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Dear Mr. President: The whole goal, of this document, is to help reveal, and portray too, a basic misunderstood problem, seen, in Kenya, and falsely associated, with Development itself. In many ways, its a document, thats asks, the very question, Who is truly, a Kenyan?, and it is believed, that, in adequately answering this, then, the problem, of Development itself, becomes, much more easier, to fulfill. The purpose, of asking this question, is in, many ways, to create, a base, from which, to launch, Development from, as in, mainly, creating, Success Profiles, that in all, are, supposed, to build, Kenya. In all, one can have, the perfect, Infrastructure <as that seen, in, South Africa, or even, that, proposed, in the Confederacy document>, but still too, in the end, have, no real development <as in, poverty, still exists, in, South Africa>. The reason for this, is that, there, must be a kind, of material existence <or lifestyle>, which, in many ways, creates, a typical Kenyan Identity, from which, one, can build, Success on. The creation, of Councils, is a huge start in attempting, to actually create, Kenyan Identities, as based on, Public Systems, Indigenous culture, and Religious Identity. However, that is, a very general description, of a Council, and does not say much, of the actual, kind of figures, that, live in it. In all, it, simply describes, a tribe as mainly, identified, via, Indigenous culture, and does not speak, of, actual figures, or Identities even, found, within, these tribes. Identities, pretty much needed, to actually, develop, and build Kenya, otherwise, one, does find that, tribes/Councils <and what too, has been, proposed, in all the other, documents, sent to your Office>, will simply, make, Kenya, a Middle Class country. They are documents, all based, on building Infrastructure, that is, non-existent, and will not turn, Kenya really, into, an Upper Class country, unless, it is understood, that, becoming Upper Class, is highly, identified, with creating, Success Profiles <and rather Cultural too, in nature>. To fully understand this, is to know too, that, these Identities proposed, have, in many ways too, a basic lifestyle <or material existence really>, they, adhere to, and are in, many ways, Identities/material existences, from which, to launch, Success from. When we speak, of a, successful Kikuyu, what is it, that, differentiates him/her, from, other Kikuyus? This, is actually, what, we are attempting, to answer. Lifestyles, in many ways, are, associated, with the kind, of place, one lives in, and in, most ways, its terrain, climate, and finally, weather too. To explain this somewhat easily, one, cannot live, like, a Maasai, in Europe or Asia even. Its a basic lifestyle, in many ways, only, suited, for living, in Kenya. Basic lifestyles in all, differ, from, Culture, and are associated, with, creating, a material existence, from which, in general, to survive on. A simple way of living, that, actually meets, all of ones, basic, physical, and psychological, needs. For most, a Maasai in Kenya, is a, poor figure, living in poverty, while, in reality, Maasais, have

actually, developed, a basic lifestyle, which, they have engaged in, for, generations, and meets, their physical and, psychological needs, rather well. This is not true though, for most Kenyans, who are, in many ways, slum dwellers <living, with absolutely, no, sort, of cultural identity>. In all really, basic lifestyles, do, not refer, to group survival, or a group identity, but, to sole lone figures, creating, a way of life, from which, they can, survive on <the description, of tribe, as explained above, in many ways differs from, other such definitions, as in, it refers really, to, lone individual figures, regulated, by, local government, and a religious body too>. To fully understand this better, is to know, that, what, the UN, refers to as, Socioeconomic indicators, in many ways, does really refer, to, the lack, of a basic material existence <basic lifestyles>, amongst, most Africans. The very fact, that, before one can, launch, a mission of sort, to succeed <in any way>, they must, have, a basic lifestyle/material existence-infrastructure, that at the very least, consists, of basic necessities and needs, that allows them, to, live comfortably <and therefore, think, of succeeding, and not, just surviving>. A good example, of such material existence, is paper <which is not, found, all over Kenya>. Kenya, is believed, to have, some basic lifestyles, that, the majority, actually identify with, as, with regards mainly, to survival issues. These lifestyles, in many ways, do not, actually describe, group identities, but, actually refer, to sole individual living, as with survival really. The three most, popularly known, are, Rural living <highly identified, with, Kikuyu culture>, Maasai lifestyles, and finally, Lower class living <as that seen, with, low level, Government employees>. These three, are the three, main ways, that, the average individual Kenyan, attempts, to survive, and which, Socio-economic indicators, attempt, to rectify. Even worse, are the existence, of, slum dwellers, who have, a way of living, way below, that, of rural living, and are simply, psychologically <let alone, physically>, messed up people. The best of these mentioned lifestyles, is that, of the Maasai, which in many ways, at the very least, creates, physically sound, and psychologically well, humans <despite lacking, adequate materiality>. Yet still, having said all that, it is adequately believed, that, Councils, will actually resolve, a lot of these problems, but still, will, not actually, create, a basic lifestyle, for its people. In many ways, what is been said, is that, one, should think all this, as, in creating Councils, and having, Maasais, live within them <as with keeping, their basic lifestyles>. In many ways, this truly mirrors, life, today, as seen in Europe <Councils + basic lifestyles>. An example, of a European basic lifestyle, is, visiting Cafes. Hopefully Mr. President, this is all too clear, and one does find that, for most, Kenyans, everyday living, is associated with, simply attempting, to, create, a basic lifestyle, which, they believe, will make them, happy <as with owning, a simple house>. In all, as mentioned just previously, they are actually, chasing success, in order, to feel, physically sound <and healthy>, and also, psychologically well <this meaning, even with small houses, they do desire, a certain kind>. They are not, really chasing, success, to actually feel, as worthy, achieving, human beings <who have made, history, in one way, or another>.

To better understand, basic lifestyles, and to also know, that, these lifestyles, are based very much, on the kind of land, one lives in, as with terrain perhaps, climate and weather, and to also know, that, certain places, in Kenya <as with Karen, Limuru, or even, Gilgil>, have similar, climate, and weather patterns, to those, seen in Europe <and especially England>, is to say also, that the basic lifestyles, seen, in these places, should match, those, seen, in Europe/England. In many ways, it is the Kenyan land, as with, terrain, climate and weather, that made it, become, known as, the White mans land, in one way, or another, due mainly, to the development, of, certain basic lifestyles, similar, to those seen, in Europe, that were very much, launching pads, for, the past development, of, Kenya <Kenya since then, has not, moved, to much ahead, due to, not understanding, the importance, of, basic lifestyles>. Colonials in Kenya, helped, develop, certain basic lifestyles <some based even, on, Maasai and Samburu cultures>, that they used, to create, Kenyan Identities, from which, to launch, all kinds, of, successes <in all, what is been alluded to Mr. President, is that, these, basic lifestyles, make one, simply feel, worthy and well, psychologically, and enable one, to dream, of bigger successes. They are not, based on, having lots, of materiality, but simply, a material existence, that makes, one happy, and in all, a dreamer, of bigger things/schemes>. Presented here below, are five, Kenyan Identities, created, during the Colonial period, and associated very much, with, having made Kenya, a, developing country, to watch, in the past. It is these identities, that, are very much, needed, in simply, helping, Kenya develop, to, a higher existence.

1. The Hunter: The Hunter, is a Kenyan, Identity, created during, the Colonial
period, by, certain colonials, and very much, based on, Maasai lifestyles. A good example, of the Hunter, was, Ernest Hemingway, who, lived, in general, similarly, somewhat, to a Maasai. In all, one finds that, people, who seek, to develop, lives, like the Hunter, become in all Consultants, of one kind, or another. 2. The Ascetic: The Ascetic, as a Kenyan identity, refers really, to, a person, who seeks out to live, a rather religious life, and an, associated materiality, to accompany it. A well known way, of living, by, some Kenyans, but best perhaps, exemplified, by, Elspeth Huxley. A basic lifestyle, actually, based in Kenya, on, Samburu lifestyles, and in many ways too, refers, to someone, who, attempts, to solve societal problems from a, psychological, point of view. 3. The Avant-garde: The Avant-garde, is a Kenyan Identity, having, its origins, in, the Swahili coast, and simply, represents, a person, very much, a Reader by nature, but also seeking, to, develop, Kenya economically <as with, its industries>. A person, who reads, all kinds, of thought provoking books, and attempts, to create, economic opportunity, from what, has been read. In the past, in Colonial Kenya, this Identity, was, very much, responsible, for creating, an, Aristocrat Class in Kenya. A good example, of such, a figure, was, Lord Delamere, but someone, like, Naushad Meralli, also, very much, fits, the bill. 4. The Huckster: The Huckster, is another, figure, with origins, in the, Swahili coast, and simply, refers, to someone, who, engages, in what some call, Biashara. Biashara, is a way, of doing business, based totally on, making deals, of all kinds. An Identity, heavily adopted, by, the Kikuyu, making them,

more, prosperous, than other Kenyan groups, and perhaps, best, exemplified, by the, likes, of Paul Muite. 5. The Bohemian: The Bohemian, is a figure, who, in many ways, is simply, creative, and seeks, to be as such <plays an instrument perhaps>. A figure really, who dreams up, all, kinds, of opportunity, and then, attempts, to bring about, the right, people, to make it real. Opportunity, in anything, from, running a restaurant, to, running a bookshop, to even, plotting, a holiday overseas. A Kenyan Identity, that gave birth, to, the culture, of, Kuangamiza Mambo, and based on, Omani Arab culture, and best, exemplified perhaps, by, the likes, of, Karen Blixen. These five Identities Mr. President, are what, made Kenya, what it was, in the colonial times, and even, during, the seventies. Identities, totally Kenyan, as those, who lived them, sought, to totally, forsake, their home countries, and totally, identify, as Kenyan. In many ways, Kenyas, good infrastructure <as with, lifestyles, and even, restaurants>, was built, by, these figures, and a failure to understand this is a failure, to know, why, Kenya, has simply stagnated since, the seventies. It is these, five Identities, and their, associated basic lifestyles, that, in many ways, has made, Kenya, much more, Westernized, than even, South Africa, as the general, Kenyan, is perceived, as, Western, in many ways, as, the average European. As mentioned before, these, Identities, are totally, Kenyan, and cannot, be replicated, in, other parts, of the world, as in all, they have, a heavy, Kenyan, cultural basis <as with, Maasai or Samburu cultures>.

Creating an Ordered Kenyan Society:

For the average Kenyan, everyday, life, is in many ways, simply, based around, the, search, for a meaningful, existence. A meaningful existence, as with, chasing, the, basic requirements, meant, to simply survive. As a result, what, one sees, on the streets, of most, Kenyan cities, are, people rushing, here and there, to seek out, basic necessities, in many ways in all, to mainly feel, psychologically well. Hopefully, this is all understandable, from the perspective of, All work, and no play, makes, Jack, a dull <or even really ill>, boy. You find that, in Kenya, one has to, succeed highly, before one, can, afford themselves, a basic, lifestyle, of visiting, restaurants/pubs/cafes, going on a holiday, or even, affording, an interesting book, to read. To fully understand all this too, is to also, understand, what the following, UN measures/indicators, really mean: standards of living, quality of life, and, cost of living. That in all, they actually, refer, to maintaining, a, lifestyle acquired, and that, Nairobi, has a high cost of living due really, to actually attempting, to become, American like <which does not, make sense, as, American life, is in many ways too, based on, its physical environments>. Understanding too, the five identities, mentioned above, will help one also, understand, the various, infrastructural structures, created, based on them. We are talking, of the, Muthaiga Country Club, the Norfolk Hotel, Woolworths <now gone and deceased>, African Safaris, the Carnivore, Tusker Beer, National Parks, Bookpoint <and other such, Bookstores>, RVA <Rift Valley Academy and other such, Private Schools>, Runda/Karen/Lavington residences, the Nairobi Industrial Area, the Kenyan Parliament <and Building>, and finally too, the All Saints

Cathedral in Nairobi <an important, distinguishing, landmark, of Nairobi>. In many ways, all these and more, were created, by, those, who chose, to live, life, based on, the above, five Identities mentioned. Since then, it can be said, for most part, Kenya, has not advanced, much farther, than this. Runda/Lavington/Karen, still remain, the, prime real estate properties, in Nairobi. Hopefully Mr. President, this is all, too clear, that these, five Identities, have created, mentalities, in those who, chose, to live by them, to create, the infrastructural structures, mentioned above, and are not really, part, of what, one could call, a, Council/tribe Identity <in all really, this is all about, creating, a material existence, that is, the basis, of, a Council>. As mentioned previously too Mr. President, it is said that, these five Identities, are primarily responsible, for, having made, Kenya, a developed country <to an extent>, and that, simply, creating Councils, leads, to a middle class, tribal existence, that, however, does not, do much, for actual, real development. Its simply, a basic, survival structure <the Council that is>, meeting ones, physical demands mainly <and not, the psychological well being, required, to make, one feel, rather happy>. Psychological well-being, is mostly met, by, basic lifestyles. For many Kenyans, the issue, of money, and financial management, is not, well understood, as with really, referring to, basic lifestyles, and not, enjoyment. The concept, of the, local economy <as with, Councils even>, does not, exist, due mainly, to, rather poor, financial management skills <as to somewhat, not, understanding, the nature, of, ones self really, well>. The belief, by many Kenyans, that, they should seek out, money, to go, out really, and enjoy themselves <so as to feel, good psychologically>, and not, understand really, that, psychological wellness, is actually, based on, basic lifestyles. For many, the goal, is to simply attempt, to seek out, enjoyment, as seen, on, the Television <and American Media>, and to, attempt, to feel, happy, about themselves, by, spending money, as such, and not, understanding really, that, basic happiness, is, based on, actually, having, a basic lifestyle. Others, attempt, to achieve, the kind of Success, that, a Naushad Meralli has, and not understanding that, his Success, is based on, being, an Avant-garde, and also too, his, Ismaili religious Identity. Hopefully, all this, has been explained, rather clearly, as this, is an important, issue, in helping, determine, who is actually, a true, Kenyan, and who is not. That it is, what, they call, basic, lifestyles, that help one, develop, a love, for their country, and not, development agendas, of all sorts. To fully explain this too, is to know, that, these Identities, are, associated with, creating Public Order, as with, meeting, ones needs, and demands <as a sole individual>. That, as a Psychological being, in so many words, one, has certain, needs and demands, that, one attempts, to meet, all risk, falling sick/ill, as with, being tormented/unhappy, or even, bothered/ angry with life. Needs and demands, associated, with the above for example five Identities, and speak really, of for example, the kind of food perhaps, kind of clothes, kind of housing, and in general, the kind of materiality, that, one needs <including, beer too perhaps>, to generally, just, feel happy. That for most, in Kenya, all this, has, to do, with attempting, to seek out, enjoyment, in a night club, somewhere, in a city <but living, in, poverty, in one way, or another>. All that, is what, constitutes, a local economy, and in many ways too, also, consists of, things, required, to generally do,

any kind of work, as with, pencils and paper, furniture, and even, matchsticks. That one finds really, that today, Kenya, attempting to declare, itself, to actually somewhat be, a developed country, actually, still imports, pencils and pens, from Germany. In the past, one does find, that, meeting, the needs and demands, of, the five Identities above, was, very much, done, by various, Government Bodies, of all kinds e.g. Higher Bodies <like the Court systems>, National Bodies <Kenya Law Society>, Local Bodies <Kenya Coffee Board>, Parastatals <meeting educational needs>, Institutional Bodies <like the Kenya Ports Authority>, Chambers of Commerce <used in the past, to import, what, could not be made, in Kenya>, the Kenyan Institute of Education <a body, in the past too, which attempted, to, actually, create, Kenyan Identities, based on, work done>, and other such bodies <especially, those, with a colonial past>. These Bodies, were, in many ways, used, to not, only, help in defining, Kenyan Identities, but in, many ways too, provide, for, a basic lifestyle. Many of these, Bodies, now pretty much, lie, defunct, and in many ways too<as in having them, working properly>, are the best, and fastest, and easiest way too, in helping, Kenya, become, highly developed <from an, individual perspective>. Perhaps all this, might be difficult, to, directly see, but what, has been said really, is that, Colonial lifestyles <as with, the five mentioned above>, were, maintained, and regulated by, these Bodies <and not, even Government>. That these Bodies, existed, before, there was, Government, in Kenya. Alan Gicheru

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