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Table of Contents

1 Blinking LED 12 Using LCD (1602)

2 Breathing LED 13 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

3 Button Controlled LED 14 Using a Photoresistor

4 Two-Way Switch 15 Using a DHT11

5 Flowing LEDs 16 Fun Game with LCD

6 Tilt Switch 17 Using a Servo Motor

7 Seven Segment Display 18 IR Sensor Controlled Servo Motor

8 Simple Counter 19 Operating Timer Using a Rotary Encoder

9 IR Receiver and Controller 20 Home Automation Using a Smartphone

10 Active Buzzer 21 Smart Fan

11 Touch Sensor Controlled LED

1. Blinking LED

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Jumper Wires

Output: The LED blinks in a time interval of one second

2. Breathing LED

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Jumper Wires

Output: Brightness of LED increases to a high and decreases to a low

3. Button Controlled LED

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Push Button Jumper Wires

Output: Button can be used to switch on or switch off the LED

4. Two-Way Switch

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Push Button Jumper Wires

Output: Two buttons can be used to switch on or switch off the LED
5. Flowing LEDs

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Jumper Wires

Output: The four LEDs will be switched on and switched off in a series
6. Tilt Switch

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Tilt Switch Jumper Wires

Output: Tilt the breadboard with tilt switch to switch on the LED
7. Seven Segment Display

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard Resistors 220Ω Seven Segment Display Jumper Wires

Output: Numbers 0 to 9 and letters A, b, C, d, E and F will be displayed in a sequence

8. Simple Counter

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 4 Digit Display Jumper Wires

Output: Numbers 0 to 9999 will be displayed in a sequence

9. IR Receiver & Controller

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω IR Receiver IR Remote Jumper Wires

Output: Switch on or switch off any of the 3 LEDs using the IR Controller
10. Active Buzzer

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Active Buzzer Jumper Wires

Output: The buzzer will produce a continuous sharp shrill sound

11. Touch Sensor Controlled LED

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω Touch Sensor IR Remote Jumper Wires

Output: Touch the touch sensor to switch on the LED and activate the buzzer
12. Using LCD (1602)

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 LCD 1602 I2C Module Jumper Wires

Output: The LCD will display a message on its screen

13. Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 LCD 1602 I2C Module Ultrasonic Sensor Jumper Wires

Output: LCD will display the distance of any object that is placed in front of the sensor
14. Using Photoresistor

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LCD 1602 I2C Module LDR Resistors 220Ω Jumper Wires

Output: LCD will display the intensity of the ambient light using the LDR
15. Using DHT11

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 LCD 1602 I2C Module DHT11 Jumper Wires

Output: LCD will display the ambient humidity and temperature values
16. Fun Game With LCD

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LCD 1602 I2C Module Active Buzzer Push Button Jumper Wires

Output: Using the button you can play a fun game

17. Using Servo Motor

Orange Wire – Pin 9

Red Wire – 5V
Brown Wire – GND

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Servo Motor Jumper Wires

Output: The shaft of the servo motor will start rotating

18. IR Sensor Controlled Servo Motor

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 IR Sensor Servo Motor Jumper Wires

Output: Place an object in front of the IR sensor to activate the servo motor
19. Operating Timer Using Rotary Encoder

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Rotary Encoder 4 Digit Display Active Buzzer Jumper Wires

Output: Timer can be set using the rotary encoder. Buzzer beeps 3 times after the time lapse
20. Home Automation Using Smartphone

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard LEDs Resistors 220Ω HC-05 Bluetooth Jumper Wires

Output: Using the app on a smartphone switch on or switch off the LEDs
21. Smart Fan

L293D Bread- Arduino Motor


IP3 8
IP4 9
EN3,4 +ve
GND -ve
Ultrasonic Bread-
Sensor board VCC +ve
Trig 10 +ve GND
Echo 11 +ve 5V
GND -ve OP3 Wire 1
VCC +ve OP4 Wire 2

Material Required

Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard L293D IC Ultrasonic Sensor DC Toy Motor Fan Propeller Jumper Wires

Output: Place an object in front of the sensor to switch on the fan

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