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General Keyboard Shortcuts

F1 - Open Help in many applications

F2 - Rename a file or folder
F3 - Open the search feature (Windows) or find text in a document (many
F4 - Open the address bar in Windows Explorer
F5 - Refresh or reload a web page or file list
F6 - Move the cursor to the address bar in a web browser
F7 - Start spelling and grammar check in many applications
F8 - Access the Windows Safe Mode during boot
F9 - Refresh a document in Microsoft Word
F10 - Activate the menu bar in many applications
F11 - Toggle full-screen mode in web browsers
F12 - Open developer tools in web browsers
Ctrl + C - Copy selected text or files
Ctrl + X - Cut selected text or files
Ctrl + V - Paste copied or cut text or files
Ctrl + Z - Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y - Redo the last action
Ctrl + A - Select all text or files
Ctrl + S - Save the current document or file
Ctrl + N - Open a new document or window
Ctrl + O - Open an existing file
Ctrl + P - Print the current document
Ctrl + F - Find text in a document or web page
Ctrl + W - Close the current tab or window
Ctrl + Tab - Switch between open tabs or documents
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + Arrow Keys - Navigate to the edge of data regions: Use Ctrl with
the arrow keys (e.g., Ctrl + Down Arrow) to quickly jump to the last
populated cell in a column or row.
Ctrl + Spacebar - Select the entire column of the active cell.
Shift + Spacebar - Select the entire row of the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + "+" (Plus Key) - Insert new rows or columns.
Ctrl + "-" (Minus Key) - Delete rows or columns.
Alt + Enter - Start a new line within a cell (for wrapping text).
Ctrl + ; (Semicolon) - Enter the current date in the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + ; (Semicolon) - Enter the current time in the active cell.
Ctrl + [ - Navigate to the precedent cells, showing the relationships in a
Ctrl + ] - Navigate to the dependent cells, showing the relationships in
a formula.
Ctrl + { - Navigate to the cells with direct precedents (in a worksheet
with formulas).
Ctrl + } - Navigate to the cells with direct dependents (in a worksheet
with formulas).
Alt + F1 - Create a chart based on the data in the current range.
Ctrl + T - Create a table from a selected range of data.
Ctrl + 5 - Apply or remove a strikethrough format.
Ctrl + K - Insert a hyperlink.
Alt + Enter - Start a new line within a cell (for wrapping text).
Ctrl + Shift + $ - Apply the currency format to a cell.
Ctrl + Shift + % - Apply the percentage format to a cell.
Ctrl + 1 - Format cells dialog.
Alt + Down Arrow - Show the drop-down menu in a data validation cell.
Ctrl + Shift + F3 - Create names from row and column labels.
Ctrl + F3 - Open the Name Manager to work with defined names.
Alt + E, S, V - Paste Special to access various paste options.
Ctrl + ~ (Tilde) - Show or hide the formula view.
Word Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + N - Create a new document.
Ctrl + O - Open an existing document.
Ctrl + S - Save the current document.
F12 - Save As (to save the current document with a new name or in a
different location).
Ctrl + P - Print the current document.
Ctrl + C - Copy selected text or objects.
Ctrl + X - Cut selected text or objects.
Ctrl + V - Paste copied or cut text or objects.
Ctrl + Z - Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Y - Redo the last action.
Ctrl + A - Select all text in the document.
Ctrl + F - Open the Find and Replace dialog.
Ctrl + H - Open the Find and Replace dialog with the Replace tab active.
Ctrl + B - Bold selected text.
Ctrl + I - Italicize selected text.
Ctrl + U - Underline selected text.
Ctrl + L - Left-align the selected text.
Ctrl + E - Center-align the selected text.
Ctrl + R - Right-align the selected text.
Ctrl + J - Justify-align the selected text.
Ctrl + K - Insert a hyperlink.
F7 - Run the spell and grammar check.
Alt + F8 - Open the Macros dialog to create or run a macro.
Alt + Shift + D - Insert the current date.
Alt + Shift + T - Insert the current time.

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