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Understanding Warning and Error messages

Quick steps
Review error messages within an Organization
1. Go to Maintain > Master Data > Organization and click on the New button.
2. In the New Organization window click on the File menu and select Validate All.
3. Click on the Save button.
4. In the system prompt, click on the Show Details button and review the Error Details.
5. Click on the OK button.
6. Locate the field(s) displaying the warning symbol .
7. Hover over the icon and review the error message details.
8. Amend the field as required and save the record.

Review error messages within an air freight Consolidation

1. Open an existing Consolidation record.
2. In the Edit Consol window under the Details tab, locate a field displaying the warning symbol

3. Hover over the icon and review the warning message details.
4. Amend the field as required.
5. Click on the AWB > Security Declaration tab and locate a field that displays the blue warning
symbol .

6. Hover over the icon and review the message warning details.
7. Amend the field as required and save the record.

Staff security settings can be configured to require a supervisor’s override before sending a
message containing errors. For more information, refer to 1BRK030.

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© 2021 WiseTech Global 15 July 2021
Warning/error Description

Error A field containing an error will be highlighted in red and will be

accompanied by an error icon on both the field and any tabs where
the error can be found. When an error is present, the system will not
allow you to save the record until this error has been rectified. An error
prompt will display if you try to do so.

Warnings are indicated by the yellow icon and will populate against
the fields and tabs that require attention. When warning messages
display, it is possible to still save the form, however it signals to the
user that the information entered should be reviewed to ensure it is
correct. If fields are incorrectly entered, amend accordingly and the
icon will disappear.

Message Warning Message warnings are indicated by the blue envelope icon and will
populate against the fields and tabs that require attention. When the
messages display, the default behavior won’t stop users from sending
messages. However, it is important to review these fields prior to
sending the message as you may receive rejection responses if they
are ignored.
Note: occasionally warnings will continue to display even though the
data may be accurate. This will occur when the messaging party data
is more up to date than the master data in CargoWise. If you are
certain the data is accurate, it is recommended to try sending the
message, as master data will be updated in due course.

Critical changes This error populates when two or more people or processes are trying
to change the same data on the same job at the same time. If this
occurs, ensure only one person at a time is changing the information
on any particular job, close the form and try again.

You may receive a warning message when editing a record that is in

Another user use by another user. Any amendments made within the job will not be
has made changes saved if the other user saves first, generating the warning message.
After clicking on the OK button, the fields attempted to merge will
display the yellow warning icons. Review these fields and confirm the
changes before saving the record.

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© 2021 WiseTech Global 15 July 2021
Warning/error Description

Note: this is only possible when no system or critical fields were

changed. System changes can be unread note logs, and critical
changes can generate for autorating, deleted messages, or changes to
organization details.

Support: press the F1 key from anywhere within CargoWise to raise an eRequest.

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© 2021 WiseTech Global 15 July 2021

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