in the drink. The exact ingredients and
the quantities are not known - the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a
31. Political system of USA
The nation's capital, Washington, D.C., is the capital of a federal union of
50 states. Therefore, in 1789, they adopted a new Constitution establishing
a federal union under a strong central government.
Under the Constitution, the federal government is divided into three
branches, each chosen in a different manner, each able to check and
balance the others.
The Executive Branch is headed by the President, who, together with the

Vice President,
elective processisfor
a U.S.inPresident
nationwide elections
is unique. every
The four years.
presidential The
needs 270 electoral votes to be elected; if no candidate has a majority, the
House of Representatives make the decision. Any natural-born American
who is 35 years old or older may be elected to this office. The President
proposes bills to Congress, enforces federal laws, serves as Commander-in-
Chief of the Armed Forces and, with the approval of the Senate makes
treaties and appoints federal judges, ambassadors and other members of
the Executive Departments
The Vice President, elected from the same political party as the President,
acts as chairman of the Senate, and in the event of the death or disability
of the President, assumes the Presidency for the balance of his term.
The Legislative Branch is made up of two houses: the Senate and the 24/59
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House of Representatives. Each state elects two members of the 100-

member Senate; a Senator's term of office is six years
state),Branch is made
11 Federal up of
Courts of Federal
and, at Courts (atthe
the top, least one in
Court. Federal judges are appointed by the President with the approval of
the Senate; to minimize political influences, their appointments are for life.
Federal courts decide cases involving federal law, conflicts between states
or between citizens of different states.
Every American citizen is allowed to vote from the age of 18.
32. Science in 20th century
The 20th century began slowly, to the ticking of grandfather clocks and the
stately rhythms of progress. Thanks to science, industry and moral
philosophy, mankind's steps had at last been guided up the right path. The
century of steam was about to give way to the century of oil and
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, only 41 years old in 1900, proposed a
scientific basis for the notion that progress was gradual but inevitable,
determined by natural law.
And everybody thought that the development would continue in the small
steps that had marked the progress of the 19th century. Inventions like the
railroad or the telegraph or the typewriter had enabled people to get on
with their ordinary lives a little more conveniently.
No one could have guessed then that, in the century just beginning, new

ideas would
turn this burst
stately upon of
march the world with
progress intoaaforce
long and frequency
distance, that would
free-for-all sprint.
Thrust into this race, the children of the 20th century would witness more
change in their daily existence and environment than anyone else who had
ever walked the planet.
Assassinations in Sarajevo in 1914 lit a spark that set off an unprecedented
explosion of destruction and death. The Great War did more than
devastate a generation of Europeans. It set the tone - the political, moral
and intellectual temper - for much that followed.
Before long the Great War received a new name - World War I. The roaring
1920s and the Depression years of the 1930s proved to be merely a
prelude to World War II. Largely hidden during that war was an awful truth
that called into question progress and the notion of human nature itself. 25/59
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But civilization was not crushed by the two great wars, and the ruins
provided the stimulus to build a way of life again. To a degree previously
unheard of and perhaps
free to reinvent unimaginable,
themselves. In that taskthe citizens
they were of the 20th
assisted by century
two felt
profound developments - psychoanalysis and the Bomb. 33. Sports in USA
Americans pay much attention to physical fitness. Many sports and
sporting activities are popular in the USA. People participate in swimming,
skating, squash and badminton, tennis, marathons, track-and-field, bowing,
archery, skiing, skating etc. But the five major American sports are hockey,
volleyball, baseball, football and basketball. Basketball and volleyball have
been invented in America.
There is a large choice of sports in America. This can be explained by the
size and variety of the country. Another reason of the popularity of sports
is the people's love of competition of any kind. One more reason is that
Americans use sports activities for teaching socials values, such as
teamwork and sportsmanship. All this explains why Americans have
traditionally done well in many kinds of sports.
Some Americans like active games and others like quite games. I think that
quite games, as golf and crocket, intend for rich elite people. Most popular
games in the USA are hockey, American football, baseball, basketball.
Opportunities for keeping fit and playing sports are numerous. Jogging is
extremely popular, perhaps because it is the cheapest and most accessible
sport. Aerobic exercise and training with weight-lifting machines are two

videos, andwhich more and more
fitness-conscious men stars
movie and women are
that play uppursuing. Books,
the glamour of
fitness have heightened enthusiasm for these exercises and have
promoted the muscular, healthy body as the American beauty ideal
American sports are becoming more competitive and more profit-oriented.
As a result, playing to win is emphasized more than playing for fun. The
obsession with winning causes some people to wonder whether sports in
America should be such serious business
34. The USA court system
The courts are the overseers of the law. They administer it, they resolve
disputes under it, and they ensure that it is and remains equal to and
impartial for everyone.
In the United States each state is served by the separate court systems, 26/59
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state and federal. Both systems are organized into three basic levels of
courts-trial courts, courts of appeal and High Court or Supreme Court.
there bear the main
and most burden
instances areinfinally
the administration of justice. Cases
resolved there.
The trial courts in each state include: common pleas courts, which have
general civil and criminal jurisdiction and smaller in importance municipal
courts, country courts and mayor's courts
The main job of courts of appeal is to review cases appealed from trial
courts to determine if the law was correctly interpreted or applied.
The Supreme Court of each state is primarily a_ court of appeal and the
court of last resort.
The federal court structure is similar to the structure of the state court
system. The trial courts in the federal system are the United States District
Courts. The United States courts of appeal are intermediate courts of
appeal between the district courts and the United States Supreme Court.
The USA Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation and the court of
last resort. It consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices, all of
whom are appointed for life by the President with the Advice and Consent
of the Senate. The duty of the Supreme Court is to decide whether laws
passed by Congress agree with the Constitution. The great legal issues
facing the Supreme Court at present are Government involvement with
religion, abortion and privacy rights, and race and sex discrimination.
35. Sports in Great Britain

many kindssports in Great
of sport haveBritain...
taken the It isorigin
a veryin interesting question,
England. The because
Englishmen love
sports, they are called sports-lovers in spite of the fact that some of them
neither play games nor even watch them. They only like to speak about
sports. Some kinds of sport are professional in England. Many traditional
sporting contests take place in England, for example, cricket. It is played
from May till September.
Football, it has got a long history. Football was played by the whole village
teams in the middle ages in England. Now football is the most popular
game in Britain. It is a team game. There are some amateur teams but
most of the teams are professional ones in England. Professional football is
a big business. Football is played at schools too.
Rugby is a popular game in England. There are many amateur rugby teams 27/59
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in this country. It is a game that is played between two teams of players

using an oval ball that can be handled or kicked. The captain of the team
Therebearethe oldest
some or best
tennis clubsplayer.
in England, but if you play there it is
necessary to pay money for it. Englishmen like playing tennis but many of
them prefer to watch this game. Wimbledon it is the centre of lawn tennis.
Englishmen pay much attention to swimming, rowing and walking. Usually
the Oxford—Cambridge Boat Race takes place at the end of March or at
the beginning of April. It is an interesting contest between the universities
of Oxford and Cambridge. It is usually held on the Thames River. The first
such race was held in 1820. There were a lot of people watching this race.
There are some racing competitions in England. They are motor-car racing,
dog-racing, donkey-racing, boat-racing, horse-racing. All kinds of racings
are popular in England. It is interesting to see the egg-and-spoon race. The
runner, who takes part in this competition, must carry an egg in a spoon. It
is not allowed to drop the egg. There are such competitions as putting the
weight, tossing the caber and others.
The English are great lovers of sports.
36. History of Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country of
great history rich in important events and entertaining legends connected
with them. It's not enough to write several volumes to tell the full history of
the country.

and who why we'll
they tryAfter
are. to answer the
800 BC thequestion wherefrom
Celts arrived the British
Centralcome from
Europe and
opened up a new important page of the British history. The name «Britain»
comes from the name of a Celtic tribe known as the Britons. Their influence
was greatest in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, as they were driven to these
parts by the invaders who followed them. That's why these parts of Britain
are very different from England in language, customs and traditions.
However quite soon it was attacked by Germanic tribes: People began to
call the new land of the Angles and Saxons England. Wales, Cornwall, the
northern part of Britain and Ireland remained unconquered and preserved
Celtic culture. An important event which contributed to the unification of
the country was the adoption of Christianity in England in 664. In the 9th
century the Danes attacked England. It was Alfred who defeated the Danes 28/59
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making them sign a peace agreement.

The last of the invaders to come to Britain were the Normans from France.
The French
the next language
three became
centuries. the official
This explains thelanguage of theof
great number ruling class
French for in
However the final unification of Scotland and England took place in 1707
when both sides agreed to form a single parliament in London for Great
Britain, although Scotland continued to keep its own system of law,
education and have an independent church.
Ireland was England's first colony, but even now there are problems there
connected with religion. Recently, there have been many waves of
immigration into Britain. Now
Britain is a multinational society, which benefits from the influence of
different people and cultures. 37. William Shakespeare
The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known
as the golden age of English literature. It was the time of the English
Renaissance, and sometimes it is even called "the age of Shakespeare".
William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous of English writers, and
probably the greatest playwright who has ever lived, was born on the 23d
of April, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. In sprite of his fame we know very little
about his life. At the age of six he was sent to school, but had to leave it at
the age of 13. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glove-maker, and when
he fell into debt, William had to help him .When Shakespeare was twenty-

Thereheiswent to London.
a story We don't know
that Shakespeare's first why
job inheLondon
left Stratford-on-Avon.
was holding rich
men's horses at the theatre door. But nobody can be sure that this story is
true. Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of a very
successful acting company. It's highly probable that The Comedy of Errors,
Romeo and Juliet and some other plays by Shakespeare were performed
for the first time on this stage. Shakespeare's experience as an actor
helped him greatly in the writing of his plays. His knowledge of stage and
his poetical genius made his plays the most wonderful ones ever written.
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear,
Othello, Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As You Like It, Twelfth Night,
Much Ado About Nothing), 10 historical plays (such as Henry 4, Richard 3).
He also left 7 books of poems and sonnets. Most of Shakespeare's plays 29/59
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were not published in his lifetime. So some of them may have been lost in
the fire when the "Globe" burned down in 1613. Shakespeare spent the
last years ofofhis
the church life at Stratford,
Stratford. A monumentwhere heerected
was died in 1616.
to the He was buried
memory of thein
great playwright in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey.
38. New York
New York City is the capital of USA It is the most populous city in the
United States. For more than a century, it has been one of the world's
leading business, financial and cultural centers and its influence in politics,
education, entertainment, sports, media, fashion and the arts all contribute
to its status as one of the major global cities. As the home of the United
Nations, the city is a hub for international diplomacy. Residents of the city
are known as New Yorkers.
New York has five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island
and the Bronx. The Bronx is famous for a zoo, which is situated there.
Manhattan is the center of New York City. Near 1 million people live here,
but over than 5 million come here to work from all parts of the city every
day. The main street, Broadway, is also here. And there are a lot of other
famous streets which known nationwide. Wall Street is famous for finance.
Madison Avenue means advertising, and Fifth Avenue is famous for world-
class shopping. There is a famous crossing Times Square. It famous for
Theatre district, there are more than thirty theaters there, and every
evening they play their plays.

New York's
such skyscrapers
buildings are located
as Art Deco onBuilding
Chrysler the island of there
and Manhattan.
were twin
towers of the World Trade Center. One of the famous building in the world
is the Statue of Liberty. It was built in 1886. It was a present from the
people of France. It represents America's symbol of freedom!
In 2005, nearly 170 languages were spoken in the city and 36 percent of
its population was born outside the United States. New York is also known
as "The City that Never Sleeps," not least because its subway system
operates around the clock and because many neighborhoods in Manhattan,
such as Times Square, are busy at all hours.
39. Australian culture.
Since 1788, the primary basis of Australian culture has been Anglo-Celtic,
although distinctive Australian features had been evolving from the 30/59
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environment and indigenous culture. Over the past 50 years, Australian

culture has been strongly influenced by American popular culture
(particularly television
English-speaking and cinema),
countries, large-scale
and Australia's Asianimmigration fromvigor
neighbors. The non-and
originality of the arts in Australia — literature, cinema, opera, music,
painting, theatre, dance, and crafts — have achieved international
In 1973, Patrick White was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, the only
Australian to have achieved this; he is recognized as one of the great
English-language writers of the 20th century. Australian English is a major
variety of the language; its grammar and spelling are largely based on
those of British English, overlaid with a rich vernacular of unique lexical
items and phrases, some of which have found their way into standard
English. Sport plays an important part in Australian culture, assisted by a
climate that favors outdoor activities; 23.5% Australians over the age of 15
regularly participate in organized sporting activities. At an international
level, Australia has particularly strong teams in cricket, hockey, netball,
rugby league, rugby union, and performs well in cycling, rowing and
swimming. Nationally, other popular sports include Australian rules
football, horse racing, football (soccer) and motor .acing. Australia has
participated in every summer Olympic Games of the modern era, and
every Commonwealth Games. Australia hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics
in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, and has ranked

some ofthe
thetop five medal-takers
highest since
rating television 2000Televised
programs includesport is popular;
the summer
Olympic Games and the grand finals of local and international football
(various codes) competitions
40. Edinburgh
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in
Europe. It has been the capital of Scotland

since 1437 and is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. It lies on seven hills
and goes down on those hills to the sea. The highest hill is three hundred
meters above the sea. From the street in the centre of the city you can see
ships coming to Edinburgh from different countries of the world.
Many great men have lived and worked in this beautiful city. Robert Burns, 31/59
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the great Scottish poet published his first book of poems in Edinburgh.
There is a monument to him in the city.
borne in Scott, the father
Edinburgh. Theof the historical
monument novel Scott
to Walter in theisworld
in theliterature, wasof
main street
the city.
Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous English writer, was born and lived in
Edinburgh. He loved the city and wrote about it his best novels.
Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, a collection of
official and independent festivals held annually over about four weeks from
early August. The number of visitors attracted to Edinburgh for the
Festival, is roughly equal to the settled population of the city. The most
famous of these events are the Edinburgh Fringe (the largest performing
arts festival in the world), the Edinburgh International Festival, the
Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh International Film Festival. In
fact the city is one of the most vibrant, cosmopolitan cities in Europe and is
regularly voted as one of the most desirable places to live in the world.This
is a city that knows how to be both ancient and modern. And a fantastic
place to live.

Acest capitol contine 40 de teme libere inspirate de realitatea
inconjuratoare, din viata de fiecare zi.
1. Problems of the youth
Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world
One of the problems is a generation gap. Every generation is unique in its
experience. It has its own ideals and a system of values concerning every 32/59
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aspect of human life. Adults always complain that the young are not what
they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation. The
young knowto
rather than what they
listen want.
to the They prefer
warnings toadults.
of the make their ownexists
The past mistakes
to help
the young to avoid unnecessary blurs. But they do want to have them. The
young want to live their own life. They want to overcome their own
difficulties without turning back. Unfortunately the life of the young is
frequently determined by the adults. The adults start the war but the
young die in it. And the solution to this problem is that both the young and
adults should be tolerant and patient to each other.
Another problem of the youth is the relationship of the young people with
their friends and beloved.
The problem of love is very important for the young. It is regrettable, but
the young are not always ready to have stable relations. For a happy
family life two people must understand and respect each other. It should
be said that the young have other problems as well. They are concerned
with education, money, employment, hobby, spending their free time,
communication, and the like. And of course one of the most urgent
problems is the accommodations problem. Few young people in our
country have their own apartments. In the main they share the apartments
with their parents even after getting married.
In general all the problems of the youth are linked with the present rather
then with the past or future.

cities City life-advantages and disadvantages of living in
Every now and then we ask ourselves whether it's better to live in a city
our in a countryside.
City life has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it is easier to
find work in the city than in the country, besides, salaries are much higher
and one has a larger variety of jobs to pick from. Moreover, cities are the
centers of culture and social life. Living in a city one has all sorts of
museums, theatres, exhibitions, movie theatres, pubs, restaurants at their
command. Therefore there are a lot more free time facilities than in rural
Cities are also centers of education. Many young people move to cities
because there are more opportunities for continuing their education there. 33/59
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Usually country's largest and best universities are located in big cities.
Another advantage it better living conditions. In the city people live in
great modern houses
part of their which
time need less
and effort. workthe
Among doing to them. That
disadvantages saves
there area
crime, pollution, high prices, enormous traffic jams and overcrowded
streets and subway and of course the threat of the present - terrorism.
From the point of view of ecology cities are not the best place to live in.
Garbage and sewage are two major problems of cities as well as air and
water pollution.
Besides it's not safe in terms of crime. For example, it is dangerous in big
cities to walk back home late in the evening. One can either get robbed of
their purse, jewelry or mobile phone or even get attacked, for example.
One has to watch out for pickpockets even in the daylight. Of course city
life has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but if you get tired of social
life, it is always a great pleasure to go to a country side with a beautiful
and green view The atmosphere of rural life is also great as when you get
there it seems that time goes by slowly and there is no need to hurry.
3. A question of taste. Fashion
Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people, who say they
don't care what they wear, choose clothes every morning that say a lot
about them and how they feel that day.
However, we definitely get fashion ideas from music clips, videos, books
and television. Movies also have a big impact on what people wear. For

movie Man it is
Black. that more sunglasses were sold in America after the
Depending on their attitude towards clothes and fashion, people can be
divided in three groups:
- fashion slaves, spending all their money on the latest clothes even if
they don't look good in them;
- fashion fans, who enjoy wearing modern clothes but not obsessed by
- people that just do not care the way they look;
Of course there are big companies tha< do not allow people to come at
work in what they want, they have to respect the dress code, registered in
the policy of each big company. According to the dress code, an employee
is not allowed to wear certain items of clothing to work. 34/59
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For example, men are supposed to wear ties and business suits, and
nobody is allowed to wear jeans, except on Fridays. Women's clothes are
not supposed
supposed to becollars.
to have skin¬tight, tooalso
Clothes short andbe
can't too open.
too All of
bright, thethe shirts
colors are
correspond to the corporate colors - dark blue and white.
4. Love means different things to different people
The subject of love is one that has inspired poets, writers, those lucky in
love and those who have been passed over by Cupid...Love has been
defined as wise, silly, profound, bitter, funny...It seems as if each and one
of us has a different understanding of love, or at least the attitude to love
varies greatly from person to person.. It may be a surprising revelation to
some of us, because love has traditionally been considered to be
something that unites people( at least that's what I've been taught).And
yet, there's no use denying the fact that love has as many definitions as
there are human beings on this planet. And it doesn't

necessarily mean that love no longer unites people. It just means that love
has different dimensions, different sides that reflect our understanding of
But personally, I can't let myself be cynical about love. Maybe I'm too
young and inexperienced, but I believe it's a great feeling. Some say that
love is the true meaning of our life, that love is all it's cracked up to be.

They also say

happiness". that "love
I can't is theLove
but agree. master key that opens
is something the gates
that makes of
us tender, and
affectionate, and caring...It's when another person's needs become more
important than yours and you don't see it as a burden. It's when you do
your best to make each other's lives somewhat easier in this troublesome
Love is a feeling that makes you stronger and helps you get through a
crisis. It's something I can't imagine my life without.
5. Books in our lives
Despite the increase in TV watching and the developing of World Wide
Web, reading is still very important. So I don't think books need to be
rescued. Reading both entertains and educates people. Books help us to
discover new things and explore new ideas. 35/59
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The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It gives us an insight
not only into the past, but also into the future. The book is a faithful and
moment. Reading friend: it can
is the be put
perfect aside
way and taken
to relax up again
and spend yourat anytime.
Books portray life in its richness, so they develop reader's imagination and
arouse curiosity, admiration. Sometimes they even can help to solve
difficult problems of life.
I become very keen on literature early in life. This probably happened
because we had a very good and widely read library in home. Books stirred
my imagination, expanded the boundaries of the familiar world and filled
my life with great expectations of joy and happiness
I'm fond of reading and I've read a lot of books of different genres. And
certainly I have my favorite book. It is
the story by Agatha Christie - "The murder of Roger Ackroyd". Some critics
say that Agatha Christie introduced a novelty in this work, because the
murder is a storyteller. In the "The murder of Roger Ackroyd" the main
characters and environment are typical for 1920th in England. The action
takes place in a country house. The author shows us its owner with his
habits, relatives and neighbors. All this is presented vividly and brightly.
One of the main heroes of the book Hercules Poirot gets over a lot of
problems before catching a murder.
Excitement, suspense, horror, revenge, and extraordinary talent,

Ackroyd" has calmness
made a of Hercules
great Poiroton
impression fillme.
this And
book. "The murder
nowadays of Roger
it makes
really unforgettable impressive reading.
6. Things I dislike in my school
I like my school very much because I have spent the best years of my short
life there. But in spite of it I dislike the whole system of education.
What concerns my school the pupils are not free in their choice of the
subjects. And they are forced to study the subjects they are not interested
in and it takes them too much time to learn the subjects unnecessary for
their future life. They could spend this time working on the subjects which
will be needed for their future profession.
Besides, every day we have two breaks of 10 minutes and two breaks of 15
minutes at school. But 15 minutes is not enough to have a lunch for the 36/59
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pupils. They are always in a hurry eating their lunch. It causes diseases
connected with stomach. It should be mention that our lessons start at 8
morningBut the pupils
exercises. have
I think to come
there is nottonecessary
school tentominutes
do themtobecause
8 to do on
the one hand some pupils do such exercises at home every morning and
on the other hand it is not comfortable to do exercises in our school
I think too many pupils study in every class. Most of them sit far from the
blackboard. And sometimes they can't
Keep your wrists in a natural, unforced, straight position
11. A Child
A child is the charming, creature. He is the sense, of QUI life. We cannot
imagine our being without him and therefore we guard him by day and by
night. But who knows what vices can be grown up in this innocent soul. It's
possible him to be a great misfortune or even a disaster.
There a lot of such experience
No, I'm not talking about the children becoming criminals but about the
"normal" children making life with them completely intolerable. They
bother, disturb, shout, cry, run around you don't giving even a minute for
rest. Their curiosity and plays could cause the terrible consequences.
The electricity often attracts children. They like to shove fingers into the
socket, to cut the wires, to shake the lustres, to twist the electrical lamps,
etc. "Daddy, Show me how computer works", - said the son shoving by

screwdriver into poor

fortune", - cried the system block. "What
daddy looking at thehave
blackyou done?
clouds of It costsrising
smoke a small
above the system block. "He is just a child", -explains mother her son's
Everything starting by deodorants and finishing by the video's remote
control presents a danger in children's hands. It seems for them that
everything what they see is the toys and of course want to play.
But the "toys" sometimes could be by no means harmless. For example,
mentioned above deodorant can explode in the fire or just in the strong
sun and cause the severe injures. By paper, by simple paper a child can
cut his soft flesh and cause the hemorrhage. Because of that we have to
protect them from theirs own curiosity.
Prevent a misfortune! That should be our device. 37/59
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After all a Woman and a Child are only for which is worthy to live
12. Role of woman in society
The ongoing
country changes
entails in the
not only social, political
raise and economic
of women's spheres
role in society, in of the
they are accompanied by breaking of stereotypes to treat human beings
by sex that had been shaping through decades. Free economic relations
and temcsatvrato. of. aU. sj^xejcea. at Ivte, cw&te $ft basis, eventual
equal social rights for any human being regardless of six-foot both of men
and women.
'From a tegar potnr of view, a man ancf a woman r'n our country are equal.
However, in practice, there are no real mechanisms of women's rights
fulfillment as well as for their active participation in social life.
Housework, chores and raising children are generally considered to belong
to a woman's domain. Despite the fact that birthrates in the country have
been falling, children are obstacles in the labor market. It is
understandable that women decide to defer having children later or do not
have children at all. Along with that, there is a lack of knowledge about
modem contraception and a correspondingly large number of abortions.
However, the number of women taking part in the country's political,
economic and civic life shows that women are restricted in the spheres of
politics and government. Women's salaries are on average lower than
men's, and women are likewise far more likely to fall victim to violence and

So, the main goals

discrimination are protection
in society; wideningofwomen's
rights and elimination
in policy of
decision-making processes on the local, regional and national levels;
support for cooperation between women's organizations on the national
and international arenas; widening access to international resources and
experience of women's organizations on an international level.
10. Computers and Health
Within the past two years, substantial media attention has been directed at
potential adverse health effects of long-term computer use. People that
spend most of the time working at computers should pay attention at the
following factors:
Light and glare- Eyestrain, headaches, and impaired vision are often a
product of improper illumination resulting in glare, which is light within the 38/59
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field of vision that is brighter than other objects to which the eyes are
A NIOSHsuggest
sources study recommends
500-700 lux200-500
for light lux for general
characters office
on dark work; other
monitors and
somewhat more for dark-on-light. If documents are not sufficiently
illuminated, desk lights are recommended in preference to ceiling lights,
which increase reflections from video screens
Breaks and exercises- Working in the same position for too long causes
tension buildup and is thought to increase the risk of repetitive motion
injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Remedies include changing
postures frequently, performing other work interspersed with computing
(some studies recommend a 10-15 minute break from the keyboard every
hour), and doing exercises such as tightening and releasing fists and
rotating arms and hands to increase circulation.
In summary we may say that we hear a lot about hazards associated with
working with computers, and learn from experience that long hours at the
keyboard can bring on eyestrain and various aches and pains. Fortunately,
there are measures that really do work:
Use the minimum force necessary to press the keys.
Vary your tasks during the day to avoid sitting in one position for several
hours or performing the same hand motions without interruption.
Take periodic breaks.

Keep your wrists in a natural, unforced, straight position]

14. Global Warming

"Global warming" has been introduced by the scientific community and the
media as the term that encompasses all potential changes in climate that
result from higher average global temperatures. Hundreds of scientists
from many different countries are working to understand global warming
and have come to a consensus on several important aspects. In general,
Global warming will produce far more profound climatic changes than 39/59
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simply a rise in global temperature.

An analysis of temperature records shows that the Earth nas warmed an
average of 0.5°C
For the past over the
150 years, past 100
though, the years.
atmospheric concentrations of these
gases, particularly carbon dioxide, nave been rising. As a result, more heat
is being trapped than previously, which in turn is causing the global
temperature to rise. Climate scientists have linked the ncreased levels of
heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere to luman activities, in particular the
burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas for heating and electricity;
gasoline for transportation), deforestation, cattle ranching, and rice
As the Earth's climate is the result of extremely complex nteractions,
scientists still cannot predict the exact impact on the earth's climate of
these rising levels of heat-trapping gases over the next century. The
current best estimate is that f carbon dioxide concentrations double over
preindustrial levels, according to the scientific possible scenarios, an
atmospheric doubling of carbon dioxide could occur as early as 2050.
15. Advantages and disadvantages of TV and Advertisements
We talk to various people from different countries about their attitudes
about TV and advertisement. Does TV educate or stimulate? Or it is a drug
or tranquilizer used to control the population. TV is a very expensive
medium and many countries don't have the technology and the money to
make their own television programs. The result is that most countries are

dependent on TVare
question: "What of Britain andto
you going America. How do
do tonight?" peopleare
or "What usually answer
you going tothe
at the weekend?" In other words how do people spend their free time?
Some 20 or 30 years ago the usual answers used to be "We are going to
the theatre" or "We are going to the party" or "We are having some friends
round". Now you are very often hearing "We are going to stay at home and
watch the television".



Modern TV offers viewers several programs on different channels. In 40/59
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addition to regular newscasts you see plays and films, operas and ballets
and watch all kinds of contests, quizzes and sporting events. You can also
get a lot of we
conclusion useful
mayinformation of the
say, TV most educational
definitely channels.
plays a In the part in
very important
people's life, but is this a good thing or a bad one? Don't we go out less
often, and then we used to? Don't we read less?
What are the functions of advertisements? The first one to mention is to
The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point
of view and the potential buyer, on having entered the store,
unconsciously chooses the advertised products. One buys this washing
powder or this chewing gum, because the colorful TV commercials
convince him of the best qualities of the product.
Thus despite our dissatisfaction when being bombarded by all the
advertisers' information we must admit that they do perform a useful
service to society, and advertisements the same as TV are an essential
part of our everyday life.
16. Books
Except for a living man there is nothing more wonderful than books. They
teach us and open their hearts for us. We learn many things by reading
books. They make the world much larger for us. They tell us how great and
wonderful man is. Books expand the boundaries of the familiar world for

Some bookssome
admiration, arouse our interest,
make delight,
us think which is feelings of curiosity
very important and and
demand great
erudition on the part of the readers, some entertain, amuse us giving
pleasure and delight. We can hardly read some books and stories for
laughing and some dramas and romances for tears.
Books arouse different emotions in us; they penetrate deep into our souls
and hearts. We love and suffer, feel sympathy or indignation, cry or laugh,
struggle and reach success together with the characters of the books.
Books have a great impact on our characters. We are influenced by good
examples, they add to molding of our characters and forming our moral
values. Books give food for our mind and warmth for our soul. We should
love books as they are the sources of knowledge and can make us strong,
intelligent, and well educated. 41/59
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where smoking is allowed. Several European countries such as the

Republic of Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain and Scotland have
restaurants.against smoking in public places, often including bars and
Still, many people continue smoking. People start smoking for different
reasons. Some say they smoke in order to relax, rest and distract from
their daily stress. I think that most of the minors smoke in order to be like
everybody else, to be cool and become a grown up.
I am very tolerant towards smokers as long as they don't smoke in my
presence and it's of no harm to me. Of course it's very harmful for them,
but it's their own life and their own choice.
18. The younger generation knows best
Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The
same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always
true. It has never been truer that it is today. The young are better
educated. They have more money to spend and enjoy their freedom. They
grow up more quickly.
The old always assume that they know best from the simple reason that
they have been around a bit longer. They don't like to feel that their values
are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely that the young
are doing. They take leave to doubt that the older generation has created
the best of all possible worlds. What they reject more than anything is

Office hours,
not people for instance,
work are nothing
better if they more
were given than enforced
complete freedomslavery.
and Would
responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the
world should wear dull grey suits and short haircuts? If we turn our minds
to more serious matters, why have the older generation so often used
violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-
ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitious and the
desire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be
right with the rat-race? Haven't the old lost touches with all that it is
important in life?
These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their
record over the past forty years or so hasn't been exactly spotless.
Traditionally the young have turned to their elders for guidance. Today the 43/59
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situation might be reversed. The old- if they are prepared to admit it -

could learn a thing or two from their children.
One of the
"sinful". biggest lessons
Enjoyment they could
is a principle learn apply
one could is thattoenjoyment
all aspectsisof
life. It is
surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed
restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to life in the present rather
than in the past or future.
19. Childhood is certainly not the happiest time of your life
It's about time somebody exploded that hoary old might about childhood
being the happiest period of your life. Childhood might certainly be fairly
happy, but its greatest moments can't compare with the sheer joy of being
an adult. Who ever asked a six- year old for an opinion? Children don't
have opinions, or if they do nobody notice. Adults choose the clothes their
children will wear, the books they will read and the friends they will play
with. Mother and father are kindly but absolute dictators.
For all the nostalgic remarks you hear, which adult would honestly change
places with a child? Think of the years at school: the years living in
constant fear of examinations and school report. Every movement you
make, every thought you think is observed by some critical adult who may

unflattering conclusions about your character. Think of the curfews, the

martial law, the times you had to go early to bed, do as you were told, and

eat disgusting
"gentle" stuff
pressure that
was was supposed
applied to belike
with remarks good"iffor
youyou. Remember
don't how
do as I say, I
will..." and a dire warning would follow.
What a relief it is to grow up. Suddenly you regain your balance; the worlds
open up before you. You are free to choose; you have your own place to
live in and your own money to spend. You do not have to seek constant
approval for everything you do. You are no longer teased, punished or
ridiculed by heartless adults because you failed to come to some
theoretical kind of standard.
And if on occasion you are teased, you know how to deal with it. You can
simply tell other adults to go to hell: you are on yourself.
20. TV in my life
TV is very important thing in our life. We can say that TV is our eyes 44/59
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because TV helps us to know more about the world, about the others
counties, about the events that happened in the world. TV even helps you
to know
day, more
that's whyabout yourself.
sometimes myI like to watch
mother makesTVme
very much.
turn I can
off TV. Wedo thata all
have lot
of TV channels, they are: NTV, MTV, ORT, TVR1, TVM, PROTV and others. I
also have few KOSMOS TV's channels, for example: Cartoon network,
Discovery channel, TVE, and BBC. I like some of them and hate others. So
here are some words about the channels that I like. So, my favorite
channel is MTV. MTV is a music channel. 24 hours a day of music, can you
believe it? I like to listen music very much, and sometimes I even make
myself the music, that is why I enjoy watching MTV. I also like NTV. I also
like several foreigner channels, especially Euro sport. And you know why!
Cartoon network is not bad, but I think that it's better for children - not for
I think that all teenagers of my age like to watch MTV or other
entertainment channels. But I have to say that I like also the channels that
show news, I watch also in order to get informed with all that is happening
in my country but also abroad. I think that adults usually like to watch
more informational channels rather than channels with cartoons or music...
Usually adults like Euro news or BBC channels, which is one of the best
information's channels in the whole world. The Bush house is a
headquarters of the BBC World Service. Form this building the BBC
broadcasts radio programmers to the whole world. All news in the BBC are

Service isatnot
least twicepopular
always before with
it is broadcasting.
governments.That's why the World
Cause of our different tastes, sometimes my family has a problem with
choosing channels. Somebody thinks that TV is bad, but I don't think so. I
believe that in the future TV will be better and everyone will like it.
21. Medicines and health.
You have a sound mind in a solid body, as an Old Latin saying goes. The
English proverb "Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind,
expresses the similar idea, but from the different point of view.
Physical exercises are good pastime. That is true that good health is better
than the best medicine. If you do early exercises you feel refreshed you
have a good posture and that makes you felled so pay attentions to the
way you stand waken sit. Here some rules for good health. 45/59
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1. Take long walks in the open air as often as you can.

2. Keep your body clean.
4. Keep
Wear your
cleanteeth clean.
5. Sleep with your window open.
There is nothing more unpleasant than being taking ill. If you are running a
temperature, have a splitting headache feel dizzy or cough you go and see
a doctor or send for him at once. Certainly, he or she will prescribe some
medicine which you can get made up at chemists [drug-store] At chemist's
shop you can get different kinds of medicines: pulls, tablets, ointments and
many other things. I remember one of my most serious illnesses. It was
four years ago.
Illness started unexpectedly. Early in the morning I woke up and felt dizzy
and feverish. I had a splitting headache and terrible cough. My nose was
running. I was sneezing all the time. I could hardly recognize my own voice.
Besides I was running a high temperature. The doctor asked me to strip to
the waist, then sounded my lungs, felt my pulse, examined the throat. I
had phenomena and I was to be taken to the hospital. I had to stay for a
month there and obliged to get a lot of penicillin injections. In the long run I
recovered of course. But most of all I'm afraid of visiting a dentist.
Toothache can't be compared with anything else. Extracting a tooth or
having a tooth field is quite common things but now painful.

22. Nature protection

Computers project that between now and the year of 2030 we are going to
have increase of the average temperature between 1,5—4,5 Degrees C.
Sea levels would rise by several meters, flooding coastal areas and ruining
vast tracts of farmland. Water contamination could lead to shortages of
safe drinking water. It looks like the end of civilization on the Earth. For
hundreds of thousands of years the human race has thriven in Earth's
environment. But now, at the end of the 20th century, we are at a crucial
turning point. We have upset nature's sensitive equilibrium releasing
harmful substances into the air, polluting rivers and oceans with industrial
waste and tearing up the countryside to accommodate our rubbish. These
are the consequences of the development of civilization. United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP) concentrates its activities on these issues. 46/59
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Acid Measures are to be taken. We have only a few years to attempt to

turn things around. We must review our wasteful, careless ways, we must
the dictum less, recycle
«think more,
locally, conserve
think wildlife
globally, and nature, act according to
act locally».
To my mind, we are obliged to remove factories and plants from cities, use
modern technologies, redesign and modify purifying systems for cleaning
and trapping harmful substances, protect and increase the greenery and
ecological education. These are the main practical measures, which must
he taken in order to improve the ecological situation. Some progress has
been already made in this direction. 159 countries-members of the UNO
have set up environmental protection agencies. They hold conferences
discussing ecological problems, set up environmental research centers and
take practical urgent measures to avoid ecological catastrophe.
There are numerous public organizations such as Greenpeace that are
doing much to preserve environment. The 5th of June is proclaimed the
World Environmental Day by the UNO and is celebrated every year.
23. Traveling.
Modern life is impossible without traveling.
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays traveling. Such
people are very fond of traveling and have the sense of adventure. They
travel to see other continents and countries, modern cities and the ruins of

of scene. towns. They interesting
It's always travel to enjoy picturesque
to discover new places
things,or just forways
different a change
life, to meet different people, to try to different food, to listen to different
musical rhythms.
People travel by boat, by train, by plane or on foot.
All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people
choose one according to their plans and destinations. If we are fond of
traveling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see at home,
though we may read about them in books and newspapers, or on TV.
Traveling by air is more popular in our days than other ways of traveling.
You can see many continents and oceans, countries and rivers, cities and
I enjoy staying at a hotel. It is more comfortable to stay there. You can 47/59
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enjoy being alone, to take a hot shower, to sleep in warm bed and many
other advantages. Some people enjoy camping in tents. Of course, the
weather must
rain. If you beto
want good for that.
travel, There
first, you is nothing
must worse some
look through than camping in
advertisement. Some people like to go on one place and
spend their holidays there. The place may be an interesting city, a
picturesque village or some other attractive place. Others believe in seeing
as much as possible in the time they have.
I think that our education becomes richer when you travel, meet new
people, because you can see new things which you never seen in your life
before and besides by traveling and sightseeing we can get to know the
world around us.
24. My favorite holiday
Every nation has its own customs and long-lived traditions. There is a great
number of exciting events which are held in every country throughout the
year. Such events of national importance unite people, make them feel
proud of their nation. Each family is like a little country with its own
traditions. So we celebrate all holidays in a very special way and it keeps
our family together in spirit. Our most favorite holiday is Christmas. We
celebrate it on the 25th of December. Preparation for Christmas are always
pleasant: buying gifts, sending Christmas cards and decorating Christmas
tree with small, bright-colored lights and small colored glass ornaments.

also cookies
becauseand cakes
of their are and
form verycolor.
Fornot only because
example, of the
they look likecream but
trees, funny smiling faces, or teddy-bears. When the meal is ready the real
Christmas comes with the big family dinner, gifts, candles, sweets and
illumination. In our family this dinner is very important, all the members
should be present. I believe that on this day if you make a wish staying
next to the Christmas tree it will undoubtedly come true, just because it is
Christmas. Usually we celebrate this holiday in a family circle but
sometimes we invite our relatives and close friends to the party. Next
morning after Christmas we all are looking for the sweets which the Santa
puts into the Christmas stoking. I don't really believe in Santa but I believe
that Christmas is a very unusual holiday when the wonders happen and all
dreams may come true. My family strongly believe in rules and traditions. 48/59
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All my life is filled with

traditions whichinhave
have traditions beeninset
fashion, by my
food, grand-grand
in behavior parents
and in long
all other ago. We
aspects of
25. Ecological problems
The Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there is life. If you
look down at the Earth from a plane you will see how wonderful our planet
is. You will see blue seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, high snow-capped
mountains, green forests and fields. But now the situation changed..
One of the most important pollution problems is the oceans. Many ships
sail in the ocean water- fishing ships, some ships carrying people, some
carrying oil. If a ship loses some of the oil in the water, or waste from the
ships in put into the ocean, the water becomes dirty. Many sea birds die
because of the polluted water. Many fish are dying in the sea, others are
getting contaminated. Fishermen catch contaminated fish which may be
sold in markets, and people may get sick from eating them.
Another important problem is air pollution. Cars and factories pollute the
air we use. Their fume also destroys the ozone layer which protects the
Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun. The other problem is that our
forests are dying from acid rains. Deforestation, especially destruction of
tropical forests, affects the balance of nature in many ways. It kills animals,
changes the climate and ecosystem in the world.

can becan be done
avoided to protect
if people nature?
broaden I believe
ecological that environment
education and everydisasters
understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile and people must
obey the unwritten laws of nature. Governments must be prepared to take
action against pollution. Air pollution could be reduced if plants and
factories were made to fit effective filters on chimneys and car exhausts.
26. Hippie fashion
Today, the fashion world has once again discovered the wonderful styles
from the '60s. We've come full circle and clothes are not the only part of
hippie Dom to resurface for 49/59
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the new millennium. It's a symbol of the resurgence of hippie values in

their culture.
In the
out. '60s,
They withouta warning,
brought hippies
tsunami of turnedand
new styles fashion
colorsupside down and
into fashion like inside
never before. From the Haight-Ashbury to London to Katmandu, the hippies
took fashion on an eye-popping psychedelic journey. Many new fashions
emanated from San Francisco and London to some extent. The fashion
leaders were the icons of our day. Rock 'n roll stars like Jimmy Hendrix and
The Beatles appeared in public and on record albums in all sorts of colorful
costumes. The elements that went into the hippy wardrobe were only
limited by their psychedelic imaginations. Bellbottoms ruled the day, from
striped, to blue jeans to patchwork, to hip huggers, even leather pants
were popular. Women wore saris from India and sarongs from Bali and
Java. Velvet, leather, batik, denim, Indian cotton and silk were all popular
fabrics. Accessories included love beads, bandannas, leather vests, jackets
with frills, and granny glasses. Jewelry, especially if made of silver from
Mexico, India or Morocco was essential. The typical hippy vehicle was a VW
bus or van or bug. Small campers and even school buses were converted
into living space for one to a dozen people. These were often painted .Food
is an important part of every culture. Hippies developed their own cuisine,
a mishmash of Indian, American, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Italian and Asian
with an emphasis on vegetarian. Hippies influenced not only clothes but a
wide range of ideas and attitudes thus changing society in the process.

30. Learning foreign languages

It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That's why pupils have got such
subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own
language, but it is useful to know foreign languages somebody said:
"English is a language that came from nowhere to conquer the world..."
These words are really true! The most important contribution was made by
William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's influence on everyday English speech
is great, people all over the world quote Shakespeare. The English
language arrived in Britain on the point of a sword. That is why there are 50/59
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so many loans in English language. Now I would like to tell you about
Standard English and Regional accents. Received

pronunciation is the form of British English pronunciation used by many

educated people in every part of Britain. It is thought of a standard form
and is often used by the BBC. It is also used in teaching English in many
parts of the world. Accent is the sound of a person's pronunciation of the
language. It shows where a person comes from and what class he or she
belongs to. Cockney is the way of speaking English and it is known as the
London dialect. Rhyming slang is a way of speaking, ordinarily popular
among cockneys in which a rhyming phrase, or a part of it, is substituted
for a standard word. There is a standard form of the language and some
dialects in our country too. To my mind, every country needs a standard
form of the language because of the contact between people of this
country. But there are a lot of loanwords in every language nowadays.
Every day for example in advertisements we can hear and see new,
incomprehensible, bad words, and they become widespread among the
population. In conclusion I would like to say that now there are more than
60 countries that speak English as the dominant or official language. My
purpose is to show you why the English is a world language. The present
day world status of English is the result of two factors: the expansion of
British colonial power, which peaked towards the end of the 19th century,
and the emergence of the US as the leading economic power of the 20th

academicEnglish is the chief
conferences, language
and the oflanguage
leading international business and
of international tourism.
English is the main language of popular music, advertising, home
computers and video games. Most of the scientific, technological and
academic information in the world is expressed in English.
31. Problems of unemployment
I think that the problem of youth employment is very actual and must be
solved as quickly as possible. They all go to institutes or universities and
even academies, in order to get a degree and serve to the society. The
most serious problem is that of finding working places for such a great
number of specialists. Every year thousands of students graduate the high
schools but uncertain of their future, as very few of theme do find a good
paid job with good conditions .When students enter the high schools they 51/59
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all want for sure to become good specialist and all want to work and give
the best from theme in order to help the society to become richer, better
job isthat people
very be grateful
hard most to theme.
of theme But
are very after graduating
disappointed and finding
and prefer to go a
abroad and work instead staying here. The Federal Government should do
something about this problem. Creating those places for young people is
the burning question now. There must be a lot of new plants, factories,
hospitals and other enterprises to give jobs to all the graduates. But there
is one more problem when people who leave one or institutions are not
satisfied with the working conditions and work as other specialists. As a
result they have only their diplomas but they do not work according to
their professions. And it is also very bad. But these students are glad to
find a job and work even if it has nothing to do with the specialty they learn
five years for in our country young people are still a little suppressed, they
have complexes but abroad the life is quite different. Young people begin
to work very early from the point of view of age, get more and more
experience out of their work and have more possibilities to realize
I think that our state has to give more attention to educational system and
the employment system if we want to achieve better results and get to be
seen at international level. All this can be achieved only with good
specialists and professionals
32. World of jobs

It is certain
studies and the fact
enter that every
a good person
University, tosince child itdream
graduate to continue
and apply the the
knowledge accumulated. We spend great part of our lives at our jobs, so
choosing a right career is one of the most important decisions you will
make in your life. Many students finish high school and begin college
without a clear idea of what they want to do in future. Part of the problem
is the size of the job market itself. With so many kinds of jobs (2000) how
can you tell which will interest you? Some of occupations are already
overcrowded. In old industries there may be little need for new workers,
while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future.
Therefore, it is extremely important to explore your choice of occupations
from every angle, collect as much information as you can. But above all
you must evaluate yourself. Find out where your interests and talents lie. 52/59
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First start with you, make a list of your interests, talents and abilities. Most
people have a lot of these, but at the beginning they are undeveloped and
may not yourself
surprise seem outstanding.
at how goodByyou
can get. on a few, or on one you may
Unemployment especially hits poor and working class families the hardest,
not because this people are more likely to be unemployed, but because
they don't have financial resource to fall back on. Unemployment exists
primarily for two reasons: first - the existence of millions of unemployed
people tends to present most of those working from asking for higher
wages since they can be replaced easily, second -in their search for profits,
corporations are interested in finding the cheapest labor. The problem of
unemployment is also connected with the economic crisis in our country.
And I think when this crisis comes to an end the problem of unemployment
will not be so urgent. But on the other hand if you studied a lot during
school and high school years then you will find a good, well paid job for
sure as society need and will need always good specialists in every sphere
of activity.
33. The importance of English language.
English is a West Germanic language originating in England, and the first
language for most people in Australia, Canada, the Commonwealth
Caribbean, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United
States of America (also commonly known as the Anglosphere. Modern
English is sometimes described as the global lingua franca. English is

the dominant
business, international
aviation, language
entertainment, in communications,
radio and diplomacy. science,
English is one of six official languages of the Nations. Over 309 million
people speak English as their first language, as of 2005. English today is
probably the third largest language by number of native speakers, after
Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. The countries with the highest populations
of native English speakers are, in descending order: United States , United
Kingdom, Canada, Australia , Ireland, South Africa ,and New Zealand
Countries such as Jamaica and Nigeria also have millions of native
speakers of dialect continuums ranging from an English-based creole to a
more standard version of English. Of those nations where English is spoken
as a second language, India has the most such speaker's .Following India is
the People's Republic of China. Because English is so widely spoken, it has 53/59
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often been referred to as a "global language", the lingua franca of the

modern era. While English is not an official language in most countries, it is
the world.the language
Among most often
non-English taught
speaking as a second"
countries, language
a large around
percentage of
the population claimed to be able to converse in English in the Netherlands
, Sweden , Denmark Luxembourg, Finland , Slovenia , Austria , Belgium ,
and Germany Norway and Iceland also have a large majority of competent
English-speakers. Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are
available in many countries around the world.
34. Highway to happiness
Most of us want to be happy. But what is happiness? Is it something that
you feel at a fleeting moment or does it has to last a certain amount of
time before it can officially be called "happiness"? While the thought of
blazing through the sky after jumping out of a plane may spell utter bliss
for some, others may shiver at the mere mention of it. What one person
defines as something that keeps them smiling may be just the thing that
makes another person miserable.
Experts say that happiness is an emotion, and just like any emotion, it
comes and goes. Also like any emotion, some people simply seem to
experience it more than others. It is even believed by some that everyone
has a "happiness baseline." If this is true, then no matter what happens in
our life, we will always return to our original level of happiness after a
certain amount of time.

Of course, other
happiness there than
are many
above.that can contribute
Although this mayto our as a
surprise to many, money does not account for much when it comes to
happiness. Once people accumulate wealth, they are not any more
satisfied with their life than those who can only afford to meet their most
basic needs.
In the search for happiness, we often look to others to make us happy.
Then when we find ourselves anything less than pleased, we play the
blame game and hold them responsible for the cause of our feelings.
However, only we can be held accountable for our own happiness because
only we have the power to change the situation we are in.
When it comes to achieving happiness, it's important not to forget the
small stuff. By concentrating too much on being happy, you may be 54/59
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missing out on the "little things" that are right in front of you every day
that can cause enjoyment. Simply appreciating the little things in life and
Now thatto love,armed
we're forgive, laugh,
with and live
the map can lead towe
to happiness, lifelong
may besatisfaction.
where to start. As with anything, happiness does not magically appear
35. Importance of money in modern society.
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' This is the first
commandment of God's 10 Commandments. In my opinion this would be
the hardest commandment to follow in a modern society that is so
enamored with money. The power of a dollar is a leading concept in a
modern society. Many organizations and businesses in modern society
revolve around money. It's almost to the point where money can be seen
as its own entity which would place itself above God in many cases. Money
is something that everyone, atheists and religious leaders included, are
able to see eye to eye on. The importance of money in today's society is
rather large. Money finds itself everyone across society. I've personally
seen many relationships go sour over disputes involving money. Cash has
the ability the transform even the best people into greedy savages.
Modernity is a society that lusts money. Money determines many things in
society. People got through many years of schooling with the hope that
they will graduate making six figures. Money determines ones social
position in society. The more money you have the easier life is for you.

We turn born in money
on the seem
television andto wonder
have to what
work celebrities
less than those bomHilton,
like Paris withoutand
Nicole Ritchie do for a living. And the answer is nothing. They don't have to
work because they were lucky enough to be born with money. The thought
of the "easy life" ties hand in hand with the power of a dollar and people in
a modern society fight for that life.
So it is very difficult to live out the first commandment in a modern society.
Money is too powerful of a tool for it not to diminish the morals and values
of many Americans. It is held too high in society. In a modern society,
money is the equivalent to the air we breathe. Everything depends on
money. It's the one thing the majority of society will agree they couldn't
live without. Money is the god that many place above God.
36. Man and Woman in the society 55/59
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The relationship between man and woman in the society has always been
subject to a longstanding controversy, particularly in the society. It is the
both manofand
inpeople that hold
the society wrongideas
and those ideasare
the the roleofofthe
imbalanced relationship between man and woman in the society.

Women constitute half of the society and in some societies the proportion
exceeds that percentage, as is the case in our Yemeni society.
Nevertheless, it is found even among the intellectuals that some of them
do not recognize her importance other than a housewife raising children
and taking care of them and the entire household. The family as the most
important component of the society, and the most significant
establishment in it, the major role in running it is upon the shoulders of the
woman. And the man is incapable to have the same patience and
endurance the woman entertains in running the affairs of the family. In
addition to that sacred role the woman also plays a recognized role outside
the family sphere as she proved to be successful teachers, doctors,
engineers and in other areas of social development activities. She is the
mother of the society and does more than one role; her job as a housewife
and her role in the development of the society whereas man's role is
mainly outside the family sphere.

Moreover ever the successes scored by man are imprints of women who

help in theirAnd
successes. ideas and
thus in encourage
many casesthem in behind
she is the accomplishment of those
his success. Her great
responsibility in providing stable and happy life inside the family is in itself
an effective factor in man's success. She is an indispensable energy
possessing an indispensable role.
Our glorious history has abundance of examples of great women successful
in various aspects of life; in politics, religion, education and fighting beside
their brother's men.
The intelligentsia and sociologists have to do their hardest job in
enlightening the society about the mutual role played by both men and
women in building an advanced society where both men and women are
equal in importance and roles played in life.
39. Violence is a part of every child 56/59
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Violence is a part of every child's life. Violence originates in many places-

self, family, peers, the community and the media-and violence affects
witnesses and
and youth at every
victims, age, even
and some newborn.
become Children
perpetrators. Alland
areyouth are
though not all are affected equally.
Media Violence
Most children are exposed to media violence at some level on a daily basis
through television, video games, or music
Children in middle childhood watch more television and are therefore,
presumably, more exposed to television violence than children who are
younger or older.47 Rates of reported physical abuse are about the same
for children in middle childhood as for younger children.
Domestic violence
Many children who live in household are often exposed to domestic
violence. Compared with children in other households, children who have
been exposed to domestic violence often suffer from insomnia and have
trouble with bed-wetting. They also are more likely to experience
difficulties in school and to score lower on assessments of verbal, motor,
and cognitive skills. Also, they are more likely than other children to exhibit
aggressive and antisocial behaviour, to be depressed and anxious, and to
have slower cognitive development.
Violence at teenagers.
Many people believe that violence towards children reaches its peak in the

lives of teenagers.
violence, While
other types this is true
of violence for some
actually ofto
begin the more during
recede extreme forms of
teenage years.
The risk of being a victim of sexual assault, aggravated assault, and
robbery also increases as teens get older.
In conclusion it can be said that most of the policy and data collection
related to violence in children's lives tends to focus on a single type of
violence (such as child abuse or media violence), a particular social context
(such as the family, school, or neighbourhood), or a particular group (such
as teens or inner-city children).
But the main responsibility it lies of course on parents, the ones that are
the most indicated to take care and protect their children and assure all
good conditions in order to grow up good and elevated citizens. 57/59
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40. Health care in Republic of Moldova

of Moldovatointhe latest
2003 canresearches estimates,
expect to live 67 yearsa on
person born 71
average: in the Republic
years if
female and 63 years if male. Life expectancy in the country is about 11
years lower than the Europa average of 79 years. However, despite being
the second poorest county in the European Region, the life expectancy
estimate is 2-5 years higher than similar estimates for a number of
considerably richer regional countries.
As the length of life increases, older people can respond with lifestyle
changes that can increase healthy years of life. Correspondingly, health
care systems need to shift towards more geriatric care, the prevention and
management of chronic diseases and more formal long-term care. Since
people are living longer, measures to improve health and prevent disease
need to focus on people of working age.
Health outcomes of Republic of Moldova are influenced by various factors
that operate at individual, household and community levels. Obvious
factors are, for example, diet, health behavior, access to clean water,
sanitation and health services.
Education tends to enhance an individual's job opportunities. In so doing, it
can improve income, which in turn affects health positively. Education can
also give more access to knowledge about healthy behavior and increase
the tendency to seek treatment when needed. A lower level of education -

independent of individual
with stress, with depressionincome - is correlated
and hostility with
and with the inability
adverse effectsto
There is an income gradient affecting health: the poor generally suffer
worse health and die younger than people with higher incomes. For
instance, the latter are better able to afford the goods and services that
contribute to health, for example, better food and living conditions.
People are considered to be in absolute poverty if their incomes are not
sufficient to purchase very minimal goods and services. In these conditions
the migration increases and a lot of people go abroad to earn money in
order to assure the normal level of life. And it is the Government's task to
ensure good life and health conditions to the citizens. As long as we will be
confronted with these problems, we will have to fight against poverty, 58/59
7/28/2019 Civilizatie - Pregatire Pentru Bacalaureat Bac Limba Engleza.[]


diseases and migration. 59/59

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