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How do I use the Options and Help menus?

Before you start

You should already know:

• 1COR016 – How do I navigate in CargoWise?

Quick steps
1. Under the Jump menu click on the Help button and review the available options. For a
description of each option, refer to the Appendix.
2. Select Hot Key Help and review:
a. Global: a list of available keyboard shortcuts that can be used to navigate throughout the
b. This Form: a list of shortcuts specific to accessing the main menus.
3. Next, click on the Options menu and review the available options. For a description of each
option, refer to the Appendix.

To open the search function, press CTRL + F on your keyboard. This allows you to enter a key
word to search.

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© 2023 WiseTech Global 19 April 2023
Help menu

Column heading Column heading 2

WiseTech Academy Quickly access and log into the WiseTech Academy website, and
navigate to your Learning page, or Content and Support.

BorderWise Login to the BorderWise platform.

Update Notes To stay up to date with the latest functionality and product

Training Mode If you are a new CargoWise user, you can select Training Mode to
enable helpful training bubbles to guide you as you click into different
fields. This is also useful if you are exploring a new module or window.

New eRequest Log a training or service request.

Shortcut: F1

Manage eRequests Manage your existing eRequests online.


Hot Key Help Opens the Available Shortcuts window.

The remaining menu options are relevant to your system administrator.

Options menu

Option Description

Change Password Manage your passwords.

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© 2023 WiseTech Global 19 April 2023
Option Description

Login as New User Log in as a New User.

Change Company, Quickly log in to a different Company, Branch, or Department.

Branch and Department
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + B

Exit Exit the system.

Exit and remember open Retain the windows you have open for the next time you log in.

Support: press the F1 key from anywhere within CargoWise to raise an eRequest.

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