BLAST - The Greatest Generation

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BLAST: The Greatest Generation

1. According to the article, what defines a generation? Is it their beliefs? Culture? Music?
Political Movements? Use evidence from the text to support your ideas. (4-5 sentences, 1

What defines a generation is that mild annoyance at being prematurely taken out of running . I
think its everything because thats how it makes up a generation.

2. Think of the next generation that will come after yours. What do you think will be the
defining trait of their generation? Will it be their character traits (how they act and treat
others)? Or will it be the different historical events that are currently shaping them now
(like the Covid-19 pandemic, Israel vs. Palestine, Russia vs. Ukraine)? Or maybe, will it
be the technological advances or social trends that they will follow? (4-5 sentences)
I thin the defining trait of their generation will be is that more unhinged if i can say. I think its all
three of them that will be their character traits because i don’t think only one can really define
them .

3. What do you believe is the main/central idea of this article? What sentence or paragraph
would best support the main idea? (4-5 sentences, 1 quote)

What i believe is the main/central idea of this article is that how our generation is and how our
older generations were. The sentence or paragraph i think would best support this main idea is,
“It's not like there's some ongoing competition between different age groups of
Americans, but it sure can seem like that sometimes. Before you feel too badly that one
group has already been crowned "the greatest," consider a couple of other "loser"
generations from the past century or so.”

4. RESEARCH: Use the internet to research what defines your generation. What are some
defining qualities and traits of your generation (Generation Z)? What are some things that
separate you from other generations? What might be some similarities? (5-6 sentences, 1

What defines my generation based on the internet is that all of the people born and living at
about the same time, regarded collectively. Some defining qualities and traits of my generation
is that we focus on authenticity, we are competitive,we embrace change, are independent, etc.
what some things that separates us from other generation is technology mostly, we have
adapted with tech and we know how to use technology to get our word out there. Some
similarities are we all try to embrace change and some tech knowledge.

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