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Robertson Pratt

THE IMPORTANCE of the unicellular green alga, and cell counts were based on the averages of haema-
Chlorella vulgaris, to plant physiologists engaged in cytometer counts of four different samples from
studies of cellular metabolism and especially of pho- each flask. Each point in the figures represents,
tosynthesis is well known. Relatively few detailed therefore, the average of twelve samples. The maxi-
studies have been made of its growth, however. The mum deviation from the mean value occurred in the
present paper deals with the growth curve of Chlo- lower portions of the growth curves and never ex-
rella in cultures inoculated with different numbers ceeded 5 per cent. Over the major portion of the
of cells taken from parent cultures of the same age. curves in all cultures the deviation of individual cul-
Multiplication, or increase in cell number, was used tures from the mean value was less than 3 per cent.
as an index of growth in this work, although it is EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTs.-Figure 1 shows the
realized that a period of cell enlargement precedes growth in cultures inoculated with different numbers
each division, and that growth is the result of these of cells withdrawn from parent cultures of the same
two processes. age.
MATERIALS AND METHoDs.-Cells for the experi- Since the points describe sigmoid curves, it seemed
ments were withdrawn from four-day-old, rapidly of interest to examine the data to ascertain whether
growing stock suspensions of Chlorella vulgaris cul- they could be represented by the equation charac-
tured as previously described (Craig and Trelease, teristic of autocatalyzed monomolecular reactions
1937; Pratt and Trelease, 1935) in a solution that that has been found, in many cases, to describe rea-
contained KN0 3 , 0.025M; MgS0 4 "7H 20, 0.02M; sonably well the growth of populations and of in-
KH 2P04, O.OISM; FeS04"7H20, O.OOOOIM; po- dividual organisms (Ostwald, 1905; Robertson,
tassium citrate, O.OOOOIM; and Zn, Cu, B, and Mn 1908a, 1905b, 1923; Reed and Holland, 1919;
in approximately the concentrations employed by Reed, 1920, 1921a, 1921b, 1925a, 1925b, 1932;
Trelease and Trelease (1935). The initial pH of Gaines and Nevens, 1925; Porterfield, 1928; Pratt,
this solution was 4.45. New stock cultures were 1936).
started daily so that there was always available a The differential form of this equation expresses
supply of cells of approximately the same physio- the rate of growth, and may be written
logical age and activity. dx
Cells were separated from the culture medium dt = k x (A-x) (1)
and were washed in three changes of distilled water
by repeated centrifugation and decantation. They Upon integration, it becomes
were then suspended in distilled water and the den- x
sity of the population in the suspension was esti- log A-x = K (t-t]) (2)
mated from haemacytometer counts. Inocula con-
taining the desired number of cells were pipetted where x represents population per cubic millimeter
into 500 ml. Pyrex glass Florence flasks, each of at time, t; A represents the maximum number of cells
which contained 150 ml, of the standard nutrient attained in the same unit volume; t, is the time when
solution. The flasks were continuously illuminated
from below by a water-cooled battery of twenty-
x = A/2; and K = k A/2.3. K is inversely propor-
tional to the duration of the growth period (2 t]).
four 50-watt frosted Mazda lamps. The light in- The final density of population that was attained
tensity, measured by means of a Weston photoelec- was found to be independent of the size of the inocu-
tric-celllight meter, Model 603, varied from 21,000 lum. The value 97,300 was obtained for A by com-
lux to IS,OOO lux. The lamps were replaced by a putation of the mean maximum number of cells at-
complete new set when the intensity fell below this tained per cubic millimeter of culture medium.
value. The temperature at the level of the flasks va- Values for t] were computed by the procedure sug-
ried from ISo to 22°C. gested by Robertson (1923, p. 325), and those for
A gas mixture containing 5 per cent CO2 and 95 K were determined by computing the slopes of the
per cent air was bubbled continuously through the curves that were obtained when values of log
solutions. The cultures were shaken vigorously twice [x / (A -x)] were plotted against those of (t-t,).
daily to insure separation and uniform suspension of The curves in figures 2 and 3 represent values of
the cells. x at different times (t) and were calculated by sub-
Growth measurements were made periodically by stituting known values of A, K, and t, in equation 2
withdrawing small samples from each flask and esti- and solving for ai, During the greater part of the
mating the cell population from haemacytometer growth period, they afford reasonably close ap-
counts. Triplicates of each culture were prepared, proximations of the actual experimental observa-
1 Received for publication November 97, 1939. tions represented by the points.
The author is indebted to Miss Jane Fong for valuable It should be noted, however, that in order to se-
assistance in the laboratory. cure conformity of the calculated curves with the

experimental points over the major portion of the

100 '.ggg «!;Lsi",!'"
, 00
growth periods, it was necessary to slide the curves
I, CEL.L/IO ~M. on the time axis. Therefore, the initial points of the
different curves do not coincide with the experimen-
is tal zero time except in one instance-i.e., when the
(j;- initial concentration was 100 cells/cu. mm, It is
W noteworthy, and may be of biological significance,
~ +2
§? 25

320 400
o P)() CELLS/C.MM.
.500 .. ..
xl1 -2
• '0 0 CELLS/ C,MM.
::i • 10 ..
--l -3
~7S 0-----------1000
U e- - - -----. ·500
III -4
~-- - - - •••. 100
.- - - - - . - 50
..J c- - - - . - _. 10
GJ .-------- I
uSO 0- - - - - - - I IN 10

0 80
160 240
i: 25
Fig. 4. Experimental values of log [x/(A-x)] as func-
-2 tions of time, reckoned from the time of inoculation. The
o 2 +J
ordinates are correct for cultures initially containing
-40 0 160 240 320 1,000, SOD, and 100 cells/cu. mm, To avoid confusion the
other curves have been lowered as follows: SO/cu. mm.
100L-~~-~~--'-"--'---'-~-"'------' -0.3; 10/cu. mrn, -0.3; I/cu. mm. -0.7; O.l/cu. mm, -1.0. The
time scale is correct for all curves in this figure.

::<75 that for the different curves the deviation of the
<, - theoretical starting point from the actual time of
:J inoculation varied in a regular manner with the ini-
vso tial population density over a relatively wide range.
This relationship is shown in the inset in figure 2
,=o 25
where the deviation in hours is plotted as a function
of the logarithm of the initial cell concentration.
o 100 CELLS le""M. Equation 2 may be written
o I .. ..
x n
log A-x -log A-n = K t (3)

Fig. I (above). Growth of Chlorella vulgaris in cultures

where si, A, K, and t have the same significance as
inoculated with different numbers of cells.
Fig. 2 (center). Growth of Chlorella vulgaris in cultures above, and n represents the value of x when t = o.
inoculated with different numbers of cells. The curves have The intercepts of the curves in figure 4 with the
the equation log [x/(97,300-x)] =0.0133 (t-I71). The ordinate then represnt values of log [n/ (A-n)]
time scale is correct for the culture started with 100 cells/
cu. mm. For all other cultures the curves have been shifted
when t =
0, and values of n, or the number of cells
theoretically initially present immediately after
along the time axis. Points represent experimental ob-
servations. Inset. Deviation of origins of calculated curves
from the experimental zero time as a function of the The time scale is correct for the culture started with 100
logarithm of the initial cell concentration. cells/cu. mm. For the other cultures the curves have been
Fig. 3 (below). Growth of Chlorella vulgaris in cultures shifted along the time axis. Points represent experimental
inoculated with different numbers of cells. The curves observations. Inset. Same curves drawn with a common
have the equations log [x/(97,30D-;v)] 0.0133 (t-I71) = origin. Values of tl and J( are based on the duration of the
time during which measurable growth occurred, not on
and log [x/(97,300-x)] =0.0162 (t-140) for cultures ini-
tially containing 100 and I or 0.1 cell/cu. mm., respectively. the elapsed time from inoculation to cessation of growth.

inoculation, may easily be computed for the different however, to consider growth not as a function of the
cultures.f colony but of the individual cells. Figures 6 and 7
Invariably the calculated value of n exceeded the show that the rate of growth considered in terms of
experimental value (table 1) and neal e. increased as the density of population, or reproduction per cell
a power function of n ex p . (Fig. 5). This indicates ("capacity of the individual cells to reproduce"),
constantly decreased. Experiments showed that the
decline in rate of growth was not due to depletion of
3 nutrients in the culture medium.

900 36
./ - <,6. CELLS/C.MM./HR.

. /
2 800 ~32
-c w / "-
u 700 U28 / \
/ \
~600~4 / \
........ ri. I \
:i500~0 I
3 ~ / \
o ~oo lJI6 /
o +1 " +3
+2 ~ ........ \
LOG NEXp. d300~12 /
U d I
Fig. 5. Values of log neal e• as functions of. log nexp.
<]200 U 8 l \
(See text for explanation.) <] \
100 4 h ~
that in the early stages of growth the rate of multi-
plication was more rapid than that indicated by the o 10 30 50 70
idealized form (equation 2) and that the deviation
, ,
1. Experimental and calculated values of n in
TABLE 800 32
Ohlorella cultures started with different densities of
population. (See text for explanation.) 700*8 t:. CELLS /C.MM.
ncal c. 600tj24
n ex p . ncal c . .
(cells [ea. mm.) (cells/cu. mrn.) n'exp.
1,000 2,344 2.34 ~ <;
1,413 2.83 ~ ~
100 501 5.01
50 316 6.32 <I) -
10 133 13.30 w ..J
I 25 25.00 U w
200 8
0.1 5 50.00 <I <I
100 4
from expectations increased with the dilution. Ex-
pressed in another way, in a series of cultures, the o 80 160 240
one with the least dense initial population had the HOURS
highest rate of growth per cell. Fig. 6 (above). Hourly rates of growth in cultures of
The rate of multiplication per cell varied in- Chlorella vulgaris started with different numbers of cells,
versely with the density of population, not only plotted as functions of the population. Initial populations
among different cultures in the early stages of equal I cell/cu. rnm. (discontinuous curve) and 100 cells/
growth, but throughout the growth period in each cu. mrn, (continuous curve).
culture. This is shown graphically in figures 6 and Fig. 7 (below). Increase in population in Chlorella vul-
7, in which hourly rates of increase in Chlorella are garis cultures as a function of time. These curves are cor-
rect for cultures started with 100 cells/cu. mm., but apply
plotted. approximately to those started with 1,000, 500, 50, or 10
The data yield the familiar "grand-period of cells/cu. mm. if zero time is considered as the origin of
growth" type of curve, that has been interpreted to the ideal curve (fig. 2).
mean that "the capacity of the individual cells to re-
produce "(within a given period) increases up to a
One interesting result of these experiments was
certain maximum with the population of. the cul-
the discovery that the growth rate for a given den-
ture" (Robertson, 1923, p. 83). It seems logical,
sity of population was always greater in cultures
2 It should be noted that t in equation 3 refers to total
elapsed time from inoculation. Therefore, it has a different started with a small number of cells than in those
numerical value than t in equation 2. J{ in equation 3 is inoculated with a larger number. This is shown
identical with J{ in equation 2. graphically in figures 4 and 6.

In figure 4 ordinates and abscissas represent log washed in distilled water before transfer, it seems
[x/(A-x)] and time, respectively, and the slopes unlikely that a significant amount of the old culture
represent values of the velocity constant, K. The medium adhered to the cells. I t may be suggested,
slope of the curve for each dilution is slightly great- therefore, that a growth-inhibiting factor was con-
er than that of the curve for the preceding dilution tained within the cells. Further evidence to support
(table 2). Although the differences among the five the view that the cells contained a growth-inhibiting
upper curves and between the two lower ones are agent and that it was produced by the cells during
small, they may be considered significant, since they their growth is furnished by the fact that in any
do not vary in a random manner but indicate a defl- given culture, the rate of reproduction per cell stead-
ily decreased as the density of population increased.
TABLE 9. Velocity constant J{ for cultures started with It was also found that in a series of cultures inocu-
diff erent densities of population. lated with different numbers of cells, the rate of
multiplication throughout the growth period varied
Initial No. inversely with the initial density of population-
Cells/cu. mm. J{ i.e., the rate of increase at any given level of popu-
lation was greater for cultures initially containing a
1,000... . . .. 0.0131 small number of cells than for those started with
500.. 0.0130
100...... 0.0139
more dense suspensions. This is in harmony with the
50.... .. .. .. 0.0134 ideas suggested above, and may indicate that the
10.... . .. . . 0.0136 rate of multiplication in Chlorella is determined, in
1. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.0159 part at least, by the concentration of the hypotheti-
0.1 . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. 0.0165 cal growth-inhibiting agent in the cells. According
to this idea, the concentration of inhibiting agent in
the external solution increases more rapidly in cul-
tures started with larger numbers of cells and tends
nite trend. Although there is a gradual and constant
to check further loss of the substance from the cells,
change in K from the most concentrated to the least thus facilitating its intra-cellular accumulation and
concentrated initial cell suspension, the curves may
thereby tending to suppress division.
conveniently be considered as falling into two groups Thus, the concentration of "auto-inhibitor" with-
-i.e., those for cultures initially containing 10 or
in the cells, and hence the rate of reproduction for
more cells per cu. mm, and those containing less than
a given density of population in any culture, may
10 cells per cu. mm, The curves were treated in this
depend, among other things, upon the age of the
manner, and the mean values of K for each group
parent culture from which the inoculum for the
were used in calculating the values of x plotted in
daughter suspension is withdrawn, the size of the
figures 2 and 3. For convenience of comparison, typi-
inoculum with respect to the volume of the new cul-
cal calculated curves for cultures with small and
ture, and the size of the inoculum used to seed the
large inocula are drawn with the same point of
parent culture. Preliminary results from experi-
origin, and the values of A, tI, and K for each are
ments in which cells have been transferred from ac-
given in the. inset of figure 3. 3
tively growing cultures to fresh media and to cell-
The curves in figure 4 show that the rate of in- free media in which some growth had already oc-
crease throughout the entire growth period was
curred tend to confirm this hypothesis. It should be
greater in cultures with the more dilute initial sus-
emphasized, however, that more data are required
before the full significance of the present experi-
The distinctly higher growth rate is shown graphi-
cally in another way in figure 6, from which it may ments can be determined and that the suggested
be seen that for a given density of population, the hypothesis is purely tentative.
growth rate, as measured by increase in number of Discussion of the literature pertinent to this phase
cells per hour, was greater in cultures started with a of the growth problem will be deferred to a later
very small number of cells than in those inoculated paper in which it is hoped to correlate the data given
with a larger number. here with those of experiments now in progress. Im-
DISCUSSION.-It was found that in a series of cul- portant reviews dealing with problems of mutual
tures in the early stages of growth, under the ex- growth acceleration and inhibition among living or-
perimental conditions employed, the culture with the ganisms are given by Allee (1931, 1934), Johnson
least dense population exhibited the highest rate of (1933), Rahn (1932), and Robertson (1923). In
reproduction per cell. This may be interpreted to addition, the work of Peebles (1929) on echinoderm
mean that a toxic or growth-inhibiting substance, the larvae, Phelps (1935, 1936) and Mast and Pace
amount of which varied directly with the number of (1938) on protozoa, and of Pearsall and Loose
cells, was carried into the cultures with the original (1937) on Chlorella should be mentioned.
inoculum. Since the cells were always thoroughly
3 Note that the values of t and t l that were used in SUMMARY
calculating the values of x plotted in figures 9 and 3 are
not based on total elapsed time from inoculation to cessa- The multiplication of Chlorella vulgaris furnished
tion of growth. (See legend.) with a gas mixture of 5 per cent CO 2 and 95 per

cent air in the nutrient solution employed in con- initially containing a small number of cells than for
tinuous light may be empirically described by the those started with larger numbers.
equation characteristic of an autocatalyzed mono- In a series of cultures of the same age, the one
molecular reaction. with the least dense population always had the high-
Although the equation furnishes a reasonably ac- est rate of growth. The speed of multiplication, as
curate picture of the course of multiplication over measured by the increase in number of cells per hour
the greater portion of the growth period, it was per 1,000 cells, decreased during nearly the entire
found to be inadequate in the earliest stages of period of growth. The decrease in growth rate in old
growth, and the discrepancy between calculated and cultures was not due to depletion of the nutrients.
experimental values when the cell count was small The data suggest that a growth-inhibiting factor
increased with the dilution. was produced by the cells.
The maximum population attained was independ- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,
ent of the size of the inoculum, but the rate of multi- COLLEGE OF PHARlIIACY,
plication throughout the growth period, indicated by THE MEDICAL CENTER,
the velocity constant (K), was greater for cultures SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA


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