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Superb Academy

Superb in Education

1. An alpha particle exerts larger coulomb force on nearby charges than electron because its
charge is:
a) Less than that of electron b) Greater than that of electron
c) Twice that of election d) Zero
2. Which of the following produces more ionization while passing through a gas:
a) Alpha particles b) Beta particles
c) Gamma particles d) Electrons
3. Alpha particles are highly ionized because of their:
a) Greater mass b) Greater charge and low speeds
c) Greater density d) Greater energy
4. The distance traveled by a particle from the source to point where it is stopped in the medium
is called:
a) Its range b) Its displacement

c) Its velocity d) None of these
5. The range of alpha particles in air is less because:
a) It does interact with matter b) it produces intense ionization

c) It is reflected soon d) None of the above
6. Which of the particles does not produce fluorescence in substance like barium platino-cyanide:
a)  -particles b)  -particles
c) Gamma particles M
d) None of the above
7.  -particles ionize the atoms due to:
a) Electrostatic force of repulsion b) Electrostatic force of attraction

c) Gravitational force d) Direct collision

8.  - particles are:

a) Positively charged b) Negatively charged

c) Neutral d) None of the above

9. The  -particles have erratic path due to their:


a) Repulsion b) High speeds

c) Frequent deflections d) None of the above
10. The penetration power of  -particles is greater than  -particles due to their:

a) Smaller ionization power b) Greater ionization power


c) Equal ionization power d) None of the above

11. Gamma-rays are:
a) Electromagnetic waves b) High energy photons

c) Having high penetrating power d) All of the above

12. The penetrating power of  -rays is:
a) Greater than  -rays b) Smaller than  -rays and  -rays
c) Equal to  -rays and  -rays d) None of the above

13. The penetrating power of  –particles is:

a) Less than  -particles b) Greater than  -particles
c) Equal to  -particles d) None of the above
14. Which of the following radiations are highly penetrating:
a)  -particles b)  -particles
c)  -rays d) None of the above

Superb Academy
Superb in Education
15. In pair-production, Gamma-ray photon is converted into:
a) An electron b) A proton
c) A positron d) A pair of electron and positron
16. The range of  –radiation is:
a) Very small b) Very high
c) Not specific d) Zero
17. Capture of a neutron by a nucleus produces:
a) Radio isotope b) Proton
c) Helium d) Deutron
18. Which of the following is electromagnetic in nature:
a)  -rays b)  -rays
c) Gamma rays d) Cathode rays
19. Which of the following materials is used for shielding  -radiations?

a) Wood b) Lead
c) Air d) All of the above
20. Which of the following is not a radiation detector?

a) Wilson cloud chamber b) Geiger counter
c) Cyclotron d) Solid state detector
21. Wilson cloud chamber is an instrument used for:
a) Accelerating negatively charged particles
c) Making the path of ionizing particle visible
b) Accelerating positively charged particles
d) All of the above
22. Which of the following is used to produce ions of high energy?
a) A cyclotron b) A betatron

c) A Wilson cloud chamber d) A Geiger counter

23. A solid state detector basically consists of a:

a) Silicon crystal b) Pn-junction diode

c) Transistor d) Germanium crystal

24. In which of the following the paths of  and  -particles are observed:

a) Geiger counter b) Cyclotron

c) Wilson cloud chamber d) Betatron
25. Geiger counter is not suitable for:

a) Slow counting b) Fast counting


c) Slow and fast counting d) None of the above

26. Which of the following can be used for fast counting and operating at a low voltage:
a) Wilson cloud chamber b) Geiger counter

c) Scintillation counter d) Solid state detector

28. Which of the following is the most useful tracer:
a) Iodine-131 b) Cobalt-60
c) Carbon-14 d) Strontium-90
29. An  -particle ionizes the atom:
a) Through electrostatic repulsion b) Through electrostatic attraction
c) Through direct collision d) Through gravitational attraction
30. A-3 Mev  -particle can penetrate through an aluminium foil about:
a) 65 mm b) 56 mm
c) 6.5 mm d) 0.065 mm

Superb Academy
Superb in Education
31. The range of 7.7 Mev  -particle in air is about:
a) 10 cm b) 20 cm
c) 17 cm d) 7 cm
32.  -particle can penetrate in aluminium foil of:
a) 0.08 mm thickness b) 0.4 mm thickness
c) 0.04 mm thickness d) 0.05 mm thickness
33. Thyroid concave is cured by:
a) Carbon-14 b) Sodium-24
c) Iodine-131 d) Caesium-137
34. The  -particle has:
a) An erratic or zigzag path b) Curved path
c) Circular path d) Elliptical path
35. Alpha radiation are advised for the treatment of skin of a patient because:
a) They are highly ionizing b) They are helium nuclei

c) They are less penetration d) They are positively charged
36.  -particle has penetration power:

a) 100 times more than the of an  -particle b) 100 times has than that of an  -particle
c) 1000 times less than of an  -particle d) 10 times more than that of an  -particle
37. Capture of a neutron by a nucleus results in the formation of:
a) Tritium
c) Deutron
b) Radio isotope
d) Proton
38. An alpha particle has a charge of:
a) + 2e b) - 2e

c) +e d) -e
39. Gamma rays are:

a) Electromagnetic radiation b) High energy photons

c) All of the above d) None of the above

40. Why gamma radiation’s are used to kill bacteria to sterilize surgical equipment etc:
a) Because they are charge less b) Because they are mass less

c) Because they are highly penetrating d) All of the above

41.  -particles are highly ionizing due to:

a) Their greater energy b) Their greater mass

c) Their high charge and low speed d) Their greater density

42. The interaction with matter depends on:

a) The mass of the particle b) Energy of the particle
c) Charge of the above d) All of the above

43.  -rays have penetration power:

a) Less than  –rays and  –rays b) More than  –rays and  –rays
c) Equal to  –rays and  –rays
d) Sometimes greater and sometimes smaller than  –rays and  –rays

44. Pair production can take place only with:

a) X-rays b) Heat radiations
c)  -rays d) Ultraviolet rays

45. Beta particles are much less ionizing than alpha particles because of:
a) Their smaller mass b) Their smaller energy
c) Their smaller charge and large speeds d) They’re coming out of the nuclei

Superb Academy
Superb in Education
46. Pair production can not take place in vacuum as:
a) Mass is not conserved b) Energy is not conserved
c) Momentum is not conserved d) Charge is not conserved
47.  -particles posses greater penetration power than that of  -particles duet to its:
a) Smaller ionization power b) Greater ionization power
c) Neither greater nor smaller ionization power d) The same ionization power
48. The process of making the gas non-conducting immediately after the passage of ionizing
particle through the tube is called:
a) Gaseous discharged b) De-Excitation of discharge
c) Quenching of discharge d) Excitation of discharge
49.  -rays lose their energy by:
a) Pair production b) Compton effect
c) Photo-electric effect d) All of the above

50. Alpha particles are highly ionizing because of:
a) Their high charge and low speeds b) Their greater mass
c) Their larger energy d) Their constituents

51.  -rays are electromagnetic waves like:
a) X-rays b) Light waves
c) Heat waves d) All of the above
52. M
Which one of the following radiation is extremely penetrating?
a) Neutrons b)  -rays
c)  -rays d)  -rays

53. The  -particle does not travel far enough in air:

a) Due to its high charge b) Duet to its large mass
c) Due to its intense ionization d) Due to its penetration

54.  -radiations are used to sterilize surgical equipment in order to kill bacteria because:

a) They are mass less b) They are charge less

c) They have high penetration power d) All of the above

56. Gamma rays are:

a) High energy photons b) Highly penetrating power
c) Electromagnetic waves d) All of the above

57.  -radiation is used for the treatment of skin of a patient due to:

a) Highly ionizing power b) Low penetration power

c) Positively charged particles d) Helium nuclei
58.  -particles produce fluorescence in:

a) Calcium tungstate b) Zinc sulphide

c) Barium platinum cyanide d) All of the above
60. A device for producing ion of high energy is called:
a) A Betatron b) A Geiger counter
c) A Cyclotron d) A mass spectrograph
61. A solid state detector mainly consists of a:
a) Germanium Crystal b) Silicon crystal
c) Silicon diode d) Transistor
63. Geiger Muller counter always uses:
a) Argon and Alcohol b) Bromine mixed with neon
c) Different gases at different pressures d) Argon only

Superb Academy
Superb in Education
64. Geiger counter is a device to detect:
a) Mass b) Momentum
c) Charge d) Radiation
65. One micro curie is:
a) A thousand curies b) A thousand of a curie
c) A million curie d) A millionth of a curie
66. In 1911, cloud chamber was invented by:
a) Muller b) Rutherford
c) Lawrence d) C.T.R. Wilson
67. A Wilson cloud chamber uses:
a) Super heated liquid b) Vapour’s
c) Supersaturated vapour d) Saturated vapours
68. It is a drawback of G.M. counter:
a)  -particle counter b) Jon counter

c) Fast counting d)  -ray counter

69. Roentgen is the unit of:

a) Heat radiation b) Electromagnetic radiation
c) Light radiation d) Unit of radiation
70. The most useful tracer is:
a) Iodine-131
c) Carbon-14 Mb) Strontium-90
d) Cobalt-60
71. A device that may be used to detect the passage of a single, light energy charged particle is
called a:

a) Mass spectrograph b) Wilson’s cloud chamber

c) Geiger counter d) Dosimeter

72. Which of the following will be a better shield against  -rays:

a) Air b) Ordinary water

c) Heavy water d) Lead

73. Wilson cloud chamber is an instrument used for:

a) Accelerating + lively charged particles b) Accelerating – lively charged particles

c) Making the path of ionizing particle visible d) All of them

74. In Wilson cloud chamber, the  -particle leave:

a) Straight and continuous tracks b) No definite tracks

c) Thin and continuous tracks d) Thin and discontinuous tracks

76. A Geiger counter counts radioactive particles by:
a) Amplifying the sound theory make as theory strike the walls of tube

b) Emitting detectable light pulses when struck

c) Collecting and measuring the charges of the particles
d) Under going a chemical reaction with each incident particle
77. A device for actually observing the paths of alpha and beta particles is called a:
a) Cyclotron b) Geiger counter
c) Mass spectrogragh d) Wilson’s cloud chamber
78. For producing one ion pair during ionization the energy used up is:
a) 40 eve b) 70 eve
c) 35 ev d) 95 ev
79. Geiger counter is widely used in:
a) Optical experiments b) Laser experiments
c) Mechanical experiments d) Radioactivity experiments

Superb Academy
Superb in Education
80. Specially designed solid state detector can be used to detect:
a) Alpha rays only b) Beta – rays only
c) Gamma rays only d) X – rays
81. Geiger counter was designed by:
a) Rutherford and Thomson b) Geiger and Wilson
c) Lawrence and Geiger d) Geiger and Muller
82. By producing radiographs  -rays can be used to detect:
a) Void or fissure in the metal casting b) Cracks in metal plates of welding faults
c) Faults within the heavy machinery like jet engine d) All of the above
83. Geiger counter is suitable:
a) For extremely fast counting b) For fast counting
c) For slow counting d) For fast and slow counting
84. In a Wilson cloud chamber, the alpha particles have:
a) Thin and discontinuous tracks b) Irregular cloud tracks

c) Dense straight and continuous tracks d) No definite tracks
85. Which one of the following detectors can count fast and operate at low voltage:
a) Geiger counter b) Wilson cloud chamber

c) Solid state detector d) Scintillation counter
86. Draw back of Geiger counter is:
a) Very high voltage
c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ Mb) Slow counting
d) None
87.  -rays show _______ in Wilson cloud chamber:
a) Thin and discontinuous tracks b) Irregular cloud tracks

c) Dense straight and continuous tracks d) No definite tracks

88. I31 used for the remedy of:

a) Skin cancer b) Thyroid disabilities

c) Lungs cancer d) None


1 11 21 31 41 51 61 C 71 81
2 A 12 A 22 A 32 C 42 D 52 D 62 - 72 D 82 D
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 C 43 B 53 C 63 A 73 C 83 C

4 A 14 C 24 C 34 A 44 C 54 D 64 D 74 D 84 C
5 B 15 D 25 B 35 C 45 C 55 - 65 D 75 - 85 C
6 C 16 C 26 D 36 A 46 C 56 D 66 D 76 D 86 C
7 A 17 A 27 - 37 B 47 A 57 B 67 C 77 D 87 D
8 B 18 C 28 C 38 A 48 C 58 D 68 C 78 C 88 B
9 C 19 B 29 B 39 C 49 D 59 - 69 D 79 D
10 A 20 C 30 C 40 D 50 A 60 C 70 C 80 C


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