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Dear Mr. President: The sole purpose, of this document Mr. President, is to try, and show, how Kenya, can in many ways, become, a Regional Power, not with regards to, actual, Power Consolidation moves, but with regards to being, at the very center, of, any Power based activity, within, the Eastern African Region, and probably too, even, beyond. At the very center, of all this, is to attempt, to show, the Office of the President of Kenya, that it in many ways, perceives, not only Kenya, but also, its Powers, in a light, that in many ways, makes it, of rather limited range and scope, with regards, to the flexing, of its Powers. That really Mr. President, what is been said here, is that, there are two ways, to view, Kenya, and also, the Office of the President of Kenya: the Western way, and, the Islamic way, and that in totality, viewing it, from the Islamic way, is the only way, for the Kenyan Presidency, not only, to be of greater use, to its Citizens, but also in many ways too, make it, a rather highly esteemed position, similar in nature, to the Saudi Leadership, or even, the Office of the President of the United States of America. The Western world, Mr. President, views Kenya, from, the following light, which in all too, makes it more, of, a pawn country, for, Western Interests. In many ways in total, the Western world, views, Kenya, from the following light:

1. Independence: As with the belief, that, Kenyas history, as a, civilized place, 2.

begins, with, Independence, and before that, Kenya, was nothing more, than a, dark land, in, a dark continent. East Africa: The viewing of Kenya, from, the perspective, of East Africa, is not, wrong in all, only that, Westerners, view it really, from, the perspective, of, Languages spoken, as with Official, and Non-Official i.e. English, and Kiswahili <with English supposedly, denoting, Civility>. Africa: The Western world, does view, Kenya, from its place, within, Africa, as one really, of, the most, developed, countries, in, Africa, all together. In many ways, a supposed belief, this is because, that, Kenya, is Westernized, and not, because, it lies, at the crossroads, of, a human migration pattern, that sees too also, Congolese people, owning, businesses, in, Kenya. COMESA: The view, of Kenya, with, regards to, COMESA, has to do, with, the level, of, development, of its, Economy only. That in all cases really, Kenya, is, a rather strong, member, of, COMESA, with this, in many ways, seen, as a, springboard, for Western companies, to gain, an Economic Interest, in, the COMESA Region. Tourism: That in many ways Mr. President, when, most people, out there, think, Kenya, or Kenyan even, they dont, envision, well spoken, educated, black people, as many believe, but in actuality, residents, of, in many ways, a, Tourist haven. To most out there Mr. President, greeting, the average Kenyan, begins, with the words, Jambo, Habari gani?




In most ways Mr. President, the above, views, which is also, very much, the way, Kenyans, and, the Office of the President of Kenya, view Kenya in all, is highly, detrimental, to any form, of, progress, within, the Country, and that in all too, not only, does it speak, of, Western domination, but that in totality too, NeoColonialism <as an, Economic Domination movement, by, outsiders>, s very much, in, full swing. Mr. President, way before, there was, the, Kenyan Flag, to symbolize in many ways, Kenyan Independence, as, with new found, Western Civility, Kenya, did actually, exist. It existed, if one views, Kenya, from the, Islamic world view, which in many ways, includes, the Swahili, and, Trade Routes, between the Baganda, of Uganda, and the Islamic world too. A world view, if, well understood, places Kenya, right, at the very, center, of, a Power Conduit to say the least, that sees in all, how, Power is shared, in, the Eastern African Region, at, the very least too. The Islamic world Mr. President, views, Kenya, from the following, perspectives:

1. The Indian Ocean Trade Region: Which in all Mr. President, sees Kenya, 2.
Tanzania, Oman, the UAE and, even too, Southern India, forming, an Economic Region, to, in most ways, rival, COMESA. East African Region: Referring really, to, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, mainly, in the form, of, very open, borders, as compared, to viewing it, from, the perspective, of, Languages spoken. In all too, referring to, history, of free movement, by, just about, any group, from, any of these, countries, to the other <an example, being, Maasai movements, that saw, Maasais, freely living, in both, Kenya, and Tanzania too>. With all these groups too, associating, with each other, from, the perspective, of, Swahili cultural norms <with the Swahili too, existing, along, the East African, Coastline>. The Horn of Africa Region: Referring really, to the Islamic worldview, that, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, are mainly, Islamic <as with, Islam>, and not, Christian, or even, African Traditional. The Western world though, views Kenya instead, from, the perspective, of, Independence, and the attempts too, to Christianize <Westernize really>, Kenya, in total. Kenyan Regional City Heritages: Referring really, to the very fact Mr. President, that Kenya, is, home, to various, multiple, Cultural groups, each maintaining, its, own, Cultural Heritage, to the very fact, that, it is easy, to, find, an Indian woman, dressed, in a Saree, walking on, the streets, of Kenya, alongside, a, Shuka wearing, Maasai, or even, a Kanga wearing, Swahili. That in many ways, the belief, that, Kenya, is westernized <as being, cosmopolitan>, has to do with all these, cultural groups, existing, side by side, and not, the other belief, that, Kenya, is a westernized developing country, as with, regards, to, Western Images, of Success. The Great Lakes Region: A Region Mr. President, that, encompasses, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, the Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, and even, the Congo too. A Region, that bodes well, with, the attempt, by Kenya, to create, an, International Image, for itself, as with, Knowledge creation mostly <as Europe, as a continent, attempts, to do too>, rather than, depending, on Tourism, for this, in most ways <a common example, being, Kenya, and, Kemri>. That in all Mr. President, unlike, the Western world, that believes, in, Western education, as the only source, of all Knowledge,




the Islamic world, does believe, that, there exists, Islamic Knowledge, and, African Knowledge too The above Mr. President, are really, the ways, the, Islamic world, views Kenya, and, the Eastern African Region, with, the belief, that, the above, represents, a Region, of, great wholesome activity, which when, well, coordinated, would make, Kenya, at the very heart, of, a Regional Power Nucleus, making in all, the Office of the President of Kenya, eminent in its ways, as, an Islamic Caliphate, is <the very idea, of, a God ordained, Seat of Power>. The Indian Ocean Trade Region: The whole idea Mr. President, of seeing, Kenya, from the perspective, of, the historical, Indian Ocean Trade, is in all, to see it, as, a Region, of, far more, prosperous, Economic activity, than, COMESA is. That in many ways, while, COMESA, concentrates on, Large Scale Industry, there is far more, wealth, to be created, in Kenya, by engaging widely <as with, the Indian Ocean Trade Region>, in, Middle Scale Industry <as with, Food Processing, or even, Spare parts Manufacturing>. That in all too, the Assembling Industry, could see, a huge boon, in, activity, with regards, to, viewing, this whole Region, also too in all, from, the perspective, of it, being, rather, Cultural in nature <as with, lifestyles created, and it, ever changing too>. To further best, explain all this Mr. President, is to attempt, to show, in all, how, this Region, would in all, function, as with, regards really, to, Infrastructure. That instead, of attempting, to, Institutionalize this Region <as with, its functionings>, it would be best, to, highly computerize it, by basing, all, its activities, on, Computing Centers, in, the 5 member countries, mentioned before <Kenya, Tanzania, Oman, the UAE, and Southern India too>. In many ways, it is believed, that, this whole Region, can be defined, infrastructurally, by, the following forms, of Infrastructure:

1. Grid Computing: Grid Computing Mr. President, refers really, to, providing,
Computing Power, in, not a different manner, from, how Electricity, is provided, to, the masses. We are really talking here Mr. President, of, Computing Centers, with, Super Computers in them, in all, providing, for all, Computing Power <as with, a, Personal Computers, Computer/Motherboard, and living, the User, with only, a, Monitor, and, Keyboard too>. What these Computing Centers, will, in all supply, is, all forms, of, Knowledge, dealing with, Middle Scale Industry, from, a Religious, Social, Political, and even, Economic perspective; In many ways, in a rather, practical viewpoint, Computing Centers, providing, as much, Knowledge, on, Middle Scale Industry, as defined, as follows: Assembling, Spare Parts production, Repair and Maintenance, the Knowledge Processing Industry <encompassing, the general, Processing Industry too>, and, the, Culture Industry <providing, for all, forms, of affiliations, between, the, 5 member countries, and driven, heavily, by, the Design Industry> <A commonly known, good example in all, being, the, Graphics Design Industry>. 2. Underground Cities: The concept, of, the Underground City Mr. President, is one, not alien, to, the Islamic world, but appears nouveau, to, the Western world. In many ways, we are referring, to, underground spots, in, Nairobi for instance, where, members, of the, 5 countries mentioned above, can meet,

and, engage with, each other, in very, much, a Village like, setting <this too, also seen, in, other, member countries>. In many ways too, such Cities, as, with the Village like setting, represents, the basic, Cultural unit, of association, between, the members, of, the 5 mentioned countries above, which extend onwards, with, the creation, of, Cultural Centers <as with, the example, of, Media, from these, 5 member countries>, Political Institutes <serving, the political needs, an example being Law, of the members, of, the 5 countries, visiting, any other>, and finally, Religious Festivities <by Religious Organizations, associated, with, members, of, the 5 countries, with the sole purpose, of not, only for example, offering, accommodation to them, but also, for the purpose, of, molding, the members, of these, 5 countries, Religiously, to eventually help them, in developing, powerful, mindsets and mentalities, that in all, help, with not only, developing, Intellectual prowess, but also in all, a common, Identity for all>. 3. Architectural Design: By Architectural Design Mr. President, we are referring, mainly, to, Urban Planning really, as, associated, with the creation, of, temporary living spaces, such as, those, seen, in Dubai. The belief Mr. President, that, wealthy members, of, this Region, will, probably want to, spend, some time, living, in, any, of the, 5 member countries, and that, spaces, should be, set aside, in the Nairobi region, to build, probably, whole, new, Urban Developments <as with, a city perhaps>, to accommodate, all this. In many ways, it is believed, that looking, at, the Architectural Design, popular, in New York, in, the 20s, or even, in, Johannesburg <that consisting, of, largely, wide streets>, to in all, have members, of, the 5 different countries, feeling, very much, at, home <it is said, that London, did, grow, from such, Urban Developments> <A rather small example in case, would be, the building, of, Urban Developments, based around, a Park, like, Central Park, or even, the Madison Square Garden, in, NY City>. 4. Free Energy: By Free Energy Mr. President, we are not only, referring to, the basic belief, that, the sectors, mentioned above, and, associated with, Middle Scale Industry, can be based, around, Free Energy sources <like, Solar Energy, or even, Wind Energy>, but also, with regards to, the running, of, associated, developments, such as, the, Underground Cities, and, Urban Developments, mentioned, just above. It is believed then, that, investing, in Solar Energy, or even, Wind Energy, and other, such deemed, Free Energy sources, be used, to run, everything <and especially, micro-scale enterprises, in the above, 5 sectors mentioned>, and in all too, the end goal, should be, that, as little, as possible, Energy, is used, to run, everything, associated with, all this <meaning too in all, that, old shipping lines, as with, Wind Tides, be put, into use>. 5. Internet Database Management Systems: By Internet Database Management Systems Mr. President, we are talking, of, Data Storage Systems, that deal, with, issues, pertaining to, all the above, as with, problem solving, mainly, from a, Religious, Social, Political, and even, Economic perspective. That in most cases Mr. President, it is perceived that, any problems associated, with, all the above, are not, really, Monetary in nature, or even, Institutional <as with, by-pass laws even>, but actually, with, surrounding/environmental, and even, cultural based, Religious, Social, Political, and, Economic issues, of the regions, associated with, the, 5 country members, of, this, Indian Ocean Trade Region.

The East African Region: The whole idea Mr. President, of gaining, a new, perspective, of the, East African Region, other than, looking at it, from, the perspective, of, Official or, Non-Official, Languages spoken, is instead, to look at it, from, a historical perspective <as with Colonialism really>, and the opening, of the borders, of these, 3 member countries, and replacing such borders, with, Security Systems. While Colonialism, is often represented, as, a difficult excursion, in, Kenya, due mainly, to, atrocities seen there, it is also, well known, that, such atrocities, were rare, in, Colonial Tanzania, and, Colonial Uganda too. In all Mr. President, the view, that, Colonialism, was a terrible moment, in, Kenyan, or even, East African history, does not, hold much substance <other than, for, the Kikuyu, as compared, to, the Maasai for instance>, and in many ways, did give, birth, to a booming, industry, of Deal-making <or what, the Swahili, call, Biashara>, that integrated, and united, all, the members, of these, 3 member countries, of the East African Region. An industry, supported in all, by, Security Systems, made up, of, the following 5 units:

1. The Hostelling Industry: The Hostelling Industry, based around, Hotels,

Motels, and even, Conferencing <Conference Centers>, is one in many ways too, associated with, those seeking, to do, Biashara, and coming in, mainly, from, the East African Region. During the Colonial times, East Africans, moved around, the, three countries, of, Kenya, Tanzania, and, Uganda, living around, the Hostelling Industry, and in all too, engaging in, Biashara, by meeting, all kinds, of people <even from, abroad>, and making, all kinds, of, deals. 2. Administration Police: When speaking, of, Administration Police here, we are referring really, to, the creation, of, a Policing Unit, similar in nature, to, the Religious Police, one sees, in, the Middle East countries, due mainly, to, the belief, that, most crime, in, East Africa, is not really, of, the political kind, or, nature even in all, but actually, of, the Religious type <as with, drinking too much, quarrels and fights, and even, non-religious conduct, as with, prostitution, or even, manner of speech> <important in general, to limit, the number of conmen, and thieves for example, often associated, with this industry>. 3. Regional Headquarters: By Regional headquarters Mr. President, we are referring really, to the creation, of, needed Security Initiatives <in the form really, of, National Security Initiatives, and, Government Social Policies>, to help, regulate, activity, of all kind, in, the East African Region. A better way, of regulating, such said, activity, as compared, to, depending, on, the physical infrastructural regulation, of, human bodies <as with, defining, who is, and, who is not, a Citizen>, of Kenya, or, Tanzania even. 4. B2B Commerce: B2B Mr. President, is an abbreviation, for, Business-toBusiness Commercial activity, that takes place, around, Deal making, opportunities. In many ways, while hyped, in, the western world, as with, computerization really, it refers mainly though, to an industry, associated, with, Deal making, in the form, of, Signs and Postings, but presented really, in the form, of, Catalogues, Yellow Pages, Business Directories, Public Notice

Boards, Public Signs too, and, at the upper levels, of operation, referring in all, to, Boutiques, Auctions, and, Vintage Merchandising. An industry, once Mr. President, highly regulated, by, East African Indians, and seen too, at, the very core, of, the Deal-making, Industry, mentioned above. 5. Public Management Services: With regards, to Public Management Services Mr. President, we are referring, to the fact, that, it is difficult, for, most Political Institutions, to offer, their, services, to most, East Africans <and especially rural>, and it best be seen, that, all forms, of, political problem solving, in East Africa <as with, issuing IDs and Passports, Fuel Depositories, or even, paying electricity bills>, be under, the management, of, the Police. In all, expanding the Police Forces, in East Africa, to even, include, Police Patrols, into, remote regions, of, East Africa, to help, with, any forms, of, problem solving <rather than, depending, on, NGOs>. In most ways, it is believed, that, the problems, the Police will face, in such, endeavors, will be, of, the help, aid and assistance, variety. The Horn of Africa Region: When dealing, with the Horn of Africa Mr. President, it has been, perceived, that, its an area, that, is highly, associated, with issues, structural in nature, and dealing with, issues in themselves, originating, from, Independence, and the handing, of power, to, Africans, as with, self-rule. The problems, originating from this, are rather, Religious in nature, rather than, Political, as often assumed, and often, associated, with, levels of development, as really with, standards of living, and even, literacy rates. The belief in all, that the Horn of Africa, is in general, underdeveloped, due mainly, to, its peoples, lacking, a Western education <as with literacy rates mainly>, and in all, not too, intelligent, as mainly with, managing themselves. The truth of the matter is though, that, the Horn of Africa <as with, those, who move around it>, consists, of peoples, with, highly varying, different lifestyles <Islamic, African Traditional, and even, Christian>, and that, poverty, in the Region, is mainly, associated, with, the failure, to understand, these lifestyles, as, with supporting them, to reaching, high levels, of development <the very false belief Mr. President, that, a Western education, will get you, a good job, and, a good house, when in reality, Kenya itself, is, besieged, with hundreds of thousands, of, unemployed, School graduates>. Instead, it is believed, that it is best, to help, support, developing, the already existing lifestyles, to a higher, level of existence, rather than, the false belief, that, a western lifestyle, will bring one, the happiness, and success <as with owning a business even>, that many often, seek out. Instead really Mr. President, the following initiatives, recommended below, it is believed, will see to it, that, poverty rates, in, the Horn of Africa Region, fall, drastically, by attempting, to get, at, the very base, of, existence, of the lifestyles, associated, with, this Region <whether they be, Islamic, Christian, or even, African

Traditional>, and that, one, will find, that, at this level <the base level>, they are all, pretty much, the, same <due mainly, to the Area inhabited>.

1. Communication

Systems: The belief, that, providing, ample, Communications Systems, as with, Cellular, and even, Internet services <cheap and ample>, will, at the very least, see to it, that, a lot, of, the problems, in this Region, are readily, dealt with <the very fact Mr. President, that time, more even, than, money, is of crucial importance, in dealing, with, problems, seen, in, the Horn of Africa Region>. 2. Transportation Networks: Transportation Networks Mr. President, readily differ, from, Transport Networks, as they are in all, strongly associated, with, problem solving. The very important fact too, that, most of the peoples, in, the Horn of Africa Region, lack, the resources, needed, to solve, their, problems, and that these, resources, can be, available to them <as with rental even>, through, Transportation Networks, linked in all, to, Prominent Figures, and built around, a, Rental, Hire and Hospitality Industry <that this Industry alone, can wipe out, the, NGO presence, in, the Horn of Africa Region>. 3. City Development Strategies: City Development Initiatives, Mr. President, refers really, not, to the building, of Cities around, Economic Activity, but actually, around, Cultural Lifestyles, as especially, as associated, with, Transportation issues, and the movement, of, People, rather than, Goods. The very fact Mr. President, that life, in, the Horn of Africa Region, from the ancient times, to, the times, of Earnest Hemingway even <and even, to the present>, involved, a lifestyle, of oftenly, moving around, as, with visiting, ones relatives, or friends even <that really Mr. President, the concept, of, the Village, has never, truly existed, in the Horn of Africa Region, and instead, one, has traditionally seen, Individual Settlements, spread, all over>. That building, Cities based around, the Media Industries, is the way, to go, with, dealing, with developing, the often, perceived, poor lifestyles, of, the people, living, in, the Horn of Africa Region, which in many ways, leads them, to, develop, poor mentalities, as with, regards, to, their futures. That in totality, Western lifestyles, as often, envisioned by most, are not, practical, in the Horn of Africa Region, as with, the Psychology/people, or even, the Economics <that in all too, Media Industries, based on, the movement, of people, and not, goods, or what, some call, Mass Media, are capable of, providing, ample employment, for all, in, such, Media driven, Cities>. 4. Oil and Gas Industry: The very fact Mr. President, that Kenya, and, the Horn of Africa Region, has rather, serious, Energy issues, due mainly, to, not knowing, how, to develop, proper, lifestyles, to live by. That in fact, Kenya today, is, still, very much debt ridden, due mainly, to its, having <and maintaining>, a, high Energy Bill, that it, simply, in many ways, cannot, totally, pay off. At the heart of all this, is, the attempt, to create, and develop, Western lifestyles, all over, Kenya <and the Horn of Africa Region too>, that are highly <the lifestyles that is>, dependent, on, Oil and Gas. In many ways, this can be, dealt with, by, obviously, investing, in, the Oil and Gas Processing Industry <as with bio-fuels even>, and that, truly, investing, in, developing, the traditional lifestyles, of, the peoples, in this Region <as with Mass Media driven Cities mainly>, will see to it, a huge drop, in, the Oil

and Gas consumption, in, the Horn of Africa Region <One can seek out, inspiration, for all this i.e. Mass Media driven Cities, from Oman, as Muscat, is, in many ways too, a, Mass Media driven City>. 5. Power and Administrative Systems: The very fact Mr. President, that, the concept, of Government Power <as defined, by, the Western world>, has failed, to work, in, the Horn of Africa Region, and that, instead, the Region, has seen, a lot, of, ethnic clashing and violence due mainly, to differing, lifestyles, and that in all really, this issue, can easily, be dealt with, from, the perspective, of, Religious Power Systems <preferably, Islamic>. An Islamic Clergy, dealing with, Traditional Leaders, in, maintaining peace, in the Region <in the same way, that, Hizbul Islam, the, Somali Islamic Clerical group, were able, to bring, peace, and civility, to, a Mogadishu torn apart by warring, where, the Americans, and, Swedes, had failed before>. Kenyan Regional City Heritages: By Kenyan Regional City Heritages, we are referring to, the fact, that Kenya, as, with those, who, primarily, identify with, its Cities, is home, to, many, and multiple, Cultural groups, who have, in many ways, made homes, for themselves, around, most, of Kenyas, major Cities. That in fact Mr. President, that Kenya in all<from a political perspective>, actually, does consist, of, major Cities, and, the Local Governments, that, serve them. Yet in reality still Mr. President, it is known, and perceived, that, the Kenyan Government, is actually, out, of touch, with, real Kenyans <as with its Citizens really>, concentrating, most of its efforts, in, dealing really, with, the Horn of Africa Regions, issues <from eminent, Energy Crises, to Communications Systems, and even, Ethnic issues>. A Kenya, that most, who live, in its major Cities, know nothing, much about < with the exception, of, the News Media>, and in many ways, it is popularly, and commonly known, that, life in Kenya <as mainly with Nairobi even>, has deteriorated, from, the Seventies, and, Colonial times too, due to, the collapse in all, of, Local Government, and, City Councils. Kenya is home, to many groups, some often, wealthy infact, who come here, to, create, a home, for, themselves <and in many ways too, a source, of, FDI>, but with many instead, seeking, to leave eventually, due, to a lack even, of, proper, public water utilities. If Kenyan Cities, are to look, presentable, and in all too, function, as, homes, to different Communities, and, Cultural groups, each living, in, their own spaces really, and interacting, with each other, mainly, via, Cultural Heritages <like the Indian Communities, inviting others, over, for, Idl-ul-Fitr Celebrations>, then, the Kenyan Government, must heavily, invest, into, Local Government, as probably perhaps, by basing it, on, an Infrastructure, based on, the, following:

1. Public Utilities and City Hall: In many ways Mr. President, one can easily say,
that, the Mayor of Nairobi <and especially, former Mayors Mwangi, and Gakuo>, is indeed really, the unofficial, president, of Kenya <that most





Kenyan Citizens, really, truly, identify with>, as it is mainly, the Mayors efforts, that have brought, changes, to Kenya <as with inspiration too, via, Nairobi>. In most ways though, City Hall, has failed, to provide, Public Utilities, to most, of Nairobis Residents <obviously due, to, political hocus pocus>, although really, several parts, of Nairobi, do function well enough, but in reality, much more, could be done, with regards, to, re-zoning, Nairobi, along, the lines, of, Councils. Architecture & Design: It being known, that Kenya, is home, to, many, different Cultural groups, it also does bid well Mr. President, that something, unite them, all, together, as one. It has been observed, that Nairobi, is home, to many, different types, of Architecture and Designs, lining out, its, streets, and in many ways too, making for an environment, alien, to most. It is however believed, that, all this, can be resolved, by, sticking really, to one, Architecture & Design style, that made, Nairobi, in the past: Colonial Architecture & Design. That in all really, Nairobi, as a, modern City, has been heavily, defined, by, the Architecture & Design, associated, with, the Kenyan National Archives building, the Holy Family Basilica, and even, Nyayo House, all, in, Nairobi. In many ways, while Colonial Architecture & Design, is, European in nature, as with regards really, to its Architecture, its Design though, is very much, African, as in all too, is, the labour/knowledge required <Engineering>, and, Materials used <making Colonial Architecture, in Kenya, rather African, in all>. Hopefully, City Hall too, can be responsible, for, looking, over matters, of, Architecture & Design. Banking & Governmental Services: When speaking of Banking & Governmental Services Mr. President, we are in all, speaking really, of, services, associated with, Community/Council issues, as mainly to do, with, problem solving. In all really Mr. President, problem solving, more along, the lines, of, an Investment, in, Systems Design, to help deal, with, just about, any form, of Community based problems, that often, arise <from transport issues, to poor internet connectivity, and even, local health care improvement>. All these services, not freely, provided for, by the Government in totality, but in many ways really, commercialized, rather than, taxed <in all really, speaking of, commercialization, along the lines, of, making Investments, as with, foreseeing, future changes, rather than, communal problem solving, involving, taxes> <In many ways too, using, Investments, to solve, Community/Council problems, eradicates, the very huge, problem, in Kenya, of, collecting taxes, as often reported, in, the media>. Local Government Offices: Referring really, to Offices Mr. President, that are at the basis, of solving, Family based, Domestic issues/problems, mostly through, an, Advisory role. In many ways, speaking really, of, issues, pertaining, to the rearing, and creating, of, healthy and happy, families, mainly through, Knowledge access. In many ways, not only, should, these Offices, be associated, with, Religious groups, but also too, limit, the creation, of, Extended Families <they being, a relic, of, more or less, primitive times>, with the general, agreement, that Kenya, functions best, based on, the, concept, of, the Nuclear Family. Business Communication Centers: Attempts have been made Mr. President, numerous in all, to define, Nairobi <and other major Cities in Kenya>, as being, more or less, International, in nature. Most of these attempts though,

have been, with regards, to attempting, to upgrade, facilities, associated with, the Tourism sector. It is believed though, that turning, Nairobi at least, to, an International City, does begin really, with, the opening, of, Business Communication Centers, offering, Consumer Services, more along, the line, of, Personalized Services. We are speaking really, of, Centers, offering, Personal Banking Services <even across, the World, and rather, easy, to engage in>, Messaging Systems <that allow one, to reach, anybody, anywhere, at more or less, an, exclusive cost>, Government Media <to be used, to help, locals, or Internationals, with regards, to all sorts, of, Information, on basic, survival, in Kenya>, and finally, Privatized Public Utilities <as with, pay to use toilets, chauffeured limousines, and even, Private Accommodation Facilities, as accompanying, Privatized Public Utilities, as compared, to, Hotels>. The Great Lakes Region: The Great Lakes Region Mr. President, has been a rather, more or less, troubling, spot, for Kenya atleast, and especially, with regards really, to, defining it. Traditionally, it was associated, with, the Swahili Civilization, and, Trade, carried out, between, the Swahili, and groups, seen, in the Great Lakes Region, and in many ways, not only, enabling, the spread, of Kiswahili to this Region, but also in all, helping, in the creation, of, African Industries, producing, all forms, of goods, many which were, then, exported, by, the Swahili, to India, and beyond <a lot of this also, included, Agricultural products>. Today though, the Great Lakes Region, is often, associated, with attempting, to stabilize it, as mainly due, to, Economic issues, also due, to the fact, that, many of its, past Industries, have very much, collapsed, in all. As a result really, and also as with, history, the cultures, in, the Great Lakes Region, have often, been, of, the Military kind, and as a result, of, Economic collapse, Military warfare, has been, in many ways, the, obvious result. In this document though, the Great Lakes Region, has been, redefined, to include, Ethiopia, Somalia, and, the Sudan, and while, many today, see, the Great Lakes Region, more from, attempting, to bring, peace, to different groups seen there, it is probably, best, to best see, different groups, in, this Region, from, the perspective, of, Military Systems, and in all, attempting, to have, each group, in, this Region, operating, very much, like, an Army <as with, survival, culture, and even, wealth creation itself>. What we shall attempt to state here, is that, its possible, to unite, members, of the, Great Lakes Region <as defined above, as including, Ethiopia or the Sudan>, along the lines, of, Military Systems <as uniting the member countries, of this, Region, and also in all, creating, Defence systems, based very much, on, groups, being Militarized, and surviving, on their own, but still in all, serving, as members, of, the overall, Military Systems, of, the Region>. What we are saying here Mr. President really, is that, its possible, to define, basic Military units, and have people, join them, as more or less, a Cultural group, with these basic, Military units, one

amongst, many, seen, all over, the, Great Lakes Region, and surviving, on their own, based on, the, Knowledge Creation Industries. To foresee all this, in a better light, is the attempt, to show, from, an Islamic perspective <as with, the Swahili Great Lakes Region Trade>, that, as there very much, exists, Islamic Knowledge, there exists too, African Knowledge, which can be, used, to make, Africans wealthy <an example being, that Asians, and especially, Indians, often imported, African Steel based products, compared, to making, their own, via, the Swahili>. It is believed, that Africans, in the Great Lake Regions <and especially, those, in the Congo>, have the acquired, Intelligence, and past Knowledge, that can help them, engage, in, the following, Knowledge based Industries, which can, also, be used, for, export, and to give in all, the Great Lakes Region, an, International Image, to revere, especially, when their current Image, has been heavily tarnished severely, by, an overzealous, Western Media. The Knowledge based Industries, spoken about here, are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Governance & Peacekeeping Medical Research BioEngineering Research Geomatics & Space Research Urbanization Research

As mentioned before, it is believed, that, it is mainly, the Africans, in, the Congo, that are heavily, capable, of all this, as they do have, an, African Knowledge base, from, the past, associated, with, all the above. When speaking, of, Governance & Peacekeeping, it is well known, that, the Great Lakes Region, has in many ways, accumulated, such Knowledge, in great quantities, and hence, resulting, in Kenya, being, one, of the more or less, known, Peacekeeping countries, in the World. With regards, to, Medical Research, it is well known too, that, Africans <and especially those, in the Congo>, have accumulated, a Medical based Body of Knowledge, heavily based, on, Epistemology, which can be, hugely, commercialized on. With regards to Bioengineering on the otherhand, Organizations, like Kemri, have shown, that, the Great Lakes Region, does have, a lot, to offer, in, this area, and especially, with regards, to, Agro-products research. Geomatics & Space Research, might sound, rather hard, to, take in, as they are, deemed by many, to be, rather, expensive Industries, to engage in, but we instead here, really, speak of, the fact, that, Geomatic applications, work, rather well, in, the Great Lakes Region <as mainly with regards to, survival issues, and even, security issues>, but when dealing, with, Space Research, we are mainly, referring, to three, sub-industries, of this Field: 1. Materials Sciences 2. Laser Research 3. Hydraulics Research

When speaking, of, Materials Sciences, it is believed, and perceived too, that, this field, can be, of great help, in, solving, many, of Africas, rather, technical, and structural, problems in all. In many ways, it is believed, that, Africans, in the Great Lakes Region, do possess, the Intelligence, for all this, as in the past, they had, developed, great, Metal Working Industries, that they, largely, profited from, through the Swahili. Laser Research here, speaks of, the actual, in-depth, studying, of Lasers, with the end result, being, the accumulation, of, a Body of Knowledge <as mainly with, applied knowledge really>, that can be used, to solve, problems, of all kinds, largely based, on, principles observed. A not too, expensive, endeavour, as most might believe, as, African Vodou Spirituality, is actually, based on, doing the same, with regards though, to, the study, of, Brain Waves <an interesting source on all this Mr. President, as a, recommendation really, is, the book, The Vodou Quantum Leap by, one, Reginald Crosley>. Hydraulics Research Mr. President, speaks of, the study, of, Hydraulics <as with, River beds perhaps>, and the accumulation, of, a Body of Knowledge, associated, with the solving, of, stability problems/issues, of all kinds <including those, having, to do, with, survival>. An area, not of, too much difficulty, to Africans, as they, have, similar Knowledge bases, based on, the, instability, of, practicing, Agriculture, in Africa. And as a conclusion Mr. President, Urbanization research Mr. President, speaks of, the fact, that, Africans, in the Great Lakes Regions <and especially, those, in, the Congo>, have developed, rather, interesting, cultures, and cultural systems, that make, for, interesting ways of living, within the Congo itself, and that, eventually, these, cultural systems <as with, Urbanization really>, can be, exported, as with regards really, to, new ways, of, building, Cities in themselves. In many ways, this Research <Urbanization>, is also, carried out, by, the Military Units, spoken about, as with, developing lifestyles, and ways of existences, that in, many ways too, can allow them, to, move, from one area, to, another. Having said all that Mr. President, the belief, that, Africans, in the Great Lake Regions, can, band together, in, Military Units <decentralized in all, but, connected, to, a main center>, and not, only, develop, their own lifestyles from this, but also too, generate, lots, of Knowledge, as based, on, Research, which can be, exported, to give, the members, of, the Great Lakes Region, a high, International standing, as with, Images really, but also in all, the very fact, that, Knowledge based Research, is best, carried out, not by, Universities really, but, by, the Militaries and other, such, Armed Forces. Below, will be given, five, basic, Military Units, that can, be used, to create, Military cultures, in, the Great Lakes Region, as a means, of, Defence, for the whole Region.

1. The Army: Best centered, in, the Congo <as mainly, in the form, of,
independent Militias>, and not only too, engaging, in, lifestyles, based on, Urbanization, but also too, probably, offering, E-Government services, to those, who, might need them, wherever, they might be. 2. Special Forces: Best centered, in, Tanzania, and engaging, in, daily lifestyles, associated, with, the Geomatics Industry, and while also, engaging, in, the other, above, forms, of Research too. In many ways too, can provide, Managerial services, as with, helping, offshoot, any forms, of, trouble, that might, arise <of the warring kind really> <In many ways too,

lifestyles, based on, spotting problems, and, dealing with them, as also seen, with, Religious self-improvement>. 3. GSU Corps: The Kenyan GSU, can be seen, in, many ways, as a form, of Corps operations, heavily associated, with, Governance, and Peacekeeping, issues <as with also, developing, daily lifestyles>, as mainly with, employment too, in, helping run, any forms, of, Government bodies, from, the perspective, of, Management <including also too, Local Government Offices>. 4. ParaMilitary Units: Best centered, in, Ethiopia, and engaging, in, applied Medical Research <as daily lifestyles really>, as with engaging, in, the creation, of, all kinds, of, Networks <to help, deal, with, poverty, impoverishment, and, all other forms, of, ailings>, seen, in, the Great Lakes Region, while too also, engaging, in, the other forms, of, Research, mentioned above. ParaMilitary groups, also replace, the, often perceived, useless, Air forces units, with, other forms, of, flight vehicles, such as, Helicopters. 5. The Navies: Best centered, in, the Sudan, and also too, engaging in, BioEngineering and Marine Research <not only, as, a form, of, daily lifestyles>, but also, incorporating, the other forms, of, Research mentioned, above, into all this, but in most ways really, also working in all, in, Academic based Industries <Social Sciences based Industries>, such as, Tourism, Foods Industries, Library Services, and even, the, Fashion & Garments Industries <within the Great Lakes Regions, and, Internationally too> <In many ways, this all speaks, of, applying, the interesting patterns, observed, in, BioEngineering and Marine Research, to, the Social Sciences based Industries, and in all too, responsible, for raising, the, Standards of Living, and Quality of Life indexes, in, the Great Lakes Region>. With regards, to Research, as mentioned above, it is noted, that, each Military group, is associated, with, one major area, of, Research, but it can also be seen, to the, discerning eye, how, Research, in one area, can be applied, to, the other areas <in an, interdisciplinary manner>, as with, using for example, Patterns observed, in, BioEngineering, to help, deal, with order issues, as with regards, to, Urbanization, or even, how Patterns observed, in, Marine Research, can be used, to create, experimental constructs, in, Space Research; other examples, include, the use, of, Governance & Peacekeeping Protocols, to create, similar, protocols, in Urbanization <as with, security protocols for example>, or even, in, Geomatics <as with, the applying, of, Geomatic Solutions, often deemed, too, theoretical in scope> <Knowledge too, from, Medical Research, often, of the, Networks kind, can be used, to create, all, other kinds, of, Network solutions, in, the other areas, of, Research, mentioned>. In all Mr. President really, creating, a whole, Universe, or even, Matrix really, of, existence, totally based, on, the above, five forms, of, Research. Conclusion: In conclusion, to all this Mr. President, Kenya, should play, an, Officiating <and not, Managerial>, Role, to all, the above. In many ways, this refers, to giving, the green light, to any, of the activity, associated, with the above, sometimes, from the,

perspective, of, Resources allocation, and even, Specialized Knowledge required <as with, Ethical, Legal, and, Social issues, from more or less, a, Religious standing>. In many ways, it is believed, that making, all this real, can be, easily foreseeable, if, one uses, the Construction Model <of, manifesting reality, as with, starting with, small scale model units>, rather than, the, Western Development Model <which is based, on, heavy investment, in, Infrastructure> <An example of all this, being, the false belief, you need, a, whole University, to do, Research, rather than, a, small lab, in all>. To also, in many ways, see, all this, much clearer, is to attempt, to see, the basic unit, of, Commercial Activity, associated, with, all the Regions, above <so as to, help, in, the actual modeling, of, daily activity, in, these Regions>. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Indian Ocean Trade Region: Malls and Hyper-Markets. The East African Region: Shopping Centers The Horn of Africa Region: Supermarkets Kenyan Regional City Heritages: General Stores and Super marts The Great Lakes Region: Department Stores

In a final conclusion Mr. President, it is not, foreseen, that Kenya, has the sole ability, in, making all this, real, and in many ways too, as with, attempting, to redefine, the, Kenyan Presidency in all, along, the lines, of, an Islamic Caliphate <as with the, Officiating duties, defined above>; it is therefore, believed, that only, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is capable, of, making all this, a reality, as especially too, with regards, to, using, the Construction Model, of Development. In many ways too, it is perceived, that, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, can play, a huge role, in helping, the Kenyan Presidency, with, the rather, difficult matters, of, Officiating, all this <in many ways Mr. President, what is been said here, is that, the Kenyan Presidency, should consider, sharing powers, with, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with regards, to all this, in a similar fashion, to how, the, Baghdad Caliphate of old, helped, with Officiating issues, in, the Fatimid Caliphate, seen, in Egypt>. In many ways Mr. President, this perceived new role, of, the Kenyan Presidency, is, a Religious Role, and not, Political, and the overall Structure, foreseen here, can only, be seen, within, Islamic Institutions, and not, other kind, of, Institutions, seen around, the world. This should not, be a surprise < the asking, of, the sharing of powers, with, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia>, in that, all, the above <including, the Great Lakes Region>, is mainly, Islamic, and not, Christian <or Western>, or even, African Traditional really <for Tanzania too, is largely, Islamic in all, and not, Christian, as many, presuppose>. If the Kenyan Presidency, should accept, to do all this, it is then, obviously perceived Mr. President, that, the Kenyan Vice-Presidency, take precedence, in, handling issues, associated, with, the Kenyan Presidency, pertaining mainly, to, Kenya itself, and, Local Governments. Alan Gicheru

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