Regional Cooperation - 6

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Dear Mr. President: The purpose, of this, more or less, short document, is not only, to offer, a perceived, functional proposal, for a Regional Confederacy, between, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, but also to, attempt, to put, all together, all, other documents, that have been, sent to your Office, in the more or less, recent past. This proposal, should in no way be seen, to interfere with, the proposed formation, of the East African Federation. It is a proposal, that, in many ways, will not only, bring about, regional cooperation, between, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, but in many ways too, be, at the core, of, spearheading, any Development, not only, between these three countries, but also too, in many ways, in Kenya especially. This proposal, is also rather, structured, differently, from other, such proposals, you might have seen, in that, they, might have very much, been, rather institutional in their formations, while this proposal, is structured, from, more or less, a psychological perspective, to all of it. The proposed Confederacy it is been said, seeks its motivations, not really, from, perceived Socio-Economic, or Economic prospects really, but actually, from mainly, the, Psychological Well-being, of, the populations, of, the aforementioned, three countries. The basic belief, if, you have, happy and joyous, Kenyans, Ethiopians and Somalians, then, Development, is a rather easy task, rather than, instead, seeking, to base, Development, by attempting to create, a stable Socio-Economic base <or basically, personal welfare development>. It is believed that, not only, have, previous efforts at attempting, to create, stable Socio-Economic bases for all, failed <as mostly, with, literacy levels, or most, socio-economic indicators>, but that, dealing, with, the Psychological Wellbeing, of, these three countries, based on, a Confederacy, will see to it really, that considered, important Development markers, such as, the Human Development Index, are quickly met, and that, Development quickly follows too, in many ways <Europe, unlike Africa, does not, base, its development efforts, on, socio-economic indicators, but, on the, Human Development Index>. Attempting, to develop, a country, from Socio-economic indicators <and perceived, structural differences>, without, attempting really, even, to base all of it, on a, Cultural basis or identity, is rather, futile, in scope and nature <meaning, that, it is believed, that, Infrastructure, follows from Culture>. The actual formation, of this, proposed Confederacy, is not, deemed too difficult, or even, impossible to actualize, if its very basis, is well understood, and that in all, this basis play, a rather important role, in getting everything started. The proposed Confederacy, is believed, to only, consist, of 5 major sections, and in many ways, will even, be, an enhancement, of other more, popular, Confederacies, such as, the American Confederation <which really, had, two main sections, to it>. At the very heart, of this, Confederacy, is what, are referred to as, Religious groups and denominations. The believed fact really, that, Development, as with pooling of resources, and even, human development, is actually, best based on, various

Religious groups and denominations, as seen, in East Africa often, and not on really, the Church/Religion, as an Institution. That there exists, numerous, if not, thousands of, Religious groups and denominations, who in many ways, actually, greatly help, to hold civilization together, where Politics and Political Institutions, have very much failed. To see all this rather clearly, is to understand, how, Religious groups and denominations, play, a role, in our lives today. That as mentioned, in another document, so called, Kenyan tribes, are actually, an, advancement, of Social Networks becoming, Systematized <as with Public Systems really>, and having, forms of Speech, as culture; these so called, tribes, in some/many cases, often, have, a Religious foundation to them<in the form, of a, Religious group or denomination>, who attempt, not only, to provide Religion to the tribe, but also in many ways too, help create Culture, for its members <one does find Mr. President, that the, only acculturated people, in Kenya, are those who are, rather religious in nature>. By knowing and understanding this, one can see too, that, Religious groups and denominations, not only, help, in bringing people, together <as with, solving problems>, but in many ways too, help, with the problem, of accessing, resources, of all kinds, in helping, solve, these problems. In many ways in all, it is believed that, the best liaison, between, the Government, and its people <all done of course, through, Local Government>, is actually, via, the top members, of, Religious groups and denominations. Having said all that, and knowing of these, Religious groups/denominations <who can, also, very much, register, with the Government/Local Government, as a form, of identification, and authorization>, getting started, on this, proposed Confederacy and Development itself too, is much easier, than one, would, probably expect. The proposed Confederation, which will, be, at the very, base/heart, of Kenyan, Ethiopian and Somalian, Society, is believed to consist, of the following, 5 sections:

1. Commerce and Regional Market Development

2. Transport Networks and Regional Services Development 3. Counties and Regional Human Development 4. Constitutions and Regional Human Rights Development 5. Civil Liberties and Regional Human Capital Development The American Confederacy, while, in many ways, espousing, all the above, was mainly developed, in, two of these areas really: that of, Transport Networks, and, Civil Liberties. In many ways, also, it did not, have, proper, Constitutions definers, which eventually, led, to the American, Civil War. We shall attempt, to explain, the above, 5, simply, but also too, in a, rather, clear manner, so it can be seen in all, what, is actually, being spoken about, and how, in many ways, it all, best suits, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia in all, as one. Commerce and Regional Market Development: The concept, of Commerce, and Market Development, is often perceived, from, the perspective, of, movements of goods/services to those, who need them. Within this proposed Confederacy though, Commerce and Market Development, have been, reinterpreted, to the formulation, of, avenues really, for the easy, Marketing and Sales, of, goods/services. That in all, the Confederacy, makes it easy, for, the

members of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, in helping them, in easily, Marketing and Sales, of any products, they envision. This in many ways, is because, members, of these three countries, do have, their own methods, of, moving goods around, which work, rather efficiently. In many ways too, not only, is, redefining Commerce and Market Development this way, seen, to easily, help, build up, small-scale industry, but that, the very fact too, that, small-scale industry, is heavily dependent, on, large markets, due mainly, to, much more, fierce competition, between, its participants. Transport Networks and Regional Services Development: It is believed, that, the Eastern African Region, has, transport difficulties, when, in reality, the main problem, is, not actually, a lack, of roads or other such, transport networks, but in reality really, getting, people, to actually, use them. It is known, that, Kenyas Airline Industry, once, housing several, small airlines, is now, mostly left again, to participation, by, mainly, Kenya Airways only <due mainly, to, difficulty, in getting, people, to travel>. This in many ways, is, because, Kenyas Transport Networks, are mostly, based on, American Transport Networks, without a full realization, of why, American Transport Networks, are actually, designed, as they are <this will be, somewhat explained, in the next entry>. It however, is believed that, getting, people to travel, and therefore, help, induce activity of all kind <whether it be, social, political, or even, economic>, can best, be made a reality, by actually, building Transport Networks, around, the Services Industry <in many ways, give people really, a reason, or even, need, to travel>. This section, is rather, important, as it is, at, the basis, of making, the, Confederacy work, as because really, if, people, dont move around nothing, really happens. What is been said here Mr. President, is that, a whole, new emerging Services Industry, can be built, around, Transport issues, by not only, making, people, want to travel <as with, perhaps, fitting, Buses, with Televisions in them>, but also too, create, whole new environments, Services based <as with, Casinos for example>, to in general, motivate, people, to simply, move around. Hopefully, this is rather clear, as, doing this, creating, Transport networks, around, a Services Industry <as even again, with building, an Ice Rink, on the way, to Somalia really>, can help, very much, in having, people simply, move around. Again, it should be stressed, that, what is being, deemed, important here, is the, Services Industry <and creativity in it>, and not, Transport Networks. Counties and Regional Human Development: It is proposed here, rather controversially Mr. President, that, Counties, be instated, and replace, Provinces, which are common, in, the three member countries, of the, proposed, Confederacy. To fully understand this, is to, see, how, Provinces, States and Counties, differ, from each other, and, how these differences, are, at the heart, of, establishing political institutions, of any kind. Provinces, in many ways, are the largest, unit merged really, from, other smaller units, in this case, they being, Districts, and Locales. States though, differ also, being mainly, merged from Territories <served, by a Representative>, and Neighbourhoods <many of them, being, referred to, as, State Districts>. Counties though, differ from the others, being mainly, of, English origins, and being, divided, into, smaller units, as follows: Municipalities, and Councils <Local Government>. Kenya today, is divided, into,

Provinces, which in many ways, do not serve it, well. The main problem, with, Provinces as envisioned in Kenya, are, the Locales, which in actuality, refer, to settled areas. Settlements, in many ways, are heavily, based on, the land occupied, and are chosen, from the perspective, of ease, with, regards, to launching, operations, of all kinds. Neighbourhoods, on the other hand, are mainly defined, by, the mindsets <whether positive, or negative>, of the people, living there <people seek, to change, Neighbourhoods, due mainly, to the associated, positivity, or negativity, in them>. Councils on the other hand, are mainly, Cultural, and heavily defined too, by the Climate/Weather, one finds in them. As an example, of why, Provinces, are not, good for Kenya, is the Locale really, of, Karen-Langata, seen in Nairobi. It is in many ways believed, that the constituents, of, Karen and Langata, are, similar <or the same really>, to each, other, when, this is not so. From a Locale perspective, this is, not too clear, other than, the fact that, the constituents, of both, Karen and Langata, never actually, do meet each other. From the perspective, of, Councils, one can see, the big, differences in many ways, between, Karen and Langata. With regards to Public Systems, not only does, one see that, they both, have, different Public Systems, but that Langata in all, is in heavy need, of good, Public Utility Systems <from water, to sewage, and even, electricity>, while, Karen, is mainly, in need, of good, Communications Systems <including, good internet connectivity>. One does find again, that, the two places, differ, culturally, from each other, with Langata, having, a culture, that is, American-like <as with, American Popular Media>, and Karen, having one, that is, European-like, and colonial-like too, in nature. Finally, one does see too differences, in the weather/climate, in both areas, with, Langata receiving, way more rainfall, than, Karen does. In many ways, it does not seem, fit, for both areas, to be, put together, as if one, in most, or all ways. The Province model, works best, in, a place like Canada <rather cold and arid>, but in reality too, the main problem, with it, is that, its rather, exclusive, in, nature <people who live, in, Settlements, are rather close minded, and rarely, ever travel, much, out of, their settlements>. The Province model Mr. President, in many ways, has resulted, in, Kenyans, being, far more divided, between, themselves, than most, think <as with, beliefs, in Kenya, that, the only divisions, are those, based on, major Tribes>. The State model though, is for some reason, psychologically that is, known, to want, people, in general to travel much, outside, their Neighbourhoods <in search, of an, adventure, of a kind>. Municipalities again, are rather, defined, by the cultures one finds in them <as with, speech really>, and what truly, defines, a County, is the, kind of law enforcement, seen in it <States, are mainly defined, by the kind of land, seen in them, while, Provinces, are mainly defined, by, the type of Economic activity, seen in them>. In all Mr. President, it is best seen that, for a region/place <Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia>, where, not only, is Local Government, rather popular and, the existence, of, multiple forms of speech, and finally too, differences in thought, as to, what is, Law enforcement, one does find truly that, the County model, best works, in, the three member countries, of the proposed Confederacy. Regional Human Development, in many ways, refers, to Government services, and issues, surrounding, Public Systems, Cultural differences, and, finally, Law enforcement. Constitutions and Regional Human Rights Development: The proposed recent, Kenyan Constitution, does not, really, meet, the requirements, of a true, Constitution, and in many ways, is a document, that, attempts, to define,

what, they call, Civil Liberties. In many ways, a real, Constitution, is mainly, targeted, towards, monitoring, an Individual, with regards really, to, all forms, and kinds too, of, behaviour. In many ways in all, Constitutions, are not, only, Religious documents of a kind, but also too, should, be enforced rather, perhaps, by what, they call, Religious Courts. As with, Human Rights Development, what truly, defines, a Constitution, are what, they call, Executive law <as with, the American, Attorney Generals Office>, Legislative law, and finally, Civil law, which all, attempt, to monitor, Individuals, from, a Religious perspective. In many ways, neither does, Kenya, Ethiopia, or, Somalia, have, proper Constitutions, with all laws in them, monitoring Individuals, based on, a Father or Mother figure <in many ways, they are all really, Dictatorships, of one kind, or another>. In many ways in all, it can be said, that, the people, of, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, dont really have, any, Human Rights, of a kind <other than perhaps, the, numerous, Human Rights organizations, in all three, countries>. Civil Liberties and Regional Human Capital Development: For the three members, of, the proposed Confederacy, to actually, move on and develop <along with, the proposed Confederacy itself>, then, Civil Liberties, must be well, defined, as a way really, of, maintaining, Civility. This is especially true, with, the rather large, problem, of Criminality, seen, in the three member countries <of the proposed Confederacy>. What falls under, Regional Human Capital Development here, refers mainly to, several things. Amongst them, are what, are deemed, Official Languages, Public Images <the proposed, Kenyan Constitution, heavily, focusing on this>, Public Conduct, and finally perhaps, Constitutional Rights <on wealth accumulation, and, storage>. Dealing with these, are not, deemed, to, difficult, to foresee. With regards, to Official Languages, for the three member countries, it is believed that, two main forms of speech, will best serve, this, purpose: Business English <as a form, of transacting>, and Omani Swahili <as a form, of, general communication>. Business English, is proposed here, due really, to its rather, direct, nature <and easy to learn too>, and also too, due to its, efficiency, in moderating, all, forms, of workings and functionings. A language, that a Somali, would best use perhaps, when, dealing, with a Kenyan, Government official. Omani Swahili, is also, proposed, as a communicative language, due mainly, to, its lacking, a cultural basis, and that, in reality, its simply, like, a figure of Speech <in many ways>, and the very fact too, that, it is purely, communicative, in nature <and business like too >. The proposed Kenyan Constitution, does not, do well, for Public Images, as it, in many ways asks, for Kenyans, to attempt in all, to fit, Westernized Public Images. In many ways, it does not take, into account, the, cultures, seen in the place, and simply, asks for all, to attempt, to Westernize, rather than, develop, Indigenous cultures. How to deal, with this effectively, will be mentioned later below. The issue, of Public Conduct, is rather, a serious issue, in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, as in many ways, it is, associated, with the, issue, of Criminality. In many ways, Public Conduct as an example refers to, really, whether, for example, it is appropriate, for someone, to, start a fight, in public, or whether, it is okay, to spit, on the ground, or throw even, a paper, around, or even still, whether someone, should act, irritatingly, or disturbingly, in Public <and even Public Offices>, and not, be punished for it. In all, Public Conduct, is the proper defining, of what, they refer to, as, a Culture, of Formalities, Etiquette, and Procedures. In all, a form of culture, totally lacking, in, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia <and especially, Kenya>, and

making, the average Kenyan, rather animal like <as mostly, with rudeness>, in nature. Constitutional Rights, do refer, to not only, how, to go about, accumulating, wealth <as with, defining, Democratic Republic>, but also, how to, safely, store, this wealth accumulated and also use it, without, being disturbed, by others, in one way or another <in many ways, what they call, Civil Rights>.

Islamic Law and Jurisprudence:

In attempting to make all this, real, Mr. President, it is perhaps, believed that, the best way, to go about, doing this, is turning, to look <as with examples really>, at, Islamic Law and Jurisprudence. There are many reasons for all this. The first being, that, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, are mainly, Islamic, and not, Christian, as most tend to believe <or make out really>. Second too, it is known that, Kenyas general culture, being influenced by, the Swahili, is in general too, rather, Islamic in nature, than, Western <the average Kenyan, would fit, much better, in Oman, than, in London or New York>. Thirdly too many, of Kenyas, prominent Business people, come, from its, Ismaili community <such as, Naushud Meralli>, and in many ways too, making, Kenya, a rather, Islamic country, with regards to, successful, Social based Images. In many ways really, rather than, the three members, of the, proposed Confederacy, attempting, to sit down all together, and formulate, a Confederacy, from the bottom up <and probably too, Western, in thought, and hence, not suitable, for everyone >, they can all, look, into, Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, on how, to quickly go about, making, all this, a reality. If this is followed, then, it is possible, to have, the Confederacy up, and somewhat running, in 6-12 months. All this, can be truly known, if, one does not see, the Confederacy, from its, Institutions rather, but mainly, from, its Individuals, and programming them too, with all the above, in the form, of, media, such as, booklets/books, magazines, tv programs, and even, simply, Religious group meetings. The following 5 areas, of, Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, are seen as being, rather meaningful, in helping, with, all this, and any discrepancies can easily be resolved by, contacting members, of Religious councils from the, United Arab Emirates <moreso, than, Oman, or even, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia>. Doing this, will have, the very much needed, Confederacy, up and running, in no time. 1. Islamic Economical Jurisprudence Commerce and Market Development 2. Islamic Military Jurisprudence Transport Networks and Regional Services Development 3. Islamic Hygienical Jurisprudence Counties and Regional Human Development 4. Islamic Theological Jurisprudence Constitutions and Regional Human Rights Development 5. Islamic Etiquettical Jurisprudence Civil Liberties and Regional Human Capital Development All this, again, should not, be seen, as, an attempt really, to turn, Kenya, into, an Islamic country, as in all really, it is, a proposal based on, common sense. The Islamic world, is home to many, different people, and in many ways too, a place,

where, Judaism, Christianity, and, Islam, exist cordially, with each other. Western Ideologies, are known, to be rather, discriminative, in nature, and even today, Judaic, and Islamic thought, have failed, to take hold there<as with influence really>, meaning really, that, all other forms, of, manifest civilized behaviour, are rejected, therein. What this really means Mr. President, is that, attempting, to use, Western Ideologies, to bring together, Africans, is no different, from, a mouse, attempting, to befriend, a cat. Alan Gicheru

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