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Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy and Comfort of

Olopatadine Hydrochloride 0.1% Ophthalmic Solution
and Nedocromil Sodium 2% Ophthalmic Solution in the
Human Conjunctival Allergen Challenge Model

Salim Butrus, MD,’ Jack K Greiner, OD, DO, PhD,2

Marino Discepola, MD,j and Ira Finegold, MD, MS4
‘Washington Hospital Centev, George Washington University, and Department of
Ophthalmology, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, 2Schepens
Eye Research Institute, and Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts, 3Department of Ophthalmology, McGill Medical School, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and 4Division of Allergy and Immunology, Beth
Israel Medical Centel; New York, New York


Background: Mast cell stabilizers, such as the ocular antiallergic agent nedocromil
sodium 2% ophthalmic solution, are not rapid acting and often require a loading period
of 22 weeks for maximal efficacy. Olopatadine hydrochloride 0.1% ophthalmic solution
is a member of a new class of topical antiallergic agents that have combined antihista-
minic and mast cell-stabilizing properties.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy and comfort
of olopatadine with those of nedocromil in the conjunctival allergen challenge model.
Methods: This was a single-center, 3-visit, randomized, double-masked, contralaterally
controlled study. Seventy-five subjects with a history of allergic conjunctivitis were
screened, and the 52 who responded to conjunctival allergen challenge at visits 1 and 2
were randomized by eye to receive olopatadine, nedocromil, or placebo (a “natural tears”
lubricant eye drop). Because nedocromil may require a 2-week loading period for maxi-
mal efficacy, the eyes assigned to that agent received nedocromil for 14 days (between
visits 2 and 3), whereas the eyes assigned to olopatadine or placebo received placebo dur-
ing this period. Throughout the loading phase, subjects instilled 1 drop of the assigned
masked medication in each eye twice daily. At the assessment visit (visit 3), subjects re-
ceived 1 drop of masked olopatadine, nedocromil, or placebo in each eye and were asked
to rate the comfort of each drop on a scale from 0 to 8. Fifteen minutes after instillation
of medication, subjects were challenged with the allergen concentration that had elicited

Accepted for publication October 5, 2000.

Printed in the USA. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted.

1462 0149.2918/00/$19.00

a positive conjunctival allergic response standing of ocular allergy and the mecha-
at the previous visits. Subjects then scored nisms behind it has grown considerably.
their itching on a scale from 0 to 4 at 3, The focus is now on the primary role of
5, and 10 minutes after challenge. Mean histamine and H, receptors,24 on the cen-
itching scores for all eyes were compared tral role of the mast cell536 and its media-
by treatment. Paired t tests were per- tors (eg, vasoactive amines and cyto-
formed on the mean itching and ocular kines),’ and on the importance of T-helper,
comfort scores at each time point. At the lymphocytes in modulating the entire oc-
end of the study, subjects were asked ular allergic reaction.* The significance of
which treatment they preferred in terms histaminase in stabilizing the allergic re-
of comfort and efficacy. action has also been claritied.9.‘0
Results: Forty-nine subjects completed First-generation topical antihistamines
the study. Forty eyes received olopatadine, such as pheniramine maleate and antazo-
36 received nedocromil, and 22 received line phosphate are effective in reducing
placebo. Olopatadine was clinically and itching and redness, the primary symp-
statistically superior to nedocromil at re- tom and sign, respectively, of allergic
ducing itching in the conjunctival allergen conjunctivitis.“,‘* However, the efficacy
challenge model (mean unit difference: of these agents, although rapid in onset,
-1.60 at 3 minutes, -1.68 at 5 minutes, is short-lived; they provide relief for -2
-1.19 at 10 minutes; P < 0.001). One drop hours. ’ ’
of olopatadine was more efficacious than Another class of ocular antiallergic
29 drops of nedocromil. Olopatadine- agents, the mast cell stabilizers, act by in-
treated eyes were rated as being signifi- hibiting the release of allergic mediators
cantly more comfortable than nedocromil- from mast cells through an unknown
treated eyes (0.73 vs 1.55; P = 0.034). Of mechanism. These agents do not provide
the 14 subjects treated with olopatadine rapid relief of signs and symptoms during
and nedocromil who stated a preference, an allergic reaction’” and often require a
10 (7 1%) were more satisfied with olopata- loading period of s2 weeks for maximal
dine than with nedocromil. efficacy. I4 Nedocromil sodium 2%* is a
Conclusion: In the conjunctival aller- mast cell stabilizer approved in 1999 by
gen challenge model, olopatadine was the US Food and Drug Administration
more efficacious and comfortable than ne- (FDA) for the treatment of itching associ-
docromil in reducing the itching associ- ated with allergic conjunctivitis. Its rec-
ated with allergic conjunctivitis. ommended dosage is 1 or 2 drops twice
Key words: olopatadine, nedocromil, daily.‘” Unlike topical antihistamines,
conjunctival allergen challenge, ocular al- which are used as needed, nedocromil is
lergy. (Clin Ther: 2000;22: 1462-1472) continued throughout the allergy season,
even when symptoms are absent.
A new class of topical antiallergic agents
has been developed with combined anti-
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis affects histaminic and mast cell-stabilizing prop-
20% of the world’s population, ’ often act-
ing in conjunction with rhinitis. In the -Trademark: Alocril’” (United States) and Tilavist@
search for better therapies, our under- (Canada) (Allergan, Inc, Irvine, California).


Visit 1 Visit 2
j sti%z
1 Visit 3
Nedocromil Nedocromil
28 drops 1 drop

Placebo Olopatadine
Antigen Drop comfort,
Antigen 28 drops 1 drop
determination itching, subject
confirmation satisfaction
and titration
1 Drop
i 15 minutes
1Cday BID loading dose
J before

Day 0 Day 7 Day 21

Figure 1. Study design.

erties. Olopatadine hydrochloride 0.1%” is all signs and symptoms of allergic con-
the first member of this class to be ap- junctivitis,i3-i5,i8 this study focused on the
proved by the FDA. I6 It has the character- indication shared by the 2 medications.
istics of its class, blocking the histamine
H, receptor immediately after instillation
(rapid onset of action) and attenuating the
release of allergic mediators from the mast This was a single-center, randomized,
cell (prolonged treatment effect).” It has double-masked, contralaterally controlled
been shown to reduce all signs and symp- allergen challenge study. The randomiza-
toms of allergic conjunctivitis, including tion of study medications for assessment
itching, redness, chemosis, tearing, and lid of the efficacy of the active agents was
edema.i5,i8 There is also evidence that this performed according to FDA guidelines.19
agent may be effective in allergic sinusitis The protocol was reviewed and approved
and rhinitis,i7 presumably by draining from by the Western Institutional Review Board,
the conjunctival sac through the lacrimal and written informed consent was obtained
drainage system and into the inferior from all subjects. The study consisted of 3
turbinate. visits, as detailed in the following sections
This study compared the efficacy and and illustrated in Figure 1.
comfort of olopatadine and nedocromil for
the inhibition of ocular itching in the con-
Visit I: Baseline Screening visit
junctival allergen challenge model.i8 Be-
cause nedocromil is indicated for ocular At visit 1, medical and medication histo-
itching only whereas olopatadine has re- ries and demographic data were recorded
cently received an expanded indication for (Table I). Visual acuity was measured. A
baseline slit-lamp examination was per-
‘“Trademark: PatanolO (Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Fort formed to rule out any ocular-surface anom-
Worth, Texas). aly that would interfere with study assess-


Table I. Subjects’ demographic characteristics.

Olopatadine Nedocromil Placebo

(n = 20) (n = 18) (n= 11)

Sex, no. (%)

Female 12 (60) 11 (61) 8 (76)
Male 8 (40) 7 (39) 3 (24)
Age (y), mean 44.2 42.0 47.5
Race, no. (%)*
White 19 (98) 18 (100) IO (96)
Black 1 (2) 0 (0) I (4)
No. of eyes 40 36 22
Iris color, no. (%)I
Blue 16 (40) I8 (50) 8 (36)
Brown I5 (38) 7 (19) 8 (36)
Hazel 5 (13) 6 (17) 5 (23)
4 (IO) 5 (14) 1 (5)

*In the olapatadine group, white subjects accounted for 39 eyes and black subjects for I eye; in the placebo
group, white subjects accounted for 21 eyes and black subjects for I eye.
+Percentages may exceed 100 due to rounding error.

ments. A urine pregnancy test (Contrast@ ical antiallergic medication (pheniramine

human chorionic gonadotropin, Genzyme, maleate 0.3%/naphazoline hydrochloride
San Carlos, California) was given to all 0.025% ophthalmic solution) was admin-
women of childbearing potential. istered at the end of the visit to relieve any
Bilateral conjunctival allergen chal- immediate discomfort caused by the aller-
lengel was performed with cat dander/ gic reaction. No data were collected on
hair, ragweed, or dust mites in phosphate- how many subjects used relief drops.
buffered saline. The allergen used for con-
junctival challenge was chosen based on
Visit 2: Confirmatory Visit
the results of skin testing. One 25-PL drop
of allergen solution at the lowest concen- At visit 2, medical and medication his-
tration was instilled into the inferior cul- tories were updated and visual acuity
de-sac of each eye. After 10 minutes, if measured. A slit-lamp examination was
the reaction was not sufficient (defined as performed. One drop of allergen solution
itching graded a2 in both eyes), the aller- at the concentration that had elicited a
gen concentration was increased every 10 positive conjunctival allergic response at
minutes until an adequate reaction oc- visit 1 was instilled bilaterally. Subjects
curred. Ocular itching was graded using a were asked to grade their ocular itching
standardized scale from 0 (no itching) to 4 3, 5, and 10 minutes after challenge on
(severe itching). I8 Subjects who did not the 5-point itching scale.‘*
react were excluded from the study. If nec- All subjects who reacted positively
essary, 1 drop of a currently marketed top- (itching graded ~2 in both eyes) were


randomized by eye to receive 1 of 3 had elicited a positive response at visits 1

masked study medications: olopatadine, and 2.
nedocromil, or placebo (a “natural tears” Subjects were asked to grade their oc-
lubricant eye drop). Subjects were dis- ular itching 3, 5, and 10 minutes after al-
pensed 2 bottles labeled “right eye” and lergen challenge. After all itching assess-
“left eye” and were instructed to instill 1 ments were completed, each subject was
drop from the right-eye bottle into the asked which treated eye was more satis-
right eye and 1 drop from the left-eye factory in terms of efficacy and overall
bottle into the left eye twice a day for the comfort. If necessary, 1 drop of a cur-
next 14 days. rently marketed topical antiallergy med-
This 14-day period was incorporated ication was administered bilaterally at the
into the study design to ensure that the end of the visit to relieve any immediate
eyes assigned to nedocromil would re- discomfort. No data were collected on
ceive a loading dose and the active med- how many subjects used relief drops.
ications would have an equal opportunity
to demonstrate maximal efficacy. During
Statistical Analysis
this loading phase, the eyes assigned to
olopatadine or placebo received 2 weeks Data from all subjects who completed
of placebo. If necessary, 1 drop of a cur- the study were included in the comfort
rently marketed topical antiallergy med- and efficacy analyses. Mean itching scores
ication could be administered bilaterally at visit 3 were compared between treat-
at the end of the visit to relieve any im- ments. Also compared between treatments
mediate discomfort. No data were col- were mean ocular comfort scores at visit
lected on how many subjects used relief 3 immediately after instillation of drops.
drops. Paired t tests were performed on the mean
itching and ocular comfort score compar-
isons at each time point. Two-sided statis-
?+sit 3: Eflcacy and Comfort
tical tests were used, with statistical sig-
nificance set at P < 0.05.
At visit 3, medical and medication his-
tories were updated and visual acuity mea-
sured. A slit-lamp examination was per-
formed. Subjects were administered 1
Patient Disposition
drop of masked study medication from
the right-eye bottle into the right eye and Seventy-five subjects were screened, 52
1 drop from the left-eye bottle into the subjects were enrolled, and 49 subjects com-
left eye. Immediately after instillation of pleted the study. The treatment assignments
medication, subjects were asked to till out of these 49 were as follows: 8 received
an eye drop comfort assessment for each olopatadine-placebo, 6 nedocromil-placebo,
eye on a scale from 0 to 8 (from greater 9 olopatadine-olopatadine, 8 nedocromil-
to lesser comfort). Fifteen minutes after nedocromil, 4 placebo-placebo, and 14
instillation of medication, subjects were olopatadine-nedocromiil. Thus, total treated
challenged bilaterally with 1 drop of al- eyes were as follows: 40 olopatadine, 36 ne-
lergen solution at the concentration that docromil, and 22 placebo. There were no


significant between-group differences in cally (P < 0.001) and clinically (>l-unit

sex, age, race, or iris color (Table I). difference). Olopatadine-treated eyes (n =
Three subjects were discontinued from 40) had itching scores >2 units lower than
the study because they did not return for eyes receiving placebo (n = 22), a clini-
visit 3. One of these subjects had been cally and statistically significant difference
randomized to olopatadine-nedocromil, (P < 0.001). In the olopatadine-nedocromil
and the other 2 had been randomized to comparison, olopatadine had itching scores
placebo-placebo. 2 1 unit lower than those of nedocromil; all
Two adverse events were reported in differences were clinically and statistically
the course of the study. One subject re- significant at all time points (P < 0.001).
ported a sprained left thigh at visit 3. An- The comparison between nedocromil-
other subject, who had been randomized treated eyes (n = 36) and eyes receiving
to nedocromil-nedocromil, reported a placebo (n = 22) exhibited a much smaller
stinging sensation in the right eye after in- treatment effect than did the olopatadine-
stillation of study medication. placebo comparison. No clinically signif-
icant differences were observed between
eyes receiving nedocromil and placebo.
Efficacy Assessment
However, a statistically significant differ-
Table II summarizes the mean difference ence in favor of nedocromil in relief of
scores between treatments. Figure 2 shows itching was seen at 3 minutes (P = 0.045).
mean itching scores for the treated eyes
during the confirmatory (visit 2) and as-
Comfort Assessment
sessment (visit 3) visits. No significant
between-group differences were observed When the comfort level of each eye was
at the confirmatory visit. At the assessment graded immediately after drug instillation,
visit, olopatadine produced superior relief olopatadine-treated eyes were statistically
from itching at all time points compared significantly more comfortable than those
with nedocromil and placebo, both statisti- treated with nedocromil(O.73 vs 1.55; P =

Table II. Mean difference between scores for itching 3, 5, and 10 minutes after conjuncti-
val allergen challenge.

Mean Difference (SD)

Time After Olopatadine Nedocromil Olopatadine
Challenge Versus Versus Versus
(min) Placebo Placebo Nedocromil

3 -2.16*+ (0.98) -0.56* (0.95) -1.601 (0.82)

5 -2.15*+ (1.04) -0.37 (1 .OO) -1.68$ (0.92)
10 -I .59*+ (1.05) -0.40 (1.11) -1.19’(1.08)

*P < 0.05 versus placebo.

‘Clinically significant (>I-unit difference in itching) versus placebo.
+Both statistically (P < 0.05) and clinically (>l-unit difference in itching) significant versus nedocromil.


+ Placebo
A n Nedocromil

3.5 Olopatadine


a, 2.5-

(o 2.0-
g 1.5-
= l.O-

3 5 10
Time After Challenge (min)


2 25- *
8 .

g 2.0-

2 1.5-

= l.O-
t t
t .

0 I I I
3 5 10
Time After Challenge (min)

Figure 2. Mean itching scores (Spoint scale, from 0 = no itching to 4 = severe itching)
for eyes treated with olopatadine compared with those receiving nedocromil or
placebo at 3, 5, and 10 minutes after conjunctival allergen challenge at (A) the
confirmatory visit (visit 2) and (B) the assessment visit (visit 3). At visit 3, al-
lergen challenge was conducted 15 minutes after drug instillation. *P < 0.045
versus olopatadine; +P < 0.001 versus nedocromil and placebo.




$ 3.0-

z 2.5- *
E 2.0-
c 1.5-
2 l.O-


0 ,
Olopatadine Nedocromil Placebo

Figure 3. Mean comfort scores (S-point scale, from 0 = more comfort to 8 = less comfort)
immediately after instillation of olopatadine, nedocromil, or placebo. *P = 0.034
versus nedocromil.

0.034). Olopatadine-treated eyes were as of olopatadine was more effective than

comfortable as eyes receiving placebo nedocromil given twice daily over a 14-
(Figure 3). This assessment was performed day loading period for the relief of itch-
before allergen challenge. ing, nedocromil’s only approved indica-
tion. These results support previous
research demonstrating the superior eff-
Overall Satisfaction
cacy of olopatadine.‘7+‘8~2~23
At the end of the study, after the break- Olopatadine is a potent selective Hi-
ing of the randomization code, only data receptor antagonist. The inhibition con-
from the 14 subjects who had received stant for the Hi-binding affinity of
olopatadine in 1 eye and nedocromil in olopatadine is 36 nmol/L,24 and its me-
the other were included in the assess- dian effective dose for the prevention of
ment of overall satisfaction (both com- histamine-induced vascular permeability
fort and efficacy) with the 2 treatments. in the conjunctiva of guinea pigs has
Ten of the 14 subjects (71%) preferred been shown to be 0.002%.25 In addition
olopatadine for overall efficacy and com- to its antihistaminic properties, olopata-
fort, and the remaining 4 (29%) had no dine inhibits the release of histamine and
preference. other allergic mediators from the con-
junctival mast cell, a result of its mast
cell-stabilizing properties.26,27 A study
in human conjunctival mast cells demon-
In the conjunctival allergen challenge strated that olopatadine produced greater
model, olopatadine was clinically and sta- inhibition of histamine release after im-
tistically superior to both nedocromil and munologic challenge than did the mast
placebo in inhibiting the itching associ- cell stabilizers cromolyn, nedocromil,
ated with allergic conjunctivitis. One drop and pemirolast.28


In contrast, nedocromil’s exact mecha- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

nism of action is not known. It has been
hypothesized that the drug stabilizes the This paper was supported by an unre-
membranes of mast cells, preventing de- stricted grant from Alcon Laboratories,
granulation. Nedocromil was originally Inc, Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Greiner was
used as a mast cell stabilizer in the treat- compensated for his role as principal
ment of respiratory conditions such as investigator.
asthma. There are 2 types of mast cells in
the human body, those containing the en-
Address correspondence to: Salim
zymes tryptase and chymase, and those
Butrus, MD, 650 Pennsylvania Avenue
containing only tryptase. The latter are
SE, Washington, DC 20003.
present in lung and upper respiratory tract
tissue, whereas the former are found in the
conjunctiva and skin. There is evidence REFERENCES
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