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C05: Energy
Energy is one of fundamentals goals of physics to
Many examples exist for energy like
Any type of motion
Flying in the sky
Lifting materials
Energy is present in many forms, including
mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic, and
nuclear energy. Etc.
In this chapter we will focus on mechanical
Nations spends a huge amounts of money to
Iyad Saadeddin acquire and use energy. Iyad Saadeddin
2021 Energy is capacity of the system to do work

A System and Its Environment Work done by constant force

Identify a system Work done by the force F is defined as: The product of the
displacement magnitude ( Δr) and the force component in the
One ore more objects direction of the displacement.
A region of space
Set a system boundary (not necessarily a W = FDr cos q
physical boundary) The work done by the
Everything else is the environment environment (force) or on the
is the angle between F and
Work and Energy Transfer Δr
The work is scaler quantity
A system (one or more than one object) or SI unit is joul = J = N.m =kg m 2/s2
surrounding has energy when they are able to
produce a significant changes or activities on For a force in x-direction and
others things. displacement in the same direction
The act of making these changes or activities is
called “Work” Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Work done by constant force Work done by constant force: Ex.

A man cleaning a floor pulls a vacuum cleaner with a force of
magnitude F = 50 N at an angle of 30 ° with the horizontal if the
vacuum cleaner is displaced 3 m to the right. What is the work
W = FDr cos q done by: a) the force F (the man), b) The gravity, and c) the
normal force


If θ = If θ = 0° If θ = 180°
F ⁄⁄ Δr (parallel) F and Δr are anti- 30°
F ┴ Δr paralell
W= FΔr (+ve
No 0 J work)
Energy transfer W= -FΔr
Energy (-ve work)
transferred out
energy from environment of the system (from
transfer (force) to system system to environment)
(object) Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Work done by constant force: Ex. Work done by constant force: Ex.
Ex: a 50 kg object pulled 25m by force F
on floor with friction, if μk=0.1, find
a) Work done by each force
b) Total work done on the object
a) WF = FDr cos q   
a) Wn = WFg = 0 J (n and Fg ^ Dr ) cos 90° = 0
= 50(3) cos 30 = 130 J WF = FDr cosq = 80(25) cos 30 = 1730 J
W f k = f k Dr cos 180 = - f k Dr
= - m k nDr = - m k ( mg - F sin 30°) Dr = -0.1(50)(9.8)( 25) = -1120 J
b) and c)
   WT = WF + W f k + Wn + WFg = 1730 - 1120 + 0 + 0 = 610 J
Wn = WFg = 0 J (n and Fg ^ Dr ) cos 90° = 0
or åW = W T = (å Fx )d =( F cos 30 - f k )d = Fd cos 30 - f k d = 610 J
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem

■ Consider a block moving under the influence of a net force 1 1 The total work
åW = 2 mv
2 2
- mvi done by the
å F = ma f
2 net force
The net work = Wnet = åW = maDx 1 2 Is the Kinetic
K= mv
v 2f - vi2 2 Energy of the particle
2 2
From v = v + 2aDx Þ Dx =
f i
m(v 2f - vi2 ) 1 1 Þ åW = K f - K i = DK
Hence åW = = mv 2f - mvi2
2 2 2 Work-Kinetic Energy
The total work
1 1 For a system, when only there is a change in its
åW = 2 mv
2 2
- mvi done by the net
2 force on the work done on the particle = Change in the kinetic energy of a
object particle.
or K f = K i + åW
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem: Ex. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem: Ex.

A 6 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a
horizontal, frictionless surface by a constant horizontal A car driving with a FN vi
force of 12 N. Find the block’s speed after it has moved speed 35 m/s. an
3 m. emergency breaking fk
m = 6 kg, v i = 0 , F = 12 N, ∆x = 3 m, producing a frictional
force of 3×108 N. Find m
vf = ?
the distance should the g
åW = DK = K f - Ki breaks be applied to
1 2 1 2 stop the car.
FDx = mv f - mvi
2 2
1 2
FDx = mv f - 0
2 FDx 2(12)(3)
Þ vf = = = 3.5m / s
m 6
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Conservative and non-conservative Conservative and non-conservative

Forces Forces
Two general types of forces exist in ■ Non-Conservative forces: forces disperse energy
nature A force is non-conservative (like friction) if it does not
Conservative Forces: Forces satisfy properties of conservative forces
that conserve energy mechanical energy is not conserved
The work done by conservative part of energy converts into internal energy ΔEint in form
forces is independent of path; it of thermal, sound, etc.
depends on the displacement. mg mg ■ In term of conservative and non-conservative
The work done over a closed path forces, the work kinetic energy theorem can be re-
is zero. written as
We can always associate a Þ åW = Wnc + Wc = K f - K i = DK
potential energy U with them; by
For both cases, the work done
pushing against them by gravitational force is the
Wc = U i - U f = - DU same because she travel
between two points but
Gravity force F g (mg) and spring
different paths
force (F s) are examples. Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Gravitational Potential Energy Gravitational Potential Energy: Ex.

■ To raise an object through a displacement Δy by an applied
force, you have to push against F g(mg). The work done on book-
earth syatem is W = F Dy = mg y - y( )
a app b a
Wa = mgyb - mgya = U b - U a
Þ Wa = DU g = U f - U i a) For reference at B (y B= 0 UB =
Hence, for an object raised a vertical 0) Potential energy at A
distance y = yf from some reference ( yi = 0
and Ui = 0) in gravity force field, its potential Change in potential energy when reaching B
energy is:
U g º mgy
b) For reference at A (y A= 0 UA =
Gravitational potential energy of the earth- 0) Potential energy at A
mass system only depends on height (y) from isChange in potential energy when reaching B
the reference
note that Wg = -( mgy b - mgy a ) = -(U b - U a ) = - DU g
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Gravitational Potential Energy: Ex. Work done by spring

Ex: A 7kg bowling ball slips from the bowler’s hands
(0.5m from ground) and drops on the bowler’s toe (3cm ■ Spring always tends to restore his
from ground). Find the change in gravitational potential relaxed state restoring force always
energy has direction opposite to displacement d

k is Spring
For a displacement
DU g = U f - U i x

= mgy f - mgyi = mg ( y f - yi ) Spring force is variable depends on the

= 7(9.8)(0.03 - 0.5)
= -32.24 J

Work is the
area under
Iyad Saadeddin triangle Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Work done by spring Work done by spring: Ex.

■ To compress or expand a spring, external force must be applied Ex: A 0.55 kg object is attached to a vertical hanged
(Fapp = -Fs) spring, If the spring is stretched 2 cm, find a) spring
■The average external force must be applied
constant b) the work done by spring as it stretched
0 +to
kx or
Fax,avg, is
expand the spring, from xi = 0 to xf = =
2 2 m = 0.55 kg, d = 2 cm (y=-d=-
The work done by applied
force from xi = 0 to xf = x is a) 2cm)
After streach, the object is at
1 2
During compression or W Fapp = Fa , avg D x = kx
expansion 2 Þ Fs = mg Þ -ky = mg
Us = kx 2 Is called the elastic potential energy stored in the spring-mass - k (-d ) = mg
2 system (U s) FBD
1 1 mg 0.55(9.8)
■ Hence, the work done by an WFapp = kx 2f - kxi2 Þk = = = 2.7 ´10 2 N / m
external force through an 2 2 d 2 ´10 - 2
arbitrary displacement from xi WFapp = U f - U i = DU s b)
to xf is 1 2 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 Ws = - DU = kyi - ky f = 0 - kd 2 = - (2.7 ´ 10 2 )(-2 ´ 10 - 2 ) 2 = -5.4 ´ 10 - 2 J
note that Ws = -( kx 2f - kxi2 ) = kxi2 - kx 2f = - DU s 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem: Ex. Elastic Potential Energy: Ex.

a box of mass m = 0.4 kg slides across a horizontal frictionless
A 0.08 kg ball on spring compressed 5 cm, assume the
spring force is 50N when pressed 3.5 cm, find the
table with speed v = 0.50 m/s. It then and compresses a spring potential energy stored in the spring
of spring constant k = 750 N/m. what is the maximum distance d
is the spring
F = 50 N when x = 3.5 cm
The mass willcompressed?
stop by the spring 1 2
negative work in a distance d Us = kx1 x1 = 5 cm = 0.05 m
k= ??
1 2 1 2 1 From hook’s law, we find k
but Ws = - DU = kxi - kx f = - kd 2
2 2 2
Fs = - kx Þ Fs = kx
Fs 50
xf =d xi =0 Þk= = = 1430 N / m
x 3.5 ´ 10 - 2
1 2 1
Þ Us = kx1 = (1430)(5 ´10 - 2 )² = 1.79 J
Iyad Saadeddin
2 2 Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Potential Energy of a system (U) Conservation of mechanical energy

Potential energy is Energy associated with the In an isolated system where only conservative forces act
position of the object on the object cause energy changes, the kinetic energy and
potential energy can change, but their sum, the mechanical
Potential energy usually stored when pushing energy Emec of the system, cannot change ( ΔEmec = 0).
against a conservative force
Think of it as stored energy in a system that can
do work or change the system’s kinetic energy.
Examples are:
Gravitational potential energy (U g): object-earth DEmec = DK + DU = 0 where Emec = K + U
Elastic potential energy (U s): object-spring system When only conservative forces act on the object
Chemical, electrical, etc. no change in Mechanical energy Emec is
When work gets done on a system, its potential conserved
and/or kinetic energy increases.
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Conservation of mechanical energy:

Conservation of mechanical energy Ex. 1
A ball of mass m is dropped from a
height h above the ground (A) determine
the ball speed when it is at a height y
DE = 0 Þ E f - Ei = 0 Þ E f = Ei above the ground.
Solution: what is the energy at height h and y?
Only conservative force ( Fg) act on ball
Þ K f + U f = Ki + U i (No non-conservative forces) ΔE=0
1 1 1 1 E f = Ei
Þ mv 2f + mgy f + kx 2f = mvi2 + mgyi + kxi2
2 2 2 2 K f + U f = Ki + U i
1 2
mv f + mgy = 0 + mgh
DK + DU = 0 2
( K f - K i ) + (U f - U i ) = 0 2
v f = 2 g (h - y ) ® v f = 2 g (h - y )
Þ DE = DK + DU = 0 reference
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Conservation of mechanical energy: Conservation of mechanical energy:

Ex. 1 Ex. 2
(B) Determine the speed of the
ball at y if it already has an initial a child of mass m is released from rest at the top of a water slide, at
upward speed vi at the initial
altitude h height h = 8.5 m above the bottom of the slide. Assuming that the
slide is frictionless because of the water on it, find the child’s speed
E f = Ei * at theconservative
Only bottom of the slide.
force act on child

K f + U f = Ki + U i DE = 0 Þ E f - Ei = 0 Þ E f = Ei

1 2 1 K f + U f = Ki + U i
mv f + mgy = mvi2 + mgh 1 2 1
2 2 mv f + mgy f = mvi2 + mgyi
2 2
v 2f = vi2 + 2 g (h - y ) ® v f = vi2 + 2 g (h - y ) 1 2
mv f + 0 = 0 + mgh
Þ v f = 2 gh = 2(9.8)(8.5)
v f = 13m / s
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Conservation of mechanical energy: Conservation of mechanical energy:

Ex. 3 Ex. 4

Add references (Us = 0) for uncompressed

spring and U g = 0 at maximum compression

DE = 0 Þ E f - Ei = 0 Þ E f = Ei
a) E f = Ei Ug=
U sf + U gf + K f = U si + U gi + K i h 0
Us= 0 U gf = U si Þ mgh = kx 2
1 2 2 Us= 0
kd + 0 + 0 = 0 + mg (h + d ) + 0 d
2 Ug=
kx 2
625(0.1) 2
= 0.638 m Þ d = h / sin 30° = 1.28 m
0 2mg 2(0.5)(9.8)
4 ´103 d 2 = 980 + 490d
b) E f = Ei
Þ 4 ´103 d 2 - 490d - 980 = 0
h 1 1
d = 0.56 m Iyad Saadeddin
U gf + K f = U si Þ mg + mv2 = kx2 Þ v = 2.5 m / s
Iyad Saadeddin
2 2 2
2021 2021

Work Done on a System by External Work Done on a System by External

Force Force
Work was defined as energy transferred to or from if mechanical system is not isolated Work applied to
a system by means of an external force acting on the system, by an external applied force or friction or
any other type of forces (non conservative forces), can
that system.
cause a change in K or U or both Emec is not conserved
In general, the work done on the system cause a
Positive work W done on an
change in mechanical energy E mec
arbitrary system means a Þ DEmec = DK + DU = åWnc
transfer of energy to the
system If work is done only by friction åW nc = W fk = - f k d
Þ DEmec = E f - Ei = DK + DU = W f = - f k d
Note that the Emec lost due to friction transformed into
Negative work W means a
internall energy dissipated into the system
transfer of energy from the
DEint = W f k = f k d
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Work Done on a System by External

Force Work Done by External Force: Ex. 2
A 1.6 kg block of is attached to a horizontal spring that
has a force constant of 1 ×103 N/m. The spring is
■ If any other force is included Wnc = åW other forces + W fk compressed 2 cm and is then released from rest.
(A) Calculate the speed of the block as it passes
through the equilibrium position x = 0 if the surface is
DEmec = E f - Ei = å Wotherforces - f k d frictionless.
A) Only conservative force
Or can be rewritten as DE mec + DEint = å Wotherforce s (Fs) act on block ΔE = 0
E f = Ei
K f + U f = Ki + U i
■ If only we have change in kinetic energy only
1 2 1
mv f + 0 = 0 + kx 2
DK = K f - K i = å Wnc = å Wotherforces - f k d 2 2

k 2 1´103
vf = x = (2 ´10 - 2 ) 2 = 0.5m / s
m 1.6
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Work Done by External Force: Ex. 2 Work Done by External Force: Ex. 3
A 6 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a
(B) Calculate the speed of the block as it passes through the horizontal surface by a constant horizontal force of 12 N.
equilibrium position if a constant friction force of 4 N exist Find the speed of the block after it has moved 3 m if the
surfaces in contact have a coefficient of kinetic friction of
between block and surface 0.15
B) We have nonconservative force ( fk) act on block ΔE = *the block has change in K only
Wfk E f - Ei = W fk = - f k d
DK = K f - K i = å Wnc = å Wotherforce s + W f k
Þ E f = Ei - f k d
K f + U f = Ki + U i - f k d DK = K f - K i = å Wnc = å Wotherforce s - f k d

1 2 1 1 2 1 2
mv f + 0 = 0 + kx 2 - f k d mv f - mvi = FDx - m k nd
2 2 2 2 Ui=0 Uf=0
k 2 2 fk d 1 2 1 2
Þ v 2f =x - mv f - 0 = FDx - m k mgd K =0 Kf= mv f
2 i
m m 2
k 2 2 fk d 1
vf = x - = 0.39m / s (6)v 2f = 12(3) - 0.15(6)(9.8)(3) Þ v f = 1.8m / s
m m Iyad Saadeddin
2 Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Work Done by External Force: Ex. 4 Work Done by External Force: Ex. 4
(B) How far does the crate slide on the horizontal floor if
A 3 kg crate ( 44) slides from rest down a ramp. The
ramp is 1 m in length and inclined at an angle of 30 °. If it continues to experience a friction force of magnitude
the carte experiences a constant friction force of 5 N, 5 N?
then (A) Use energy methods to determine the speed of
the crate at the bottom of the ramp. we have f k (FNC) act on
we have f k (FNC) act on object
ΔE=Wfk DE = E f - Ei = W f k = - f k d
DE = E f - Ei = W f k = - f k d K f - Ki = - f k d
(K f + U f ) - (Ki + U i ) = - f k d
1 1
( mv 2f + 0) - (0 + mgy ) = - f k d 0 - mvi2 = - f k d
2 2
(3)v 2f - (3)(9.8)(0.5) = -(5)(1) mv 2 3(2.54) 2
2 Þd = i = = 1.94m
2 fk 2(5)
Þ v 2f = 6.47 Þ v f = 2.54 m / s Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Work Done by External Force: Ex. 5 Work Done by External Force: Ex. 5
A block having a mass of 0.8 kg is given an initial velocity v A =1.2 (B) Suppose a kinetic friction acts between the block and the
m/s to the right and collides with a spring whose force constant is surface, with μk= 0.5. If the speed of the block at the moment
k= 50 N/m it collides with the spring is v=1.2 m/s, what is the maximum
(A) Assuming the surface to be frictionless, calculate the maximum compression in the spring?
compression of the spring after the collision.
Only there is a conservative force there is a non-conservative force
(Fs) (f )
Þ DE = E f - Ei = 0 Þ kDE = E f - Ei = - f k d
E f = Ei 1 2 1
kxmax - mv 2 = - m k nd = - m k mgxmax
2 2
K f + U f = Ki + U i
1 1
1 2 1 2 (50) xmax - (0.8)(1.2) 2 = -3.9 xmax
mv + 0 = 0 + kxmax 2 2
2 2 2
25 xmax + 3.9 xmax - 0.58 = 0
mv 2 0.8(1.2) 2
Þ xmax = = = 0.15m Þ xmax = 0.093m
k 50
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021


Average and Instantaneous Power Average and Instantaneous Power: Ex.

An elevator has a mass of 1600 kg and is carrying passengers
The time rate of energy transfer (doing work) is having a combined mass of 200 kg. A constant friction force
called the Power and is defined as follows: of 4000 N retards its motion. (A) How much power must a
motor deliver to lift the elevator car and its passengers at a
Average W DE F Dx constant speed of 3 m/s?
Pavg = x = Fx v x ,avg
power Pavg = =
Dt P = Fv = Tv
Dt Dt
Þ W = DE = Pavg Dt We need to find T Newton 2 nd
F dx law
instantaneous dW P = x = Fx v x (ay=0 (constant speed))
power P=
dt dt

The US customary unit is horsepower 1 hp =746 W

We can define a unit of energy (or work) in terms of
the unit of power by kilowatt-hourUnit of
1 kWh=(10 3 W) (3600 s)= 3.6×106 J
Iyad Saadeddin Iyad Saadeddin
2021 2021

Average and Instantaneous Power: Ex.

(B) What power must the motor deliver at the instant the
speed of the elevator is v=3m/s if the motor is designed to
provide the elevator car with an upward acceleration of 1

P = Fv = Tv
We need to find T Newton 2 nd

Iyad Saadeddin


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