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Inquiry Unit Planning Template

Unit Name:
Topic: Subject: Time Frame:

Teacher Name: Grade:

Big Idea(s):

Rationale: Why are you teaching this unit? What purpose does it serve?

Inquiry Statement:
Students will understand <Conceptual understanding> through an inquiry into <Real world context in which it is explored>

Unit inquiry questions:

Factual Question: What…?

Conceptual Question: How…?

Debatable Question: Should…?

Summative Assessment - GRASPS: what is your final, summative assessment for the unit’s inquiry question?

Content/Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to…

BC Core Competencies: (highlight at least one of these skills you are going to be explicitly teaching for students to NOTES
succeed in the summative assessment.)
Ø Communication
o Communicating
o Collaborating
Ø Thinking
o Creative Thinking
o Critical and Reflective Thinking
Ø Personal and Social
o Personal Awareness and Responsibility
o Positive Personal and Cultural Identity
o Social Awareness and Responsibility
Connections to First Peoples Principles of Learning NOTES
First Peoples Principles of Learning (select/highlight at least one that is explicitly referenced or practiced in this
• Learning ultimately supports the well-being of self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the
• Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on
reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place)
• Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions,
• Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities
• Learning recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge
• Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story
• Learning involves patience and time
• Learning requires exploration of one’s identity
• Learning Involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in
certain situations
Essay Concept map Oral Questioning Your Plan/Notes:
Graph Matrix Observation
Short answers Flowchart Interview
Mind map Illustration Conference
Diagram Cartoon Process
Table Self-assessment description
True/False Giving/accepting Checklist
Peer review constructive Thinking aloud
feedback Journal sharing





What went well? What would you do differently?

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