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Dear Mr. President: The main purpose, of this document, is to, shed light, on, a small, everyday, problem, that many, Kenyans face, that, in many ways, holds, the Country back, from, developing, and a problem once, well understood during, the Colonial, and, Pre-Colonial times. A problem, in most ways, psychiatrical, in nature, and unless, well understood, makes it, rather difficult, for a person, to live, in Kenya <from a, psychiatrical, perspective>. A problem, rather too easy, to explain, as in, most ways, it mainly, has to do, with, a lack, of, interest, in living, life itself, and in all, with trying, to, achieve just about, anything, in ones life. A problem, rather serious in the co-dependent manner, that has, seen, most Kenyan youth, continue, to be dependent, on their parents, past, their middle ages <and into, their forties>. A big problem, that faces, Kenya, one of, a general lack, of interest, in doing, just about anything, and a huge, desire, by many Kenyan youth, to, escape, to foreign lands, and attempt, to live there. The problem in any ways, is what, is, responsible, for, the widespread presence, of, Depression, not only amongst, Kenyan youth, but also, very much too, its, Adult populations. A problem, highly associated, with, the lack, of, personal Independence, with, most Kenyans, who continue, to be, dependent on one, family member, or another, due, to not understanding in general, why, Depression <and a general lack in interest, in life>, manifests, amongst many Kenyans. In most ways, for most, Kenyans, the search, for Independence, is based on, the search, for, three main things: money <in huge amounts, and not, as, a salary>, a house <of their own>, and finally, sexual contact <in one form, or another>. For the average Kenyan youth, failure, to garner, any of this, leads, to Depression <in one form, or another>, and in all, is, a problem, that can be, generally solved, in two ways:

1. Understanding oneself, from, a historical perspective < as with, their

evolution, and especially, cultural evolution>.

2. Providing for, ways, that the above, primal needs, can easily, be, fulfilled <as
mainly done, in, the Western world, with easy access, to, credit money, cheap mortgages, and finally, access, to sexual contact, as with, brothels, and even, pornography>. In general, understanding oneself, from, a historical perspective, helps one, learn, how to, deal, with these problems, rather easily <from, a mental/emotional/spiritual, perspective>, but the second way, has, a danger to it all, as with, the possibility, of society, simply, collapsing, as easy access, to money <and sex even>, can lead, to the general, economic, downfall, of a society <in many ways Mr. President, people have traditionally, sought, to work hard, to, in many ways, fulfill, these, basic, primal needs, of, housing, sex, and even, money/security>. In all, this search for, Independence, is, psychiatrical, in that, its, the search, for, the need, to feel, safe, and well-provided for, and in all really, the search really, for, the need, to feel, good, about, one self <or what, they in general call, Self-Esteem>.

What is been said Mr. President in general is that, in Kenya, those, without access, to money <in huge amounts>, housing, and even, sex itself, not only, generally lack, Self-Esteem, but also, in most ways, lack, a huge interest, in, life itself <which in the past, has resulted, in, rather high, suicide rates, amongst, Kenyan youths. A problem, made, even worse, due to, Criminality issues>. But still Mr. President, one does find that even, those Kenyans, who do attain, money, sex and, proper housing, in general too, lack, a general interest, in, life itself, due, to the fact, that, attaining, any of the three above, does not, actually lead, to happiness, for most Kenyans <what this means Mr. President, is that, its not only, struggling Kenyans, who wish, to leave, Kenyan, but even those, doing, well>. In many ways, this search for Independence <as with money, sex and housing>, can be understood, from, another perspective, by seeking to know, how, Pre-Colonial, and even, Colonial Kenyans, dealt, with this problem <that in general, it is known and perceived that, despite all the horrors of Colonialism life then, was much better, for the average Kenyan, than it is, today>. As mentioned before, understanding this problem of Independence, from a historical perspective < as with sex for instance, knowing, what kind, of person, one has, historically, been attracted to, and even more important, knowing, when and why, sexual contact arose>, can easily help one, deal, with this problem, such that, it becomes, not a problem really, any more, but a nuisance, in general. The Western method, of, dealing with the problem is rather, disastrous in nature, and is what has led to high national debts <and an energy crisis>, in many, western countries <and especially, America>. In Kenya though, this problem, of, the search for, Independence, was dealt with, in, an interestingly enough manner, by Pre-Colonial and Colonial Kenyans, in a way where, these three needs, were not sought out rather directly, but in an indirect manner that in general, proved to work well and made Kenya a rather popular place <even to this day Mr. President, anything popular and famous in Kenya has its roots, in the Pre-Colonial and Colonial times>. Solving this problem Mr. President will see to it that, a lot of Kenyas Human Resources problems <from poor workers, to even, a general lack of workers themselves>, are dealt with appropriately. Otherwise, the Government Mr. President, can build schools and colleges all over Kenya, and still have no one, attend them <due to not understanding the psychiatrical nature of, this search for Independence problem>. Knowing all this, it is safe to say that in general, in Kenya, most seek out, lots of money, to in general, travel around. It is also safe to say, that in general, many, seek out, sexual contact, due to perceived, neurological problems, based very much on, poor communication skills <that in general, most perceive sexual contact, with in general, gaining self-confidence, as with, self-expression>. In many ways too, one does find that, the desperate search for, proper housing, is intimately tied, with, the greater search for, access, to all forms, of Media <in general, believing that, unless, one lives in, a good area of town, they, in general dont have, the confidence to dress well>. In all, one can see that, in the past, the problems of money, sex, and even, proper housing, were dealt with through, the creation, of, a rather general Kenyan culture, of easy travel, rather open social culture <as with regards, to,

communication>, and finally, a strong and cohesive, social scene, where, most Kenyans, were in general, welcome, at a party perhaps, being held by, someone prominent even. However, we shall present this problem from a new light, and in many ways it is believed that, dealing with this problem, not only will result in, psychiatrically healthy Kenyans, but in all too, in a workforce, that is rather active, and in also very much too, very dependable <that in all really, dealing, with this problem, will result, in dealing, with most of Kenyas, Human Resources problems>. This is especially true, for those Kenyans, not driven, to succeed highly, and simply wish, to find a job to do, and then simply, live their lives, to its end. That in all, by dealing with this problem sufficiently, the Government can be rather successful, in its attempts to move, Kenyans, to its Hinterlands <and outside urban areas too>, and in many ways too, create, rather sustainable lives, for them <this means, opening factories, in Mandera, once, the people there, actually learn how, to live life there, well>. THE SEARCH FOR INDEPENDENCE AND INTIMACY: As was mentioned above Mr. President the search, for Independence by most <i.e. sex, money and proper housing>, can be dealt with from, another perspective, by recognizing the greater need, by Kenyans, to spend all that <their new found Independence>, in a search, for, Intimacy. That in general, attempting, to deal, with the basic need, for, Intimacy, can in many ways lead to, the proper handling, of, the Independence problem. As mentioned before Mr. President in the past in Kenya, one finds that, even, with today, most Kenyans, seek out money to in general, travel around. The basic belief, by most Kenyans that, their ability, to, travel freely, frees them in spirit, and has them feeling, optimistic, about life, in general. That in all, the belief in saving money <for survival>, is not held true, by, most Kenyans, who have traditionally associated, any survival difficulties, with locations lived in <that in all, in the past, having, no money to live on, saw, many Kenyans, leave, for the Middle East, to find, easy work to do>. All this mainly, due, to the ability, to travel, rather freely. What is been said here Mr. President really, is that, Kenyans, in general, have an ingrained belief, that, if, they cannot, travel freely, then, they automatically develop, a fear of survival <it is in many ways, a psychiatrical condition, many Kenyans have, that, if dealt with, can lead to, more positive minded Kenyans>. To help solve this psychiatrical problem, and in general create rather optimistic Kenyans, then the Government <as with infrastructure really>, should heavily invest, in the developing, of good, transport networks, with regards really, to access, and cost <that in all, this is not about, just building transport networks, but that too, they be, cheap, and easy, to access in all>. It is in all, recommended that, the following 5 forms, of transport, be greatly invested in, for the psychiatrical welfare, of most Kenyans <who suffer, from feeling trapped, and even, locked up>:

1. Air travel: This, was rather developed, during, the Colonial and Pre-Colonial
times, and it can even be said, that, local air travel then, was greater, than it is, today. 2. Rail travel: Needed mainly, to easily move, resources, all over the Country. 3. Road travel: Cars and Bicycles too.

4. Animal travel: Such as the renting of horses, for areas where building roads, is
impossible and in general, to be used, to connect, between roads.

5. Balloon travel: The use of Balloons, to travel in areas, locked out, to Air travel.
In all, this is not about, really, building, Transport Networks, but rather affording, the average Kenyan, cheap and easily accessed, transport methods. That in Kenya, the flow and movement of money, is strongly associated, with, the movement, of people themselves. That in all too, Kenyans do survive <whether living in, Langata, or even, in Kericho>, by making, deals <doing Biashara>, with others, all the time <and in general too, the general search, for, the best deal. In all Mr. President, there are many ways, of, doing Business, from making deals, to, transactions, and even finally, exchanges, and that, while, in America, transactions are rather common, and heavily based, on personality, deals, heavily common in Kenya, are based on, character>. In all, what is been said is that, in America, doing Business, is heavily associated, with, sending messages all over <as with, emails, and the huge popularity, of, internal messaging systems>, while in Kenya, business, is heavily associated with, making deals <or Biashara really>, and requires, the actual presence, of, the parties involved, and that in Germany, exchanges, are rather, very common <and involving really, lots, of paperwork, as with, contracts for example>. In all, general survival, and the flow of money in Kenya, heavily requires, the actual movement, of, human bodies. Dealing with the issue, of, sexual desire in Kenya, in most ways, has, traditionally been dealt with, through a culture, of rather, open communications. A culture really, of open self-expression, and minimal, ridicule, in it all. As a result, one finds that, if, the average Kenyan, feels, rather confident, in their ability, to communicate then, Independence issues, arising from, a lack of sexual contact, are easily dealt with <psychologically>. In all, it is been asked that, the Government, greatly develop the following, Communications sectors:

1. Communications 2.


4. 5.

Networks: Communications really, that is totally, hearing/audio based, as with, cell phones. News Media Groups: The best being, Reuters Media, as it is, a Media Group, that offers, access, to news, happening, just about, anywhere, in the whole wide world <including little villages>. CNN, and other such, American Media, should be, avoided, as it is highly, politicized news, and even, propaganda filled. Telecommunications: Communications, that is, Audio-Visual in nature. Mobile Communications: Associated with, handheld devices, and in many ways too, internet based communication. Telephony Systems: Mainly associated, with, request and help lines, including too, the, old telephone systems.

In all Mr. President, what is been said is that, for the average Kenyan, open communications <as especially with, communications systems>, will help in highly, dealing with, Intimacy issues, associated with, Independence issues arising, from, lack of sexual contact, as in many ways, the need for sexual contact, is highly, neurologically associated with, the need, to access, Information/knowledge <perceived essential>, in a rather, urgent, and quick manner too. Dealing with one problem, automatically, somewhat too, deals, with the other <to a great extent>.

Finally you have, the need, by Kenyans, for proper housing, which, in general goes with, the need, to be respected somewhat. The psychiatrical need in many ways by most, out there, to receive Attention, and even be physically seen <and praised too>. That in all this need, is highly associated with, Self-Image issues by many, and can be, rectified, by engaging in, what they refer to, as, Alternative media <media in general, which contains, wisdom, and not, information in general>. Examples of such media are: 1. Magazines: which in general, contain wisdom 2. News Journals: Such as Newsweek, and not, Newspapers in general. 3. Wineries: Consisting mainly, of wines and sports drinks, which, in general, make their users, feel, good about themselves. 4. Cuisine: Food in general, rather spicy and sweet too, and also makes one, feel, rather well, with themselves. 5. Religious books: Of the theological kind, and not, preaching kind. In all, what is been said here Mr. President, is that, for many, Attention seeking disorders <as mainly associated, with being seen physically>, are born really, due, to a lack, of understanding <and knowing>, oneself, and especially too, from, a historical, perspective. That the above 5 Media, when readily available to, most Kenyans, will simply have them, feeling good about themselves, and heavily deal, with, the need by most, to receive, Attention, from as many sources, as, possible. Hopefully Mr. President, what has been said here is, well understood in that, many Kenyans suffer from, psychiatrical/neurological conditions, that in all, make them, lose interest, in life itself <and associated high suicide rates, seen amongst, Kenyan youths>. And that these conditions, are born of, the lack of, Independence, amongst Kenyan youth <as with, access to, sex, money, and even, proper housing/respect>, and that, without, proper development, with regards, to Independence issues, then, in general, what results, are, people, with no, Self-Esteem, and no desire at all, to live out, life in itself. And that too, before one, can wishfully seek out, life, in all its forms, one has to develop, Self-Intimacy <in general develop, a strong liking, for oneself>, or in all, spend, most of ones life, feeling miserable and depressed about, whom one is, and wasting time really, seeking out, someone, to like them <even strongly>, rather than actually, living life, enjoying it, and attaining, Success. In all, even those who deal, with the Independence issue, still find themselves, losing interest in life, due to not knowing how to, deal, with the Intimacy issue <the above recommendations though, do deal, with, both problems, at more or less, the same time>. If this problem Mr. President, is adequately dealt with, then, the end result, would be Kenyans, totally positive in their ways <and natures>, and in all, a Kenya that can never, actually, suffer a slump <especially economic>, in any way or manner. To make this even more concrete, is to know that, simply developing, Independence and Intimacy amongst Kenyans, can help create, a population, that in all, is rather happy with their lives, and in all really, strongly deal, with Kenyas rather, problematic, Human Resources problem <as with mainly, people, not willing, to work at all>.

CONQUERING THE KENYAN HINTERLANDS: Kenya is in many ways Mr. President, a beautiful land, but one many deem, unlivable in, due mainly to, their Independence and Intimacy issues. That in all, conquering these issues, will lead to Kenyans, who are capable in living life, in its hinterlands. This of course means, providing the above mentioned solutions, to just about anywhere, in the country, and one will then find that, even living, in Mandera, is rather all too possible. Kenya is a beautiful country and survival in it, is not as hard, as most believe it to be, when one learns that, what prevents them from living in, the Maasai Mara, is actually, their, Independence and Intimacy issues. To make all this, even clearer, is to understand that, simple ways of life, can be developed, in the Kenyan Hinterlands, that would in many ways, end, the perceived serious land issue problem, seen in Kenya. To fully better understand this is to understand, that surviving in the Maasai Mara, is not as difficult as believed, if the above solutions, are provided there <in one form, or another>, and along with, a basic way, of living <and not to be confused, with, a basic lifestyle>. Basic ways of living, are in all, simply, survival techniques, while, basic lifestyles are rather, cultural, in nature. Some five basic ways of living, will be provided below, as examples, on how to survive in general, in, the Kenyan Hinterlands:

1. Western Cowboy existences: That the Government, look into, the Cowboy

2. 3. 4. 5.

cultures, that were popular, in California, in, the 19 th Century, and on studying them will find, that their routines/patterns, could very well, be applied, to living, in, the Maasai Mara. A way of life really, that would well suit, those working, for, Kenyas Large scale Industries <as simply workers, and outside, Nairobi too>. Traditional Japanese Villages: Villages, in most ways, much better, than, African Villages, and heavily associated, with, the creation of, Crafts, of all kinds <in all really, Villages, heavily based on, Cultural Mosaics>. Swedish country living: Routines and patterns really, that would in many ways suit, living, in the Western regions, of Kenya. Arabian traditional cultures: In all routines and ways of living that, can be adopted to living, in the rather many, arid regions, of Kenya. Chinese traditional existences: Heavily suited to living, in most, urban areas, and especially too, for poor people <rather than, having slums>.

What is been said Mr. President is that, these ways of living are for those Kenyans, who do not want much in their lives, but to simply work <for others>, and live their lives, freely, in general. That these 5 mentioned basic ways of living, can be easily associated with, the way most Kenyans perceive Kenya itself <as described, in, the Criminality document>, and that for example, Kenyans, who simply seek out to make money, by seeking out opportunity when it arises, can easily and happily survive living life based on, Chinese traditional ways of living. In all, the above are probable solutions too, for dealing with, the Kenyan poor.

The only heavy investment here, is in the above three major solutions <to Independence/Intimacy issues>, provided, and that one should not see this, as a rather heavy investment, as most really, are prone to think of it all, from, supplying the above solutions, to individuals themselves, rather than, groups <and the general culture, of sharing things, seen, in Kenya>. Alan Gicheru

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