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A Proposed Economic Revival Plan for the Democratic Republic of Kenya:

To Whom It May Concern: The purpose of this document, is to hopefully present, to the Swahili People, a proposal in all, that can have them, able, to save Kenyas fledgling Economy. It is believed, that the Swahili, are the most likely, and most too also, capable, of doing this, as they, probably like the writer himself, are able in all, to think, outside the box. Most of Kenyas Economic problems, are believed, caused by the Government, and while this, is partially true, a lot of it, has to do, with the failure to learn really, how to properly, live in Kenya. That living in Kenya, requires a certain way of thinking, which the Government, and most of the people, living within Kenya today, fail to show. We shall attempt really, Mr. Reader, to present to one, creative ideas really, that hopefully, will be taken in, as with helping one perhaps, use them, in helping them to see, and understand, the various often unrecognized problems, that Kenya faces, that if solved in all, would bring about, a dramatic change, in Life Standards, within the Country. Creative Ideas, that are part of a whole, but also in all truly, can be used, as standalone ideas.

Country versus Home:

One of the major problems, facing Government Administration, in Kenya today, is the failure really, to realize in all, how Kenya truly perhaps, does work. That in all dear Reader, most in the Government, believe, that Kenya works around, the Government itself <as with Employment mainly, and the Office>, while in reality, Kenya truly functions, around the Home. Hopefully, this is understood, as what is said is that, while the Government believes Kenya, to operate around, the 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Routine really, it does not do so at all, and actually operates, around, the various Homes perhaps, seen in Kenya, and embodied in all, by different cultures. This presented here, as said before, is simply, a conceptual creative idea, that is the first step, to helping the dear Reader, understand, that Kenya, does not work or function, as they believe it, to do <and that, a life based around the Home, is one heavily driven, by dealmaking, or what the Swahili call, Biashara>. Having said this dear Reader, one can perhaps envision the fact, that the Kenyan Economy <as measured by GDP>, most likely, does not exist, and that Kenya truly, does not run even, on the Informal Economy, as some Kenyan Ministers believe, but actually, on the Mass Communications Industry <as encompassing, Advertising, Marketing, Sales, Branding, and Promotions>, and all this too, based around, not only serving, the needs, of Individuals and Homes in Kenya, but in all really too, driven again, by the Micro-Finance & Credit Savings Industry.

Thats Kenya in a summary dear Reader, and a way of life really, that has seen, Kenya invaded by all forms and kinds of people, as with their realizing, that gaining Credit in Kenya <as a form of money, is rather simple in all>.

The Compass vs. the Watch:

Below will again, be presented, a rather new way, of looking at Kenya again, as primarily with regards, to how, life is actually lived in it. The title above, refers to again, the very fact, that most within Kenya today, fail to realize perhaps, that living in Kenya, is heavily based on, the Compass, rather than, the Watch. Allow me, to explain this to you dear Reader, as it is not, something too difficult, to envision or see even. At any one moment, in Kenya, or along its rather at times, busy streets, the average Individual, is not driven, by Time, but is actually, searching for Direction. That in all really Mr. Reader, the average person in Kenya, is heavily driven, by the Compass, and not, the Watch. All that, is the first step, in helping one, conceptualize Kenya, as life is lived within it, today. Another dictate really, tells us Mr. Reader, that living life in Kenya, is based around, Designing it, and not actually, Planning for it <as many often erroneously, tend to do>. That Designing Life, is actually, all about, living Life around ones Liberty and Freedom, while Planning for Life, which is often heavily promoted, is all about, a Life based on working, with the eventual hope of, earning ones Liberty/Freedom. That in Kenya, the Designing of Life, is more desirable, than using, the Planning for Life angle. Finally Mr. Reader, it should be known, that the average person in Kenya, is not always seeking, Entertainment <as many Night Club, Mall, or even Hotel/Motel owner, tends to believe>, but actually, that when the average Kenyan, goes out to seek enjoyment, they are truly really, seeking out Humour <and to be made, to laugh a lot, and hence truly why, Bars, are rather popular, everywhere in Kenya>. The above three Mr. Reader, are again, conceptualized ideas, that hopefully, can help the dear Reader, envision truly again, how Life, is actually truly, lived out, or in all too, should be lived out, in Kenya.

Idealizing Kenyan Life:

This section dear Reader, will focus on, attempting to provide perhaps, a basic framework, on which, Kenyan Life, can be lived out. A basic framework too, around which, Economic Development of any kind, including Retail even, can be based around. Whats presented here, are actually really, just conceptual ideas, one can play with, in helping come up, with various designs/routines, based around the Home too, that one can use, to help implement, Economic

Development in Kenya, as opposed to, creating routines, based around, the Country <as with the idea, of putting, Economic Advancement, and not Development, first, before the needs, of the Home, are met> <that truly, Economic Advancement, as based around, the Country, puts the Individual first, while failing to recognize, that one, in Kenya, cannot separate, the Individual, from the Home>. Humour: The first way, of idealizing life in Kenya, is based around, Humour, That in all, when the average person in Kenya, travels out of his Home, in search of Humour even, and in all, separating the Individual, from the Home, what then is proposed here, is a way, of uniting, the Individual and Home, as one <and not merely, a place, the Individual, resorts to, as with resting really>. That this way, of idealizing life in Kenya, makes really, for perfect harmony, amongst its peoples <meaning in all, a huge reduction, in crime and violence, within Kenya>. The first way, of viewing all this, has to do with, what one could call, Home Design <or how really, to live around, and in and about, the Home> <and differing too, from Interior Design>. In all, what is proposed here, as with making Kenyan Homes attractive <to both locals, and outsiders>, is to design them really, in the form perhaps, of Resorts. Not Touristic Resorts really, but more or less, Private Resorts. That Resorts in all, tend to offer, Humour as an escape, as compared to, Hotels/Motels, and Entertainment <most Kenya Homes today, are actually, not too different, from Motels, and are simple dwelling, for the purpose mainly, of resting>.

Added to this, has in all to do with, everyday practices perhaps, that makes living in Kenya, enviable, to just about, everyone out there. Kenya, while often

deemed, one of the better countries, within Africa, truly though, has no proper, Quality of Life Index <making it in all, one of the most boring places, on Earth>. What is proposed here, are ideas, based on, what they refer to, as the Socialite Lifestyle, whereby one engages, in humour based activities, as a form of, Personal, and Family recreation too. This includes, not only attending Theater, or even, a Waterpark, but also, a well stocked, Bookstore. Today though, Kenyan personal life <as based on Quality of Life measures>, is all about, seeking Sex, Envy, and trips perhaps, to Mombasa <to stay at a Resort>. Finally, you have the idea, of uniting, Architecture and Daily Plannings together, and based even, around Humour. What is been stated here, and perhaps not too difficult to see, is that, the very idea perhaps, of the Triangle, being at the heart, of all forms of planning. Let me explain this better Mr. Reader, so that one, does not think, I am a person taken, to vivid imaginings only. Many in Kenya today, tend to think, based on, the Square, or Circle even <as mainly with, how they go about, doing things>. That the concept, of the Trip, or Journey, heavily permeates, the way the average Kenyan thinks <with both based on, Square and Circle based thinking>, when actually, thinking around the Voyage <and based on the Triangle too>, with the Voyage really, being about, racing, from one destination, to another <that in all dear Reader, if one thinks, of doing things, in a racing manner, they think, in a triangular fashion, and also too, in the form, of the Voyage>. It is believed too Mr. Reader, that basing Kenyan Life, on the Voyage, will see to it, thats lots of problems faced, from Oil/Fuel prices, to even Traffic, is heavily dealt with, appropriately. Second too, has to do in all, with Architecture. That a lot, of the Houses one sees in Kenya, are heavily based around, the Square <and in all too, rather ugly looking in all>. It is proposed here, and believed even Mr. Reader, that basing Architecture in Kenya, on the Triangle <as even with, having Homes based on, the triangular Arch>, or even Homes, with Protrusions on them <like a balcony>, makes for perfect Architecture, as compared to Circle and Square based Architecture. This follows through, with building even road networks, as with having, the Oval <which is heavily defined, by the Triangle>, define such networks, as compared to, the Circle.

To unite all the above three mentioned, Humour based points together, is to speak really again, of Day-Hour conceptualizations. That most in Kenya, tend to view, the Day, in the following manner: Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, and Night. That this in all, is a rather circular manner, of thinking. What is proposed here, is the attempt perhaps, to formulate life in Kenya, based primarily around, the Morning, Noon, and Afternoon, and leaving the rest of time, for Personal/Family pursuits. That if, one is to take, the three mentioned points above seriously, one would see, that it is, capable, to define life in Kenya, based around, Mornings, Noon, and Afternoon only mainly. Today though, Kenyan Architecture, and Daily Plannings, are not only really based, on the Circle, but also, on Entertainment <as with pausing during ones routines, to take advantage, of some form, of Entertainment>. All this really, due to having, a Journey based Mentality, with everything done <as with believing everything really, a chore, or tedious in all really>. Compass/Direction: The next set of ideas, conceptual, proposed here, has to do, with how in general, to live Life in Kenya itself. Life really, as based around work too perhaps. What is proposed here, is having, a Central Command of sorts, to in all moderate, Kenyan life, in an Area, or Locale even. What is been said here, as with regards mainly, to employment <even short-term>, and problem solving too, is that, the very idea perhaps, of having a form, of Employment Bureau, in Kenyan Cities, which offer one, choices, on work to do, is rather highly, needed, or even, warranted. A Central Command, in the form, of a Bureau, that could be heavily profitable, for the Swahili, if one took into account, it could also serve, as a problem solving unit, technical, for many Kenyans, out there. This in all, works out, if one truly envisions Life in Kenya, base around, the Home, and not, Government/Country <Employment Bureaus too, that even offer, International opportunities, as with Contracting even>. What is also proposed, is that, various Cultural practices <as with Internationalism perhaps>, be implemented, as with, the latest Movie out there, showing in Kenya, at the same time, as other foreign locations, or even, Kenya holding, an Oscar Celebrations Show, while the Oscars happen <with this show, being recognized, by the Oscars Committee, in America even>. Hopefully, this is understood, as with in all really, promoting work and employment, and also too, generating, a Work based Culture, different in all, from the Socialite Lifestyles, promoted earlier <that this Internationalism in all, be associated, with Work/Employment> <Socialite Lifestyles, are rather in all, Personal/Family based really, with Internationalism, being more or less, Group based>. This Internationalism, should not only be seen, as being Work related <as with creating, Work based Images>, but perhaps even, a way of promoting, rather stagnant Industries in Kenya <such as Real Estate>, to Internationals even. This Internationalism too <as with Work based Images>, should help the rather serious Kenyan Worker, make connections, to all sorts of people internationally, but with regards really, to Work in itself <including, the rather simple, Volunteer Service>.

Finally, what is proposed again, is that, the idea of Self-Employment, as with Outsourcing, or even, Contracting, be the main form of Employment really, in Kenya. To understand this better, is to not only, promote, the very Idea, of Home Offices, but also too in all, Business Parks, where Self-Employed people <and not Businesses really>, can operate from. That this in all, while gaining huge Revenue, for the Swahili, can stimulate, lots of Economic Activity in Kenya, in a Kenya too, where most prefer, Short-term employment, rather than Long-term, with Self-Employment, heavily favouring, Short-term employment <the Outsourcing Industry too, as with International, is heavily based on, ShortTerm Employment>. Again, all this, while deemed highly profitable, in the form of Private Enterprise, can be summarized in all, by basing it truly, all around, Booklets/Brochures <or a Website even>, that in all, promotes the above three, to anyone showing interest in this. A rather fast way, of getting Kenyas Economy, up and running, in no time really. Life Design: It was mentioned before, that Life Design really, was all about envisioning, Life in Kenya, mainly based around, Liberty and Freedom, as compared to Planning for Life, so as to enjoy, Liberty and Freedom. The first way, associated with Humour, to do this, is to intricately, connect, Employment/Work in Kenya, with, Leisure activities, of all forms. Hopefully, this is understood, as with associating certain work, with certain Social Benefits, Allowances, or even Extras, as many Multinational companies, tend to offer, their employees. This might include, small Extras, such as discounted Lunches, or even Allowances, such as free Movie Tickets. It is believed, that not only, can this strongly spur, Short-Term Employment in Kenya <which tends, to be rather profitable>, but also, help with Long-Term Employment <and the main Economy>, by offering Benefits, such as Chauffeuring services. Second, it must be said too, that most Kenyans, only truly enjoy really, being in their Homes, as compared to outside them. What is been proposed here, is a simple psychological trick perhaps, to help boost, all forms of life, within Kenya <and especially Economic>. The very belief that, most Kenyans hate truly, been around, Office-like spaces, or even, Public spaces, and speaking too, with regards, to feelings/emotions aroused. To get straight to the point, is to say, that if one, could design Offices, and even Public spots, that have, a Homely feeling to them <as compared to an Office-like feeling, or even, a Public Spot like feeling>, one can have Kenyans, not only willing to work hard at their jobs/work, but even truly, easily promote, all forms of social endeavours, like a Restaurant, simply by making them/it, feel Homely. In all really, there is a sole opportunity here, with regards, to simply imagining up, Homely Environments, in which Kenyans can easily, go to relax in, and even, spend their hard earned Money too <the Florida 2000 Nightclub, remains heavily popular in Kenya today, due to having, a Homely feeling, in it>.

Third, it must be mentioned too, that in helping Kenyans enjoy, their Liberty and Freedoms, that they in all, must have sufficient, and efficient too, access, to Communications of all sorts, just to simply enjoy their lives. One finds, that lots of problems in Kenya, can be easily solved, when one has the access really, to the right forms, of Communications. Communications perhaps, not only National in scope, but also favourably, International too <and highly desired even, International that is>. To explain this, much better, is to ask why Communications, are needed, in Kenya. In all, what is actually been said here somewhat, is that, understanding Communications of all sorts, at the very least, sees a redundancy, to believing that Life in Kenya, should be based, around planning for it <as with Retirement even>. To truly though, make this even clearer, is to say, that Kenya, is not in need, of Communications <whether it be Telephony, or even, Telecommunications>, in the form, of Information Networks <Internet>, or even, <Business> Data Networks, but that actually, the kind of Communications Kenya needs, are based on, Facts <and in all too, the creation, of Facts Networks>. If this is understood, as with supplying ample, and beneficial, Communications, to Kenyans, then the vast majority, of problems Kenyans face, can much more easily, be resolved, allowing them, lots of time, for Liberty and Freedom even <this becoming even more true, if these Fact based Networks, are International in range> <again, it can easily be seen, that this in itself, is a sole opportunity, to help revolutionalize, the Communications sector in Kenya, by understanding, that most/majority of Kenyans, are always really, in the search, of Facts, and not Information, or Data either>. To end this segment, is to attempt really, to unite, all the three above. This can be done, by understanding, how Money in Kenya, truly Circulates in all. The false belief really, that Money in Kenya, is heavily, of the Cash mold, and driven too in all, by the Banking Industry <as with Business and localized Banking>. Truth is, the three points mentioned above, that of Benefits/Allowances/Extras, or even, Homely Environments <and spending money within them>, and finally Communications, are best driven, by Money, in the form of Investments <and Investment banking>, rather than Cash money, Business, and Local Banking. Money in Kenya, is truly only really, in the form of Investments, as with it, circulating even. Knowing this, is knowing, that conceptualizing Money, as investment, allows even, for the creation, of new Monetary forms, to be used, as a form, of Legal Tender.

Systems Integrated Living:

This section, will attempt in all, to put all the above sections perhaps, somehow together, so as to help see, how all the above, can be implemented really, as with regards, to the Law, and even, Structural difficulties. As mentioned, all the above Sections, provide ideas, not to be seen, rather structurally <as with attempting to make them fit, into a larger whole>, but Ideas, that as standalone, can in all, generate lots of wealth/money, for the Swahili. Yet still dear Reader, we shall attempt, to integrate them all together, by providing, a structural framework, from which, they can operate in.

Umbrella Body: It is believed, that the Islamic Society of Kenya, can serve, as an Umbrella Body, in helping make all this real. That in reality, when all the above, is viewed from the perspective, of the Islamic Society of Kenya, it will not, be viewed as a threat, by the Government, or Kenyan people, but actually, as a form, of Religion based Living <in the same way, Indians in Kenya, have traditionally operated, from the perspective, of identifying themselves, strongly, with Hinduism/Sikhism, and life, based around Religious Temples>. If all this though, is attempted, from a Monetary/Financial perspective <as with Business opportunity>, it will be viewed, as a threat, by all forms and kinds, of peoples <from the Government, to even, Westerners> <all this is especially true, with regards to defining Money, as Investment really>. Holistic Practises: The concept, of Holistic practices, lies really, with attempting to envision, just about any practice, as being somewhat, beneficial, from a Psychological perspective. What in all, is been said here, as with regards perhaps, to Socialite Lifestyles, Internationalism, or even, Benefits/Allowances/Extras, is that, they should all, be based around, Holistic practices. To make this clearer, is to say, that instead of simply, holding a high-profile Party for instance, one should strive, to make it, Educative somehow. Instead too, of showering Extras, or even Allowances, to a Restaurant, or Movie Theater, one should ensure, that the Restaurant serves healthy foods, or that the Movie too, is educative in all. The reason for all this, is to ensure that, one does not create obvious Class differences, in Society, or even, lead to a lowering of morale, with regards to all this <as with people simply, losing interest>. Make all this Holistic, and even simply opening up a Movie Theater, that only shows, educative Movies perhaps, will allow, for one, to make lots of money always. If running a Restaurant, dont attempt, to make it rather cultural, but Holistic in all, as with offering good tasting, healthy dishes, from all over <its simply in many ways, easy success, with some Research done>. Architectural Design: Nairobi, is often touted, as one of the better Cities, in Africa. Claims have even been made, to not only, call it, the City under the Sun, or even one of Africas topmost destinations. Truth is that, Nairobi, from a ground level, is actually, one of the Ugliest Cities, in the whole World. One of the reasons for this, is due to, not understanding, Architectural Design, from a simple/basic perspective. Architectural Design even, as with it, influencing, general Human behaviour, in Kenya. Nairobi, was once truly, a rather beautiful City, as it did adhere too, certain, Architectural practices. The most common of this, was ensuring, that everything put up in Kenya/Nairobi, was Isolated, from each other, in one way, or another. Hopefully, this is understood dear Reader, as with having really, two homes, built close together, actually feel and look even like, they are somewhat

rather, Isolated from each other. Nairobi is today, an Ugly City, due to not, adhering to this, simple/basic principle, that was used, to build Nairobi, in the past; Simply make things, feel/look, Isolated, from each other. A better way perhaps, to explain this, is based on geometry, and the Oval shape. The Oval <somewhat based too, on the Triangle>, is a geometric shape, whose every single point, is actually, isolated, from all other points, in the Oval. In all, we are not only, talking of having the Oval, popularized in Kenyan Architecture, but simply stating too, that Isolating, any two points in a given location <as even with having, human behaviour, make two peoples, feel isolated from each other>, makes in general, for rather beautiful looking, and calm/peaceful environments. Perhaps the best example of all this, has to do, with, the Kenyan Parliamentary Buildings, where you do find, that the Architectural Design, makes for any two points within the grounds, feel/look, Isolated,.from each other. Another better example perhaps, is not only, the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, but also, Uhuru Highway <where one does find that, any point given, on the highway, as even with the buildings erected, feel/look, isolated, from each other, and also too, the very fact, that any two people on Uhuru highway, also very much in all, feel the same too>. The whole goal of this, is to know and understand, that attempting to mold in all, Nairobi, into being a Town, or even a City, will in all prove, rather disastrous <as with the Town, heavily favouring the Square as with geometry, and the City, the Circle>. The proposals above though, see to it that, Nairobi, best become, a Diocese <and not a City or Town>, as with not only, the Architectural Design above, or even, having the Islamic Society of Kenya, as being rather influential in all, but also too, making it, a rather pleasant place, not only to live in, but to look at also <with even most, modern Real Estate projects, feeling in all, very much, like Buru Buru Estate, as with backwardness perhaps>. Once again in all too, simple basic ideas, that are stand alone, as with having, the Islamic Society of Kenya, relive its past, as a Law body, for under privileged, or less privileged Kenyans. It is also believed, that the Swahili, can use the above three points, in building, new Urban Developments, that will eventually grown into a Diocese, in a place, like Voi <and based around, Islamic Lifestyles, as a standalone, idea>.

The Kenyan Monetary System:

Todays Kenya, finds itself mired, in all sorts of problems dear Reader, due to its having, a rather poor, Monetary System. What this means, is that, Kenyan Money, circulates, amongst a few only, while the majority, are forced to operate, based on Credit, of one form or another. The Kenyan Monetary system, is in all debunked, and controlled fully, by a few wealthy and rich individuals, as with most Kenyan Enterprises <and not Business, or Companies>, being owned by them <what has been said here, is that, Kenyan Money, actually circulates really, in Enterprises, and not Businesses/Companies>.

To make this, even more complicated, and difficult even, is to know, that Kenyas Banking System, is only geared, towards those, with lots of Money with them. The vast majority of Kenyans, do not, have bank accounts, and in all truly, have to survive as mentioned, via various forms of Credit <including Begging>. What is proposed here is the, introduction, even secretly perhaps, of a foreign Currency <preferably Tanzanian>, in helping deal, with this rather severe problem. The Kenyan Currency, has been hijacked by a few, as with even, Westerners, favouring certain Wealthy Kenyans, by offering in all, tax-free goods perhaps, to sell, on the Kenyan Markets <as with an attempt really, to control, Currency flow>. The introduction of the Tanzanian Currency, should not, be seen as a problem, as the growth, of all proposed above, should be seen, more from the perspective, of Small-Scale planning, rather than Development really <and Large-Scale planning>. Meaning that, I too, am willing to find, short-term employment, via the Islamic Society of Kenya, be paid in Tanzanian shillings, and spend it, at a Homely Environment, created from all this. Its simply a choice, as with owning, the East African Passport <in all, it is proposed that, the Islamic Society of Kenya, and the Swahili too, as with being Law enforcers, attempt in all, to take control, of the East African Passport>. Alternatively, it is proposed here too dear Reader, that one can deal, with Kenyas Monetary problems, by the use, of what they refer to as, Contraptive Devices. Examples of them are, Juice Makers, a Water Machine, a Coffee Machine, which are all, devices really, that help reduce, the amount of money, one uses overly, in doing anything.

The Kenyan Economy and Industry:

Kenya as an Economy, has best functioned really, along the lines, of Industry, and not, Manufacturing really. It can also be said that, Kenyan Industry, does not function as well as it should, due its producing products, that do not efficiently, serve their markets. To explain this better Mr. Reader, is to say, that Kenyan products, by Industry, are driven by taste, rather than, touch. To explain this even further, is to say, that taste, is all about Style, while touch, is all about something really, being about Extraordinary <in this case, dear Reader>. That if, Kenyan Industry, could produce products and goods, that could be deemed, Extraordinary <by the average consumer>, they would be able, to sell way more, than they believe. Extraordinary products for example Mr. Reader, are those termed, Blends, Mixes, or even Fusions for example. Products and goods too Mr. Reader, that will find, ready markets, not only in Kenya, but in Ethiopia, Somalia, and all over, the Middle East Region too <as they being the main, marketing Region, for Kenyan Industry>.

In all, if the Swahili, can take over, Kenyan Industry, and start producing, Blends, Mixes, or even Fusions of products/goods, such as Blended teas/coffees <as with Starbucks in America>, or even, Communications Software Products, of the Fusion kind <such as M-Pesa>, or even, popularly known, Assembled Cars <as with Mixed components>, a fine example being, the Toyota Rav 4. In all, even selling Extraordinary products, such as the Swahili Kitenge, or even Curios, will enable one in all, to make lots of money/wealth <they too, being Extraordinary, as with touch, Mr. Reader>. Alan Gicheru

Request: Hopefully, all that has been written, has been of great interest, as with a fervent belief, that a lot, economically, is to be gained, from all this. I do believe, that the Swahili Nations, can take advantage, of all this, to accumulate, not only wealth, but also great prestige, as with being Iconoclasts <highly identifiable, religious figures>, not only, in Kenya, but perhaps even, in Somalia, and Ethiopia too. I am, a Writer & Research Analyst, who believes, is capable, of being of great aid or assistance even, to the Swahili, with regards, to any form, of problem solving, that often requires, Research. I do not only, do Research, but am also in all, a rather Cultural Figure, as with being a Writer, of Cultural materials. What I am hoping for, is to find, a job in Mombasa perhaps, as a Writer/Research Analyst, and hopefully even, find a ready market, in the Middle East, for my works, with the help, of the Swahili. I do intend also, to write another document, to the Swahili Nations, speaking really of, how the Swahili, can revamp/reformulate, the Swahili Coast, in a rather interesting, Cultural, and Religious way <with influences, from European, and Islam based cultures>. I intend, to send this document, in about, two months time, and hopefully too, it will serve, as more proof, of my Writing, and Research skills too <as with my showing, that I do have, an innate, understanding, of the Swahili, as mainly based on, Thinking, rather than Research really>. Hopefully too, this document, will help me, find a job, in Mombasa <working for the Swahili>. Finally though, I have the smallest of requests, based on my understanding, that the many Ideas put forward above, can be rather highly profitable, for the Swahili, and that, as a person living within Kenya, and having to deal, with Monetary issues <and even truly, despite having an Engineering background>, have been reduced, to begging, I am hoping, that if the Swahili, do find the above, beneficial, they could in all, send me, some money <Kshs 20,000>, in installments of Kshs 5,000, to help me survive <I have paid for accommodation, but lack in food in general>. I do believe, the Ideas put above, are rather good, and feel no guilt, asking for this remittance/money.

Thank you *please contact me, at, with regards, to probably, how in all, to send the money, by M-Pesa.

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