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Dear Reader: This document pertains, to a very big problem, seen, within Kenya <how in general, to manage it, or maintain it even>. This is a major, underlying problem in Kenya, as it does not speak really, of Law <or Rule even>, but actually truly, speaks of Order, as an independent existential framework <with Law mainly about, correcting others, while Rule, has mainly to do, with problem solving> <Order though, speaks of even, how the average Kenyan, simply seeks out even, to live their lives, or even, what career perhaps somewhat, they should engage in, which too, as with Order again, dictates, very much indeed even, their chosen living conditions>. Order in all, speaks of, a rather huge problem many do face, as it too really, even has to do knowingly <as with general Manners & Etiquette, in Society>, with defining, whom actually, is a true Kenyan <as an exemplary example even>, and who, is clearly not <or in all too really, is actually, an outsider, to Kenya itself>. This document, intended again, for esteemed members of the Swahili Nations, is written, from the belief that, putting Order into Kenya, is best done, from a Cultural point of view, and not, Civil Education really <as with even, Maendeleo ya Wanawake>. It is believed, that the Swahili, are highly knowledgeable, in doing all this, as creating Order in a Society, is rather, Religious work, and it is not believed, that, with the exception of Islam, that other Religions today, are truly capable, of, placing such Order, in a Kenya <where as mentioned in another document Kenyan Knowledge Systems, that the average Kenyan, is not in all, Fear driven, as mainly to do, with survival issues really> <the end result of all this too really, is in many ways, brazen Kenyans, who dont even truly, fear, battling the Police>. In a mainly Urges/Drives driven Kenya, putting Order into Society <as with what, does constitute, Manners & Etiquette>, is actually, rather difficult <as in all, Criminal behaviour, is actually truly, highly, Urges/Drives driven> <this in all too, makes Kenya, a criminal haven of sorts, as with most criminals, within Kenya, not affected truly, by Fear based survival issues really>. In all too really, what is said here, is that, one must up the ante, on all this, as with helping create, Kenyan Identities, that are in all <as with their being, Urges/Drives driven>, cooler <or more sophisticated really>, than the often perceived even, highly cool <Urges/Drives driven Criminal images seen out there>. What will be proposed below, in more or less, an outline manner, is that, a general Legal Framework, pertaining to Order, be drawn up <in a Cultural and Media driven manner too really>, that will see, Kenya in all, defined, as being Exclusive, Upscale, Civilized, or even, Affluent <or Well-to-do really too>. Today though, Kenya perceived as such, has to do, with Colonial Kenyans <and their often praised, lifestyles really> <and the attempt in all, to claim, these lifestyles, White or Western, without taking in, their cultural existences, as being somewhat Islamic, and

their material existences, as being, Cushitic/Nilotic, Islamic, and European too really>.

KENYAN LEGAL FRAMEWORKS: To get all this started, as with an outline really, is to in many ways, speak of <or list really>, what does constitute, a Legal Framework, well suited, for Kenya. The Framework proposed below, has in many ways in all, three Layers, from which, it does operate, function, and works even from really. Three Layers, to be listed in all, as this endeavour, is somewhat difficult in nature <as with the belief even, it truly does unite, everything written previously, about Kenya>, but in some ways, if well listed here actually, can probably be easily, implemented, and along the lines, of Media itself. To state clearly though, why all this is somewhat, difficult, is to state, that putting Order into Kenya <even from, the Media perspective>, involves truly, Kenyans in all, being rather enlightened, from the perspective, of a Humanitarian Education really. That in all, to truly civilize Kenya, is to talk of really, the average Kenyan, being educated at the very least, from Etiquette & Manners, such as those, associated, with what they do term, Islamic Jurisprudence < the Regional Cooperation document>. That in all, is truly, the very base, of what does constitute, a Kenyan Identity, with an Order Legal Framework, built upon, all this really. This Framework too <as with it even, being Legal>, is in all, based on, various forms of Knowledge, that can be said, to constitute, what one could term, Pillars of Power, within Kenya itself <Pillars too, responsible in all, for driving, Kenya ahead really too>. Hopefully, one can see, the rather difficult task in all this, as the very idea really, of Pillars of Power, speaks of making, Kenya even, in many ways probably, the most developed place, on the Planet <even America, does not have proper, Pillars of Power, with the exception, of its Military Generals>. If though one, could properly define Pillars of Power, within Kenya, one could then easily, make it, a highly developed place, and in many ways too <as with the Pillars>, the very core and center, of Swahili existences <with in general, Swahili existences, along the Swahili coast, rather Political, while those proposed, within Kenya, being, highly of the Religious kind>. In all really, Pillars of Power, as with a Religious base really, that would allow really too, for Swahili existences, on any coastal region around the World, as with seeing Kenya itself, as the true base really, of all forms, of Swahili operations. A 3 Tier-Layer Organizational & Architectural Legal Framework for Kenya: Below finally, will be the attempt, to present philosophically even, a 3 Tier-Layer Legal Framework, for Kenya, that the Swahili, can easily look through even <as with

perusing even>, as with in many ways really, dealing with, all forms of technical even, problems, that do arise really. A Legal Framework for instance, one can easily even, peruse through actually, as with dealing really, with Technical, Religious, or Philosophical problems, simply arising, pertaining in all, to putting Order, into Kenya < as even with regards too really, to Rule and Law itself>. The 3 Tier-Layer Legal Framework proposed in all, looks as follows: 1. Kenyan Power Pillars 2. Kenyan Legal Law 3. Kenyan Legal Organization & Architecture Kenyan Power Pillars: When we speak, of Kenyan Power Pillars, we are in all truly, stating that, it is possible even, for Kenya, to develop, its own truly, Branches of Knowledge <they being, Logic, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and Philosophy too even>, and all this too really, not too alien in Kenya, with regards perhaps, to what, some could call, Kenyan Logic <which is actually really, of Swahili origins>. Knowing all this, is the key for example, of understanding how, Countries like Sweden or Japan, have been able, to remain globally eminent, despite, being rather small even, in nature really <with Sweden, having its own forms of Logic (Swedenborg) and Humanities, and Japan, its own forms really, of Philosophy (Bushido), and even, Humanities (and rather strong too)>. Kenyan Logic though on the otherhand, has often been associated, with what, is often termed, Biashara, and in many ways, has help make, some Kenyans, into Global Businesspeople. It is deemed really too, that developing, Kenyan Pillars of Power, is not, as difficult, as one might believe. The reason why this is said, is because, such Knowledge already exists <and Islam based too>, as with the Knowledge truly, associated, with Publishing Outfits, such as Al-Farooq International <and with this, in many ways, being, the major reason, why, Kenya, is somewhat, like Saudi Arabia> <and that in general really, Kenyan Branches of Knowledge, are somewhat, Saudi like too really>. In all, the start of all this, has probably best to do, with, Kenyan Logic <and as based on works by Al-Farooq International>, and even too perhaps, Kenyan Mathematics <and along the lines too, of Algebraic Number Theory>. In all, as with Kenyan Logic, this can easily be implemented, via various Media initiatives <including Music even>, and in all too, all this, should be seen, as being, the very basis, of any forms of Education, within Kenya <as with most successful Kenyans today, not highly educated, but actually truly, only, driven by Kenyan Logic>. Kenyan Legal Law: Speak of Kenyan Legal Law, is speak really too, of discarding, the highly discriminatory <psychologically>, and highly useless even <sociologically>, BritishAmerican Law framework, already in place really. A Law framework, that only truly favours, certain psychological profiles <white, and British or American like>, and in

all too truly, deals with, psychological and sociological problems, as seen really, in the Western world. What is recommended below, along the lines of a Legal Law framework, is that, Kenya discards its present Law framework <as perhaps with, the very idea, of Multiple Courts>, and instead, to be implemented, would best be, Austrian Law <as it in all, is best suited, psychologically and sociologically, for Kenya today>. A Law framework too <Austrian Law>, that meshes rather well, with Kenyan Pillars of Power, and in many ways too even, allows for multiple Kenyan Identities <as seen along the lines, of even perhaps, different kinds, of, Kenyan Passports>. A Legal Law framework, that meshes well too also, with some general, Law based ideas, put forward, to the Swahili before <they being:>

1. The East African Passport Legal Law framework <Economic Revival Plan
document, and the introduction even, of Tanzanian currency into Kenya>. 2. Kenyan Power Structures <Kenyan Power Structures document, and especially, the Religious Clergies section>. 3. Kenyan Oracular Knowledge Systems <Kenyan Knowledge Systems document, and especially too, designing, Urges/Drives and Fears driven, Economies in general>. In all, the above <as with helping solve even, any kind of technical, religious or philosophical problem, faced by one in Kenya>, can be said, to constitute, a proper Legal Law framework, for Kenyans in general, to operate from <as again, based highly on, the very idea, of Multiple Courts really>. Kenyan Legal Organization and Architecture: This level, of the 3 Tier-Layer Legal Framework proposed, speaks really generally of, how in all, Legalities in general, should be parlayed, to Kenyans really <i.e., where to access Power, or even, how to go about in general, using and learning about, the proposed, Legal Framework>. In the Western world, Legal Law really, is made manifest, through, three main centers really: the Police precincts, Lawyers & Arbitrators, and finally, Counseling <and of all kinds really too>. A Physical Legal framework, implemented too really, in Kenya, but having failed in all really too, to work, properly <as with the failure even, to properly define, Kenyan Identities, and even, Kenyan Law itself> <Kenya for instance, has never had, a proper, functioning, Constitution>. What is proposed below though <as with it, even being, truly possible to erect immediately>, is a Physical Legal framework, based on the following three:

1. The Msikitini/Imam model <and, as a replacement too really, to Police

Precincts> <which too, is an altering really, of the duties, of an Imam>.

2. The Office of the Chancellor <it being associated primarily, with the,
Rule and Law in Kenya document, and in all too, is about, all forms of Counseling issues>.

3. Kenyan Security & Computer Systems: in making, most of the above,

truly functional, Computer Systems then, must be used. It is believed though, that popular Computer Systems <using Risc or Misc Computer Architectures>, are insufficient, for all this, and what is proposed, is the use, of Computers, whose Organization & Architecture, are based on, the von Neumann model <with good examples perhaps, being Acer computers>. In many ways, it is believed too, that Kenyan Security issues <as with Organization and Architecture>, can be based around, von Neumann Organization and Architecture Designs, and this too in all, as with technical difficulties even, not only replacing, most Lawyers & Arbitrators out there, but also, putting forth really, a new class of them.

In all, the above, is deemed truly, to be a properly functioning, Physical Legal framework <that adheres too really, to Austrian Law>, and can even, be implemented, on a Private basis, as with the Kenyan Government, having truly, no part of all this <and those involved in all this too, simply deemed, the Islamic Community in Kenya>.

Alan Gicheru

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