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Example 2.

An electrical company makes light

bulbs that are supposed to have an average life time
of 1000 hours. A buyer intends to buy a batch of
10,000 bulbs. The buyer first test a sample of 100
light bulbs. If they have a mean life time of 1000
hours he accepts the batch, otherwise the batch is
Example 3. A company makes cups and plates. Some
of cups might be chipped or cracked. A sample will be
taken to cheek the proportion of cracked cups. If this is
above a certain value the process must be adjusted.
In all above three examples
There is a cost involving in sampling.
There is a decision to be made that can result in an
Wrongly rejects a good product - supplier or
producer risk.
Wrongly accept a bad product - or
The aim is to develop statistical procedures that have
Low cost i.e. the ability to minimize cost.
Low producer risk.
Low buyers risk.
Statistical quality control can be divided into two main
1. Statistical process control
This involves investigating the procedures used
during the manufacturing process.
Monitor the quality of manufacturing process.
2. Acceptance sampling

This includes investigating a final product and deciding

whether or not the final product is of acceptable
The objective is only to pass a judgment on lots
(batch) of products.

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