Lec 4

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Week 4 Lecture

Professor: Ali Esfandian

Email: ali.esfandian@senecacollege.ca
• Business Process
• Business Modeling
• The Concepts of BRD & SRS in SDLC
• Project Plan
• Use cases
• Business & Systems use cases
• Parent and Child Actors & use case diagrams
• Drawing use case diagrams
• Relationships types in use case diagrams
• Generalization in use case diagrams
• Primary & Secondary Actors in use case diagrams
Business process
• A business process is an activity or set of activities that can
accomplish a specific business objective.

• Some examples of business processes include; receiving

orders, invoicing, processing payment, shipping products,
updating employee information, hiring employee, or setting
a marketing budget.

• Business processes include events that the customer is able

to see and events that are invisible to the customer.
What is Business a requirement Document?
• A business requirements document (BRD) details the business
solution for a project including the documentation of customer
needs and expectations.

• It is a document that helps businesses to have or maintain a

process that assists them with project management and

• It helps in making reasonable estimates of how big a project is

and how much it is going to cost

• Business requirements are the critical activities of an enterprise

that must be performed to meet the organizational objective(s)
Business Requirement Document
• If a project intends to modify existing (or introduce new) hardware or
software system, a new BRD should be created.
• The BRD describes what the system would look like from a business
• The BRD distinguishes between the business solution and the technical
• When examining the business solution the BRD should answer the
question, “What does the business want to do?”
• In software development, a BRD is obtained during requirements
gathering and is converted into SRS before the design and implementation
phases of SDLC.
Common objectives of the BRD
• To gain agreement with stakeholders
• To provide a foundation to communicate to a technology service
provider what the solution needs to do to satisfy the customer’s and
business’ needs
• To provide input into the next phase for the project
• To describe how the customer/business needs will be met by the
• The BRD is important because it is the foundation for all subsequent
project deliverables, describing what inputs and outputs are
associated with each process function.
System Requirements Specification (SRS)
• A System Requirements Specification (SRS) (also known as
a Software Requirements Specification) is a document that
describes the features and behavior of a system
or software application.

• It is a complete specification of what a proposed system should do

in a business.

• It is a translated or technical version of the BRD

Purpose of SRS document
 SRS establishes basis of agreement between the user and
the supplier.
 Users needs have to be satisfied, but user may not
understand software
 Developers will develop the system, but may not know
about problem domain

 SRS is
 the medium to bridge the communications gap, and
 specifies user needs in a manner both can understand
Project Plan
• A project plan is a formal document used to guide both
project execution and project control.

• It helps to document project expectations, baselines,

and assumptions.

• It facilitates communication among project

stakeholders, and helps the project team to document
the approved constraints in a project (Budget, Scope,
and schedule).
• Know the difference between a project plan and a PID
What is a business Use Case?
• It shows a business process that happens within an organization

• Modeled as an ellipse

• TTC Example: PurchaseTransitPass

What is an Actor?
• Modeled as a stick figure
• Someone who or something that interacts with the
business process or business system
• TTC Example:

Rider TicketAgent Supervisor

What is an Association?
• Modeled as a straight line
• Defines business connections or relationships between actors and use
What is a Systems use case?
• It outlines, from a user's point of view, a system's behavior as it
responds to a request.
• It shows how end users interact with business systems to achieve a
business process that happens within an organization

• Modeled as an ellipse

• Shows the specification of a business requirement

Where does a Use case start?
At the start there is always a commercial trigger, a
commercial event:

 Customer would like to conclude a contract

 Customer would like some information
 Marketing department would like a statistical evaluation of
 Customer would like to create an account
 Customer would like to place an order

At the end of the use case, an objective must have been achieved.
Business Use Case Diagram






System Use Case Diagram 1

In this situation, the

customer is able to
purchase goods by
themselves, such as
through a self-checkout
System Use Case Diagram 2
Use Cases Diagrams

Actor to

Business & System Use cases
• A Business Use Case is one in which the design scope is
business operations. It is about an actor achieving a goal
with respect to the organization. The business use case
often contains no mention of technology, since it is
concerned with how the business operates (The
business process).

• A System Use Case is one in which the design scope is

the computer system to be designed. It is about an actor
achieving a goal with the computer system; it is about
Relationship types in a use case diagrams
There are usually 5 relationship types in a use case diagram.
• Association between actor and use case
• Generalization of an actor
• Extend between two use cases
• Include between two use cases
• Generalization of a use case
Association Between Actor and Use Case
• This one is straightforward and present in every use case diagram.
• Few things to note.
• An actor must be associated with at least one use case.
• An actor can be associated with multiple use cases.
• Multiple actors can be associated with a single use case.
Use Case Generalization
•A use-case-generalization is a relationship from a child use case to a parent use case, specifying how a
child can specialize all behavior and characteristics described for the parent.
•Generalization of an actor means that one actor can inherit the role of the other actor. The descendant
inherits all the use cases of the ancestor
•A base use case is the use case that includes the functionality of another use case to accomplish a goal
Actor Generalization
•An Actor Generalization is the relationship which can exist between two actors
where one actor (The descendant/child) inherits the role and properties of another
actor (The Ancestor/parent)
Extend Relationship Between Two Use Cases

•The extending use case is usually optional and can be triggered conditionally.
Include Relationship Between Two Use Cases
•Include relationship show that the behavior of the included use case is part of the
including (base) use case.
•Few things to consider when using the <<include>> relationship.
• The base use case is incomplete without the included use case.
• The included use case is mandatory and not optional.

Non Resident Foreign Currency Customer

More on Include & Extend in Use-Case Diagrams

An include or extend example using withdraw cash at ATM machine

• Include ‘’enter pin’’ to withdraw cash

• Extend ‘’error message’’ if wrong pin is entered

Primary and Secondary Actors
Actors are classified into primary actors (also called active actors) and
secondary actors (also called passive or reactive actors).
•Primary actors initiate a use case and hence are somewhat independent
• They can be people, or other systems that interact with the system

•A secondary actor is one from which the system requires assistance to

complete the use case.
•A secondary actor never initiates the use case. It is invoked by the
system's use cases in order to obtain information or a result
• Secondary actors are usually reactive, and they can as well be people,
or other systems that interact with the system.
Primary and Secondary Actors

A conversation can be viewed as an exchange of messages. For example, the system might send a message to the user by
displaying a dialog box. The user might reply to this message by clicking a button on the dialog box. Conversations can be
long or short. The initiator of the conversation is indicated by the direction of the arrow, which points from the initiator
to the responder.
Primary actors, such as users, always initiate conversations. Secondary actors, such as servers, always respond to an
initiating use case.
The system boundary helps to remind us that use cases are internal to the system and actors are external.
Primary and Secondary Actors Example
(A Database Browser)
Primary and Secondary Actors Example
(ATM Machine)
• A business process is an activity or set of activities that can
accomplish a specific business objective.
• A business requirements document (BRD) details the business
solution for a project such as customer needs and expectations.
• A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is a technical
version of a BRD and it is a complete specification of what a proposed
system should do in a business.
• A project plan is a formal document used to guide both project
execution and control
• Stakeholders are people who are materially affected by the outcome
of a project or business, while actors are people or systems that use
or interact with the system.
• A Business use case shows a business process that happens within an
organization, while a systems use case shows how end users interact with
business systems to achieve a business process that happens within an
• There are usually 5 relationship types in a typical use case diagram.
1. Association between actor and use case
2. Generalization of an actor
3. Extend between two use cases
4. Include between two use cases
5. Generalization of a use case
• Primary actors initiate a use case, while secondary actors respond to an initiating
use case. Secondary actors are invoked by the system's use cases in order to
obtain information or a result.

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