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ABASYN University Islamabad


Department of Computer Science

Name: Muhammad Tahir Shah

Student ID: 8942

Teacher: Mr. Dilawar Anjum

Subject: English Comprehension

Assignment No: 02
Due Date: 25/03/2024
Modal verb


In English grammar, modal verbs are a type of

auxiliary verbs that change the meaning of the primary
verb of a phrase. They express a variety of nuances,
including capability, potential, consent, duty, or
probability. Modal verbs provide the statement
additional layers of meaning by expressing the
speaker's perspective on the activity or event being

The following are a few examples of modal verbs:

"can," "could," "may," "might," "must," "shall,"

"should," "will," and "would."

Use of modal verbs

Logical Possibility:


Modal verbs such as "can," "may," and "might" are

utilized to convey the idea that something is possible or
likely to occur based on the circumstances or evidence
available. They help us express the potential for an
event or situation to happen.
● She can be at the party tonight, considering her usual
● It may rain tomorrow, as per the weather forecast.
● He might call you later if he needs help.
● The package could arrive today, based on the tracking
● They must be lost in the city, given the unfamiliar



Modal verbs like "can," "could," and "may" are

employed to indicate a person's skill, capability, or
capacity to do something. They showcase what
someone is able to accomplish.
● She can speak Spanish fluently, having studied it for
● He could solve complex math problems at a young
● They may perform well in the competition with their
exceptional skills.
● I can play the guitar, thanks to years of practice.
● She could run a marathon last year, showcasing her


Modal verbs including "must," "have to," and "need to"

are used to express that something is required,
essential, or mandatory. They highlight obligations or
● You must finish your homework before going out to
● She has to attend the meeting as it is mandatory.
● We need to buy groceries for the week ahead.
● He must follow the rules to participate in the
● They have to submit their reports by the end of the day.



Modal verbs like "can," "may," and "could" are

employed to seek or grant permission to do something.
They are used to ask for approval or give consent for
an action.
● Can I borrow your book for a day?
● May I leave the room early today?
● Could you please pass me the salt?
● Can I use your laptop for a while?
● May I ask you a personal question?

These modal verbs play a significant role in expressing

various nuances in English sentences related to
possibility, ability, necessity, and permission. They add
depth and specificity to our communication by indicating
different aspects of actions and situations.

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