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Stage Timi Interactio Procedure Anticipated Aims Body Monitoring Transitio different

ng n problems& Language & ns iation /

Solutions Feedback extensio
Main aim: By the end of the class students would have discussed unsnag Moroccan talents and would have discussed their talents and debated Talent vs Hard
Warm 15 SS<>SS Teacher moves ICQs: Are Students Low
up: mins Early comer hit readtheory. Some students might To warm up around and acts you going type their achievers
Students sit down and watch a short come late. students for the with students to to take answers on :
funny vid about ventriloquists. Whatsapp.
Students engages class. help them. notes? Students
etrVH6BsKK8&ab_channel=AwardsSh them in the lesson. No! are
owNetwork To set the paired
Some students might context for with
Students stand up and discuss the not understand parts the class in strong
following questions: of the videos, a fun way. partner.
Did you enjoy the act? Do you think it teacher slows it
is more about talent or hard work? down.
Do you think we can use his talent for
something more than just

Lead in: 15 SS<>SS Teacher shares some of street talents in Some students might Teacher moves Teacher Teacher Strong
mins Morocco and students talk about them not have a lot to To discuss around and makes sure has a students
and how they think people do it. share.Teacher different gestures the to keep whole are asked
Playing with snakes. Eating glass, Street encourages them to Moroccan activity. students class to write
art ( graffiti)… be in larger groups. talents and hyped and feedback more.
Students write about them. familiarize engaged. and asks
students with students
them. to type
one and
Do we Students Strong
Vocabular 15 SS-SS Students brainstorm words Some students might To have some Teacher gestures say type their students are
y: mins related to Talent. finish early. vocabulary with her hands have answers. asked to
. Teacher takes the list and adds Teacher keeps before the and body when master write strong
some: switching partners. listening. giving y over sentences.
Skill instructions. someth
Gift ing or
Performance about
Mastery someth
Creativity ing?
Students put the words in

Listening: 10 SS<>SS Students listen and take notes. Some students might To listen to Teacher moves Teache Students Note
4.2 mins Teacher pauses and asks comprehension find the listening the story of a between the r makes stand up sharing
SB: 47, questions. Students share their notes. hard. talented desk and sure and share will help
SB Teacher chunks it person. students to that their both
and allow note ensure they are everyon
notes. levels.
taking notes. e has a

Practice: 10 SS<>SS Students come up with questions from Some students might To assure they Teacher reads Teache Students Strong
EX A B mins their notes and ask their partners. not know what to can answer he questions r makes answer students
47 do. questions and corrects sure some of are asked
Note sharing would about the them. that the to
help and also listening. everyon
questions produce
teacher models. To give them on more
e is
the power to whatsapp. questions.
work hard and
predict ng.
Practice: 10 SS<>SS Students discuss their own talents. Some students might To have Teacher moves Teacher helps Students Strong
mins Some students might not have a talent finish early, teacher students around. when needed. type their students
then they discuss what do they want to keeps switching discuss talent answers. are given
have mastery over. partners. on a personal harder
What is your talent? What is the talent level. sentences.
that you lost? How do we lose our
What is something you wished you had
mastery over.
Debate: 10 Ss<>SS Is talent more important than hard work Some students might To discuss hard Teacher moves Teacher Students Weak
Hard mins when it comes to achieving success? not understand. work vs talent. and switches models and type their students are
work VS Can anyone become successful with Teacher puts partners. helps when answers. given help
Talent. enough hard work, regardless of their students in groups. needed. from the
natural talent? teacher.
How does talent influence a person's
ability to learn new skills compared to
hard work?
Do you think talent is something people
are born with, or can it be developed
through hard work?
In your opinion, is it fair to judge
someone's potential based on their
talent rather than their efforts?
Should schools focus more on nurturing
students' talents or encouraging hard
Can hard work compensate for a lack of
talent in certain situations?
Is it possible for someone with no talent
in a particular area to surpass those with
natural talent through sheer hard work?
How can a balance between talent and
hard work lead to personal and
professional success?
Should society place more value on
talent or hard work when recognizing
and rewarding individuals?

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