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Dear Mr. President: The purpose, of this document, is to, pretend, to help, describe, a problem, that in many ways, defines, Kenya alot, and has in many ways too, resulted, in, foreign ownership of, many of, Kenyas, Assets. The problem in many ways, speaks of, a lack, in Patriotism, amongst, Kenyans, and in general, a general sense, of laziness <as with, Kenyans, not being, big thinkers>, and all at its heart, based on, Kenyans in general, lacking, the Individuality, to drive, Kenya, to greater heights. The problem spoken about herein Mr. President, not only, has to do, with, a lack, of, Individuality, amongst Kenyans, but that, in general too, this lack, of Individuality, is born of, the fact that, Kenyans in general, feel, constrained, in just about, everyway <mainly really, with regards, to their, thinking>. Meaning in all, that, Kenyans, in many ways, always, remain the same, year in and year out, and never do change too much <as with regards really, to their, thoughts, ways, and even, ideas>. As a result, many who leave, Kenya, and returned changed, do in fact notice, that, nothing at all, ever does, change, in Kenya. The real problem here Mr. President, lies with how, the average Kenyan, perceives, Time itself, and the very fact Mr. President, that, the average Kenyan, never does really change because, in all, Time in Kenya <as a memory based, measure>, is in many ways, inexistent. To explain all this much better, one has to realize that, when we speak, of, Kenyans, lacking Individuality, we really mean that, they are in general, Emotionally underdeveloped <and in many ways too, never do, really change, as with, regards, to maturity>. To make this even more clearer, is to understand that, in most places, outside Africa, growth in Emotionality <a Time based concept, where, personal growth, is measured, through, Emotional change, rather than, Physical change>, is rather common in all. What this means is that, one finds that, in Europe and America for instance, Emotional change, is often, triggered by changes, in Seasons, and in many ways too, Climatic changes too. In other parts of the world, Emotional change, is often triggered, by, changes, in Weather patterns, and, the Climate itself. What this means is that, these Seasonal and Climatic changes in all, affect one, Emotionally, leading in all, to a general, response, that requires, adopting, to these, changes, from an Emotional perspective. As an example, a beer, like Tusker, would go out of style, so to speak, in, a place, like Europe, due, to Emotional changes, very much triggered, by Seasonal, and Climate based changes <another example too, being the change in Fashion, seen, in the Western world>. This is not true, in Kenya, where the masses, never do, undergo, Emotional change, and in many ways, many remain, rather, child-like, into, their adult years, due, to never having, changed Emotionally at all <they in all, speak, the same, generally look the same, think the same, say things in the same manner, as they did, 10-15, years ago>. They in all, just never, change, with regards, to, Emotionality <a problem in the past, dealt with, via, rituals, like Circumcision>.

The whole idea, of this document, is to attempt, to create, a, Time based Reference, that can be used, to enact, Emotional change, in, Kenyans, and in all, resulting, in, Emotional growth, and a big change too in all, with regards, to, their thinking. Otherwise, Kenyans continue, to speak, think, and act, very much, like, Children, who are not, serious, about, life at all, and all this resulting, in Foreign ownership, of just about, most things, in, Kenya. We shall below, attempt to define, the Kenyan Individual, in their totality, and also show, how, Kenyan Individuality, in all, is today, defined, alot, by all forms, of, Kenyan Symbolism. We can in all say that, the Kenyan Individual, is defined, in many ways, by, the following 6 measures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Freedoms Liberty Rights Personal Convenience Mental Consistency Cultural Congruency

We shall in all too, try to define, all these 6 measures that, define the Kenyan Individual, and also show in all, how, they are loosely associated, to all forms of, Kenyan Symbolism today, that attempt to define, Kenyan Individuality. Freedoms: By Freedoms, we are in all referring to, the fact, that Kenyans in all, never do act, freely, by nature, not only due, to Criminality issues, but also mainly, due, to lacking, a general, Sense of Familiarity, with regards, to, their environments. In many ways in all, what this means is that, most Kenyans in Kenya, tend to in most ways, personally Identify, with, Entertainment spots, when outside, their, homes <what this means Mr. President, is that, most Kenyans, dont really feel, they belong, anywhere, in Kenya, other than, in, their homes, or, in, their favourite, Entertainment spot>. In many ways too, it is the Kenyan National Anthem, that is supposed in all, to embody, Kenyan, Freedoms. Liberty: By Liberty Mr. President, it is meant that, in most ways, Kenyans lack a general, Sense of Knowing, with regards really, to how, to go about, doing, just about, anything in Kenya. In most ways though, what this really refers to, is a general lack, of, a Culture of Manners, and popularly known as, Common Law. That in many ways, Kenyans do feel, alien to each other, due generally to not, knowing, how to identify, with each other, other than, with regards, to, popular slang. Which means in many ways in all, a Kenyan meeting another Kenyan, even in South Africa, will in general, avoid each other, due, to not knowing how, to communicate really, with each other. In many ways in all, the only time, Kenyans, do ever, really communicate with each other, is when present at, a Public Event, of, some kind. In many ways too, Kenyan Liberty in all, is said to be embodied, in the Kenyan National Pledge. Rights: When we speak of Rights Mr. President, we are in all referring tom the fact that, Kenyans in all generally lack, what they call, a Sense of Time. What this really means Mr. President, by Rights that is, is that, Kenyans, do feel, that, they lack,

Personal Rights, as with regards really, to, chasing their hopes and dreams. This is more of a personal problem, due mainly, to, Kenyans, not having, proper ways, of, conceiving Time itself, as with regards really, to planning, for just about, anything at all <it is as if Mr. President, from an Emotional/Memory based perspective, that Time, in Kenya, is very much at, a stand still>. For Kenyans, a Sense of Time, is mainly associated with, how tired or exhausted, they feel and most, are never truly aware, that time, does pass them by, from a, personal goals perspective. In many ways too, it is seen and recognized that, the Kenyan Flag, does embody, what, they call, Personal Rights. Personal Convenience: By Personal Convenience Mr. President, it is meant that, that for the average Kenyan in all, attempting to seek out, just about anything <from a pencil, to a fellow worker even>, can be an exercise, in, futility. This is especially true, with regards to basic resources, as seeking them out, often at times, results, in the general answer, that, what is sought out, is in general, out of stock. What is been said Mr. President, is that, Kenya in all, with regards, to a Sense of Timing, works a lot, along, the lines, of a Shop <where things, do often, run out>, rather than, similar, to a Bazaar <which is, wholesale in concept, and refers to, the dumping, of all sorts of goods/products, in, huge quantities, in a location, and which, take, a long time, to run out>. This is a rather difficult problem, to explain really <a Sense of Timing that is>, but in general, if Kenya, worked very much, like a Bazaar, rather than, a Shop <with its lineups too>, all, would go, rather, smoothly in nature. Probably Mr. President, this very problem, is actually, in reverse, in nature, in that, not only, does Kenya <or do Kenyans work>, and in general too, experience life, similar, to a Shop <as with, a Sense of Timing, and hence in all, shaping, a general Kenyan mentality, on how, to do things>, but that, shopping at Bazaars, might in all, create, a mentality, on how, generally, to work, and a general sense too, of how, Kenya itself, works <what is been said Mr. President, is that, the average Kenyan Office, and even, Household, is very much, run, in a similar manner, to, a Shop, and not, like a Bazaars, as they should>. A rather complex, psychological problem in all, but at the heart of a lot, of, inefficiency, in Kenya as with, lineups, missed personnel, and even, missing stock <as a further example, as one is prone, to find, their local shop, shut down unexpectedly, one is also prone, to find, the average Kenyan Office, shut down, unexpectedly>. In many ways, a problem, all totally based, on a lack, of, a Sense of Timing. Personal Convenience in Kenya, is seen, to be embodied, in Kenyan Slogans, such as, Harambee. Mental Consistency: What this refers to Mr. President, is that, nothing in Kenya, ever happens, consistently. If one, was to go to, their favourite Bar today, one would probably, be served, a drink, in 5 minutes. On the next day though, service, would probably, take longer, with ones, drink, being served, in about, 10 minutes. All this, is especially true, of Public Services, such as, Public Transport, which does not, always, run on time. In all, nothing in Kenya, ever happens really, on time, creating in many ways, a general lack, of enthusiasm, amongst, people, as even, arranging a meeting, with another, could mean, lots, of time lost, with their not, showing up <meeting the average Kenyan, can take up to, two or three meetings, pre-arranged>. In all too, one does find that, Mental Consistency, is embodied in what, they call, Kenyan Emblems <as those, associated, with, most State Services in general; an example being, the Jogoo with an Axe>.

Cultural Congruency: By Cultural Congruency, what is meant in all, is that, Kenyans have no, real avenues really, to judge <and measure in all>, their, general potential <as creative human beings>. That in most ways, Kenyans in all, are not, dreamers of any kinds, due to in general, not knowing, how to discover, their, own Potentials <other than attempting, to identify, with, peoples of African ancestry, based in, other Countries, outside Kenya>. There are no, Competitions for instance, of any kind really <seen as worthy>, in Kenya, to help the general populace, measure, their general potential, and most Kenyans do grow up, Identifying, with, peoples of African ancestry, outside Kenya, falsely believing themselves, to have, the same, ingrained virtues, as, the worshipped figure, possesses. In many ways too, Cultural Congruency in Kenya, is embodied, by People, one could call, Kenyan heroes, as with the example of, many, Kenyan Sports Athletes. The above in all, are believed, to be, the 6 facets, that are capable, if defined rather well, of, giving Kenyans, a Time framework, from which to develop, Emotionally, and also, with regards, to their Potentials, and in all, taking, Kenya, to higher levels <an example being, that, general Service, as with consistency, is often a measure, by many, on, general Advancement, in all>.

A KENYAN CONCEPTUAL TIME FRAMEWORK: In this section Mr. President, will be presented, a Physical Infrastructure that can help, support, all this, and in general give Kenyans, the required, Emotional development, needed, for, Maturity, and Self-growth in all. In many ways, a Physical Infrastructure, that can help, Kenyans, in general, change, with regards, to, Behavioural dynamics, and turn them, into, mature adults, able, to drive, Kenya, to greater heights. That in all too, Kenyans, do lack, a general concept, of, Time itself, and in general too, the lack, of enthusiasm, to generally live Life <as with, attaining Success>, and instead rather, spending/waste, too much time, talking with others, about, Life outside Kenya <in all Mr. President, what is been said, is that nothing notable, or of interest, ever really happens, in Kenya>. Freedoms: When dealing, with the issue, of Freedoms, and how to generally, freely express oneself, in Kenya, other than, in ones Homes and Entertainment spots, it is believed, that a general, Sense of Familiarity, of Kenya, by Kenyans, can be bred in, by, investing, in Kenyan Landscaping, that all, Kenyans, can identify with <as expressive beings>. We are not speaking, of places, like, Uhuru park, which are in all, Family Recreational spots, but actually to places, that the average Kenyan, can feel, free, to act as themselves, while outside, their homes. Five examples, of such places, will be given below: 1. City Squares 2. Libraries 3. Coffee Shops

4. Museums, Galleries and Cultural Institutes 5. Water Parks These 5 examples, especially that, of, Water Parks, are seen as prime examples, where Kenyans, can easily go to, and freely behave, and in many ways too, grow up as with regards to, Character development. Liberty: With regards to the issue of, Liberty, and developing, not only, a Sense of Knowing, but in, many ways too, in helping create, a, general Culture of Harmony <and Manners too>, as with, Common Law in all, it is believed, that the Government, find a way, to help, Kenyans, see themselves <and others>, in, a different light. In many ways, Kenyans today, perceive, each other, from a, Western perspective, leading, to alienable feelings amongst, each other, and a, general lack, of, cohesion, with regards, to, general communication <In all Mr. President, when most people claim that, Kenyans are too Westernized, or lack, Tribal Identities, it is in many ways, due to, how they perceive, others, which is, rather Western in nature>. Five examples of this, will be, shown below: Hair vs. Facial Features/tribe: One finds today Mr. President, that, most Kenyans, see themselves and others, with regards, to, Facial Features <and supposed, tribal affiliation>, rather than, from the perspective, of Hair and Hairstyles, which in many ways, are a, better marker <judge>, of whom, a person, really is. That in all, attempting, to judge, people, from, facial features, leads to all forms, of ingrained discrimination, and that in all too, Hair, is a better way, of, judging a persons character, than facial features are < facial features, are a rather, Western, method, of judging others>. Gender vs. Body Image: In Kenya today, there exists, lots, of discrimination, based really on, Body Image <a rather Western way, of seeing others>, as compared, to Gender <and general behaviour, as with, a person, being, masculine or feminine>. Body Image in all, is judging another, by their height, shape, form, etcetera. That in all, Kenyans should in general, judge, anothers personality, by, Gender markers <masculine or feminine>, rather than, Body Image <which is way, more, discriminative in nature>. Physical Build vs. Skin Colour: By Physical Build, we refer in general, to how, well built, a persons body is, as with regards to, Musculature, and even, Body measurements. That in all, for a more harmonious Kenya, not only, is viewing, people, from, the perspective, of, Physical Build more in line, with knowing whom they are, as righteous beings, but, the culture of, viewing others, from a Skin Colour perspective, strongly hampers, the, development, of Kenya itself. Dress vs. Vernacular Speech: In Kenya today, a person, is deemed, to be more, Moral than another, based on, how, they actually speak <including too, the language spoken>. The false belief that, a Kenyan who speaks, American English for example, is in general, driven in life, not corrupt, and in many ways too, cultured in all. The belief, that speaking the language, of, the Maasai for instance, makes one, uncivilized. What is asked for here Mr. President, is that, the

Government find ways, for Kenyans to judge each other, from the perspectives, of Dress worn, rather than, Vernacular speech. That in all, a Maasai dressed, in their traditional clothing, is in many ways more, civilized, that the youth, who dresses, in, American Hip hop gear. Character vs. Materiality: That today, most Kenyans falsely judge each other, from the perspective of, Materiality, rather than, Character <as with Intelligence really>. That in most ways in Kenya today, a thief possessing, lots of, American Materiality, is way more praised, than the, Kenyan, with Character <and Intelligence too>, by most, of the masses. A problem that breeds, selfishness heavily, amongst Kenyans, and in many ways painting, a rather bleak, picture, for the future, of Kenya. In most ways in all, seeing oneself, from, the above mentioned ways, does give one, a clearer picture, of oneself, with regards to, Emotional growth, and Maturity, as compared, to the other mostly, unchanging, Physical definers. Rights: With regards to, the issue of, Personal Rights, and in general too having, a proper, Sense of Time, one does find that, traditionally, the only such marker <that gave one, a Sense of Time >, has been, what, they call, the 4 OClock Tea. That in the past, most Kenyans, developed, a Sense of Time, by living around, the belief that, taking a cup, of tea, at 4 OClock, was in all ways, a must, and even too, sacrilegious, if missed out on. In general Mr. President, it is important, to create, environments, that give, Kenyans, a proper Sense of Time, to plan, their lives around on. In many ways, the following infrastructure is deemed important, in helping, create, Communal Activity that gives rise to, a Communal Sense of Time, and helps one in all, see themselves, as not, only being, similar to others in their communities, but also too, help one in thinking, of rising, above them <as with, attaining, personal success>.

1. Playgrounds. 2. Movie Houses: These Mr. President, are not, Movie theatres, or, Cinemas

even, and in fact really, refer to, places, that show, Films, such as, documentaries, sports shows, and even too, what they call, Features. 3. Sidewalks: For both Walking, and Bicycles also, to enable community members, to in general, interact with each other, from a more or less, impersonal perspective. 4. Sports grounds. 5. Religious spots: As perhaps with, small/mini parks with, Religious symbolism in them, to be used for, Personal meditation. In most ways, all are physical spots, that can, help one, develop, a Sense of Time <communal in nature>, and in many ways, too, with regards to developing, a Mentality, of a general life, to escape from. Personal Convenience:

Personal Convenience Mr. President, in many ways not only, refers, to, seeking out, basic resources, in a Kenya where, the average Kenyan, is driven heavily, by, urges and drives, but in general too, help Kenyans, develop, a Sense of Timing, as with by nature, learning how to, solve problems on time, and rather, efficiently too. In many ways, what are known, as, Attractions <in a general sense>, when lived around, can help, Kenyans in general, develop, a general mentality, of how to go about, doing things in general <as with, problem solving really, from cooking, to even, changing a bulb>. That in all, Kenyans should develop, a mentality, of having, resources close by, when they attempt, to solve, just about, any, kind of problem. In many ways, to attempt to explain, a rather difficult problem to foresee in all, in that, it being, rather Architectural in nature, with regards really, to how, one goes about, doing anything, it is, in general believed that, attempting, to create, Architectural designs, that in all too, help one, locate, needed basic resources immediately, is deemed right <as with, just about, any problem faced>. The following, are some basic units, that can, help, with dealing with, Personal Convenience issues, and developing, a good Sense of Timing, needed heavily, in, helping Kenyans, become, good problem solvers:

1. Bandars and Bazaars: That in all Mr. President, Kenya have more, Bazaars,


3. 4. 5.

rather than, Shops, which in general, work, from a, wholesale perspective. We are really talking, of. locations, whereby, the average Kenyan, can find, just about, any, resource, needed, in bulk, and the general requirement that, buying in bulk, is required. In many ways too, this all, helps deal, with, Kenyas, Supply and Demand, issues <as especially with, transport>, which in many ways, tend to, heavily afflict, Kenyas Economic Performance, on just about, every, measurable, indicator. Service Units: Referring really, to all forms, of, Service Units, associated with, Large Scale Industry, the most popular, being, M-Pesa withdrawal points. That such units, be available, not in, as many areas really, but, the most convenient spots, for all. Security Units: That in all Mr. President, Security Units, as mainly with, all forms of, Security groups, be readily available, but, also those, dealing, with issues such as, Fires, Health emergencies, and even, Scares of all kinds. Cultural Centers: Centers, that help one, seek out, just about, any, Cultural information, they might need at hand, immediately <from sports contests, to city/store locations, and even too, church services>. Retail services: Hereby referring, to services to help, deal with, all kinds, of, personal issues, from drycleaners, to dentists, and even, taxis. That in all, this all, be deployed, at, convenient places/spots for all.

In many ways, all this deals with, problem solving, from an, Individual perspective, and that in all in Kenya, general problem solving, is rather, difficult, due not only, to, not knowing, where to, locate needed basic resources, but also to, the very nature, of, problems faced <that in Kenya, one might, face, a similar problem, in, a rather, new way as with for example, the very, common Kenyan problem, of, sharing resources>. Mental Consistency:

In attempting in general, to create, a general culture of Consistency <in many ways too, rather neuro-physiological in nature>, as in general, being consistent, in, doing, anything, is a rather, learned trait, that most, Kenyans, never, do develop. In general, this is also believed, to be associated with what, they call, Themes <that in general, create, a physiological filler, as with, Rhythms really, to doing, just, about, anything, and in all, helping fight, laziness>.

1. Sports Competitions: No where else, can one, develop, an ingrained sense,

of, Consistency, than watching, a, Sports game <or even, playing one>.

2. Lounges: As compared, to Night Clubs, are rather, European in nature, but

involve, interactions, between, people, moderated in all, by, a form, of Consistency. 3. Business Brands: Most Kenyan Businesses, are of, the Firm kind, and heavily dependent, on Advertising, to survive. In many ways though, it is perceived that, what, they call, Business outfits, and heavily, based on, Branding, are required in all, as, Brands, are often, associated, with doing, business, in a, rather, highly, consistent fashion. 4. Pub and Restaurant: The very concept, of, the Pub and Restaurant, is rather, Kenyan <Colonial> in nature <as compared, to, having, a Restaurant, and Pub separately>, and in many ways, what, they call, a Pub and Restaurant, are simply, places, very much, associated, with having, quick meetings <or even, rests>, of all kinds. For most Kenyans, wanting, to meet another Kenyan, rather quick, there are few, places in all, for one, to arrange, such meetings especially, if they, require, a discussion, of a kind. Places, that all kinds of Kenyans, can quickly, make deals in. 5. Parlours: Parlours really, refer to, places, where one can catch, quick entertainment, as with, the case of, a musical performance/karaoke, a magic show, or even, a televised event. In many ways, places really, to simply engage in, thinking, as with regards really, to, anything at all. In many ways, all locations too, to help, the average Kenyan, feel upbeat about themselves, and life in general too. Cultural Congruency: Cultural Congruency in all Mr. President, refers to, helping Kenyans, become, Dreamers, of all kinds, and in general, develop, a mentality, with regards to, attaining Success, in all its forms <rather than, simply, identifying, with figures, seen on TV>. In most ways, the following Infrastructure, is perceived to be right, for the average Kenyan, to develop, a, general picture, of, their overall potential, as human beings, and in all, develop too, a general belief, that, they in all, are capable of, great success.

1. Bookstores: It is disheartening Mr. President, that Kenya to this, very day,

has only, one, properly functioning, bookstore, which would be, Bookpoint, on, Moi Avenue. A total surprise Mr. President, and no where else, can, the average Kenyan, get, a good sense, of themselves, as with, Potential really, than in, a, well stocked, Bookstore. 2. Gymnasiums: In general, spots, offering, all forms of, sporting facilities, as especially with, Athletics. Developing a basic belief in, Physical ability and

potential, is highly needed, to gain a belief, in oneself, doing, greater things <a good example, includes, Kenyan Sports men and women, whom after, their careers, often, go on, to build, successful careers, in, business, having learnt, discipline, as with potential really, by running, marathons>. 3. Cycling: While Kenyans are capable, of attaining great success, in just about, many kinds of Sports <including, the 400 meter dash>, it is believed that, for the aspiring Kenyan, wishing, to build, a Sports Career, none other, could suit them more, than, Cycling. In many ways too, a sport, that can easily, help the average Kenyan, develop, the required, mental discipline, to achieve, any, goal, they might, aspire towards to. 4. Night School: There is no other, better way, for the average Kenyan <especially women>, to pick up, on, any kind, of skill <or knowledge really>, than, with the very concept, of, Night Schools. In all, Private schooling really, teaching one, just about, any topic from, cooking, to basic accounting, and even, world politics. 5. Skateboarding Arenas: Skateboarding, is in many ways, seen, as an, excellent way, for the average, Kenyan youth, to develop, the kind, of selfbelief, often, associated, with Character building. In all though, Skateboarding arenas, do help, with, youth, learning, how to, develop, physiological motor skills, heavily needed, to help, one develop, the, required People Skills, and even, Neurological skills, needed, to be, a Leader, of any kind. In many ways, all these structures above, which can be termed, City Heritage Sites, are much, better, endeavours, for Kenyans, and especially, Kenyan youth, who waste, lots of time, simply, watching, lots of TV, and surfin the Internet, but gaining, nothing much, in the end. There has been, an attempt by many, in the past, to try and make, Kenya <or Nairobi at the very least>, operate, on a, 24 hour clock basis. It is believed Mr. President, that making, the above Infrastructure, mostly operate, on, a 24-hour basis, would suit, all Kenyans, rather well, and fine too <and also help, in the attempt, to make, Nairobi, an International City, of a kind>. Alan Gicheru

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