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Introduction to Business –BUS1102

Submitted To:

Professor DR. Kawsar Ahmmed

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Submitted By:
Name: Imran Rahman
ID : 1112410018
Sec: B
Spring 2024

Date of Submission: 30-01-2024

From 70 Taka to an Empire: The Inspirational Journey of
Abdul Monem
Abdul Monem was a resilient entrepreneur. He possessed remarkable characteristics
that drove him from a humble beginning to building a business empire.

 Resourcefulness: Starting with a mere 70 Taka, Abdul Monem showed

resourcefulness, proving that success doesn't always require extensive capital.
 Visionary Leadership: Abdul Monem's dream extended beyond a job. He
aspired to create a business empire. His vision led to the establishment of Abdul
Monem Group, a multidimensional organization.
 Strategic Decision-Making: He has founded diverse industries and workforce.
His strategic decisions led to the growth of the group, contributing significantly to
Bangladesh's infrastructure.
 Commitment to Excellence: Abdul Monem emphasized using the best
technology, showcasing a commitment to excellence and efficiency.
 Social Responsibility: Abdul Monem actively contributed to education,
healthcare, and disaster relief. He displayed a strong social responsibility by
establishing the Abdul Monem Foundation.
 Diversification and Innovation: The establishment of various companies within
the Abdul Monem Group reflects Monem's entrepreneurial spirit, expanding into
industries like ice cream, pharmaceuticals, and energy.
 Honesty and Integrity: Abdul Monem emphasized honesty, demonstrated
through field surveys and smooth project completion. This shows the importance
of integrity in business.
 Legacy Building: Abdul Monem's final dream was to create an economic zone.
This reflects his commitment to providing employment opportunities and boosting
the country's economy.

Abdul Monem's entrepreneurial journey is marked by resilience, innovation, and a

strong sense of social responsibility. It stands as an inspiring example for aspiring
business leaders.

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