Mock Cover Letter For Practicum

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Olivia Borkowski

585.404.1704 | | Rochester, NY

October 22, 2023

Jo Ellen DiGiovanni
Sorenson Communications | Director of the Rochester VRS Call Center
300 Red Creek Dr., Rochester, NY 14623

Dear Jo Ellen DiGiovanni,

As a graduate from RIT/NTID with a Bachelors of Science (BS) in ASL-English Interpreting, I have developed
a foundation and skills that are beneficial to Sorenson Communications. With my background as a Rochester
native, I have had roots in the Deaf community for many years and a unique perspective of interpreting as a
profession. My experience as an ASL-English interpreter and professionalism qualify me as a valuable addition
to your dedicated interpreting team.

I spent my senior year practicum as a student interpreter on the College of Art and Design team with RIT’s
Department of Access Services. In this role, I interpreted across many settings and environments, attended
weekly core team meetings, and participated in various peer mentoring settings. This internship refined my
interpreting skills as well as added to the crucial soft skills that every practice professional must embody. As
noted on my resume, I was also a research assistant for Dr. Rain Bosworth, a Deaf psychologist. This position
not only gave me valuable exposure to work closely with Deaf professionals but also broadened my
understanding of research and working in academia. Last, my experience in high level hospitality has
transformed my work ethic, professionalism, and stretched my capacity to rise to the challenges set before me.
Serving in REDD’s elevated environment has polished my ability to work efficiently in formal register while
still thriving in a demanding environment. All of these experiences carry into my work as a professional ASL-
English interpreter.

My interpreting program, ASLIE, is saturated with many opportunities to grow and develop language and
interpreting skills. I completed professional elective classes such as Intro to VRS with Danny Mafia,
Community Interpreting with Sarah Schiffeler, and Interpreting in Research Settings with Jason Listman. As
noted on my resume, I also joined the Sorenson Synergy Program my third year, and have enrolled in many of
their workshops: Growth Mindset for Interpreters, Interpreting Screening Strategies, and Avoiding English
Intrusions. Because of Synergy, I also observed many hours of VRS interpreters at the Henrietta call center.

Interpreters are life-long learners, and a strength that I bring to the table is my genuine love for learning and
excitement to excel. I pride myself in my flexibility and ability to adapt to any situation. I believe these, as well
as my background, skill set and experiences will make me a valuable addition to your interpreting team at

I look forward to working with such a diverse and dedicated of interpreters

Olivia Borkowski

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