Kenyan Power Structures

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Dear Reader: This document, intended too really, for Esteemed Members of the Swahili Nations, deals with matters and issues, that continue to bother, Kenya, to this very day; issues and matters, pertaining to really, on how to envision perhaps, Power, within Kenya. What this actually does mean dear Reader, is that, the Power Structures up in place in Kenya already, are rather middle ages in practice, as they aspire only, to serve and protect too really, those deemed, worthy members of society, in one way or another. Kenya, has in many ways, serious problems, on how to envision Power itself, and even truly, how to go about, applying it. It appears to me dear Reader, that Kenya, is for the taking, by those, who know how best, to conceive Power, and in many ways too really, apply it rather directly, to every part and space, pertaining, to be within Kenya. Kenya today dear Reader, appears to have about, three functioning Power structures, to meet, the needs of its peoples. They are, the Ministries/Government, the Military forces, and the Police units, found all over. Power structures, that have failed to serve their members, rather well, as with Police units, heavily even, depending on womenfolk, to help in administering justice, the Military forces too, forced to rely, on British, American or even Israeli help, in solving, just about, any problem they might have. Finally you have, the Ministries/Government, which appear to need, the heavy help perhaps, of Foreign Aid Agencies, of all kinds, just to function properly really. Kenya dear Reader, in many ways truly, is still under Colonial oppression, in this very day and age too, based highly on, how Power, is still very much, conceptualized within it. All this though, is made to look and seem, rather normal, by the Kenyan Presidency, which sits atop, this Power Structure, with it truly too, being an Independent body, called in, to deal with any form of crisis, when the advisors to the above Power structures, are unable to come through. Kenya dear Reader, as stated, is still under Colonial oppression and rule, with the Kenyan Presidency, making it look, like the Country, has actually moved on, since the days, of the Kipande. This document though dear Reader, will attempt really, to help one, attempt in all, to perceive really, how to envision even, Power structures, within Kenya. That Power within Kenya, is best decentralized, is rather well known, but what is not actually truly known, is what kind of Power really, and even truly, how to go about applying it in all. All this dear Reader, should not be seen as being seditious in any way, as Government truly, as a Power structure, has truly failed to meet the needs and demands even, of Kenyans everywhere, resulting really, not in poor standards of living actually, but actually really, in heavily Tribalizing Kenya, as with even Neighbourhood Group Meetings, to deal with all forms of issues, pertaining to Security, Public Utilities, and even surprisingly enough, Education itself too.

We shall further on dear Reader, go on here to state that, Power in Kenya, is often totally, wrongly envisioned really, from the perspectives, of Problems and Situations, which are best dealt with, by the forces, of Commerce, Trade, and Business too even really. In reality dear Reader, Power in Kenya, has always as with tradition even, dealt with Issues and Matters, and how really too, to deal with them, or act on them really even. KENYAN POWER AS STRATEGY, MANOUVER AND TACTIC: This Section dear Reader, will attempt in all, to help one really, see Kenya, as it is, and could even be, from more or less, a Political perspective <and as mainly referring to, Political Maps in all really>. From the perspective, of the Kenyan Ministries, Kenya is geographically envisioned really, as with regards truly, to Provinces. From the perspective, of the Military forces, Kenya, is geographically envisioned, from the perspective, of Eastern Africa <Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia even>. From the perspective too, of the Police Units, Kenya is envisioned truly, from the Tribal perspective, of so called Bantu tribes, as existing truly, in both Kenya and Uganda. In all dear Reader, what is been said, is that Kenyan Police power, does reach into Uganda itself, and that the Police themselves, only aspire truly, to serve, those peoples deemed Bantu <Kikuyu, Kamba, or even Buganda>, and not, Nilotic even perhaps <as with Western Kenya, having a heavy even, policing problem>. This dear Reader, is in most ways truly, how power in Kenya, is truly envisioned, as with situations really, pertaining, to Rural life and its problems, not being perceived, as Tribal <as the Newspapers attempt, to make one believe>, but actually Provincial, and in all, having one truly notice and see, that a lot of Kenyas Political problems really, are of the Tribal <Bantu, Nilotic etc.>, formations, rather than, Rural issues truly <which are somewhat, despite what most think, dealt with in many ways, appropriately> <There is nothing perhaps dear Reader, to do in Rural Kenya, other than perhaps, farm, read, or even, simply visit friends, all around> <a way of life too, dear Reader, not as maladaptive, as many do believe, but one truly, one simply seeks, to adapt to really> <It is Tribal Kenya on the otherhand, where life in all, is deemed even heavily, maladaptive, as with its being based around, small urbanized living spaces/towns, and ones with a lot of violence, based around them> <and finally, something that, the Swahili should be careful to note, as with the attempts by some, to attempt to create a unity even, between the Swahili and Kamba worlds really, as with falsely claiming, the Swahili, to be of Bantu origins and not, Semitic truly>. We shall herein now dear Reader, attempt to present, a way to envision, Power in Kenya, that those in the know, and as with Religious Institutions even, can attempt, to use, in even perhaps truly, grabbing/regulating Power in Kenya, from those deemed even, illiterate, as with regards, to attempting to envision all this <this being the foreign and outside powers, behind really, the present Kenyan Power structures>. We shall here then, attempt truly, to divide Kenya, in three ways, and show, how Power too, can be manifest, within the three, and truly too, as pertaining to

conceptualizing Power in Kenya, from the perspectives, of Strategy, Manouver, and Tactic. Manouvering and Kenyan Power: When we speak of maneuvering, we are referring really, to a way, of going about truly, doing things. Things here, being envisioned perhaps, to doing just about anything, as with regards really, to what was referred to, as Kenyan Architectural Knowledge, required, to succeed in most ways <as with plannings even>, within Kenya really <Architectural Knowledge, and the Kenyan Knowledge Systems document, sent to you previously dear Reader>. While this, Manouvering, has somewhat been mentioned before, we shall show, how it truly lies at the very heart, of attempting to conceptualize Kenya really, in one way geographically : Climate, Nature and Weather. That truly, envisioning Kenya as such, can help one really, create proper Power structures, to help meet the demands, of its peoples. At the very heart Dear Reader, of envisioning Kenya, geographically, and as with regards to, Climate, Nature and Weather <and this too, a replacement of a kind, to Kenyan Provinces and Kenyan Ministries/Government>, is truly all about, mapping out Kenya, in the form of Dioceses, and Arch-Dioceses too even. That these two governing units, are not only seen favourably, in replacing the Province unit seen in Kenya, but are actually too, heavily based on geography, as with Climate, Nature, and Weather even. To see this even much better, as with regards truly, to Manouvering, is to say dear Reader, that Power in such a case, is best envisioned, from the perspective, of Places of Power <and not points, or positions either>. To even understand this better, is to know that, envisioning Kenya, from Places of Power, and ArchDioceses even, is perhaps best about seeing it, simply, as with regards, to the following Power structures: The Press <Printing too>, the Food Industries, and finally, the Hostelling/Housing Industry <and all this too, best done perhaps, from an Islamic perspective really> <The Press here, does refer too really, to creating Content, to feed to Media, and not actually truly really, owning Media itself>. At the heart though, of all the above, should be Manouvering, and especially too, as it being at the very heart of Inspiration truly, as pertaining really, to thinking up the Press, Food Industries, and, the Hosteling/Housing Industries, deemed to be, at the very heart, of all this <in all, what is been said here, is that, Foods that one maneuvers in all, to seek out, are what, the Foods Industries in Kenya, are truly about, as is designing Homes, one truly maneuvers in, or even, Press briefings even, one maneuvers too, to seek out really>. Tactics and Kenyan Power: When we speak, of Tactics, we are truly speaking, of conceptualizing Kenya, geographically even, from the perspective, of the number of Towns and Cities, seen within it.

At the very heart too, of seeing Kenya as such <and a replacement, to Kenyan urban spaces/towns, and the Police Unit forces too in all>, is truly about really, charting out Kenya, with regards really, to Customs and Dress, seen in the places <as with what dear Reader, truly differentiates, Nairobi from Kisumu, or even Mombasa from Lamu, are the Customs and Dress, seen all over, within them>. That in many ways truly, Custom and Dress, is a better way of seeing Kenya, not only with regards too also, to Political/Procedural Knowledge <KKS document>, but also too instead of, Identity markers such as Bantu or Nilotic even <that truly in all dear Reader, a person from Naivasha, might be more similar, to one in Mombasa, rather than Nairobi, when Customs and Dress, are taken into account, and not Bantu/Nilotic cultural markers>. To see this, even more clearer dear Reader, is to perhaps state that, at the very heart, of seeing Kenyan Towns and Cities, from the perspective too, of Customs and Dress, is to know, that all this, pertains to seeing it all really, from the perspective too, of Tactics <and not Police efforts, as many do see them today>. To understand this even much better, is to think of truly, the Power structures, that best do define, Kenyan Towns and Cities <and they too, not being Infrastructural in nature, as with Entertainment spots, or even, Touristic spots too either>. Power within Kenyan Towns and Cities, and with regards too also, to Customs and Dress, is best perceived truly, from the perspective, of the Transport Industry <and especially too Rail Transport, Air Transport, and Road Transport too really>. That in all dear Reader, whoever does control this, in one way or another <as with efficiency even>, does control truly, what happens and goes on, in Kenyan Cities and Towns, seen all over. At the very heart too, of envisioning all this, is not only, Tactics, but actually truly, thinking about, which Kenyan Cities and Towns, as based mainly truly too, on Customs and Dress <with Dress for instance, denoting, work attitudes even, and Customs, cultural environments>, are of importance, and for instance then realizing, the potential of Naivasha, as being more important than Nairobi, culturally, or even Thika, having better workforces, than those seen truly, in Nairobi. That upon realizing this, and realizing too also, that controlling Kenya Towns and Cities, is all about formulating, the best Air, Road, and Rail Transport Networks, is to know too, that this is all dependent <as with Networks, and not Systems>, on defining Transport in Kenya, based on Efficiency, Cost/Profitability, and Service <with Efficiency here, referring to resources available, Cost/Profitability, to running such networks, and Service, to dealing truly, not with problems or situations, but issues and matters, that pop up really>. In all, this speaks of too, seeing Kenya as such, from what they call, Points of Power, as with realizing, that Kenyan Cities and Towns, while truly based on Customs and Dress, are in all managed and run, based around Transport Networks, and especially truly, viewing all this, as a whole, based on Tactics, as defined through, Efficiency, Cost/Profitability, and Services too really. Strategizing and Kenyan Power:

This section dear Reader, speaks, not only, of Kenyan Structural Knowledge <KKS document>, but also too, with regards to conceptualizing Kenya, from the perspective geographically really, of Council, Municipalities, and especially Counties. This too in all, speaks of seeing Kenya, from what they do term, Positions of Power. In many ways too truly, seeing Kenya as such, is different truly, from the way, the Kenyan Government/Ministries, attempts to see Kenya truly, as it being based on and around, the Provinces <and rural and urban lifestyles really>. Seeing Kenya again dear Reader, from the perspectives of Positions of Power, is truly too, seeing it, from its Communications Industry perspectives. That to truly, gain Power in Kenya, from perhaps even, the Provincial perspective, is to be in control truly, of the following Communications: Telephone, Internet, and Television <and all this, not with regards truly, too ownership even, but actually, to meeting, the Culture and Cultural needs, of the people, as perceived truly, via the lenses, of Council, Municipalities, and Counties too really>. This in all, speaks of, what they do term, Accessories, Supplies, and even Products, that go along, with the above Communications Industries, as a perfect way truly, of controlling them even <as with, being acclimatized, or acculturated even, to living, within Kenya itself, as based on Councils, Municipalities, or even Counties too> < what is been said here dear Reader, is that one, can truly envision Kenyan Counties, Council or Municipalities, from Accessories, Products, and Supplies, associated with, the above Communications Industries> <and that one too, can come to control these Industries, from controlling really, the Accessories, Products and Supplies, that go along with them>. In all again, as with Strategizing being, at the very heart of all this, this is actually truly about, creating even, Councils, Municipalities and Counties too, from believing perhaps, that the three, do circulate and work around, the Television, Internet and Telephone Communications Industries too respectively <that one, can truly create, a Council, by setting up, a local Television Station even, and simply choosing, to broadcast, to a certain locale really, certain Culture based and Cultural material, highly based on subscription, and even, the sale, of Products, to go along with all this>. KENYAN POWER STRUCTURES AND RELIGIOUS CLERGIES: To summarize all this again dear Reader, is to say, that the Kenyan Presidency as it is, being at the helm, of all said to be, Kenyan Power Structures, is to say truly, that Manouvering, Strategizing, and Tactics too, are actually, rather large words, as there are different ways, of Manouvering for example <sharply, or brightly even>. What is being proposed, in this section dear Reader, is the very belief, that certain ways really, of Manouvering, Strategizing, and Tactics too, work best, in Kenya, and perhaps too even, in Ethiopia, and Somalia too really. To pretend perhaps, to speak in a metaphysical perspective, is to say, that the style of Manouvering, best

suited for Kenya in all, is that having to do, with what they do term, call, Wheeling. What is wheeling dear Reader, wheeling truly, is not too different, from when a car, moves rather slowly, as if even, just simply, rolling along. This dear Reader, is believed, to be the best way truly, to do any form of Manouvering, within Kenya <as in driving fast, and not quickly, being a form, of Wheeling really>. It is I believe, dear Reader, important to note this, rather hard to fathom, point, as it is very important to realize, that Wheeling, is actually perhaps, the only true way, to simply Manouver, in and about Kenya itself <as with eating Food in Kenya, best eaten too, at a wheeling pace>. With regards to this again, it is believed, that the best forms of Tactics, be based around, what one could term, metaphysically that is, Adventuring <as with Customs and Dress, not created only truly, from the perspective, of Adventuring, but also too, Transport Networks, operating truly, in an Adventuring manner>. <Why all this, is stated, is because, if Kenya, was to be envisioned, as in the KKS document, then failing to recognize Manouvering and Tactics, from the perspectives, of wheeling, and adventuring, will lead, to all forms, of problems and situations, not easily, resolvable, and leading eventually, to all forms, of congested life truly>. Finally, with regards to Strategizing, it is believed, that any form of activity or movement really, be based around, what one could probably term Proprietoring <and derived too, from proprietor, as with, metaphysical thought really too>. Proprietoring truly refers too, not visiting, shop after shop, in the name of shopping, but simply only, visiting, ones favourite shop, almost all the time. Failing to adhere to this, will see, Kenyan Shopping spots, probably become, even more heavily congested, than they already are. It is believed truly, in finality, that creating, a Religious Clergy, to deal with envisioning all this, is perhaps, the best way of understanding really, what it is, the President of Kenya attempts to do, with regards, to any form of Task Force, often thought up <that the current problems, of the Kenyan Presidency truly, are all based, on Structural, Architectural, and Political/Procedural problems, that are dealt with, Politically, and not, from the perspectives, of Strategizing/proprietoring, Manouvering/wheeling, and finally, Tactics/adventuring>.

Alan Gicheru

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