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GROUP No. 12221

Reem Hani
Nada El-sakka
Sara Reda
Yara Osama

Chapter 1 / Present and Justify A Problem And Solution Requirements.

 Egypt grand challenges

 Problem to be solved

 Research

 Other Solutions Already Tried (Prior Solution)

Chapter 2 / Generating and Defending A Solution.

 Solution And Design Requirements

 Selection Of Solution

 Selection Prototype

Chapter 3 / Constructing and Testing A Prototype.

 Materials And Methods

 Test Plan

 Data Collection

Chapter 4 / Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations

 Analysis and Discussion

 Recommendations

 Learning Transfer

 Conclusion

 List Of Sources in APA Format

Chapter 1: Present and justify a
problem and solution requirements.
1) Egypt Grand Challenges:

Improve the use of alternative energies.

Deal with urban congestion and its consequences.
Work to eradicate public health issues, disease.
Increase the industrial and agricultural.
Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water, and soil.
Improve use of arid areas.
1) Manage and increase sources of clean water.

What are clean sources of water in Egypt?

Increasing and managing sources of clean water in Egypt is crucial for addressing the
country's water scarcity challenges. Here are some processes to get clean water.
• Desalination: this process is often used in saltwater. It consists of two steps: the first is
water evaporation, which precipitates the salts; the second is water condensation.
• Rainwater Harvesting: Encourage the collection and storage of rainfall for a range of
uses, including agriculture. Building reservoirs, dams, and other water storage facilities can
accomplish this.
• Groundwater Management: To effectively manage groundwater resources, put in place
strict laws and evaluation methods.
• Agricultural Efficiency: To reduce water waste, encourage farmers to use drip irrigation or
other effective irrigation methods. So, what is the relation between this grand challenge and
our solution?
As part of our solution, we clean sewage water, a source of highly polluted water, and
utilize it in agriculture. This helps create new clean water sources and, as it turns out, reduces
the amount of river Nile used for agriculture.
2)Recycling garbage and waste for economic and
environmental purposes:
Water is essential for life on Earth. It's what we drink, what plants need to grow, and where
animals live. But sometimes the water we use becomes dirty and harmful. This dirty water is
called wastewater.

Sewage carries things like soap, chemicals, and germs from our homes and factories. When it
enters rivers, lakes, or oceans, it can harm the environment in many ways. This can make fish
and other creatures sick. It can also make the water unsuitable for swimming or drinking. To
alleviate the garbage and the waste in water, we need to recycle it.

Recycling is one of those things that we know is good, but we struggle to see all the good that
comes from it. Saving energy and natural resources is not something tangible that we can hold in
our hands. So sometimes it can be difficult to convince people that they are making a difference by
recycling. Here are the economic and environmental
benefits of recycling.

 Benefits Of Recycling:
Waste is a huge problem. It is bigger than we ever
imagined, and it impacts every aspect of our lives.
Waste pollutes our air, land, water, and oceans. One
of the biggest sources of waste is throwing something
away without thinking about how to reuse, reuse, or
recycle. Recycling saves energy, natural resources,
and money.
Economic Impact of Recycling:

Using recycled materials to create “new” products has an economic impact on production. It takes
fewer resources and less energy to create recycled materials. Investing in recycling programs will
also create jobs, and by saving money on production by using recycled materials, workers will be
able to receive higher wages.

Environmental Impact of Recycling:

Recycling saves natural resources, leaving more untouched land for wildlife. Recycling helps save
energy, minimize greenhouse gas emissions, reduce air pollution, and conserve natural
resources. When we don't need to go back to the land to find new raw materials for new
products, we leave more open and untouched land for nature and wildlife to continue to thrive.
Recycling also means we reduce landfill and reduce the amount of waste ending up in the
ocean. Sun rise Sanitation provides waste management and recycling services for your home,
business, and workplace in West Virginia and Maryland.

3)Increase the industrial and agricultural bases of Egypt:

This challenge refers to the objective of expanding and strengthening the industrial and agricultural
sectors of the country. It involves promoting economic development, productivity, and
sustainability in these sectors to drive overall growth and improve the livelihoods of people
involved in these industries.
Crops need suitable water, weather, and soil. Egypt is one of the blessed countries, with good soil
and weather throughout the entire year, as well as the famous Nile River. Unfortunately, the river
has become polluted over time, and there is not sufficient of it to rely on for clean water for
citizens and irrigation. As a large amount of water is wasted each year, treating it to make it
suitable for agriculture will have a significant impact on the development of Egypt's agriculture,
industry, and economy. Having a greater supply of clean water means having healthier crops in
copious quantities.
This initially meets the needs of citizens while also providing raw materials for industry.
So having a variety of raw materials will help Egypt's industry and product development and its
variety. The previous points will have a great noticeable impact on our economy. First,
strengthening the agricultural base enhances food security by increasing domestic food production.
Egypt relies on agriculture for a sizable portion of its food supply, and by improving agricultural
productivity, the country can reduce its dependence on food imports. This reduces the vulnerability
to global food price fluctuations and ensures a stable food supply for its population. Second,
developing Egypt in industry will diversify and increase the export of Egyptian products and this
will improve our balance of trade, enhance foreign exchange reserves, and contribute to economic
stability and resilience.
Fig.3.digram for Egypt industrial increase

4)Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water,

and soil.
One of the most important problems facing Egypt and modern civilization is environmental
pollution. Air, water, and soil are the three primary sources of environmental contamination. This
was brought about by people using chemicals that produce environmental pollution .

Effects of soil pollution:

One of the main causes of soil pollution is contamination of the soil by dangerous substances.
Other major causes include over-irrigation, the use of pesticides, the disposal of sewage and trash,
deforestation, and mining. The beneficial microorganisms that reside in the soil will perish if it is
polluted, and the soil's fertility will be lost. Reduced crop productivity will result. Infertile soil will
have a detrimental effect on human civilization.
. Effects of water pollution
Elevated levels of industrial, agricultural, and home wastewater contamination threaten Egypt's
main freshwater source, the Nile, in an unsustainable and frightening manner. With a combined
population of more than 20 million people, the 43 towns and over 2,500 villages that make up the
Nile valley between the Aswan High Dam and Cairo discharge their wastewater and untreated
sewage into the Nile. In addition to that, wastewater from various industrial processes could
regularly contain pollutants such as asbestos, lead, mercury, cadmium, and others which are toxic
materials. All of these are extremely hard or even impossible to separate from the water causing
permanent damage once dumped in it. Furthermore, radioactive materials can also be found in
wastewater from ore processing and weapons production. All of that has serious consequences for
us and aquatic life. Aquatic life is significantly impacted by water pollution. In addition to causing
illness and death, it has an impact on their metabolism and behavior. Dioxin is a chemical that has
been linked to several problems, including cancer, uncontrolled cell proliferation, and problems
with reproduction. Humans are impacted by pollution, and feces in water sources can spread
illnesses like hepatitis. An outbreak of contagious diseases like cholera can always be caused by
inadequate drinking water treatment and polluted water. The ecosystem may be badly affected,
changed, and restructured because of water pollution.

Effects of air pollution:

There are in Egypt several activities that contribute
the air pollution and climate change like burning rice
straw, open-air waste-burning, industrial activities,
transportation (car exhaust), and coal. Carbon
monoxide has increased in streets and narrow
quarters, due to the excess amount of cars' exhaust
which affects the health of citizens. According to the World Health Fig.4.water pollution
Organization database,
air pollution-related illnesses responsible for premature mortality in Egypt in 2016 included heart
disease, stroke, and pulmonary and lower respiratory diseases and cancer, which was the cause of
90,559 premature deaths in Egypt in 2019, and more than 12% of all deaths in 2017. In addition,
air pollution causes many phenomena that threaten the world such as Global warming which is a
phenomenon that has occurred as a result of this imbalance in the composition of the atmosphere.
Additionally, there are phenomena like the thinning of the ozone layer. Environmental pollution
affects life on Earth negatively and should be minimized as much as possible. Nature will injure us
more because of our harm to it. This needs to cease since the environment is essential to our life
and we must take precautions to keep it in balance.
Fig.5.air pollution

Problem To Be Solved:
As the population grows, so do the sources of pollution, including water contamination. Since
water is utilized for so many things in Egypt, including agriculture, water pollution is one of the
major issues. Only some kinds of contaminated water may be used for irrigation. Certain
contaminated waters are appropriate because they contain minerals that match the soil. Other
contaminated water types are not appropriate for use in irrigation, such as sewage water with high
bacterial content and carwash water with high chemical content. Therefore, as part of our
challenge, we are trying to cleanse this water using three suitable methods (physical, chemical, or
biological) to remove any risky substances so that it may be used again for irrigation in a way that
is good for the soil and plants.


The first step of the Engineering Design Process (EDP) is "research," which is primarily
observation and questioning. The most important stage in any project is to have a sufficient
understanding of the topic at hand to comprehend the circumstances and determine the most
appropriate plan of operation. This is because the research findings will form the foundation for the
creation of hypotheses, which may be modified as needed.
Nowadays, water pollution has become one of the biggest crises that face Egypt, specifically as it
is used in irrigation, as steamers we are working on treating this water to use in irrigation, so it
necessitates a lot of research. For this term’s project, we had to research existing solutions,
materials and their properties, the plant, the process of treatment, and the best design for our
Which topics are related to the problems?
Firstly, Egypt Grand Challenges

We searched about Egypt’s Grand Challenges that related with our project, which are:
1- Manage and increase sources of clean water.
Search is done about polluted water and methods of treatment water.
2- Recycle garbage and waste for economic and environmental purposes
Searching about types of recycled garbage, price of one kilo of plastic to use in large scale and
if it is suitable to put the polluted water in plastic bottles.
3- Increase the industrial and agricultural bases of Egypt
Search about importance of agriculture, how to increase agriculture bases.
4- Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water, and soil.
Search about causes of this pollution and how to reduce them.

Secondly, highly polluted source of water

Search in done about the highly polluted source of water, sewage is found is the highly one .After
pre-analysis of water, the car wash is defined as the highly polluted source of water ,so it was the
source that treated
Thirdly, the plant
Okra is chosen after searching, as it suits with the pre-analysis of water
Fourthly, the first process of treatment
After search, it is determined to use low sand filtration to eliminate from large particles
and color.
Sixthly, the activated carbon
Search how can it get from, how does it use and it is importance.
Seventh ,the bacteria that is used to treat the water
Types of bacteria that is used to degrade the oil and greases that harmful for plant.
Eighth, what is the process that is used in decreasing the percentage of the highly toxic
Bacteria that found in water is reproduced to degrade the oil and greases that harmful for
Ninth, how to use sand and gravel in treating the water?
They are used to remove large particles from water
Tenth, properties of plants?
Importance of plant that is useful because it is frozen then exported .it doesn’t need
highly temperature
2) Other solutions have already been tried:
The first prior solution
The soil (sand and gravel)
Sand and gravel play important roles in water treatment processes. They are commonly used in
water treatment plants as filter media to remove impurities and particles from water.
The procedure is as follows: Water flows through a sand and gravel bed, trapping suspended
particles and impurities. When water slowly sinks through the bed, dirt particles are trapped in the
fine pores of the sand and gravel.
The filtration process removes contaminants and improves the quality of water for a variety of
applications. This filter technology is appropriate for a variety of applications, including
disinfection equipment pre-filtration, micro- and ultra-filtration preparation, recirculation systems,
rinse water processes, irrigation systems, basin water filtration and groundwater cleaning.
It can also filter solid particles such as algae and organic material.
Backwashing and regular maintenance are required for these filters to function properly.
The filters automatically switch to backwashing after a certain amount of water has been filtered or
when the sand becomes polluted. The pores of the sand enlarge during backwashing, and dirt is
washed away from the sand when the flow of water through the filter is reversed to flush out
trapped particles. The backwash water, along with the discharged dirt, helps to maintain the
optimal purification qualities of the sand filter.

The types of Gravel used in this method:

 Pea gravel: Small, rounded, and smooth stones, 4 to 10 mm in diameter.
 Crushed gravel: Irregular, angular, and sharp stones produced by crushing larger rocks. Has
a higher surface area and roughness, 10 to 20 mm in diameter.
 River gravel: Naturally occurring stones shaped by water erosion and sedimentation. Has a
smooth surface and rounded shape, 2 to 64 mm in diameter.
The optimal sand size for water filtration is the particles with a diameter of 0.8 mm to 1.25.
Smaller sand grains increase resistance but capture more dirt, and also require more frequent

Advantages of this method:

 Sand and gravel have high porosity and permeability, allowing water to flow through it
 Sand and gravel are cheap, readily available, and resistant to abrasion.
 A biological community of bacteria grows in the top 2cm of sand which helps in the
breakdown and removal of organic matter.
 This system purifies well the suspended particles, organic materials, zand a lot of impurities.

Disadvantages of this method:

 Backwashing consumes water and energy.
 These filters require a larger footprint compared to other filtration technologies. They
need sufficient space for the filter bed and associated equipment which can be a limitation
in areas with limited available space.
 Gravel can have a high content of organic matter and clay, which may clog the pores and
reduce filtration efficiency.
 Gravel can have a low specific gravity, causing it to float or dislodge during backwashing
or air scouring.
 Sand and gravel have a limited ability to remove smaller particles and contaminants from
the water. It may not be efficient in removing fine sediments, bacteria, or dissolved
substances. So the water will need to pass through another process to get well purified.

Fig.6. sand
 The second prior solution
Recycling PET plastic:
Polyethylene terephthalates are the most widely used thermoplastic polymer resin in the
polyester family and are utilized in textile fibers, food and drink containers, thermoforming, and
engineering resins when combined with glass fiber.

A total of 56 million tons of PET were produced annually in 2016. Over 60% of applications are in
fiber, with over 30% of the world's demand coming from the manufacturing of bottles. After
polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyester takes up
approximately 18% of global polymer manufacturing.
Polyester bottles are lightweight, easy to shape, and strong. The strength and elasticity are higher
than other raw materials, suitable for thin walls, and lightweight, high strength of medicinal plastic

The gas barrier of a medical PET plastic container is excellent. Good resistance to oxygen and
water vapor can completely satisfy the unique storage needs of pharmaceutical packaging. Strong
alkali and some organic solvents should not be packaged with it due to its exceptional chemical

Fig.8. PET Fig.9.PET

Large amounts of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB), and solid waste
have led to serious environmental problems. We must examine PET and PHB in terms of volume
to determine the principal obstacles to plastic reuse over a broad spectrum of plastic values
worldwide. This has a big impact on the globe and global warming. Plastic is being used
extensively in PHB and PET applications.

Advantages of PET plastic bottles:

1. Most plastic bottles have strong corrosion resistance and do not react with acid or alkali.
2. Plastic bottles are durable, waterproof, and light. On
3. Plastic is easily molded into different shapes.
4. Plastics are good insulators.

5. General molding, good coloring, low processing cost

Disadvantages of PET plastic bottles:

1. When it comes to recycling waste plastic, sorting is difficult and economically uneconomical.
2. Plastics burn easily and produce toxic gases when they burn.
3. Plastics are made from the products of petroleum refining, and petroleum resources are limited.

 The third prior solution

Reverse osmosis

The process of movement of solvent through a semipermeable membrane from the solution to the
pure solvent by applying excess pressure on the solution side, used to separate dissolved solutes
from water.
Osmotic pressure is the minimum pressure required to stop solvent flow through the
semipermeable membrane. Therefore, when the solution side (the side where the solute
concentration is high) is subjected to a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure, the solvent
particles on the solution side move through the semipermeable membrane to the region where the
solute concentration is low. Such inverse solvent movement through the semipermeable
membrane is called reverse osmosis.
It is important to note that the pressure applied to the solution side must be higher than the osmotic
pressure for the reverse osmosis process to proceed. Osmotic pressure is a colligative property,
which depends on the concentration of the solution. In water purification, the reverse osmosis
process is very important. Many water purifiers used today use reverse osmosis in the purification
process as one of the steps.

Advantages of Reverse Osmosis

 Bacteria, viruses, and pyrogenic materials are rejected by the intact membrane. In this
respect, RO water approaches distilled water in quality.
 Available units are relatively compact and require little space. They are well suited to home
 In average use, the membrane has a life of a little more than one to two years before
replacement is necessary.
 Periodic complete sterilization of the RO system with formalin or other sterilant is practical.

Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis

 Cellulose acetate membranes have limited pH tolerance. They degrade at temperatures

greater than 35oC. They are vulnerable to bacteria. They eventually hydrolyze.
 Polyamide membranes are intolerant of temperatures greater than 35oC. They have poor
tolerance for free chlorine.

. Fig.11 Fig.12

 The fourth prior solution:

In a sedimentation process, the solids present in the water sink to the bottom due to their density
which is higher than water. Sand, silt, and clay are examples of undesired small particle suspended
matter that is removed from water under the force of gravity, along with some biological
pollutants. In the upper part of the sedimentation, clear water collects.

 Simple and affordable technology for pre-treating water.
 It will make treatment operations more flexible overall .

 Water cannot be sufficiently purified by simple sedimentation. Additional actions must be
 It takes a long time to sediment without the use of coagulants.

 The fifth prior solution:
Coagulation and Flocculation:
The coagulation process involves adding iron or aluminum salts, such as aluminum sulfate, ferric
sulfate, ferric chloride, or polymers, to the water. These substances, which are referred to as
coagulants, are positively charged. The coagulant's positive charge balances out the water's
dissolved and suspended particles' negative charges. The particles coagulate or bind together
because of this reaction, which is also sometimes referred to as flocculation. Larger floc particles
are heavy and sink to the bottom of the water supply quickly. Sedimentation is the name given to
this settling process.

Fig.14 coagulation and flocculation

Coagulation can successfully remove many organic compounds, including some dissolved organic
material, which is referred to as Natural Organic Matter (NOM) or Dissolved Organic Carbon
(DOC). Additionally, coagulation can eliminate inorganic precipitates like iron as well as
suspended particles. A significant concentration of DOC can cause water to taste bad, smell bad,
and turn brown.

Even though coagulation can remove some dissolved material and particles, pathogens may still
be present in the water. According to a 1998 worldwide report, only between 27 and 84 percent of
viruses and between 32 and 87 percent of bacteria can be removed by coagulation and
Chapter 2: Generating and Defending a Solution

1) Solution and Design Requirements

The team searched for a solution to the problem, and we applied design requirements to this
project, the car wash was chosen which is high polluted water to purify it by using three different
processes, they are slow sand filtration (physical), bacteria capsules (biological), and coagulation
(chemical) to irrigate the okra plant.

General Design Requirements: They are the design requirements that must be available in any
project to ensure the efficiency and usability of the project, such as:

1. Safety: The project must be safe for its users by placing safety sources that prevent the user
from accessing dangerous places in the project, and placing warnings for places that contain
toxic chemicals or sharp objects that may harm the user. The project must also be safe in the
way it is made and try to avoid any dangerous methods in the manufacture of the project.
2. Large scale vs small scale: It must be determined whether the project has the potential to be
applied on a large scale or is intended only on a small scale and then the materials that will be
used to build the project are determined according to the scope in which the project will be
Project-Specific Design Requirements: It is the design requirements that must be met in our
project, such as:
 Enough wastewater sample collection is required for the agricultural experiment's plants to
be watered.
 It is forbidden to use wastewater from factories.
 Aside from untreated and city water, each team should have at least three samples of treated
water; one should have undergone one step of treatment, the other two should have
undergone two, and the third should have undergone three procedures of treatment.
 In the most successfully produced plant, each team will track down two harmful substances
that were strongly recorded in the pre-analysis.
 For every test case, students had to utilize identical plants.
 The prototype should have plants.
Selection of Solution:
This semester’s challenge is purifying water to increase clean water supply for humans,
agriculture, and industrial. We chose three different methods of water treatment to ensure that the
water was as clean as possible, and chose to treat car wash water as it is one of the most significant
sources of wasted unclean water.
The first method (slow sand filtraion):

It is a physical method for removing water impurities, large particles, and bad odors.
Water passes through three layers in this method of treatment: gravel, activated carbon, and
sand. Gravel removes large particles from the water, while activated carbon removes
unpleasant odors and color and sand removes water impurities.
The second method (bacterial activity):

It is a biological process that relies on bacteria to degrade organic compounds and oils found in
water. Bacteria were placed in capsules, which were then placed in water to make it easier to
remove the bacteria after the treatment process.
In this method, we began by dissolving 1ml of car wash water in 100ml of LB median and
leaving it for 24 hours to allow the bacteria to grow. Then we divided those 100ml into 5 glass
tubes and centrifuged them to get the bacteria suspended in the form of bacterial plates. The
sodium alginate was then prepared. We mixed 14gm of sodium alginate into 700ml of diluted
water and placed it on a magnetic stirrer set to 350°C for 45 minutes. Following that, we added
the bacteria plates to the sodium alginate and then prepared the media in which the bacteria
capsules will be formed. We added 3.5gm of calcium chloride (CaCl2) to 100ml of diluted
water before placing it on the magnetic stirrer with no heat and with speed level 2. The sodium
alginate mixed with bacteria was then dropped into the (CaCl2) solution with a 2ml dropper to
form bacterial capsules. Finally, we filtered the (CaCl2) solution to obtain the capsules, which
we then added to the car wash water and left to degrade to organic compounds and oil for three
days. Finally, we filtered the water to remove the capsules.
The third method (coagulation and flocculation):

This final process is a chemical one that uses alum (Aluminum Sulphate) as a coagulant.
Coagulation is the formation of large aggregates of dissolved compounds and heavy metals to
allow them to be suspended in water. The suspended particles are then removed using
flocculation. This treatment process reduces the amount of heavy metals and total TDS present
in the water.
The plant of choice is okra, which is a strategic plant that benefits our country's economy by
being frozen and then exported to other countries. In addition to growing quickly, it is simple
to use in our prototype and simple to mentor.
Selection Of prototype:

The Design of our prototype should contain the following properties: -

1-It ought to be reasonably priced as feasible.
2- It ought to be as easy as feasible and does not take quite a few substances to construct it.
3- It ought to be simple so that anyone can build it.

The Design of our prototype:

Slow sand filtration is the only one with a prototype, and the rest are done in the laboratory by
chemical substances and machines.
the plastic bottles were split into two pieces. Then a layer of sand, a layer of activated carbon, and
finally a layer of medium-sized gravel was put in the split bottles.
Materials And Methods:

The car wash provided the tainted water, which was then sealed in an ice box for protection.
To measure the COD, BOD, EC, pH, and TDS, a tiny sample of the water was brought to
the National Research Centre. In addition, TDS and pH readings were obtained. 8.15 is the
pH, and 2321 ppm is the TDS. Their proportion is rather elevated, which might be
detrimental to the plant and increase its toxicity. Following that, samples from the teams
using water from car washes were collected and delivered to the laboratory for heavy metal
Soil was obtained from the school and analyzed by the school faculty of agriculture at
Alexandria University. The soil is composed of sand and clay. The percentage of each one
is 50. The challenge is treating polluted water in three processes (physical, chemical, and

1st physical process: It is called slow sand filtration which is done by adding a layer of
cotton and bandage then layers of sand, activated carbon, and gravel inside half a bottle of
water and finally pouring contaminated water into these layers . This method is used due to
its low cost and its ability to remove impurities, chemical contaminants, and pathogens.
(Slow Sand Filtration, n.d.)
2nd biological process: Oil and chemical substances are broken down biologically utilizing
microorganisms. The surplus oil and organic material in the carwash water will be degraded
by the bacteria as they proliferate and undergo mutations. A sample of the tainted water is
taken, and it is placed in an LB medium (Luria both). LB medium is composed of 5 g yeast
extract, 10g NaCl, and 10 g tryptone. It is then left for approximately a day to undergo
bacterial growth. Following that, sodium alginate was added to the bacterium. The bacteria
were finally dropped in calcium chloride and formed into capsules.
3rd chemical process: The last step in the process of removing metal ions, and suspended
solids is coagulation and flocculation. The alum is chosen to be the coagulation substance.
Weighing out two grams of alum, water was gradually added. Until the alum-infused water
turned into a viscous mass, it was sterile. Finally, a 10-second stirring of the viscous
material. it was applied to the vehicle wash water.
The okra plant was chosen according to its significant characteristics and as it is a strategic
plant. While planting, Six seeds of okra were put inside each pot. In addition, the seeds were
irrigated every 2 days with 100ml of water.
Fig.(15) Fig.(16)




Test Plan:
Design Requirements:

1)This prototype must eliminate from the highly two toxic metals magnesium and calcium.
2) The treatment methods must reduce the percentage of TDS and chloride that is harmful for
3) Getting the plant that is suitable for the plant without harmful elements.

Process of treatment:
1) Firstly, slow sand filtration:
Preparing three layers of sand, activated carbon and gravel, to eliminate suspended particles and
large particles .

2) Secondly, total bacteria to degrade the oil and greases

Putting the bacteria in LB medium to to collect the bacteria ,then mix it sodium alginate to increase
the amount of bacteria to eliminate form the organic compounds in water

Fig.19 Fig.20



3) The third treatment (chemical) (coagulation)

Adding the alum to eliminate from highly tow toxic element in the water which are magnesium and calcium, then pass the
water thorough filter water to precipitate the alum.
Then preparing 15 pots with the soil prepared by school, watering three pots with tap water three with the first treatment, three
with the second treatment, three with the third treatment.


Then preparing 15 pots with the soil prepared by school,

watering three pots with tap water three with the first
treatment, three with the second treatment ,three with the
third treatment
with the second
treatment, three with
the third treatment.
Data Collection:
After the previous method in testing the project, there were a lot of data and results must be
recorded and be analyzed. These data aid in comprehending the results whatever negative or
positive, moreover these data help in taking any step for resolving any problem might occur.

The positive results:

1)TDS decreased to the standard level.
2)The second treatment's plant grew to a height of 2 cm.
3)the pH is 6.9.
The negative results:
1)In the biological second process. while dripping bacterial droplets into calcium chloride. The
germs were shaped like blocks because there were too many droplets.
2) Neglecting to cleanse and remove the impurities from the sand caused the water’s color to shift
to yellow.

Fig.26 Fig.27
Analysis and Discussion:
By 2025, it is predicted that 1.8 billion people globally will live in an absolute
water shortage. Egypt may run out of water due to an annual water deficit of
almost seven billion cubic meters. Climate change and increasing industrial and
agricultural is a major contributing factor to this issue.

The water used for car washes is selected based on research, which revealed that
the water is the most polluted due to the presence of several heavy metals and
harmful ions that hinder plant growth. The set of heavy metals to be examined are
magnesium and calcium as they are relatively high in the car wash water.

The plant is chosen according to its significant characteristics and as it is a

strategic plant it benefits our economy because it gets frozen and then exported to
different countries. (Ibitoye & Kolawole, 2022).
Usually, the soil absorbs the heavy metals from the water used in irrigation due to
the presence of a high rate of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), thus it decreases the
heavy metals’ impact on the plant. The soil used in the prototype is a mixture of
50% clay and 50% sand and doesn’t contain a high rate of CaCO3 so the water’s
elements impact appears more on the plant.
The treatment is composed of three methods: one physical, one chemical, and
one biological. First, slow sand filtration will be done, which consists of three
layers of gravel, activated carbon, and sand. It is used in treating raw water to
produce a potable product. The second one is biological. The aim is to get rid of
the oil and degrade the organic material that is found in the contaminated water
by using bacteria. An LB medium is filled with a sample of the contaminated
water. After that, it is allowed to allow bacteria to develop for about a day. After
that, the bacteria were put inside 14g sodium alginate. After being submerged in
3.5g calcium chloride, the bacteria eventually developed into capsules. The last
stage is coagulation and flocculation. It removes colloidal and suspended solids
from water. After using it the MG and Ca were alleviated and achieved the design

In the biological second process. while dripping bacterial droplets into calcium
chloride. The germs were shaped like blocks because there were too many
droplets. Also, while making the first process, neglecting the cleanse, and
removing the impurities from the sand caused the water’s color to shift to yellow.
The plant was irrigated every two days by the three stages of purification, car
wash water, and school water. Every five days, the reading of the plant was taken.


• Make optimizations to the treatment methods to obtain stronger and better physical
characteristics of the plant
• Coagulation and flocculation can be the first and only method to make the water suitable for
irrigation since heavy metals are the most dangerous concern in car wash Water
• Summer provides the best conditions for planting and growing okra
• Take into consideration the prerequisite for sample collection before the pre-analysis
• Use UV rays to destroy microorganisms and break down organic compounds under safety
• Add nitric acid to the sample of water to protect it from chemical changes.
• Genetically modify the water's bacteria so they can break down organic compounds and oil
without needing to condense

Learning Transfer:
 CH.2.01: Outline the purification of the water supply. Describe two
different processes whereby sea water can be converted into drinkable
Measuring the amount of TDS and heavy metals and knowing their effects on
humans, knowing the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis,
and the exposure to different water treatment methods.
 BI. 2.02: Create a model to show the process of genetically modifying
organisms and how the new genetic material is inherited.
To increase the number of bacteria that degrades oil and greases that are
detrimental to plants, first collect the bacteria from the water and then place it in
LB medium to reproduce via binary fission, as demonstrated by this study.
 MA.2.02:Create, interpret and analyze rational functions that model
real-world situations.
The relation between the amount of alum that is used to purify water and the
number of heavy metals is represented by the rational function f(x)= c/x as x is
the amount of alum and y is the percentage of heavy metals. This function
represents the inverse relation between the two variables as the amount of alum
is increased, the percentages of heavy metals will increase.

 CS.2.0: 1- Students identify the Database and its types. 2- Students

identify the Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) Design Database. 3-
Students write code by using Structured Query Language (SQL). 4-
Students design simple small-scale databases (contain some tables). 5-
Students identify database concepts (field, record, primary key,
foreign key and types of relationships (One To One, One To Many,
and Many To Many). 6- Students create relationships between the
tables. 7- Students create queries (view), and reports.
Knowing more about databases and how to create them and insert tables, add
fields, and modify or find data stored.-

 ES.2.04 - Students will apply their knowledge of the movement of

pollutants into
water reservoirs and existing water treatment methods to create innovative
methods to
supply fresh water to areas of Egypt. Filtration is used to remove big and
suspended particles from water. Furthermore, as seen in this Lo, coagulation is
used to remove highly toxic materials.

 CH.2.02: Demonstrate that water is a good solvent, that it contains different

varieties of dissolved substances, and identify environmental sources and the
effect on water purity.
Colligative properties are used to determine if the water is contaminated or not. As the
polluted substances such as salts change these properties for the water for example
increasing boiling point, depression in freezing point, depression in vapor pressure and
increasing the osmosis pressure. By known those properties for pure water, then comparing
them by those for sample water it can be detectable the quality of water.

 MA.02.03: Permutations, Combinations and The Binomial Theorem:

This LO is about counting principles. It tackled 1) factorial which is the multiplication from
1 to n (n!), 2) permutations which is the number of possible arrangements with different
orders (n! /(n-r)!), 3) combinations which the number of ways to choose r objects regardless
of the order (n! / (r! *(n-r)!)
Permutation can be used to calculate the number of possible results as by
changing the order of the treatment processes the result will change, so the number
of their different arrangement=number of different results= 3! / (3-3)! =6

 CH.2.06 - Explain the meaning of reversible reaction, dynamic equilibrium, and

Water treatment involves chemical processes. For example, when an electrolyte is added, the
colloidal particles in sol absorb ions from the electrolyte that have opposite charges. Because their
charge is neutralized, the uncharged particles approach and coagulate as a result. We refer to this
as coagulation. Its goal is to rid water of suspended and colloidal particles in the contaminated
 ES.2.03 - Students will investigate human and natural factors that control water
resources and options for water conservation.
Apply knowledge and information to the Capstone Challenge to Make irrigation Water. In this
learning outcome, water conservation was learned. It was also discovered that the water supply
was gradually decreasing, and that purification was required to provide water.
 Ph.2.03:Direct current circuit
Ohm's law is used to evaluate the conductivity of water to determine the presence or absence of pollutants and ions

Car wash water contaminants have an impact on the health of the plants that
will eventually consume it (Al-Gheethi et al., 2016), thus this solution is about
treating it through 3 treatment stages (physical, biological, and chemical).
Watering the plant after the first treatment eliminated suspended particles; based
on plant length, this indicates increased growth. The second treatment breaks
down organic compounds and oil rather than promoting plant development. The
third and most crucial treatment lowers the percentage of the two highly present
metals, magnesium and calcium, that were shown in the pre-analysis of the
water. The okra plant was selected as it is a strategic plant, and it was irrigated
by different levels of purification to illustrate different types of water impact on

List of Sources in APA Format:

Al-Gheethi, A., Rahman, M. N. A., Johari, M. R., & Kassim, A. H. M. (2016). Treatment of
wastewater from car washes using natural coagulation and filtration system. IOP
Conference Series, 136, 012046.

Carpenter, M., Hoover, M., Robeck, E. C., Smith, M. J., & Southard, J. B. (2018).
EarthComm: Project-based Earth and Space System Science (2nd ed.), It's about time.

Dudka, S., & Miller, W. P. (1999b). Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in plants
and their transfer to human food chain. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part
B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 34(4), 681–708.

Ibitoye, D. O., & Kolawole, A. O. (2022, March 24). Farmers’ appraisal on okra
[abelmoschus esculentus (l.)] production and phenotypic characterization: A synergistic
approach for improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol. 13.
Safe Drinking Water Foundation. (2023). Conventional water treatment: Coagulation and

Septic tank Bacteria. (2023, March 21). Bacteria Used in Water Treatment. How does this
work? Septic Tank Bacteria.

Slow Sand Filtration. (n.d.). SSWM - Find Tools for Sustainable Sanitation and Water

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