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50/50 Laboratory Manual CHEM 116

Lab Grader
B-2 Lab date 23 June 2021
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Name Dana J. Alhammadi Name Fadwah A. Alhantoobi

SID 100053074 SID 100053579

Name Fakhera S. Alhosani

SID 100053533

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Experiment 5: Le Châtelier’s Principle

Effect of Concentration, pH and Temperature Changes

Part A – Effect of Concentration Changes on Systems at Equilibrium

Table (A).
Write your observations

The reaction of SbCl3 and H2O White precipitate ( insoluble product)

The addition of HCl to the SbCl3 No precipitate ( the product turns soluble)
reaction mixture

The addition of distilled water to White precipitate ( insoluble product)

the SbCl3 reaction mixture

Laboratory Manual CHEM 116

Analysis (A)
Justify your answers based on your observations from the previous step.

B1. Did the addition of HCl favor the products or reactants? (5pt)

The addition of HCL favours the reactants, it is evident that the equilibrium position shifted to the
left (reactants side) because the precipitate disappears, and the solution loses its colour indicating
that there is a greater presence of SbCl3.

B2. Did the relative concentrations of SbCl3, H2O, and SbOCl increase or decrease? (5pt)

Since the addition of HCl causes the equilibrium position to shift to the left, the reactants (SbCl3
and H2O) concentrations will increase while the product’s (SbOCl) concentration will decrease.

B3. How does the addition of H2O affect the equilibrium? (5pt)

When H2O a reactant is added it will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the right meaning it
will favour products. As the observation says that a white precipitate is reformed (which is SbOCl)
the equilibrium has shifted to the products side.

B4. How did the relative concentrations of SbCl3, SbOCl, and HCl change after the addition of H2O?

H2O is a reactant and when a reactant is added the equilibrium shifts right and causes the products
to increase in concentration while the reactants decrease in concentration. With that said SbCl3’s
concentration will decrease and the concentration of HCl and SbOCl will increase which is evident
from the observation that states the reformation of the white precipitate (SbOCl).

Part B – Effect of changing pH on a Complex Ion Equilibrium

Table (B)
Write your observations
The addition of HCl to the Co(OH2)62+ Favors blue color
reaction mixture

The addition of H2O to the [Co(OH2)62+ and Favors pink color

HCl] reaction mixture

The addition of 0.1 M AgNO3 to Favors pink color

[Co(OH2)62+ and HCl] reaction mixture

Laboratory Manual CHEM 116

Analysis (B)
Justify your answers based on your observations from the previous step.

B1. How did the addition of 12 M HCl affect the equilibrium? (5pt)

The addition of HCl affected the equilibrium by shifting towards the right (products side). This is due to
the fact that there were more H+ ions present in the reactants side which disturbed the system. The
disturbance of the system was resolved by shifting towards the right. Since, equilibrium shifts towards
the right it favors the blue colour, meaning it would produce Cobalt tetrachloride, pH would increase.

B2. How did the relative concentrations of Co(H2O)62+ and CoCl42- change after the addition of 12 M
HCl? (6pt)

Because equilibrium shifted towards the right after the addition of HCl, the concentration of
Co(H2O)62+will tend to decrease as it is present in the reactants side whereas the concentration of CoCl42
will increase. In the question above, we mentioned that with the addition of HCl, the blue color is favored
over the pink. Since it favors the blue we can also tell that the concentration of CoCl42 would increase as
it would emerge to a blue colour while the concentration of Co(H2O)62+would decrease due to the
disappearance of the pink colour.

B3. Is the equilibrium affected by the addition of 0.1 M AgNO3? (6pt)

The equilibrium is in fact affected by the addition of 0.1M AgNO3. Equilibrium is shifted towards the
left (reactants side), this is because Chloride ions have been removed causing stress in the equilibrium.
The removal of chloride ions produces a solid precipitate, AgCl. Since equilibrium shifts towards the
left, the favored colour would be pink (reactants side).

AgNO3 (aq) + Cl-(aq) ⇆ NO3- (aq) + AgCl (s)

Laboratory Manual CHEM 116

Part C – Effect of Changing Reaction Temperature on an Equilibrium System

Table (C)
Write your observations

Reaction Mixture Test tube number Observation

Co(OH2)62+ solution 1 Pink color

Co(OH2)62+ + 12 M 2 Blue color

HCl solution
Co(OH2)62+ + 12 M 3 Dark pink color
HCl solution in ice bath

Co(OH2)62+ + 12 M 4 Dark blue color

HCl solution in boiling
water bath

Analysis (C)

Justify your answers based on your observations from the previous step.

C1. Why is HCl added to test tube 2? (5pt)

HCl is added to help in comparing the change in the colour of the solution. By adding enough HCl, we
will get equilibrium of the two different chemicals mixed so, instead of dark blue (favour the products)
or pink colour (favour the reactants), the colour will be somewhere in between them (kind of purplish or
we can call it blue). This would help us determine whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic by
observing the change in this colour. If we picture heat as a reactant or a product, we can apply Le
Chatelier’s principle just like we did in our discussion on raising or lowering concentrations. For instance,
if we raise the temperature on an endothermic reaction, it is essentially like adding more reactant to the
system, and therefore, by Le Chatelier’s principle, the equilibrium will shift the right turning the colour
of the solution to dark blue. Conversely, lowering the temperature on an endothermic reaction will shift
the equilibrium to the left, since lowering the temperature, in this case, is equivalent to removing a
reactant which would result in the solution being pink in colour. For an exothermic reaction, heat is a
product. Therefore, increasing the temperature will shift the equilibrium to the left (pink colour), while
decreasing the temperature will shift the equilibrium to the right (dark blue colour).

Laboratory Manual CHEM 116

C2. Based on your observations of the effect of temperature changes on the equilibrium, can you
conclude whether this reaction is endothermic or exothermic? Explain (7pt).

The reaction [𝐶𝑜(𝐻! 𝑂)" ]!( ) !)

(%&) + 4𝐶𝑙(%&) → [𝐶𝑜𝐶𝑙* ](%&) + 6𝐻! 𝑂(+) is endothermic. As we warm the
solution (adding heat), the solution turns from being blue (purplish) to dark blue; meaning that heating
the equilibrium mixture will shift the reaction to the right. This is an indication that this reaction is

Cooling the equilibrium mixture turns the solution from blue to pink. Therefore, in accordance with Le
Chatelier’s principle, when the temperature is decreased, the position of the equilibrium will move to the
left, forming more of the pink species at the expense of the blue species.

So, the chemical equation can be written as follows:

ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 + [𝐶𝑜(𝐻! 𝑂)" ]!( ) !)
(%&) + 4𝐶𝑙(%&) → [𝐶𝑜𝐶𝑙* ](%&) + 6𝐻! 𝑂(+)

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